
THE TRIAL OF SPIRITS, BOTH IN TEACHERS and HEARERS. WHEREIN IS HELD FORTH The clear Discovery, and certain Down­fal, of the CARNAL and ANTI-CHRISTIAN CLERGY of these Nations.

Testified from the Word of GOD, to the University Congregations in Cambridge.

By WILLIAM DELL, Minister of the Gospel, and Master of Gonvil and Caius College, in Cambridge.

LONDON: First printed in the Year 1666. PHILADELPHIA: Re-printed by B. FRANKLIN, and D. HALL. MDCCLX.

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1 John iv. i.

Beloved believe not every Spirit, but try the Spirits, whether they are of God, because many false Prophets are gone forth into the World.

2. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every Spi­rit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh, is of God.

3. And every Spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh, is not of God: And this is that Spirit of Anti-christ whereof you have heard, that it should come, and even now already it is in the World.

4. Ye are of God, little Children, and have over­come them, because greater is be that is in you, than he that is in the World.

5. They are of the World, therefore speak they of the World, and the World hears them.

6. We are of God; be that knoweth God, heareth us; he that is not of God, heareth not us; hereby know we the Spirit of Truth, and the Spirit of Error.

IN this Scripture, we may take Notice of these six Things.

  • 1. The Apostle gives Notice to the belov­ed Congregations of spiritual Christians, of a great Evil risen up in the World, which (if not [Page 4]carefully heeded) might occasion some great Trouble and Danger to them; many false Pro­phets (saith he) are gone out into the World, V. 1.
  • 2. He prescribes them a sufficient Remedy a­gainst this Evil, saying, Believe not every Spirit, but try the Spirits, whether they are of God.
  • 3. That the Faithful may be able to make a right Judgment of Spirits, he gives them one short Rule of Trial, which yet comprehends in itself all Rules; Verses 2 and 3. Hereby know we the Spirit of God; every Spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh, is of God; and every Spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh, is not of God, &c.
  • 4. He shews them with whom these false Pro­phets, who have the Spirit of Anti-christ, should not prevail; viz. with none of the true Christi­ans of God, Verse 4. Ye are of God, little Chil­dren, and have overcome them; because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the World.
  • 5. He shews them with whom the false Pro­phets, should prevail, viz. with the World and carnal People; Verse 5. They are of the World, therefore speak they of the World, and the World heareth them. The World, seeking its own Things, receives Anti-christ, and his Prophets.
  • 6. He shews how the Spirit of Truth and Error may be known in the People, as well as in the Teachers; viz. by the Peoples cleaving, ei­ther to the Teachers of Truth, or to the Teach­ers of Error; Verse 6. We are of God, he that knoweth God, heareth us; he that is not of God, [Page 5]heareth not us; hereby know we the Spirit of Truth, and the Spirit of Error.

These six Things are held forth to us, in this Scripture, and they are all very profitable and necessary for the true Church to be acquainted withal, especially in these last of the last Times. I shall begin with the first, which is,

The FIRST POINT. The great and dangerous Evil, of which the Apo­stle gives Notice to the Church of Believers; and that is, the going out of false Prophets into the World.

‘Many false Prophets are gone out into the World.’

AND here it is to be noted, that from the very Beginning of the World, there have been two Seeds or Generations of Men, very contrary the one to the other; as is evident in Genesis iii. 15. where God saith to the Serpent, I will put Enmity between thee and the Woman, and between thy Seed and her Seed; so that the Serpent hath his Seed, as well as the Woman her Seed; and this was the Woman's Curse, to have her Sorrows and Conceptions multiplied, and to bring forth the Serpent's Seed, as well as her own, that is, the Children or Seed of the first Blessing; and both these contrary Seeds do partake of one and the same common Nature, or Humanity. And one of these Seeds are called, The Sons of God; the other, The Sons of Men, Genesis vi. 6. And both these, being the Children of one Adam, ac­cording [Page 6]to the Flesh, are yet distinguished by se­veral Spirits, that dwell in them, and inspire them: For the Spirit of God, that is, the Spirit of Righteousness and Truth, doth inspire the one, and these are truly called the Children of God, as Paul saith, Romans viii. As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God. And the Spirit of Satan, which is the Spirit of Wic­kedness and Error, doth inspire the other; and these are truly called, the Sons of Men, who all have sinned, and are deprived of the Glory of God.

Now these two different and contrary Spirits, which have dwelt in these two distinct Seeds, have begun to act presently from the very Begin­ning of the World, each one according to its own Nature, and to trade and traffick about Mankind, and out of it, to bring forth Children to themselves, like to themselves in all Things; and so one hath endeavoured to beget and bring forth the Children of God, and of Truth; the other, the Children of Men, and of Error: And to this End, the one hath held forth the Truth of God, by the true Spirit of God; the other hath held forth Error and Falshood, yet as it were the Truth: The one hath endeavoured to bring Man unto God, through true Faith and Repentance; the other to turn Men from God, through Sin: The one hath sought to work Sal­vation in Men, the other Destruction.

Now the false Spirit hath been the most com­mon in the World, and hath had the greatest Opportunities and Advantages to multiply itself, [Page 7]seeing it finds the whole World already lying in Wickedness, and fully prepared to receive itself. But the true Spirit hath been found in very Few, and that from the Beginning; for there have been but few true Prophets, who have had the true Spirit, and have spoken the true Word; as you may see all along in Scriptures, especially in the Times of Elijah and Micajah, but Christ saith, many false Prophets shall arise, and deceive many; and Peter saith in his second Epistle, Chapter ii. Verses 1, 2. That as there were false Prophets a­mong the People, that is, the Jews, so there shall be false Doctors and Teachers among the Christians, who should privily bring in damnable Heresies; and that many should follow their pernicious Ways.

So that as there have been many false Pro­phets from the Beginning, so especially in the Days of the New-Testament; for the more Christ hath appeared by his spirit to lead Men in­to Truth, the more hath the Devil appeared by his Spirit to lead Men into Error; and this is pro­perly called Anti-christ; For Flesh and Blood is not Anti-christ; but a Spirit contrary to Christ's Spirit, that dwells in Flesh and Blood, and chief­ly among those that profess the Christian Reli­gion; this is Anti-christ.

No Spirit, in the Jews or Gentiles, is proper­ly called Anti-christ, but the Spirit of Satan in false Christians, appearing as an Angel of Light, this is Anti-christ. Before Christ came in the Flesh, the Devil was an evil Spirit, and a Liar, and a Murderer, and the unclean Spirit, and Prince of this World; but he was not properly Anti-christ, [Page 8]because Christ was not then come in the Flesh. The Devil was the Devil before, and did dwell and work in evil Men; but from the Beginning of the Christian Church, he is called Anti-christ, and that not every where, but in the Church or Kingdom of Christ: For Anti-christ is a Spirit that dissolves Jesus, and that not openly, but sub­tilly and cunningly, yea, under the Name and Pretence of Jesus, he is wholly contrary to him. Wherefore, the discerning of Spirits, as it hath been necessary from the Beginning of the World, so also it is especially necessary in the Days of the Gospel, wherein the Mystery of Iniquity is be­come most mysterious, through the Operation of Anti-christ, in those many false Prophets which are gone forth into the World. And so we proceed to the second Point.


And that is this, That sufficient Remedy, which the Apostle prescribes to the true Church, against that great Evil of many false Prophets being gone out into the World.

Now the Remedy the Apostle prescribes to the Faithful against these false Prophets, is not that they should stir up the secular Power to im­prison, banish or burn them, that so they might be rid of them; for this is Anti-christ's proper Remedy against those that oppose him; but the Apostle shews a more Christian Remedy, which is this, Believe not every Spirit, but try the Spirits, whether they be of God; and this Remedy alone is sufficient for the true spiritual Church of the [Page 9]Faithful in every Age, to preserve it safe and sound against all false Teachers whatsoever, and their false Doctrines; neither doth it desire or need any other. Wherefore in this Case the Apostle contents himself to give only this Caution to the Faithful, Believe not every Spirit, but try the Spi­rits, whether they be of God.

Believe not every Spirit, &c. That is, every one that speaketh of spiritual Things. Whence it is plain, that we neither ought rashly and h [...]ly to believe every Man's Doctrine, nor yet rashly and unadvisedly to censure and condemn it, till it be heard and known what it is: But it is a Christian's Duty to prove all Things, and to hold fast that which is Good, upon Proof, as Paul ad­viseth; wherefore John also adds here, But try the Spirits, whether they be of God.

