An Attempt to shew, That the Ancients must have the Knowledge of the Western World, or America.
IT is well known, that, in the Year of our Lord 1492, Christopher Columbus, of Genoa, discovered the Islands of Hispaniola, Cuba and Jamaica; and that Americus Vesputius of Florence, under the Direction and Encouragement of Emanuel, King of Portugal, in the Year 1497, discovered the Continent of America, which has been so called from that Time after his Name.
Now many have imagined, and even some of the Learned among them, that this Western World was never known before these Discoveries of the Genoese and Florentine Commanders.—Thus the learned Panciroll in particular sees fit to reckon the New World, or America, among the Things, which were unknown to the Ancients. (a)
Americus Vesputius too, in his Epistle to Renatus, King of Jerusalem and Sicily, and Duke of Lorrain and Barre, writes, as follows, We believe, that, as our Ancestors make no mention of the Islands and firm Lands of America; so the Ancients themselves had no knowledge of them.—And the Publisher of this Epistle, together with a Number of Tracts wrote by ancient [Page 6] Voyagers, Sebastian Munster, observes, that Christopher Columbus and Albericus [for so he writes it] Vesputius were the first of Mortals, who found out America, and other unknown Lands.
However, the learned Keckerman, having well considered, whether America was known to the Ancients or no, and weighed the most probable Arguments on both Sides of this Question, has plainly given his Judgment in Favour of it's being known to them.
But, if this Matter be examined with Judgment, and with proper Care and Accuracy, we shall find Reason to believe, that this large Part of the World was really known to the Ancients; and perhaps we shall see much more Reason to believe it, than most Men imagine, and even many of the Learned themselves can produce in opposition to it.
We shall take Leave to relate here; though we shall not lay any great Stress on the Relation, as it may be called a too modern one; That, in the Reign of Henry the Second, and in the Year 1170, which was 300 Years before Columbus, One Madoc ap Owen Gwineth, not only discovered South America, but settled in some Part of Mexico, and left Monuments there both of the British Language and British Usages: Of which the Spaniards have taken Notice; and several Welsh Writers, and other British Authors besides, have credited and confirmed the Relation.—How this honest Madoc came to take it into his Head to visit South America, we know not. However we think it not irrational to suppose, that, previously to his going there, he might have had some Account of the Country, and the Way of getting at it.
There is also another still more modern Account, than that of honest Madoc's, concerning the Discovery of America; which, although it be a little more modern, [Page 7] it may not be amiss to offer. This may be found in Ortelius's Theatre, as follows: The Northem Part of the New World, which is especially extended towards Europe, Groenland, Iseland and Friesland; and is named Estotiland by some Fishermen of the Island of Friesland, who were driven by a Tempest to these Shores: This, being of old viewed and observed, about this Year, that is the Year of our LORD 1340, Nicolas and Antony Zenus, Brethren, noble Venetians, under the Auspices of Zichmi, called King of Friesland, again recognized and brought to Knowledge. And John Skoluo, a Polonian, in 1456, sailed to this Country. If any should ask, what Place this Estotiland is? I can only answer, that some Geographers take it to be New-foundland, or Cape Breton: But others think it to be New Britain, and the Land of Labrador. However it is agreed by all, that it was a Part of America.
But, instead of taking up Time about these or any more modern Relations, we shall go back to more ancient Times and Things, which have Relation to this Western World.
It is remarked by a learned Spanish Writer, Villalpandus, that his Fellow-Citizen of Corduba, L. Annaeus Seneca, who was Nephew to that famous Seneca, the Tutor of the Brute Nero; when the Form of the World did not yet appear to be known, yet foretold, that another World should be found out: (b) It is true this L. Annaeus Seneca, in one of his Dramatic Pieces, says, that in late Years Ages shall come, in which Ocean shall loose the Bonds of Things, and the mighty Earth shall be laid open, and Thyphis shall discover new Worlds. (c) [Page 8] But although Seneca's Townsman hence affirms, that he foretold another World should be found out; we need not be so unreasonably credulous as to believe, that, when he wrote in this Manner, he was inspired with the Spirit of Prophecy: No! For nothing of this Sort appears. It is much more likely, that, either from some faint Apprehension of the Structure of the Terraqueous Globe, or from some traditional Accounts of the Greatness of the Earth, and of another World besides their old one, he might write after this seemingly Prophetical Manner.—But, if any think, that what he has thus written should be taken only for Poetical Fiction, or fanciful Prophecy, we shall be contented: For we do not build much upon it.
