A SUMMARY Historical and Political, Of the first Planting, progressive Improvements, and present State of the British Settlements in NORTH-AMERICA.
I. Some general Account of ancient and modern Colonies, the granting and settling of the British Continent and West-India Island Colonies, with some transient Remarks concerning the adjoining French and Spanish Settlements, and other Remarks of various Natures.
II. The Hudson's-Bay Company's Lodges, Fur and Skin Trade.
III. Newfoundland Harbours and Cod-Fishery.
IV. The Province of l'Accadie or Nova-Scotia; with the Vicissitudes of the Property and Jurisdiction thereof, and its present State.
V. The several Grants of Sagadahock, Province of Main, Massachusetts-Bay, and New Plymouth, united by a new Charter in the present Province of Massachusetts-Bay, commonly called New-England.
Ne quid falsi dicere audeat, ne quid veri non aùdeat.
BOSTON, NEW ENGLAND: Printed and Sold by ROGERS and FOWLE in Queen-Street. MDCCXLIX.
- BOundaries between the British and French Colonies of North-America
- 1
- Ancient and Modern Navigation, and Colonies in general
- 17
- The first Adventures from Europe to the East and West-Indies
- 25
- Dutch East-India Trade
- 30
- Scot's Darien Company
- 44
- Digression concerning Whaling
- 56
- Spanish Discoveries and Settlements
- 63
- English South-Sea Company and Bubble
- 74
- French Misissippi Bubble
- 79
- French Discoveries and Settlements
- 90
- Portuguese Discoveries and Settlements
- 103
- Dutch Discoveries and Settlements
- 106
- British general Discoveries and Settlements on the Continent and Sugar-Islands
- 109
- Digression, concerning Sugar
- 115
- Barbadoes
- 130
- Leeward Islands
- 136
- Iamaica
- 141
- Bahama Islands
- 145
- Bermudas
- 146
- The Eastern Tribes of North-America Indians, their Polity, Trade Religion, Food and Language
- 151
- Religion of ancient Nations in general
- 163
- Our Wars with the Indians
- 189
- General Remarks concerning the Constitution of the British Colonies
- 201
- Discoveries before Grants
- 205
- Their religious Sectaries
- 224
- Societies for propagating the Gospel
- 231
- Utopian Amusement concerning the regulating our Colonies
- 233
- Concerning the Magnetick Needle, and its Variations in North-America, &c.
- 263
- HUdson's-Bay Company and Trade
- 273
- Cabots, Frobisher, Gilbert, Davis, Hudson
- ibid
- Greenland Whaling
- 274
- Middleton and Dobbs
- 275
- Button, Iames, Baffin, Fox, Danes, Guillam
- 276
- Hudson's-Bay Charter
- 277
- French Depredations there
- 278
- Hudson's-Bay Weather
- 281
- N. W. Passage
- 283
- [Page] Middleton's Voyage
- 284
- Newfoundland, its Fishery
- 287
- Fisheries of five Species, Whales, Herring, Cod, smaller Kinds, and for present Use
- 294
- Nova-Scotia
- 305
- Port-Royal reduced by G. Nicholson 1710
- 308
- A Canada Expedition under Sir William Phipps 1690
- 309
- Paper-Currencies animadverted
- 310
- A Canada Expedition miscarries 1711
- 311
- A Canada designed Expedition abortive 1746
- 314
- New England Indian War, 1722, &c.
- 317
- French Attempts upon Annapolis 1744, &c.
- 318
- New-England Indian War, 1744, &c.
- 320
- Duke d' Anville's Expedition to North-America
- 322
- Island of Sables
- 334
- Cape Breton Islands
- 335
- Reduction of Louisbourg
- 336, 345
- North-America Sea-Campaigns 1744, 1745, 1746, 1747
- 338
- Affairs of Louisbourg
- 353
- Paper Currencies animadverted
- 359
- Province of Massachusetts-Bay
- 361
- General Account
- 361
- Historians fau [...]
- 365
- Irish Presbyterian Church in Boston
- 368
- A general Account of the settling New-England
- 369
- Massachusetts New Charter
- 372
- Explanatory Charter 1726
- 380
- Sagadahock or Duke of York's Property
- 382
- Province of Main
- 386
- Late Plymouth Colony
- 394
- Boundaries with Rhode-Island determined
- 398
- Islands near Cape-Cod
- 405
- Massachusetts-Bay old Colony
- 406
- Authors faulted
- 407
- Old Charter
- 408
- Controversies with New-Hampshire
- 410
- Charter vacated and Revolution
- 412
- Boundary Lines
- 415
- Wheelwright's Grant
- 419
- Million Purchase
- 419
- Boundary wit [...] New-Hampshire
- 421
- General History under Old Charter
- 426
- Governors
- 428
- Laws and Customs
- 431
- Mint House
- 433
- County Divisions
- 437
- Religious Sectaries
- 438
- Independent [...]
- 439
- [Page]Church of England
- 442
- Brownists
- 443
- Anabaptists
- 445
- Muggletonians
- 447
- Quakers
- 447
- Witchcraft
- 449
- Massachusetts Mountains and Hills
- 452
- Rivers and Runs of Water
- 455
- Promontories
- 463
- The new Charter Massachusetts
- 464
- America Post Office and great Road
- 465
- Civil Administration; General Assembly or Legislature
- 472
- Governors
- 475
- Secretaries
- 483
- Admiralty
- 483
- Surveyors of the Woods
- 484
- Custom-Officers, and Auditor
- 485
- Council-Board
- 485
- House of Representatives
- 488
- Some political Plantation Observations
- 490
- Paper Currencies animadverted
- 493
- The three Negatives in a joint Capacity
- 497
- House of Representatives, continued
- 499
- Cape-Breton Reimbursement
- 509
- The Constitution of New-England Townships
- 512
- Provincial Civil Officers of Massachusetts-Bay
- 515
- Executive Courts
- 517
- Taxes and Valuations
- 524
- Annual Supplies
- 527
- Reimbursement for Cape-Breton
- 528
- Massachusetts Inhabitants, Produce, Manufacturies
- 529
- Do. Establishments military Sea and Land
- 532
- Do. Fishery, Timber, and Grain
- 537
- Rum, Hats, Iron
- 540
- College in Massachusetts-Bay
- 543
- French and Indian Wars since the Revolution, with a circumstantiated Account of our late French and Indian War in the Administration of Governor Shirley
- 548
- The French Claims to some Part of Nova-Scotia revived
- 566
- Proceedings at the Court of Great-Britain, toward [...] encouraging the Settling and Fishery of Nova-Scotia
- 566
A Summary, Historical and Political, of the first Planting, progressive Improvements, and present State of the British Settlements in NORTH-AMERICA; with some transient Accounts of the Bordering French and Spanish Settlements.
AS Distance of Place does equally or rather more admit of Latitude, for imperfect, erroneous, and romantick Accounts of Affairs than Distance of Time; the Author, after Thirty Years Residence in these Colonies, and C [...]espondence with some inquisitive Gentlemen of the several Governments, does generously offer to the Publick, the following Collection, done with some Expence of Time borrowed from the Business of his Profession, and Hours of Relaxation; without any mercenary, sordid, scribbling View of Profit, or Ostentation of more Knowledge in these Things than some of his Neighbours, but to contribute towards a solid certain Foundation for the Histories of these Countries in Times to come. The People in Europe (the publick Boards not excepted) have a very indistinct Notion of these Settlements, and the American Settlers are too indolent, to acquaint themselves with the State of their neighbouring Colonies.
Descriptions and bare Relations, although accurate and instructive, to many Readers are insipid and tedious; therefore a little Seasoning is sometimes used; where a mica Salis occurs, may it not be disagreeable, it is not designed with any malicious invidious View. For the same Reason, a small Digression, but not impertinent to the Subject, is now and then m [...]de Use of; as also some short Illustrations.
SECT. I. Concerning the Boundaries, between the British and French Settlements in NORTH-AMERICA.
AS a Treaty of Peace seems to be upon the Anvil in Europe between Great-Britain and France; the Subject-Matter of this Section, is to propose a Scheme (the more Proposals or Projections, the more Choice) towards determining and settling the Territorial Limits, and of an exclusive Indian Trade, between Great-Britain and France in North-America. The Scheme must be short, else it will not be attended to, and therefore requires some previous Elucidations, and some short anticipating Accounts of Things.
Our principal Interest is to rival the French and Dutch in their Trade and Navigation, without Distinction or Partiality to either. In this present War, the French Court seem to neglect their Colonies, Trade and Navigation, the principal Care of their late good and great Minister Cardinal de Fleury; and do run into their former Romantick Humour of Land-Conquests. This is the Opportunity to take the Advantage of their Inattention, more especially with Regard to North America, our present Subject.
The FRENCH are the common Nusance and Disturbers of Europe, and will in a short Time become the same in America, if not mutilated at Home, and in America fenced off from us by Ditches and Walls, that is, by great Rivers and impracticable Mountains. They are a numerous▪ powerful, rich and polite Nation, they have the Advantage of us in three grand Articles.
[Page 3]1. Their Government is absolutely Monarchical; Tax at Pleasure; not accountable for Monies expended in secret Services (in Great-Britain, the Article for secret Services in the Civil List, is small, and when the Parliament allows any Sum extraordinary for that Use, it occasions a Grumbling both within and without Doors) in this they have the Advantage of us, well knowing that not only private Persons, but Ministers of State, Generals, Admirals, even Sovereign [...] may be bought or brib'd; the late E. of Or—d the grand Master of Corruption, when he gave himself the Loose, at Times declared, ‘That there was no private Person or Community, but what might be corrupted, provided their Price could be complied with.’ It therefore becomes the Representatives of Great-Britain, narrowly to inspect into the Conduct of their Ministers, and other great Officers in Trust, especially in making Treaties with France; the infamous Treaty of Utrecht, 1713, was procured by the French Court bribing our corrupted Administration, that Part of it relating to the British Northern American Colonies, will in Time be their Ruin, if not rectified and explained. 2. By Custom Time out of Mind, they are above, and do upon all Occasions dispense with the Principles of Honesty and Honour; Supe [...]iority and Power is their only Rule, as LOUIS XIV. modestly expressed it▪ in the Device upon his Cannon, Ratio ultima Regum: They occasionally make Dupes of the other Princes in Europe; their Promises and Faith are by them used only as a Sort of Scaffolding, which, when the Structure is finished, or Project effected, they drop; in all publick Treaties they are Gens de mauvaise Foy. This may seem an unmannerly national Reflection; but at this Time it could not be avoided, considering their perfidiously exciting a Rebellion in Great-Britain, contrary to their solemn Acknowledgment and Guarantee of the Hanover Succession, by inciting the Highlanders to Rapine and killing of their Countrymen; their re-fortifying of Dunkirk in Time of Peace; their violating of their Guarantee of the Pragmatick Sanction, concerning the Austrian Succession, by Invasion [Page 4] of Germany. 3. The greatest and most essential real Article is, The Largeness of their Dominions in the best Country of Europe, and thereby are become an Overmatch for their Neighbours, and more capable of swarming into their Colonies than we are; in order to preserve a Ballance in Europe, they ought to be curtail'd or dismembred there, which will effectually at the same Time prevent their too great Growth in America.
Louisbourg being now in our Possession, there can be no great Difficulty in reducing of Canada: at present it is not populous (perhaps not exceeding 12,000 Men capable of marching) neither is it compact (from the Mouth of St. Laurence River to its Rise from Lake Ontario, at Fort Frontenac are about 800 Miles;) and the French (without a Pun) are like Cocks which fight best upon their own Dunghill: Witness, their late Behaviour in Germany, in Italy, their late Poltronnerie in Cape-Breton, and at Sea. Flanders is their own Dunghill, and perhapsfor politick Reasons, the Allies allow them to over-run it, it will be to them a chargeable Possession, and a Diminution of their Army in garrisoning of so many Towns: Thus by giving them Scope, they may run themselves out of Breath, that is, out of Men and Money, and become an easy Prey.
Cape-Breton Islands and Canada being reduced, would be to us an immense Advantage, viz. The Monopoly of all the American Fish, Fur and Skins Trade, provided these Acquisitions could be annexed to Great-Britain, as a lasting Possession: but unless in the present Treaty we could absolutely give the Law to France, and perswade the other Powers of Europe to allow us this Monopoly, we should to no Purpose, incur (if not reimbursed from Home) an inextricable Expence or Debt, and by extending or stretching our Colonies, render them more slender and weak; we are not capable of settling Inland Countries in a short Time, our European Dominions, cannot allow or spare People sufficient for that Purpose. The Phaenicians, Greeks, Venetians, Genoese, &c. formerly had many Factories and Colonies in sundry Places, but for Want of People [Page] sufficient to maintain these Possessions, [...] It is true, the Dutch, an [...] though a small People, maintain their [...] But we may observe, they never [...] far from their natural and tradin [...] [...] Water.
Formerly Priority of Discovery, was [...] Claim. The Cabots coasted North [...] were in Canada River) in the End of [...] Secretary Walsingham, being [...] Westerly, North of North Virginia ( [...] New-England were soon after called North [...] 1583, sent out Vessels upon the Discover [...] [...] the River of St. Laurence, took Possession [...] settled some Trade there. In Queen [...] dispersed in Canada, Anno 1711, when [...] for the Reduction of it, was on Foot, it [...] Canada belong'd to the English by [...] and what the French possessed there [...] from the English, and consequently held [...] therefore where the Possessors turn [...] Quebec was taken by some private Englis [...] [...] Anno 1629. It was given up by Treat [...] [...] 1632.
Afterwards in Place of prior Discovery [...] the Indian Natives, and Occupancy, was [...] just and equitable Title. In Case of a [...] happened, upon a Peace, an u [...]i [...] Practice with the Turks and other [...] Right: But at present in Europe, amon [...] [...] and polite Nations, at the Conclusion of [...] of the Treaty, is former Treaties [...] Bargains, Indentures, or Ius Gentium) [...] Money, absolute Cession, or Exchange [...] for Damages received, or supposed to be [...] of former Treaties, explained and [...] present Case the Treaty of Utrecht 171 [...].
[Page 6] By Treaty of Peace and Neutrality for America, Anno 1656, Nov. 6, 16, between Great Britain and France; in one another's Districts they are not to trade, fish, or harbour (except in Cases of Distress to repair, wood and water) but iniquitously by the Treaty of Utrecht, our corrupt Administration, granted to the French the Liberty of catching, and curing of Fish in the most advantageous Places "on that Part of Newfoundland from Cape-Bonavista to the Northernmost Part of the Island, and from thence running down by the Western Side to Point Riche:" There Cod-Fish are so plenty and fall in so near the Shore, that the French Fishermen without the Charge or Trouble of Hook and Line, catch them by a Kind of Grapling, as our Privateers discovered when they made Prizes of several French Fish Traders in the Summer, 1744, in the Northern Harbours of Newfoundland: By this unaccountable Concession, the French had already the better of us in the Fishery Trade, and in a few Years more would have supplied all the Markets in Europe, and by underselling, entirely excluded us from the COD-FISHERY, which is more beneficial and easier wrought than the Spanish Mines of Mexico and Peru.
It would be a vast Advantage to our Trade and Navigation, if by the ensuing Congress for a general Peace, we could obtain the Monopoly of the North America Cod-Fishery; there are Precedents of Monopolies allowed amongst sovereign Princes: The Dutch have engrossed the Spice Trade (Pepper excepted) of the East-Indies. But if the French are still to be allowed some Share in this Fishery, let them cure their Fish upon the Islands of the Gulph of St. Laurence, and upon the S. E. Shore of Terra de Labaradore near the Straights of Belle Isle.
By the said Treaty of Utrecht, our corrupted Court gave up to the French the Island of Cape-Breton, and the other Islands in the Gulph of St. Laurence, with this pernicious Clause, LIBERTY TO FORTIFY. Accordingly in Cape-Breton or L' Isle Royale, was erected the Fortress of [Page 7] LOUISBOURG, the North American Dunkirk, to annoy our American Navigation and Trade; but by good Luck it is lately fallen into our Possession: As the People of NEW-ENGLAND, from their abundant Loyalty to the Crown, and Zeal for the British Interest, were the first Projectors and principal Promoters of this most valuable Acquisition; if it is confirmed to us by a subsequent Peace, it may prove a Kind of Monopoly of the Cod-Fishery. New-England deserves not only a pleniary Reimbursement, but also some peculiar Favour or Bounty from the Parliament of Great Britain; having upon this Occasion involved themselves deeply in Debt, and lost many of their best labouring Men, not by the Enemy, but by an ill-condition'd Putred or Hospital Fever and Flux. The high Encomiums of our Militia, ought not to give any Umbrage of Jealousy to the British Government or Mother-Country; that in Case of any general Discontent here, concurring with a Dutch or French (maritime Powers) War, they cast themselves into the Arms of the French or Dutch; and occasion some Difficulty, for a British Squadron and Armament, to reduce them to Reason; the People here are so loyal to the Crown, and so affectionate to their Mother-Country, that this cannot be supposed; it is true, the King and Council of Great-Britain, lately seem to be of Opinion, that the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, with Regard to the neighbouring Colonies, is too large, and have accordingly CURTAIL'D it, by annexing a large Part of it to the inconsiderable Government of New-Hampshire, and some Part of it to the small Colony of Rhode-Island; as we have never settled our Line with New-York Government, we are told they design to put in for a Share.
Cape-Breton and the other Islands of the Bay of St. Laurence, before the Peace of Utrecht, were in our Possession, as belonging to M. Subercasse's Commission, in which he is called Governor of L' Acadie and Cape-Breton Islands; he was the French Governor when we reduced that Country 1710; but by the Peace these Islands were [Page 8] given to the French in Exchange for the Fortress (no Settlemen [...]) of Placentia: while the Peace was negotiating Mr. More of the Board of Trade and Plantations, was so barefacedly corrupt, when the Importance of Cape-Breton was represented, he answered, Must the French then have nothing?
By the Treaty of Utrecht the Canada or French Line with Hudson's-Bay Company or Great-Britain, was ascertained, viz. from a certain Promontory upon the Atlantick Ocean in N. Lat. 58 Deg. 30 Min. to run S. W. to Lake Mistasin (which communicates by Indian Water Carriage by P. Rupert's River with Hudson's-Bay, and by Seguany River, with St. Laurence River at the Port of Tadousac 30 Leagues below Quebec) and from thence continued still S. W. to N. Lat. 49 Deg. and from thence due West indefinitely; this West Line takes in the Northern Parts of the Upper-Lake, large as the Caspian Sea in Asia, one of the North America five great Lakes or Inland Seas. By this Concession we gave the French a Sea-Line Skirt of Terra de Labaradore (by Authors who [...] in Latin, called Terra Laboratoris or Nova Britannia) the better to accomodate their Fishery: Whereas if the British Interest had been in View, the West Line or Parallel of 49 D. N. Lat. ought to have been continued, East to a little above the Mouth of St. Laurence or Canada River.
By said Treaty, the French were not to fish within 30 Leagues of Nova Scotia to the Eastward, beginning at the Island of Sable; its South Side lies in 43 D. 55 M. N. Lat. and from thence in a S. W. Line indefinitely: N. B. There is no Cod-Fishery to the Southward of N. Lat. 41 D. Salmon, Smelts and some other North Climate Fish are under the same Restriction: to the Westward of this Line was a mare Clausum.
In the Peace of Utrecht was omitted, to settle a Line between our Colonies and those of France, called commonly Canada, and Mississippi, or New France and Louisiana, from North to South; and the Line East and West between [Page 9] Carolina or Georgia, and the Spanish Cape Florida Claims. In the proposed Negociation for a Peace, it would be much for the Ease and Quiet of all Parties to have the same settled.
The natural and most effectual Boundaries of Countries or Territories seem to be large Rivers (thus the Upper Rhine divides the French Acquisitions from sundry German Sovereignties) and Mountains impracticable (the Pyrenean Mountains in general divide France from Spain, the Dafforne Hills divide Sweden from Norway, the Carpach, or Corpathian Mountains divide Poland from Hungary and Transylvania) The Great River of St. Laurence, the Lakes Ontario and Erie, and the Apalatian Mountains may answer the intended British and French Boundary, without any Advantage or Acquisition, Disadvantage or Loss on either Side; but meerly for Peace and good Neighbourhood.
The French Fur Trade, and their Settlements are almost entirely Northward of St. Laurence River: let us take a cursory View of the Southern or British Side of this great River, and of the Lakes Ontario and Erie, and of the Apalatian Mountains or blue Hills: All the Advantage the French can have, by Indians in their Interest, or small Settlements South of St. Laurence, is only upon Occasion to distress their Neighbours, the British in Nova-Scotia, New-England, and New-York.
From Cape Rosiers at the Southern Side of the Mouth of the River St. Laurence in N. Lat. 50 D. 30 M, to La Riviere-puante or the Indian Tribe, called the Mission of Besancourt, over against Les Trois Rivieres, are about 400 Miles: The Barrenness of the Soil, Impracticableness of the Mountains, which lie but a small Way South of the great River, the Rapidity of the short Rivers or Runs of Water from these Mountains; renders the Country unhospitable, especially there being no proper Water Carriage for Indian Canoes: Here are no Indian Tribe Settlements, and as if in a Desart, no humane Kind to be met with, only a very few Indian Travellers. [Page 10] In Massachusett's New Charter, Anno 1661, the Claim is kept up in its Extent, by express Words, "To the Gulf of St. Laurence and Canada Rivers." By our last Treaty with the French, which was that of Utrecht 1713, L' Accadie or Nova-S [...]tia was confirmed to us; the French Commission to their last Governor Subercasse, was from Cape Rosiers to Quenebec River; this River lies nearly in the same Meridian with Quebec, and the Head of it not above fifty or sixty Miles distant from Quebec, the Metropolis of Canada, or New France. (The Mouth of Sagadahoc or Quenebec River, lies nearly in 44 D. N. Lat. Quebec, according to M. De l' Isle's accurate Observations, lies in 46 D. 55 M. N. Lat: from the Entrance of Sagadahoc to Norridgwag, the Head Quarters on Quenebec River, of a considerable Tribe of the Abnequie Indian Nation our Subjects, or Dependants; are not exceeding 100 Miles, thence up Quenebec River, almost due North, so far as Indian Canoes with Paddles and setting Poles can proceed, about 70 Miles; these 170 Miles, allowing for the Meanders or crooked Turnings of the River, may be computed at 2 Degrees of Latitude; remains about 60 Miles only, to Quebec, hilly bad Travelling; the Norridgwag Indians Road to Canada, is up to the Head of Quenebec River, and thence by several Lakes and Carrying-Places, to the River La Chaudierie very rapid, which falls into St. Laurence River about 4 or 5 Leagues above Quebec: Their best but longest travelling Road is from Quenebec River to Connecticut River, up Connecticut River, and thence to the River St. Francois, which falls into St. Laurence River, about four or five Leagues above Les Trois Rivieres.
To render it evident, that we do not intend to project any large Extension of [...]erritories Inland, we shall proceed to enumerate some [...] E [...]tents in sundry Places of the projected [...]. From Saratogoa a considerable British Settle [...] in th [...] [...]rook Elbow and long Fall [...] of [Page 11] Hudson's River, the Carrying-Place, to Wood-Creek, are 12 to 15 Miles (according to the wet or dry Seasons) thence about 30 Miles to the Verdronken Landen, or drowned over-flowed flooded Lands, thence 50 Miles to Crown-Point, a Pass near the Entrance of Lake Champlain (Crown-Point is not well expressed in English, the proper Name is Scalp-Point, from some Indian Battle which happened there, and many Scalps carry'd off; it is better expressed in French Point Chevelure, and in Dutch Kruyn Punt) from Crown-Point 100 Miles to Fort Chamblais at the Falls of Chamblais River, near its Outlet from the Lake; thence 5 or 6 Leagues to Monreal the second good Town of Canada, is in all 210 Miles from the New-York Settlement of Saratogoa.
This Crown-Point not muc [...] exceeding 100 Miles from Monreal, is to this Day, with the adjoining Country, called the Dutch Side of the Lake Champlain or Corlaer (a Dutchman of Consequence who was drowned there in a Storm.) We are sorry that the Levies of the several Northern Colonies, did not proceed in the intended Expedition against the Fort of Crown-Point; Success or not, it would have made some Noise in Europe, and naturally have led the Congress to settle the Line or Boundaries.
We have a Fort and constant Garrison of Regular Troops at Oswego N. Lat. 43 d. 20 m. near the Mouth of Onondagas River on the south Side of the Lake Ontario or Cataraquie; in the proper Seasons, here is kept a Fair for the Indian Trade; Indians of above twenty different Nations have been observed here at a Time, the greatest Part of the Trade between Canada and the Indians of the great Lakes and some Branches of the Mississippi, pass near this Fort, the nearest and safest Way of carrying Goods upon this Lake, being along the south Side of it. The Distance from Albany to Oswego Fort is about 200 Miles West, and many good Farms or Settlements in the Way.
[Page 12]The Apalatian Mountains or great Blue Hills (Land much elevated in the Air, view'd at a considerable Distance, appears of a Sky Colour) are only 200 to 300 Miles distant from the Sea Line of Virginia, Carolinas and Georgia; the British People and some naturalized Germans have made some good Settlements at the Foot of the East Side of these Mountains, the Wash of the Hills rendring the Soil very rich. This Chain of Mountains, is not passable but in very few Places with Pack Horses; it runs from the Sennekas Country near the Lake Erie, almost due South to the Bay of Apalatia in the Gulph of Mexico. Sundry Deeds from the Indians to the Proprietors of the Carolinas do expresly mention this great Ridge of Mountains as a W. and N. W. Line or Boundary.
The CHIKESAW and Upper CHERAKEE Nations reach from the West Side of these Mountains to the great River Mississippi; at present and for many Years past, their Trade is and has been with the Virginia and Carolina Indian Traders, who keep considerable Stores among these Nations. We have many trading Houses and Stores all along the East Side of these Hills, and all the Indians who live there are our fast Friends and Traders, exclusive of any other European Nation. The Sennekas, Chouwans, the old Tuscaroras, Cuttumbas, the lower and middle Cherakee Nations. All our long Rivers reach those Mountains, viz. Potomack and Iames Rivers in Maryland and Virginia, Maratoke alias Raonoak River, Pemlico River, Neuse River, and a Branch of Cape Fear River in North-Carolina, Peddie River the middle Branch of Wineaa in South Carolina, and the Savanna River of Georgia.
The proposed Line cannot be of any great Detriment to the French Colony of Canada; they have little or no Fur-Trade South of the River of St. Laurence, and not exceeding 280 Friend Indian fighting Men, viz The Mission of Besancourt over against Les Trois Rivieres 40 Men on La Riviere Puante; the Mission of St Francois on the River of the same Name about 4 or 5 Leagues higher, 160 Men; these two Tribes are of the Abnaquie Nation, [Page 13] and therefore naturally belong to the New-England Indians; above Monreal there are about 80 Men called Kahnuagus or praying Indians; idle Fellows, who run about the Streets of Monreal, begging with their Chaplets or Beads, they are Runaways from our Mohawk Indians.
As to our Boundary with the Spaniard South of Georgia, which a few Years since occasioned considerable Disputes, and the stationing of a Regiment (Col. Ogl [...] thorp's) of regular Troops; we may observe, That soon after the Restoration, the Crown granted the Colony of Carolina to certain Proprietors, extending so far South as 29 D. N. Lat. (this included St. Augustine, in the Latitude of the Bottom of the Bay of Apalatia; and by the Treaties of 1667 and 1670 seems confirmed to us. St. Augustine is a bar'd Place, no Harbour for Vessels, excepting small Craft, and seems of no other Advantage to the Spaniard, but in Time of War to annoy our Navigation in these Parts, and to disturb our adjoining Colonies by exciting the Creek Indians in their Neighbourhood to Rapine, as was the Case, Anno 1715. They improve no Territory. The Florida Neck or Tongue, Southward is a barrenSoil, not worth contending for. This Florida Shore appears to be of no great Benefit to Spain, but would be of considerable Advantage to Great-Britain, for the Tranquility of our Colonies in that Neighbourhood.
A Scheme towards settling the Boundaries between the British and French Colonies of NORTH-AMERICA, and for the better Regulation of their Trade.
IT is further agreed and concluded, That the Boundaries between the British Hudson's- Bay Company, and the French Colony of Canada, shall remain as settled by the Peace of Utrecht, 1713. That in Conformity to the Treaty of Peace and Neutrality for the English and French Colonies in America, Anno 1686: French Vessels shall not enter any of the Harbours of Newfoundland [Page 14] (excepting in Cases of Distress) shall not trade or cure Fish there, neither shall they fish within — Leagues of the same. That the exclusive fishing Line on the Coasts of Nova-Scotia and New-England, shall begin at the Southerly Entrance of the Gut of Canso, and run a direct Course to the Island of Sable, comprehending all the Banks of said Island; and from thence to run South West indefinitely. That the Inland Line shall begin at Cape Rosiers, the Mouth of the River St. Laurence, up said River, and Catarequia River to the Lake Cataraquie or Ontario; along said Lake and its Communication with Lake Erie; along Lake Erie so far as the Senneka's Country extends, and from this Termination, the nearest Course or Distance to the Apalatian Mountains; and along the Ridge of said Mountains to the Bay of Apalatie in the Gulph of Mexico; St. Augustine and the Promontory of Florida included. That the Islands in the Gulph and River of St. Laurence shall belong to the French, but the Navigation of said Gulph, Rivers and Lakes shall be free to both Parties. That the French shall not set up Lodges, Trading Houses or Factories, nor travel with Goods, in the British American Territories; neither shall theBritish Subjects in French American Territories; Penalty, Confiscation of Goods: but the Indians shall have a free Passage, with their Skins and Furs, and Return of Goods for the same, indifferently, to a Market, in both Territories. That the Trade with the Chikesaw and Chirakee Indian Nations (although West of the Apalatian Mountains) as being of many Years Continuance, shall continue with the British Subjects exclusively.
THIS SECTION would have more naturally concluded, than began the ESSAY; but as it may be supposed that at Negociation for Peace between Great-Britain and France, is now on Foot in Europe; it was judged seasonable, and advisable not to postpone it. This ESSAY towards a HISTORY of British North-America, is reduced under the following Heads.
[Page] SECT. I. A Scheme for Boundaries between the British and French Colonies in NORTH-AMERICA, and for regulating their exclusive Trade.
II. Some general and short Account of the Spanish, English, French and Dutch Discoveries, Settlements and Claims [...] America.
III. Concerning the Indian Nations and Tribes; intermixed with, under the Protection of, or in Alliance with Great-Britain: As also some imperfect Hints of those called the French Indians.
IV. Some Remarks in Relation to the general British Constitution of their Colonies, in order to render the Accounts of the several Provinces more succinct.
V. HUDSON'S BAY Company; their trading Lodges, Forths, and Factories; their Boundaries with Canada, as settled by the Treaty of Utrecht Anno 1713.
VI. NEWFOUNDLAND Fishery; it is not colonized.
VII. NOVA SCOTIA, appointed to be colonized in Governor Philips's Instructions, but hitherto neglected; and may be said (the Garrison of Annapolis excepted) to be as much a French Colony as before its Reduction; together with some short Account of the Islands in the Gulph of St. Laurence, formerly included in the Government of L'Accadie or Nova Scotia, but given to France by the Treaty of Utrecht, and lately reduced to Subjection of the Crown, I wish I could say annexed to the Dominions of Great-Britain.
VIII. MASSACHUSETTS-BAY. In the Extent of their new Charter- Anno 1691, comprehending Old Massachusetts-Bay Colony, Plymouth Settlement, Province of Main; and the Iurisdiction but not the absolute Property of Duke of York's Grant from Quenebec River to River St. Croix in the Bay of Fundy; commonly called Sagadahoc.
IX. NEW HAMPSHIRE, including the Northern Settlements of Massachusetts-Bay, lately adjudged to the Crown, and annexed to that Province.
X. RHODE-ISLAND, including a Part of Plymouth late Colony, lately adjudged to Rhode-Island Colony.
XI. CONNECTICUT.; according to the Boundaries respectively settled, by Commissioners with Massachusetts-Bay, New-York, and Rhode-Island; and confirmed by the King in Council.
[Page 16] XII. NEW-YORK, according to their divisional Line settled with the Proprietors of East-Jerseys, Anno 1719, by Commissioners appointed by the Legislatures of both Provinces, and confirmed by the King in Council: and according to a divisional Line, settled Anno 1725, by Commissioners from the respective Legislatures of New-York and Connecticut Colonies, and confirmed by the King in Council: The Boundary between Massachusetts-Bay and New-York Colony we must defer, as not ascertained; Notwithstanding the New-York Commissioners agreed, that the Basis of their Settlements with Connecticut, should be 20 Miles East from, and parallel with Hudson's River; the Colony of New-York, (as I am informed) insist that Housatonick, alias Westenhoek, alias Stratford River, shall be the Boundary with Massachusetts-Bay; the Neutrality in Queen Anne's War, between New-York and their Indians, and Canada and their Indians, was bounded Easterly by Housatonick River: some of the New-York Politicians say, that their Claim extends to Connecticut River: Their Line with Pennsylvania, is limited by Delaware River, and the Parallel of 43 D. N. Lat.: Their Northern Boundary with Canada, wants to be fixed in some subsequent Treaty.
XIII. The EAST and WEST J [...]R [...]YS, two distinct Grants: the Proprietors surrendred the Government to the Crown, Anno 1702: Being small the Crown has united them, under one Iurisdiction or Government.
XIV. PENNSYLVANIA. Two distinct Governments or Legislatures, but under one Governor; because the Property of one Family.
XV. MARYLAND. Lord Baltimore's Property. We cannot adjust his Line with Penn's Family, it is not as yet settled.
XVI. VIRGINIA. According to their Line lately run and confirmed with North Carolina.
XVII. NORTH CAROLINA; according to their late Line with Virginia to the North, and South-Carolina to the Southward.
XVIII. SOUTH CAROLINA. The other Government: the Grant of Carolina, being very large, was divided into two Governments.
XIX. GEORGIA. An Utopian Property and Government; granted by Charter to certain Trustees. A favourite and chargeable Colony, but hitherto unprofitable.
SECT. II. An introductory short
Account of the antient and modern Navigation, Discoveries, and Settling of Colonies.
As this SECTION may contain a great Variety▪ Perspicuity, requires its being divided or distinguished under the following Heads or ARTICLES.
ARTICLE I. A general View of Navigation and Colonies in remote Times.
IN Trade and Navigation, as in all other Affairs of Antiquity, we are not to go too far back; in [...]he very remote Ages, the Antients did much indulge a Poetical, florid Rhetorical, Enigmatical, and Mytholo [...]gical Vein; it is not possible at this Distance of Time and Place, to distinguish between their true and fabulous Relations: Their Histories and all other Matters were wrote in Verse, admitting of many Poetical Fancies *.
[Page 18]Doubtless from Time to Time by Famine, Pestilence, and some implacable Sword, whole Countries have been depopulated, and consequently their Records destroyed; we find that we cannot with any Certainty go back exceeding 2500 Years. From what we may collect, we find, that China, the East-Indies, and Arabians are prior to us in Trade and Navigation; at present we have much the Advantage of them.
In the Revolution of Ages, the several Countries upon the Earth have been depopulated by Pestilence, Famine or Wars; and afterwards settled from other Countries; thus the Origin of the several Countries must be very various and uncertain. The Plains and overflowed Lands, called Interval Lands in New-England, upon the Banks of the Tigris and Euphrates in Chaldea, and of the Nile in Egypt, being very fertile and pleasant, enticed People to settle them in a compact Political improving Manner; therefore our first certain Records of Things seem to originate there. †
Amongst the Aborigines, the ARABIANS or Saracens have been Time out of Mind, and are at present the principal Aboriginal Navigators of the East-India Seas. The Arabian Moors or Mahometans, long before we navigat [...]d these Parts, sent Colonies to almost all their Sea Coasts and Islands, and drove the Natives up into the Mountains. The Arabians and Egyptians for many Ages navigated the Red Sea and Indian Sea. We had Indian Spices in Europe above 2000 Years. Suez, the antient Arsinoe in N. Lat. 30 d. was the Barcadier or Sea-Port [Page] of Grand Cairo for the Red Sea, distant 4 [...] The Arabian Gulph was the most [...] upon Account of the East India Trade, [...] doubled the Cape of Good Hope. [...] their Situation upon the Red Sea, drove [...] between the Indies and the Egyptians, [...] Time the greatest Trade of the know [...] from the Saracen Navigation and Colonie [...] and Africa, excepting the Tartars, China ▪ [...] insignificant Pagans; are of the [...] Doubtless, for the same Reason, all [...] of Time will become Christians. The [...] was and is very considerable, [...] is not one navigable River in all Arabia [...] [...] and Moors had several Colonies in [...] totally drove out of Spain, until Anno [...]
After the Egyptians and Arabians, [...] became the principal Navigators, first [...] the Tyrians, and afterward their famous [...]. The Phaenicians were [...] who fled from the Red-Sea to the [...] CHRIST 1047 Years; being used to [...] Traffick in the Indies; they began the [...] in the Mediterranean Sea to Greece, &c. [...] of their Wars with the Edomites made [...] native Habitations and settle upon [...] They were the first who directed the [...] Stars in the Night Time (the Magneti [...] [...] is a modern Discovery) their first [...] Ships with Sails and one Order of Oars. [...] Colonies abroad, viz. Byzantiun or [...] Byrsa or the famous Carthage in Barbary [...] in Spain, Cassiteredes (Tin Islands) Sicily [...] in Great-Britain, &c: Carthage [...] trading antient Phaenician Colony [...] before CHRIST, were Masters and set [...] along the N. W. Coast of Barbary, in [...] or Canaries, and in the Hesperides or [...] [Page 20] in N. Lat. 15 d: they had Colonies in the Baleares Insulae (Majorca Minorca & Yvica) in Sardinia and Sicily. Carthage was for many Years the Emporium or Mart of Trade in the West, as Corinth in Greece was the Emporium of the East: they were both destroy'd about the same Time by the Romans 146 Years before CHRIST.
The Assyrians, an Inland People, had no Notion of Navigation: by conquering Egypt and Phaenicia, put a Damp to Trade and Navigation: After some Time a new Tyre was built, and the Tyreans flourished more than before, until Alexander the Great, a Royal Knight errant, destroy'd the City and sold the Inhabitants for Slaves.
In the History of Navigation and Colony Settlers, next were the GREEKS; at first more for War Expeditions and Invasions than for Traffick. The first Account, that we have of a long Ship was that of Argos *, who about 53 Years after Solomon, or 939 Years before CHRIST, according to the Computation of the most ingenious (I wish our Language, as the Dutch, would admit of a Degree of Comparison, above the Superlative) and penetrating Sir Isaac Newton, in his Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended. The A [...]gonouts were the Flower of Greece, fitted out to persuade the Nations upon the Coasts of the Euxine and Mediterranean Seas, to revolt from Egypt; they were a Parcel of Jolly young Gentlemen, viz. Castor and Pollux, Esculapius, Orpheus, Hercules, Deucalion the Son of Minos, Bacchus's Sons, &c.
The several Graecian Republicks had their Turns of Fortune of being more or less potent at Sea, the Cypriots were the most noted for Commerce. They settled Colonies in the Southern Parts of Italy and in Sicily, calling it Magna Graecia; this Name was afterwards confined to Calabria Superior in the Kingdom of Naples; they built [Page 21] Marseilles in Provence in France; they had Settlements near Barcelona in Spain.
Before CHRIST, 885 Years, The Corinthians began to improve Navigation by large Ships and Triremes. †
Thucydedes says, That in the 29th Olympiad was the oldest Sea-fight mentioned in History, it was about 657 Year [...] before CHRIST, between the Corinthians and Corcyreans of Corfu. The Athenians (whose Continent Dominions were not larger than Yorkshire) assisted the Corcyreans, the Lacedemonians aided the Carthaginians (the Lacedemonians were more powerful by Land, but the Athenians were more powerful by Sea) this gave Occasion to the famous Poloponesian War, the Subject of Thucidades History: on one Side and the other, almost all Greece were engaged. The Athenians and Lacedemonians disputed the Empire of the Sea for some Time.
During the intestine Fueds of the Graecian Commonwealths; Philip King of Macedon, invaded and conquered the Countries in his Neighbourhood, and at Sea enriched himself by Pyracies, and put an end to the Graecian Liberties. His Son Alexander the Great, proceeded to the Levant, and conquered (committe [...] Murders and [Page 22] Robbery) so far as the River Indus: * Upon his Return, intoxicated with Wine, and his youthful Vanity from Conquests, he died at Babylon; and his Depredations (they deserve no better Name) were canton'd amongst [...] Generals in their several Stations or Commands, who, after some Bickerings, agreed to an Uti Possidetis.
Next in Course, at Sea appeared the ROMANS, who at first (like the present Turks) did only mind Conquest, not Trade; but in Process of Time, finding that the Corinthians and Carthaginians, having the Dominion of the Seas, so as to land and make Depredations where they pleased; to keep them within Bounds, the Romans were obliged to mind the Sea out of Necessity, † and were both destroy'd about the same Time by the Romans; a great Wound to Trade.
Iulius Caesar invaded Great Britain from France in very small Vessels or Craft, they were all built and fitted in two Months: The Britains at that Time had no Navigation; they were reduced to a Roman Province, not a Colony, and continued so above 400 Years. As the People of Britain at that Time were a Sort of Sylvestres, Wild People like our American Indians, Scots Highlanders, Miquelets of Spain, or Montenagrins: all parti [...]lar Accounts of Great-Britain may be reputed as fab [...]us before Caesar's Time. Upon the Swarming or Emigration of the Northern Barbarians, the Roman Troops in Great-Britain were recalled to the Defence of their own Country: a Party of the same Northern Nations called Saxons, embraced the Opportunity, invaded Great-Britain in that Part of it now called England; and one [Page 23] of their considerable Tribes, the Angles, gave Name to the Country.
Pirates in the Mediterranean Sea have been formidable, BELLUM PIRATICUM is sometimes recorded by the Roman Historians. Pompey was delegated for one of these Pirate Wars, and in the space of four Months (to his great Honour and Glory, as it is said) reduced all the Pirates.
The Romans with their Conquests and Colonies introduced their own Language * all over Italy, into France, Spain and Portugal, where it continues to this Day, but much intermixed with the Languages of the Aboriginals, and of some Foreigners, who invaded them from Time to Time. In other Nations, which submitted to the Romans rather for Patronage or Protection than by Conquest (the Romans were at that Time the general Arbitrators of all the known civilized Nations †) the Roman Language or Latin did not prevail.
The GOTHS, Vandals and other Barbarous Nations, who swarmed from the Northern Parts of Europe, and like Locusts or Caterpillars, over-run the Southern Parts of Europe; may be said, generally, to have superseded the Romans; they had no Notion of Navigation and a Sea-Trade, and did not in the least apply themselves that Way. Of these only the NORMANS and Danes (a sort of Pirates became potent at Sea; their first Expedition into Great-Britain was about Anno 800. ** They settled a Colony in the North Parts of France, and called it Normandy; in a Course of Years they made Depredations and some Settlements along the Coasts of Saxony, Flanders, Britain, and France; as a Monument of this, there is to be found on the Sea-Coasts of those Countries, [Page 24] to this Day, Blond Complexions, red and yellowish Hairs. This Norman Colony in France called Normandy, (I shall not say, conquered England) in Process of Time gave a King to England, called WILLIAM the Conqueror, whose Establishment continues to this Day.
While the Mahometan Saracens prevailed, they were for a considerable Time Masters of the Seas (especially of the Mediterranean from the Red Sea to Hercules's Pillars) in the Southern Parts of Europe while the Normans ravaged the Northern Parts. The Moors and Saracens reduced the greatest Part of Spain Anno 714, and were not totally subjugated by the Aboriginal Spaniards until Anno 1492 *: The Spanish Blood is much tainted with the Morasco.
The next and last Set to be mentioned in this Article, are the several REPUBLICKS IN ITALY ( Venetians, Genoes, Florentines, Pisans) and Catalonia in Spain; they carried on the Trade and Navigation of the Southern Parts: and the HANS TOWNS in Germany; they had the Trade and Navigation of the Northern Parts of Europe. Their Intercourse was generally at Sluys and Bruges in Flanders; and exchanged or barter'd Naval Stores, Woollens, Linnens, &c. for Persian and East-India Goods, and Spices, &c. which in Part were purchased at Grand Cairo, but mostly brought over Land in Caravans to several Barcadiers or Sea-Ports in the Bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.
The Genoes had many Colonies in Lesser Asia and upon the Euxine Sea, and drove a great Trade there: In the beginning of the 13th Century, they were in Possession of Nice and Uintimiglia in Italy, of Tyre in Syria, of Ceuta in Barbary, of Corsica and Sardinia: their Families of Doria and Spignola, had the principal Administration.
[Page 25]The Venetians formerly were in Possession of Candia and of all the Islands in the Archipelago and Ionian Sea: in short, their becoming so rich and powerful, gave Jealousy and Umbrage to the other Sovereignties in Europe, and occasion'd the famous League of Cambray, Anno 1508.
The first Discoveries made in America were generally by Italian Navigators or of Italian Extract (Columbus in the Spanish Service, Cabots in the English, Americus Vespucius in the Portuguese, Veruzani in the French Service, &c.) employed by several European Princes.
The Hans Towns were an Association of several Trading Towns in Germany, at a Time they were in Number about 70 Hans Towns, they are at present reduced to four (there is constantly an English Resident or Minister with the Hans Towns) Lubeck on the River Trave the Principal; Dantzick on the Weissel or Vistula, Hamburg on the Elbe, and Bre [...]n on the Weser: all these are free Towns with a territo [...]al District.
The Venetians, more particularly, becoming vastly rich by their Trade in East-India Goods and Spices; set sundry Princes of Europe upon projecting a navigable (consequently less chargeable Way, so as to undersell the Venetians, and out them of that Trade) and usefully practicable Passage from Europe, to the rich Produce and Manufactures of the East. This leads to the Subject of the following Article.
ARTICLE 2. Concerning the several Essays or Adventures, towards discovering navigable Passages from Europe to the East-Indies, China, and the Spice Islands.
IT is said, That one great Inducement to Columbus's Adventure Westward, was to try for a Western Navigation to the Spice Islands; and luckily, by Islands and a great Continent intercepting him, America was discovered.
As the several great Continents of Europe and Africa Eastward, and America Westward lay in the Way; the Case was, how to double the extreme North or South Points or Lands-Ends of these Continents; or to find some pr cticable [Page 26] Straits or Thorough-Fares in these Continents.
Before we proceed, we shall insert by way of Amusement, as not impertinent to the Subject, the following Digression.
Some Dutch Fishers missing of Whales, are said to have sailed in Quest of them, several Degrees North of Cape Purchas of East Greenland, which lies in N. Lat. 82 d; there was no Ice, only an open Sea, but very hollow. Whalers say, that the further North, on Spitsbergen, or East Greenland, they found the greater Plenty of Grass, and other green Herbs; therefore towards the Pole it must be hotter: This seems to be probable from the Nature of Things: In Iune at the North Pole the Sun is 23 d. 30 m. high, and for some Months always above the Horizon; whereas, for Instance, at London, the Metropolis of Great-Britain, in N. Lat. 51 d. 30 m. the Sun in December is only about 15 d. high, and only for one Third of its Revolution or Day, above the Horizon.
M. Frazier, a French Navigator, says, in the Account of his South-Sea Voyages; that on the 13th of March 1714, N. S. in returning to France, South of Cape Horn, in Lat. 58 d. 30 m. and 68 d. 30 m. W. Longitude from Paris, he discovered several Islands of Ice, whereof one was four or five Leagues long; Ice is not frequently met with hereabouts, and as Ice is formed by an Adherence to some Land or Shore, there must be Land towards the South Pole; but not within 63 d. S. Lat. for the Extent of about 200 Leagues from 55 d. to 80 d. West Long. from Paris; because this Space has been run by several Ships, which the S. W. and S. S. W. Winds have obliged to stand far to the Southward, to weather Cape-Horn, the Lands-End of South-America, in 55 d. 55 m. S. Lat. This is the Reason, why that Chimera or Fancy of a Terra Australis is at present left out of our Charts or Maps. If Lands are discovered South of 64 d. S. Lat. they must be inhospitable and uninhabitable, considering that the Weather is more stormy, and Winters more rigid, in the high South Latitudes, than in the same Northern Latitudes; [Page 27] the same Climates South of the Equator, are much colder than to the Northward of the Equator.
The Southern Latitudes are much colder, than in the same Degrees of Northern Latitudes. 1. The Sun is annually eight Days longer on the Northern Side of the Equinoctial than on its Southern Side. 2. The Sun in our North Country Winters is in Perigee, that is, nearer the Earth, than in the Southern Winters, being then in his Apogee. 3. The highest Cod-Fishery according to Capt. Frazier, in the Southern Latitudes is in 31 d. S. Lat; our Cod Fishery in North-America (there are some stragling Cod-Fish caught more to the Southward) extends to Nantucket New-England in 41 d. N. Lat: Therefore 41 d. N. Lat. is nearly of the same Temper or Coolness as 31 d. S. Lat.
To obtain navigable Passages, into the Indian and South Seas, the extreme North and South Promontories or Lands-Ends of the several Continents above-mentioned, were to be doubled. They are reduceable to four, viz. 1. The S. E. Passage by doubling the Cape of Good Hope the South Point of Africa. 2. The S. W. Passage by doubling Cape Horn the South Point of America, Megallan's Streights is a Thorough-Fare. 3. The N. E. Passage, North of the North Cape of Europe, but hitherto not discovered. 4 The N. W. Passage, or rather Thorough-Fare between the North Shore of America, and the South Shore of West-Greenland, commonly called Davis's Streights (to double the North Parts of this West-Greenland, has hitherto not been imagined) this has at Times been endeavoured in the last Century and half, M. Dobbs is at present, in Pursuit of it. Lastly, We shall mention some Tentatives for discovering Thorough-Fares in several Openings in the Body of the Continentof America.
The Antients had no Knowledge of Countries South of the Equator. Iohn I. of Portugal, conquer'd Ceuta from the Moors, 1409; Henry, third Son of K. Iohn, much in the Humour of Navigation Discoveries; by his Encouragement, the Portuguese began Anno 1418, to range the West Coast of Africa: 1438 Alphonsus V. [Page 28] took Tongier, and ranged so far as Cape Negroe in 16 d. South Latitude, † and to this Day have several Colonies with territorial Jurisdiction from thence to 7 d. S. Lat. in Congo, Angola, and Loango. Anno 1442, the Portuguese obtain'd of the Pope a Grant of all Lands, laying S. and E. of Cape Bajador on W. Side of Africa, 26 d. 30 m. N. Lat. In the Reign of Emanuel 1497, Vasquez de Gamma doubles the Cape, they had discovered this Cape Anno 1487, and called it the Cape of Good-Hope, in Expectation of doubling it; thence they coasted along the Eastern Shore of Africa, from Cape Negroe on the West Side of Africa, 16 d. S. Lat. round ( Cape of Good-Hope, a Dutch Place of Refreshment excepted) to Rio de Spirito Santo in S. Lat. 18 d. on the East Shore of Africa, is a very wild and savage Country, no European Settlers; but from 18 d. S. Lat. to 5 d. N. Lat. the Portuguese have Possessions, the chief being Mozembique in 15 d. S. Lat. and Melinda in 2 d. 30 m. S. Lat.
From the Eastern Coast of Africa, the Portuguese sail'd over to the Malabar Coast on the Indian Peninsula. The next Portugal Expedition for the East-Indies, was drove upon the Coast of Brazil, and after taking Possession of it, proceeded to the Malabar Coast. Anno 1510, Albukerk reduces Goa, takes Amboyna, Banda, and some other of the Molucca Islands, and returns home richly loaden with Spices. They sail'd along the Coast of China; thus during the Reign of their good King Emanuel, who died [Page 29] Anno 1521, they carried all before them at Sea, and superseded the Venetians in a Trade which they had enjoy'd ever since Anno 1260. Having purchased of Charles V, Emperor, his Claim as King of Spain, of a pretended Priority of Discovery in the Spice Islands; they solely enjoy'd without Molestation for near a Century of Years the famous and profitable Trade and Navigation to the East-Indies; as Spain did that to the West-Indies.
Henry, King of Portugal, dying without Children Anno 1580; K. Philip by a powerful Army under the Duke d' Alva reduces Portugal, he claim'd it in Right of his Mother Elizabeth the Empress; Spain became Master of all the Portuguese Dominions and rich Trade; [...]eing in the Height of Glory, after a few Years; Anno 1588 the King of Spain fits out the Invincible Armada (as he calle [...] [...]it) against England.
The Dutch † at this Time, as revolted from the Dominions of Spain, were prohibited by the King [Page 30] of Spain, to trade to Portugal, the only Emporium of East India Spices and other Goods: This occasio [...]ed their Endeavours to sail directly to the East-Indies, and Spice-Islands: they first attempted a N.E. Passage by Waygatz Streights, but in vain; afterwards Anno 1595, without Ceremony, they double the Cape of Good-Hope, seized several of the Spanish or Portuguese Colonies, got a great Footing in the East-Indies, and have established a great Trade, and settled many considerable Colonies.
Upon the Expiration of the 12 Years Truce between Spai [...] and Holland, Anno 1621, the Dutch made several successful Expeditions to Brazil (at the same Time made some Settlements in Guiana) and got some Footing there. P. Maurice was appointed Governor, and resided there from Anno 1637 to Anno 1644; for Want of Supplie [...] he left it and returned home: the Dutch having a bette [...] Game to play in the East-Indies, from whence they almost outed the Portuguese, they gave Way in the Brazils, and after some Years the Portuguese recovered it entirely by Anno 1660.
The following Digression, may perhaps be an agreeable Amusement to some Readers.
To make some Estimate of the Dutch East India Whaling, and Suga [...] Trade (which with their Herring Fishery, and Carrying, are the Branches of their Traffick) we shall instance the Year 1738 (perhaps a Medium Year [Page 31] of Business) that Year arrived in the Texel, for Amsterdam, and the small Towns in the Zuyder Zee, from the East-Indies 15 Ships, from East Greenland, or Spitzbergen 92 Whalers, from West Greenland or Davis's Streights Whalers 55; with Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, from Surinam 36, Curaso 11, other Places in the West-Indies 14.
