A SUMMONS, or CALL to CHRISTENDOM: In an earnest Expostulation with Her, to prepare for the Great and Notable Day of the Lord that is at the Door.
AWAKE, O Christendom! awake, and come to judgment, for the great and notable day of the Lord is drawing apace upon thee; prepare to meet him, thou and thy children, for the hour of his judgment hasteneth upon you, as travail on a woman with child, in which all your works shall be tried, and that by fire, for the day of the Lord, shall burn as an oven, end all the proud, and all that do wickedly shall be as stubble. Yea, by fire and by sword will the Lord God Almighty plead with all flesh; with all fleshly worshippers and workers, who live after the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof: And with the spirit of judgment, and the spirit of burning, that is, with spiritual judgment and burning, will he visit all ranks and regions upon the earth: Yea, his holy terrors shall take hold of the rebellious, and anguish and distress shall fill the souls of the guilty. The faces of nations shall gather paleness, and their knees smite together, because of the anger of God, that is kindling against them, and his fierce wrath, that is revealing from heaven against all the ungodly, but more especially against the children of the mystery of iniquity: 'Tis in this day that the kindreds of the earth shall mourn with a great lamentation.
[Page 4]O Christendom! thou hast long sat as a Queen, that should never know sorrow; great have been thy pretences, and large thy profession of God, Christ, spirit and scriptures; come, let me expostulate with thee, and thy children, in the fear and presence of him, that shall bring every word and work to judgment, God is pure, and the pure in heart only see him: Now, are ye pure? Do you see him? God is a spirit, and none can worship him aright, but such as come to his spirit, and obey it: Do you so? Christ is the gift of God, have you received him into your hearts? Does he rule there? Then have you eternal life abiding in you: If not, you are not true Christians. The spirit of truth leadeth into all truth; and the children of God are born of it, and led by it. But are you led into all the holy ways of truth, born of this eternal spirit? Then you follow not the spirit of this world; nor do your own wills, but the will of God. You profess the holy scriptures; but what do you witness and experience? What interest have you in them? Can you set to your seal they are true, by the work of the same spirit in you, that gave them forth in the holy ancients? What's David's roarings and praises to thee, that livest in the lusts of this world? What's Paul's and Peter's experiences to thee, that walkest after the flesh?
O you, that are called Christians, give ear a little unto me, for I am prest in spirit to write to you: Read with patience, and consider my words; for behold, what I have to say to you concerneth your eternal good.
GOD hath so loved the world, that he hath sent his only begotten Son into the world, that those that believe on him, should have eternal life. And this son is Christ Jesus, the true light, that lighteth every one coming into the world; and they that abide not [Page 5] in him the light, dwell in darkness, in sin, and are under the region and shadow of death: Yea dead in sin, and see not their own states, neither perceive the sad conditions of their own souls. They are blind to the things of God's kingdom, and unsensible of true and spiritual life, and motion, what it is to live to God: And in that state, are alienated from God, without true judgment and living knowledge; and under the curse. For in Jesus Christ, the light of the world, are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, redemption and glory; they are hid from the worldly christian, from all that are captivated by the spirit and lusts of the world: And whoever would see them, (for therein consist the things, that belong to their eternal peace) must come to Christ Jesus the true light in their consciences, bring their deeds to him, love him and obey him; whom God hath ordained a light to lighten the Gentiles, and for his Salvation to the ends of the earth. Light and salvation are joined together, and none can come to salvation, but as they come first to the light, and submit to the manifestation of it, which leadeth to salvation. For the nations of them that are saved, shall walk in the light of the lamb, Christ Jesus. Light and justification are also joined together: If we walk in the light, as God is in the light, the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin. And light and life eternal are joined together: For in the word (that was with God in the beginning, and was God, by whom all things were made, that were made) was life, and the life was the light of men. And this is the testimony of Jesus, I am the light of the world; he that followeth me, shall not abide in darkness, but have the light of life; yea, it is eternal life, to believe in him, in Christ the light, to receive, embrace, and to follow him. And that was the true light (saith the same beloved [Page 6] disciple) which lighteth every man, that cometh into the world. Now this light shineth in darkness, in the children of darkness, in their dark hearts, in their black souls, and defiled consciences, but in this darkness they comprehend it not. Neither can man know the nature and benefit of it, while he rebelleth against it; for the virtue and excellency of it is shut up and hid from the children of disobedience. To as many as received him of old, gave he power to become the children of God; and they that did his will, knew his doctrine to be of God, and of power and efficacy to their salvation.
