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Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671. aut (3)
Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671. Two letters from His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax. (1)
Fairfax, Thomas, Baron, 1612-1671. (2)
Fairfax, William, Sir, 1609-1644. (1)
Faithfull and loyall subject to the present King. (1)
Faithfull pursuer of peace and truth. (1)
Faithfull subject of this kingdom. (1)
Faithorne, William, 1616-1691. (1)
Falconer, Richard, Major. (1)
Falkland, Henry Cary, Viscount, d. 1633. (2)
Falkland, Lucius Cary, Viscount, 1610?-1643. (9)
Fardinando Fallall. (1)
Farley, Henry. (1)
Farley, John, fl. 1653. (1)
Farmer, Edward, fl. 1645. (1)
Farmer, Ralph. (1)
Farmers of His Majesties Customs. (1)
Farrar, Richard, Esq. (3)
Farres, Captain. (1)
Fat, pious and learned divine. (1)
Fawne, Luke, d. 1666. (1)
Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645. (3)
Featley, John, 1605?-1666. (1)
Feckenham, John de, 1518?-1585. (1)
Fell, John, 1625-1686. (2)
Felton, Edmond. (2)
Felton, William. (1)
Fenwick, John, Sir, 1645?-1697. (3)
Fenwicke, John, Sir, 1579-1658? (1)
Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, 1608-1657. (1)
Ferguson, Robert, d. 1714, attributed name. (1)
Ferguson, Robert, d. 1714. (17)
Ferne, H. (Henry), 1602-1662. (4)
Feversham, Louis de Duras, Earl of, 1640?-1709. (1)
Fidge, George. (1)
Fidoe, John, b. 1625 or 6. (1)
Fiennes, Nathaniel, 1607 or 8-1669. (8)
Fiennes, Nathaniel, 1607 or 8-1669. Speech of the Right Honourable Nathaniel Lord Fiennes. (1)
Filmer, Robert, Sir, d. 1653. (2)
Finch of Fordwich, John Finch, Baron, 1584-1660. (7)
Finch, Henry, Alderman of Londonderry. (1)
Finet, John, Sir, 1571-1641. (1)
Fisher, Edward, fl. 1627-1655. (1)
Fisher, Payne, 1616-1693. (2)
Fisher, Peter, fl. 1648. (1)
Fitton, Edward, Sir, 1603-1643. (1)
Fitz-Brian, R. (1)
Fitz-Gerald, Maurice. (1)
Fitzgerald, David. (1)
Fitzgerrald, Maurice. (1)
Fitzharris, Edward, 1648?-1681. (5)
Fitzwaters, Colonel. (1)
Flatman, Thomas, 1637-1688. (2)
Flatman, Thomas, 1637-1688. Don Juan Lamberto: or, a comical history of the late times. The second and last part. aut (1)
Flecknoe, Richard, d. 1678? (1)
Fleetwood, Charles, d. 1692. (7)
Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607. (3)
Fleming, Giles, d. 1665. (1)
Flemming, Oliver, Sir. (1)
Fletcher, Andrew, 1655-1716. (2)
Fletcher, R. (1)
Fletcher, Robert, purveyor of carriages to Queen Elizabeth. (1)
Florence, of Worcester, d. 1118. (1)
Ford, Philip, 17th cent. (1)
Ford, Richard, Sir, d. 1678. aut (1)
Ford, Simon, 1619?-1699. (1)
Fornace, W. (1)
Fornis, Edward. (1)
Fortescue, Anthony. (1)
Forth and Brentford, Patrick Ruthven, Earl of, 1573?-1651, recipient. (2)
Forth and Brentford, Patrick Ruthven, Earl of, 1573?-1651. (1)
Fortrey, Samuel, 1622-1681. (1)
Foster, George. (2)
Fothergill, Thomas, fl. 1653. (1)
Foulis, Henry, ca. 1635-1669. (1)
Foulis, Henry, Sir, 1607 or 8-1643. (1)
Fowke, John, d. 1662. (3)
Fowke, Mr. (1)
Fowler, Edward, 1632-1714. (3)
Fowler, Edward, 1632-1714. A vindication of the divines of the Church of England. (1)