Whence we note, That Christians have Right and Power to try and judge the Spirits and Doc­trines of their Teachers: And this is evident by many plain Scriptures; as,

Matthew vii. 15. Beware of false Prophets (saith Christ to the Faithful) which come unto you in Sheeps Clothing, but inwardly they are ravening Wolves; ye shall know them by their Fruits.

Matthew xvi. 6. Jesus said unto them, take heed and beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees, which is Hypocrisy.

Matthew xvi. 4. Jesus said, take heed that no no Man deceive you, for many shall come in my Name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many.

[Page 10] John x. My Sheep hear my Voice, and know my Voice, and a Stranger will they not hear, but flee from him, for they know not (that is, own not) the Voice of Strangers. And all that came before me are Thieves and Robbers, but the Sheep did not hear them.

By all which Scriptures, and many more that might be added, it is manifest that the Faithful, the true Sheep of Christ, have Right and Power to judge of the Spirit and Doctrines of the Teachers.

Let Fathers, Schoolmen, Doctors, Councils, Assemblies of Divines, Universities, Ministers, propound and publish what Doctrine they please, the Sheep of Christ, the faithful Flock, have Power and Authority from Christ himself to try and judge, whether the Things they speak be of Christ, or of themselves, and of Anti-christ. And this Power the faithful People ought not to part with, neither for any Fear, nor for any Favour.

Yea, it most nearly concerns the Faithful to try the Spirits, and judge the Doctrines of the Teachers, for these two Considerations, among others.

First, Because we must each one give an Ac­count for ourselves before the Judgment Seat of Christ: Wherefore it concerns every one of us to look to our own eternal Condition, and not to leave this Care to others for us. In Death and Judgment, each one must answer for himself; and therefore we ought to be as certain of the Word of God, on which we build our immortal Souls, as we are sure we live, and are Creatures; [Page 11]we ought, I say, to be sure ourselves, and not to trust any Body for us in this great Matter, whereon depends either eternal Life, or eternal Death.

Secondly, It concerns us to try the Spirits and Doctrines, because otherwise we may easily mi­stake, and instead of Anti-christ, and his Disciples, dash against Christ himself, and his precious Saints. Yea, we have seen how the World, and worldly Church, not being able to try the Spirits and Doctrines, have contradicted and crucified the Son of God himself, and have reproached and persecuted all his People, who are baptized into one Spirit with him; and doing this, they have thought they have done God good Service too; and all because they were not able to judge of the Spirit and Truth of Christ in himself and his Members, but have followed the Judgment and Counsel of the chief Guides in the outward Church, who have caused them to err, and to mistake Truth for Error, and Error for Truth, Christ for Anti-christ, and Anti-christ for Christ.

Wherefore it concerns every one to be wise to Salvation for himself, and to try the Spirits for himself, and not to content himself to say; thus said Augustine, Ambrose, Hierom, &c. or this was the Judgment of the Fathers, or thus have the Councils or Universities determined, or thus do our Ministers teach us; but if thou art one of Christ's Flock, thou must have Skill to know and judge for thyself, which is Christ's Spirit and Doctrine, and which is Anti-christ's; other­wise thou wilt certainly miscarry in this great [Page 12]Matter, and be undone for ever. If thou build on Men in these Things, and canst not judge for thyself, thou wilt be sure to be undone.

But now this Power of trying Spirits, and judg­ing Doctrines, which Christ hath given his true Flock, and which they ought to have upon so good Grounds, the Teachers of the false and Anti-christian Church, that is, the common Cler­gy, distinguished by several Names, Titles, and Degrees, have robbed them of, and have falsly and treacherously arrogated to themselves the Power of trying Spirits, and judging Doctrines, and have said, that it belongs to the Clergy, or national Ministry, and their Councils, and Assem­blies of Divines, to judge of Spirits, whether they be right or false; and to judge of Doctrines, whether they be agreeable to God's Word, or no; and that all Christians ought to expect their Judgment and Determination, and to submit to it, and to depend on it, as on an Oracle from Heaven, yea, though it be not only without, but also against their own particular Judgment.

And these Men (I mean the Clergy) through the ecclesiastical and temporal Power which they had gotten, have stricken great Fear into the whole World, and have miserably vexed innu­merable Consciences with a grievous and lasting Bondage, and have even driven them to Despair, whilst none durst approve or own any Spirit or Doctrine, though never so manifestly of Christ and his Gospel, without their Allowance and Ap­probation; so mightily hath the Power of Anti-christ [Page 13]prevailed in the World, and that against the express Word of Christ.

Now the Ground of this their anti-christian Pride and Usurpation is this, that they arrogate to themselves, that they are the Guides and Shep­herds of all Christian Men, and are to teach them the Gospel, which they are only to receive from their Lips; whereas Christ hath promised his true Church, that they shall be all taught of God, and shall hear and learn themselves from the Fa­ther, and hath also promised to send them the Spirit, to lead them in all Truth, and to give them an Anointing, to teach them all Things.

Now they, by robbing the Faithful of this Pow­er, and arrogating it to themselves, have made themselves, contrary to Christ's Command, Lords and Masters in the Church of God, and have usurped to themselves Superiority and Authority over other Believers, and have subjected all the World to their Opinion and Judgment in the Things of God; by which Means, they have set wide open the Flood-gates to Anti-christ, and his Kingdom, to break in upon the World, and to overflow it, whilst they had robbed all Christian People of their own Judgment in all Things of God, and had made them to depend wholly on the Judgment of the Clergy.

And had not Christian People thus unchristianly delivered up their Judgments to the Clergy, and that in the very highest Points of Religion, Chri­stianity had not been so miserably blinded and cor­rupted as it is, and the Mystery of Iniquity had not so much prevailed in the World, as now it [Page 14]hath. For when Christians would not try the Spirits, whether they were of God, and the Doc­trines, whether they were the Word of God or no, but thought this a Matter too high for them, and would refer and submit all to the Judgment of their Ministers; then Anti-christ (the Apostle of the Devil) came forth boldly, and proudly ex­alted himself above all that is called God, and his Kingdom, above all the Kingdoms of the World, having first put out both the Eyes of Christians, by taking away from them their Right and Power of trying Spirits, and judging Doc­trines.

But when true Christians shall search the Scrip­tures (as God I trust hath now fully put into their Hearts to do) and shall justly and lawfully take to themselves the Power which God hath given them, to try Spirits and Doctrines, then Anti-christ, and his Agents, the carnal Clergy, must soon be brought down: For the Faithful, by that Word, shall soon perceive that they are not of God, nor their Doctrine of that right Gospel, which is after the Mind of Christ.

Well then, by what hath been said, you who are of Christ's true Sheep may perceive, that it is evident by the Word, that faithful Christians have Right and Power to try Spirits and Doctrines, though Anti-christ, for many Ages, hath robbed them of this Privilege.

For (that I may speak a little more to this Matter) the Trial of Spirits doth unquestiona­bly belong to all Men, who have received the Spirit of God: For to this Spirit of God which [Page 15]dwells in the Faithful, the Gift of discerning Spirits is inseparably annexed: And the Spirit of Christ, which truly dwells in all true Christians, cannot deceive, nor be deceived in the Trial of Spirits. So that this now is a common Grace, that in some Measure belongs to all true Christi­ans, who have received the Unction that teach­eth them all Things, and is true, and is no Lye.

And though there be in the Church Diversities of Gifts from the same Spirit, which are given to some, and not to others, as Tongues, and In­terpretation of Tongues, and Miracles, and Gifts of healing, &c. mentioned by Paul, I Cor. xii. yet this Gift of trying Spirits is given to all, in some Measure, that have received the Spirit. For as in the natural Body there are several Gifts given to several Members, which are no given to all the Members, as Seeing to the Eye. Hear­ing to the Ear, Walking to the Foot, &c. but Feeling is given to all the Members; so also in the Body of Christ, that is, the spiritual Church, several Gifts are given to several Saints, but the Trial of Spirits and Doctrines to Saints, who have received the Spirit; and if any have not Christ's Spirit, he is none of his; and if any have not Christ's Spirit, he can, in some Measure, discern and judge of all Spirits in the World: And the more any Man receives Christ's Spirit, the more able is he to judge of all other Spirits.

