
AN ACCOUNT OF THE Terrible EFFECTS of the Pestilential INFECTION IN THE City of PHILADELPHIA. WITH AN ELEGY on the Deaths of the People. ALSO A SONG of PRAISE and THANKS­GIVING, Composed for those who have recovered, after having been smitten with that dreadful Contagion.

By the Honourable SAMUEL STEARNS, J. U. [...].

Righteous art thou, O LORD, and upright are thy Judgments. Psal. cxix. 137.
But when GOD' s Judgments are abroad in the Earth, let the Inhabitants thereof learn Righteousness.

PROVIDENCE: Printed for WILLIAM CHILD, in Johnston.



Kind Reader,

HOW many people have fallen in the city of Philadelphia, by the pestilential Infection, is unknown to the Author—and he believes to the inhabitants of the same place; for the accounts are very different, as some mention four, others five, six, and even more than seven thousand: and the latter has been supposed to be not too large.—Some have given the disorder one name, and others another, &c. It has been called a genuine Plague;—a putrid malignant Fever;—a yellow Fe­ver, and a pestilential Infection. It seems that the mor­tality began about the beginning of August, and raged with great violence till the weather grew colder.

THE Author has composed the following lines at his leisure hours, in which he has given a true description of the terrible effects of this contagion, according to the best information he has been able to obtain from recent publications; and as many people have called it a Plague, and as he knows not its proper name, he hopes he shall be excused for calling it so in the subsequent pages.—From, kind Reader, your's and the public's most obe­dient humble servant,


POETICAL LINES, On the DESTRUCTION of the Citizens of Phi­ladelphia, by a pestilential Infection, A. D. 1793.

