


By EDWARD EELLS, M. A Pastor of the Second Church in MIDDLETOWN.

ISAIAH xxviii. 16. —Behold, I lay in Zion for a Foundation, a Stone, a tried Stone, a precious Corner-Stone, a sure Foundation.
ISAIAH ix. 6. For unto Us a Child is born, unto Us a Son is given, and the Government shall be upon his Shoulder.
MATTHEW xxviii. 18. And Jesus came and spake unto them, say­ing, all Power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth.

HARTFORD: Printed by THOMAS GREEN, at the Heart & Crown, opposite the Court-House.


ORDERED, That Jabez Hamlin, Esq; and Mr. Rich­ard Alsop, return the Thanks of this Assembly, to the Reverend Mr. Edward Eells, for [...] Sermon, delivered before the Assembly, on the 14 th Instant, and desire a Copy thereof, that it may be printed.

A true Copy, Examined by

An Election Sermon.

1 CORINTHIANS, III. 11. ‘For other Foundation can no Man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.’

THE great and wise Creator of all Things, out of his own meer good Pleasure, and for the Display of his own glorious Perfections, hath cre­ated all Things, both visible and invisible, in Heaven above, and on the Earth beneath: He made the noble Creature, Man, after his own Image, and ordained him Lord of this lower World; then viewing his own Works, in their Beauty and Perfection, he pronounced them all very good. But it seems not long, before this happy Scene was changed. Thro' the Subtilty of the old Serpent, Man was prevailed upon to rebel against his Maker, and break that sacred Covenant which included his Posterity, and bro't himself, with his numerous Race, descending from him by or­dinary Generation, under the terrible Sentence of Death: upon which, Man was immediately driven out of the earthly Paradise, and his Return was guarded with the flaming Sword, which turneth every Way, to keep the Tree of Life. This sad Revolt must have procured God's amazing Wrath and Curse, both in this Life, and that which is to [Page 4] come, had not a merciful GOD, out of his infinite Wisdom and Grace, laid a sure Foundation in his Son, for the Pardon of the Guilty, and restoring them to his Favor, and making them happy in the Enjoyment of himself forever. This Way of Salvation God was pleased to make known unto Adam in that early Promise, that the Seed of the Woman should bruise the Serpent's Head. And he was pleased to unfold this Mistery of divine Grace, more and more, until the Fullness of the Time was come, that this glorious Savior should make his Appearance in this World, and reveal his marvelous Grace fully un­der the gospel Dispensation. This glorious Savior was prophesied of, under the Similitude of a Found­ation, Isa. xxviii. 16. Behold I lay in Zion for a Found­ation, a Stone, a tried Stone, a precious corner Stone, a sure Foundation. The Apostle particularly applies this to CHRIST, Eph. ii. 10. And are built upon the Foundation of the Apostles, and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner Stone. In our Context the Apostle says, by the Grace of GOD, he had, with all Care and Application, preached the impor­tant Doctrines of the Gospel, leading his Hearers unto CHRIST, as the great and sure Foundation on which his Church is built, and the Gates of Hell shall never prevail against it; and all those who be­lieve this Truth, and cordially receive CHRIST for their Savior, he calls GOD'S Building. A happy Su­perstructure upon CHRIST as the Foundation, who is able to support all their Hopes of eternal Life! And other Foundation can no Man lay, than that is laid, which is JESUS CHRIST. Whatever Pre­tences Man may make to other Foundation to build their Hopes upon, whatever other Doctrines sedu­cing [Page 5] Teachers may preach; yet the Lord JESUS CHRIST, the eternal Son of GOD, who was chosen of the Father, elect and precious, is the only Found­ation of the Salvation of Sinners; all the Blessings of Providence and Grace, of a civil and religious Nature, come to us in and through him. Here many important Truths might be brought under our Consideration; but I shall confine my Discourse to a few Particulars under these general Heads:

  • I. That JESUS CHRIST is the Foundation of the Pardon and Salvation of Sinners.
  • II. That JESUS CHRIST is the Foundation of ci­vil Government.
  • III. That JESUS CHRIST is the Foundation of the wise and good Government established in his Church.

I. That JESUS CHRIST is the Foundation of the Pardon and Salvation of Sinners. When we view the human Race fallen in Adam, their public and federal Head lying under the amazing Threatning of Death, which included in it all the Miseries of a temporal and spiritual Death, and the Pains of Hell forever. Horror and Despair must have seized the Guilty; had not GOD, out of his own free and So­vereign Grace, provided a Way for the Pardon and Redemption of Sinners, in and thro' his Son the Lord JESUS CHRIST. When we consider this won­derful Mistery of divine Grace, opened unto us in the sacred Oracles of GOD, it seems like Life from the Dead. Here the sacred and adorable Trinity are represented doing their Part, in this marvelous Method of divine Grace, in bringing about the Sal­vation of Sinners; and here JESUS CHRIST lays as the Foundation;—which may be illustrated in a few Particulars.

