
Mr. Cary's SERMONS ON THE Importance of Salvation, &c.


The Importance of Salvation considered; the Method of obtaining it explained; and a Concern to secure an Interest in it recommended and urged. Being the Substance Of several SERMONS PREACHED AT NEWBURY-PORT. BY THOMAS CARY, A. M. PASTOR OF THE FIRST CHURCH IN THAT TOWN.

Published at the Desire of the Hearers.

BOSTON, NEW-ENGLAND: Printed by THOMAS and JOHN FLEET, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, 1773.

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My Christian Brethren,

I LITTLE thought when I wrote these Sermons they would ever have been more public than the Preaching would make them. That they were composed in haste, under many Avocations, and in early Life, are Reasons why I should decline com­mitting them to the Press. But when I consider that Affection you shewed me when I first came among you, the great Kindnesses and steady Attachment I have ever since experienced, and the very general and repeated Desire expressed for their Pub­lication: I thought it not best to refuse, and this must be my Apology to the World.

THE Subject of them (Salvation) is the greatest and noblest, and demands your most serious Attention. And might I hope what is here offered would awaken or [Page ii] strengthen in you a just Sense of it; it would give me a Satisfaction and Joy inex­pressible. "For what is our Hope or Joy, or Crown of Rejoicing, are not even ye in the Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming."

TO lead you to believe in Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life, as the only Foundation of your present or future Happiness; and to excite you to a Temper and Conduct worthy his Name, has been the Design of my constant Preaching. Faith in Christ, and a practical Subjection to his Gospel, I pray may ever be your habitual and distinguishing Character.

THAT my Ministry may be successful to these Purposes, that I may have a daily Remembrance in your Prayers; and that the best of Heaven's Blessings may rest on you and your's, is the sincere Desire of your affectionate Friend and Pastor,

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"Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"

THIS World is the Place of our Birth but not of our Abode; we cannot expect always to continue here. There must be a Time, and how soon is known only to God, when we are to be called hence, must quit the Scene. That an End should be put to our Being is not to be supposed. Reason tells us otherwise, and Revelation certainly asserts the con­trary; and we have as much Evidence as we can, 'till we arrive at our destined Home. A serious, an earnest Concern about our future Condition, must be both our Duty and Interest. We know the state there is different: Everlasting Happiness or Misery; [Page 2] and as we realize these, so shall we be sollicitous about the Question in the Text, "what must I do to be saved?"

IN some preceeding Verses we find Paul and Silas going to their Devotions in the House of Lydia, who had been converted to the Christian Faith and baptized. While passing, they met a Woman possessed of the Spirit of Divination, and who brought by this Means her Masters much Money. She declared to the People who they were; and they being grieved to see her in such unhappy Circumstances, commanded the Spirit by whom she was possessed, to leave her. Her Masters finding that now their Hopes of further Profit were at an End, were enraged at Paul and Silas, and entered a Complaint to the Magistrates—that they exceedingly troubled the City—taught Customs which were not lawful for them to receive, neither to observe, being Romans. They were therefore commanded to be beaten, cast into Prison; and Orders given [Page 3] to the Jailor to keep them safely: Who hav­ing received such a Charge thrust them into the inner Prison, and made their Feet fast in the Stocks. They were not intimidated with these Things, but at Midnight and when all were asleep, they prayed and sang Praises to God. Upon this there was sud­denly a great Earthquake, so that the Foundations of the Prison were shaken, and immediately all the Doors were opened and every one's Bands were loosed. And the Keeper of the Prison awaking out of his Sleep, and seeing the Prison-Doors open, he drew out his Sword, and would have killed himself, supposing, the Prisoners had fled. But Paul cried with a loud Voice, saying, do thyself no Harm, for We are all here. Then he called for a Light and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, and brought them out and said as in our Text, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

[Page 4]"GOD, we are told, does often rouse up Men's sleepy and senseless and lethargic Minds by some present Terror, Judgment or Affliction, which brings them to consider the Concerns of their Souls and another World, when Nothing else will. This shakes off their thoughtless Security, and alarms their stupid and unthinking Minds, to look about them, and see what a dange­rous Condition they are in." But if this should not be the Case, yet the Question asked by the Jailor is important and ne­cessary; and if properly considered may be useful to us.

I SHALL therefore make two or three Observations therefrom.

FIRST. We may observe the vast Im­portance of Salvation.

THIS the Jailor supposed when he asked the Question, and this must be by Others.

[Page 5]MAN was made upright, but he soon sought out many Inventions. Sin has enter­ed into the World, and Death by Sin, and so Death has passed upon all Men, for that all have sinned. We are the Children of fallen Man, and are Ourselves Sinners. The Importance of Salvation therefore, will ap­pear, if we consider—The unhappy Situa­tion of Persons without it—and Blessedness of such as possess it.

THOSE who are not in a State of Sal­vation are defiled and corrupted. They are estranged from God, under the In­fluence of Sin, and are disposed so to continue; they are unclean and unholy. This is the Case with All who reject and refuse the Salvation offered them, have not received nor are influenced by it. The Apostles found it so in their Day. They declare of the Gentile World, that they were Enemies of God, being in a State of Idolatry and Unrighteousness. That they [Page 6] were dead in Trespasses and Sins, wherein in Time past they walked according to the Course of this World, according to the Prince of the Power of the Air, the Spirit that now worketh in the Children of Dis­obedience. That * they walked generally in the Vanity of their Mind, having their Understanding darkened, being alienated from the Life of God, through the Igno­rance that is in them, because of the Blindness of their Heart: Who being past Feeling have given themselves over to work all Uncleanness with Greediness. So cor­rupt and defiled did they find them. And as to the Jews, they were also, by far the greatest Part of them, by an universal Cor­ruption of Manners, lost in Sin. Their whole Head was sick and their Heart was faint; and, as emblematical of their Corruption, it is represented that there was no Soundness in them, but they had Wounds and Bruises, and putrifying Sores. And if we consider some who call them­selves [Page 7] Christians, and would think it hard to be deprived of the Name, yet do we not see many of These lead unholy, ungodly Lives, notwithstanding all the Threatnings denounced against Sinners, all the terrible Things recorded in the Word of God. They slight and disregard them. They have sinned, and will sin, and will not be deterred from it. They are unconcerned about their future Condition, overlook their Souls, as though they were of no Conse­quence, can see them perishing before their Eyes without Remorse or Compunction. Such then must certainly be corrupted, estranged from God and Goodness, and therefore their Situation unhappy.

THEY also continually lie under the Anger of Almighty God.

IF defiled and corrupted, are estranged from Him, and if so are his Enemies, and exposed to his Resentment. For God is of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity, and he is angry with [Page 8] the Wicked every Day. And the Thoughts of this ought to alarm and terrify All who are conscious of any wilful Wickedness or Immorality. For who knoweth the Power of God's Anger, which can excite Horrors and Pains in the Minds of Sinners, intense and durable beyond all Conception and Imagination. If we are afraid of falling under the Displeasure of the Great and Powerful of this World, who yet, when they have done their utmost, can only kill the Body, how much more fearful must it be to fall into the Hands of the ever living and holy God, who after he hath killed, hath Power to cast into Hell. Certainly, when God's utter Abhorrence of Sin is considered, and of those who are disposed to continue under it's Dominion; their Situa­tion must be deplorable, and evince the Importance of Salvation.

