






A Minister's solemn farewel to his people.

IId CORINTHIANS, 13 Chap. 11 Verse.


THE occasion, which has now brought us together, my beloved hearers, is one of the most solemn and affecting that can take place on this side eternity. The parting farewel be­tween a minister and people, who have been long connected in the bonds of so endearing and hap­py a union, is like tearing asunder the strings which twine around our hearts. But as it is now determined, that we must soon part from each other, let us endeavor to fortify our minds for the trying scene; that we may, by divine grace, en­dure and improve the pangs of separation, in a manner becoming our character as men, and our profession as christians.

[Page 6]I know of no passage in the whole book of God, which is better adapted to such an occasion, than the words just read; in which, the Apostle Paul, who had been a religious instructor and spiritual father to the Corinthians, closes his epis­tle to them with an affectionate and solemn fare­wel; every word of which is full of pathos and energy; and the whole sentence most powerfully calculated to excite, direct, and encourage them to a right temper and behaviour in their present situation. Finally, Brethren, farewel: Be per­fect; be of good comfort; be of one mind; live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.

It shall be the business of this discourse to ex­plain the meaning of the several branches of this valedictory exhortation, and to apply the subject to the present occasion.

The first clause in the text, Brethren farewel, requires very little illustration. It is a common expression of kindness, or mode of civility, by which acquaintance and friends take their leave of each other; and it imports a hearty desire of the welfare of those to whom it is addressed. The [Page 7] very formation of the word holds up this idea. It is compounded of fare and well; and there­fore the use of it, on occasion of parting with our friends, evidently expresses a wish, that they may fare well in our absence, or enjoy the sweets of health and prosperity. When it is used by chris­tian friends, it implies a devout wish of each oth­er's spiritual welfare. This was undoubtedly the leading sentiment of the Apostle, when he took this affectionate leave of his spiritual children of Corinth. In order to attain this desired end, their spiritual prosperity, he proceeds to direct and urge them to several important and seasonable duties.

He, first, exhorts them to be perfect. This may be considered as pointing out the duty of each par­ticular member, or of the society at large. First, let each member of the church be perfect, by ex­amining and correcting his own errors, filling up his own defects, pushing forward and completing his own graces and virtues. Let every one look to himself, that he be evangelically perfect, or sin­cere and impartial, in his regard to truth and du­ty; that he have his head and heart, his professi­on and practice, as nearly conformed as possible to the great patern and rule of perfection. This [Page 8] is the sure, the only method to reform and perfect the whole society: This is the way to have a pure and glorious church. Which leads to the other idea; be perfect in your collective capacity as a christian society. In order to this, return to your former pure, united and happy state. Revive that mutual christian charity which is the bond of per­fection; which, like the joints, veins and arte­ries of the natural body, conveys nourishment and vigour, unity and perfection, to the whole church or spiritual body of Christ; which draws the affections and efforts of all the members to one point, the edification and completion of the whole. In one word, grow in divine love, in ho­ly affection to Christ your Head, and to one ano­ther for his sake. This will at once perfect your character as individuals, and complete the union, beauty and happiness of your society.

Secondly, Be of good comfort: that is, in the way of earnest endeavors after reformation and christian perfection, take the courage and com­fort, which a consciousness of your own sincerity, and the assurance of the divine assistance and bles­sing, ought to inspire. Let no present or apprehend­ed difficulties or dangers, attending your situation, [Page 9] be permitted to overwhelm your minds. Remem­ber that the way of duty is the road of safety; that God is with you, while you are with Him; and that so long as you keep in this path, he stands engaged, by promise, to guide, protect, and prosper you.