The Dutch at first carried on their Trade in the East-Indies, by Factories in several Parts; afterwards they settle [...] Colonies with a Territorial Jurisdiction; they did not fully monopolize the Trade, until 1635. The Subscription for a Company Trade was 6,440,200 Gilders or Florins.
The whole Trade is supposed divided into sixteen Parts, and the Company into six Chambers, each Chamber having Parts nearly in Proportion to their Subscription; o [...] those sixteen Parts 8 belong to the Chamber of Amsterdam, 4 to Zealand, 1 to Rotterdam, 1 to Delft, 1 to Horn, and 1 to Enchuysen: each Chamber has a peculiar Board of Directors called in Dutch Bewindhebbers; the Chamber of Amsterdam consists of 20 Directors, that of Zealand consists of 12 Directors, the other four Chambers each consists of 7 Directors: The grand Affairs of the united Chambers, are managed by a grand Council, which sits at Amsterdam for six Years, and at Middleborough in Zealand for two Years, alternately; this general Council consists of a Deputation from each of the six Chambers, Amsterdam sends 8 Deputies, Zealand 4 Deputies, the other four Chambers send 1 Deputy each; and a seventeenth (this Council consists of 17) is chose alternately by the six Chambers, and is President or Chairman.
This Company is vastly rich, an Original Share of 3,000 Gilders (3,000 is reckoned a high Share) has been sold frequently at 20,000 Gilders; notwithstanding of their great annual Charges in building and repairing Fortifications, Ships, Store-Houses, Salaries, Soldiers Pay, &c. amounting sometimes to upwards of a Million and a half Gilders per Annum. They are the most powerful private Society in the World, some think them more powerful than the Government of their own seven United Provinces at home in Europe: they have at Times lent the Government [Page 32] or States General, great Sums of Money for continuing their Privileges; Anno 1688 they lent the States General 8,000,000 Gilders for continuing their Privileges to Anno 1740. It has been thought, that if the Dutch (I mean their People of Quality and Fortune) should at any Time foresee a certain Danger of being reduced by a more potent Neighbour; they would transport their Families and Effects to the East-Indies, where they are Masters of the Sea: thus, in ancient Times, the Tyrians when in apparent Danger of being reduced by Alexander the Great, sent their Wives, Children and Effects to Carthage. This Company exports very little Bullion from Holland (the English East-India Company export too much Silver) their Spices vended in that Country, purchases all the other Goods they may have Occasion for. The English East India Company in some Articles of Trade, have the Advantage of the Dutch; for in Fact, the Hollanders buy near half the Goods sold at the English East-India Sales.
The Seat of Government for all the Dutch East-India Colonies and Factories is at Batavia; here resides their Governor-General with much greater State, than the President of the States-General of the United Provinces. The Governor-General is chosen by the Company, with the Approbation of the States-General; he is elected only for three Years, but frequently continued for Life; he has a Council of Six, viz. The Major General, a military Officer; Director-General, who has the Inspection of the Trade, and gives Orders or Instructions to all under Directors, Factors, Supercargoes, and Masters or Skippers, with Four more named by the Company. In very good Policy, they have an Independent Court of Judicature for civil and criminal Matters, to whom the Governor-General is subject, and by whom he may be condemned even to Death. Under the Governor-General are six considerable Governments or Colonies; each has a Governor, Director of Trade, besides several lesser Governments, Commanderies and Factories. This being only a Digression, I must forbear to enumerate more Particulars. As the above Observations are not publick, that is in Print, I hope they may be acceptable.
[Page]II. A short History of the S. W. Passages [...] to the Mare del Zur South Sea, or Pacifick [...] to the East-Indies, or China and the Spice [...] the Portugueze formerly claimed an [...] by the S. E. Passage, in like Manner the [...] to the exclusive Navigation of the S. [...] to the East-Indies. For the better [...] Affair, we may previously observe *,
The Reason why several Princes of [...] other Passages besides that of the S. E. [...] Good Hope to the Spice Islands and the [...] as follows. Ever since Anno 1410, the [...] with infinite Labour and much [...] the West Coast of Africk to gain a Passage [...] Indies; Anno 1442, they obtained of the [...] a Grant of the sole Navigation of Seas and [...] Lands laying S. and E. of Cape Bajador N▪ [...] W. from London 15 d. in Africa; this [...] Good Hope and the S. E. Passage.
The Pope Anno 1493, having granted to [...] all Lands beginning 100 Leagues West [...] or Western Islands (belonging to [...] indefinitely; occasioned a Dispute between [...] and Portugueze. Th [...] Portugueze reckoning [...] Discovery of America Anno 1492, and this [...] upon their Right to the Ocean, [...] Navigators of this Ocean, complained to [...] VI. Anno 1493: He composed this [...] the Limits of a Meridian called, the Line of [...] on Degrees West of St. Antonio the [...] [Page 34] the C [...]pe de Ver [...] Islands: St. Antonio lies 25 d. West from London †.
As the Pope at that Time, and for many Years following, was universally in Europe regarded, as the sole and absolute Arbitrator, or rather Disposer of all Dominio [...] upon Earth; the other Princes of Europe did implicitly acquiesce in this fantastical, or rather FANATICAL Division of the Globe of Earth (its Parts to be discovered) between the Spaniards and Portugueze; and for near a Century all the Traffick of the East and West-Indies was engrossed respectively by the Portugueze and Spaniards; but in Process of Time, the British, French and Dutch have got into their Hands the greatest Part of this Traffick; Gold, Silver, and precious Stones excepted.
There are three different South West Passages.
1. The Straits of Magellan (it is properly a Thorough-fare, but near the Land's End of America) the East Entrance lies in 52 d. 30 m. S. Lat. its West Entrance in 53 d. S. Lat; in all its Turnings about 116 Leagues long, Cape Q [...]aad not above 4 Miles wide, at Batchellors River 50 Leagues from its East Entrance the Flood begins to come from the Westward and makes a ripling with the Ea [...]ern Flood. After the beginning of May to the End of Sept. these Straits are so full of Ice with fixed stormy Westerly Winds there is no passing; at other Times It is very difficult and tedious, therefore it is now disused. Trees grow here to a considerable Bigness; there are no [Page 35] [...] Trees in these Southern Latitudes, the like Northern Latitudes abound with them. †
Ferdinand Magellanez a Native of Portugal, not sufficiently rewarded for his many good Services in the Portugueze Discoveries, offer'd his Service to the Emperor Charles V. King of Spain, to find a Passage to the Spice Islands by sailing Westward, without any Violation of the Pope's Bull or of the Agreement with Portugal: with five Ships and 300 Men he sa [...]l'd from S [...]vile in Sp [...]in August 10. Anno 1519; he wooded and watered on th [...] Coast of Brazil in 22 d. S. Lat; he first, but in vain, attempted a Passage by the River of Plate, he discover'd and passed the Straits of his own Name November Anno 1520, he proceeded to the Ladrones and Philippine Islands where he was killed in a Skirmish with the Indians; his Ships proceed and arrived at the Moluccas or Spice Islands in November 1521, * and settled a Colony, they loaded with Spices, and by Way of the Cape of Good Hope, in three Years returned to Spain. After Megellan's Pass [...]ge, it was discontinued (being represented so very difficult) for many Years. Camerga a Spaniard is said to have passed it Anno 1539.
Capt. Francis Drake is reckoned the Second who circumnavigated our Globe or Earth by passing the Straits of Magellan, w [...]h five Ships 164 Men, he sail'd from Plymouth, Dec. 13. Anno 1577, he passed the Straits of Magellan in Sept. Anno 1578, after a very difficult Navigation [Page 36] of sixteen Days, he got much Treasure along the Coast of Chili and Peru, sail'd so far North as 43 d. N. Lat. the Inclemency of the Weather obliged him to return Southward, he took Possession in Form of the N. W. Parts of California for the Crown of England, and called it NEW-ALBION. He arrived at Ternate one of the Molucca or Spice-Islands Nov. 14, Anno 1579, and loaded a Quantity of Cloves; arrived in England, Nov. 3. 1580. He was knighted aboard of his own Ship by Queen Elizabeth. † His Journal differed one Day from the Account of Time in England. |
[Page 37]Capt. Thomas Cavendish (he was afterward knighted) was the third Adventurer and Circum-navigator by this Strait, having passed, he distressed the Spaniards very much along the South-Sea Shore, he touched at [...] fornia, took an Aquapulco Ship, touched at the Philip [...] Islands and Iava, he doubled the Cape of Good Hope, touched at St. Helena in 15 d. S. Lat; with much Booty and Glory, he arrived at Plymouth, Sept. 9. Anno 1591.
The Spaniards having found two Land-passes or Conveyances, viz. The Isthmus o [...] Darien, and from the River of Plate cross the Andes to the South-Seas, they discontinued this Navigation. Oliver Nort, Anno 1598, and George Spilbergen, Anno 161 [...], Dutch Men passed. Sir Iohn Narborough, fitted out by King Charles II. and the Duke of York, sail'd from England May 15. Anno 1669, was only six Months from B [...]ldivi [...] in [...]ili to England, he repassed the Straits of Magellan, and made the Lizard, June 10, 1671, was only one Year and nine Months in his Voyage. M. de B [...]chesne a French Man (perhaps the last in this Navigation) passed Anno 1699, he returned S. of Cape-Horn without making Land.
2. The Passage by Straits Le Maire and Cape Horn. This Strait lies between Terra del Fouego and Staten Island, in 55 d. S. Lat. 5 Leagues long, 8 Leagues wide, good Soundings; from thence they double Cape-Hor [...] the South Land's End of America, in 57 d. 50 m. S. Lat.
Cornelius Schouten of Horn, and Iacob Le Maire of Amsterdam, Anno 1615, were the first who adventured South of Magellan-Straits. The Island which makes the Straits had its Name from the States of Holl [...]nd, the [Page 38] Straits were called by the Name of one of the Discoverers, the Cape was called after the Name of the Birth-Place of the other Discoverer. They performed their Circ [...]-navigation in two Years and eighteen Days. Thi [...] Passage has been much practised.
Commodore Anson's (now Admiral Anson) Voyage through these Straits round our Globe or Earth, is the l [...]est we have any particular Account of; he sail'd from England, Sept. 18. 1741, to annoy and distress the Spa [...]iards in the South-Seas, his Squadron consisted of Ships, one 60 Guns, two 50 Guns, one 40 Guns, one 20 Guns, [...] Sloop or Snow of 8 Guns, 2 Victuallers, he had twelve Months Provision aboard, 500 Marines and Invalids, but returned to England a single Ship: Of the 510 Men aboard the Centurion the Commodore, when he sail'd from England, not exceeding 130 returned to England. He was unfortunate as to wrong Seasons all the Voyage, he set out too late, was 38 Days in his Passage to Maderas, did not leave St. Catherine's * on the Coast of Brazil, in 27 d. S. Lat. until Jan. 18, passed in Sight of the Magellan Straits in March, through Straits Le Maire, he was off of Cape Horn in the Height of their Winter, with hollow Seas, and boisterous adverse Winds (we before hinted that the South high Latitudes, are in their Winters more tempestuous, than the like North high Latitudes in the Northern Winters; thus Cape of Good Hope, although in 34 d. S. Lat. was at first called Cape Tormentosa, the N. W. Winds in May, June, July and August being as it were fixed and very tempestuous) here he parted from all his Fleet; the Severn and Pearl of 50 and 40 Gun Ships, tired out (as it is supposed) with [...]edious contrary Winds, dismal Storms, and an overgrown Sea, left him and put back: Some of his Fleet [Page 39] joined him again at the Island of Iuan Fernandez [...] South-Sea, which is generally used as a Place of Refreshment by Enemies and Interlopers. He had a [...] dious Passage of 148 Days from St. Catherine's [...] thi [...] Island. He did not arrive off of Aquapulco until t [...]e End of Ianuary, O. S. the Manila † Ship being [...]ot in Ianuary 9. From the West Coast of Mexico he [...] 109 Days to the Ladrones (it is generally performed by heavy Sailers in 60 or 70 Days) from thence he [...] to Macao a Portugueze Settlement upon an Island [...] Canton the chief Place of Trade in China, here he co [...]inued from November 1742 to April following. Iune [...]. Anno 1743, Commodore Anson by good Chance ( [...] Manila Ship might have got into her Port, but [...]ing [Page 40] informed at Aquapulco of Anson's bad Condition, he bore up to him to take him) took the Manila Ship bound from Aquapulco to Manila, about 6 Leagues S. E. of Cape Spiri [...]u Sancto off the Island Mindora near Luconia or Manila Island July 11, he anchored again in Macao Road, and left it December 15, bound for England. Anno 1744, April 3, he left Cape of Good Hope, and June 12, made the Lizard Point. The Prize Money of the Manila Ship, and of some small Captures on the Coast of Peru, accounted for was in Value 355,324 £. Ster.
3. The Navigation East of Staten Island, clear of all Land giving Cape Horne the Land's End of South America a good Birth. This is the present Practice of the French South-Sea-Men, and is the most adviseable.
Capt. Sh [...]rp a Bucanier, * Anno 1681, came from the South Seas to the North Seas without making Land; it was in their Summer-Season, Nov. 17, he was in 58 d. 30 m. S. Lat. to the Southward of Cape Horn, where he [Page 41] met with several Islands of Ice and hard Frosts; he crossed the Equator or Line Ianuuary 7.
Capt. Woods Rogers (afterwards Governor of Provid [...]nc [...] and the other Bahama-Islands) with two good Privateers, set out from Bristol in August, Anno 1708, (his Pilot was Dampier, formerly a Logwood Cutter, who had been three Times in the South-Seas, and twice round the Globe) he wooded and watered at Cape de Verde Islands, at Brazils end of November, and at the Island Ferd [...]d [...], in the South-Sea; having Sea-room sufficient be passed into the South-Seas without seeing of Land; Jan. 10, he was South of Cape-Horn in Lat. 61 d. 53 m; 10 Weeks from the Brazils, he was upon the Coast of Chili and Peru, where he continued making Depredations till the Month of December, then he lay in Wa [...]t near the South End of California. He took the small Manila Ship Dec. 22. He left California Jan. 12. arrived at Guam, March 11, left Guam, March 22, arrived in Batavia June 20, left Iava-head October 24, arrived in the Harbour of Cape Good-Hope Dec. 28, sail'd from thence April 8▪ with the Dutch East-India Fleet (they are generally 17 to 20 Sail home [...]ard bound) passed in Sight of St. Helena April 30, off of Schetland Islands North of Scotland July 16, and arrived in the Texel, July 23; having encroach'd upon the exclusive Trade and Navigation of the English East-India Company, they did not think it convenient to come to England, until they had settled the Affair with the Company.
III. † Thorough-Fares in the Body of the American Continent from the Eastern Ocean to the Western Ocean, commonly called from the North Se [...] to the South-Sea and East-Indies.
1. The Straits of Magellan, already discussed.
2. Rio de La Plata. Iohn Diaz de Solis a Spaniard, sailing Southward fell in with this River of Plate Anno [Page 42] [...]515; the Name was occasioned by the first Silver from Peru, coming down this River (the native Indians call this Country Paraguay) t [...]ey went up the River so far as was convenient, and thence travelled by Land, to the Country that afforded so much Silver and Gold, and made Returns of it. Garcias a Portu [...]u [...]ze was up this River An. 1524. he was cut off by the Indians. Sebastian C [...]b [...]t in the King of Spain's Service An. 1525 sail'd 200 Leagues up the River of Plate. Anno 1535 Don Pedro de Mendoza, with 12 Ships went up this River; he left some Forces there, they conquered the Country to the Mines of P [...]tosi; and Town of La Plata 500 Leagues from their first Settlements; the Spaniards did not begin to work the Mines of Potosi, until An. 1545. Buenos Ayres is 50 Leagues up from the Mouth of the River of Plate; one Branch of this River is called Paraguay, here is the famous Country Tucuman of the Iesuites; Iesuites having in some Degree civilized the native Indians, they divided it into Districts or Missions, under the Direction of the Iesuites to this Day. St. Iago in 29 d. S. Lat. is the Capital of the Iesuites Country. At present there is a good Land Communication from the River of Plate to Peru and Chili, so the Assiento Negroes are conveyed from Buenos Ayres to Peru and Chili: the Road passes through La Plata (the great River comes near to it) in 21 d. S. Lat. the Capital of the Audience of Los Cher [...]as in Peru: the Silver Mines of Potosi and Porco are in its Neighbourhood.
3. The River of Amazons *. Its Mouth lies near the Line or Equinoctial, it is of a very long Course, about 1800 Leagues (it is the largest River upon Earth) from its many Windings and bad Navigation, it is relinquish'd as a Thorough-Fare. Gonzalo Pizarro (Brother to the famous [Page 43] Pizarro) Governour of Quito in Peru, Anno 1540 with a small Army crossed the Andes, and fell down this River in Quest of Gold; here he built a Briga [...]ine which sail'd down the River, which went home to Spain by the East or North Sea; Pizarro himself returned by L [...]d to Quito, he found no Gold. Father d' Ac [...]na from Quito went down this River, and by the East Sea to Spain, and published an Account of the Country. The Spaniards endeavoured a Settlement upon the River An. 1554, but soon relinquished it. By the Peace of U [...]recht, France (the French have some small Settlements in Guiana, North of this River) renounces both Sides of the River [...], and the Navigation thereof.
4. The River Oronoque. Its Mouth lies in about 9 d. N. Lat. by this River no Thorough-Fare ever was effected; it is the South Easterly Boundary of the Spanish Settlements on the East or North Sea of America: St. Thomas is the only Settlement, the Spaniards have South-East of this River, some New-England Privateers in the Beginning of the present Spanish War made some Attempts upon this Place Sir Walter Raleigh † took Possession [Page 44] of the Country of Guiana, † Anno 1595 for the Crown of England.
5. The Gulph of Mexico and Isthmus of Darien. Vasco Numes de Balboa with 290 Men Anno 1513 was the first who crossed this Isthmus, and discovered the South-Sea in 8 d. 30 m. N. Lat. between Porto Bello and Carthagena; at this Place the Isthmus is about one Degree wide. This Vasco received no Benefit by this Discovery, being soon superseded by Padracias, who was by the Court of Spain appointed Vice-Roy of Panama, originally and at that Time Capital of the South-Sea Spanish Colonies: There is a great Ridge of Mountains; or rather of many distinct Hills running along this Ihstmus, into the Gulph of Darien there comes from the Mountains many Rivers, which formerly afforded much Gold Dust or Grains; this was the principal Inducement to that romantick, ill-contrived, badly executed, and therefore short-lived Scots Settlement here called the Darien or CALEDONIA * Company, An. 1699.
[Page 45]Anno 1680, some of the Bucaniers went up the Gulph or River of Darien, and from thence by a short Land-Passage to St. Maria in the Bay of Panama: Some Bucaniers [Page 46] returned the same Way to the North Sea. At some Distance to the Westward 6 Leagues is Nombre de Dios, (nomen Dei) 18 Leagues from Panama, here the Galleons formerly loaded, but because of the sickly Air here and in the Gulph of Darien, they were both relinquished by the Spaniards, this is the narrowest Place of the Neck; Negroes from Iamaica Interlopers, have carried Letters of Advice from Nombre de Dios to Panama, and brought back Answers in 36 Hours. Six Leagues West from Nombre de Dios is Porto-Bello, † it is the North Sea Barcadier of Panama, about 20 Leagues distant, and the Fair for the Spanish Galleons and the British South-Sea annual Ship. A few Leagues West of Porto-Bello is the River Chagre (here Vernon An. 1740 seized the Spanish Factory and carried off Goods to the Value of 70,000 £. Sterl.) from the Head of their River is the shortest Land Carriage to Panama, not exceeding seven Leagues.
5. The early Adventurers to America, where they found any large Opening or Inlet, they had some small Hopes of a Thorough-fare to the South Seas, but proceeding only a small Way they were baulk'd: thus it happen'd in Chesapeak-Bay of Virginia, in Hudson's River of New-York, in St. Laurence's River of Canada the longest and largest of these Inlets: Iohn Cartier a French Man An. 1535 sail'd up the Gulph and River of St. Laurence so far as [Page] Monreal in Canada. Sir Humphry Gilbert from Engla [...] hearing of a Strait North of Virginia (New-England [...] Nova-Scotia were at that Time comprehended in the [...] nomination of Virginia) imagin'd, it might be a [...] fare to the East-Indies; he sail'd up the Gulph and [...] of St. Laurence An. 1583 and took Possession for [...] Crown of England.
6. The next and last Thorough-fare Northward, [...] Davis's Straits; but as this is a very wide Opening [...] rather Sea dividing North-America from a North [...] distinct Continent called West-Groenland or New- [...] we must refer it to the Paragraphs of a North [...] Passage, and the Section of Hudson's-Bay Lodges [...] Trade.
IV. Essays towards a Nor [...] East Passage to China [...] the Indian Seas, come next in Course of Time, these A [...]ventures were prior to the Outsets for a North-West [...]covery. The Cabots in Quest of a North-East Passa [...] first weathered the North Cape of Europe in 72 d. [...] Lat; by much Sollicitation, our Sovereigns of these [...] were prompted to make some Advances this Way in [...] of Trade. In King Edward VI's Reign, was [...] corpora [...]ed a Company of Merchants for discovering [...] Lands unknown; in Consequence of this some [...] Ships, by the White Sea, came to Archangel; and [...] Grand [...] of Muscovy or Russia, grants to an [...] Russia-Company sundry Privileges. AnnoRegni 1, 2. [...] and Mary, by Patent, a Society was incorporated, by [...] Name of the Governor, Consuls, Assistants, Fellows [...] and Commonality of Merchant-Adventurers to [...] Territories, &c. unknown or unfrequented; this [...] were in Possession of the Russia Trade 25 or 30 [...] before the Dutch attempted it.
Towards the End of the sixteenth Century the [...] and Dutch began to try for a North-East Passage, and many Years lost Ships and their Labour in impractic [...] Adventures: It had an incidental good profitable [...] [Page 48] it brought them into the Russia Trade and Whale-Fishery. The North-East and the North-West Discoverers introduced the whaling Business. The Dutch have winter'd in 75 d. N. Lat. in Nova-Zembla, the English have winter'd in 78 d. N. Lat. in Greenland, it was remark'd that Nova-Zembla although Southward of Greenland, is colder than Greenland. The English Russia Company were the first who went a Whaling at East-Greenland, at that Time they employed Biscayers; afterwards the Dutch came into it, followed it more closely, an [...] a [...]e better acquainted. A few Years since, the English South-Sea-Company fitted out a great Number of goo [...] large Ships Whalers; they sunk much Money from Mismanagement, and soon abandoned the Affair.
A North-East Passage has been essay'd three different Ways, viz. East of East-Greenland or Spitsbergen, between East-Greenland and Nova-Zembla, and by Wygatz Straits between Nova Zembla and Russia upon the Continent.
The Southermost Point of East-Greenland lies in 76 d. N. Lat. almost due North from the North Cape of Europe. This Greenland may reach the North Polar Regions, but hitherto Point Purchas (so called by the Name of the Discoverer) in 82 d. N. Lat. is the furthest North that has been discovered. The Southernmost Part of East-Greenland lies about 150 Leagues from Nova Zembla.
Anno 1671 a Whaler sail'd the Coast of East-Greenland to 81 d. N. Lat. there they found the Ice firm, it did not float; therefore it must adhere to some Land backwards, consequently there can be no North-East Passage that Way. As the Northerly and Easterly Winds in these Parts, cause very intense Frosts, there must be to Windward vast Continents covered with Snow or large Fields of impenetrable Ice. Thus the very hard Frost [...] from the North and North-West Winds in Baffin's Bay, Davis's Straits, and Hudson's Bay, indicate vast Continents of Snow and Ice to the North-West.
[Page 49] Anno 1676 Capt. Wood was fitted out by the Court of England in his Majesty's Ship Speedwell with the Prosperous Pink, to discover a North-East Passage to the Indian Seas; the Speedwell was cast away upon Rocks of Nova Zembla in 74 d. 30 m. N. Lat. (the Men were saved and came home in the Prosperous Pink) they found Ice along to the Northward with Soundings, therefore Land is not far off, and Nova Zembla (a Conjecture) may range North Westward, until it meets with East Greenland, consequently no North-East Passage between them, unless by some Straits; the Flood sets from the S. or S. W, therefore no Passage Northward, besides the Water is rather salter than common Sea or Ocean Water.
In endeavouring a N. E. Passage Nova Zembla was discovered, and Waygatz Straits between Nova Zembla and the Continent of Tartary or Russia: Those Straits in N. Lat. 70 d. are always froze and full of Ice, excepting when for a very short Time by a N. E. Hurricane or Storm it is cleared; but this Time being short and Weather tempestuous, it may be deem'd impracticable.
* Sundry Writers give us various small Accounts or Hints, some favouring some discouraging a N. E. Passage, [Page 50] none of them are sufficiently vouched. Some have wrote, that upon the Coasts of Iapan and China, drift Whales have been found with Dutch Harping Irons, these must have come by a N. E. Passage. Some relate Russian Barks that have sail'd from the Mare Glaciale East of Wygatz Straits by Cape Suotainos in N. Lat. 60 d. to trade with the People who live on the Oriental Ocean in N. Lat. 50 d. therefore Asia and America are two separate Continents. The Dutch (as it is said) Anno 1646, tried this Passage backwards, from Iapan to the North Ocean, but to no Purpose; they were not obstructed by the Ice, but puzzled by broken Lands, Head-Lands, Islands, Bays, Coves, Inlets, and Creeks. Some Dutch Whalers missing of Whales proceeded further North than Cape Purchas of East Greenland in N. Lat. 82 d. and found an open Sea clear of Ice but very hollow. N. B. Why did they not proceed in Quest of a Passage? If a clear Sea could be found, that is without Continents or Islands to fasten and fix the Ice, a Passage might be possible: But a Passage through Straits cannot be practicably safe, their Ice is generally fixed; if accidentally in the Height of some Summers they be open, it can be only for a short Time, and the Uncertainty, when a Frost may set in, renders the Navigation too hazardous to run the Risk of the [Page 51] Vessel being froze up, and the People perish: Spitsbergen or East Greenland seems to be a Cluster of broken Islands.
V. Adventures of a North West Passage to the West or Indian Seas for the Spice-Islands and China. Sebastian Cabot a Native o [...] England, was fitted out by Henry VII. of England, Anno 1497, to discover a North-West Passage to the Spice Islands and East-Indies, he made Land in West Greenland in N. Lat. 67 d. and called it Prima Vista, and from thence coasted to Florida, taking Possession, according to the Forms of those Times as he sail'd along for the Crown of England; but endeavoured no Passage.
St. Martin Frobisher, at first fitted out by private Adventurers, made three Voyages Anno 1576, 1577, 1578 to a Straits in N. Lat. 63 d. called by his own Name, but Ice and the Inclemency of the Weather successively obliged him to return, without any North-West Passage Discovery. He took formal Possession of the North Continent of Greenland, for the Crown of England, but the Norwegians (at present the Subjects of Denmark) pretended to have had Settlements there prior by 200 Years, from Island (its North Parts are in N. Lat. 66 d. 20 d. West from London); but our first North-West Adventurers Frobisher, Davis, Hudson, Bassin, Smith, &c. did not find the least Vestige of the Norwegians ever being there: There was no Bread-Corn, no Herbage, the Aborigines had not altered their Way of Living, being cloathed with Skins, and lodging in Caves. This North Continent the Danes call New Denmark, and have a small miserable Settlement there in Davis Straits in N. Lat. 64 d. and a Guard Ship in the Whaling Season: The Soil and Indian Trade are not worth contending for; the best of Beaver and other Fur is from hence, but in small Quantities; it is unhospitable. Hans Egeda in his natural History of Greenland, 4to, 1741, says, that Greenland was first discovered by the Norwegians and Islanders Anno 982, but the Inclemency of the Climate, occasioned their abandoning of it; his Relation of many Colonies, Abbeys, and Churches is too Romantick to obtain Credit. Anno 1721 a Company [Page 52] of Merchants or trading Men, by a Royal Danish License set up at Bergen of New-Denmark in N. Lat. 64 d. where the Author and his Family continued 15 Years: He says that Barley does ripen there, † some Tillage and Pasture-Land, only Brush Wood, several Shell-Fish, Land constantly covered with Ice and Snow, excepting near the Sea-Shore, Turnips grow well; Muskitoes very troublesome in Iuly and August.
There is no good Whaling amongst the loose Ice, the Whales when struck, dive, and it is uncertain where they may come up to blow, but near great Islands of Ice, and Fields of Ice or fast Ice, they must come up by the same Side; as the American or West Shore belongs to Great-Britain by the Treaty of Utrecht, Anno 1713, the Winds, being generally from the North and North West, it is the Lee Shore and Field of Ice; therefore if a Monopoly of Whaling could be allowed, by the Law of Nations, in Davis Straits, it must belong to Great-Britain; thus we claim, but for political Reasons do not prosecute our Claim, to an exclusive Herring-Fishery at Schetland or North Parts of Scotland; this Controversy is well canvessed pro and con by Selden in his Mare Clausum and by Grotius in his Mare Liberum. At present the King of Denmark assumes the Sovereignty of the Seas in Davis Straits.
Iohn Davis upon the North-West Passage Discover [...] ▪ Anno 1583 made Cape Desolation about 62 d. N. Lat. and sail'd to no Effect, so high as 66 d. 40 m. He made another Voyage Anno 1586 found among the Natives some Copper. Anno 1587 he made a third Voyage and sail'd [Page 53] so high as 72 d. 10 m. this Opening is still call'd Fretum Davis or Davis Straits.
The King of Denmark, upon Pretence of renewing his Claims, fitted out some Vessels for this Discovery Anno 1605, 1606, 1607, &c, their Adventures were of no Consequence. Anno 1619 Iohn Munck sail'd into the Northern Parts of Davis Straits and call'd it Mare Christianum (the Name of the King of Denmark at that Time) he wintered in 63 d. 20 m. N. Lat. and called it Monk's Winter Harbour, and the Country he called New-Denmark, few of his Men survived so as to return Home and live.
In the Beginning of last Century Henry Hudson, by two Adventureshaving satisfied himself that there was noNorth-East Passage to China, was sent from England to try aNorth West Passage; as the West Northward Navigation had no Success, he sailed by the West Southward Opening, through the Straits called by his Name into a Bay called Hudson's- Bay, where he perished by the Insidiousness of his villanous Crew.
Sir Thomas Button (in these Times many seafaring Commanders were knighted, to encourage Discoverers) Anno 1611 encouraged by Prince Henry, pursued the N. West Discoveries, passed through Hudson's Straits and Bay, navigated and lookt into the several Creeks and Inlets of its Western Shore (Water generally 80 Fathom deep) he gave it the Name of New Wales, he in much Misery winter'd in 57 d. 10 m. N. Lat. he called the Place Port Nelson; this West Coast was afterwards called Button's- Bay.
Sir. Thomas Smith's Sound discovered Anno 1616 is in N. Lat. 78 d.
After Davis, M. Baffin prosecuted the North North-westward Passage, in the North Parts of Davis Straits, there he found a great Bay called Baffin's- Bay, he did not prosecute to the Bottom or further Extent of this Bay, but despair'd of finding a North West Passage. In N. Lat. 78 the Compass varied 57 d. W. the greatest known Variation.
[Page 54]No more Voyages were made from England upon that Design until Anno 1631. Capt. Thomas Iames of Bristol made some additional Discoveries to those of Hudson, Button, and Baffin (here we anticipate a little▪ the Hudson's Bay Account) he wintered at Charleton Island, near the Bottom of Hudson's- Bay; in this Island, he says, in Summer-Season, the Days are excessive hot, and in the Nights Frost; in the Months of Iune and Iuly the Musketoes are intolerable, several Kinds of Flies and Butterflies, no Fish nor Fish-Bones or Shells upon the Shore excepting Cockle-Shell; here were several Kinds of Fowl, Deers, Foxes, Bears, and some small Quadrupedes; full of Spruce, Firs, and Juniper. He printed his Journal (a good Performance) 4to London 1633. He gives it as his Opinion, that there can be no North West Passage.
Several others in the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century made Attempts for a North-West Passage, West Greenland and Fields of Ice obstructed them; but an incidental very considerable Benefit accrued, viz. the Davis Straits Whale-Fishery. None have prosecuted the Navigation along the West Side of West Greenland into very high Latitudes, to discover whether West Greenland and East Greenland do converge so as to join, or if there be a Passage along by the North Pole.
The many Dis [...]ppointments and Discouragements, as also the intestine Bro [...]s and Confusions in England did put a Stand to all Discoveries and other Improvements. Upon the Restoration of King Charles II, the Discovery Projects were again set on Foot by some Noblemen and Merchants. Prince Rupert was concerned: Capt. Guillam in the Nonesuch Ketch was fitted out, Anno 1667; he sail'd up Baffin's-Bay so high as 75 d. N. Lat. and returned to Prince Rupert's River in N. Lat. 51 d. and laid the Foundation of an advantageous Fur-Trade in the Hudson's- Bay Company, established by Royal Patent Anno 1670 to Prince Rupert and Associates.
Capt. Middleton in his North West Discovery Voyage Anno 1742▪ says, it is impossible in any Part of the Western [Page 55] Coast, lower than 67 d. N. Lat, called Cape Hope West fro [...] London 87 d; he pretends to have inspected this Coast narrowly; and if there be any Passage further North it must b [...] impracticable, because (if at all clear) it can not be clear above one Week in the Year. His main Attempt was in Wager River N. Lat. 65 d. 25 m. the Entrance 6 to 8 Miles wide, Tide 5 or 6 Knots, Soundings not less than 16 Fathoms (many Savages came aboard but had no Trade, they spoke of Mines †) the further he went up Wager River, the Tides did rise less (whereas Sir Iohn Narborough in his Passage through the Straits of Magellan, the nearer he approached the Western Flood, the Tide did rise more) the Water from salt became brakish, and gradually more fresh, therefore it must proceed from some fresh Water River, and is no salt Water Thorough-Fare.
If there were discovered a N. E. or N. W. Passage to China, the Difficulties in Navigation, would render it of little or no Use, other, than to amuse the Curious in the Hydrography of those Parts.
There is a River which the French Coureur des Bois, call St. Lawrence coming from the Westward, falls, into the Northern Parts of the upper Lake, nearly 100 d. W. from London, and the same Latitude with the Bottom of Hudson's- Bay, and communicating with it by Water Canoe Carriage; the North Parts of Calefornia lie in about 130 d. West from London (according to Dr. Hally's accurate laying of it) and in Lat. 42 d; thus the Difference of Longitude is only 30 d; which at the Medium Lat. of 45 d. (14 Leag [...]es to a Degree) makes only 420 Leagues; and if Calefornia is divided from the Continent by a Sinus or Straits, this will render the Distance to that Straits still shorter. By going up this River so far as Water Canoe Carriage will allow, and then perhaps only some short [Page 56] Land Carrying-Place to some Rivulet or River running Westward towards the Seas of California or Western Ocean, if some Ridge or Chain of impracticable Mountains do not interveen. But cui bono all this Puzzle? only to ascertain the Geography of that Country; it can be of no Use in Navigation.
Mr. Dobbs who faulted Capt. Middleton very much for his bad Management and Unfaithfulness, did Anno 1745 procure an Act of Parliament, viz. Whereas a North West Passage through Hudson's Straits to the Western American Ocean will be a great Benefit to the Trade of Great-Britain; there is enacted a publick Reward of 20,000 £. Sterl. to any Ship or Vessel belonging to Subjects of Great-Britain, that shall find out any such Thorough-Fare or Passage. Upon this Encouragement the Dobbs Galley and California sail'd from England in May 1746; hitherto we have no Account of them.
A Digression concerning Whaling.
The New-England Whalers distinguish 10 or 1 [...] differ [...] Species of the Whale-Kind, the most beneficial is the Black Whale, Whale-Bone Whale, or True Whale as they call it; in Davis Straits in N. Lat. 70 d. and upwards they are very large, some may yield 150 Puncheons b [...] ing 400 to 500 Barrels Oil and Bone of 18 Feet and upwards; they are a heavy logy Fish and do not fight, as the New-England Whalers express it, they are easily struck and fastened, but not above one Third of them are recovered; by sinking and bewildering themselves under the Ice, two Thirds of them are lost irrecoverably; the Whale Bone Whales kill'd upon the Coast of New-England, Terra de Labradore, and Entrance of Davis Straits, are smaller, do yield not exceeding 120 to 130 Barrels Oil and 9 Feet Bone 1400 lb. wt. they are wilder more agile and do fight.
Sperma Ceti Whales are to be found almost every where, they have no Bone so called, some may yield 60 to 70 Barrels Oil called Vicious Oil the fittest for Lamps [Page 57] or a burning Light. It is from this Whale that we have the Parmacitty or Sperma Ceti (very improperly so called) the Ancients were at a Loss whether it was an Animal or Mineral Substance, Schroder a celebrated Pharmacop [...]ia ▪ Writer about the Middle of last Century, calls it Aliud Genus Bituminis quod Sperma Ceti Officinae vocant, he describes it Pinguedo furfurosa producta exhalatione terrae Sulphureae. We now find that any Part of its Oil, but more abundantly the Head-Matter as the Whalers term it; if it stand at Rest and in the Sun will shoot into Adipous Fleaks resembling in some Manner the Chrystalisation of Salts: Instead of Sperma Ceti, it ought to be called Adeps Ceti, in the Materia Medica. This same Whale gives the Ambergrease, a Kind of Perfume, as is Musk▪ Anciently it was by the natural Historians described as a Kind of Bitumen, hence the Name Ambra-grisea. Dale a noted Author, in his Pharmacologia not long since publishes it as such; it is now fully discovered to be some Production from this Species of Whale, for some Time it was imagined some peculiar concreted Juice lodged in a peculiar Cystis; in the same Manner as is the Castor [...]um of the Beaver or Fiber Canadensis, and the Zibethum of the Civet-Cat or Hyena, in Cystis's both Sides of the Ani [...] ▪ thus not long since, some of our Nantucket Whaler [...] imagined, that in some (very few and rare) of these male or Bull Whales, they had found the Gland or Cystis in the Loins near the Spermatick Organs: Late and more accurate Observations seem to declare it to be some Part of the Ordure, Dung, or Alvine Excrement of the Whale; Squid Fish one of the Newfoundland Baits for Cod, are sometimes in Newfoundland cast ashore in Quantities, and as they corrupt and fry in the Sun they become a Jelly or Substance of an Ambergrease Smell; therefore as Squid Bills are sometimes found in the Lumps of Ambergrease, it may be inferred, that Ambergrease is some of the Excrement from Squid Food, with some singular Circumstan [...]es or Dispositions that procure this Quality, seldom concurring, thus the Nantucket Whalers for some Years last, [Page] have found no Ambergrease in their Whales. The Sperma-Ceti Whale has no B [...]ne or Baleine in his Mouth, but fine white Teeth; they are most plenty upon the Coast of Virginia and Carolina.
The Fin-Back, beside two small Side Fins, has a large Fin upon his Back, may yield 50 to 60 Barrels Oil his Bone is brittle, of little or no Use, he swims swifter, and is very wild when struck. The Bermudians some Years catch 20 of these Whales, not in Sloops, but in Whale-Boats from the Shore as formerly at Cape-Cod, their Governor of Bermudas has a Perquisite of 10 £. out of each old Whale.
The Humpback has a Bunch in the same Part of his Back, instead of a Fin: The Bone is not good; makes 50 to 60 Barrels Oil.
The Scrag Whale has several of these Bumps.
Black Fish, i. e. Grampus of 6 to 10 Barrels Oil, Bottlenose of 3 or 4 Barrels, may (like Sheep) be drove ashore by Boats.
Liver-Oil is reckoned the best, especially for Leather-Dressers.
Whales are gregarious and great Travellers or Passengers, in the Autumn they go South, in the Spring they return Nor [...]hward. They copulate like neat Cattle, but the Female in a supine Posture. The True or Whale-Bone Whale's Swallow is not much bigger than that of an Ox, feed upon small Fish and Sea-Insects that keep in Sholes, has only one small Fin each Side of his Head of no great Use to him in swimming, but with a large horizental Tail he sculs himself in the Water. The North Cape (in N. Lat. 72 d. in Europe) Whales, are of the same small Kind as are the New-England, and Entrance of Davis Straits: here we may again observe, that the high European Latitudes, are not so cold as the same American Latitudes, † because 72 d. is the proper N. [Page] Lat. in Davis Straits for the large Whales, and the Dutch fish for them long-side of Fields or large Islands of Ice, they use long Warps, not Drudges as in New-England.
Nantucket Men, are the only New-England Whalers at present; this Year 1746 not above 3 or 4 Whales caught in Cape Cod, the Whales (as also the Herrings, our Herrings are not of a good Quality) seem to be drove off from thence. Last Year Nantucket, brought about 10,000 Barrels to Market, this Year they do not follow it so much, because of the low Price of Oil in [Page 60] Europe, notwithstanding, this Year they fit out 6 or 7 Vessels for Davis Straits, and sail End of March; they sometimes make Cape Farewell in 15 Days, sometimes in not less than six Weeks. Upon a Peace, they design to fish Whales in deep Water, so far as the West-Indies, and Western Islands. A Whale may keep half an Hour under Water without blowing (breathing) but is obliged to blow many Times before she dives again.
Some New-England Men a few Years since attempted whaling in the Entrance of Davis Straits, but to no Advantage: They generally arrived there too late, in keeping too near the Labaradore Shore (they kept within 50 Leagues of the Shore, they should have kept 150 Leagues to Sea) they were embay'd and impeded by the Fields of Ice.
Whales seem to have some Degree of Sagacity. When much disturbed, they quit their keeping Ground, and the Tracts of their usual Passages (the Whale is a Passenger from North to South, and back again according to the Seasons) thus, as to New-England, formerly for many successive Years, they set in along shore by Cape-Cod, there was good Whaling in Boats, proper Watchmen ashore by Signals gave Notice when a Whale appear'd; after some Years they left this Ground, and passed further off upon the Banks at some Distance from the Sho [...]e, the Whalers then used Sloops with Whale-Boats aboard, and this Fishery turn'd to good Account: At present they seem in a great Measure, to be drove off from these Banks, and take their Course in deep Water, that is, in the Ocean, thither upon a Peace our Whalers design to follow them. In Davis Straits, at the first coming of the whaling Ships, Whales are plenty, but afterwards being much disturbed, they become scarce, and the Ships return Home, before the Inclemencies of the Weather set in. The whaling Season in both Greenlands is in May and Iune; the Dutch set out for Davis Straits Beginning of March, sometimes they are a Month in beating to weather Cape Farewell, they do not arrive in the fishing Ground until May. An. [Page] 1743, perhaps a Medium Year, the Dutch had in [...] Straits 50 whaling Ships (at Spitsbergen or East- [...] they had 137 Whalers) and got seventy six and [...] Whales.
Observation and Experience or Practice improves [...] Affair, formerly the Whalers (even at Spitsbergen) [...] to tow the Whales they kill'd into Harbo [...]s to cut [...] up; at present they cut them up at Sea and save [...] Time: Formerly they whaled in New-England [...] only with Boats from the Shore (at Bermuda [...] [...] continue so) afterwards by Sloops upon the [...] Banks, and do now proceed to catch them in deep [...] Formerly it was imagined that the True Whale [...] upon a Kind of Alga or Sea-Grass, or upon an ouzy [...] now it is certain that they feed in Sholes of small [...] and Sea-Insects; formerly our Naturalists judge [...] [...] Sperma Ceti and Ambergrease to be Bitumina Suige [...] at present it is obvious that the first is only a [...] Oil or fleaky Adeps of a certain Species of Whal [...] [...] other is an indurated Part of the Ordure of the sam [...] [...] of Whale when it feeds upon Squids, with other [...] of Sex, Season, &c. and therefore but rarely [...]
Some Years since the South Sea Company [...] 24 large fine whaling Ships, from Mismanagement [...] to no Account, they sunk about 100,000 £. St. [...]
The British Parliament to encourage Whaling, [...] an Act Anno 1733 to continue during the Whaling [...] George II; That there should be paid by the [...] General of the Customs upon their Return as a [...] 20 s per Tun of Shipping, under the following [...]; the Ships not be under 200 Tuns, havi [...] [...] board 40 Fishing-Lines of 120 Fathom at least [...] Harpoon Irons, 4 Boats with 7 Men to each ( [...] the Harponeer, Steersman, and Line-Manager [...] employ'd in such Voyages) with the Master and [...] in all 30 Men. For Ships exceeding 200 Tuns, for [...] exceeding of 50 Tuns, an Addition of 1 Boat, 6 [...] [Page 62] 10 Lines, and 10 Harpoon Irons: Must carry six Months Provision: The Oil and Bone to be Duty free.
This Prolix Digression as containing some Things that are not generally attended to, may be Amusement to the Curious; and does by Anticipation abbreviate the Article of Fishery, in the History of New-England.
ARTICLE 3. Some Account of the Discoveries and first Settlements in America from Europe.
* The only Europeans Navigators and Planters of America are the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and English; the English are the proper Subject-Matter of this Hist [...], and their Discoveries shall be related in Course, the others are the Subject of this Article of the Introduction.
The Continent of America at a medium Estimate is about 1000 Leagues (by Leagues we always mean the twentieth Part of a Degree on the Meridians) from Europe and Africa, upon the intervening Atlantick or Northern, and the Ethiopick or Southern Ocean, the Spaniards call the whole Mar del Nort; from Asia about 2500 Leagues upon the intervening South Sea, Pacifick Ocean, or Mar-del Zur which is reckoned to extend two Fifths of the East and West Circumference of the Earth.
At first the America Navigations were via Canaries and the Caribee-Islands; a more direct Navigation to its several Parts is now practised; the Ancients imagined that within the Tropicks (non est habitabilis Aesta) theEarth was not habitable, whereas the fine rich Countries of Mexico and Peru lies mostly within the Tropicks.
[Page 63] America may be divided into the Continents of North-America called by the Spanish Writers America Mexicana, the Continent of South-America called by the Spaniards America Peruviana, the intermediate Isthmus or Audience of Guatimala, and Groenland North of Davis Straits.
I. Spanish Discoveries and first Settlements.
Christopher Colon or Columbus a Genoese Mariner or Pilot, a curious Man in his Way, sedulous in making coasting Cards of his Voyages, and naturally a Projector; he was for some Years an Inhabitant of Terceras one of the Portuguese Western Islands, distant from Newfoundland not exceeding 300 Leagues. He went to the Court of Portugal, proposed Discoveries upon the West Coast of Africa: having for some Time frequented that Coast and the * Canary Islands, as he formerly did the Western Islands; considering the Sun's diurnal Motion, the Westerly Winds in certain Seasons blowing with Continuance, driving Pine and other fallen Wood ashore, with some other Symptoms, he conceived that there must be Land to the Westward.
Anno 1486. He proposed to the States of Genoa, to discover some Countries Westward, or to find a Western [Page 64] Passage to the Spice-Islands; they deem'd it an idle Fancy and took no Notice of it. This seemingly whimsical Projection, had the same Fate at the Court of Portugal, and with Henry VII. of England, though a Lover of all Projects to get Money, and at the Court of France: After 6 Years Sollicitation at the Court of Spain, the Moors and Saracens being fully expulsed, (they were in Possession about 800 Years) he obtained 3 Ships and 120 Men: He sail'd from St. Lucar upon the Discovery in August 1492, touched at the Canaries, and from thence in 36 Days (in those Times a tedious Voyage without Sight of Land) and landed October 11, on the Island Guanchini one of Bahama or Lucayo Islands (so called because he arrived there on St. Luke's Festival) he called it St. Salvador now Cat-Island in N. Lat. 25 d; 76 d. West from London, and from thence he sail'd to Hispaniola and Cuba Islands, and Home, carrying with him some Indians, as a Specimen and Vouchers of his Discoveries▪ He returned by Way of the Azores and arrived March 13 following.
Anno 1493 Sept. 25, he set out again with his Brother Bartholomew, 17 Sail 1500 Men; he fell in with the Caribee-I [...]ands, and gave them Names at Pleasure, which they generally retain to this Day, he touch'd at Iamaica, and at Hispaniola (his 39 Men left there last Voyage were all kill'd by the Indians) and at the Bahamas.
In his third Voyage, Anno 1498 he made the Island Trinidad near the Mouth of the River Oronoke, and coasted from thence 200 Leagues to Porto-Bello and called that Part of the Country Terra Firma, from thence he crossed over to his first Settlement in Hispaniola.
His fourth and last Voyage was Anno 1502: Upon his Return to Spain, for Misdemeanours he was in Disgrace at the Court of Spain, while others were makin [...] further Discoveries; he died in Spain, Anno 1506▪ Ae [...]. 64. His Son Diego (the other Son died a Batchelor) succeeded him in the Admiralty of the Indies, married the Duke d' Alva's Daughter, but died without Issue.
[Page 65] Americus Vespucius a Florentine was with Columbus in his first Expeditions. Anno 1502, he left the Spanish Service, and was employed by Emanuel King of Portugal, to make Discoveries in this new Part of the World; he crossed the Equinoctial and made Land in 5 d. South Lat. on the Coast of Guiana, now called [...]inam, he discovered Brazil, and took Possession for the King of Portugal, in the Formalities of those Times, and continued his Range to 50 d. S. Lat. the Severity of the Winter stopt his further Progress, he returned Home by Way of Africa; next Year he attempted the same Voyage, but falling in with the Coast of Africa, he returned, and nothing further is recorded of him. The whole Continent was called by his Name AMERICA. Here is a notable Instance of the Caprice of Mankind in giving this newly discovered Continent, the Name America inste [...]d of Columbia: Americus made no Settlement, Columbus was not only the first, but also the more general Discoverer of this Land.
In the Beginning of the Spanish Settlements there were only two Governours, both deputed by D. Diego Son of Columbus, Admiral of the Indies, viz. the Governour of Cuba and the Governour of Panama.
Velasquez the first Governour of Cuba, entirely reduced that Island Anno 1512, and successively sent Forces to reduce the main Land to no Purpose; Ferdinando Cortez a Native of Spain, and well acquainted with the American Navigation, upon a private Adventure, [...] 1519, sets out from Spain with eleven Ships 550 Men, arrived in the Island St. Croix, and from thence Westward to the Continent, where, as he was informed there was much Gold, he landed on the East Side of Iucatan, and thence in the River Tabasco now called Vittoria in the Bay of Campechee 17 d. N. Lat, and destroyed some of Montezumas, tributary Indians: Having coasted further West, he landed his Men at La Vera Cruz, and burnt his Transport Ships; not with a Design as it is commonly imagined, by cutting off any Retreat for his [Page 66] Men, to make them the more desperate; but le [...]t any of his Men should draw off and return to Cuba and occasion the Adventure to mis [...]arry, Velasquez Governour of Cuba, did frequently send him supe [...]seding Orders, which he disregarded; and marches with 400 Spanish Foot, 15 Horse, and 7 Pieces of Cannon, together with some malecontent Indians who joined them. Navar [...]z with considerable Force was sent by Velasquez to recall Cortez, Cortez defeated him, and drove off his Party. Cortez had many Skirmishes with the Indians or Mexicans, with various Success: Montezuma the Chief or Emperor of the Indian Tribes and his two Sons, were found dead after one of these Skirmishes; at Length August 13 Anno 1521 Mexico and the Mexican Indians submit to Spain. Notwithstanding of Cortez repeated Refusals or Disobedience to superior Orders, and of his Cruelty to the Indians; being rich, he bought off all Complaints at the Court of Spain; he is made Captain-General of New Spain, and continued Generalissimo until Anno 1539, he was recalled and in Spain died a Prisoner at large Dec. 1545, Aet. 62, his Body was transported to Mexico and buried there.
Vasco Nunez de Balboa was the first who crossed the Isthmus, Anno 1513, he settled at Panama, which continued for some Time the Capital of the South-Sea Colonies; he was soon superseded by Padrarias one of Cortez's Commanders, he gave Commissions to Piza [...]ro and Almagra Partners, private Traders for making Discoveries in Peru; for Want of suf [...]icient Force, they returned from their first Expedition, and differing with Padrarias Governor of Panama, Pizarro went home to the Court of Spain, and obtained a Commission distinct from that of Panama. Pizarro had a Royal Pate [...] for 200 Leagues along the Shore of Peru, and Almagra for 200 Leagues South of this.
Pizarro a healthy stout Man, of mean Parentage, of no Learning, but very credulous; set out with 150 [Page 67] Foot, and a few Horse to conquer Peru, he was afterwards reinforced by more native Spaniards under Almagra; he arrived Anno 1532 at Cusco the Indian Capital of Peru, inhumanly massacred many Indians, and A [...]abaliba the Indian Chief by the Contrivance of Pizarro was insidiously executed by the Spaniards. Three Articles were alledged against him. 1. Killing of his Brother. 2. An Idolater. 3. Disaffection to the Spanish. Pizarro and Almagra from Anno 1528 to Anno 1538 subjugated Peru, and LIMA the present Capital was founded. Don Castro Anno 1530 with 700 Men from Spain, was sent Governor of Peru, Almagra opposed him, defeated, tried and executed him. Alvaredo Governor of Guatimala, hearing of Pizarro's acquiring great Riches in Peru, sets out for Peru with an Army of 700 mostly Horse, Anno 1535, Pizarro bought him off, h [...] returned to Guatimala and left his Troops with Pizarro.
Almagra was the first who went upon an Expedition from Peru to CHILI Anno 1535, but soon returned, being jealous of his Partner Pizarro. Anno 1540 Pizarro sent Baldivia from Peru to conquer Chili; Baldivia 154 [...] built its Capital St. Iago in S. Lat. 34 d. 18 Miles from the Ocean, Valparizo is its Barcadier; he built Baldivia in S. Lat. 40 d. calling it by his own Name Anno 1552, he continued his Conquests to the Island of Chiloe in S. Lat. 43 d. at present the most Southern Part of Chili or Spanish Settlements. This Settlement of Chili laboured hard for about 50 Years, having continued Wars and Conspiracies with the Indians; Baldivia was killed in a Skirmish with the Indians. There was a general Revolt of the Chiloese Anno 1559.
