
AT A SESSIONS of the General Court held at BOSTON the 3 d. of November 1675.

THis Court being in some measure sensible of the hand of the Lord being stretched forth against us in the way of his Judgments, by Sickness and War shortning our numbers, wasting the Substance of this Wilderness People, and that justly, for that we have neither answered former mercyes, nor hearkned to lesser strokes, that the causes of his displeasure are too visible yet with us, not only by morall Transgressions, found among us, but that we have been found wanting in walking up to Gospel enjoyments, Professions, and the rules thereof given by our Lord Jesus, being wanting in love to him, and one unto an other, not carying it to others as we would they should doe to us: and for that we know it is not in us to repent and reform our selves, or to provoke others thereto, or be examples to them therein as we should, and well knowing that it is the gift of our blesĀ­sed Lord Jesus to give repentance and remission of Sins, who is exalted for that end to be a Prince and a Saviour, and will be sought unto for the same; and that if it be the blessed will of God, we may be so favoured by him, we do hereby stir up our selves, and all the People of this Colony to cry mightily to God for this great blessing, and that we may be joynt therein,

This Court doth appoint and set apart the second day of December next to be kept a day of solemn Humiliation and Prayer throughout the severall Churches, Congregations and Towns in this Colony: and all persons in their respective places, Magistrates, Ministers, and people, young and old are required to attend the same, forbearing all servile labour thereon, and are earnestly desired that we may all labour heartily to be hearty herein before the Lord, and implore his grace and favour, that he would be pleased yet to appear for his poor People by those that are already imployed, or may be sent forth against the Enemy, that they may be enabled to fight the Lords Battles, and find his gracious presence with them, making his Arm glorious and victorious over his and our Enemyes.

By the COURT, Edward Rawson Secr'.

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