Thirdly, Be of one mind. The import of the original is, think, mind, or relish the same thing. It may, therefore, include a union or harmony of sentiment, affection and practice. First, it implies a union of sentiment respecting the great essen­tials of religion, those which constitute or exhib­it the foundation of the sinner's hope, the necessary causes, conditions, or means of salvation. I grant there is an absurdity in exhorting or requiring all men to think alike in every punctilio of reli­gious opinion. For in the present imperfect state, many things operate to hinder even wise and good men from adopting the same modes of thought and expression on every religious subject. Besides, a union of sentiment among rational beings, is not to be effected by authoritative precept or pathe­tic exhortation; much less by violent or compul­sory measures; but by convincing light or evi­dence presented to their understandings. But [Page 10] still, when sufficient means of light are afforded to men (which is the case with those who enjoy the gospel, with respect to every important arti­cle of faith and duty) they may be properly re­quired to think the same thing; that is, to em­brace and hold fast the same essential points; at least to adhere to the substance, the spirit, the practical design of these truths, though they should differ in some speculative niceties in the mode of stating or explaining them. A total re­jection of any plain and important doctrine of christianity, under sufficient means of light, is ve­ry criminal and dangerous. For it proclaims an unfair and dishonest, a wilfully blind and deprav­ed heart. In short, if it be the duty of the mem­bers of a religious society, to love the truth, to harmonize with it in their governing taste and disposition, to keep their minds ever open and at­tentive to the evidence of it, and eager to em­brace it whenever duly presented; and if right views of religion are important to right temper and practice; if gospel truths admitted into the mind are the foundation of gospel holiness in the heart and life; and if the united adherence of a christian church to these truths is an important mean of preserving and increasing true godliness, [Page 11] charity and peace in the society; then it is a ve­ry important duty in the members of such a socie­ty, carefully to maintain truth and unanimity in their religious principles. In order to this, it becomes them with united diligence, impartiality and zeal, to attend to the word of God, as the great fountain of orthodoxy, and the true center of christian unity.

But secondly, the precept before us includes union of affection. As if it had been said, let your hearts be one in christian love, though about matters of less moment your opinions and [...] be divided. This is evidently the meaning of the same original words in Romans 12.16.—and 15.5. Be of the same mind one toward another. Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be like-minded one towards another, that ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God. Wherefore re­ceive ye one another, as Christ also received us. The general spirit of these texts is this: Though your religious ideas in some circumstantial points be different; yet I desire and pray, that you may all have that mutual charity, which shall form in you one mind and soul, and influence you to ex­press the same candour, esteem, and beneficence towards one another, which each of you manifests and wishes for himself.

[Page 12]In order to this, thirdly, be one in your practice, or pursuit. Let vital practical christianity, which is the principal thing, be the great object of your united attention and zeal; and let your agreement in this be an effectual band of union and fellow­ship among all the members of your society. Such a harmony of practical judgment and holy activity on the side of the christian cause, is a much better foundation for mutual charity, and is far more conducive to the edification and glory of a church, than the most zealous and united attach­ment to orthodox opinions, where a correspondent union of practice is wanting, Agreeably, this same apostle, in the third chapter of his epistle to the Philippians, having related to them his own views and exercises, having told them, this one thing I do—I press towards the mark of perfect ho­liness, for the prize of eternal life, proceeds to urge them to a united pursuit of the same course. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: And if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule; let us mind the same thing. As if he had said, we have all attained to this great point, to set up Christ, holiness and heaven, as our mark [Page 13] and our all. Let it, then▪ be our main con­cern, to walk by this rule, to mind this one thing: And if in any lesser matter you have a diversity of sentiment, you must candidly bear with one another, and patiently wait and hope for the time when God shall give you a better and united un­derstanding in these controverted points. In the mean-time, let us go hand in hand; let us join all our forces together, in promoting these great and weightier things in which we are agreed, in build­ing up the kingdom of our common Lord▪ which consists, not in meat and drink, but in righteous­ness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

