A SERMON PREACHED At Hatfield December 15th, 1774, BEING THE DAY RECOMMENDED By the late Provincial Congress; To be observed as A Day of THANKSGIVING.
BOSTON: Printed and Sold by EDES and GILL, in Queen-Street. 1775.
Voted, THAT Messirs. John Hastings, Elijah Moreton and Jonathan Allis, be a Committee to wait upon the Rev. Mr. Lyman, and present him the Thanks of the Town for his Sermon delivered last Thanksgiving Day; and desire that he would favour the Town with a Copy thereof, in order that it may be printed.
The Answer.
To the Inhabitants of the Town of Hatfield.
I Thank you for the Honor done me, in requesting a Copy of my Sermon, delivered upon the last Thanksgiving Day, for the Press. Your desires and the Importance of the Subject then attempted to be discussed, are my Motives for consenting in my early Life to appear in such a public Manner. My Concern is, least I should do a Dishonour to the great Doctrine of God's Righteousness and Goodness to his Churches, by my unequal endeavours to make it illustrious, and to confirm the Faith of his People upon the sure Foundation of the Gospel.
I have made some Additions for Illustration in the Marginal Notes, and some small Corrections in the Original, which are submitted to your pleasure, by
Delivered upon a Day of Thanksgiving.
Behold I will send my Messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: And the Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his temple, even the Messenger of the Covenant whom ye delight in: Behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of Hosts.
But who may abide the day of his coming? And who shall stand when He appeareth? For He is like a refiner's fire and like fuller's soap.
THE two first chapters of this prophecy contain a reproof of the ingratitude of the children of Israel, and the contempt which they cast upon God in their sacrifices. The aggravation of their sin arose from the peculiar favour and goodness of heaven to their nation, in placing them above the rest of mankind, by the enjoyment of special privileges.
The priesthood incurred reproach by a base perversion of their office and the introduction of manifold corruptions into divine worship.
Their violation of the covenant of Levi, provoked God to render them contemptible before all the people: They were impoverished and became despicable among their brethren, by the neglect of [Page 6] the tribes in withholding their tithes and offerings. From censuring the Levites the Prophet proceeds to reprove the other inhabitants of Jerusalem for their intermarriages with strangers, and for violating the covenant with their lawful wives: hereby they were seduced into idolatry and all the abominations of the heathen, whom the Lord had cast out before the face of their fathers.
The Jews wearied God with their impatience and murmuring complaints.
They looked carefully for the promised Messiah, a Prince to arise up in the family of David to be their deliverer out of all their afflictions, and to exalt them high above the nations. They impeached the divine goodness for delaying this distinguishing benefit to them, and said, 'Where is the God of Judgment'. Or wherefore doth not the just God fulfil his promises, and send us deliverance? Hereby they discovered their distrust of the divine faithfulness; and they wearied God with their infidelity and suspicious jealousy of his power and goodness. But instead of chastizing them, as their impatient murmurings had merited, God sent his Prophet with a new and merciful prediction of Christ's coming, and the signs and manner thereof. This prophecy begins with our Text. In treating of which I shall attempt
