Mr. Lockwood's Election-SERMON,
May 9th, 1754.
RELIGION the highest Interest of a civil Community, and the surest Means of its Prosperity.
By JAMES LOCKWOOD, A. M. Pastor of a Church in Wethersfield.
NEW-LONDON, Printed and Sold by TIMOTHY GREEN, Printer to the GOVERNOUR & COMPANY, 1754.
ORDERED, That JOHN CHESTER Esq; and Col. ELISHA WILLIAMS, Return the Thanks of this Assembly, to the Rev'd Mr. JAMES LOCKWOOD, for his SERMON Delivered (on the ninth Day of May Instant,) before the Assembly, and Desire a Copy thereof that it may be PRINTED.
An Election Sermon.
THE People of Israel were remarkably distinguish'd by the Favours of God, and the Smiles of his Providence, above all other Nations then on the Earth; and they unhappily and remarkably distinguish'd Themselves, by their Ingratitude and Perverseness; and their uneasie, mutinous, and disobedient Temper and Conduct. This reproachful Stigma, is justly lest on their Character, in the Oracles of God;— A stiff-necked People;— A rebellious House. After they had long groan'd▪ under their Burdens and miserable Slavery, in the Land of Egypt; God made bare his own Arm, in a signal and remarkable Manner, for their Deliverance: by [Page 2] Signs, and Wonders, and awful Judgments; [...] the Egyptian Tyrant, and [...] He brought [...] Egypt, and House [...] them under his own [...] Himself, [...] Head; and he [...] good & excellent Laws, [...] and during at [...] thro' the Wilderness, He was their [...] & Defence▪ a wall of Fire round about them▪ [...] Security. He commanded the Clouds from above, and opened the Doors of Heaven, and [...] [...]wn M [...]n [...] upon them to eat▪ he g [...]ve them of the Corn of Heaven▪— He [...] the [...]ck also and the waters gush [...]d out, and the Streams overflowed. * He cast out the He [...] [...] [...]re them, and planted them in a good [...] ▪ the Land promised to their Fathers [...] up Judges for them, to execute Jus [...] an [...] Judgment▪ & to lead forth their Armies [...]: These generally were occasional & extraordinary Officers; who, like the Rom [...]n [...] of old, were call'd to the Administration, on some extraordinary Exigence of State, [...] that was over, their Authority expired [...] at an End. And now great was the I [...]gr [...]de of this People! how perverse their Carri [...] under a long Series [Page 3] of Mercies and Salvations! how often did they murmur against Moses & the other Servants of the Lord! how often rebel against God Himself! and to all their other Sins & Provocations, they added this also, that they asked a King to be set over them, like the other Nations round about them; for this they applyed to Samuel, who had long judged them, in the Integrity of his Heart; and guided them by the Skilfulness of his Hands. This their Request, was highly displeasing to that good Man; who, accordingly, warmly remonstrated and protested against it, and labour'd to disswade them from it, but in vain, they were obstinate & inflexible in their Demand;— nay, but we will have a King to reign over us. ‖ Provoking as this must have been to God, who himself was their King, & whom they rejected, that he should not reign over them; after having expressed a suitable Resentment, and shown them their Wickedness and Guilt, He gave way to their Request and Saul the Son of K [...]sh was Anointed King over them. Here the Form of their Civil Government, was considerably altered, yet not so, but that God still continued to be their King and civil Head, so as He was not of any other Nation in the World: and their Kings, who henceforth reigned over them, were but his Viceroys; for, their political Laws were enacted by God, [Page 4] and These, their Kings were obliged to transcribe, when they enter'd upon their Government, and invariably to conform all their Administrations to them; and from Time to Time, on special and extraordinary Occasions, to consult the Oracle of God, and take their Measures thence. Ungrateful & rebellious as this People were, to their King, and their GOD; yet, He did not utterly forsake and abandon them; but his great Goodness and Mercy triumphed over their Perverseness and Disobedience: agreably, He tells them, by his Servant Samuel, in the Words now read; If ye will fear the Lord, and serve him, and obey his voice, and not rebel against the Commandment of the Lord, then shall both ye, and also the King that reigneth over you, continue following the Lord your God. Here is a divi [...] Promise to Israel, of a mighty, comprehensive Blessing▪ on a Condition. The Condition is express'd in the former Part of the Verse; the Promise in the Close of it; in the preceeding Part of the Verse, we have not a vain and useless Accumulation of Words, but these various Expressions, importing much the same Thing, are heaped together, as is usual in the Sacred Writings, to intimate the great Importance of the Matter, express it the more strongly and emphatically, and the more effectually to engage our Attention and Conformity to it. Religion in general, is frequently [Page 5] set forth by each of these Expressions singly, & when they are all [...]aid together, they express it with special Force and Emphasis; or, if we are to seek a more particular Meaning of these several Expressions; the first may mean, that sacred Reverence & holy Fear of the blessed God, which ought to be found reigning, in the Hearts of all his reasonable Creatures, in Connexion with every other Branch, of a pious & religious Temper of Mind; and the other Expressions may signify, the proper and genuine Effects of such a Temper, in a Life of Sobriety, Godliness and Righteousness; and so it comes to the same Thing. Now, on Condition of their being religious and obedient, of their fearing God and serving him, He graciously promises them his Blessing and Prosperity▪ This we have in the Close of the Verse; Then shall both ye▪ and also the King that reigneth over you continue following the Lord your God. To follow God, frequently Signifies, the same Thing with serving and obeying him, and conforming to his Will and Laws; but here it plainly has a different Meaning; Then shall ye▪ and also the King that reigneth over you, continue following the Lord your God. i.e. Ye shall be a secure & happy People. Tho' you have grievously offended in asking a King, yet, if ye will now fear and obey God; He will graciously forgive what is past, He will still be your God and your King, He will [Page 6] go before you, to lead and conduct you, to defend and bless you; and under his Conduct, Protection, and Blessing; you shall be a happy and prosperous People.
The PROPOSITION obviously contained in the Words, and which may be consider'd on this Occasion, is this,
Religion is the truest Interest and highest Happiness of a People▪ Or, 'Tis the surest and best Means, to promote the Welfare and Felicity of a Civil Community.
This is a most important Point, in which we are all most intimately concern'd. Religion and Holiness, to fear and obey God, and to be conform'd to his Perfections, is certainly, the most excellent, the most important Thing in the World: 'tis the Beauty, the Ornament & Glory of every individual Person: 'Tis the surest, & most unfailing, the only unfailing Means of promoting their true Peace and Comfort, their Happiness and Well-being in this World; of making them Easy & Happy in themselves, & Blessings to those about them: and 'tis absolutely necessary to the Well-being & Happiness of all Persons in the World to come. The primary End and Design of all Religion, is, to rescue us from the misery and fatal effects of the Apostacy, to recover us to Holiness, and [Page 7] the Favour of God, and to raise us to the highest Happiness, & Perfection of our Natures, in the coming World;— Godliness is profitable unto all Things, having Promise of the Life that now is, and of that which is to come. † This Consideration infers on all Persons, the strongest Obligations to lead holy, religious and obedient Lives: But this is not all, such is the friendly Aspect of true Vertue and Religion on Mankind; that, not only has it the most direct and powerful Tendency, to advance our true Happiness & Well-being, singly considered, but, 'tis likewise the most effectual, the best and surest Means in the World, to promote the Felicity and Welfare of a People, and Nation or Civil Community. The serious Practice or Religion, has a blessed Influence on all Orders and Ranks of Persons in the Sta [...], from the highest Ruler, down to the lowest and meanest Subject; and to put the whole political Body into a flourishing and prosperous State. This DOCTRINE may be Confirmed and Illustrated,
- I. From the Example of past Ages, and the Promises and Declarations of God's Word.
