


A Farewell SERMON. A SERMON, Preached at Rochester second Parish, October 15th 1769. Being the Day immediately preceeding the Dismission of the Author from his pastoral Relation to the Church and People in said Parish.


Phil. 1.27.

Only let your conversation be as becometh the gospel of Christ; that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your Affairs, that ye stand fast in one Spirit, with one Mind, striving together for the Faith of the Gospel.

Ephes. 4.32.

And be ye kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

BOSTON: Printed by D. KNEELAND, for THOMAS LEVERETT, in Corn-hill. 1770.


Advertisement. To the Reader.

THE occasion of publishing the following farewell Sermon, was the repeated impor­tunity of a number of my late parishioners who heard it. But as to the particular occasion of its being preached, and the very peculiar situa­tion of affairs in said parish, at that time, and the special circumstances attending the same, I for­bear to enter into a relation thereof; least it should seem to carry in it, some reflections on those who are supposed to be the more immedi­ate instruments of my removal from that people; which I would carefully avoid, as I also have in the following Sermon; and would earnestly advise my late adherents to do likewise: for I am exceeding desirous that all those things that have the least tendency to irretate the minds of any, should be laid aside and buried in oblivion; and that every one would put on that "fervent charity" towards each other, which "covers a multitude of Sins." So, beg­ging the candor of all who may read the fol­lowing Discourse, and praying that the divine blessing may accompany it, especially to that people who have been my late charge, I abide your sincere friend and souls well-wisher,

I. H.

A Farewell SERMON.

2 CORINTHIANS, xiii.11.

Finally brethren, farewell: Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace, and the GOD of love and peace shall be with you.

OUR Apostle [...] this his epistle to the Corinthians with a validiction, or a pa­ [...]al and affectionate wish of all per­fection, consolation, and christian concord and communion to his beloved brethren, whom he is now taking his leave of; which is a far better legacy, than if he could have bequeath­ed to them all the riches, honours, and plea­sures that this world could afford: which shews us what fervent and unfeigned love there is, or ought to be in all the Ministers of [Page 6] CHRIST, to the people committed to their charge, and how desirous to leave GOD with them, when they themselves are departing from them.

WHEREFORE I have chosen these words of the Apostle to vent the love of a friend, and the heart of a Pastor, in taking my final fare­well of you, who have been, so long, the be­loved people of my charge—'Finally, bre­thren, farewell; be perfect, be of good com­fort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the GOD of love and peace shall be with you.' And truly I do not know how, in fewer and more comprehensive words, to express my ar­dent desire of your spiritual welfare, than by adpoting a similar language with the Apostle in my text in my last address to you, 'Be perfect.' i. e. See that you are united to JESUS CHRIST by faith, and knit together, one to another by love and charity: This is gospel perfection. Then, 'Be of good comfort,' even rejoice in tribulation which befals you in the way of duty. 'Be of one mind,' of the same judg­ment, if possible, in all things. However, if this cannot be attained, yet be of one heart. 'Live in peace.' Let not difference in judg­ment cause difference in affection. If in some lesser things your heads be different, yet let your hearts be one: And for your en­couragement to hearken to this counsel, be as­sured that 'the GOD of love and peace will be with you;' even that GOD who is the au­thor of peace, the worker of peace, and the [Page 7] lover of peace and concord: the heart of GOD will be with such, the help of GOD and the presence of GOD: He will dwell with them here, that love and live in peace, and they shall shortly dwell with him in his glorious presence hereafter forever.

THUS you have briefly heard what is im­plied in the Apostle's validiction and affec­tionate farewell to his beloved Corinthians, and in what manner I desire to take my leave of you also, to whom I have so long stood in a pastoral relation, now immediately to be dis­solved. And I have the rather chosen these as my parting words, because, (as to some of you) 'I perceive sorrow hath filled your hearts,' upon this melancholly occasion. Therefore I would be glad to guide you to the fountain head of all consolation, even to 'the GOD of love and peace,' and to JESUS CHRIST 'the prince of peace,' and 'the consolation of Israel,' and to the 'Spirit of truth,' who is the 'comforter of them that are cast down,' and are 'mourners in Zion.'

BUT perhaps some of you may be ready to raise some objections in your own minds, which, (as my design is to be very practical in handling the subject) I would endeavour to obviate; especially as I may hereby as ful­ly open and explain the scope and meaning of the text, as in any other method.

