MANY and great are the changes which come to pass in the natural and moral world; and as far as they fall under our view, are carefully to be regarded. Such as are of a singular nature, which seldom happen, and are interesting to us, in our several relations and particular connexions, deserve special notice.
Religious combinations are the more important. Mutual duties are incumbent on all the members; and none more so than those between Pastor and Flock, Minister and People. Changes, therefore, among them, call for a wise and religious improvement. Serious and solemn reflections will become all in that relation, and especially those who have long been so, who have seen a variety of changes in the course of providence.
[Page 4] As I have stood in the relation of Pastor to the Flock of GOD in this place, for about thirty years; and half a century, or fifty complete years, have rolled away since I was first introduced into that sacred office, though not now in the relation of Pastor, yet, on such an occasion, would willingly call up your attention to matters of the greatest importance to those who attended my ministry, and especially to myself.
The words which have been read, will afford matter of instruction, counsel, caution, and direction, to those in that relation; how they should conduct, what they may reasonably expect, and the happy consequences to them that are faithful.
Let us attend a little seriously; and may the blessed spirit of CHRIST assist and influence both speaker and hearers to a right improvement of what may be delivered, that our present meeting may not be lost time to any of us.
Our text was penned by Paul, the Apostle and Minister of JESUS CHRIST, who stood in some particular relation to the Church in Corinth. He and they had mutual concerns with each other in that relation.
Having founded a Church there, and spent a year and a half in preaching the Gospel there, he left them and travelled elsewhere. But hearing of things amiss, he wrote to them, to instruct and direct them; and also to vindicate his character from divers imputations, charged upon him by the false apostles, and to defend himself and apostleship against some that brought both himself and it into disgrace and contempt. He had [Page 5] been greatly admired, approved of, and caressed; but now finds his interest in their affections cooling: They had not the same good opinion of him as formerly. Though they had been instructed by his ministry, and greatly profited, yet now it seems they were uneasy and dissatisfied, and charged him with faults and mistakes that he had never committed. Probably his plainness and faithfulness in his friendly reproof and counsel, was the occasion. Be that as it may; it greatly grieved and affected this good man. He was much troubled and afflicted; and he vindicates his innocency, professes his integrity, and appeals to them that they had acknowledged him, and had no reason to do otherwise now, and believed they would acknowledge him, and that he should be the occasion of their rejoicing, as he doubted not that they would be of his, in the day of the LORD JESUS. As also you have acknowledged us in part, that we are your rejoicing, even as ye also are ours, in the day of the LORD JESUS.
Our Apostle believed that he himself should be approved of in the great reckoning day, and that some of them would then be the crown of his rejoicing, and he of theirs. By day of the LORD JESUS is intended some special and remarkable day. The day of the final judgment is such a day. It is the winding up and fitting all things for eternity. It is the great and notable day of the LORD. As mankind will have something to do on that day, great are the events of it. Our Apostle had it in his view, and reminded his christian Corinthians of it. He and [Page 6] they stood in some special relation; they had special connexions; and the transactions of that day, would, in some respects, be otherwise to them than to others.
There is a debt of reciprocal duty, love, and esteem, due from Gospel Ministers to their People in this world. They have opportunity of doing and receiving good from each other; they are therefore often to meet together for solemn social worship. There are peculiar duties and privileges between them: And they must meet one another before CHRIST'S tribunal, at the day of judgment. Their present meeting will be very different from that.
Here they meet often; there is occasion for it; it is necessary, a commanded duty, to meet from Sabbath to Sabbath, and at other times, for the worship of GOD, and the services of the sanctuary; and they meet to part and meet again. Here they meet to attend the use of means for the awakening of sinners, and the comfort of saints; for the instructing of the ignorant, and resolving, the doubting; for the healing of difficulties, and settling of controversies; also for the applying of the divine rule, that saints may be quickened to greater diligence in the ways of godliness, and better prepared for eternal happiness. In the great day of accounts it will be otherwise. There will then be no use of means to effect any change in persons' state. The sinner will remain under the guilt of sin, and the saint happy and blessed forever. All things will be settled for eternity. Here they remain, many [Page 7] times, unsettled, and little notice taken of the means used for their safety. In the great day of accounts the end of their meeting will be very different: To give up an account of their behaviour towards one another in that relation. Ministers watch for [...] as those who must give an account. They are Ambassadors for CHRIST, and must render to him an account of their embassy; what they have done; what reception they have met with; what success they have had; and how the matter stands between their Master and them: And this will be done, in the presence of their People, before the great JUDGE.