Wherefore they who are true Believers, and have received Christ's Spirit, their Judgment is to be preferred in the Trial of Spirits, before the Judgment of a whole Council of Clergymen.

[Page 16] And they only, who can try Spirits by the Spi­rit of God, and Doctrines by the Word of God, written in their Hearts by the Spirit, and fit to commend Ministers to the Work of God: That is, the Congregations of the Faithful, and not Universities, and Assemblies of Divines.

And thus you may perceive that, seeing many false Prophets are gone out into the World, it con­cerns the Faithful, as they tender their own ever­lasting Salvation, not to believe every Spirit that speaks of Christ, and his Kingdom, and his Things, but to try the Spirits, whether they be of God.

Object. But now (it may be) some will be rea­dy to say, we ought indeed to try the Spirits, seeing there are many false Prophets in the World, but we hope there are no such Persons among us, but only some up-start Men, with their new Light, who with their Novelties and Fancies trouble the Nation, and would fain turn all Things Up-side down, and we know these well enough already, and do sufficiently despise them.

Answ. It is very like you do; but yet let me say to you, Men, Brethren, and Fathers, un­derstand yourselves, and know what ye do in this Matter. For at the Beginning of the Re­formation by the Ministry of Luther, Zuinglius, Calvin, and divers others, precious Servants of Jesus Christ, the Popish Clergy applied all these Scriptures, Try the Spirits, whether they be of God, for many false Prophets are gone out into the World; and beware of false Prophets, which come to you in Sheeps Clothing, but inwardly are ravening Wolves; [Page 17]I say, these, and the like Places of Scriptures, they applied to these godly Men, and yet they themselves were the false Prophets indeed, and the others, whom they termed such, were true Ones. Wherefore it is possible for you to be mi­staken as well as they, and no Doubt but you will be mistaken, except the Lord be gracious to you, and give you his own Spirit, by which alone you can make a right Judgment in this Matter.

Wherefore, that he that reads may under­stand, you must know, that the false Prophets are not so easily discerned as you think; for they seem to be true Prophets, and godly, holy, learned, orthodox Men, Men of Eminency and Renown in the Church and State: And so to Flesh and Blood, and the Wisdom and Religion of the World, it will be a difficult, yea, and impossible Thing to find them out: For the false Prophets have several glorious Vails over them, to hide and obscure them from common Knowledge.

Wherefore we declare unto you from the Word of the Lord, touching these false Prophets, who shall do so much Mischief.

  • 1. That they shall not proceed, or come forth from among the Jews, or Turks, or out of the barbarous Nations, but they shall arise out of such as are called Christians.
  • 2. Seeing among Christians some are openly prophane and evil, others seem to be religious and godly, the false Prophets shall be found among the better Sort; and therefore, saith Christ, they shall come in Sheeps Clothing, as if they were of Christ's own Flock: And Paul saith, [Page 18] They have a Form of Godliness, that is, they shall be painted over gloriously, with all Appearances of Truth, Righteousness, Honesty, Goodness; and all the Names of Godliness.
  • 3. Seeing amongst those that seem to be the better Sort of Christians, some give themselves to the Ministry of the Word, and some do not; the false Prophets shall be found among those Christians, who take upon themselves to be Preachers, as Paul testifies, Acts xx. where hav­ing called together the Elders and Teachers of the Church of Ephesus, he saith to them, Ex vo­his ipsis; Out of your ownselves shall Men arise, speaking perverse Things, to draw away Disciples after them.

And seeing among those who are Ministers, some are light, and vain, and carnal, and formal Persons, and others are Men of great Worth and Reputation, and seem to be the precious Members of Christ, and even Pillars in the Church, so that the common People think, that all Religion would go down with such good Men, they hav­ing some Gifts and Enlightenings of the Spirit, and seeming more than ordinarily godly, religi­ous, wise, holy, sober, devour; now the false Prophets shall be found among these. And as they who opposed Christ at his first coming in the Flesh, seemed more wise, and holy, and emi­nent in the Church than the rest, as the Scribes and Pharisees, who sat in Moses's Chair, and had the outward Letter of the Word in all Exactness, and the outward Form of Religion in all Strict­ness; so they, who do, and shall most oppose [Page 19]Christ in his coming in his Spirit, and shall con­tradict his Word, and resist his Servants and Witnesses of his Truth, do, and shall appear more wise, holy, learned, and godly, than the rest of the Teachers of the Church.

And thus you see, that the false Prophets of Anti-christ shall arise among Christians, and a­mong such Christians as seem to be godly; and among such seeming godly Christians as preach the Word; and among such Preachers of the Word as seem to be of greater Worth and Emi­nency than the rest: And so in all these Regards it will be a hard Matter to discern them.

2. Again, such Persons, of such Appearance of Worth and Holiness as these, do usually get to their Side the greatest and highest Persons in the Kingdoms and Nations, and do obtain, not only their Countenance and Favour, but also their Power and Authority for themselves.

3. By both these Means ( viz. their seeming Holiness, and their Interest with worldly Powers) they exceedingly enlarge their Credit and Repu­tation with the World, and do get Multitudes of People and Nations to entertain them.

For Anti-christ could not deceive the World with a Company of foolish, weak, ignorant, pro­phane, contemptible Persons, but he always hath the greatest, wisest, holiest, and most eminent in the visible Church for him, and by these he sed­uces and subjects to himself even the whole World.

Besides, they that are against him, and his false Prophets, are but a very Handful of Saints, [Page 20]who have the Spirit of Christ, and through his Spirit discern them, and oppose them; and for so doing are despised and hated of all the World.

Wherefore it is a harder Matter to try these false Prophets than we are well aware of. And yet, as hard as it is, the Apostle, by the Spirit, hath given us a manifest and certain Rule of Trial: And this is the third general Thing I named.


To wit, The sufficient Rule, whereby the true Church may thoroughly try the Spirits and Prophets, how cunningly and subtilly soever they are disguis­ed; and this he lays down, Verse 3.

Hereby know we the Spirit of God; every Spi­rit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh, is of God. And every Spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh, is not of God, &c.

Now this Scripture we may understand two Ways.

  • 1. Of a right Knowledge of Jesus Christ in his own Person.
  • 2. Of a true Receiving of this Christ into us by Faith.

First. Of the right Knowledge of Christ in his own Person.

1. For whereas he saith, Every Spirit that con­fesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh, &c. This gives us to understand, that he is true God, and was before he came into the Flesh.

[Page 21] 2. Whereas he saith, Every Spirit that con­fesseth that Christ is come in the Flesh; this gives us to understand, that he is true Man, our very Brother, Partaker of the same Flesh and Blood with us.

3. Whereas he saith, Every Spirit that con­fesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh, &c.

This also gives us to understand, that in him, true God and true Man are united into one inse­parable Person.

4. Whereas he saith, Every Spirit that con­fesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh, &c. This gives us Occasion to consider the End of his Coming; seeing God did not become Man in vain, or for some slight Cause, but that he might redeem unto God, all those whom the Father had elected in him, and save them perfectly from the Law, Sin, Death and Hell: And hence we may rise up to conceive of his Offices, viz. of his Priestly, Prophetical and Kingly Office, and of the infinite Virtue and Efficacy of them.

Now he that makes this Confession of Jesus Christ, from the Revelation of the Father, is of God; and he that speaks otherwise, is not of God.

2. But secondly, We may understand this Scripture, not only of the true Knowledge of Jesus Christ, but also and especially of the true Receiving of him by Faith: Every Spirit (saith he) that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh, is of God; that is, he is of God, that be­lieves and acknowledges that the Son of the liv­ing God is come, not only into that Humanity [Page 22]of Christ, that was born of the Virgin, but also that he is come into us, and dwells in us; accord­ing to these Scriptures, That Christ may dwell in your Hearts by Faith: And Christ in you the Hope of Glory: And Know ye not that Christ is in you, except you be Reprobates, &c. Wherefore the Jesus Christ is come into his own Flesh, but also into theirs, which by this Means is made his; and that Christ is in them, of a Truth, and dwells in them.

For Anti-christ himself, and his Ministers, do all acknowledge, that Jesus Christ is come into that Flesh, which he did assume of the Virgin; but they will not confess, that this is true in him, and in us: They will acknowledge the Mystery of God manifested in the Flesh, as to Christ the Head, but they will deny it as to the Church his Body: And so, whilst they separate the Head from the Body, and the Body from the Head in this Mystery, they do solvere Jesum, they dissolve Jesus.

