I Ioseph Bailey, being Master of the Brigantine A [...]id [...] and Catharine, of the Island of Antigua, and consigned to Mr. Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Merchant in New-York, I arrived there about the [...]1st Day of November, 1749; and meeting with such Dispatch as the Season of the Year would [...], about the [...] Day of December was ready to sail, except some few Tri [...]les; however they were sufficient to [...], till such Time as we had lost our Wind, which th [...] presented; the Weather looking very d [...]ious▪ kept us till Wednesday the 20th of December, when the Wind being notherly, was willing to embr [...] the [...] Opportunity; the Pilot came on board, and we [...] under sail; we ran down to the Hook: But before I got there I repented I had left York; however the Wind being notherly, there was no going back, nor [...] safety riding in the Hook, so that I [...]ood out to [...]. (Our Vessel's Company consisting of myself, Master, Edward Vaughan, Mate, Samuel Parsons and Mathew Finn, Mariners, Iohn Baxter and Lawrence Ma [...], [...]oy [...], and Anthony Suga, a Negro Man belonging to myself.) Before we had lost Sight of the Land, it beg [...]n to look very dismal, and lightned all round. [Page 6] [...] Night it bl [...]w very fre [...], cold [...] had [...] to have l [...]t our Main-Boom, and [...] ▪ the Toping-Lift getting off the Boom, and the Boom falling unhook'd in the Goose-Ne [...]k, we had much [...]do to save the Boom and Sail, in doing which some of our People froze themselves, in particular the Negro Man had all his Fingers froze. Our Vessel being very deep in the Water, and deep wasted, we were continually full on our main Deck, and our People very much exposed at the Pump: The Weather continued so bad that we had little or no Use of our Main-Sail afterwards, and for some Time lay by; after which scudded under bare Po [...]es, the Wind veering round the Compass once in twenty-four Hours, and always blowing hard.
On Saturday the 23d of December we had a violent Gale at S.E. which obliged us to feud under bare Poles, till we run on Soundings, and got into cold Water again, which proved very bad to our People, as they were obliged to keep the Pump continually working, and being likewise up to the Knees in Water; but as the Wind [...]eer [...]d round to the Southward and Westward, and we continually scudding before the Wind▪ we run oft Soundings again: It continued one constant Series of bad Weather; sometimes both Pumps were at Work, oc [...]sioned by [...]er being constantly under Water; and the Deck being Prime out, the backs of the Timber were all open, and no coming at them to make them tight.
On S [...]nday the 2 [...]th of Dec [...]mber, the Sea hove our [...] out of [...] Chocks, and we had like to have lost her, [...] her again. The badness of the Weather drowned [...] upon Deck; and the Weather continued with [...] lit [...]le Alteration, [...]ll [...] in [...] is▪ till Wednesday the [...] reest o [...]r [...] and [...] Yard, but the bad Weather [...] on, [...] hand and scud a [...] before [...] A terrible [...] G [...]le ensu'd, that [...] ou [...] [...] ▪ [Page 7] every thing that was moveable, Lumber, Coop [...], and Water-Casks; and for some Time the People w [...]re up to their Necks in Water a [...] the Pump. Night came on and the Weather increas'd; and about 8 Clock in the Evening a Sea poopt us, and drove in our two Larboard Lights in the Cabbin, which almost fill'd it and the Steerage, putting out all our Lights below, and spoil'd our Tinder; but by the Help of a Pistol with some Powder I got Light again. I found the Sea had carry'd away one dead Light, so that to supply the De [...] cency, was obliged to put my Bed into one of the Windows, and secur'd it in the best Manner I was capable. I then set the Boys to bailing the Water out of the Steerage with Buckets as fast as they could, and call'd for the Broad-Ax and plac'd it at the Cabbin-Door, so that I might readily find it in Case she broach'd too, to have cut away her Main-Mast.