But there is an Historical Passage handed to us by Pomponius Mela, who lived in the Emperour Claudius's Time, about the Year of our Lord 93; which, as it is remarkable, is deserving both of a particular Recital and an attentive Consideration: It is as follows;—When Metellus Celer, who by the Way was called Celer for his Quickness in preparing to celebrate the Funeral Obsequies of his Father, was Proconsul among the Gauls, he received as a Present certain Indians (d) from the King of the Suevians; who, being snatched away by the Force of Storms from the Indian Shores, at length came out to the Shores of Germany.— These are the Words of the Historian: And this History, as Vadianus the Commentator on Pomponius observes, fairly indicates, that there is a Sea which may be navigated in the most distant Tracts. (e)
Now, from this Historical Account, it seems probable, that these Indians might be carried away from the Coast of Newfoundland, or Labrador, or some other Place to the Northward, by a violent Gale of Wind of long Continuance with them, until at length they [Page 9] arrived on the German Coast, and got a Shore there.— And the coming of these Indians might very well convince and satisfie both the King of the Suevians with his People; and the Roman Proconsul, and from him the whole Roman Empire, that there was another World, besides That inhabited by themselves.
There was also in most ancient Times repeated Mention made of two Islands called Atlantides, which were said to have been about 10,000 Stadia distant from Libya: There were the Elysian Fields and the Dwellings of the Blessed, mentioned by Homer, Horace, and other Poets. These Islands seem to be called by Pliny the Hesperides: For he reckons two in the Atlantic Sea: and these, as he says, beyond the Gorgons in a Navigation for 40 Days beyond the Atlantis.— Now the learned Geographer Ortelius supposes it probable, that these might be the Islands of Hispaniola and Cuba.—But Diodorus Siculus tells us, that the Atlantides, or the People of those Islands, as we have received, are inhabiting Places near to the Ocean, and very happy indeed. (f) And in Truth, if we suppose, with Ortelius, these Islands to be the same with Hispaniola and Cuba, they must be near the Ocean indeed, as Diodorus says: For they are surrounded with it.
But Plato, who lived about 400 Years before our Saviour's Time, has given us the most particular and full Account of the Atlantic Island, as it is called by him, in one and another of his Compositions: And we shall endeavour, in as clear and concise a Manner as we can, to give his Account from the Edition of his Works published by Serranus.—In one of his Dialogues, he says, that Neptune had by Lot the Atlantic Island, and placed the Children he had by a mortal Woman in a certain Place of that Island.—It received, he says, its Name from its first King and [Page 10] Lord, even from Atlas; and further adds, that the extreme Part of this Island, which he had for his Lot, was at Hercules's Pillars. (g)—And, in another of his Writings, (g) the following Passages may be found: In those first Times the Atlantic was a most broad Island; and there were extant most powerful Kings in it; who, with joint Forces, appointed to occupy Asia and Europe: And so a most grievous War was carried on: In which the Athenians, with the common Consent of the Greeks, opposed themselves; and they became the Conquerors.—But that Atlantic Island by a Flood and Earthquake was indeed suddenly destroyed; and so that Sort of warlike Men was absorped. N. B. These Things seem to be related with Historical Truth.—And he writes further plainly and expresly, that That Atlantic Island, being in Truth overwhelmed with the Waves of the Sea, altogether disappeared: And hence that Sea is difficult to be passed; inasmuch as copious Clay yet remained from the Reliques of that Island.—Moreover, he says, that— an Island, in the Mouth of the Sea, and in the Passage to those Straits called the Pillars of Hercules, did exist; and that Island was greater and larger than Lybia and Asia; from which there was an easy Passage over to other Islands; and from those Islands also to that Continent, which is situated out of that Region, &c.