Faithful Ministers will give up an account with joy, concerning those who have given them a kind entertainment. Those who have acknowledged them in their office, shall be the occasion of great joy. We are your rejoicing, even as ye are ours.
Besides, faithful Ministers will give an account of the ill treatment they have met with, from any who have not acknowledged them, but have slighted and despised them, misused and abused them, and disregarded the messages brought to them: They will witness against such to their confusion and condemnation.
On the other hand: If Ministers have been unfaithful, and betrayed the trust reposed in them; if they have neglected the duty of their office; their people will rise up against them, and be swift witnesses to their everlasting perdition.
This is one end of their meeting. Another is, that the LORD JESUS may judge between them, [Page 8] and settle all disputes that have subsisted between them here. It ofttimes happens that controversies arise between Ministers and their People: Sometimes to a very great degree, and of long continuance. Sometimes the fault is on the one part, and sometimes on the other, and sometimes in both. Sometimes these disputes are decided in this world, and ofttimes by party and prejudice, and ofttimes remain undetermined. But in the great day of accounts there will be a full, perfect, just, and upright decision; and then it will be known who is in the right, and who is in the wrong. All controversies will be settled forever.
And then they will receive sentence, in the presence of each other, according to their behaviour here. Justice will then take place upon all persons. He who has done well shall be rewarded, and he who has done ill shall be condemned. Every man shall then receive the reward of his labour.
Faithful Ministers shall be abundantly rewarded. They that be wise, shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars forever and ever.
And they who have received them, and approved of their messages, and given a cordial entertainment to the offers of the Gospel, as made to them, shall be amply rewarded also.
Such a Minister and People shall be each other's joy and crown of rejoicing in the day of the LORD JESUS.
On the other hand: Do any ill treat the faithful Ministers of CHRIST; refuse to hearken to [Page 9] their messages delivered in their Master's name, and by his order; do they despise and reject them: will [...] not receive them, but refuse to hear their word, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for them. And,
If Ministers prove themselves unfaithful, neglecters of the work and business of their office, betrayers of their Master's cause, imbibe corrupt principles, or pursue ill practices, the righteous Judge will deal out in anger and fiery rebukes. The blood of souls, lost through the unskilfulness and unfaithfulness of the watchman, shall be required at his hands.
FROM what has been suggested, we learn the near relation and connexion between a Minister and the People of his charge, and the reciprocal duties incumbent upon each of them.
Natural relations, as parents and children, are near, intimate, and interesting; and there is a special debt of care, love, esteem, and kindness, due from them. Civil connexions oblige the parties to particular duties. Every relation has its burdens and comforts: But none equal to those in a religious character; and that between Pastor and People is the more intimate.
The Pastor is to feed the Flock; the Shepherd to take care of the Sheep; the Steward is to regard the state of his Household: Ministers have great concerns with their People; and they have many concerns with them. The duty is reciprocal.
[Page 10] Ministers are the Ambassadors of CHRIST, and to pray their hearers, in his stead, to be reconciled to GOD. So that their office is an office of dignity and honour. They are to be respected and honoured by their People; their ministrations are to be attended upon; and the doctrines of the gospel, as dispensed by them, carefully regarded. They are to be viewed as the messengers of the LORD of Hosts.
Gospel Ministers are under the strongest obligations to faithfulness. They are to preach the Gospel; keep close to their commission. The Apostles did so: Our exhortation was not of deceit, nor of uncleanness, nor of guile; but as we are allowed of GOD, to be put in trust with the Gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but GOD.
Let Ministers then, and the People of their charge, know and fulfil the several trusts reposed in them.