- II. From the general Tendency and Influence of Religion. And,
- III. From some particular Branches of Religion, that directly and obviously Subserve [Page 8] the Interest, and promote the Felicity of a civil Community: Of these in Order.
I. That Religion is the Surest and best Means, to promote the Welfare of the State; appears from the Example of past Ages, and the Promises and Declarations of God's Word It we consult the History of the J [...]ws, which lies before us in the Sacred Writings, we shall find, this was apparently the Case of that People; they were under prosperous or afflicted Circumstances, as Religion flourish'd or languish'd among them: When their ways pleased the Lord, and they were obedient to his Laws, the remarkable Smiles of his Providence were upon them; but when they were disobedient & rebellious, and Idolatry & Wickedness prevailed, the Indignation of Heaven Smoaked against them, and wasting Calamities & Judgments broke in upon them; and this was so constantly the [...]nour of God's Dealings with that People, that one might pretty easily determine, from a Knowlege of their moral Character, and the State of Religion among them, at any given Time; how it went with them, as to their outward Welfare & Prosperity; and this was but agreeable, to the numerous divine Promises and Threatnings to that Purpose: besides my Text, and the Words that immediately succeed them, you [...] see as a Specimen, Deut▪ 28. 1, 2. & 15. & [Page 9] 2 Chron. 15. 2. And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the Voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his Commandments, which I command thee this Day; that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all Nations of the Earth. And all these Blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee. If thou shalt hearken unto the Voice of the Lord thy God. But if thou wilt not hearken unto the Voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his Commandments, and his Statutes, which I command thee this Day; all these Curses shall come upon thee & overtake thee.— Hear ye me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin, the Lord is with you, while ye be with Him; and if ye seek him he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you. But the Books of Moses, and the Writings of the Prophets are full of Passages to this Purpose; and the Dealings of God with that People, were agreable thereto, from Generation to Generation: the Blessings and Judgments of God were interchangeably upon them, according as they feared him and obeyed his Voice, or sinned and rebelled against him; this was evidently and remarkably the Case of the Jewish Nation: and altho' God has not Strictly confin'd himself to Scripture Presidents in this Matter, nor any where told us, that the Administrations of his Providence, towards other Nations and Kingdoms, shall, in [Page 10] all Points, be conformable to the Dealings of his Providence, with his People Israel; yet, those Promises and Threats, whereby the Observation of the Laws of God and Religion, was enforc'd on that People, excepting so far, as they were specially design'd and adapted to the peculiar Circumstances of that People, and their peculiar Relation to the blessed God, may justly be applicable to other Nations, and civil Combinations of men. And it we reflect further; that the same glorious Being, who was the God of Israel and their King, is the moral Governor of all mankind; that he equally hates and abhors Iniquity and Vice all over the World, can never be the Patron of Sin, nor countenance Wickedness and Rebellion in any Nation or People; and that he universally approves Virtue and Holiness, and loves it wherever it appears; we may easily believe, since all civil Communities, are the Creatures of Time, erected in it, and will all terminate and end with it; and so are incapable, as Souls, of Rewards or Punishments in the World to come; I say, we may well conclude, that God will manifest the Holiness of his Nature, and the Equity of his Government, by frowning upon and punishing, a wicked and licentious; and by protecting and rewarding a righteous and an obedient People, in this World. The Promises, Threatnings and numerous Declarations of God's Word, with [Page 11] the correspondent Dispensations of his Providence, towards his People, in past Ages, illustrate and confirm the Point before us; that Religion is the true Interest of a People, the surest and best means of their Prosperity and Happiness. This important Point may be illustrated,
II. From the general Tendency and Influence of Religion. The great things of Religion are reveal'd & set before us, in the Word of God: And when we conform to that Revelation, and comply with the Demands of it; when we believe and act and live, as God requires we should do in his Word, we are then Religious. The Bible is the compleat Standard and Measure of our Religion: There are indeed divers important Articles of Religion, concerning God, the Difference between Vertue and Vice, and our Duty and Happiness, that are discoverable by the Light of Nature: But all the great Truths and Duties of Morality, are adopted by Christ, and incorporated into his Laws, are refin'd and purifi'd, and set in the fairest and strongest Point of Light, and raised to their highest Perfection in the Christian Institution. The Bible then, is our compleat Directory in Matters of Religion, this is the sure Word of Prophesy, to which we must all take heed, as to a light that Shineth in a dark Place. GOD himself is the Author of this Book; here he [Page 12] speaks to us, and makes known the great Things, that belong to our Peace; He sets his own glorious Perfections in our View; the mysterious Manner of his Subsistence; his allwise, good, and powerful Providence, without which, not a Sparrow falleth to the Ground; the primitive State of Man, as he came holy and perfect from the Hand of GOD; the Fall and Apostacy of Man from GOD, and the Guilt & Pollution, which in Consequence of that Apostacy, have overspread the human Race; the glorious Method of Recovery, by JESUS CHRIST the Mediator; the Terms and Demands of the Gospel Covenant; all the appointed Means & Ordinances, of Life and Salvation; the amiable Rules of Holiness, and Gospel Obedience; Precepts and Directions, for the Discharge of Duty, in the various Stations & Characters of Life; and the strongest Motives to a Compliance with our Duty, in a View of the last Judgment, and the Retributions of Eternity: This Sacred System of Religion, in all the various Branches of it, unitedly and harmoniously tends, to advance and further, the Welfare and Happiness of Mankind in general, and particularly to promote the Tranquility & Interest, of Nations and civil Societies;
- —As it forbids whatsoever is detrimental to the public Interest;
- —Requires those Things, that directly conduce to its Prosperity;
- [Page 13] —Forms the Minds of Men, to a Disposition to promote the good of the State;
- —And as it has a particular Influence, to avert Impending Calamities; and to draw down Blessings and Salvations upon the State.
1. As it forbids whatsoever is detrimental to the public Interest. This is a Sinful, apostate World, in which we live; a guilty, rebellious Province of the Most High: it bears the sad & numerous Marks, of Guilt & Apostacy, in that Wickedness and Vice, and those Miseries and Calamities that overspread the Earth. Sin is the dismal Source, of all the Evils and Calamities the World groans under. this is the fatal Door, at which Misery first enter'd, and this is the accursed Thing, that in all Ages of the World, separates between GOD and the Soul; between GOD and a People, and throws open the Floodgate, to an Inundation of Evils, upon particular Persons, & upon Civil Communities. Misery is the natural Off-spring of Sin, and they are usually found together. Now Religion tends to advance the public Good, as it utterly forbids and condemns all Sin, and Iniquity; requires us, To cease to do Evil; To deny all Ungodliness & every worldly Lust; and to cleanse Ourselves from all Filthiness, of Flesh & Spirit. A great Design of the Christian Institution▪ is,— to put an End to Sin, and destroy the Works of the Devil, and to Suppress & root out, th [...]se [Page 14] vitious & enormous Practices; that are so fatal to social Peace, and the Happiness of Mankind. And as civil Government is of divine Original and Institution; all those Practices and licentious Courses, that are hurtful to the Public, are evil & wrong, not only in a political, but also in a moral and religious View; being strictly forbidden by God: and the Prohibition of GOD in the Case, lays a solemn Tie on the Consciences of all Sorts of Persons, carefully to shun and avoid all Immorality & Vice, and every Thing that is prejudicial to the State. And as far as the Authority of GOD, the Supreme Ruler of the World, and the Judge of it, is regarded and reverenc'd by Mankind on Earth; so far, will Religion have an actual & blessed Influence, to suppress & root out, all those unrighteous and exorbitant Practices, that are so fatal and ruinous to the Public.
