- Dols. cts.
- ACT, declaration, and testimony of the associate Presbytery
- Adams's defence of the constitutions of the United States of America
- 1.
- Adminiculum puerile
- 50
- Algiers, an account of
- 25
- Almanacks, house
- 6 ¼
- 12 ½
- — sheet
- 6 ¼
- Alphonso and Dalinda; or the magic of art and nature
- 67
- Adventures of Alphonso
- 20
- American jest book, and merry fellow's companion
- 62 ½
- American tutor's assistant, or a compendious system of practical arithmetic. By sundry teachers in Philadelphia
- 55
- American grove
- 50
- American harmony, by N. Shumway
- 2.
- American letter writer, or the art of correspondence, containing letters on the most important subjects, viz. business, friendship, courtship, love and marriage, politeness, economy, affection, amusement, duty, advice, religion, &c. composed by writers eminent for their perspicuity and elegance of expression; to which are added, the complete gentleman; or principles of politeness, Rochefoucault's moral reflexions and maxims, economy of human life, aphorisms on man, with forms of message cards, [Page 4] instructions how to address persons of all ranks, a compendious English grammar, and a copious English spelling dictionary, 12 mo.
- 1.10
- American jester, in two parts
- 50
- American museum from January, 1787, to December, 1792, 12 vols. N. B. Any of the volumes or numbers may be had separate.
- 19.20
- America, the history of
- 75
- Anatomy, system of
- 2.
- Anderson's first discourse on psalmody
- 25
- — second discourse on do.
- 31
- — mirror
- 31
- — on saving faith
- 37 ½
- Aphorisms on faith
- 10
- Arabian nights entertainment, a new edition, 4 vols. bound in two
- 1.60
- Arabian nights entertainment, abridged
- 20
- Associate Presbytery's vindication
- 25
- Bachmair's German grammar
- 1.
- Barclay's catechism
- 34
- Barclay's apology for the true christian divinity, being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the people called Quakers
- 1.33
- Beatties' evidences of christianity
- 40
- Ditto ditto - fine
- 53
- Beattie's poems
- 40
- Beattie's elements of moral science
- 80
- Beauties of Johnson, consisting of maxims and observations, moral, critical and miscellaneous; to which is prefixed the life of Doctor Johnson, with some papers written by him in behalf of a late unfortunate character
- 80
- Beauties of Blair
- 50
- Beauties of Fielding
- 50
- [Page 5]Beauties of Sterne, including his pathetic tales and most distinguished observations on life, selected for the heart of sensibility, 18 mo.
- 67
- Beauties of poetry, British and American
- 80
- Beauties of the creation, or a new moral system of natural history, displayed in the most singular, curious and beautiful quadrupeds, birds, insects, trees and flowers
- 82
- Bennett's letters and strictures on female education, bound in 1 vol.
- 87 ½
- Berridge's christian world unmasked
- 62
- Bibles, 12 mo.
- from 67 cents to 1 dollar
- Bibles, 18 mo.
- from 1 to 3 dollars
- Bible abridged, with cuts
- 18
- Blair's lectures on rhetoric and the belles lettres, 2 vol. 8vo.
- 3.30
- Blair's sermons, 2 vols.
- 2.
- Bligh's narrative of the mutiny on board of his Britannic majesty's ship Bounty
- 25
- Blind child, or, anecdotes of the Wyndham family
- 33
- Booth's apology for the Baptists
- 20
- Ditto, ditto — bound
- 25
- Book of knowledge
- 20
- Bradford's enquiry on punishments
- 37 1/ [...]
- Brigg's new art of cookery according to the present practice, being a complete guide to all house keepers
- 1.27
- Brown's elements of medicine
- 1.67
- Buchan's domestic medicine
- 2.
- Buchannan's syntax
- 40
- Burke's reflections on the revolution in France, and on the proceedings in certain societies in London relative to that event: in a letter intended to be sent to a gentleman in Paris, boards
- 1.
