WE are assembled on this joyful anniversay of our public liberty:—liberty obtained at the expence of much blood and treasure; with decency becoming a christian state, we now appear in this sacred place, first to pay our religious acknowledgements to the SUPREME RULER, and to collect some instruction from the oracles of truth: that special providence which prevents the worthy reverend brother * appointed to have led in the public devotions of this day, and a very late call on me to stand in his place, from his Excellency the PRESIDENT and the honorable COUNCIL, must be my apology for the following hasty composition.
LET this honorable COURT then, and this respectable ASSEMBLY permit me to expect their kind candor, while I attempt a few important thoughts on this great occasion, suggested by the words of our LORD, recorded in the gospel according to
AMONG the many metaphors used in sacred scripture, expressive of the duty and subjection we owe to God our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ; that of a servant is perhaps the most frequent. It is used with the highest propriety; for it is just in its self, and adapted to convey ideas of the highest importance to us. For he who made us, he who provides for us, supporting both soul and body in all their noble powers and organs, has surely an unlimitted right to our services. He, who has redeemed us unto God with his own most precious blood, that we might be to him a peculiar people, zealous of good works, has the highest claims upon us, and may justly expect we should glorify him in our bodies & in our souls which are the Lords. In a word, he may justly expect, that, in our respective stations and characters, we should yield all ready obedience [Page 5] and subjection to him, who has laid down his precious life for us.
AND indeed, my friends, the true servants of Jesus Christ glory in their character: they esteem it their highest dignity, that they are now no longer servants and slaves, to the prince of the power of this world; nor to their own vile lusts: but that the blessed son of God hath made them free: though other Lords have had dominion over them, yet henceforth they will make mention only of his name.
SERVANTS must do their masters work, and keep ever in view, as their rule and guide his commands and will: they must do their work with cheerfulness,—with singleness of heart,—and good fidelity; though their master may appoint to some more work, to others less, according to their several abilities; yet all have something on their hands by his appointment of importance to be done. Nor does the subordination of labourers, or that of their work, at all prevent their holding one common title, under their great Lord: they are all his servants, and blessed be his name, if they are faithful, however they may rank among themselves, they shall all in the last day, [Page 6] receive a most gracious reward from their divine master, in the presence of attending angels, and an assembled world.
THE servant mentioned in the text, seems to have been one greatly honored with peculiar talents and entrustments; he is made ruler over his masters household, his character and post are applicable, with some special propriety, to Magistrates and Ministers.
MAGISTRATES are appointed, by the wise and good providence of heaven, to rule among men, in subordination to, and in immitation of him, "who himself rules the world in righteousness, and judges the people with equity." The holy Apostle Paul accordingly roundly asserts, that the powers that be, are ordained of God. They are, in this sense even under the present dispensation, the Lord's annointed, appointed by him ministers of God for good. They have in their exalted stations, the solemn oath and charge of God imposed upon them, to regard supremely his honor, to promote the great end of their delegated power, and the public good. They are commanded to be just, to fear God, to hate coveteousness, and ever to bear in mind that God is with them in the judgment.
[Page 7] THESE are his honored servants in the State,—the earthly political household of the Lord: they are appointed to do his work, to promote the happiness of the Commonwealth, which is the great end of all political government;— to give to every one his meat in due season, and advance, to their utmost, the great designs of God's moral government in the world: Happy are these his honored servants, whom when their Lord cometh, he shall find so doing: Verily I say unto you, he shall make them rulers over all his goods; their stations shall be marked with distinguished honor in the world of supreme glory.
MINISTERS must consider themselves under the character of servants in the church of the living God: their work is spiritual, their charge is great, and their account will be most solemn. By the great head of the church they are made rulers in his spiritual household, which is the church of the living God; they are appointed to this office, not to Lord it over mens faith, or consciences; but to be helpers of their joy; and to give to every one his portion of meat in due season.
GREAT wisdom and faithfulness are necessary in ministers, in order to their acquiting themselves [Page 8] to God and their own consciences: though as ministers of that kingdom of their blessed Lord, which is not of this world, they are not to interfere with matters of government, nor assume lordly titles over their fellow subjects; yet it must be allowed, they have a most important depositum committed to them; they have an arduous work on their hands; they have been charged in the presence of God and the holy angels, to watch for souls as those who must give account; they are urged to be found faithful in the household of God, by innumerable motives of the highest moment; one only might be thought sufficient; they are the servants of mens souls for Christ's sake.
BUT, my respected hearers, while we have pointed out magistrates and ministers as especially designed in the sacred passage, we are considering, let none of this assembly consider themselves as wholly disinterested in the subject in hand; for persons of every age, rank and character have something intrusted them by the great Lord of the household; they have some talents to improve for the well-being of the State to which they belong; the honor of Christ and the edification of the church.