But this brings us to the next clause of the text,

Live in peace. Let each one cultivate a pacif­ic temper in his own breast: let him manifest it in his whole deportment: let him labor to the utmost to diffuse and promote it through the [...] ­ety. Let all the members endeavor to introduce and maintain that christian concord, which grows out of a union of sentiment, affection and practice in the cause of pure, vital and saying religion. In order to this, let each one mortify and guard against those corrupt passions in his own heart, [Page 14] which tend to disturb the peace, and to kindle the flame of contention; such as pride, selfishness, anger, envy, a spirit of party, of jealousy and pre­judice. Let every one religiously abstain from all unfriendly, injurious, provoking language or behaviour. Let each one see that his own heart be formed to a truly kind, meek, and humble dis­position, to a temper of supreme love to God, and cordial benevolence to his neighbour. This will make it easy to deny ourselves, our own interests and wills, for the peace and edification of our bre­thren▪ This will prompt a gentle deportment towards all. This will make it our studious and delightful employment to contrive, to advise, to prosecute the things which make for peace; to use the best methods for reconciling differences, for healing divisions, for stilling tumults, for advan­cing christian love and harmony. This will make it easy to observe the fair and equitable rules pre­scribed by our Saviour, for restoring peace be­tween ourselves and others, whenever it has been interrupted by any real or supposed offence, either on our part, or on theirs. When the members of a christian society habitually profess and che­rish this spirit, and pursue this train of conduct, they live in peace, in the true and noble sense of our text.

[Page 15]The remaining part of the verse enforces our compliance with the preceding directions, by a most encouraging and glorious motive; And the God of love and peace shall be with you. The Supreme Being is stiled the God of love and peace, because he is the prime source, the perfect exemplar, and the great patron of them. Love and peace constitute the beauty and felicity of his own nature: they are the native element in which he dwells. He has eminently displayed these qualities in his works; especially in that of redemption, which is at once an astonishing mani­festation of love, and an unparalleled scheme of reconciliation and peace. Agreeably, love and peace are the spirit and breath of the gospel, of its doctrines, precepts, examples, motives, and be­nefits. They are peculiarly congenial to the na­ture and undertaking, the respective offices and works of God's Son and Spirit, the constituted Redeemer and Sanctifier of men. On these ac­counts the Most High is properly and emphati­cally called the God of love and peace. As such, he must approve and delight in these qualities in his creatures: He must take complacency in them, both as his own production and his own image. Those, therefore, who possess these vir­tues, [Page 16] have all possible security of the special pre­sence and everlasting favour of the Almighty: For he can no more disregard his own image, than he can deny himself.

What noble encouragement is here for a people studiously to practise the duties here enjoined; and what a source of comfort to those who are found pursuing this path! To be the conscious favorites of the infinite God! to be sure of his gracious presence statedly residing among them, as the pillar and the Schekinah did with his ancient Israel, to guide, protect, invigorate and comfort them! to walk daily in the light of his approving, smiling countenance! to be visited with tokens of his love in frequent showers of temporal and spiritual blessings, like the refreshing dews on the ancient mountains of Hermon and Zion, where the Lord commanded the blessing, even life forevermore! Surely happy is the peo­ple that is in such a case; yea, happy is the peo­ple whose God is the Lord!