Now Plato is not singular in this Narration: For both Strabo (h) and Pliny (i) have mentioned this Atlantic Island; and say, that it was of old in the Atlantic Sea.
But as Plato says, that this greatest Island of the Western Ocean was lost; it is probably conjectured, that it was situated between the Azores and Canaries, [Page 11] as they are called: And, that These were form'd, and remain, out of the Reliques of it, Becman thought; and he believed, as he says, that it might be lengthily demonstrated. (k)
Hoffman has truly observed, that the Atlantis of Plato is to many America: And the learned Bochart (l) appears to have been of the same Mind. And indeed, if this Island was larger than Libya and Asia, as Plato has acquainted us, it looks as if it were really America, or reaching so far as to be closely connected with it.
There seems also Reason to think, that there must have been in ancient Times some Knowlege of the American Regions: Because we have credible Accounts of the Passages of Vessels through the Atlantis Ocean both one Way and the other:—We shall not insist on Pomponius Mela's Account of one Endoxus; who says, in the Days of our Grandfathers, [and, as we noted before, he lived in the Time of the Emperor Claudius] when he fled from the King of Alexandria, Latyrus, he went forth from the Arabic Gulph thro' this Sea, as Nepos affirms, Gades usque pervectus est, and was carried even to Cales. (m) Nor shall we urge the Probability of it, that he might see, if not the American Continent, at least some of the Islands belonging to Western World.
But we ought to take some respectful Notice of Hanno, the famous Cathaginian, who wrote Periplum; in which we have a Relation of the Voyage prosecuted by him around the Coast of Africa, and the Lands found by him in the Atlantic Ocean: This Relation was written by him in the Punic, or Phoenician, Tongue: But it was afterwards translated into Greek, and it is still extant, as Hoffman gives us to understand in his [Page 12] Lexicon at the Word Annon.—It has not been the Lot of the present Writer to meet with this Periplum yet; and therefore he can make none of his own Observations upon it.—But Coelius Rhodiginus has given us this more express and particular Information of the Carthaginian's Voyage; that Hanno, (n) departing from Hercules's Pillars, that is, from the Streights of Gibraltar, into the Ocean, leaving Libya to the left, sailed out 30 Days, seeking the Western Parts: But afterwards, turning to the South, he met with many Impediments.—Now, if Hanno, leaving Libya, or Africa, to the left, sailed seeking for 30 Days the Western Parts; it is most probable, that he found some of the American islands, if not some Part of the Western Continent itself. Columbus, as appears from his own Account, sailed with his Squadron but thirty Days to the West, when he beheld certain Islands: And, coming nearer to them, he found the Number of them to be six, whereof two were larger ones: But Americus, after sarling nineteen Days from the Cape de Verd Islands, found a certain new Land, which he thought to be firm: But it proved an Island. But we may add, to this Account of Hanno, the Testimony of Diodorus Siculus, who lets us know, that certain Phoenictans were cast on a most fertile Island opposite to Africa:—We may note here, that, if it was opposite to Africa, it must be an American Island.—And he further tells us, that the Phoenicians left no Stone unturned, that this Region might remain unknown to the Europeans. (o) Here therefore we see one Reason, why the Western World was kept secret from the Europeans by the Phoenicians: It was Regard to their own Commerce and Interest, that led them without Doubt to conceal the new Places, at which they traded.
Moreover; we may recite from Aelian, who lived and wrote after the Emperor Adrian's Time, about [Page 13] the Year of our Lord 136, the Account, which he gives of a Colloquy between Midas of Phrygia and Silenus: In which Colloquy, among other Things, Silenus gave Information to Midas, that Europe, Asia and Libya are Islands, and surrounded with the Ocean; and that one Continent exists without this World; and he affirmed, that its Magnitude was immense and infinite. (p) Now if this one Continent existing away from the old World, and of such an immense and infinite Magnitude, was not intended and meant of this Western World; we should be glad, that any one would be so kind as to let us know, what Place or Country is intended and meant by it.