After Things were in this Posture, I went up on the Quarter-Deck, the Weather appear'd with a terrible Aspect, and a monstrous Sea follow'd us; but the Vessel steering exceeding well, and the Mat [...] and Sam. Parsons both at the Helm, I was in Hopes that we should have done well: I stood over the Scuttl [...] on the Quarter-Deck for some Time and observ'd the Sea; at length it struck her on the Starboard-Quarter and hove her something too, although the Helm was h [...]rd a Starboard: the Wind being about four Points on the Quarter, she immediately overset; and by the Time I could get hold of the Weather Gunnel, her Mast was [...]lat in the Water, and there she lay! Sam. Pa [...]sons and my Self recovered the Weather Side near upon the Instant she overset Providence so order'd it that I had two Knives in my Pocket, I gave Parsons one, and employ'd the other with all Speed in order to cut the Lanyards of the Main-Shrouds, which we immediately did▪ and then made the best of our Way to the [...] ▪ and cut th [...]m likewise; The Fore-Mast immediately broke off close by the Deck, [Page 8] and by that Time the Vessel had winded so that her Deck came to the Wind, which taking in her Gunnel she immediately righted, and soon fell down on her Starboard Broad-Side. We immediately got on board as she righted, and fell on our Knees, desiring God to spare us: But as she fell down again we were oblig'd to shift for our selves, to get on the Weather Bow, where the Fore-Mast Yard and Rigging prevented my getting up for some Time, so that the Sea struck me back several Times, that I could scarce recover to secure my self from being drowned, till at length I got hold. In the mean Time Sam. Parsons got [...]ft on the Larboard Gunnel, and with the Assistance of the Mate cut the Lanyards of the Main-Shroud, and came forward. By that Time she righted the second Time, and immediately fell over again on her Larboard Side, and in my getting over I found the Fore Scuttle to blow up under my Feet, and the Vessel to be full of Water.
I expected nothing less than that she would immediately sink under us, knowing that we had considerable of Shingle Ballast under our Cargo, and our lading of heavy Flour, which I thought impossible to support the Weight But some s [...]all Time after she had fell over the third Time, Mathew Finn recovered the Bow where [...] and my Self were; soon after Lawrence M [...]on call'd out for help, and we help'd him up along Side; after which Iohn B [...]ter came swimming al [...]g amongst the Rubbish of Boat and other Things, they being both in the St [...]erage when she overset▪ and with much Difficulty got out: The Mate and Negro were all this Time [...], and I know not in what Manner Providence secured them; for every Thing was swept cle [...]n off the Qu [...]rter [...]eck with the [...], at which Time I h [...]ld myself f [...]st by the Fluke of the Sheet Anchor▪ which was [...] on the Bow.
By [...] Tim [...] we we [...]e in thi [...] Situation. I perceiv'd the [...] to be going, and the Vessel begin to [Page 9] right▪ on which I call'd out with a good [...] a strong Confidence in God, seeing she did not [...] after she was f [...]ll of Water, Have Courage, my dear [...] ▪ her Masts are [...], she rights, and will not sink; for God will deliver us yet▪ he is All [...]sufficient, if [...] [...]ur Trust in him, (or to that Effect:) By this Time she was got pretty Up-right, and we all got into the [...] on the S [...]arboard Side, when the Negro came to [...], but no News of the Mate; we lamented him, as we still thought to the Eye of Reason he was gone but a few Minutes before, and we should soon, follow. The Negro inform'd us that both the Pumps were [...], it being so dark we could not perfectly d [...]scern any Thing five Foot from us, nor know one another only but by our Voices. The Gale continued, and the Sea made fair Breaches over us, insomuch that we were obliged to hold for our Lives, l [...]st we should wash away. Our People shelter'd themselves under the [...], and though the Sea wash'd continually amongst [...], it was more tolerable than the Sharpness of the Air, which was attended with prodigious hard Rain and Hail, that as I stood and watch'd the Sea, and held fast, my Hands were so numb'd with the Cold, I was glad to dip them into the Sea to warm them, and keep me from quite losing the Use of them.
Some considerable Time after we heard the [...] [...]lloe, which we answer'd, and it was something of a Surprize to us, not doubting but that he was drowned; but upon our Answers he came to us, which was a great Joy to us, to think God was so wonderfully kind and merciful to preserve us all in this terrible Overthrow: We blessed God, and put up our earnest Prayer to Him in the best Manner we were capable, and waited patiently for the Return of the Day; at which Time the Weather was something abated, and presented to our View the most terrible Sight that any Mortal can imagine, or Tongue can express▪ The Stern Lights were beat in, and the Bulk-Heads, and the Cabbin [Page 10] were all blown up, and every Thing wash'd out that was necessary for the Support of Life: We were naked and cold, no Cloaths to put on, nor Victuals to satisfy our craving and hungry Appetites: Our Water that was lash'd on Deck in the best Manner, was gone: O [...]r Boat, that might have been of some Help to us in Case we discover'd a Vessel, was likewise gone: In short every Thing that was above our Main Deck was gone, only-our Quarter Deck remain'd, and the Main- [...]oo [...] over it, which was confin'd by the Main-Sheet.
