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TextEEBO-TCPDate of publication:
1547Description:An edition of: Injunccions geven by the kynges majestie. Imprint from colophon. b4r has catchword: 'stament'; line 6 from bottom ends: 'thei'. Signatures: a-c4 d2. Identified as STC 10091 on UMI microfilm reel 11. Reproductions ...This item contains 3 files (134.52 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEEBO-TCPDate of publication:
1547Description:Imprint from STC (2nd ed.). Signatures: a-c⁴ d² (d₂ lacking?). Leaf b₄r has catchword "Testament." (with stop), line 5 ends "otherwise ordered and". Title within ornamental border (McK. & Ferg. 62); initials. Imperfect: ...This item contains 4 files (126.26 KB).Publicly Available -