I say some hold, that the eternal Word, or divine Nature, came indeed into that Flesh which was born of the blessed Virgin, but they will by no Means allow it to come into ours, through our Union with him by Faith: Only they say, some created Habits, or Gifts of Grace come in­to us, or in our Flesh, but not Christ himself, or the divine Nature, or Son of the living God. And so these Men set up these created Gifts and Graces in the Members, instead of Christ him­self, the Head.

[Page 23] And yet these Teachers make a glorious Shew in the Flesh; and this is Anti-christ, viz. when Men think that these created Habits of Grace (which they fancy) will renew, comfort, sanc­tify and save them; and so do make to themselves of them, a glorious, but yet a false Christ.

Wherefore let us know, that he that denies Jesus Christ in the Members, is, though not so great, yet as true Anti-christ, as he that denies Jesus Christ in the Head: And he that denies Christ dwelling in our Hearts by Faith, to be, and to be alone, Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanc­tification and Redemption to us, as he that de­nies him to be the Power, Wisdom, and Righ­teousness of God in himself.

The Sum of this Matter is this, that the true Spirits or Prophets do acknowledge, not only that Christ, the Son of the living God, is come into that Son of Man, which was born of the Bles­sed Virgin, but also that Christ is come into them, and dwells in them, as in his own true and proper Members.

And so, he that hath Jesus Christ dwelling in his Heart, is a true Prophet; and he that hath not Christ dwelling in his Heart, is a false Pro­phet, though his Knowledge and Religion be never so high, and glorious, and holy also in the Opinion of the World. And this is the chief Sign and Mark, whereby we may know the true Prophets and true Christians, from the false Pro­phets and false Christians.

Object. Now if any shall say, but how shall we know whether a Man hath Christ dwelling [Page 24]in his Heart or no? And so consequently, whe­ther he be a true or false Prophet?

Answ. I answer, you shall certainly know it, by the Truth of the Word of Christ in him, and by the Truth of the Life of Christ, in Reference to his Office in the Word.

1. First then, the true Prophets are to be dis­cerned from the false,

By the Truth of the Word of God in them.

For the true Prophets speak the true Word of God, even the Word of Wisdom, the Word of Righteousness, the Word of Life, the Word of Power, the Word that is able to save, which is the true Gospel Word. For this is the Covenant that God hath made with Christ and his Seed, saying, Isa. lix. 21. My Spirit which is upon thee, and my Word which is in thy Mouth, shall never de­part out of thy Mouth, nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed, nor out of the Mouth of thy Seeds Seed, from henceforth and for ever.

And this was perfectly fulfilled in Christ; for that Word, which in the Beginning was with God, and was God, was made Flesh in him, and dwelt in him; and out of that Word Jesus Christ spake all that ever he spake; his whole Doctrine did flow from that eternal Word which dwelt in him.

And Christ communicated to the Disciples the same Word which he had received, as he saith, John xvii. 8. I have given to them the Words that thou gavest me (that is, the word of Righteous­ness and Life) and they have received them, and have known surely, that I came out from thee, and [Page 25]they have believed that thou didst send me; and so that Word, which they themselves received by Faith, they also held forth to others, as John saith, I John i. 4. That which was from the Be­ginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our Eyes, which we have looked upon, and our Hands have handled, of the Word of Life, declare we unto you.

And to this also John the Baptist gives Testi­mony, John iii. 34. where he saith, He whom God hath sent speaketh the Words of God, not the Words of Men, or Angels, but of God; and this is true, both in Christ, and in his Seed.

But now the false Prophets speak not the Word of God, for they have it not in their Hearts; but what Word they have in their Hearts, that they speak; and so they speak the Words of their own Reason, Wisdom and Righteousness, or of other Mens, but beyond human Things they do not go, whether they pretend to high Notions on the one Hand, or to sound orthodox Doctrine on the other Hand.

Now of this true Christians are to take spe­cial Notice; because, as the true Word of God is the greatest Commodity to the Church that can be, and brings the Presence of Christ, and all the Things of Christ along with it; so the Word of Man is the greatest Mischief to the Church that can be; for it brings Anti-christ, and his Kingdom, and all his Things along with it. And thus doth vain Philosophy, and School Di­vinity (which is an unlawful mixing of Philosophy with the outward Letter of the Word) pervert [Page 26]all Things in the Church of carnal and false Christians.

2. As the true Prophets speak the true Word of God, so also they speak it by the true Spirit of God, and not by their own Spirit: And thus did Christ, who saith of himself, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he hath anointed me to preach the Gospel, and so he spake the Word of God by the Spirit of God.

And Christ commanded his Disciples to stay at Jerusalem till they had received the Spirit, and then to go forth and preach; because he knew they could not preach God's Word aright, without God's Spirit; and also Christ saith of all the Faithful, that it is not they that speak, but the Spi­rit of their Father that speaks in them; year, and the whole Gospel is called, the Ministration of the Spirit.

Now the true Prophets, speaking the Word of God by and in his Spirit, do also speak it in the right Sense, and after the true Mind of Christ, as Paul saith of himself, and of other Believers who had received the Spirit, We have the Mind of Christ.

But the false Prophets, though they speak the Word of the Letter exactly, and that according­ly to the very Original, and Curiosity of Criticisms, yet speaking it without the Spirit, they are false Prophets before God and his true Church; seeing all right Prophecy hath proceeded from the Spirit in all Ages of the World, but especia­lly it must so proceed in the Days of the New-Testament, wherein God hath promised the larg­est Effusion of his Spirit.

[Page 27] And they, speaking the Word of the Letter without the Spirit, do wholly mistake the Mind of Christ in all, and under the outward Letter of the Word of God do only bring in the Mind of Man. And this is one of the greatest Delusions, and most mischievous Snares that can be laid in the Church, to bring in the Word of Christ without the Mind of Christ, yea, to bring in the Word of Christ, against the Mind of Christ, and according to the Mind of Anti-christ: This is the effectual Operation of Error, whereby all Hypocrites and false Christians are deceived, and that without all Hope of Recovery.

And thus you see, that the true Prophets bring the true Word, and bring it also by the true Spi­rit, and this manifests them to be of God; but the false, either bring not the true Word, or if they bring the Word in the Letter, yet they bring it without the Spirit, and thus it is manifest, they are not of God.

Object. But some will object here; if a Man preach the Word in the Letter, even good, sound and orthodox Doctrine, no Doubt but such a Man is to be heard, and he may do much Good in the Church, though he wants Christ's Spirit: This I have heard from very many, who have though they have said something,

Answ. But to this I answer, That they who want Christ's Spirit, which is the Spirit of Pro­phecy, though they preach the exact Letter of the Word, yet are false Prophets, and not to be heard by the Sheep.

[Page 28] 1. Because, under the New-Testament, we are not to regard the Letter without the Spirit, but the Spirit as well as the Letter; yea, the Spirit more than the Letter: And therefore Paul saith, that Christ shall destroy Anti-christ with the Spi­rit of his Mouth, and the Brightness of his coming: He scarce takes any Notice of the Letter, but calls the true Preaching of the Gospel, the Spi­rit of Christ's Mouth, or the Ministration of the Spirit. And therefore the spiritual People can­not join to that Ministry, where the Spirit of Christ is wanting, though there be the outward Letter of the Word in it.

2. They that preach only the outward Letter of the Word without the true Spirit, they make all Things outward in the Church, and so carry the People, with whom they prevail, only to outward Things, to an outward Word, to out­ward Worship, outward Ordinances, outward Church, outward Government, &c. whereas, in the true Kingdom of Christ, all Things are inward and spiritual, and all the true Religion of Christ is written in the Soul and Spirit of Man, by the Spirit of God; and the Believer is the only Book, in which God himself writes his New-Testa­ment.

3. They who preach the outward Letter of the Word, though never so truly, without the Spirit, do (as hath been said) wholly mistake the Mind of Christ in the Word for want of the Spirit, which is the only true and infallible Inter­preter of his Mind; and so under the outward Letter of the Word, preach their own Mind, [Page 29]and not Christ's Mind; and do make all the Scriptures serve their own Turns, even their own wordly Ends and Advantages, and nothing else.

