
An EPISTLE Sent from GOD to the World, Containing the best News that ever the World heard. And transcribed by John Rogers a Servant of Jesus Christ.

1 Joh. 1. Chap. and 4th Verse.

And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.

An Introduction in order to an Exposition upon the 1. Chap. of the first Epistle of John.

BUt before we enter upon the Exposi­tion of it, let us premise these fol­lowing particulars: In the first place [Page 2] let us take Notice, this First Chap. is an Epistle written by it self, distinct from the rest of the Book; and not written Singu­larly by the Apostle John, as the rest of the Book is, as appears Verse 1st, That which we have seen, Verse 2nd, For the life was mani­fested, and we have seen it: Verse 3d, That which we have seen, Verse 4th, And these things write we unto you, Verse 5th, This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you: thus it appears to be written Plu­ralitively; that is, by more than by the Apostle John, in using the word We.

But the rest of the Books, is written. Singularly by the Apostle John, as appears, Chap. 2.1. These things write I unto you, verse 7th, I write no new commandment unto you, and so through out the book; as appears in the last Chap. verse 13. These things have I writ­ten unto you, that believe on the name of the Son of God. Thus it appears, that the second Chapter to the end of the Book is a second Epistle, written to believers in the Light, to encourage them to continue in that State; and written by the Apostle John, in his own name Singularly, in Saying; I write unto you, not using the word we, as he doth in the first Chapter.

A Second thing to be observed, is, That as [Page 3] the first Chapter contains a distinct Epistle from the rest of the Book; So it is not di­rected to persons in the same State and Con­dition, as the other part of the Book is di­rected to: for the first 4 Verses of this Chap. is written to the Sinful World, or to such as were not in fellowship with the Children of God, as appears in the 3d and 4th Verses. That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us, &c. And these things write we unto you, &c. And the other 6 Verses, contains a Message sent from God, and directed to such, as had lost Sight of their Calling and Election, & were in a State of darkness, with the rest of the world; having wandred from the Uni­ty and Fellowship which once they were in with God: and the message from God was, and is, to reduce and bring them back to God again, by repentance and confession of their Sins; that thereby they might obtain forgiveness of them, and so come to be clean­sed from all Sin, as those were that walked in the light: as God is in the Light, as ap­pears in the 7th verse.

And thirdly we may observe, that the Apostle John, in Chap. 2.1. begins his own Epistle in his own name, thus; My lit­tle Children these things write I unto you, and [Page 4] so goes on in his writing, from babes in Christ, to young men and Fathers in Christ, yea, unto all Sorts and degrees of Christians, who were in the light. But the first Chap. contains a particular Epistle written in the Pluralitive; that is in the name of many, or in the name of all the Children of God, who were in the light, as God is in the light; who were cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ from all Sin, as appears in the 7 verse, and by them directed to the World, and to them that were in a State of Sin and dark­ness, as appears in the 5th and 6th verses.

An Exposition upon the First Chapter of the first Epistle of John.

1. John, 1.1. Verse.

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the word of life.

IN this verse the Apostle John, with the rest of Gods Children, doth declare unto the world, that which was from the beginning, which they had not only heard of, but had seen it with their eyes, and looked upon it; and not only looked upon [Page 5] it, but also had handled of this word of life, which was from the beginning: all these Expressions are to convince the world of the truth and certainty of the being of the word of life, by their certain know­ledge of its being; not only by hearsay, but by seeing of it with their eyes, and looking upon it, and also in handling of it with their hands: this word of life is Jesus Christ, as he is the Son of God the Creator of all things: and his first proceeding from God, or being born of God; is shewed, Gen. 1.3. And God said let there be light, and there was light; this creating word pro­ceeded from God, and was in the beginning with God; and it was Jesus Christ who is God blessed for ever more, and all things were made by it: as appears in the follow­ing verses of this First Chap: of Gen. and in the first Chap. of John, and 1 verse, &c. this is the word of life, declared in this verse, to the World by the Children of God, and was the first born before any creature: as appears, Coll. 1.15. Who is the Image of the invisible God, the first born of every creature. for by him were all things created, and this was the first birth of Jesus Christ, as he was the Son of God or word of life: by whom God created all things, as appears, Eph. 3.9 [Page 6] Who created all things by Jesus Christ. Heb. 11.3. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God; or by the Son of God, as appears, Heb. 1.2. Hath in these last days spoken to us by his Son, &c. by whom also he made the worlds: as also, John 1.1. &c. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God, all things were made by him, (or by it:) This is the word of life declar'd in this first verse.