I. A brief explanation of the several distinct parts thereof—And then,
II. Dwell upon some general truths contained therein, with more particular attention. And,
I. Let us attend to a brief explanation of the several distinct parts of the text.
The Prophet ushers in his gracious prediction with the word, "Behold", thereby challenging the attention of his countrymen to something worthy [Page 7] their highest notice and regard. "I will send" I the Lord Jesus, who am the author of this promise, by the mouth of my Prophet, "will send". Christ is the source of all benefits to the church. "My messenger." Christ's messenger or the forerunner who proclaimed his approach, was John the Baptist. "And he shall prepare the way before me". This did the Baptist, by preaching repentance unto Israel for the remission of sins. He enjoined renunciation of all their iniquities as a necessary preparation for the reception of the Messiah, upon his public manifestation to the world. He preached that the kingdom of heaven was at hand.—"And the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple". In about six months after the Baptist's preaching, Christ was made manifest, and anointed publickly by the Holy Ghost, to his work. In the days of our Prophet the people lamented the inferiority of the second temple to that which was builded by Solomon; yet he lets them know for their consolation, that it should become illustrious, by the personal appearance of our Lord therein; agreable to the words of the Prophet Haggai. "And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of Hosts. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than the former, saith the Lord of Hosts" * The temple of Christ extends not only to the temple at Jerusalem, but likewise to the gospel church, which is frequently stiled, "His temple", and, "the temple of the living God". Christ will always protect his church; he will not long absent himself therefrom. Altho' for their declension he may visibly hide his face and withdraw some of [Page 8] his special favours for a season, yet he will not long delay his coming: He will never leave nor forsake them; he will return upon the wings of his love: He will not tarry, but come "suddenly", "even the messenger of the covenant▪ whom ye delight in." Christ is the great Prophet of his people and the head of the covenant of Grace; and he will not be negligent in bearing messages of peace to the church. He will be faithful and active in his work. The expressions, "whom ye seek, and whom ye delight in," evidence, that at all times there are some who are in a measure faithful to the Saviour, who rejoice in his presence, and earnestly look for his return and abode in his church or temple.—"Behold he shall come, saith the Lord of Hosts". The promise is repeated with the most solemn assurances to strengthen our confidence therein. The Father hath promised by his great Name, that Christ shall return to his people. That so they might have a strong consolation, since it is impossible for God to lie.
"But, who may abide the day of his coming?" However we are assured; that the messenger of the covenant will come; yet it will frequently be with his terrible Majesty; in the way of severe Judgments: He will chastise his heritage for their apostacies; and send the most fearful calamities upon the wicked, who desire not the Saviour's appearance. "God will shake nations, when the desire of all nations shall come." The hearts of many may fail them: Many may fall away in the tribulation of those days: The cause may at times appear desperate, and there may be an almost total defection; some may be brought to death in the terrible conflict: "For there shall be distress of nations; the waves and sea roring." The Lord [Page 9] shall break forth in his glory, from a dark and pitchy Cloud.—"And who shall stand when he appeareth?" Who shall persevere in the midst of these distresses? Who shall maintain their integrity? who be found faithful to the end? The Prophet's words intimate, that very few would stand the trial. "For he is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's soap." Fire is for the purification of metals. Silver and Gold are cast thereinto to burn up the dross. The fuller's soap is used to take out the spots in cloaths and garments. Gold is cast into the furnace, into the extremity of heat, before the alloy, the reprobate metals are consumed; when it returns, it comes forth pure gold. And likewise cloaths go through a severe purification before all the blemishes are washed away. Christ is like this fire and soap; he raises the fire of affliction and persecution to purge away the sins of his people. Many are washed away in the filth: Many are consumed with the dross. God's children are severely tried: Many of their darling sins are burnt up. He consumes in them, the wood, the hay and the stubble: Things very precious to them. They are often feeble and sore-broken under divine judgments, and are ready to cry out with the Psalmist *, "O God, why hast thou cast us off forever? why doth thine anger smoke against the sheep of thy pasture?" Christ comes "with the fan in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor: He shall gather the wheat into his garner, and burn up the chaff with unquenchable Fire."
Thus I have explained each part of our text separately. Let us see how the promise which is twice repeated with so much solemnity, was fulfilled, as it referred immediately to the Jews—In due [Page 10] time, John the Baptist, our Lord's forerunner, preached in the desert of Judea the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. * He cried saying, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. He warned the people, that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand. And accordingly, while he was fulfilling his course, Christ came and was baptized of him in Jordan, and set up his public administrations. He came with Power and Authority. His doctrines were unexpected. He had his fan in his hand. He cast off the Scribes and Pharisees and Jewish doctors: disappointed their fond hopes of distinction: He refused to associate with them. He chose his followers among the despised and rejected of the nation. These were led into such tribulation, that their hearts misgave them, and finally when the messenger of the covenant was cut off in the midst of his week, they all forsook him and fled. And after his Resurrection, the church was beset with all the malice of a rancorous and persecuting zeal. They were murdered; they were dispersed; they were wasted and laid most desolate, until the iniquities of their persecutors were full. Then Christ came in fearful Judgments to avenge his Blood and the Blood of his Martyrs, and the breach of his covenant. † There were wars and rumours of wars. Nation rose again Nation, and Kingdom against Kingdom; there were Famines and Pestilences, and Earthquakes, in divers places; and such tribulation as was not from the beginning of the world, even unto that time; no, nor ever shall be. And had not God shortned those days, no flesh would have been saved; but for the Elect's sake, he shortened them.— ‡ There were [Page 11] voices and sights in the air; the most portentous prodigies; army against army in battle array, engaged over the city: The sound of trumpets and the most astonishing noises, to fill their hearts with terror and dire dismay. These were but the beginnings of sorrows, a prelude to that awful and final excision which they suffered at the hands of Titus—Thus did the messenger of the covenant come to his temple; to protect his church, and to execute wrath upon his enemies. Thus was he a Refiner's Fire, and Fuller's Soap, And how few did abide the day of his coming? or stand when he appeared? But let us now pass on,