[Page 6] 1. JESUS CHRIST is the Foundation, as he becomes our Surety in the Covenant of Redemption made between the Father and the Son. The Covenant of Redemption was that eternal Compact made be­tween the Father and the Son, concerning the Sal­vation of Sinners, in which the Father makes great and precious Promises to his Son, that he would furnish him for, assist him in, and give him Success in this important Undertaking, Isai. xlii. at the Beginning. And the Son engages to secure the di­vine Honor, and procure Salvation for all those in­cluded in the Covenant. The great Immanuel says, Lo I [...] do thy Will, O God. Heb. x. 7. In this Covenant we may conceive the Father addressing his Son in some such Language as this—"My Son, behold here the Posterity of fallen Adam, who have utterly undone themselves by Sin, and my Justice requires Satisfaction, and if it takes Place on them, they will be miserable to all Eternity. What can be done for their Salvation? I am willing to admit a Surety." The Son replies, "O my Father, such is my Compassion for these miserable Sinners, I will undertake for them, I will be their Surety, I will do and suffer for them all your Justice demands." The Father says, "If you undertake for them, my Son▪ you must expect no Favor on Account of your being my only and beloved Son; it will cost you dear." The Son answers, "I am content to bear any Thing. Tho' I must leave thy Throne, thy Bosom, and vail my Glory in the Flesh—tho' I must suffer thy Wrath, which will fill me with the utmost Dis­tress in Soul and Body; yet such is my Love, I am willing to tread the Wine-press of thy Wrath alone, that these poor, sinful, helpless Creatures might [Page 7] be pardoned, and restored to thy Favor, and be hap­py in the Enjoyment of Thee forever." Thus we may conceive the Father and the Son stipulating with each other, and coming into mutual Engage­ments, to do what was requisite to lay a sure Found­ation for the Salvation of Sinners. This Compact which was made in the Days of Eternity, is open'd unto us in the Covenant of Grace. Which brings me to say,

2. JESUS CHRIST is the Foundation, as he is the Mediator of the Covenant of Grace made between GOD and Man. The Covenant of Redemption made between the Father and the Son, opened the Way for the Covenant of Grace to be propound­ed to the sinful Children of Men. This Covenant contains in it all that Sinners need to restore them again to the Favor of God, that they might be happy in the Enjoyment of him. In this Cove­nant, the glorious Mediator is exhibited, displaying the most surprizing Condescention, in the misteri­ous Union of the divine and human Nature, in the Person of the Mediator: For God sent forth his Son, made of a Woman, made under the Law, to redeem them that were under the Law, Gal. iv. 4, 5. And being made under the Law, he did, as Mediator fulfil the Righteousness of the Law, and yield that Obe­dience which the Law required of Sinners, which they were not able to perform, and so is become the End of the Law for Righteousness to them that believe, Rom. x. 4. He has also suffered the full Curse of the Law due unto Sinners, and made compleat Satisfaction to divine Justice; that GOD can, consistent with his glorious Perfections, par­don and save Sinners. Rom. iii. 26. And now Re­pentance [Page 8] and Remission of Sins are preached in His Name. The Terms of our Acceptance with GOD, are plainly propounded in the Gospel; we must have Repentance towards GOD, and Faith in the Lord JESUS CHRIST—that Faith which unites us to him, and makes us Partakers of him; and being in CHRIST, no more any Condemnation belongs to us. Rom. viii. 1. We are made new Creatures, re­conciled unto GOD, adopted into his Family, and have Assurance of his Grace, to qualify us for, and bring us finally unto Glory; so that we may well say, There is no other Name given under Heaven, where­by we can be saved, but Jesus Christ. Thus the Me­diator has prepared the Way for the solemn trans­acting of the Covenant of Grace, which we may con­ceive of in some such Way as this,

1. CHRIST the Mediator, says to GOD the Father, "Lo, O Father! I have done thy Will.—The Obedi­ence the Law required of these Sinners, which they were not able to perform, I have fulfiled; the Sentence of Death that was out against these Sin­ners, I have suffered for their Sakes; this, Father, was what you required of me, in Order to their Sal­vation: Now, Father, glorify thy Grace on these perishing Sinners, for my Sake be reconciled unto them, and receive them into thy peculiar Favor."—The glorious Mediator says to poor Sinners, "Now freely accept me for your Savior, upon my own Terms—receive me by Faith, for the Lord your Righteousness; rely on the Merit of my Blood, to purge you from all Sin, and restore you to the Fa­vor of GOD; then how aggravated soever your Sins have been, and how desperate soever your Case may appear in your own Eyes, yet I am able to save [Page 9] you to the uttermost, all you who will come to GOD, in and thro' me."

2. In the Covenant of Grace, the Father says to Sinners, "The Price my Son has paid by his Righ­teous Life, his cruel Sufferings and Death, is to my full Satisfaction: I am willing to acquit you from Condemnation, and receive you into my Favor, and make you my Sons, and bestow upon you all those precious Gifts and Graces, which will fit and qualify you for Heaven and Happiness. I delight, says GOD, to glorify my Grace in this Way of your Conversion and Salvation. O, Sin­ners! Why will you remain obstinate and impeni­tent? Why will you die, when I stand with open Arms, full of Grace and Mercy, to receive you in­to my Embraces, and bestow upon you all the Bles­sings of the Covenant of Grace?"

