

FOrasmuch as by His Majesty's Gracious Care, His imme­diate Government is now Settled, and such Regulations like to be speedily made in the Narraganset Countrey or Kings-Province, as may secure all His Majesties good Subjects, in the peaceable Possession and Enjoyment of all their Properties Rights and Privileges: And the Proprietors being desireous speedily to Encourage the Regular Settlement of a TOWN, and the Planting and Peopleing of such parts of the said Countrey or Province as are capable of present Improvement, have ap­pointed a Meeting at the House of Capt: John Fones in the said Countrey or Province on the 23 d, 24 th, & 25 th of this Instant June to treat with and make Proposals to such persons as may desire Accommodations of Land, for Town-ship, Farmes, or House-Lotts, and in the Interim (at all convenient times) such as encline to concern themselves in the said Province may conferr with and receive all reasonable Satisfaction from Richard Wharton, Elisha Hutchinson, John Saffin, at Boston.

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