- Campbell's translation of the gospels, with dissertations and notes
- [Page 6]Campbell's dissertations on miracles
- 80
- Carey's account of the yellow fever, blue paper
- 50
- Carver's travels
- 67
- Catechism of man, pointing out from sound principles and acknowledged facts, the rights and duties of every rational being
- 18
- Catechism, shorter
- 3
- Larger
- 8
- Church
- 3
- Childs
- 6
- Muckarsie's
- 6
- Catholics true principles, to which is added an exposition of the ten commandments
- 3
- Chalkley's works and journal
- 1.33
- Chapone's letters
- 40
- Charlotte, a novel, by Mrs. Rowson
- 62 ½
- Charmer, a collection of songs, embellished with a handsomely engraved frontispiece of Anna's urn, being a select collection of English, Scotch and American songs, including the modern, with a collection of favourite toasts and sentiments, 12 mo.
- 50
- Charms of melody
- 25
- Chambaud's fables
- 50
- Child's instructor
- 25
- Children's miscellany; in which is included the history of Little Jack, by Thomas Day, Esq. author of Sandford and Merton, with a number of cuts
- 1.
- Chemical and economical essays, by John Pennington
- 1.10
- Chesterfield's advice to his son
- 50
- Choice elements
- 25
- Christians' vade mecum, or a summary of select and necessary devotion
- 25
- Christian economy, translated from a Greek manuscript found in the island of Patmos, where St. John wrote the apocalypse
- 25
- [Page 7]Christian Parent, or, short and plain discourses concerning God, and the works of God, in creation, redemption, and sanctification. Intended originally for young persons in a family
- 44
- Church in the house, a sermon by Matthew Henry
- 6 ¼
- Cicero de officiis
- 62
- Clark's Esop's fables, Latin and English
- 33 ½
- Clarke's treatise on the prevention of diseases incident to horses, 12 mo.
- 87
- Condorcet's life of Voltaire, to which is added memoirs of Voltaire, written by himself, 12 mo.
- 1.
- Consecration of the Right Rev. John Carrol, D. D. Bishop of Baltimore
- 6 ¼
- Constitutions of the several United States, according to the latest amendments, with the declaration of independence, the federal constitution and the amendments made thereto
- 62 ½
- Cornaro on health and long life
- 37 ½
- Crawford's remarks on the French revolution
- 25
- Crawford's experiments on animal heat
- 50
- Cullen's materia medica
- 3.33
- Cullen's practice of physic, 2 vols.
- 4.
- Davidies
- Death of Abel
- Death of Cain, in five books, after the manner of Gesner, by a lady
- 25
- Devil upon two sticks
- 75
- Dickinson's familiar letters to a Gentleman, upon a variety of seasonable and important subjects in religion
- 88
- Dictionaries. Sheridan's complete dictionary, both with regard to sound and meaning; one main object of which is to establish a plain and permanent standard of pronunciation. [Page 8] To which is prefixed a rhetorical grammar. The 5th edition carefully revised and corrected by John Andrews, D. D. rector of St. James's, Bristol, and professor of rhetoric and belles letters in the university of Pennsylvania
- 2.50
- Ditto small for the pocket
- 1.33
- English spelling dictionary
- 1.10
- Digest of the law of actions of nisi prius, by Isaac Espinasse, 2 vols.
- 2.25
- Dilworth's schoolmasters assistant
- 50
- Dilworth's book-keeping
- 82
- Doddridge's sermons on the religious education of children
- 44
- Doddridge's sermons to young persons on several subjects. The sixth edition
- 62
- Doddridge's rise and progress of religion in the soul, &c.
- 62
- Doddridge's sermons on regeneration and free salvation through faith
- 82
- Dodsley's Esop's fables
- 50
- Ditto, with cuts
- 67
- Doway translation of the vulgate bible, in one quarto volume▪ containing nearly one thousand pages
- 6.
- Duncan's elements of logic
- 75
- Duty of Woman
- 13
- Economy of human life
- 20
- Edinburgh new dispensatory
- 2.