But this is the great condemnation of the world at this day, that though God hath sent his son a light into the hearts of all men and women, to manifest and reprove their evil deeds, and to save them; yet they love darkness, they love the lusts and imaginations of their vain hearts, better than this holy light, that is given unto them for salvation: They chuse Barabbas rather than Jesus. Yea they have set up other lights, than Christ Jesus, God's great light; and other prophets than Christ, God's great prophet; and other priests than Jesus, the High-Priest of the new covenant: But they are dark lights, false prophets, and blind priests. All that came before me, saith Christ, are thieves and robbers: And all that pray, preach, sing, worship, &c. and not by the light and spirit of Jesus, they go before Christ, before Christ cometh, before he prepareth their hearts, and toucheth their lips with a coal, from his heavenly altar; and perform worship in their own will, time and power, and stay not for his leadings. And therefore all such rob Christ of his office, who is the leader of the true christians, their heavenly High-Priest, to anoint them, and offer up their sacrifice to God for them; and prophet, to let them see and know by his light, in [Page 7] their hearts, what they ought to do according to the new and everlasting covenant; I will write my law in their hearts, and put my spirit in their inward parts, and they shall be all taught of me, saith the Lord.
Now this is the question to the whole world called Christians: Do you see with this divine light? Have you searched your hearts with it? And are you anointed by this High-Priest with his holy unction, that leadeth into all truth? Doth this heavenly prophet give you vision, and reveal the father to you? Is he your eye, your head, your wisdom? Do you live, move, and have your life and being in him, in praying, preaching, and singing, yea, in your whole conversation? Are you renewed into his life and image? And have you heard his voice, and seen his shape? Are you witnesses of his holy rebukes, his pure judgments, the shame and death of his cross? Is he the fountain of your knowledge? The author of your faith? O consider! Are you of those, that have spoke with Jesus? That have been taught in the school of his holy cross? Students in his heavenly academy? O have you drank of his cup, and been baptized with his baptism? Tell me in the fear of the Lord God, you that call yourselves Christians, doth he go before you, and lead you as a master teacheth his disciples, and a Captain leadeth his soldiers? And do you follow him in all the weighty things of this life? And doth he order your minds, and rule your affections? If not, you are thieves and robbers; for you rob Christ of his office. For God hath appointed him to be the leader and ruler of all people; yea, 'tis God's decree; and those that he leadeth not in their thoughts, words, and works, shall never come to God: For all must come to God by him, that is, by his light, and spirit ruling in their hearts, which sanctifieth, regenerateth, and converteth the soul to God.
[Page 8]And the cause of the confusion and contention, that is about religion, in Europe; at this day, is, that men have deserted this true light and holy spirit, and so are degenerated from the life and power of pure and unspotted religion, and have attempted to comprehend Christ's doctrines without Christ's light, and to know the things of God, without the spirit of God. And being thus miserably erred by wicked works from the one spirit of truth, they have wandered into the fallible conceits and opinions of men. And in this state one party hath contended against another: From words they have fallen to blows, and the strongest hath opprest the weakest. And not knowing what spirit they were of, have called light, darkness, and darkness, light; putting the sheep's-skin upon the wolf, and the wolf's-skin upon the poor sheep of Christ, endeavouring by carnal weapons to enforce their opinions, and to extort conformity, by wordly laws and punishments, to their persuasions. All this is out of the light, life and doctrine of Christ Jesus, and in the spirit of darkness, confusion, strife and bloodshed, which are of the devil. All which Babel must and shall come down by the light, power, and spirit of Jesus now rising in the world; [...] hell, death and the grave, shall not be able to hinder it: For the set time, the appointed time of the father is come, and the judgment is begun.
O ye, that are called Roman-Catholicks, tell me, are you truly catholick, that is, of an universal spirit? Then you will not persecute, but love all, and be tender to all. Are you truly Roman, and successors of that ancient apostolical church? Then you walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit, yea, the spirit of Christ dwelleth in you, and you are led by the spirit of God, and can call him father in truth and righteousness, and the word of God in the heart is your teacher, [Page 9] and not the traditions of men; for so the Romans of old time were instructed. O consider, if you are true successors, you must follow them in the same nature, spirit and life; for in that only standeth the christian succession, to wit, in Christ: And every branch, person or church, that abideth not in this great vine, is rejected for the fire. Therefore deceive not yourselves, as the Jews of old did, with crying, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord; and saying, we have Abraham to our father, and to us belong the fathers, covenants, law, priesthood, and chair of Moses: For as the apostle said of old, so say I to you; his servants you are, to whom you obey, and he that committeth sin is of the devil. So that Christ's successors are they that take up his cross, follow him, and that abide in his holy doctrine, that keep his commandments, and themselves unspotted from the world. And those that follow the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and pride of life, are not of Christ, nor of the father, but of the world; subjects to the prince of the power of the air, and successors of Sodom, Gomorrah, Egypt, Tyre, Sidon, and persecuting Jerusalem; and not of the harmles., self-denying, holy, suffering spouse of Christ Jesus, that is ruled in all things by her husband, her head her Lord. O search and try with the light of Jesus, if you are not degenerated from primitive simplicity, and purity? For great are the abominations of all sects, that flow like a deluge throughout your countries! Repent, and turn to the ancient apostolical spirit and life, that you may enter into the rest of God.
