THese are to give Notice to all Persons where these Papers shall come; that a Servant Man belonging to Hannah Bosworth of Hull; Whose Name is Matthew Jones: He is a Taylor by Trade, a Man of a middle stature, and pretty slender, about twenty six years of age, in good Apparel, a grey Caster Hat with a Clasp on it, a Periwig of bright brown Hair, in a close Coat & Breeches of a brownish colour, cloth Serge: Wolsted Stockins, and French Falls or Wooden heel'd Shoes: Ran away from his Mistriss the 22 d. of February 1682. If any Person will secure this Runaway he shall be well satisfied for his pains; and whosoever shall bring him to George Ellistone Shop keeper in Boston shall have forty shillings in Money. There was a tall young man a Bellows-maker that worked in Boston in company with this Taylor, his Name is Benjamin Smeed.
March 6. 1683.