SOME then, may be ready to say, within [Page 8] themselves, That, 'if in the conclusion of your Ministry among us, and in your parting advice to us, you should insist upon our com­pliance with these comprehensive exhortati­ons, contained in the text, that you will, here­in, not only put us upon improbabilities, but upon impossibilities under our present circum­stances. For (first) perfection is not attainable in this life. Nor (secondly) is it possible we should be of good comfort under our present unhappy, distressed, and broken circumstan­ces, in this place; being deprived of our Pas­tor, and in all probibility of ever more enjoying gospel ordinances among us. Nor (thirdly) can it be expected that we should ever be all 'of one mind' and judgment in every thing, in such an im­perfect state as this; much less under our divided circumstances; and that there is little or no hopes of our being ever so well reconciled to one another's way of thinking, who are now so wide in our opinions and sentiments. And therefore (fourthly) there is no hopes of our 'living in peace' among our selves, and so of the 'GOD of love and peace' being with us.

I SAY, these are the objections, my hearers, which some of you may be under a temptati­on to make against my pressing those patheti­cal exhortations upon you, urged in my text; especially in your present frame of mind, pro­duced by your grievous afflictions: and may be provok'd to say, It is in vain to tell of these things; especially of 'living in peace' with [Page 9] some of our brethren and neighbours; for we can never get over what we have met with, during life.

WHEREFORE I shall now endeavour to make answer to these your objections, and shew you that the things mentioned in the text, are possible, and what may be attained, by the help of divine grace, even in this im­perfect state, and under your present disad­vantageous circumstances, in the sense of the Apostle. As,

I. WITH regard to the exhortation, Be perfect. This may be attained, in the sense of the text, by getting united to CHRIST by faith, and so clothed with his perfect righteous­ness, and then you will be perfectly justified: And by getting knit to one another in love and charity, which is the 'bond of perfect­ness,' and sanctifyed throughout, in soul, bo­dy, and spirit. Your sanctification will be perfect as to parts, though defective as to de­grees, when your hearts are 'sound in GOD's statutes,' and you 'have respect to all' his 'commandments,' and 'hate every false way: When the mark you aim at and pursue, is the highest degree of perfection, with the Apostle Paul; and to be 'perfect as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect,' according to our Sa­viour's direction. This is to be perfect in a scripture sense; which is attainable in this life. This is evangelical or gospel-perfection, consisting in a state of justification by faith, [Page 10] and a spirit that hath no allowed guile. For there is a proportion between such a heart and GOD's commands: No other heart can reach every commandment; and without this integrity and uprightness of heart, we do nothing to purpose in religion. But where there is this soundness, simplicity, and single­ness of heart, GOD has, in a measure, what he calls for, even the whole heart; and such an one with Caleb and Joshua, will 'follow the LORD fully;' making up swervings, repair­ing breaches in his heart, and every day la­bouring that it may be perfect with GOD. These are, in scripture called 'perfect and up­right,' as Abraham, Job, &c.

THEREFORE never say that it is impossible to attain what the Apostle enjoins in the first part of his val [...]dictory exhortation, 'Be per­fect.' And therefore,

II. 'BE of good comfort.' Now if we have attained to the former duty, we may easily arrive to the enjoyment of this priviledge, for that will lay a good foundation for it. And surely this may be enjoyed by Christians in this world, and that, even under the most un­comfortable circumstances of life. The Apo­stles and primitive Christians attained to it, who were 'sorrowful, yet always rejoicing:' Yea, they were 'exceeding joyful in all their [...]lations;' and well they might, while suf­fering for CHRIST, in that they had the 'Spirit of GOD and of glory resting upon them.'

[Page 11]BUT perhaps you may be ready to say, this is the hardest duty of all, and even impossi­ble to comply with under your present circum­stances, when you are deprived of gospel ordi­nances, and are never like to enjoy them more in a stated way; where can we look for consolation, when our Barnabases are removed from us, &c.?

To which I reply,—Then is your time to look out for it, then is your time to expect the fulfilment of that gracious promise of our Sa­viour, John xiv.16, 17. 'I will pray the Fa­ther and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever, even the Spirit of truth.' Observe, our Saviour was at this time, just taking his leave of his disci­ples, and departing from them as to his bodily presence; and they were almost overwhelmed with sorrow upon this occasion; wherefore the compassionate Saviour, after lovingly chiding their inordinate grief hereupon, saying, 'Let not your hearts be troubled,' he adds the words before cited, as an antidote against their being excessively troubled upon this account, namely, 'I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter. And v.18, 'I will not leave you comfortless:' As if he had said, Although I cannot abide always with you my­self in person, nor by my ministers, yet I will send the HOLY GHOST to abide with you forever, whose proper work and office it is, to comfort the disconsolate and them that are cast down. Our LORD JESUS CHRIST [Page 12] hereby signifies, that his people should not think themselves undone when he withdraws the ex­ternal symbols of his presence from them, his ministers and ordinances; as if, when these were gone, all must be inevitably gone—no, no, if all creature comforts, and even religious advantages too, as to externals, are gone, yet so long as GOD and CHRIST and the Spi­rit live and abide with GOD's people, they cannot want for grounds of comfort.

