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TextEEBO-TCPDate of publication:
1673Description:"Given at our court at Whitehall the twentieth day of November, 1673. In the twenty fifth year of our reign." Ordering enforcement of the Penal laws against recusants. Item at reel 1566:48 identified as Wing C3515A (number ...This item contains 4 files (55.11 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEEBO-TCPDate of publication:
1673Description:"Given at our court at Whitehall the twentieth day of November, 1673. In the twenty fifth year of our reign." Ordering enforcement of the Penal laws against recusants. Item at reel 1566:48 identified as Wing C3515A (number ...This item contains 4 files (56.88 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEEBO-TCPDate of publication:
1671Description:"Given at our court at Whitehall, the three and twentieth of March, 1670/1. In the three and twentieth year of our reign." Ordering Catholic clergy into exile and the enforcement of the Penal laws against Catholic recusants. ...This item contains 4 files (98.87 KB).Publicly Available -