II. To consider of some of the more general truths in our text.
We are thence taught;
I. That Christ will defend his church.
He came into the world a messenger of the covenant: And his covenant will he keep with his people. And he hath the security of the Father's promise. * His seed also will I make to endure forever, and his throne as the days of Heaven. If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my Judgments; if they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments; then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquities with stripes. Nevertheless, my loving kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail. Once have I sworn by my Holiness, that I will not lie unto David. And our blessed Lord, when he was parting from his Apostles, after his Resurrection, to revive their drooping spirits under the pressure of his absence, gives them this refreshing cordial † "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world". By this [Page 12] we have assurance, that at all times, and to the end of time, God will have a true ministry, and a true church. Although he may in a measure forsake them for a little season, yet he will return; he will return suddenly. The gates of hell shall not prevail. At times, the church may decline; and God may frown: His people may go about the city seeking him whom their soul loveth: They may entertain fears left he may have departed to visit them no more. "But their beloved shall make haste, and be like to a roe, or to a young hart, upon the mountains of spices". * Christ will visibly maintain his church wherein his worship and ordinances shall be regularly administred. Although after repeated provocations, and long-suffering forbearance, he may cast off a particular people; yet he will direct his ministers to turn to other nations; and he will be found of them which sought not after him. We may never distrust the divine promise, "For the Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in; behold he shall come, saith the Lord of Hosts." Again,
II. God will be sought unto, that he may come and visit his church.
"The Lord whom ye seek; the messenger of the covenant whom ye delight in". Agreable to these words, we read that before the coming of our Saviour, there were some who were devoted to his service, who earnestly looked for his appearing. Christ's forerunner prepared the hearts of several for his reception. Among others, there was good old Simcon, who waited for the consolation of Israel. And there was Anna, of the tribe of Asher, "who departed not from the temple, [Page 13] but served God with fastings and prayers night and day". These sought the Lord and according to their desires they were permitted to depart in peace: "For their eyes had seen his salvation". * In every dark period of the church there are some names which are found faithful; who are constantly waiting upon God with an humble, firm confidence in his goodness, and merciful designs to his church. He expects his people to wait thus patiently upon him, and acknowledge him as the only repairer of breaches, who can restore again their waste and desolate places. When God was about to visit his people Israel with the most precious temporal and spiritual blessings, he says, "I will yet for this be enquired of, by the house of Israel to do it for them". † Before Christ's merciful return to visit his heritage, he sends down his holy Spirit into the hearts of his children, to excite longing desires after his gracious approach. The motives of our Lord's return to his temple, after the primary design of displaying the divine Glory, are the tears and supplications of his people.