4. They that preach the outward Letter of the Word without the Spirit, can, with such a Word, both live themselves in all the inward Evils of corrupted Nature, and allow others to do so too. And thus the Gospel, which, in the Spirit of it, is the Judgment of Sin, is made, in the Letter of it, the Covering for Sin, and the Encourager of it; seeing such Men, who have the Letter of the Word in their Mouth, do live, in the inward Corruptions of their Hearts, more securely and quietly than other Men.

5. Last of all, let us know, that whoever doth agree with Christ never so exactly in the Letter, and yet differs from him in Spirit, is a very Anti-christ. And therefore, when the De­vils in him that was possessed said to Christ, We know thee who thou art, the holy One of God, and so agreed very exactly with the Gospel in the Letter, yet Christ forbad them to speak, because they spake not by a right Spirit. And Christ hath said, Whoever is not with me (that is, in the Spirit) is against me, though he have the same outward Letter of the Word with him.

And so, as Christ builds up his Church by his Spirit through his Word; so Anti-christ builds up his Church by the Word without the Spirit: And Christ's Church and Anti-christ's do often differ very little or nothing in Word or Letter, yet do always infinitely differ in Spirit.

[Page 30] Wherefore to conclude, let us know, that that Church that hath the Word, if it wants the Spirit, is Anti-christ's Church; and that that Mi­nistry that useth the Word, and wants the Spirit, is Anti-christ's Ministry; and that all Works, Duties, Prayings, Preaching, Fasting, Thanks­giving, &c. without Christ's Spirit, are nothing but the very Kingdom of Anti-christ, and the Abomination of Desolation.

And so I proceed to the second general Rule of Trial, which I propounded, whereby we may discern the true Prophets of Christ from the false Prophets of Anti-christ, and that is,

By the Truth of the Life of Christ, in Reference to his Office in the Word.

And here I shall give you many Trials, how you may certainly know and discern the false Pro­phets of Anti-christ from the true, humble, and faithful Ministers of Jesus Christ.

And the Lord Jesus Christ, before whom we are all present this Day, and before whose Tri­bunal we shall all be judged, he knows, that I shall not purposely speak any Thing at this Time, either to please myself, or to displease you; but I shall desire to speak all out of very Faithfulness to him, who hath remembered me when I was in low Condition, for his Mercy endureth for ever.

The first Sign then, whereby the true Prophets may be discerned from the false, is this,

First, the true Prophets are all sent of God. So was Moses whom God sent to the Children of [Page 31] Israel, and bid him tell them, that I AM, even the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, hath sent him to them; and he gave him a porportionable Measure of his Presence, to cause them to believe it. And Christ, a greater Prophet than Moses, even the Head of all the Children of God, said by Isaiah, xlviii. 16. Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the Be­ginning, and now the Lord and his Spirit hath sent me. And every where in the Gospel, he still de­clares, how be came not of himself, but his Father sent him.

And as the Father sent Christ, so Christ sends all his Seed, the true Ministers of the Gospel, as is manifest, John xx. 21. where Christ said to his Disciples, As my Father sent me, so send I you; which he spake not only touching them, but touching all that should believe in his Name through their Word: And Paul also saith. Rom. x. 15. How shall they teach except they be send? So that true Preaching comes from true sending, and this comes from the Grace of God.

Now I desire you farther to take Notice, that God hath reckoned the Choice of his Ministers, one of the weightiest Things that belong unto his Kingdom; wherefore he would never com­mit the [...]rust of this to any Sort of Men what­soever. Yea, Christ himself did not choose his Disciples at his own human Will, but only at the Will of God, and therefore was much in Prayer before he chose them.

And the Apostles themselves durst not of them­selves, when they were all met together, choose [Page 32]any one into the Room of Judas, but they be­took themselves to Prayer, and desired the Lord to shew whom he had chosen. And Acts xiii. the Spirit said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the Work whereunto I have called them. And Paul tells the Galatians, that he was an Apostle, not of Men, nor by Men, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father.

By all which Scriptures we may perceive what Care the Lord hath always had, to send his own Ministers himself into his own Church, and would have his true Church receive no Ministers but such as he sends them.

And the great and chief Sending into the Church is from God himself, as we see in Moses, and all the Prophets, and in Christ himself, the Head of them, and in all the Apostles, and in all Believers.

Now the Proof of a Man's sending from God is this, to be anointed with the Spirit; as John xx. 22. when Christ said to his Disciples, As my Father sent me, so send I you, he breathed upon them, and said, receive the holy Spirit: For his Father sent him only by pouring out his Spirit on him; and he sends them so only; and he that saith, The Unction of the Spirit alone is not sufficient for the Ministry of the New-Testament, he denies Christ and his Apostles to have been sufficient Ministers, and he perverts the Scripture, and seduces the People.

Now the true Teachers, through the pouring forth of the Spirit on them, they do truly know Christ himself, and the great Mystery of the Gos­pel, [Page 33]and all the Things that are freely given us of God; and they are also filled with Love to their Brothren, and are enabled to confess the Truth, and to do thereafter, and to contemn the World, and patiently to suffer Rebukes, &c. all which is a sufficient Proof of any One's sending from God.

And thus the true Prophets are all sent of God, which is their great Comfort and Support in all Trouble and Difficulties, because he that sends them, is still with them. Lo (saith Christ) I am with you always, to the End of the World.

But now, on the contrary, the false Prophets and Ministers of Anti-Christ are not sent of God, but are sent and appointed by Men, and that thro' their own Desire and Seeking. And of such the Lord complains, Jer. xxiii. 21. I have not sent these Prophets, yet they ran; I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied: But because I sent them not, neither commanded them, they shall not profit this People at all, saith the Lord, Verse 32.

And Christ saith, Many false Christs, and false Prophets, shall arise; i. e. are not sent of God, but shall arise of themselves. And Paul saith to the Elders of the Church of Ephesus, Acts xx. Out of yourselves shall Men arise, speaking perverse Things, to draw Disciples after them. They arise of themselves, they are not sent of God.

Now such Teachers as these do usually spring up in the Church, through academical Degrees, and ecclesiastical Ordination; which two Things have poured forth into the Church whole Swarms of false Prophets, and Anti-christian Ministers, [Page 34]never sent of God, nor anointed of his Spirit, to the irreparable Damage, Prejudice, and Ruin of the People and Nations who have received them, with their false and poisonful Doctrine.

Wherefore all those Teachers who are not sent of the Lord and his Spirit, but arise of them­selves, and come into the Church in the Strength and Might of their Degrees and Orders, they are all false Prophets.


The true Prophets, who are sent of God, take all their Warrant and Authority from God for what they teach, and do not at all regard Men, or build on them. And this hath all along made the true Teachers so bold, and so confident, in the Name of God, against the World and world­ly Church; So Isaiah I. 4. &c. saith, The Lord God hath given me the Tongue of the Learned, that I should know how to speak a Word in due Season to him that is weary; he wakeneth Morning by Morn­ing; he wakeneth my Ear to hear as the Learned.

The Lord hath opened mine Ear, and I was not rebellious, neither turned away back.

For the Lord God will help me, therefore shall I not be confounded; therefore have I set my Face as a Flint, and I know I shall not be ashamed.

He is near that just fies me; who will contend with me? Let us stand together; who is mine Ad­versary? Let him me near me.

Behold the Lord will help me; who is he that shall condemn me? Lo they all shall wax old as a Gar­ment, the Moth shall eat them up. See here the ad­mirable Confidence of a Teacher sent from God.

[Page 35] And so also our Lord Jesus Christ in the Days of his Flesh, how bold was he in his Ministry, coming in the Name of the Lord, and having his Authority and Doctrine from him! How boldly did he reprove the Scribes and Pharisees, the chief Teachers of the Jewish Church! And what a clear and glorious Confession of the Truth of God, did he hold forth against all their Opposi­tion and Contradiction?

And the Apostles, when the Rulers, Elders, and Scribes, and Annas, the High Priest, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and all the Kindred of the High Priest were gathered toge­ther, and threatened them, and straitly charged them, to preach no more in that Name, they an­swered, Whether it be right in the Sight of God, to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye: For we cannot but speak the Things which we have seen and heard, Acts iv. 19.

And so Wicklisse, John Hus, and Luther, who were sent of God, did take all their Authority from God alone, and so were bold and confident, each of them in their Time, against the whole World.