Pizarro and Almagra differed much; Pizarro at [...] made Almagra Prisoner, and by a formal Court of Justice was put to Death, and the Pizarro's seized his Government, Property and Treasure. Almagra's Partizans Anno 1541 did assassinate Pizarro at Lima, and seized his Treasure. Almagra's Son assumes the Government. Blasco Nunez Vela a new Vice-Roy was [Page 68] sent from Spain, he was opposed by the Pizarro Faction, and kill'd in an Engagement Anno 1546. Thus the Pizarro's became Masters of all America in the South Sea, and to save Peru, the Court of Spain was obliged to temporize, and appointed one of the Pizarro's Vice-Roy of Peru; but soon after this Gasco a cunning Man with 1600 veteran Spaniards, was sent over as President of the Royal Court with great Powers: The Vice Roy Gonzallo Pizarro had a Difference with him; Pizarro is defeat, tried and executed. There were several other Insurrections, so that until Anno 155 [...] King Philip of Spain could not be said to be in peac [...]able [...] of Peru.
* For above Fourscore Years after the first Spanish Discoveries in America no European Nation attempted any Settlement there.
Cortez's Ships sent to the Moluccas or [...]pice Islands by Way of the South-Sea were destroy'd by the [...]ortuguese, and the Project miscarried.
The Spaniards had scarce any Communi [...]a [...]ion with the PHILIPPINE and Ladrones Islands until Anno 1542, they made no great Progress in s [...]ttling of them till Anno 1564, when the Vice-Roy of Mexico sent a Fleet to settle Colonies and establish a Trade there between Mexico, and Iapan and China. The Philippines have no Trade with Europe. The Ladrones are a Place of Refreshment between Mexico and the Philippines. It is said, that Anno 1732, the Court of Spain had formed a Project to settle an East-India Company to the Philippine Islands by Way of the Cape of Good-Hope, it came to nothing.
The Coast of New-Spain (properly Mexico only is called New Spain, as that Part of the British Settlements in America, between the Provinces of New-York and Nova-Scotia, [Page 69] only is called New-England) or Spanish America, may in a few Words be described thus. The Garrison of St. Augustine in the Gulph of Florida N. Lat. 29 d. here is no Settlement. The small Settlement of Pensacola in the Bay of Appalachie of the Bay of Mexico about 120 Leagues due West from Augustine and only 15 Leagues East from L' Isle Dauphine a French Fort and Settlement, consequently in a bad Neighbourhood. After an Interruption of a French Sea-Line ( Louisiana or Missisippi Country) upon the North Shore of the Gulph of Mexico of about 180 Leagues, from Pensacola to St. Bernard or St. Louis's Bay; the Coast of New-Spain begins again and extends to the River Oranoke in about 9 d. N. Lat. After another Interruption of a Sea-Line settled by the Dutch called Surinam, and the following small French Settlement of Cayenne, and the [...]ine rich large Portugues [...] Settlement of Brazil; to the River of Plate: The Spani [...]rds have not settled much upon the Ocean, but run up this River and communicate with Peru and Chili. From the River of Plate in S. Lat. 35 on the East Ocean to Cape-Horn, and from Cape-Horn along the Shore of the West Ocean or South Sea, to Chiloe in S. Lat. 43 d. the Coast is a desert. From River of Plate to Cape-Horn, the Navigation is good, the Soundings are very regular, being 60 to 80 Fathom, at 30 to 40 Leagues from the Land. From the Island of Chiloe in S. Lat. 43 d. to Cape St. Lucar of California in N. Lat. 24 d. is the South Sea Spanish Coast of Chili, Peru, the Isthmus, and Mexico.
Many of the Spanish Settlements o [...] Provinces are so separated by Mountains and Deserts, they cannot be assisting to one another. The Spaniards have not settled exceeding 200 Leagues North from the City of Mexico. In the Country of Mexico scarce any Gold, their Silver Mines are not so rich, but are easier wrought than those of Peru. The Quick-Silver for refining, comes from Old Spain and is a considerable Article in the King of [Page 70] Sp [...]n' [...] R [...]nue. Peru produces Quick-Silver sufficient for [...] self [...] ▪ In Chili Silver is scarcer than Gold.
From Mexico to Lima in Peru the Country is full of roc [...] Mountains, scarce or very ill inhabited: North of Mexico and South of Peru are good Countries. Upon [...] Coast of Peru and Chili from 7 d. N. Lat. to 38 d. S. Lat. the Winds are generally Southerly, and extend 140 to 150 Leagues West from the Shore. Chili reaches from the Island Chiloe 43 d. to 25 d. S. Lat. Peru from thence to the Equinoctial. Chili and Peru are narrow Strips of Land upon the South Sea; from the Andes a Chain of Mountains running North and South, not exceeding 20 or 30 Leagues from this Shore. Peru may be divided into the Sea Coast, the high Lands, and this Ridge of Mountains, where all the cloudy Vapours seem [...]o condense and settle into Rain, there it [...]ains almost incessantly, but upon the Sea Coast scarce any Rain.
In the West-India Islands the Shores are generally, eitheir S [...]ndy [...]ys or Mangrave Trees. In the West Indies between the Tropicks, they have Tides or Reciprocations of Air or Winds, as well as of Seas, but not from the same Cause; the first arises from the Viciffitudes of Day and Night, that is from the Shore or Land being heated and cooled alternately, the other is from the Influence of the Moon.
In South-Americ [...] is the longest Chain of Mountains upon Earth, called the Andes or Cordilleras, extending from 10 d. N. Lat. to above 50 d. S. Lat. near the Straits of Magellan, not many Leagues from the Shore of the West or South Sea.
In all New-Spain there are but four great Rivers, and they all fall into the East Sea viz. 1. Rio Grande, or de l [...] [...], venting into the Bay of Mexico near [...]; upon this River up the Country stands St. Fe, the Capital of the Audience of Terra-Firma. 2. River of Oranoke which discharges into the East Sea, as do the following. 3. River of Amazons. And 4. Rio de la Plata near [...] stands the City of La Plata, the [Page 71] Capital of the Audience of L [...]s Charcas, a Branch of it called Paragua comes from the Northward, and seems naturally to be the Western Boundary of Brazil. From the Andes there run few Rivers into the South [...] of short Course, small, and very rapid.
In all the Spanish Settlements I find only two [...] Lakes mentioned (in the Northern Parts of North-America we have many, especially the five great Lakes or Seas in Canada.) 1. The City of Mexico stands between two communicating (therefore called the Lake of Mexico) divided by a Casway leading to the City, built in this Situation for its better Security, the upper Lake is fresh, the other salt, † they receive Runs of Water, but have no Vent. 2. Titiaco in Peru, S. Lat. 17 d. of about 80 Leagues Circumference, it communicates with a lesser Lake Paria, about 50 Leagues further South, it is salt, receives Rivulets, but has no Vent.
The Vice-Roys, Presidents, Governors, and all other principal Royal Officers, are Natives of Old Spain; as are also their Arch-Bishops and Bishops.
The Church-Jurisdiction consists of five Arch-Bishops, Mexico, St. Domingo, St. Fe, Lima, and La Plata; and about 30 Bishops.
The Civil Jurisdiction consists of, the Vice-Roy of Mexico comprehending the * Audiences of Mexico, Guadalagara and Guatimala, the Vice-Roy of Peru comprehending the Audiences of Quito, Lima, and Los Charcas, and the independant Audiences of St. Domingo (for [...]ll [Page 72] the Islands) St. Fe, Panama and Chili, I observe that the Orders from the Court of Spain Anno 1728, for a Suspension of Arms to the several independant Comman [...]rs in New-Spain, are directed to the Vice-Roy of Mexico, to the Vice-Roy of [...]eru, to the Captain-General of the Province and City of Carthagena, to the Governor and Captain-General of the Province of Terra-Firma, to th [...] President of Panama, to the Governor of Buenos-Ayres, and to the Commander of the Galeons.
Their most considerable Towns and Sea-Ports are MEXICO the Metropolis, in about 20 d. N. Lat. inland, no Water-Carriage near it; its Barca [...]ier for the Philippines is Aquapulco upon the South-Sea 16 d. 40 m. N. Lat. Distance 90 Leagues; further North of Aquapulco are no Places of Note, and for 140 Leagues South of Aquapulco is a meer Desert. Its Barcadier for Europe is La Vera Cruz; the Mart or Fair for Goods from Europe by the Flo [...]a, [...]otilla Azogues, and the British annual Ship is at I [...]lapa 30 Leagues inland. Mexico sta [...]s upon more Ground, but is not so populous as Bristol in England, is built with a rough hard Stone (no free Stone); an open Town. La Vera Cruz by the Observations of Mr. Harris who resided there, Anno 1727, and as adjusted by Dr. Halley, is in N. Lat. 19 d. 12 m. W. from London, 97 d. 30 m. Variation at that Time 2 d. 15 m. Easterly.
CARTHAGENA is the second good Town belonging to the Spaniards upon the East Side of America: From the same Immersions and Emersions of Iupiter's first Satellite, observed at Carthagena Anno 1722 by Don Harrare principal Engineer, and by M. Pound and Bradley at Wansted (28 horary Minutes East from London) Carthagena is W. from London 75 d. 30 m. Longitude. Carthagena was taken by Sir Francis Drake Anno 1585, he brought away in Money, Cannon and other Effects the Value of 60,000 £. Sterl. the Sickness amongst his Men obliged him to return, sooner than he designed, by the Gulph of Florida, and a beginning Settlement in [Page 73] Virginia: Ponti with a large Squadron, a private Adventure, Anno 1699, reduced it and brought off the Value of eight Millions of Livres: Admiral Vernon with a very large Sea and Land Force of Great-Britain and of British North-America came off re infecta, Anno 1742.
BUENOS AYRES is from London W. 3 h. 52 m, or W. Long. 58 d. by Pere Feuille's Observation of the Occultation of a fixed Star by the Moon, Anno 1708, and as computed by Dr. Halley for London. From the Entrance of the River of Plate on the East Ocean, to St. Iago the Capital of Chili on the West Ocean, nearly in the same Latitude of 3 [...] d. South, the Width of South-America is 18 d. in Longitude, or 300 Leagues only.
All the Trade from Old Spain to New Spain does not employ exceeding 50 Ships (a small Nursery for Navigation) The Spaniards have generally a Squadron of King's Ships at Carthagena, a small Squadron at Callao, the Barcadier of Lima; a Ship or two at La Vera Cruz called the Barlevento Armada, being generally one 50 Gun Ship and one Snow; they set out from La Vera Cruz of Mexico in December with Money to pay the Judges, Clergy and Troops in the Havana, St. Domingo, Porto-Rico, and Comanas; a private Ship is hired to carry the Pay to St. Augustine. The Ships at the Havana are only occasional: The Armada does not touch at Carthagena, it being the Barcadier of St. Fe, the Capital of Terra Firma, which produces much Gold.
There is yearly a Licence for 4000 or 5000 Tun of dry Goods to be shipt for New-Spain from Cadiz, annually but alternately by the Flota for La Vera Cruz, and by the Galeons for Carthagena, the Barcadier of St. Fe or Terra Firma, and for Porto-Bello the Barcadier for Panama and Peru. The Indulto or Duty to the King upon shipt and registered Gold, Silver, Cochineal, &c. is from 7 to 14 per Cent: The Azogues or Kings * Quick-Silver [Page 74] Ships have Licences for some dry Goods. The Galeons from Porto-Bello may at a Medium bring home 25 Millions Pieces of Eight, the Flota from La Ver [...] Cruz about 16 Millions, besides what is shipt off in the Register Ships. N B. The Council of State in Holland Anno 1708 made a Report that Spain brought from the West-Indies during the Course of the last Century about 20 Millions Dollars per Annum.
The Register Ships are all upon the same Footing▪ we shall only instance from the Canaries, they are allowed 4 or 5 Register Ships of about 150 Tuns each, viz. 2 to Havana, 1 to Caraccas, 1 to Campeche, 1 to St. Iago de Cuba, to carry no dry Goods, only Wines and Brandies, may bring home Silver, and coarse Goods, viz. Sugar, Hides, Snuff, &c. but no Cochineal, Indigo, &c. are generally 12 Months upon the Voyage.
A Digression. A short History of the South-Sea Company Affairs.
This was projected by Harley Earl of Oxford, and Prime Minister at that Time, to induce the Creditors of the Government to be easy, and to incorporate their Debts into a joint Stock, with Prospect of great Profit: But as they are not properly a British Settlement in America, I am obliged to annex this to the introductory Article of Spanish Settlements.
9. Annae. A Parcel of the publick Debts and Deficiencies were incorporated by the Name of the South-Sea Company, being in all 10,000,000 £. Sterl. with an Annuity of 6 per Cent. The Company to remain for ever, though the Funds appropriated to them should be redeemed; their Limits are, on the East Side of A [...] rica, [Page 75] from the River Oronoke to Cape Horn (Surinam and Brazil not included) and from thence on the West Coast of America, to the Northernmost Part of America (all other Traders, within these Bounds, to forfeit Vessel and Cargo) to go and return by the South Capes of America, and never to sail above 300 Leagues West of the American Continent. N. B. This seems to interfere with the Limit [...] of the East-India Company's exclusive Navigation, which by Charter is to the West Entrance of Magellan's Streights.
I find from the publick Reports, that the Ballance or neat Profit of the South-Sea Trade for 10 Years preceeding Anno 1734, amounted only to 32,260 £. Sterl. The South-Sea Company was only a Cant Name. Their whole Trade and Business was only the Assiento for 4800 Negroes per Annum, and an annual Ship of dry Goods of 600 Tuns, whereof the King of Spain had one Quarter of the Profits, and the Crown of England another Quarter.
The Spaniards have no Guinea Trade of their own, and but little Navigation [...]om Old Spain to New or America Spain; they have been obliged from Time to Time to contract with some European maritime Power for a Supply of Negro Slaves: In King Iames II. and King William's Reigns, they contracted with Don Nicolas Porcio a Spaniar [...]; his Agent Don Castillo resided in Iamaica, and was knighted by King William, Sir Iames Castillo. The Portuguese lost by their Contract; and by the Treaty of Baden, Spain was to pay to Portugal 600,000 Crowns, for Money due on the Assiento Contract and otherways. After the Portuguese, the French had the Contract, but never furnished the Num [...]s stipulated. Their Place of Refreshment was on the N. W. Side of Hispaniola or St. Dominque as the French call it, which gave them a further Footing upon that Island: The Time of their Contract being expired, the British South-Sea Company, had the Contract upon the following Terms.
[Page 76]The Contract was for Thirty Years from May 1. 1713, and upon the Expiration thereof three Years more allow'd to settle their Affairs; the South-Sea Company or Assientists to furnish annually 4800 merchantable Negro Slaves of both Sexes, paying to the King of Spain Thirty Three and a Third Pieces of Eight per Slave in Lieu of all Duties upon 4000 of that Number; may import if they please more than the stipulated Number, the Overplus paying only half that Duty, may carry 1200 of these Slaves yearly in four Ships to the River of Plata for the Use of that Country and of the Country of Chili; may be brought into any Port of New-Spain where are Spanish Royal Officers; may be sold for any Price, excepting upon the Windward Coast, viz. at Comana, Maracaibo, and Sancta Martha, where the Price shall not exceed 300 Pieces of Eight; may transport the Slaves Coast Ways from Panama along the Shore of the South Sea in Ships of about 400 Tuns; th [...]y are allowed not exceeding six British in one Factory; may have in each Factory a Iudge Conservator, a Spaniard of their own chusing; the Assiento Ships not to be detain'd or embargo'd upon any Account; may make their Returns in the Company's Ships, Flota or Galeons Duty free; may search and seize any Vessels trading with Slaves upon the Coast; they are not to trade in any other Merchandize; the Crown of Great-Britain and the Crown of Spain to be concern'd each one Quarter in the Trade, and to settle Accounts once in five Years. In Case of a War the Assiento shall be suspended and eighteen Months allowed to carry off the Effects. Considering the Losses which former Assientists have sustained, and to prevent any other Kind of Trade, the King of Spain during the Continuance of this Contract, allows a Ship of 500 Tuns yearly with dry Goods, one Quarter of the clear Profit to the King of Spain, and 5 per Cent Duty upon the other three Quarters; they are not to fell their Goods, but in the Times of the Fairs upon the Arrival of the Flota or Galeons, the Queen or Crown [Page 77] of Great-Britain was also to have one Quarter of the neat Gain, but this was afterwards given up to the Company.
The South-Sea C [...]pany Assiento Agents were settled for some Time at B [...]adoes for the Caraccas and Maracaibo Business, and at Iamaica for the Rest of that Trade. Iamaica lies the most convenient for carrying on this Affair.
The South-Sea Company have tried three Methods of carrying on their Negro Business, viz. by their own Ships, by Contract, and by Chance purchase from private Traders, this last was the cheapest: Anno 1721 they contracted with the African Company for a Supply of 3600 Negroes, two Thirds Males, Six Sevenths to be from 16 to 30 Aet. the other Seventh to consist of equal Numbers of Boys and Girls, none under 10 Aet. the contracted Price was 22 £. 10 s. Sterl. per Piece for Gold Coast, Iackin, and Whidaw Negroes; 18 £. 10 s. Sterl. for Angola Slaves. For some Years they farmed out some of their Assiento Factories.
The South-Sea Company's Effects in New Spain have been twice seized, Anno 1718 upon our destroying the Spanish Armada near Sicily, and Anno 1727 when Gibralter was besieged; I shall not in this Place mention the Seizures in the Beginning of this present War. Mr. Keene for several Years had from the Company 1500 £. Sterl. per Ann. as their Agent at the Court of Spain. The Court of Spain make a Demand of 68,000 £. Sterling, arising mostly from a different Way of reckoning the Dollars payable as Duty; the South-Sea Company reckon at 42 d. Sterl. per Dollar, the Court of Spain reckon at 52 d. Sterl. per Dollar, the rest was the King of Spain's Quarter of the neat Gains of the annual Ship the Royal Carolina. On the other Side the South Sea Company all [...]dge the frequent Seizure of their Effects, and Refusals of Licences or Chedulas at Times, as Damag [...] to be taken to Account being one and a half Million Dollars Damages sustain'd; this Affair is not as yet determined; it is said that the Majority of the South-Sea [Page 78] Directors, at the Desire of the Ministry of that Time, had agreed to pay the 68,000 £. Sterl. upon a Prolongation of the Term of their Trade, and a speedy Reimbursement of the one and half Million Damages.
The next Part in the South-Sea Company History, is a dismal, and for many Ages not be forgotten Transaction, A Bubble, an Epidemical, Malignant, and Mortal Distemper of Bodies Politick; it came by Way of France, where it was called Missisippi, with us it was called South-Sea; laying aside Allegory, it is a notorious Instance of the bad Constitution of Paper Effects, I mean Paper common Currency and Transfers; and as it has some Affinity with our Plantations Paper Currency, I hope it may be of Political Use, with the cotemporary Missisippi * and French Bank History annexed by Way of Annotations; it does also by Anticipation take off some Paragraph, which must have been premised in the [Page 79] Article of Plantation Paper Currencies. Perhaps it may be some Amusement to the Curious, hitherto it has not by any Writer been set in a strong full and compacted Light.
[Page 80]Mr. Iohn Law born in Edinburgh Scotland, began His Plan of the Missisippi Bubble in France, Anno 1717, of which he was afterwards constituted Principal Director, and at Length Controller General of the Finances of France. He was the most noted Man in Europe for a Gamester and Bubler; he was perswaded that Paper Effects of Paper Currency, and Transfers, admitted of the greatest Latitude for publick Cheat. In our American Colonies, after having reduced the Denomination of Five Shillings Sterl. to a heavy Piece of Eight and from this having reduced it to light Pieces of Eight so far as the Cheat could go; they fell into a Paper-Currency, whose intrinsick Value being nothing, its imaginary Value admitted of any Reduction; at present in New [...]England, by this Connivance and Management, a Person who pays an old Debt, of Book, Note or Bond, in the present Paper Currency; pays only one in ten or two Shillings in the Pound.
[Page 81]Impregnated by the Projection of Mr. Law (excuse the Metaphor) a national Bubble began to be hatched in England; at Length End of Ianuary Anno 1719, 20 the Bank and South Sea Company bid handsomely (that is apparently great Sums for the Benefit of the Publick, upon one another; to have all the other publick Debt [...] ingrafted into their Stocks; the South Sea Company [Page 12] carried it by bribing some of the Legislature and some in the Administration by taking up great Quantities of Store for their Use. Mr. Walpole, doubtless, had a feeling, but secret and cautious Conce [...]n in this Affair of Corruption; and as the South-Sea Bubble came near its Crisis, he skreened himself, by being made Pay-Master General of the Land-Forces, the Earl of Sunderland May 27. 1720 being made first Commissioner of the Treasury in his Room: Walpole did not re-enter himself, as first Commissioner of the Treasury, until April 1721, the Storm being over; and we may observe that next Month, the Parliament allowed the South-Sea Company Directors, large Sums out of their forfeited Estates, the Parliament being then under the Direction of Mr. Walpole; and towards the End of the same Year, by the Direction of our Prime Minister, Admiral Norris landed Mr. Laws, a Fugitive from France, in England (Mr. Laws at that Time was in Cash, the proper Bait for Corruption) he introduced himself by buying off the Appeal of the Relations, and producing at the Bar of the King's Bench, the King's Pardon for the Murder of Edward Wilson, Esq (Beau Wilson) An. 1694, he was discharged; but his Arrival in England being canvassed in Parliament, and his infamous Bubble in France being much clamoured against by the Populace (Mr. Walpole, a consummate Politician, by Experience, at Times found that the Vox Populi was the Suprema Lex, witness the Excise Projection upon Wines and Tobacco) his Address, his Money, the Countenance of the Court, avail'd nothing; he went off, and died obscurely [Page 83] in Germany; may this be the Exit of all notorious Cunning leading Impostors in any human Society or Government!
The South-Sea Proposals were accepted by the House of Commons Feb. 1. 1719, 20, and had the Royal Assent April 4. following. They were allowed to ingraft the irredeemable long and short Annuities, and the Redeemables of 5 and of 4 per Cent per Annum Interest (the Bank and East India Company Annuities or Stock not included) to the Value of 30,954,000 £. Sterl. by Purchase or by Subscription: The annual Payments from the Government upon these ingrafted publick Debts, to be continued as a [...] present, until Anno 1727 Midsummer, and from thence the whole to be reduced to an Annuity of 4 per Cent; the South Sea engage to circulate one Million Exchequer Bills gratis, and to pay Seven Millions Pounds Sterling to the Government for this Liberty and Benefit of ing [...]afting so much of the publick Debts, the increased capital Stock to be divided amongst all the Proprietors. The prec [...]eding Year Anno 1719 the South Sea Company by Act of Parliament for a certain Sum to the Publick, had ingrafted a great Part of the Lottery Anno 1710, by which, and by this great Engraftment, added to their original Stock of 10,000,000 £. Sterl. their Capital became 37,802,483 £. Sterl. (about 4,361,930 £, Sterling of the Principals which they were allowed to take in, by Purchase or Subscription could not be obtained, and remained as before) a vast and impolitick Capital.
Next Day Feb. 2, after the Bill passed the Commons, South Sea Stock rose to 150, in May it was sold at 375, all Iuly (the Transfer Books being shut) it sold at 930 to 1000. In August the South Sea Bubble began to lose its Credit; and the Directors to keep up the Cheat, published, that 30 per Cent Cash, should be the half Year's Dividend at Christmas next, and not less than 50 per Cent per Annum for the next following 12 Years. August 17, Stock was at 830, Sept. 8. at 550, Sept. 29, at [Page 84] 150; at Michaelmas South Sea Bonds were at 25 per Cent discount.
At this Time all the Stocks (Bank Stock in Iuly rose to 245, but it soon fell again to its intrinsick Value 130) and many Schemes were made Bubbles, the Capitals proposed by the several Projectors and Bubblers did not amount to less than 300 Millions Sterling. Most People neglected their other Business and attended some favourite BUBBLE, and Iohn Blunt of London, the Arch-Bubler, was erected a Baronet, a Scandal to that honourrble Order of Knighthood.
This grand national Cheat, became a Parliamentary Enquiry. In the Report of the secret Committee, forty Members of the House of Commons were charged with having Stock taken up for them in Broker's Names; it was found that the Directors bought Stock for the Company at very high Rates, while they were clandestinely selling out their own; that the Directors had lent out by Collusion, about Eleven Millions of the Company's Money, with none or not sufficient Security. In the House of Lords, the whole of it was called a villanous Artifice; and it was resolved in Parliament, that the Directors so far as their Estates would reach, should make good the Losses the Company had sustained by their fraudulent Management; the Estates of the Directors Deputy Cashier, and Accountant amounted to 2,014,123 £. Sterl. properly forfeited, but by Management a great Part of it was remitted to them: The Reliefs allowed by Parliament is too long to be related here; to the Company was forgiven the Seven Million which they contracted to pay to the Government, upon Condition of two Millions of their Capital being annihilated, but this was soon after restored to them. Anno 1722 the better to disengage themselves from [...]ncumbrances, they sold to the Bank 200,000 of their Annuity which is four Millions Principal.
Several Government Debts were by the Earl of Oxford incorporated into one joint Stock of Annuities, and [Page 85] were called, The Corporation of the Governor and Company of Merchants in Great-Britain trading to the South Se [...] and other Parts of America, and for [...]ncouraging t [...]e Fishery. As Mr. Law borrowed his sham Name of Missisippi Company, from our cant Name of South Sea Company; so we copied our South Sea Bubble from his Missisippi Bubble.
After a further Ingraftment of all the publick Debts (the East India and Bank Government Debts remained distinct as formerly) that could be obtained, and the South Sea Bubble being settled, 1723 Iune 24, their whol [...] Capital, was found to be 33,802,483 £. (without including the 4,000,000 £. of their Stock which they had assigned to the Bank) the Parliament converted 16,901,241 £. one Moiety of it in South-Sea Annuities, the other half to remain a Ioint Stock in Trade.
Anno 1733 This Moiety of joint Stock in Trade, by sundry Government Payments made from the sinking Fund, ‖ became 14,651,103 £. at Midsummer, three [Page 86] Quarters of this was separated, by the Name of new Ioint-Stock of South Sea Annuities; the remaining 3,662, - 775 continues as a trading or capital Stock, solely chargable with all the Company's Debts, and not to divide above 4 per Cent per Annum until their present Debts are clear'd and paid off. The Qualifications in their present trading Stock (in the former Stock the Qualifications were higher) are a Concern at least of 5,000 £. for Governor, 4,000 £. for Sub-Governor, 3,000 £. for Deputy-Governor, 2,000 £. for a Director: At a general Meeting a 500 £. Concern has one Vote, 2,000 £. has two Votes, 3,000 £. has three Votes, 5,000 has four Votes, no single Person to have more than four Votes: No Part of the trading Stock to be redeemed, until the new joint Stock of Annuities become reduced [Page 87] to 3,500,000 £. No new Bonds to be made, but at the Direction of a general Meeting.
The sinking Fund has at Times paid off to the Old and New South Sea Annuitants about 6,500,000 £. and at this Time the Government Debt to the South Sea is 27,302,203 £. viz. Stock 3,662,775; Old Annuities 13,651,100 £. New Annuities; 9,988,328 £. At present, Spring 1747 the Price of South Sea Stock is 103; East India Company Stock being 177. Here we may en passent observe the great Difference of Credit and Interest in the Affections of the People, in Relation to a Tory, Iacobite and Popish Administration; and to a Whig (excuse the cant Name) Revolution, and true Protestant Ministry: In the Tory Administration in the four last Years of Queen Anne, South-Sea Stock, though bearing an Interest of 6 per Cent sold at a Discount exceeding 20 per Cent, at present though the Interest or Annuity is reduced to 4 per Cent, it sells at a considerable Advance per Cent.
I must here insert (I cannot find a Place more proper) two Affairs, not of Property, but of Indulgencies and solemnly stipulated Concessions from the Court of Spain, to the Subjects of Great-Britain, and more particularly in Favour of our Settlements in North-America, viz. Logwood from the Bays of Campeche and Honduras, and Salt from the Spanish Island of Tortuga.
The cutting and carrying of LOGWOOD, formerly from the Bay of Campeche, and laterly from the Bay of Honduras, in the Gulph of Mexico to Great-Britain and sundry European Markets; has been for some Time a Branch of the British America Trade, but more especially of New-England. This Logwood Business has been carried on for about eighty Years, ever since Anno 1667, by a Sort of Indulgence; this Indulgence was confirmed Anno 1670 by the American Treaty with Spain, viz. The English to remain in the Occupancy of all Territories and Indulgencies of which they were then in Possession.
[Page 88]Anno 1716 The Spanish Ambassador at the Court of Great-Britain entred a Complaint to the King in Council, against the English Subjects Cutters of Logwood in the Bays of Campeche, &c: This was referred to the Board of Trade and Plantation; they made Report that "By the American Treaty Anno 1670, there was confirmed to the Crown of Great-Britain, a Right to the Laguna de Terminos (Bay of Campeche) and Parts adjacent in the Province of Iucatan; these Places at the Time of the Treaty, and some Years before, being actually in Possession of the British Subjects through Right of Sufferance or Indulgence." This same Right or Liberty is absolutely granted and confirmed by the Treaty of U [...]recht 1713.
Notwithstanding of this Representation, and without allowing sufficient Time for the Logwood Cutters to withdraw (if the Court of Great-Britain had judged it proper) the Spaniards from Tobasco, drove them off, it has never since been used by the British.
This Bay lies on the West Side of the Promontory or Province of Iucatan: Campeche is a good Town, large as Newport of Rhode-Island, built with a white free Stone, it stands on the Sea. This Port or Branch of the Assiento was farmed out by the South-Sea Directors to Blockwood and Cathcart; at 40 Pieces of Eight for every Negro Slave they imported; they sent four or five Ships of about 300 Tuns each per Annum, with a few Negroes for a Blind; their Profit being from dry Goods, which they sold by the Connivance of the Royal Officers bribed at 12 to 15 per Cent; their chief Returns were in Logwood bought from the Spaniards, and carried to London and Holland; they also carried off some Drugs viz. Gum. Elemi, Rad. Contragara, Rad. Sarsaparil, &c. That Year in which this Logwood-Bay was cut off, Anno 1717, were imported into the Port of London 5,863 Tuns Logwood.
Since our People have been dislodged faom the Bay of Campeche, they followed the same Business in the Bay [Page] of Honduras on the East Side of Iucatan, their Dye- [...] is not so good, and the Mouths of their Rivers [...] and New River) are more shallow. Because of [...] sent War with Spain, this Trade for some Yea [...] almost been discontinued.
Logwood is their Currency or Medium at 5 [...] Tun Denomination.
From this Logwood cutting Maroon Life, the [...] small incidental political Advantage; as the [...] Cutters called Bay-Men, live a maroon licentious [...] Life, it becomes in Times of Peace a Receptac [...] [...] and diverts some Sailors and others from the mor [...] [...] Life of Pirating.
A little to the Eastward of the Bay of Hondur [...] [...] a small Tribe of Indians, the good Friends and [...] of the Bay-Men, and Spaniard Haters: That is [...] affect the English more than they do the Spaniar [...] [...] they reckon the Governor of Iamaic [...], as th [...] [...] tron and Protector: Our Trade with them is of [...] sequence, being only some Tortoise-Shell, wild [...] and Sarsaparille.
The Island of Ratan lies about eight League [...] the Musci [...]oe Shore, and about 150 Leagues [...] from Iamaica; here we have lately fixed a [...] and Station-Ships, but cui bono I cannot say.
The Privilege of making and carrying Salt [...] Island of SALT TORTUGAS, in the Gulph of [...] the Comanas or Windward Part of the Spanish [...] was expresly confirmed to us b [...] the Treaty of [...] between his Catholick Majesty and the [...] Great-Britain at Mad [...]d, December 14. Anno [...] "Whereas notwithstanding the Treaties of [...] Commerce, which were concluded at Utrecht, [...] and Dec. 9, 1713; there still remain'd some [...] standings, concerning the Trade of the two Natio [...] [...] the Course of it. Article 3. Moreover his [...] M [...]j [...]sty permits the said Subjects of Great- [...] [Page] gather Salt in the Island of Tortuga, in the Gulph of Mexico; they having enjoyed that Privilege in the Reign of King Charles II. without Hin [...]nce or Interruption."
Notwithstanding of this plain Stipulation; Anno 1733 in the Spring, a British Plantation's Salt-Fleet under Convoy of a 20 Gun British Man of War, as they came to sail from Tortugas, [...] attack'd by two large Spanish Men of War from the Margaritas, and four of the Fleet were carried off, hitherto no Recompence has been obtained.
In Times of Peace, for the Use of the dry Cod Fishery are imported into Massachusetts Bay, Communibus Annis 1200 Tuns Tortugas Salt; and about as much more from other Ports, viz. Isle of May or Cape de Verde Islands, Exeuma or Bahamas, St. Martins or Rochel, Lisbon, Ivica, Caglieri in Sardinia, &c.
The Reason why New-England dry Cod is frequently Salt burnt, is from the Use of Tortuga and Isle of May Salt, which are too hot. In Newfoundland they generally use Lisbon and French Salt.
By late Acts of the British Parliament; Salt is allowed to be imported directly from any Part of Europe, to the Colonies of New-York and Pensylvania; in the same Manner as Salt may be imported into New-England and Newfoundland, by an Act made 15 Car. II. for the Encouragement of Trade.
II. French Discoveries and Settlements.
The French American Colonies, may be distinguish'd into their North Continent America Settlements, [...] those of the West India Islands Cayenne near the Coast of Guian [...] or Surinam included. Their Islands do not fall within the Compass of our Design; and having only trans [...]ent [...]y visited them without any View of Enquiry, my fixed Resolution is not to borrow or transcribe [Page 91] from common Authors; * therefore the Reader may excuse my laying them aside.
The Continent French Settlements, I divide into C [...] nada or New France, and Misissippi or Louisiana: Some French Writers, mention a French Province called Hanoise, inhabited by above 16,000 Whites, about half Way between the Mouth of the River Misissippi and Quebec in Canada; this is only an imaginary or romantick Colony, we take no Notice of it, leaving it to the professed Writers of Novels.
1. CANADA. The Original of the Name is uncertain, some say, it was named from Monsieur Cane, who early sail'd into that River: If so, O Caprice! why should so obscure a Man (his Voyage is not mentioned in History) give Name to New-France, as it is called.
Verazani a Florentine in the King of France's Service ( Francis I. was an active Prince) coasted along the East Side of North-America and went ashore in several Places, according to the Humour of those Times, took a nominal Possession for France from 37 d. the Mouth of Chesapeak Bay, to 50 d. N. Lat. the Mouth of the River St. Laurence, so called, because first discovered upon that Saint's Day; he sail'd up the River of St. Laurence. Two Ships from England sail'd up that River, Anno 1527. I. Cartier a Native of St. Malo, made two Voyages to this River Anno 1534 and 1535, he proceeded so far as Monreal, and called the Country New-France. Anno 1542 Roberval from Rochelle carried thither, a few People to settle; they did not continue their Settlements. About the middle of the sixteenth Century, the French and Spaniards disputed Settlements upon the Coast of Florida. Secretary Walsingham of England, being informed of an Opening South of Newfoundland, fitted [Page 92] out Sir Humphry Gilbert, he sail'd up St. Laurence River, and took Possession for the Crown of England. Anno 1604 Henry IV. † of France made further Discoveries in L'Acadie, now Nova-Scotia; and in Canada or New-France he planted a Colony which subsists to this Day, may it not subsist long, it is a Nusance to our North-America Settlements, Delenda est Cartbago. Anno 1608, Quebec * on a Narrow upon the River St. Laurence began to be settled, and is now increased to about 7,000 People of all Colours, Sex and Ages; it is the Residence of the Governor-General, Intendant, and supreme Council; Tide flows about 18 Feet.
Canada is no otherways a Company, only for the Castor or Beaver Fur-Trade; as they have no Settlements, but upon Rivers and Creeks, by giving some Delineation of these, we describe that Country. The Gulph of St. Laurence, from Cape Raze of Newfoundland to Cape Rosier in 50 d. 30 m. N. Lat. the Mouth of the River St. Laurence (here the River is about 30 Leagues wide) about 88 Leagues; in this Gulph are the Islands of Cape-Breton, ‖ Anticosti, St. Iohns, Madalene and some other [Page 93] small Islands, given to the French by the infamous Treaty of Utrecht 1713. From Cape Rosier to Tadousac on the North Side of the River are 80 Leagues bad Navigation, Tadousac is no Town, but a good Harbour for large Ships, navigable for Ships 25 Miles, has a Water Communication by the River Seguany &c. with Hudson's- Bay. From Tadousac to Quebec are 30 Leagues, from Quebec to Les Trois Rivieres on the North Side of the River 30 Leagues; this was the first French Settlement, it abounds with Iron Ore, is the Residence of a Sub-Governor, this Government (there are three Governments in Canada) extends 12 Miles up the great River and 12 Miles down the River: the Tide does not flow much higher; from Les Trois Rivieres to Monreal the Seat of the next Sub-Governor are 30 Leagues.
From Cape Ros [...]ers along the South Side of St. Lourence to Monreal, is an almost continued Chain of Hills or Mountains, and the Runs of Water short and rapid, it is scarce habitable. A little above Monreal, the two Rivers of Outauawas (comes from a Country N. W. belonging to a large and powerful Indian Nation) and Cataraqui meet: Cataraqui River comes about 50 Leagues S. W. from the Lake of the same Name; from Fort Frontenac at the Head of this River by Water Carriage to Monreal are 4 Days Travel, but from Monreal to Fort Frontenac are 10 or more Days Travel, because of many Carrying-Places at several Cataracts called Falls or Sauts.
The communicating five great Lakes of Canada, viz. Cataraqui or Ontario, Erie, Ilenois, Hurons, and Upper Lake may be called Inland Seas, laying from 39 d. to 51 d. N. Lat. the smallest Ontario is about 80 Leagues long, 35 Leagues wide, the Lake Superieure is 200 Leagues [Page 94] long, it is larger than the Caspian Sea. They do no freeze over▪ Snow does not lay long within 10 or [...] Miles of them, their sof [...] mellow circum-ambient Vapour molifies the Air; the Indians say that in hot Weather the Wind blows from the Lake, and in cold Wea [...]ther into the Lake, as do the Land and Sea-Breezes [...] the West-Indies within th [...] Tropicks.
All the French Colonies are under the Direction of th [...] Council of the Navy in France, and of one of the four Secretaries of France, called Secretary for the Marin [...] and Plantations, at present Anno 1747 M. Maurepas. The French King's Charge per Annum for Canada is about 200,000 Crowns; but the high Duty upon Salt se [...] from France, and the Duty upon Furs and Sleins sen [...] from Canada to France, over-ballances this Charge [...] ▪ The King's Bill [...] of Exchange upon the Treasury are paid at 15 Days Sight; the Castor Bills upon the Company are paid at three Month's Sight. Their Currency is the same as in France, being 25 per Cent better than that of the French West-India Islands.
By Information from Capt. La R [...]dde and Lieut. de R [...]sey, Envoys from the Governor-General of Canada, concerning the French instigating and furnishing our Enemy Indians ▪ with War Ammunition; Anno 1723 there sail'd from Quebec 19 Vessels for the Ocean▪ built in the River St. Laurence 6 Vessels fit for the Ocean. N. B. Up the River to the Southward, is good Ship-Timbe [...], lately they have built two or three Men of War for France.
The Season of Navigation in the River St. Laurence, are the Months of August and September, for the Store-Ships and Castor-Company Ships. Ships have sailed from Quebec to Rochelle in 18 Days. Besides [...] they send to France a small Matter of Lumber, Timber, Staves, Tar, Tobacco. Ships from France bring Wines, Brandies, and dry Goods, and sail with Flower, Pe [...], and Pork to the West-India Islands; and from then [...]e home to France with Sugars, &c. In Canada from the [Page 99] [...]tting in of the Frost 'till Summer, no News from France and other foreign Parts, excepting wh [...]t is convey'd to them by Way of Alb [...]y: Many of the French [...] are clandestinely carried to Alb [...]y, this is the R [...]son, why our Dutch Subjects there, are averse from a [...] the Canada French, and their Indi [...]s. At Os [...]g [...] the Mouth of Onondaguas River upon the East Side of Lake Ontario, there is a trading Fair from [...] all S [...]mmer; Indians of above 20 different Nations res [...] thi [...]her, from South-Carolina in N. Lat. 32 d. to the Bottom of H [...] son's-Bay in N. Lat. 51 d. therefore there certainly [...] good Water Communication inland, in all th [...] Extent, and consequently a vast Indi [...] Skin and [...]ur Trade▪ Furs are more plenty to the Southward, bu [...] not of so good a Staple as to the Northward.
Canada is settled only near the Rivers and Creek [...] ▪ they so [...] no Winter-Grain. The Produce of the Country is not much more, than is requisi [...]e for their own Subsistence: The Quality of their Summer Wheat [...] such▪ that a Baker gives 38 lb. wt. fine Bread, for a Bushel of Wheat: Apples grow well; Pears, Plum [...], and Cherries not plenty; Peaches will scarce do: They kill [...] Score of Poul [...]ey when the Frosts set in, and keep them froze in their Garrets during the Wint [...] Season, which s [...]ves Grain, their Food.
They have only three Towns of any Consideration▪ viz. Quebec the Metropolis and Residence of the Governor General of Canada or New France, it is their principal Fortress; the Cathedral is their only Parish Church, in the lower Town there is a Chapel of Ease; here are two Convents ( Iesui [...]s and Recolects) of M [...]n, and three Convents of Women or Nunneries. Monreal more plea [...]ly situated, the Residence of a Deputy-Governor, 60 Leagues above Quebec upon the same River, is near a [...] populous as Quebec, but not so well fortified. Le [...] Trois Ri [...]ieres a small Town and trifling Fortification lies midway upon the River, between these two, it is the Seat of the third Government.
[Page 96]The Country is divided into about 80 Districts, somewhat in the Manner of our New-England Townships (the New-England Townships, in Old-England would be called Country Parishes, and their several Precincts, Chapels of Ease.
All their Militia or sencible Men capable of marching, at this Writing, Anno 1747, do not exceed 12,000 Men, with about 1000 regular Troops independant Marine Companies, and about 1000 Indians that may be persuaded to march.
Besides the three Towns or strong Places already mentioned, there are, 1. Crown-Point as above, a late Intrusion upon the Jurisdiction of New-York, last Year it was proposed to reclaim it by Force, but the Projection seems to vanish. 2. Fort Chamblais, a considerable Fort or Pass from the English Settlements to the upper French Settlements in Canada. 3. Fort Sorrel where the River Chamblais the Discharge of Lake Champlain enters the River of Canada or St. Laurence, an insignificant Fort. 4. Fort Fr [...]ntenac, where the Discharge of Lake Ontario and the other great inland Lakes forms the Calaruqui Branch of the River St. Laurence. 5. Fort Denonville near Niagara Falls (Governor Vaudrueil had it accurately examined, it was 26 Fathom perpendicular) between the Lakes Ontario and Erie. 6. La Trouette at Les Detroits between the Lakes Erie and Hurons. N. B. These three last mentioned Forts, have Bread and Pease from Monreal, but no other Provisions.
Besides these by Way of Ostentation, we find in the French Maps of Canada and Misissippi, many Forts marked out: These are only extempore Stockades or Block-Houses made for a short Time of Residence in their travelling Trade with the Indians; some French Indi [...] Traders when they set out, obtain (a certain Perquisite) from the Governor an Escorte of a Sergeant and a few private Soldiers for Protection against any Indian Insults.
[Page 97]There is an annual Patroul of this Nature from Qu [...]bec [...] C [...]nada to Fort Orleance near the Mouth of the Missi [...]ppi, it is about 600 Leagues Travel with its Detours of Rivers and Carrying-Places; the direct Distance or Difference in Latitud [...] falls short of 400 Leagues: This long Rout is not attended with such Difficulties and Hardships, as is commonly imagined; there is [...] River falls into the South Side of Lake Erie, which leads to a Carrying-Place to the River Ohio, a Branch of the River Missisippi; the Indians hereabouts, are by the French called Miamis.
The French in their West-India or America Settlements, have four Governor-Generals, the small Settlement at Cayenne in Guiana not included, 1. The Governor-General of Canada, in his Commission is stiled Governor and Lieutenant-General of French North-America; he has under his Direction the Governments of Quebec, Les Trois Rivieres, and Monreal, with the Commandans of the several Out-Forts already mentioned. 2. The Governor-General of Louisiana or Misissippi, his Residence is at Orleance upon the River Misissippi, the other Government upon the River Mobile, or Moville is under his Direction, the Distance is about 40 Leagues. 3. The Governor-General of the * French Caribee-Islands, or Les Isles au Ven [...], his Residence is at the Island Martinique. 4. The Governor [Page 98] General of St. Domingue * ( Hispaniola is so called by the French) or Les Isles sous le Vent, his Residence is [Page 99] [...]t Leogane the middlemost of their Settlements in N▪ Lat. 18 d. 40 m.
In the Dominions of Canada, Quebec is the Metropolis and Place of greatest Strength; * when this is reduced, [Page 100] all their New-France falls instantly. Our Pretensions to Canada shall be enumerated in the Section of Nova-Scotia. Quebec (from De Hayes) is in N. Lat. 46 d. 55 m. W. from Paris 72 d. 30 m. that is from London 70 d. 30 m. Boston (from T. Robie) is in N. Lat. 42 d. 25 m. West from London 71 d. 30 m. therefore Quebec is 4 d. 30 m. North, and 1 d. 30 m. E. of Boston; that is in Geographical Miles 270 North, and 68 Miles (reckoning 45 Miles to a Degree of Longitude in these Parallels) East from Boston.
Champlain was their first Governour, he gave Name to the Lake Champlain (the Dutch call it Corlaers Lake) the Passage from Albany or New-York Government to Monreal or the West Parts of Canada, it is 1 [...]0 Miles long and 30 Miles wide. M. Frontenac who succeeded Anno 1672 gave Name to the Fort at the Discharge of Lake Ontario, being the Source of the Cataraqui Branch of the River St. Laurence. Le Marquis de Nonville succeeded to the Government Anno 1685, he gave Name to the Fort near Niagara Falls between the Lakes Ontario and Erie; Anno 1687 with 1500 French and Indians he invaded the Senekaes Country: The Year following Anno 1688 in Revenge the Five Nations with about 1200 Indians invaded the Island of Monreal (the Governor-General and Wife being then in the Town of Monreal) ravaged the Country, killed about 1000 Persons, and carried off a few Captives; to return this in some Measure, in the Beginning of K. William's Reign the French and their Indians to the Number of about 300 Men, in the Night Time surprized Schenectaday in New-York Government, and murdered 63 People. In the Beginning of Queen Anne's War, the Colonies of Canada and New-York agreed [Page 101] for a Neutrality between their respective Indians during the War, and an advantageous Dutch Trade all that Time was carried on from Albany to Monreal by Means of the Indians.
The Commanders in Chief formerly were called Admirals of New-France, afterwards Vice-Roys, at present Governor and Lieutenant-Generals. Anno 1665 M. de Traci Vice-Roy of French America, brought to Canada four independant Companies of regular Troops; and in September the same Year, M. Coursal Governor-General of Canada, arrived with a Regiment of Soldiers, and some Families for Settlers; at present their regular Troops consist of about 28 independant Marine Companies very incompleat, a Parcel of Racaille or Goal-Birds from France not to be depended upon. Anno 1714 Father Charle [...]oix writes, that Vandrucïl, Governor-General of Canada, at that Time, acquainted M. Ponchartrain Minister in France, viz. Canada has actually in it but 4480 fencible Men; the 28 Companies of the King's regular Troop amount only to 628 Men (like our late Nova-Scotia Companies) and dispersed in the Extent of 100 Leagues. Their present Governor-General is Le Marquis de Beaubarnois (some returned Prisoners, say, he is lately dead) the Intendant is M. Champarni.
The French Canada Indians. On our Side which is the South Side of the River St. Laurence they are Tribes of the New-England Nation of Abnaqui Indians, viz. De Lorette a very small Tribe a little below Quebec; Wanonoak on the River Besancourt or Puante over against Les Trois Rivieres, not exceeding 40 fighting Men; about 10 Leagues higher is the Tribe of Arousiguntecook on the River St. Francois, about 160 fighting Men; on the East Side of Lake Champlain, is the Tribe of Mesiassuck 60 fighting Men; a little above Monreal are the Kabnuaga [...] about 80 Men, being a Parcel of idle Ave Maria praying Indians, Runaways from the New-York Mohawks and River Indians. Their Indians on the North Side of St. Laurence River, are Les Eskimaux or Barbares of Terra [Page 102] de Labradore, they eat their Flesh and Fish raw, and go naked or covered with Seals and other Skins, they are in small Clans, very idle, and of no great Benefit to Trade, are much dispersed; Papinchois near the Mouth of the River St. Laurence; Algonquins about 1500 Men about Quebec in fast Friendship with the French; Outawawaas a very large Nation, extending back of the other N. W. to near the Bottom of Hudson's-Bay; S. W. are Les Ranards; further South we must leave the Indians for future Discoveries. The General farms out the Indian Trade to private Companies or Partnerships of Indian Traders in certain Districts.
2. MISISSIPI or Louisiana. It was first discovered by Ioliet a Frenchman, Anno 1673. De la Salle Commandant of Fort Frontenac, traversed the Wilderness with much Fatigue equal to the greatest of Pennances, Anno 1679, 1680, 1681, 1682 and 1683, he went by the Way of Lakes Erie and Ontario (in their Communication he built a Fort called La Trouette) to Misissipi. Anno 1684 he obtained of the Court of France 4 Vessels with 200 Soldiers aboard, and sail'd from Rochelle to discover and fall in with the Mouth of the River Misissipi; it lies about the Middle of the North Shore of the Bay of Mexico; he expected to find it in the Westermost Parts of this North Shore, according as it was laid down in the erroneous Sea-Charts of that Time, and accordingly landed in the Bay St. Bernard, which he called Bay St. Louis, here he built Fort St. Louis but soon neglected, it is nearly in the same Meridian with St. Cruz 97 d. 30 m. W. from London: The French Maps extend the Louisiana further South to Rio Bravo in 25 d. N. Lat. From Bay St. Louis he travelled by Land and discovered the Mouth of the Misissippi 1685; in his Return for Canada, Anno 1686, he was killed by a Mutiny of his Men.
The Source of the Misissipi is near Hudson's-Bay West of the great Lakes; the French have travelled up this River in Canoes to 45 d. N. Lat.
[Page]The first Establishment of the Colony was by Capta [...] d' Iberville Anno 1698, and although a natural and [...] Spanish Property, the French Settlements were conniv at by Philip V. King of Spain, Grandson to Louis XI of France. Anno 1712. M. Crozat Secretary of Finan [...] or Treasury, obtained from the King of France the [...] Privilege of trading to and from the Misissipi for [...] Years; this turning to no Account, he relinquished it [...]he Regent of France, and by the Projection of M. [...] t was converted into the memorable Bubble of the M [...]sissipi-Company (any out of the Way remote, not [...] to be investigated Scheme of Colony and profitable [...] would have answered) this Misissipi sham Company [...] began to be hatched Anno 1717.
This Misissipi Colony extends from Bay St. Louis Pensacola in a Sea-Line of near 200 Leagues, but all [...] the Water is so shoal, it is of no Use in Trade [...] the Mouth of Misissipi, and there the Country is unhealt [...]ful from th [...] Inundations or Floods at certain Seasons [...] the dissolving of the Northward Snow, they have a [...] Fur Trade and begin to plant Indigo, the Bay of [...]word or L' Isle Dauphine admits only of Vessels of [...] Draught.
From Bay St. Louis or Bernard to Orleance upon sma [...] Misissipi the Residence of Governor-General are abo [...] 140 Leagues, thence to L' Isle Dauphine where a Sub-G [...]vernor resides are 40 Leagues, thence to Pensacola a Spa [...]ish Settlement are 15 Leagues: From L' Isle Dauphine N. Lat. 30 m. 30 d. W. Long. from Paris 92 d. or 89 d. [...] m. West from London, are 7 d. 30 m. Long. East Cape Florida.
* III. Portuguese Discoveries and Settlements.
Brazil is a narrow Slip, its Sea-Line extends from [...] River Amazons under the Equinoctial, to Rio de la Plat [...] [Page 104] By Treaty of Baden Anno 1714 Spain resigns to Portugal in full Property and Jurisdiction, the Territory and Colony of the Sacrament on the North Branch of Rio de la Plata; Portugal not to allow of any Traders to Brazil but the European Portuguese. The Portuguese have a Fort on the North Side of the Entrance of La Plata in S. Lat. 34 d.
Brazil was a Portuguese accidental Discovery; in sailing for their Settlements and Factories in the East-Indies Anno 1500, a Brazil Fleet by the Easterly Trade Winds was drove upon the Coast of Brazil. They made no Settlement of Consequence until Anno 1549. King Iohn sent over Settlers and Soldiers.
It is divided into 14 Captain-Ships, whereof 8 belong to the King and 6 to private Proprietors; all under one Vice-Roy who resides at Bahia or Bay of all Saints in S. Lat. 12 d. 45 m.
The Portuguese upon their first Arrival in Brazil cruelly murdered the Indians in the same Manner as the Spaniards had done in Mexico and Peru; doubtless the political Reason was, their being too numerous to be kept under a continued Subjection; but their religious Evasion was, Dominion is founded upon Grace, therefore none have any Right to Life or Land but the true Roman Catholicks, Tantum potuit suadere malorum Religio.