That they stand in a special relation, we have already considered; that there are duties of the greatest concernment, is also evident; and that events, of the last importance, under GOD, depend upon the faithful discharge of their trust, is alike manifest. They must meet together in the day of judgment, and give account to the Chief Shepherd, how they have conducted here; and there will be something special in the affairs of the judgment relative to them, from what it is towards others.
Now it is of the last importance to the interest of CHRIST'S kingdom, and especially to their souls' salvation, that they be faithful to GOD, and [Page 11] to the trust reposed in them, and that they discharge the several duties incumbent upon them.
Let Ministers then see to it, that they be men of GOD. This is of infinite importance with regard to themselves. They must take heed to themselves, as they would not be castaways; and to the Flock committed to their charge, as they would be pure from the blood of all men. If any are lost through their neglect, their blood will be required of them. And that none may, through their faulty neglect, they must be men of learning, judgement, seriousness, patience, prudence, and of exemplary holiness. They need to be men of integrity, truth, and righteousness; men of wisdom; skilful in the affairs of salvation; full of affection towards the souls of men, and of long suffering towards all men. They ought to watch for souls; seek all opportunities for their safety; do good to all as they have occasion; and willingly give no offence, that the ministry be not blamed: But in all things approving themselves as the Ministers of CHRIST.
So our Apostle did. He could appeal to GOD, to his conscience, to his [...], and to all the people, in the several places where he had preached, that he preached the truth, plain truth, and necessary truth. And his life was a transcript of his preaching.
Happy for those Ministers, thus animated and influenced, to conduct in such an holy, examplary, wise, and prudent manner.
Let People also see how they conduct towards their Ministers. They should treat them with [Page 12] kindness; speak highly of their office; view them as the Ambassadors of CHRIST. They should be ready and willing to receive the truths of the Gospel from their lips; acknowledge them as lights of the world; give their messages a cordial entertainment; and remember, when they have to deal with them, they have to deal with CHRIST'S messengers, and that they must meet them in the great reckoning day, and give an account how they have heard and received, how they have attended and regarded, or how they have rejected and despised, the calls and invitations, the counsels and instructions, the warnings and reproofs, which have been set before them.
Certainly faithful Ministers, in the wise and prudent discharge of their office, deserve a kind reception, a welcome entertainment, and not to be reproached and vilified.
Says holy Flavel, "Your respect to them is founded upon their office and employments for you. They watch for your souls: Dare any of you watch for their halting, for their ruin? They bring glad tidings: Shall they return with sad tidings to him that sent them? They publish peace: Shall they be rewarded with trouble? O ungrateful world! what a strange challenge was that, Which of all the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? The office of the ministry speaks the abundant love of GOD to you; your abuse of it speaks the abundant malignity of your hearts towards him. It was a sad protestation of Jeremiah against an ungrateful people; Shall evil be [Page 13] recompensed for good? For they have digged a pit for my soul. Remember, that I stood before thee, to speak good for them, and to turn away thy wrath from them."
LET us proceed to bring these matters home to ourselves, and see what interest we have in them. It is of vast importance that we be rightly instructed, our consciences awake, and we wisely improving these alarming truths.
My brethren and my friends, you who are of this Christian Society, who generally and statedly have attended the worship of GOD in this place; you who were once the People of my charge, how often have some of us met, in our former house, in this relation! How often have I spoken the word of GOD to some of you! counselled and instructed, assisted and directed you, in the affairs of religion! How often have I administered the holy ordinances of the Gospel to some of you, as the People of my charge.
About thirty years rolled away, whilst I stood in the relation of Pastor to the Church and Congregation in this town; during which time I endeavoured to serve your best interests, according to [...] capacity. I spent the prime of my life, and the best of my days, in labouring for your good; and, through much infirmity (at least as to some of the time) preaching the Gospel unto you. For I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
As to those of you who were the first, and after builders up of this society, and did contiune with me [Page 14] in my ministry, how often have we met together! Sometimes in kind, friendly visits, for cultivating good neighbourhood, and strengthening affections.