2. As it requires those Things, that directly tend to the Prosperity of the State. In a Civil Community, there is a necessary Subordination of Persons; some are intrusted with Authority and Power, to rule over Others, and to manage and conduct the public Affairs: whil'st others are in Places of Inferiority & Subjection: and the Health and Prosperity of the Community, very much depends, on the faithful Discharge of the Duties, incumbent on the various Members of it, resulting from the Stations they hold [Page 15] in, or Relations they bear to the State; and on the steady, chearful Practice, of the great Duties of Morality, and the sacred Branches of practical Religion, in their several Places, Circumstances & Relations. When the several Denominations of Persons in the State, are faithful, diligent, & active, in their respective Places, to promote the Public Weal, and in all their Intercourse and Dealing, with their Fellow Men, maintain a serious and steady Care to practise every relative and social Duty, and to exhibit in their Lives and Conduct, affair & amiable Transcript, of that perfect System of Morality, and practical Religion, the SON OF GOD came down from Heaven to Teach and Inculcate; such a Community can hardly fail, in the usual Course of Things, of being in a prosperous & flourishing State. Now, the Laws of GOD and Religion, require and enjoin, all these Vertues & Duties so apparently conducive to the Good of the Public. They oblige every Member of the State, and every Man in the World, to the serious, faithful Discharge, of all the Duties arising from their respective Relations to the Community and to one another;— To owe no Man any Thing;—To render to all their Due; ‖ Strictly to observe, in all their relative & social Conduct, that sacred Rule of Equity & Righteousness— Whatsoever ye would, that Men should do [Page 16] to you, do ye even so to them. † And in a word, To do Justice, love Mercy, & walk Humbly before God. ‖ We are not l [...]ft at Liberty, to practise or neglect these amiable Vertues and Duties, as we may think fit: but we are bound to the Practice of them, bound by the Authority of GOD Himself, which lays a direct and solemn Obligation on our Souls and Consciences.
GOD, who requires these Things, as he is our King and Lawgiver, so he is our constant Inspector; The Lord looketh from Heaven; be beholdeth all the Sons of Men. * His Eyes are upon all their Ways; they are not hid from his Face, neither is their Iniquity hid from his Eyes. ‡ And He sees & observes all the Doings of the Children of Men; not as a regardless Spectator, but as a righteous Governour and Judge, who will bring every Work into Judgment, and every secret Thing; § And before whose righteous Tribunal, all Pretences to Religion & Godliness, where thè Vertues of the social Life, and the great Duties of Morality, so necessary, so conducive to the Peace & Happiness of Mankind, and the Tranquility of the State, have been wanting & neglected; will appear to be vain and nothing worth. Again,
3. Religion forms the Minds of Men to a Disposition, to promote the Good & Tranquility [Page 17] of the State. The depraved & vitiated Temper and Disposition of Mens Minds, is the true Source of those guilty & exorbitant Courses, that are so fatal & destructive to particular Persons, and to the Public. This is the Spring of those open Abominations, corrupt and debauch [...]d Practices, which in the natural Course of Things, weaken & indanger the State; and if persisted in, will bring on a total Dissolution and utter Ruin. When this Fountain of Iniquity is purified; this vitious and deprav'd Temper is rectifi'd, and chang'd to Holiness, this will gently, yet powerfully lead & engage Persons, as, to approve themselves to GOD in all other Branches of Christian Duty, so saithfully to exert themselves in their Places, to advance the Welfare of the Public. Now, the Gospel and Religion of JESUS, is admirably design'd & calculated, to produce this blessed Effect, and this blessed Effect it does & will actually produce, wherever it is cordially and sincerely entertained, and submitted to. Hence we are said, To be sanctifi'd by the Word; ‖ To be born again, not of corruptible Seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God which liveth and abidet for ever. † The Gospel of CHRIST, attended by the sacred Influences of the divine SPIRIT, is the powerful Means, of rectifying the sinful Nature of Man, and forming it to [Page 18] Purity & Holiness, and a governing Disposition to please & obey GOD in all Things. As the Laws of Religion requires, the universal Practice of Vertue and Holiness; they that are truly religious chuse to obey GOD & lead holy Lives; there is a blessed Agreement & Harmony, tho' not a perfect one, between the Temper of their Minds, and the sacred Laws of Religion: they are not only aw'd & influenc'd by the Authority & Command of GOD; but they find an inward Propensity & Disposition, to devote & approve themselves to GOD, not only in the Duties of Piety & Godliness, but in the Performance of all relative & social Duties, and to exert themselves in their Places, to promote the welfare of Mankind, and the Tranquility and Happiness of the State. A good Man indeed may labour under Mistakes, as to the true Interest of the Public, as he may in other Matters, & so from wrong Apprehensions may fail of his Duty; he may likewise be wrought upon, by Temptations from within, or from without to neglect his Duty in Particular Instances; but these Things, I hope, are no Parts of his Religion; they are so many Instances of his Want of Religion, or the Imperfection of it. Religion in it's native and genuine Influence makes men better, more useful & greater Blessings, in the various Relations and Characters of Life, and forms them to a prevailing Disposition [Page 19] to please and Honour GOD in all their Ways, and to further and promote the public Interest and Happiness. No good Man will live in the habitual, known neglect of his Duty to the Public: his own Heart, and the ruling Temper of his Mind, will excite and prompt him to honour and obey GOD, and to do good to Men.
4. Religion is the Interest and Happiness of a People, as it has a particular moral Influence to avert impending Calamities, and to draw down Blessings & Salvations upon the State. Practical Religion, that Temper of Mind, & that course of Life, the Gospel is intended to form Mankind to, has evidently a particular moral Tendency & Influence, to skreen & shelter a People from public Calamities, & to draw down public Mercies and Salvations. This renders a People acceptable and dear to GOD, whose alwise, good and powerful Providence, orders & over-rules all the Affairs of this lower World. The mighty Influence, Holiness, Devotion and fervent humble Prayer have, to secure & protect a People, and to engage the special Blessings of GOD upon them, is apparent thro' out the Bible. How often did Moses and the other Servants of God, by their fervent Prayers avert those wasting Judgments, which an angry GOD seemed ready to inflict on rebellious Israel? Those wonderful and surprizing Words of [Page 20] GOD to Moses, in Deut. 9. 14. may serve to illustrate the Point; and shew, how mighty & prevailing an Influence, the Piety and fervent Intercessions of his People have to promote the Security and Happiness of the Public—I have seen this People, and behold, it is a stiff necked People, let me alone that I may destroy them, & blot out their Name from under Heaven. So God would have spared Sodom, and Gomorrah, upon the noble, humble Intercession of Abraham, if but ten righteous Persons had been found there. And God, in all Ages of the World, is a Prayer-hearing GOD, and his Ears are ever open to the humble Cries of his People. But, this Point may be further illustrated,
III. From some particular Branches of Religion, that directly and obviously subserve the Interest, and promote the Felicity of the civil Community. The Particulars I shall adduce for this Purpose are such as these;
1. Faithfulness in Rulers. Whatever distinguishing Model of Civil Rule, a Community may be cast under, 'tis of great Importance to it's Welfare; that they, who are prefer'd to Places of Trust and Power, be wise and good and faithful Men; these are great Blessings to the Public: now, 'tis Religion that adorns Rulers with their most valuable Qualifications: this, I know, is not the only Qualification, [Page 21] nor is every good Man fit to rule over Others: there are divers other and inferior Principles, that may Influence and prompt Persons, to do considerable Good, in their Places; tho' Holiness and a true Principle of Religion, should not be found prevailing, and bearing Sway in their Hearts: but Gospel Holiness, is the most valuable Ingredient, the divinest Touch, in the Character of Rulers. When the Supreme Love of God, and of Christ his Son, and a fervent Charity & Benevolence to Mankind, are ever glowing in their Hearts, & Religion is planted deep there; This Sacred, this powerful Principle, tends to awaken and animate all their Powers, to promote the Peace & Welfare and Felicity of their People; to protect & skreen them on every Side, to guard & secure their valuable Rights and Privileges: This determines them, to a firm and steady Adherence, to the Rules of Justice & Equity, in all their Administrations; and to that Plan of Government, which fixes their own Powers and Prerogatives, as also, the Rights and Privileges of the People; carefully avoiding all guilty Reaches, after despotic & arbitrary Rule, on the one Hand, & equally careful, they don't tamely suffer their Authority and Laws to be insulted and trampled upon, on the other. This leads them, to consult and study the true Interest of the Community; that they may be [Page 22] Ministers of God to them for Good;—may frame such Laws, as are wisely design'd and calculated to advance their best Interest—that breathe forth Terror, to the Workers of Iniquity; but Praise & Encouragment to those that do well.