INDEED the comfort of ordinances is sweet, and Sermons are sweet when GOD is in them; but are not the comforts of the Spirit sweet also, when enjoyed without them? Where­fore, O children of GOD, you may 'be of good comfort,' if it is not your own fault, under whatsoever sad providences befall you, or your families, your Ministers or the church of GOD. 'In the multitude of your thoughts within you,' his 'comforts may delight your souls, Psa. xciv.19. 'Therefore be of good comfort'—for when you have trouble without, you may have peace within. See to it that you do not grieve the Spirit, your divine com­forter; and then, though earthly comforts are fled, and even those ordinances, through which divine consolations used to be conveyed to your souls are removed, yet hasten to the Fa­ther in the name of his Son JESUS CHRIST, and plead with him to send you relief in this way, according to his promise. Yea, plead with your Saviour, under those gloomy cir­cumstances, that he would do that for you in Heaven, which he promised when on earth, [Page 13] even, 'pray the Father, that he would send the comforter' into your hearts. Thus lay up your comforts, not in creatures, but in CHRIST himself, even in his spiritual pre­sence: For if he can comfort, his people with­out his bodily presence, (as we have heard) then surely he can do it in the want of all out­ward means, and consequently, without his Mi­nisters, or external ordinances. As it is the Spirit of GOD alone that can comfort in the use of these means, so he can do it in the want of them. He can comfort in the wilderness, in 'a land of drought where no water is.' Where he denies us the streams, he can make us drink of the fountain: Yea, these comforts which we have so from the first hand, are abid­ing comforts; whereas, what comes by second hand or mediately, are, like those means them­selves, not abiding. Ordinances and Ministers may be taken from you, either by death or otherwise; but here are comforts that abide forever. Therefore 'let not your hearts be troubled,' but 'be of good comfort;' for though instruments may, when GOD permits, keep your Ministers out of the pulpit, yet none can keep the comforter out of your souls, and who is he that 'can harm you,' while 'ye be followers of that which is good.' Now as to the

IIId thing: 'Be of one mind.' This is also attainable, in the sense of my text; which im­plies an agreement in all essential things, and in the fundamental points of religion; and as [Page 14] to those of less importance, and things indif­ferent in themselves, surely difference in opi­nion, need to breed no alienation in affection, or bitter dissentions and divisions. Wherefore, not to enlarge here, I pass to the

IVth thing mentioned, 'Live in peace:' That is, live no longer in strife, contention, and wrath, but let all schisms and breaches be healed among you, and good agreement take place. The Apostle saith, Rom. xii.18. 'If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men,' Hence it is our du­ty always to endeavour, and it is doubtless pos­sible to live in some degree of peace, with all, even the worst of men, if it is not our own fault. And methinks the consideration of GOD's readiness to be reconciled to us, even when in a state of enmity with him, should be­get in us a placable and reconcileable dispositi­on towards those that are enemies to us, even towards such as remain of an implacable tem­per towards us, so as to harbour no malevo­lent or unchristian resentments against them, but from our hearts to forgive them in that re­spect, and to wish and seek their best good and welfare both of soul and body; and when we are brought to such a temper as this, not in­dulging any spleen, bitterness, or ill-will, but are possessed of a benevolent disposition to­wards them, we do so far 'live in peace;' be­ing at peace with GOD and having a peace­able frame and disposition of heart towards all men: And then may we claim and expect the [Page 15] benefit of that gracious promise, Prov. xvi.7. 'When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him;' that is, GOD ordinarily will, in such cases, so mercifully lay his restraints upon our most bitter enemies, as that they shall not be suffered greatly to harm us, when we ourselves are, in this respect, 'followers of that which is good.' And in this way it is, that we may overcome evil with good, at least so as to se­cure ourselves from the mischief, if we cannot from the resentment of our enemies. Where­fore, say not, it is impossible for you, under your present circumstances, to comply with this part of the exhortation, 'live in peace;' since there is no circumstance or condition you can be in, here in this world, but, if your hearts are right with GOD and your neighbour, you may enjoy peace with GOD, peace in your own breasts, and possess a peaceable disposition to­ward all men, even your worst and bitterest enemies. If they will contend with you, the blame will not lie at your door, nor is it neces­sary the peace of your own minds should be disturbed thereby.