How often have I been with some of you in your days of trouble and distress, when a cloud was drawn over your tabernacles, you filled with bitterness, and made to drink the wine of astonishment: When sickness seized you; when death brake in upon you; when some of your dearest friends, and sweetest enjoyments, were removed from you; when distress and anguish were ready to everwhelm you! I then endeavoured to administer relief and comfort to you, and gave you the best instructions and counsels that I was capable of. And you have been with me when I myself was the man who saw affliction by the rod of GOD'S wrath; when he led me, and brought me into darkness, and not into light.
I have been with many of you in private, in conversing with you respecting the great and important concerns of your souls, to lead and assist you in your solemn publick engagements, when you covenanted with GOD and his People, in publick manner.
How often have I been with some of you, in our former house, for the worship of GOD, and an attendance upon the ordinances of the Gospel, that by them we might be quickened and comforted, stablished and strengthened, in the ways of godliness!
What pleasure and satisfaction did it yield, when the bonds of friendship were strengthened; when the peace and comfort of the community was [Page 15] greatly promoted; and especially when the power and grace of CHRIST were manifested, his gracious presence and kind influences abundantly displayed! What pleasant, comfortable meeting to some of us, (I appeal to your consciences whether you have not sometimes found it so) when you sat under the shadow of CHRIST'S ordinances, and found the fruit of them sweet to your taste; when GOD spake peace to your souls, and let in divine light and joy into your hearts!
Thus I have been with some of you, and according to the grace given me, I cared for you in my preaching; I studied to find out acceptable words, even words of wisdom, and kept nothing back which I judged would be profitable for you.
Thus, I say, we have met together, some few of us, at least, for the space of about thirty years; though but few for that period; the greater part not half that term; and some of you for a few years only. But now such opportunities are at an end, never to return again, in the character and connexion of Pastor and Flock. That relation is now dissolved. Full twenty years have rolled away since. And verily such opportunities of meeting were at an end, as to many of my charge, before my dismission. For death, and a removal of habitation, had greatly changed the People of my charge. Only two of the first families remained, with both their heads living, among us; and thirteen members of the church were removed, mostly by death; and above forty persons that were or had been heads of families. Their days were numbered before my pastoral relation [Page 16] to you ceased. O, how swift are the wings of time to hasten us into the invisible world! Our natural, civil, and religious connexions will soon cease. We are all hastening into eternity.
Doubtless my day of life will soon be ended! The graves are ready for me! I am now in the seventy third year of my age, and labouring under many and growing infirmities. Shortly, very shortly, this month, which has often spoken to you the words of life, will be filled with gravel; these eyes, that now see you, closed in death; this hand, which has administered the water of holy baptism, to a great number of you, will be withering in the rotting grave; this body locked up in that house appointed for all living; and the spirit ascend to the SUPREME JUDGE, to receive the deeds done in the body. How solemn the thought! How affecting the consideration! How worthy of attention! I shall then have no more concern with any of you in this world; and perhaps some of you who have been the People of my charge, may be ready to think we shall never have concern with each other again. But, dear brethren, let us remember, that after all, there will be another meeting, and in another manner, and for other purposes; to give up an account how we have conducted towards each other in the relation of Pastor and People. Let us think of the awfulness and solemnity of that day, when all things will be settled for eternity. Let us lay in for a happy meeting then, that it may be foundation of pleasure and satisfaction, of joy and consolation. Let us therefore now review our past [Page 17] conduct, and see what has been amiss; repent, and reform. Let us know our present temper; that it be agreeable to the divine will. And let our future conversation and conduct be holy and without blame.
Many things have been out of place, I doubt not, in our various relations and connexions, and many things amiss in this.
When I view my own conduct, as a Minister of the Gospel, and see the many defects and failures; the many mistakes and imprudencies; and the many culpable deficiencies; and then think of appearing before the SUPREME JUDGE, in the great audit day, how is my heart softened, and my soul filled with shame and blushing! And were it not that the blood of JESUS was shed for the Priesthood, as well as the Congregation, confusion would cover me: But I desire to be sprinkled with that blood, and found under the REDEEMER'S wings, and look for pardon, relief, and safety, through him. May I be your rejoicing, in the day of the LORD JESUS.