It disarms Temptations of their Power and Influence, or renders them Proof against them, and victorious over 'em;—Temptations from within, from the Lusts & Corruptions of their own Hearts; and from without, from the Flattery or Bribery of Others, or from popular Uneasiness & Clamour;—Inspires them, with a noble Fortitude and Resolution, with a firm and steady Hand, to carry the Laws into Execution; to check and bridle, the unruly and licentious, and to chastise the Workers of Iniquity; to suppress Immorality and root out Vice, that Justice & Judgment may run down the Streets, as a River, & Righteousness as a Flood that overflows: This will fill their Hearts, with a paternal Affection for their People, and a tender Concern for their Well-being and Prosperity—Inspire them with the noble Ambition, of approving Themselves, Fathers to their Country, & Benefactors to Man-kind; will animate their ardent Prayers, to the great Father of the Universe; that He would Shower his rich and numerous Salvations upon them. The Light and Purity, of their amiable Life, [Page 23] and pious Example, will have a happy and powerful Tendency, to put Iniquity Itself to the Blush, and to Shame the wicked and profane from their ungodly Courses; or to allure and charm them, into the Paths of Holiness & Righteousness. The happy and direct Influence of such Rulers to promote the Interest of the State, is obvious to all.
2. Another Branch of Religion, that Immediately promotes the Welfare of the State, is, Submission and Loyalty in the People. As Rulers are raised up by GOD, not for their own Sakes, but the People's; there is the highest Reason, they should be treated with Respect, Honour and Submission. For People to treat their Persons or Characters, with Rudeness and Disrespect; to slight & vilify their Laws, or rashly censure their Administrations; to cherish uneasy and mutinous Dispositions, or give into Seditious & riotous Practices, is very inexcusable;—This is to counteract the great, and good, and beneficial Design, of civil Government; and is highly injurious to the Public: on the Contrary, to treat them with a Deference and Respect, suitable to the Dignity of their Places; freely to Submit to their Authority & Laws, and chearfully to afford them (as in Point of Justice & Equity, they are bound to do) a suitable and honourable Maintenance, according to the Rank they hold in the State, [Page 24] and the Importance and Dignity of their Character; and to bow the Knee before God, the Father of Lights, from whom cometh down every good and perfect Gift; that He would bless their Persons, and prosper and succeed their Administrations: this, 'tis apparent, has a direct Tendency, and is very necessary, to the Public Weal and Tranquility. Now, the Laws of Religion indispensably exact, and a Principle of it prevailing in the Heart, will lead and dispose People, to a chearful Yielding all due Honour, Submission and Loyalty, to their civil Rulers. These are the Laws of Christ; Let every Soul be Subject unto the higher Powers. For there is no Power but of God: the Powers that be are ordained of God. ‡ Submit yourselves to every Ordinance of Man for the Lord's Sake. * For this Cause, pay you Tribute also: for they are God's Ministers, attending continually upon this very Thing. Render therefore to all their Dues. †— I exhort therefore, that first of all▪ Supplications, Prayers, intercessions & giving of Thanks be made for all Men; for Kings, & for all that are in Authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable Life in all Godliness and Honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the Sight of God our Saviour. ‖
3. Truth and Justice, directly subserve the Interest of the State. To be perfectly just and [Page 25] true, is the Prerogative of the most high GOD; to be sincerely so, and to practise those divine Vertues, [...]s far, as human Frailty & Imperfection will admit, is the Beauty & Glory of Man; and 'tis no small Part, of the strength and security of the Body politic. Where Unrighteousness & Falshood have a general Spread among a People, & Deceit, Treachery & Lies are prevalent; and People give their Tongues a Loose to Detraction & Slander; and are false to their Promises, Engagements and Contracts; and where Dishonesty, Knavery and Oppression are commonly practis'd: These Things, besides their moral Influence, to Kindle the Wrath of Heaven, which may set them on Fire on every side, and bring on a speedy Dissolution; they have a direct and dismal Influence, to enervate the State, to depress and ruin a People: for if they thus delude, bite and devour one another, (the Case is plain) they will be consum'd and devour'd, one of another. But, when Truth and Equity, are the Character and Complexion of a People; and they detest and shun the base and vile Arts of Dissimulation and Fraud, and all injurious Treatment of their follow Men, in their Persons, Property and Characters; and in all their Traffick and mutual Commerce, in all their Words and relative Behaviour, they render to every one his due, and pay a steady Regard to the Rules of Justice, Integrity and Truth; [Page 26] this, naturally and Immediately conduces, to the Well-being and Happiness of Man-kind, and to the Peace and Prosperity of the State. Now such an upright & amiable Conduct, the Laws of God indispensably require. The righteous Lord loveth Righteousness. ‖ To do Justice and Judgment, is more acceptable to the Lord than Sacrifice. † That which is altogether Just shalt thou follow. * And the Rectitude of a pious Mind, or Religion bearing sway in the Heart, naturally leads & disposes Persons, to the Practice of Truth and Equity, in all their various & important Branches.