III. Christ frequently comes to his church in the Majesty of Judgments.
When his special presence has been for a season withdrawn, his church grows corrupt. Many unworthy practices and many unworthy professors creep in. His children become loose and negligent in their lives, and bring dishonour upon his name and ordinances. After a series of mercies, they are often remiss in their walk; return again to the pollutions of the world; and are proud and forgetful of the rock of their salvation. Thus they tarnish the beauty of the temple and give occasion to the enemies of the Lord [Page 14] to blaspheme; to despise God; and refuse his worship. Hereby he is lightly spoken of by those who are without. Christ therefore comes with the fan in his hand; to purge his church; to separate between the precious and the vile; the gold and the dross. He sends his judgments abroad in the earth, that men may learn righteousness, * God's children are chastized for forsaking him, for their worldliness; for their pride and carnal security. The dead, formal and hypocritical, he will by his great severity bring to submit to his righteousness, or otherwise burn them in the fire of his jealousy, and consume them as the alloy in the refining of silver. To effect these holy purposes the church is cast into tribulation; and this will often bring on apostacies, whereby the corrupt are through fear or malice induced to forsake the congregation of God's people; or God's people are induced to forsake the wicked. Here by the ends of divine judgments are more effectually answered. Those who have not the root of grace abiding in them, are ready to apostatize from the truth, when they can thereby escape some temporal calamity, or secure any considerable good. This method therefore God adopts to prove men, whether or not his fear be in them; whether they can stand the test of the fire, and come forth pure gold.
Another design of Providence herein, is suitably to humble a people, and fit them rightly to prize the favour and protection of heaven. Good obtained through suffering, is much the most delightsome. And when judgments proceed mercies, God's children will become truly dependant, submissive and thankful to him. They who have the most distinguished reward are those who have [Page 15] come out of great tribulation. These have white robes, and palms in their hands, the ensigns of their victory. * There are, therefore many weighty and necessary reasons why Christ in a time of deep declension, should come to his church in the way of judgments. The most excellent design hereof is, "That he may purify the sons of Levi, and render the offering of Judah and Jerusalem pleasant unto the Lord" † Again,
IV. It is high matter of comfort in the midst of severe trials, that God often graciously appears for his church in the way Judgment.
Were divine judgments always a token of God's leaving his church and people, believers and all others, would be cast into a most dreadful plunge upon the approach of calamity. But the history of divine providence shews that God is averse from giving up his people; that his corrections are very commonly the stripes of a Father: And that nothing but a series of obstinate rebellion against repeated mercies and chastisements, will induce him to cast off forever. Therefore when his judgments are abroad, we may hope that it is, that the inhabitants of the world may learn righteousness ‡ That he is endeavouring to reclaim and bring to repentance a revolting people. Although judgments are an invariable sign of some wrong conduct; yet the faithful are allowed, yea it is their bounden duty to hope, that Christ is coming to his church to purify it; to purge away the tin, and cleanse it from wrinkles and blemishes: That he is acting the refiner, and the fuller, and is determined to sanctify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
[Page 16] When therefore God's arm is stretched out, let repentance mitigate his anger, and hope establish the soul, that good days are yet to come, when he hath sufficiently purified the house of Levi and the house of Judah. It is high ground of joy and thankfulness, that he who is head over all things for the church, over-rules every affliction and distress for his own glory, in the peace and enlargment of his heritage.
I have concluded the general truths which I purposed to consider from the text; I proceed to apply them.
Use 1. It is of infinite importance to every of us to be prepared in this day of declension, for the coming and appearance of our Lord to his church.
The Prophet who wrote our text, gives us an example in some who lived in a season of degeneracy. "Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another; and the Lord hearkened, and heard it: And a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him" *.
We shall all be speedily called to meet our Lord in the way of death; if not in his judgments in this world. It is highly important therefore, that we have our lamps trimmed and burning, with oil therein, that we may be ready to go forth at any watch in the night. And beside, those who live in such a season of declension as the present, may be called to severe trials of their faith in this life. [Page 17] It is, therefore, no small thing which I enjoin, that we gird up the loins of our minds, and prepare for the conflict. God may prove us, whether we be wheat or chaff; whether we be refined or reprobate silver. We may be called to shaking and perplexity of nations; to the waves and sea roring. He who standeth upon the circuit of eternity, alone knows the events which await us. It is certainly our duty and interest to be up, and preparing for the worst: And this, by every man's mourning for his own sins; reforming his life; putting on faith, patience, fortitude; and by a good example, and pious conversation, commending repentance and reformation to all about him. It would be a most deplorable condition, for any of us, to be marked out as the objects of divine wrath, as the dross, which Christ shall purge from his church. Apostacy is a fearful judgment: Nothing is more to be deprecated than falling beneath God's hand, when it is lifted up for the correction of his heritage. Let us therefore be in readiness, that we be not surprized into any thing dishonorable to ourselves, or our christian profession. In those who are fitted for the conflict, it shall only burn up the wood, hay and stubble; the gold, silver, and precious stones shall remain. Therefore set each one himself upon immediate and diligent preparation.
