UPON THE DEATH of that Reverend and Aged Man of GOD, Mr. SAMUEL ARNOLD, Pastor of the CHURCH at Marshfield, who deceased in the 71 st Year of his Age, and of his Ministry the 36 th, September 1. 1693.
WHEN Lights go out, Darkness succeeds;
Is this sad
Marshfield's Case?
Ah! little, little, little know
We who succeeds in Place
Arnold dead. This Star is set,
But where the next will rise
With Amplitude, how long his Course,
Astrophil devise.
Thy Glory,
Marshfield, is eclip'd,
Thy Sun hath run his Race:
Melpomene may traced be
By Tears on every Face.
Long has Heaven frown'd upon thy Seat:
Trine of Glory late,
Winslow thou didst rate
As peerless once: But he's remov'd;
Bourn is late drawn dry;
And brin
[...]sh Tears now stain thy Face,
Arnold's mourning high.
[...]e in thee did lately shine;
Beams borrow'd from above
Did gild their
darted from th' God of Love.
Concentrick are there Motions all,
[...] Spheres;
[...] and Hands engag'd,
[...] are plac'd on Thrones most bright,
[...] in due Time return,
[...] to judge
All tha
[...] the Gospel spurn.
[...] last but not the least
[...] now ascends,
[...] Robes of Righteousness
[...] Glory never ends.
[...], strong Love in him did f
[...] Man large and ready.
Sharp Eye, strong Hand did steer his Course
In Piety most steady.
Strong Love to Christ, and to his Flock,
Did waste this Shepherd's Life;
Zealous for Truth he did appear,
Yet was no Man of Strife,
Except with Sin and Errors foul,
Which felt his Heat and Flame;
A Flame Divine, which Lightning like,
Sin's Bones could pierce and Tame.
The proud aspiring callous Brawn
Of bold Enthusiasts,
Religiously Sarcastical,
Quakers he oft blasts;
And stops their Mouths with Scripture Gag,
Makes them as mute as Sheep,
If in their ranging Circuit,
Into his Fold they peep.
[...]ter and
John were Fishermen,
Arnold was of that Trade;
Each had his Hooks and Nets, but at
Christ's Call aside them laid.
All Three much Fish d
[...]d catch and
But Men did catch and save,
Hence Crowns beset with Gems
Their Exit from the Grave.
Amos, an Herdman once, was call'd
To fill a Prophet's Place;
And he that sate on
[...]s Throne,
Was first old
Jesse's Race.
Arnold once hewing senseless Blocks,
Wild Olives here did polish,
And fix'd them in
Jehovah's House,
Which Time shall ne'er abolish
Arnold, a Man of heavenly Words,
An heavenly Man in Deeds,
In Heaven it self full Christ enjoys,
No earthly Thing he needs.
God grant this Candlestick may hold
Another Star as bright,
Whose Rising made our Midnight Noon,
Whose Setting brought our Night
Grant, Lord, the Widow his Relict
May not sink down in Grief;
Let her and hers from thee receive
Each Days Joys and Relief.
Samuel Arnold. Anagram, Leave old Arm's.
OLD Arm's leave, and new take up,
For thou hast drunk Death's bitter
[...]st Cup.
Death hath thee stung, Christ hath it slain,
And thou
[...]halt surely rise again,
In Robe
[...]oft white, wash'd in Christ's Blood,
[...] and chiefest Good.
HOW solitary seems t
Arnold's Presence are did grace?
What Ecc
[...]o from that Pulpit sounds,
Arnold preach'd Christ's bleeding Wounds?
The Sov'reign Balm for Sinners great,
The Ru
[...] of
Abaddon's Seat.
[...] I see, methinks I hear
[...] groan and drop a Tear
Arnold Exit, fearing, vext,
And with
[...]ad Sorrows much
Who shal
[...] succeed; and of what
The Man shall be that takes his Chair;
Whether a Text-man or a Drone,
Whether a Substantive alone,
Or one that is an Adjective,
[...] d
[...]h by others Labours Thrive.
[...] Sheep may now unite
To beg
[...] Beams of Light
Wherein they may unite, ag
To chuse
[...]or them, and chuse with Thee;
To chuse a Man that can sup
The Place of
Arnold mounted high.
Pour down thy Spirit on tha
[...] Fold,
And let that Candles
[...]ick soon hold
A Star of the first Magnitude,
Endow'd with Grace's Plenitude.
Thy Throne, O God, do thou build up;
Soon take from them this bitter Cup,
Which they now drink. Let them rejoyce
To see and hear their Shepherd's Voice.
Ichabod Wiswell.
MR. Samuel Arnold, The late faithful Preacher of the GOSPEL at Marshfield, Who left Earth for Heaven, September 1. 1693. his last FAREWELL to the World. Written by himself not long before his Death.
[...]N World wherein I for a Time did dwell,
I heartily unto thee bid Farewell.
My Time in thee draws near unto an End;
Jehovah to Thy Self O do Thou bend
My Soul, that it may soar and mount aloft.
With Eagle's wings, on high to thee as oft,
As I with Nature's Sinkings am attended,
My strong Desire to Thee let be extended.
Thou art my Hope, my Help, my Joy, my Rest,
My Sanctuary when with Grief opprest.
In all my Pilgrimage I have thee found
In Loving Kindness to me to abound.
England old I first did draw my Breath,
And there I might have been a Man of Death;
But God me brought over the roaring Seas,
Into his Wilderness, where he did please
Make allure, and to him draw my Heart
[...] Grace, to chuse him for my Part;
[...] Changes
[...] with me
[...] unchangeably to be.
[...] had upon the Sea,
[...] Providence call'd there to be;
[...] Time appointed he did call
[...]or to leave the Ship, and Nets, and all
Employments secular, to serve his Name,
In catching Men, by lifting up the
Of blessed JESUS, our
To draw poor Sinners with him for to dwell:
In which high
[...] he hath me sustain
His Power and Mercy have with me remain
[...] Thirty five, tho' Flesh and Heart have fail'd
[...]imes, and Weaknes
[...] hath
[...] prevail'd
O Lord!
Let all my
[...]ins by thee forgotten be;
[...] in me O do not see.
[...] poor Labours
Which with my Heart I offer
[...]d have to thee;
Let them not be forgot, but let them spring,
When I translated am with thee to sing.
Let my dear Fam'ly in thy Sight find Grace;
'Mong them that fear thee let them find a Place.
And let my Flock supplyed be by thee,
When I shall cease them for to
[...]o oversee.
Let God's
Jerusalem exalted be;
A Praise in th' Earth, O let them be to thee.
Babel fall, and all
[...]hine Enemies
Incurable Destruction them surprize.
When thou shalt call me hence, O let my Soul
[...] be it self on thee to roll:
And so to launch into Eternity,
That I thy Self in Christ may
[...] enjoy.