HAIL Columbia! happy land!
Hail ye heroes, heaven-born band,
Who fought and bled in Freedom's cause,
Who fought and bled in Freedom's cause,
And when the storm of war was gone
Enjoy'd the peace your valor won—
Let Independence be our boast,
Ever mindful what it cost,
Ever grateful for the prize,
Let its altar reach the skies.
Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our Liberty;
As a band of brothers join'd,
Peace and safety we shall find.
[Page 106]
Immortal PATRIOTS! rise once more,
Defend your rights, defend your shore;
Let no rude foe with impious hand,
Let no rude foe with impious hand,
Invade the s
[...]rine where sacred lies,
Of toil and blood, the well-earn'd prize.
While offering peace, sincere and just,
In Heaven we fix a manly trust,
That truth and justice will prevail,
And every scheme of bondage fail—
Firm, united let us be,
Rallying, &c.
Sound, sound the trumph of Fame,
And let WASHINGTON'S great name
Ring thro' the world with loud applause,
Ring thro' the world with loud applause,
Let ev'ry clime to freedom dear,
Listen with a joyful ear,
With equal skill, with god-like power,
He governs in the fearful hour
Of horrid war, or guides with ease,
The happier times of honest peace.
Firm, united let us be,
Rallying, &c.
Behold the Chief who now commands,
Once more to serve his country stands,
The rock on which the storm will beat,
The rock on which the storm will beat,
But arm'd in virtue, firm and true,
His hopes are fix'd on Heaven and You.
When hopes were sinking in dismay,
When glooms obs
[...]'d Columbia's day,
[Page 107] His steady mind, from changes free,
Resolv'd on Death or Liberty.
Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our Liberty;
As a band of brothers join'd,
Peace and safety we shall find.
YE sons of Columbia who bravely have fought,
For those rights, which unstain'd from your sire
[...] had descended,
May you long taste the blessings your valour has bought,
And your sons raap the soil which your fathers defended.
Mid the reign of mild peace,
May your nation increase,
With the glory of Rome and the wisdom of Greece,
And ne'er may the sons of Columbia be staves,
While the earth bears a plant, or the sea rolls its wavest.
In a clime, whose rich vales feed the marts of the world;
Whose shores are unshaken by Europe's commotion,
The Trident of commerce should never be hurl'd,
To incense the legitimate powers of the ocean.
But should P
[...]rates invade,
Though in thunder arry'd,
[Page 108] Let your cannon declare the free charter of trader
For ne'er shall the sons, &c.
The fame of our arms, of our laws the mild sway
Had justly ennobled our nation in story,
Till the dark cloud of faction obseur'd our young day,
And envelop'd the sun of American glory;
But let Traitors be told,
Who their Country have sold,
And barter'd their God for his image in gold,
That ne'er will the sons, &c.
While France her huge limbs bathes recumbent in blood,
And society's base threats with wide dissolution;
May Peace, like the Dove, who return'd from the flood,
Find an ark of abode in our mild constitution!
But though peace is our aim,
Yet the boon we disclaim,
If bought by our sov'reignty, justice or fame.
For ne'er shall the sons, &c.
'Tis the fire of the stint, each American warins;
Let Rome's haughty victors beware of collision
Let them bring all the vassals of Europe in arms.
We're a World by ourselves, and disdain a division.
While, with patriot pride,
To our Laws we're allied,
No foe can subdue us, no faction divide;
For ne'er shall the sons, &c.
Our mountains are crown'd with imperial oak,
Whose roots, like our liberties, ages have nourish'd;
[Page 109] But long ere our nation submits to the yoke,
Not a tree shall be left on the field where it flourish'd.
Should invasion impend,
Every grove would descend
From the hill tops they shaded, our shores to defend,
For ne'er shall the sons, &c.
Let our patriots destroy Anarch's pestilent worm,
Left our liberty's growth should be check'd by corrosion;
Then let clouds thicken round us, we heed not the storm,
Our rea'm fears no shock, but the earth's own e
[...]til us in vain,
Though their fleets bridge the main,
For our altars and laws with our lives we'n maintain,
And ne'er shall the sons, &c.