We have thus produced Authorities, and offered Reasons sufficient to render it most highly probable, that this Western World must be known to the Ancients.
But here it may be demanded, if this Continent was known in ancient Times, was it inhabited in those Times; and when was it first inhabited, and by whom? And we shall endeavour to give some suitable Answer to the proper Enquiries.
Now it ought in all Reason to be thought, that, as America, upon the more modern Discoveries of it and Acquaintance with it, was found to be well peopled, and even stocked with Inhabitants, probably as much as Asia, Africa and Europe; surely it must have been inhabited, not merely above five hundred years; but above one, two, three and even four thousand years ago: And indeed it was probably inhabited not long after the Dispersion of those numerous Families, who were separated in Consequence of the unhappy Affair at Babel.
The learned Grotius conceived, that the Americans came out of Europe, passing from Norway into Iceland; thence by Friesland into Greenland; and so into Estotiland, [Page 14] which is probably a Part of the Western Continent. (q) And we most acknowlege, that the passing out of Europe into America by this Routte is possible and not unnatural: However it does not appear so likely, that America was, first of all, settled in this Manner.
But we are rather most inclined to think, that the primary Americans were the Descendants of Magog from Japhet. And, when we say the primary Americans, we mean after the Flood: For there is Reason to believe, that the People, who resided in the Western World, as well as the other Continent, were swept away from the Face of the Earth; because all Flesh had corrupted their Way. Both Joseph Acosta and Antony Herrera acquaint us, that they found the Memory of the Flood preserved among the Indians of Cuba and Mechoachan and Nicaragua: And Coraca tells us, that, among the Peruvians, there was a Tradition, that all their Lands were plunged and laid hid in the Waters.—And if we mistake not, all the Evidences in the natural World, which are commonly brought on the other Side of the Water to prove the general Inundation over that Continent, may be fairly produced to prove the general Prevalence of it over this Continent.
But, as we are now treating of the primary Inhabitants of America after the Flood; so we say, that These appear to have descended from Japhet. As GOD, or ELONIM, as it is in the Hebrew Text, i. e. the Covenanting Ones, or the Interposers by Oath, had promised to enlarge Japhet; in which Promise there is a plain Allusion to his Name, as indeed there is a like Allusion to Names very frequently to be found in the Holy Scriptures; so this Promise was most remarkably fulfilled: For there fell to Japhet's Share, not only all Europe, so full of People, and Asia the less and Media [Page 15] and Part of Armenia and Iberia and Albania; but also all those vast Northern Regions, inhabited once by the Scythians, who descended from Magog, one of the Sons of Japhet, as he is said to be in Gen. [...]. 2. And probably this Western World, and that to a considerable Degree, came to his Share: For it is most likely, that This was at first much peopled by the Scythians: These, originally from Magog, were afterwards called Tartars; and so called, as some suppose, from the Name of the River Tartar or Tatar.
As We find that the Earth was divided in the Days of Peleg; so we read, in Gen. ix. 19, that as there were three Sons of Noah; so of or from them the whole Earth was overspread or scattered. Nor is there any Reason to doubt, but that this Scattering was according to the direction of Noah, and from a Divine Warrant given him for this purpose: So then the Posterity of Japhet, by Magog, according to the Will of Heaven, took the primary Possession of this new World: And how greatly, how amazingly, was Japhet enlarged by this vast Acquisition?
But, after this first dispersion to the Western World, we readily grant, that there might be various Removals to it from various Nations: For after the Scythians or Tartars, were settled here; the Norwegians and Icelanders might come; and so might some of the Sinensians from the East.