- Edinburgh medical commentaries, 9 vols. per vol.
- 2.50
- Ela, or the delusions of the heart, a tale, founded on facts; to which is added Henry and Emma, a poem by Mr. Prior, and the deserted village by doctor Goldsmith
- 80
- Emmon's discourses concerning the process of the general judgment; in which the modern [Page 9] notions of universal salvation are particularly considered
- 38
- Encyclopoedia, or dictionary of arts and sciences, 18 volumes, per vol.
- 5.
- Enfield's family prayers, suitable for all denominations of Christians, 12 mo.
- 55
- Enquiry into the tendency of certain public measures
- 37 ½
- Epicteti Enchiridion
- 31
- Erasmus
- 47
- Erskine's select sermons
- 1.
- Evelina, 2 volumes
- 1.50
- Examination of the observations of lord Sheffield, on the commerce of the United States
- 62
- Fables for the ladies, in verse, by dr. Cozens
- 33
- Fables with cuts
- 20
- Fair solitary, or female hermit
- 25
- Fairy tales
- 20
- Farrier, the pocket
- 25
- Fisher's young man's companion
- 67
- Fordyce's sermons to young women
- 80
- Fothergill's sermons
- 33
- Fry's poems
- 33
- Garden of the soul
- 50
- Gardiner's enquiry into the nature, cause and cure of the gout, and of some diseases, with which it is connected, 12 mo.
- 87
- Gentleman's pocket library, containing Chesterfield's principles of politeness, economy of human life, Rochesoucault's moral reflexions, Lavater's aphorisms on man, polite philosopher, Lord Burghley's ten precepts, the way to wealth, select sentences, old Italian, Spanish and English proverbs, and a tablet of memory to the present time, 12 mo.
- 1.
- Geography, elements of
- 50
- [Page 10]Geography epitomised
- 25
- Gib's contemplations
- 1.50
- Gibraltar, history of the siege of, with a description and account of that garrison, by a captain in the late 72d regiment or royal Manchester volunteers, 12 mo.
- 1.
- Gibson's surveying
- 2.
- Gil Blas, adventures of
- 33
- Gilbert's law evidence
- 1.50
- Golden cabinet, being a laboratory, or handmaid to the arts, containing such branches of useful knowledge, as nearly concern all kinds of people from the 'squire to the peasant, 12 mo.
- 62 ½
- Goldsmith's deserted village
- 12 ½
- Gospel sonnets
- 50
- Governess, or female academy
- 37 ½
- Gough's treatise of arithmetic in theory and practice; containing every thing important in the study of abstract and applicate numbers, adapted to the commerce of Great-Britain and Ireland; to which are added many valuable additions and amendments, more particularly fitting the work, for the improvement of the American youth. By Benjamin Workman, A. M.
- 80
- Grammars. Ash's English grammar
- 25
- Philadelphia Latin grammar
- 40
- Bachmair's German grammar
- 1.
- Comprehensive English grammar
- 25
- Grandison, Charles, the history of, abridged
- 16
- Grave, a poem, by Dr. Blair.
- 12 ½
- Gregory's legacy
- 20
- Guthrie's Geography, 4to. with nearly 50 maps, including those of all the United States, bound in 2 volumes
- 18.
- Hale's epistles to his children, 18 mo.
- 25
- Hammond and Collins's poems
- 50
- Hamilton's outlines of midwifery
- 80
- [Page 11]Hamilton's outlines of midwifery, with plates
- 2.
- Henry and Emma, a poem
- 6
- Horne's commentary on the book of psalms. In which their literal or historical sense, as they relate to king David and the people of Israel, is illustrated; and their application to the Messiah, to the church, and to individuals, as members thereof, is pointed out; with a view to render the use of the psalter pleasing and profitable to all orders and degrees of christians, 2 vols. 8vo.
- 2.50
- History of Robin Hood,
- 20
- Hopkinson's works, 3 volumes
- 5.