But now the false Prophets, who come of themselves, and by the sending of Men, they do all by the Authority and Warrant of Man; and accordingly do join themselves together, by secu­lar Power, to bring about their Doctrines and Designs in the Church; and from the civil Au­thority they procure Leave and Power to publish their Doctrine, and set up their Discipline in the Church, and to suppress whatever is contrary [Page 36]thereto; and without this worldly Licence and Authority, they neither can nor dare do any Thing; and are never bold, but when the Au­thority of Man is for them. But the true Pro­phets (as hath been said) do only take their Au­thority from Christ for what they teach, and are bold in his Name only, to hold it forth: And so after they have published the Word in Faith, in the same Faith they leave the Maintenance and defending of it to him alone, whose Word it is; and they neither publish it for Man's command­ing, nor smother it for Man's forbidding.

Wherefore those Teachers, who have not their Warrant from Christ for their Doctrine, and are not bold in his Name alone, but do derive all their Authority and Encouragement from Men, to speak and act in the Things of God, they are all false Prophet s, and Ministers of Anti-Christ.


The true and faithful Teachers, as they are sent of God, and take their Authority from God, so in all their Doctrine, they only hold forth Jesus Christ. And this they have learned from God himself.

For the Father speaking immediately from Heaven, preached nothing but Christ, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, hear him: And this he spake thrice from the ex­cellent Glory; manifesting, that he himself had no higher Thing, nor no other Thing to declare to the World, than his Son Jesus Christ, in whom alone are hid all the Treasures of all true and spi­ritual Wisdom and Knowledge.

[Page 37] The Son also in all his Ministry, only declared who himself was, whom the Father had given to the elect Church, saying, Psalm ii. I will pub­lish the Decree, whereof the Lord hath said unto me, thou art my Son, this Day have I begotten thee: And in all his Ministry only declared who he was, and to what End his Father had given him, say­ing, I am the Bread of Life, which cometh down from Heaven; he that cometh to me shall never bun­ger; and he that believeth in me shall never thirst: And, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no Man cometh to the Father but by me. And all his Doctrine and Works were to this End, that we might believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that believing in him, we might have eternal Life.

The Apostles also of the Lord, after they had received the Spirit, did go up and down the World, only preaching Jesus, and Repentance, and Re­mission of Sins in his Name.

And Paul, a laborious Preacher, through the Grace of God, did renounce and reject all his worldly Learning, and all his human Accom­plishments and Excellencies in the Ministry of the Gospel, and preached nothing but the right Knowledge of Christ, and right Faith in him, as he himself testifies, Phil. iii. 7. &c. saying, What Things were Gain to me, those I counted Loss for Christ; yea doubtless, and I count all Things but Loss for the Excellency of the Knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord, for whom I have suffered the Loss of all Things, and do count them but Dung, that I may win Christ, and be found in him, not having [Page 38]my own Righteousness, which is of the Law, but that which is through the Faith of Christ, the Righ­teousness which is of God by Faith; that I may know him, and the Power of his Resurrection, and the Fellowship of his Sufferings, and be made conform­able to him in his Death, if by any Means I might attain to the Resurrection from the Dead.

And he also tells the Corinthians, that he de­sired to know nothing amongst them, but Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

And thus the true Teachers preach nothing but Christ, and him they preach, not according to their own human Conceptions and Apprehen­sions, but according to the Revelation they have received from the Father by the Spirit.

But, on the contrary, the false Teachers preach nothing less than Christ, and Faith in him: But they chiefly teacher the Law, and moral Doctrine, and Works, or else Philosophical Subtilties and Speculations, which yet the Apo­stle hath expresly forbidden, Col. ii. 8, saying to the Faithful, Beware lest any Man spoil you thro' Philosophy and vain Deceit, after the Tradition of Men, after the Elements of the World, and not af­ter Christ; for in him dwells the Fulness of the God­head bodily; and ye are compleat in him, who is the Head of all Principality and Power: And so we need not turn from Christ to Philosophy, that vain Deceit.

Wherefore they who preach not the Mystery of Christ, through the Revelation of the Father, and the Spirit, but moral Virtues and vain Philo­sophy, [Page 39]instead of Christ, are all of them false Prophets, and Ministers of Anti-christ.


The true Ministers and Prophets of Christ, as they only hold forth Christ, so they hold him forth only for the Love of God, and their Bro­ther, and not for any worldly Profit or Gain.

Thus Christ taught his Disciples, out of the Love of God; as he saith, I delight to do thy Will, O my God, yea thy Law is within my Heart; that is, his Love to God. And also out of Love to his Brother; for having loved his own, he loved them to the End; and out of this Love taught them; as he saith, I have called you Friends; for whatsoever I have heard from my Father, I have declared unto you.

And as he taught out of Love himself, so he hath commanded all his Seed to teach one ano­ther out of the same Love, and hath given them his Spirit, which is Love, that thereby they might love both him, and their Brethren; and therefore Christ (knowing how difficult a Work it was, to feed his Sheep with the right and sound Doctrine of the Gospel; and that none could or would perform this, except they loved Christ from their very Heart Root) said thrice to Peter, Peter, dost thou love me? Dost thou love me? Dost thou love me? Then feed my Sheep, my Lambs, my Sheep: And Paul saith, The Love of Christ con­strained him to teach the Gospel. And the Fruit of the Spirit, in all Believers, being Love; in this [Page 40]brotherly Love, they serve one another in the Gospel.

And as Christ himself did not sell his spiritual Travel to his Church, for worldly Profit or Gain; no more do his true Seed and Servants; for saith Paul, Acts xx. 33. I have coveted no Man's Silver, or Gold, or Apparel; yea, yourselves know, that these Hands have ministered to my Necessity, and to them who were with me: And 2 Cor. xii. 14. Be­hold the third Time I am ready to come to you, I will not be burdensome to you, for I seek not yours, but you. And Verse 17. Did I make a Gain of you, by any of them whom I sent unto you? Or did Titus make a Gain of you? Walked we not both in the same Spirit?

And thus the true Teachers do not seek any temporal Gain or Commodity, from the Hands of Men, by their preaching, but do truly and cheerfully teach out of the Love of Christ, and their Brother.

But, on the contrary, the false Teachers, tho' they do not teach the Gospel (being destitute of the Spirit) but vain Philosophy and human Doc­trines instead of it, yet will they live by the Go­spel, and not by the Labour of their Hands, in a lawful Calling; they will have the temporal Goods of the Church, and yet not minister the spiritual Treasure of it; and what they do mini­ster they do it for Reward, as it is written, Mi­cah iii. 11. The Priests teach for Hire, and the Prophets divine for Money; and he that putteth not into their Mouths, they even prepare War against him.

[Page 41] And to shew they preach for the Love of Gain, they are brought up to the Ministry as to a Trade to live by; and they run in this Way, from one Place to another, from a lesser to a greater Liv­ing, and where they may gain most of this World, there will they be sure to be: Yea, so much are they addicted to their worldly Advantage, that they had rather Christ's Kingdom should never be set up in the World, nor Anti-christ's never be thrown down than suffer any Loss or Dimi­nution in their Profit, Power, Dignity, Autho­rity, or in any worldly Thing, whereof they have got the Possession and Enjoyment.

Wherefore they that teach Christ, not for the Love of Christ, and their Brother, but for tem­poral Gain, and worldly Advantage only, are all of them false Teachers, and Ministers of Anti-christ.


The true Teachers teach Christ to others, as they have been taught him of God, only for the Glory of God, and not out of Vain-glory. Wherefore Christ said of himself, John viii. 50. I seek not mine own Glory. And John vii. 18. He that speaketh of himself, seeketh his own Glory; but he that seeketh the Glory of him that sent him, the same is true, and no Unrighteousness is in him. So that whoever speaketh from God, seeketh God's Glory: And so also Paul saith, 1 Thess. ii. 6. Nor of Men sought we Glory, neither of you, nor yet of others.

[Page 42] So that true Teachers do not preach the Word to win to themselves Glory in the World, and Praise, and Applause from Men; but do rather seek the Glory of God by their Doctrine, though Hypocrites and carnal People, for this Cause do deride and scorn them.