Portugal, consequently Brazil, was in the Spanish Jurisdiction from Anno 1580 to 1640; Philip II. of Spain claimed as he was the Son of the eldest Daughter of K. Emanuel of Portugal; whereas the Dutchess of Braganza, was a Daughter of the Son of K. Emanuel, a better Title. The Dutch revolted from and at War with Spain, become Masters of the Northern Parts of Brazils for some Years; upon the Revolution of Portugal in Favour of the House of Braganza Anno 1640 the Dutch gradually lost Ground▪ the Dutch chusing rather to out the Portuguese from the Spice-Islands, than divert their Force to keep Possession o [...] Brazil; by Cromwell's War with the Dutch, Anno 1642 May, to Anno 1654 April, they could not afford sufficient [Page 105] Protection to their Conquests there (Anno 1641 the Dutch made a Truce with the Portuguese (Uti possidetis) for 10 Years) and from the above Considerations and their small Country not affording spare People sufficient to settle there, the Dutch made a total Surrender by a Treaty Anno 1661.
Their rich Mines diverted them from their former Sugar Business, and the other European Colonies have got into it. The yearly Import of Gold to Portugal, for some Years past has been about 3 Million Sterling per Annum.
Anno 1711 The French took Rio de Ianiero and brought it to Contribution; it is from thence that most of their Gold is shipt. The Brazil Fleet for that Port in S. Lat. 23 d. sets out in Ianuary; for Babia, in near 13 d. S. Lat, they set out in February; for Fernambu [...] in 8 d. S. Lat. they set out in March; and upon their Return leave these Parts in May and Iune. Most of the Brazil Harbours are a dangerous Navigation, because of sunken Rocks at a small Depth.
The most valuable Imports to Portugal from Brazils are Gold (generally coined there at Babia marked B. and Rio de Iainero marked R.) found in separate Grains or small Pieces, or intermixed with Spar, but not extracted or separated from Silver and other Metals as in Mexico; and of late Diamonds generally † small and of a bad Water.
IV. Dutch Discoveries and Settlements.
The Dutch West-India Company is of little or no Consideration; the Price of their Actions (or Stock as it is called in London) 30 to 35; whereas the Dutch East India Company Actions at present are about 350. † For many Years their whole Business was Depredations or Piracies upon the Spaniards and Portuguese, in which they were very successful; first they took a Brazil Fleet in Bahia or Bay of All-Saints, next they took two Ships of the Spanish Plate-Fleet near Cuba, some Time after they took a Spanish Plate-Fleet worth twelve Millions of Florins. At present the Interloopers run away with the Company's Trade and Profits.
[Page 107]After Anno 1621, upon the Expiration of the Dutch 12 Years Truce with Spain, they disturbed the Brazil Settlements (the Portuguese Dominions were at that Time under the Spanish Jurisdiction) and were troublesome in Chili, they got some Footing in Guiana and retained a considerable Footing in the North Parts of Brazil, for some Years.
The D [...]tch Settlements in America are not considerable, viz.
1. Amongst the Caribee Islands, the small Island of Statia or St. Eustace, a few Leagues West from St. Kits; here is a Dutch West-India Company Governor; notwithstanding the Dutch Interloopers carry on here, a considerable Trade with the French and British People of the Caribee Islands; in this Port the British and French Americans carry on a considerable Intercourse of Trade; and from St. Kits much Sugar and Molasses are brought clandestinely to save the 4 and half per Cent, and the Plantation Duty, and Plantation-Bonds. This Island is not capable of making above 100,000 lb. wt. Sugar per Annum. The Governor of Statia sends a Commandant to the small I [...]land of Sabia, which raises only some Stock or Market Provisions; he has also a Commandant in St. Martin's Island, this seems to be a neutral Island, at present a few Dutch and some French live there, but of no Consideration.
2. Amongst the lesser Antilles (Cuba, Iamaica, Hispaniola, and Porto-Rico are called the greater Antilles) upon the Coast of Caraccoes or Windward Coast of the Spanish Main, their principal Settlement is the small Island of Curaso, lies about 8 Leagues from the Terra-Firma in 12 d. N. Lat. The Dutch took it from the Spaniards, Anno 1634; their chief Business is an interlooping smuggling Trade with the Windward Coast of the Spanish Main. Adjoining to it are the Dutch small Islands of Aruba Eastward, and Westward are Bonaire, Aves, Roca, and Orchilla of no Consideration.
3. Guiana; their chief Settlement is Surinam. It was taken by the Dutch from the English in the Beginning of [Page 108] King Charl [...]s II [...] Reign, and confirmed to them by the Treaty of Br [...]d [...] Anno 1667 in Exchange for New-York confirm [...]d to the English. Here are three Proprietor [...] [...], vi [...]. The Dutch West-India Company, the Town of A [...]sterd [...]m, and Admiral Semelsdikes Heirs. It i [...] [...]rri [...]on'd by a Detachment of one Man out of each Dutch Foot Company of regular Troops. It is a S [...]gar [...], they keep their Books in light Pieces of Eight, [...], and Stivers; 6 Stivers make a Royal, 8 Roy [...]l [...] [...]ake a Piece of Eight. Their Currency is 20 per Cent worse than the Currency in Holland, a Holland's Guilder passes for 24 Stivers; their large Currency is trans [...]rri [...]g Bills of Exchange upon Amsterdam, at the Difference of [...]0 per Cent; a heavy Piece of Eight passes for [...]ree Guilders.
New-E [...]la [...]d has a considerable Trade with Surinam for Mol [...]ses. Surinam Government by Proclamation Ian. 27. 1705 N. S. allow the Importation of * Horses [...] Cattle from our Colonies, at an Impost of seven Guilders per Head, with Tunnage of seven Guilders par l [...]st of two Tun shipping; there is also a Duty of 5 perCent out (6 per Cent inward) upon two Third Value of Goods.
West or to the Leeward of Surinam is Barbice a new Settlement, belonging to a separate Company, i [...] a very thriving Way, Shares are sold at a very great Advance.
West of Barbice is another Dutch Settlement Esquib [...] (the English Seamen, much guilty of corrupting foreign [...], call it, Ise a Cape) this furnishes good Mill Timber for all the West India Sugar Settlements, and produces Quantities of Balsam Capivi, the best of all the medicinal natural Balsams.
Cayenne a small French Settlement in Guiana, East, that is to Windward of Surinam, it lies in N. Lat. 4 d. 55 m. it is a Sugar Colony. New-England sends 2 or 3 Sloops to Cayenne yearly for [...]
[Page 109] † St. Thomas, one of the Virgin Islands, [...] comprehended in the Commission of the Governor-General of our Leeward Islands; at present it is in Possession of [...] Danish Company, seldom any Company's Ships to be [...] there; the King of Denmark has a Negativ [...] in all [...] Proceedings, they may raise about 2500,000 [...] of Sugar per Annum, they raise some Cotton; here is [...] Br [...]ndebourg or Pr [...]ssi [...]n Factory. All their [...] and publick Writings are in Hollands or low Dutch, which is the Mother-Tongue of the Island. Their Currency [...] as in Surinam. It is a Sort of neutral Por [...], but under good Oeconomy.
Tobago lies in 11 d. 30 m. N. Lat▪ 59 d. W. from London, about 40 Leagues South from Barb [...]does, near the Spanish Island Trinadad, which lies near the Mouth of the River Oranoke. K. Charles II. made [...] Grant of it to the Duke of Courland to be settled only by the Subjects of England and Courland. The Duke of Courland made several Grants in it to Englishmen, but continues not-sett [...].
St. Crux. The English, French and Danish have at Times claim'd it; it continues a neutral Island, lies Sou [...] from the Virgin Islands.
V. British first American Discoveries, and West-Indi [...] Island S [...]lements.
I come to a Close of the introductory Account of American Affairs in general it has insensibly swelled in the handling much beyond my first Plan; I hope it is not [...]edious to the curious and intelligent Reader. We now enter upon the principally intended Subject, the [...] Settlements in America. An Author, without Ostentation de [...]igning a common Good, may endeavour to conciliate Attention and Faith in his Readers. As no Man is born with the Instinct or innate Knowledge of his Native or Mother Country, and does not generally enter upon such [Page 110] Researches until 25 Aet. the Air of the Soil and juvenile Conversation do not much contribute towards this: Therefore a Person not a Native, but not a Foreigner, who comes into any Country at that Age, and enters upon and prosecutes such Investigations from personal Observations, and credible Correspondencies for a Course of thirty Years, may be said, as if born in the Country. I hope Criticks, Natives of any of these our Colonies, will not reckon it a Presumption in me to essay the following Accounts; especially as at present, no Native appears to undertake this laborious but useful Performance; I acknowledge it to be a Performance not of Genius, but of Labour, and Method to render it distinct and clear.
The American Colonies can not be claimed by the several European Nations from Preocupancy (they were not Derelicts but in Possession of the aboriginal Indians) nor by Inheritance, nor by what the Law of Nature and Nations deem a justifiable Conquest; therefore the adventuring European Powers, could only give to some of their particular Subjects, an exclusive Grant of negociating and purchasing from the natural Proprietors the native Indians, and thereupon a Power of Jurisdiction.
Formerly Priority of Discovery, even without a continued Occupancy or Possession was deem'd a good Claim: Thus we originate our Claims in North America from the Cabots coasting from Prima Vista in 66 d. to 34 d. N. Lat. although for near a Century following, we made no Settlements there, and did not so much as navigate the Coast; because Henry VIII was a vicious Prince, the Affairs of his Wives and Perplexities with the Church gave him full Employment; Edward VI was a Minor; Q. Mary a wicked Woman and bigotted Roman Catholick, her sole Attention was to re-establish Popery, at that Time wearing out of Fashion, in a most inhumane, execrable, furious, zealous Manner; good Queen Elizabeth a great Encourager of Trade and Navigation in some Respects, but had the distressing of the Spaniards, and Protection of the Dutch, more in her Intentions, than the making of [Page 111] Discoveries and Settlements in America. Royal Grants of Lands if not occupied, and in Process of Time if another Grant (with Occupancy) is made to others, the first Grant becomes void. Thus Duke Hamilton's Grant in the Naraganset Country, Mr. Mason's Grant of New-Hampshire, and many Grants in the N. E. Parts of New-England are become void.
The Cabots of Venetian Extract, Anno 1695 obtained from K. Henry VII a Patent for the Property of all Lands they should discover Westward of Europe, one Fifth of the clear Profit is reserved to the King. Henry VII. was a Lover and Hoarder up of Money. They fitted out from Bristol Anno 1496, [...]roceeded along the North Shore of America till obstructed by the Ice; then they turned their Course Southward, and at Length their Provisions proving scanty, they were obliged to put off for England. Thus the Cabots in the Name of, and by Commissions from the Crown of England began to range the Continent of North-America, before Columbus from the Crown of Spain discovered any Part of the Continent of America, from 1492 to 1498 Columbus discovered only the Islands in the Gulph of Mexico. The Cabots were good industrious Navigators, they were the first who weathered the North Cape of Europe.
The next Patent for Discoveries and Settlements in America was March 25. 1584 to † Sir Walter Raleigh [Page 112] and Associates, for discovering and planting Lands in North-America, not actually possessed by any Christian Prince: That same Year two small Vessels were sent via Canaries and the Caribee-Islands (this, in these Days was reckoned the only Rout of Navigation for any Part of America) to trade upon that Coast, upon their Return, in Honour to the Virgin Queen Elizabeth, it was called Virginia, reaching so far North as the Gulph of St. Laurence. Anno 1585 Sir Walter sent Sir Richard Greenville with several Vessels and 108 People to begin a Plantation; they landed upon the Island Roanoke near the Mouth of Albemarle River in North-Carolina. Sir Francis Drake from the Spanish West-Indies by Way of the Gulph of Florida Stream, touched in at Roanoke Anno 1586, these People Settlers dissatisfied, most of them returned with him to England. Anno 1587 and 1589 Mr. White with the Character of Governor, brought over some People to Cape-Hatteras, but effected no Settlement.
No further Attempt worth mentioning, was made until Anno 1606, Sir Walter Raleigh by his Attainder having forfeited his Patent, several Adventurers petitioned the King for Grants, and a Grant was made to two Companies, in one Charter, viz. to the London Adventurers from 34 d. to 41 d. N. I at. the other Company was the Bristol, Exeter, Plymouth &c. Adventurers, from 38 d. to 45 d. N. Lat. Thus perhaps the in-common and consequently neglected Part from Cape Charles to Connecticut might fall into the Dutch Hands. In the first Company of Adventurers several Noblemen and Gentlemen, obtained a Patent with Power of Government for a certain District, the Jurisdiction to be in a President and standing Council▪ they fitted out Capt. Newport with 3 Ships and 100 Settlers; they sail'd into Chesapeak-Bay and 50 [...] up Iames River, and began a Settlement called Iames-Town. Here properly begins the first Planting of our eldest Colony Virginia; the further Narrative of this Colony belongs to the Section of Virginia.
[Page 113]The other Company in the same Charter of Anno 1606, called the Company of Plymouth, or West-Country Adventurers, viz. Sir Iohn Popham Chief-Justice, Sir Ferdinand Gorge Governor of Plymouth, &c. began their Adventures in Trade and Settlements at Sagadahock in New-England, about the same Time.
Their first Adventure was taken by the Spaniard ▪ Anno 1608 they fitted out Captains Popham and Gilbert with People or Settlers, and Stores, and built a Fort St. George near Sagadahock; it came to nothing. Anno 1614 Capt. Smith sometime President of Virginia, called the Traveller, a good solid judicious Writer in general, fitted out two Ships and made a good Voyage in Trade; upon his Return to England, he pre [...]en [...]ed a Plan of the Country to the Court, and it wa [...] called New England. As after a few Years the London Company dissolved, so, it seems was the Fate of this Company, and Anno 1620 Nov. 3. King Iames I. did grant to a Company of Adventurers called the Council of Plymouth, 40 in Number, all Lands from 40 d [...] to 4 [...] [...]. N. Lat. keeping up the Claim to New Netherlands [...] Nova Belgia, at that Time in Possession of the Dutch, at present the British Colonies of New-York, New-I [...]r [...]ies, and Pensylvania. This † Council of Plymouth made several Grants which were found faulty from their Indistinctness, and having no Power to delegate Jurisdiction. Here we must break off, and refer the further Narration to the Sections of the New-England Colonies, which were the Council of Plymouth Grants.
The first Inducements of the English Adventurers to take out Patents for Countries or Lands in America, and to suffer so much in Settling, were the Hopes of finding rich Mines of Minerals, Metals and Precious Stones, and [Page 114] a Thorough-Fare to the East-Indies or Spice-Islands. After some Time these Projectors finding themselves disappointed, the old Patents were neglected or annihilated; in the End of Iames I. Reign, and Beginning of Charles I. new Grants were procured: But by Reason of the following civil Confusions and Divisions, the Conditions of these new Grants were not complied with; and People sit down at Pleasure and at Random; upon the Restoration of King Charles II, these Settlers petitioned for peculiar Grants (as we shall observe in the several Sections of Colonies) particularly of Maryland, Carolina, New-York, Connecticut, Rhode-Island.
The first Grants from the Crown, were generally expressed to run back Inland 100 Miles; afterwards the Stile was due West to the South-Seas, or until they met with some other Christian Settlement; sometimes it is expressed from Sea to Sea, East and West: At present the Words are to run back indefinitely. Many of the first Grants were by false or uncertain Descriptions, and did interfere with one another; as we may observe in the History of their several Boundaries in Process of Time rectified and at present settled.
The Settling of our sundry Colonies, have been upon several Occasions and from various Beginnings. New-England was first settled by People from England, tenacious of their own Non-conformist Way of religious Worship, were resolved to endure any Hardships, viz. a very distant Removal, Inclemencies of the Climate, Barrenness of the Soil, &c. in Order to enjoy their own Way of thinking, called Gospel-Privileges, in Peace and Purity. Our West-India Islands have been settled or increased, some of them by Royalists, some by Parliamentarians; some by * Tories, some by Whigs, at different Times Fugitives or Exiles [Page 115] from their native Country. Virginia and Maryland have been for many Years and continue to be a Sink for transported Criminals. Pennsylvania being the Property of Mr. Penn, a Quaker, he planted it with Quakers (as Lord Baltimore for the same Reason at first planted Maryland with Roman Catholicks) it is lately very much increased by Husbandmen swarming from Ireland and Germany.
2. The British Island Settlements.
The British American Colonies, especially their Islands in and near the Gulph of Mexico, are the Spanish Leavings; the Spaniards their first Discoverers, made no Account of them; and when the English began to settle them, they were not disturbed by the Spaniard, as if below their Notice. The English at first had no other Design there, only to distress the Spaniards; thus Sir Francis Drake made several Depredations there, but no Settlement, Anno 1585 he took St. Domingo, Carthagen [...], and St. Augustine, and soon quitted them. Anno 1597 Porto Rico was conquered by the English, but dropt.
The British American Island Governments, may be enumerated under these Heads, viz. The two small Settlements of Bermudas and Providence or Bahama-Islands, and the three general Governments of Barbados, Leeward Islands, and Iamaica: These three Governments are called the British Sugar Islands. As at present Sugar is of general Use, and occasions a vast Branch of publick Revenue to the Nations of Great Britain, France, and Holland, a Digression concerning Sugar may be acceptable.
A Digression concerning Sugar.
The antient Greeks and Romans used Honey only for Sweetning, Sugar was not known amongst them: Paulus Aegineta, a noted Compiler of Medical History, and one of the last Greek Writers upon that Subject, about Anno [Page 116] 625 is the first who expresly mentions Sugar, it was at first called, Mel Arundinaceum, that is, Reed or Cane Honey. It came from China, by Way of the East-Indies and Arabi [...] to Europe. As Spirits (Spiritus Ardentes) not above a Century ago were used only as officinal Cordials, but now are become an Endemial Plague [...]v [...]ry where, being a pernicious Ingredient in most of our Beverages: So formerly Sugar was only used in Syrups, Conserves, and such like Arabian medicinal Compositions. It is at present become of universal and most noxious Use, it fouls our animal Juices and produces Scrophulas, Sc [...]vys, and other putrid Disorders; by relaxing the Solids, it occasions watery Swellings and catarrhous Ails, it induces Hysterick and other nervous Disorders; therefore should be sparingly used especially by our weaker Sex, they are naturally of a Fibra laxa.
The Island Colonies (in a peculiar Manner they are called the West-Indies) had the Sugar-Cane from the Bra [...]ls; the Portuguese of Brazil might have them from their Settlements in the ‖ East-Indies: At present the Flavour and Smell of our Sugars, and of those from Bra [...]ils differ considerably, this may be attributed to what the French call, Le Gout de Terroir; thus it is with Wines from transplanted Vines; Virginia Tobacco, and Brazil, and V [...]rinas Tobacco differ upon this Account.
Arundo Sacharifera C. B. P. Sugar-Cane, are the Botanical Latin and English Tribe Names; it grows to five [Page] six or more Feet high; articulated or jointed [...] Gramineous or Reed Leaf. The Canes are [...] planted in August, and cut down from Christmas to [...] of the following, not the same Year; they are [...] 16 to 22 Months upon the Ground; this [...] of a great Latitude as to gathering in, without [...] considerable Loss: If cut seasonably and soon, [...] yield more Juice, but less rich than if let standing [...] Months longer: Moreover Canes that might have cut end of December, the Planters are under a [...] to keep some of them growing 'till Iune, [...]o furnish [...], which is Cane-Tops for their Cattle. One [...] of Cane Liquor may yield about 1 Pound 3 Quarte [...] [...] Sugar, a Pot of 60 wt. of Sugar, may drop about 3 [...] Molasses, 1 Gallon Molasses if good, yields [...] Gallon Rum or Proof Spirit; by claying Sugars [...] 2 sevenths, which runs into Molasses: The [...] upon the Improvement of Sugars generally▪ [...] [...]his Proportion, viz. If Muscovado [...] sell at 25 s [...] wt, first Clays sell at 35, second Clays at 45, third [...] at 55.
The Manufacture is reckoned equal in Value to Produce or Cultivation; it has many chargeable [...] the Mill, the Boiling-House, the Curing-House, [...] House▪ Store-House: Sugars are distinguished into [...], by the French called Sucar Bis or Br [...]e, [...] second, and third Clayings or Refinings.
The Cultivation of the Cane; a Length of few [...] or Knots laid flat or horizontally in Holes, these [...] are half Foot deep or better, 3 Feet long, 2 Feet [...] 30 good Field Negroes may hoe one Acre a Day; [...] each Joint or Oculus proceeds a Reed of Canes.
In Barbados the Charge of Cultivation and [...] of Sugar (supposing the Labour hired, as it [...] in some particular Circumstances) is about 15 £ per [...] an Acre at a Medium is reckoned to produce 2500 wt. Sugar; therefore all exceeding 12 s per Ct. wt. the Price of Sugars, is clear Profit to the Planter. [...] [Page 118] The Rum defrays the ordinary Expence of the Plantation. They allow one good Field Negro for one Acre Canes, all Labour included. The Labour is very considerable (supposing the Ground well cleared and brought too) viz. holling, planting, dunging, weeding, hilling, and cutting.
After the first Purchase, the Charge of a Sugar Plantation Negro, is very small, not exceeding 40 s. per An. for Cloathing and Feeding; when full cloathed, it is Jacket and Breeches for the Men, Jacket and Pettycoat for the Women of Oznabrigs at 9 d. per Yard, and a coarse red mild Cap; the Negroes of one Plantation live in contiguous Huts like an African Town; are allowed some short Time, viz. Saturday Afternoon and Sundays, with a small Spot of Ground to raise Provisions for themselves; or if new Negroes are allowed one Pint of Guinea Corn, one salt Herring, or an Equivalent per Day in other Provisions of salt Mackrel, dry'd Salt-Fish, Indian Corn, &c. Barbados requires a Supply of 4000 or 5000 new Negroes per Annum.
The Planters divide their Cane-Lands into Thirds, viz▪ one Third standing Canes, another Third new-plante [...] Canes, and the other third fallow. In Barbados they plant every Crop or second Crop, in the other Islan [...] they have Ratoons, or second, third, fourth &c. Crops from the same Roots, but every succeeding Year they yield less.
The Quantity of Sugar imported per Annum from the British Sugar-Islands to Great-Britain is about 80,000 to 85,000 Hogsheads at 1000 wt. per Hoshead.
In Imitation of the French, by an Act of Parliament 1739, British Sugars are allowed to be carried directly, without entring in Great-Britain, to any foreign Port South of Cape Finisterre, under certain Restrictions too long for our Enumeration. About 50 Years ago the French were chiefly supplied with Sugars from Great-Britain, at present they supply themselves, and can afford to undersell us in all Markets, the Mediterranean, Holland, Hamburgh, &c.
[Page 119]An exact minute List of the successive Governors in the several Islands, are scarce of any Historical Use, unless where some Things remarkable have happened during their Government; therefore without making much Enquiry, I shall only mention those who easily occur.
The West-India Islands, together with Virginia, Maryland and Carolinas, are of vast Profit to Great-Britain, by the Labour of above Three Hundred Thousand Slaves, maintained at a very small Charge. Here we observe a Sort of puritanical gross Error, in the Utopian Charte [...] Constitution of the Colony of Georgia not allowing of the Labour of Slaves, and by the Experience of several Years, this seems to be a principal Reason of the Settlement coming to nothing. By Acts of their Assemblies Slaves or Negroes are real Estate, but may be sued for and recovered by personal Action. If it were not for the Negroes and Molatoes born in these Colonies reckoning themselves Natives, it would be impossible to keep so many able-bodied Slaves in Subjection by a few valetudenary white Men: There have been from Time to Time Insurrections of Negroes; but were discovered, and the Ringleaders executed in the most cruel and deterring Manner that could be contrived. Slaves in any felloniousCase are tried, not by a Jury and Grand Sessions, but by two Justices and three Freeholders, a Majority condemns them and orders Execution. They generally value new Negroes in this Manner, a Negro of 10 Aet. and of 40 Aet. are upon a Par, from 20 to 25 Aet. is reckoned their Prime; from 40 Aet. upwards, their Value gradually decreases, as it does from 10 Aet. downwards.
The Voyages from London to Barbados or Leeward Islands is 6 to 7 Weeks; but home to London not so much, when out of the Trade Winds, the Westerly Winds and a Westerly Swell or Sea generally prevail.
In these Islands the Rains (within the Tropicks, the Indians number their Years by Rains, without the Tropicks they reckon by Succession of Winters) begin End [Page 120] of May, continue frequent for three Months, and abate gradually to December. Hurricanes are from the middle of Iuly to the middle of September: Barbados and the Leeward Islands are not much troubled with Hurricanes ▪ but have at Times violent Gusts of Wind, when the Trade or Easterly Winds, change per North (Sailors call it going against the Sun) to West, with a rolling Sea from Leeward. The Sea Breeze begins between 8 and 9 Hours Morning, increases till Noon, retains its full Strength till 3 Afternoon, and gradually decreases to about 5 in the Evening.
Even in their Breezes, the Air seems to resemble the suffocating Breezes along the Sands of the Deserts of Lybia, or like the Steam and Exhalation from burning Charcoal: Their Air seems to be impregnated with some volatile acid Sulphur, which to a very inconvenient Degree ru [...]ts Iron, and cankers other Metals: It keeps the Blood and Spirits in a continued Fret; in that Climate I never could apply my self to a serious intense Way of Thinking exceeding half an Hour; some Constitutions are kept in a continued small Degree of a Phrenzy, hence proceed the many rash passionate Actions amongst the [...]. In the North Continent of America for two or three Weeks in Iuly (Dog-Days are only Astrological cant Names amongst the Vulgar; the hot Weather of the Season, not the Influence of the Stars are in the Case) the Weather is sometimes so hot, as to rarify the Air too much, by relaxing its Spring and Action occasions sudden Deaths, Palsies, and the like nervous Affections ( inassu [...]tis) in the human Species and other Animals; Beginning of Iuly 1734 unusually hot for a Continuance of some Days 8 or 9 People die suddenly: At the writing of this Iuly 8, and 15, 16 little Wind South Westerly, intensely melting hot, but not sulphureous and stiffling as in the West-Indies, scarce any Thunder hitherto.
Besides regular Tides, they have uncertain Windward and Leeward Currents: With a Windward Current, new and full Moon, Tides flow about 3 Feet; they flow longer than they ebb.
[Page 121]Their general Supply for Charges of Government, [...] a Pol Tax upon Negroes, and an Excise upon Liquors imported. They have a very good Regulation, that no Freeholder's Person ca [...] be arrested for Debt; thus his Labour is not lost to [...] Publick by a Time of Confinement, and he cannot readily run in Debt exceeding the Value of his Freehold. It is to be wished, that this wise Regulation, may be introduced into our Continent Colonies.
The Spaniards and Portuguese in their first American Navigations, very providently put on Shore, upon the interveening Head-Lands and Islands, some Live-Stock, particularly neat Cattle and Swine to multiply by Propagation, towards a future Refreshment and Supply of Provisions in their Voyages.
The general Food of the Europeans there, and of their Slaves comes next in Course, it is mostly vegetable. * Here we may previously observe, that the Plants or Vegetables between the Tropicks, are so vari [...]s from our European Tribes, they seem to require a distinct System of Botany, or ought to be reduced to some Order by annexing to each Tribe of European Plants some [...] of the Affines; but without coming much into natur [...] History, I am afraid some Readers judge me too proli [...].
The Food of their Negro Slaves and of the common Labourers and white Servants may be divided into,
[Page 122]I. Their Bread Kind. 1. Cerealia viz. (a) Rice, (b) Guinea Corn, (c) Indian Corn. 2. Legumina or Pulse Kind, viz. (d) Kidney-Beans, (e) Pease. 3. Roots, viz. (f) Yams, (g) Pot [...]toes, [Page 123] (h) Cassada. 4. Fruits, viz. (i) Planta [...]es, (k) Bananes.
[Page 124]II. Fish and Flesh, are mostly a foreign Importation, [...] ▪ Salt Herrings from Scotland and Ireland, one Barrel Herrings is reckoned equivalent to two Quintals dried Salt-Fish, dried Refuse Salt-Fish (Cod, Haddock, Haake, [...]nd Polluck) from New England and Newfoundland, barrel'd sal [...] Mackrel from New-England; they sometimes use the Country fresh Produce of (a) flying Fish and (b) Land Crabs and (c) Soldiers. They seldom are allowed any Irish Salt Beef, it is reserved for the Planters or Landlords, their Managers, Overseers, and other white Servants. Some Negroes are allowed for their own Account and Profit [...] raise young Pork ( West-India young Pork i [...] delicious) and Poultry which they carry to Market, [...] seld [...] o [...]t of it. Their most delicious Dish for a [...]egale, is a Pepper-Pot or Negro-Pot compounded of salt Fish, salt Flesh of any Kind, Grain and Pulse of all Kinds, [...] seasoned with (d) Capsicum or Guinea-Pepper; it is [...] like a Spanish Oleo, or Newfoundland Sho [...]er.
[Page 125]The Provinder for their neat Cattle and Horses besides Cane-Tops, and Tops of Guinea Corn already mentio [...] ed; (e) is Scotch Grass.
Scorpions, Scolopendras or forty Legs, Chigoes, Sand-Fli [...], Vena Medini, or Guinea Worm, Mus [...]ito [...]s, Ants, Bed [...]g [...] Cimices Lectularii, &c. very troublesome and great Nusances in these Climates, we shall not describe, having already tired the Readers who have no Notion of natural History: But we cannot omit that great Nusance to Navigation called the (f) Worm, pernicious especially to [...] Ships; at first only in the West-Indies, but have from thence been carried with Ships▪ and do prop [...]gate in Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, they have got so far North a [...] New-England, and lately have done considerable Dam [...] in the Port of Newport, Colony of Rhode-Island: It is to be hoped, that a severe freezing Winte [...] may destroy them, as it did in Holland Anno 1730, when thos [...] Worms by eating and honey-combing of the Piles of their Dikes, between the highest and lowest Water-Marks, did put the Country in Danger of being undam'd or drowned.
I insensibly deviate into something of the natural History of these Countries; but as it is not within the Compass of my original Design, which was their current and political History in a summary Way: I shall only briefly relate and describe by the proper classical Names which hitherto has not been done by Authors; that Part of thei [...] natural Produce which is used in common Food, in Delicacies, and as Commodities in Trade.
1. The common Food is mostly already mentioned, [Page 126] [...] these we may add Ducks of several Kinds, Plover, wild (g) Pigeons, wild H [...]gs (h) Lobsters, (i) Cray-Fish, (k) River-Crabs, (l) Sea-Crabs, the (m) Sea-Tortoise or Turtle as the Sailors call them.
2. Some of their Delicacies are many Sorts of Cucumbers, Melons and the like of the Gourd Kind, (n) Citro [...]s, (o) Oranges, (p) Limons, Sugar-Cane already mentioned, [Page 127] Cocoa we refer to the Paragraph of Produce for Trade, and (q) Coco, (r) Cabbage-Tree, (s) Pine-Apple so called from its Resemblance of the Fruit or Cones of some Pine-Trees.
[Page 128]3. Produce that are Commodities in Trade (a) Cocoa, (b) Zingiber or Ginger, (c) Indigo, (d) Cotton-Wool, (e) [Page 129] Aloes, (f) Cassia Fistula, (g) Tamarinds, (h) Lignum-vitae, (i) White Cinnamon, (k) Coffee, (l) Fustick, (m) Braziletto, Campeche Wood or Logwood, Nicaraga [Page 130] Wood by the Dutch called Stockfish-hout; these last two Commodities or Dye-Woods are not the Produce of our West India Islands, but are imported to Iamaica from the Spanish Main.
The general Supply for Charges of Government in all our West-India Islands is a Pol Tax upon Negroes and Excise upon Liquors.
Generally for every 20 to 30 Negroes a Planter is oblig'd to keep one white Man, two Artificers or Handy crafts Men are allowed equal to three common Labourers; 120 Head of Cattle requires also one white Man.
The regular Troops from Great-Britain to the West-India Islands are allowed by their Assemblies for further Subsistence per Week 20 s. to a Commission Officer, and 3 s. and 9 d. to the other Men.
In some of these Islands, the nominal Price of the same Sugars differ, for Instance Sugar per Ct. wt. if paid in ready Cash at 16 s. in Goods it is 18 s. in paying of old Debts 20 s.
The 4 and half per Ct. upon the Produce Exports of Barbados and the Leeward Islands granted to the Crown by their several Assemblies in Perpetuity, seems to be in Lieu of Quitrents. L. Baltimore some few Years ago in Maryland, to make an Experiment of this Nature, procured an Act of Assembly for 3 s. 6 d. per Hogshead Tobacco in Room of Quitrents: It was found inconvenient, and Quitrents were allowed to take Place again.
Being prolix in the general Account of the Sugar Islands, will render the Accounts of the particular Islands more succinct.
Barbados is the most Windward of all the Islands in or near the Gulph of Mexico; it lies in about 13 d. N. Lat. 59 d. 30 m. W. from London by the Observations [Page] of Capt. Candler. * Sir William Curteens an [...]venturer in Trade, Anno 1624 in sailing home to [...] from Farnambuc of the Brazils, at that Time [...] Possession of the [...], touched at this Island, [...] it is said, gave the Name Barbados, from large [...] of a bearded Tree † growing there, it was spread with a Sort of Purslane ‖: Here he [...] human Bones, but no living Mankind: [...] Swine.
The Earl of Carlisle, a Court Favourite, in [...] of the Reign of Charles I, had a [...] from the Crown; this Island continued in the [...] of the Proprietary and his Heirs about 30 Anno 1661 the Crown purchased it of Lord [...] Heir to the Earl of Carlis [...]e, their Family [...] Hay, and allows to the Heirs 1000 £. per An. out 4 and half per Ct. Duty.
The greatest Length of the Island is about 26 its greatest Width about 14 Miles; Contents [...] 100,000 Acres. Every Freeholder is [...] to keep a Plan of his Land attested by a sworn [...] 10 Acres valued at 20 [...] per An. per Acre [...] Voter in Elections.
At first they planted Tobacco, some Indigo, [...], and cut Fustick a dye Wood; at present they [Page 132] no Tobacco, no Indigo. Their first Sugar-Canes they had from Brazils Anno 1645: This Island was generally settled by Cavaliers in the Time of the Civil Wars in England.
The Governor's Stile in his Commission, is Captain-General and chief Governor of the Islands of Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Vincents, Dominica, and the rest of his Majesty's Island Colonies and Plantations in America, known by the Name of the Caribee-Islands, laying and being to Windward of Guardaloupe: Excepting Barbados, the other Islands are called Neutrals †, because the Government and Property of them, hitherto has not been settled by any solemn authentick Treaty between Great-Britain and France.
In Time of the civil Wars Barbados and Virginia were settled by Cavaliers and Ruffians (excuse my coup [...]ling of them, I mean no Reflection) in the Summer 1650 Lord Willoughby proclaimed K. Charles II. in Barbados, and administred the Government in his Name; but in January Anno 1651, 2 he surrendred Barbados and the neighbouring Islands to Sir George Ascue Admiral for the Parliament. About the same Time Virginia submitted to the Parliament.
Their Legislature consists of three Negatives, viz. the Governor, the Council (their full Compliment is twelve) and House of Representatives (in all our Colonies, in a [Page 133] particular Manner called the Assembly) composed of 22 Deputies, that is two from each of the eleven Parishes without Wages, or any Allowance; the eldest Councellor in the Parish is generally appointed the returning Officer: Their Assemblies are annual.
Their Courts of Iudicature. The Courts of Error▪ Chancery, and Probate of Wills, are in the Governor and Council. The Courts of common Law are in five Districts, viz. Bridgetown District consists of 3 Parishes, the others of 2 Parishes each: Each Court has one Judge and 4 Assistants.
Only one Collection or Custom-House Office at Bridgtown; there are three more Entry and Delivery-Ports, viz. Ostines, Holetown, and Speights; this Collection is under the Inspection of a Surveyor-General of the Customs residing at Antigua.
Their Currency is Silver Mexico Standard, by Weight, whereof 17 d half d. wt. passes for 6 s. Upwards of 40 Years since they borrowed from New-England by a Projection of Mr. Woodbridge, the fallacious Scheme of a publick Paper Credit or Paper Currency; but by Orders from the Court of England it was soon suppressed, and Governor Crow had an Instruction, TO REMOVE FROM THE COUNCIL, AND ALL OTHER PLACES OF TRUST, ANY WHO HAD BEEN CONCERNED IN THE LATE PAPER CREDIT. These Bills, soon after their Emission, fell 40 per Ct. below Silver; and occasioned a great Confusion, and Convulsion in the Affairs of the Island.
Anno 1717 peaceable Times, when I was in Barbados, all along its Lee-Shore was a Breast-Work and Trench, in which at proper Places were 29 Forts and Batteries, having 308 Cannon mounted: The Windward Shore is secured by high Rocks, steep Cleefs, and foul Ground. Anno 1736 in the Island were 17,680 Whites; whereof 4326 fencible Men, disposed into one Troop of Guards, two Regiments of Horse, and seven Regiments of Foot. Beginning of King William's War, Barbados [Page 134] furnished 700 to 800 Militia, * with some Militia from our Leeward Islands to join the regular Troops and Squadron from England against the neighbouring French Islands.
There may be about 80,000 Negroes in Barbados, may ship off about 30,000 Hds Sugar, besides Ginger, scalded and scrapt, Cotton-Wool and Aloes. Their Duty of 4 and half per Ct. in Specie upon Produce exported, is perpetual, and given immediately to the Crown's Disposal; out of this the Governor has 2000 £. per An. Salary, besides large Gratuities and Perquisites. The Tax on Negroes, Mills and Potkils is generally 10,000 £. per Annum, Excise upon Liquors imported 7,000 £. per Annum, for defraying the ordinary Charges of Government.
Returned protested Bills of Exchange are allowed 10 per Ct. and all Charges.
They generally worship or profess to worship after the Mode of the Church of England; no dissenting Congregation, a few Quakers excepted: New-England had some of their first Seminary of Quakers from Barbados.
Some loose Account of their Governors. Lord Willoughby of Parham at the Restoration was appointed Governor of Barbados under the Earl of Carlisle, he was at the same Time Governor-General of the Leeward-Islands, and a Proprietor of Antegoa.
Upon the Restoration Iames Kendal, Esq was appointed Governor.
Upon Kendal's returning to England, Col. Francis [Page 135] Russel, Brother to the Earl of Orford, came over Governor, with a Regiment of regular Troops and subsisted by the Country; he died Anno 1695 and Bond was President until Iuly 1698.
1698 Ralph Grey, Esq Brother to the Earl of Tankerville arrived Governor; he went to England for his Health Anno 1701, and Iohn Farmer Esq was President and Commander in chief.
1703 Sir Bevil Greenville, appointed Governor; his Home Salary was increased from 1200 £. to 2000 £. per Annum, that he might not desire Gratuities from the Country, they also built for him a Governor's House in Pilgrim's Plantation.
1707 Milford Crow, a London Merchant succeeded him.
1711 Robert Lowther, Esq succeeded, and was continued upon the Accession of King George [...]; by Reason of several Complaints (the chief Complainer was the Rev. Mr. Gordon of Bridgetown, an eminent Martinico Trader) he was ordered into the Custody of a Messenger and called to Account in the proper Courts of Westminster-Hall, and cost him a considerable Sum of Money: This with the Affair of my Name-Sake General Douglass, of the Leeward-Islands, may be a Warning to all Governors, that they are liable to be called to Account upon small Suggestions when their Friends die or are otherways out of Place.
After a Presidentship of some Continuance; Henry Worsley, Esq (who for some Time had been British Envoy at the Court of Portugal) Anno 1721 was appointed Governor, besides his Salary of 2,000 £. out of the 4 and half per Ct. by his Finesse the Assembly voted him 6,000 £. per An. during his Government: They soon found, that this was more than they could afford. There interveened two Commissions which did not take Effect, viz. Lord Irwin, who died of the Small-Pox before he set out from England; and Lord Belhaven, upon [Page 136] his Passage aboard the Royal Anne Galley was cast away and drowned near the Lizard Point.
After this Sir Olando Bridgman and others were appointed but never in Possession.
L. How was a much esteemed Governor and died in Barbados.
1742 Sir Thomas Robinson, of him we have not much to say.
1747 Arrives Mr. Greenville Governor, over and above his Home Salary, they allow him 3000 £. per Annum, during his Administration, and to his Satisfaction.
British Leeward Islands.
These were first discovered in the second Voyage of Columbus, the Spaniards despised them, and made no Settlements there: They were severally settled by the English at different Times, and are all under the Command and Inspection of one Governor-General; in each of the four Islands of Antegoa, Montserrat, Nevis, and St. Christophers, there is commissioned from Great-Britain a Lieutenant Governor; in the small Islands are Militia Captains or Capitain de quartier commissioned by the Governor-General.
The General's Commission is in this Stile. Captain-General and Commander in Chief of the Islands of Antegoa, Montserrat, Nevis, St. Christophers, and all the Caribee Islands from Guardaloupe to St. Iohn de Porto Rico. In the Absence of the Captain-General and Lieutenant-General (the Lieutenant-General resides at St. Kitts) formerly the Commander of Nevis, as being the oldest Settlement, was Commander in chief of these Caribee Islands, but by a new Regulation, the Senior of the Lieutenant Governors is to command. Each of the four Islands has a distinct Legislature, of a Gov [...]rnour, Council and Representatives.
Out of the 4 and half per Cent Duty on Produce [Page 137] exported, are paid Salaries per An. to the Governor-General 1200 £. to each of the four Lieutenant-Governors 200 £. St. The present General Matthews obtain'd an Instruction, that considering the 1200 £. per An. was not a sufficient and honourable Support, he was allowed to accept of additional Gratuity Salaries, and the respective Islands settled upon him during his Administration, viz. Antegoa 1000 £. Nevis 300 £. St. Kitts 800 £. per Annum; Montserrat did not settle the Gratuity, but do generally give about 300 £. yearly: The Perquisites are of the same Nature with Barbados.
Anno 1736 in all the Leeward Islands were 10,520 Whites; whereof fencible Men in Antegoa 1500, in St. Kitts 1340, in Nevis 300, in Montserrat 360, in Anguilla 80, in Spanish-Town or Virgin Gorda 120.
Soon after the Restoration Lord Willoughby of Parham was Governor-General of the Leeward-Islands, and at the same Time Governor of Barbados.
Sir William Stapleton.
K. Iames II. appointed Sir Nathaniel Iohnson, upon the Revolution he abdicated and withdrew to Carolin [...], and was succeeded by
Christopher Codrington, Esq he died 1698, and was succeeded by his Son Christopher Codrington, Esq the greatest Proprietor in Antegoa, a great Proprietor in Barbados, and sole Proprietor of the Island of Barbuda. This Family has been a great Benefactor in pious Uses and in Seminaries for Learning.
Sir William Mathews succeeded Col. Codrington Anno 1704, he died soon.
1706 Arrived for Governor-General Col. Parks, he had been Aide de Camp to the most renowned Duke of Marlborough, and carried to the Court of England, the News of the critical and great Victory at Hochstat near the Danube in Germany, Anno 1710 he was murdered by an Insurrection of the People or Inhabitants; he is said to have been a vicious Man, especially in his Amours with the Planters Wives.
[Page 138]He was succeeded by Col. Walter Douglass, who was superseded Anno 1714, and in the Courts of Westminster-Hall, was called to Account for Male administration; and Nov. 19. 1716 by the Court of King's-Bench was fined 500 £. Sterling, and five Years Imprisonment.
1714 Col. Hamilton appointed Governor.
To him succeeded General Hart.
1726 To General Hart succeeded Thomas Pit, Lord Londonderry, he died in Antegoa Sept. 1729.
Lord Forbes, next Col. Cosby were appointed.
April 1733, Mathews, formerly Lieut.-General, is appointed Captain-General, and is at present continued in the Administration.
During these 40 Years last and upwards, a Regiment of regular Troops from Great-Britain, has been stationed in the Leeward Islands, always very incompleat; our Troops, as also the French in the Plantations, generally speaking, are only Corps of Officers at a very great Charge.
Their Medium, is Produce at settled Prices from Time to Time, their Cash consists of Black [...]ogs (old French Sols Pieces) 9 Black-dogs make a Ryal, 8 Ryals make a light or current Piece of Eight, 10 Ryals make a heavy Piece of Eight.
ANTEGOA began to settle about Anno 1632, generally settled by the moderate or Low Church, afterwards called Whigs. May contain about 56,000 Acres, 20,000 Negroes. No River, scarce any good Springs of fresh Water, they generally use Cistern Water. The Negro Pol-Tax is generally very high, Excise upon Liquors imported about 2000 £. per An.
Their Assembly or lower House consists of 24 Representatives from 11 Districts, viz. Four from the District of St. Iohns, and two from each of the other Districts. Six Parishes, each Minister or Rector is allowed as Salary 16,000 wt. Muscovado Sugar, with a Mansion House and Glebe-Land of 10 or 12 Acres. Only one [Page 139] Collection with four Entry and Delivery Ports, viz. St. Iohns, Parham, Falmouth, and Willouby Bay: The Collector keeps his Office at St. Iohns, where also resides the Surveyor-General of the Customs o [...] all the Islands, Iamaica excepted. About 250 Vess [...]ls enter in per Annum.
Courts of Iustice. For Common Law, there are two Precincts, St. Iohns and Falmouth, each one Judge, and four Assistants; there is also a Court Merchant, being a summary Way of dispatching Debts, owing to transient Traders. The Governor and Council are the Judges of Errors, Chancery and Probates.
St. Iohns is a good Harbour, smooth Water, with good Wharffs: English Harbour, lately fortified by the Care of Commodore Charles Knowles, is a safe Retrea [...] for King's Ships and others.
Chief Produce is Sugar and some Cotton; no Indigo.
MONTSERRAT is a small hilly Island, settled mostly by Irish, two Thirds Roman Catholicks; about 4500 Negroes; their whole annual Charge of Government does not much exceed 1500 £. per Annum: Not above five Vessels per Annum exports their Produce. One Collection at Plymouth, have three Entry and Delivery-Ports, viz. Plymouth, Old-Harbour, and Kers-Bay: Three Parishes; four Divisions, each Division sends two Representatives, being eight in all; the Parish Ministers have 130 £. per Annum from the Country-Treasury. Two Regiments Foot, one Troop Horse Militia.
Courts of Iudicature. For common Pleas only one precinct Court held at Plymouth: The first Court to which a Case or Action is brought, is called a Court of Grace (the Inferior Courts of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, in some Respect may be called Courts of Grace) the next Court is a Court of Judgment, and may appeal to a third Court, their Grand Sessions consists of the Lieut.-Governor, Council, and chief Judge.
[Page 140]Their Sugars are very ill cured in Cask, are sold green, retaining much Molasses: A Planter if much pressed by a Merchant for Debt, in 5 or 6 Days from cutting the Canes, the Sugars are aboard; they plant also some Cotton, and much Indigo of the Iron Colour or worst Sort; have four Crops of Indigo per Annum; viz. April, Midsummer, Michaelmas, and Christmas.
NEVIS. Is one Conical Hill; good Harbour, but great Surf at landing, as is generally in the West-Indies; have about 6000 Negroes (the French Squadron under M. d'Iberville in Queen Anne's War carried off so many Negroes as were afterwards sold to the Spaniards for 400,000 Pieces of Eight. Only one Collection at Charles-Town, three Entry and Delivery Ports, viz. Charles-Town, Morton's Bay, and Newcastle; they load about 20 Vessels per An. for Europe.
Five Divisions or Parishes; each Division sends three Representatives, in all fifteen Assembly Men. Iudicature, only one Precinct, Courts as in Antegoa.
They cure their Sugar in square Pots, is better than that of Montserrat; some Cotton; no Indigo, no Ginger. Cistern Water chiefly.
ST. CHRISTOPHERS about three or four Leagues from Nevis. Upon its East End are Salt-Ponds and many small naked Hills. The French formerly were in Possession of its East End to Palmeto-Point, and of its West End to near Sandy Point, but by Treaty of Utrecht An. 1713, quit-claimed the whole to Great Britain. Have only one Collection at Old-Road the Court [...]or Shi [...]e-Town, several Entring and Delivery Ports: Basse-terre ships off most, next for shipping off is Sandy-Point. Th [...]y bring their Sugars to the shipping Places in Hds, not in Bags, as in Nevis and Montserrat: They ship off much Molasses, do not raise much Cotton, no Indigo, no Ging [...]r: They run much Sugar aboard the Dutch Interloopers at Statia, to save the 4 and half per C [...]. the Plantation Duties, &c.
[Page 141]May have about 25,000 Negroes; about 9 Parishes, each sends two Assembly Men. Good River Water from the Mountains.
VIRGIN ISLANDS. The Easternmost is called St. Thomas, at present in Possession of the Danes, a good Harbour, scarce any Surf at landing; good careening at this Island, a good Town, the Governor is Lutheran, the Congregation and Mother Tongue is Low Dutch. The Island is small; they raise Cotton and Sugar; it is a neutral and free Port, some say, to Pirates not excepted. Salt-Key, from which some Vessels bring Salt.— St. Iohns Island, two or three Gentlemen of Antegoa have a Patent for; they raise Cotton, and cut Iunkwood, or Lignumvitae.—Tortola produces the same.— Beef-Island cuts Iunkwood.—Spanish-Town or Virgin Gorda is the Westermost of the Virgins; they plant Cotton only, being a Mixture of Curaso whi [...] and yellow Revel indifferently planted together.
OTHER SMALL ISLANDS stragling between the Virgins and St. Christophers, viz. Anagada not settled, Sambrero not settled, Anguilla raises Cotton, St. Martins, some Dutch in one Part and some French on another Part, St. Bartholomew a neutral Island not settled; Barbuda the Property of Codrington, is improved for grazing.
Iamaica is a long Oval of about 50 Leagues in Length; the Discoverer Columbus and his Heirs were Proprietors of the Island: He called it St. Iago or St. Iames, we call it Iamaica in our Idiom.
Cromwel without declaring War * sent Admiral Pen [Page 142] and General Venables with a considerable Sea and Land-Force, to annoy the Spanish West-Indies: They miscarried at St. Domingo; but reduced Iamaica, Anno 1655, and remains with the English to this Day.
Iamaica is much subject to Hurricanes and Earthquakes. Anno 1693 Port-Royal during an Earthquake was swallowed up: It may be supposed, that for many Years preceeding, the Sea did gradually undermine it, and upon Occasion of this Earthquake Port-Royal subsided.
They carry on a considerable illicit but profitable Trade to the Spanish Main, and return Pieces of Eight; and with the French of Hispaniola or St. Domingue the Returns are mostly Indigo.
Port-Royal of Iamaica is 76 d. 37 m. West from London, † and in about 18 d. 30 m. N. Lat.
The Quitrents were generously given by the Crown, to the Treasury or Revenue of the Island. Lands granted before Anno 1684 were at 2 s. 6 d. per 100 Acres [Page 143] Quitrent, the new Grants are Half-penny per Acre per Annum Quitrent. The Rent Roll was lost or pretended to be lost, in the great Earthquake, and never settled since, the Quitrents sometimes amount to 2000 £. per Annum. Their Revenue Acts are temporary, but for a long Period; these Acts made Anno 1684, expired Anno 1722, and were not renewed and confirmed (by the Interest and Application of Governor Hunter) till Anno 1726.
A few Years since in Iamaica were 3000 fencible Men Whites, in 9 Regiments, besides 8 Independent Companies of regular Troops, 100 Men per Company is their full Compliment. The Receiver-General Mr. Cross some Years since in Boston for his Health, told me, that some Years he had 90,000 Negroes in his List.
From Iamaica are exported Sugar about 25,000 Hds very large, some of a Tun Weight; lately they have altered Freights from Number of Hogsheads, to Weight, and their Hogsheads will be smaller in Consequence. They have only Water Mills and Cattle Mills for their Canes; about 19 Parishes. Lately they begin to raise some Coffee, and have planted some Logwood Trees.
There is always stationed here a Squadron of British Men of War, generally under the Command of an Admiral. The Governor has a standing Salary of 2500 £. per Annum out of the Country Treasury in Course: The Assembly generally allow him a Gratuity of 2500 £. per Annum more; these with Escheats and all other Perquisites do make it a Government of about 10,000 £. per An.
Duke of Albemarle concerned in Sir William Phips's fishing for a Spanish Plate Wreck, had good Success; and in Case such another fishing Voyage should present, that he might be near at Hand, obtained the Government of Iamaica: He soon died and was succeeded by Col. Molesworth.
Upon the Revolution Anno 1690 the Earl of Inchaqueen appointed Governor, he died upon the Island, [Page 144] and was succeeded by Sir William Beeston Lieutenant-Governor and Commander in chief Anno 1692, he died Anno 1700.
Major General Selwijn was appointed Captain-General and Governor Anno 1701; he died soon.
1702 The Earl of Peterborough (famous in Queen Anne's Wars in Spain) was appointed Captain-General of the Island, and Admiral in the West-India Islands; he never set out for this Government, and Col. Handasyde was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Iamaica. Anno 1696 Ponti with a French Squadron made a Feint against Iamaica, but without making any real Attempt, he put off for Carthagena, where he had good Success.
1710 Lord Archibald Hamilton was appointed Governour, and superseded the Command of Col. Handasyde; he was continued Anno 1714, upon K. George I's Accession.
1716 Mr. Pit (formerly Governor of Fort St. George in the East India Company, commonly called Diamond Pits) was appointed Governor, and Col. Otway Lieutenant Governor.
1717 Mr. Pit resigns in Favour of Mr. Laws a Planter, afterwards Sir Nicholas Laws; Col. Dubourgay Lieutenant-Governor. About this Time the Militia of Iamaica were disposed into one Regiment Horse, eight Regiments Foot.
1721 Duke of Portland appointed Governor (a Retreat from South-Sea Disasters) he died in Summer 1726, and was succeeded by
Col. Hunter, who went thither, by Advice of his Physicians, for his Health; and thereby did certainly obtain a Reprieve for some Years.
1734 Upon Col. Hunter's Death; Henry Cunningham A. 1734 went Governor; but soon died after his Arrival.
1736. Edward Trelawney, Esq appointed Governor, Anno 1744 he was appointed Colonel of a Regiment of Foot to be raised in England, for his good Services. He continues Governor at this Time 1747.
Bahama Islands.
Commonly called the Government of Providence the principal Island. One of these Islands called St. Salvidor or Cat-Island was the first Discovery that Columbus made in America.