But some perhaps may say here, And how came they to this separate World? To which we answer, that there was no need at all of any Navigation for it: For it is apprehended by many, that the northern Part of Asia may be joined to America; or if they be divided at all, it must be by a very narrow Channel, which may be passed over easily in Boats or Canoes; or perhaps, as it is frozen over for a great Part of the Year, they might have a Passage across on Foot. Laet judged it [Page 16] most probable, that it was by the Straits of Anian, that the Tartars in ancient Times passed out of Asia into America. But it is beyond all doubt, that, from the northern Parts of Europe, there might be an easy passing to America for at least three Quarters of a Year on a Bridge of substantial Ice.
Thus it looks as if the Northern Parts of America were first of all occupied and improved; and the Inhabitants of These might probably remove both to the Westward and to the Southward, as Occasion required.
Herrera says, as quoted by Laet, (r) that the Inhabitants of the West Indies came hither by Land: Which may be true, if they be supposed to come from the Northern Parts of America. But, if he supposed them to come directly from Europe, it will be difficult to make it out. Nor can we find any Way for This, but by supposing the Atlantic Land, which Plato represents to be bigger than Asia and Libya together, might fill the Atlantic Ocean, even to the American Islands, if not beyond them: And, with this Allowance, Herrera's observation might be true.
Besides what has been already observed about the peopling of the Western World, it may be remarked, for the prevention or removal of Mistakes, that, as Strabo has justly noted, there are many Places which were formerly Sea, that are now dry Land; (s) so we may justly note also, that there are now Seas, or Parts of Seas, where were dry Lands in former Times. (t) Thus it has been thought by considerate and Judicious Persons, that Great Britain was formerly united to France, and the Island of Sicily to Italy. But all know, that they are not united now: For there are Parts of Seas between [Page 17] them.—And it seems not at all improbable, that America might formerly be conjoined with Europe and Asia, if not to India, by vast Tracts of Land; which, from the Prevalence of Earthquakes, have sunk into the mighty Abyss: And thus has this Western World been disunited and separated from them.—Nor is it at all improbable, but that the great Atlantic Island of Plato; whereof one extreme Part was at Hercules's Pillars, and bordering on Spain; and the other extended near to the American Continent, might in general sink; and the American Islands, if not those on the Coast of Africa, might remain out of the Ruins of it.
We have no Reason to think, that, in ancient Times, there were any Removes from Africa to America: For it is said, according to the ingenious Dr. Grew, that all over America there are no Blacks, but only at Quaveca.—And, if indeed there are any there; perhaps they are not originally from Africa; but from some Country in China under the Torrid Zone, where the People are of a black Complexion.
Some have thought and suggested, but we think injudiciously, as John Lerius and others, that the Americans were originally Canaanites, descended from Ham, the Son of Noah; and the Descendants of those, whom Joshua drove from their Seats in Canaan; who, being constrained to seek out new Regions, at length came and sat down on this Continent.
Here we shall readily allow, that the Phoenicians, who were originally Canaanites, in the Days not much later than Moses's, did sail into Spain: And as Part of these dispossessed Canaanites fled thither, so a Part of them went into Baeotia, and another Part into Africa: And Procopius informs us of the Pillar to be seen about Tangier, which had inscribed on it, that they were of the Posterity of those, who fled from the Face of Joshua the Son of Nun, the Robber. And it is not [Page 18] at all improbable, that, as these Phoenicians, or Canaanites, might mingle with Japhet's Posterity in Europe; so some of them might in Process of Time come to America by the Way of the Sea and settle here: For they were mightily for Navigation and Trade and Commerce.