- Humming bird, one of the most pleasing and delightful collection of songs now extant, &c. including also, the most admired musical productions of America, Ireland and Scotland; catches and glees, together with a curious selection of toasts, sentiments, and hobnobs
- 31
- Humphreys's poems
- 37 ½
- Hutcheson's moral philosophy
- 80
- Jenyn's evidence of the christian religion
- 20
- Jenyn's disquisitions
- 25
- Indian cottage, translated from the French of M. de St. Pierre, author of Paul and Mary, &c. 12mo.
- 50
- Information to Europeans disposed to migrate to America
- 12 ½
- Joseph, life of
- 50
- Ditto ditto - fine
- 75
- Knox's moral and literary essays, 2 volumes, 12 mo.
- 1.75
- Ladies library, containing miss Moore's essays, Gregory's legacy, lady Pennington's advice, marchioness of Lambert's advice, Swift's letters to a married lady, miss Chapone on the command of temper, [Page 12] More's fables for the ladies, with Langhorne's fables of Flora
- 50
- Ladies friend, being a treatise on the virtues and qualifications, which are the brightest ornament of the fair sex, and render them most agreeable to the sensible part of mankind
- 37
- Lavater's essays on physiognomy, for the promotion of the knowledge and love of mankind, embellished with a number of elegant engravings, 12 mo.
- 1.33
- Lavater's aphorisms, 18 mo.
- 25
- Letter writer
- 20
- Letters to a young lady on useful and interesting subjects; to wich is added, strictures on female education, chiefly as it relates to the culture of the heart, 12 mo.
- 87
- Letters from an American farmer, describing certain provincial situations, manners and customs, and conveying some idea of the people of North-America
- 80
- Letters, fifteen, to married women, on nursing and the management of children, by Doctor Smith
- 67
- Lucian's select dialogues (by Murphy) with a new literal translation in Latin: and English notes
- 1.
- Lyttleton on the conversion of St. Paul
- 20
- L [...]mpriere's tour in Morocco
- 75
- Man of feeling
- 75
- Man of true courage
- 12 ½
- Mason on self knowledge
- 75
- Maria Cecilia; or the life and adventures of the daughter of Achmet III. emperor of the Turks, who reformed from mahometanism and embraced the christian religion, 12 mo.
- 87
- M cFing [...]l, an epic poem, by John Trumbull
- 37
- M cIntosh's defence of the French revolution [Page 13] and its English admirers, against the accusations of the right honourable Edmund Burke, including some strictures on the late productions of M. de Calonne, boards
- 75
- Medical transactions of the Philadelphia college of physicians, in boards
- 1.
- Methodist pocket hymn book
- Milton's paradise lost, and other poems, 2 volumes, in one
- 1.
- Milton's paradise regained
- 25
- Misses' Magazine
- 1.33
- Mirror, a periodical paper, published in Edinburgh in the years 1779 and 1780, by the editors of the Lounger, 2 vols. 12 mo.
- 1.57
- Miscellanies in prose and verse
- 37 ½
- Mocking bird, or a collection of songs
- 20
- Modern chivalry, vol. 1, 2, and 3, each
- 50
- Moore's fables for the ladies, with Langhorn's fables of Flora
- 50
- Moore's sacred dramas
- 62 1/ [...]
- Ditto ditto — fine
- 68
- Moore's journal in France, 2 vols.
- 1.75
- Newton's, Olney, hymns, or select texts of scripture, on occasional subjects, and on the progress and changes of the spiritual life
- 67
- Newton's six discourses or sermons, as intended for the pulpit. Also, twenty sermons preached in the parish church of Olney
- 80
- Newton's letters, originally published under the signatures of Omicron and Virgil; to which is prefixed, an authentic narrative of some remarkable and interesting particulars in the life of Mr. Newton
- 80
- Newton's review of ecclesiastical history
- 80
- Newton's letters and sermons, with a review of ecclesiastical history and hymns, 6 vols.