And now, what greater happiness can I wish for you, my beloved friends of this society, than that you may unitedly follow the directions, and in­herit the promise of this excellent text! How [Page 17] would it sooth the anguish of my heart in parting with you, if I had the pleasing assurance that the God of love and peace would statedly reside among you! It gives me unspeakable joy to find so much of a prudent, pacific, condescending spirit reigning among you at this critical juncture. I rejoice to hear that this spirit appeared in your meeting sometime since for supplying the Desk; that it visibly guided your election of a committee for that purpose; and that the members of this com­mittee in general, are engaged in discharging their important trust, in so united, discreet and faithful a manner. So far as I can learn, there seems to be a general disposition both in them, and in the society at large, to forget the things which are behind, to throw the mantle of charitable ob­livion over any differences of opinion, or infirmi­ties of temper and expression, which may have taken place during the late scene of trial and temp­tation. With regard to myself, I feel that I am constantly subject to imperfections; and it is pro­bable that many of you have witnessed more or less of infirmity in some of my language or de­portment, in managing the late very delicate and interesting affair between you and me. So far as this has been the case, I publicly ask that candor [Page 18] and forgiveness, which I am ready, in return, to exercise towards any similar imperfections in you. But as to the main part which I have acted, and the leading motives which have influenced me in this great business, you will allow me to leave with you this solemn parting declaration; a declara­tion which, I think, I could confidently make, if I were now addressing you from my dying bed:—I solemnly declare, that my acceptance of the result of the late Council, and of the invitation of the College, proceeded, not from any want of affec­tion to my people, or of a deep sense of my for­mer sacred engagements to them; not from an inordinate desire of worldly splendor or wealth, ease or gratification; but from a clear conviction of conscience, that the same King of Zion, who formerly placed me in this part of his dominions, now called me to a different and more important department in the same great moral kingdom. And I feel great comfort in the thought, that this glorious King, who will shortly be my Judge, has seen all the inward springs, and leading steps of my conduct, in the whole process of this transaction; in particular, that he is my witness, that I did not form my judgment on this great question in a blind, hasty, self-sufficient manner; but threw my [Page 19] mind open to every ray of light from every quar­ter, sought the best directions both from Heaven and Earth, and exercised a patient, candid and mature deliberation on the subject for a series of months. It also gives me comfort that the same Omniscient Being knows the falsehood of some re­ports, which ignorance, prejudice or passion have circulated; such as, that I sought the new station to which I am chosen; that I secretly acted in concert with some of the Electors, and also with the late Council previously to their result: The reverse of which all those gentlemen know to be the truth. These facts, connected with the re­markable unanimity of both those very respectable bodies, greatly support my spirits in this trying, parting scene. I mention them in this solemn manner, at this affecting moment, hoping they may leave a favorable impression on the minds of some of the Brethren of this Church, whose judg­ment on the final question differed from my own. I confess it would be a very comfortable circum­stance to me, to go from you in a state of entire mutual charity and union with all my former friends in this place. The more united you are in sentiment and feelings respecting your late Pas­tor and his dismission from you, the more fair and [Page 20] encouraging will be the prospect of entire affec­tion and unanimity in year future proceedings. It is chiefly on this account that I have touched on this delicate string. I have not felt, nor meant to express any anxiety for my own reputation; for I bless God that I do not find this has suffered by the late transactions: Much less have I intend­ed publicly to boast of my own conduct and mo­tives, or to reflect blame upon those who have thought and acted in a different manner. For the former character and friendship of my dissenting Brethren both in Church and Parish, have in gen­eral been such, as to entitle them to my esteem and grateful remembrance. Therefore, without making any invidious distinctions, let me affec­tionately apply the subject to all.

In the first place, my friends, study to be perfect. Let each individual rectify what is amiss in his own temper and conduct; and then let him labor to reform, to edify and to perfect the whole body, of which he is member. While you are thus en­gaged, be of good comfort. Though a dark cloud should long hang over your affairs, yet in the way of duty, cheerfully and resolutely trust in Him, who is Head over all things to his Church. [Page 21] Labor to be of one mind. Carefully maintain that union of religious sentiments, which has so long been your honor and happiness. Be on your guard against new and strange doctrines, which would turn you aside from the good old way. Be not too hastily carried away with strangers, on account of their popular talents, their flowing eloquence, or apparent religious zeal. Remem­ber there have been instances of agreeable pulpit gifts and fervor, yea, of excellent evangelical dis­courses, where there has been but little solid judg­ment or sound knowledge and learning; or where the private character of the preachers has been very imprudent, unstable and vain, yea, perhaps directly immoral; or where dangerous principles have been artfully concealed or varnished, until the speakers have gained a large and firm interest in the people's affections, or have secured a good set­tlement among them; and then they have assum­ed courage to bring forward their obnoxious pecu­liarities. These notorious facts admonish you, my friends, to exercise the greatest care and circum­spection in the trial of candidates; and in particu­lar, to insist upon authentic written testimonials from some approved ministers, in favor of such as come to you from any distant part of the country. [Page 22] Let me further entreat you, in your probation of preachers, to direct your principal attention to the matter of their discourses, and to compare this, to­gether with their private conversation and deport­ment, with the form of sound words contained in the bible, and with the scriptural characters of a good minister or gospel bishop. If you find, on such examination, that you have a candidate, who in a good measure comes up to this standard, be ready with one mind to embrace him. Let not an unbounded desire of novelty, or an over-nice and difficult taste, or any consideration of mere fancy prevent you from peaceably uniting in the choice of such a preacher.