4. A quiet and peaceable Behaviour, directly conduces to the Tranquility of the State. Peace and Unity and mutual Harmony, in Opposition to unchristian Animosity, Strife & Contention, are of vast Importance to the Welfare of the State. When Persons are peevish & litigious, and ready to take Fire on the slightest Provocation are apt to put the worst Construction, on the Words & Actions of others, and by artful, malicious Insinuations, or inhuman & barbarous Comment on their Imperfections, they foment Jealousies & mutual Aversions; when such a Temper prevails & becomes common, 'tis no Wonder, if the sacred Bonds of Peace are burst asunder, and consum'd; and the Body politic is thrown into Disorders, unnatural & fatal Convulsions▪ [Page 27] Contention & Strife is an intestine Malady, that preys upon the Vitals of a State, and naturally tends to its Ruin & Destruction: now, Religion is design'd to heal the vitious Dispositions of Men, to suppress & root out, those Lusts, & evil Qualities, which are the unhappy Sources of Contention & Strife; and to unite Man-kind in the strongest Bonds of Love and Peace. It requires, that we make it our Study and Endeavour, to live in Love, in Unity and Harmony with our fellow Men. Let all Bitterness, & Wrath, & Anger, & Clamour & evil speaking be put away from You, with all Malice. And be ye kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven You. ‖ I therefore—beseech You, that ye walk,—with all Lowliness and Meekness, with Long-suffering, for-bearing one another in Love; endeavouring to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace. * Peace and Unity, are peculiarly agreeable to the Spirit of the Gospel: It is called the Gospel of Peace, not only, because it is the appointed Means, of our Peace and Reconciliation with God; but also, because it is design'd, and most wisely adapted, to reconcile Men to one another, and to unite them in a sacred and lasting Peace. It breathes Love and Good-Will, Peace and Harmony to the Sons of Men; and in Conformity to the Design [Page 28] & Spirit of it, 'tis the Duty of all its Professor, especially those of the same Community, whether sacred or political, to cultivate Benevolence, Charity and Peace. Every Breast should be inspir'd, with gentle & peaceful Dispositions; every Member of a Community, chearfully move onward, in their appointed Spheres, and attend to their proper Business, without jarring, without interfering, in perfect Peace, Amity & Harmony. Mutual Benevolence & Love should warm & unite every Heart, and render all the Parts of their Conduct consistent, peaceful and harmonious. This is the Genius, this the Tendency of Religion; and how much it is the Beauty, the Strength and Glory of the State, is open to all.
5. A public Spirit, and subordinating our private Views & Interests to the Common Good, directly conduces to the public Tranquility. A narrow, contracted & selfish Spirit, is pernicious to the State. Nothing can give a People a more gloomy Prospect, than the general Prevalence of such a Temper: The common Good will be neglected, and Persons will little regard, how it fares with the Public, so they can but grasp the World to themselves, and fill their own Coffers: in that sordid & despicable Point, all their Views, Schemes and Designs will center. And when Persons in Authority, and Places of Eminence, are under the Influence & Controul [Page 29] of such a Spirit; the Aspect upon the State, is peculiarly threatning & baleful: now, the Religion of the Gospel, is design'd & calculated to cure this mean, this sordid Temper, and to produce & cherish a public, a noble & generous Spirit. ‘It ennobleth & enlargeth the Mind, beyond any other Profession or Science whatsoever. Upon this Scheme, while the Earth, and the transient Enjoyments of this Life, shrink into the narrowest Dimensions, and are accounted as the Dust of the Balance, the Drop of the Bucket, yea, less than Nothing; the intellectual World opens wider to our View; the Perfections of the Deity, the Nature & Excellence of Vertue, the Dignity of the human Soul,’ the Redemption of the World by Jesus Christ, and the Solemnities of the last Judgment, ‘are display'd in the largest Characters.’ The ‘Mind of Man seems to adapt Itself to the different Nature of its Objects; it is contracted and debased, by being conversant in little and low Things, and feels a proportionable Enlargement, arising from the Contemplation of these great and sublime Ideas.’ Religion greatens our Views, and opens our Hearts, to the most noble & generous Sentiments; it leads us to consider all Mankind as Brethren, and to extend our benevolent Regards to them all; to bear on our Hearts the Interest of the Public, and [Page 30] to endeavour to promote it; to regard the Happiness of the Community, to which we belong, as our own Happiness; and to take a noble Satisfaction, after the Example of God, in advancing the Welfare of Mankind, & diffusing Felicity all around us. Under the Influence of this excellent Spirit, Moses, Samuel, David, Nehemiah, &c. were rich & diffusive Blessings in their Div; and all the noble Patriots & Benefactors of later Date, having served their Generations by the Will of God, have merited immortal Honours, and embalmed their Memories to all Posterity.
6. Diligence and Industry, directly conduce to the Weal of the Public. The ruling Providence of God, has assign'd us all, our particular Stations and Callings in this World; in which, 'tis our Duty, diligently & industriously to employ Ourselves: nor will any Pretences to a public Spirit, warrant, our breaking over the Boundaries of our particular Province, and becoming Busy-Bodies, in other Men's Matters. Sloth & Idleness, or a slack & dozing Attendance to the Duties of our Callings, is branded in the holy Scriptures, with Reproach & Infamy; and condemned, as iniquitous & criminal; but Industry & a diligent Application to the Business of Life, is recommended & urged. As the Door turneth upon its Hinges, so doth the Slothful upon his Bed. ‖ [Page 31] Go to the Ant thou Sluggard, consider her Ways, and be wise. †— Study to be quiet, and to do your own Business. ‖ And a Compliance with these Precepts of Religion, is beneficial, not only to particular Persons, but to the State. 'tis a happy Means of preventing many other Vices, that are detrimental to the Public;—Extravagance and Intemperance, Disorders and Contentions, which are the natural Off spring of Idleness, and an Aversion to Business: and 'tis the appointed Way, for Persons to thrive in the World, and acquire Wealth & Riches. He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack Hand, but the Hand of the diligent maketh rich. * Now, the Wealth of particular Members, is the Riches & Strength of the Community: and where Idleness and its natural Consequents are generally avoided; and Industry & Frugality are the Character of a People; such a Community is, so far, in a prosperous & flourishing State. The Laws of Religion, indeed forbid Covetousness, and an unreasonable & immoderate Desire of Riches; and 'tis for the Benefit of the Public, they do so; for such a Temper of Mind, frequently proves a Snare and a prevailing Temptation to Injustice & Oppression, and it renders Persons, selfish and close▪ fisted, and so no good Members of a Community: but the Laws of GOD require, that we diligently [Page 32] apply Ourselves to our particular Callings; that we may acquire an honest and comfortable Subsistance, for Ourselves and Families, and be in a Capacity, to do Good to others & to promote the Interest of the Public.
7. Another, and the last Thing I shall here mention, that evidently subserves the public Interest, is, the religious Education of Children and Youth. On this, under GOD, depends the Propagation of Religion, and the true Interest & Happiness of a People, to future Generations: were all those important Branches of Religion, that have been mentioned, generally attended to, and put in Practice in a Community; tho' we may well suppose, they would, for the present, be a happy People; yet, if the rising Generation were neglected, and little or no Care taken, to form them to Civility and Vertue, to the Duties of Righteousness and the social Life; the Welfare & Tranquility of such a People would be but short-liv'd, and in the natural Course of Things, would expire and die with them, and be buried in their Graves: and in the next Generation, Ignorance, Barbarism & all manner of Vice would break in like a Flood, & bear down & over whelm the public Peace & Tranquility: to prevent this, & to render the civil, as well as religious Interest of a People, a durable & lasting Thing; the Laws of God require, not only, that we attend to Religion as the one Thing needful, [Page 33] ourselves; but that we teach & transmit it to our Posterity, and train up our Children in the Nurture & Admonition of the Lord. Besides the other methods GOD has appointed, for the Continuance & Propagation of Religion in the World; it lies as a Duty upon Parents, to teach & recommend it, to those under their Care, & faithfully to exert Themselves, in the Use of all suitable Means, to form them to Holiness and practical Religion; agreeably the pious Israelites were resolved, to declare the wonderful Works of GOD, to their Children; That the Generations to come might know them, even the Children which should be born: who should arise & declare them to their Children: that they might set their Hope in God, and not forget the Works of God; but keep his Commandments. † 'Tis the gracious Intention of GOD, that Christianity should be perpetuated in the World, and handed down from Father to Son, to the latest Posterity: and he has made it the indispensable Duty of Governors of Families, to take Care, that they who are to come after them, may know and practise it; that Religion may live when they are dead, & flourish in all succeeding Ages to the World's End. As the Civil State, as well as the Churches of Christ, is furnish'd with Members from private Families: if the Governors of these little Communities, were faithful to the great Trust reposed [Page 34] in them, and Family-Religion & Discipline were thoroughly, prudently & strictly maintain'd & exercis'd, and all due Pains taken, to engage Children & Youth in the Interest of Religion, and early to form them to Holiness, and all the Vertues of the social Life; it would afford, a fair & blessed Prospect, that the Generations to come would fear and serve GOD, and that Religion, and as nearly connected therewith, the Civil State, would prosper and flourish from Generation to Generation. In fine; a firm & inviolable Adherence to the Laws of Christ, & the genuine, benevolent Genius and Spirit of the Gospel, exerting & diffusing itself, among all Ranks & Orders of Men, and animating and swaying the Body-politic; and a pious Care to transmit Religion to Posterity; this, if any Thing, will render a People flourishing, happy and glorious; will establish their Peace as a River, and their Tranquility as the Waves of the Sea.