- 4.50
- [Page 14]Newton's cardiphonia, or, the utterance of the heart; in the course of real correspondence. The fifth edition, 2 vols.
- 1.60
- Nicholson's natural philosophy
- 3.
- Night-cap, or miscellaneous essays, by Mr. Mercier, 2 vols. 12 mo.
- 1.50
- Opinions of the federal judges on the suability of a state
- 50
- Original poems on various subjects, by a lady. Revised by William Cooper
- 44
- Ovidii Nasonis metamorphoseon, libri X; or ten select books of Ovid's metamorphosis, with an English translation, and notes compiled from Davidson and Clark, 8 vo.
- 1.50
- Owen's nature, power, deceit and prevalency of indwelling sin in believers; together with the ways of its working, and means of prevention, opened, evinced and applied. With a resolution of cases of conscience thereunto appertaining. A new edition
- 80
- Paine's Thomas a Kempis
- 55
- Paine's rights of man, part 1st and 2d
- 75
- Paine's address to the addressers
- 25
- Paley's moral philosophy
- 2.
- Park on insurance
- 2.
- Paul and Mary, an Indian story: to which is added, the Indian cottage, from the French of M. de St. Pierre, 12 mo.
- 87 ½
- Penn's no cross, no crown
- 1.
- Penn's maxims and reflexions: to which is added, his advice to his children
- 62 ½
- Percival's moral tales
- 50
- Ditto, ditto - fine
- 67
- Pilgrim's progress, second American edition, with cuts
- 60
- Pindar's, Peter, poetical works complete, in 2 volumes, 12 mo.
- 2.25
- Philadelphia directory and register, containing [Page 15] the names, occupations and places of abode of the citizens, arranged in alphabetical order; with a register of the executive, legislative and judicial magistrates of the United States, and the state of Pennsylvania, with their salaries; the governors of the different states, and the magistrates of the city; to which is added, the duties on goods, wares and merchandize, and many other particulars interesting both to citizens and strangers. By J. Hardie, A. M.
- 62
- Pelew Islands, an account of
- 67
- Peyton's grammar for Frenchmen
- 50
- Pierce's new American spelling book
- 25
- Polite Philosopher
- 20
- Pope's essay on man
- 12 1/ [...]
- Ditto, ditto — fine
- 18
- Power of religion on the mind
- 20
- Present for an apprentice, 18 mo.
- 20
- Price's sermons, 12 mo.
- 67
- Prophetic conjectures relative to the French revolution
- 25
- Psalms of David
- 37
- Psalter or psalms of David
- 17
- Psalter, German
- 33
- Punctuation, an essay on
- 34
- Ready reckoner, or traders' sure guide
- 50
- Reid on consumptions
- 50
- Resignation, a poem
- 20
- Richardson, John, the life of
- 60
- Richardson's essays on Shakespeare's dramatic characters; to which is added, an essay on the faults of Shakespeare, 12 mo.
- 80
- Rigley on uterine hemorrhage
- 40
- Robespiere's reports upon the principles of political morality
- 12 ½
- Rowe's devout exercises of the heart
- 37 ½
- Ditto, ditto — fine
- 50
- [Page 16]Rudiments of taste, in a series of letters from a mother to her daughter; to which are added, maxims addressed to young ladies, by the countess Dowager of Carlisle, 18 mo.
- 33
- Rush on spirituous liquors
- 6 ¼
- Rush's medical observations and enquiries, 2 vols.
- 3.
- Rush on the yellow fever
- 1.50
- Reason and faith
- 62
- Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia
- 37 ½
- Ditto, with the continuation
- 67
- School of virtue, or the history of Henry Howard, and the honourable miss Henrietta Colville, 12 mo.
- 87
- Scripture truth demonstrated in thirty-two sermons. By Stephen Crisp
- 1.
