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Sanscroft, William, 1617-1693 (1)
Scotland (354)
Scotland -- Armed Forces (1)
Scotland -- Army (1)
Scotland -- Army -- History (1)
Scotland -- Army -- History -- Sources (1)
Scotland -- Church history (19)
Scotland -- Civilization (1)
Scotland -- Commerce (1)
Scotland -- Commerce -- England (1)
Scotland -- Foreign Relations (1)
Scotland -- Foreign relations (57)
Scotland -- Foreign Relations -- England (1)
Scotland -- Foreign relations -- England (51)
Scotland -- Foreign relations -- England -- Humor (1)
Scotland -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain (4)
Scotland -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain -- Humor (1)
Scotland -- Foreign relations -- Spain (1)
Scotland -- Foreign relations -- Wales (1)
Scotland -- History (247)
Scotland -- History -- 1625-1649 (3)
Scotland -- History -- 1642-1649 (2)
Scotland -- History -- 1642-1649 -- Sources (2)
Scotland -- History -- 1649-1660 (59)
Scotland -- History -- 1649-1660 -- Pamphlets (1)
Scotland -- History -- 1649-1660 -- Sources (1)
Scotland -- History -- 1660-1688 (18)
Scotland -- History -- 1660-1688 -- Humor (1)
Scotland -- History -- 1660-1688 -- Sources (2)
Scotland -- History -- 1689-1702 (1)
Scotland -- History -- 1689-1702 -- Sources (1)
Scotland -- History -- 1689-1745 (19)
Scotland -- History -- 1689-1745 -- Sources (3)
Scotland -- History -- Charles I, 1600-1649 (1)
Scotland -- History -- Charles I, 1625-1649 (118)
Scotland -- History -- Charles I, 1625-1649 -- Pamphlets (1)
Scotland -- History -- Charles I, 1625-1649 -- Poetry (2)
Scotland -- History -- Charles I, 1625-1649 -- Sources (8)
Scotland -- History -- Charles I,1625-1649 (3)
Scotland -- History -- Charles, 1625-1649 (1)
Scotland -- History -- James IV, 1488-1513 (1)
Scotland -- History -- James VI, 1567-1625 (2)
Scotland -- History -- Mary Stuart 1542-1567 (1)
Scotland -- History -- Mary Stuart, 1542-1567 (3)
Scotland -- History -- Prophecies (2)
Scotland -- History -- Revolution of 1688 (6)
Scotland -- History -- Revolution of 1688 -- Sources (3)
Scotland -- History -- Stuarts, to the Union, 1371-1707 (1)
Scotland -- History -- The Union, 1707 (1)
Scotland -- History -- War of Independence, 1285-1371 (1)
Scotland -- History, (Charles I, 1526-1649) (1)
Scotland -- History, (Charles I, 1625-1649) (1)
Scotland -- History, Military (1)
Scotland -- Kings and rulers (7)
Scotland -- Kings and rulers -- Genealogy (1)
Scotland -- Laws, etc. (1)
Scotland -- Nobility (1)
Scotland -- Nobility -- Registers (1)
Scotland -- Politics and government (43)
Scotland -- Politics and government -- 1625-1649 (19)
Scotland -- Politics and government -- 1625-1649 -- Sources (1)
Scotland -- Politics and government -- 1625-1649. (1)
Scotland -- Politics and government -- 1642-1649 (2)
Scotland -- Politics and government -- 1649-1660 (8)
Scotland -- Politics and government -- 1660-1688 (5)
Scotland -- Politics and government -- 1660-1688 -- Sources (2)
Scotland -- Politics and government -- 1689-1745 (4)
Scotland -- Proclamations (1)
Scotland -- Religion (3)
Scotland. (27)
Scotland. -- Army (12)
Scotland. -- Army -- History (4)
Scotland. -- Army -- Recruiting, enlistment, etc. (1)
Scotland. -- Committee of estates (1)
Scotland. -- Convention of Estates (1)
Scotland. -- Convention of Estates. (1)
Scotland. -- Convention of Estates. -- Declaration of the kingdome of Scotland (1)
Scotland. -- Parliament (8)
Scotland. -- Parliament. (2)
Scotland. -- Parliament. -- Controversial literature (1)
Scotland. -- Privy Council (2)
Skippon, Philip, d. 1660 (2)
Soldiers (1)
Soldiers -- Billeting (1)
Solemn League and Covenant (1643) (10)
Solemn League and Covenant (1643). (7)
Solemn League and Covenant (1643). -- Sermons (1)
Somerset, Edward Seymour, Duke of, 1506?-1552 (1)
Spain (1)
Spain -- Foreign relations (1)
Spain -- Foreign relations -- Scotland (1)
Speeches, addresses, etc., English (2)
Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of, 1593-1641 (1)