What now remains, is some IMPROVEMENT of this Subject. And here,
I. Hence see, how nearly connected the Prosperity of the State is, with the special Means of Religion, particularly, the Christian Ministry, & public Schools of Education and Learning; and how much it concerns a christian State, to see they are suitably Encouraged and Supported. [Page 35] That Sacred Volume, that contains our Religion came down from GOD, and is attended with such apparent Marks & Evidences of its divine Original, as powerfully recommend it to all Mankind: and as the Religion of the Gospel is most wisely contriv'd, and powerfully conduces to the Tranquility of the State; if the Matter be consider'd in this Light, 'tis plainly incumbent on the Rulers of a People, as they would promote the Peace & Happiness of the Community, which is the End & Business of their Office, to see that the Ministers of Religion are suitably encouraged & supported. The public Means of Education likewise are to be regarded, as public Means of Religion, and as such, to be tenderly cherished & liberally supported. As the Christian Ministry is a principal Means of keeping Religion alive in the World, and promoting the Interests of it, and so is nearly connected with the Prosperity of the State; the public Seminaries of Learning, are the Sources of such a Ministry. ‘It was chiefly if not altogether upon religious Considerations, that Princes, as well as private Persons, have erected Colleges, and assigned liberal Endowments to Students and Professors; upon the same Account, they meet with Encouragement and Protection from all christian States, as being esteemed the necessary Means, to have the sacred Oracles [Page 36] —preserved and understood. And it is well known, that after a long Night of Ignorance and Superstition, the Reformations of the Church, and that of Learning began together, and made proportionable Advances.’ When the Christian Faith was first published to the World, the divine Author of it miraculously furnish'd its Dispensers to their great Work: but after Christianity had spread and gotten Footing in the World, that extraordinary Interposure of divine Providence was discontinued; and in the ordinary Methods of Education & Instruction, Persons are to be trained up and [...]ur [...]h'd for the Christian Ministry; and it is a Duty incumbent on every Generation of Christians, and every Christian State, to make Provision for a Ministerial Succession in the Churches: This is not an indifferent [...], but the Providence of GOD seems evidently to devolve it upon Them as indispensible Duty; and to constitute them Trustees, to provide in this Regard, for the Generation to come; so that it highly behoves them, as to erect, so liberally to endow and support Seminaries of Learning: But for our Colleges in this Land, what would become of our Churches?—What of Religion? The Flocks of CHRIST must disperse; or find none, but illiterate & unqualified Persons to feed and conduct them. And for our College in partiticular, [Page 37] it was founded with the Approbation; & has grown & flourish'd under the Smiles of the Government: and the noble End of its being founded,—the Propagation of the Christian protestant Religion, & the furnishing these Churches with a learned, pious & orthodox Ministry, has been so far answer'd, as justly to demand, our sincere & grateful Acknowlegements to the most High. But, as the People & Churches in the Land, are grown numerous; 'tis evidently necessary, the College should be put under the best Circumstances; in Order to its continuing sully to answer the great and good Ends of its Institution: and it naturally and rightfully looks to the Government, for Encouragement and Support: and the near Connexion of the most valuable Interests of the Government, with the Prosperity of that Society; the rich and diffusive Blessing it has prov'd already; the fair & animating Prospect we have▪ it will prove much more so; the firm and steady Adherence of its Overseers & Governors, (in a fluctuating Age) to the peculiar, distinguishing Doctrines of the Gospel— Doctrines, which the pious Planters of this Land, and the venerable Founders of the College, justly apprehended of sacred Importance,—and Doctrines, which, to the Honour of the Churches of this Colony, and of New-England, they still own & profess; these Views, happily concur, to place that Seminary, in a [Page 38] favourable Point of Light; and powerfully to recommend it, to the most cordial Patronage, and generous Regards of the Government.
II. We see hence, in Proportion as Vice and Immorality prevail, the Foundations of a State are weakned, Its Felicity impair'd, and the just Judgments of offended Heaven, may reasonably be fear'd. As Vertue & Religion raise a People to Honor & Felicity, Sin tends to sink and ruin them, and it raises the Indignation of the most high GOD, and exposes their most valuable Interests to be swept away by his desolating Rebukes. In this View of the Case; what Reason—what abundant Reason have we, to reflect on the State of this Land, of this Colony in particular, with a trembling Concern! For, how is this Land degenerated from its primitive Purity and Holiness!—stain'd & contaminated with Iniquity & Vice! That Vine, that noble Vine, that was planted here by the Hand of Heaven, Does it not bring forth Grapes of Gall, and Clusters that are bitter? Our holy and pious Ancestors now with GOD, were they to return to this Earth, how would they weep over their apostate Children?—their polluted and guilty Off-spring? How is that Relish for serious Godliness, and strict Religion, which render'd them, the excellent and honourable of the Earth, vitiated among their [Page 39] Children? And what Vice, what Immorality almost can be named, but 'tis practis'd among us? Injustice, Oppression, Falshood, Detraction, Uncharitableness, Uncleanness, Intemperance and Prophaneness, to mention no more—These tend, in the natural Train of Things, to sink and ruin us: but that is not all; they stir up the Indignation of GOD against us; they break down the Wall of his protecting Providence around us, and throw open the Flood-gates, to all Manner of Evils & Calamities to rush in upon us. How long it may please a long-suffering GOD, to bear with a rebellious People, or how soon, he will whet his glittering Sword, and his Right-Hand will take hold on Vengeance, we know not; but this we well know, that it infinitely concerns such a People, without Delay, to repent of their Sins, reform their Lives, and return obediently to GOD and their Duty. But, 'tis Time to proceed, in the,
III Place, to a particular Address, agreeable to what has been deliver'd, to the several Orders of Men here present,
- —The Civil Magistracy;
- —The Christian Ministry; and
- —The Body of the People.
[Page 40] I. Let me address myself to our CIVIL RULERS; particularly to the Honourable the GOVERNOR the DEPUTY-GOVERNOR, and to the Rest of the Honourable Gentlemen of the General Assembly of this Colony, in their present Convention.