And whereas it is said in the said verse, which we have heard; the hearing of it came by the Information which God gave to Mo­ses of it, in the aforesaid Gen, 1.3. &c. And whereas it is said, which we heve seen with our eyes; this sight of it, is such a sight as Moses had of it: Heb. 11.27. Seeing him who is invisible: Job. 42.5. I have heard of thee, by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee. Isaiah 6.5. For mine eyes have seen the King the Lord of hosts: Such a sight as this is, the Apostle John, with the rest of Gods Children had of this word of life; which they declare of to the World, which word of life in process of time was made flesh, John 1.14. And the word was made flesh, (or became flesh:) and whereas it is said, and our hands have handled of the word of life, 2 Cor. 4 2. Nor handling the word of [Page 7] God deceitfully; this is a Spiritual handling, in [...]eling its powerful operation, such as no natural man can have, as appears, Eph. 4. [...] Who being past feeling have given them­selves over unto lasciviousness: but these [...]t declare this word of life to the world, [...] such Witnesses as were created and made [...] Creatures, by this word of life; for it [...] the creating word, which created all [...]ngs, Eph. 2.10. For we are his work­manship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works. Eph. 4.24.

Verse 2. For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and hear witness, and shew unto you [...]at eternal life which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us.

This Second verse, contains a Second De­ [...]aration to the world, of the truth of the [...]ght that the Children of God had of this life; which they are witnesses to, to the [...]d that the world may credit the truth of [...]: which eternal life (say they) was with the Father, and was manifested unto us; this is to distinguish the Son from the Fa­ther, in saying it was with the Father: and [...]nd the reason why the children of God makes this distinction, between the Father and the Son, will appear more fully in the next verse.

[Page 8]Verse 3. That which we have seen and heard, declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellow­ship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

These three verses doth Evidence the ve­hement desire that the Children of God hath; that the world may credit the truth of their, testimony, concerning the manife­station which they had of this word of life, that ye also (say they) may have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ: in this verse Jesus Christ is named with the Fa­ther, for all that hath been said, is to testifie to the Divinity of Jesus Christ, who is the word that did proceed from God the Fa­ther, and is the Son of God: which Truth was denied by those Anti-christs, and false Prophets that went forth into the world, before this Epistle was wrote: as appears, Chap 2.18. Little children it is the last time, and as ye have heard that Anti-christ shall come, even now are there many Anti-christs; whereby we know that it is the last time, &c Chap. 4.1. Beloved believe not every Spirit, but try the Spirits, whether they are of God, because many false Pro­phets are gone out into the world, &c And this Epistle was sent into the world after [Page 9] them, to confute their denial of his divinity.

Verse 4th, And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.

In this verse, the children of God, gives [...] world the reason of their writing these [...]ings to them, which was matter of great [...]; to hear such glad tidings that Jesus Christ was both God and Man, and thereby [...] mediator between God and Men, to re­concile the Sinful world to God, being rela­t [...] to both Natures: and to hear this glad tidings from their brethren that had been ene­mies to God by wicked works, and now to hear that they are come into a fellowship and reconciliation with God, this is matter of full joy: for it is the best News that ever the world heard.

Now we are come to the Second part of this Epistle, which contains a message from God, which all the Children of God that are in the light hath heard of him, and are to declare unto their brethren that are in a State of darkness.

These Messengers of God are the same [...]rsons that gave forth their witness in the [...]e part of this Chapter, or Epistle, con­cerning the word of life to the world; and and wrote this Epistle with the Apostle John.

Verse 5th, This then is the message which we [Page 10] have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light and in him is no darkness at all.

This verse contains a Message which was heard of God, by all his children that were in the light, as he is in the light; and the following part of this Chapter contains the said message, and they were to declare it to all their brethren that are in darkness: the message it self is, that God it light, and in him is no darkness at all; this message is to shew to all professors, that if they are not in this light with God, they are not in fel­lowship with him; and these messengers which God sends this message by, are to de­clare it to all professors, of Churches, that those Professors who are intermixt with those that are in the light, may not deceive themselves by being in a visible Church fel­lowship with them that are in the light, and thereby conceit themselves to be in fellow­ship with God, while they are in a State of darkness: therefore these messengers of God are to acquaint them in what State and Con­dition they are in, while in a State of dark­ness; that they may not deceive themselves with an outward visible Church fellowship, while in a State of Sin and darkness, and not in fellowship with God, and to inform them by what means they may come out of [Page 11] such a State. Verse 6th, If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we li [...] and do not the truth. These Messengers of God, use the word We, to comprehend the whole body of the visible church in one; expressing the State of them that are in darkness, and the State of them that are in the light distinctly, one from the other: this verse expresseth the State of those that are in a State of Sin and darkness, and their profession to be a lie; for they do not the truth, for they are not in fellowship with God; and therefore if these should say we have no Sin, while in this State of darkness, they would but deceive themselves, for the truth is not in them: but if these in this sinful dark State should come to confess their [...], then they will find god faithful and just to forgive them their sins and to cleanse them from all unrighteousness; and then th [...] will come to see the State that those are in, set forth in the next verse, and so come to be in fellowship with them: for these messengers of God sets both States to­gether, distinctly in two verses, the State of those who are in Sin and darkness, in this verse; and the State of them that are in the light, and are cleansed from all Sin, in the next verse; that those that are in a State of [Page 12] Sin and darkness, may discern which of the two States they are in; when these Messen­gers hath exprest both States together, the [...] they open the gate of Salvation to them th [...] are in a State of darkness, that they ma [...] come out of that State: for if these th [...] are in a State of darkness should say we ha [...] no sin, they will deceive themselves, for t [...] truth is not in them; this truth which [...] not in them, is Jesus Christ John 14, 6. ver [...] 2 John, 2. For the truths saKe which dwe [...] ­leth in us, and shall be with us for ever, b [...] if these confess their Sins, God is faithful and just, to forgive them their Sins, and [...] cleanse them from all unrighteousness: and then they will be in the same State, as tho [...] are in, exprest in the next verse, who a [...] already cleansed from all Sin: but if the that are in a state of darkness, say, we ha [...] not sinned, then they make God a liar; f [...] if his word were in them, they could not be in a state of darkness; for his word is h [...] Son Jesus Christ, who is God, and God light, and in him is no darkness at all: but his word is not in them that are in a state darkness, for if his word were in them, the they would be in the light as God is in the light, and in fellowship with him; for th [...] indwelling of this word, brings us into [Page 13] fellowship with God. These Messengers of God deales tenderly with their brethren that are in a state of darkness, and doth not re­flect their state upon them; but comprehends [...]selves in with them as brethren, and [...] if we say so and so of our selves, to [...] if we say we have fellowship with him [...] walk in darkness we lie, and do not the truth: Expressing in this verse, the state of [...] that are in darkness, and in the next verse the state of them that are in the light, [...] are cleansed from all Sin by the blood of Jesus Christ, and so leaves the judgment of every one of them, to judge of his own state, [...] her he be in a state of light, or whither he are in a state of darkness.