I GRANT indeed, it is no easy matter, in such an imperfect state as this is, and under very trying circumstances, to attain to such a degree of grace, and such stedfastness of faith and charity, as to stand our ground against such strong temptations, as we are liable to; yet it may be attained, and has been attained, and is what we ought earnestly to seek and endea­vour [Page 16] after: And in attaining such a frame of mind as this, we shall reap the present comfort and benefit of it, as well as the future rewards of grace; for in the very 'keeping of' this 'command, there is a great reward.'

THEREFORE be perswaded to 'live in peace', by being so far from giving any just cause or grounds of stumbling to any, as to remove all such occasions out of the way of such as would seek occasion. Yea, endeavour not only to 'leave off contention before it be meddled with,' 'but use your best' your utmost endea­vours to make up differences and heal divisions where they have risen, and you shall thereby obtain the blessedness of 'peace-makers', and be honoured with being 'called the children of GOD.' Thus see that you 'live in peace' putting up injuries, forgiving offences, as you expect that GOD for CHRIST sake will for­give you.' Say not that your brethren and neighbours have done you such unspeakable wrongs, and offered you such abuses, that you can never put them up, and do not think you are required in duty to do it —I pray you to consider what wrongs, what injuries have you been guilty of against the blessed GOD! Yea, what indignities, high handed offences, and affronts have been offered to the infinite Ma­jesty of Heaven! Can you imagine the wrongs and abuses you have received from men, your fellow creatures, can be comparable with those you have offered to GOD your Creator, and to JESUS CHRIST your Redeemer? And yet [Page 17] do not you hope to obtain forgiveness from GOD? But what grounds have you for these hopes, if you do not forgive men their tres­passes? Our Saviour says expressly, Matt. xiv.15. 'If ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you, but if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive your trespasses.' Comfortable words indeed to the reconcileable in spirit; but awful words to them that are of an implacable and unforgiving spirit, and harbour malice in their hearts.

BUT perhaps some may say, 'I know I ought to forgive, upon repentance and chris­tian satisfaction, and hope I stand ready to do it; but do not think I am obliged to do it without; nay I think I ought not.' To which I reply,—It may be granted that you are not obliged to forgive so fully as to restore to your christian charity, an offender, but upon evidence of his repentance and offered satis­faction; yet you ought so far to forgive, with­out such manifestation of repentance, as to in­dulge no secret grudge, ill-will or unchristian resentment against your worst enemies upon earth; yea, so as to wish and pray for their welfare, that they may be the subjects of all the good things that they are capable of, and en­deavour to do them all the good that lies in your power, though they despitefully use and persecute you,' Matt. v.44. And so far as this disposition is wanting, and the contrary to it harboured and indulged, you fail of comply­ing with the exhortation in the text, 'live in peace.' But this temper and conduct may, by the grace of GOD, be attained, and ought [Page 18] to be the object of your desire and pursuit; and so far as you succeed herein, it shall turn to your good account, both as a community and as individuals; as appears by what is added in the last part of the text; to which I proceed in a few words,

Vthly, To set forth the great priviledge which all such shall enjoy who comply with the foregoing precepts and exhortations, 'the GOD of love and peace shall be with you.' As if he had said, All such who comply with the exhortations, shall have the gracious presence of 'the GOD of love and peace,' with them. And O! what tongue can tell, or what heart can conceive the unspeakable blessedness, the im­mense priviledge contained in this promise, 'The GOD of love and peace shall be with you; Now GOD is rightly stiled 'the GOD of LOVE,' who is originally and essentially love; and who has 'so loved the world as to give his only begotten Son' to die for them. And he is stiled 'the GOD of PEACE,' in that he is the Author of peace and worker of peace: As he has provided for reconciliation and peace between himself and sinners, which is a special work by which he manifests that glorious at­tribute, even in finding out a way and means to win those that are sinners, 'and by nature children of wrath,' to be 'the children of GOD.' Thus you may judge something by the amia­ble and endearing character which is here given of GOD, 'as the GOD of love and peace,' what an inestimable advantage it will be to have him dwell with you; who in an especial man­ner delights in displaying these attributes of 'love and peace.' This ought unspeakably [Page 19] to recommend him to us, who must be forever ruined, and irrecoverably undone, unless we experience the blessed fruits and effects of GOD's presence with us in these respects. Whereas this favourable presence of GOD with us, is sufficient to make our condition tolerable, yea, pleasant in every circumstance of life, even under the severest afflictions; by supporting us under them, and finally by de­livering us out of all tribulation, and making us inconceivably happy in the enjoyment of him forever and ever. Thus we see the con­cluding part of the text contains a strong and most powerful argument for us to endeavour to 'live in' love and 'peace:' Intimating that it is impossible for us to see and enjoy 'the GOD of love and peace,' while destitute of this peace­able disposition. But being possessed of this spirit, we become in some measure like GOD himself, and so are brought into a capacity of enjoying the happifying presence of 'the GOD of peace,' according to the promise in our text. But I proceed to some more particular application and addresses, by way of IMPROVEMENT.