Honoured Fathers, I doubt not, 'tis with Satisfaction and Pleasure you reflect; that the Holy Religion we all profess, with unsearchable Wisdom is design'd and calculated by the divine Author of it, not only to answer & attain, its primary and great Design, the Happiness and Salvation of Men in the coming World; but, likewise, so suited, in the best Manner suited, and directly tends, to further and advance the Welfare and Felicity of civil Communities on Earth. For, after all that has been said, or can be said, by the ablest Statesmen and wisest Politicians, nothing certainly ever enter'd into the Heart of Man, that is so powerful▪ so effectual a Means, of making a People happy, great and flourishing, as Religion. And as the Providence of GOD has raised You, to your respective Places of Eminence and Trust, to promote the Tranquility and Peace of this People; you will permit me, since the same Providence has called me into this Desk, on this Occasion; with all the Respect, your distinguish'd Characters demand; with all the Freedom becoming a Minister of GOD; to [Page 41] recommend Religion to You, as the most amiable and excellent, the most important and necessary Thing in the World. As You are Men, and the Subjects of GOD and his SON, your highest Interest, your Peace and Comfort and Tranquility in this World, and your Happiness & Well-being in the next, are depending on this Point: and as You are the Rulers of this People, your Interest & Prosperity are nearly concern'd in it 'Tis therefore of the utmost Importance, that in all your Conduct, & all your Administrations, Religion be your prevailing, your governing Principle: under the blessed Influence thereof, you are steadily, vigorously to exert yourselves, to promote the Tranquility & Welfare of this Government; by framing such Laws, as are requisite, for the suppressing and rooting out of Immorality and Vice, and the promoting Righteousness and every social Virtue; by lodging the executive Authority and Power, in the Hands of faithful Men—Men that fear GOD and hate Covetousness; and effectually providing, if it be possible, that the Laws of the Colony, be faithfully, thoroughly executed; by protecting and cherishing the Ministers and Churches of CHRIST; and by extending your constant, generous Regards to the School of the Prophets. This last is a Matter of so great and general Importance, (as any one will the more easily perceive at [Page 42] such a Time, when so many Flocks of CHRIST are destitute, and as Sheep without a Shepherd, and are looking and crying thither, in vain crying for a supply;) as might well justify a Warmth and Importunity of Address, which in a Matter of little Moment, would be quite inexcusable, before an Audience, I so highly, so justly revere: but I chuse rather to take it for granted, that You are fully sensible of the Importance of the Case, and that your Fatherly Protection, your constant Smiles, and generous Support, will chearfully be afforded to that Seminary.
Further, Permit me to recommend it, as of the biggest Importance, that You be careful to promote Religion, and so the Welfare of the State, by animating your People to every Thing that is laudable and praise-worthy, by your own Example, Countenance and Influence; by frowning upon the vicious, the licentious and unjust; by Scorning the Scorner, after the Example of GOD, and shewing Grace and Favour to the lowly and virtuous; by setting Religion in all its Beauty & captivating Charms before our Eyes, in the Holiness and Sanctity of your own Conversation. ‘Evil Rulers have ever been able to render Vice reputable; and cannot the righteous do as much for Virtue? is Virtue (the greatest of all earthly Blessings! the fairest and the loveliest [Page 43] of all human Accomplishments!) the only Thing, which Power cannot render honourable? Which Majesty cannot manifest to be lovely? nor Courts, becoming? Can the highest Examples only influence to Evil? GOD forbid? this were to strip Grandeur of its noblest Prerogative, as well as its truest and richest Interest. Let our Rulers hear the Advice of a Ruler, (the wisest of all earthly Rulers) upon this Head;’ Take away the Dross from the Silver, and there shall come forth a Vessel for the Finer: take away the Wicked from before the King, and his Throne shall be established in Righteousness.— ‘Remembring always, that it is the noblest Prerogative of a King that sitteth on the Throne of Judgment, that he scattereth away all Evil with his Eyes; That he is then, truly the Substitute of the supreme Sovereign, when the Righteous are honoured in his Presence, and the Vile contemned.’
My honoured Fathers, May that glorious Being, who standeth in the Congregation of the Mighty, and judgeth among the Gods; by whome Kings reign and Princes decree Justice, scatter Light into all your Paths; direct all your Counsels; and prosper all your Labours, to promote the Virtue and Religion; the Tranquility and Happiness of this People. And after you have been rich and lasting Blessings, [Page 44] in your elevated Stations; may You all meet the gracious Approbation, and transporting Euge of the supreme Sovereign; well done good and faithful Servants; enter ye into the Joy of your LORD.
II. Permit me, with all Humility, to address myself to the Ministers of CHRIST, conven'd on this Occasion.
Reverend Fathers and Brethren. We are not only Members of Civil Society in Common with Others, and as such, under Engagements to promote its Welfare, and to do this, in those Ways and Methods, Religion dictates and prescribes; but, we are by divine Designation and Appointment, the Ministers of Religion; and as such, under peculiar Obligations to advance its sacred Interests. You will permit me therefore, on this Occasion humbly to urge You, as well as myself, to exert all our Abilities in so noble, so glorious a Cause;—a Cause, in which the Honour of the blessed GOD, and his Son JESUS CHRIST, and the present and eternal Well-being and Felicity of Mankind are nearly concern'd. The End of our Office is, to promote the Designs of redeeming Love, in recovering sinful, guilty, miserable Men, to the Favour & Image of GOD, in bringing them to a Life of Holiness, and the Practice of all the amiable Duties of Obedience, [Page 45] and building them up to a Meetness for the heavenly State. Sensible of our own Insufficiency for these Things; looking to, and humbly depending on Christ and his Grace; animated by a tender Compassion and fervent Love to immortal Souls; let us take Heed to Ourselves, and to the Flocks of Christ over which the Holy Ghost hath made us Overseers;—preach the Word, be instant in Season and out of Season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all Long-Suffering and Doctrine. As our Commission extends to the whole Counsel of God reveal'd in his Word, and is limited and bounded by it; let us keep back Nothing from our Hearers, that may be profitable to them, but give to every one a Portion in due Season. And as we are set for the Defence of the Gospel, let us prudently, faithfully caution and guard Our Hearers against the Errors and false Doctrines of a degenerate Age; and endeavour to confirm and establish them in the great and important Truths of the Gospel;—represent in the Course of our Ministry, the whole System of Christian Doctrine, and the various Branches of it, in their due Connexion and mutual Relation; and set them, at once, in the most natural and easy, the strongest and most convincing Light. We must likewise explain and Illustrate, the various Precepts of Morality, and Rules of holy Living, and place them in their [Page 46] native and amiable Light, and enforce them on the Minds of Men, by the strongest and most engaging Motives; such especially, as are peculiar to the blessed Gospel, than which, none can be more striking and powerful.