- Selectae e veteri testamento et e profanis scriptoribus historiae: quibus sunt adjuncta Catonis moralia desticha et C. Lilli [...] Paedagogi, monita. Ad usum scholarum hujus continentis. Ut et a J. Davidson, A. M. in academia Philadelphiensi lit. human. professore studiose revisa
- 54
- Selectae e Corderio, Erasmo et Phoedri fabulis. accurante Jacobo Davidson, A. M. in academia Philadelphiensi lit. human. proffessore
- 67
- Stanton, Daniel, the life of
- 50
- Select poems, chiefly American
- 16
- Selectae e profanis
- 80
- Shipwreck, a poem, by Falconer, sewed
- 17
- Sherlock's trial of the witnesses of the resurrection
- 20
- Smith's wealth of nations, 3 vols.
- 3.
- Smith's elegiac sonnets
- 12 ½
- Smith's history of New-York
- 1.25
- Steuben's, Baron, military exercise
- 67
- System of mineralogy and metalurgy
- [Page 17]Scott's force of truth; an authentic narrative. The third edition
- 44
- Sanford and Merton, 3 volumes in one: a work intended for the use of children. The sixth edition
- 88
- Sentimental journey through France and Italy, 2 vols. in one
- 60
- Sterne's Beauties, including all his pathetic tales and most distinguished observations on life, selected for the heart of sensibility: to which is added, the life of mr. Sterne
- 68
- Scot's Lessons, with plates
- 80
- Swedenborg's true christian religion
- 4.50
- — Doctrine of life
- 37
- Sullivan's observations upon the government of the United States of America
- 25
- Taplin's Earriery
- 2.25
- Tables of logarithms, sines, tangents, &c.
- Tas [...], a poem, by Cooper
- 80
- Telemaque, in French
- 1.
- Testaments, new
- 80
- Think well on't, or reflections for every day in the month; by R Chaloner
- 25
- Thoughts on the manners of the great
- 20
- Trenck, Baron, life of
- 1.
- Travels of the marquis de Chatteleux in N. America, critically examined by Brissot de Warville
- 25
- Turford's grounds of a holy life
- 20
- The Tennassee government, a description of, with a map.
- 1.
- Underwood's diseases of children
- 1.
- United States Register
- 50
- Universal asylum and Columbian magazine, containing a history of the American revolution, for the years 1775, 76, 77, 78, 79 and 80. It also contains a great variety of original communications, in prose [Page 18] and verse, original translations, and extracts from foreign publications, otherwise little known in this country; being a repository of miscellaneous articles, on government, politics, agriculture, commerce, music, arts, philosophy, medicine, history, &c. Illustrated with copperplates, and a complete index to each volume. By a society of gentlemen. In six volumes; price when bound
- 10.
- Varlo's new system of husbandry from many years' experience, with tables showing the expense and profit of each crop; that a farm of 150 acres will clear 400l. sterl. per ann; how to stock farms to the best advantage; how the crops are to follow each other by way of rotation; of trench ploughing, showing how to raise crops without manure; on rearing, breeding, and a new discovered cheap food for cattle; of cabbage and turnip husbandry; of the naked wheat, with many other new-discovered grains and grasses suitable for the land and climate of America; also, showing the great profit of rabbit warrens, and how to stock them; a farmer's and garden calendar. Of all sorts of manures, marls, clays, sands, &c. a new invented threshing floor; also many chosen receipts, in physic and surgery, some for the human species, and others for the cure of all sorts of cattle, 2 vols. 8 vo.
- 2.
- Vocal remembrancer, being a choice selection of the most admired songs, embellished with an elegant pastoral seene, 12 mo.
- 67
- Vocabulary, English and Latin. By Thomas Greenwood, author of the English grammar, and late sur master of St. Paul's [Page 19] school, London: illustrated by a number of engravings, 12 mo.
- 33
- Voyages and travels; containing the voyage of Peter Kolben to the cape of Good Hope; a voyage to China, by Lewis Le Compte; and anecdotes of the elephant, from Wolfe's travels, 18 mo.