3. The Sinner viewing the Covenant of Grace, with divine Light let into his Soul, with Admirati­on replies, "O, what Manner of Love is this! Not that I loved GOD, but he first loved me, and gave his Son to die for me. Here is a Savior exactly suited to my sad Case; and the Terms of GOD'S accepting me, in CHRIST, are reasonable and good: I will therefore, by the Assistance of the Holy Spirit, take GOD the Father, for my GOD and Father, in JESUS CHRIST, and take the Lord JESUS CHRIST for my Savior and Redeemer, upon his own Terms. I will take the HOLY SPIRIT for my Instructor and Sanctifier, that the whole Work of Grace may be carried on in me, to the Glory of GOD the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Thus, the Covenant of Grace is propounded by GOD to Sinners, thro' the Mediator, and complied with by poor Sinners; and [Page 10] the Terms of Peace and Reconciliation are settled again between GOD and Man, thro' CHRIST, as the Foundation of their Salvation.

3. JESUS CHRIST is the Foundation, as he doth by the Holy Spirit, apply the Redemption he had purchased, unto the Soul of Sinners, and brings them up to the Terms, and makes them Partakers of all the Blessings of the Covenant of Grace.—The blessed Spirit, the third Person in the adora­ble Trinity, applies the Redemption purchased by CHRIST unto poor Sinners, and so makes them Partakers of the precious Benefits of the Covenant of Grace, of which CHRIST is the Foundation. This important Work is sometimes, in Scripture, ascribed to the Father, John vi. 14. No Man cometh unto me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him. Sometimes it is ascribed to the Son▪ John xii. 32. And I (says the Redeemer) if I be lifted up from the Earth, will draw all Men unto me. But it is empha­tically applied to the Holy Ghost as a Work proper for him in the Salvation of Sinners: And therefore CHRIST assures his Disciples, that when he should leave them, and go unto the Father, he would send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit unto them, John xvi. 7. If I go not away, the Comforter (which means the Holy Ghost) will not come unto you; but if I de­part, I will send him unto you; not only to endue you with Power from on High, to furnish you for extraordinary Services in his Church; but effectual­ly call and sanctify all them who shall be saved. He shall glorify me (says CHRIST) for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. John xvi. 14. He shall open the Doctrines of Grace in a powerful and saving Light; and apply the Merits of Christ with [Page 11] such a divine Energy, that Sinners are said to be regenerated and born again, of the Spirit. Joh iii. 6. The Holy Spirit, in bringing Sinners to Salvation by JESUS CHRIST, always applies the Redemption pur­chased by CHRIST, by working Faith in them, and thereby uniting them to CHRIST, in their effectual Calling. Here I shall a little enlarge, in shewing how the Spirit works upon the Hearts of Sinners, in bringing them up to the Terms of the Covenant of Grace, in applying the Redemption purchased by CHRIST.

1. In convincing them of their Sin and Misery, and so making them in Earnest for Salvation. The first Work of the Spirit upon the Hearts of Sinners, is to enlighten the Mind, and awaken the Conscience to an affecting Concern for their own Salvation: And from a Discovery of their sinful and miserable State, they cry, What shall we do to be saved? This is the Work of the Spirit; for when he comes, says CHRIST, he shall reprove the World of Sin, John xvi. 8. When he leads the Sinner into the Know­ledge of his own Heart and Ways, and he sees him­self altogether defiled and polluted with Sin, for which he deserves to be made miserable in this Life, and that which is to come: And alas! he sees he can't help himself, he can't redeem his own Soul, or give to GOD a Ransom for it: He is strip'd of all Confidence in his Duties, and good Dispo­sitions, and sees, that all his Refuges he has betaken himself to, will not save him from the Storm of GOD'S dreadful Wrath. A deep Sense of his Sin and Misery, brings him as a guilty Criminal un­to the Foot of GOD, with earnest Cries for Mercy, Mercy: He sees that Nothing but free Grace can [Page 12] save him from the Pit of everlasting Destruction. Thus the poor, guilty Sinner stands trembling be­fore an angry GOD, and sees all his awful Threat­nings pointed right at his Heart, and ready to fall upon him.

2. The Holy Spirit enlightens the guilty Sinner, into the Knowledge of CHRIST, and the Way of Salvation in and thro' him. The Holy Spirit un­folds the Mistery of the Covenant of Grace reveal­ed in the Gospel, and shews the poor Sinner the Savior GOD has provided; and, as it were pointing to CHRIST, says, "Behold, O Sinner! that GOD, whose Wrath you fear, has found a Ransom for you—he has given his beloved Son to be your Savior, and he is an almighty Savior, exactly suited to your Case; what you find you can't do, he has done for you; what you fear suffering, as the just Desert of your Sins, he has suffered for you: He has endured the amazing Wrath of God, in his Body and Soul, for your Sake and Salvation: He has paid a full Price for your Redemption, and he has Power suf­ficient to save you from what you feel and fear. And there is infinite Safety in appearing before GOD, in the Righteousness of CHRIST; and his Blood cleans­eth from all Sin." Thus the Holy Spirit enlightens the Understanding of the Sinner, into the Know­ledge of CHRIST, and the Terms of the Covenant of Grace, and the Way of the Salvation of Sinners propounded in the Gospel, and the Sinner's Assent to all. Then,