But though you should not agree in every punctilio respecting either preachers or doctrines, yet be of one mind, with regard to mutual chris­tian affection. In order to keep alive this union, be very cautious against splitting into parties, and setting up particular favorite preachers at the head of several contending factions. In short, let your united zeal be mainly employed in reviving and promoting the power and practice of true godliness in yourselves and in one another. Be of one mind in this great cause, in which all good [Page 23] men are agreed. This will divert your zeal from those lesser matters, which are so apt to divide christian brethren: It will operate as a powerful cement of christian union and fellowship; and it will happily conduce to rectify and harmonize your sentiments upon all matters of importance, For if any man or body of men will do his will, they shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God.

Finally, study to live in peace. Extinguish and forever bury every thing, which might tend to blow up the coal of discord. Think and speak of nothing but what may conduce to sweeten your minds and strengthen the cords of unity. Sacri­fice to peace every thing but essential truth and duty. Abhor the thought of making christianity itself a ball of contention; of quarrelling about the house, or the preachers, the doctrines or insti­tutions of that religion, which breathes nothing but love and peace, which was wholly intended to make men one with each other, and with their God. Think how inconsistent and monstrous a spectacle this would be! Think, on the other hand, of the beauty, the pleasure, the advantages of christian concord! How does it embalm the [Page 24] name, and recommend the character of a religious society! What an alluring charm does it present to preachers of the best description to come a­mong such a people, and to breathe in their frag­rant and delightful atmosphere! How does it cement, invigorate, and fortify them, like a build­ing or a city that is firmly compacted together! Above all, how does it assimilate them to the God of love and peace, engage his directing and com­forting presence with them, and ripen them for his heavenly kingdom, that region of pure, con­summate, everlasting friendship and peace!

Some of the motives, now suggested, ought to have peculiar weight with this flock. For you, my brethren, know, by long experience, the value and sweetness of a united and peaceful state, and have enjoyed a distinguished reputation on this account, through the whole vicinity. I hope, therefore, none of you will lightly throw away so precious a jewel. If by losing your Pastor, you should lose the ornament of brotherly affection and unity, will not the surrounding world be apt to ascribe your former harmony and peace, not to any real prudence or goodness in you, but to some other cause; and will they not reasonably [Page 25] conclude, that a people who had been so long and so closely linked together, need not, and would not have broken in pieces, had it not been for their own criminal inattention, folly, or perverse­ness! I hope and pray that your future conduct may be such, as to give no occasion for such un­favorable remarks.

I cannot prevail upon myself to close, without some more particular addresses, suited to the sub­ject and occasion.

First, let me direct my brotherly and christian farewel to the members of this church. It is with a mournful pleasure that my mind runs over the many solemn and endearing scenes, in which you and I have been jointly concerned, during my pastoral connexion with you. A great part of the members of this church, who were active in my settlement here, are now fallen asleep. But our ecclesiastical records give us the comforting information, that since that date a much larger number has been added to the church, than death has taken from it. Let us, my beloved Brethren and Sisters, look back, on this affecting occasion, to the many weekly Sabbaths and monthly Sa­craments, which have rolled over us during that [Page 26] long period; and if you have formerly attended my ministrations in the sanctuary or at the table of the Lord, with any spiritual delight or advan­tage, thankfully ascribe the glory to God, and favor the unworthy instrument with your good wishes and prayers. However your judgments may dif­fer respecting the lately decided question of my removal, yet so far as you have the spirit of Christ, your professed Master, you will certainly feel dis­posed tenderly to pity and pray for one who has been intimately united to you so many years, and to beseech the great Fountain of wisdom and grace to give him a right discernment of his duty, and a hearty practical conformity to it, and to aid and prosper him in all his laudable views and pursuits. Such prayers I shall esteem a precious token of your christian love; and shall not fail to return them, so long as my powers of thought, affection, or utterance remain. In the mean time, permit me to leave with you one word of brotherly counsel and admonition. Remember your high and holy profession. Think how many eyes are upon you. Consider how much the credit and interest of religion in this place, and among your own posterity, will, under God, depend up­on you. To you it belongs to lead in the reset­tlement [Page 27] of the gospel ministry and ordinances in this Society. Let me then conjure you by all that is sacred, to go before the congregation in a pru­dent, meek, condescending, exemplary deport­ment. In taking my leave of this church, I bid farewel to that sacred table, where I have so often stood and administered the blessed memorials of my Redeemer's dying love. It is very unlikely that we, who have surrounded that divine board, shall all meet again in that ordinance here below. Let us then part with a solemn resolution of stand­ing ready to meet each other at the marriage sup­per of the Lamb, where we shall eat bread and drink wine new with our heavenly Bridegroom, in his Father's kingdom.