- 25
- Vicar of Wakefield, in 2 volumes; a tale, supposed to be written by himself
- 75
- Vindication of the associate Presbytery
- 25
- Voyages, the seven, of Sinbat the sailor; and the story of Aladdin, or the wonderful lamp
- 25
- Willison's explanation of the assembly's shorter catechism; offered as an help for instructing the young and ignorant in the principles and duties of the christian religion
- 50
- Willison's treatise concerning the sanctification of the Lord's day, &c. &c. to which are added, by way of appendix, meditations for the sabbath day, taken from the author's manuscript
- 56 1/ [...]
- Willison's afflicted man's companion, or a directory for families and persons afflicted with sickness, or any other distress
- 50
- Workman's American accountant, or schoolmaster's new assistant, comprised in four books, including all the questions in the Philadelphia edition of Gough, with many others. The whole adapted to the commerce of the United States; and comprehending every thing necessary to a complete knowledge of the science of arithmetic. The second edition, revised and corrected by Robert Patterson, A. M. professor of mathematics in the university of Pennsylvania.
- 1.33
- [Page 20]Woolman, John, the life of
- 1.
- Whitenhall's Latin grammar
- 33
- Watt's hymns
- 40
- — psalms, 12 mo.
- 50
- — ditto, 18 mo.
- 40
- — ditto, 24 mo.
- 33
- — psalms and hymns, improved by Barlow, each separately
- 33
- Whittenhall's Greek grammar
- 33
- Wrongs of Africa, Anra, and Slavery, 3 poems, stitched
- 20
- Wheatley's, Phillis, poems
- 12 ½
- Watt's logic
- 80
- Whitfield's and Slee's sermons
- 12 ½
- Water's system of surgery
- 2.50
- Winchester's dialogues on universal salvation
- 62 ½
- Young clerk's magazine
- 67
- Zimmerman on solitude, considered with respect to its influence on the heart
- 80
- Ditto, ditto — fine
- 1.
- Advice concerning bills of Exchange, wherein is set forth the nature of exchange of monies, the several kinds of exchange in different countries, diverse cases propounded and resolved, objections answered, &c. By John Marius, notary public. Lond. 1654.
- 50
- Desengano del Hombre
- 4.50
- Enfield's sermons
- 62
- Guion's madame, short and easy method of prayer
- 33
- Freneau's poems
- 1.
- — miscellanies
- 1.
- Northcote, on the diseases of armies
- 40
- Adventures of Joseph Andrews
- 80
- Memoirs of Dr. Franklin, written by himself
- 67 ½
- [Page 21]Grandmaison' [...] treatise on the military service of light horse and light infantry, in the field and in fortified places; bound
- 75
- Platte's discovery of subterraneous treasure, containing useful explorations concerning all manner of mines and minerals
- 25
- Bingham's letter on American commerce
- 12 [...]/ [...]
- Citizen Godenau's oration upon religious worship
- 6 ¼
- Hamilton's letter to the considerate citizens of New-York, on the politics of the times
- 12 ½
- Hamilton's second letter to ditto
- 12 ½
- Judge Burke's address to the freemen of South Carolina
- 12 ½
- Mirabeau's reflexions on Price
- 6
- Mirabeau's considerations on the order of Cincinnatus
- 12 ½
- Observations on ditto
- 12 ½
- Raynel's revolution of America
- 12 ½
- Lord George Germain's rights of Britain asserted
- 12 ½
- Sermon preached by the Rev. Dr. Ewing, at the ordination of the Rev. Ashbel Green
- 17
- The acts of the synod of New-York and Philadelphia, A. D. 1787 and 1788
- 7
- Slender's journey from Philadelphia to New-York, a poem
- 7
- Wetherill's divinity of Jesus Christ, in opposition to Doctor Priestly
- 2 [...]