They were granted by the Crown of England to the eight Proprietors of Carolina Anno 1663; but as the Proprietors took no Care to prevent Enemies and Pirates from harbouring and rendez using there, Anno 1710 it was resolved in Council of Great-Britain, "That the Queen do take the Bahama-Islands into her immediate Protection, and send a Governor to fortify Providence."
The Proprietors formerly granted a Lease of these Islands to a Number of Merchants called the Bahama-Company: This turned to no Account.
In the Spring Anno 1720. There set out from the Havana an Expedition of 1200 Men in 14 Vessels against Providence and South-Carolina; they visited Providence [...]ut doing any Damage, and were scattered in a Storm.
The Ba [...]s belonging to this Cluster of Islands and Keys are called Bahama-Banks, and make the East Side of the Gulph Stream of Florida; Providence the chief Island where the Governor and Garrison are stationed, lies in about 25 d. N. Lat. It is a Place of no Trade, and seems to be only a preventive Settlement, that Pirates and Privateers may not harbour there, and that the Spaniards may not be Masters of both Sides the Gulph Stream. Their small Trade has been Braziletto Dye-Wood, Cortex Elutherae from the Island of that Name, Salt from Exeuma, and Ambergrease by Drift-Whales: At present they afford Sea-Turtle, Lime▪ and sour Oranges for the Bons Vivants of North-America.
They have one Company Independent Regular Troops from Great-Britain. Capt. Woods Rogers Commodore [Page 146] of the two famous Bristol South-Sea Privateers in the End of Queen Anne's Reign, was Anno 1717 appointed Governor with an Independent Company. 1721 He was superseded by Capt. Finny. 1728 Upon Capt. Finny's Death, Capt. Woods Rogers is again appointed Governor. Capt. Rogers died Anno 1733, and Richard Fitz Williams, Esq is appointed Governor. Fitz Williams resigned Anno 1738, and Iohn Tinker, Esq, Son-in-Law to Col. Bladen, late of the Board of Trade, succeeded; and continues Governor at this present Writing August 1747.
This Name is said to be from Iohn Bermudas a Spaniard, who discovered i [...], in his Way to the West-Indies. Henry May a Passenger aboard Barbotier cast away here, 1593, and tarried five Months, we do not mention, because of no Consequence. Sir George Sommers and Sir Thomas Gates, Adventurers in the Virginia Company, were shipwreck'd here 1609, found Abundance of Hogs, a certain Sign that the Spaniards had been there; these Islands are sometimes called in publick Writings Sommers, or corruptly Summer-Islands. Some Gentlemen obtained a Charter from King Iames I. and became Proprietors of it: Mr. Moor was their first Governor, Mr. Thomas Smith appointed Governor 1612, and after three Years succeeded by Capt. Daniel Tucker 1616. Mr. Richard Norwood a Surveyor was sent over by the Company to make Divisions; 1618 he divided it into eight Tribes by the Names of the eight Proprietors or Adventurers, viz. Marquis of Hamilton, Sir Thomas Smith many Years Treasurer, Earl of Devonshire, Earl of Pembroke, Lord Paget, Earl of Warwick, Earl of Southampton, and Sir Edwin Sands. Each Tribe was divided into 50 Shares; every Adventurer to have his Share by casting of Lots in England, some had from one to twelve Shares; besides a great deal of Land l [...]ft for common [Page 147] or publick Uses; each Share consisted of about 25 Acres, and remain so to this Day; the Value of a Share is 300 to 500 £. Proclamation Money; no Wheel-Carriages, no Enclosures, they tether their Cattle; High Ways only from 5 to 7 Feet wide.
At first they went upon Tobacco as the Humor then was in all the West-India Islands — 1619 Capt. Butler with a large Recruit of Settlers from England was Governor, and the Legislature was settled in Governor, Council and Assembly; being formerly in a Governor and Council.
Anno 1698 Samuel Day, Esq was Governor; Anno 1700 Capt. Bennet was appointed Governor.
The present Governor is — Popple, Esq Anno 1747 upon his Brother's Death he succeeded; his Brother Alured Popple Esq formerly Secretary to the Board of Trade and Plantations, was appointed Lieut.-Governor (the Commander in chief is designed only Lieut.-Governor) Anno 1737.
Bermudas is in 32 d. 30 m. N. Lat. about 65 d. West from London, lies 200 to 300 Leagues Distance from the nearest Lands▪ viz. New-England, Virginia, South-Carolina, and Providence, or Bahama-Islands. Tide flows 5 Feet, is well secured by sunken Rocks, but Water sufficient, in narrow Channels and Turnings, requiring a good Pilot. Their only Settlement of Notice is upon St. George's Island about 16 Miles long from E. N. E. to W. S. W. scarce a League wide in the broadest Place, in some Places the Spray of the Sea crosses the Island. The Winds from the North to the North-West, are the most prevalent; subject to smart Gusts of Wind, Thunder and Lightning. March, April and May is their whaling Time, but of no considerable Account; their Whale-Oil and Ambergrease are inconsiderable; the Governor has a Perquisite from the Royal Fish about 10 £. per Whale.
In Bermudas there may be about 5000 Whites, their fencible Men not much exceeding 1000 Men, and many [Page 148] of these generally at Sea, their Militia consist of 100 Horse, and one Company Foot from each of the eight Tribes, there is in Garrison one Company Independant Regular Troops from Great-Britain always incomplete (as are all our Plantation Troops for Want of a proper Check) the Perquisite of the Governor.
Their Diet is mean, and the People generally poor, simply honest; but gay in a rustick Manner ( Bermudas Giggs) they have the best Breed of Negroes, equal to white Men in their Navigation.
Their Trade is of small Account; they build their own Sloops of Cedar * of their own Growth, fit for Use in 20 Years Intervals or Growth; their Keel-Pieces, Wales, and Beams are of Oak; their Mast are of white Pine, from New-England.
Their chief Business is building Sloops of Cedar, their own Growth, light Runners; their Exports are inconsiderable, viz. Some Pot-Herbs and Roots for the other Parts of America, a white Chalk-Stone easily chizeled for building Gentlemens Houses in the West-India Islands, Palmeto ‖ Leaves manufactured into Plait, better than the Straw-Work of Italy and of Nuns in some Countries: They are noted for going to fish upon Spanish Wrecks, they excel in diving. †
This Island (or rather Islands) is generally healthful. The famous Mr. Waller a Gentleman of Fortune and [Page 149] Wit, a Member of the long Parliament, resided here some Years during the civil Wars of England, says of Bermudas,
[Page 150]Formerly Pine-Apples and some other delicious Fruits of the Caribee Islands, were cultivated in Bermudas; but [Page 151] by cutting down the Timber and Wood, the Island is become so open and exposed to the bleak Winds, tender Exaticks do not thrive.
SECT. III. Concerning the Indian Tribes and Nations; intermixed with, under the Protection of, and in Alliance with Great-Britain: Also some Hints of the French Indians.
THAT the Contents of this Section may be the more easily comprehended, perhaps it may be convenient to distinguish it into some separate Articles. 1. A general History of the West-Indians, or aboriginal Americans. 2. Their Religion, Language, Manners, Arts and Improvements in Nature. 3. Their Tribes or Nations laying upon, or near the Eastern Shore of North-America. 4. Their Wars with, and Incursions upon the British North-America Colonies.
ARTICLE 1. A general History of the aboriginal Americans.
AS to the Origin of Things, particularly of Mankind, we have no other Account in Credit with Christians, whether allegorical or literal is not my Affair, but that of Moses in the Scriptural Books of our [Page 152] Bible or Religion: Doubtless there have been at Times general or almost universal Pestilences, Famines, Deluges, implacabl [...] Wars; which have almost extinguished the Race of Mankind in the Countries where these general Calamities prevailed; and must require many Centuries to repeople them, from the small remaining Stock, and to reduce them by Gradations * to large Societies called Tribes or Cantons, Nations, and Empires.
[Page 153]The Boundaries of their united Tribes, called Nations or Empires, are natural, viz. Seas, Bays, Lakes, great Rivers, high Mountains, thus for Instance, our neighbouring Nation of Abnaquies are bounded by the Atlantick Ocean, or rather at present by the English Settlements upon the Atlantick Shore, by the Bay of Fundi, by the great River St. Laurence, by Lake Champlain and Hudson's River.
The Tribes which, at least nominally, compose their general Denomination of a Nation, are generally named from the Rivers upon which they live; as in Lapland of Sweden, the Laplanders are distinguished by the Names of the Rivers Uma, Pitha, Lula, Torneo, and Kimi.
As China seems to be the elder Brother of all the Nations of Mankind as to their Politia and Improvements in Nature; so America may with much Propriety be called the youngest Brother and meanest of Mankind; no Civil Government, no Religion, no Letters▪ the French call them Les Hommes des Bois, or Men-Brutes of the Forrest: They do not cultivate the Earth by planting or grazing: Excepting a very inconsiderable Quantity of Mays or Indian Corn, and of Kidney-Beans (in New England they are called Indian Beans) which some of their Squaas or Women plant; they do not provide [Page 154] for To-Morrow, their Hunting is their necessary Subsistence not Diversion; when they have good Luck in Hunting, they eat and sleep until all is consumed and then go a Hunting again.
The higher the Latitudes, the Indians are fewer in Numbers and more straggling, Nature not affording necessary Subsistence for many, and only in small Bodies or Herds: Their Trade or Commerce is trifling, having no Produce, no Manufacture, but little Game; the Difficulty of subsisting requires almost their whole Time to provide for themselves.
Excepting that Constitution of Body, which by Use they have acquired from their Birth, of enduring Hardships of Hunger and Weather; they are tender, and not long-lived, and generally very simple and ignorant, some of their old Men by Use and Experience in the World, acquire a considerable Degree of Sagacity. New Negroes from Guinea generally exceed them much in Constitution of Body and Mind. In the Province of Massachusetts-Bay New-England, there was formerly a very good Project or Design, to educate at College, some of their most promising Youths, to serve as Missionaries for civilizing, instructing and converting of the wild Indians: This good Purpose turn'd abortive from the Tenderness of their Constitution and Aukwardness in Learning, and at present is laid aside.
They are not so polite as the wandring Tartars, no Dairys. Like the wild Irish they dread Labour more than Poverty, like Dogs they are always either eating or sleeping, excepting in Travelling, Hunting, and their Dances; their Sloth and Indolence inclines them to Sottishness; before Christians arrived amongst them, they had no Knowledge of strong Drink; this Christian Vice not only destroys their bodily Health, and that of their Progeny, but creates Feuds, Outrages, and horrid Murders. They are much given to Deceit and Lying, so as scarce to be believed when they speak Truth. See Annotations Page 116. Their Temper is [Page 155] the Reverse of the East Indians, whereof some Casts or Sects will not kill any Animal; the West Indians or Americans are barbarous, and upon small Provocations kill their own Species; some of them exceed in Barbarity, and in Revenge and Fury eat the Flesh of their Enemies, not from Hunger or Delicacy; such formerly were the Florida Indians, they said that the Flesh of the English eat mellow and tender, that of the Spaniard hard and tough, the Bermudian fishy.
The Aboriginal Americans have no Honesty, no Honour, that is, they are of no Faith, but meer Brutes in that Respect. They generally have great Fortitude of Mind; without any Appearance of Fear or Concern, they suffer any Torture and Death. In Revenge they are barbarous and implacable; they never forget nor forgive Injuries; if one Man kills another, the nearest in Kindred to the murdered, watches an Opportunity to kill the Murderer; and the Death of one Man may occasion the Deaths of many; therefore when a Man is guilty of Murder, he generally leaves the Tribe, and goes into a voluntary Kind of Banishment. They are a sullen close People. The Indian Wars ought to be called Massacres, or inhumane barbarous Out-rages, rather than necessary Acts of Hostility.
The Indians have their Hunting, Fowling and Fishing Grounds, by a forked pointed Pole, they strike or harpoon their Fish; but their Wives and Children reside mostly on their planting Grounds, they plant but little. They do not wander like the Tartars; there are said to be some wandering Indians, they cannot be many; because the settling Indians are very jealous of their hunting and fishing Grounds or Properties.
Their ancient Navigation was only crossing of Rivers upon Bark-logs, travelling along Rivers, Rivulets and Sides of Lakes in Canoes or Schuyties, portable by two Men in their Carrying-Places from one River or Pond to another, they are of Birch-Bark upon Ribs of Ash, sow'd together by some tough wooden Fibres, and [Page 156] paid (as Sailors express it) with Rozin from some Pine Kind; they use no Sails and Oars, only Paddles and Setting-Poles; they are capable of carrying a Man, his Wife, Children and Baggage. Narrow Rivers are better travelling than Ponds or Lakes, because upon the Lakes, if stormy or much Wind, they cannot proceed, but must put to the Shore.
Many of our intermixed Indians are of good Use as Servants. It is observable, that amongst the Indian Servants and Negro Slaves; the silly, thoughtless, and pusilanimous answer best; some perhaps may observe from this, that the blind passive Obedience and Non-Resistence Men, make the best Subjects and Court Slaves in Europe.
The Indians between the Tropicks, their Complexion is not of so good a metaline Copper Lustre, but paler, Stature smaller, not so robust and couragious; but by Reason of the Fertility of the Country are in larger Tribes and consequently more civilized; and from being civilized, their Confederacies and federal Unions reduced them into vast Empires †: Such were the Empire of Mexico, their Moderator or principal Man was Mon [...]ezuma; and the Empire of Peru, Attabaliba was their leading Man. The Empire of Mexico seems to have been the more polite, that of Peru the more rich, as having vast Treasures of Silver and Gold.
The Northern Tribes are small and distinct; a large Parcel of Land laying waste (in Winter-Countries) for many Months in the Ye [...], not fertile, and not cleared of Woods, cannot subsist many People, but these [Page 157] small ‖ Tribes, though much dispersed are allied by Contiguity, Language, and Intermarriages; thus it is with our neighbouring Abnaquies who border upon New-England; the Iroquois or Mohawks who border upon New York, Pensylvania and Virginia; and the Chirakees who bo [...]der upon Carolina; these may be called three distinct great Nations.
The Indians in the high Latitudes are paler, short, thick, squat; cloathed with Skins (generally Seals-Skins) sow'd with Thongs; no Bread-Kind, no Fire; live upon Whale and Seal-Blubber, and other Fish; and what Beasts they may kill with their Arrows and Darts; their Boats and Canoes are of a singular Make, adapted only for one Person; in the Winter they live in Caves.
Indians in general paint their Bodies, especially their Faces (they affect red Colour) as the Picts and Britons of Great-Britain formerly were accustomed.
In the higher Latitudes the Indians reckon by Winters (Years) Moons (Months) and Sleeps (Nights.) Between the Tropicks they reckon by Rains (the Seasons of Rains, End of Summer and Beginning of Autumn are periodical, as are our Winters) Moons and Sleeps. In computing Distances, they reckon by Sleeps or Days Travel (as the Dutch do by Hours) viz. so many Sleeps or Days Travel from one Place to another.
Notwithstanding of the Unpoliteness and Want of Fire-Arms amongst the American Aboriginals, the Europeans could not have effected their Settlements because of vast Disparity in Numbers; if some disaffected Tribes, to be revenged of the Impositions and Encroachments of some neighbouring Tribes, had not joined the European Small-Arms; thus Cortez against Mexico was [Page 158] joined by several disaffected Tribes; when the Settlers of New Plymouth first landed, Massasoit was glad of the Countenance of their Small Arms against the Naragansets.
As to their Make and Complexion. * They have thin Lips, flattish Faces, languid Countenance, small black [Page 159] Eyes, imberbes and impuber [...], Stature various as in Europe; in the high North and South Latitudes, they are taller and more robust, than between the Tropicks; their Hair jet black, lank (between the Tropicks not so lank) stiff, called by the French Crin. The Spaniards found it more tedious and much more difficult to reduce Chili, than in their other American Conquests. Their Complexion is of a splendid redish Brown, or metaline Lustre, which is well expressed by a Copper Colour; thus a splendid White, is called Silver Colour: Not of an Olive-Colour or tawney (a tanned Leather yellowish Colour) as are the Aborigines of Barbary, and some of their Progeny in the South Parts of France, Spain, and Portugal. Some Indians upon the Isthmus of Darien, are of a milk-white Complexion, which is not natural and hereditary; but proceeds from a tender morbid Constitution, their Parents were copper-coloured, and their Children become copper-coloured.
Their Posture is not cross-legg'd as among the Asiaticks; accumbent as formerly with the Greeks and Romans, laying on their left Side, leaning upon their Elbow; nor cowring as the Women call it, the Manner of the African Negroes, Knees bent and Legs parallel to their Thighs; nor sitting upon their Buttocks and Thighs with their Legs dependant as in Europe; but sitting on their Buttocks erect with their Thighs and Legs in a strait Line extended horizontally.
Our general Trade with the Indians is Fire-Arms, Powder, and Shot for War and Hunting; Strouds and Blankets for Cloathing; Spirits, Rum and Brandy for Indolence; formerly Toys, which were as considerable though silly Amusement to them, as Jewels are to us.
In Travelling they direct their Course by noted Mountains, by the Sun when visible, by the mossy or North side of Trees. As most Insects avoid Oils, the Indians grease themselves as a Defence against Muskitoes and other troublesom Flies.
[Page 160]Many of our European's Purchasers of Lands can scarce be said, for valuable Considerations: But a long Possession and in Consequence Prescription have made our Title good. Father Ralle a late ingenious Jesuit and French Missionary with the New-England Abnaquie Indians, about 26 Years since, did kindle a War or Insurrection of those Indians in New-England; by inculcating, that they held their Lands of GOD and Nature in succeeding Generations, that Fathers could not alienate the Earth from their Sons. We use no other Artifice to keep the Indians in our Interest, but, by undersell [...] the French, and giving a higher Price for Indian Co [...] modities; this is fair and just.
Our printed Histories of the Indian Countries, their Governments, Religion, Languages, and Customs; are credulously copied from credulous Authors, and full of silly Conceits; a very late and notable Instance of this, we find in the Journal of Anson's Voyage to the South-Seas, published by the Mathematical Master of the Centurion, Anno 1745.
Strictly speaking, they seem to have no Government, no Laws, and are only cemented by Friendship and good Neighbourhood; this is only a Kind of tacit federal Union between the many Tribes, who compose the general Denomination of a Nation; every individual Man seems to be independant and sui juris, as to Government, and is only in Friendship and neighbourly Relation with others of the same Tribe: Notwithstanding we sometimes find Heads of Tribes mentioned as if in Succession, nay even Female Successions; in the New-England Pocanoket, Mount-Hope, or King Philip's War Anno 1675, there is mentioned the Squaa-Sachem of Pocasset, and a Squaa-Sachem amongst the Naragansets. In other Parts of the Earth all Societies or Cohabitants have Government, and an absolute compelling Power is lodged somewhere and in some Manner; but the American Indians have no compulsive [...]ower over one another: When a Tribe or Neighbourhood [Page 161] send Delegates, to treat with other Bodies of Men Whites or Indians; the Conclusions are carried home memoriter, and the young Men must be perswaded to come into these Articles; when the Indians at any Time are forced into a Peace, the Blame of the War is laid upon their young Men.
The aboriginal Cloathing of the Northern Indians was Skins of Seals cut in particular Fashions, and sow'd together with Thongs (they had no Threads of Flax, Hemp, or any other Herbs) in other Parts they wore Skins of the various Beasts of the Forrest: At present the Indians who have Commerce with the Colonies from Europe, wear Duffils and Blanketing of about two Yards square, which the Romans called a * Toga; their Segamores or Sachems wear Blankets with a Border of a different Colour, and may be called Praetextati.
ARTICLE 2. The Religion, Language, Food and Medicine, with some other loose Particulars relating to the American Indians.
AS the Americans before the Arrival of Colonies from Europe, seem to have been and still continue in general, the most barbarous and the least polished People upon Earth; a clear, exact and full Account of these Things cannot be expected, but for the greater Perspicuity we reduce them under distinct Heads.
I. Religion of the Americans.
Some Indians of Sagacity, a little civilized and instructed towards the Christian Religion, can give no distinct Account of any Indian Religion, and do stumble much at the Mysteries of our Christian Religion, being indiscreetly crouded upon them at once, and with too much Impetuosity, without previous Instruction, if you do not believe immediately, you will be damned, is the Expression of our Zealots; whereas they ought to be first tamed by Familiarity and fair Dealing, in friendly Conversation u [...]on proper Occasions, without any Appearance of Officiousness, ins [...]ruct them in natural Religion and Morality, these are plain and easily comprehended; afterwards with Discretion, they may be by degrees initiated into the Mysteries of our Religion: Our Missionaries, void of common Prudence, in a reverse preposterous Manner begin with the abstruse Articles of the Christian Religion, and thence proceed to instruct them in the plain easy Dictates of Nature. In a silly, low cant Way, some of our Preachers tell the Indians, that the Christians GOD is a better GOD than the Indians GOD; whereas, they ought to inform them, that there is but One supreme GOD, and that our Man [...]er of worshiping this GOD is more agreable to the GODHEAD, as being more natural and decent. If some of our Indian Traders were instructed, and at a publick Charge capacitated to sell cheap amongst the Indians, they would gain their Affections in this trading familiar friendly Manner, and lay a good Foundation for their Conversion towards Christianity: An abrupt Christian religious Mission amongst them seems absurd; if the Emperor of China, or the Grand Turk should send Missionaries into Great Britain to convert the People there to the Doctrines of Confucius or Mahomet, instead of gaining Proselytes, it would avert them. The following Digression may be acceptable to some of our Readers.
A Digression concerning the Religions of ancient Nations.
I do not presume to write concerning the controversial or devotional Points of our modern Religions, national, or private Opinions; that is the Business of a peculiar Profession or Craft, called Priests.
Religion improves in Nations, Hand in Hand with good Policy, and as they become more and more civilized. It may be called the Cement of Society. The Romans did fight pro aris et focis, for their Religion, as well as for their Country. Amongst the West India Bucaneers the most morally vicious of Mankind; the French immovably adhered to one another because of their being all Roman Catholicks, the English to one another as being Protestants, and not from any other Regard. Otherways both agreed and acted jointly as Pirates.
As to Religion, all Mankind may be divided into three Sects.
I. They who believe in a supreme Intelligence (or Intelligences) who by Omnipotence created and framed the World, and by infinite Wisdom manages it: They may be called the Godly. With this Class, the divine Attribute INCOMPREHENSIBLE ought to resolve and compose all Altercations concerning this Being: Plutarch says, there is but One and the same supreme Being or Providence, that governs the World, though worshiped by Multiplicity of Names, by various Nations and Sectaries. This Sect admits of three Sub-divisions.
1. Theists, commonly called Deists, who admit of no Modifications in the Deity; in ancient Times and to this Day, they are improperly called Atheists. Amongst us, he who denies the Trinity, is in Law deemed Atheist and Blasphemer. Anaxagoras the Philosopher passed at Athens for an Atheist, because he denied that the Sun, the other Planets and the Stars were Gods. Socrates is said to have been a Martyr for the Unity of the Godhead, refusing to pay Homage to the various Gods of Greece. This is the national (if we may thus express) Religion [Page 164] of the Mahometans, having the largest Extent of all national Religions. It is the private Opinion of many who are intermixed with and go by the Name of Christians, and are generally designed Arians, or Socinians, (Socinus of Sienna in Italy) they also deny Original Sin and Providence.
2. Tritheists or Trinitarians. The distinguishing Tenet of all true Orthodox Christians: They worship Divinity under three distinct Modifications, which I shall not pretend to explain or illustrate, because a Mystery.
3. Polytheists. Such were the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans: The Poets had a greater Variety of Gods than the Philosophers, many of them to be looked upon as a Machinary introduced to embellish a Poem, and to amuse the Mind: They deified various Parts of Nature, and were great Promoters of Polytheism. All the Gods and Goddesses of the Ancients were only Modifications, Words or Names, to express several Attributes of a supreme Being, the Excellencies in Nature, and the Virtues of Heroes and very eminent Men; as if in Britain we should say NEWTON the God of Natural Philosophy and Mathematicks, ADDISON, the God of the Belles Lettres and polite Learning.
II. They who admit of no supreme Intelligence, but say that blind Matter is the Extent of our Knowledge▪ these are the literal and true Atheists. Anaximander was the first noted Atheist upon Record, about 600 Years before CHRIST; his noted Followers were Lucippus, Democritus, Epicurus, Lucretius in these late Times, † some singularly self-conceited of their own Penetration, have avowedly declared themselves such, in Despite of all the polite Part of Mankind.
[Page 165]III. The third Sect made its first Appearance by Means of Pyrrho, in the 120 Olympiad, they doubted of every Thing. Cicero and Seneca two great Men were inclined this Way; late D. of Buckingham, an ingenious Man, the Epitaph which he made for himself begins, Dubius vixi, incertus morior, &c: Dr. B—ly B. of Cl—ue seems to affirm, in a whimsical Manner, that every Thing we see is an Illusion, that the whole Series of Life is a continued Dream.
To these we may add, that, There is with all soberminded Men only one general Religion. THE PRACTICE OF TRUE AND SOLID VIRTUE. The Belief in certain Vague Opinions, the observing of fixed or appointed external Rites and Ceremonies, do not enlighten the Understanding, or purify the Heart by rectifying the Passions. Mr. Pope in his Essay upon Man, well expresses it.
Sir Isaac Newton used to say, when the Conversation run upon Differences in Religion, ‘He knew of no Hereticks or Schismaticks but the Wicked and the Vicious.’
Let us investigate the Origin and Progress of Religion from the Nature of Things. Mankind is naturally a superstitious pavidum Animal, some few cunning designing Men, take the † Advantage of this general Weakness of humane Nature; and as Nurses do frighten and awe Children by Hobgoblins and Bugbears, so they by Vociferations, Gesticulations, and pretended Familiarity with some superior invisible Being, promise to conciliate his Benevolence, in procuring Good luck in their Affair of Life (thus Powowers promise Good-luck in Hunting to the Indians) they avert Sickness and other Calamities; [Page 166] sometimes from the said Familiarity, they impose pretended Dreams, Visions and Impulses, as do our present New Light Disciples of a vagrant or strolling Actor of Enthusiasm. The Chinese, though a polite People, their Commonalty are much addicted to Superstition and Magick.
From this the Wisemen, that is the Lawgivers and Ministers of State in Greece and elsewhere took the Hint, and set up Oracles, which were absolutely under their own Direction and Influence, these were of good Use to reconcile the silly (but varium et mutabile vulgus) People, to what the State in Wisdom had proposed upon any extraordinary Occasions: These Oracles were delivered by Women; the Sybils were called Fatidicae, that is, prophecying and fortune-telling Women; our Women Exhorters among the Quakers and Methodists are not of the same good Use.
Herodotus writes ( Cicero calls him the Father of History) that the ancient Persians had neither Temples, Altars nor Statues; in this Condition we found the Aboriginal Indians or Americans. When Nations began to be civilized, we find the first Objects of Adoration (proceeding from Admiration) were the Sun, Moon, other Planets, and the Stars, in Egypt; and the Periods of their Revolutions were used in the Computation of Time. The Revolution of the Sun was called a Year, that of the Moon a Month; every Planet had one Day assigned him, and these seven planetary Days were called a Week: If there had been more or fewer Planets, the Days of the Week would have been more or fewer; Moses brought up in all the Learning of the Egyptians, retained the same in his History-Part of our Bible, and carries on the Allegory (as some Free-Thinkers call it) of the Creation accordingly. Our American Indians had no Knowledge of the Planets, and therefore had no Reckonings by Weeks or Returns of seven Days. The planetary Names of the Days of the Week, at first View, seem confused and at Random; but in Fact [Page 167] they were methodically so called: They began by the Sun as being the most glorious Planet, and assigned to him the first Day of the Week, Dies Solis or Sunday (Sabbath-day is of a Iewish Signification and properly the Seventh Day of the Week, Lord's Day is novel and peculiar to Christians) from thence reckoning in the natural Order of the Planets, allowing a Planet to every Hour of the 24 which compose a Day, the next in Course according to the Astronomy of these Days was Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Iupiter, Mars, and consequently the Sun had the eighth Hour, the fifteenth and twenty-second Hour, Venus the twenty-third, Mercury the twenty-fourth, consequently the Moon had the first Hour of the next Parcel of 24 Hours, and gave Name to the second Day of the Week, Dies Lunae or Monday; and in the same Rotation Mercury gives Name to the third, Iupiter to the fourth Day of the Week, &c. In Britain we have substituted four of our North-Country or Gothick Gods in Place of Mercury, Mars, Iupiter, and Venus.
So far back as ancient Records do inform, we find that amongst the Egyptians and Orientals, Religion first began to acquire a national Consistence or System. The Philosophers of Greece went to Egypt and Asia to study Wisdom, Learning, and Religion; those of Rome went to Greece: They all did so much indulge a poetical or mythological Vein, that it is difficult to distinguish between their true established Religion and Gods, from the Fabulous.
The various Religions at this Time amongst the Nations of this Earth (the several Parts of the Earth that can be of any Consequence, are now well explored, and the Americans may be well said to be of no Religion) may be reduced to these general Heads. 1. The Christian, or Believers in Iesus Christ, which perhaps is that of Moses with Additions and Emendations; this may be called the Religion of Europe, some few Turkish Dominions in Europe excepted. 2. The Mahometan, [Page 168] which is much more extensive▪ and does prevail in a great Part of Africa, in a great Part of Asia, and in some Part of Europe. 3. That of Confucius, being the Followers of the Doctrines of Confucius in China and the neighbouring Parts of Tartary. 4. May be comprehended under the general Name of Idolaters, wh [...] worship the Objects, or the Images and Representations of the Objects which they adore from Love or Fear▪ the Lama of the Eastern Tartars I call an Idol.
The Negroes of Africa have a Kind of Religion, which may be called Idolatry; they worship some material Objects, which in their Nature may be extremely beneficial or very hurtful to Mankind, the first through Admiration and Love, the other through Fear: but our stupid America Indians had no Temples, no Altars, no Idols or Images, no set Times for Worship, if it may be called Worship, it is only occasional with frantick and ridiculous Vociferations and Gesticulations, in Cases of Sickness or great Calamities, performed by some of their cunning Men called Powowers: They never harrass European Captives to change their Religion; no religious Wars, * no Confusions from Convocations.
The Powowers are not Parish-Priests or Clergy, regularly set apart to initiate the People into the Mysteries of Religion, and to perform some Rites and Ceremonies called religious; they are of the same Nature with rascally Cheats and pretended Conjurers, that in the most civilized Nations of Europe (intirely distinct from any Sort of Religion) impose upon ignorant and [Page 169] weak People, by pretending to some familiar Conversation with some superior secret Being. Their Powowers by Aid of this Influence become also their Physicians, this seems to be natural; even with us a civilized People, our Priests or Gospel-Ministers, by the same Aid, are very apt officiously to intrude into the Office of a Physician, and use the Sick as their Patients as well as their Penitents: Priests and Old Women of both Sexes (as Dean Swift humorously expressed it) are the great Nu [...]sances to a regular Medical Practice. Expertus loquor. This perhaps may be the natural Reason, why some Physicians use the Clergy with Contempt.
I do not find that Christianity is like to have any good Footing among the Indians: 1. We are not exemplary enough in common Life and commercial Dealings: The Indians say, that they cannot perceive Mankind the better for being Christians; Christians do cheat them out of their Lands and other Effects, and sometimes deprive them of their Lives. 2. Our Missionaries are generally void of Discretion; the Indians are in all Respects wild, know nothing of the general Rudiments of Religion: † The Missionaries instead of first taming and civilizing the Indians, and next instructing them in the Principles of natural Religion and Morality▪ [Page 170] do begin with the sublime Mysteries of our Religion, such as, How many Persons are there in the Godhead? and the like. Thus from the Beginning they are bewildered and lost for ever. 3. Some Piae fraudes which at first may amuse, but afterwards when discovered, leave a permanent Prejudice against the Christian Religion; thus it is said, that some French Missionaries in relating to the Indians, the History of our Saviour's Birth and Sufferings, tell them that the Virgin Mary was a French Woman, that the English crucified JESUS CHRIST.
Their Manner of Expression is vehement and emphatick; their Ideas being few, their Language is not copious, it consists only of a few Words; and many of these ill-contrived, by a rumbling Noise or Sound of many Syllables, they express an Idea or Thing, which in the European Languages is done by a Syllable or two: As their Ideas increase, they are obliged to adapt the European Words of adjoining Colonies. In numbering they use the same natural Way of reckoning by Tens, as in Europe, Ten being the Number of humane Fingers. No Chronicles, scarce any traditionary Accounts of Things extending back further than two or three Generations; scarce any Indians can tell their own Age.
They had no * Characters, that is, Hieroglyphics or Letters; they had a few Symbols or Signatures, as if [Page 171] in a Heraldry Way to distinguish Tribes, the principal were the Tortoise, the Bear, the Wolf. There was not the least Vestige of Letters in America; some Years since a certain credulous Person, and voluminous Author, imposed upon himself and others; he observed in a tiding River, a Rock, which, as it was not of an uniform Substance, the ebbing and the flowing of the Tide made a Sort of vermoulure, Honey-combing or etching on its Face; here he imagined, that he had discovered the America Indian Characters, and overjoy'd, remits some Lines of his imaginary Characters to the Royal Society in London: See Philosophical Transactions, No. 339. "At Taunton by the Side of a tiding River, Part in, Part out of the River there is a large Rock, on the perpendicular Side of which, next to the Stream, are 7 or 8 Lines, about 7 or 8 Feet long, and about a Foot wide each of them, ingraven with unaccountable Characters, not like any known Character." This may be supposed wrote Anno 1714: At present Anno 1747 by the continued ebbing and flowing the Honey-combing is so altered as not in the least to resemble his Draught of the Characters.
As the Indians were so rude, as to have no Letters or other Characters, there is no certain Way of writing their Names of Things; all we can do is to express their Sounds or Pronunciations as near as may be in our own Letters. Father Ralle of Noridgwog, and some other scholastick French Missionaries, have imagined that the Greek Alphabet suits their Pronunciation best. The Indians have a figurative Way of expressing themselves [Page 172] as if in Hieroglyphics; thus, renewing of Alliances they call brightning of the Chain.
There is no general fixed Way of writing India [...] Words, therefore we shall not mind any particular Orthogra [...]hy in that Respect, only we shall endeavour to be understood: For Instance the Indian Tribe upon Quenebeck River in New-England we write and pronounce it Naridgwoag, the French Missionaries write it Narantsoack: The Tribe of the Iroquois or five New York allied Indian Nations which we call Sennekas, the Fre [...]ch call them Sonontouans.
There is not the same Reason for preserving the Indian Names of their Countries, Nations, Tribes, Mountains and Rive [...]s; as there is for preserving the Greek, Roman, and other more modern Names of such Things in Europe; The Indians have no civil or classical History to require it. The Indians change their own personal Names, and the Names of other Thing [...] upon trifling Occasions: Our Indians affect to have English Names; thus Massas [...]it's two Son [...] desir [...]d of the Court of Plymouth to give them English Name [...], they were accordingly named Alexander and Philip; this Philip formerly Metacomet, was chief in a subsequent Indian War called King Philip's War. Capt. Smith t [...]e Traveller, resided 19 Years in Virginia and New-England, and wrote a History of those Parts, Anno 1624, he enumerates the Names of many Tribes, Rivers and other Things, which are now irrecoverably lost.
As the Indian Dealings and mutual Correspondence is much confined, their several Languages are of small Extent. †
III. Food and Medicine of the Aboriginal Indians.
Our Indians do not imitate the Bees, Ants, &c. in [...] up Stores, but like rapacious Animals, live [...] Hand to Mouth; after long Fasting, they are [...] and upon a gluttonous Repast, can fast many Days, [...] bracing in or reefing their Girdles or Belts.
The far North Indians of West Greenland, [...] Labarador &c. live upon the Blubber of Whales, [...] [...]nd other Fish, and their most generous Beverag [...] Fish-Oil; scarce any Quadrupids or Fowls, not [...] from the Severity and long Continuance of their [...] W [...]ther, Frost and Snow, but also because their [...] and other Lands instead of Grass and other [...], bear only Moss.
The Indians in the more moderate Climates live [...] Hunting, Fowling and Fish: They do not cle [...]r [...] cultivate the Forrest, by planting and grazing; [...] some of their Squaas or Women improve in plantin [...] [...] Mays and Indian Beans. Their Bread Kind are [...] * [Page 174] or Indian Corn, Phaseolus Kidney or Indian-Beans, sev [...]ral Sorts of tuberous Roots called Ground-Nuts; several Sorts of Berries, particularly several Sorts of Vitis Idea, in New-England called Huckle-Berries. Upon a continued March, where Hunting and Fowling is inconsiderable, they carry with them, for Subsistence, parched Indian Corn called No-cake.
The Abnaquies or New-England Northern and Eastern [...]ndians, because of the Hunting and Fowling failing▪ during the Winter are obliged to remove to the Seaside, and live upon Clams, Bass, Sturgeon &c.
Their medical Practice, resembles that of officious old Women in some remote Country-Villages of Europe; meer Empiricism, or rather a traditionary blind Practice; they regard only the Symptoms that strike the gross Senses most, without Respect to any less obvious principal Symptom, which may be called the Disease, or to Constitution, Sex, and Age. The Powowers Conjurers or Wizards are their principal Physicians.
They do not use our Way of V. S. but Practi [...]-cupping; they vomit and purge by particular Herbs or Roots: Instead of Vesicatories and Causticks they burn with Touchwood. Their principal Remedy is sweating in Hutts, warmed by heated Stones, and thereupon immediate Immer [...]ion in cold Wate [...] ▪ this seems to be a rational Practice, first by relaxing to give a free Passage to the obstructed circulatory Juices; and after a free Passage is supposed to be obtained, by cold Immersion, to brace up again: In inflammatory and eruptive epidemical Fe [...]ers v. g. Small-Pox, this Practice depopulates them.
Their Medicines are only simple indige [...]ous Herbs; they use no Exotick Plants, no Minerals, [...]o Medicinal Compositions, or Chimical Preparations. The Vi [...]tu [...]s or proper Uses of their Herbs were discovered by Chance, and their Simples which have had a peculiar continued Success, have been handed down or transmitted from Generation to Generation. As it is amongst [Page 175] Brutes of a simple steddy [...]nner of Regimen and Living, so with our Indians [...] is no Multiplicity of Distempers, therefore their † Materia Medica is not copious.
Our Indians are so tender, and habituated to a certain Way of Living; they do not bear Transplantation: For Instance, the Spanish Indians captivated in the St. Augustine War Anno 1702, and sold for Slaves in New-England, soon died consumptive, this occasioned an Act of Assembly to discourage their Importation. Europeans seem to thrive the better for being transplanted; the [...]rogeny of Europeans born in America do not bear Removals, the Reasons I cannot assign: For Instance, from Massachusetts-Bay Province in New-England 500 Men upon the Cuba and Carthagena Expedition, not exceeding 50 survived; 3000 Men upon the Cape Bre [...]on Expedition, near one half died naturally in Louisbourg, or soon after their Arrival in New-England; of about 300 Persons late Prisoners and Captives in Quebec of Canada about 70 died there.
They are not so LASCIVIOUS as Europeans, (Asiaticks are more lascivious than Europeans, witness the Seraglios and Harams of the great Men in Turkey and Persia, and the dispersed Iews in Europe) they never offer Violence to our Women Captives: but are not so continent, as is generally represented by Authors; Mrs. Rowlandson, [Page 176] Wife to the Minister of Lancaster in New-England, captivated by the Indians Anno 1676, writes, that her Indian Master had three Squaas or Wives; Mr. Brainerd a Scotland Missionary, in the Journal of his Mission, printed Anno 1746, mentions "the abusive Practice of Indian Husbands and Wives, putting away each other, and taking others in their Stead."
IV. The Indian Americans Trade and C [...]rrencies.
TRADE. Their chief Trade is Skins and Furs, the Produce of their Hunting, mostly Deer-Skins and Beaver.
Beaver the further South, have less Furr and more Hair; the further North the Staple is the longer: They reckon eight Sorts of Beaver, viz. Winter, and Summer, fat, and dry &c; the Winter Fat is the best, next to Coat-Beaver, which is Beaver wore till it is well greased. A Beaver-Skin may weigh from one Pound and a half to two Pound; an Indian Pack of Beaver may weigh about 80lb Wt. Beaver breed once a Year, 10 to 15 at a Litter. In the very high Latitudes there are no Beaver, because no Wood, Beaver require Wood, which they cut or rather gnaw with their Teeth (thus Squirrels and Rats gnaw Timber) into Lengths called Junks or Logs for making their Dams, and Part of their Food or Subsistence is the Bark of Trees. Three Quarters of the Return [...] of the Hudson's Bay Company, is in Beaver to about the Value of 40,000 £. Ster. per Annum. The same good Animal affords another Commodity, Castoreum, called Beaver-Stone; this is not according to a vulgar Error, the Testicles, but some inspissited Secretion contain'd in a Couple of Glands near the A [...]us of both Males and Females.
Deer-Skins much more plenty Southward; South-Carolina does export per An. the Value of 25,000 £. to 30,000 £. Ster. in Deer-Skins.
In the high Latitudes, they deal with a small Matte [...] of Feathers, Whale-Bone, and Blubber, or Fish-Oil.
[Page 177]CURRENCIES. Their commercial Standard of Currencies, is to the Northward (I mean in North-America) per Pound Beaver-Skin Value, to the Southward per Pound Deer-Skin Value.
They formerly had, and in some Places still retain for small Currency (in New-England in old Charter Times, they were a Tender for any Sum not exceeding Forty Shillings) Wampum or Wampum-Peag, being small Bits of a the spiral Turns of a Buccinum or Whelk; this done up into Strings and certain Plaits or Belts, was a large Denomination, and large Sums were reckoned by the Number of Fathoms of this Wampum-Plait: Thus we read in the Histories of former Times, for Instance, that the Naraganset Indians, sent 200 Fathom of Wampum, to pay in Part a Debt to Boston Colony; Uncas Sachem of the Moheags in Connecticut, paid 100 Fathom Wampum, for Monies due to the English.
ARTICLE 3. The Indian Nations and Tribes upon the Eastern Side of Northern-America.
WE may distinguish the Indians by their Relation or Position with Regard to the European Colonies settled in North-America. 1. The Indian Nations (we cannot particularize their several Tribes or Clans) without, but bordering upon the British Grants, such are the French Indians of Canada, and the Spanish Indians of Florida. 2. Indian Tribes within our Grants or Charters, but without our Settlements, such are the Mikamakes of Nova-Scotia, the Abnaquies of New-England, the Mohawks, or Five Nations of New-York, the emigrant Tuscar [...]ro [...]s, I do not call a Nation, &c. 3. Indian Families, interspersed with our Settlements upon Indian reserved Lands; these are useful to the Europeans, particularly to the British, as domestick Servants, Labourers, Sailors, Whalers, and other Fishers▪ Many of the Indian Reserves [Page 178] are extinct, and their Lands lapsed to the Provinces.
The present Names of the several Indian Nations, or general great Divisions, may continue in Perpetuity, as classical Names in History: The many particular Tribes included or which compose the several Nations or general Divisions; their Names are so various and changeable, we cannot enumerate them; and still less known are the Names and Numbers of the Villages or Castles in the several Tribes.
The Indian Nations or general Divisions which lie upon or near the Eastern Shore of North-America are the Indians of West-Greenland, commonly called Davis's Streights, Eskimaux, Algonquins, Tahsagrondie, Owlawaes, Miamis, Chikesa [...]s: Mikamakis, Abnaquies, Irocois or Mohawks, Chawans, Old Tuscararoes, Cuttumbaes, Chirakees, and Creek Indians: Some short Description or Delineation of these, will make the Face of the East Side of North-America more apparent and familiar to us, before we set down the several modern Colonies settled there; in Imitation, Si parva magnis componere, of the Europae antiquae et modernae, Tables or Maps.
I. The Indians of WEST-GREENLAND, or of a North East Continent from Davis Streights reaching from Cape Farewell in N. Lat. 60 d. Northward indefinitely, and [...]ll the Indians in the same Latitudes; are a few stragling miserable People, live in Caves or Dens under Ground, because of the Severity of the Cold, * have no Fire (no Fewel) eat their Flesh and Fish raw, are clothed in Seal-Skins, much subject to the Scurvy † or Itch [Page 179] (the French call those of Terra de Labradore South of Davis Streights, for this Reason, the scabed Indians) have no Produce or Subject for Trade.
The ESKIMAUX extend from Davis's and Hudson's Streights North, along the West Side of the Atlantick Ocean to the Mouth of St. Laurence River South; thence range Westward cross the lower Parts of the several Rivers which fall into the Bottom of Hudson's- Bay, and then Northward along the Western Shore of Hudson's- Bay to the Polar Circle † in 66 d. or 67 d. N. Lat. as Mr. Dobbs writes. Thus the Esquimaux, excepting a small narrow Tract upon the Labradore Shore, are all quit-claim'd to us by France in the Treaty of Utrecht, Anno 1713▪ Excepting those who frequent the Bottom of Hudson's- Bay, the others can be of no commercial Benefit, they afford a very small Matter of Feathers, Whale-Oil, and Blubber.
Mr. Dobbs of Ireland, the present Enthusiastick Follower of a N. W. Passage Projection, very credulous, gives the Names of many imaginary Tribes West of Hudson's- Bay; but as in high Latitudes not many People can subsist, ‖ and his Tribes not well vouched, we cannot mention them: Mr. Dobbs is an Enemy of the Hudson's- Bay Company; he says, that Trade is got into the Hands of about 9 or 10 of their principal Men, who export not exceeding 3,000 £. St. per An. in British Produce and Manufacture, and keep up their Prices so high; the French supply them cheaper and carry the Trade; whereas if their Charter was vacated, and the Trade [Page 180] laid open; many Traders would settle Factories or trading Houses up the Rivers towards the French, and by underselling of them, much increase our Fur-Trade.
ALGONQUINS in several Tribes reach from the Mouth of St. Laurence River along its North Side, extending about 150 Leagues; they are [...]he French best Indian Friends; but frequently upon little Differences give the French Settlers much Disturbance; may be about 1500 fighting Men.
TAHSAGRONDIE Indians are between the Lakes Erie and Hurons, perhaps from the Barrenness of the Country, they are of small Numbers, dispersed and of no great Notice: They are Friends of the New-York Nations.
OUTAWAES. A great and powerful Nation, they live upon the Outawae River, which joins upon the Cataraqui River (the Outlet of the great Lakes) a little above Monreal, and upon the great Lakes, and extend N. W. to near the S. W. Parts of Hudson's- Bay; they deal considerably with the New-York trading Houses at Oswego * [Page 181] upon the Lake Ontario in the Onondagues Country. In May, Anno 1723, about 80 Men besides Women and Children, from a large Tribe belonging to the Outawaes came to Albany in the Province of New-York, and desired to be admitted as another Friend Nation amongst the Mohawk Nations; this Tribe lies between the Lake of Hurons and the upper Lake, and call themselves Necaragees, of 6 Castles or Villages, near the Streights between these two Lakes, adjoining to a Tribe called by the French † Misilimackinac. There is a large Nation [Page 182] South West of the O [...]waes, called by the French, [...] R [...]nar [...]; they are not within our Knowledge.
MIAMIE [...], so [...]alled by the French (we call them Twig [...]w [...]e [...] or Ilinois they live generally upon the River Miami [...] and the Lake and River Ilinois which receives the River Miamis: This Ilinois is a great River, and by it is one of Canada Routs for their Patroul and Trade to the Misissippi.
CHICK [...]SA [...] seem to lie next to the Miamis on the Eastern Side of the Misissippi; they are Allies of and Traders with the People of Carolinas. The Chirakees are next in Course upon the East Side of Misissippi River; but as they lie both Sides, and upon the Apalatian Mountains; we shall for Method's Sake (Method renders every Thing distinct and easy) refer it to the next Range of Indian Nations.
We have given a general View of the more remote Nations of Indians, that is, of the Nations that live North, and West, and South-West of the great River [...]. [...]aurence, and West of the Apalatian Mountains to the great River of Misissippi: We now proceed to the next Range that lie from the Mouth of St. Laurence, River North, to the Bay of Apalatie in the Gulph of Mexico South; being upon the South and South East Sides of the River St. Laurence, and East Side of the [Page 183] Apalatian Mountains or great Blue Hills, which reach from the * Niagara Falls in the Streights between Lake Ontario and Eri [...] N. Lat. 43 d. to the Bay of Apalachie in N. Lat. 30 d. these Mountains are generally 300 Miles from the Atlantick Shore; all the Runs of Water from their East Side, falls into the Atlantick Ocean, and these from the West Side into the grand River Misissippi.
II. The MIKAMAKES of L' Accadie or Nova-Scotia, some of them live along Cape-Sable Shore, some at Green-Bay, Menis, and Chicanicto, some in Cape-Breton Island, and St. Iohns Island: They do not much exceed 350 fighting Men; they continue in the French Interest, from our bad Management, notwithstanding that the whole Province was quit-claim'd to us by the Peace of Utrecht 1713; from this same Neglect or wrong Conduct it proceeds, that the French are allowed to keep five Missions in this Province, viz. That of Annapolis River, of Cape-Sable Shore, of Menis, of Chicanicto, and St. Iohn's River; the Bishop of Quebec in Canada is allowed to be their Superior and Constituent, and they act by his Direction.
The ABNAQUIES, properly the New England Indian Nation, reach East and West from the Bay of Fundy (to describe the Indian Nations as Geographers in Europe do Countries, by Latitudes and Longitudes; would be stiff, pedantick, not accurate, and of no Use) to Hudson's or New-York River and Lake Champlain or Corlaer; North and South from the St. Laurence or Canada great River, to the Atlantick Ocean: They are in many Tribes, but dwindle much and become less formidable; their Intercourse with the British and French has introduced additional Distempers amongst them particularly those [Page 184] which proceed from the immoderate Use of Spirits, Brandy or Rum; hence they become more indolent, and are straightned for Subsistence; their Hunting fails them, they have but few Deer and Beaver; a small Matter of Indian Corn and Kidney-Beans which their Squaas or Women plant, is at present a considerable Part of their Subsistence; they consisted of many Tribes, some extinct, some extinguishing, and the others much reduced, * let us enumerate them in their natural Order. 1. The Indians of St. Iohn's River, these belong to Nova Scotia, and have a French Missionary Priest; the Mouth of St. Iohn's River in the Bay of Fundy, is about 10 Leagues from Annapolis-Royal. The St. Iohn's River Indians in travelling to Quebec go up this long River, and carry to a short rapid River which falls into the River of St. Laurence a few Leagues below Quebec; they do not exceed 150 fighting Men. 2. Penobscot Indians are within the Massachusetts-Bay Grant, have a French Missionary; they lay upon a great Bay of the same Name, their Numbers not exceeding 150 Men fit to march; they travel to Quebe [...] up the small River of Penobscot which comes from the Westward, and carry to Quenebec River a little above Taconick Falls, and thence follow the same Rout with the Quenebec Indians. 3. Sheepscut Indians in the Massachusetts Grant, upon a River of the same Name, which falls into Sagadahock (formerly called Sagatawooke) River or rather Bay, from the Eastward; not exceeding two or three Families existing Anno 1747. 4. Quenebec Indians, in the foresaid Grant, upon the River of the same Name, being the middle and [Page 185] principal River of Sagadahock, their principal Settlement or Head-Quarters is at Norridgwoag about 100 Miles up Northward from the Entrance of Sagadahock; they were much reduced in their War or Rebellion, in the Time of the wise Administration of William Dummer, Esq They have a French Missionary, and travel to Quebec up Quenebec River, and from the Head thereof, by several Ponds and Carrying-Places to the short rapid River La Chaudiere which falls into St. Laurence River about four Leagues above Quebec; at present they do not exceed 60 fighting Men. 5. Amerescogin Indians upon Pegepscut or Brunswick River, which falls into the West Side of Sagadahock, they may be said extinct. 6. Pigwacket Indians on Saco River (they are in two Settlements Pigwoket and Ossepee (at Ossepee Pond, Lovel and his Party of Voluntiers were cut off by the Indians, Anno 1724) lies about 50 Miles above Winter-Harbour, the Mouth of Saco River; at present not exceeding a Dozen fighting Men, and formerly did travel (at present they are in the British Interest) to Quebec via Connecticut River up, and St. Francois River down to Canada River. 7. The Pennycook Indians, upon Merrimack River in New-Hampshire Jurisdiction, but lately quite extinct. 8. The Wanonoak Indians, on the Rivier Puante, called the Mission of Besancourt, over against Les Trois Rivieres 30 Leagues above Quebec, at this Time in the Canada Jurisdiction, about 40 fighting Men. 9. The Arouseguntecook Indians, upon the River and Mission of St. Francois, about 40 Leagues above Quebec, in the Canada Jurisdiction, not exceeding 160 Men fit to march. 10. Masiassuck Indians, on the East or Dutch Side of Lake Champlain; in the French Interest, do not exceed 60 fighting Men. Thus the Abnoquie extensive Nation of Indians, does not exceed 640 fighting Men fit to march.
The IROQUOIS Indians. We call them Mohawks, the Name of one of the Five or Six united Nations; thus the seven united Provinces of the Baligick Netherlands are called Holland from the Pro [...]ince of Holland, and the [Page 186] ten Spanish, now Austrian Provinces there; are called Flanders from the Province of Flanders: They head or lie North of our Provinces of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and some Part of Virginia; the Senacaas reach a great Way down Sesquahana River, the Tribe of about 100 Souls called Shaumakins, lie below the Forks of Sesquahana about 120 Miles West from the Forks of De la Ware River. In all publick Accounts they are lately called the Six Nations of New-York Friend Indians, the Tuscararoes, Emigrants from [...]he old Tuscararoes of North-Carolina, lately are reckoned [...]s the Sixth; we shall reckon them as formerly. 1. The Mohawks, they live upon the Mohawks or Schenectady River; they have a Castle or Village Westward from Albany 40 Miles, another 65 Miles West from Albany: The Number of their fencible Men about 160. 2. Oneidaes about 80 Miles from the Mohawks second Village, consisting of near 200 fighting Men. 3. Onondagues about 25 Miles further (the famous Oswego trading Place on the Lake Ontario, about 200 Miles West from Albany, is in their Country) consist of about 250 Men. 4. Cayugaes about 70 Miles further, of about 130 Men. 5. Senekeas further West, about 700 marching fighting Men. The fighting Men of the Five or Six Nations of Mohawks, may be reckoned at 1500 Men, and extend from Albany West about 400 Miles, laying in the New-York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia Governments, in about 30 Tribes or Villages. Besides these, there is settled a little above Monreal, a Tribe of Scoundrel Runaways from the Mohawks, they are called Kahnuages of about 80 Men.