That which is here intended by darkness, [...] when professors do not order their Con­ [...]ation aright, and so come into such a [...] of darkness, that they loose the sight of these justification, and sanctification; so that they cannot assure their own hearts before God that they are reconciled to God; so that Instead of rejoycing to appear before God, they dread his presence; for instead of being in that Spirit which is in the chil­dren of light, which crieth Abba Father, they are in a Spirit of Bondage to fear, be­cause the love of God is not in them.

[Page 14]Verse 7th, But if we walk in the light, as is in the light, we have fellowship one with ano­ther, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son clea [...] ­seth us from all Sin.

This verse expresseth, just a contrary sta [...] to what the fore going verse doth, even such a state as these Messengers of God are in who wrote this Epistle, and all others that are in their state, who are in the light, a [...] God is in the light; and these only are in fel­lowship with God, and one with another i [...] the light, as God is in the light: and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son, hath cleanse [...] these from all sin, saith God in this verse b [...] these his Messengers: so that if these should say, we have sin, when God saith, they are thus cleansed from all sin, by the blood o [...] Jesus Christ his Son; they make God a lia [...] and undervalue the precious blood of his So [...] Jesus Christ, for his word is in them, and hath cleansed them from all sin: so that the are in the light as God is in the light, and hath obtained the forgiveness of their sins for they are such as have already confesse [...] their sins. and God hath been faithful, an [...] just, to forgive them their sins, and hath cleansed them from all unrighteousness, b [...] the blood of his son Jesus Christ: so that the [...] have already done, that which the other ar [...] [Page 15] directed to do as is testified by these his Mes­sengers, and immediately by God himself; as appeareth Chap. 5 10. He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in him­self, he that believeth not God, hath made [...]n a liar; because he believeth not the Re­gard that God gave of his Son: thus it ap­pareth, that he that believeth on the Son [...] God, is in the light, and hath, the witness [...] God in himself, that he is cleansed by the [...]od of the Son of God from all sin: for [...]hese are those that are in fellowship with [...]od the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ; as in the third verse of this Chap. that God will have no fellowship with unrigh­teousness, nor no Communion with dark­ness, neither will Christ have any concord [...]th Belial; for the Bodys of these Saints are the Temple of God, and god dwells in them, as is to be seen, 2 Cor. 6, 14. For these are the light of the world, saith Christ Mat. 5 14. And are obedient to Christ's doctrine being perfect even as their Father which is in heaven is perfect: verse 48. These are made free from sin, saith Paul, [...]m. 6.18, 21. Being cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ from all sin, and by him presented before God, without Spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; being holy and [Page 16] without blemish, saith Paul, Eph. 5.27 These are they that came out of great tribu­lation, and have washed their Robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, saith the Apostle John, Rev. 7 14. These are they which are not defiled with women, for they are virgins: these are they which follow the Lamb whither soever he goeth these were redeemed from among men, being the first Fruits unto God, and the Lamb, & in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the Throne of God, saith the holy Scripture, Rev. 14 4, 5. As God is, so are these in this world, saith the Apostle John, 1 John, 4 17. These are in such a fellowship with God, and one with another, as Christ speaks of, John, 17 21. &c. That they all may be one, as thou Fa­ther art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us; that they may be one even as we are one, I in them, and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one: this is the fellowship that these are in, spoken of in this 7th verse: And can they say, they have sin dwelling in them with god the Fa­ther, and with his son Jesus Christ; and not make god a liar, for his word is in them and they have overcome the wicked one saith the Apostle John, Chap. 2 14. For [Page 17] these are born of God and are the Sons of God, and his seed remaineth in them, and this seed is the word of God; spoken of [...] the foregoing part of this Chapter, and they cannot sin (because they are born of God) while this seed, or Son of God re­ [...]ineth in them. 1 John, 3.9. For he is greater that is in them, than he that is in the world. Chap. 4.4. For they are kept from sin, by the mighty power of God that is in them. Eph. 3 16. Coll. 1.11. [...] long as this word abides in them. Chap. 2 24. Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning, if that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you; ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. Verse 26. These things have I written unto you con­cerning them that seduce you. The 8, 9, and 10th Verses, speakes to that part of the visible Church, spoken of in the 6th verse, to wit, If we say that we have fel­lowship with him, and walk in darkness we lie, and do not the truth: So that if this part of professors should say, we have no sin, they will deceive themselves, and the truth is not in them, as appears, in verse the 8th. But if these confess their sins, he is faithful [...]d just to forgive them their sins, and to [Page 18] cleanse them from all unrighteousness: as appears in verse 9th. Then they will be in fellowship with the other part that walk­eth in the light, as God is in the light; and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son, hath al­ready cleansed them from all sin, as appears in verse 7th: But if we are of that party that walketh in darkness, and yet say that we have fellowship with God, and have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us: as appears in verse 10th. For if his word were in us, sin could not dwell there: for his word is himself, Joh. 1.1. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. For God and sin will not dwell together, for they two cannot have fellowship one with th [...] other, in the same body of flesh: for the [...] are two contraries. 2 John, 9.10.11. He that abideth in the Doctrine of Christ, hath both the Father and the Son; if there come any unto you, and bring not this Doctrine receive him not into your house, neither bi [...] him God speed; for he that bideth him God speed, is partaker of his evil deeds.