O you that call yourselves evangelicks, or gospellers, are you evangelical? Are you saved from the lusts and pleasures, and dead worships of the world by the mighty power of God, which is the gospel, and led by an evangelical spirit? If not, you are not yet redeemed, [Page 10] you are not yet under grace, which is the gospel-state. For you are not taught by it, but rebel against it; how then are you true gospellers, men of gospel-liberty, men of deliverance and redemption; to whom immortality is brought to light, (as it is to all, that truly know and receive the blessed gospel) that are yet subjects and servants to sin? How can you sing the song of the lamb, that are not delivered by the lamb; but by your vain conversations crucify the lamb, and do despite to the spirit of grace, and that every day? The true gospellers are those, that receive the angel's message, who is the great preacher of the everlasting gospel, viz. Fear God, give glory to his name, for the hour of his judgment is come; and no more worship the beast. Do you fear God in truth, and in sincerity? Then are you fearful of offending the Lord, and tender of God's glory; then are your hearts kept clean, then are you wise to salvation; and so you can glorify God indeed: otherwise your prayers and praises are not evangelical in God's sight.
But tell me, O ye gospellers, is the hour of his judgment come to you? Is it begun at your houses yet? How do you feel it? Hath it broke your hearts? Hath it contrited your spirits? Have ye known the Godly sorrow? The chastisements of the Lord, and rebuke of the Almighty? Hath his pure eternal word divided yet betwixt your soul and spirit, the joints and marrow? Have you ever been weary and heavy laden with sin? Hath it been a burden to you? Did you ever cry out, in the agony of your spirits yet, men and brethren what shall we do to be saved? O! who shall deliver us from the body of sin here, and the wrath to come! (the travel of the holy ancients) if not, you are yet strangers to Christ and his kingdom: And if you die in that state, where he is gone, you shall never come. For Sion, God's city, [Page 11] must be redeemed through judgments, and her converts through righteousness: Yea the house of God cannot escape it; wherefore said one of old, if judgment begin at the house of God, where shall the sinner and ungodly appear? O woe to them, that live without the judgments of the Lord! Woe to them, that cast his reproofs behind their backs, and live in earthly pleasures, fatting up themselves in their lusts and pleasures, as for the day of slaughter, and treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath. O the ancient Saints lived not thus; they wrought out their salvation with fear and trembling; yea, they gave all diligence, to make their calling and election sure: Which way do you work out yours? Habbakuk, that holy prophet, his lips quivered, and his belly trembled, that his soul might rest in the day of trouble: Is this your state? Or, are you not rather worshippers of the beast at this day, lovers of the worldly, sensual, voluptuous life, walking in the lusts of the eye, the lusts of the flesh, and pride of life; like rebellious Israel of old, forgetting God, days without number? But this know, that all that forget God, shall be turned into hell.
Oh! what is become of the fatherly visitation made to your progenitors, those good beginnings sown in persecutions and martyrdoms? Have you answered the loving-kindness of God therein? Have you advanced in the way of righteousness? Are you become an holy nation, and a peculiar people to God, zealous of good works? But have you not betaken yourselves to the wisdom and learning of this world, to make ministers, and deserted the spirit of the Lord, and fled to the power and policy of this world, to defend and protect you, and not to the name of the Lord, which hath always been the strong tower of the righteous? Nay, are you not divided one against another, and turned [Page 12] persecutors for religion, yourselves denying that liberty to others, you took for yourselves? Ah! where is the Royal law of doing as you would be done unto.
Thus have you decayed and degenerated into a worldly clergy and a carnal people, holding and maintaining reformed words, in an unreformed spirit, yea, are not the same evils, pride, passion, malice, wars, bloodshed, persecution, deceit, fleshly lusts, wantonness, vain pleasure, and sports, yea, all manner of worldly-mindedness to be found in you, that were in the persecutors of your forefathers, and against which your most serious and best ancestors faithfully testified? So that the difference now is about words and sentences; and not about the life, nature and spirit of pure and undefiled religion: And men are to be known now by their denominations and subscriptions to certain human creeds, man-made faiths and forms, and not by the spirit and image of Christ Jesus, by the nature of the true sheep, and by that holy unction, that was the bond of the heavenly fellowship of the saints of old.