I. IN the first place, is it as we have heard, that the faithful Ministers of CHRIST have such an unfeigned love to their people while abiding with them, but especially when called to leave them, as to desire above all things to leave 'the GOD of love and peace with them'— hence suffer me, as becomes such an one, now upon my taking my farewell of you, to press these exhortations of the text, upon you, in this my last Sermon to you. The compliance with which alone will entitle you to the great priviledge therein mentioned: For you have [Page 20] heard upon what condition this is to be ob­tained, even upon your being 'perfect, being of good comfort, of one mind, and living in peace.' And you have also heard that this is a possible and practicable thing; that is, It may, by the grace of GOD, be attained, in the sense of the Apostle, even in this present world, and under as bad circumstances as you are at pre­sent, or can be in. O! suffer me then to press these duties upon you, as they are of such ex­ceeding, great importance, especially to you un [...] your present melancholy circumstances. And suffer me to use some earnestness and im­portunity herein. For although my pastoral relation is dissolving, through a strange dispen­sation of Providence, best known to GOD, yet my brotherly relation still continues with you; and therefore I cannot loose my love to you, and tender concern for you. Nay, in leaving you I leave a number among you, that are near and dear to me 'according to the flesh,' even children and grand children, who will share with you in your prosperity or adversity; therefore, I cannot but naturally care for you and for the welfare of this society, and wish your per­fection, your spiritual edification and comfort: And sincerely desire and pray, that the un­happy schisms and divisions in this church and society, may yet be healed, and that peace and unity in opinion and affection may again be re­stored, and that 'the GOD of love and peace' may yet take up his abode among you and dwell in the midst of you, as your covenant GOD, your reconciled Friend and Father through CHRIST: And if so, you need not despair of being reunited to one another, nor [Page 21] of being comfortably resettled with the gospel ministry and ordinances among you: For no­thing is too hard for GOD. He that raised Lazarus, when he had 'been dead four days'— he that 'breathed upon the dry bones,' causing them to live, when to all outward appearance, their case was hopeless and desperate, surely can easily restore you to your former priviledges. Wherefore 'wait on the LORD,' by a deep humiliation, by the 'prayer of faith,' and by a thorough reformation, and you shall yet 'see the' power and 'salvation of GOD.' Do as the disciples of John did when their master was beheaded; they 'went and told JESUS.' Do thus, as becomes the disconsolate disci­ples of JESUS CHRIST; whatsoever ails you at any time, go and breathe out all your complaints into the bosom of a compassionate Saviour; who is 'the great Shepherd and Bi­shop of souls,' not liable to be removed from his flock by reason of death, or any other means, as all his earthly under-shepherds are. For though he has been 'dead,' yet 'he is now alive for evermore' To him, therefore, you may easily commit yourselves and your lit­tle ones, when your earthly shepherds are re­moved from you, and he 'will never leave you nor forsake you,' whilst you observe the direc­tions in my text; 'Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace:' Then be assured, 'the GOD of love and peace' will dwell with you.

BUT without strictly confining myself to the words or immediate scope of the text, per­mit me, out of the abundance of my heart, to leave a few instructions, cautions, admoniti­ons [Page 22] and counsels, as my parting advice, accord­ing to the different ages, conditions and other circumstances you may be in.

I. To the young people and children of this flock, who were born, and have hitherto been brought up under my pastoral care and charge.