[Page 9] WE have all the proper work of time assigned us, in whatever posts we are placed. There is something to be done, for ourselves and society.—Something in our power to effect, either by our heads, our hearts, or our hands. We must all be diligent in business, and fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. I say again, time, and all its important concernments, are talents intrusted us by the great Lord of all;—and wo unto us, if by indolence, or attention to other things, things comparatively of no importance, we wrap these talents up in a napkin, and leave them unimproved.
BUT give me leave to consider, a little more distinctly, the character of wise and faithful servants, as it is concisely drawn by our Lord in the text.
IT must be supposed then, that they know the duties of their particular stations; and what talents, are intrusted them for their improvement.
ONE, who is wholly ignorant of his Lord's will; who either cannot, or will not understand the duties, of his particular station; or in what way he ought to serve God and man, cannot be numbered among, either the wise, or the faithful [Page 10] servants. The good servants, therefore of our Lord Jesus Christ, will not fail to enquire with diligence, after their master's will; and carefully consider what are the duties, which especially belong to that department, he has assigned them: Their language, from time to time, will be, like that of Saul, in his way to Demascus, Lord, what wouldst thou have me to do?
THE servant in the text, is called a wise servant, not only because it is our highest wisdom to be faithful; but because he was prudent, being well instructed in all the duties of his station.
AGAIN, wise servants, will keep in their proper spheres.
THEY will not intermeddle with things which lie out of their line, or above their capacity. Wherein God hath called them, therein they will abide with God. They will diligently attend upon the business of their own proper stations; they will consider what are the talents intrusted them; and be concerned to improve those they have, not those they have not.
THE want of this kind of wisdom, has introduced, both into the church and state, great disorders. [Page 11] Hence have proceeded those violent attacks, on that order of priesthood, which God himself, established in the Jewish oeconomy: Hence the story of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram; as you will see at large in Num. XVI, a [...] the beginning. Hence also that unhappy king Uzziah, who thurst himself into the priest's office, and was struck, by the hand of the Lord, with the plague of leprosy, for his prophane presumption: You will read the account of this memorable event in 2d Chron. XXVI. chap.
NOR has the christian church been free from the sad effects of the same spirit. Many have run before they were sent: and those who kn [...]w not what are the first principles of the oracles of God, have imagined they were quite equal to the most arduous undertaking;—that they could stop the mouth of gainsayers, and rightly divide the word of truth, giving to every one, his portion in due season.
BUT the State has been as much infested, with this proud and self-advancing spirit, as the church. While modesty, with great abilities, has been contented in her humble station; though in the truth of facts, one of the highest recommendations to public trust; the self-confident assurance, of some ignorant, overbearing persons, either [Page 12] by the brass in their face, or the gold in their purse, have pushed themselves into places, which they could neither fill with dignity, nor resign without humiliating regret. Hence, the wise king Solomon, long since observed a sore evil under the sun, namely, servants on horse-back, and princes walking by their side.
AGAIN, faithful servants, are supposed to be well acquainted, with the ends and purposes, to which their talents and entrustments, must be applied. The glory of the great Lord of all, and the happiness of mankind, command their highest attention. They know that God is glorified, when the great purposes of his moral government, are answered; these centre in the happiness of mankind. For "the Father of Being is the Father of mercies, a principle of boundless active love; and though infinitely various in execution, his design is one, his own glory, or which is evidently the same thing, the happiness of his creatures, is the centre in which all the lines of his government unite. Every thing takes place in the universal system, according as it tends to the accomplishment of this great parental purpose." The duties, therefore of the second table, or what we owe to our fellow servants, will be [Page 13] eyed with great attention. The religion of our Divine Master, is most kind and beneficent: The gospel itself is a manifestation of divine love, directed to it's proper object,—the salvation of a ruined world. Every attentive person, must observe, that it is well adapted to promote, civil and social happiness: For, it inriches the heart with every virtue, which tends to adorn human nature, and to increase the common stock of social happiness. "It forms the wise and prudent parent,—the amiable child,—the affectionate brother,—the generous friend; but above all, the judicious, upright and consistent magistrate; who rises superior, not only to views of personal interest; but what is often more expressive of true greatness, the prejudice of party, and the blind impulse of passion; who with the knowledge and government of his own heart, is unmoved by the froward humours of the world around him; and whether they frown or flatter, he remains fixed in his purpose, of promoting their happiness."—Thus faithful servants, influenced by the principles of our holy religion, will ardently desire, and assiduously endeavor to promote the well-being of all around them; especially of those who are committed to their care in their character of magistrates or ministers. The servant in the text, [Page 14] gave the houshold, their meat in due season: It was his fidelity in this branch of his character, his Lord emphasised, and remarked with so much kind respect.