FROM Philadelphia comes a doleful sound,
Of thousands slain, and buried in the ground!
Who were alive and well three months ago;
But of their fate at that time did not know.
The young, the old, those of a middle age,
With rapid force, have been swept from the stage!
By an infection, which some people say
From distant lands, somehow, has found the way:
But some with boldness do this thing deny,
And say the venom from the earth did fly;
From filth expanded by Sol's burning heat,
Or fumes proceeding from a dirty street;
Thus generated, did infect the air
With putrid exhalations ev'ry where,
Within the limits of the city's bound;
But not in places which the same surround.
In Water-street this mortal Plague began,
And with great slaughter through the city ran;
From house to house the dread contagion flew,
And on its way a num'rous train hath slew!
In diff'rent ways the exhalations strike,
And all the patients are not seiz'd alike;
Their constitutions diff'ring much likewise,
Make symptoms too of diff'rent kinds arise.
Some who were seiz'd, had on the first attack
Cold chills, and pains, both in the head and back,
And in their limbs, and also in their bones,
Exciting horror, gloom, and dismal groans!
Within the stomach humours did convene,
And vomiting did often supervene;
The bile was black, and putrid too indeed,
And haemorrhages sometimes did succeed;
[Page 2] The pulse run high, but often very low.
Sometimes too quick, and then as much too slow;
The eyes grew red, their pupils did dilate;
The fluids rush'd into a putrid state;
The thirst was great, the urine colour'd high;
The tongue turn'd white, the skin was hot and dry.
The dang'rous fever often did remit;
And was succeeded by an ague fit.
Sometimes eruptions rose upon the skin,
Exceeding thick on some, on others thin.
Amongst great numbers of the human race,
The putrefaction did gain ground apace:
Its raging force at last became so keen,
That death stept in, and clos'd the awful scene!
About this Plague physicians disagree,
And other men, who from its virus flee:
Great numbers who have seen its raging flames,
By promulgation gave it diff'rent names,
Some say it is the pestilence, indeed,
Which from a foreign country did proceed.
Another name few men of skill do find,
Call it a fever of some yellow kind;
Think it arose, as we do understand,
By exhalations from the filthy land.
We are inform'd, that no man can deny,
That some knew not what med'cines to apply
For this disease, which ne'er was known before
To make an entrance on our solid shore!
The celebrated Doctor Rush did find,
That calomel, with jalap well combin'd,
Was the best purge, by far, that could be giv'n
By any medicaster under heav'n,
Phlebotomy he highly recommends
To all physicians, and to other friends.
Evacuations of these kinds repress'd
The raging Plague, and thus sav'd the distress'd:
But antiseptics often were employ'd;
Till putrefaction was thereby destroy'd.
For my own part, I do applaud his plan,
And, with esteem, call him a skilful man.
From his infection but few have been free,
But few exempt, of high or low degree,
[Page 3] Unless they have from the great city fled,
Before the virus o'er the same was spread;
Or have not been in that large place at all,
In August last, or any time this fall.
Some people fell, 'tis said, on the first day!
Though some liv'd longer, yet were swept away!
Sometimes an hundred in one day, 'tis said,
And often more, have in their graves been laid!
Some thousands by the putrefaction fell!
But some by chance have of the Plague got well.
The air corrupt, made people then believe
'Twas dang'rous for them in the same to breathe!
Hence many fled to keep off from its force,
And settled in the country towns of course;
The shops were shut, and business at a stand;
The Plague, 'twas thought, would desolate the land!
The people, pent as in a lonesome den,
Sell not their goods unto their countrymen;
The vessels too lay loaded by the shore,
For want of hands the num'rous goods to store;
The sweeping illness, by its rapid sail,
Did cause the markets in the town to fail!
For in the city ev'ry one did know,
The country people were afraid to go,
Lest the contagion they might thus convey,
Lose their own lives, and fill men with dismay!
Perhaps, by writing, no man can express
What people suffer'd in this great distress!
For want of food, some very hand did fare,
Some dy'd, no doubt, for want of proper care!
Distressed objects on their beds did lie;
The want of help produc'd a dismal cry!
Their friends gone off, and their kind neighbours fled,
That they might not be number'd with the dead!
Whilst death and horror spread themselves around,
Young children were by their dead mothers found!
A shocking sight, indeed, for to behold!
Made the spectator's very blood run cold!
Thus parents slain! their infants left so small,
Can't tell their names—some are not known at all!
The sad destruction made the people groan!
Bereav'd of wives, some Husbands live alone!
[Page 4] The widows too (it cannot be deny'd)
By this infection have been multiply'd.
The fatherless and orphans did increase,
Until the time the dreadful Plague did cease,
Which did commence, as we've been often told,
Upon the revolution of the cold;
Which soon condens'd the stagnant atmosphere,
And made the noxious vapours disappear;
Fall to the ground, where they in ambush stay,
Till Sol once more rolls on the northern way;
His heat may then the poison filth expand,
And desolate, for aught we know, the land!


ALMIGHTY GOD, wilt thou thy people spare?
Deliver them from this contagious snare!
This mortal Plague at thy command began,
And thou thereby hast humbled sinful man!
Thou art the fountain of all good and love,
And dost thy will on earth—in heav'n above!
Thou givest life, thou givest health and ease,
To all thy creatures, just as thou dost please!
In thine own time thou smitest them with death,
Their bodies fall when thou dost take their breath!
Thou hast ordain'd that this shall be the fate
Of ev'ry creature in this mortal state!
These works of thine, if rightly understood,
Promote, we find, the universal good;
Remove thy children to a better shore,
To realms of joy, to live for evermore!


WE give thee thanks, most good and gracious Lord,
That this infection was not spread abroad;
That to thy people thou hast been so kind,
That this contagion has been much confin'd:
[Page 5] Confin'd, indeed, unto a narrow space,
Preventing death amongst the human race!
May all thus favour'd their glad voices raise,
In celebrating the Creator's praise,
That he's been pleas'd in dang'rous times to save
Them from destruction and the silent grave!
That on thy earth they're yet allow'd to dwell,
Whilst thousands by the pestilence have fell!
May all who from the raging Plague recover,
Their thankfulness unto the world discover,
By rend'ring praise to thee, the GOD above,
For preservation and thy boundless love;
For all the favours that from thee have came,
Especially for health's new kindled flame!
That strength is now to them restor'd again,
Whilst by thy will some of their friends are slain!
Lord, wilt thou grant that those who've liv'd in sin,
May all refrain, and a new life begin!
Live temperate, be holy, just, and pure,
So long as time with them shall yet endure;
Conduct, indeed, like very righteous men,
Be blest by thee, for evermore.