Should the tempest of war overshadow our land,
Its bolts could ne'er rend Freedom's temple asunder;
For, unm
[...]v'd at its portal, would WASHINGTON stand,
And rep
[...]he with his bre
[...]t the assaults of the thunde
His sword from the
[...]h seabbard, w
And cored
[...] with its point, every
[...]n to the deep.
For ne'er shall the sons, &c.
Let Fame to the world sound Ameri
[...] vai
No intrigue can her sons from their Government;
[Page 110] Her pride is her ADAMS—his Laws are her choice,
And shall flourish till Liberty slumbe's forever!
Then unite heart and hand,
Like Leonidas' band.
And swear to the God of the ocean and land,
That ne'er shall the sons of Columbia be slaves,
While the earth bears a plant or the sea rolls its waves.
For the 4th of JULY.
FOR ages on ages by Tyrany bound,
The Genius of Freedom in fetters was kept,
Truth, reason and virtue reclined around,
Nor wonder'd religion, why liberty slept.
The regions of day whence that Sol wheels his car,
Were lost to the splendors of life giving light;
And Europe herself though she beam'd as a star,
Saw the portal of morn, oft clouded by night.
At length from his chambers near
Schuylkill's domain,
Burst forth on the world, in a moment of time,
The full Sun of truth in the person of
And instant he fir'd all the westernmost crime.
The lightning that stream'd from his heav'n form'd eye,
As electrical fire soon melted each chain,
And blest Independence, the fourth of July,
On aquiline pinions swift sped o'er the main.
[Page 111]
Old Europe astonish'd was smote with dismay,
Her tyrants turn'd pale as they read the decree;
While myriads of men who in slavery lay,
Exulting pronounc'd, "let us dare to be free."
Here's a health to the morn—'tis mark'd as divine,
The noble
[...]t, the grandest of works is begun,
Paine in the zenith of glory shall shine,
Till nature's right hand aims a blow at the sun.
UNFOLD, Father
Time, thy long records unsold
Of noble atchievements accomplish'd of old;
When men, by the standard of Liberty led,
Undauntedly conquer'd, or cheerfully
But know, 'midst the triumphs these moments reveal,
Their glories shall fade, and their lustre turn pale;
Whilst France rises up and confirms the decree,
That tears off her chains, and bids millions be free.
As spring to the fields or as dew to the flower,
To the earth parch'd with hear, as the suft dropping shower;
As health to the wretch that lies languid and wan,
Or as rest to the weary, is freedom to man:
Where freedom the light of her countenance gives,
There only he revels, there only he lives;
Seize then the glad moment, and holl the decree,
That bids millions rejoice, and a nation be free.
[Page 112]
Too long had oppression and terror entwin'd,
Those fancy-form'd chains that enslave the free mind;
Whilst dark superstition with nature at strife,
Had lock'd up for ages the fountains of life:
But the daemons are fled, the delusion is past,
And reason and virtue have conquer'd at last;
Seize then the glad moment, and hail the decree,
That bids millions rejoice, and a nation be free.
France! we share in the rapture thy bosom that fills,
Whilst the spirit of
Liberty bounds o'er thine hills.
Redundant, benceforth, may thy purple juice flow,
Prouder wave thy green woods, and thine olive trees grow:
For thy brows may the hand of philosophy twine,
Blest emblems! the myrtal, the olive and vine;
Heav'n thro' all ages confirm the decree,
That tears off thy chains, and bids millions be free.
FULL twenty years, an honest man in black,
Wroth with the Pope, seven times a week did pray
That the old
"scarlet whore" might go to wreck,
And soundly for his prunks and mischiefs pay.
In hopes the full assent of Heaven to win.
He importun'd, "Bring down that man of fin,
That Antichrist, who with a mitred crown,
[Page 113] Exalts himself at home,
Where poor St. Peter once did roam,
With pilgrim staff, no shoes, and sackcloth gown—
That Antichrist, who keeps the keys of Heaven,
Seated on mountains seven:
Avenge! avenge! (he utter'd with a grin)
All who have suffer'd by the man of Sin!"
Heav'n heard, at last, the good man's constant pray'r,
And bade the
Sans Cullotes to Rome repair—
Those bloody dogs, whom parsons hate,
Yet seem to be cominissioners of fate,
To do the very thing some people pray'd for,
And, but for them, might long enough have staid for.