3. The Holy Spirit renews the Sinner's Will, and brings him to accept of, and rely upon CHRIST for Pardon, and compleat Salvation. While the Spirit enlightens the Understanding, to behold the [Page 13] Glory and Excellency of CHRIST, as the Savior of poor perishing Sinners, the Will is renewed, per­swaded and enabled to say, "This is the Savior I chose for mine: Tho' I have sought Happiness in other Things, yet could never find Ease to my Conscience. The Refuges I have betaken myself to, have proved Refuges of Lies: But in this Sa­vior GOD has provided, there is Nothing wanting: He is every Way compleat, he is altogether lovely; and with all my Heart I take him for mine upon his own Terms. I resolve I will be his forever. I see GOD can, consistent with his own glorious Per­fections, justify me thro' CHRIST, and receive me again into his Favor, and this is the only Way I can hope, and do desire to be saved." Now the whole Soul relies upon CHRIST, and can safely trust in him for Pardon and Salvation. Thus the Union be­tween CHRIST and the Believer is brought about, and Salvation is secured to all such, upon the Terms of the Covenant of Grace. O! remember, if you chuse CHRIST upon his Terms, you will find them directly cross to Flesh and Blood; for you must be divested of all Confidence in yourselves, and de­sire to be found of GOD in CHRIST: And you must be willing to deny all Ungodliness and every worldly Lust, and live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present evil World. You must take CHRIST with his Cross, as well as his Crown, and have the whole christian Temper formed in you, and influ­encing you to the Practice of all christian Duties; and so adorn the Doctrine of GOD your Savior in all Things; that you may have the Evidence in yourselves, and manifest to others, that the Holy Spirit has applied the Redemption purchased by [Page 14] CHRIST unto you for your Salvation; and so the Heart is prepared to ascribe his whole Salvation un­to CHRIST from the Foundation, to the bringing in of the Top-Stone of his Salvation with Shouts, cry­ing Grace, Grace.

II. That JESUS CHRIST is the Foundation of ci­vil Government. That glorious Person who is the Basis of all the Hopes and Happiness of GOD'S People, he is the great Creator of all Things, John i. 3. All Things were made by him; and without him was not any Thing made that was made; and it is his Right and Prerogative to rule in the Kingdom of Providence, and govern all the Affairs of the up­per and lower World: The Prophet Isaiah speaks of him as having the Government of the Universe devolved upon him, ixth Chap. 6th Ver. The Go­vernment shall be upon his Shoulder. When our Sa­vior was about to give his last Commission to his Apostles, just before his Ascention into Glory, he says, Matt. xxviii. 18. All Power is given unto me, in Heaven and in Earth. By his Wisdom and Pow­er he conducts all the Affairs of his providential Government, and accomplishes his own Purposes; altho' he makes Use of Means and Instruments yet he himself always stands as the Wheel with­in the Wheel, in Ezekiel's Vision, to direct all the Motions of second Causes, that nothing shall ever happen without his special Direction. This glorious Person hath on his Vesture and on his Thigh, a Name written, (which bespeaks his sove­reign Dominion in the Kingdom of Men) King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Rev. xix. 16. He sets up and pulls down, when he will, at his Pleasure. Tho' the Forms of civil Government are various, [Page 15] in Kingdoms and Nations, yet it is calculated in each of them, for the general Good of the Body Politic. And all those who are promoted to Places of Rule and Government, receive their Power from him, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, 1 Tim. vi. 15. I shall illustrate the Truth before us, in the follow­ing Particulars. As,

1. Civil Rulers receive their Power and Autho­rity from CHRIST. The Apostle, speaking of ci­vil Magistrates, says, The Powers that be, are ordain­ed of God. Rom. xiii. 1. CHRIST, the Wisdom of GOD, proclaims, Prov. viii. 15, 16. By me Kings reign, and Princes decree Justice: By me Princes rule, and Nobles, even all the Judges of the Earth. This important Subject has been so often well illustrated on the like Occasion, that I shall proceed to say,

2. CHRIST directs and regulates Rulers in their Duty. This great and wise Governor has given Ru­lers wise and general Maxims in his sacred Word, by which they may form a good Plan of Govern­ment, and has furnished them with compleat Pow­er to make good Laws, and enforce Obedience on all, by proper Sanctions. By his own Authority he has laid the most powerful Restraint upon Rulers, to keep them from all unjust & oppressive Measures, by assuring them they shall die like other Men, and stand at his Bar, and give a strict Account of their Con­duct as Rulers. The Lord of all expects and requires that they have a principal View at his Glory, in all they do, in their different Offices. And in Subordina­tion to the Glory of GOD, they are to exercise their Authority for the Good of the Ruled. You must be a Minister of GOD to his People for Good: You are [Page 16] not to be a Terror to the Good, but to the Evil; and make them know, you do not bear the Sword in vain. The sweet Laws of our most holy Religi­on, [...]uling in your Hearts, and attended to in your public Administrations, will most happily direct you in your Duties, and make you reach the good End of Government.