But some may ask; Where learned They the Art of Navigation? And how came they to understand the Use and Application of the Magnet?—Panormitan indeed would have it, that Amalphis first discovered the Use of the Loadstone to Mariners: And there is a Latin Line made to record the Discoverer, Prima dedit Nautis usum Magnetis Amalphis:—By which we are to understand an Italian City, where one John Goa, it is said, found out the Use of the Mariner's Compass, about the Year of our Lord 1302.—But the Phoenicians were generally thought to be the Inventers of the Mariner's Art; and, from These, the Greeks received it; and, of these, the Cretans first of all, as Pliny acquaints us. But as the Phoenicians first tried the Seas among the Nations at Hand, and then afar off; so Thucydides tells us, that the Corinthians were the first among the Greeks, who performed Voyages:—
The Voyage of Hanno, the Carthaginian, round the Coast of Africa, has already been mention'd: And surely This must discover no small Skill in Navigation. Nor have we any Doubt, that many of the Phoenicians were well skilled in the Mariner's Art: Nor yet is it any unreasonable Supposition, that they might sail to America, and make Settlements here.
Thus it appears with sufficient Probability, that America not very long after the Flood was settled; and that, after the first Settlement of it, there were successive [Page 19] Removals to it, especially from the Northern Parts of Europe and Asia: And then, after some Ages had revolved, the Phoenicians might arrive and trade and settle here. And, by these various Ways, America became very well settled; and vast Numbers of People were found in this Western World, when Columbus, Americus and succeeding Voyagers came to it: And perhaps the Inhabitants here might, for their Numbers, vie with those of the other Continent.
But some may be ready to enquire, Whether we have any Proofs from the sacred Writings, that this Western World was known to the Ancients? And what Evidences can be offered from them, to shew that it was so?
Now we do not presume to declare, that there is a clear, full and express Discovery of this Western Continent in the holy Writings.—But we may safely venture to affirm, that there are various Passages to be found in them, from which attentive and considerate Minds might form a Judgment, that there were Regions and great ones beyond those, that were known to them in Asia, Africa and Europe.
Not to mention again the ancient Prophecy concerning the Enlargement of Japhet; nor to recite the Prophecy concerning Abraham, that in his Seed, the Messiah, all the Nations of the Earth, and hence the most remote Posterity of Magog, should be blessed; nor the positive and peremptory Engagement to the Messiah Himself, in Psal. xi. 8. that the uttermost Parts; or, as it is in the Hebrew, the Ends of the Earth, should be his Possession;—It is absolutely promised to the Messiah, that, after his Humiliation, as in Psal. xxii. 27, All the Ends of the World shall remember and turn to the Lord! and all the Kindreds of the Nations shall worship before Thee; or, as we may give the Verse more exactly according to the Hebrew, All the Ends of the Earth shall remember and be converted to Jehovah; [Page 20] and all the Families of the Nations shall incline, or bow down, themselves to thy Face, i. e. to the Messiah, exhibiting the Face of Jehovah.—Should any one here suggest, that This may mean, that not only the Hebrews, but the Nations around them, should believe and turn to the Lord and worship Him in and by the Messiah: We reply, that, although This may be Part of the Prophetical Meaning; yet the Sense of the Prophecy seems to be much more extensive:— All the Ends of the World and all the Families of the Nations:—These Expressions must certainly signifie the human Race wherever dispersed, and even to the remotest Parts of the Terraqueous Globe: And, to These, sensible and devout Minds might well stretched; when this Prophecy was read by them with religious Care, Attention and Consideration.—And it is engaged, in Psalm lxvii. 2.5.7. To know thy Way in the Earth and thy Salvation, or thy Jesus, in all Nations; i. e. not only known, but unknown.— Let the People, or the People shall, confess to Thee, Elohim; to Thee let, or shall, all the People themselves confess — And all the Ends of the Earth shall fear Him —Surely neither the utmost Extent of Judea, nor the Extremities of the three great Divisions of the old World, and the People thereon will comprehend in them all the People of the World, and all the Ends of the Earth.—It is foretold, as if it were already accomplished, in Psalm xcviii. 3. All the Ends of the Earth have seen the Salvation, or thy Jesus, our Elobi.—So it is predicted, in Psalm cxiii. 3. From the Rising of the Sun to the going down of the same the LORD's Name is to be praised.