But, on the contrary, the false Teachers seek above all Things their own Glory by the Mini­stry, and to this End,

  • 1. They get to themselves Titles and Degrees in the University, for their pretended Knowledge in Divinity above other Christians; and by these Degrees they get the uppermost Seats in the Sy­nagogues, and Greetings in the Markets, and are called of Men, Doctor, Doctor, which Christ hath expresly forbidden in his Gospel.
  • 2. Having got such Titles, they go forth in their own Name as Men of approved Religion, Learning, Reputation and Worth, and for such they make Account the World should receive them.
  • 3. They especially desire to preach to rich Men, and great Men, and Men in Place and Au­thority, that from them they may have Protec­tion, Favour, Preferment, and a quiet Life, and care not much to preach to the poor, plain, mean People, by whom they can expect no worldly Advantage.
  • 4. To this End also, they speak in the Words which Man's Wisdom teacheth, and so mingle Philosophy with Divinity, and think to credit the Gospel with Terms of Art, and do sprinkle their Sermons with Hebrew, Greek, Latin, as with [Page 43]a Perfume acceptable to the Nostrils of the World.

In a Word, they preach all Things in a plea­sing Spirit to the World, that they by all may get Glory to themselves, and may be accounted, with Simon Magus, some great Ones. And in all this, they shew they speak of themselves, and not of God; seeing they seek not God's Glory, but their own; for, He that speaketh of himself, seeketh his own Glory.

Wherefore they who by their Ministry do not seek the Glory of God alone, and of his Son Je­sus Christ, but seek their own Glory, and the Praise of Men, as the Clergy generally do, and not least of all in this Place, they are all of them false Prophets, and Ministers of Anti-christ.


The true Preachers and Ministers of Christ, when they are opposed, resisted, slandered and persecuted for the Word's Sake, they endure it with all Meekness, Humility and Patience. Thus Christ endured all the Reproaches, Contradic­tions, Revilings, and Persecutions from the Jew; and when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not, but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously, 1 Pet. ii. 23. And Paul saith of himself to the Corinthians, 1 Cor. xii. 12. You had the Signs of my Apostleship in all Patience.

But, on the contrary, the false Teachers, when any Truth is preached that they know not, or [Page 44]that is against their Gain or Glory, they snarl and bark at it, and bite them that bring it. And therefore saith Paul, Beware of Dogs, Phil. iii. 2. not Dogs by Nature, but by Practice and Condi­tion. Now a curst Dog, lying on a rich Garment, or soft Carpet, at his Ease, as long as he may lie still he is very quiet, but if you would remove him from his Place, he soon snarls and flies at you, and shews of what Mettle he is made. So the false Teachers, who have gotten a carnal Knowledge of the Word, and have thereby got­ten Preferment, and great Advantages in the World, they lie quiet on these soft Things, as long as they may lie still; but if any seek by the Word of God to rouze them up from these Things, they rise up like angry Dogs, and bark at them, and rend them, as much as they can or dare.

Wherefore those Teachers who cannot patient­ly suffer Wrongs for the Word's Sake, but, on the contrary, when they are reproved by the Word, and their Sheeps Clothing pulled off, even their false Vizard of Religion, do presently grow im­patient and furious; and they that bark and foam against the late revealed Truth, which toucheth them very near, they all are false Teachers, and Ministers of Anti-christ.


The true Prophets, and Ministers of Christ, do not force any Body to hear them, and obey their Doctrine against their Wills, neither do they vex and trouble them with secular Power, [Page 45]who will not obey them, and be subject to them; but they leave all such People as they found them, lest they should seem by their Doctrine to seek any worldly Thing.

Thus Christ when he taught the Gospel, still cried out, He that hath Ears to hear, let him hear; and he that had not Ears to hear, he did not pu­nish him: And again saith Christ, If any Man with be my Disciple, let him deny himself, and take up his [...], and follow me; and still left Men to their own Freedom, whether they would be his Disciples or no.

And as Christ did thus himself, so he left the same Thing in Command with all his true Dis­ciples; and when he sent them forth to preach, Matthew x, he charged them, saying, Whoever will not receive you, nor hear your Words, when you depart out of that House or City, shake off the Dust of your Feet, as a Testimony against them; he doth not bid them, if they be refused, to be­take themselves to the secular Power, to get Au­thority from thence to stay and abide there, whe­ther they will or no, or otherwise to punish them, but bids them only to shake off the Dust of their Feet, that they might know, they came not to them for the Love of earthly Things. And when the Apostles, out of a false Zeal, would have had Christ to have commanded Fire to have come down from Heaven to have destroyed them that would not receive him, he plainly reproved them, saying, Ye know not of what Spirit ye are; for the Son of Man is not come to destroy Mens Lives, but to save them.

[Page 46] It is recorded in the Life of Simon and Jude the Apostles, as both Gullelmus de Sancto Amore, and John Hus relate, that when the chief Ruler was very angry with those who defamed the Doc­trine of those Apostles, and in great Zeal com­manded a great Fire to be made, that such Op­posers might be cast into it, the Apostles fell down before the Emperor, saying, We beseech you (Sir) let not us be the Authors or Causers of this Destruction, who are come to publish the Doctrine of eternal Salvation; neither let us who are sent to revive those who are dead through Sin, become the Killers of those who are alive.

Wherefore those Teachers who, for worldly Advantage Sake, will force themselves upon those Men against their Wills, who will not willingly receive them; and will provoke the worldly Pow­ers and Magistrates to punish those who will not hear and receive them and their Doctrine, they all are false Prophets and Ministers of Anti-christ.


The true Teachers are content that others should teach as well as they, and would not make a Monopoly of the Ministry to themselves alone, for worldly Advantage Sake.

Thus our Lord Jesus Christ did not content himself to preach the Gospel alone, but he sent forth others, as his Father sent forth him, yea, he pours forth his Spirit on all Flesh, that Sons and Daughters, and Servants, and Handmaids may prophesy, and so Knowledge may cover the [Page 47]Earth, as Waters the Seas: And to make the World willing to receive such Teachers, he saith, He that receiveth you, receiveth me; and he that receiveth me, receiveth him that sent me.

And when Eldad and Medad, upon whom the Spirit of the Lord did rest, did prophesy in the Camp of Israel, without asking any Licence from Moses, and one told Moses of it in great Displea­sure, and Joshua thereupon wished Moses to for­bid them to prophesy, then Moses, the meek Ser­vant of the Lord, replied, Enviest thou for my Sake, would God (saith he) that all the Lord's People were Prophets, and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them all, Numb. xi. 29. And so the godly Mind of any faithful Teacher, desireth to be helped in the Work of the Word, that the precious Truth of the Gospel, which he him­self alone cannot sufficiently express, all Mens Tongues might declare. And so they do not en­vy in others those spiritual Gifts which God hath given them, but do wish, that every Man had a Mouth and Wisdom given him, to declare the Mystery of the Gospel, and the infinite Love, Mercy, Wisdom, Truth, Power, Redemption, and Salvation of God, by Jesus Christ, which can­not by all Mens Tongues be sufficiently published in the World.

Farther, as no worldly Prince or Magistrate hath such unlimited Power over the Goods of the People, as to forbid them to give corporal Alms to them that stand in Need, as Occasion is mi­nistered; no more hath any Power, whether ec­clesiastical or civil, such Dominion over the [Page 48]Word and Truth of God, written by the Spirit in the Hearts of Believers, but that they may at all Times, and upon all Occasions, minister spi­ritual Alms to them who stand in Need, by the teaching of the Gospel.

Wherefore those Teachers, who are envious that any should preach the Word but themselves, and their own Tribe, as they call it (because they get great worldly Advantage thereby, whereas otherwise they would be contented that any should preach) and so would have the civil Ma­gistrate only to licence them to be Preachers be­cause of their Degrees and Orders, and to forbid all others, they all are false Teachers, and Mini­sters of Anti-christ.


The true Teachers do not only teach the Word, but are also ready to seal to the Truth of it, with their Estates, Liberties and Lives.

Thus did Jesus Christ, as was foretold by Isa­iah, Chap. 1. 5. where Christ saith by his Spirit, The Lord hath opened mine Ear, and I was not re­bellious, neither turned away back; I gave my Back to the Smiters, and my Cheeks to them who plucked off the Hair; I hid not my Face from Shame and Spitting. And in the Days of his Flesh, how willingly did he seal to the Truth of his New-Te­stament Doctrine with his Suffering, and suffered himself to be apprehended by the Hands of Men, and to be crucified, when he could have com­manded Legions of Angels for his Succour, if he [Page 49]had pleased, and would not have made use of his own Infinite and Almighty Power.