Use 2. We have abundant reason to think, that as he hath already appeared so, the Lord purposes hereafter to come to his church in this land, with severe Judgments.
We cannot, nor dare we deny that we have grievously apostatized from the God of our fore-fathers. The story of our obligations to heaven, for merciful interpositions, would exceed the limits of this discourse. [Page 18] To forget a God, who hath so wonderfully saved us, and enlarged our borders, and given us such precious priviledges in this good and large land, is base ingratitude, and merits his chastising rod. Accordingly, he hath holden it over us, and threatens still further to punish our backsliding. It is no less a calamity, than an evidence of our sin, that his holy spirit hath so visibly departed from us, in his gracious operations upon the hearts of men. Added to our guilt, we have further evidences of God's purpose to afflict and purify us.
He hath suffered amongst us luxury, lust and dissipation. And he hath likewise, as a righteous punishment of our disobedience to his laws, raised up adversaries against this land. Men who have had designs of their own, incompatible with the general interests of the British empire, moved with a jealousy of the liberties of the American Colonies, which stand so much in the way of their ambition, have, by the sufferance of God's holy providence, been able to procure measures, wholly repugnant to the civil rights of the inhabitants of this country. The British administration by the force of great abilities, perverted to base purposes, and by their command of the national treasure, have influenced the Parliament to enact the most grievous edicts against us. Laws made, with the feigned pretence of protecting and securing us, and for the support of civil government, have been the most direct invasion of our property, and subversive of every idea of English freedom.
They have been permitted to lay us under tribute, when we have not even a distant restraint upon them. So far are we from having any voice in the Levies which are made, that our situation is [Page 19] so distant from them, that they cannot even hear our groanings under oppression. We cannot recieve one kind word, to sooth our aching hearts. They have applied our monies for the purpose of supporting * civil officers independant of our grants, thereby still further to detach from our interest men who have never, as I may appeal to every one, shewn any such † fond attachment to the people as in the least to prejudice the Crown. Thus have they endeavoured, to make the interests of the Governor and Judges as distinct, separate, yea opposite to the people as possible. ‡ Not only so, they have erected new, unusual and unconstitutional Courts of Admiralty, with the most exorbitant powers, to the high prejudice of the King's faithful and loyal subjects in these colonies. They [Page 20] have constituted a * board of commissioners with a commission so extraordinary, that it cannot be parallelled since the destruction of the star chamber, and the high commission Court set up by Queen Elizabeth. They have taken from our general assemblies the priviledge of free deliberation: Dissolved them from acting like honest men. They have refused us the priviledge to make petitions for redress; and have termed our decent remonstrances against our burdens seditious. They have sent over armies to be quartered upon a free people, in direct opposition to their wishes and priviledges; and this, to keep in awe a people who have laboured, who have † fought and bled for them. They have armed the soldiery to butcher our brethren in our streets ‡. They have blocked up the [Page 21] harbour of our great trading town, for nothing but the forcible opposition, which a few individuals made to their attempts to enslave us: And because the ground of contention was not at that time removed, by one who had it in his power, and was under the strongest obligations to remove it; they have placed a garrison in our metropolis, for no other crime, but their generously distinguishing themselves as enemies to tyrannic measures. Added to this, they have in a great measure taken away the chartered rights of this province, which hath as just claims to their favour and protection, as any of her sister colonies on the Continent. They have made unjust alterations in the course of civil trials; and given the governor a power as exorbitant, as that of a general at the head of his army in time of war. They have annihilated one branch of our legislative council: And by the regulations respecting Town Meetings, laid a most cruel burden upon all our towns, and extended without limitation, the boundaries of the Governor's authority. You may not repair an highway without his permission. But what is the worst part of the whole, they have put the religious establishment of the Province into his hand. You can settle no minister but of that persuasion which he shall chuse. These things are obvious upon the slightest attention to the Act. * Thus are your liberty and religion laid at the footstool of a Governor. And then to enforce these acts [Page 22] aforesaid, they have made another law in their last sessions, to screen murderers in this province from public justice. * But that which shews in it's true light, their desperate design, is their establishment [Page 23] of a religion upon our backs, which every one who is in the least acquainted with it, knows to be subversive not only of all other religion, but of all civil government.