3. CHRIST requires all due Subjection and Obe­dience to Rulers, as his Ministers. By the Autho­rity of the King of Kings, you are not only requir­ed to fear GOD, but honor the King, 1 Pet. ii. 17. paying due Reverence to his Vice-gerents, Submit­ting to every Ordinance of Man, for the Lord's Sake; whether it be to the King, as Supreme, or unto Gover­nors, as unto them that are sent by him, for the Punish­ment of Evil-Doers, and for the Praise of them that do well. 13, 14 Ver. You must be subject to civil Government out of Conscience, and Obedience unto GOD, by obeying the Laws, and willingly contribu­ting to their honorable Support, paying Tribute to whom Tribute is due; giving full Proof of your Loyalty, by your earnest Prayer for them; accord­ing to that divine. Exhortation, 1 Tim. ii. 1, 2, 3. I exhort, therefore, that first of all, Supplications, Pray­ers, and Intercessions, and giving of Thanks, be made for all Men; for Kings, and all that are in Authority, that they may lead a quiet and peaceable Life, in all Godli­ness and Honesty; for this is good and acceptable in the Sight of God our Savior. Thus he who has the Go­vernment on his Shoulders, has invested you with Power to act for him, and directed you in the wise Exertion of it, for the Good of his People; and re­quires that Subjection, which will make your Go­vernment easy and beneficial and prove the length­ening [Page 17] out of our Tranquility, under the happy Privileges which this Government has been long favored with.

III. That JESUS CHRIST is the Foundation of the wise and good Government established in his Church. The great Governor among the Nations, spreads his divine Influences thro' the whole Universe, with a peculiar Design for the good of his Church, to support it on the Foundation already laid; and he is Head over all Things to the Church, Eph. i. 13. He has reserved to himself the whole Authority to give Laws to his own Kingdom, and none may teach for Doctrines the Commandments of Men, to bind their Consciences. CHRIST, the glorious Head, has given to his Church, all necessary Doctrines and Laws, in his sacred Oracles: And if any shall pre­sume to add unto these Things, God shall add unto him all the Plagues that are written in this Book: And if any Man shall take away from the Words of the Book of this Prophecy, God shall take away his Part out of the Book of Life. Rev. xxii. 18, 19. CHRIST governs in his Church, by accompanying the Doctrines of Grace with such powerful Influences, as to make his People willing and obedient unto him. Those important Doctrines which are plainly revealed in GOD'S Word, are made powerful on the Heart of GOD'S People, so as to awaken secure Sinners; to humble proud Sinners; and bring them to renounce all Confidence in any Thing they have, or can do, to recommend them to the divine Favor. They de­sire, with the Apostle, to be found in Christ, not ha­ving on their own Righteousness, which is of the Law, but that which is thro' the Faith of Christ, the Righte­ousness which is by Faith, Phil. iii. 9. And having [Page 18] received CHRIST by Faith, and become united unto him, they receive such spiritual Influences from CHRIST their Head, that they bring forth Fruit, in their different Stations among Men, to the Praise and Glory of GOD. He has furnished them with such a Variety of important Truths in his sacred Word, that they may grow in Knowledge and Grace, and be directed in all virtuous Living, and become Ornaments to the Church, of which CHRIST is Head, and useful Members of civil Community. CHRIST will take Care that the important Doctrines of Religion be maintained, and that Religion, in the Power and Practice of it, more or less prevails. He will rule in the Hearts of his own Children, and train them up, in his Church Militant, to become Members of the Church Triumphant. But while the Church is in this imperfect State, their will be Corruption in Doctrines and Practice; and there­fore the wise Governor has established good Laws, to direct his Church, in a faithful Dealing with all such Offenders, to bring them to a Sight and Sense of their Sins and Errors, that they might repent, and obtain Mercy and Forgiveness. But if they remain obstinate, after proper Means have been used, and Patience exercised; they must be cut off as fruitless and corrupt Members. Now, that these Laws of Discipline might be more easily understood, and practised upon, it has been the Practice of all christian Churches, in all Ages, to collect the Laws of CHRIST, instituted for the Government of his Church, into short Systems. And altho' none of these, as far as they are Human, may be esteemed perfect, but in some Things may need Amendation; yet, perhaps, none more agreable to the Pattern [Page 19] given us in GOD'S Word, than what our Fore-Fathers have drawn up to our Hand, in our ecclesi­astical Constitution, which has received the Appro­bation of the legislative Authority of this Govern­ment. Here the Rights and Liberties of particular Churches are maintained; and the Power of parti­cular Churches, in the Management of Discipline, in Relation to any Scandals that fall out within the same, is clearly asserted and maintained. And that Churches might afford to each other, such mutual Assistance as may be requisite, upon all Occasions ecclesiastical; neighbouring Churches are to form into a Consociation; and all Cases of Scandal and Heresy, falling out within their Limits, are to be there tried and issued, unless the Matter is so great in its Nature, so doubtful in the Issue, or of such general Concern, that it be thought best to call a neighbouring Consociation, to issue and determine such a Case. This Constitution has made Provision for the fair Trial of Criminals, and for the Relief of the aggrieved. And if you look carefully into the Form of Proceeding, you will find it well calcu­lated to answer the good End of Government in the Church. We should esteem it a special Favor of the Great Head of the Church, that we have so wise and good Constitution established in our Church­es: And may it be a Means of guiding, purging, and defending the Church, which is built upon CHRIST as the Foundation, that the Gates of Hell may never prevail against it; but Religion may flourish, and the Church appear clear as the Moon, bright as the Sun, and terrible as an Army with Banners, Cant. vi. 4.

