MY dear fellow Beings, permit me, though a stranger, with all disinterested love and benevolence to address myself to you, concerning your precious souls and everlasting state; and let not pride, prejudice, sloth, or unbelief, hinder your serious attention and regard to those great concerns which are now presented unto you, by one that has nothing herein in view but the honour of his Almighty Lord and Redeemer, and your present happiness and eternal advantage.—Whatever has been your former negligence and disregard to these things, for once sit down and seriously consider,
(1) ‘That you are a creature endowed with a reasonable and immortal soul, of unspeakable value and importance: made by GOD, the greatest and best of Beings, on purpose to know, love and obey him, and be happy in his favour; and that you will be judged by him, at the great tribunal, to everlasting joy or misery, according to your present behaviour towards him.’ —These things are abundantly evident by the light of reason, and testified by the truth of GOD in his holy word. Ezek. xviii. 4, 20. Psalm xxxvi. 1—10. Matt. xxv. 14—45. Rom. ii. 3—9. 2 Thess. 1. 5—9.
(2) ‘Consider that you, and all mankind, by sin are fallen from GOD; and are possessed of a sinful, corrupted Nature, which strongly inclines you to evil, and indisposes you to that which is holy, spiritual and good. Rom. vii. 14—24.’
The Scripture every where represents the natural state of mankind, as alienated from the life of GOD, through the ignorance that is in them, Ephes. iv. 18.—Being enemies to GOD in their minds by evil works, Colos. i. 21. — Children of disobedience and wrath, Colos. ii. 6. Eph. ii. 1, 2.—Governed by a worldly, f [...]shly inclination, contrary to the holiness of GOD, and his pure and spiritual Law, Rom. viii. 7.—That the [...] of man is continually evil from his Youth, Genes. [...]iii. 21. [Page] [...]om whence, as from a corrupt fountain, proceeds evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, malice, thests, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, laciviousness, envy, blasph [...]m [...] pride, foolishness, &c. as our Lord declares, Mark vii. 2 [...] Rom. i. 29—32.— And no doubt a little recollected [...] [...]ble you to discern, that you often feel these and other [...] working in your own nature. For the All-seeing GOD, who knows the true state of every man, says, that this is naturally the unhappy condition of all men, Rom iii. 9—19. Isa. liii. 6. Gen. vi. 3 —12. Job xv. 14—16. 1 John v. 19.
(3) ‘Let it be very seriously considered, that by reason of these sins, and this sinful state, you are become very odious in the sight of GOD's infinite Majesty and Holiness: that you are thereby fallen under his most righteous anger, and awful curse and condemnation; and without some special mercy and favour shewn you from GOD, are sinking into everlasting misery and destruction.’
The word of GOD declares, that the wages of sin is death and damnation. Rom. vi. 23. Ezek. xviii. 20. That the face of the Lord is against them that do evil, Psalm xxxiv. 16. That he is angry with them every day, Psalm vii. 11. And his very soul hateth them, Ps. ix. 5 And though they are rendered stupidly blind and insensible by sin, they lie under his heavy wrath and holy curse in all that they are, have, and do, Deut. xxviii. 15—20. ch. xxix. 18—32. Jerem. xi. 3—8. Gal. iii. 20. The unbelieving and unholy are every where represented in Scripture as in a lost state and condition; being without an interest in Christ's saving mercy— without GOD's special acceptance—being condemned already—And having no good and warrantable hope, (while they continue in this state) of GOD's present [...]avour, or future salvation, Luke xix. 10. John iii. 18, 30. 2 Cor. v. 14. Eph. ii. 11, 12.—Howsoever person may foolishly flatter and deceive themselves, the eternal GOD has declared that if they die in this their natural, sinful state, and condition, they shall certainly perish everlastingly from his presence, and sink into the endless and rem [...]diless [...]ors and miseries of Hell, Job xi. 20. Prov. x. 28. [...] xviii. 20. John iii. 6—8. Romans ii. 2—12. 2 The [...]onians, i. 7—9.