AND they can have no inward Peace and Quietness of Mind.

[Page 9]UNHAPPINESS must ever attend the Practice of Sin. Misery comes along with it, brings Torment to the Mind and Disease to the Body. All Ungodliness has this Tenden­cy, and there are frequently Instances there­of. The Fermentation of the Passions, and all the Effects of a sinful Mind, must make Men unhappy. A State of Innocence would not have produced this. Man would have been a Stranger hereto. We read indeed of "the Pleasures of Sin," but beside that they are of the baser and grosser Kind, 'tis said of them, "They are but for a Season, for a Moment, and the End of them is Heaviness. That the Ways of Sin may seem broad and pleasant, but that they lead down to Death and take hold on Hell." It is "Righteousness that gives Peace, and it is the Effect of that which is Quietness and Assurance forever." It is for wicked Men to dread God, and to endeavor to banish the Thoughts of Him out of their Minds. What Peace and Satisfaction can [Page 10] such have, who must know that their Con­duct is dishonorable and ungrateful to God, unworthy their Characters, and will be pro­ductive of the greatest Evils? Which brings me to say, that,

THOSE who are not in a State of Sal­vation, are liable to, and must suffer ever­lasting Misery.

"THE Wages of Sin is Death." * Those who reject the Means of Grace and Salva­tion, must expect to reap the Fruit of their own Way and be filled with their own Devices. "The same, says the Scripture, shall drink of the Wine of the Wrath of God, which is poured out without Mixture into the Cup of his Indignation, and he shall be tormented with Fire and Brimstone, in the Presence of the holy Angels, and in the Presence of the Lamb. And the Smoke of their Torment ascendeth up for ever and ever." That State is eternal, is what will [Page 11] know no End, and compared with which, the longest Life of Pleasure, hath not the Proportion of a single Moment. Such then must depart from the Presence of God to dwell with Devils and damned Spirits for­ever, in the Place where the Worm dieth not and the Fire is not quenched.

NOW let us consider the Blessedness of those who are of the contrary Character, are in a State of Salvation.

THEY are delivered from the Power and Dominion of Sin. They are redeemed from all Iniquity, that Sin should no longer reign in their mortal Bodies, that they might fulfil the Lusts thereof. The Situa­tion of Sinners we see is, that they are in Bondage and Slavery, subject to their Lusts, and to the Temptations, Arts and Cunning of a designing Adversary. But those who are saved, are in Measure delivered here­from. The Creature shall be delivered from the Bondage of Corruption into the [Page 12] glorious Liberty of the Sons of God. Their nobler Faculties have got the Ascendency and are triumphant. They are not carried away with every Sin and Temptation. Ini­quity has not the Dominion, but is rejected and renounced. They have the Influences of the Spirit of God, that Comforter which was promised and is provided. And they possess him not as a transient Visitant, but as a constant Guest; assisting them to mor­tify the Deeds of the Body, overcoming their Corruptions, all the Oppositions they meet with, helping their Infirmities, and purifying their Souls. And they are con­formed to God, his Image and Likeness; are cleansed from all Filthiness of Flesh and Spirit.

THEY have also the Pardon of their Sins. And what a glorious Privilege must this be. "Blessed, * says the Psalmist, is he whose Transgression is forgiven, whose Sin is co­vered; blessed is the Man unto whom the [Page 13] Lord imputeth not Iniquity." By this must be meant, a full Indemnification from all past Sins and Transgressions. It is to forget, forgive and remember them no more. It intends the Abolition of them, their Guilt, and freedom from the deserved Destruction consequent upon them, and a Reception to the divine Mercy. The Book is crossed, the Debt is cancelled; and they are not subjected to the Payment. The Obligation to Punishment is made void. God no longer accounts Men ob­noxious, but the Sentence against them is revoked. This assuredly will be the Case; for God is good, he is ready to forgive, he is plenteous in Mercy to all that call upon him. "There is no Condemnation to any who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit."

AND they shall at last be received to everlasting Glory and Happiness. They shall be made to enter into the Joy of their Lord. The Wicked must go away into [Page 14] everlasting Punishment, but the righteous into eternal Happiness and Life. Christ has purchased this by his Blood; entered Hea­ven by a new and living Way, and has consecrated it for them, through his Flesh. He gives unto them eternal Life and they shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of his Hands. We have the De­clarations of God himself: who is not a Man that he should lie, or the Son of Man that he should repent. And who has de­clared, that they shall inherit the Kingdom prepared for them from the Foundation of the World. * For he so loved the World as to give up his only begotten Son, that whoever believed in him might not perish but have everlasting Life. This is the present Support, and will be the future Felicity of the Saints. "Good Men have the sure Word of Prophecy to found and direct their Faith. Here therefore they may fix their Foot with full Assurance of Faith, rejoicing in Hope of the Glory of God." [Page 15] Certainly then our Salvation is not an in­different Thing, seeing, without it, we shall be forever miserable, and with it everlast­ingly happy. And these must evidence it's Importance.

DO we then see the Importance of Sal­vation, how thankful ought we to be that it is offered us.

THIS indeed is worthy our Thanks and demands our Gratitude. To God, who is the Author of it, who has found out a Way for Man whereby he may be reconciled to Him and be at Peace with his own Con­science. To Jesus, for that Compassion and Grace which were so conspicuous in him. God found out a Way for the Peace of Man, but that he might possess it, Christ himself dies, offers up his Body as an aton­ing Sacrifice. For it pleased the Father that in him all Fulness should dwell, and (having made Peace through the Blood of the Cross) by him to reconcile All Things [Page 16] to himself. And he is still the Bestower of it to Men. When therefore they are sensible of it's Importante, they eagerly and readily embrace the Way offered; are thankful there is one, their Hearts overflow with Joy and Gladness.

THE vast Importance of Salvation shews us the Stupidity of those who are careless and unconcerned about it.

DID Men consider, they could not be so negligent and heedless. It must be owing to their Inattention to the great Things of their Peace, that they conduct as they so often do: This is their Bane—this their Ruin. This is the Charge God brings against his People Israel. * "My People, says he, do not consider." And in the Seventh of Hosea he complains of the Hy­pocrisy and Impiety of his People; but this was their Unhappiness. "They con­sider not in their Hearts, that I remember [Page 17] all their wickedness. On Account of this, Sinners are often compared in the Scrip­ture to the brutal Creation. "He goeth after her straitway as the Ox goeth to the Slaughter, and considereth not that it is for his Life." Therefore is it Men are so easy as to their Wickedness, they do not consider the Tendency and End thereof. "He knoweth not that the Dead are there, and her Guests in the Depths of Hell." "This is the Sleep and Lethargy of the Soul: It keeps Men unconcerned, though they are in the Way to Ruin, and upon the very Brink of Destruction." And if Men become religious, desirous of Salva­tion in good Earnest, they must be awaken­ed out of their Stupidity, brought to think; and to say, as with the Jailor, "What must I do to be saved?"

LET us then be all excited by the Grace of God to consider how great this Salva­tion is, and to seek after it.