—Again, there is a Prophetical Call, in Isa. xlii. 10. To sing a new Song to Jehovah; his Praise from the Extremity of the Earth; ye, that go down to to the Sea and all that is therein; the Isles and the Inhabitants thereof:—And it is the Call or Prophecy, in Isa. xlv. 22. Look ye to me, and be saved, all the Ends of the Earth, &c.—So it is foretold, at the forsaking and punishing the Jews for their [Page 21] Iniquities, in Isa. lix. 19. They shall fear from the West the Name Jehovah, and from the East of the Sun his Glory:—Which is a Prophecy, that not only from the extremest Part of the East, but from the Western World, Jehovah, or the Messiah, should be acknowleged and glorified in a religious Manner.—But, that we may not be too tedious; we shall only add further the Prophecy of Malachi; in which, after the GOD of Israel had shewed his Dislike of the Israelitish Nation for their irreligious and profane Conduct, and his Purpose to cast them off for another and larger People; He says, as in Malach. i. 11. For, from the rising of the Sun even to his setting, great shall be my Name among the Nations, &c. Could any of the Jews or jewish Proselytes, who lived, or conversed for a Season, on the Western Borders of Arabia or Africa, and saw the setting Sun, help imagining, from this Prophecy, that there were at the setting Sun, Nations to be brought to right Worship and Religion; Nations, that lived vastly beyond the old World, of which they were the Inhabitants.
Upon the whole; If these Passages, as well as many others amounting to the same Purpose, be duly considered, it will in some Measure appear, that the Nations, People and Families of this Western World are concerned in them.—But, if any think otherwise, it shall be owned as a Favour, if they will tell us, in what more full and expressive Words the Spirit of Prophecy could well discover the divine Intention and Purpose, that these Western Regions of the Earth, as well as the other Parts of the World, should be brought to the Knowlege, Worship and Service of the true GOD, manifesting Himself in and by the Messiah.—And we have no Doubt, that the more penetrating and judicious, if not among the Jews, who were of more narrow and contracted Minds, yet among the jewish Proselytes, understood the Meaning of these Prophecies to reach [Page 22] beyond the old World, which they inhabited, to the World then not generally known, and the Nations and People inhabiting the same.
But at length the great Light of the World came to visit it; to give Light to them, that sit [...] and the Shadow of Death, and guide their Feet in the Way of Peace: And, when He had been obedient to Death, even the Death of the Cross; and had [...] been delivered for our Offences, but raised again for our Justification; He then declared to his Apostles, that all Power in Heaven and Earth was committed to Him: And hence, in Virtue of his Divine Power and Authority, He commission his Apostles to go into all the World, and preach the Gospel to every human Creature: And, without [...] Commission according to the Intent and Meaning of it.
It is very difficult for us, at this Time, to shew the Progress of the Apostles. But there is Reason to think, that, according to the Mind and Will of their Lord made known to them, they agreed among themselves, to which Parts of the Earth each of them should go; and how they should each of then, employ themselves within the Line, that was laid out for them.
Some have told us, that Philip went away to the upper Asia, and even to Scythia: And Nicephores relates, that the Apostle Andrew is believed by some to have been sent to Coppadocia, Galatia, Bithynia, and the Western Parts. (u) But we place but very little Dependance on any such Accounts as these:—Although we a low, that there are some Evidences, that Thomas carried the Gospel to Eastern-India.
Some of the ancient Fathers appear to be full and strong in Favour of it, that the Gospel was carried throughout the World by the Apostles of our blessed [Page 23] Lord.— Ignatius, in his Epistle to the Philadelphians, says, that it was so.—Tertullian observes, that the Places of Britain, which were inaccessible by the Romans, lay open to CHRIST.—And we may well ask, why might not other distant Places and even these remote Regions do so too?— [...] shews us his Opinion, that the Doctrine of Salvation was by the divine Power and Co-operation carried into all the World. Julius Firmicus Maturnus, who lived above 1400 Years ago, affirms, had there was no Nation under Heaven, East, West, North or South, unto whom the Sun of the Gospel had not shined. And Gregory Nyssen says, that the Gospel had been spread not only in the whole Continent, but in every Island also. And, in later Times, several Writers have asserted to the same Purpose. Thus Osiander, writing of Vilagagno, and his planting at Brasil, writes positively and confidently, without Doubt these People received the Gospel of CHRIST by the Preaching of the Apostles 1500 Years since.