BE assured, my respected friends, faithful servants are not only acquainted with the duties of their respective stations; and know the ends which should command their highest attention; but they are constantly and conscienciously concerned to discharge these duties, and to answer the end of their appointment, to such particular stations, in the oeconomy of God's moral government.
ARE they rulers? They will rule in the fear of God; devoting themselves to his honor, by whom kings reign, and princes decree justice: they will imitate in some happy measure, though alas! infinitely short of the great original, the wisdom,—the justice,—faithfulness and mercy of the Supreme Ruler, all which glorious perfections shine with resplendent lustre, in his moral government of the world.
ARE they ministers of the gospel? it is their great concern to obtain mercy of the Lord to be found faithful. They give themselves wholly to their proper work; warning every man—and teaching [Page 15] every man in all wisdom that they may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.
ARE they parents or masters? they are conscienciously concerned to walk in their houses with a perfect heart. They behave with kindness, gentleness, and fidelity towards those committed to their care and government:—They endeavor to teach them by precepts, and their own examples, the true fear of the Lord. Consider them in any,—in all the dear social connexions of life, you will see them kind and courteous, tender hearted and pitiful; endeavouring to exhibit themselves a patern to others, in the full exercise, of all the social virtues and graces of the gospel.
To sum up all in few words; they, who are wise and faithful servants, employ all their abilities, and improve all their opportunities, in their respective stations, for the glory of God, and the welfare of mankind. Their time,—their health,—their dignities,—their substance,—the gifts and graces of the gospel,—and all their advantages, of either doing good to others; or of obtaining essential benefit to themselves: all these are consecrated and devoted, to the honor of their great [Page 16] Master, by a careful, and faithful improvement of them.
BUT it is more than time, my worthy hearers, that the subject should be particularly addressed to the honorable Court, whose presence has called me to speak, from this sacred place. May I be permitted, with humble assurance, to address this honorable Court as a collective body of christian Magistrates, assembled, with fixt purpose of heart to promote the honor of the great Messiah, and the best interest of this commonwealth?
UNDER this most respectable character, I will hope to consid [...] every one of this much respected body. For, Heaven forbid, that this State, in her infancy, should so far forget her own constitution, that grand palladium of all her liberties, as to suffer infidels and deists to fasten their falcon hands on the reins of government; or give a place, in their legislative, judicial, or executive body to any one, who does not hold himself amenable at the tribunal of him who has a name written on his vesture and on his thigh, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.
Honored Gentlemen, YOUR dignity,—your duty,—and the most [Page 17] powerful motives to fidelity have been imperfectly hinted in the didactic part of our subject. It is presumed you have listened with an attentive ear, to a subject, in which your public characters so deeply interest you. You have, I trust, already made the application of the practical part to your own hearts.
YOU are called, by the suffrage of free citizens, to be rulers over God's houshold: And thus for the voice of the people may, undoubtedly, be considered as the voice of God. Yea, the great master of the houshold himself stiles you Gods. I said ye are Gods; but ye shall die like men. Your stations are honorable, as they are important: And while you faithfully discharge the duties, belonging to your several departments, you have just claims of honor and obedience on us,—on this whole commonwealth.
IF, according to your original designation, you are indeed the ministers of God for good; if you are wise and faithful, always seeking the peace of God's people; if you give to the houshold their meat in due season, by a just and wise legislation, and by a faithful and energetic execution of good laws; then duty, love and gratitude oblige us, to pay you [Page 18] high honor and respect. Yea, it is in the code of gospel precepts, enjoined us, not only to fear God, but to honor such civil rulers, we are commanded to submit ourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake; and we ought, by the same divine authority, to render custom, (or tribute,) to whom custom, fear to whom fear, and honor to whom honor is due. Every citizen therefore, who deserves the protection of the laws, so far from casting any reproach on your character; or weakening your hands, by calumniating insinuations, will show you every mark of dutiful respect; & endeavour to strengthen your hands, in the discharge of the duties of your public character.
YOUR duty, and your dignity go hand in hand: They are essentially connected together. The rule and measure is plainly drawn,—drawn by your own hands, in the constitution of this State, from which you have solemnly sworn you will not deviate. This you will therefore, carefully study in all its branches. You will consider it of great importance, to know, these statutes and ordinances, that you might not transgress: You will recollect that, for this end, the princes of God's ancient people, were divinely enjoined, to write out, with their own hands, the Mosaic constitution.