The CHOWANS on the East Side of the Apalatian Mountains, or great Blue-Hills, are reduced to a small Number, they lie West of Virginia and North-Carolina; they live North of Roanoke River. Lately our Indian Traders have found several pr [...]c [...]icable Passes cross these Mountains, and keep Stores in their West Side, or Intervals of Ridges; they are in continued or natural Enmity with the Tuscararoes.
[Page 187]The TUSCARAROES lie between Roanoke and Pen [...]lico Rivers in North-Carolina, do not exceed 200 fightin [...] Men; being much reduced upon their North-Carolin [...] Insurrection, Anno 1711; and many of their Natio [...] drove off, now settled with the New-York Five Nations.
CATABAWS in Course lies South of the Tuscararoe [...] a small Nation, of about 300 Men. The Catabaw [...] Chirakees, and some of the Creeks, are not stiled Subject but Allies and good Friends of Great-Britain.
† CHIRAKEES live upon the Southern Parts and bo [...] Sides of the Apalatian Mountains, are a populous exte [...]sive Nation of about 6000 Men. Anno 1722 in a Co [...]gress with Governor Nicholson of South-Carolina, the [...] were present of the lower and middle Chirakees the Chie [...] of 37 Towns or Tribes; and with their Consent G [...]neral Nicholson appointed Wrosetasatow their Command [...] in chief. The People of South-Carolina have a consid [...]rable Trade or trucking Factory at Tunisec, a Chirak [...] Tribe upon the River Misissippi.
CREEK Indians of Florida about 2000 Men. Th [...] lower Creeks consist of 8 to 10 Tribes, and run West [...] Flin [...] River which falls into the Bay of Apalachie or Gu [...] of Mexico, by Instigation of the Spaniards, particular [...] of St. Augustine, are very troublesom to our Carolina an [...] Georgia Settlements: Especially the adjoining Tribe [...] Yamasses: For Instance, Anno 1719, there was som [...] French and Spanish Projection against Great-Britain i [...] Embrio; the Abnaquies of New-England by the Instig [...]tion of the French began to be troublesom upon the sam [...] Projection: This Projection in Europe came to [...] Maturity.
III. Indian Families, or small Tribes upon reserve [...] Lands interspersed with the British Settlements in Nort [...]America. [Page 188] Upon the lower Parts of the several [...] which run into the Atlantick Ocean in the Britis [...] Settlements, are several small distinct Tribes or relat [...]d [...]amilies, which are not reckoned as belonging to the [...]urther Inland large Nations: They extinguish [...]pace from the Infection of our European Distempers and Vices, it can be of no Use to follow a Detail of these perishing transitory small Tribes or Families; as a Sample, I shall enumerate those in the Province of Massachusetts-Bay.
By Act of the Massach [...]setts-Bay Assembly Anno 1746, the Indian Reserves being distinguished into eight Parcels, Guardians or Managers for these silly Indians were appointed. 1. Upon the Eastern Part of the Promontary or Peninsula of Cape-Cod, in the Townships of Truro, Eastham, Chatham, Harwich, and Yarmouth; these Indians go by the several Names of Pamet, Nosset, Pach [...]e, Potowmaket (here is an Indian Congregation with a Minister) Sochtoowoket, and Nobscusset. 2. The Western Part of said Peninsula of Cape-Cod in the Townships of Barnstable, Sandwich, and Falmouth; called the Indians of Wayanaes (the Name of a formerly greatest Sachem in that Country) or Hyanaes, Costoweet, Mashpe, Waquo [...]t (Oyster Harbour) Scootin, and Saconosset or Woods Hole, the Ferry-Place to Martha's Vineyard. 3. The Indians of the Island of Nantucket about 900 Souls, being more than all the others together, are very useful in the Whale and Cod-Fishery. 4. Indians of Martha's Vineyard Island about 450; lately many of them have gone to settle in Nantucket, being a Place of better Employment. 5. The Indians of Plymouth, Pembroke, and Middleborough, called Namasket. 7. The Nipmugs (formerly comprehending all the small Inland Tribes from Connecticut River to Merrimack River; Blackstone or Patucket River, which falls into the Naraganset-Bay, was formerly called Nipmug River) formerly known by the Names of Cutamogs or Nipnets in the Townships and Districts of Dudley, Oxford, Woodstock, Killinsbay, and Douglass; the Hasanamissets [Page 189] [...] from [...] small Tribe of [...] called [...], upon a River of that Name called [...] by the [...] ▪ they are lat [...]ly [...] with the English in the Townships of S [...]effield and [...].
Excepting the Indians of [...] and M [...]rtha's- Vineyard (better imploy'd) all the others in a few Years will be extinct, most of their M [...]n were perswad [...]d to [...]nlist as Soldiers in the lat [...] Expeditions to Cuba and Carthagena against the Spaniards, and to C [...]pe-Breton and Nova-Scotia against the Fren [...]h; scarce any of them survived, and the Names and Memory of their Tribes not worth preserving.
In the other British Colonies, where any Tribes intermixed with our Settlements require Notice; they shall be mentioned in the proper Sections. This Article I prosecute no further.
ARTICLE 4. Indian Wars with the British Colonies in North America.
WHEN the Country of the Indians at War with us, lies upon our Frontiers but without our Grants, I call it a War in the common Acceptation; if within our Grants, but without our Settlements, I call it an [Page 190] Eruption, in our Proclamations against them it is called a Rebellion, as in all the New-England Wars with the A [...]quies▪ if intermixed with our Settlements, it is an Insurrection, such were the Wars of the Pequods, Anno 16 [...]7▪ and of King Philip and his Confederates Anno 1675.
In this Article I only mention the I ndian Insurrections or Commotions which happened from the first Landing of the English in these A [...]erican Countries, until the Bri [...]ish * Revolution in Favour of the Prince of Orange, Anno 16 [...]: After this Period, though our Indian Wars were generally executed by the bordering Indians, they were under the Influence, and by the Direction of the [...] Fr [...]c [...] ▪ therefore I do not reckon them as [...] W [...] ▪ but [...] Fre [...]ch Wars in America, they [...] with the British and French Wars in [...] ▪ and [...] with the European and Ne [...] Engl [...] Briti [...] Expeditions against Canada, Nova- [...] [...], we [...] short Account of them in the properSections.
[...] of the small [...] Skirmishes, at our first [...] be of [...] useful Information, and at this [...] Time is no Amusement. A rascally Fellow Cap [...] [...] Anno 1614. by S [...]alth carried off some Indians ▪ and [...] of Europe, sold them to the [...] Moor [...] captivated from B [...]rb [...]ry; this occasioned a [...] Disgust against the English Traders upon that Coast for some Time: In New-England, excepting the Indian Wars with the [...] 1637▪ and with the [...] (called King Philip's War) and their Confederates [...] 1675▪ and the French Indian Wars with us during King William's and Queen Anne's Wars in Europe; and an Eruption Anno 1722 to 1725, when the French and Spaniards were hatching a War against [Page 191] us in Europe, which proved abortive; and our present War with the French and their associated Indians; we had no Indian War of any Kind, it is true, there have been private Rencounters between the English and Indians at Times, from sudden Flights of Passion or Drunkenness, as happens all the World over.
Upon good Enquiry it will be found, that our properly speaking Indian Wars have not been so frequent, so tedious, and so desolating, as is commonly represented in too strong a Light (Hunger-starved, and Cold-starved were our greatest Hardships in settling) in New-England our only Indian Wars properly so called were the Pequod War, Anno 1637, it lasted three Months, and King Philip's War, Anno 1675 and 1676 was of about 14 Months Continuance, and the War of 1722 to 1725.
In our Northern Parts, the Indians generally appear in small skulking Parties with Yellings, Shoutings and an [...] Postures, instead of Trumpets and Drums; their Indian Wood-Cry is Io-han, their War-Cry may be expressed, Woach, Woach, Ha, Ha, Hach, Woach.
The Indians are not Wanderers like the Tartars, but are Ramblers, and in Time of War, according to the Seasons, they may be annoyed at their Head-Quarters, and ambuscaded or Way-laid, at their Carrying or Land travelling Places. Their Retreats or strong Places are the Swamps (Copses in a Morass) Dr. Cotton Mather, with good Propriety calls it, being inswamped, in Imitation of the European Term intrenched. Like the French in Europe, without Regard to Faith of Treaties, they suddenly break out, into furious, rapid Outrages, and Devastations; but soon retire precipitately, having no Stores for Subsistence, the Country is not cleared and cultivated. Their Captives if they sicken or are otherways incapable of travelling, they kill them and save their Scalps; the English thus captivated are sold to French Families in Canada, but redeemable upon reimbursing the Price paid, by an Order from the Governor-General of Canada.
[Page 192]Their Head-Warriors are Men noted for Strength and Courage; sometimes in their Wars they chuse a temporary Chief of all the Tribes of one Nation engaged (at Times some particular Tribe or Village have declined joining in War with the general Nation, thus the Nianticks in the Pequod War, thus the Saco Indians in the present War or Rebellion of the Abnaquies; but not with a Roman dictatorial Power, Anno 1676 Madacawando of Penobscot was chief of all the Eastern or Abnaquie Indians and Squando of Saco was his Second; Anno 1637, Sassacous was chief of the Pequod Castles or Villages.
Our Scouts or Indian Hunters in Time of War, carry Packs, which at first setting out may weigh 70 Wt. being about 30 Days Provision of Biscuit, or parched Indian Corn, salt Pork, Sugar and Ginger to qualify and animate their Drink, which is Water: Their Method of lodging, pitching, or camping at Night, is in Parcels of Ten or Twelve Men to a Fire, they lie upon Brush, wrapt up in a Blanket with their Feet to the Fire.
Towards the better understanding of the Pequid or Poquot, and King Philip's Wars, it may be proper to know the Situation and Circumstances of their adjoining Indians as they were Anno 1637. Along Shore first were the Cape-Cod Peninsula Indians in several Tribes, the Nantucket and Martha's- Vineyard Island Indians; these were always in Friendship with the English Settlers: Next were the Pocassets (at present called Seconet) of about 300 fighting Men: The Pockanokets or King Philip's Men about 300 fighting Men: The Nipmugs adjoining to the Pockanokets Inland, in several Tribes, extending from Connecticut River to Merrimack River: The Naragansets from Naraganset-Bay to Pakatuke River, the Boundary between Connecticut and Rhode-Island Colonies, about 1000 Men: The Pequods from Pakatuck River to near Hudson's or New-York River: The Moheags at the Head of New-London or Thames River about 400 Men: The Connecticut River Indians in several Tribes.
[Page 193]PEQUOD WAR. The Occasions of this War, were, 1. A barbarous warlike Nation, they killed Anno 1634, Captains Stone and Norton, Traders. 2. Lords Say and Brook 1636, building a Fort at the Mouth of Connecticut River, near their Head-Quarters offended them. 3. Their continued killing upon Connecticut River of English Traders, upon frivolous Pretences to the Number of 30; at Length the English could not avoid a proper Resentment.
Anno 1635 Iuly 15. The associated Colonies of New-England made a League offensive and defensive with the six Naraganset Sachems; by one of the Articles the Naraganset Indians confirm all former Grants of Lands made to the English: The Naraganset and Pequods were not cordial Friends with one another.
1637 In May 20, a Body of 77 English, 60 Connecticut River Indians, 200 Naraganset Indians, 100 Nianticks (a Village of the Pequods in Friendship with the Engli [...]) and 20 Men from the Garrison of Saybrook Fort, under the Direction of † Capt. Mason, afterwards Deputy Governor of Connecticut (the 160 Men from Massachusetts-Bay under Mr. Stoughton, and the [...]0 Men from Plymouth Colony had not then join'd them) took and burnt the Pequod Fort near Mystic River (this River divides Stonington from Groton in Connecticut) and killed about 140 Indians; a great Body of Pequods came down from their neighbouring principal Fort, but the English and their auxiliary Indians made a good Retreat to their Boats, in all they had only two Men killed, and 16 Men wounded. The English pursued the Pequods from Swamp to Swamp with great Havock; at Length in a Swamp of Fairfield towards New-Netherlands, they were routed; their captivated Children were sent to Bermudas and sold for Slaves: Sassacous their leading Sachem with about 30 [Page 194] more Pequods fled to the Mohawks and were murdered by them. In less than three Months War about 700 Pequods were destroy'd, and that Nation reduced to about 200 Men, who sued for Peace; which was granted them upon Condition of their abandoning their Name and Country, which accordingly they did, and incorporated themselves with the [...] and Moheags †. N. B. They had not many Fi [...] Arms.
After the Pequod War, there were at Times between the Indians and English, private mutual Injuries, sometimes more general Misunderstandings and threatned Ruptures; but the Union offensive and defensive of the four united Colonies of New-England, awed them; by this Union the Proportions were Massachusetts 100, Plymouth, Hartford, and New-Haven each 45 Men, this Union was made Anno 1643 the 19th Day of the third Month.
Anno 1645 and 1646, the Naragansets were privately hatching of an Insurrection, but were soon brought to an open Declaration of a settled Friendship with the English.
1653 * The Dutch of New-Netherlands were forming [Page 195] a Confederacy with our Indians, to cut off all the New-Eng [...]and Settlements, but a Peace between England and Holland prevented it.
Anno 1654, The Naraganset and Niantick Indians, made War against Montaoke Indians East End of Long-Island, but the united Colonies of New-England by fitting out 270 Foot, 40 Horse, soon brought the Naragansets to Accommodation.
PACONOKET OR KING PHILIP'S WAR. Massasoit, Chief of the Wampanogoes, whereof Pockanoket or Mount Hope Neck was a Tribe, was a good Friend to the first Plymouth Settlers: He left two Sons, Wamsucket and Metacomet, at their own Desire the Government of Plymouth gave them the English Names of Alexander and Philip; Alexander died Anno 1662: Philip by a formal Instrument to the Government of Plymouth Anno 1671 restricted himself from disposing any of his Lands without their Consent.
[Page 196]This Philip Sachem of the Wampanogoes or Pacanoket Indians, was naturally a Man of Penetration, Cunning, and Courage; he formed a deep Plot Anno 1675, to extirpate the English of New-England: With profound Secresy he effected an extensive Confederacy with other Tribes of Indians, viz. Pocasset, Naragansets, Nipmugs, Connecticut River Indians, several Tribes of the Abnaquies our Eastern Indians; the Canada French were in the Scheme, and by their Emissaries endeavoured to keep up the Spirit of Insurrection; the Dutch from Albany were suspected of supplying these Indians with Ammunition. By the New-Plymouth Grant we find the Pocanoket Indians extended up Patuket or Blackstone formerly Nipmug River to the Nipmug Country; but this Boundary could not be ascertain'd, by the late Commissioners for settling the Line between Plymouth and Rhode-Island Colonies.
Philip began his Insurrection Iune 24. 1675, by killing of nine Englishmen in Swanzey, adjoining to Mount-Hope his Head-Quarters. The English suspecting the Naragansets, a powerful Nation, might join Philip, marched an armed Force into the Naraganset Country, and awed them into a Treaty of Peace and Friendship; but notwithstanding (such is Indian Faith) they joined Philip as does appear in the Sequel.
Beginning of Iuly the Pocassets beg [...]n Hostilities. In a Pocasset Swamp, King Philip and his confederate Pocassets, were environed by the English, but by Night made their Escape to the Nipmug Country, leaving about 100 Women and Children. Middle of Iuly the Nipmugs begin Hostilities by Depredations in Mendon. August 25 the Connecticut River Indians begin Hostilities by annoying the neighbouring English Settlements.
In August the Eastern Indians, viz. Pennycooks of Merrimack, Pigwokets of Saco, and Amarescogins of Pegepscut Rivers, break out and by December they killed about 50 English, with their own Loss of about 90 Indians. The Severity of the Winter brought these Tribes of Eastern Indians to a formal Peace, but by Sollicitation [Page 197] of Philip they broke out again next Summer and were joined by the Quenebec Indians, kill several English, and destroy their Stock; but Philip being killed they soon came in and submitted.
The Enemy Indians, imagining that upon the Footing of the late Treaty, the English would deem the Naragansets as Neutrals, in Winter retired to the Naraganset Country; but for very good Reasons the English, jealous of the Naragansets, send thither 1000 Men, whereof 527 from Massachusetts, under the Command of Governor Winslow of Plymouth, they were increased to 1500 Men by an Addition of some neighbouring Friend Indians; December 19, they attack the Indians in their Fort or Swamp, and kill'd about 700 Indians, besides Women and Children, with the Loss of about 85 English killed, and 150 wounded; the Swamp is called Patty-squamscut.
Notwithstanding of this Disaster, the Indian [...] [...] skulking Parties out all Winter, they kept the Field better than the English, and harassed our People much; they did Damage in the Town of Plymouth, and within a few Miles of Boston, and the English were obliged to keep close in Garrison-Houses. In the Spring the Mohawks having some Difference with the Abnaquies favoured the English; and the Indians being much harassed by Famine (they had little Produce, because of the War, from their planting Grounds last Crop) Fevers and Fluxes; the Massachusetts Government very wisely issued a Proclamation Iuly 8. 1676, promising the Hopes of a Pardon to all Indian Enemies or Rebels, who should come in within 14 Days; many submitted, many withdrew to their respective peculiar Abodes; some travel'd Westward towards Hudson's River, were pursued and kill'd. Philip was reduced to skulk about, and in a Swamp of Mount Hope his own Country, with 6 or 7 of his Followers was kill'd August 12, 1676.
During Philip's War about 3000 Indians were kill'd, captivated and submitted, the Naragansets from a large Body reduced to about 100 Men. The War being over, [Page 198] about 400 Indians by Order met at Major Waldron's of Catchecho; 200 were culled out, who had been notoriously wickedly mischievous; of these a few suffered Death, the others (of the 200) were transported and sold forSlaves.
King Philip's or Bristol Neck was sold towards defraying the Charges of the War, and afterwards by the General Court incorporated by the Name of Bristol with some peculiar Privileges and Exemptions.
The Colony of Connecticut was scarce touched in this War. We have no Record of Rhode-Island Assistance.
After Philip's War, there were no more Insurrections or Rebellions of our intermixed Indians: The following Wars were by Eruptions and Incursions of the Indians within our Grants, but without our Settlements, by Instigation of our natural Enemies the French of Canada, viz. from Autumn Anno 1688 (some short Truces interveening) to Ianuary 7. Anno 1698, 9, and from August 16. Anno 1703, to Iuly 17. Anno 1713: and from Spring 1744, when there were mutual Declarations of War in Europe of the British and French; this War still subsists at this present writing September 1747. Here we may observe that our Eastern Indians in this pending War have not annoyed our Settlements Eastward, being called off by the French to Crown-Point; from Crown-Point the French and their Indians have done considerable Damage upon the New-York and Massachusetts Western Frontiers; and to Nova-Scotia, by investing of the Fort of Annapolis-Royal, and by the Massacre of our People at Menis, they have considerably incommoded us. The late Disasters of the French Expeditions under Duke d'Anville and M. La Ionquiere against Cape-Breton, Nova-Scotia, and our other Settlements in North-America, have made the French desist [...]rom any farther Enterprizes in Nova-Scotia, and our Eastern Indians being dismissed from that Service, have lately appeared against our Forts of Pemaquid and Georges.
Our Wars with the Indians in the Reigns of King William and of Queen Anne, and the present War are [Page 199] intermixed with Expeditions from Europe, they are not meerly Indian; we refer them to the subsequent Sections.
GOVERNOR DUMMER'S WAR against the Indians may be reckoned purely Indian, we shall give some short Account of it. The Canada French perceiving our Eastern Settlements advance apace, set their Quenebec Missionary Father Ralle a Jesuite to Work; he made these Indians jealous of the English by telling them, that these Lands were given by GOD unalienably to the Indians and their Children for ever, according to the Christian sacred Oracles. Anno 1717 The Indians began to murmur, and after some Time gave the English Settlers formal Warning to leave the Lands within a set Time, at the Expiration of the Time they committed Depredations by destroying their Cattle and other Stock: The Missionary, with a Priestly Heat began the Affair too precipitately, before the receiving of Directions from France, as appears by a Letter from M. Vandreuil Governor-General of Canada to this Father "he could not tell, how far he might intermeddle in the Affair, until he had particular Instructions from the Council of the Navy in France;" all the French Colonies are under the Direction of that Board: And the Small-Pox (which the Indians with good Reason dread) prevailing in New-England, Anno 1721, prevented a declared Rupture until Anno 1722. Iuly 5. the Government of Massachusetts-Bay proclaimed them Rebels, and ordered 100 £. per Scalp to Voluntiers fitted out at their own Charge, and afterwards 4 s. per Day besides: Our most considerable Action against them was at Noridgwoag of Quenebec River August 12. Anno 1724, their fighting Men being just come Home from Scouting; Capt. Harman with 200 Men in 17 Whale-Boats go up Quenebec River, surprize the Indians at Naridgwog, bring off 26 Indian Scalps, and that of Father Ralle; Indians kill'd, and drowned in their Flight cross the River, were computed to be Eighty: Capt. Lovel a Voluntier, with 44 Men sets out, via Ossipy Pond, for Pigocket ▪ was intercepted by about 70 Indians, he [Page 200] and about 14 of his Men were killed, and many wounded.
The French and Indians of Nova-Scotia were concern'd in this War, they made a vain Assault upon the Fort of Annapolis-Royal, and did some Damage at Canso.
The Delegates from the 5 or 6 New-York Indian Nations, and from the Mohegin or Hudson's River Indians, and from the Scatacooks, came to Boston, received Presents, gave fair Promises of acting in our Favour, but did nothing.
We sent Commissioners to the Governor-General of Canada, to expostulate with him concerning his encouraging the Indian Depredations, and to reclaim Captives: His Answer was, that these Indians were independant Nations, and not under his Direction; this was a meer Evasion.
After many Bickerings, by good Management in the wise Administration of Lieutenant-Governor Dummer, the Indians beg'd and obtain'd a Cessation of Arms, December 15, Anno 1725, and a Peace the May following at Casco; saving to the Indians all their Lands not hitherto convey'd, with the Privilege of Hunting, Fowling, and Fishing as formerly: Signed by the Noridgwoag, Penobscot, St. Iohns, and Cape-Sable Indians.
Three or four Years since, some interspersed Indians in Maryland were troublesome and occasionally kill'd some English Men; they were soon quelled.
In Virginia, in the Beginning, the Indian Incursions retarded them much, and Anno 1610, from 500 they, were reduced to 80; from 1612 there was uninterrupted Peace with the Indians till 1622, by a sudden general Insurrection they massacred 347 English People, reckoned at that Time half of the Colony. Sir Iohn Harvey a very arbitrary Governor encroached much upon the Indians by making enormous Grants of their Lands, this occasioned another Massacre from the Indians Anno 1639▪ 500 English were cut off, especially about the Head of York [Page 201] River; this was soon over, and Peace lasted many Years. Anno 1676 some mutual Murders happened between the English and Indians in the Out-Settlements. Bacon a hotheaded young Gentleman of the Council, because, as he thought, the Assembly was too dilatory in fitting out against the Indians; in Contempt of the Government, and without a proper Commission, inlists Soldiers of his own Accord, and occasioned an intestine civil Mutiny of the white People against the Government, and obliged the Governor Berkley to fly t [...] the remote County of Accomack upon the Eastern Shore of Chesapeak Bay: To quell this Commotion a Regiment of Soldiers was sent from England, but Bacon dying, the Commotion was over, before the Regiment arrived, this Corps continued there three Years, and were dis [...]anded in Virginia; Bacon's Body could not be found to be exposed to Infamy. This does anticipate, but at the same Time it helps to shorten the Section of Virginia.
In NORTH-CAROLINA, Anno 1711, in November the Cape Fear Indians broke out, and destroy'd about 20 Families, and much Stock: by Succours from Virginia and South-Carolina, they were soon reduced; and many of the Tuscararoes obliged to [...]ake Refuge amongst the New-York Indian Nations, where they continue, and are generally called the sixth Nation.
SECT. IV. General Remarks concerning the British Colonies in America.
THE Subject-Matters of this Section according to my first Plan are prolix, being various and copious, and perhaps would be the most curious and informing Piece of the Performance to some Readers; but as many of our Readers in these Colonies seem impatient for our entring upon the Affairs of their several Settlements, we shall contract the present Section, and shall defer several [Page 202] Articles to the Appendix; such as, the Rise, Progress, and present State of the pernicious Paper-Currencies; some Account of the prevailing or Endemial Diseases in our North-America Colonies, and many other loose Particulars, the various Sectaries in Religion, which have any Footing in our American Colonies shall be enumerated in the Section of Rhode-Island, where we find all Degrees of Sectaries (some perhaps not known in Europe) from † NO RELIGION to that of the most wild Enthusiasts. [Page 203] Religious Affairs, so far as they may in some Manner appertain to the Constitution of the Colonies, do make an Article in this Section.
ARTICLE I. Concerning our first Discoveries of, and Trade to the British North-America; before, it was by Royal Grants, Patents, and Charters divided into the Colonies at present subsisting.
IN Page 109, &c. I gave some anticipating Account of these our first Discoveries. I shall further add.
Sebastian Cabot commissioned by King Henry VII. of England, to endeavour Discoveries of a North-West Passage to China and the East Indies, Anno 1497, did discover and take Possession, according to the Forms used in those Times, of all the Eastern Coast of North-America, from about the North Polar Circle to Cape Florida, (as is related) in the Name of the Crown of England; the Cabots had a Royal English G [...]ant of the Property of all Lands they should discover and settle Westward of Europe, they made no Settlement, and their Grant dropt.
Sir Walter Raleigh a Favourite, by Order of Queen Elizabeth, Anno 1584, sent two Vessels to North-America, to land People that were to remain there; they landed at Roanoke in North-Carolina, where they remained and planted for some short Time. Raleigh gave to all that Part of America the Name VIRGINIA, in Honour or Memory of the Virginity of Queen Elizabeth; a continued [Page 204] but small Trade was carried on from England to these Countries for some Time, and by landing at Times in sundry Places, took further Possession for the Crown of England.
Anno 1606 April 10. King Iames in one Patent incorporated two Companies called the South and North Virginia Companies; the South Virginia Company to reach from 34 d. to 41 d. N. Lat. they began a Settlement Anno 1607 on Chesapeak-Bay, and this Part of the Country retains the Name Virginia in a peculiar Manner to this Day; here we must drop it, and reassume in the proper Section of Virginia: The North Virginia Company called also the West-Country Company, had Liberty to settle upon the same Eastern Coast of America from 38 d. to 45 d. N. Lat. they kept a constant small Trade on Foot, and sometimes wintered ashore, as, for Instance, at Sagadabock Anno 1608; but made no formal lasting Settlement, until that of New Plymouth Anno 1620; here we must stop and reassume in the Sections of New-England Colonies. These Settlements were to have been at 100 Miles Distance from one another, that is, from their chief Place each Territory or Colony was to extend 50 Miles both Ways along Shore, and 100 Miles back into the Country, so as to make a District of 100 Miles square: Thus from the Gulph of St. Laurence to Cape-Fear we should have had seven Colonies of equal Dimensions, but not of equal Quality; at present in that Space we have about a Dozen Colonies very unequal and irregular, because granted at different Times, most of them run back into the Wilderness indefinitely. This Pat [...]nt did not subsist long, the Companies were managed by Pr [...]sidents and Council, but in a few Years made a Surrender. The Dutch took the Opportunity to sit down in some Parts of the Degrees of Latitude, that were in common to both Companies, and kept Possession of Prop [...]rty and Jurisdiction, almost threescore Years.
Capt. Henry Hudson Anno 1608 discovered the Mouth of Hudson' [...] River in N. Lat. 40 d. 30 m. upon his own [Page 205] Account as he imagined, and sold it, or rather imparted the Discovery to the Dutch; the Dutch made some Settl [...]ments there, but were drove off by Sir Samuel Argol, Governor of a second Virginia Company Anno 1618, because within the Limits of that Company's Grant; but Anno 1620 King Iames gave the Dutch some Liberty of Refreshment for their Ships bound to Brazils, which they afterwards in the Times of the Civil Wars and Confusions in England, improved to the settling of a Colony there, which they called New Netherlands, comprehending all the present Provinces of New-York and New-Iersies, and some Part of Pennsylvania; their principal Settlements were New Amsterdam, at present called the City of New-York on Hudson's River, and Fort Casimier, since called New-Castle upon Delaware River, West Side of it; Hudson's River was called by the Dutch, Nord Rivier, and Delaware River was called Zuid Rivier. Beginning of King Charles II. Reign, by Conquest 1664 and the subsequent Cession by the Breda Treaty 1667, it reverted to the Crown of England. The further Account of this Territory belongs to the Sections of New-York and New-Iersies.
We may in general observe; that Spices, Precious Stones, Gold, Silver, other Metals and Minerals, were the first Inducements and Objects of our East and West-India Discoveries; (the Trade for Tobacco, Rice, Fish, Furs, Skins, and Naval Stores, seem to have been only incidental) as these did not succeed, our first Endeavours or Adventures for Settlements, did not proceed.
From Historical Observations during the last Century and half, we may learn many of the successful Methods to be used, and the Inconveniencies to be avoided in settling of Colonies.
ARTICLE 2. Concerning the general Nature and Consti [...]ution of British North-American Colonies.
ALL our American Settlements are properly Colonies, not Provinces as they are generally called: Province [Page 206] respects a conquered People (the Spaniards in Mexico and Peru may perhaps in Propriety bear this Appellation) under a Jurisdiction imposed upon them by the Conqueror; Colonies are formed of national People v. g. British in the British Colonies, transported to form a Settlement in a foreign or remote Country.
The first Settlers of our Colonies, were formed from various Sorts of People. 1. Laudably ambitious Adventurers. 2. The Malecontents, the Unfortunate, the Necessitous from Home. 3. Transported Criminals. The present Proportion of these Ingredients in the several Plantations varies much, for Reasons which shall be mentioned in the particular Sections of Colonies, and does depend much upon the Condition of the first Settlers: Some were peopled by Rebel Tories, some by Rebel Whigs (that Principle which at one Time is called Royalty, at another Time is called Rebellion) some by Church of England Men, some by Congregationalists or Independants, some by Quakers, some by Papists (Maryland and Monserrat) the most unfit People to incorporate with our Constitution.
Colonies have an incidental good Effect, they drain from the Mother-Country the Disaffected and the Vicious (in this same Manner, subsequent Colonies purge the more ancient Colonies); Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, drained from Massachusetts-Bay, the Antinomians, Quakers, and other wild Sectaries. Perhaps in after Times (as it is at Times with the Lord Lieutenants and other high Officers in Ireland) some Malecontents of Figure, capable of being troublesome to the Administration at Home, may be sent in some great Offices to the Plantations.
In our Colonies we have four Sorts of People. 1. Masters that is Planters and Merchants. 2. White Servants. 3. Indian Servants. 4. Slaves for Life, mostly Negroes. White Servants are of two Sorts, viz. Poor People from Great-Britain, and Ireland mostly, these are bound or sold, as some expres [...] i [...], for a certain Number of Years, to reimburse [Page 207] the transporting Charges, with some additional Profit; the others are Criminals judicially transported, and their Time of Exile and Servitude sold by certain Undertakers and their Agents.
In our American Settlements, generally the Designations are, Province, where the King appoints a Governor; Colony, where the Freemen elect their own Governor: This customary Acceptation is not universal; Virginia is called a Colony, perhaps because formerly a Colony, and the most ancient.
We have some Settlements with a Governor only; others with Governor and Council, such are Newfoundland, Nova-Scotia, Hudson's- Bay, and Georgia, without any House orNegative deputed by the Planters, according to the Essence of a British Constitution: These, may be said, not colonized.
There are various Sorts of Royal Grants of Colonies. 1. To one or more personal Proprietors, their Heirs and Assigns; such are Maryland and Pennsylvania; both Property and Government. 2. The Property to personal Proprietors; the Government and Jurisdiction in the Crown; this is the State of Carolinas and Iersies. 3. Property and Government in the Crown, viz. Virginia, New-York, and New-Hampshire commonly called Piscataqua. 4. Property in the People and their Representatives; the Government in the Crown; as is Massachusetts-Bay. 5. Property and Government in the Governor and Company, called the Freemen of the Colony, such are Connecticut and Rhode-Island.
This last seems to be the most effectual Method of the first settling and peopling of a Colony; Mankind are naturally desirous of Parity and Leveling, without any fixed Superiority; but when a Society is come to Maturity, a more distinct fixed Subordination is found to be requisite. Connecticut, Rhode-Island, and some of the Proprietary Governments, are of Opinion, that they are not obliged to attend to, or follow any Instructions or Orders from their Mother-Country or Court of Great-Britain; they do not [Page 208] send their Laws home to the Plantation-Offices to be presented to the King in Council for Approbation or Disallowance: They assume the Command of the Militia, which by the British Constitution is a Prerogative of the Crown: Some Time ago, they refused not only a Preventive Custom-House Office, but likewise a Court of Vice-Admiralty's Officers appointed from Home; but these Points they have given up, especially considering that the Royal Charter grants them only the Privilege of trying Causes, Intra corpus Comitatus, but not a-float or Super altum mare.
As a small Country, though rich and thriving, cannot afford large Numbers of People; it ought not to run upon Discoveries and Conquests, beyond what they can well improve and protect; because by over-stretching, they weaken or break the Staple of their Constitution: But they may in good Policy distress as much of the Enemy's Country as is possible, and for some short Time keep Possession of some of their most important Places, though at a great Charge, even, by hiring of foreign Troops; in Order to obtain some suitable profitable Equivalent. New-England with the incidental Countenance of a small British Squadron, did easily reduce the North America Dunkirk, or Louisb [...]urg in Cape-Breton Island; and perhaps luckily, w [...]thout waiting for the Direction of the British Ministry. Considering our large Sea and Land-Force, well fitted, upon the Expeditions, against Havanah and its Territory in the Island of Cuba, the Rendezvous of all the Spanish Plate-Fleets; and against Carthagena the best Strong-Hold the Spaniards have in America; and against Canada called the New-France in North-America, which would have given us the Monopoly of the Cod-Fish and Fur-Trade, many of our American Militia voluntarily formed themselves into Companies and Regiments for that Purpose; but the Ministry at Home perhaps for good Reasons best known to themselves, seem to have baulkt these Affairs; the above apparently intended Conquests would have been [...]asy.
[Page 209] Great-Britain does not, like France, swarm with a numerous People, therefore cannot settle Colonies so fast, without allowing of a general Naturalization. From Germany we had many emigrant Palatines and Saltsburghers, and in Time may have more: Foreigners imported, should not be allowed to settle in large separate Districts, as is the present bad Practice; because for many Generations they may continue, as it were, a separate People in Language, Modes of Religion, Customs and Manners; they ought to be intermixed with the British Settlers: English Schools only allowed for the Education of their Children; their publick Worship for the first Generation or 20 Years, may be allowed in their original Language in the Forenoon, and in English in the Afternoon, according to any tolerated Religion: as our Missionaries do not attend the Service of Indian Conversions, some of them may be employ'd in this Service; after the first twenty Years from their first Arrival, their publick Worship, shall for ever be in English; all their Conveyances, Bonds, and other publick Writings, to be in English; thus in two or three Generations (as de Foe humorously expresses it) they will all become true born Englishmen. We have an Instance of this in New-England, where many Irish in Language and Religion (I mean Roman Catholicks) have been imported some Years since; their Children have lost their Language and Religion, and are good Subjects: We have a notorious Instance of the bad Effects in not observing this Regulation, in Nova Scotia; the French Inhabitants though in Allegiance to the Crown of Great-Britain ever since Anno 1710, by allowing them a separate Residence, with their Language and Religion continued, are at present, as much estranged from and Enemies to the British Interest, as they were 37 Years ago; witness their Behaviour in our present French War, by their favouring and concuring with our French Canada Enemies, and the late Expeditions from France: The D—ch in a neighbouring Province, because not well [Page 210] dashed or intermixed with the English, though in Allegiance above Eighty Y [...]ars; do not seem to consult our Interest so much, as might be expected.
Although the Colonies of various Nations may learn the Iuvan [...]ia and the Laedentia, from one another; there may be several Political Regulations in Colonies foreign to us, which may have a good Effect with themselves, but may not fit our Constitution; for Instance, 1. The Spaniards say, that their vast extensive Settlements in America, have continued in due Subjection about 250 Years, by their principal Officers; Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Military, being from Old-Spain; In China (a polite Nation) no Man can be a Mandarin in his own Country or District, where he was born. 2. The French, Spanish, and Portuguese Colonies, are not allowed to make Wines, and distil Spirits of Sugar for Merchandize, because it would hurt the Vent of the Wines and Brandies of their Mother Countries: Some such Regulations with Regard to T [...]ings commonly manufactured in Great-Britain, not to be manufactured in the Plantations, have from Time to Time been laid before the Court of Great-Britain, by People disaffected to the Plantations v. g. by Col. D—r not long since; but happily, have had little or no Effect.
The several Colonies, particularly those of New-England the most suspected, have it neither in their Power nor Inclination to withdraw from their Dependance upon Great-Britain: Of themselves, they are comparatively nothing, without the As [...]istance and Protection of some European maritime Power; amongst those, the French, Spanish, and Portuguese differ so much from them in Religion, the most popular Affair, and in an absolute, monarchial Government inconsistent with our Plantation, levelling Spirit; that we have nothing to fear from them; the Dutch being nearly the same with us in Religion, and apparently (though not really) the same as to a popular Government; they bid the fairest for carrying off [Page 211] our Plantations from th [...]ir Allegiance, and ought in a particular Manner to be guarded again [...]t; if in Time of some general Disconte [...]t, a W [...]r should happen with the Dutch.
As in natural Parentage, so Infant Colonies, ought to be tenderly and fi [...]ally used, without any Suspicion or Surmise of a future obstinate Disobedie [...]ce, Desertion, or Revolt. Some of the American Colony-Legi [...]latures, have at Times been drawn into Errors and I [...]advertencies, by some popular, wicked, leading Men, which has obliged the Court of Great Britain to make som [...] Alterations in their peculiar Constitutions; we shall enumerate them in the respective Colony Sections, a [...] present we shall only instance a few relating [...]o this Province of Massachusetts-Bay. 1. Upon a Quo War [...]nto f [...]om the Court of King's Bench issued in Trinity-Term Anno 1635 agai [...]st the Governor and Company of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay; and in Trinity Term Anno 1 [...]37 Judgment was given for the King to seize said [...]olony, an [...] to take Governor Cradock's Body i [...]to Custody; but by Reason of the ensuing Troubles, t [...]is Judgm [...]t was never put in Execution. 2. The [...]eirs of Mas [...] a [...]d Gorge, Proprietors of the Provinces of N [...]w [...]am [...]hire and Main, complain'd to the King of the Usu [...]t [...]ons of the Government of Massach [...]s [...]ay; t [...]e [...]i [...]g by a mandatory Letter Anno 1676 to Ma [...]sachuset [...]s Bay Colo [...]y required an Answer to those Com [...]lai [...]ts: The Agents for Massachusetts-Bay, before the Cou [...]t of King's- Bench, disclaim'd these Lands, and by an Act of Assembly of the Colony 1679, all their encroaching Grants were vacated. 3. Upon several pretended Complaints their Charter was vacated in Chancery 1684, but they obtai [...]ed a new and more perfect Charter Anno 1691. 4. Governor Shute Anno 1722 carried Home seven Articles of Complaints concerning their House of Repres [...]ntatives encroaching upon [...] Prerogative; by their Agent in England ▪ they submis [...]ively g [...]ve up five of these Articles, and the general Assembly accepted of an explanatory Charter, whereby [Page 212] the other two Articles were explained away; all these shall be related more at large in their proper Place. 5. Several bubling Banks and Schemes designed to defraud Creditors and others, by depreciating the Currency in New England, being on Foot, and not suppressed by the proper Legislature, perhaps because many of their leading Membe [...]s were concerned; several worthy Gentlemen applied Home for Redress, and obtain'd Anno 1741 An Act of Pa [...]liament against unwarrantable Schemes in America.
Upwards of thirty Years since, upon some Complaints concerning the Colonies, particularly of South Carolina; the Court of Great-Britain judged, that it might be for the general British Interest, to have all Charter and Proprietary Governments vacated by Act of Parliament, and accordingly a Bill was brought into the House of Commons; but the New England Agent Dummer by an ingenious Piece which he publish'd at that Time giving the true State of the Colonies, by his Vigilancy, Assiduity, proper Sollicitations and personal Address, and Interest with some of the leading Men, occasioned the Bill to be dropt.
The vacating of all Charter and Proprietary Governments is not the ultimate Chastisement that may be used with delinquent Colonies; the Parliament of Great-Britain may abridge them of many valuable Privileges which they enjoy at present; as happened in an Affair relating to Ireland; the Parliament of Great Britain Anno 1720 passed an Act for the better securing the Dependance of the Kingdom of Ireland upon the Crown of Great-Britain: Therefore the Colonies ought to be circumspect, and not offend their Mother-Country; as for Instance, 1. In abusing that Privilege which our Colonies have of raising Taxes and assessing of themselves; South Carolina had not supplied the nec [...]ssary Charges of Government, for four Years preceeding Anno 1731; New-Hampshire for five Years preceeding Anno 1736. 2. In Time of Peace emitting of depreciating publick [Page 213] Bills of Credit for a Medium of Trade and Commerce, and making them legal Tenders; this is equivalent to Coinage (and of a base Standard) a Prerogative of the Crown.
Our British American Colonies have many valuable Privileges. 1. Enacting of their own Laws, with Condition of their not being repugnant to the Laws of Great-Britain, but may be otherways various from them. 2. Raising their own Taxes. 3. No Act of the British Parliament made since the first setling of our Colonies, exten [...]s to the Colonies, unless expresly extended in the British Act of Parliament. 4. No private Purchase from the Indians shall be valid (formerly much Deceit and Cheat has been discovered in these Purchases, tending to alienate the Indians from the British Interest) without the Confirmation of the Governor and Council in some Coloni [...]s, and without the Approbation of the Legislature in the otherColonies. There are Lands in some of our Plantations, where it is not possible to shew any Indian Conveyance, [...] they were Derelicts; such are all our West-India Island Settlements, no Indians being there at our first landing: The [...]ossessors who were prior to Patent or King's commissioned Governor, have no other Title to their Lands but long Possession, a Sort of Prescription; thus the old Setlers of New-Hampshire hold their Lands, it being supposed that Mr. Mason had neglected or relinquished his Grant.
In the Beginning of our Colony Grants, there was only one House of * Legislature; the Governor or President, the Council or Assistants, and the Representatives voted together. At present in Conformity to our Legislature in Great-Britain, they consist of three separate Negatives; [Page 214] thus, by the Governor, representing the King, the Colonies are Monarchial; by a Council they are Aristocratical; by a House of Representatives or Delegates from the People, they are Democratical: These Three are distinct and independant of one another, and the Colonies enjoy the Conveniencies of each of these Forms of Government, without their Inconveniences, the several Negatives being Checks upon one another. The Concurrence of these three Forms of Governments, seems to be the highest Perfection that human Civil Government can atta [...]n to in Times of † Peace with the neighbouring States; if it did not sound too profane, by making too free with the mystical Expressions of our Religion, I should call it a Trinity in Unity.
The second Negative in our Legislatures, differs from that of Great-Britain. In Great-Britain it is an ‖ hereditary Ho [...]se of Lords, in our American Settlements, the Members of their Councils so called, are only temporary, appointed by the Court of Great-Britain durante [Page 215] Beneplacito, or by annual Elections in some of our Colonies. In Carolina at first the [...]e was designed an hereditary second Negative (in Place of a Council) of Palatines and Cassiques, Lords of large Manors, this is dropt.
There are a few Irregularities or Exceptions from these three Negatives in some of our Colonies, which shall be taken particular Notice of, in the proper Sections, and doubtless in Time will be rectified. 1. In Connecticut and Rhode-Island their Elective Governor has no Negative. 2. In Pennsylvania the Council has no Negative. 3. In Massachusetts-Bay, the Council is not independa [...]t; it is obnoxious to the Caprice of a Governor's Negative, and to the Humour of the House of Representatives who elect them: In some Elections the Council and Representatives vote together.
Notwithstanding of a Colony Assembly's being upon the Point of dissolving in Course, according to their several and various municipal Laws; the Governors [...]issolve them in Form, as in Great-Britain, to keep up the Prerogative of the Crown.
In Proprietary Colonies, where the Proprietors have retained the Jurisdiction, the Proprietors nominate the Governor, with the Approbation of the King in Council. Excepting in Proprietary and Charter Colonies all Patents for Lands are in the King's Name, Teste hi [...] Excellency in Council.
The municipal Laws, or Laws peculiar to the several Colonies are too various and variable, as well as bulky to be inserted in a Summary; they are remitted Home from Time to Time, and are to be found in the Plantat [...]on-Offices in London; excepting those of the Proprietary and Charter Governments; [...] their Patents they are not obliged (this was an origin [...]l Defect in such Pate [...]s, and may be rectified by Act of Parliament) to transmit them to the Crown for Approba [...]ion or Disallowance. The Laws of a Colony may be various from, but not r [...] pugnant to the Laws of Great-Britain.
In our Colonies, the Courts of Judicatur [...] are variou [...], [Page 216] but all of the same Nature with the Courts in England; viz. Chancery (in the Charter Governments Ius and Aequum are in the same Court) Common Law, Probate of Wills and Appurtenances; a Court of Vice-Admiralty for Sea-Affairs; and a Iusticiary Court of Admiralty, by Q. Anne's Commission Tertio Regni, pursuant to an Act of Parliament 11, 12 Gul. III, called, An Act for the more effectual Suppression of Piracy; consisting at least of seven of the nominated from th [...]ir Offices, and for Want of that Number compleat, any Three of the nominated may appoint a Compliment.
Cases in Chancery, and common Law may be carried Home by Appeal or Petition to the King in Council; from thence it is referred to the Lords of the Committee * of Council for Plantation-Affairs; from this Committee of Council, it is referred or sent down to the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, this last Board frequently take the Advice of the Attorney and Sollicitor-General; and Reports are returned back from one Board to another, and issued by the King in Council.
The Officers of the Customs Receiving or Preventive, are immediately under the Direction of the Commissioners of the Customs in Great Britain.
The Commission of Vice-Admiral to our Plantation-Governors gives no Command a-float; their Jurisdiction is only, relating to Wrecks, &c. cast on Shore, to low Water Mark; being of the same Nature with the several Vice-Admirals along the Coast in Great-Britain.
Every King's Commission with Instructions to a Governor in the Plantations; is a Sort of Charter to that Colony or Province, durante Beneplacito.
Our Plantation Governors, have no Power without Orders from the Court of Great-Britain, to grant Letters of Reprisals. The French and Dutch Governors have thisPower.
[Page 217]All our Plantation-Governors are liable to be called to Account (on Complaints) at the King's-Bench Bar in Westminster; for Instance Douglass of the Leeward Islands, Anno 1716, and Lowther of Barbadoes 1720.
Formerly Governors, if Court-Favourites, had at Times Plurality of Governments (as some Clergymen Favourites of leading Men, have Plurality of Benefices, Lord Willoughbay was Governor of Barbadoes and the Leeward Islands; Sir Edmond Andros, in the Reign of Iames II, was Governor of all New England, New York, and the Iersies; Lord Bellamont was Governor of New York, Massachusetts-Bay, and New-Hampshire: It is not so at present, except in the two distinct Governments of Pensylvania, therefore under one Governor.
In the Colonies their Revenue-Acts are generally annual; in Iamaica, they are temporary, but of a long Period; in a few of the Colonies there are some perpetual Taxes; thus in Barbados and Leeward Islands the four and half per Ct. upon Produce exported, and in Virginia 2 s. per Hogshead Tobacco. All their Provincial Treasurers are appointed by their own Assemblies; excepting the four and half per Ct. in Barbadoes and the Leeward-Islands; the King's Collectors are the Receivers, and also receive the Plantation Duties laid on by Act of Parliament 1673, as not appropriated for the Use of the Treasuries of the several Plantations, but at the King's Disposal: The 1 d. per Ct. upon Tobacco of Virginia and Maryland is appropriated for the Benefit of the College or Seminary at Williamsburg.
In the several Colonies their general Revenue is by a Tax of some Pence in the Pound, upon the Principal of real Estate, personal Estate, and Faculty; and a Pol-Tax, Imposts, and Excises.
The Produce for Export in the several Colonies shall be enumerated in the proper Sections. Upon our first Discoveries of America, we found no Horses, Asses, Cows, Sheep, and Swine. In the Inland Parts of the Continent, especially upon the Misissippi, there was Plenty [Page 218] of Buffaloes, and in the West-India Islands, several Sorts of Wild Hog Natives; every where much Deer, and the American Stag or Buck-Moose, which differ from the German Elke, by its branched Brow Antlers: Variety of Geese, of Ducks, and of wild Fowl called Gibier by the French.
In the Colonies of the several European Nations, they have a national exclusive Commerce amongst themselves and with their Mother-Countries. St. Thomas, a Danish Settlement only, admits of a free general Trade. The French and Dutch Governors (perhaps by a private Instruction from their Courts at Home, and as a considerable Perquisite, do at Times allow, or connive at a foreign Importation of Necessaries (Provisions, Lumber, Horses, black Cattle, &c.) with which they cannot otherways be accomodated, and are much in Want of.
By Act of Parliament Anno 1698, no Vessels, unless registred in England, Ireland or the Plantations (by the Union, Scotland is included) upon Oath that they were built there (foreign Prizes are also qualified) and that no Foreigner is directly or indirectly concerned.
Plantation Produce or Goods as enumerated (commonly called enumerated Goods) by several Acts of Parliament, are not to be carried, but to Great-Britain; and Plantation Bonds are given, and a Certificate to be returned to the Officers of the Shipping Ports, of their being loaded accordingly. The enumerated Goods are naval Stores, viz. Pitch, Tar, Turpentine, Masts, Yards, and Bowsprihts; Sugars, Molasses, Cotton-Wool, Indigo, Ginger, Dying-Woods, Rice, Beaver, and other Furs, Copper Oar. Rice and Sugars by late Acts of Parliament, are indulged under certain Conditions (too long to be enumerated in a Summary) to be carried to certain foreign Parts: Logwood is not the Growth or Produce of our Plantations, and by the Construction of the Commissioners of the Customs, is exempted from being an enumerated Commodity, (as we have no Logwood the Growth of our Plantations) being imported from the [Page 219] Spanish West-Indies to our Colonies and re-exported to Europe.
By an Act of the Parliament of England Anno 1673, there are imposed Plantation-Duties (Produce carried from one Colony to another) upon certain enumerated Goods for a genera l national Use, not for the particular Colony. viz.
s. d. | d. | ||
Muscovado Sugars | 1.6 pr Ct. wt. | Tobacco | 1. pr lb. |
White Do. | 5. | Cotton half | 1. |
Ginger | 1. | Indigo | 2. |
Dying Woods | .6. | Coco Nuts | 1. |
that upon Tobacco has been appropriated to the College in Virginia at Williamsburg.
Our North America Trade to Great-Britain, is, the enumerated Commodities above mentioned, Pig Iron, and Fish Oil, sometimes Wheat and Staves to Ireland. To Spain, Portugal, and Italy, dry'd Cod-Fish. To the West-India Islands, Lumber, Refuse dry'd Fish, salt Beef and Pork, Butter; and Cheese, Flower, Horses and Live Stock, the Returns from the West-India Islands, are, Sugar, Molasses, Rum, Cotton, Indigo, Dye-Woods, Spanish Money, and Cocoa: Sugar, Rum, Tobacco, and Chocolate are much used in our Colonies.
Anno 1729 The Attorney and Solicitor General, gave it as their publick Opinion, that a Negro Slave coming to Europe, or baptized any where, does not make him free.
In our Colonies * Computations of all Kinds, Weights and Measures are the same as in England.
[Page 220]Our Settlements upon the Easterly Side of North-America, are much colder in Winter, and much hotter in Summer, than the same Latitudes, in the Westerly or European Side of the other vast Continent; the Globe of our Earth may be said to consist of two large Continents viz. the ancient Continent of Europe Asia and Africa, and the new Continent called America. Every Man who h [...]s resided some Time in Europe, and some Time in North America, is personally sensible of this: in Europe Northern Fisheries, for Instance, Cod and Salmon extend Southward to 51 d. N. Lat. in North-America they extend no further than 41 d. N. Lat.
Mariners observe, that in their Passages between Europe and America, Winds are † almost three Quarters of the [Page 221] Year Westerly; Baron Lahontan a Canada Officer writes, "That, the Winds from Canada to Europe are Easterly for about 100 Days in the Year, and Westerly about 260 Days:" This with an attending Westerly Swell or heaving of the Sea, is the Reason, that the Passages from North-America to Europe are much shorter than from Europe to North-America.