Let me now address several classes of persons in the Congregation. First, those of you who are heads of families will accept my best ac­knowledgments for the respect and hospitality, with which you have ever received me at your houses; and will permit me to bring to your re­collection the solemn scenes of sickness and mourning, which have called me to most of your habitations during my ministerial relation to you; and to inquire how you have improved these af­fecting [Page 28] admonitions. I must also ask you, how you have entertained the many counsels and warn­ings I have given you on the important subject of family-worship, instruction and government. What a happiness should I esteem it, to be able to leave you with the agreeable assurance, that each of your houses contained an altar to Jehovah, and a nursery for Heaven! I beseech those of you, who have resisted all former pressing calls to these great domestic duties, to revolve the subject once more in your serious deliberation, and to ask yourselves, how you will meet the eye of your Judge, and of your poor neglected chil­dren, in the day of retribution. I entreat such as have hitherto neglected the baptismal dedication of their offspring to God, to consider whether their excuses for this omission will bear the scru­tiny of the final judgment. I once more call upon those, who, having visibly devoted themselves and their houses to God, yet neglect a religious care both of themselves and their baptized off­spring, or do not seriously press forward, agreea­bly to their solemn vows, towards the mark of complete preparation for, and attendance on all divine institutions: I beg such to realize how they will account at last for this inconsistent con­duct; [Page 29] or how they can expect to be owned as Christ's friends, when they have not been careful to do whatsoever he has commanded.

You, who are heads of families in this place, will remember, that the removal of your Pastor leaves a double weight of duty upon you. To you it belongs to supply, as far as possible, the want of a public Shepherd, by taking special care of the Lambs of the flock; by administering to them the best personal instruction and disci­pline; by providing for them the best schools of education, and by endeavouring to the utmost to guard them against those evils, which are too apt to spring-up in the soil of a destitute Parish, at least among the young and unthinking; I mean more especially a spirit of indifference, forgetful­ness and contempt respecting religion in general; particularly the Sabbath and its public solemni­ties, or the preachers and ministers of the gospel; or else an itching, unsettled, distracted habit, in reference to these matters. These evils will be more l [...]ely to infect the rising generation, if their parents and superiors countenance them by their example. I hope therefore, that every governor of a family here, will be peculiarly watchful over his own lips and actions, from a tender regard to [Page 30] the many children and youth of this flock, as well as to the general order and peace of the Society.