[Page]The lively and affecting knowled [...] [...] this your great Misery by sin, is exceeding [...] you from your fatal security, and cause you [...] and speed to [...] refuge to that salvation [...] you in the Lord Christ Jesus, the blessed Rede [...] [...] And, O! most heartily thank GOD, that however [...] been, however bad your state is, there is yet hop [...] [...] Christ Jesus.—But above all things take heed of [...] great Redeemer, of delaying your return to GOD, [...] faith and humble repentance, and of deceiving your [...] [...] false expectations of heaven and happiness; for not [...] more common than these damning self-delusions, Rev. iii. 17, 18. 2 Tim. ii. 25. Isa. l. 11. Jerem. vii. 4—14. Job xv. 31.—Beg of GOD, therefore, his holy Spirit, to open your understandings to discern your true state, and be willing to know it yourself; since this is the first step to your recovery and happiness, 1 Kings viii. 39. Matt. ix. 39. Acts ii. 37. John xvi. 8, 9.
That you may know whether you are restored to GOD's favour, through faith and repentance, and are interested in the saving mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ—or whether you are yet in this lost and damnable state and condition, attend to the description which GOD hath given of all such as he will finally reject, and banish from his heavenly kingdom.
1 st, ‘All that are unmindful of GOD, their Maker, Preserver, and Redeemer; and that chiefly love, desire, and seek after the pleasures and gains of this life, and the contents of the flesh, more than GOD and his favour, Christ and heaven,’ Psalm lxxiii. 27. Matt. x. 37. Rom. viii. 5—8 1. Cor. vi. 10. Phil. iii. 19. 1 John ii. 15.
2 d, ‘All that indulge themselves in intemperance or uncleanness, that are drunkards, gluttonous, lascivious, whoremongers, adultererers; or that defile themselves by any secret or unnatural lust.’ 1 Cor. vi. 9, 10. Gal. v. 19—21. Eph. v. 5, 6. Phil. iii. 19. Col. iii. 5, 6. Rev. xxi. 8.
3 d, ‘All that are malicious and revengeful; unmerciful and uncharitable; that are strangers to a kind, loving, and forgiving [Page] [...] cvii. 7.—16. Matt. vi. 15. ch. [...] 28—31. 1 Cor. xiii. 1—7. 1 John [...]’
‘ [...] are prevailingly proud and self-conceited; [...] angers to a meek and humble spirit; that love [...] the praise and esteem of mankind more than [...] and approbation of GOD.’ Psalm xix 21. [...] Malac. iv. 1. John v. 24. Rom. [...] 29, 30. [...] 2. James iv. 4.
[...] ‘All that are false, insincere, and unjust in their con [...] [...] and dealings with others; and that allow themselves in the practice of lying or fraud.’ Prov. xix. 9. Psalm v, 6. Rom. i. 18.29. 1 Cor. ix. 10. Rev. xxi 8.27.
6 th, ‘All that neglect the great duty of praying to GOD: that live without seriously and frequently calling upon his name, and seeking his mercy and grace in Christ Jesus.’ Psalm xiv. 2—4. x. 4. Jerem. x. 25. Zephan. i. 4—6. Psalm lxxiv. 27—28.
7 th, ‘All that slight and disesteem the sacred word of GOD; that do not cordially believe it, and seriously consider it, that they may know the mind and will of GOD, in order to practise it.’ Psalm cxix 155. Prov. xiii, 13. ch. i. 25—30. John viii. 47. 2 Thess. ii. 10—12. Hebr. xii. 25.
8 th, ‘All that indulge themselves in the love and practice of any known sin, against the dictates of their consciences, and in opposition to the Will and Authority of GOD made known in his word.’ Matt. vii. 22—27. Psalm cxix 3, 6. Prov. x. 29. Rom. ii. 8, 9. Jam. ii. 10.11. 1 John iii. 6, 10. ch. v. 18.
9 th, ‘All that do not sincerely love and heartily believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, as the only Hope and Saviour of sinners; that slight and reject his great salvation, or deny him the glory and honour due to his great and holy Name; that entertain the foolish and presumptuous conceit of a sufficiency of merit or power in themselves to obtain heaven and happiness; and were never throughly convinced of their absolute need of the Lord Jesus to be their Saviour, not of [Page] their own lost, condemned, and help [...] [...]’ John iii. 18. ch. viii. 24. Matt. xxii. [...] 16. Luke xvii. 46. Rom. x. 1—3. G [...] [...] v. 4, 5. [...] 4, 7. 1 John ii. 23.