IN the year 1705. I printed a Book in which book, I have expounded several [Page 19] places of Scripture, which places of Scrip­ture are grosly wrested; to defend and maintain a Doctrine that there is no freedom from sin on this side the grave, which is a gross contradiction of the holy Scriptures: and is an undervaluing the precious blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God, which clean­ [...]eth us from all sin: which said books, I have now some of them by me.

The Scripture expounded in said book, are these Scriptures under quoted. Prov. 24. [...]5.16. This Scripture is falsly reported, and traditionally believed that it saith: A righteous man falleth into sin seven times a day; when as it speaks not of falling into sin, but into perils. A second Scripture is, 2 Cor. 12, 9.10. A third Scripture is, Jam. 3. [...]. A fourth Scripture is, Jam. 4.5. A fifth, is several verses in the 7th Chapter of the Rom. which is grosly wrested, in judg­ing it to speak of Pauls converted state; be­cause he wrote it after his Conversion, for [...] his converted state he was not a carnal [...]an Sold under sin, but a spiritual man re­ [...]eemed from sin, neither did sin dwell in [...]im: but Christ did dwell in him, as ap­pears Gall, 2.20. neither was he a wretch­ [...] man then wanting deliverance, but a hap­py man, having obtained deliverance by [Page 20] Christ. A sixth Scripture is Gall. 5 17. A seventh Scripture is 1 Joh. 1 8. An eighth Scripture is Eccele. 7 20. All these Scrip­tures above mentioned, is often quoted and grosly wrested by the ignorant and unlearn­ed to their own destruction; not under­standing the Scriptures, neither the power of God, as is written 2 Pet. 3 16. Mat. 22.29. There is also in said book, an Ex­position upon Jere. 10.25. Tit. 2.11. 1 Cor. 12.7. All which said scriptures are restored into their natural Sense, by compa­ring scripture with scripture.

J. R.

JOhn Rogers a Servant of Jesus Christ, to them that are called of God to be Saints, and sanctified by the spirit of truth, and preserved in Jesus Christ; grace unto you, and peace from God our Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Beloved in the Lord, my prayer to God for you is that you may be growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; and not be seduced by unprofitable teachers, who transform themselves as the Ministers of Christ: of whom we have had sufficient warning from our Lord Jesus Christ and from his holy Apostles; who have so plainly described them to us, that if we [Page 21] [...]lk in, and be guided by the Spirit of truth, [...] shall easiely discern them; by their con­ [...]ary practices to the Doctrine of Christ, [...]d by their differing Doctrine, from the [...]octrine of his holy Apostles.

