
TOM THUMB'S PLAY-BOOK; To teach Children their LETTERS as soon as they can speak.

BEING A New and pleasant Method to allure LITTLE ONES in the first Princi­ples of LEARNING.

BOSTON: Printed for and sold by A. BARCLAY in Cornhill



The Alphabet.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z &.

Double Letters.

sl fl si fi ss ff ssi ffi ffl ct.

[Page 4]

The A B C.

  • A a Apple pye
  • B b Bit it
  • C c Cut it
  • D d Divided it
  • E e Eat it
  • F f Fought for it
  • G g Got it
  • H h Had it
  • J j Joined for it
  • K k Kept it
  • M m Mourned for it
  • [Page 5] N n Nodded for it
  • O o Opened it
  • P p Peeped in it
  • Q q Quartered it
  • R r Run for it
  • S s Snatched it
  • T t Turned it
  • V v Viewed it
  • W w Wished for a piece in hand
  • X x
  • Y y
  • Z z
[Page 6]
A was an Archer,
and shot at a Frog.
B was a Butcher,
and had a great Dog.

[Page 7]

C was a Captain,
all cover'd with Lace.
D was a Drunkard,
and had a red Face,

[Page 8]

E was an Esquire,
with Pride on his Brow.
F was a Farmer,
and follow'd the Plow.

[Page 9]

G was a Gamester,
and he had ill Luck.
H was a Hunter,
and hunted a Buck.

[Page 10]

J was a Joiner,
and built up a House.
K was a King,
and he govern'd a Mouse.

[Page 11]

L was a Lady,
and had a white Hand.
M was a Merchant,
to a foreign Land.

[Page 12]

N was a Nobleman,
gallant and bold,
O was an Oysterwench,
and a sad Scold.

[Page 13]

P was a Parson,
and wore a black Gown.
Q was a Queen,
and wore a fine Crown.

[Page 14]

R was a Robber,
and wanted a Whip.
S was a Sailor,
and liv'd in a ship.

[Page 15]

T was a Tinker,
and mended a Pot.
V was a Vinter,
a very great Sot.

[Page 16]

W was Watchman, and guarded
the Door.
X was expensive
and so became poor.

[Page 17]

Y was a Youth,
did not love School.
Z was Zany,
and look't like a Fool.
[Page 18]

Ab eb ib ob ub ac ec ic oc ab ed id ob ud af ef if of ag eg ig og ug al el il ol am em im om an en in on ap ep ip op op ar er ir or as es is os os at et it ot ax ex ix ox ux az ez iz oz Ba be bi bo bu ca ce ci co da di do do du fa fe fi fo ga ge gi go gu ha he hi ho ja je ji jo ju la le li lo ma me mi mo na ne ni no pa pe pi po pu ra re ri ro sa se si so su ta te ti to tu.

[Page 19]

Bla ble bli blo blu cla cle cli clo clu fra fre fri fro fru pra pre pri pro pru tra tre tri tro trou.

[Page 20]

A Scripture CATECHISM, or Questions and Answers to instruct Youth in the Holy Scriptures.

Quest. MY good child, tell me who made thee?

Ans. God.

Q. Who redeemed you?

A. Jesus Christ.

Q. Who sanctifies and preserves you?

A. The Holy Ghost.

Q. For what did God make you?

[Page 21] A. To serve him.

Q. How must you serve him?

A. In spirit and in truth.

Q Who was the first man?

A. Adam.

Q. Who was the first woman?

A. Eve.

Q. Why was she called so?

A. Because she was the mother of all the living.

Q. Who was the first that kil [...]ed his brother?

A. Cain?

[Page 22] Q. Who walked with God, and was translated?

A. Enoch.

Q. Who were saved in the Ark?

A. Noah and all his fa­mily.

Q. Who was the oldest Man?

A. Methusalem, who lived nine hundred and six­ty nine years.

Q. Who was the father of the faithful.

A. Abraham.

[Page 23] Q. Who was the strong­est man?

A. Sampson.

Q. Who was the wisest man? A. Solomon.

GRAGE before Meat.

O Eternal God in whom we live and have our being, we beseech the bless unto us these good crea­tures, that, in the strength [Page 24] thereof we may set forth thy praise and Glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

GRACE after Meat.

THE God of all glory and power, who hath created, redeemed, and at this time plentifully fed us, thy holy name be praised both now and evermore.

God save his Church, our King and realm, and send us peace in Christ our Lord. Amen.

[Page 25]

A PRAYER at your uprising.

O LORD God, my hea­venly Father, I most humbly thank thee that thou of thy fatherly good­ness hast vouchsaved to de­fend me this ni [...] from all evil, I most entirely beseech thee, to preserve me also this day both from suffering and doing any evil, and to give me grace, so to walk in the light of thy holy word that I may bring forth the [Page 26] fruits of the same unto the glory of thy blessed name, and the profit of my neigh­bour, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A PRAYER before you sleep.

I THANK thee, O father by thy dearly beloved son Jesus Christ, that of thy free mercy thou hast preserved me this day from all hurts and dangers; vouchsafe al­so to keeep me this night, and to save me from all [Page 27] thine enemies▪ give to my body quietness and sleep, but let my mind continual­ly watch unto thee and to thy holy law; that where the chearful light of the day shall spring and appear, I being whole both in body and mind, may joyfully rise again, and diligently wa [...]k in my vocation, [...] the glory of thy blessed name, through Jesus Christ. Amen.

[Page 28]

The young Child's Morning Prayer.

ALmighty God, the ma­ker of every thing in heaven and earth, the dark­ness goes away, and the day­light comes at thy com­mand, thou art good and thou doest good continual­ly, I thank thee that thou hast taken such care of me this night, and that I am a­live and well this morning. Save me, O God, from e­vil [Page 29] all this day long, and let me love and serve thee for­ever for the sake of Jesus Christ thy son. Amen.

The young Child's Evening Prayer.

O Lord God, who know­est all things, thou seest me by night as well as by day I pray thee, for Christ's sake forgive me whatsoever I have done amiss this day, and keep me also all this [Page 30] night while I am asleep. I desire to lie down under thy care, and to abide forever under thy blessing, for thou art a God of all▪ ower and everlasting mercy. Amen.

The LORD'S Prayer.

OUR Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily [Page 31] bread. And forgive them that trespass against us, and lead us not into temptati­on; but deliver us from e­vil; for thine is the king­dom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.


A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.



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