But one Thing I am short in, that was, that toward [...] Day, after the Weather moderated, our People went aft on the Quarter Deck, where they thought to be more out of the Sea▪ being almost drowned, and where they secured an old Stay-Sail, and wrap'd themselves up as well as they could under the Starboard netting Rail. I could not trust the Quarter Deck for fear it should blow up, but stood forward till almost Day, and then went aft, holding by the Starboard Gunnel in the Waist, where the Sea made a constant Breach. On my coming aft▪ I perceiv'd the Helm was lash'd hard a Starboard, which I imagin'd made her lay broad off the Wind, and caused the Sea to break more upon us; I▪ endeavour'd to remove the Helm to Lewa [...]d but in getting a Rope to secure it▪ a Sea came in over the Boom, and wash'd me from the Windward Part of the Stern quite forward to the Wai [...]t, and in my Passage struc [...] one of my [...]lip [...] against one of the Stanchions of the Barr [...]cado, as I imagine; for I was entirely wash'd from the feeling of any Part of the Vessel, and under Water, when I felt the [...] Gunnel near the Main Chains with my Foot, with which I gave my self a Send-up, and pad [...]l'd with my Hands till my Head came out of Water, when I [...]ound my Face towards the Bow of the [...] ▪ and with the Send of the Sea [...] the Main [...] partly bare: I struggled for [...] recovered the [...], and from thence to one of the Top Sail- [...] Bitts that appeared, (th [...] [Page 11] Windless and [...] being gone before.) I [...] my old Station in the Bow, where I hold [...] Day-Light, still begging of God to deliver me, or [...] me for his good Will and Pleasure. After this Sam. Parsons, endeavouring to cut the Clew of the Main- [...] from the Boom, in order to cover them the better on the Quarter-Deck to keep them from the Cold, was struck over-board from the Vessel, but happen'd to hang by some Part of his Coat, which split the [...] up the Back, and gave him an Opportunity to recover himself.
Soon after, as the Morning came on, they [...] forward, and discovering the old Fore-Sail [...] between Deck, not wash'd over, they ventured [...] hold and draw it forward to cover themselves, ( [...] it was), where with much Difficulty they kept it from washing from them. Some of the People [...] into the Cabbin, where they found [...] Bottle of [...] whole, the others were all wash'd out of the [...] or broke.
We spent the Remainder of the Day without any Thing remarkable, except the removing some Wood out of the Fore-Scuttle, where the Negro had a Bundle of Fish, [...]ich being secured was very welcome to us, and as thankfully received. We then spent our Time in reflecting on our mis [...]ble State, being the 28th Day of December, in the Lat. of ▪34° 40′ N. nearest, and the Long. 65° 30′ W. Bermudas being the neare [...] Land, and which I judg'd to be 70 or 80 Leagu [...] Distance; no Hopes of Assistance from any Human Creature, and an Impossibility of our subsisting long in that miserable Condition. And although we had two Hogsheads of Water in the Hold▪ we could not come a [...] either without breaking up the Decks; and then our [...] Apprehensions were such, that if once the Hold who [...]roke up, and the Goods came out, that the Ballast in her would immediately sink her▪ besides, we had Nothing to do it withall. Under those and such like [Page 12] terrible Apprehensions we pass'd the Day, [...] up our most humble and [...]ervent Desires to God to pardon our Sins, and deliver us, or at least to [...]it and prepare us for his Holy Will and [...], for Jesus Christ's Sake.
