HIS HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF ORANGE His LETTER to the LORDS SPIRITƲAL and TEMPORAL Assembled at Westminster in this present Convention. January 22. 1688.
I Have Endeavour'd to the utmost of my power to perform what was desired of me, in order to the publick Peace and Safety; and I do not know that any thing hath been omitted which might tend to the preservation of them, since the Administration of Affairs was put into my hands. It now lyes upon you to lay the Foundations of a firm Security for your RELIGION, your LAWS, and your LIBERTIES.
I do not doubt, but that by such a full & free Representative of the Nation, as now is met, the Ends of my Declaration will be attained: and since it hath pleased GOD, hitherto to bless my good Intentions with so great Success, I trust in HIM that He will compleat his own Work, by sending a Spirit of peace and Union to Influence your COUNCILS. that no Interruption may be given to an Happy and Lasting Settlement. The Dangerous Condition of the Protestant Interest in Ireland, requireing a Large and Speedy Succour, and the present state of Things abroad, oblige me to tell you, That next to the Danger of unseasonable Divisions among your selves, nothing can be so fatal as too great Delay in your Consultations. The States by whom I have been enabled to Rescue this Nation, may suddenly feel the ill Effects of it, by being too long deprived of the service of their Troops which are now here, and of your early Assistance against a powerful Enemy who hath Declared Warr against them. And as England is by Treaty already engaged to help them upon any such Exigencies, so I am confident that their cheerful Concurrence to preserve this Kingdom, with so much Hazzard to themselves, will meet with all the Returns of Friendship, and Assistance, which may be expected from you as Protestants and Englishmen, whenever their Occasions shall require it.
Given at St. James's this 22 nd of January 1688.
To the Lords Spiritual and Temporal Assembled at Westminster in this present Convention.
The ADDRESS of the Lords Spiritual & Temporal and Commons assembled at Westminster in this present Convention,
WE the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons assembled at Westminster, being highly sensible of the great Deliverance of this Kingdom from Popery and Arbitrary Power and that our Preservation is (next under God) owing to your Highness: Do return our most humble Thanks and Acknowledgement to Your Highness as the glorious Instrument of so great a Blessing to us. We do further acknowledge the great Care Your Higness has been pleas'd to take in the Administration of the publick Affairs of the Kingdom to this Time: and we do most humbly desire your Highness, that You will take upon You the Administration of Publick Affairs, both Civil and Military, and the Disposal of the Publick Revenue, for the Preservation of our Religion, Rights, Lawes, Liberties and Properties, and of the Peace of the Nation. And that Your Highness will take into Your particular Care the present Condition of Ireland, and endeavour by the most speedy and effectual meanes to prevent the Dangers threatning that Kingdom. All which we make our Request to Your Highness to Undertake and Excercise, till further Application shall be made by us; which shall be Expedited with all convenient speed. And shall also use our utmost Endeavours to give Dispatch to the Matters Recommended to us by Your Highness's Letter.
The Prince's Answer. Die Mercurii. Jan. 23. 1688.
I Am glad that what I have done, hath pleased you and since you desire me to continue the Administration of Affairs, I am willing to accept it, I must recommend to you the Consideration of Affairs Abroad, which makes it fit for you to Expedite your business, not only for making a Settlement at Home upon a good Foundation, but for the Safety of all Europe.
Die Mercurji, Jan. 23. 1688.
ORdered by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal Assembled at Westminster, That no Papist, or reputed Papist, do presume to Come into the Lobby, Painted Chamber, Court of Requests or Westminster-Hall, during the Sitting of this Convention: And it is further Ordered, That this Order be Printed and Published, and set upon the Doors of the said Rooms.
An Order of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal Assembled at Westminster, for the Non-Observing the sixth day of February; Die Sabbati February 2. 1688.
ORder'd by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Assembled at Westminster, That the Day of Thanks-giving on the sixth of February Instant. On which Day the Late K. James the Second, came to the Crown, shall not be Observ'd in this Kingdom.
Boston, Printed by R. P. for Benjamin Harris at the London-Coffee-House. 1689.