BY THE COUNCIL and REPRESENTATIVES Of the COLONY of the Massachusetts Bay; Convened At Boston.
MR. Eliakim Hutchinson, Mr. Peter Sergeant, Mr. Samson Sheaf, Mr. John Eyre and Mr. Thomas Brattle (all or any three of them) are Desired and Appointed a Committee to grant Debenters for Wages to the Souldiers that have been lately Imployed in their Majesties Service against the common Indian Enemy; which Committee are to sit in Boston at such times as they shall appoint, giving publick Notice thereof.
The said Committee to receive the Commissaries Accompts, that so what and of whom any of the Souldiers have taken up any thing may be notified. Every Souldier to bring a Certificate from his Commander for the time he hath Served, and a Certificate from the Captain out of whose Company he was Impressed, that he Served with his own Arms, or hath returned the Arms he was furnished with; or else the full value thereof to be defalked out of his Wages, unless good cause be shown to the contrary.
It is likewise Ordered, That if any Town or particular Person have supplied any Souldier towards his Wages, they are with all speed to give in the Accompt thereof to the several Commissaries, who Served in their respective Head Quarters, that so it may be inserted in the said Commissaries Accompts, and returned to the Committee as abovesaid: All which being considered, the said Committee are to pass each Souldiers Debenture to the Treasurer for payment of what may be due.
The Committee have appointed to Meet at the Town-House in Boston upon Wednesdayes and Fridayes, from nine of the Clock in the Morning to twelve, and from two to four in the Afternoon for this Service.