Down came the Pope, his mitre crown, and all
Europe re-echoing to his fall!
No more he gave indulgencies—no more
Assum'd Heav'n's bolts—his reign was o'er!
He fled, a vagrant, from that ancient town,
Where heroes once, of high renown,
Kings, emp'rors, senates, sent their legions fort',
Reduc'd the south—subou'd the north—
Turo' eastern worlds enfore'd their vast domain,
And westward, till no world, but ocean, did remain.
"Now (said a deacon) Priest, you have your wish!
Sans Cullotes of France with fire and sword!
Have giv'n his Holiness the wish'd for dish—
Exile, expulsion—liberty restor'd.
Lo! how your pray'rs are answer'd! Heav'n is good,
The Pope, this momant, wanders without food,
Starving on some inhospitacle coast;
Peter's keys to better hands they trust,
Who dare not sell Heav'n's rights—the conquering host;
[Page 114] To whom was a stupendous task assign'd—
They, by dethroning Kings, regenerate mankind."
The Priest reply'd, "Deacon, you're mad I fear,
Those Infidels of France were never meant
Popes to dethrone: The matter, then, is clear,
This cannot be the final, grand event,
For which our order pray'd full many a year.
This priest, call'd Pope, sin's man, or scarlet whore,
We clergy must restore
[...]m to his pow'r,
And pray against the French—I say no more.
For tho' the Pope mght be a beast,
I'd have them know,
(This Gallic crew)
That none but Priests should maul a brother Priest,
By the Rev. Dr. DWIGHT
of Connecticut.
COLUMBIA, Columbia, to glory arise,
The queen of the world, and the child of the skies!
Thy genius commands thee; with rapture behold,
While ages on ages thy splendors unfold.
Thy reign is the last, and the noblest of time,
Most fruitful thy soil, most inviting thy clime;
Let the crimes of the East ne'er encrimson thy name,
Be freedom and science, and virtue, thy fame.
[Page 115]
To conquest, and slaughter, let Europe aspire;
Wheimn nations in blood, and wrap cities in fire;
Thy heroes the rights of mankind shall defend,
And triumph pursue them, and glory attend.
A world is thy realm; for a world be thy laws;
Enlarg'd as thine empire, and just as thy cause;
On freedom's broad basis, thine empire shall rise,
Extend with the main, and dissolve with the skies.
Fair science her gates to thy sons shall unbar,
And the East see thy morn hide the beams of her star,
New bards, and new sag
[...]s, unrivah'd shall soar
To same, unextinguish'd, when time is no more;
To thee,
[...]he last refuge of virtue design'd;
Shall fly from all nations the best of mankind;
Here grateful to Heaven, with transport shall bring
Their incense, more fragrant than odours of spring.
Nor less shall thy fair ones to glory ascend,
And genius and beauty in harmony blend
The graces of form shall awake pore desire,
And the charms of the soul ever cherish the fire;
Their sweetness unmingl'd, their manners refin'd,
And virtue's bright image, instamp'd on the mind,
With peace, and soft rapture, shall teach life to glow,
And light up a smile in the aspect of woe.
Thy fleets to all regions thy pow'r shall display.
The nations admire, and the ocean obey;
Each shore to thy glory its tribute unfold,
And the East and the South yield their spices & gold.
[Page 116]
As the day spring unbounded, thy splendor shall flow,
And earth's little kingdoms before thee shall bow,
While the ensigns of union, in triumph unfurl'd,
Hash the tumult of war, and give peace to the world,
Thus, as down a lone valley, with cedars o'erspread,
From war's dread confusion I pensively stray'd—
The gloom from the face of fair heav'n retir'd;
The winds ceas'd to murmur; the thunders expi
Perfumes, as of Eden, flow'd sweetly along,
And a voice, as of angels, enchantingly sang.
"Columbia, Columbia, to glory arise,
The queen of the world, and the child of the skies."
TO a mouldering cavern, the mansion of woe,
COLUMBIA did often repair;
She tore the fresh laurel that bloom'd on her brow,
And threw it aside in despair.
She wept for the safe of her sons that were slain
When the flames of fierce battle were spread,
When discord and carnage, relaxing the rein,
Rode smiling o'er moun ain of dead.