The Apostle John declares, that as we were fore told of them, so they did appear [...] his time, 1 Joh. 2 18. It is the last time [...]nd as ye have heard that Anti-christ shall [...]ome, even now are there many Anti-christs [...]aith he; these Anti-christs that did appear [...]n this Apostles time, (as the Church histo­ [...]ies informs us,) was one Carpocrates, from whom the Carpocrations did arise, and did [...]old that Jesus was only man, descending from both Sexes: and also one Cerinthus, of whom came the Cerinthians: and also one Merinthus, of whom arose the Sect of the Merinthians; these also denied Christs divi­nity, and said he was not before Mary, and that he was a meer man: as also one Hebion, of whom came the Hebionites; they also held that Christ was only man. This Doctrine [...]preading so much in the world, occasioned John to write his Gospel, and his first Epi­ [...]tle, to suppress and to confute this Doctrine; and he did it so effectually, that those Anti- [...]hrists and false Prophets that are in this our [...]ay, are forc'd to confess in words, that [Page 22] Jesus Christ is both God and man; and yet are as blind and ignorant of his divine na­ture as they were: and by their Doctrine it appears, they do not feel his power, nor see his presence, as he is God Almighty any more than they did: and for them to preach him as he is the Son of man in our nature up in the visible heavens, from the report of the holy Scriptures, without any immediate revelation or the truth of it, is no more than they did. For tho' the children of God have not seen, nor known him as he is the Son of man, yet they have seen and known him as he is the Son of God, as will ap­pear by Scripture evidence, by what follow­eth: and how the Children of God come to know the truth of what is written of him, as he is the Son of man; so as to give a true testimony to the truth of the Scriptures, by a mystical knowledge of him, such as the Apostle Peter had, Mat, 16.15. He saith unto them, but whom say ye that I the Son of man am. Peter answered and said, thou art Christ the Son of the living God; and Jesus answered and said, flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven; this immediate Revela­tion from God, is greater than a Revelation of him from the Scripture; and this reve­lation [Page 23] every faithful Child of God hath of [...]m, which is unknown to Anti-christs and [...]se Prophets, who with good words and [...]r speeches preach him from the report of [...]he Scriptures, but know not the truth of it: [...]ut the Children of God, have a greater witness of him than the Testimony of the Scripture, as appears in Acts. 5 30. here the Apostle gives a witness of his death, resurrection and exaltation, and saith we are his witnesses of these things, this is a scrip­ture witness: but further saith he, and so is also the holy Ghost whom God hath given to them that obey him; but this witness of the holy Ghost is immediate from God, and is a greater witness than the Scriptures, giv­en to every one that doth obey him: by which Revelation they know the truth of the Scriptures, Rev. 19.10. The testimo­ [...]ty of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecie. 1 Cor. 12 3. No man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost, that is he cannot say so in truth, by hear say; So that those Anti-christs and false Prophets lie, when they say he is a man up in the visible heavens, for they know not whether the Scripture is true that reports such a thing, tho' it be true; Jer. 5.2. And though they say the Lord liveth, surely they swear falsely.

[Page 24]But Gods children know that the testimony of the Scriptures concerning him (as he is the Son of man) is truth; the truth of this is further manifested, 1 Joh. 2.20 21 But ye have an unction from the holy one, and know all things the Apostle useth these words, to wit, but ye have an unction from the holy one, to distinguish these to whom he writes to, from those Anti-christs, which he had been speaking of in the foregoing ver­ses, who had not this unction, and there­fore did not know all things: John speaks of all those things written to them by him, in the foregoing part of this his Epistle; and therefore saith he in the next words: I have not written unto you, because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it; thus it appears they had an inward witness of the truth of what he wrote to them. But these Anti-christs tho they confess him to be man, and the Son of Mary, Abraham and David, which was true, for so he was, flesh and blood as we are, sin only excepted: yet they denied him coming in the flesh of that man born of the Virgin Mary, as he was the word, or Son of God; which word created all things, before it appeared in that body of flesh; and so consequently denied his coming into the Saints Bodies of flesh as he is the [Page 25] Son of God, vanquishing Sin and Satan; and [...] setting them free from Sin and Satan; and [...]his his coming in the Saints bodies of flesh [...]hey denied, and this Doctrine they opposed, [...]hey being Satans Ministers, in whom was [...]he Spirit of errour: and for this opposition, John calls them Anti-christs, in that they op­posed this Doctrine, to wit, Jesus Christ [...]oming into the fleshly bodies of the chil­dren of Adam, where the Devil had possessi­on, and did rule; who dreads christ in his divine nature, knowing he is too strong for him, and able to cast him out, and take from him his Seat and Throne, which he hath in mens bodys of flesh; for this was the wisdom and kindness of God to man, to take our nature, and so become man, that the Devil might no more overcome us: we thus having Gods strength through Faith, might stand, and no more be overcome by him: and this great mistery of Gods mani­festing himself in man, this Apostle manag­eth against the Devil and his Ministers, as followeth. 1 Joh. 3.23: And this is his Commandment, that we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us Commandment. From hence we may take Notice, that John mentioneth two Commandments in this [Page 26] verse, which God commands his Children to observe and keep. The first is to believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ: and the second is, to love one another: and in the next vese, saith he; he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him: in this verse he testifieth, that he that keepeth these Commandments, dwelleth in God, and God in him; and this God that dwelleth in the Saints, is Jesus Christ as he is the Son of God, (or in his divine nature) and in keeping these two Commandments, we fulfil both Law and Gospel, as appear­eth, Rom. 13.10. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfill­ing of the law. Gal. 5.14, For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self.

