

IT has been thought proper to Certify unto all People, especially Ministers, Gentlemen, Phy­sicians, Lawyers, and Students in any Sciences throughout this Country, That Mr. Richard Wilkins, who lives over against the West End of the Town-House in Boston has out of re­spect unto the Service & Honour of the Coun­try taken care to furnish himself, with such a Variety of Books on all Subjects both Old & New, as is not to be found in any other part of Amercia; So that at the Shop of the said Wilkins, they that please, may be Supplyed with Various Treatises both of Polemical & Practical Divinity; & Commentaries upon the Scriptures; together with useful Treatises in Grammer, School-Books, Chyrurgery, Mer­chandize, Husbandry, Astronomy, Geometry, Law, Military Affayrs, and other Subjects; all at such Reasonable Rates, as have not here­tofore been afforded in these parts of the World.

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