[Page 18]IT is of the utmost Importance, demands our Attention, our greatest Care. Con­sidering who is the Author, and who the Purchaser; Nothing can be greater. Con­sidering Ourselves, our Character and Situ­ation, none can need it more. No great Arguments then are wanting to excite to it. The Unhappiness of not being saved is set before us; the Blessedness of being so, shewn us; and None can be at a stand. Now then is the Time▪ now the accepted Time, and now the Day of Salvation. Awake thou that sleepest, and Christ shall give you Life. Know in this your Day the Things that concern your everlasting Wel­fare, before they shall be for ever hidden from your Eyes. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, "consider your Ways." "Keep your Hearts with all Diligence." Seek him to enable you to know your true Interest and pursue it. To do it with Alacrity, with a Zeal adequate to it's Importance and Worth.

[Page 19]THE SECOND OBSERVATION I make from the Words is, That there is Some­thing to be done by us, in order to our being saved. Here we shall endeavor to consider—What is to be done—and then evince the Truth of it.

I. WHAT is to be done.

NOW if we look into the Verse following our Text, we shall find the Direction of Paul and Silas to the Jailor, when he asked what he should do to be saved. They said "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." This is what he was directed to, and this must be done by others, would they be saved.

FAITH or BELIEF in general, is de­fined as a Perswasion of the Mind, or As­sent to some Truth, or the Existence of a Person, or Thing; and this upon the Tes­timony of those that declare it. And thus it is said to differ from other Kinds of [Page 20] Knowledge; because in them we assent upon the clear and plain Reason of Things, and here upon the Authority of Persons; and therefore our Faith is firm or weak in proportion to the supposed Ability and Honesty of him that testifies. There are different Kinds of Faith, and accordingly have different Objects; as human, divine, and christian. It is the last that is here intended, and therefore Christ is the Ob­jecte "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ." Now this is,

1st. To believe the Gospel of Christ.

OUR blessed Lord made a Declaration of his Father's Will to the World, and that "in those Sermons, Parables and Discourses of his which we find recorded in the four Evangelists, in which the Will of God con­cerning the Way and Method of our Sal­vation is revealed. The Apostle Paul de­clared * to the Elders of the Church at [Page 21] Ephesus, that he had not shuned to de­clare the whole Counsel of God. And this Counsel which he had preached was that Account of our Savior's Discourses and Actions we have in the Gospel." And whoever therefore believes the Gospel, be­lieves its History and its Doctrine.

THE HISTORY. Thar there was such a Person as Jesus Christ, and as there de­scribed. That he was the Son of God. In this Character he is represented. That holy Thing, says the Angel to Mary, which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. This is the Character of one who is born of God and overcomes the World, that he believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. So when any were converted to the Christian Faith, they believed this. Thus the Eunuch tells Philip, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And the Apostle Paul after his Conversion believed, and so preached [Page 22] Christ that he is the Son of God. And 'tis said of every one that shall confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that God dwelleth in him, and he in God. * So is it also said, that he was sent of God. God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son. And Christ says, I proceeded forth and came from God, nei­ther came I of myself, but He sent Me. And being thus sent, that he lived as is de­clared, performed those wonderful Things recorded, suffered an ignominious Death on the Cross, was laid in the Grave, rose from the Dead and ascended to Glory.

HIS DOCTRINE is said to contain Pre­cepts, Promises and Threatnings. And a Faith in Christ includes a firm Belief of these, "of the Precepts of the Gospel as the Matter of our Duty, and the Rule of our Life; and of the Promises and Threat­nings of it as Arguments to our Duty, to encourage our Obedience and deter us [Page 23] from Sin." So that he who believes in Christ, believes the Gospel, and believing that, he believes the Truth of it, and All it contains.

2. To believe in Christ is to trust in, and depend on Him alone, for Salvation.

HE alone can procure it, and it is only He that can be trusted in for it. Now this may imply—that we are fully satisfied and believe we can obtain Salvation only in, and by Christ—and also a full Perswa­sion of his being an able and allsufficient Savior.

1. THAT we believe and are fully satis­fied we can obtain Salvation only in, and by Christ.

CHRIST is the only Mediator between God and Man—the Medium of Access to Him, or Means of Reconciliation with Him. The Apostle Peter when he had [Page 24] cured the lame Man, and was brought before the Rulers on that Account, thus declares: † Be it known unto you all, and to all the People of Israel, that by the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the Dead; even by Him doth this Man stand before you whole. This is the Stone which you Builders rejected, which is now become the Head of the Corner. Neither is there Salvation in any other: For there is none other Name under Heaven given among Men whereby we can be saved. The Favor of God being forfeited by Sin, Christ undertakes to make Atonement— to open a door whereby sinful Men may draw nigh to God, have Hopes of Audi­ence, Forgiveness and Acceptance. His Death was to expiate Guilt by making Satisfaction to divine Justice. Accordingly we read, "God laid upon Him the Iniqui­ties of us All—that we have Redemption through his Blood, even the Forgiveness [Page 25] of Sins." It was this only that obtained it, we being redeemed not with corruptible Things as of Silver and Gold, but with the precious Blood of Christ, as a Lamb without Blemish, and without Spot. To believe therefore in Christ is to be satisfied there is no other Way and desire none.

CHRISTIANITY, says Dr. Doddridge, is the Religion of Sinners, and it never will be really welcome to a Soul that is not sensible of the Malignity of Sin. Many of Mankind forget God, do not seek after him at all, will not have him to reign over them. But if their Consciences be properly awakened, they must see their Dependence on him, and their Need of an Interest in his Favor: And as having justly offended, they want one to interpose for them. For having proper Notions of God, they are sensible that his Justice and Holiness are essential to his Nature, as his Wisdom and Goodness. And there­fore when they consider themselves as ap­pearing [Page 26] in his Presence, guilty of the greatest Crimes, they must be led to cry out, from a deep and inward Sense, Who is able to stand before this holy Lord God? Where­with shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God? Surely I need some perfectly righteous Mediator, high in his Favor, to introduce me to him, and to render my Access safe and comfor­table, by appearing as a Day's-Man betwixt us, to lay his Hand upon us both. And this those who believe in Christ readily acknowledge, and heartily acquiesce in.

2. THEY have also a full Perswasion of his being an able and allsufficient Savior.

THEY believe the truth of the Declara­tion, "that he is able to save to the utter­most all that come unto God by him; seeing he ever lives making Intercession." They consider him as appointed of God. That God has laid in Zion, for a Foundation, "a tried Stone, a precious Corner Stone, a [Page 27] sure Foundation." That God is infinitely wise and good, knows what are the best Means, most adapted to answer Ends; and that whatever he determines to be best, they may undoubtedly rely on. They consider his Character, as the Son of God, and the Manner of his Appearance. That it was necessary He should take Flesh upon Him; and that such an high Priest became Men, who was holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from Sinners. And They view Him as accepted of God—that He was an Offering and Sacrifice to Him for a sweet smelling Savor. Being therefore convinced of these Thins, they do accordingly trust in, and depend upon Him for Salvation. "Heartily consent to own and accept Him in the Characters He bears; and have their Spirits impressed suitably to the Nature and Importance of what they assent to con­cerning Him. As He is the only Savior of Sinners, set forth in the Gospel for a Propitiation; through whom Pardon and [Page 28] Acceptance with God may be had; and as He is sufficient therefor: So their Belief of these is attended with the committing of themselves to Him, to be saved in His own Way, and a firm reliance upon Him as able and willing to perform all the kind Offices for them which are included in the Character of a Savior."