And this Submission and Willingness to suffer for the Truth, Christ hath commanded all his Disciples, saying, He that will save his Life, shall lose it; and he that will lose his Life for my Sake shall save it: And if any Man will be my Dis­ciple, let him deny himself, take up the Cross, and follow me: And again, I send you forth as Sheep among Wolves, and ye shall be brought before Kings and Rulers for my Name's Sake, that is, for the true and spiritual Teaching of the Gospel.

Now as nothing will procure us more Enmity, than the spiritual holding forth of the Gospel, which will cause the worldly Church to cast out our Name as evil, and to cast our Persons out of their Synagogues, yea, and also to kill us, when they can get Power; so, if we be true Teachers, must we be ready and willing to suffer all this for Christ's Name's Sake.

Wherefore those Teachers who embrace the Heighth and Honour of this Life, and will not own the Gospel of Christ, farther than they may thereby procure to themselves Credit, Reputa­tion, Profit, and Preferment in World; and to this End, in doubtful and difficult Times, car­ry themselves so subtilly, that whatever Party shall prevail, they may still stand on their Legs, and enjoy their present Prosperity and Prefer­ment, and so are neither hot nor cold, neither truly for the Truth, nor openly against the Truth, but seek by all subtil Means to decline the Cross of Christ. And though in Christ himself, they [Page 50]praise his Meanness, Plainess, Simplicity, Suf­fering, and Cross, yet they themselves are deli­cate, and cannot endure these Things for Christ's Sake in themselves, but bend and frame the whole Course of their Ministry so, as they may obtain all good Things from the World, and avoid and escape all evil Things from it; these all are false Prophets, and Ministers of Anti-christ.

By these nine Signs (for I shall name no more now) may the true Prophets and Ministers of Christ be manifestly distinguished and discerned from the false Ones of Anti-christ, by all the true People of God, who have received his Spi­rit.

Now let God and his Word be true, and eve­ry Man a Liar.

And now I shall make but two Uses of this Discourse briefly, and so conclude for this Time. And the first shall be to those of you, who are spiritual Christians; and the second to the carnal Clergy.

First, You who are true Believers, and spiri­tual Christians, may judge aright, by what you have heard, of the present Clergy, or common Ministry of the Nation; and may see, by the clear Light of the Word, that they, for the Genera­lity of them, are not true, but false Prophets; not the Ministers of Christ, but of Anti-christ; not sent of God, nor anointed by his Spirit, but ordained and appointed by Men, at their own Desire and Seeking, for worldly Advantage Sake; Men who stand and minister in the Church, on­ly in the Strength of their academical Degrees, [Page 51]and ecclesiastical Ordination, but do not stand and feed the People in the Strength of the Lord, and in the Majesty of the Name of their God. And this corrupt Ministry, or carnal Clergy, have deceived the People and Nations, with a corrupt and carnal Understanding of Christ, and of the Scriptures, and of the Kingdom of Christ, and of the Government of his Kingdom, and of all the Things of Christ: Yea, they have, under the Name and Pretence of Christ, set up a Church to Anti-christ every where, and do continually mislead Thousands of poor Souls, and carry them Captive to Hell, and that under the Colour and Pretence of Religion.

And this, I say, is the great Evil in these false Teachers, that, under the Name of Christ, they fight against Christ, and under the Name of the Word, they fight against the Word, and under the Name of the Church, they fight against the Church: And this is a grievous Abomination of Desolation in the Temple of God, that they who should be the Chief for the Truth, are the Chief against it; and that they who should be faithful Witnesses to the holy Truth of Christ, should prove lying Witnesses against it. If a prophane Person, or Heathen, should do this, it would be Wickedness and Impiety even in them; but this is horrible Abomination, and Anti-christianism in the Church of Christ; that they, who are come into it as Friends, and have obtained the chief Places in it, should yet, under this Vizard, be in­deed very Enemies, and Seducers, and Hinderers of the Word of Christ crucified. Wherefore, [Page 52]saith the Truth against such, Psal. lv. 12. It was not an Enemy that reproached me, then I could have borne it; neither was it he that hated me, that mag­nified himself against me, for then I would have hid myself from him; but it was thou, a Man, mine Equal, my Guide, and my Acquaintance; we took sweet Counsel together, and walked unto the House of God in Company, &c.

And so these false Teachers are these familiar Enemies, who exercise all their Hatred under the Pretence of Love, all their Enmity under Pre­tence of Friendship, and practise all their Wick­edness under a Form of Godliness; and by this Subtilty have they deceived the World. They will not plainly contradict the Words of the Pro­phets, Apostles and Christ, in the Letter of it, but will pr [...], and speak well of it; but yet they are utter Enemies to the true and spiritual Meaning of it, both in their Lives and Doctrine: And the more these Men make a Shew of Reli­gion and Holiness, the greater Anti-christs they be in the Church.

Wherefore to you who are true Christians, and have received an Anointing from God, this is the Word and Charge of God, Come out from among them, my People, and touch not the unclean Thing; that is, their carnal Doctrine; have no­thing to do with such Prophets and Ministers, but remember what Christ saith, John x. that his Sheep hear his Voice, and will not hear the Voice of Strangers; for they know the Voice of Strangers. And if any of you live in any Town or Parish, where such false Prophets are, though they go [Page 53]under the Name of Godly and Orthodox, yet touch not the unclean Things; but know, that it is better for you Believers to assemble together among yourselves, though you be but few, than to communicate with the false Prophets in their false Ordinances; seeing Christ hath promised his Presence to his Believers, even where but two or three meet together in his Name; yea, he hath said, If any two of you shall agree together to ask any Thing on Earth, it shall be done of my Father which is in Heaven. And if you, having these Promi­ses, shall meet together among yourselves, in the Name and Spirit of Christ, in the Use of the Word and Prayer of Faith, lo Christ himself will be with you; and though you be but few, yet are you the Church of the living God, the Pillar and Ground of Truth, and of that very Church, against which the Gates of Hell shall not prevail. And thus much to you spiritual Christians.

2. And now for the carnal Clergy, or false Prophets, their Burden is this from the Lord. You have run when you were not sent; you have said, Thus saith the Lord, when the Lord hath not spoken by you; you have grieved the Hearts of the Faithful, and strengthened the Hands of the Wicked; you have been forward to advance the Form of Godliness, whilst you have been bit­ter Enemies to the Power of it; you have de­ceived the Nations, and made them drunk with the Cup of the Wine of your Fornications; you have done more against Christ and his true Church, and more for Anti-christ and his false [Page 54]Church, than all the People in these Nations be­sides. Wherefore this is the Word of the Lord God to you, throughout all your Quarters, that the Nations shall not much longer be deceived by you, nor buy any more of your Merchandize; for your Wine is the Poison of Dragons, and the cruel Venom of Asps; your Doctrine being the Word of Philosophy, and not of Faith; after the Mind of Man, but contrary to Christ's Mind; to set up yourselves, and your own Interest, to the Prejudice of Christ's Word and People. Where­fore, how much you have glorified yourselves, and lived deliciously by this Trade, of making Mer­chandize of the Word of God, so much Tor­ment and Sorrow shall God give you, and your Plagues shall come upon you in a Day, and your Judgment in an Hour; and your Lovers shall not be able to help you, nor the Petitioners for you, to uphold you; but God shall bring you down wonderfully, by the clear Light of his Word, and his mighty and unresistable Provi­dence accompanying it; and the World shall tremble and wonder at the Noise of your Down­fal; and the Heavens, and holy Apostles, and Prophets, shall rejoice over you, when God shall avenge their Cause upon you. And the Lord will save his Flock; and they shall be no more a Prey to you, neither shall you any more serve yourselves of them. And he will set up one Shepherd over them, even Jesus Christ; and he shall feed them, and be their Shepherd. And till these Things be fully brought to pass, you shall be cloathed with Trembling, when you [Page 55]shall perceive the Lord is risen up to perform all these Things, according to his Word.

And now for Conclusion, if any of you, or most of you, or all of you, are offended at these Things, in such Sort, that you cannot contain yourselves from Anger and bitter Zeal, I do in­treat you to consider seriously, how much bet­ter, and more profitable to your eternal Salvation it would be, for you to resist and to refrain from such Evil and unchristian Passions, and that you would rather (if there be any Hope) return to your own Hearts, and try your Works, and re­pent before our holy and righteous Lord, and re­turn truly and speedily to Christ from Anti-christ, lest you be inwrapped both in his temporal and eternal Destruction.

And thus much was delivered to the Univer­sity Congregation in Cambridge, for a Testimony against them, except they repent.


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