And secondly, as to Faith, it is written, Heb. 11 6. Without Faith it is impossible to please God. Mat. 17 20. If ye have faith as a Grain of Mustard-seed, nothing shall be unpossible unto you, 1 Joh. 5.4.5. And this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God: take notice the Anti-christs did believe him to be the Son of man, but not the Son of God: thus the [Page 27] Apostle sheweth us, that if we keep these two Commandments, to wit: to live the [...]ife of faith, and love, as God hath com­manded us; then we dwell in him, and he in us; hereby saith he, we know that he abid­eth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us; for this Spirit is the Spirit of faith and love. 2. Cor. 4.13. We having the same Spirit of faith, 1 Joh. 3 16. God is love, and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him: and in the follow­ing verse of the following Chapter, or first verse of the fourth Chapter, John exhorts these children of God, (to whom he writes to, they having a certain knowledge that God abideth and dwelleth in them, by the Spirit that God hath given them,) to trie the spirits of false Prophets: because at that time many of them were gone out into the world; and he doth not only bid them try the Spirits, of said Prophets: but tells them how they shall try what Spirit they come in, so as to know certainly what Spirit they come in, verse 2. hereby know we the Spirit of God, saith he: every Spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is of God saith he; and this confession [...]s as he came in the body of flesh, born of the Virgin Mary: so likewise is come into [Page 28] the body of flesh, of every Saint; for Jesus Christ is the head Member of the Body, which is the Church: for as much then, as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same, Heb. 2.14. So likewise hath made them partakers of his divine nature, 2 Pet. 1.4. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature. compare this with Heb. 2.11. For both he that Sanctifieth, and they who are Sanctified are all of one. that is, both he and they are of one flesh, and of one Spirit in union: as appears, Joh. 17.21. &c. That they all may be one, as thou Fa­t [...] [...]rt in me, and I in thee: that they also may be one in us, I in them and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one. And in the third Verse, saith the Apostle, And every Spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God. thus he sheweth those to whom he writeth to, and exhorts to try the Spirits of the Prophets, to know whither they are true Prophets or false: in they are false Prophets, they may know them to be so, by their denying that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh of the Saints of whom Jesus Christ in our nature is the chief Saint, and in his divine nature, is over all, [Page 29] God blessed for ever Amen. Rom. 9.5. And is in them all. Eph. 4 6. compared with [...]aiah 9 6. For unto us a Child is born, unto [...] a Son is given, and his name shall be called the [...]ighty God, the everlasting Father: and saith [...]he Apostle John, in the last part of the [...]hird verse. That these that deny Christ coming [...] the flesh, is not of God; but are those Anti-christs whom they had heard of that should come, and even now already, saith he, is in the world.

These were those false Prophets that did [...]onfess Jesus Christ to be man only; and no doubt but that they confessed him to dwell in [...]he visible heavens: for their confessing him [...]o be a man was by hear say from the Scrip­tures, which also testified of his ascension [...]nto heaven: their faith reached thus far [...]pon hearsay, but opposed this Doctrine of Christs coming in the flesh of his Saints, to [...]trengthen them with might in their inner [...]an against Sin and Satan: and thereby to [...]eanse them from all unrighteousness. 1 Joh. 9. And so make them free from Sin. [...]om. 6.18 22. this Doctrine they denied, this Apostle sheweth in the 4th verse, compared with the last verse of the forego­ [...]g chapter. Ye are of God little Children, & [...]ve overcome them; because greater is he that in you, than he that is in the world. and [Page 30] hereby we know that God abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us; for he that keepeth faith, and love, keepeth Gods Commandments, and dwelleth in him, and he in him; who is greater than the Prince of the Power of the air, the Spirit that now worketh in the Children of Disobedience. Verse 5th, They are of the world, therefore they speak of the world, and the world heareth them, saith the Apostle: thus he shews, that they can preach Christ in our nature, who could be seen and known, as he was man of the seed of Adam, and visible to be seen with a carnal eye: but they knew him not as he dwells in his Saints, and so is in fellow­ship with them, and they with him; as John saith in the foregoing Chapter, The world knoweth us not, because it knew not him.

