HAVING had a transient view of the following Poetic Compositions, composed by the Author at about twenty years of age, they appear to me to display the traits of a genius propitiously fostered by the Muses; and give a specimen of what might be expected from the same Author, having arrived to riper years, under the cultivation of experience and reading, and especially the influence of a more serious and heavenly turn of mind; which tends not only to elevate and clarify the Parnassian Font, but to give its streams a more happy direction:—I can, therefore, recommend them to the public perusal.
An Elegy on the death of the Rev. John Ogilvie, D. D. who departed this life the 26th Nov. 1774.
New-York, Dec. 26th, 1774.
An Elegy on the death of Miss Polly Preston, who died December 26th, 1781.
Woodbury, 1781.
TO MR. JOSIAH MINOR. A Hymn on Communion with God.
Woodbury, Oct. 19th, 1782.
An Elegy on the death of Mrs. Ann Platt, who died January 17th, 1788, in the 74th year of her age.
Smith-Town, (Long-Island) July 1788.
To a Student, at the Academy at East-Hampton.
Smith-Town, (Long-Island) June 26th, 1788.
ELEGY 1st. On Rural Retirement.
New-York, 1775.
ELEGY 2d. On the Tyranny of his Britannic Majesty.
Long-Island, Aug. 2d. 1776.
ELEGY 3d. The Lot of Humanity.
New-Haven, Dec. 24th, 1776.
ELEGY 4th. To Major Robert T—p, at Ticonderoga.
Westbury, June 3d, 1777.
ELEGY 5th. On the Pleasures of Imagination.
Westbury, Feb. 24th, 1778.
ELEGY 6th. Written soon after the Author retired from New-York, upon its being invested by the British Forces.
Westbury, April 23d, 1778.
ELEGY 7th. A Parody on Gray's Elegy.
The Epitaph.
Westbury, Dec. 18th, 1777.
ELEGY 8th. On the sordid and ignoble's basking beneath the sun-shine of Prosperity, and unfortunate Merit oppressed and unrewarded.
To Dr.
W—l—m E—s—s.
Poughkeepsie, July 25th, 1778.
ELEGY 9th. On too gr [...] [...]dness for Poetical Composition.
Poughkeepsie, Sept. 17th, 1778.
ELEGY 10th. To a Friend who, from the mis-representations of some insidious Person, suspected the Sincerity of the Author's Friendship for him.
Poughkeepsie, Oct. 17th, 1778.
ELEGY 11th. Written during the time of the Author's Retirement from New-York, under Indisposition of Body, and much Dejection of Mind; from reflecting upon his Prospect of Life being blasted, by means of the Contest with Great-Britain.
Westbury, Dec. 21st, 1778.
On seeing a tatter'd, wretched Poet.
On Mr. W—l—g's courting a young Lady who refused his Addresses.
On the present King of Great-Britain.
Long-Island, Aug. 13th, 1776.
On seeing a Friend, after a long and disagreeable Retirement.
Westbury, 1777.
Written Extempore, upon the Command of the Passions.
Written Extempore.
On the Snuff of a Candle's falling into a Lady's Bosom.
Poughkeepsie, Aug. 16th, 1778.
A Night Piece.
Westbury, March 7th, 1778.
An Ode to Liberty.
New-York, Dec. 27th, 1775.
Written under a great Depression of Spirits, upon viewing the artful and insincere raised to the heighth of Prosperity;—the last ten lines being intended as an Epitaph.
Poughkeepsie, July 22d, 1778.
JULIA to EDWARD. The Effusion of a broken Heart.
Westbury, Oct. 27th, 1777.