As thus the bright goddess revolv'd in her breast
The wrongs which her country had borne,
A form more than human the genius address'd,
[Page 117] "Ah cease, fair COLUMBIA, to mourn.
How lift up thine eyes and thy records behold,
Inscrib'd in the archives of
The fourth of July, in rich letters of gold,
Foretels the renown of thy name.
From the caverns of darkness thy day-spring shall dawn,
Ye kings and ye tyrants, beware;
Your names shall decay like the vapours of morn,
Or vanish in phantoms of air.
Thy temple, O FREEDOM, with grandeur shall rise,
Unshaken by tyranny's blast;
Its basis the earth, and its summit the skies,
And firm 'as creation shall last."
Then rouse, fair COLUMBIA,
to glory aspire;
All nature with transport shall gaze:
B'en now the dark shadows of discord retire,
And Europe is lost in thy blaze.
[Perhaps not out of season.]
I WONDER what the racket means,
A cutting of such capers;
The Parson says the French are mad,
He read it in the papers,
[Page 118]
Heigh bo! Billy Bow,
I b'lieve the War's a coming:
'N' if it does, I'll get a gun,
Soon's I hear them drumming.
He says as how they steal our ships,
Wherever they can get 'em;
But fags, if I were one o' the folke,
I guess I'd shoot and hit 'em.
An' father says, they told him poz,
When he was down to Boston,
They took a swingin sight of goods;
Now I forgot the cost ont.
I think it's darned wrong, be sure,
Because we us'd 'em clever;
An' uncle vums a sailor works
Much harder than a weaver.
But rot 'em all, if that's their cut,
Mayhap they'll come to mob us;
An' so we'd better drive 'em off,
Before an' they can grab us.
An' Debby talks, if I will go,
She'll wait a year to marry;
Tho' I'm afraid to stay so long,
For fear of that there Harry.
An' I heard 'em say, a training day,
That Washington's a going;
An' Capen Toby sweare they'll fall
Like grass when he's a mowing
[Page 119]
He said, that once in t'other wars,
He run right at the bullets;
An' never minded grenadiers
No more than we do pullers.
But, deuce, I'd rather stay at home
A making wall an' haying;
An' so had Capen too, I guess,
But I 'spose there'll be no
By J. L. Poor Words
to a rich Tune.
GIVE me the lad with black Cockade,
Who shews his firelock handy;
And will not sneak nor he afraid
To give the French the dandy—
Yankee doodle, doodle do,
Brimming fill your glasses;
Fight for Father, Mam and Sue,
Corn, and pork, and lasses.
Nathan sung a deuced song,
About the British nation—
As how they came, like wildcats strong,
And threaten'd us starvation:
But yankee doodle, doodle do,
We brimming fill' dour glasses.
And fought for Father, Mam and Sue.
And saved our corn, fork, and lasses
[Page 120]
And now the Frenchmen want to cat
Us out of house and home, sir,
By g
[...]ngs, we'll give them a full treat,
When e'er they choose to come, sir—
Yankee doodle, doodle do,
Brimming fill your glasses—
Fight for Father, Mam and Sue,
Corn, and pork, and 'lasses.
Jeremy Harrow vow'd he'd go
To see 'Squire Acorn's Hitry—
I vamp, he'd stump thro' hail and snow,
Because she looks so pretty.
Yankee doodle, &c.
And when he got up to the door,
He heard a nation pother;
The 'Squite he stampt upon the floor,
And nighted His and Mother—
Yankee doodle, &c.
Why, what the duce I cryed Jeremy—
A staring like stuck pig, sir—
To see the 'Squire so plaguy high,
As it he'd burn his wig, sir.
Yankee doodle, &c.
Quoth 'Squire, I've sped from gen'ral court,
The French a
[...]e all a coming—
And neighbor Corns alk vo
[...]'d and swore't,
He hear'd the drums a dromming—
Yankee doodle, &c.
And l'm so mid, I'll run for life,
To tell our people 'bout it;
[Page 121] Go run and get a drum and fife—
We're ruin'd if we doubt it.
Yankee doodle, &c.
Away ran Jeremy as fast
As ever he could streak it—
I'm sure he never made such haste,
When playing at
bide and seek it.