These things being enumerated, it is but trifling, to speak of the invasion of private property; the commitment of individuals, without the authority of any pretended law; and under the form of law, investing the Castle, one great bulwark of the province.
This is a true representation of facts, without exaggeration.
These are facts, which cannot soberly be denied. This is the protection, which we have been taught to expect from the British ministry.
These are the rewards which they have given us, for our vigorous exertions to advance their wealth, and increase the laurels of the British arms. These are what are called by ministerial writers, our imaginary burdens. Our apprehensions from these things, are termed imaginary fears. They have not been ashamed to say, that we are in no real danger of oppression; that we have no cause of fear; that they have no design to injure us. Thus have they derided our sorrow, and insulted our understanding. "For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it; neither was it he that hated me, that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him: But it was thou, a man, mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance." * "False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not. They rewarded me evil for good, to the spoiling of my soul. But [Page 24] as for me, when they were sick, my cloathing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting, and my prayer returned into mine own bosom. I behaved myself, as though he had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother" *.
But this is not the conclusion of God's judgments against us. For since the beginning of this unhappy controversy, many rash violent and unjustifiable measures, have been taken by some amongst ourselves. In the heat of passion, and under the madness of oppression, many injurious attacks have been made, upon the persons and properties of our fellow subjects. And however these cannot justify the proceedings against us, yet they have been greedily catched at, as an handle. In these things therefore, we have been permitted to become enemies to ourselves. Even the burden of our oppression, and the threatnings levelled against us, cannot excuse such criminal excesses. And how are we now distressed, by the tumult and confusion of our public affairs. And we have not a little to fear, from the new attacks of those who are contending against us. As in times past, they will still attempt to bring us to sacrifice our liberties by high threats, bold assaults, and the voice of terror; some they may endeavour to sooth into tame and servile compliances. I doubt not they will employ their Treasury, their Army, their Navy, their Authority, their Promises to terrify some, and to allure others into a consent to wear the chains. Nay we cannot doubt of a design of letting loose our natural and inveterate enemies against us. They may attempt, and God only knows whether they will succeed in it, to revive [Page 25] the late tragedy acted upon us by the Indians and Canadians, of dashing our little ones and ripping up the wom [...] with child. This is no imaginary Fear: For the Quebec Bill was made, as it was said in Parliament, and has been repeatedly avowed since, in order to be a curb upon the licentiousness of the other colonies. By which we are to understand, that the Bill was framed for a restraint upon the freedom, and liberties of the antient English colonies.—We cannot conjecture, how far God will suffer us to be afflicted. It is best that the future designs of heaven should be a secret, that our faith, patience, and fortitude, may have a suitable trial and exercise. There may probably be frequent and great changes in our affairs. At times, our hopes will be led to keep up our vigorous endeavours; and then a cloud be cast over us, to exercise our resignation to trust in God. One while, perhaps, the cause may appear desperate, and we shall give all over for lost: We may be threatned with confiscation of estates, with halters and military execution. It is possible that some of our trading towns, may by treachery and violence, be brought to pass under the yoke. There may be a defection among ourselves. Undoubtedly, attempts are using and will be used, to divide and distract our counsels. They will strenuously endeavour to break the happy union of the Colonies, and prevent the full operation of the association entered into, by the general Congress. They may refuse those measures, however prudent, just and pacific they certainly are. If they can effect a disunion, a violation of the peaceable measures proposed, they may bring on blood-shed. Otherwise this evil would most probably be avoided—But the Ministry may [Page 26] strike some bold stroke, before the effects of the general association are felt by the people in Britain (to whose liberties they are no b [...] friends than they are to ours)—These things I mention before hand, as what may come to pass, that when they do come, you may not faint in the conflict. And as a motive to your stedfastness, and confidence in God, you may depend on it for a certainty, that when your civil liberty is once gone, your religion will be driven into corners. And nothing will await us, but silver chains for Great slaves, and iron yokes for the rest of us—These are not the fears and dangers of Fancy. They are real, substantial evils, which will always be dreaded and resisted by brave and good men. However from our natural love of case, we may flatter ourselves with peace, these dangers cannot be winked out of sight by any of us. The present system of colony-administration if pursued and succeeded, will leave us and our posterity for many generations, to fetters; without property, without feeling, without virtue and without religion. Therefore it concerns every man of us, as we love our God, our Country, ourselves and our posterity, that we do not by defection, or inactivity, conspire to bring all these mischiefs upon this land. I speak plainly, from a sense of duty as a christian, and a member of the community: We know not how soon the lips of the faithful may be sealed up. Therefore I say again, prepare for the conflict, which we may have when Christ shall come to his temple. But again lastly,
Use 3. We have abundant reason of thanksgiving this day, for the evidence afforded us, that Christ will finally visit these churches of our land, with his favour and peace.