Secondly, I now turn myself to the younger part of the congregation. I want words, my dear young friends to express my tender feelings for you at this affecting moment. My mind flies back to those solemn and endearing seasons, when I publicly administered to many of you the ordinance of baptism; called over you the sacred name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and set you apart to be God's children. The yearly catechizing seasons too, in which I have with plea­sure attempted to convey divine knowledge and pious impressions into your opening minds; these rush with peculiar force upon my memory and heart. And now, what can I say to you in this farewel address, but what I have often repeated both in public and private? Remember your Cre­ator and Redeemer in the golden days of your youth: Reverence his name, his worship, his sab­baths, his ministers: Honor and obey your par­ents and teachers: Flee all youthful lusts and vanities: Pray and give thanks to God every day for your daily mercies; and especially, pray earnestly that God would give you another minis­ter, [Page 31] much better and more successful than he has been, who is about to leave you. At the same time be assured, that your late Pastor leaves you, not because he does not love you; but because he thinks his Master calls him to a place where he may do much greater good▪ I hope, therefore, you will still love him, and pray for his prosperi­ty; and also continue to love and respect all the worthy ministers around you. Let me particular­ly caution you against disaffection to those minis­ters who have advised my dismission from you. Though their judgment in this instance crosses your feelings, yet you will always find them your faithful friends. If you treat them, and all preachers of good character with respect, this will have great influence to encourage some ex­cellent man to come and settle among you as your Pastor. And let me remind you, my dear youths, that your own interest for time and eternity, pe­culiarly depends upon your obtaining such a minis­ter. Finally, it will always give me great joy to hear that the children of this beloved society are walking in the truth. I shall ever welcome any of you or your parents, as visitants to my new habitation; and shall take peculiar pleasure in as­sisting those of you, who may repair to that seat [Page 32] of learning, with which I am connected, for a pub­lic education. And since I know not that I shall ever address you again, let me adopt and leave with you the parting, dying charge of David to his Son Solomon; And thou, Solomon my Son, know thou the God of thy Fathers, and serve him with a perfect heart and a willing mind: If thou seek him, he will be found of thee; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off forever.

I close with taking my solemn leave of those two great classes of people, into which this, and all our religious societies are divided; I mean sinners and saints, Those of you, who belong to the former class, have to this moment opposed, in your hearts and practice, all the solemn and affec­tionate instructions, warnings, entreaties, and per­suasives, which have been used by your late Pas­tor and other Ambassadors of Jesus: And though you have generally professed to esteem and de­light in the public ministrations which you have enjoyed in this place; yet they have only pleased your ears and your fancies, or at best made but a superficial and transient impression upon your consciences and natural affections, without pro­ducing any hearty abiding love and obedience to [Page 33] the truth. The thought of leaving any of you in so melancholy a situation, is truly painful; es­pecially when I look forward to that awful day, when you and your late minister must meet again at the tribunal of our common Judge. Then it will be known to all worlds how I have preached, and how you have heard and treated the messages I brought you. If it shall then appear that I have in the main (though I am sensible with very great and sinful imperfections) delivered and enforced the important saving truths of the gospel, what conscious guilt, what shivering horror must seize those of you, who have ungratefully and finally rejected these truths; who have trampled under foot all the tender reiterated offers of infinite grace and everlasting salvation! With regard to such persons, every prayer, sermon, exhortation, yea, every mean of religion which they have at any time attended and enjoyed, will be a fresh witness against them, and fall like a weighty mill­stone on their guilty heads! But, what a joy­full day, what a rapturous meeting will that be to those of you, who have not only professed re­spect and friendship for your late unworthy, spiritu­al guide, but have loved and obeyed the divine [Page 34] truths which he has imparted to you; have truly relished and fed upon a preached gospel, and have found it sweeter and more nourishing to your spiritual natures, than honey, or the honey-comb is to your animal. If I should be so happy as to be found in the same class with you in that day, how endearing, how transporting will be our in­terview! how complete our union and fellowship! how high will our mutual congratulations and thanksgivings rise! If our affection to each other is so great in this imperfect state; if the pleasure of meeting together in religious and even civil communion has been so sweet; what will be the friendship, the reciprocal endearments and joys be­tween a faithful minister and his pious saved people, in the world of perfect everlasting love and en­joyment! O may these great ideas and prospects have their full effect both upon you and me! May they sooth the anguish of our present sepa­ration! May they rouze and constrain us all to an earnest and growing preparation for a happy meet­ing at the right hand of our Judge!

Now may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead, our Lord Jesus, that great Shep­herd [Page 35] of the Sheep, through the blood of the ever­lasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ: to whom be glory forever and ever.


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