Yarkee doodle, &c:
Until he got to Captain Starks'
All in a sweat and fluster—
Soon Ensign Griggs and Corp'ral Parks,
Begun with guns to muster—
Yankee doodle, &c.
The town was quickly up in arms,
And at the tavern meeting,
And left their shops, and tools, and farms,
To give the French a beating.
Yankee doodle, &c.
And Capt, Starks came sword in hand,
With courage stout and bold, sir;
He had three cheers from all his band,
And honors manifold, sir.
Yankee doodle, &c.
And then we swore, if French came here,
To kill each mother's son, sir,
And had they to our town drawn near,
The deed would have been done, sir.
Yankee doodle, &c.
But tho' we'd not been told the truth,
As we had got together;
We all agreed both age and youth.
To mind ne'er wind nor weather.
Yankee doodle, &c.
[Page 122]
But for our liberties to fight
For laws and constitu
For Adams, property and right,
With yankee resolu
Yankee doodle, &c.
So each on hat put black cockade,
And swore we would st
[...]nd by it;
Of foreign power we're not afraid,
But bodily defy it,
Yankee doodle, &c.
ODE on the 177th Anniversary of the Landing of our FOREFATHERS
December 22, 1620.
President's March.
SAINTED shades, who dar'd to brave,
In Freedow's ark, the pathless wave,
Where, scarcely kenn'd by lynx eyed same;
Trav'ller, but the
Comet came,
And, landing on our wilds at laft,
Endur'd the tempest's ravening blast,
How rose your faith, when thro' the storm
Smil'd LIBERTY'S celestial sorm,
Her lyre to strains of seraphs strung,
And thus the sacred paean sung!
Sons of Gory, patriot band,
Welcome to my chosen land!
To your Children leave it free,
[Page 123]
Round the consecrated ROCK,
Conven'd the patriarchal flock,
And there, while every lifted hand
Affirm'd the charter of the land,
The storm was hush'd, and round the zone
Of Heaven the
mystic meteor shown;
Which, like the
rainbow seen of yore,
Proclaim'd that SLAVERY'S FLOOD was o'c
That, pilgrim man, so long oppress'd,
Had found his promis'd
place of reft.
CHORUS.—Sons of glory, &c.
Festive honors crown the day,
With garland green, and votive lay,
From whose auspicious dawn we trace
birth right of our favor'd race,
Which shall descend from sire to son,
While seasons roll, and rivers run.
Secur'd by
Corver's civic skill,
The sword of
Standish guards it still;
For empire's wheels an ADAMS guides,
And WASHINGTON in arms presides.
CHORUS—Sons of glory, &c.
Heirs of Pilgrims, now review
The oath your fathers swore to you;
When st st around the social board,
Enrich'd from Nature's frugal hoard,
The ardent vow to Heaven they breath'd
To shield the rights their sires bequeath'd!
Let FACTION from your realm be hurl'd,—
United—you def
[...] the world;—
And, as a TRIBUTE, scorn to yield
Worm that blights your blossom'd field!
CHORUS.—Sons of glory, &c.
[Page 124]
of '75.
Written by the celebrated DICKINSON, Author of the
"Farmer's Letters," &c.
"Hearts of Oak."
COME join hand in hand, brave Americans all,
And rouse your bold hearts at fair
Liberty's call,
No tyrannus acts shall suppress your just claim,
Nor stain with dishonor America's name.
In freedom we're born, and in freedom we'll live.
Steady boys, steady;
Our purses are ready,
Not as slaves but as freemen our money we'll give,
Our worthy forefathers, let's give them a cheer—
To climates unknown did courageously steer.
Thro' oceans to deserts for
Freedom they came,
And dying bequeath'd us their freedom and fame.
CHORUS—In freedom we're born, &c.
The Tree their own hand had to
Liberty rear'd,
They liv'd to behold growing strong and rever'd;
Then in transports they cry'd, our wishes are gain'd,
For our children shall gather the fruits of our pair.
CHORUS—In freedom we're born,
placemen and pensioners soon shall appear
deforming the face of the year;
Suns vainly shall rise, showers vainly descend,
If we are to DRUDGE
for others to SPEND.
[Page 125] In freedom we're born, and in freedom we'll live;
Steady boys, steady;
Our purses are ready,
Not as slaves, but as freemen our money we'll give,