[Page 19] GIVE me leave, to remind you, that it is the constitution, and constitutional laws, to which the people have pledged their fidelity and obedience; and not to any body of men, however otherwise respectable. The moment therefore, you should presume to raise yourselves, in political importance, above the constitution, you would forfeit your political dignity; and stand upon the same ground, with the lowest voters in the state. Did I say, upon the same ground? I correct myself: For such voters are supposed to be free, from every charge, of public infidelity: But you would be liable to be called upon, to answer for your unfaithfulness, at the tribunal of an injured people.
DETERMINED to make this your main guide; you will exert your combined efforts, fully to discharge, that public confidence your fellow citizens, have reposed in you. And surely, you cannot fail to recollect, that the wise and faithful servant, whom his Lord made ruler over all his houshold, gave them their meat in due season: This was the principal part of his duty! this he faithfully discharged. When you consider therefore, yourselves appointed by the same Lord, through the voice of the people, to be rulers over this part of his houshold; and that the very end of this [Page 20] appointment, is, that you might have it in your power, to give every member his portion of meat in due season;—this consideration, will surely annihilate every low motive;—every species of party spirit, and selfish views: For these would be likely to draw off your attention, from the public emolument, and fix it on your own families, or near connexions. You will reprobate, with the highest indignation, the idea of desecrating the important depositum committed to you, to the unworthy purposes, of feeding yourselves only, and not the whole houshold.
THUS united, and in earnest to promote the public welfare of every part of this State, you will immediately find important business crowding from every quarter, on your heads,—your hearts, your hands: For, the present suffering circumstances of the houshold, call aloud for your immediate care.
BUT modest propriety, and a full conviction of my own inability, to lead you through the laberinth of public labors, forbid my making any attempt of the kind.
ONLY, let me observe, the scarcity of a circulating [Page 21] medium;—the low State of our national credit, and commerce;—the poor multiplying in all our towns;—inattention to the natural sources of our wealth;— viz. agriculture; manufactures: well regulated commerce; and especially that oeconomical prudence, which is essential to the public prosperity of every people; these are subjects, which call aloud for the united wisdom and energy of this honorable court.
A revision of such acts, as have been supposed, inconsistent with the constitution:—The appointment of proper persons, to represent you in Congress, persons, possessed of talents adapted to serve in that very important station, and adorned with such a christian character, as you would wish to have exhibited, as a sample of your own christian morality, before other christian nations;—together with the appointment to other offices in the State as there may be a call for them;—as also means to reward such as are faithful, without distressing the people;—these undoubtedly are objects, worthy the notice and careful attention, of this respected court.
THE scarcity of men of literary abilities, and the importance in which the rising generation, [Page 22] are justly held, by all the wise in every nation, especially in infant Sates, will surely turn your paternal eyes on our youth. You will wish to have their young minds, cultivated under the skilful hand of able and religious instructors;—such as are capable, at least, of teaching them the rudiments of our own language; and instructing them, by their own examples, in the principles of christian morality. If there are good laws already enacted on this subject, it is presumed you will endeavor to give more energy to such, as have hitherto, utterly failed of answering their salutary design.
IN a word, your watchful and compasionate eyes will pervade every part of the houshold: Your hearts will feel for all: And your hands of justice,—truth—and goodness will be employed for all. And blessed are ye, if when your great Lord calls you from your present distinguished stations, either by death, or in any other way, you shall be found so doing.
HIS mouth shall bless you, who has all power of blessing in his hands: And whom he blesses, is blessed indeed. You shall have peace in your own consciences: the peace of God, which passeth [Page 23] all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds, through Christ Jesus: Heavens blessings shall be implored upon you, by all the wise and good: You shall be blessed with more wisdom and grace; and perhaps, with further intrustments: For, to him who thus hath, thus faithfully improves what he hath, we may justly expect more shall be given: Your fellow citizens shall bless you: Yea, children yet unborn, shall have your names transmitted them, with high honor.
BUT above all, your Lord and master in Heaven shall bless you▪ and pronounce, in the great day of his appearing, that happy euge on you: Well done, good and faithful servants, ye have been faithful in a few things, I will make you rulers over many things; enter ye into the joy of your Lord.
To conclude; let this whole assembly be impressed with a deep sense, of the infinite importance of fidelity in their respective ranks. God's eye is ever fixt on us all: As there are none above his controul, so there are none below his notice: We shall all stand together, before the bar of Christ, there—solemn thought! there to render up our respective accounts, of the various talents intrusted us; and to be judged according to the [Page 24] deeds done in the body. Then all these distinctions shall be laid aside: Then there will be neither honorable nor base, in any other sense, than as we shall in that important hour, be pronounced either faithful, or unfaithful, righteous or wicked.
THEN, all rule and authority, shall be put down: For Christ the great Messiah, shall reign, till all things are put under his feet. O, therefore, let us now kiss the son, lest he be angry with us, and we perish in that day; blessed are all they that put their trust in him