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1. From what we have heard we may learn, that we should take special Care how we build upon this Foundation. Those who own CHRIST for the Found­ation of all their Hopes of Happiness, had need be careful that their Building answer the Excellen­cy of the Foundation. There are precious Doctrines for you to adhere to, compared in our Context to Gold, Silver, and precious Stones: These will make us rich, honorable, and comfortable. Others who hold corrupt Doctrines, which lead to unwarranta­ble Practices, are compared to Wood, Hay, and Stubble. Whatever your Building is, remember, O Christian! your Work shall be made manifest, for the Day shall declare it; because it shall be reveal­ed by Fire; and the Fire shall try every Man's Work, of what Sort it is, whether it be good or no. We are assured this shall be the Case; let us take Heed how we build upon CHRIST, that we might reap the Benefit and Comfort of Religion, and be daily preparing for a glorious Manifestation of our firm Adherence to CHRIST, and his sacred Truths.

2. We learn, that the Foundation Men may lay, besides what is already laid, will certainly fail them. It is supposed in our Text, that Men will have some Foundation to build their eternal Hopes upon; and while some are building upon CHRIST, Others who profess Christianity, will deny the peculiar Doc­trines of the Gospel, and bring in damnable Here­sies, denying the Lord who has bought them, and so strike at the Foundation GOD has laid. We can't but be sensible of a very sad Corruption of the christian Faith, spread abroad in many Books, de­nying [Page 21] the Divinity of our blessed Savior, and the Price he has paid by his righteous Life, and cruel Sufferings and Death, for our Redemption; and the special Agency of the Holy Spirit, in applying the Redemption purchased by CHRIST, thereby be­ginning, and carrying on the Work of Sanctification in the whole Man, and thus preparing for Glory and Happiness. Perhaps there never was a Time when more dangerous Errors prevailed in our Land than at this Day: But we may be sure that the Stone which these foolish Builders reject, is become the Head Stone of the Corner, in the Salvation of Sinners, Psalm cxviii. 22. However you may now treat the great Savior, and his precious Doctrines; e'er long your Faith and Hope will entirely fail you. If you now deny him before Men, he will deny you before his Father which is in Heaven, Matt. x. 33. You are now warned that all other Founda­tions will sail: Therefore, look well to yourselves, that you build upon the Foundation of the Apos­tles and Prophets, JESUS CHRIST himself being the chief Corner Stone, Eph. ii. 20.

3. We learn, that we should attend to the Doc­trines and Duties required in GOD'S Word, in build­ing upon CHRIST as the Foundation. In the sa­cred Oracles, we have a compleat System of what we are to believe and do. And we must feel such a powerful Sense of these sacred Truths upon our Hearts, as to bring us to rest and rely upon CHRIST, and him only, for Life. And the Hope we have founded upon CHRIST, should purify our Hearts more and more, and make us fruitful in every good Work, to the Praise and Glory of GOD. We must be studious to know the Mind and Will of GOD, [Page 22] and search the Scriptures daily, that we may build our Faith upon the Testimony of GOD, and keep his Institutions and Ordinances pure and unmixed, and attend them with Care and Diligence; and never give Way to our own Devices, or be led away by the crafty Designs of those who lie in Wait to deceive.

4. The Redemption CHRIST hath purchased, must be applied unto us by the Holy Spirit, in fix­ing us, savingly, upon the Foundation GOD has laid. It is the Office and Work of the Holy Spirit, in bringing Sinners to Salvation, to apply the Re­demption purchased by CHRIST; thereby working Faith in us, and uniting us unto CHRIST, as our Head, and making us Partakers of these divine In­fluences, by which we are renewed, and sanctified, and strengthened in the inner Man; that CHRIST may dwell in our Hearts by Faith; that we being rooted and grounded in Love, may be able to com­prehend with all Saints, what is the Length, and Breadth, and Heighth; and to know the Love of CHRIST, which passeth Knowledge, that we may be filled with all the Fullness of GOD, Eph iii. 10. and on. If you han't the Power, nor don't taste the Fruit of the Spirit, in this great Work of applying the Redemption purchased by CHRIST, you can't have any solid Hopes, that you are built on CHRIST, as the sure Foundation, O then, what will become of those who deny the Influences and Agency of the holy and blessed Spirit, in uniting them to CHRIST! they can have no Part in him.

5. That Glory should be given unto CHRIST, for all the happy Privileges both civil and sacred, which we have long enjoyed. It is by the wise and gra­cious [Page 23] Disposal of CHRIST, the great Governor of the World, that we are distinguished above the most of our fellow Men, in those sacred Privileges of Worship and Discipline, which, by the Blessing of Heaven, may make us perfect in every good Work, and build us up on CHRIST, as the Found­ation, in Faith and Holiness, unto eternal Life. Our civil Privileges are distinguishingly great; and the great Good we have enjoyed in them, should raise our Gratitude and Thankfulness to the great Au­thor and Upholder of them. This joyful Day is a Token of divine Kindness; and with Thankful­ness should we wait upon the wise Disposer of all Events, to give us our Rulers as at the first, and our Judges as at the Beginning, wise and good Men, well qualified for their Offices.