And you, my brethren, the children of GOD, who have been enlightened by his word, and quickened by his SPIRIT; who have tasted the sweets of divine ordinances, as administered by me; and have been built up thereby, in the divine life, and have been comforted; you will be led to bless God for his goodness, and still love the means of instruction, and seek for further satisfaction and consolation.
You who are members of this Church, and have covenanted with GOD and one another, will be pleased to remember the bonds of the covenant [Page 18] are sacred, and may not be easily broken without sin. You will therefore be prevailed upon, to fulfil them with care and diligence.
You who have received the initiating seal by baptism, as administered by me; (and, how many of that number! more than sixty of them in families!) you, my young friends, will consider that you are bound to the service of GOD, and stand in a particular relation to this Church; and it becomes you to fulfil your baptismal engagements, and walk circumspectly. You will not suddenly nor easily be removed from your belief of the validity of your baptism.
You who have attended with us, and purpose, as well as are bound, to attend the publick worship, and the publick ordinances, in this place, as dispensed by your present Pastor, will endeavour to attend with diligence and constancy; will desire to gain instruction and further insight into the great truths and duties of our holy religion, and to be built up a spiritual house, to offer to GOD spiritual sacrifices, acceptable by JESUS CHRIST. You will, therefore, earnestly desire to experience the power of divine grace, the pleasures of the divine life, and the joys of the saints; and will strive to live and act, at all times, agreeable to the rules of the Gospel.
If any have been careless souls, and yet remain so, let them know, it will be a dreadful meeting in the day of judgment, if they remain in their sins, and unconcerned for the divine honour.
And may awakened souls see to it that they do not stifle convictions; that they are built upon the rock CHRIST; that they take up with nothing [Page 19] short of heavenly grace; with nothing short of an heart moulded into the temper of CHRIST; with nothing short of a gospel faith, and gospel holiness.
What shall I say more? I have already trespassed upon your patience. Love to your souls, whose happiness I earnestly desire now, as well as when I stood in the pastoral relation, has constrained me.
Though it is more than time I had done, yet I know not how to dismiss the subject, until I have offered something to the Congregation at large; to this whole Society.
Great are the changes that have happened among us, since my first appearing as a Minister of the Gospel. Fifty complete years have rolled away. On such an occasion suffer me to recollect, and hold up to view, some few of the remarkables which have taken place.
On January 9, 1740▪ you were incorporated into a town *, then few in number, about twenty families. Since which time how are you increased! now about one hundred and seventy: And by the late census you were found to be one thousand and seventy seven persons. At first your increase was slow; little alteration for the term of five years; but, afterward, the increase much more; for, at the end of ten years, your number of families was fifty five. For the second ten years, the increase in families was small, only ten. The last ten years of my ministry, the increase was forty one. The whole number, at my dismission, [Page 20] about one hundred and six families. Not more than five or six of the fifty five, with both their heads, are living among us. There had been six hundred and forty two births; about three hundred and thirty were males, and about three hundred and ten were females: The increase of males about thirty. There have died two hundred and fourteen persons; about eighty under the age of two years; and more than half under the age of five.
The number of the baptized, by me, about five hundred and twenty: And since, by your present Pastor, four hundred and twenty nine. So that there has been almost a thousand baptisms.
The Church, when first embodied, consisted of fourteen males. In the first ten years of my ministry, it increased to more than sixty members; of which number there were more males than females, about thirty two of them new members; the rest from other Churches: In which time of ten years, there died nine females, and not one male. Six persons had been dismissed to other Churches.
At the end of twenty years the Church consisted of about seventy five members, and when I was dismissed, of eighty six; thirty eight males; forty eight females. The Church now consists of thirty three males, and forty six females. During the thirty years of my ministry there had been fifty four removed from us, some by dismission to other Churches, but mostly by death.
Seventy one persons have owned the covenant, under my administration, and a like number under your present Pastor's.
[Page 21] There was a remarkable sickness about seven years after my settlement: Twenty two persons died. And about six years after, the year after the great earthquake, a raging distemper carried off about forty five persons in a short time, mostly younger persons and children.
Soon after my leaving the Ministry among you, you were religiously concerned to have the Gospel Ministry resettled among you; and, before two years rolled away, found, and soon after settled, your present Pastor.