AN ELEGY, On the DEATHS of the Citizens of Philadel­phia, who were destroyed by a pestilential Infection, in the Year 1793.

IN Philadelphia has been slain,
Indeed it is a doleful sound!
Of diff'rent sects, a num'rous train.
Which now lie silent in the ground!
A pestilence, which there did rage
With rapid force, has swept away
An hundred people from the stage,
Within the compass of a day!
But sometimes less, and sometimes more,
The daily publications tell,
[Page 6] Upon that mournful city's shore,
In that short time, have often fell!
The life and vigour they enjoy'd,
Alas! it was their dismal fate!
By this disease have been destroy'd,
And they mov'd from the present state!
But happy is their lot indeed!
Their bodies now need no relief;
For in the silent grave they're freed
From trouble, sorrow, pain, and grief!
Some worthy characters are dead!
Young children too, just in their bloom!
The middle-ag'd, the hoary head,
Have hurry'd been into the tomb!
Alas! alas! we may relate,
That by experience we have found,
These losses truly have been great,
To relatives and all around!
Let not the relatives repine,
Since the great GOD, who reigns on high,
By death, which is an act divine,
Rais'd their good friends above the sky!
With patience run the heav'nly race,
Trust in the Lord, and do not faint;
For the Almighty, by his grace,
Supplies the wants of every faint.
In prosp'rous times, or in distress,
You're in the great Creator's care;
As ye pass through this wilderness,
Let nothing lead you to despair.
He saves alive, and he doth kill;
For life and death from him do slow!
In heav'n above he does his will,
And on his footstool here below!
[Page 7]
The famine, sword, and pestilence,
He sends to desolate the land!
Against the Lord there's no defence.
None can restrain his mighty hand!
As all he doth is good and right,
Let all his servants be content:
Be humble-minded day and night,
Under the troubles he hath sent.
Serve ye the Lord, and in him trust:
That when your days on earth shall cease,
Ye may be seated with the just,
In boundless realms of joy and peace!

A SONG OF PRAISE AND THANKS GIVING, Composed for THOSE who have RECOVERED of the pestilential Infection, in Philadelphia.

LET us praise GOD, who reigns on high,
The universal King,
Who rais'd the arches of the sky,
And formed ev'ry thing.
Who gave the human species birth,
And pass'd a firm decree,
That all the sons of men on earth
Should grief and trouble see.
He hath afflicted us with pain,
Whilst thousands all around
Have by his pestilence been slain,
And level'd with the ground!
But in a time of deep distress,
He rais'd us up again;
[Page 8] And we within his wilderness
As monuments remain!
We give thee thanks, Almighty GOD,
That it was not our doom,
To be cast by thy chast'ning rod
Into the silent tomb!
Assist us, by thy quick'ning grace,
To number so our days,
That we ourselves in every place
May walk in wisdom's ways.
May we to thee due homage pay,
Do good to all mankind,
Thy written laws always obey,
Live to thy will resign'd.
And when we die, may we arise
Where thy good saints are blest,
In realms of joy, above the skies,
With happiness and rest!

The AMERICAN ORACLE, Written by the AUTHOR of this, Containing A great Variety of useful and profitable Subjects, neces­sary to be known in all Families, may be had at the Post-Offices in Providence, Newport, and New-Haven; also of Mr. SAMUEL CAMPBELL, in New-York, and of Mr. DOBSON, in Philadelphia.


The FREEMASON's CALENDAR, for 1794, may be had at the Places already mentioned in Provi­dence, Newport, and New-York.

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