Here may I be indulged with Freedom to ad­dress your Honors, and the whole legislative Au­thority of this Government.

Honor'd, and much esteem'd,

The important Subject before us, equally con­cerns those who are stiled Gods, by their Office: Every One of you must build upon this glorious Foundation, or miss of Glory and Happiness at last. Let me then beseech you, my political Fathers, to see to it that CHRIST be the Foundation of the Hopes of Salvation. You know the Terms, what you must experience in yourselves, and what you must believe in your Hearts, and what you must profess with your Mouths, if you would be saved. Now, if your Faith and Hope be rightly fixed on CHRIST, the Foundation GOD has laid; then you may know for your Comfort, that the Foundation of God standeth sure, having this Seal, the Lord knows [Page 24] them that are his. 2 Tim. ii. 19. This you will find the best Support, under the great Burthens of Go­vernment at this Day, which is greatly increased by some peculiar Circumstances; which calls most loudly upon you to exert all your Wisdom and Pru­dence, in conducting our public Affairs, to the se­curing our most valuable Rights and Privileges, and transmit them down to our Posterity as a sacred Treasure.

While you are employed in these arduous and important Services, may you find some sweet Near­ness to CHRIST, and receive that Wisdom and In­struction from Him, which shall make you Minis­ters of GOD for Good to his People; that you may all close your useful Lives in Peace, and be crown­ed with eternal Glory.

Let me urge you to improve your Power and Wis­dom, in enacting all good Laws which may be need­ful to suppress Sin, and encourage Virtue & Religion.

Pray see that your Laws be well executed, effec­tually to suppress those crying Sins, which have bro't down GOD'S Judgments upon the Land. The Want of the due Execution of the Laws, is one great Occasion of GOD'S Sabbaths being openly profaned, his Worship neglected, and many other Evils prevailing before our Eyes. And these Things forebode our Ruin, except we be reclaimed by the civil Power.

While you are Guardians to the common Wealth, let me ask your tender Regard for the ecclesiastical Constitution, which has received your Approbation, and is of vast Importance, to the building up of the Kingdom of CHRIST amongst us, in the Unity of the Faith, and the Bond of Peace; until we all [Page 25] come unto the Fulness of the Stature of a perfect Man in him.

As you love the Church of the Lord JESUS, let the College always share in your paternal Care and Kindness, under its present Regu­lation; and then we may well hope, the Doctrines of the Gospel will be preserved pure, and many will be trained up for eminent Service in Church and State; and may your Frowns cause all its Enemies to hide their Heads.

I can most heartily recommend to your wise and most serious Consideration, the important Affair of christianising the poor Heathen in our Land. This is what your Savior justly expects from you, at such a favorable Opportunity as now presents. Your Wisdom and Help are needed; and the more you do, to build them up upon the Foundation God has laid, the more you may hope and expect the di­vine Blessing will attend your pious and wise Admi­nistration, for the Good of all under your Care and Government.

I would earnestly beseech you, my political Fa­thers, to make some more effectual Provision for the Instruction of our Children, in our common Schools, both in Virtue and good Learning. For that End Schools should be steadily maintained; and the Teachers should be qualified Persons, of good Cha­racters; who will instil the best Principles into them, by Instruction, and a good Example, of Virtue and Religion; and instruct them, by Rule, in those Parts of Learning, which are needful, to furnish them for Usefulness in their Day. For that End, perhaps it might be well, if none be suffered to teach in our Schools, but those who have been exa­mined [Page 26] and licensed by proper Judges, of their good Qualifications, to be wise and profitable Instructors. The Want of special Provision in this Case, has proved such a destructive Evil already, that Multi­tudes grow up in Ignorance and Vice, which will naturally occasion a sad Decay in Religion and Vir­tue, and make them unprofitable Members of the common Wealth. The Importance of our com­mon Schools, to remedy the Evils we see in the ri­sing Generation, must plead in a Language which no Tongue can express, to excite your Pity, and employ your Wisdom and Power, to do something more than has been done, for the instructing our Children.

I shall add but one Thing more, which I would humbly submit to your superior Wisdom—Whe­ther some Provision can't be made, to prevent such vast Expences in Law-Suits, and such oppressive Measures in collecting in just Debts, which often makes the Charge much more than the original Debt? O! may the distressed State of the People you govern, make you exert your Wisdom and Skill, in doing Something within your Power, to relieve the Burdens we are groaning under, and to encourage those Measures, which may contribute to the lengthening out of our Tranquility! O! may GOD give you Wisdom in all Things, to conduct the Affairs of Government, and shew great Ten­derness, to the Church, and Interest of the great Redeemer's Kingdom; and that you may lead GOD'S People, as the Flock of GOD ought to be lead.

I would address myself to my Fathers and Bre­thren in the Ministry.