Thus the Day was spent in almost a profound Fast, not having any Thing [...] subsist upon only as I mention'd before▪ Though [...] moderated, yet a long and tedious Night [...], and the refreshing Heat of the Sun [...], we being constantly in the Water, were almost perished. That Night Sam. Parsons, my self, and Negro I [...]ny, fix'd ourselves on the Windward Side of the Quarter-Deck, having stretch'd some Ropes along the same in Case the Sea should wash us away, that we might catch by▪ We lay up close under the Rails, and covered our Heads as well as we could with an old Stay-Sail we had, the Water continually washing over and under us: But we knew no better Place, the Bow being taken up with the [...]est, who had the old Fore-Sail to cover them; and it was terrible to hear the Lamentations and Mo [...]n [...] that they made.
In this Manner we pass'd the second Night; and on Friday Morning the 29th Day of December, the Weather had moderated very much, we began to exe [...] ourselves to see what we could save; we found the P [...]mp Hook twisted with some Oznabrigs and Cloaths, Ropes and Part of an old Sail; we cleared it▪ The Mate and Sam. Parsons went into the Cabbin, and with the Hook got up a Hogshead, and several Pieces of Beef out of the Run of the after Scuttle; a Box with Six Caggs of Oysters, mark'd B. S. and a [...]arrel of Apples, which [...] open had like to have swam away [...]rom us▪ our Broad-Ax, Iron Crow and Hand-Saw, which [...] useful to us▪ an old Cutl [...]ss, Bayonet, and sundry [...] Things we might have got, but thought it [...] Madness and [...]olly for Men under our [...] to save and incum [...]er ourselves with unnecessary Thing [...], though never so valuable.
[Page 13]After our People had fatigue [...] themselves, and saved what is above mentioned, together with two large Silver Spoons belonging to me, one of the Boys began to make heavy Complaints for want of Drink, notwithstanding the Apples we had just got were very refreshing to us: This put us upon Thoughts how to come at our Water, and having recovered our Saw and Broad-Ax. Sam. Parsons went to work, and cut off the Beams of the fore Part of the fore Scuttle, in order to make room, if possible, to get the Cask out; which to our great Comfort he soon effected, and then secured it in the Bow, on the Starboard Side of the Bowsprit; we likewise got up the best Part of the Bundle of Fish before mentioned▪ We then seemed to be, through God's good Providence, enabled to continue some considerable Time, if it pleased God to continue the Weather moderate. We broach'd the Water, and found it to be very brackish, the Bung not being very tight▪ however we were heartily thankful for that Mercy, as bad as it was, and were as well satisfied as People could possibly be in such miserable Circumstances. After which the People wrap'd themselves in the old Fore-Sail, as being very much fatigu'd▪ and I went to work with my small Knife with a Piece of Oznabrigs and a Rope-yarn, and few'd up a Bag in the best Manner I could, and counted two hundred and twenty eight fine large Apples into it, putting my two Silver Spoons in the Middle thereof, thinking it to be the most safest Place, and th [...]n lash'd it well fall to the Starboard Crotch on the Quarter Deck; and after having secured what Meat and Fish we had, in the best Manner possible, I continued to return Thanks to God for his Mercies, and endeavourd to compose my self as well as I could. Towards the Afternoon I observ'd the Winds begin to rise again, and the Sea ran very high, that it had like to have taken the Sail from the People forward, several Times washing them from the Bows, so that [...]t was with Difficulty they recovered▪ [Page 14] at length were obliged to remove aft, and hale the Sail after them, and with Difficulty got it on the Quarter Deck. We divided the Sail as well as we could, and stretch'd a Loof-Tackle fore and aft the Quarter Deck to prevent our washing over board, and then plac'd ourselves in the best Manner possible, my self being next to the Stern. The Sea presently came near us, and soon rouz'd me up, when to my great Grief I perceived a very hard Gale near at Hand, the Wind as I imagin'd being at S.E. I stood some Time and consider'd, then look'd at the Bowsprit; our Flying-J [...]b. Fore stay-Sail and Spritsail being tangled with the Rigging and Boom, lay under our Bowsprit ever since we had been wreck'd; and our Fore-Mast and Fore-top-Masts, with the Yards and all the Sails thereto belonging▪ was hanging under our Starboard-Bow, held by the Fore- [...]ay and some of the Rigging belonging to it: We cut neither the Sails away that hung at the