3. FAITH in Christ is productive of new Obedience.

THIS will ever be exercised by those who believe in Jesus, and whenever this Obedience is wanting, Mankind may assure themselves, they are mistaken, notwithstand­ing all their Pretences.

THEREFORE was it, that the Apostle directs Titus (that his Hearers might not be deceived in so important a Matter) * "to affirm it (not transiently but) con­stantly, that they who have believed in [Page 29] God be careful to maintain good Works." He supposed this must be so, if they had true Belief. And thus is it elsewhere repre­sented. Thus, * But they have not all obeyed the Gospel, for Esaias saith, who hath believed our Report? Christ is the Author of eternal Salvation to them that obey Him. The Apostle Paul was sent to the Gentiles to open their Eyes and to turn them from Darkness to Light, and from the Power of Satan unto God, that they might receive Forgiveness of Sins, and an Inheritance among them which are sanctified by FAITH that is in Him. And put no Difference between us and them, purifying their Hearts by Faith.

FAITH, REPENTANCE, CHRISTIAN OBEDIENCES, HOLINESS, LIKENESS to God, &c. though variously expressed, are but one and the same Thing. There can­not be one without the other. He who truly and properly believes in Christ, does [Page 30] sincerely repent of his Sins, and if there is Time for it, heartily endeavors by the Grace of God to render an Obedience to all His Precepts.

AND I find it observed by Writers on the Subject of Faith, that where it is men­tioned as a Condition of Salvation, it denotes not only a naked Assent to the Truth of this Proposition; that He is the Son of God, and the Messenger of God's Mind and Will to the World, and the Savior of Sinners; but that it includes also whatever is naturally consequent thereunto. For thus▪ say they, it is very ordinary with the Scripture to express the natural Effects and Consequences by their Causes. This is the Love of God, says the Apostle John, that we keep his Commandments. Whereas in Strictness of speaking, our keeping His Commandments, is only the Effect or Con­sequence of loving Him. So says the wise Man. The Fear of the Lord is to hate [Page 31] Evil, whereas indeed this is only the Effect or Consequence of the Fear of the Lord. And thus by knowing, and hearing, and remembring of God; the Scripture usually expresses the consequent Effects of them. And so also Faith or believing, when it is used as connected with eternal Life, must always imply it's natural Effects and Conse­quents: i. e. sincere and universal Obedience to those Rules of holy Living which the Gospel prescribes: For this is the most na­tural Effect of our believing in Jesus Christ. * Whosoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, i. e. whosoever so believes the Truth of this Proposition as to practise upon it, and govern his Life and Actions according to the Tenor and Direction of it, is truly a Child of God. For he who believes Christ to be the Messias, but continues obstinately disobe­dient to his Laws, is so far from being a Child of God, that he thereby becomes ten Times more a Child of the Devil. For, [Page 32] says the Apostle Paul, If I have all Faith and have not Charity, I am Nothing. For, says he again, For in Christ Jesus neither Circumcision availeth any Thing or Uncir­cumcision, but Faith which worketh by Love. And what he means by this, he tells us, Gal. VII. 16. Circumcision is Nothing and Uncircumcision is Nothing but the new Creature. And what he means by this, he tells us, 1 Cor. VII. 9. Circumcision is Nothing and Uncircum­cision is Nothing but keeping the Com­mandments of God. So that the only Thing which is genuine and will be advan­tageous▪ is Faith working by Love. Faith working by Love is the new Creature, and the new Creature is keeping the Command­ments of God.

THIS then may serve to correct the Mistakes of those who place the whole of saving Faith upon a bare Dependance on Christ for Salvation.

[Page 33]HOW many are there that have, and will have no other Conception of it? And it is to be feared, flatter themselves to their Ruin and Destruction. This is a Part, and but a Part; was it the whole, would be dishonorable to God, defeat the Design of Christ's Coming; and be subversive of all Holiness and Goodness. There can be no true Faith in Christ without believing in His Gospel, and in His whole Character as therein represented; so neither can there be this, without an Obedience to His Injunctions. They are joined in the Word of Truth. We have no Right to separate them.

AND this may serve also to correct the Mistakes of those who think they have no true Faith, because they are not certain of their Salvation.

THIS is a Mistake that some Christians run into, "That they don't believe to any saving Purpose 'till they believe their own [Page 34] particular Salvation." Hence arise Fears and Distresses, their Lives are rendered un­comfortable, being subject to Bondage. Because they cannot find Perfection in themselves, they are not certain, and there­fore do not believe aright. Certainty in this Life is not (ordinarily) to be expected. Such are our Situation and Circumstances here, such our Liableness to transgress; and the Temptations we are exposed to; that we are to fear in some Degree; have a godly Jealousy over ourselves. The Apostle Paul, as good as he was, cries out, * "O wretched Man that I am, who shall deliver me from the Body of this Death." Tho' he says, he "delighted in the Law of the Lord after the inward Man." The Apostle John tells us, "If our Heart condemn us not, then may we have Confidence to­wards God." If our Aim in the Main is right, and we endeavor to approve ourselves to God, we may have Hope; and if we have that, we nay be encouraged that we [Page 35] believe aright, though Certainty does not take Place. And we ought to guard against the contrary Conception.

LET us then endeavor after right Notions and Apprehensions of Faith.

A MISTAKE in this Matter may have an unhappy Tendency, prove of fatal Con­sequence. Let us look to Jesus; believe in Him as the Way, the Truth and Life; trust in and rely upon Him as the only Savior of Sinners; and endeavor that we also do the Things which He says—Believe His Doctrines, and obey His Precepts, re­membring that He has told us, "that if we keep His Commandments, we shall abide in His Love—that we are His Friends if we do whatsoever He has commanded us, and that not every one that saith unto Him, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but He that doeth the Will of His Father who is in Heaven."

[Page 36]THINK how inconsistent it must be, to profess to believe in, and yet in Works to deny Him: That this must be unworthy our Character, and end in Misery. Be sensible that of ourselves we can do No­thing, that our Sufficiency is of God, that Faith is His Gift, let us be earnestly seek­ing for it, in the way He has appointed. Endeavor to "be continually building our­selves up in our most holy Faith;" grow­ing up to Him in all Things who is the Head; making our Calling and Election sure, that our Hope may be more enlarged, strengthened and confirmed. So shall we go on our Way rejoicing, be able to confide in the Mercy of God, and be finally re­ceived there, where our Faith shall be swallowed up in Vision, and our Hope in Fruition.

WE come now to the

2d PARTICULAR under this OBSER­VATION. To evince the Truth of it, or shew that Something must be done in order to our being saved.

[Page 37]HERE may enquire, why Something must be done? which will guard against Mistakes, and evidence it to us.

NOW certainly Nothing is expected and required, because by our doing it, we can merit and purchase Salvation. We are Sinners, and have lost the Favor of God. If therefore we are saved, we must owe it to His free and rich Grace and Mercy in Jesus Christ. Christ's Death is the Foun­dation of a Sinners Acceptance. * "Other Foundation can no man lay, than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." We are therefore accepted in the Son of God. Justified freely by His Grace through the Redemption there is in Jesus Christ: and therefore not for any Works of Righteous­ness which we have done, but of His Mercy He saves us.

