By His Excellency Richard Earl of Bellomont, Captain General and Governour in Chief of His Majesties Province of New-York, and Territories depending thereon in America, and Vice Admiral of the same, &c A PROCLAMATION
WHereas the [...], Courts of Judicature, for the ease and benefit of each respective City [...]; and is being [...] that [...], and Right [...] to all his [...] to Law and [...], I have therefore [...] delay or failure of [...] [...] and with the Advice of his Majesties Council, by [...] under the great Seal of England, thought fit to [...] and by [...] That all and every of the respective Courts of [...], which [...] and [...] Years of his Majesties Reign, by [...] of General Assembly [...], shall be, abide, continue and [...] at the respect [...], mentioned, [...] and expressed in [...] and respective [...] of Assembly made for the [...] Courts of Judicature, as [...]. And [...], Rules and [...], and [...] [...] the aforesaid Acts, shall [...] [...] and [...] and Purposes [...], and is as full and [...] manner [...] any thing in the said Laws to [...] in any [...] notwithstanding, [...] the [...] wich shall be [...] and held for this Province. And [...] and others [...] concerned, are hereby Required to [...].
God Save the KING.
Printed by William Bradford, Printer to the Kings [...] to the City of New-York, 1698