Bowsprit, nor the Wreck under our Bows, by reason the Sail was the only Thing we had left that could show us at a Distance, and the Wreck was very necessary to keep our Vessel to the Wind, and was a Means of securing us. I now went forward and consider'd some Time, at length concluded to go out on the Bowsprit, the Sail being dry, and if possible to secure myself out of the Way of the Sea; accordingly went ou [...] ▪ a [...]d hung myself under the Bowsprit in the best Mann [...]r I could. I had not been there long before a [...] Gal [...] came on; and, together with the [...]lying of [...] of the [...], and the sudd [...]n Twinges of the [...] hanging by our Fore- [...]lay, I imagin'd the [...] might go away▪ having Nothing to secure it but the Strap at the Heel. I frequently look'd to see how they fared a-baft, at length a Sea struck them [...]nd carry'd them all to Leward, and like to have carry'd them all over board; it took the Fore-Sail quite from them, but happily lodg'd about the Leward Stanchu [...] of the Quarter Deck, the Rails being before gone▪ [Page 15] They recovered themselves, and some of them [...] forward; at the same Time I endeavoured to stop the troublesome Par [...] of the Spritsail which was [...]lying, but could not, although the Negro came to my Help: I therefore try'd to split the S [...]il with my Knife, which when done, stopt it in some Measure: The Negro remain'd on the Bowsprit with me some Time, but with much Difficulty, by reason of the sudden Jerks the Wreck gave; so that he left me and went in. I [...] Parsons bring the Bag of Apples forward, expecting the Quarter Deck would go every Minute; but they still continued on it: The Storm increased exceedingly, and prodigious Rains; I expected every Moment to hear them cry out from a-baft for being w [...]'d overboard▪ the dismal Night [...]me on, and the [...] continued; the Vessel labour'd much, and dip [...] [...] several Times into the Sea; but still could not be wor [...]ed, altho' I was just perish'd with the cold Rain and Wind▪ By frequent looking aft, I discovered the main [...] to be burst open, and the Bread and Flour floating out, which put me under terrible Apprehens [...] of our [...]mmediate sinking; though I cannot say I ever [...] despaired of God's Mercy, or was quite void of [...] At length, after some sharp Thunder and Lightning, the Weather began to abate the latter Part of the Night▪ and I, being chill'd and benumb'd with cold Rain and Wind, crawl'd in, and stood some Time in the [...], which warm'd me; then I crawl'd aft to see how they did there, where I found them in a miserable Condition, and could find no Place to set or lay down with them: I stood a while and bemoan'd our lamentable Circumstance; my Heart was ready to burst: I beg'd [...] of God to deliver us, if it was his blessed Will, and [...] as much as possible to resign my self to his Providence. I went forward again, and there stood in the Water as much as I could, out of the Wind, to keep my self warm: I was so worn out for Want of Rest and [...]eep, I was obliged to hold my self up by my [Page 16] Hands (or I should have fell into the [...]) till they were so cold that I was oblig'd to put them into the Water to warm them.
At length the Day came on, being Saturday the 30th of December: The Sun being above the Horizon, warmed the Air; though it did not shine upon us, it was very comfortable: We blessed God for the Mercies of the Night past, and sincerely pray'd for Deliverance, though nothing appear'd to our Relief, yet we had great Hope [...], being so plentifully supply'd with what was necessary for Life, as long as the Weather lasted moderate. This Day the Hatch being open, the People went to work, and got a Cask of Gammons out of the [...]ld, and secur'd them; likewise a Barrel of Flour [...], and set it up forward, together with a Cask [...] seventy Gallons of Water, and our other Provisions, which we had secured the last Storm (although to our Sorrow we lost the Bag of Apples the last Night.) We had sufficient to have lasted us three Weeks▪ [...]ould it please God to continue the Weath [...]r [...] ▪ and not to let the Vessel sink under us; which [...] us in great Hopes that God would perfect our [...], who had hitherto so wonderfully preserved us, and so plentifully provided for us, contrary to the Eye of Reason and our Deserts. This Day we had a comfortable One, and some Rest; we got our Sal [...] up again that the Sea took from us last Night; we still continued our Addresses to God for his Assistance, and possess'd a more comfortable Night than any we had had, with some Rest; and in the Morning, being