But, when we have better Proofs than merely human ones, it must certainly be fit and right to give These the Preference.
Now the Evangelist Mark informs us, in Chap. xvi. 20. that They, the Apostles, went forth and preached every where, the LORD working with them, &c. i. e. They went, and performed, according to the Divine Direction. And the Apostle Paul assures us, in Colos. i. 23. The Gospel ye have heard, which was preached to every Creature, which is under Heaven, &c. And as He lets us know, in Rom. i. 8. that the Faith of the Romans was published in all the World; so He tells the Colossians most plainly and expresly, as in Col. i. 6. that the Word of Truth, the Gospel, was come not only to them, but in all the World, and bringeth forth Fruit, &c. And our Apostle tells us, in Rom. x. 18. that, according to the ancient Prophecy of them, i. e. the Apostles, their Sound went into all the Earth, and [Page 24] their Words to the Ends of the World. And indeed, if one Apostle from Jerusalem and round about even to Illyricum, fully preached the Gospel of CHRIST, or filled up the Gospel of CHRIST; so that all the Places between Jerusalem and Illyricum, and round about them, were fully gospelized by Him, as in Rom. xv. 19; we may reasonably think, that the rest of the Apostles with the Seventy Disciples, being alike industrious and faithful in the Work of the Lord, must fully preach the Gospel even throughout the whole World.
But, if we think further with Eusebius, that, besides the Twelve Apostles, and the Seventy Disciples; there were more Apostles and Disciples: Which he gathers from that Passage of the Apostle Paul, in 1 Corinth. xv. 6. After that, he was seen of above five hundred Brethren at once; of whom the greater Part remain unto this present; but some are fallen asleep: (w) Then there must be above two hundred and fifty Brethren, besides the twelve Apostles and the Seventy Disciples, who had seen CHRIST, and could attest to the Truth and Certainty of his Resurrection, and so to the Divinity of his Religion: And a considerable Number of these might come to our Western World. And so America must have been filled up with the Gospel, according to our Apostle's Expression.
Some indeed have insisted on it, that the Passages concerning the Gospel's coming in all the World, and going into all the Earth, and the like, only intend and mean the Roman Empire. But if they will wrest these Passages to this Sense; it seems hard to force that Passage in the Epistle to the Colossians, above-cited, to that Meaning that the Gospel was preached to every Creature, that is, to every Man under Heaven.
We do not now therefore concern ourselves so much Who were the bringers of the Gospel to this American [Page 25] World: But we think, that there is Reason to affirm from Divine Authority, that it was brought here by one or more of the Apostles and Disciples and many Brethren, and produced Fruit. And therefore this Continent must be certainly known to these first Preachers of the Gospel in it: And from them, without Doubt the Faith of the Americans was published in all the other World.
There is then, alas! too much Reason to believe, that this Western World sinned away the Gospel: And why should this be thought strange and incredible with us; when Africa, which for several Hundreds of Years after our Saviour's Time, was enlightned with the Gospel and filled with Christian Societies, is now involved generally in Mahometan Glooms or Pagan Darknesses.
But however we have good Grounds for hoping, that the Gospel and Religion of Jesus will recover their lost Possession, and gain a more wide and extensive Spreading, than has yet been known in the later Ages and Generations: For it is foretold by the Spirit of Prophecy, in Habak. ii. 14. which we thus read according to the Original Hebrew, The Earth shall be filled to know the Glory, JEHOVAH, as the Waters shall cover upon the Sea.
Now the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY grant, that this whole Continent, as well as the Old World, may find the fullest and most perfect Accomplishment of this good Word, on which He causes the Hearts of his People to hope and rest: And may all the People of the World unite in saying, AMEN.