The grounds of this consolation are not our general [Page 27] goodness; not from our own strength; not from the relentings of our oppressors; not that we are able to rival the army, the navy and the wealth of Britain. The difficulties now subsisting will not easily subside. Nor can I think, that this country will soon be brought to shackles. The foundation of our hope is, that God is merciful, and we are called by his Name. And many godly people, however we have declined, and notwithstanding the derision which our enemies may make of our prayers, are yet in the midst of us, who depart not from the temple, but are humbly waiting day and night, for the consolation of Israel. We may not fear the boasted omnipotence of Parliament, so long as we have a resource in the omnipotence of heaven. For who hath any might against our King. He delighteth to save the oppressed, and how easily doth he carry headlong, the devices of the crafty? Although we are great sinners, yet by repentance, and trust in God, we may hope, that he will deliver us.—For as to men, our cause is good. Our adversaries have been the Aggressors. Our burdens are likewise great, and threatning; and to the cries of those, who are groaning under such heavy afflictions, the ears of the Lord of Sabbaoth, are ever open. Christ will maintain his Church: He will glorify his longsuffering towards it. And as the Gospel hath not been continued to this country, so long as he is wont to continue it with a professing people; and as the method of divine Providence, is to grant a series of mercies and judgments, for the trial and reformation of his covenant people, so we may still humbly hope that the Lord will yet again return to his temple in this land. As public religion cannot flourish without civil liberty; so God will again restore us to our rights.
[Page 28] Further to establish a firm reliance upon heaven, I might point you to various nations, much weaker than we are, and assaulted by foes no less powerful, who by the goodness of God, have been the successful maintainers of their privileges. As a specimen of many others, take the following examples.
When Israel was greatly impoverished, because of the Midianites, and cried unto the Lord, the Lord heard them, and raised up Gideon to be their saviour. And he blew a trumpet, and the people were gathered after him. But when the people were too many for the Lord to deliver the Midianites into their hands, he chose out from amongst them three hundred men. With these Gideon came upon the Midianites and the Amalekites, and the children of the east country who lay along the valley, like grasshoppers for multitude, and their camels were without number, as the sand of the sea shore for multitude.
And they cried, "the sword of the Lord and of Gideon." And the Lord set every man's sword against his fellow, even throughout all the host; and they were overthrown with a very great slaughter. Thus was Midian subdued before Israel, so that they lifted up their heads no more. And the country was in quietness forty years. *
After Nehemiah had obtained a decree from the King of Persia, to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, and had set forward the work; the enemies of the Jews were very wroth, and took great indignation and, mocked them, and practised to put them in fear, and divert them from their holy purpose. And Sanballat said before his brethren, What do these feeble Jews? will they fortify themselves? [Page 29] will they sacrifice? will they make an end in a day? will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burnt? Now Tobiah the Ammonite was by him, and he said, even that which they build, if a fox go up, he shall even break down their stone wall. * But notwithstanding all their scoffings and artifices, Nehemiah by his stedfastness and perseverance, finished the walls in fifty and two days.
