Showing 1 to 12 out of 12 results
TextEvans-TCPDate of publication:
1775Description:Caption title. Prepard by a committee comprised of Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, and R.H. Lee. Authorship attributed to Jefferson. Signed on p. 8: By order of the Congress, John Hancock, president. Philadelphia, July 31, ...This item contains 3 files (52.78 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEvans-TCPDate of publication:
1771Description:Concerning the actions of King George III and his ministers which violated principles of English law and infringed upon the rights and liberties of Englishmen. Text appears in the May 23, 1771, issue of the Massachusetts ...This item contains 3 files (117.68 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEvans-TCPDate of publication:
1797Description:Attributed to Beresford by Evans.This item contains 3 files (288.85 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEvans-TCPDate of publication:
1774Description:Attributed to James Wilson by Adams. Sometimes attributed to John Witherspoon.This item contains 3 files (216.46 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEvans-TCPDate of publication:
1799Description:Jonathan Robbins was the alias of Thomas Nash. Error in paging: p. 34 misnumbered 33.This item contains 3 files (139.14 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEvans-TCPDate of publication:
1795Description:(Evans-TCP ; no. N22527) Transcribed from: (Readex Archive of Americana ; Early American Imprints, series I ; image set 29747) Images scanned from Readex microprint and microform: (Early American imprints. First series ; ...This item contains 3 files (177.11 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEvans-TCPDate of publication:
1769Description:Attributed to John Joachim Zubly by Evans. Place of publication suggested by Evans. Parentheses substituted for square brackets enclosing "Price twelve shillings and sixpence." in imprint transcription.This item contains 3 files (229.47 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEvans-TCPDate of publication:
1774Description:Half-title: An address on public liberty in general, and American affairs in particular. Attributed to Priestley in the Dictionary of national biography. Publisher's prospectus, p. 24.This item contains 3 files (124.07 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEvans-TCPDate of publication:
1795Description:(Evans-TCP ; no. N21870) Transcribed from: (Readex Archive of Americana ; Early American Imprints, series I ; image set 28802) Images scanned from Readex microprint and microform: (Early American imprints. First series ; ...This item contains 3 files (258.89 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEvans-TCPDate of publication:
1795Description:With a half-title. Three states noted (Gaines 7a-c; q.v.).This item contains 3 files (503.38 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEvans-TCPDate of publication:
1759Description:Concerning a memorial to the Lords Commissoners for Trade and Plantations from merchants in London upset over the recent paper money act passed in Virginia, and its effect on trade. Attributed to Peyton Randolph by Evans. ...This item contains 3 files (169.94 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEvans-TCPDate of publication:
1795Description:Attributed jointly to Hamilton, Rufus King and John Jay in: Adams, Charles Francis. The works of John Adams ..., Boston, 1856, v. 1, p. 485-486.This item contains 3 files (1.23 MB).Publicly Available -