Sabbath-Day, the 31st of December, a fine smooth [...] and [...] pleasant Morning, I got up; and after addressing my self to God, I crawl'd forward on our Starboard Gu [...]nel, being dry, and got a Rope, and stretch'd it from the Cat-head to to the Quarter-Deck Rail, so that we could walk forward for Water without wetting up to our Necks. This Day to our great Grief found ourselves begin to swell, and the Wound [...] and [Page 17] Bruis [...] we got in the Wreck became very sore and troublesome. Yesterday I contriv'd a Method whereby we could make Use of our Flour; I took a [...] Oyster-K [...]g that we had empty'd, and mix'd the Flour with fresh Water, so that we could eat it off a Stick; We [...]ved a Pitcher that I had Pickles in which held three Quarts, and as there was Seven of us, he that went for Water drank at the Cask: I then cut another Oyster-Barrel to the Bigness of a Pint: The Pitcher holding three Quarts, being fill'd with Water, and thicken'd up with Flour so that we could drink it, serv'd us for both Victuals and Drink, the Flour taking away the Saltness of the Water, and made it of a pleasant Taste; so that three of them Pitchers of Water in a Day, satisfy'd us very well, and enabled us to eat our Meat (raw as it was) with a good Stomach. We robbed our Wounds and Sores with some of the Fat of the Bacon, and ripp'd the thin Lining of the Sails and [...]und them up in the best M [...]nner we could. This Day dryed ourselves, the Sun shining out, began to feel comfortable, though very sore and worn out with Watching and Fatigue. I began to think it impossible we should continue long in that Condition, our Hands and Feet being so swell'd they became almost useless to us, and with much Difficulty got forward for Water. I thought it would be a terrible Thing should we all perish in that miserable Condition, and no Soul be able to give an Account of us; especially considering that my Father was lost, with the only Brother I had▪ within a Day or two of 31 Years before, being bound from Piscataqu [...] to Madeira, and never heard of after; consequently they suffer'd much in that Condition; the Storm, as near as I can remember, happening about the 2d or 3d Day of Ianuary, 1718▪ 19: I was therefore strongly possess'd, that about that Time my Dissolution or Deliverance would be fix'd: I likewise consider'd my poor Mother▪ who I expect is now living, I being her only Son; and upon Consideration of the Whole, [Page 18] resolved (lame as I was in my Right Hand) to cut out in the best Manner I could, on a Barrel Stave, with my Knife, an Account of the Name of the Brigantine, whereunto she belonged, from whence she came, and when and where she over-set, together with my own Name, as being Master; which I was resolved to keep secure, and fallen it to some Part of the Vessel where it might be found, in Case we should all perish, and the Vessel afterward [...] taken up. Accordingly this Day I began, altho' it was Sabbath-Day, my Hands being very much swell'd, and particularly my Right-One, having a Wound on the Inside, occasion'd by the Prick of a Nail the Day before we overset: I finish'd two Lines, but my Hand failing me very much I could do no more, without great Pain· However it being fair pleasant Weather, we kept a wishful sharp Look-out; but Nothing appeared. Towards Evening we contriv'd to fix our Lodging in a more commodious Way than we had before, making a Sort of Tent and W [...] ther Cloth, tacking the Sail out-s [...]ide with some Nails we had got from wherever we could pull them out, and bringing the other Part over the Rail, stretching a Rope along the Deck fore and aft, so that we could set pretty Up-right when the Water came in, or we were tired with laying down. Thus pass'd the Day, and likewise Monday the first Day of Ianuary, nothing remarkable happened, but that a few Barrels of Flour work'd themselves loose and came out; we saved what Nails we could out of the Hoops, to secure our Tent and keep ourselves as dry as we could; for as we had recovered our natural Health, and constantly soaking in the Water, our Flesh became very sore, and our Feet swell'd▪ not one of us having any Shoes▪ we could do Nothing but implore the Assistance of Almighty God, beg his Mercy, and recommend ourselves to his kind Providence, which had protected us hitherto. Towards Evening, considering our deplorable Condition, I proposed to the People, to keep the next Day as a Day of [Page 19] Fasting and Prayers, to humble ourselves before the Lord, and beg his divine Assistance; which was consented to by most of the People. This Afternoon I perceiv'd the Wind to freshen, and look squally to the Eastward; the Water began