And you that are called reformed, with the rest of the subdivided sects, what better are you for your names? Are ye regenerated yet? Are you reformed from the lusts of the eye, the lusts of the flesh, and the pride of life; from the devil and all his works? Are you born of the incorruptible seed, that liveth and abideth for ever? And are you come out of the corruptible things, and doth Christ lead you? Is the government of your souls upon his shoulders? Tell me, is it the new birth, that which is born of God through many tribulations, the new man created in Christ Jesus, that calleth God father in your prayers, and that maketh mention of him in your preachings? Or is it the first birth of the earth, earthly, the old man, the corrupt and unregenerated nature, that which is [Page 13] born of the flesh, that is to say, of the seed of the evil one, the father of all the fleshly lusts, inventions, imaginations and traditions of men, that taketh pleasure in the vain and wicked sports and pleasures of this apostate world, that forget God, and turn his grace into wantonness; reproaching, nick-naming, and persecuting the children of regeneration, with scornful names and cruel punishments, calling God father as the Jews did; and crucifying Christ afresh by a vain conversation at the same time.
O you degenerated Christians of all sorts, yea, all the several sects in Christendom, that have deserted your first love, and degenerated from the light and power of primitive godliness, with the light of Christ Jesus in your hearts examine yourselves. God hath lighted your candle, search and try yourselves; see how it standeth with you as to your eternal condition, before you go hence, and be no more in this world. Consider, are you in the true faith of Christ or no? For without true faith none can please God; and without pleasing him no man can be saved. The devils believe, yea, and tremble too; that is more than thousands, called Christians, do, and so far they are short of the very devils. Have you faith? Lets try it in the name of God. What is it for faith? Doth it overcome the world? Doth it live and depend upon God? Can it forsake country and kindred? Turn out Ishmael? Offer up Isaac? Live a pilgrim, a stranger in the world? Doth it work by that love, which can forsake all for Christ's name-sake? Doth it fight against the devil? Resist his fiery darts? Overcome his assaults and temptations? And finally, purify the soul to God's use? Is this your faith, O you carnal, outside Christians? No such matter; for you live in the flesh, fulfilling the lusts thereof; and your care is, what you shall eat, drink, and put on, and how you shall get the mammon, [Page 14] friendship and glory of this world. Examine yourselves, and prepare, for the day of the Lord hasteneth upon you. And have a care, lest you partake of the plagues that God hath prepared for Babylon; she that calleth herself the lamb's bride, and is an harlot, committing fornication throughout all nations and sects, that is, those that by a lying spirit, have had their hearts seduced from God and his holy fear, yet in words professed to be his people; who call themselves Jews, but are not; Christians, and are not, but of the synagogue of Satan; being strangers to the circumcision in spirit, and the baptism that is with fire, and with the Holy Ghost: With fire, to consume the fleshly nature; and with the Holy Ghost, to beget the heavenly nature in man. O the downfal of this great city, and the desolation of this false church thro' all the sects in Christendom, is come and coming! Yea, in one day shall it be accomplished, even in the day of the appearance of Christ, who is the second Adam, the Lord from Heaven, who by the brightness of his coming, and by the breath of his mouth in the hearts of nations, shall reveal, and destroy this great Antichrist, this man of sin, in man, that fitteth in the place of God, yea, exalted above all that is called God, requiring conformity to all his inventions and injunctions upon pain of life, liberty and estate: Nor are any suffered to buy or sell in this great city, but such as will receive his mark.
Woe to you all in the name of the Lord, that call God your father, and are not born of him; that name his name, and hate to be reformed: That call Jesus Lord, and not by the Holy Ghost; who take his pure name into your mouths, and depart not from iniquity. I say to you on God's behalf, as God said to the Jews os old; your prayers, your sacrifices, and your solemn assemblies, &c. in an unconverted state, [Page 15] are abomination to the Lord. No matter for your names, your pretences, your creeds, if you live without God in the world; that is, without his holy awe in your hearts, without a divine sense of his presence in your souls, and know not that Godly sorrow, that worketh unfeigned repentance, the only way to eternal life. Your worship God loatheth: A dog's neck, swines blood, yea to bless an idol, or kill a man, is altogether as acceptable with the Lord. O! God is wrath with the feigned worships, as well as common ungodliness of the world: Come to Christ's spirit, be led of it, and do not your own wills, but the will of Christ Jesus; and then you shall know the true worship. For the true ministry and worship of God stand not in the will, wisdom, or appointment of men, nor can they be performed by unregenerated men; but in the leadings of his eternal spirit, by whom all the faithful offer up themselves, an acceptable sacrifice to God, not to live unto themselves, but to him that hath purchased them. 'Tis true, Christ Jesus died for the ungodly, but not that they should continue ungodly, but take up his daily cross and follow him. Christ (saith Peter) suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow his steps: As he was in this world, so we should be, not conformable to the rudiments, fashions, and customs of this world, that pass away; but transformed and renewed in our minds by the grace that he hath given us: Which grace bringeth salvation to all that obey it, teaching such to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously, and Godly in this present evil world: Because without holiness, none shall ever see the Lord: That is God's decree.