All these [...]s of persons GOD, in his word, [...] in an unp [...]ned, damnable state.
(4) ‘With the most humble thankfulness of [...] ano [...] [...]archable mercy and goodness in Christ [...] member, That he doth most freely promise and g [...] [...] [...] don, life, and eternal salvation to every one, who, [...] [...] cing all other dependencies, trust in his mercy and grace in Jesus Christ; sincerely repenting of their sins, and yielding themselves in cordial and dutiful subjection to his just authority, and gracious government.’
The Scriptures assure us that GOD is in Christ Jesus reconciling the world unto himself, pardoning their trespasses, 2. Cor. v. 17.—That though all have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD, yet, if they repent and believe, they shall be justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, by faith in his blood, &c. Rom. iii. 20.—27. —That all manner of sins and trespasses shall be freely and fully forgiven unto men, upon their sincere faith and repentance, in whatsoever they have offended, Mark iii. 28—30.—That the Lord Jesus Christ is able and willing to save unto the uttermost all that come unto GOD by Him, Heb. vii. 25. And that by him all that believe are justified from all things which might condemn them, Acts xiii. 39. Rom. v. 16—20. Psalm cxxxvii. 8. And in Him they shall receive all spiritual, heavenly blessings, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and compleat Redemption, 1 Cor. i. 29. Ephes. i. 3—12.—There is no mind so darkned by ignorance and sin but he will enlighten. No heart so hardened by guilt but he will soften. No lusts or evil propensities so old, strong, or inveterate, but he will heal and subdue.—No sins so numerous and aggravated, but he will pardon, to those that humbly and earnestly apply themselves to him, and wait with constancy for his salvation. 1 Tim 1. 12—16. Matt. iv. 23. 1 Cor. vi. 9 —11. Isa. lv. 7—9.
(5) ‘That a great and holy change, effected by the power [Page] [...], must pass upon the mind, disposition, [...] [...]t hope to escape the damnation of hell, [...] [...]ssings of salvation by Jesus Christ.’
[...] and Saviour of Men declares, That except ye be [...] [...]d become as little children, i. e. humble and [...] [...]e shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven [...] 2, 3—With the greatest solem [...] [...]ys (who [...] [...]n the kingdom of heaven to sinners, [...] knows [...] [...]ecessary for their admission there) " [...], verily, [...] [...]nto you, Except a man be born [...] [...]nnot see the kingdom of GOD." John iii. 3. — [...] of its great necessity and importance repeats it again, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of GOD.’ ver. 6. —And he gives this convincing reason of the indispensible necessity of this great change in every man, to fit him for heaven, namely, Because that which is born of the flesh is flesh. Mankind deriving from their sinful parents only a fleshly, sinful nature, are unfit for the service and enjoyment of an holy GOD; and therefore as men do not gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles, or corrupt trees bring forth good fruit; so they must be born again, of GOD's holy Spirit, to an holy and spiritual life, before they can bring forth the spiritual fruits of true righteousness and goodness. Matt. vii. 16—19. John iii. 7. 2 Cor. v. 14—17.
This important change in a sinner's nature is described, by being renewed in the spirit of their minds,—putting on the new man, after the image of GOD, in righteousness and holiness—putting off the old man, with its deceitful lusts, Eph. iv. 22—24. —Walking in newness of life, Rom. vi. 4.— Serving GOD, in newness of spirit, Rom. vii. 6.—No longer living according to the lusts of men, but to the will of GOD, 1 Pet. iv. 6.—It is being created again in Christ Jesus unto good works, Eph. ii. 10. As it is a spiritual life derived from Christ Jesus, and continually maintained by Him, in the same manner as the body receives life and influence perpetually from the Head, Ephes iv. 15, 16. Colos. ii. 19. And the branches of the vine produce fruit by virtue dervied [Page] from the root, John xv. 1—5.—So that [...] [...]e Christian, not only receives a new, spiritual life from [...] [...]ord Jesus, but it is maintained and increased, ONLY by con [...]nt supplies of grace and strength derived from him by faith, in the use of GOD's ap [...]ted means, Phil. iv. 13. Cal. iii. 20. John i. 16.
