The Turkish Fast, Out of the Monthly Mercury, for December, 1697.
THe 29 of the last Month, N. S. the new Aga of the Janizaries made his Publick Entry into Adrianople; but he had not above Ten or Twelve Captains of the Janizaries to attend him, all the rest who were at the Battel of Zenta being kill'd, or since dead of their Wounds. The next day the Grand Signior arriv'd at the same City with his new prime Visir; but he rode directly to his Seraglio without entring into the City, not desiring they should make him any publick Reception, or that the Sultanness his Mother should meet him, as she intended, two Miles out of the City. The ill Success of the last Campagne has cast a deep Consternation into all the Provinces of his Empire which have heard the ill Tidings, insomuch that in some Places the People begin to murmur against the Grand Signior and his Government. For which Reason the Sultan has caus'd a General Fast, and Publick Prayers to be said throughout all his Dominions Alamode de Turqueske, which are to be accompany'd with Processions to Mecca, in hopes to appease the Anger of Heaven. To which purpose he has set forth the following Ordinance, wherein are many things to be observ'd relating to Mahometan Bigotry.
THe Grand Signor of the Turks acknowledging that the Hand of God lies heavy upon his Dominions and his Subjects, for that they have so often fought and been vanquish'd as well by Sea as by Land by their Enemies the Christians, who have also in a little time regain'd from 'em a large Extent of their Country, attributes these frequent Misfortunes to the too great Confidence he has had in his Strength and his Alliances against the Emperor of the Christians For which Reason he Ordains and Commands, by these Presents, for the attoning the Wrath of God, and his great Prophet Mahomet, That every Friday of the New Moon, as also upon the 5th. 6th. and 7th. of the Month, that all Persons fast all the Day, without eating or drinking, till the Stars appear in the Sky. That the Multi and his Clergy upon those Days be cloath'd with Sackcloth, girt with Cords, with long Beards; and that they go in that posture, first through the Streets, and then to the Churches, with their Eyes fix'd upon the Earth, lamenting and crying, Ja Aagib, Allah, Allah, that is to say, O Merciful God, O God. That they also take the Coffin of the Grand Prophet out of his Sepulchre in Mecca That after they have plac'd it in a Chair, they also take Twenty five more Coffins full of the Bones of those who were formerly slain fighting in Defence of the Musulman Religion; which done, they shall perfume 'em with Incense, to the end that by that means the great Prophet may be mov'd to employ his Intercessions to appease the Wrath of the Great God. That atter all this has been done upon the above-mention'd Days, and that they shall have plac'd the Prophet's Coffin in the open Field, all Pilgrims and Inhabitants, as also all the Foreigners of all the Caravans, may walk seven times about the Coffin weeping and bewailing themselves, and that the last Day of the Fast they make a solemn Procession, Twenty Miles an end, in the following manner.
1. Six thousand Turks shall lead the way cloath'd in Sackloth, girt with Cords, bare-foot, & without Turbans, carrying a Box full of dead Mens Bones, with broken Scimitars, small rusty Firearms, &c.
2. Three thousand other Musselmen all bloody, cover'd with Ashes, shall follow them, bewailing themselves, and tearing their Cloaths.
3. Six thousand Persons naked from the Wast upward, shall follow them, whipping their Backs and Breasts with Thorns till they fetch blood, which shall drop upon the Ground, nor shall they be suffer'd to rub or wipe themselves.
4. After them shall appear Three thousand Spahi's bareheaded, with long Beards, carrying the Prophet's Coffin, who shall be surrounded with Three hundred Basha's with naked Swords, and if any one shall offer to take off his Eyes from looking stedfastly upon the Coffin, the Basha's shall presently kill him, ☞ and cast his body to the Dogs. 5 At the end of every Mile they shall put to the Sword a Christian Slave, and a Jew; and they shell let 'em die in their own Blood. 6. Thirty Basha's, Governours of Provinces, shall follow them without Purple, and with Turbans of plain black Cloth, dy'd before hand in the Blood of a Jew & an Ass: and every one of these Basha's shall have one Hand bound behind him, and instead of a Sword shall wear a long Camel's Tail trailing upon the Ground. 7. Three thousand Janizaries shall follow them without Arms, but with Battoons, which they shall trail after 'em, and they shall cry out, Allah bize ramah eile, Lord be Merciful unto us.
8. Next to them shall come a Chest full of Money, which shall be scatter'd upon the Road. But the Poor shall be forbid, upon pain of being empal'd, to touch the Money before the end of the Procession, 9. Lastly, The Concourse of People shall close the Procession. In the midst of the Crowd there shall walk a Hundred Santons, or otherwise Turkish Hermites, who shall cut their Arms, Breasts, and Faces, with Knives, till the Blood drop upon the Ground, and at the end of every Mile they shall lift up their Hands to Heaven, and cry, Vengeance against the Christians, and say, Allah Jek [...]a, Ja Allah erraman, 'Tis enough, Lord, most Merciful God.
Advice from FRANCE. From Poitou they Write, that the Sieur de Maupeon d' Ablege, Intendant of Justice, has given Sentence, without Appeal, upon several New Converts of that Country, that were assembl'd together for the Exercise of their Religion, two of which he caus'd to be hang'd, one at Poitiers, and the other at St. Maixant, and he has also condemn'd several to the Galleys, others to Banishment, and others to terrible Forfeitures.