[Page 27] Brethren,

We are under the most solemn Charge, to preach the important Doctrines of the Gospel, and to shew to GOD'S People, that CHRIST is the only Foundation of the Sinner's Pardon and Acceptance with Him: And if we fail of this, to the Ruin of Souls, their Blood will be required at our Hands. We must then be exceeding careful to distinguish between Truth and Error; and make a faithful Stand against the prevailing Errors of the Times, which subverts the Foundation GOD has laid; and plainly and faithfully teach the Doctrines of Grace, and press them with the powerful Arguments and Motives of the Gospel; and shew the Necessity of having them in wrought in their Hearts, by the all-powerful In­fluences of the Holy Spirit, to bring them up to the Terms of Salvation by JESUS CHRIST. And we must maintain good Government in the Church, according to the Laws of CHRIST's Kingdom, to purge out corrupt and incorrigible Members, with all Gentleness and Meekness; and we must strength­en those whom CHRIST would have supported. For this Purpose, we must maintain our ecclesiasti­cal Constitution, in the Sense in which it has always been understood, and practised upon, and improve it for the Good of the Church. And while we are vigorously endeavouring the Salvation of Others, we should take Heed to ourselves, that we be not Cast-aways at last. We must experience the Power of those Truths upon our Hearts, which we press upon Others; and be savingly acquainted with JE­SUS CHRIST, and the Way of Pardon and Salvati­on thro' Him. Our Hearts must cordially comply with the Terms upon which CHRIST will become our [Page 28] Savior. We must build upon CHRIST as the Found­ation, and make him the chief Corner-stone of our Salvation. A powerful Sense of Religion upon our Hearts, should make us take Heed to our Doc­trine, that we build nothing but Gold, Silver, and precious Stones, such as will bear the Tryal, at the last Day, when every Thing shall be made manifest. We must take Heed to our Conversation, that we adorn the Doctrine of GOD our Savior, and become Examples to the Flock, in every Thing which is virtuous and praise-worthy, that we might save our­selves, and them that hear us. How loudly doth GOD, in his Providence, call upon us to be always ready, to give up an Account of Ourselves to our glorious Judge, by the many Breaches he has made by Death, upon our sacred Order, in the Year past; four of our Brethren, * in a few Months, have ceased from their Labours. And the late Rev'd President, THOMAS CLAP, who vastly excelled in universal Learning, and in his great Skill of instruct­ing, which has been very conspicuous in his im­portant Labours in the College for more than twen­ty-seven Years, &c. was truly a pious, as well as a great Man. He sincerely loved the Doctrines of Grace, and exerted himself, in his high Station, to the Admiration of all, in supporting those peculiar Doctrines of the Gospel, which stand inseparably connected with building upon CHRIST as the Found­ation GOD hath laid. And altho' he did not escape the Reproach of Men, he has doubtless received the Approbation of his Judge, and a glorious Re­ward [Page 29] of his great and faithful Labours. How should these Admonitions from GOD, animate us, as Brethren, to live in Love, and study the Things which make for Peace, and carefully fulfil our Mi­nistry; that we may at last, receive the sweet Ap­probation of our Judge, and hear him say to each One of us, Well done, good and faithful Servants:—Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom pre­pared for you, from the Foundation of the World.

I would address myself to the whole Assembly, We all profess, there is no other Name under Hea­ven, given among Men, whereby we can be saved, but by JESUS CHRIST: He is the Foundation GOD has laid. It is then of the greatest Importance, that each One of you personally partake of Him as your Savior, and experience the powerful Influences of the Holy Spirit, applying the Redemption he has purchased, unto you, bringing you severally up to the Terms of the Covenant of Grace; forming the new Creature in your Hearts; implanting those divine Principles in your Souls, which will make you pay a due Respect to Religi­on, in all the Branches of christian Duty, both to­wards GOD, the supreme Governor of the World, and all those he has set in Authority over you. You can't but know the Burden of Government lays heavy upon them, and they are under many Discouragements: The Power of Religion in you, should excite you to do all you can, to encourage their Hearts, and strengthen their Hands. O! do all you can to maintain their Honor and Influence among the People; and honor Religion, in your Loyalty to them who rule over you. My Brethren, fear thou the Lord, and the King, and meddle not with [Page 30] those who are given to Change, Prov. xxiv. 21. Bear your full Testimony against all evil speaking of Dignities; for GOD has solemnly charged, saying, Thou shalt not revile the Gods, nor curse the Rulers of thy People, Exod. xxii. 28. Always maintain good and honorable Thoughts of your Rulers, and car­ry them to GOD, in your fervent Prayers; for it is the Will of GOD, that Supplications, Prayers, and Intercessions—be made for all Men: For Kings, and for all that are in Authority: That we may lead a quiet and peaceable Life, in all Godliness and Honesty, 1 Tim. ii. 2. This is the Way for us to obtain di­vine Wisdom and Direction for our Rulers, that they might be made very rich Blessings unto us, in protecting our Rights and Privileges, and directing our public Affairs, to the great Advantage of the whole Community; and happily instrumental to suppress Vice, and cherish Virtue; to support the Church, and strengthen the Hands of GOD'S Mi­nisters; that we may see Religion revive in our Day, and enjoy the Benefit and Comfort of it to our own Souls, and be forever happy, in the full Enjoyment of GOD, in eternal Glory. AMEN.

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