Wherefore be you not deceived, O you formal and titular Christians; God will not be mocked: Such as you sow, such shall you reap at the hand of the Lord; yea, [Page 16] for every idle word shall you give account in the day of judgment. Think not with yourselves, you have Christ to your Saviour, and your are reconciled to God, through Christ, and that God looketh not upon you, as you are in yourselves, but as in Christ; whilst you walk not after the spirit, but after the flesh: For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord: To whom? Not to them that despise his light in their hearts, that grieve his spirit, and by a worldly conversation go on to crucify him; and who follow not Jesus in the way of tribulation and regeneration. God is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity; and he looketh upon men and women to be, what they really are, and not what they imagine themselves to be: Behold he cometh, [...] his reward is with him, and he will reward all according to their works. Sinners, while such, can no more come into Christ, than into God; for God is in Christ, and Christ is in God: Christ is holy, harmless, pure, and undefiled, and separate from sinners. And if ever you would have God look upon you to be in Christ, you must come into Christ: And you can never come into Christ, the new and heavenly man, that is undefiled and seperated from sinners, till you come out of sin, and the author of it, the Devil, the old man of sin, and leave your wicked deeds of darkness.
Therefore be ye seperate from every evil way: Christ, the immaculate lamb of God, came not only to save men from wrath, but from sin, which is the cause of wrath. Behold the lamb of God, saith John, which taketh away the sin of the world: Not their sin that will not believe in him, but the sins of those that are weary and heavy laden, that wait, hunger, thirst, and cry for his salvation; whom God hath given for a light to lighten the Gentiles, and for his salvation to the ends of the earth. O you that are called by his sacred [Page 17] name, repent, repent! prepare, prepare to meet the Lord, who is coming in the way of his judgments to visit the inhabitants of the earth; and put away the evil of your doings, and turn to him that he may receive you.
But woe in the name of the Lord, to all that rebel against the Light of Christ Jesus, who serve another master, and follow another Captain, and obey the Prince of the power of the air, who reigneth in the hearts of the children of disobedience. Yea, woe unto all that are covered with a covering, and not of my spirit; that take counsel and not of me, saith the Lord: Who gather sticks, and kindle a fire of their own, and compass themselves about in the sparks, which they have kindled; for this shall they have at my hand, they shall lye down in sorrow.
Woe from God to all the will-worshippers, who worship, but not in the spirit and in the truth; th [...] worship is not available. He that worships God aright is turned to the spirit, and is taught and led by the spirit. And such as have received the spirit of Christ are not led by their own spirits, nor by the spirits of this world, nor according to the inventions and traditions of men: Neither do they conform themselves to the customs and fashions of this world, nor will they bow to the glory of this world, or the God of it. But having seen him, whom they have pierced with their vain conversation in times past, they mourn, and are in great bitterness, because they have done despite to his holy spirit of grace, that strove so long with them for their redemption. And being called by his spiritual call in their hearts, to come out of Babylon, the great city of will-worship, confusion, and darkness, that is in the earth, do chearfully resign up all to follow him in the narrow way of self-denial, as his holy disciples did of old. And such have learned by good experience, that [Page 18] without Christ they can do nothing: Tho' in these days scarcely any thing is done with him, or by him. For he is resisted in his spiritual appearance in the consciences of those, that make a profession of him with their mouths, and therefore he doth not many mighty works in them: Yea he is smitten, spit upon, crowned with thorns, pierced and crucified of all false Christians, through their rebellion and wickedness.
O woe from the great and just God, that made heaven and earth, upon all people, that work iniquity, and forget God! Woe to you Kings and Princes, that have crucified the Lord of life and glory; yea, you have crucified him in yourselves, and helped to crucify him in others: He lyeth slain at this day in your streets. For you have not ruled for God as you ought to have done, but for yourselves, to please your own lusts; and have not sought the glory of [...] Lord, nor the prosperity of his work in the earth, [...] much as the greatness of your own names, and to [...] large your worldly dominions, often oppressing the poor, and persecuting conscientious Dissenters; but suffering almost all manner of vice and vanity to go unpunished. How doth the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life reign in your territories? Are not your courts the very schools of vanity, and nurseries of worldly lusts and pleasures, which war against the soul, and lead to eternal destruction? O! you have much to answer for before the great God, at the day of his terrible tribunal, who have power in your hands to chase away wickedness, and to reform the world. It is written, a King upon his throne of judgment, scattereth all evil with his eye: O! that the Kings and Princes of the world knew this throne of true judgment! That they had this Godlike Majesty, that they would purge their lands of evil-doors, that they and their people might escape the [Page 19] wrath and vengeance of God, that is ready to be poured forth upon them!
