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The Life of S. Pancratius of Taormina / Evagrius, Bishop of Taormina

dc.contributor Stallman-Pacitti, Cynthia J. Department of Classical and Near Eastern Studies University of Melbourne Parkville Evagrius, Bishop of Taormina
dc.coverage.placeName [Oxford] 2018-07-27 2022-08-19T14:24:55Z 2022-08-19T14:24:55Z 700-750 1986-11-18
dc.identifier ota:1039
dc.description.abstract This resource was created in 1986 and therefore does not conform to the latest standards in text encoding. It may therefore be of limited use, and of mainly historical interest. A sample of the text is given below: >>Ege'neto meta` to` a>nalhfqh~nai to`n ku'rion h<mw~n >Ihsou~n Xristo`n ei>v tou`v ou>ranou`v kai` kaqesqh~nai e>n deci@a~ tou~ patro'v, o<'qen ou>k e>xwri'sqh, h>~lqon oi< a>po'stoloi a>po` tou~ o>'rouv tou~ kaloume'nou >Elaiw~nov ei>v <Ieroso'luma, kai` w>'fqh au>toi~v a>'ggelov kuri'ou dia` pneu'matov a<gi'ou e>ntello'menov au>toi~v a>po` Thesis (D.Phil) 2 vols. Vol. 1, Text -- Vol. 2, Introduction and commentary. -- Text purports to have been written by Pancratius' successor, Evagrius. -- "The editio princeps of the first recension is presented here, based on six manuscripts (Vat. Gr. 1591, Mess. S. Salv. 53, Crypt BbV, Vat. Gr. 1985, Vind. Hist. Gr. 3, and Vat. Ottobon. Gr.92)" -- Abstract Edited from mss.: Codex Vaticanus Graecus 1591 (olim Crypoferratensis 40), a. 964 in the Biblioteca vaticana (X); Codex Messanensis S. Salvatoris 53, c. xii in the Università di Messina (S); Codex Cryptoferratensis BbV, c. x in Grottaferrata Monastery (C); Codex Vaticanus Graecus 1985 (olim Basilianus 24), c. xi in the Biblioteca vaticana (Y); Codex Vindobonensis Historicus Graecus 3 (olim 11), c. xi in the Imperial Library in Vienna (V); and Codex Vaticanus Ottobonensis Graecus 92 (olim Altaempsianus), c. xvi in the Biblioteca vaticana (O)
dc.format.extent Text data (2 files : ca. 528, 525 KB)
dc.format.medium Digital bitstream
dc.language Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
dc.language.iso grc
dc.publisher University of Oxford
dc.relation.ispartof Oxford Text Archive Core Collection
dc.rights Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
dc.rights.label PUB
dc.subject.lcsh Christian saints -- Italy -- Biography -- 7th century
dc.subject.other Biographies
dc.title The Life of S. Pancratius of Taormina / Evagrius, Bishop of Taormina
dc.type Text
has.files yes
branding Oxford Text Archive
branding Oxford Text Archive
files.size 1077327
files.count 2 0-1499

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Bi'ov tou~ e>n a<gi'oiv patro`v h<mw~n Pagkrati'ou a>rxiproe'drou
th~v Tauromenitw~n po'lewv, suggrafei`v u<po` Eu>agri'ou
tou~ au>tou~ maqhtou~ kai` oi>ke'tou /ft20/X (mutil.) C /ft10/ $:
Bi'ov tou~ o<si'ou patro`v h<mw~n Pagkrati'ou $S
Bi'ov kai` politei'a kai` martu'rion tou~ a<gi'ou a>posto'lou
kai . . .
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|p p.1|
Bi'ov tou~
e>n a<gi'oiv
patro`v h<mw~n Pagkrati'ou
a>rxiproe'drou th~v Tauromenitw~n po'lewv,
suggrafei`v u<po` Eu>agri'ou tou~ au>tou~ maqhtou~
kai` oi>ke'tou.

>Ege'neto meta` to` a>nalhfqh~nai to`n ku'rion
h<mw~n >Ihsou~n Xristo`n ei>v tou`v ou>ranou`v kai` kaqesqh~nai
e>n deci@a~ tou~ patro'v, o<'qen ou>k e>xwri'sqh,
h>~lqon oi< a>po'stoloi a>po` tou~ o>'rouv tou~
kaloume'nou >Elaiw~nov ei>v <Ieroso'luma, kai`
w>'fqh au>toi~v a>'ggelov kuri'ou dia` pneu'matov
a<gi'ou e>ntello'menov au>toi~v a>po`
<Ierosolu'mwn mh` xwri'zesqai,
a>lla` perime'nein th`n e>paggeli'an tou~
patro`v khru'cai te to` eu>aggeli'on tou~ kuri'ou
e>n pa~si toi~v e>'qnesi kai` e<'wv e>sxa'tou th~v
gh~v, bapti'zontav au>tou`v ei>v to` o>'noma tou~
patro`v kai` tou~ ui<ou~ kai` tou~ a<gi'ou
pneu'matov, kai` mh` fobei~sqai a>po` tw~n
a>pokteno'ntwn to` sw~ma, th`n de` yuxh`n mh`
duname'nwn a>poktei~nai, tou~ton de` fobei~sqai, kai`
ta` keleuo'mena para` tou~ a>xra'ntou kai` swthri'ou
au>tou~ lo'gou . . .

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