AND here it is observed, and that justly, we are to fix our Hopes of Justification and [Page 38] Salvation, viz. on that perfect Propitiation and Satisfaction which Christ by the Sacri­fice of Himself once offered, hath made for the Sins of Men. For the alone Merit of this Sacrifice God is graciously pleased to forgive us all our Sins. So that through Faith in the Blood of Christ, and not by Confidence in ourselves, and our own righ­teousness, we obtain Remission of Sins and eternal Life. And it is not only in itself great Arrogance, but great Ingratitude to our blessed Redeemer, who gave Himself for us; to ascribe that to the Merit of our Righteousness, which nothing in Heaven or Earth, but the Blood of Christ could have purchased for us. Whatever we give God is his own; and when we have done all we can, it is but our Duty, and we must acknowledge we have fell short; and that we are but unprofitable Servants. Some­thing therefore is not required of us on this Account. This being premised, we proceed to say,

[Page 39]IT is incumbent on us to be active in the Affair of Salvation, in Reference to the En­couragement to Religion; and as an essential Distinction of Character is connected with it.

SALVATION is offered to Sinners, yet none may expect it without they believe in Christ, repent of Sin, and return to God. It is the repenting, returning Sinner that is encouraged, and who only can hope to re­ceive Favor. Therefore are Sinners directed to seek the Lord while He may be found, to call upon Him while He is near; to for­sake their Thoughts and return to Him; and are told He will have Mercy on them, and abundantly pardon them. So our bles­sed Lord while on Earth gives this kind Invitation: "If any Man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink." And He says also: "Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my Yoke upon you and learn of Me, and ye shall find Rest to your Souls." This it seems must be done if they experienced [Page 40] Blessings from Him; and implies, that they would not have, and could not expect them without. And this He elsewhere declares fully. For He says, * "How often would I have gathered thy Children together as a Hen gathereth her Chickens, and ye would not; therefore your House is left to you desolate,." "And ye will not come to Me that ye might have Life." And there­fore because they did not come, they were not to have it, and which they would, had they complied.

IF no Attention is to be paid to the Temper and Behavior of Men, it would matter not what were their Character; they need not be sollicitous how they conducted; it might be as well to be wicked, in this view, as to be virtuous.

BUT it may be said, if there were no Heaven or Hell hereafter, it would be best for Men to be good. Be it so. But the Question is, whether they would be? Do [Page 41] we not, considering our Make and Situa­tion, want Something by Way of Motive; and is it not the Hope of Happiness or Good arising, that actuates Men in all their Conduct? It is interwoven in our very Natures, and 'tis impossible almost, to act abstractedly from it. And the Motive of present-Good only, would perhaps be hardly sufficient.

WE are surrounded with many Temp­tations, and we strongly incline and listen to them; and we should undoubtedly give way, were it not for the Motives of future Happiness set before us in the Gospel. We see, powerful as they are, they are not always sufficient; and what would be the Case if there were none. If therefore it matters not whether Men conduct diffe­rently: No good comes of their Mortifi­cations and Self-Denials, their Labors and Endeavors, why should they be at the Pains? They Might say as the Epicurean, in Regard to Futurity, "Let us eat and [Page 42] drink for To-morrow we die." Let us take Life while we have it. We are as well and shall stand as fair, as those who are endeavoring to fear God and keep His Commandments. What Encouragement would here be to Vice? What Discou­ragement to Virtue?

BUT how different is this from the Reality? How strongly are Men exhorted and encouraged to forsake sin and live to God? "Repent and turn from your evil Ways, so Iniquity shall not prove your Ruin." "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." And how ear­nestly are Men threatned, when pursuing the contrary Conduct?—"That if they will not repent, they shall be destroyed," "That he that believeth not is condemned already. He that believeth not the Son shall not see Life, but the Wrath of God abideth on him."

IT is also incumbent on us to be active in the Affair of our Salvation, in Reference to the Rule of final Judgment.

[Page 43]THAT there will be a Day of Judgment, must be evident to us from our own Make and Constitution. Man has a Spirit formed within him, something that directs him, whose Faculties are capacious, and are de­signed for Continuance. He is capable of forming proper Judgment of Things, and knowing the Nature of Actions; of recol­lecting and reviewing Things past, and looking forward in some Measure to those that are future, their Effects and Conse­quences. He must therefore be accounta­ble, and was designed to be judged.

THE Force and Apprehensions of our Consciences prove it to us. The Uneasiness or Pleasure arising from the Commission of a good or bad Action, and this when Actions are secreted from the Knowledge of all Mankind; and which must be owing to a secret Foreboding or Presage, that they must hereafter account for the Sin com­mitted.

[Page 44]THE Dispensations of Providence. The unequal Distribution of Rewards and Pu­nishments. And the Revelation God has afforded, do also fully point it out. It is declared, "That Men are once to die, and after Death the Judgment—That God has appointed a Day in which he will judge the World in Righteousness, by that Man whom He hath ordained; whereof He hath given Assurance unto all Men, in that He hath raised Him from the Dead."

IF then there is to be this Judgment, there must be some Rule, by which God will proceed in the final Determination. Now the Apostle Paul declares, * "that God will judge the Secrets of Men by Christ Jesus according to the Gospel." The Gospel of Christ then is the Rule whereby Men are to be judged. And that declares, "that God will render to every Man ac­cording to his Deeds; to them who by patient Continuance in Well-doing, seek [Page 45] for Glory and Honor and Immortality; eternal Life: But unto them that are con­tentious, and do not obey the Truth, but obey Unrighteousness; Indignation and Wrath; Tribulation and Anguish upon every Soul of Man that doeth Evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile: But Glory, Honor, and Peace, to every Man that worketh Good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: For there is no Respect of Persons with God."

GOD bestows temporal Blessings when and where he pleases. He causes it to rain upon one city and not on another; favor­ing some Men with outward Prosperity, and causing Adversity to be the Lot of others. He is not accountable herein; He has a right to bestow his Favors and Blessings as He sees fit.

BUT now in judging Men in order to reward or punish, He acts differently. He views their Character and State; the Ad­vantages [Page 46] they have had, and the Disadvan­tages they have labored under. He acts by the most consummate Wisdom and im­partial Justice, not by capricious or arbi­trary Power. Every Man must receive according to the Things done in the Body. God we see, it is said by the Apostle, is no Respecter of Persons. He that hath sinned without Law, shall perish without Law; and he that hath sinned in the Law, shall be judged by it. If we suppose otherwise, we overthrow our natural Notions of Him, and indeed all Revelation. It therefore cannot be.

TO whom then much is given—much is required—much is expected; and to whom little is given, the one Talent; if that is properly improved, no more is de­manded. And herein the infinite Wisdom and Goodness of God are manifested; that He deals with Men as He has capacitated them, afforded them Knowledge; and as they have improved. i. e. He deals with [Page 47] them as rational, accountable Creatures, and will reward them as such. Somewhat there­fore must be done in order to his finally proceeding with them.

