
At A GENERAL COURT Held at Boston, in the Year [...]

IT is Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof, that the following Order shall be directed and sent by the Clerks of the several Shire Courts, to the Constables of the Towns within their Shire, who are enjoyned faith­fully to Execute the same; and if upon the Return made, it doth appear that the Select men are negligent in executing the Laws therein mentioned, the Court shall proceed against them by Admonition, or Fine, as the merit of the case may require and shall also dispose of single persons, stubborn Children or Servants to the house of Cor­rection, according to the intent of the Law, any Law, Custome or Usage to the con­trary notwithstanding.

To the Constable of [...]

WHereas the Law published by the Honoured General Court Lib. 1. Page 67, Sect. 3. Do require all Towns from time to time, to dispose of all single persons and in-mates within their Towns to service, or otherwise, and in page 16. tit. Child­ren and Youth. It is Required of the Select men, that they see that all Children and Youth, under Family Government, be taught to Read perfectly the English Tongue, have knowledge in the Capital Lawes, and be taught some Orthodox Catechism, and that they be brought up to some honest imployment, profitable to themselves and the Common wealth; and in case of neglect on the part of the Family Governours, after Admonition given them, the said Select men are required, with the help of two Magistrates, or next Cout of that Shire to take such Children or Apprentices from them, and place them forth, with such as will look more straitly to them.

The neglect whereof, as by sad experience from Court to Court abundantly appears doth occasion much sin and prophaness to increase among us, to the dishonour of God, and the ensnaring of many Children and Servants, by the dissolute lives and practises of such as do live from under Family Government, and is a great discouragement to those Family Governours, who conscientiously endeavour to bring up their Youth in all Christian nurture, as the Laws of God and this Common wealth doth require:

THese are therefore in His Majestyes Name, to require you to acquaint the Select men of your Town, that the Court doth expect and will require, that the said Laws be accordingly attended, the prevalancy of the former neglect notwith­standing: And you are also required to take a List of the Names of those young persons within the Bounds of your Town, and all adjacent Farmes, though out of all Town Bounds, who do live from under Family Government, viz. do not serve their Parents or Masters, as Children, Apprentices, hired Servants, or Journey men ought to do, and usually did in our Native Country, being subject to their Commands and Discipline; and the same you are to return to the next Court to be held at [...] on the [...] day of [...] and hereof you are to make a true Record under your hand, and not to fayle.

By the Court Edward Rawson Secrat.

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