May his days be much longer, and his ministry much more successful, than his predecessor's.
You have also lately erected and finished this spacious and well ornamented house, for the publick worship. May the glory of it be as much greater than the glory of the former house, in the bestowment of spiritual blessings, and communications, of divine grace, in and with divine ordinances, as it is more magnifical.
And now what shall I say? Will you, my aged fathers and friends, wake up: Arise and trim your lamps: Be in earnest to give glory to GOD, before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains? The shadows of the evening are streched out to a great length, as to some of us. The sun is near down. The graves are ready for us. A very few sands in the glass. Let us be thankful that GOD has spared us, when so many of our ancient friends and acquaintances are gone before us; and divers of late. Six of a religious character. The most of them were among the first builders up of the society, and lived in it more than forty [Page 22] years. We have often taken sweet counsel with them, and gone to the house of GOD in company: But we shall see their faces here no more. It becomes us to cry with the Psalmist. Help, LORD, when the godly cease, and the faithful [...], from among the children of men!
The widows and the fatherless have greatly increased of late. Many are the mourners that go about the streets. There are at least twenty four widows in the society, and not more than one widower. Four younger persons have deceased in the year past; one lately of the small pox.
We are now beginning a new year. O! my friends, let us be more than ever concerned for the life of that religion, which is the life of our souls. Let us walk by faith; live upon the promises; be in earnest for GOD, for religion, and for the welfare of mankind. Let us be much and often in the duties of self examination, meditation, and prayer; attending all the means of grace. And may you be your present Pastor's joy and rejoicing here, and his and mine in the day of the LORD JESUS.
May you that are in the middle of life, or rising up in usefulness, be religiously concerned to live to the divine honour. You have special advantages put into your hands. You have the publick ministry, and gospel worship, to attend upon. Will not you be careful to improve them to the honour of the REDEEMER, and your own profit and spiritual comfort? Why will you not? Let me plead with you to set up and keep up family religion. Are you baptized persons? [Page 23] Yes; the most of you. Think of your obligations. Have not a number of you bound yourselves by covenant engagements? And why, my friends, should any be unwilling? Let me entreat you to love the religion of JESUS. Love the preached word, and publick ordinances of the Gospel. Regard the christian Sabbath. Shun all the paths of wickedness. Cheer and comfort the heart of your present Pastor. How will he be pleased and gratified to see you walking in the truth! May the blessing of GOD rest upon you; his spirit be poured out in plenty; and you be the cause of his rejoicing, and he of yours, in the day of the LORD JESUS. O think often of that solemn day, and let it influence your future conduct!
May the youth, in this place, be disposed to know, love, and serve the LORD GOD of their fathers; to remember their CREATOR now in youth; become sober minded; shun the ways of vanity; behave virtuously; hearken to the instruction of their Parents, Minister, Teachers; improve all opportunities to be more and more acquainted with their duty; and lay in betimes for a happy eternity.
The Pastor of this Church will not take it amiss, if I stir up his pure mind by way of remembrance. He will take heed to himself and doctrine, and continue in them, that he may save himself and them who hear him. He will remember, that he watches for souls as one who must give an account. He will endeavour to be faithful, and wish to be successful. He will be much in prayer, and concerned to know the state of his flock. He will be ready to perform every kind [Page 24] office for them; to spend and be spent for the good of souls. May he have much of the presence of the great Shepherd with him, in all his future ministrations, and much success! And may he and the People of his charge, be each other's rejoicing, in the day of CHRIST JESUS.
And now, dear brethren and friends, I take an affectionate farewel of you, and close with my dying wish. The LORD bless you, and keep you: The LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious: The LORD lift up the light of his countenance, and give you peace. O! if the SPIRIT of GOD rest upon you, you shall be built up. You will attend the means. May GOD shine upon this sanctuary.
I ask an interest in your prayers, and, once more, say, Finally, brethren, farewel in the LORD. Be perfect: Be of good comfort: Live in peace: and the GOD of love and peace be with you. May I be your rejoicing, and you mine, in the day of the LORD JESUS. Amen.
At the close of the exercise the lxxist Psalm, third part, of Dr. Watt's version, was sung.