In North-America the dry freezing Winds are from North to West, in Europe the dry freezing Winds are from North to East; proceeding from that great Continent which receives and retains the Northern Effects of Cold, viz. Snow and Ice, laying to the Westward of America, and to the Eastward of Europe; the Current of Air gliding along, becomes more and more impregnated with the Cold, the Terms of frigorific Particles, or of a peculiar Salt of Nitre, I leave with the virtuoso idle notional Philosophers. The Situation of Lands occasions considerable Differences in the Temper of the Air; the Weather in Canada is generally in Winter colder (in Proportion to its Latitude) than in New-England, and more settled; as being surro [...]ed with Land of some Extent, and therefore the Land Influence from all Corners of the [Page 222] Winds, of the same Nature; whereas in New-England to the Eastward is Water or Sea of a very different Influence from the Land or Earth's specifick Gravity or Solidity in receiving or retaining Cold or Heat. By the Softness of the Vapour from the Water, the Sea-Shore is warmer than the Inland, the Sea warmer than the Shore, and the Ocean or deep Water warmer than the Sea: Thus the Island of Great-Britain and its appertaining Islands are much warmer in Winters than the adjacent Continent, but with this Inconveniency (a Digression) that this soft Vapour or Damp, disposes the Inhabitants to a catarrhous or colliquative Consumption; this Distemper, Time out of Mind, is recorded as an English Endemial Distemper. The Situation of the various Countries as to Islands, and Head-Lands, as to Variety of Soil, sandy Lands which retain the Heat, Morass, Swamps, and Wood-Lands which retain Damps; these a Summary cannot enumerate, with Regard to the Winds or Current of the Air and as to the Temper of the Air in our various Colonies.
Georgia excepted ( Nova-Scotia and Cape-Breton I do not call Colonies) our American Colonies have been no Charge to Great-Britain; a small Matter of Artillery to some of them must be acknowledged, but without Ammunition. The British Men of War or King's Station-Ships, of late, have been of no Use only by their Countenance: The Commanders are either indolent, or in Collusion with the Pursers (not long since they had the Perquisite of Pursers) take Advantage of the Provisions of the Non-effectives, connive at their Ships being ill man'd, and upon an Exigency or when called Home, distress the Trade by pressing Sailors: There are Exceptions, I shall only instance Sir PETER WARREN an assiduous, faithful, good, and therefore fortunate Man. Our Provinces have frequently grumbled upon this Account, and have lately made an Experiment by fitting out a Province-Frigate at a great Charge in Massachusetts Bay; but for these last two Years seem to be under the [Page 223] same Censure, where the Fault lies, I shall not, at present relate.
In all our Colonies are many good, industrious, frugal, pious, and moral Gentlemen; I hope the following, general Character of many of the Populace will give no Offence. 1. Idleness, Intemperance, Luxury in Diet, Extravagancies in Apparel, and an abandoned Way of Living. Our Planters, especially their Children, when they go Home to Great-Britain, distinguish themselves too much by their Dress, and expensive Way of Living for a short Time. 2. The People of all Colonies ( British, French, &c.) do not seem to have so much Solidity in thinking as in Europe; but exceed the European menu peuple, as to some little Tricks and Arts in Business acquired by Education, and a continued Practice. 3. By importing and expending too much of Superfluities from Europe; and in some Colonies by substituting a Paper-Currency, they impoverish themselves, and are under a Necessity of sending their Gold and Silver, as Returns, to Europe. 4. A present Profit prevails over a distant Interest.
To avoid Prolixity, but with Impatience, I must defer the Iniquity of a multiplied Plantation Paper Currency to the Appendix; it is of no Benefit only to the fraudulent Debtor, they are not ashamed to acknowledge that Equity and natural Justice, they ought to repay the same in real Value which they received; but they say, their Province Laws excuses and indemnifies them, by paying any nominal Value; and that the compassionate good Creditor, must blame himself for his Forbearance and long Credit, while Money is depreciating: That a multiplied Paper-Currency naturally depreciates it self, I shall at present only evince by the Instance of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, November 1747; where are about Two Millions, One Hundred Thousand Pounds current publick Bills of Credit not cancelled or burnt, whereof a small Matter is in the Hands of the Receivers of the Taxes; the Operation is, Bills of Exchange with Great-Britain are risen to the extravagant incredible Height of One Thousand [Page 224] Pound New-England, for One Hundred Pound Sterling.
Timber-Trees, especially White-Oaks for Ship-building, the best grow in New-England; further North they are dwarfish, and of an untoward Grain; further South they are spungy and soft, and do not afford compass Timber.
In Countries far North the Mould is light and spungy, being much distended by the hard long Frosts.
ARTICLE 3. The Ecclesiastical or Religious Constitution of the British Colonies in North-America.
IN all the Royal Patents and Charters of our Colonies, the principal Condition required of the Patentees, s [...]ems to be the Conversion of the Indians; and [...]he Crown on the other Part conditions for the Encouragement of Settlers, a free Profession or Liberty of Conscience: Therefore a * TOLERATION for all Christian Professions [Page 225] of Religion, is the true Ecclesiastical Constitution of our American Colonies; the † Roman Catholick only [Page 226] is excepted; the Nature of our Constitution, the horrid Principles of thatReligion, and at present the Popish Claims to our Royal Succ [...]ssion, can by no Means admit of it; the Papists of Maryland Pensylvania and Montserrat, seem to be too much indulged. By an Act of the English Parliament incorporated with the Act of Union of Scotland and England, Anno 1707; the Church of England is, and forever hereafter shall be the established Religion in the Territories belonging to England, viz. in the Plantations: Therefore, the Church of England is at present, and must continue in Perpetuity the established national Religion of the Plantations, being one of the fundamental Articles of the Union; Earl of I—lay a great Lawyer, upon a certain Occasion in a Speech in the House of Lords well observed, "That there were only two Articles of Union [...]alterable, viz. Those relating to Religion, and the Proportion of Taxes." Antecedent to Anno 1707 it seems that a general Toleration limited as above was the religious Establishment of our Colonies; 1. In thei [...] Charters and Grants, there is no Preference given to the Church of England. 2. The Act of Uniformity in the Beginning of Queen Elizabeth's Reign, was prior to the Colonies in America. 3. In the Act of Uniformity, Beginning of King Charles IId's Reign, are mentioned only "the Realm of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed." 4. By a late Act of the British Parliament for the naturulizing Foreigners in the Plantations; receiving the Sacrament in any Protestant Congregation is a Qualification; therefore it did not extend to the Plantations.
I know of no doctrinal * Difference between the Laity of the Church of England, and the Laity of the three [Page 227] Deno [...]nations of Protestant Dissenters; who are thus distinguished from other Dissenters, because they take out [Page 228] Licenses for their Meetings or religious Assemblies in England, I mean the Presbyterians, Independents, and Anabaptists ▪ these last at present seem to differ from the others only in the Manner and Age proper to receive Baptism. My being prolix in this Point, is designed not to dictate, but to contribute towards conciliating their Affections to one another; their doctrinal Religion is the same, their Establishment or legal Toleration the same; they differ only nominally, or in Denominations; if any of these Denominations should be angry with me, I give them this short anticipating Answer, I am independent and of no Party, but that of Truth.
The Differences in the Modes of BAPTISM are not essential; my Voucher is the Bishop of London our Diocesian, noted by his printed pious super-excellent Pastoral Letters; in a Letter to the Reverend Mr. Miles, a Rector of the Church of England in Boston, dated Fulham Sept. 3. 1724. ‘I have been informed within these few Days, by a Bishop who had a Letter from Boston, that some of the Ministers there, begin the Dispute about the Validity and Invalidity of Baptism; administred by Persons not episcopally ordained. This was advanced in England some Years ago, by the Nonjurors, Enemies of the Protestant Religion and present Government. The Bishops in Convocation then assembled, set forth a Paper, proving and declaring, that Baptism by Water in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, by what Hand soever administred or however irregular, is not to be repeated: This Doctrine, the great Patrons of our Church maintain'd against the [Page 229] Puritans in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King Iames I. Considering the Views wit [...] which this Doctrine has been lately advanced here, by the Nonjurors, if any Missionary shall renew this Controversy, and advance the same, I shall esteem him an Enemy to the Church of England, and the Protestant Succession, and shall deal with him accordingly.’ Dodwel carried this Affair of Baptism to a ridiculous Height, viz. That the Souls of Men were naturally mortal, but Episcopal Baptism makes them immortal.
The Differences in offering up their PRAYERS, to the Supreme Being are not essential; whether, 1. By Liturgy, a printed Form, called in the Church of England, Common Prayer. 2. Memoriter, though generally composed by some Directory, or Custom, or Habit; as amongst the three Denominations of Protestant Dissenters. 3. Random extempore Prayers of the Sober-minded; I do not mean the profane enthusiastick Prayers of New-Lights and others, which they impiously call, Praying as the Spirit shall give them Utterance; Inspirations are ceased▪ 4. Mental Prayers, these are called Qui [...]tists, such are th [...] English Quakers, the Dutch Mennists or Mennonites, the Spanish, French, and Italian Molinists, they are of Opinion that in our Devotions, we are to r [...]tire our Minds from all Exteriors, and sink into a pious Frame of Silence; that using of Words or attending to Words, interrupts Devotion, and they reduce all the Exercise of Religion to this Simplicity of Mind: In short, Quietists are of Opinion, that the great GOD ought to be adored in Silence and Admiration; that Words and Ceremonies divert true Devotion, to material Sounds and Objects. Our Quakers say, that their silent Meetings are the most edifying. A strict Uniformity in Religion does not people a Country, but depopulates, and particularly sends away the best of their People, the industrious peaceable conscientious Dissenters. The Revocation of the Edict of Nantz hurt France very much by sending away many of their best Ma [...]ufacturers [Page 230] and Artificers; to the great Benefit of Great-Britain and Holland, where an extensive compassionate charitable Toleration is established by Laws and Plakka [...]ts.
3. In our Colonies, People of all Religions are under the coercive Power of the Civil Government; therefore at present, any other Government in the several Denominations of Churches, might have the bad Effect of Imperium in Imperio, i. e. Confusion: In Fact, in our Plan [...]ations, at this Time, there is no real Provincial Church Government, and consequently do not differ in this Respect; the Bishop's Commissary is only a nominal Office; the annual Meetings of the Independant or Congregational Clergy, in Boston End of May at the Solemnity of the Election of a Provincial Council; and the yearly Pilgrimage of some Quakers, are only upon a laudable friendly Account. Perhaps a Superintendant of the Missionaries from the Society of 1701, might have a good Effect; with a Power, and Instructions, to remove Missionaries from one Station to another, as the Interest of propagating the Gospel might require. As an Historian, every Thing is in my Province. Some who do not understand Propriety of Characters, think, I ought not to mention the Clergy; but as a Writer of History, I cannot avoid it, without being reckoned deficient, and partial in the Affairs of the Clergy.
4. The Vestments of the Clergy are not to be faulted: They are not essential to Religion; all Communions seem to affect something peculiar in this Respect; the Gown, Cas [...]ock, Girdle, Rose, Surplice, &c. of the Church of England; the plain black Gown of the Officiating Clergy in Geneva, Switzerland, and Hugenots of France; the black Gown with Frogs in the Country Ministers of Scotland; the black Cloak of the Independants; the antiquated Habit of the Quakers, particularly of their Exhorters.
Perhaps, at present, many Religions, are so loaded with verbal Differences or Controversies, and with enthusiastick devotional Terms; that they are become an Affair not of Piety, Sincerity and Truth, but a Jumble of insignificant [Page 231] technical Words and Cant-Phrases: As formerly, instead of true solid Philosophy and natural History, there was in the Schools only a pedantick metaphysical Iargon, which by this Time has received a notable Reformation; so I doubt not, that Religion in Time may admit of the like Purity and Simplicity.
In Great-Britain there are three distinct Societies for propagating Christian Protestant Knowledge or Religion in foreign Parts, incorporated by Royal Charters.
1. Anno 1649. The Parliament of England, granted a Charter to a President and Society, for propagating the Gospel in New-England; at the Restoration it was laid aside, but by Sollicitation a newCharter was granted 14 Car. II. February 7, to a Society or Company for propagating the Gospel in New-England, and Parts adjacent in America, the Number of Members not to exceed 45, and the Survivers to supply Vacancies; they appoint Commissioners in New-England to manage Affairs there: This Charity has been helpful to some of the Preachers in New-England who have small Provision.
2. Anno 1709 by Charter there was established in Scotland a Society for propagating Christian Knowledge amongst the Highlanders; 4 Geor. I. their Charter was extended to all Infidel Countries beyond Seas; they have a considerable Fund, they have had a Missionary upon the New-England Western Frontiers, and another upon its Eastern Frontiers; the laborious Mr. Brainard, lately dead, was their Missionary amongst the Indians upon the Northern Frontiers of Pensylvania and the Iersies.
3. A Society for propagating the Gospel in foreign Parts, established by Charter Iune 16. Anno 1701, their certain Fund is very small, they depend upon Subscriptions and casual Donations; their subscribing and corresponding Members at present, are upwards of 5,000; in the American Colonies, near 60 Missionaries; their annual Expence exceeds 4,000 £. St. We may find by their Charter, by their annual Society-Sermons, and by the yearly Narratives of the Progress of thi [...] Society; [Page 232] that the principal Design is to propagate Christian Knowledge, that the Indians may come to the Knowledge of CHRIST; to preach the Gospel to the Heathen; the Care of the Indians bordering upon our Settlements, and such like Expressions: A secondary Design is, to officiate where there is no Provision, or only a small Provision for a Gospel Ministry. Many good Things were originally intended by this Charter, and doubtless the same good Intentions continue with the Society; but in all publick distant Affairs the Managers at Home may be imposed upon: here I beg Leave of the Missionaries, as an Historian to relate Matters of Fact; if any Missionary thinks that I deviate from the Truth, he may correct me, and I shall be more explicit and particular in the Appendix. The Remarks which I shall make at present are 1. The Missionaries do not concern themselves with the Conversions of the Indians or Heathen; the Missionaries of Albany in the Province of New-York, have at Times visited the Mohawks. 2. Instead of being sent to reside and serve th [...]ir Missions in our out Town new Settlements (where, in the Words of their Charter) "the Provision for Ministers is very mean, or are wholly destitute and unprovided of a Maintenance for Ministers, and the publick Worship of GOD," they are sent to the Capitals, richest, and best civilized Towns of our Provinces; as if the Design and Institution were only to bring over the tolerated sober, civilized Dissenters, to the Formality of saying their Prayers † Liturgy-Fashion. In the Colony of Rhode-Island, discreet able Missionaries are requisite.
The British Missionaries of the three distinct Societies, are much d [...]ficient, when compared with the Missionaries of other Nations amongst the Heathen. 1. For many [Page 233] Years last past, we have frequent Accounts of many numerous Conversions of the Heathen in the East-Indies by the Danish Christian Protestant Missionaries▪ which not only propagates our Christian Religion, but i [...] a political View brings over the Aborigines and secures them in a national Interest. 2. The French Missionaries in Canada are indef [...]tigable, and thereby serve the Interest of France, equally with that of Christianity. 3. The Popish Missionaries in China from several European Nations, by their Mathematical Ingenuity, and their Omnia Omnibus, have been very useful to Christianity.
A DIGRESSION Concerning the Settling of Colonies in general; with an Utopian Amusement, or loose Proposals, towards regulating the British Colonies in the North Continent of America.
It is a common but mistaken Notion, that sending abroad Colonies, weakens the Mother-Country: Spain is generally adduced for the Instance; but Spain being ill peopled does not proceed from thence, it is from their native Sloth, from driving all the Moors out of that Country, from a rigorous Inquisition in religious Affairs, from vast Numbers of Friers and Nuns who do not labour, and who are not allowed to propagate their Species, for this Reason, and from the Popes being Landlords only for Life; the Popes Dominions in Italy are almost desolate of People, but not from sending out of Colonies; they have no Colonies.
[Page 234]The Grandeur of Phoenicea, Greece, and Rome, was much owing to their Colonies; they made no Complaints of their Colonies depopulating their respective Mother-Countries. The many and large Dutch Colonies in the East Indies, do not depopulate Holland, but are the chief Foundation of their Wealth. How vastly rich, must France have been in a very short Time, if the good Cardinal Flury's Scheme of Trade and Colonies had been followed, in place of their idle Romantick Land-Conquests in Europe.
The People sent f [...]om Great-Britain and their Progeny make vastly more profitable Returns, than they could possibly have done by their Labour at Home: I do not m [...]an Idlers and Soldiers sent only for the Defence of unnecessarily multiplied Colonies; this seems to be bad Policy, by exhausting their Mother-Country both of Men and Money. If any neighbouring foreign Settlement becomes noxious, let us demolish or dismantle it, when in our Power; and prevent, by Treaty or Force any future Settlement; this will be sufficient and profitable.
The Nations of Great-Britain are not a numerous People, and therefore cannot swarm so much (in Allusion to Bees) as some other Countries of Europe: We have found and do practice two considerable Expedients, to supply this Defect. 1. Importing and naturalizing of Foreigners; witness the late incredible Growth of the Province of Pensylvania, from the Importation of Palatines and Strasb [...]rghers from Germany. By an Act of P [...]rliament, any Foreigners who after the 1st of Iuly 1740▪ shall reside in any of his Majesty's Colonies seven Years or more, without being absent above two Months at a Time from the Colonies, and shall bring a Certificate of his having received the Sacrament within three Months in some Protestant Congregation, and of taking the Oaths to the Government before a Justice, and registering the same, shall be deem'd as natural-born Subject. By an Act of Parliament 1740, every foreign Seaman who shall after 1st Ian. 1739, 40, have served during the War, on board [Page 235] any British Man of War, Merchant Ship, or Privat [...]er for two Years, shall be deem'd a natural born Subject of Great-Britain, and shall enjoy all Privileges as an actual Native of Great-Britain with some Exceptions as to Offices of Trust. 2. Importing and employing of Slaves from Africa ▪ in the West-India or Sugar-Islands, and in the Southern District of the British Colonies in North-America, they are about 300,000, at the Charge of about 30 s. St. per An. per Head: These Negro Slaves are employed in the Produce of all our Sugars, Tobacco, Rice, and many other valuable Commoditi [...]s.
The Discouragements and Hindrances of the Growth of our Plantations, which require to be remedied, are all IMPRESSES, because hitherto our Plantations have no spare Hands. 1. Inlisting of Landmen as Soldiers to serve without their several Provinces or Colonies: All the Colonies want more People, and Whites, Natives of America, do not well bear Transplantation; of the two Companies sent from Massachusetts-Bay in New-England many Years ago for the Relief of Iamaica, not above 5 or 6 returned; of the 500 Men sent to Cuba Expeditions, not exceeding 50 Men returned; of the 4000 Men Voluntiers upon the Expe [...]ition to Louis [...]ourg, o [...]e Half died of Sicknesses; and they who returned, came Home with a Habit of Idleness, and generally consumed more than they earned, and consequently were worse than dead: Inlistments to be allowed only occasio [...]a [...]y in Case [...] of Invasions or Insurrections in the neighbouring Provinces. 2. Impressing of Seamen for the Servi [...] of the Navy, this prevents the Increase of Shipping and Seamen in the Colonies, and occasionally makes Ri [...]s and dangerous Tumults; out of many Instances I shall mention one which lately happened at Boston in New-England, Nov. 17. Anno 1747, Commodore † Knowles made a general Imp [...]ss [Page 236] in a most illegal, unprecedented Manner, seized, or rather in the Night Time in Surprize by his Press-Gangs STOLE [Page 237] away Ship-Builders Apprentices, and whole Crews of Ships, not only outward bound but actually cleared out, [Page 238] without leaving any of his own People on Board to take Care of the Ships and Merchants Interest: This naturally occasioned a considerable Tumult; the Rioters seized the Sea-Officers that the Commodore had imprudently left ashore, by Way of Reprizals, but used them well; the Commodore threatned, and did actually make some Advan [...]es with his Fleet towards the Town of Boston, to bombard it or land his Men there (doubtless if he had arrived to the Point of putting this furious Madness in Execution, his Officers would have confined him as a Maniack) but this Paroxysm abated, and he returned a few [Page 239] of the impressed Men: Such a dangerous Experiment might have occasioned a general * Insurrection o [...] the Province.
The impressing of Seamen has in Part been redressed by a late Act of Parliament. There had long subsisted a Dispute between the Admiralty, and the Trade, concerning the impressing of Sailors: The first insisted that, Commanders of Privateers, and Masters of Merchant-Men, did encourage Desertion from his Majesty's Ships of War by entertaining and hiring Deserters; the Merchants complain'd of the great Hardships upon Trade and Navigation, from the arbitrary unreasonable Impress of Hands by indiscreet Captains and Commanders: To accommodate this Affair the Parliament of Great-Britain [Page 240] in their Wisdom passed an Act Anno 1746, that Privateers or Merchant-Men harbouring Deserters from the King's Ships, should forfeit 50 £. St. per Man; and any Officer of a Man of War impressing any Sailor (Deserters excepted) on Shore or on Board should pay 50 £. St. for each Man impressed. This Act is only in Relation to the Sugar-Island Colonies; it might easily when in Agitation have been extended to the Continent Colonies of North-America by proper Application of their several Agents; in a particular Manner New-England claimed this Exemption (if their Agents had had that Address, Interest, Vigilancy and Assiduity which their Duty required) by having lately suffered so much in their Persons and Purses by a voluntary Expedition in Favour of their Mother-Country against Louisbourg: I am apt to think that being too forward beyond our natural Abilities, may give the Ministry at Home some Reason to imagine, that New-England is so encreased in People, as to have many Idlers to spare; as appears by their Order for two Regiments of Soldiers (or 2000 Men) from hence, in Addition to the Garrison of Louisbourg: At present I hope the Ministry are convinced that New-England can not spare Idlers sufficient to make one Regiment compleat. I speak for the Interest of the Country, and impartially in general, my Interest being in that Country some may wrongly think that I am partial.
Before the Plantation or Colony-Trade took Place, the Trade of England consisted only in the Exportation of some Lead, Tin, Leather, Grain, and Wool; by Colonies our Trade and Navigation is vastly improved; Cromwell and the Rump-Parliament, had good Notions of Trade in general, and particularly of the Plantation-Trade; they had a Scheme to bring the Dutch to Reason, for some Outrages they had done us in our Spice-Trade and other Affairs, but the subsequent Reigns of the indolent Charles II, and of the Popish-Priest-Rid Iames II, were great Damps. The Addition which the Factories and Colonies have made to our Trade and Navigation [Page 241] is immense, viz. The India Trade, Fur and Skin Trade, Cod-Fishery and Fish-Oil, Naval Stores, Tobacco, Rice, Sugar and other West-India Island Produce. Besides theProfits they afford to the Planters, Merchants and Navigation Owners; they yield great Branches of Revenue, to the publick Treasury, the East-India Trade about 300,000 £. St. per An. Tobacco 200,000 £. St. Sugars 150,000 £. St. &c.
In multiplying of Colonies there are Boundaries which to Advantage cannot be exceeded; thus our Sugar-Colonies produce as much Sugar as we can vent to Profit, the same may be said of Rice, and perhaps of Tobacco; if we increase in these, their Prices at Market from their Plenty must fall, and not yield a sufficient Profit.
The Regulations in the Colony-Trade, ought to be altered according as Circumstances of Time, &c. may require, for Instance, seeing by an Arret of the Council of State 1726, the French Colonies are allowed to carry their Produce directly to other Ports of Europe, but the Vessels to return directly to the Ports of France from whence they set out; therefore Great-Britain seems to be under a Necessity to take off all Enumerations (that of Sugar and Rice is lately in Part taken off) but that the Vessels which carry Plantation-Goods to foreign Ports, shall clear out from Great-Britain, before they return to the Plantations, this would prevent their carrying foreign Goods to our Plantations directly, and would maintain the proper Dependency of the Colonies upon their Mother-Country.
The Utopian Amusement.
I shall conclude the general History of the British North-America Colonies, being the first Part of our Summary; by a Scheme for the better regulating these Colonies: It is not to be expected that such considerable Alterations, are to be made, and therefore may be called an idle Scheme; but, perhaps, it may give some Hints, towards rectifying several Things, which much require Emendations.
[Page 242]By the general Patent of King Iames I. Anno 1606, t [...]e Sea-Line of the English North-America, at that Time called North and South Virginia, was to have been divided into Colonies 147 of 100 Miles square, being for each Colony, 100 Miles upon the Sea; but this Patent was soon vacated, and the proposed Divisions did not take Place: Afterwards Royal Grants were made at sundry Times, to various Grantees of single Persons or Communities, of different Humours and Views; so that Boundaries (the Countries not being well explored, Instance, Merimack River with Relation to the Boundaries of Massachusetts-Bay and New-Hampshire Colonies) were uncertain, and their Constitutions different. The Colonies at this Time are arrived to a State of consider [...]ble Maturity, and the Conveniences and Inconveniences of the Politia or Polity of the several Colonies are now apparent; perhaps it would be for the Interest of the Na [...]ions of Great-Britain, and for the Ease of the Ministry or Managers at the Court of Great-Britain, to reduce them to some general Uniformity; referring to their several General Assemblies or Legislatures, the raising of Taxes and appropriating the same, with the Affairs relating to their different or sundry Produces and Trade; these may be called their municipal Laws.
Previously, at the Court of Great-Britain, there may be constituted A BOARD OF TRADE AND PLANTATIONS for Direction; to be composed of Gentlemen returned Home who have formerly been Governors of Colonies, Iudges of Vice Admiralty, Consuls at foreign Ports of Trade, Commodores who have served some Time in Plantation-Stations, Surveyor-Generals and Collectors of the Customs in the Colonies, Planters, Merchants and Factors who follow the Plantation Trade: Some few of these may have Sallaries, and obliged to a close Attendance; the others may be honorary, and with equal Power of Management when present: The Agents (they are properly their Attorneys) of the Colonies to attend when called upon.
[Page 243]This Board being constituted, their first Business may be to compose a Draught of a Body of general Laws for all the Plantations (it may be called the MAGNA CHARTA OF THE BRITISH COLONIES IN AMERICA) by perusing the present Law-Books of the several Colonies, and from their own personal Experience and Observation, with the Assistance of the Attorney and Solicitor-General, or of some other eminent Lawyers. This Draught of general Laws for the Plantation to be laid before the British Parliament for their Approbation, and to be passed into a publick Act of Parliament; in Process of Time, and as Things may require, subsequent Parliaments may make Additions and Amendments. All these general Laws may be comprised in † one Pocket Volume.
Some of these Plantation general Laws may relate to the following Articles.
I. Property shall permanently remain as at present and tranferable according to Law, with a Clause for quieting Possessions.
Proprietary and Charter-Governments to be vacated for Equivalents, either in Money, or [...] furth [...] [...] of Land-Property, and all Governments of the Co [...]onies to be vested in the Crown. *
[Page 244]The Government of all the Northern American Continent Colonies being thus in the Crown; that Country may at the Pleasure of the Court of Great-Britain, be divided into sundry Governments more uniform, equal, and convenient for the Attendance of Persons concerned in their Provincial Courts, than at present; without any Damage or Infraction of † Property; moreover, the several Colonies will be more adequate Checks upon one [Page 245] another in Cases of Mutiny or Insurrections. The several Colonies as at present are at length and with much Difficulty become well-bounded and distinguished (the Line between Maryland and Pensylvania excepted) and therefore without any Trouble may be reduced into the following Governments.
- 1. Nova-Scotia.
- 2. Sagadahock, Province of Main, and New-Hampshire.
- 3. Massachusetts-Bay.
- 4. Rhode Island, and Connecticut.
- 5. New-York, and New-Iersies.
- 6. Pensylvania, and the three lower Counties upon Delaware River.
- 7. Maryland.
- 8. Virginia.
- 9. North Carolina.
- 10. South Carolina.
- 11. Georgia.
Hudson's-Bay is not a Colony, and consists only of very much separated small Factories or Lodges, at the Mouths of some considerable Rivers, where the Indians in their Canoes come to trade with Furs and Skins. Newfoundland is not a Colony, but only a Number of good Harbours for curing of Cod-Fish; the Soil is good for nothing.
As the Country and Rivers are now well explored and known, if the Colonies were to be new-modelled, they might be more distinctly bounded as follows.
Nova-Scotia, which is bounded by the River and Gulph of St. Laurence, by the Atlantick Ocean, and Bay of Fundi, shall be further bounded by Boundary, No. 1. being St. Iohns River, &c.
[Page 246]In the Boundaries of the several Colonies according to this Scheme, I mean a due true Course, but not according to Compass or Magnetick Needle, because of the continued irregular progressive Variations.
1. St. Iohns River from its Mouth up to — N. Lat. and thence in a Course true North to St. Laurence River, called Canada River.
2. Sagadahock Entrance and up Quenebec River to N. Lat. — and then North to the River of St. Laurence.
3. Up Merrimack River to its Fork in N. Lat.— near Endicot's Tree, and thence North to St. Laurence River.
4. Up Connecticut River to — N. Lat. and thence North to the River of St. Laurence.
5. Up Hudson's River to the Carrying-Place to Woodcreek, by Woodcreek and the drowned Lands to Lake Champlain, by Lake Champlain and down the River Chamblai [...] to St. Laurence River.
6. Up Delaware-Bay and River to N. Lat. —, and thence North to Lake Ontario.
7. Up Chesapeak-Bay and Sesquahana River to N. Lat. — and thence North to Lake Ontario.
8. Up Chowan Sound and Roanoke River to — Long. West from London, and thence due West to the Apalatian Mountains, or further West to the River Misissippi.
9. Up Wi [...]ea-Bay and Peddie River to — W. Long. and thence West to the Apalatian Mountains or further to the River of Misissippi.
10. Up the Savanna River to — W. Long. and thence West to the Apalatian Mountains, or further to the great River Misissippi.
11. Finally, is the New Utopian Colony of Georgia, which may extend South and West indefinitely.
Islands in the dividing Bays and Rivers may be annexed in whole to one of the adjoining Provinces, or partly to one and partly to the other.
II. In each Colony or Province, there may be a Legislature for raising of Taxes, and for appropriating the [Page 247] same to the sundry Articles of the Charges of Government, and for enacting of Municipal Laws, adapted to the peculiar Circumstances of the Colony, to be sent Home (if for any considerable Period) for Approbation▪ If presented and not disallowed by the King in Council after — Time, such Plantation Laws, shall be deem'd good, as if ratified.
The Legislatures may consist of three Negatives:
1. The Governour with Advice of the King's or Governour's Council † appointed by the Crown, with Recommendation of the Board of Trade and Plantations; this may be called the King's Negative.
2d Negative may be some particular hereditary Lords of large Manors (v. g. Renslaer, Livingston, Beekman in New-York Government) appointed by Royal Patents: The Qualifications may be a Land Estate in constituted Townships or Parishes, not less than three thousand Acres, and who shall pay at least — £. Ster. value in every thousand Pound Province Rate; something of this Nature was designed in the beginning of Carolina Settlement. These Patricii or hereditary Optimates will be a Credit to the Country, and may be called the Upper House of Assembly. Those Lands to be in tail general, that is to Femal [...]s in defect of Males (while in Females that Vote lies dormant, until a Male the Issue of this Female shall appear) indivisible and unalienable: This seems to be consonant to the second Negative in the Parliament of Great Britain.
3d Negative is the Representatives of the common People from their several Districts; and may be called the Lower House of Assembly, or the Commons House of [Page] Assembly. At present they are variously represented, a [...] may appear in the following Sections, concerning the several Colonies. Perhaps a general Uniformity might be exped [...]ent, that is, two o [...] more Representatives from each County, and two Representatives from each Shire Town: The Qualification for the Electors to be 40 s per Annum Sterling Value of Freehold, or 50 £. Sterling Value Principal in any Estate Real or Personal; the Qualification of the Elected, Representative or Deputy to be — per An. Land Rent, or — principal Estate of any Kind clear of all Incumbrances. As the Representatives of Counties and Towns are not elected as Agents for these Counties or Townships at the General Court, but as their Quota of the Commons Representation in the Province; when they find a Person well qualified in Knowledge and Honesty though not a Town Resident (in the out Townships it cannot be supposed that the Residents or Settlers do understand much of State-Policy Affairs) they may have the Privilege of electing that Person though a * Non-Resident, but with some natural Interest of Freehold in the County or Townships.
As upon frivolous Occasions Disputes sometimes happen between the several Negatives; and thereby their General Assemblies spend much idle Time, attended with extraordinary Charge, and Delay of Business: Therefore in Times of Peace, they shall not sit at one Session exceeding — 153 Days; which will oblige the Representatives of the People to a quicker Dispatch of Business, and will prevent the Governours from forcing them into his own interested Measures, by an inconvenient long Attendance.
As in some Colonies, their Assemblies have refused or [Page 249] neglected for some Years following, to supply the ordinary Charges of their Governments: therefore if such a Neglect happen in any Colony for two Years running, the Board of Trade and Plantations shall be impowered to tax that Colony, and make an Assessment in Proportion to some former Assessment, and the usual or last chosen Collectors and Constables be obliged to collect the same, and carry it into their respective Treasuries, to be applied as the said Board shall direct, but for the Use of the Charges of the particular Colony, and for no other Use.
III. RELIGION. "For the greater Ease and Encouragement of the Settlers, there shall for ever hereafter be a Li [...]erty of Conscience (this is in the Words of the Charter of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay) allowed in the Worship of GOD, to all Christians, * Papists excepted;" and without any peculiar religious Qualifications for Offices. As the Church of England by the Articles of Union is the national Church of all the British Plantations, their Ministers must be licensed by their Diocesian; but all other Communities, their Places for religious Worship, may be licensed by the Quarter Sessions and registr [...]d. Upon any Complaints in Cases of Life or Doctrine of the Ministers, the Quarter Sessions may appoint some knowing discreet Ministers of the Gospel in the Neighbourhood (this is a Jury of their Peers) to enquire into the Matter, and make a Report of their Opinion to the Quarter Sessions. Preachers and Exhorters † not licensed by the Quarter Sessions, who shall intrude without the Invitation or Consent of Town or Parish Minister (as by their Noise and Nonsense they may alienate the Minds of weak People from their own settled Ministers) shall be [Page 250] deemed as Fortune-Tellers, idle and disorderly Persons, Vagrants and Vagabonds. That the Parsons of the Church of England, and the Ministers of the tolerated Communities be enjoined to live in exemplary Charity and † Brotherhood. That their Pulpit Discourses may principally relate to Things which do not fall within the Cognizance of the municipal Laws; to preach up Industry, and Frugality; to preach down Idleness, a dissolute Life, and Fraud; never to intermeddle in Affairs of State; no Pulpit Invectives against tolerated religious Sects, that as Dr. Swist humourously expresses it, "Their religious Zeal having no Vent by their Tongues, may be turned into the proper Channel of an exemplary Life.
IV. JUDICATORIES. That in the several Colonies, the Legislatures or General Assemblies, may have a Power to erect Judicatories for Crimes capital or not capital; for Pleas real, personal, or mixt; and to elect Judges and Justices not annually or durante Beneplacito, but for Life, or Quamdiu se bene Gesserint; and when by Reason of Age in the Judges, their intellectual Faculties become languid, [Page 251] and their Memories fail; they may be allowed a certain yearly Pension; thus these Gentlemen will make the Law their Delight, Study, and only Business; and be under no Temptation of being mercenary to provide for a rainy Day. It must always be supposed that the Officers of the Court of Vice-Admiralty, the Officers from the Board of Customs, and the Surveyors of the Woods or Masting-Trees, are to be appointed by the Court of Great-Britain; the Justices of the general Sessions of the Peace, of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, of the Superior Court of Judicature, Assize and general Jail-Delivery, and of Probates to be elective in the several Provinces. That Appeals from the Colonies shall be to a Court of Delegates being a Committee of the Board of Trade and Plantations; and from thence in Cases of great Consequence to the House of Lords in Great-Britain, the dernier Resort of all Justice for the Dominions of Great-Britain, which is a Court of Law and Equity in it self, as all other Courts of Judicature ought to be. *
The four principal Executive Offices ought to be in four * distinct Persons or Boards. 1. The Governor with his Council. 2. The Chancery. 3. The Iudges of the Superior Court of Common Pleas. And 4. The Iudge of Probate of Wills and granting of Administration.
As an Estate Qualification, the Judges of Probates and Judges of the Superior Courts, shall have a clear Estate of any Sort, above what will discharge all Incumbrances; paying — in every Thousand Pound Tax: Inferior Judges and Justices of the Quarter Sessions a like Estate [Page 252] paying — in every Thousand Pound Colony or Province Tax.
Some Regulations to prevent Delay of Justice, that Cases may speedily be brought to Issue and Execution; some Exception may be made in Cases, where are concerned, Infants, femme couverte, Non-compos, and Persons beyond Sea [...]. In all the Ports, a Court Merchant, for the summary Dispatch or Recovery of Debts belonging to Strangers and transient Traders.
That the real Estate of Intestates † be indivisible, and go to the next in Kin.
V. TO ENCOURAGE THE GROWTH OF THE COLONIES. No Person shall be carried out of the respective Colonies, or required to march, without their own Consent, or by a particular Resolve of their Legislature, no Levies of Lands Men for Soldiers, excepting in Cases of foreign Invasions, great Incursions of the Indians, or general Insurrections in any of the Colonies: These ‖ Levies [Page 253] to be in certain Proportions or Quotas for each Colony, to be settled from Time to Time, according to their proportional Growths by the Board of Trade and Plantations. No Impress of Sailors, it hinders the Growth of their Trade and Navigation, the Profits center in the Mother-Country; Impresses may occasion Tumults and Mutinies in the Colonies, a noted Instance we have from that rash unprecedented Impress * at Boston New-England by Commodore Knowles, Nov. 17. 1747. 2. Importing and naturalizing [Page 254] of Foreigners conform to two Acts of Parliament, An. 1740, see P. 234; naturalized Foreigners are [Page 255] not to settle in separate peculiar Districts, but intermixedly with the original British, see Page 209. Papists or Nonjurors, shall register their Names and Estates.
[Page]VI. PUBLICK SCHOOLS AND HOSPITALS. For the Education of Youth, there shall be one publick School or more in each Township or District, for teaching of reading English, Writing, and Arithmetick: In each Shire Town a Grammar School for the learned dead Languages of Greek and Latin, for Hebrew Roots Recourse may be had to the Divinity Colleges; the Masters of the Town and Country Schools to be approved of by the Quarter Sessions: In each Province, a Schola illustris, or College, for what are called Arts and Sciences, to be regulated by the Legislatures: And near the Center of the North-America Continent Colonies (therefore not in Bermudas, Dr. Barclay's Scheme) an University or Academy to be regulated by the Board of Plantations, to initiate young Gentlemen in the learned Professions of Divinity, Law and Medicine; in the modern, commercial and travelling Languages of Frenc [...] Spanish and Dutch; in other curious Sciences of Mathematicks, Belles Lettres, &c, and [Page 257] Gentleman Exercises of riding the great Horse, Fencing and Dancing; from School to College, from College to Travel, and from Travel into Business, are the Gradations of a liberal Education, but for Want of Effects the Link of Travel is frequently wanting.
In every Shire-Town there shall be a Work House, to oblige and habituate Idlers to some Work: It is a better Charity to provide Work for the idle Poor, than to feed them; as also an Alms-House for the aged, infirm, and incurable Poor of the County: But ‡ principally and especially, an Orphan-House for poor Children; where Parents are dead or unable to provide for their Children, these Children become Children of the Common-Wealth, not to be brought up to * idle Learning (Reading and Writing excepted) but to Trades and Labour: Generally these poor Children may be bound to proper Masters, as Apprentices or Servants, the Boys to 21 Aet. the Girls to 18 Aet. by the County Courts, or by three Justices Quorum Unus.
VII. ‖ TO ENCOURAGE TRADE AND NAVIGATION IN [Page 258] THE COLONIES. 1. All Enumerations be taken off, excepting upon such Commodities, that are the peculiar Produce of our Plantations, and which no foreign Nation can purchase of any other Nation. 2. As * Animosities sometimes happen between Colonies, from the mutual imposi [...]g of high Duties upon the mutual Importation or Exportation of Goods, which may tend to alienate their mutual Affections, and may prevent or much obstruct a very useful national Intercourse amongst the Colonies: Therefore no such Colony-Duties shall be imposed, but by special Acts of Parliament. 3. That all †Combinations and Agreements, between Workmen concerning Wages▪ &c. shall be unlawful: That the Employer shall pay the full Prices agreed on, in Money, not in Goods, or by Way of Truck, with certain Penalties. 4. That the Legislatures in each Colony, may make their own ‖ municipal or local Laws. 5. That the Governors of the several Colonies or Provinces, shall have their Salaries out of the Civil List from Home, but shall have no Salaries, or Gratuities from the respective Assemblies; it has happened at Times in all our Colonies, that some designing evil Men, having obtained a wicked Majority in the Assembly have thus biassed and corrupted their Governours. 6. When Townships exceed 500 legal Voters for a Town-Meeting; the Legislature, or the Governour with his [Page 259] Council, may appoint a certain ‖ Number for Life, or Number of Years, of the most knowing, discreet, and substantial Men of the Town, to act in every Thing, in Place of a general Town-Meeting; excepting in Elections of Representatives or Deputies for the General Assembly; in every Township all Papists to register their Names and Estates. 7. That all Vessels, those from Great-Britain not excepted, be liable to Tunnage or Powder-Money, it being towards the Protection of their Trade and Navigation. 8. That no Man (even with his own Consent) shall be inlisted in actual Land or Sea-Service under 20 Aet. nor above 52 Aet; this is conform to a late Act of Parliament, for enlisting Marine Soldiers.
VIII. TAXES. The different Nature of the several Colonies, will not admit of any general Taxations; therefore the various Taxes must be local, adapted to the Conveniencies of each Colony; here I shall only observe, 1. That in these Colonies (in North-Carolina there is no other Tax) where there is a Poll-Tax upon all Male Whites from 16 Aet. and upwards, it seems not equitable that a Chimney-Sweeper or the meanest of the People should pay as much (as at present in Massachusetts-Bay) as a Counsellor or Prime Merchant; the People ought to be classed and pay in Proportion, according to their Rank and Substance, 2. That as Wines and Spirits are not the Necessaries of Life (and therefore Hardship upon the Poor, is not in the Case) there may be a considerable Impost or Custom upon this Importation, and where Spirits are manufactured (for Instance Rum in Boston) an Excise at the Still Head. Thus private Tippling Houses that pay no Excise, will have no Advantage over the licensed Houses; upon Exportation to draw back the Duties of Impost or Excise. 3. That there be a License-Tax upon all Taverns, Inns, and other publick Houses of that Nature. 4. A * sumptuary [Page 260] Excise or Duty upon Extravagancies used in Diet or Apparel, excepting upon Materials that are the Produce or Manufacture of Great-Britain. 5. As vexatiou [...] Suits in Law, are a great Nuisance in all Countries; and the smaller the † Charges of Courts, the greater is the Encouragement to such Suits: Therefore there shall be a stamp Duty upon all Writings or Instruments used in Law-Affairs. Whereas Appeals from one Court to another are generally vexatious, no Appeal to be allowed, unless the Appellant ‡ deposite — Sum of Money; if the Appellant is cast, this Money to be applied towards the Charges of the Province or County. 6. In the Affair of ‖ Rates as in Great-Britain, the principal Gentlemen of the County in the Land-Tax Act are nominated as Commissioners for the County, whereof but a very few are acting: In the Plantations the Justices of the Quarter Sessions in the Counties seem to be the proper Commissioners to appoint Assessors in each Parish of the most substantial Men; and in Cases of Grievance, Appeals in first Instance may be made to the Quarter Sessions.
IX. * That for the Benefit of the British Trade and Navigation more especially with Regard to the American [Page 261] Colonies, and Factories in Africa, the East Indies, and China: And for the better adjusting the Boundaries of the Colonies or Grants in North-America, there shall be fitted out at certain Periods of Years by the Board of Admiralty or Navy Board, a few small Vessels, such as are th [...] Man of War Snows called Sloops, with able Observers or Mathematicians, [Page 262] and a proper Apparatus; in different Routs along the Seas of Trade, TO OBSERVE THE VARIATIONS for the Time being; and to reduce them, to a general Chart of Variations, in Imitation of the Ch [...]rt (the first of that Kind) for Anno 1700, delineated by the ingenious, assiduous, learned, and of blessed Memory Dr. Halley; from his own Knowledge and Observations, from the good Accounts of others, and from the Analogy of the whole; it was soon cavil'd [...]t by our Competitors the French Academicians and Navigators; but afterwards conceded to and applauded by the French * Academicians. In these Voyages, when on Shore by observing the Eclipses of Iupiter's Moons, and of our Moon when to be had, they may adjust the † Longitudes, and other Requisites of Places. The other Nations of Commerce, particularly France and Holland may do the same at a publick Charge, [Page 263] thus by Means of so many Checks, we may attain from Time to Time some Certainty as to the Variations; this insensibly brings me to a Digression.
A Digression concerning the Magnetick Needle, commonly called the Mariner's Compass.
That the MAGNET or Loadstone attracted Iron, was known to the highest Antiquity in Record: But the Polarity of an Iron Rod or Wire, touched by a Magnet and afterwards poised, was not observed until the 13th Century of the Christian Aera. The Mariners Compass is said to have been first used in Italy (the principal Place of Traffick in those Days) Anno 1301. Cab [...]t a Ve [...]etian makes the first Mention Anno 1544 of the Variation or Deflection of the Magnetick Meridian from a true Meridian, various in various Places. Gasse [...]di about a Century and half since, discovered that this Declination of the Needle in each particular Place, in Process of Time, had some Variation. It is not long since that the Dip of the Needle, various in various Places; and the Variation of this dip Variation in the same Place, has been discovered: A Needle poised before it is touched, upon the Magnetick Touch, its North Point with us dips from a Horizontal Position; for Instance, Anno 1723 Mr. George Graham in London observed it to dip 75 d; he observes, the stronger the Touch, the greater the Dip: This Needle must be afterwards properly loaded to bring it again to an horizontal Poise to serve in the Compass. As the Variations of the Dip are at present of no Use in Navigation, therefore having no Relation to our History of the British American Colonies, we drop them.
Magnetism is some Power in Nature, hitherto inexplicable, as are Gravity and Electricity; whereby a Loadstone (an Iron Ore or Mineral) draws to it self Loadstone or Iron. No interposed Body can hinder this Influence or Attraction; a large Magnet broken to Pieces, each [...]rustum or Fragment, retains the Attraction and Polarity▪ [Page 264] Steel is more receptive and retentive of Magnetism than common Iron. The North Poles of touched Needles do not attract but repel one another, and attract South Poles: Likewise South Poles do not attract bu [...] [...]epel South Poles. If the different Directions of the Magnetick Needle were permanent for the same Place, it might be imagined to proceed from different Accumulations of Magnetick Matter in these different Parts of the Earth. Halley's amusing Fancy, that the Globe of the Earth was one great Magnet, with two contain'd Nuclei (which humorously may be term'd Wheels within a Wheel) whose four Poles are different from those of the Earth, and from one another; and in Case a third Line of no Variation should be discovered in the South Seas (which he seems to suspect from the Accounts, Anno 1670, of Sir Iohn Narborough, of the Variation upon the West Coast of South-America decreasing very fast) he was to introduce a third Nucleus: These Nuclei he supposes detached from the Earth and from one another, and to have a circulatory or libratory Motion, equal or inequal, according as the Solution of the Phaenomina might require; but this pleasant Novel does in no Manner account for the Irregulaties in the Variations, as hereafter related; and until by future Observations they be reduced to som [...] Rules, it seems in vain to attempt any Hypothesis.
Dr. Halley upon his Return from his long Voyages, delineated the Variations as they were Anno 1700 in all the Oceans and Seas, the Pacifick Ocean excepted, from 58 d. N. Lat. to 58 d. S. Lat; Delisle delineates the Variations 20 d. further N. than Halley. This Chart of Halley's being the first of its Kind, will perpetuate his Memory better than Brass or Marble, and will be a permanent Credit to our British Nation. Since Dr. Halley's Chart of Variations for Anno 1700, near half a Century is elapsed, which has produced great Alterations in the Variations, seeing Halley's Atlantick and Ethiopick Line of no Variation, in about the Space of a Century from 1600 to 1708, had moved (it passed Anno 1600 by Cape Agulhas, the [Page 265] Southernmost Cape of Africa, by the Morea, and the North Cape of Europe, in N. Lat. 71 d. 24 m. and 22 d. 10 m. E. Long. from ‖ London) by its North Parts thro' Vienna Anno 1638, through Paris Anno 1666, Westward in all about 1400 Leagues, and by its South Parts only about 500 Leagues.
The Anomalies or Bizarreries of the Variations, are unaccountable, and no Length of Time or Series of Years is likely to bring them to a Mean.
1. The Variations for the same Place, sometimes have a direct progressive Motion but unequally, sometimes are stationary, and sometimes retrograde: I shall instance the Variations at Paris for about a Century and three Quarte [...]s of a Century; Anno 1580 the Variation was 11 and half d. E. Anno 1666 no Variation, is at a Medium about 8 m. per An. Anno 1715 Variation was 12 d. 30 m. W. for that Interval, is about 14 m. per An. from that Time to Anno 1720 it was generally retrograde; from 1720 Variation about 13 d. W. for five Years it was strictly stationary; from Anno 1725 it was at a Medium directly increasing or progressive to Anno 1732, Variation 15 d. 45 m. W. from 1732 to 1743 (so far the Memoirs of the Paris Academy of Sciences are published) the Variation was 15 d. 5 m. W. tha [...] is a little upon the Decrease with a libratory Motion: Therefore (as I may conjecture) the general Increase of the European West Variations seem to be retarded, or stationary, or upon the Decrease.
2. Mr. George Graham of London, an ingenious and accurate Mechanicien observes Anno 1722 from February 6 to May 10 (the Compass-Box remaining unmoved all that Time) above One Thousand Times; the greatest Variation (Westward) was 14 d. 45 m. the least 13 d. 50 m. he observes, that the Variation is considerably d [...] ferent in different Days, and in different Hours of t [...]e same Day; without any Relation to Heat or Cold, dry or moist Air, clear or cloudy, Winds or Calms, nor the [Page 266] Height of the Barometer. In the same Day he observed the greatest Variation from Noon to 4 Hours Afternoon, and the least about 6 or 7 Hours in the Evening. Mr. Ioseph Harris in his Return from Iamaica to London, Anno 1732 observed, that the Westerly Variations were less in the Morning than in the Afternoon. The Curves of no Variation, and of each particular Variation, do alter their Curvatures so irregularly and undulatory; they are not reducible to any Equation expressive of their Nature.
3. The Variations have no Relation to Meridians; according to Halley's Chart Anno 1700, at the Entrance of Hudson's Streights, Variation was 29 and half d. West; at the Mouth of Rio de la Plata, nearly under the same Meridian, the Variation was 20 and half d. East. As to Parallels of Latitude it is observed, that the further North or South from the Equinoctial, the Variations are the greater, but in no regular Progression either as to Distance from the Equinoctial or Difference of Time. M. des Hayes and Du Glos Anno 1682 at Martinique, found the Variation 4 d. 10 m. East; Anno 1704 it was 6 d. 10 m. E. this is 2 d. in 21 Years; in the same Interval of Time, it increased at Paris 5 d. 30 m. The further from the Lines of no Variation, the Variations seem to increase or decrease the faster.
4. Capt. Hoxton from Maryland, relates a strange Phaenomenon of his Magnetick Needles orCompasses, Anno 1725, Sept. 2, a little after Noon, fair Weather, small Sea, in N. Lat. 41 d. 10 m, 28 d. E. Long. from Cape Henry of Virginia, all his Compasses (an Azimuth, and 4 or 5 more) carried to several Parts of the Ship continued for about one Hour, traversing very swiftly, so as could not steer by them, but all of a sudden, every one of them stood as well as usual. Capt. Midleton in his Hudson's-Bay Voyage of 1725; says, that his greatest Variation was 40 d. W. in N. Lat. 63 d. 50 m, 78 d. W. from London; where the Compass would scarce traverse: He says, a great Cold or Frost hi [...]ers the Needle from traversing: [Page 267] where near a great Body of Ice, there were great Complaints of the Compass not traversing: He suspected, that the Age of the Moon had some Influence upon the Variation.
5. The three Lines of no Variation seem to be of different Natures; that Line in the Atlantick and Ethiopick Ocean gives Easterly Variations West of its Line, and Westerly Variations East of its Line; that Line in the Indian Ocean reversly gives Westerly Variations West of its Line; and Easterly Variations East of its Line; that in the Pacifick Ocean or South-Sea, unexpectedly gives Easterly Variations both Sides; Dr. Halley and others, before this third Line was discovered, seem to have laid it down as a Law in Nature, that where an Easterly Variation terminated, a Westerly Variation must begin, and where a Westerly Variation terminated an Easterly Variation was to begin, but further Observations evince this to be no stated Law.
There is a Magnetick Influence all over the Surface of our Globe or Earth; the Magnetick Needle in some Places has a true Meridian Direction, in others the Magnetick Meridian has a Deflection more or less in different Places, East or West: The Points or Places of no Variation, and of the several Quantities of Variation, when connected, form Curves, but so irregular as not reducible to any Equation, and of no permanent Figure, and not easily to be classed: We shall only observe,
There are at present three Lines of no Variation. 1. Between Europe with Africa, and America in the Atlantick and Ethiopick Ocean; the Variations East and North of this Line are Westerly, and the further distant from this Line, the greater and their Increase or Decrease the swifter, this is a general Principle in Variations; Halley says that in t [...]e Beginning of this Century, all over Europe the Variations were Westerly and upon the Increase; but at present, these West Variations in the Eastern Parts of Europe seem to be stationary (at Nuremberg in Germany the W. Variation was stationary at 11 d. from 1700 to 1708) or upon the Decrease; for Instance at Torneo in N. Lat. 65 d. [Page 268] 50 m, 23 d. E, from London; M. Bilberg Anno 1695 found the Variation 7 d. W. Anno 1736 the French Academiciens [...]ound it 5 d. 5 m. W. therefore upon the Decrease, and perhaps belonging to the System or Class of the Indian Ocean Line of no Variation (the Line is not ascertain'd where the Increase ends, and the Decrease begins) as in the Northern Parts of Asia they belong to this Class of Indian Ocean Variations; for Instance, at Astracan near the Caspian Sea, N. Lat. 46 d. 15 m. and 45 d. E. Long. while the East Variations decreased at London, there the West Variations increased even to 24 d.; and as the West Variation increased in London it diminished at Astra [...]an. Our North-America Variations belong to this first Line of no Variations, and are Westerly N. and E. of this Line, and Easterly S. and W. of it; these E. Variations along the Coast of South-America increase very slow; at La Vera Cruz, in N. Lat. 19 d. 12 m. Anno 1727 it was only 2 d. 15 m. E, at Pariba in Brazil beginning of this Century S. Lat. [...] d. 38 m, it was 5 d. 35 m. E; at Buenos Ayres S. Lat. 34 d. [...]0 m. it was Anno 1708, 15 d. 32 m. E.; at Cape-Horn 20 d; South of Cape-Horn in S. Lat. 56 d. 42 m. it was 17 d. E. being upon the Decrease, and stretching along the Pacifick Ocean Westward or Northward these East Variations decreas'd.