Thus they deceived and seduced many, by their Preaching up Christ as he was the Son of man; and in Practising an imitation of the Saints in the visible ordinances which is of the world, and this Doctrine the World would here: for saith he, the world heareth them, but this indwelling of God in his Children which is the Power of Godliness, they know nothing of: for it is not of the world, neither will the world hear this Doct­rine: as appeareth in the 6th verse. We are [Page 31] of God, saith the Apostle, that is God dwel­leth in us, and we in him; as he shewed in the last verse of the foregoing Chapter, and in the 4th verse of this Chapter: and fur­ther saith he, in this 6th verse. He that is of God heareth us. for he that is of God in him God dwelleth, and he sees and knows God; for his faith is from a divine sight of God, seeing him who is invisible to the car­nal eye, who imagines his Saviour to be a great way of from him: knowing nothing of this invisible Power of the Almighty God in the Saints: which is the Power of Godliness, which those Anti-christs will not confess; for they see him not, neither do they know him: and therefore saith John in the 6th verse. He that is not of God, heareth not us, for the faith of Gods Elect is by a sight of the unction of the Spirit which they are anointed with; even the same Spirit of gladness, which Jesus of Nazareth was anointed with above his fellows. Heb. 1.9. but these Anti-christs have not this unction. 1 Joh, 2 20. But ye have an unction from the holy one. and these to whom he writes, that had this un­ction, knew the truth of Johns writing, as appears, verse 21. I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know the truth: thus the Children of God [Page 32] who had this unction, knew the truth of Johns writing: but these Anti-christs knew not the truth of it, and therefore would not believe this Doctrine; as appears in the 6th verse of said 4th Chapter. He that is not of God heareth not us. saith the Apostle, and they not hearing us, in this our testi­mony of Gods dwelling and abiding in us, who is greater in us, than he that is in the world: hereby saith the Apostle, in this 6th verse, know we the Spirit of truth, and the Spirit of errour; for he that is in the Spirit of truth will confess this Doct­rine to be truth: because his Faith is from a sight of Jesus Christs coming into his body of flesh, and is a present help and deliverer out of Sin, and from the Power of Satan, 2. Cor. 13.5. Examine your selves whether ye be in the Faith, prove your own selves: know you not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be repro­bates. For if your faith be not from this sight of Christ in you; ye are yet in your Sins, and your Faith is only the hypocrites Faith: or the Faith of those Anti-christs, that believe only in the Son of man a great way off in the visible heavens; who know nothing of the Power of God: tho' they have a faith of Christ in our nature, up in [Page 33] the visible heavens, whom they new saw, nor knew, who hath declared, as it is writ­ten, Joh. 5.30. I can of mine own self do nothing; saith he: this is to be understood in our nature as he was man; thus is he be­lieved on by these Anti-christs and false Pro­phets, and known by them no other ways.

These are undeniably Hypocrites, and Counterfeits fore-told off by Christ and his Apostles, that should appear in these last days; and deceive the very elect if it were possible, by their hypocritical lying signs and wonders to deceive.

And therefore as we have taken a view of their deceiving Doctrine; let us in the next place take a view of their contrary practice to the Doctrine of Christ and his holy Apo­stles, to seduce and deceive the very elect if it were possible: and therefore let us take a view of the Doctrine of Christ; to see how contrary they Act to it, which may be seen by their Synagogue prayers, and trumpet sounding alms, or publick Synagogue contri­butions, and hypocritical fasts. All these things are contrary to Christs Doctrine, Mat. 6.1. &c. which he commanded his Dis­ciples to perform in secret, and further these hypocrites deceive by their self righteousness, but live a faithless life and conversation, as [Page 34] Christ saith, Mat. 23.28. Ye are righteous before men, but are full of hypocrisie: and their Doctrine is feigned words, 2 Pet. 2 3. for Christ is not in them; and therefore it is not the voice of his Spirit; but as the Scripture saith with good words, and fair speeches they deceive the hearts of the simple. Rom. 16 18. All these things are lying Signs and wonders to deceive, attended with their sab­baths, and their solemn meetings. Isai. 1.13. &c. Attended with their unclean and unwasht hearts, Verse 16. for they perfor­ming all these things in a polluted state of sin (Christ not being in them,) it is all an abomination to the Lord, for they are but reprobates, or counterfeit Silver, 2 Cor. 13 5. Jer. 6 30. having no fellowship with a Christ in them, so that all that they do, is but a form of godliness. these are they that the Apostle foretold us of, 2 Tim. 3 1. ver. compared with the 5th verse This know that in the last days perilous times shall come. for men shall be lovers of themselves, having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof from such turn away; now this power of godliness which they deny is christ in the Saints, tho they confess him to be in the visible heavens, as he is a man, even as he is flesh and blood with us, yet deny him [Page 35] in his perfect righteousness in us; by whose righteous Spirit in us, we fulfil the law, Rom. 8 4. by whom we are strengthened with might in our inner man, by his imme­diate power and presence in us: which Doct­rine they deny; tho' our predecessors in Scripture have fully given their testimony to the truth of it, as appears, Col. 1.25.2 [...] compared with the 27th verse. Whereof I am made a Minister, according to the Dispen­sation of God, which is given to me, for you to fulfil the word of God, even the mistery to whom God would make known, what is the riches of the glory of this mistery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you the hope of glory. thus it ap­pears, that a true faith is derived from a sight or Christ in us: and we have no Grounds to hope for glory if we see not Christ dwelling in us: for he in us is the hope of glory, and power of godliness ap­pearing in us, as a warriour against the pow­er of the Devil that dwelt in us, whom he hath overcome for us, and taken from him the Seat of his throne and now hath taken our fleshly bodies to be his habitation to dwell in, by his Spirit. Coll. 1.11. That we might be strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power. And this Apostle that was called of God to preach this great mistery, [Page 36] that these hypocrites, and Anti-christs in this our day know nothing of, doth declare to the Church of Ephesus; that he did bow his knees on their behalf Eph. 3.14. &c. To the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, that he would grant unto them that they might be strength­ened with might, by his Spirit in their inner man. This is the power of godliness seen and felt in the Saints: and this Spirit that strength­eneth them is Christ in them, as appears in the 17th verse. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith. this faith is derived from this fight of Christs dwelling in us, for this Spirit that strengtheneth us with might in our inner man is Christ, 2 Cor. 3 17 thus Christ in us is the Spirit of faith; for the gift of the Spirit of Christ is the gift of faith: thus it appears that no man can have a saving faith of his Salvation till Christ comes into him, and Diethrones the Devil, that Rules and Reigns in him; for until then he is in his sins.