Dear children and youth, you have already heard frequent addresses from my mouth, both in the pulpit and out of it, concerning the things which belong to your everlasting peace; what impressions they have made upon you, GOD and your own consciences, are the best witnesses. It is an encouraging thought to me, that the LORD JESUS CHRIST has a very tender regard for the lambs of his flock, as well as the sheep. This he plainly discovered in saying, 'suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not'—when some would fain have kept them from him. Yea, he not only 'gathers these lambs in his arms,' but 'carries them in his bosom.'—O! my dear children and youth, I must repeat to you, in this my last address, what I have always insisted upon, that you stand in absolute need or a Saviour as well as others; and it is your duty and interest to come to JESUS CHRIST, to this great Shep­herd, when under-shepherds are removed from you; come and choose CHRIST for your di­vine and heavenly Teacher, how your earthly teacher and instructor is to be taken from you. O! come and 'learn of him, and you shall find rest to your souls.' Hear what he says, Prov. viii.17. 'I love them that love me, and those that seek me early shall find me.' It is only through him, that you guilty sinners can have access to a holy GOD. But I know you [Page 23] will never be perswaded to hearken to this counsel, until you see and feel your extreme need of JESUS CHRIST; therefore study your own sinful, guilty, lost, and perishing con­dition by nature and practice, that you may see the necessity of, and be perswaded to come to him, as an all-sufficient and willing Saviour who 'is able to save to the uttermost,' from sin and wrath; and to bring to holiness and happiness. 'all that come to GOD by him.' O! remember you have, the most of you, been baptized in the sacred name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; which lays you under an obligation to make choice of GOD the Father for your father and the portion of your souls, GOD the Son for your Saviour, and GOD the Holy Ghost for your sanctifier and comforter; and by thus securing the all-sufficient GOD, the sacred Three for your everlasting portion, you will be happy in this world and the next. But whilst you remain in a christless state, 'the wrath of GOD abideth on you,' because you are 'children of wrath,' and 'GOD' out of CHRIST 'is a consuming fire.' Hence JE­SUS CHRIST alone, is the 'way to the Father' for you as well as others. Let CHRIST therefore be 'precious' to your souls. Take him for your LORD and Saviour, and rest your souls upon him for reconciliation, pardon, and peace with GOD.—And, dear children, see that you are speedy in, repen­tance towards GOD, and faith' in 'our LORD JESUS CHRIST;' now whilst GOD is cal­ling, CHRIST inviting, and the Spirit striving with you. O! 'make haste and delay not' to comply with these motions and calls, con­sidering [Page 24] life is so short and uncertain, and one day more, should you refuse, may prove your utter undoing. Should you neglect this pre­sent opportunity, perhaps you may never hear another Sermon, never have another offer of CHRIST and grace. O! trifle not with your souls; now 'life and death' are set be­fore you, choose life, in choosing the way leading thereto. It is a pity that your youth, and the flower of your age should be wasted away in sordid pleasures and gratifications, and you be thereby everlastingly deprived of spiritual delights. Sure if you make the trial, you will find the pleasures of religion far prefarable to all the delights of sense and sin. Remember, dear children, and young people, the day of ac­count is near, and hastens on apace, when you will be called to account how you have spent your childhood and youth; for thus saith the LORD,—'Know then that for all these things GOD will bring thee into judgment, Eccl. xi.9. O! then secure him now, to be your friend and advocate, who will be your Judge, in the the great day of accounts. Although the ge­nerality of youth take another course, yet do you resolve by the grace of GOD to devote yourselves to him, and become religious betimes. Is it better to go to Heaven alone, or with few­er and better company, than to go to Hell with a multitude, a world of sinners? Consider, morever, the work of repentance and conver­sion, humanly speaking, is much easier, the soon­er you begin: Sin will be less rooted, Satan not so fortified, [...]ace not so much slighted, nor the Spirit of GOD so much grieved, nor consci­ence so much feared and hardened, as when ol­der. [Page 25] Besides, young disciples are the most be­loved disciples. GOD the Father will love you; for he takes delight in early converts. JESUS CHRIST will love you, the HOLY GHOST will love you—all the Saints will love you— the holy Angels of GOD will guard and defend you, yea, the great GOD himself will dwell with you. Dear children and youth, what deter­mination do you now come to? Will you choose CHRIST and Heaven, or sin and Hell?