And woe to you Nobles of the earth, that spend your estates in pleasures, and your days in vanity, that like those of old, drink wine in bowls, and stretch yourselves upon couches of ivory: That invent musical instruments for your mirth, but remember not the afflictions of Joseph, neither consider of your latter end. What pride lust and excess lye at your doors! What spoil and waste do you make in the world! You live as if you should never die, careing only what you should eat, what you should drink, and what you should put on; how you should trim, perfume, and beautify your poor mortal selves, and at which plays and sports you should divert and spend away that troublesome and melancholy thing, called time, (as you esteem it) instead of redeeming the time, because the days are evil, and preparing for the eternal judgment. Is this the way to glory? Did Jesus give you this example? O! he is crucified by these things! [...] is far from the true Nobility and Christian Honour [...] cometh from above.
Woe to you Judges of the earth, who pervert judgment for a reward, that oppress the poor and despise the cause of the needy, who regard the mighty and the rich in judgment, and delay justice for the fear or favour of man. That subject the laws to your will, and righteous rules to your passions and interest. Repent, and be just, for God the just God, the great Judge of heaven and earth, shall judge you all according to your works: And dreadful shall that day of his reckoning and tribunal be, to all the workers of iniquity: But especially to unjust and corrupt Judges.
And woe to you lawyers, that refuse no cause for money, but will plead even against law, truth and justice for advantage, teaching your tongues to advocate [Page 20] for a lye, and your mouths for gain, to plead the cause of unrighteousness; raising unreasonable wealth unto yourselves, by the folly, ignorance and contention of the people. O the equivocation, deceit, falshood, and iniquity that is in your profession, in which you let your consciences cut to hire at every summons, for all sorts of causes: Insomuch, that 'tis the money, and not the cause that prevaileth. And the worst cause most commonly is most desired, because the Client, doubtful of his success, is usually the most liberal to you. This also is for judgment.
And woe to you merchants and traders, that have not the Lord's fear before your eyes, whose God is gold and gain, that neither buy nor sell with regard to his just principle in your consciences, that use vain and deceitful words, and that are not come to the just measure, and the righteous ballance, but use [...]auds for advantage: That neither eye the Lord's Providence by sea, nor his care by land; but day and night cast about, how to raise to yourselves a great name and estate, to exalt your nests, and rank your families among the rich, and the noble of the earth! the Lord will also plead with you: Repent, and fear before God.
Woe to you farmers and countrymen, that reward the Lord evil for good, who giveth you increase of all things in their proper seasons, yet you discern not his hand, you regard not his care; you live without God in the world: Yet no life is fuller of the Lord's providence, who preserveth and prospereth your flocks, who increaseth your wine, your corn, and your grass; instead of remembering his goodness with reverence, and in your harvests praising him with fear, you sacrifice to your lusts, and rejoice only in your fulness; making merry at your harvests, without the fear of [Page 21] God, or looking to him that giveth you to increase. Repent and fear before the God of the whole earth.
But above all others. Woe to you Scribes, Pharisees and hypocrites, you priests and pastors, who have taken a charge that God never gave you; who run, and he never sent you; who say, thus saith the Lord, and he never spoke to you, or by you. That steal the words of the prophets and apostles, and with them, make merchandize to the people, not knowing the pure word of God in your hearts, to be as an hammer, a fire, a sword, to destroy sin, and to purge, redeem, and reconcile you to God; but boast in other mens lines, and speak things made ready to your hands: That teach for hire, and divine for money; who seek honour of men, and love the uppermost places at feasts. Who speak peace to the wicked, and sow pillows under their elbows for reward: Pleasers of men, more than pleasers of God, Woe to you in the name of the Lord, that counterfeit his commission, and deceive the people, requiring th [...] money for that which is not bread, and their labo [...] for that which doth not profit: At your doors lye [...] the blood of souls, in which you have traded. O you physicians of no value, whom have you cured? Where is the seal of your ministry? Is it not an abominable cheat, that you take money to cure, yet cannot cure; that have no medicine to cure; and, at last maintain, that the disease is incurable? You are they, that will neither enter into the kingdom yourselves, nor suffer others. For whenever we have seen your delusions, and deserted your assemblies, presently a pacquet of letters must be sent to Damascus: The magistrate must be called upon to be jailer and hangman for the priest. What wars, changes and persecutions ever befel the world, since you had a being, in which you have not been at head or tail? O your practices shall more and more come to light: And the day hasteneth, [Page 22] that your very name and calling (as now held) shall be had in abhorrence by the nations. O you numerous off-spring of the great false prophet, that hath been a lyar from the beginning; hereby is it known that God hath never sent you, that you have not profitted the people; they are God's words by the prophet Jeremy. Weep and howl, for the day of your great calamity hasteneth upon you! Your father and mother are come into remembrance before the Lord, the hour of their judgment is at the door. God will fill you the cup of his fury, you shall drink it at his hand.