My friends and brethren, I tell you glad tidings of great joy, that you may come and have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with God the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ: and if we say we have fellowship with him, and walk so in dark­ness that we see not the truth of those things, [Page 37] we are liars and the God of truth is not in us Gall. 2.20. I am crucified with Christ, saith Paul, but this was not Pauls body of flesh that was crucified with Christ; but it was Christs body of flesh that was crucified for Pauls body of Sin: and it was Pauls body of sin that was crucified with Christs body of flesh; by reason that Christs body of flesh, was crucified for Pauls body of sin: nevertheless saith Paul, I live, this is to de­monstrate to us that tho' he was crucified with Christ, yet his body of flesh did live, and that it was only his body of sin that was crucified with Christ; yet not I saith he but Christ liveth in me: this is to be under­stood that when Christ through the eternal Spirit (which Spirit was his divine nature) offered his spotless body of flesh for Pauls sinful and defiled body of sin: then he in his divine nature, as he was the Son of God, entred into Pauls body of flesh, to dwell there, that he might now be kept through faith unto Salvation: thus when Christ had destroyed the body of Sin, he takes possession of the body of flesh and lives there; and now Christ is greater in Paul, than he that was in him before his body of sin was de­stroyed, or crucified: for now he is made free from sin, Rom. 6 18.22. and Christ [Page 38] in him is the Spirit of faith, and this great mistery of faith can be kept only by a pur [...] conscience cleansed by the blood of Je [...] Christ upon the cross▪ but Paul was a re­probate before he obtained this faith, [...] Christs coming into him, and living in him now Paul can say, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave him­self for me, and now Christ dwells in him by faith essentially in his divine nature, as he is the Son of God. the first born before any creature, being that word, which in pro­cess of time was made flesh, and then be­came the Son of man also: for this word that was with God in the beginning was God, and all things was made by it, as appears in the first Chapter of Geneses, and in the first Chapter of John It was God without any other nature, till it took hold of the Seed of David, for before it was only the Son of God, by whom he made the worlds, Heb. 1 2. and was the first born before any crea­ture, Coll. 1.15.16. Eph. 3.9. Who created all things by Jesus Christ. And his name is called the word of God. Rev. 10.13.

Beloved in the Lord these things have I written unto you, concerning them that se­duce you, that you may come into this fel­lowship with God, and with the children of [Page 39] God who are separated from all the [...]ecta­ [...]es, and are in this fellowship with God.

For the holy Scripture that testifie the truth of these things, are as a Light that shineth in a dark place; and you will do well to take heed unto them, until the day shall dawn, and the day light appear unto you, after this long and dark night of Apostacy: for none of these Scripture testimonies are of any private interpretation, but the earth is covered with darkness, and the people with gross darkness; for the pen-men of these Scripture truths, spake by the inspira­tion of the holy Ghost, and not by the wis­dom or learning of men: and for this end was they penned, that we might not be misled by Seducers.

Finally my brethren, if we will be christs disciples, we must have no respect to Sects, or to say with them of old, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos, and I of Cephas, as it is this day; the Papists is the right way saith one, another the Church of England, another is for the Presbiterian, another for the Qua­ker, another for the Baptists: are ye not car­nal and Sectaries, and walk as men, is Christ divided, is he not a man of a Sea [...]less gar­ment, and of a Spotless body, and presents his Church to God, not having Spot or [Page 40] wrinkle, or any such thing, but that i [...] should be holy and without blemish.

Thus we see the members of Christ are not Sectaries, but are united together in a perfect bond of Love and Unity: for Love is the bond of perfection, and by this saith Christ, shall all men know that ye are my disciples: when ye love one another, for God is love, and all his children are taught of him to love one another. It is a new Commandment given unto us, by the Spirit of love, that came from God the fountain of love, who hath shed it in our hearts, by the holy ghost that dwelleth in us.

Grace be unto you all, Amen.

Printed in the Year 1718. for John Rogers living in New-London.

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