AND this is requisite in Reference to the divine Authority and Perfections.

THERE is a Harmony of the divine Attributes in the Salvation of Men. They all act in Concert in this grand Affair. One is not exerted at the Expence of the other, but All unite. But now, were there No­thing to be done by Men, Infinite Wisdom would be called in Question. The divine Purity and Holiness would be taxed: The infinite Truth and Faithfulness would be doubted.

THE Wisdom of God is conspicuous in contriving such an Expedient as He has, to reconcile the divine Justice and Mercy together, when our Iniquities had set them at Variance. He has so disposed all Things [Page 48] as that they must ultimately redound to his Glory and the Good of Men. "Here­in He hath abounded in all Wisdom and Prudence:" but certainly this would not appear, it must defeat itself, if Men might be indulged in Sloth and Negligence; and would be subversive of their Happiness.

GOD is Holy. Holiness is essential to his Nature. To destroy Sin and make Men like to Him, He sent his Son. And 'till that Image which has been destroyed by Sin is renewed, Men are incapable of the Enjoyment of Him. But might they be idle and careless, would it not appear as though God was indifferent about it, or connived at it? * "Thou thoughtest I was altogether such an one as thyself: But I will reprove thee."

SUCH is the Justice of God, that He severely animadverts on those who trans­gress his Laws; and He must govern All [Page 49] with the greatest Impartiality. He has declared that He will. And his Ways and Judgments are true and righteous. "He will punish the World for their Evil, and the Wicked for their Iniquity. The righ­teous Lord loveth Righteousness, and his Countenance doth behold the Upright." And therefore it must be necessary, if we believe this, to endeavor to forsake Sin and live to God. If we think otherwise, how can we suppose God to be indeed as He is described?

GOD must be an all-perfect Being: possessed of absolute Rectitude. Every Perfection must agree. Did they not, He would sink in his Character, and of Conse­quence cease to be God. So that, upon the whole, the Truth of the Observation must appear. We have Nothing to do by Way of Merit and Claim, but Something must be done in the Way of Duty, as we are intelligent, accountable Creatures.

[Page 50]WE may therefore adore and praise that Being who has thus conducted. The Method He has appointed is consistent with his moral Government, and the State of Men as fallen, but as rational—As under Obligations to improve their Faculties, to serve and obey Him. In this Way his Grace is honored. There is Nothing in­consistent with his Perfections, and no En­couragement is given to the Corruption or Inactivity of Man. We are therefore to re­verence his Name and render Him Thanks.

WE also see that it is not for us to stand still and expect Salvation.

GOD we find expects and requires Some­thing of us; He has therefore given Means for our Improvement. They are admirably adapted to the Purpose, and it is ordinarily in the Use of these that He meets with Men, blesses and enables them to believe to the saving of their Souls. If they reject them, they can have no Reason to expect God [Page 51] will appear for them, but that they must be given over to Blindness of Mind, and Hardness of Heart, and die in their Sins.

AND whatever Men in Health, and while engaged in the World, may think, yet it is certain, when they come to quit the Scene, and Eternity opens to their View, their Conceptions in the general are different. I believe it is seldom that one goes out of the World, if he has his Senses, but blames Himself for not doing more than he has: Either that he has not prayed to God at all, or not enough, or that he has not attend­ed on his Worship and Ordinances, or not with that Devotion and Sincerity he ought. But why should Men, when going out of Life, distress themselves with these Things, if they were needless, if it mattered not whether they were done; and were of no Consequence to Salvation and Happiness? The Mind of Man thus misgiving is a strong Evidence that we ought to be work­ing out our Salvation.

[Page 52]MEN therefore are not to be inactive. If they perswade themselves that they may, and their Lives are agreeable to this Perswasion, they are undone, and that forever.

GOD has been pleased to send his Son into the World to die: Salvation is to be sought for only through Him. A Man must then labor earnestly after it. And though his Diligence is not the Ground and Foundation of his Acceptance with God, as I have said, and do always preach, yet or­dinarily Nothing will avail without.

LET those then who have Ground to hope, they know and believe in the only true God and in his beloved Son, see that they endeavor to grow in Grace and in the Knowledge of Christ. To this End they should often reflect on future unseen Things. Knowing that "Faith is the Substance of Things hoped for, and the Evidence of Things not seen:" and labor to have their [Page 53] Souls more affected with them than with the Vanities of the World. They should be much in Prayer to God for the Assistances of his Spirit, not be ashamed to own their Weakness; but be diligently seeking for that Strength they need. By this Means they will be making constant Advances in Religion. The Evidences of their Salva­tion and Happiness will be stronger and clearer. Their Difficulties will lessen. They will find God "a Sun and a Shield, and that He will withhold no good Thing from them."

LET those who are yet in their Sins, be excited to throw off their Sluggishness. Be not discouraged from the Difficulty of the Work. Consider God's Grace is all­sufficient, and that He is ready to afford it, if you sincerely and heartily desire it. Think not that the securing the Happiness of your immortal Souls is the Business of a Minute, an Hour or Day; but must be the Work of your Lives. That is little [Page 54] enough, and yet enough if improved aright. Cry to Him therefore for his Grace, that ye be not Despisers of the Salvation offered, and made known in the Gospel; and so escape the Punishment threatned therein, and which will be inflicted on those who must in the great Day be judged by, and have rejected it. You have every Thing to invite you. O then "take hold of God's Strength and eternal Life is before you."

THE THIRD AND LAST OBSERVA­TION I make from the Words is, That our Salvation is what above all Things we ought to be concerned for.

HERE I shall endeavor to show—When we may be said to be above all Things concerned for our Salvation—and then why we should be thus concerned.

1. WHEN we may be said to be above all Things concerned for our Salvation.

[Page 55]NOW this is so when it dwells most fre­quently upon the Mind, we give the greatest Attention to, are chiefly inquisitive about it, and prefer it to every Thing else.

MAN is a compound Being, consisting of Soul and Body; and as the Natures of each are different, so are their Desires and Aims. He is possessed of the Faculty of collecting in some Measure his Thoughts, and governing his Imagination, fixing the Mind upon those Things that will enoble and profit Him; and answer the End of his Being. For as soon as Men give way to Thoughtlessness, and Vice is predomi­nant, they forget the Design of their Being —what they are—what they were made for; and put themselves upon an Equality with the brutal Creation.

NOW proper Attention to any Thing is an Application of Mind, according to it's Nature and Importance, thereby to become acquainted with, and have clearer [Page 56] Apprehensions of it. And when Men are sollicitous about their Salvation, they will endeavor rightly to consider, ponder and weigh it with the utmost Impartiality, that thereby they may secure it, their Lives be­come duly influenced; and they may act in Conformity to that, to which it would perswade them. Man being a rational thinking Creature, is to be principally go­verned by his Thoughts; and they will be engaged in those Things he has the strongest Inclination to, and takes the greatest Satisfaction in. And if Men are made sensible of the great Worth and Im­portance of Salvation, they will be most thoughtful and inquisitive concerning it.

THIS will lead them to be afraid of missing it, to guard against those Things that will endanger, and to pursue those that will tend to further and promote it.