O! I cannot but cry aloud to you all, of all ranks and qualities, from the highest to the lowest, that walk not after the spirit, but after the flesh, daily fulfilling the lusts thereof; that you would repent, and be saved. O how hath Christ's religion been prophaned, and his holy name blasphemed by the lewd life of profest Christians! The very Heathens are scandaliz'd, and the nations round about have you in scorn and derision. Arise, O God, for thy name's sake! [...] what tremendous oaths and lies! What revenge and murders, with drunkenness and gluttony! What pride and luxury! What chamberings and wantonness! What fornications, rapes and adulteries! What masks and revels! What lustful ornaments, and enchanting attires! What proud customs, and vain compliments! What sports and pleasures! What plays and romances! What intrigues and pastimes! Again, What falseness and treachery! What avarice and oppression! What flattery and hypocrisy! What malice and slander! What contention and law-suits? What wars and bloodshed! What plunders, fires, and desolations! And 'tis not only committed by Christians in general one against another, but by Christians of the same faith, sect and church one against another; praying to the same God to destroy one another; and singing psalms to God, when they have [Page 23] wickedly destroyed one another. O the rapes, fires, murders, and rivers of blood, that lye at the doors of profest Christians! If this be Godly, what's Devilish? If this be Christian, what's Paganish? What's Anti-christian, but to make God a party in their wickedness? O profanation! O blasphemy! What need is there of any other demonstration, that Christendom is foully apostatized from the doctrine and example of Christ Jesus, and his true followers, who saith, if ye love me, keep my commandments. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. And John saith, whosoever doth not love his brother, is not of God, and whosoever hateth his brother, is a murderer; and ye know, that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. And it is not to be supposed, that they kill one another in love: For murder is not the effect of love and brotherly kindness, but of malice, envy and revenge. O Christendom! how art thou and thy children degenerated from God, and fallen from the doctrine of Christ, whose holy name thou professest Thou art become a city full of uncleanness, committing whoredom under every green tree; following other lovers than JESUS, whose spouse thou professest to be. O thou rebellious city, thou cage of unclean birds, thou and thy children have filled the earth with the stink of your abominations!
O how expert have you been in these impieties! How ingenious to work wickedness, and how fruitful in your inventions to gratify the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life! O how hath the Heathen nature, as an evil leaven prevailed, and leavened the great body of Christians at this day, as if the end of Christ's coming into the world, had been to furnish us with a new profession, but not to give us a new nature; to learn men to talk, and not to live; to cry Hosannah, but in works to crucify [Page 24] him: What did the Heathens, that Christians have not done? Yea, the same lusts, vanities, and impieties, that reigned among them, are to be found improved among Christians. So that 'tis Paganism made free of the Christian profession, or Heathanism christianed: And not to conform to the Heathen in the Christian, is not to be a Christian but an Heathen. O the ignorance as well as wickedness of the present Christian world! Verily, the Christian life is oppressed under this mass of darkness and impiety, found in the conversations of Apostate-Christians, even as Christ was grieved and burdened with the darkness and obstinacy of the Apostate-Jews. And as the hard-heartedness of the false Jews crucified him outwardly, so hath the hard-heartedness of the false Christians crucified him inwardly: Which hath fulfilled what is recorded in the Apocalypse, viz. that the Lord was crucified in Sodom and Egypt, spiritually so called: For the false Christians are the spiritual Sodom and Egypt, who [...]ve and live in Sodom's sins, and Egypt's lusts and pleasures. Yea, they are of the race of them that stoned the Prophets, and crucified the Lord of glory: Of the same nature and spirit. O the blood of Jesus lyeth at their doors, shed, spilt, and trod under foot of them, and will one day cry for eternal vengeance against them, if they repent not with unfeigned sorrow, and turn to the Lord with their whole hearts: Certainly woe, anguish and tribulation shall be their portion for ever! That which they have grieved, shall grieve them; and that which they have bruised and resisted, shall reject and torment them; yea, it shall be a never-dying worm, and an endless pain to them. O woe to the worker of iniquity in that day! Woe to the slothful servant! Woe to the mocker and scoffer! Woe to the drunkard and unclean person! Woe to them that spend their days in vanity, and their life in earthly [Page 25] pleasures! Woe to the proud Pharisee, and disdainful Scribe! Woe to the fearful and unbelieving! Woe to the idolaters and lyars! Yea, and woe from God to all the cruel persecutors of the innocent lambs and sheep of JESUS, for their pure conscience to him! For they shall have their part in the lake, that burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
O that you might escape this great damnation! And I testifie to you in the word of the Lord, that God giveth unto you all a day of visitation, in which you may escape the wrath to come. For this end, God hath sent his Son a light into your hearts; 'tis he, which manifesteth all your thoughts, words and deeds unto you; 'tis he, which checks and reproveth you; yea, 'tis he, which expostulateth and striveth with you; 'tis he, that knocketh at your doors, and awakeneth you to judgment: Who condemneth every unfruit [...] thought, word and work in you. Repent, I [...] you, turn to him, hear his voice, and harden not your hearts; but while it is to day, and the light shineth and the spirit striveth, O humble yourselves, [...] his judgments, love his reproofs. And though his word be as fire in your hearts, and though you are even scorched within you, because of the heat thereof yet bear the indignation of the Lord, in that you have sinned against him. Wait, watch, and walk in the light of the Lord Jesus, that in his blood you may feel remission of sins, and sanctification unto life eternal: That you may no more walk after the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof, but in the spirit of holiness; that you may be sealed unto the day of redemption. O [...] peace, the joy, the pleasure, and the undeclarable comfort, that is daily met with in the holy and righteous way of the Lord.