- A narrative of the extraordinary sufferings of mr. Robert Forbes, his wife, and five children; during an unfortunate journey through the wilderness, from Canada to Kennebeck river, in the year 1784; in which three of their children were starved to death. [Taken partly from their own [Page 22] mouths, and partly from an imperfect journal and published at their request.] By Arthur Bradman
- 6 ½
- Affecting history of the dreadful distresses of [...] Manheim's Family. To which are [...] the sufferings of John Corbly's family. An encounter between a white man and two savages. Extraordinary bravery of a woman. Adventures of captain Isaac Stewart. Deposition of Massey Herbeson. Adventures and sufferings of Peter Wilkinson. Remarkable adventures of Jackson Johonnot. Account of the destruction of the settlements at Wyoming
- 25
- Child of nature
- 20
- Cato
- 20
- Confederacy
- 20
- Day in Turkey
- 20
- Dead alive, or the double funeral
- 18
- Deserter
- 18
- Every one has his fault, a comedy
- 20
- Farmer
- 12 ½
- Gamester
- 20
- Gentle shepherd
- 12 ½
- Girl of spirit
- 18
- Grecian daughter
- 18
- Inflexible captive
- 20
- Lionel and Clarissa, an opera
- 20
- Lord of the manor
- 20
- Love-a-la-mode
- 12 1/ [...]
- Love in a village
- 20
- Lorenzo
- 20
- Maid of the mill
- 20
- A song, no supper
- 12 ½
- Merick in Prussia
- 18
- [...]
- 12 ½
- [Page 23] [...]
- 18
- [...]
- 12 ½
- Suspicious husband
- [...]0
- [...]
- [...]0
- True born Irishman
- [...]
- Wild [...]ats
- [...]
Small Histories, & Chap Books.
- ABC books in German
- 1 [...]
- American academy of compliments
- [...]
- Catechisms in German
- 17
- Hymns for children; to which is added, Watt's divine songs for children
- 18
- London cries
- 4
- History of a school boy
- 12 ½
- Mother's gift, or a present for little boys
- 7
- Destruction of Troy
- 20
- New England primer
- 6 1/ [...]
- Oliphant's sacramental catechism designed for communicants, old and young
- 18
- History of little goody two shoes, otherwise called mrs. Margery Two Shoes. To which are added, some choice hymns for the amusement of children
- 18
- Robinson Crusoe, with 10 cuts
- 20
- Ditto, ditto, another edition
- 17
- Ditto, ditto, in German
- 17
- History of Paddy from Cork
- 6 ¼
- Wars of the Jews
- 20
- Smart's hymns for children; to which is added, Watt's divine songs for children, 18 mo.
- 18
Maps and Charts.
- War Atlas, containing maps of the United provinces, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain, Italy and the West-Indies
- 2.
- Map of Kentucke
- 1.67
- [Page 24]Map of France
- 40
- Map of New Jersey
- 50
- Map of Vermont
- 37
- Map of Connecticut
- 3 [...]
- Map of Delaware
- 37
- Map of Georgia
- 37
- A chart of the West-Indies
- 50
- Map of New-Hampshire
- 40
- Map of North-Carolina
- 37
- Map of Germany
- 50
- Map of the seat of war in France
- 25
- Map of France divided into departments
- 40
- Map of Switzerland
- 12 ½
- Map of Italy, Sicily and Sardinia
- 37 ½
- Map of Spain and Portugal
- 37 ½
- Map of Turkey in Europe and Hungary
- 25
- Map of Ireland
- 25
- Map of Poland
- 25
- Map of Russia
- 25
- Map of scripture geography
- 75
- Map of the world
- 50
- Chart of the world
- 50
- Map of Europe
- 25
- Map of Asia
- 25
- Map of Africa
- 25
- Map of South America
- 25
- Map of Cooke's discoveries
- 18
- Map of countries round the north pole
- 12 ½
- Map of Sweden, Denmark and Norway
- 25
- Map of the seven United Provinces
- 37 1/ [...]
- Map of the Austrian, French, and Dutch Netherlands
- 37
- Falling out
- 25
- Swing swang
- 25
- Favourite cat
- 25