SALVATION is a great Thing, not so easy a Matter as Many may imagine it to be. [Page 57] Our Lord tells us, "Wide is the Gate, and broad is the Way that leadeth to De­struction, and Many there be that go in thereat: Because strait is the Gate and narrow is the Way which leadeth unto Life, and Few there be that find it."

WE have indwelling Lust and Corruption to grapple with. A Law in our Members warring against the Law of our Minds, and bringing us into Captivity to the Law of Sin. We have certain Appetites and Passions implanted within us, which in themselves are Good, but which are not always re­strained. They are capable of, and often are wrought upon and turned into different Courses, and upon different Objects, con­trary to our Reason and the Word of God. It requires great Pains and Vigilance to keep them in due Subjection: And the breaking out and indulging them is the Grief of good Men, and is acknowledged by them. "The Good I would, says the [Page 58] Apostle Paul, * I do not, but the Evil which I would not, that I do." And All must find, that when they would do Good, Evil is present with them. This then is not an easy Thing. If we give way, suffer them to get the Ascendancy, it is certain we cannot be saved; and to get the entire Mastery over them, we shall find it difficult.

WE are also exposed to the Sollicitations of evil Spirits. They surround us with innumerable. Temptations, are inveterate Enemies that must constantly be opposed. These the Scripture informs us were once holy and happy, but are now quite the reverse. They rebelled against their Ma­ker and Sovereign, and were banished the Regions of Light and Bliss. Their Pride is disappointed, and they industriously la­bor to deceive and ruin Man, who by the Grace of God may obtain that Happiness which they can never expect. Agreeable to this is that of the Apostle Peter, [Page 59] Your Adversary the Devil, as a roaring Lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour. Now when Men have such powerful and subtle Adversaries, it requires great Resolution and Stedfastness. "Whom resist stedfast in the Faith;" the Expression implies in it Difficulty: There is Need of great Circumspection.

AND Mankind are conversant with sen­sible Objects. They are used to Sense, and readily follow it's Perceptions. The Objects present themselves, and have a sur­prizing Force and Influence. And these they see. But it is not thus with the Re­ward of Salvation. That is Spiritual and is at a Distance; is principally to be enjoyed hereafter. We are therefore apt to "look at the Things which are seen, but not at the Things which are not seen; for the Things which are seen are temporal, but the Things which are not seen are eternal."

[Page 60]AND then if we consider how extensive and universal is our Duty, if we would be really religious; how much is included in, and will follow that Belief which is ne­cessary to the Saving of our Souls: That every Action of Man is to be regarded; that "He that offends in one Point is guilty of All," it must be difficult. There would be no great Difficulty in being saved, if Men might indulge one Sin and discard the other, perform this Duty and neglect that. But this he is not, nor can be al­lowed. His Character must be uniform, and his Religion consistent.

NOW those who are above all Things concerned for their Salvation, are sensible of this. It leads them to be on their Guard, and to endeavor their utmost, that they may not finally miscarry.

THEY labor to know themselves, what are their prevailing Vices and Temptations, and to lay aside every Weight and the Sin [Page 61] that doth most easily beset them, and to run with Patience the Race set before them. They are not slothful in the Work of God, but followers of them who through Faith and Patience inherit the Promises. They press on with all their Might, toward the Prize, toward that Heaven "which Christ has purchased for them by his Blood, which the Spirit of God prepares them for; and to which God incessantly calls and invites them."

THEY endeavor to soar above the de­lusive Amusements of a vain transitory World; and to think of another and better Happiness.. It is but a little, it is true, that they know at present, but enough for their Encouragement; they keep it in their Eye, and it quickens them.

THEY know they have their Duties and various Departments—that it is the Duty of All, the Work of every One, to take Care of his Soul, to be fitted for that [Page 62] eternal Duration which remains for him after Death—that the Life they now live in this World is a Time of Exercise, a short State of Trial and Probation, in order to a durable and endless State; in which they shall be fixed in another World—that they have their different Relations, were not born for themselves, and are not to seek their own Things only, but every Man also the Things of others—conducting in such a Manner, in whatever Station or wherever Providence has cast their Lot, as shall be productive of the greatest Advantage to those around them.

AND finally, having the highest Concern for their Salvation, they will readily part with all their Interest in this World, rather than forego their Interest in the other.

THEY are fully sensible of, and believe what Christ has declared, * that "He that loveth Father or Mother more than Him [Page 63] is not worthy of Him, and he that loveth Son or Daughter more than Him is not worthy of Him; and he that taketh not his Cross and followeth after Him is not worthy of Him—that they must have such a constant Regard to the Salvation of their Souls, as shall prevail above all At­tachments to their dearest Relations and most intimate Friends, to their own Ease and Comfort, and even to their Lives; as He has again declared, that "Whosoever will save his Life shall lose it, and whoso­ever shall lose his Life for his Sake shall find it."

AND this was indeed verified in the Apostles and primitive Christians. They renounced All, underwent the greatest Miseries, submitted to all Manner of Tor­ments, hazarded their Lives, gave them up for the Sake of propagating that Religion, the Belief of which would save their Souls and those of others.

[Page 64]THE Persecutions against then were very severe, even by their own Friends and Countrymen. The Apostle Paul was at first exceedingly mad against them. He breathed out Slaughter, dragged them before the Sanhedrim and had them con­demned. Herod vexed certain of the Church and killed James the Brother of John with the Sword; and he proceeded to take Peter also, and confined him in Prison, with a View to kill him. And Paul himself and Silas were confined in Jail at the Time when the Question in the Text was asked them.

WHEN the Gospel was spread farther, general Persecutions were raised against it. The Believers of it bore the heaviest Load of Rage and Malice, being every where persecuted by Banishment and Death, count­ing themselves happy, they were thought worthy to suffer. Blessed be God it is not so now. But yet Christians that are above all Things sollicitous for their Salvation, [Page 65] rather than lose it, would resign up their Interests, submit to the greatest Inconve­niences; and even forfeit Life itself; con­sidering that "A Man is not profited if he should gain the whole World and lose his own Soul;" that there is Nothing he can give in Exchange for his Soul. I am to say,

2. WHY we should be thus concerned.

NOW in a Word—It is absolutely ne­cessary for us—and there is Nothing wor­thy the like Notice and Attention.

IT is absolutely necessary. It is the One Thing needful. Necessary for All of every Age and Condition. Many Things are needful for us here and only here. We want Food, Raiment, &c. and cannot do without them. But Salvation is above them all. This will enable Men to live in the true Sense in this World, and to live forever.

[Page 66]INDEED a good Man is said to begin his Heaven on Earth, and to finish there what he began here. For the more his Corruptions are mastered, and his Mind improved in the Things of Salvation, the more is he spiritualized, and made meet for the Inheritance of the Saints in Light. So, on the contrary, the more a Man in­dulges himself in Sin, and neglects Reli­gion, the fitter he becomes for Hell, and the more deserving of the Punishment of it.

IF therefore Men would escape this, and go to Heaven when they die; they must see, they are savingly acquainted with Christ, have secured an Interest in Him who is the great Savior of Sinners; their Souls enlightened in the Knowledge of Him and sanctified by his Grace.

AND there is Nothing that is worthy the like Notice or Attention.

[Page 67]A DESIRE of Good, of Happiness, is implanted in the Constitution of human Nature; this All agree in, though they differ in the Thing itself and in the Means of obtaining it.