O this riseth powerfully in my soul, that his form hath no comeliness in it, that will please flesh; his way [Page 26] and worship is most remote from it. Flesh and blood have no share in his worship; the will and runnings of man have no part in his way. 'Tis neither at the mountain, where one sort runneth; nor at Jerusalem, whither another sort goeth; but in spirit, within the vail, hid from flesh and blood: Yea, there it is, that his worship is known and performed. Any form is more pleasant than this: His visage is more marr'd, than any man's. All will worship, all human invention, findeth acceptance, where he cannot find a place to lay his head on. O this is a bitter cup to the creature; few will drink it! They are hard to be persuaded to sit still, and patiently to wait for the salvation of God, to let him work all their works in them and for them. They know not what it is to have the mouth in the dust, to have all flesh silent before the Lord, [...] the voice of God may be heard; that he may [...] them, and that the will of God may be brought [...] in them. O this mystery of iniquity, how hath wrought, and how doth it yet work! It claimeth a [...] to the living child; but she hath no right to it: [...] is the womb of death, and can bring forth no living [...] to God All nations have drunk her cup: but the hour of her judgment is come. She is seen disvailed, and condemned by the living spirit of God, that is felt and received, and obeyed by a remnant, who are gathered from the mouths of idol shepherds, and all the errings and strayings of false prophets, that have no vision; and are come to the Lord, to know his law in their hearts, and fear and spirit to be in their inward parts, and are taught and led by him. And these follow the Lamb, and are his host this day, that fight under his banner with his holy testimony, against the whore, false prophet and beast. And behold they shall prevail: For greater is he that is in them, than he that is in the world.
[Page 27]O this is a great mystery, but a greater truth: Moses, the servant, is externally more comely than he▪ Yea, the prophets were as pleasant singers, and as delightful instruments of music; their visions, sights, and glorious prophecies of the last days, and new-covenant times, were (says one of them of old) as a pleasant song: But the SON, the substance, when he came, no beauty, no excellency, no comeliness. What's the matter? The way is narrow for flesh and blood; there is a cross must be taken up, a bitter cup drunk, and a baptism, yea, of blood gone through. Man must die to his own will, affections, imaginations, and carnal conceptions; he must wait and watch; yea, continually: His own religion and righteousness is as odious as his sin and iniquity, yea, in a sense more dangerous. 'Tis no outside will do; not that which pleaseth the busy active will and mind of the creature; that gratifie [...] the external senses, that have prevailed against [...] soul: O no, 'tis an hidden life, an hidden temple, [...] hidden worship, and that in God's time; yea, an hidden manna, an hidden supper, not discernable by [...] vain sects of this world. Of this tabernacle is JESUS builder; of this covenant and worship is he author; of this altar is he priest: To this did he gather his of old, and to this is he gathering the nations. And the bride saith, come; and the spirit saith come; and he saith, come: And blessed are they that come, and see how good he is.
But such, who like Sodom of old, go on to grieve the spirit of the Lord, to rebel against his light, and vex God's just Lot, that liveth in the midst of them, persisting in their lusts and abominations, God's angel shall smite them with blindness: The day of their visitation shall pass away, and the forbearance of God shall be at an end, and fire from heaven shall devour them. Which with my soul I fervently and tenderly [Page 28] desire you may all escape, whom God hath taught to hate your sin, deny your glory, and separate from all your false worships by his own light, spirit and truth, and to follow his dear Son in the way of regeneration, whose love to me hath taught me to love all mankind, and to seek their salvation.