As you are now like to be left for a season, without a spiritual guide and instructor, O! see that you read and study much in the word of GOD—prize it more than ever, and make that your rule in all you do.' Agreeable to Ps. cxix.9. 'Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto ac­cording to thy word.' And see that you get the divine Spirit for your teacher, and dwell in the strength of CHRIST. And while you en­deavour to live every day in the fear of GOD, so especially keep holy the Sabbath. I have sometimes of late been ready to tremble for your sakes, dear youth, when I have had a pro­spect of the future silent Sabbaths that are com­ing on among you; lest whilst you are desti­tute of the preached word, GOD's holy day should be profaned by sinful neglect, idle talk, impertinent behaviour, or by unsuitable un­seasonable visits, CHRIST JESUS thereby dishonoured, and your souls ruined. O! let me therefore now advise and exhort, yea, so­lemnly charge you before GOD. to 'remem­ber the Sabbath to keep it holy;' and so to spend every one, as that you may get nearer to GOD thereby. Let none of it be trifled a­way in vanity, but the whole day carefully spent [Page 26] in reading, meditation, and prayer, when you cannot regularly attend the preached word. And while you are praying, reading, medita­ting, &c. take heed you do not make a righ­teousness of these duties—despair of saving your­selves hereby, being assured that all your 'own righteousness' are but 'filthy rags' Yet in this way it is your duty to wait upon GOD to in­terest you in CHRIST, and give you a justi­fying righteousness in him, as well as sanctify­ing grace. Remember that true victory is to overcome yourselves, and true strength to break the tempter's snare: Therefore henceforward 'be strong in the LORD and in the power of his might,' that you may be famed among those worthy young men, to whom the Apostle wrote, 'Because they were strong and had overcome the wicked one.' In this way you may hope before long to see matters take a new and dif­ferent turn, for the better, in this place. And it is to you, dear youth, that we principally look, under GOD, to forward such a blessed revolu­tion. You are now in your forming age, and so more likely to receive good impressions, than those who have long 'accustomed themselves to do evil.' Hence to you we look, under di­vine Providence, as the seed of the church, for the preservation of religion in the places where you live: And a token for good it will be to this church and society, if you do not disappoint our hopes nor disregard this my parting coun­sel to you; besides which, you will find your own good account therein, as by this means you will lay a good foundation for rejoicing hereafter, and not be found among those miserable youth who will mourn at the last day, and say, how have I hated instruction, and my heart despised [Page 27] reproof, and have not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor inclined mine ear to them that in­structed me.' But you will be found among those happy ones who have 'heard counsel and received instruction, who shall be wise in their latter end;' and then, if I should never more have an opportunity of speaking to you in this world, I shall hope to have a happy meeting and rejoicing with you together in another and a better world.

II. LET me now address myself to the elder people, even those of this flock, who are past their childhood and youth, and have arrived to an advanced age—to parents and heads of fa­milies. Hear my last counsel and advice to you; and that for your own sakes, and also for the rising generation among you. Remember the eyes of the younger will be upon you, as the guide of their youth; at least they will, in all probability be very much influenced by your conduct and example, whither it be virtuous or vicious. Oh see, therefore, you behave your­selves "circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming your time because the days are evil'. Improve your religious opportunities, such as you shall have whither publick or private, to the best advantage. Oh! let not the children and youth see you, who are older than they, trifling with the precious seasons of grace, and neglect­ing your soul's salvation; lest you bring the 'guilt of their blood' as well as your own, up­on you. Especially doth this exhortation be­long to you, who have the care of children and families. Do not content yourselves, barely with not hindering them in the ways of religi­on, by your bad examples, but endeavour, as much as in you lies, to further them as well as [Page 28] yourselves therein; according to Joshua's reso­lution, resolve that, by divine grace, 'as for you and your house, you will serve the Lord.' Therefore be frequently praying with and for them—improve all opportunities in counselling, advising and catachizing them, especially on Lord's-days, whilst you are deprived of the sta­ted preaching of the word among you; and en­deavour thereby to make up, as much as possi­ble the lack of ministerial instruction, even by abounding so much the more in parental, fa­mily and private instructions, admonitions and restraints. In this way, wait upon GOD for his gracious return to you in the way of his pub­lick ordinances. Avoid every thing in heart, speech and behaviour, in your personal and re­lative conduct, that may have a tendency to provoke the lord to leave you long without those usual means of convincing and converting sinners and edifying saints. Beware of barren­ness and unfruitfulness under what you do still enjoy; 'for to him that hath, shall be given.' i. e. They that improve the spiritual privile­ges and advantages they do enjoy, may hope for greater advantages of the same na­ture. Whereas, 'from him that hath not, shall be taken away even that which he hath.' Now by observing these cautions and exhortations, dearly beloved, you may humbly hope, that in GOD's time, you shall yet see good days; and that he will 'make you glad according to the years wherein he hath afflicted you.'

BUT to draw towards a conclusion—Let one and all, young and old, male and female, pa­rents and children, labour, in the respects be­forementioned, to 'be perfect, to be of one mind, living in peace;' and then you may 'be [Page 29] of good comfort,' assuring yourselves that 'the GOD of love and peace shall be with you,' for GOD lives, GOD loves, CHRIST interceeds: and though the great sovereign head of the church has permitted such a seperation to take place here, between minister and people, before death had dissolved the pastoral relation; yet let us not be inordinately disquieted at such an event; only make sure of CHRIST, and you may be of good comfort still—for has he not said, 'fear not little flock, it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.' While CHRIST is your Shepherd, both the sheep and lambs of the flock shall find pasture: Therefore be not dismayed, you cannot finally miscarry, whilst you are 'followers of the LAMB,' and are suitably affected with GOD's dealings with you, humbling yourselves for what has been amiss among you in not improving former pri­vileges and gospel ordinances—acknowledg­ing GOD's justice in thus dealing with you, and your own unworthiness of further favours. Yet at the same time plead with GOD for his names sake, for his dear Son's sake, for his pro­mise sake, as well as your souls sake, that he would prepare you for, and in his due time be­stow such a precious gift of an ascended Savi­our upon you, as a Pastor after his own heart, even one that shall naturally care for your spi­ritual welfare. And dearly beloved, 'see that you fall not out by the way,' while you are looking out after a resettlement and preparing for it; but 'let all your things' therein 'be done with charity' Lay aside all unchristian resentments towards any who you may think have been the blameable instruments of the removal of your Minister. I repeat it, do not [Page 30] harbour or indulge any unbecoming resent­ments or grudges against one another, upon your own account, or for my sake, whom you may think injuriously treated. For I do desire from my very heart to forgive any personal injury done me, and I pray GOD to forgive them and me, and hope you will do likewise. Be perswa­ded to 'put on, as the elect of GOD, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing one ano­ther, forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any, even as GOD for CHRIST sake hath forgiven you.'