NOW all temporal Happiness is unsatis­factory in it's Nature, and fleeting and tran­sitory. This is apt to engross the Faculties of the Soul, and by Reason of it's Weak­ness and Imperfection it readily catches at it. But when gratified is disappointed, and is still to seek an Happiness.

BUT could it be found herein, yet our own Experience shews us, that every Thing here is of a transitory Nature, appears but a little while and then vanishes. Riches take to themselves Wings and flee away. Friends leave us; They must submit to the Stroke of Death. All the Enjoyments of Time and Sense will have an End. And it is upon this Consideration, (upon the Vanity, Uncertainty, and little Dependance [Page 68] there is to be had on Men and Things of the World) that we are exhorted to re­nounce our Dependance upon, and check that Satisfaction Men are apt to have in them. * Put not your Trust in Princes, nor in the Son of Man in whom there is no Help; his Breath goeth forth and he returneth to his Earth. Set your Affec­tions on Things above, not on Things on the Earth. If Riches increase, set not your Hearts upon them. For Riches are not forever. But now if Salvation is se­cured to us we shall enjoy an Happiness suited to our Souls, and which shall know no End, but be growing, and increasing through all Eternity. So that upon the whole, this is what above all Things we ought to be desirous of and concerned for.

IF it be then as has been said, how few are there that are properly concerned for their Salvation?

[Page 69]MANY may not think of it at all. Others may admit it at Times, but do not perse­vere. Though their Attachment to Sin is not wholly sufficient to exclude "at pre­sent," yet great enough to prevent going any Lengths, and so of "finally" excluding it.

THEY perhaps have set out with Warmth and Zeal, resolutely bent upon forsaking Sin and living to God; but this has been but of short Duration. Particular Provi­dences may have affected them (as the Earthquake did the Jailor in the Text) and for a while they felt the Force of their Im­pressions, but they have gradually abated; they become indifferent about their Sal­vation, at least to exercise that Diligence and Industry required; and a small Occa­sion of Temptation will make them give it up. They keep up the Appearance, but can turn themselves into any Shape, when their Interest requires it; become fickle and inconstant, and possessed of no Steadiness.

[Page 70]WE should then be sollicitous to think properly of this Matter, to guard against Deception, think of Salvation as it is, what is expected and required; and how unhappy must be our Situation without.

SUFFER me then, to exhort you to embrace the Salvation made known and offered in the Gospel.

THIS is tendered to All, to the greatest Sinner as well as the least. None may de­spair. However vile and wicked, however they may have despised the Riches of God's Goodness, Forbearance and Long-Suffering, yet if they have a Desire to return, if they are willing to close with Christ. accept his Offers, they shall assuredly be happy. Thus the Apostle Paul, after mentioning a Num­ber of Vices, tells the Corinthians, "that such were some of them," i. e. they had practised such Things. But, says he, "Ye are washed, sanctified and justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit of your God."

[Page 71]NOT that a Commission of those Vices would recommend to the divine Favor, but they are mentioned to shew, that none may despair of the Grace and Mercy of God; that there is a Sufficiency in the Merits of Christ for the greatest Sinners, if they believe in and obey Him.

NONE thin can make any Objections. "Whosoever will, let him come and take of the Water of Life freely. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the Waters, yea come buy Wine and Milk without Money and without Price." Look to Jesus whom ye have pierced, and mourn; and let it be your chief Concern to secure an Interest in Him.

THINK what God expects of those to whom He has afforded great Knowledge. That we are they, who are favored with the Gospel. The Sun of Righteousness hath arisen upon us with Healing in his Wings." We have the greatest and most [Page 72] important Truths revealed—Our Insuffi­ciency to save ourselves, that God has provided Salvation, wherein He will be appeased and we justified. We have our Duty fully revealed, the Necessity of Ho­liness, of a Change in Heart and Life— the Knowledge of the other World made known, it's Rewards and Punishments. We have the greatest Advantages, Means of Grace afforded, frequent Opportunities of hearing the Word and being instructed in it. Some of us have publickly and so­lemnly owned ourselves the Disciples of Christ, and Him to be our Lord and Master; and have repeated Seasons of renewing the Obligations we have laid ourselves under. How highly are we favored? lifted to Hea­ven in Point of Privileges—Privileges im­proveable to eternal Happiness and Glory.

AND now what must be the Consequence of a Neglect? Can we plead Ignorance, that we are unacquainted with the Way to Life after having enjoyed such distinguishing Favors.

[Page 73]SHALL we please ourselves, that because we have to ease our Consciences performed some Parts of Religion, those that are the least opposite to our favorite Vices, that we shall escape; or that our Sentence shall be moderated, our Punishment lessened? In vain are all such Imaginations. In vain may we think of "gentle Flames:" Con­demnation aggravated must be our Portion. Our Wilfulness will not be over-looked, our Misery must be accumulated. What Man­ner of Persons ought we then to be? how concerned that we rest not in any Change, short of one which is universal and per­manent.

O LET us be excited to improve the Means of Grace and Salvation.

PRAY to God daily and constantly thro' Christ. This is an Act wherein we ex­press our Dependance, that our Condition is imperfect; and that our Reliance must be [Page 74] on God For All we want. And as we have Time allotted for the public Worship and Service of God, we ought to embrace the Opportunities for our Attendance, not be absent, let small Things divert us from it. This no Doubt is a great, an happy Means of advancing the Honor and Glory of God, and promoting the Salvation of the Souls of Men, therefore it must be incum­bent on All; Every Man is obliged by his Example to support the Solemnity and Credit of it; and they contract Guilt who wilfully and causelessly neglect it.

WE are favored with the Ordinances of God's House, and it is necessary we improve them, and endeavor to answer their End.

PARENTS should give up their Children to God in Baptism, and when they do, they ought to understand it's Design and their Obligations.

[Page 75]AN Attendance on the other Ordinance is the Duty of Men. They are to see their Views and Designs are good, and labor to reap it's Benefit. When they consider what glorious Things are intended, and therein presented to their View, it should inkindle a Flame of divine Love in their Souls, and excite them to make the most suitable Returns.

IN a Word, we should All humbly cast ourselves on the Mercy of God, and intreat Him for his Goodness Sake in Christ Jesus to have Compassion on us, and by his Grace and Spirit "so to establish our Hearts and direct our Ways, that having chosen the good Part, we may never relinquish it."

AND thus have I finished the Subject I have been some Time upon. I have not labored for a nice Arrangement of Words, for Polish or Ornament. My Design has been, with the greatest Plainness, and I hope I can say, with Sincerity and Faithfulness, [Page 76] to consider the Importance of Salvation, the Method of it's Obtainment; and how con­cerned we should be above all Things to desire and seek after it. God grant it may make suitable Impression on All.

MAY Saints be built up in their most holy Faith, and Sinners quickned in their Enquiry "what they shall do to be saved."

O MAY we All endeavor in the several Places and Relations in which God has fixed us, to restore and increase vital Religion, promote it's Reputation by our countenanc­ing it. Then might we hope God would pour out his Spirit upon us and his Blessing. He would own us as His, give evident Tokens of his Favor; and receive us to dwell with Him for ever.

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