to come over our Quarter, and I perceiv'd the Fashion-Piece on our Quarter threw the Sea with a Re-bound over the Deck▪ I went to work with the Broad-Ax and Crow, and got it off, drawing two large Bolts and several Nails that held it; We then plac'd ourselves, and after recommending ourselves to the Almighty, endeavour'd to rest; but the Water coming in▪ soon disconcerted me, and made me get up and try to wipe up the Water, but to no Purpose, it constantly coming in, so that it oblig'd me to get the Piece I had pull'd off our Quarter into my Birth, to sit on and keep me out of the Water; [...] which I sat and lean'd all Night. The Morning came on, being Tuesday the second Day of Ianuary, I being f [...]gued did not rise as soon as some of our People, who to my great Grief I found had began to [...] ▪ Whether they heard me when I propos'd the Fast, or whether it was Forgetfulness, I cannot t [...]ll; however I reprimanded them, and desir'd they would keep the Day as we proposed; accordingly we fasted and [...] our [...] before the Lord, and humbled ourselves; But towards Noon some of the young L [...]d [...] desired I would let them have Water, I upbraided them, giving [...] a sharp Reprimand, charging them not to [...] any Thing till the Evening, but beg God for his Mercy▪ Some of them began to draw forward near the Water Cask; but as I could see it from [...] Quarter-Deck▪ I was very jealous, and kept a sharp [...]ok-out on the [...], and promis'd them, if I caught any of them meddli [...] with Water until Night, I would take Care they shoul [...] have none all the next Day. Soon after I found myself much affected, so that I poured out my Soul to God in a publick Manner, for the general Cause, and was so over-come that I could scarce utter myself for [Page 20] Sob [...] and Tears: begging of the Almighty he would [...] us immediate Deliverance in his own Way that would [...]end most to his Honour and Glory; and [...] would enlarge our Hearts to call upon and praise his holy Name for the Mercies he had been [...] to favour us with hitherto; and that he would [...] to continue the moderate Weather that he was [...] to bless us with; and in all Things submitting ourselves to his divine Providence. I this Fore-noon had [...] my third Line on my Stave, with a Design not to [...]ddle with it any more till such Time [...] we were [...] last Extrem [...]ty, and not able to help ourselves any more, and then to set down the Time we had been o [...] the Wreck; after which to secure myself, and that on [...] Wreck in the best Manner I could, so that I might [...] wash from her. Soon after I found my Mind to [...]e v [...]y [...], and was [...]itting with the Ma [...] on the [...], discoursing, when on a sudden he starts up and [...], a Sail! Joyful News! We were ready [...] for Joy, and was [...]nspir'd [...] it [...] with new Li [...]e; immediately it cast in our Mind which way the [...] bound, and how we ho [...]ld [...] ourselves to them; I remember'd I had sav'd [...] old white Shirt, which I had secured on the [...] since the Night we rode out the Storm; I [...] (being a Mop-handle we had lash'd [...] which we made a Hook of to hale up Things after the the Loss of our Pump-hook) and spread the [...] thereon, and set on the End of the Bowsp [...]i [...] and [...] it in the best Manner I could to show us, [...] the Tall of the Shirt in my Hand that the [...]un might [...] on it, being white, could be discovered a long Way off: We perceiv'd the Vessel to draw [...]. Our People [...]ell to and eat and dr [...]nk [...] considering that though we s [...]w the Vessel, [...]he might [...] us, or at least not discover our Distress. and [...] by; especially Night coming on and little Wind. [...] [...]ll I was tired; the Mate got the Till [...] [...], and [...] [Page 21] a Piece of Canvas and lash'd it to the Windward Crotch▪ and then came and gave me a Spell▪ We would fain persuade ourselves that she made the best of her Way towards us, she being to Leward of us, and little Wind, though at the same Time it seem'd to me that she made the best of her Way to the Southward without regarding us, as she never shew'd us any Colours, nor ever attempted to tack while Day-Light lasted. We began again to be under sensible Apprehensions of being left▪ and some of the People began to bemoan themselv [...]s▪ I still retain'd a strong Confidence in the Almighty that he would deliver us by this Vessel, and therefore answered to this Purpose. My dear Souls, never distrust the Providence of the Almighty, who is able to save to the last Moment them that put their Trust in him; and as he has been so wonderfully kind to us, and has preserved us all hitherto, I do not doubt but that he will compleat his Mercies by our Deliverance, and in particular by this [...]