(6) ‘The means [...] [...]hich the sinners of men receive these inestimable blessing of forgiveness of sins, spiritual and eternal life and salvat [...] [...] is by faith in Christ Jesus, receiving them as the free gift of GOD's grace through him,’ Rom. v. 18. ch [...] viii. 32. 1 Cor. ii. 12.
By faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, sinners are pardoned, justified, and intitled to the heavenly inheritance, Acts xxvi. 15 —18. Rom. v. 1, 2, 10. ch. iv. 3—16.— By faith in Christ Jesus they receive the promise of GOD's holy Spirit to enable them for all good works, Gal. iii. 21.—And Christ dwells in the hearts of believers by faith, to maintain the life of holiness in them, Eph. iii. 16, 17. 1 Pet. ii. 4.5—And by God's grace they are saved thro' faith in Christ Jesus, Ephes. ii. 8. John x. 9. Acts xviii. 30, 31.
And all this great salvation and happiness is most freely offered to, and surely bestowed upon every one, who being sensible of their own guilt, misery, and helplessness, are truly willing to receive Christ Jesus as their Lord and only Saviour, without respect to merit or worthiness in themselves. Matt. xi. 28, 29. Luke xiv. 17—24. 2 Cor. v. 20. Isa. lv. 1—8. Rev. iii 18. ch. xxii. 17.—As the design of the great GOD in the redemption of sinners by the Lord Jesus Christ is to display the exceeding riches of his own grace and mercy, Eph. ii. 4—7. So there is nothing more contrary to the glory of GOD, to the real state of fallen man, and to his salvation by Jesus Christ, than the conceit of merit or sufficiency in himself. Rom. iii. 19—28. ch. xi 6. Gal. iii. 10. [...]4.—Men must see themselves to be condemned criminals before GOD, lost, indigent and helpless creatures in themselves; before they can receive the Lord Christ Jesus, as the gospel requires or enjoy the blessing of his salvation. Rev. iii [...], 18. 2 Cor. v. 14. Luke xix. 10. ch. [...]i [...]. 9—14.
[Page]And [...] what do you say, to all this free and wonderful lo [...] [...] mercy of GOD, to this amazing grace and salvation by [...] Christ?—Can the great and blessed GOD and Redeem [...] of men do more for your salvation and happiness than he has done, and is ready to do, if you diligently seek his mercy? and must you not sink into doub [...] damnation if after all this you persist in obstinate unbelief, and [...] [...]r the lusts of the flesh, and the service of sin and Satan, before God's blessed and holy service, and great salvation?—By [...] of GOD that made you, by the bowels of Jesus C [...] died for you, by all the tender respect you owe to y [...] [...] perishing, precious and immortal souls, trifle not with [...]l Damnation and Salvation. Use the reason of a man, stand still and seriously consider.
1. That unchangeable, everlasting joy or misery is just before you. Death may put an end to your present state of being the very next day or hour.— Consider what apprehensions all men have, and you yourself will have GOD and religion, of heaven and hell, in a dying hour, unless you are desperately hardned and forsaken of GOD; and chuse now as you would wish you had chosen when you come to die.
2. Consider what great and sure happiness GOD will bestow upon you, if you cordially accept of his mercy in Christ Jesus, and yield yourself unreservedly to his blessed service. He will bind himself to you in an everlasting covenant to be a GOD, a Father, and a Friend unto you, for time and eternity; your almighty preserver, and constant benefactor, 2 Cor. vi. 16—18. Rom. viii. 14—17.—To bless you with all needful good here, and endless happiness with himself in the life to come. Psalm lxxxiv. 11. Rom. viii. 32.