WHAT shall I add further, but a few mis­cellaneous counsels and exhortations? Pray mind your families more than ever. The few­er opportunities you have in publick, on Sa­bath-Days or lecture days, O! be more dili­gent and conscientious in reading, meditation, and prayer in your families and closets. When you cannot hear Sermons, then read Sermons, and call to mind what you have heard.

ARE there any children or youth who are re­joicing at the thoughts of their Minister's de­parture from them, in hopes they shall be un­der less restraints on Sabbath-Days and other times? O! do you, who have the care and watch over them, disappoint their vain expec­tations and wicked hopes; and they will, it is to be hoped, one day give you a thousand thanks that they have had such parents and such masters; though now they may murmur and complain of such restraints.

AND as to such, among you, as fear GOD and are mourning under this sad providence that has befallen you, O! lay not the blame any where, so much as upon yourselves. I de­sire to take part to myself, and be humbled [Page 31] before GOD this day, under a sense of my own barrenness and unfruitfulness, yea, for my un­speakable defectiveness in my work, who have been so long honoured of the LORD with a standing in the vineyard. And whereinsoever my neglects and miscarriages in the ministry, have been the means of procuring or continu­ing any divine judgments upon this society, (instead of 'standing in the gap' to keep them off I desire to fly to the atoning blood of JE­SUS CHRIST, which was shed for the priest­hood as well as for the people; and hope you will improve your interest in Heaven for me, as I desire to improve mine for you, that we may be together pardoned, purged, and saved, through the merits of the Redeemer.

I FIND in history, that when idolatry was once established by law, instead of the true re­ligion; those who suffered martyrdom on the account of it, did not lay the blame of it so much upon the law makers, nor upon their persecu­tors as upon themselves, upon their own hearts. One of them said, 'all this is come upon us be­cause we did not love the gospel.' Another, when his minster was silenced, comes to this resolution, 'well, by the grace of GOD, the world shall never have those hours that I used to spend in hearing GOD's preached word, they shall now be spent in my closet and in holy du­ties.' If I could prevail with you as well as per­swade myself to make such an improvement of the rebukes of providence which we have met with, I should believe that the devil and his kingdom would be loosers by this our parting; that is, if we could but be brought to prize the gospel more, and by how much the less oppor­tunities we have in publick, be so much the more in private duties, such as prayer, reading, [Page 32] meditation, and instructing our families.

TRULY, my beloved hearers, do not the silent Sabbaths which seem to be coming upon you, loudly proclaim the importance of that doctrine which I am, and have long been prea­ching to you? even speedy 'repentance to­wards GOD and faith' in 'our LORD JESUS CHRIST?' humble yourselves under the migh­ty hand of GOD; endeavour to repair your decays in religion, recover your 'first love' and do your 'first works.' Speedily make up the breaches among you. Oh! have not parents and heads of families much to repent of, and cause to lament before the LORD this day for their omissions in duty, in their particular rela­tion? And have not children much to be hum­bled for, on account of their disobedience and want of subjecting themselves to the good or­der and government of the families to which they appertain? Nay, who is there among us all, but have reason to say, 'what have I done'. Let every one therefore search and see what has been amiss in their hearts and lives, and in their houses, and repent and reform, 'putting away all iniquity far from your tabernacles'; and then shall you be lifted up in due time; yea, you shall be built up in perfection and comfort, in unity and peace.

TO conclude, hearken to that exhortatation in Phil. 1 xxvii. 'Only let your conversation be as becometh the gospel of CHRIST: that whither I come and see you or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel. I shut up all with that in Acts 20.32. And now brethren, I commend you to GOD and to the word of his grace▪ which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.— AMEN.

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