. They objected, the Vessel was gone by and took no Notice of us, and a long Night coming on: I acknowledg'd it; but at the same Time insisted, if it was the Pleasure of the Almighty (as I was strongly of the Belief it was) that they could not leave us were they ever so much a Mind to; and that God would in his Providence send them back (though unwilling) and they would be obliged to take us off: With this and such like Discourses I comforted them as well as I could. We made up our Lodging, and every Man plac'd himself in his Station; after which we sung the Hundredth Psalm, all but the four last Lines, which I could not remember; and then put up our hearty Prayers to God for his Mercy. that he would compleat our Deliverance, as he had given us a Glimpse of Hopes▪ and that he would not suffer us to be deceiv'd; and that [...] particular he would send us Deliverance by that [...] we had seen this Day, altho' [...]he had passed us▪ [...] he would be pleas'd in his Providence to send [...] to our Relief: Then after recommending [Page 22] ourselves to his kind Providence, and begging Protection for the Night, we endeavour'd to repose ourselves as well as we could. Soon after we discover'd it to be a flat Calm, and towards Mid-Night a small Breeze southerly, which gave us great Hopes that the Vessel would be in Sight▪ in the Morning, whether they endeavour'd or not: We had the comfortablest Night of any we had whilst on the Wreck, considering the different Motions in our Hearts of Hope and Despair.
At Length the Morning came on, when I, being awake very much in the Night, did not [...] as soon as some of the Rest of the People, who, between sleeping and waking, I heard bemoaning their woeful Condition, the Vessel not appearing: B [...]t [...] the Day-Light came on, to our great Joy we espied her laying under her Jib▪ right to Windward of us, the Wind being then S.W. or thereabouts: We imagin'd [...] had discover'd our Condition over Night, [...] lying too, expec [...]in [...] to relieve us in the Morning▪ though we were much deceiv'd. However, in [...] Sense of God's divine Providence, we fell on our Knees all of us, and with the utmost Sincerity of Heart and Humility▪ returning humble and hearty Thanks to Almighty God, for all the Acts of his kind Providence towards us, and that he then gave us so lively Hopes of a speedy De [...]iverance; still begging he would compleat it, and give us a due Sense of all the Merci [...] he had bestowed upon us; and that he would give us Grace to make a right Improvement thereof▪ that we might amend our Lives, and live to shew forth his wonderful Acts of Providence, and loving Kindness to us the sinful Children of Men▪ We the [...] waited with great Impatience, and wonder'd the Reason she did not bear down upon us, which was above an Hour [...] we saw them▪ we was so near them [...]e could [...] see their Hall. At length to our great Joy and Satisfaction, we see her bearing away for us, and [...] [Page 23] [...] they could make, and came down to us. No [...] express or imagine the Joy and Satisfaction [...], only them that felt it. They came under [...] and spake with us▪ and immediately hoisted [...] Boat, and took us off. It proved to be the [...] [...]ove, from Boston, Capt. David Ford, bound to [...], who never discover'd our Distress till the [...] they bore away to take us off, taking [...] for [...] at a great Distance, and had no Thoug [...] of [...] in Distress, so that their being staid all Night was a pure Act of Providence! The Wind soon bree [...]'d up, and the Night following had a strong Gale of Wind▪ and great Sea, that according to the Eye of Re [...]n it would have been impossible for us to have secu [...]'d ourselves on the Wreck, (if she had [...]ot s [...]nk [...] us) in the Condition we then were reduc'd [...] being seven Nights and six Days on the Wreck in [...] miserable Condition; in all which Time I cannot [...], I once despaired of God's Mercy and Providence towards me; for which I desire fo [...]ever to bless and praise his glorious Name.
[...]. [...] ▪ When we overset we were by our Acc [...]unt in the Latt. 34° 40′ N. and Lon. 65° 30′ W. And when taken off were in Latt. 35° 52′ Lon. 6 [...]° 2′ W. they having a good Observation the Day they took us off, which made us (by Reason of the Gulf Stream [...] Winds) to have drove about 85 Leagues to the [...] N.E. while we were on the Wreck.
Written on board the Sloop Dove, of Charlestown, Ne England, David Ford, Commander, at Sea, after our Deliverance.