3. Consider what exquisite self-torturing vexation must seize upon your guilty spirit at death, and for ever rend it with horror and despair, if through negligence, infidelity, or any sinful affection, you miss of this great salvation and happiness, so plainly set before you, and freely offered unto you!—Must you not sink into dreadful damnation, beyond what Heathens, Jews, or Devils themselves shall endure, who never had so much mercy and goodness made known to them?—O! who [Page 11] can conceive the unspeakable anguish of a [...] that finds himself everlastingly cut off from the wonderful, [...]aving Mercy of Christ, the great Redeemer of Men; and eternally banished from the blessed and glorious presence and enjoyment of GOD his Maker, to share with devils and damned spirits for ever, in remediless darkness, misery, and despair!— O make not such a bitter curse of your immortality, which is capable of the highest blessedness.
Sirs, let me again intreat you with all tender love seriously to consider these things, at least once a day: Let not foolish prejudices, vain companions, or senseless diversions stifle and drown your sober thoughts. Try, resolvedly and throughly try the blessed service of GOD your Maker, thro' faith in your Redeemer; and then if you find any thing that will be really better for you than GOD, and Christ, and Religion, cast these off, and chuse at your pleasure—But O, sink not into hell by false conceits, until you have once made the happy experiment—Murder not your own souls by senseless delays, which are capable of everlasting felicity.—If you can trifle with God and heaven, and sport with hell and damnation n [...]w, think not that you shall do so when you feel the fiery indignation of your offended Judge: or that it will be as easy for you to endure the tortures of the damned, as it is now to read of them — O! be wise in time.
But if your consciences are convinced of the reasonableness and necessity of repentance, faith, and dutiful obedience to GOD, sure you will not neglect the present practice of them; sure you dare not desperately despise the great Salvation of Christ wilfully sin on still, and post to misery and destruction with your eyes open.
If you are concerned to know what you should do to be saved? you have answer to this inquiry from GOD's own word, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved? Acts xvi. 31. Renounce all dependence upon your own wisdom, power, and goodness; cordially and entirely resign yourself to him, and trust in him for all salvation and happiness, 1 Cor. i. 30, 31. Acts iv. 12. And he will heal your sinful nature, and pardon your manifold offences, Acts v. 31. —And then be di [...]igent and [Page 12] constant in [...]e of [...]se means which the wisdom and goodness of GOD h [...] [...] for your recovery;—by which he is used to bestow [...]l mercy and [...]avour to those that seek him; but e [...] [...] your salvation from them, but from GOD alone th [...] [...]
1st. Get o [...] [...] [...]d seriously consider your own ways how evil, v [...] foolish they have been, 1 [...] viii. 47, 49. Ps. cxix. 59. Jer. viii. 6.—2d, H [...] read diligently the word of God: especially read those [...] which are most suited to your state, and you can be [...] [...]and: This blessed Book was inspired for your instruction and salvation. Ps. xix 7.—cxix. 9. Jam. [...] 18, 21. 1 Pet. i. 23. —Attend with constancy where the gospel of salvation is preached with most faithfulness, and success. Rom. x 15— 17 1 Cor. 1.18—24—3d, Be frequent, fervent, and constant in humble prayer to GOD for his mercy and grace in Christ Jesus, Amos v. 4, 5. Ezek. xxxvi. 26.37 Acts viii. 22. Jam. i 5.—4th, Be faithful to conscience in avoiding those evils, and attending to those duties which you are acquainted with. Isa. lv. 7. Prov. xiv. 16. Ezek. xiv. 7, 8. Hosea v. 4.—5th, Avoid all unnecessary converse with the evil and profane; and associate yourself with the pious and good. Pro. ix. 6. ch. xiii 20. Acts ii. 40. 1 Cor. xv. 33.—6th, But especially be often looking up to the Lord Jesus Christ, by faith in his precious blood and intercession, for mercy and salvation Isa. xlv. 2. John iii. 14—16—7th, Lastly, never rest satisfied nor leave off diligently seeking, until, by the grace of GOD, you find the power of an subdued in you, and you have attained a comfortable assurance of his forgiving mercy, according to his gracious promises in Christ Jesus. Matt. xv. 22—28 Luke xi. 5 —13. ch. xviii. 1—8. Hosea vi. 3.
‘This do, and you shall be blessed and happy, now and for ever.’