When Phillip reigned in Spain, the Netherlands were under his dominion: But being induced by the counsels of wicked ministers, he abused his power, and made an attack upon the liberties of those Provinces: He attempted to introduce the inquisition, and other innovations amongst them. He had all the strength of the large Kingdom of Spain, all the wealth of the new world which was then but lately discovered, and brought immense revenues to the crown. In confidence of success, he made war upon the turbulent, rebellious Hollanders, as they were termed by Phillip's courtier.—The Dutch lay under the disadvantage of being accessible in every part of their country, by their canals: They had to struggle with a very powerful interest, which Spain had within their own walls: Their leaders were taken off by treachery and private assassination: In the midst of their contest, they were deserted by ten of the provinces. Seven only remained: They were almost unassisted by any other powers: And yet the good God of heaven carried them through all these, and countless other difficulties; and rewarded their struggle with the establishment of the reformation and their own liberties. And they have since become one of the most powerful and flourishing states in Europe. [Page 30] I will point you to an instance nearer home.
In the arbitrary reign of James 2d. Sir Edmund Andross was sent with an armament, to take possession of the Charters and Government of the New-England colonies; to overthrow their civil and religious rights; and set up Popery and arbitrary power. The land was covered with a cloud of midnight darkness. Our present distresses, great as they are, are much inferior to theirs. Their new, Governor executed his commission with rigour. Nothing to human appearance awaited this country, but slavery and persecution from the Man of Sin. But God moved the hearts of our pious Fore-fathers, to use some resolute attempts, for the recovery of their lost privileges, and so blessed their endeavours, in bringing about the glorious revolution, as to secure this land in the possession of their liberty and religion, until of these late years, they have been unhappily made the subjects of a new and bold attack. *
As there seldom ever was a nation, who in the beginning of oppression were more violently assaulted, than we have been; so History does not afford us a single instance, wherein such a number of people, resolutely opposed to slavery, have been soon reduced under the yoke. It is no small matter of comfort to us, that God will probably frustrate the counsels of those, who have called in the aid of a religion, in a peculiar manner accursed by him.
Their associations with the Man of Sin, to lay waste the liberties of this country, will cause their [Page 31] ships with Jehosaphat's, to be broken at Ezion-Geber. However the Quebec Bill may at present appear to be a very unfavourable circumstance, yet I verily believe, that under God, it shall be one great means of our deliverance.—Let me therefore exhort you, to humble yourselves before God for your sins, the cause of his permitting these judgments to fall upon us. Repent of all your iniquities; trust in the Lord, and be of good courage. Put away the vices of the land. Live frugally and temperately; deal justly; do violence to no man. Let the eternal Laws of Justice, be the guide of your whole conduct. Let each one resolve to use oeconomy in his dress, at his table, and towards his visitants. This private oeconomy, and self-denial, joined with industry, and a public spirit, will enable us to go chearfully through the burdens of our necessary, public expences.
Upon our faithful adherence to that plan, devised by the united wisdom of these Colonies, much under God depends. Thereby we have some well-grounded hope, of escaping from greater confusion and blood-shed. Our defection herein, may hereafter justly fill us with deep remorse, that we have been instrumental, either in forging chains for our country, or in bathing her bosom in the precious Blood of our fellow-subjects.—But especially, while we renounce any secure confidence in human help; let our eyes be directed to the Great Saviour of New-England; use faithfully the means which Providence hath put into our hands for deliverance; nor suffer ourselves by treachery, by cowardice, by flattery and false hopes, to betray our unalienable property, in our constitution and religion. In this case we need not fear the [Page 32] wrath or subtilty of Man. "Trust in him at all times, ye people; pour out your hearts before him: God is a refuge for us, Selah. Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree a lie. God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this, That power belongeth unto God." *
Trust therefore in the Lord at all times; and he shall secure you from the force and wiles of oppressors. He shall give wisdom and efficacy to your counsels: He shall fortify your hearts as dangers may arise. He shall teach you hardiness as good soldiers: He shall bless you, and increase you like a flock in the midst of your afflictions: He shall bring confusion into the counsels of those who imagine evil devices against you. And however he may for a season cast you into tribulation, to purge and purify you, yet the Lord shall suddenly come to his temple. For he is a merciful God and gracious.
Fear not, little flock; for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. †