Reverend, Respected, You well know, 'tis the plain, serious, affectionate Preaching of CHRIST crucified, and his unsearchable Riches, the Merit of his Cross, the Prevalence of his Intercession, and the Power of his Grace, and the other peculiar Doctrines of the Gospel, that are nearly connected therewith; GOD has been wont especially to own and bless; and we may chearfully expect, he will still own and bless to the producing of Faith towards our Lord JESUS CHRIST, and Repentance from dead Works, and all the excellent Fruits of Righteousness and Holiness, in Life and Conversation. And if we thus plant, thus water, (still enforcing all our Ministrations in the House of GOD, by the sanctity and exemplary Obedience of our own Lives) and GOD shall please to give the Increase; we shall be the happy Instruments of promoting the most important and valuable Interest of our fellow-men; of forming them to Loyalty and Subjection to Civil Authority, not for Wrath, but for Conscience Sake; and to the diligent Practise of the various Duties and Virtues of the Christian and Social Life; and so of [Page 47] rendering them useful and Blessings to the Public, in their respective Stations and Places: and what is more, infinitely more; we shall be the happy means of plucking miserable Sinners from the Jaws of Ruin and Destruction; of rescuing them from the Slavery of Sin and Tyranny of Satan, and of restoring them to the Favour of GOD, and of making them his loyal Subjects, and of raising them to the highest Happiness and Perfection of their Natures in the coming World. And when we consider the inestimable Worth of immortal Souls, commited to our Care; the Danger, the amazing Danger, many of them are in, of perishing and being miserable forever; the gracious Provision made in the Gospel for their Salvation; and the strict and solemn Account, we must quickly render to GOD the Judge of all, of our Conduct in the Ministry; ought not these affecting Views, to quicken and animate all our Powers to advance the Kingdom and Interest of the Redeemer, in the World; and the Happiness and Salvation of our Fellow Men? May CHRIST JESUS our divine Master, who purchas'd the Church, here on Earth with his own Blood, and being return'd to his Throne in the Heavens; has committed the Care of it to his Ministers; ever afford us his gracious Presence,—make us wise to win Souls, and faithful in our LORD'S [Page 48] Work, and crown our Labours with abundant Success; that so the Blessing of many Souls ready to perish, may come upon us, who may be our Crown and our Joy, in the great Day of the LORD▪
III. In the last Place, let me address myself to the numerous Assembly here present. Be perswaded all, to contribute your Parts, to promote the Welfare and Felicity of this Government, by the serious Practice of Religion, in all the amiable and important Branches of it. As You are Members of this Community, You are bound to seek its Welfare, and to endeavour, in your Places, to advance its Peace and Prosperity. Be it your first, your great Concern to do so, by a speedy Reformation of whatever is amiss, by repenting of your Iniquities, and parting with them, and by Lives of Holiness, Virtue and strict Religion. There is great Need of a Reformation: the Sins and Abominations to be found among us, are so many and so great; that we may well fear the angry Resentments of the Most High, and the fearful Rebukes of his Providence: and how soon it will please the Judge of all the Earth, provok'd by our numerous Transgressions, by our Impenitence, our Contempt of the glorious Gospel, and the Means of it, to pour his Indignation on a thankless Land, and inflict his [Page 49] Vengeance on a polluted guilty People; we know not: be sure, if You continue incorrigible and unreform'd, You must expect, sooner or later, that Wrath will overtake You; and that the desolating Judgments of Heaven will light upon You. It infinitely concerns You, Sirs, that without Delay, You repent and return to GOD and your Duty. See to it, that Religion be planted deep in your Hearts, and that it has a prevailing, Sovereign Influence on your Lives;—that you live in the steady Practice of all the amiable Duties of it; of serious Devotion and Piety towards the blessed GOD; of Loyalty and dutiful Submission to our Civil Rulers; of Justice and Equity, of Truth and Faithfulness in all your Dealings; of Temperance and Sobriety, and of Diligence and Industry in your several Callings; studying the Things that make for Peace, and the Things, whereby You may edify one another; and adorning the Doctrine of GOD our Saviour in all Things.
This is the appointed Way, and a Way which in its own Nature tends to promote the public Welfare & Happiness: and to this, you are all bound, most solemnly bound, as You have named the Name of CHRIST, and taken upon You the Profession of his holy Religion.
[Page 50] But to have done; Religion, not only subserves the Interest of the State, but the cordial, thoro' Practice of it, is the direct Course, the only Course, to secure and promote your future Well-being, and your Happiness to all Eternity. If you approve yourselves to GOD the supreme Ruler of the World, in the sincere Practice of Holiness and Gospel Obedience; and walk humbly, fruitfully and obediently before Him; This will be Matter of Support and unspeakable Consolation to You, when You come to leave the Society of Mortals here on Earth, and to lay down your Heads in the dark and silent Grave; This will enable You, to look up with Confidence and holy Boldness, in that great Day of the Lord; when all the civil Distinctions that obtain, among Men shall be no more; when all the transitory Scenes of Time shall disappear; when the Kingdoms and Empires of the Earth shall melt away; and CHRIST himself shall deliver up the Kingdom, to GOD even the FATHER, and GOD shall be all in all.
- 1713 Serm. 1. On Gen. 20 11▪ by Mr * [...]ulkler, of Col [...]est.
- 1714 Serm. 2. On Prov. 14. [...]4 by Mr. * [...] of Farm [...]g.
- 1715 Serm. 3. On Deut 17. 18, by Mr. * Moss of Darby
- 1716 Serm. 4. On 1 Thes 4 11 by Mr. Stoddard of Wood [...].
- 1717 Serm. 5. On Psal 121. [...] by Mr. Cutler of Stratford.
- 1718 Serm. 6. On 1 Tim 2. 2 by Mr. * [...] of C [...]xter.
- 1719 Serm. 7. On 1 Sa [...] 2. [...]0. by Mr. Chauncy of Durham
- 1720 Serm. 8. On Rev. [...]. 1 by Mr * [...] of East Hadd [...]
- 1721 Serm. 9. On 2 Chron 20 3 [...] by Mr. * Mars [...] of Windsor
- 1722 Serm. 10. On Psal. 7 [...]. 7. by Mr * Burnham of Kensing.
- 1723 Serm. 11. On Micah 2. by Mr. * Williams of Ma [...]s [...]
- 1724 Serm. 12. On [...]k 9. 11 by Mr. * Woodbridges of Ha [...]t.
- 1725 Serm. 13. On Eccl. 10. 17. by Mr. * Mather of Saybrock
- 1726 Serm. 14. On Josh 1. 1 [...]. by Mr. * Fisk of Haddam
- 1727 Serm. 15. On Isa 52 7. by Mr. * Woodbridge of Hartf.
- 1728 Serm. 16. On Psal [...]. 20 by Mr. * Buckingham of Hart.
- 1730 Serm. 17. On Rev 2. [...]. by Mr. Russel of Middletown
- 1731 Serm. 18. On Psal. 2. 4 by Mr. * Whittelsey of Wallingf.
- 1732 Serm. 19. On Heb. 9 2 [...] by Mr. Edwards of Windsor
- 1733 Serm. 20. On Isa 65. [...] by Mr. * Adams of N London
- 1734 Serm. 21. On Neh. 7. 2. by Mr Chauncy of Durham.
- 1736 Serm. 22. On Psal. 103. 1 [...] by Mr. * Marsh of Windsor
- 1737 Serm. 23. On Josh 24. 2 [...] by Mr. Colton of Hartford
- 1738 Serm. 24. On Ma [...] 22 21 by Mr. Eliot of Killingworth
- 1740 Serm. 25. On [...] 16. 7. by Mr Heminway of E. Hav.
- 1741 Serm. 26. On Josh 17. by Mr Williams of Lebanon.
- 1742 Serm. 27. On Psal. 147. 2. by Mr Stiles of N Haven
- 1744 Serm. 28. On Psa 77 20 by Mr Worthington of S brook
- 1745 Serm. 29. On 2 Sam. 23. 4 by Mr. Whitman of Hartf▪
- 1746 Serm. 30. On 2 Chron. 19 [...] by Mr. Hall of Wallingf.
- 1747 Serm. 31. On 2 Chron 12. 12 by Mr. * Hun of Reading.
- 1748 Serm. 32. On Psal. 2 10. by Mr Eells of Stonington.
- 1749 Serm. 33. On Rom. 13. 6. by Mr Todd of East Guilford.
- 1750 Serm. 34. On Psal. 11. 3. by Mr. Hobart of Fairfield.
- 1751 Serm. 35. On Psal. 122▪ 4. 5 by Mr Lord of Norwich.
- 1752 Serm. 36. On Psal 78. 72 by Mr Woodbridge of Glassen.
- 1753 Serm. 37. On Deut. 34. 5. by Mr. Devotion of Windham
- 1754 Serm. 38. On 1 Sam. 12. 14 by Mr Lackwood of Wethe [...]