This Line of no Variation moves the quickest; Anno 1600 it passed Cape Agulhas (about 2 d. E. of Cape Good-Hope) the Morea, and North Cape of Europe; at this Cape Agulhas the Variations afterwards became West, viz. Anno 1622. 2 d, Anno 1675. 8 d, Anno 1691. 11 d, Anno 1732 17 d; at St. Helena the Variations were Anno 1600. 8 d. E, Anno 1623. 6 d. E, Anno 1677 Halley found 40 m. E, Anno 1690. 1 d. W, Anno 1700 Halley found 2 d. W, Anno 1732. 8 d. W. Halley Anno 1700 ascertains this Line of no Variation from four Observations N. Lat. 31 d. W. Long. [...]4 d, N. Lat. 2 d, Long. 18 d. W; S. Lat. 17 d, Long. 10 d. W▪ S. Lat. 37 d, Long. 4 d. W. Th [...]s L [...]ne of no [...] seems to move quick to the [Page 269] Westward, in S. Lat. 35 d. from Anno 17 [...] to 1709, it mov'd 50 Leagues Westward. A French Ship Anno 1706 (being the first that made this Traverse) from Rio de Galleguas upon the East Coast of America in S. Lat. 51 d, 68 d. W. Long. from Paris, Variation 23 d. E. made 1350 Leagues to Cape of Good Hope in 34d. 15m. S. Lat. 17d. 45 m. E. Long. from Paris, found the Variation Lines tending towards the S. Pole, to become nearly parallel, and in some Places alters only one Degree for two Degrees of Longitude.
The second Line of no Variation, in the Indian Ocean Anno 1600 passed through the Moluccas or Spice-Islands and a little East of Canton in China; in a Century following that is Anno 1700 it had not advanced Eastward above 100 Leagues▪ the W. Point of Iava (and in the Influence of this Line) Anno 1676 was 3 d. 10 m. West Variation; Anno 1732 it was only 3 d. 20 m. but the further West these Variations increased, the quicker to the common Axis of the Variation Parabolick Curves, and th [...] began to decrease and terminate in the first Line of no Variation. The common Axis of the inscribed Parabolick Curves Anno 1700 passed through Madagascar and the Streights of Babelmandel about 50 d. E. Long. from London, where the increasing W. Variations terminate, and the same W. Variations begin to decrease; Halley place [...] the highest of these West Variations 27 d. S. Lat. about 530 Leagues East of Cape Good Hope.
The third Line of no Variation was found by Capt. Rogers in the Pacifick Ocean in N. Lat. 14 d, W. Long. from London 125 d; and in N. Lat. 13 d, W. Long. 193 d, was 12 d. E; (and afterwards decreasing to the second Line,) the largest of these East Variations which reign all over the Pacifick Ocean; French Navigators since Anno 1710 have traversed this Ocean Southward of the Equinoctial Line, as Capt. Rogers did Northward of it, and found the no Variation Line nearly upon the above-said Meridian, and the other Variation-Lines nearly paralle [...] with the Meridians. Sir Iohn Narborough, Dr. Halley ▪ and Capt. Rogers were mistaken in [...] Co [...]jecture tha [...] [Page 270] South of the Equinoctial in the middle Parts of this Ocean there must be a Tract of Western Variations.
This 3 d no Variation Line seems to be a Continuation of the first inflected Westward into a circular Arch whose Vertex at present seems to be in about 34 d. N. Lat, and 80 d. W. Long. from London.
All Variations within this Curve made by the first and third Line, being a Space of 140 d. upon the Equinoctial, are Easterly; all without it, on its East Side, being a Space of 115 d. to the second Line are Westerly; all without it on its West Side are Easterly, being a Space of 105 d. to the said second Line. It is observable, that all Variation Lines the nearer they approach to the Poles of our Earth, the more they converge towards a Parallelism with the Meridians, as if to terminate in the Poles. The several Variation Lines seem to receive their Flexures from the Influence of their Easterly and Westerly no Variation Lines, so as to form Parabolick Curves or circular Arches.
The Alterations in the Variations are not from any uniform circulatory or libratory Power; but as these magnetick Powers seem to be accumulated and act connectedly, it must be by some Kind of Fluctuation; in Opposition to this, it may be said, that the Fluctuation of any dense or specifically heavier considerable Part of the Earth would alter the Equilibrium and diurnal Rotation of the Earth, and make strange Changes in the fluid Surface of the Earth by Inundations and Ebbs.
This Digression is too abstruse and philosophical for most Readers: The Design of it is, to incite the Curious, to attend the useful Speculation of Variations, more than heretofore.
As the Variations of the Magnetick Needle or Compass have not been much attended to in the Colonies; I cannot pretend to be particular in that Affair, and shall only relate some loose Hints that are come to my Knowledge. The L [...]ne of no Variation (which for Distinction I call the first) from the Eastward, enters the Continent of North-America, in Carolina about 33 d. N. Lat. at this Writing [Page 271] Anno 1748; and by a flattish Flexure crosses the Continent of North-America, and in the Pacifick Ocean converges Southward, and forms what is now called the third Line of no Variation. Capt. Rogers Anno 1708 in 14 d. N. Lat, 125 d. W. Long. from London fell in with this Line of no Variation.
To the Northward and Eastward of this No. 1▪ no Variation Line upon the Eastern Coast of North America, the Variations are West; and the further North the greater, but all upon the Decrease; and the further North, the quicker is the Decrease.
The greatest Variation known was Anno 1616, in N. Lat. 78 d. at Sir Thomas Smith's Sound in Baffin's-Bay, the Variation was 57 d. West.
Capt. Midleton publishes that at the Mouth of Churchill River (N. Lat. 59 d, W. Long. from London 94 d. 50 m, from an Immersion of Iupiter's first Satellite) Anno 1725 the Variation was 21 d. W. Anno 1738 it was 18 d. W. Anno 1742 it was 17 d. W. decreasing very fast.
At Quebec in Canada Anno 1649 the Variation was 16 d. W. Anno 1686 it was 15 d. 30 m. is half a Degree in 37 Years; but after this, according to M. Delisle, it varied 1 d. in eleven Years.
In New-England Mr. Brattle observed at Boston, Anno 1708, the Variation 9 d. West; Anno 1741 upon a Commission for settling Lines between Massachusetts-Bay Province, and the Colony of Rhode Island, a little to the Southward, the Commissioners found the Variation 7 d. 30 m. West.
In New-York City (by Eclipses of Iupiter's first Satellite, Governor Burnet found it 74 d. 57 m. W. of London, being in N. Lat. 40 d. 40 m.) Mr. Wells, Surveyor-General of the Province-Lands Anno 1686, found the Variation 8 d. 45 m. West; Governor Burnet Anno 1723 found it 7 d. 20 m. West.
In New-Ierseys Anno 1743 the Line, between the Proprietors of East and West Ierseys wa [...] run 150 Miles, [...] Chains, 9 d. 19 m. West; but because of the Diff [...]rence [Page 272] of Variation which must be supposed at the South and North Terminations of this Line, it was alledged that it m [...]st not be a direct Line: And upon Examination it was found that this Line was in all Respects erroneous, at the South Point near Egg-Harbour the Variation was only 5 d. 25 m. West, and at the North Point on Delaware River in 41 d. 40 m. it was 6 d. 35 m. West, this was to the Prejudice of the East-Iersey Proprietors.
The Streets of Philadelphia Anno 1682 were laid out with g [...]at Pr [...]cis [...]n [...]ss N. 18 d. E; Anno 1642, they were found to be 1 [...] d. East; this is 3 d. in 60 Years.
In the Parallel of 39 d. running the Line between Pensylvania and Maryland Anno 1686, the Variation was fo [...]nd to be 9 d. Westerly. Anno 1739, in running this E [...]st and West Line it was found 5 d. 30 m. W; Difference is 3 d. 30 m. in 53 Years.
In Virginia, Cape Henry in 37 d. N. Lat. 75 d. West from London, Anno 1732 the Variation was 4 d. 40 m.
In the Carolinas, Navigators upon the Coast, give no A [...]owance for Variation, because near the Line of no Variation; Inland, in running a divisional Line between the two Governments or Jurisdictions of South and North Car [...]lina, and in laying off Cart [...]'s eighth Part of the Pro [...]rty of Carolina, no Account was made of Variation.
[...]rom the Line of no Variation in N. La [...]. 33 d. Southward the East Variation takes Place, increasing very slow; [...]cause at L [...] Vera Cruz, N. Lat. 19 d. 12 m. W, Long. 97 d. [...]0 m, Anno [...]727 the Variation was only 2 d. 1 [...] m. East.
SECT. V. Concerning the Hudson's-Bay Company, their Territories and Trade.
THE Adventurers who endeavoured a N. W. Passage to China, the Spice-Islands, and the East-Indies; and in Search for Copper-Mines; gave Occasion to the Discovery of Hudson's-Bay, and its subsequent Fur and Skin Trade.
177 The Cabots Anno 1496 obtained from Henry VII of England, a Grant of all Lands they should discover and settle Westward of Europe; in Quest of a N. W. Passage, they coasted the Eastern Shore of North-America, and took a general Possession for the Crown of England, but made no Settlement; the first Land they made was West-Greenland in N. Lat. 66 d.
178 From that Time this Navigation and these Discoveries were entirely neglected until Anno 1576, 1577, and 1578 Sir Martin Frobisher made three Voyages to a Strait which retains his Name, but he made no Discoveries.
Si [...] Humphry Gilbert by Direction [...]f Secretary Walsingham, coasted the North Easterly S [...]ore of America: particularly he took Possession of Newfoundland, and St. Laurence or Canada River, for the Crown of England, and b [...]g [...]n some fishing Trade there, Anno 1583.
[Page 274]Capt. Iohn Davis from Dartmouth, made three Voyages this Way, Anno 1583, 1586, and 1587, but made no Discoveries; that Branch of the Opening (the Opening at Cape Farewell in 60 d, N. Lat. a little further at Cape Desolation branches into two Openings) which reaches North Westward retains the Name Davis Straits, and is the Whaling Ground of West-Greenland where the * English, Dutch, Biscayers, Hamburgers, Bremers, and Danes kill large Whales of 500 to 600 Barrels Oil, and 18 Feet Bone; this Whaling continues for about seven or eight Weeks.
Henry Hudson after two N. E. successless Trials, and one in vain North Westward Navigation, he essayed the other Opening above mentioned, and sailing Westward, and Southward he discovered the Straits and Bay called by his Name: Anno 1611 proceeding upon further Discoveries, he was never more heard of; in his Time he was as much an Enthusiast for a N. W. Passage, as Mr. † [Page 275] D—bs is at present, as appears by the present Paper-War between D—bs and Midleton.
[Page 276]Sir Thomas Button fitted out by Prince Henry, Anno 1612 passed Hudson's Straits, and sailing Westward, discovered a large Continent, and called it New Wales; its Sea and Bay retains the Discoverer's Name; he could not proceed further than 65 d. N, Lat, and called it Ne Ultra, he wintered miserably upon that West Continent at Port Nelson in 57 d. N. Lat.
Capt. Thomas Iames from Bristol, Anno 1631 made further Discoveries in Hudson's- Bay, he wintered near the Bottom of the Bay at Charleton Island in N. Lat. 52 d. and published a good Journal of his Voyage.
Anno 1616 Mr. Baffin, by the North Westerly Opening called Davis Straits, carried the N. W. Affairs so high as N. Lat. 80 d. to no Purpose, and gave his Name to the Sea or Bay in that high Latitude.
Capt. Fox Anno 1632 sail'd into Hudson's Bay upon the Discovery, where he see many Whales End of Iuly, he proceeded no further than Port Nelson in N. Lat. 57 d. he wintered there; Tide 14 Feet.
Beginning of the last Century the Danes went upon the N. W. Discovery, and took Possession of the N. Easterly Shore of Davis Straits, and called it New-Danemark, and made a miserable Settlement in N. Lat. 64 d: From that Time, they have assumed the Sovereignty of the Seas in Davis Straits, and keep a Royal Frigate stationed there, duri [...]g the Whaling Season, which does not continue above 7 or 8 Weeks.
The Civil Wars in England prevented any further Attempts of such Discoveries for some Time, until Prince Rupert and Company Anno 1667 sitted out Capt. Guilam; he landed at Rupert River in N. Lat. 51 d. upon the East Continent of Hudson's Bay, built Charles [...]o [...]t, trad [...]d with the Indians to good Advantage, and laid a Foundation for the Companies Fur and Deer-Skin Trade.
A Royal Charter was granted May 2. Anno 1669 to a Governor and Company of Adventurers of England trading into Hudson's Bay; whereof h [...]re f [...]llows an Abstract. To [...] Rupert Count Palatine of the Rhine, to G [...]or [...]e [Page 277] Duke of Albemarle, to William Earl of Craven, and to Fifteen Others, and to others whom they shall admit into said Body corporate, Power to make a common Seal, and to alter it; to chuse annually sometime in November, a Governor, a Deputy-Governor, and a Committee of Seven, any Three of the Committee with the Governor or Deputy-Governor, to be a Court of Directors: Freemen to be admitted (their Factors and Servants may be admitted Freemen) at a General Court, a Power to dismiss the Governor, Deputy-Governor, or any of the Committee, before the Year expires; and upon their Dismission, or Death, to elect [...]thers in their Room for the Remainder of the Year: To have the sole Property of Lands, Trade, royal Fishery, and Mines within Hudson's Straits, not actually possessed by any Christian Prince, to be reputed as one of our Colonies in America, to be called † Rupert 's Land, to hold the same in free and common Succage, to pay the Skins of two Elks, and two black Beavers, as often as the King or Queen shall come into those Lands: Power to assemble the Company and to make Laws for their Government and other Affairs, not repugnant to the Laws of England; an exclusive Trade, without Leave obtain'd of the Company, Penalty Forfeiture of Goods and Shipping, one half to the King, one half to the Company. In their General Meetings for every 100 £. original Stock to have one Vote; may appoint Governors, Factors, and other Officers in any of their Ports; the Governor and his Council to judge in all Matters civil and criminal, and execute Iustice accordingly: Where there is no Governor and Council, may send them to any Place where there is a Governor and Council, or to England for Iustice: Liberty to send Ships of War, Men, and Ammunition for their Protection, erect Forts, &c: To make Peace or War with any People who are not Christians, may appeal to the King in Council.
Anno 1670 Mr. Baily with 20 Men was sent over by the Company to Rupert River. Port Nelson was the next Settlement Anno 1673; and Mr. Bridge was sent over [Page 278] Governor of the West Main from Cape Henrietta Maria. Anno 1683 the Factory was removed from Rupert River to Moose River. Rupert River is not used because exposed to the Depredations of the French; from Tadousac 30 Leagues below Quebec upon Canada River, there is Water Carriage to Lake Mistasin which communicates with Rupert River. The Trade at the Mouth of all the Rivers which fall into Hudson's Bay is secured to Great-Britain by the Treaty of Utrecht, but the Heads of the Southern Rivers are within the French Bounds, and the French have Trading-Houses which do very much intercept and lessen our Indian Trade: The Company do not much use the East and South Parts of the Bay, because of the bad Neighbourhood of the French.
In the Summer Anno 1686 in Time of Peace, the French from Canada became Masters of all our Hudson's Bay Factories, Port Nelson excepted. Anno 1693 The English recovered their Factories, but the French got Possession of them again soon after. Anno 1696 two English Men of War retook them. In Queen Anne's War, the French from Canada were again Masters of these Factories; but by the Peace of Utrecht Anno 1713, the French quit-claim'd them to the English so far South as 49 d. N. Lat; hitherto we have not heard of any Attempt made upon them by the Canadians in this French War which commenced in the Spring 1744.
Mr. Dobbs reckons that this Country called Hudson's Bay, may be esteemed from 51 d. to 65 d. N. Lat, and from 78 d. to 95 d. W. Long. from London; the true Definition of it, is, from the Treaty of Utrecht 1713; viz. From a certain Promontory on the Atlantick Ocean N. Lat. 58 d. 30 m. runs S. W. to Lake Mistasin (this includes the Western half of Terra Labradore) thence S. W. to N. Lat. 49 d. and from this Termination due West indefinitely; the Northern Boundary may be reckoned Davis Straits because of the Danish Claim, and otherwa [...] North indefinitely.
The Entrance of Hu [...]n's Straits at Resolution Island [Page 279] is about 15 Leagues wide, Tide flows 4 Fathom, Winds N. W. about 9 Months in the Year, not free of Ice above 2 Months in the Year; Sails and Rigging freeze in July, it is 140 Leagues in Length to the Bay: At the Bottom of the Bay only 4 Feet Tide. Capt. Midleton in 23 Voyages never could arrive at the Factories, above 5 or 6 Times, before the 10th of August; and it is a standing Order not to attempt coming back the same Year, unless they can fail from the Factories by Sept. 10; it is generally pleasant Weather; Midleton in all his Voyages never suffered Shipwreck; August is the proper Month for the Navigation of Hudson's Bay and Straits; always good Soundings.
This Grant is divided into the West Main or Continent formerly in Charts called New-North and South Wales, and the East Main called Terra de Labradore or New-Britain: The French claim'd the Bottom of the Bay as belonging to New France or Canada, but they disclaim'd it by the Treaty of Utrecht.
Because of the Unhospitableness of the Country, no Towns or Plantations, can ever be settled there; it must [...] ever remain a Number of scattered dismal Lodges o [...] Factories. Hudson's Bay and Georgia are improperly called Colonies, they have no House of Representatives; the Hudson's Bay Company in London make their Laws and Regulations, as the Trustees for Georgia in London do for the Settlers in Georgia.
Hudson's Bay Colony as it is called, consists of several [...]odges at the Mouths of several Rivers for Trade with the Indians, viz. on the West Continent are Churchill River, Nelson's River, Severn River, Albany River, and Moose River; on the E. Continent are Rupert River and Slude River.
Churchill River (Prince of Wales Fort) is the most Northerly, being in about 59 d. N. Lat, and 94 d. 50 m. W. Long. from London, the most Westerly Part of Hudson's Bay; here Capt. Midleton Anno 1742, upon a N. W. Discovery wintered miserably. At the Mouth of this River, [Page 280] the Tide comes from N. b. E. 2 Knots; they return about 20,000 Beaver-Skins pr An. the Company keeps here about 28 Men: It is navigable 150 Leagues.
Nelson's River (Fort York) called by the French Bourbon River; its Port lies in N. Lat. 57 d; it is the finest and largest River in the Bay, it communicates with great Lakes, and Branches of Rivers of Indian Trade: Tide 14 Feet; the Company have here 25 Men.
New Severn River, the French call it St. Huiles, in N. Lat. 55 d; it is at present slighted or neglected, a bar'd River.
Albany River in N. Lat, 52 d. W. Long. 85 d. 20 m. 4 Feet Tide: From the Middle of May to the Middle of September fine warm Weather; Anno 1731, 118 Canoes came there to trade, the Company keep here 25 Men.
Moose River in N. Lat. 51 d. 4 Feet Tide; it is a much larger and finer River than Albany River; the Company have here 25 Men.
P. Rupert River on the E. Side of the Bay, N. Lat. 51 d; is at present neglected.
Slude River on the E. Side of the Bay in N. Lat, 52 d; here are 8 or 9 Men kept by the Company.
The Company's Profits are very great, and engrossed by a few; their Stock has been sold at 300 for 100 Original; they may export annually about 3,000 £. St. Value, and their half yearly Sales are about 25,000 £. St▪ 8 or 9 Merchants have engrossed about nine Tenths of the Stock; the Charge of the Company is about 120 Servants, 2 or 3 annual Ships, having in Time of War about 120 Men aboard. They import Deer-Skins, Castoreum or Beaver-Stone, Feathers, Whale-Bone and Blubbor; but Beaver-Skin is two Thirds of the whole, and is the Standard of their Truck or Currency.
Mr. Dobbs thinks it would be a publick national Benefit, that the Hudson's Bay Companies Charter were vacated, and the Trade laid open; thus we shall under [...]ll the French and carry on a greater Trade with the Indians (the Company keep the Price of Goods too high) and [Page 281] we would have Trading Houses up the River, the Company have no such Trading Houses, the Company by their Charter are obliged to endeavour a N. W. Passage, which on the contrary they discourage.
As this is a Country of exclusive Trade and Navigation, we are too much confined to the Accounts of their own Navigators. As a Specimen we shall take a Medium Voyage of Capt. Midleton's Anno 1735. He set out from London May 21, Iune 12 made Cape Farewell in N. Lat. about 59 d, W. Long. 45 d. 50 m. Var. 29 d. W. Iuly 1. in N. Lat. 61 d. W. Long. 70 d. 10 m. Var. 41 d. W, he was fast in thick Ice with Fogs and Rain; August 3. he arrived in Moose River, N. Lat. 51 d; W. Long. 83 d, Var. 22 d. W; he sail'd from thence Sept. 1. makes no Mention of Ice in his Return; arrived in England Oct. 7. As for the Climate, Midleton in the Journal of his N. W. Discovery Voyage Anno 1741 and 1742, says, He arrived in Churchill River August 10; first Snow was Sept. 1. Geese flying to the Southward; Sept. 27 Thermometer as low as in London, Time of the greatFrost; Oct. 21. Ink and Water froze by the Bed-side; Beginning of Nov. a Bottle of Spirits full Proof froze in the open Air: After Nov. 11, no going abroad without being froze ( N. B. forgetting himself, he frequently mentions the Company's Servants, and Indians being abroad after that Tim [...] [...] 2. begins to thaw in the Sun, about this Time the Ice at the Ship was 10 Feet thick with 13 Feet Snow over the Ice. April 10 large Fleaks of Snow (in the preceeding Months the falling Snow was as fine as Dust) a Sign of the Winter's being spent; April 22 a Shower of Rain (no Rain for 7 Months preceeding) Beginning of May Geese begin to appear; May 13 got the Ship into the Stream, and Iuly 1. we sail'd upon the N. W. Discovery; he proceeded no farther North than 66 d. 44 m. because Beginning of August from a high Mountain we perceived to the S. E, at about 20 Leagues Distance a Straits covered with an impenetrable solid Body of Ice, and therefore no Communication with the Eastern Sea; and [Page 282] the Tide of Flood coming from thence, we had no Hopes of passing that Way, into the Western or Pacifick Ocean, and August 8. we bore away to the Southward.
In the Northern Factories, the great Thaws begin End of April; the Waters inland are froze up from the Beginning of October to the Beginning of May. In North-America we judge of the Inclemencies of their several Climates, by the Times of the Flights of their Passenger Birds: In these Factories wild Geese and Swans fly Southward Beginning of October, and return Northward End of April and Beginning of May. Seldom a Night in Winter without an Aurora Borealis. Some Deer 12 to 13 Hands high, here are white Bears, Swans, Ducks of several Kinds, and other Water-Fowl; in their Mea [...]ows instead of Cerealia and Gramina, that is Bread-C [...]rn, and Grasses, they have only Moss, some scurvy Grass, and Sorrel. Hares, Rabits, Foxes, Patridges, beginning of October, from their native Colour, become Snow-white, and continue so for 6 Months, till the Season produces a new Coat: Wind blows from the N. W. about 9 Months in the Year, they have 9 Months Ice and Snow; the cold Fogs and Mists damp the Pleasure of their short Summers.
I formerly hinted the vast Advantage that the European Western North Latitudes had of the American Eastern North Latitudes; by Way of Amusement, I continue further to observe that in 50 d. (for Instance) N. Lat. in the N. Easterly Parts of America, it is as cold as in 60 d. or upwards N. Lat. in N. Westerly Parts of Europe; the Ocean and its mellow Vapour being to the Windward of Europe; but a rude, rigorous, chilly, frozen and snowy Continent is to the Windward of the other. I vouch this by a few Instances. 1. From Churchill River Fort there was no going abroad without being frozen in Winter; from Torneo in Lapland Anno 1736 nearly under the Polar Circle, to investigate the Length of a Degree of Latitude there, the French Academici [...]s in the Severity of the Winter, were 63 Days in the Desert, procuring a compleat Set of Triangles. 2. The Bottom of Hudson's-Bay is scarce [Page 283] habitable in Winter, though scarce so far North as London, a most agreeable Caelum or Air. 3. In the Orkneys (where the Hudson Bay Ships call in to hire Men and Boys at 5 to 20 £. St. pr An. according to the Years of their indented Continuance; they are called N. W. Men) there is good [...]i [...]tering; Barley, Pease, and Oats, Cabbages, other Pot Herbs, and usual Roots, grow kindly; not much Snow and Ice; Orkneys is a little North of Churchill-River.
* Capt. Midleton in his too minute Journals of his many Voyages from England to Hudson's Bay; observed that in Hudson's Bay, in the same Longitudes from London; in sailing North, the Variations increase faster than in any known Part of the Earth; for Instance, in one of his Voyages he observed, that in about 84 d. W. Long. from London; the Variations increase thus,
In N. Lat. 50 d. | Variation was 19 d. W. |
55 | 25 |
61 | 30 |
62 | 40 |
Capt. Serogs Anno 1722 (he had Mr. Norton late Governor of Churchill Fort aboard, with two Northern Indians to discover the much enquired after Copper-Mines) he traded with the Indians for Whale-Bone, at Whale-Bone Point in N. Lat. 65 d, here the Tide flowed 5 Fathom.
A DIGRESSION Giving some further Accounts of late Endeavours towards a North-West Passage to China.
A Passage by the North Westward or Davis Straits seems to be given up or relinquished by all European Adventurers; but the Passage by the West Southerly Branch or Hudson's Bay is still in Prosecution: The British Parliament [Page 284] lately enacted a Reward of 20,000 £. St. to theDiscoverer, if from Hudson's Bay; upon this Encouragement, the Dobbs Galley and California, as a private Adventure, sail'd from England May 1746; in our Knowledge, they are not as yet return'd to England. Their original Proposal was to sail Eastward to the East-Indies a [...]d China (but there is no Act of Parliament to indemnify them, in a Trespass upon the exclusive Navigation granted to the East-India Company in these Seas, by Charter and Act of Parliament) and from the Eastward to sail to the Northward of California, and from thence to endeavour an Easterly Passage to Davis Straits or Hudson's Bay.
The last Tentative for a N. W. Passage was by Capt. Midleton from Hudson's B [...]y Anno 1741 and 1742, according to Order and Instructions from the Lords of the Admiralty May 20. Anno 1741: There was no Occasion for his wintering in Hudson's Bay, before he set out upon the Discovery; he should have sail'd from England, so as to arrive in Hudson's Bay, Middle of Iuly; push the Discovery, Month of August; and return in September.
A short Abstract of his Discovery Journal, is. We sail'd from Churchill River Iuly 1; in N. Lat. 65 d. 10 m, F. Long. from Churchill River 9 d. we doubled a Head-Land, and called it Cape Dobbs; and the following Opening, we called Wager River, Tide 5 or 6 Knots from the East, and full of Ice, Eskimaux Indians came aboard but had no Trade: Proceeding further North, we doubled another Head-Land, and called it Cape Hope; and sailing further to N. Lat. 67 d. E. from Churchill Fort 12 d. 20 m; from the Mountains we see a narrow dangerous Strait frozen over, and no Probability of its being clear this Year, deep Water, no Anchorage; being afraid of f [...]eezing up, we returned to N. Lat. 64 d, here were many Whale-Bone Whales; we examined all along to N. L [...]t. 6 [...] d, Tide from the Eastward: August 15 we bore away for England, and Sept. 1 [...], we arrived at Kerston in the [...]kneys.
I shall by Way of Amusement mention the Arguments [Page 285] used both Sides of the Question, in Favour of, and in Prejudice against a N. W. Passage to China.
In Favour of a N. W. Passage. 1. The Whales found in Plenty on the West Side of Hudson's Bay, as there is no Mention of Whales in Hudson's Straits, they do not come that Way; they cannot come from Davis Straits by the frozen Straits of Midleton, because of a wide and large Field of Ice; Whales cannot pass under a large Tract of Ice, they cannot live without blowing at Times in the open Air; therefore these Whales must come from the Western orPacifick Ocean, by some Straits or Thorough-Fare in Hudson's Bay: It is more probable that the great Whales in Davis Straits, when the Sea there begins to be froze up, pass into the Ocean, or deeper Water, because warmer; Thus the Cod-Fish upon the Coast of New-England in very cold Winters, retire into deep Water: Mr. Dobbs affirms that Midleton see no Whales near Cape Hope or the frozen Straits; he judges the frozen Straits to be only a Chimaera; therefore the Whales in Button's Bay must come from the Westward. 2. Wager River, where was Midleton's principal Enquiry, in N. Lat. 65 d. 24 m. W. Long. 88 d. 37 m; from 7 Miles wide at its Entrance, further up increased to 8 Leagues wide, and from 14 to 80 Fathom Water, and Whales were seen 20 Miles up the River. Dobbs conjectures that these Whales came from the Western Ocean, by some Strait or Passage South of Wager River from N. Lat. 65 d. to 62 d; here it is where the Eskimaux Indians follow Whaling, and traded with Capt. S [...]rogs Anno 1722. 3. Midleton from some undue Influence, did not well inspect the Coast, where the greatest Probability was of a Passage, designedly he kept too great an Offing; and descry'd pretended Land and Mountains in the Clouds; concluding there were no Thorough-Fares, he did not send his Boats ashore to try for Inlets. Fox, Anno 1632 sailing upon this Coast, see much broken Land and Islands, and Plenty of Whales end of Iuly. 4. Midleton's Officers said that the Tide was three Hours sooner at the Mouth of Wager River than at Cape Frigid; [Page 286] therefore the Tide did not come from the frozen Straits and Baffins Bay Eastward, but from some Straits Westward; the same malecontent Officers assured Mr. Dobbs, that the higher up Wager River, the Water became the salter, and the Flood was from W. S. W. Midleton says the Tide came from North-Easterly.
To evince the Impracticableness of a N. W. Passage. 1. The French very inquisitive and mindful of their Interest, seem to give up any Prospect of this Passage, [...] by the Treaty of Utrecht they readily renounced for ever to Great-Britain, the sole and exclusive Benefit of a N. W Passage to China from Hudson's Bay or Davis Straits when discovered. 2. The Whales on the WestSide of Hudson's Bay, by the frozen Straits, came from Davis Straits where they are plenty. 3. Midleton says (we cannot answer for his Vouchers) that Indian Travellers have gone by Land from Churchill River, as high as the Aretick Circle, but met with no Thorough-Fares; his Northern Indians which he took on Board, in Churchill River were chiefly designed to shew him theCopper-Mines. 4. The further up Wager River, the Tides rise less; the Water from salt becomes breakish, and the higher the more fresh. 5. Midleton writes, that from his own Experience, there is no Thorough-Fare from Churchill River in N. Lat. 59 d. to N. Lat. 67 d; and further North, if there be any Straits or Thorough-Fare, it cannot be clear of Ice (if ever clear) above a Week or two in the Year, and therefore impracticable: From the River Wager to N. Lat. 62 d, he stood into every Bay and [...]arched the Coast narrowly. 6. As the Winds there are [...]enerally from the N. W. and excessively cold, there must [...]e a long continued or connected Tract of Land Westward, covered with perpetual Snow and Ice and therefore impracticable. Moreover, if there is any such Strait, it is narrow and long; the Adventurers would run a certain Risk of being froze up and of perishing.
SECT. VI. Concerning the Island of Newfoundland, and its Cod-Fishery.
THIS is a Fishery of longer standing, than are any of our Colony or Plantation Settlements; it is noColony, it is not confined to any Patent or exclusive Company, but is an open general British Cod-Fishery, consisting of many Lodges, or commodious Harbours for curing of Cod-Fish, for the Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian Markets.
* Our Claims of Discovery, not Occupancy, run so high as the Times of the Cabots coasting along the Eastern [Page 288] Shore of North-America upon a N. W. Discovery, and their taking Possession for the Crown of England, from Place to Place; they settled no Fishery there, but gave it the Name Anno 1507 of Terra de Baccaleos with good Propriety; that is, Cod-Fish Land: The French called it Terre Neuve, we retain their Name and call it Newfoundland
Secretary Walsingham Anno 1583 (about this Time all the trading Nations of Europe were intense upon a N W. Passage to China and the East-Indies) being informed of a Westerly Opening North of North-Virginia (the present Nova-Scotia) sent out Sir Humphrey Gilbert, a Gentleman of Estate upon the Discovery; this Gentleman sail'd up the Gulph and some Part of the River St. Laurence; and in Form, took Possession of Newfoundland and Canada for the Crown of England; he settled a Fishery at Newfoundland, but being cast away upon his Return to England, the Fishery was soon relinquish'd; but prosecuted by the French, Spaniards and Portuguese.
Anno 1608 this Fishery was again undertaken by Iohn Gu [...]y of Bristol Merchant; several English Men, Women, and Children winter'd there, Anno 1613.
Anno 1610 King Iames gave to the Earl of Southampton Lord Keeper, and others, a Grant from Bonavista to Cape St. Mary W. of Cape Raze; some Families were sent over; it did not answer, they returned to England.
Anno 1620 or 1623 Sir George Calvert principal Secretary of State, afterwards Lord Baltimore, obtain'd a Pat [...]t for some Part of Newfoundland, from the Bay of Bulls to Cape St. Marys; he s [...]ttled a Fort and Plantation at Fairyland; but in the Time of the Troubles in the civil War of England, it was discontinued, and was outed [Page 289] by Sir David Kirk. A. 1654. having retained some Claim until that Time, Lord Baltimore a zealous Roman Catholick came abroad (as the first Settlers of New-England did in their Religion Way) to enjoy the free Exercise of his Religion in Quiet: from Newfoundland he removed to Virginia, but the Virginians being as zealous for the Church of England Way, as he was for the Church of Rome Way, he became uneasy, and went further up the Bay of C [...]esapeak above the Virginian Settlements; and afterwards obtained a most beneficial Patent of those Lands now called Maryland, which the Family enjoy to this Day; at present this Family is Christian Protestant.
The French made a Settlement at Placentia in the South Part of the Island where the Cod-Fish first set in yearly; this was relinquished to Great Britain by the Treaty of Utrecht A. 1713, and by Way of Equivalent, the French had given to them, the Islands of Cape Breton, and all the other Islands in the Gulph of St. Laurence, and Liberty to catch and cure Fish in the northern Harbours of Newfoundland: the French pretend, that they have had a constant Fishery at Newfoundland ever since it was taken Possession of, for Francis I. King of France, by Verazano a Florentine. In Cromwel's Time Sir David Kirk's Family resided some Years in Newfoundland, he invaded Canada several Times, and had a Grant of Lands North of St. Laurence River, called Canada: but King Charles II. always more in the French Interest (Kings may be bought to betray their own Countries Interest) than in that of Great Britain, Quit claim'd Canada, as also Placentia, St. Peters &c. of Newfoundland in the Gulph of St. Laurence, to the French.
The English have been for a long Time in the Use of this Fishery, A. 1545 there was an Act of the English Parliament, for Encouragement to the English Merchants trading to Newfoundland: the first Family Settl [...]ments with Continuance seems to have been A. 1610, at present there are nine or ten Settlements called Harbours, not Towns, where they cure and ship off their dry Cod Fish [...] [Page 290] at this Writing A. 1748 there are about 4000 People winter there: they fish and cure Fish from May to October, the Fishery is generally off the Mouths of their Harbours, they do not fish much upon the Banks.
M. Bellin says, that from good Observations Cape Raze, its Southernmost Point lies in N. Lat. 46. d. 50 m; its Northernmost Land in the Straits of Belle Isle, lies in N. Lat. 51 d. 30 m: its greatest Breadth (the Island resembles an Isosceles Triangle) or Base is from Cape Raze to Cape Raye about 80 Leagues. From the Nothern Part of Cape Breton Island or St. Paul are 15 Leagues to Cape Raze or rather Cape Sud the Entrance of the Gulph of St. Laurence: the North Cape of Breton Island lies in N. Lat. 47 d. 5 m.
The great Bank of Newfoundland lies from N. Lat. 41 d. to 49 d. and 90 Leagues from E. to W; Distance from Cape Raze about 35 Leagues.
As to the Regulations, Discipline or Oeconomy of Newfoundland. Differences amongst the Fishermen of the several Harbours, are at first Instance determined by the Admirals so called, being the first Ship Masters who arrive for the Season in the respective Harbours; from this Judgment, Appeal lies to the Commodore of the King's station'd Ships, who determines in Equity. Felonies in Newfoundland are not triable there, but in any County of Great Britain. Newfoundland having no Legislative Assembly or Representative of the Debtors of the Country, their Currency is not perverted but continues at a sterling Value. At present the Commodore of the King's Ships stationed fo [...] the Protection of the Fishery of Newfoundland, is Governour of Newfoundland, during his Continuance there, by the Title of Governour and Commodore in Chief of Newfoundland, and of the Forts and Garrisons there; there are also Lieutenant Governours of the Forts of Placentia and St. Iohns at 10 s. Sterl. per Day. As we hinted, the Master of the Vessel who first arrives in the several Harbours, is called, Admiral of that Harbour, and acts as a Magistrate, and is called Lord of the Harbour
[Page 291] * The annual Quantity of Cod-Fish shipt off by British Subjects from Newfoundland is various from 100,000 Quintals to 300,000 Quintals; generally they make double the Quantity in Proportion to what is made in New-England.
Capt. Smith, a Man of Credit, writes A. 1623, that there fished upon the Coast of Newfoundland yearly about 250 Sail of English Vessels, at a Medium of 60 Tuns, and returned the Value of £ 135,000 Sterling annually: their Method of sharing at that Time, was one Third to the Owners, one Third for victualling, and one Third to the Ship's Company.
The Commodore of the King's Ships at Newfoundland, when the Fishing Season is over, receives from each Harbour a Report in distinct Columns. I shall Instance the Year 1701, being in Time of Peace, a medium Year, and the Accounts the most distinct.
Number of Ships, Fishers, | 75 |
Sacks or Purchasers | 46 |
Burthen of said Ships | 7,991 Tuns |
Number of Men belonging to said Ships | |
Number of Fishing [...]hips Boats | 338 |
Number of Inhabitants Boats | 558 |
Number of By Boats | 97 |
Quantity of Fish made by Ships | 79,820 Quint. |
Quantity of Fish made by Inhabitants | 136,500 Quint. |
Q. of Train or Liver Oil made by Ships | 1,264 Hhds. |
Train or Liver Oil made by Inhabitants | 2,534 Hhds. |
Number of Stages | 544 |
Number of Men | 461 |
Number of Women | 166 |
Number of Children | 256 |
Number of Servants | 2,698 |
[Page 292] Anno 1716 exported to Spain, Portugal and Italy 106,-952 Quintals.
The Fish shipt off from the several Harbours, I shall instance a Year of small Fishery.
From the Harbours | No. Vessels | Quantity of Fish |
St. Peters and Placentia | 2 | 3,500 Quint. |
Trepas [...]ay | 3 | 3,700 |
Formoos [...] | 2 | 3,300 |
Renuse | 1 | 1,200 |
St. Iohns | 20 | 37,000 |
Conception Bay | 4 | 11,000 |
Trinity | 5 | 11,200 |
Bona Vista | 1 | 4,000 |
Fairyland | 17 | 29,000 |
Bay of Bulls | 4 | 7,200 |
59 | 111,100 |
Anno 1732 were shipt off from Newfoundland about 200,000 Quintals, last Year being A. 1747. were exported somewhat more.
In Newfoundland they reckon, when well [...]isht, 200 Quintals to the Inhabitants Boat or Shallop, and 500 Quintals to a Banker.
The Liberty allow'd by the Treaty of Utrecht to the French, for fishing and curing of Fish in the Northern Parts of Newfoundland, abridges us of an exclusive Navigation; such as the French fully enjoy, by an Edict A. 1727 (by Virtue of the 5th and 6th Articles of Peace and Neutrality in America concluded November. 6. A. 1686) it is peremp [...]o [...]ily declared, that all English Vess [...]ls sailing within a League of the Shores of any French Island, shall be seized and confiscated, without any other Proof of Trade. St. Malo and Granville are the principal French Cod-Fishery in North America; there are some from St. Iean de Luz, Bayone, and N [...]les; before Cape Breton lately [...]ell into the Possession of Great Britain, the [...] Bank [...]rs wh [...]n long out, went to water and refr [...]sh at [...].
[Page 293]Four to five thousand Newfoundland fresh Cod Fish are reckoned to make one hundred Quintals of well cured dry Cod or 3 Quintals wet Fish make 1 dry. The [...]vers from 100 Quintals dry Cod, afford about one Hogshead or 60 Gallons of Liver Oil. After the Fish are headed, boned, split, and salted, the Shoremen deliver one half the Weight, the overplus goes for their Labour.
The Cod-Fish annually appear first at St. Peters and Placentia in May, and thence proceed Northward along Shore to St. Iohns, Trinity &c, and in Autumn are fisht by the French in the North parts of Newfoundland. Cod follow the bait Fish, as they appear near the Shore successively during the fishing Season; first are the Caplin, next come the Squid, the Herrings take their Course in Autumn, at other Times a Muscle is their Bait.
Their Fish Ships are distinguished into, Fishing-Ships which by their own Boats and Men catch and cure their Fish-Cargoes, and Sack-Ships which purchase their Fish from the Inhabitants.
The Soil is Rocks and Mountains † inhospitable; their Trees are Pine, Fir called Spruce, * and Birch; Strawberries and Raspberries here are good and plenty. In Newfoundland there are no Land-Estates; but many of their Salmon Streams or Falls belong to Patentees. In the Winter, they make Seal-Oil, and save their Skins. The great Islands of Ice which appear upon or near the Banks of Newfoundland, come from Davis Straits.
Goods imported to Newfoundland and consumed there, are only Salt, Bread, Flower, Rum, and Molasses; payable either in Fish as the Price shall break, which is generally [...] 10 s. St. per Quintal, or in Bills of Exchange upon Great Britain; these Bills of Exchange are from the Sack Ships who purchase their Fish or Cargo from the Inhabitants by Bills: Bills purchase these Goods cheaper, [Page 294] than the Fish Truck, because the Fishermen impose any Fish in Pay.
The several Bickerings that have happened in Newfoundland between the British and French, cannot be rehearsed minutely in a Summary; we shall only mention a few. Anno 1704, August 18, about 140 French and Indians, in two Sloops from Placentia, land in Bonavist [...] Harbour, and burnt four Vessels. Anno 1705 in the Winter, M. Subercasse Governor of Placentia, afterwards Governor of Nova Scotia, with 550 Soldiers and Inhabitants of Placentia, and from Canada with some Indians, ransack all the Southern Settlements in a few Days, carried away 140 Prisoners; laid Consumption-Bay, Trinity, and Bonaviste under Contributions, having burnt their Stages and Craft; they besieged the Fort of St. Iohns (Capt. Moody and 40 Soldiers in Garrison) 5 Weeks in vain; St. Iohns is the principal British Fishery Settlement in Newfoundland; Anno 1710 the Garrison of St. Iohns was reinforced by two Companies of Marines.
Placentia was quit-claim'd by France to Great-Britain, and Anno 1714 June 1st Col. Moody being appointed Lieutenant Governor of Placentia, received Possession from M. Castabella who succeeded M. Subercasse as Governor of Placentia Anno 1706, when Subercasse was removed to the Government of L' Accadie or Nova-Scotia; this Castabella was made Governor of Cape-Breton Islands and continued in that Government many Years. Anno 1719 Col. Gladhill was appointed Lt. Governor of Placentia in Place of Col. Moody. This present Anno 1748 Lt. Governor of Placentia is Major Hamilton; and Lt. Governor of St. Iohns is Capt. Bradstreet.
The following Accounts of Fisheries fall in naturally with this Section, and carries along with it some Account of the New England Fishery.
A DIGRESSION concerning Fisheries.
The principal and extensive Branches of Fishery in Commerce, are 1. Whaling, which is in common to all maritime Nations, but followed to best Advantage by the Dutch, it is [Page 295] called the great Fishery, as Herring, and Cod fishing are called the small Fisheries. 2. Herrings, of these the Dutch also make the most Gain, although the only herring Fishery, known to us, of Quantity and Quality, sufficient and proper for the Markets, is confined to the British Seas which is a Mare Clausum, and in all Respects is the British peculiar Property, excepting that it is a natural Thorough-Fare or high Way to all Nations in their outward bound and inward bound Voyages; and Great Britain, with greater Propriety, may be called Herrings Island, than Newfoundland called Terra de Baccaleos: The Dutch in the Reign of Charles I. agreed to pay annually to Great Britain, £ [...]0,000 Sterling for Licence or Liberty of fishing for Herrings upon the Coasts of Great-Britain, they paid only for one Year 1636 and no more [...] Cromwel in his Declaration of War against the Dutch, made a Demand of the Arrears of this licence Money (at the same Time he insisted upon Satisfaction for the Amboyna Affair) but the principal Differences which occasioned the War being soon accommodated, these Demands were dropt. 3. Cod-Fish. The European North Sea Cod, the Cod from the Banks of Holland and Coast of Ireland are much superiour in Quality to the American Cod; but in no Degree adequate to the Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian Markets: the Cod Fishery to supply Markets, is peculiar to Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and New England: If Great Britain, pending this French War, continue with Success to reduce the French Trade and Colonies, we may give the Law; and have Newfoundland, the Islands in the Gulph of St. Laurence, Nova Scotia and New-England, confirmed to us in Perpetuity; with an exclusive Trade and Navigation upon the Coasts thereof to the Extent Seaward of — Leagues; thus we shall have the Monopoly of the Cod-Fishery; at a low Estate, we can afford at a Medium 300,000 Quintals per Annum, whereof Bilboa the dry Cod-Fishery Barcadier takes off from 70,000 to 80,000 Quintals per An. to supply Madrid, and some other inland Countries of Spain
[Page 296]To render these Accounts distinct, I shall reduce them to five Heads. 1. The Whale-Fishery. 2. Herring-Fishery. 3. Cod-Fishery. 4. The smaller Fisheries exportable but of no great Account. And, 5. Some Fish not exportable or merchantable, but of great Benefit in present spending especially for the Poor.
1. WHALES. See a Digression concerning Whaling, P. 56. we shall further add the following Remarks; Whales, that is the true or Bone Whales go Southward (they are Passengers according to the Seasons) towards Winter, and return Northward in the Spring. Formerly in New-England Cape-Cod embay'd them, but being much disturbed (they seem to have some Degree of Reason) they keep a good Offing. The smaller Whales, viz. Sperma Ceti, Fin-Backs, Hump-Backs, &c. which never go far to the Northward, but stroll considerably Southward, are apt to strand upon the Shoals of North-Carolina and Bahama Banks: They become Drift Whales, and some afford drift Sperma-Ceti. In their Passages North and South, having kept an Offing to the Banks, tho' they were incommoded by the Whale-Fishers; at present in their Passages they keep deep Water; and upon a Peace the Whalers are to fish for them in deep Water.
New-England Whaling at present is by Whaling Sloops or Schooners with two Whale-Boats and 13 Men; each Boat has an Harpooner, a Steersman, and four Rowers: The Whale-Boats do not use Thaughts but Nooses for their Oars, upon Account of Expedition; because only by letting go their Oars, without loosing of them, they keep expeditiously long Side of the Whale. The best Place of striking a Whale is in her Belly, about one Third from her Gills; the Fast is a Rope of about 25 Fathom; then a Drudge or Stop-Water, a Plank of about 2 Feet square, with a Stick through its Center; to the further End of this Stick, is fastned a Tow-Rope, called the Drudge Rope of about 15 Fathom; they lance, after having fast [...]ed her by the Harpoon, till dead.
[Page 297]The New England Whalers reckon so many Ct. Wt. Bone, as Bone is Feet long: For Instance, 7 Foot Bone gives 700 Wt. Bone: New-England Bone scarce ever e [...]ceeds 9 Feet; and 100 Barrels Oil is supposed to yield 1000 Wt. of Bone Whales kill'd in deep Water, if they sink, never rise again.
Sperma Ceti Whales do not go far North; they are gregarious, or in Sholes; they go Southward to the Bahama Islands in October, and return in the Spring: Most of the Bermudas Whales are Finbacks, 20 to 30 pr. An. caught.
A Whale stranded back of Cape-Cod, yielded 134 Barrels Oil, and — Wt. of Bone; this Whale was so fat, that, some poor People tried the muscular Flesh, and made 30 Barrels more Oil. In New-England Whaling, they go upon Shares, one Quarter to the Vessel or Owners, the rest to the Company, finding themselves victualing and whaling Geer. The Whalers in deep Water, or at a considerable Distance from Nantucket, fit out in the Beginning and Middle of March. Third Week of Iuly Anno 1738 arrived our Whalers from Davis Straits. The New-England True Whale, is the same with the European North-Cape Whales, are not easily kill'd, being agile and very wild; the Dutch do not fish them. Sperma Ceti Whales do not go far North, they pass by New-England in October, and return in the Spring. Grampus's, Bottle-noses, and the other small Cetaceous Kind are called Black Fish.
It is not easily to be accounted for, that Whales do not in Course of Years become scarcer; considering the continued great Slaughter of them by the Whaling Nation [...], they bring only one Calf at a Time after many Month [...] Gestation, whereas other Fish spawn Multitudes.
Fish-Oil is, 1. That from the True or Whale-Bone Whale, and the other large Whales. 2. Vitious Oil from the Sperma Ceti Whales. 3. Black Fish Oil from Grampus's▪ Bottle-noses, Porpus's, &c. of the small Cetaceous Kind. 4. Liver-Oil from the Livers of sundry Fishes, especially [Page 298] of Cod-Fish. 5. That from the Blubber or Penicula adiposa of Seals and Sea-Cows. There are two Sorts of Seals, one Sort has its Skin dappled or in small Spots, the other Sort called the Ice-Seal, hath a large black Patch, runs slow, and is kill'd by a small Blow on the Head; 500 have been killed in a Harbour at Newfoundland in a Morning; the Skins and Blubber is their mercantile Produce. The Sea-Cow or Morse is plenty upon the Coasts of Nova-Scotia and the Gulph of St. Laurence, particularly at the Island of St. Iohns; it is of the Bigness of a midling Cow (it is not the same with the Manatee of the Gulph of Mexico) a very thick Skin with Hair like that of a Seal.
In cold Winters the Whales, as do other Fish, keep in deep Water. The New-England People whale with a Drudge or Stop-Water, not with long Ropes or Warps as the Hollanders. Upon the Coast of New-England, Whales go Northward from the Middle of March to the Middle of May. About 30 Years ago, Communibus Annis were exported from New-England about 5,000 Barrels of Fish-Oil, at this Writing Anno 1748, about 10,000 Barrels, notwithstanding the Whales keeping a greater Offing.
2. HERRINGS. In this Tribe of Fishes there are many Species or distinct Kinds, viz. The Shadd, the true Herring, the Alewife, the Sardinia, the Anchovie, &c. In this Article, I write only of the true or merchantable Herring; in good Quality and large Quantities, they seem peculiar to the Coasts of the British Islands, and I shall in the first Place mention these as a Standard.
Upon the Coasts of Great-Britain, Herrings make their first Appearance Northward (at the Western Islands of Scotland they appear in the Spring) as it is commonly said, at the * Shetland Islands in N. Lat. 61 d, beginning [Page 299] of Iune; by Custom the Hollanders do not begin to fish until † Iune 24th, and return to Holland in August and September: 2000 Busses (a Pink-sterned Catch of about 40 to 50 Tun) have at one Time fished in Brassa Sound; about Midsummer Herrings are in the greatest Perfection. It is said, they come from the Northern deep Waters (we hear of no Herrings about Iseland under the Northern Polar Circle; a Cod-Fishery has been attempted there, but turns to no good Account) in a large Body or Shole, and meeting with the Islands of Great-Britain this Shole is split; one Part or Wing takes along the Eastern Shore, and make in successively into all the Friths of Scotland, more especially in August to the Frith of Forth at Dunbar and Fife Side; their next great Appearance is at Yarmouth Roads upon the Coast of England, where the Dutch presume again to fish for them; thence to the Mouth of the River Thames, and thence to the Southern and Western Parts of England; at Ilfracombe, N. Lat. 51 d. 10 m. within the Mouth of the Severn River about two Leagues to Sea, they fish Herrings from Michaelmas to Christmas, and make 10,000 to 12,000 Barrels pr An. In the Autumn the Herrings spawn, become lank or lean, and are only fit for being cured by smoaking called Red Herrings; it is imagined that soon after spawning they disappear in deep Water South of the British Islands: The Western Shole or Wing of this great Body, pass amongst the [Page 300] Lewis's or * Scots Western Islands, thence this Part of Body of Herrings subdivides when they meet with Ireland, one Column proceeds to the Western Coast of Ireland, the other Column, pass along St. Georges or the Irish Channel to the Mouth of the Severn.
It seems more reasonable to think, that these Herrings are constant Retainers to the Islands of Great-Britain, some Times disappearing in deep Water, and at other Times appearing in Shole-Water, according to their various feeding and spawning Grounds; so as annually to make the Circuit of these Islands; and as is the Manner of all Passenger Fish, go Northward towards Summer, and Southward towards Winter or cold Weather, and in very cold Weather take to deep or warmer Water. And in Fact or Observation we find the Herrings appear amongst the Western Islands of Scotland in Spring, they are at Shetland and the North Parts of Scotland in Summer, they are along the East and South Coasts of Great Britain in Autumn, and in St. Georges Channel in Winter.
The British Herrings spawn in August and September: When they spawn, the Fishermen call it fouling of the Water; it is said they go by Pairs to the Bottom, and rub their Bellies in the Mud and Sand until their † Milts and Rows are discharged; soon after this the Herring-Fishery is supposed to be over, and that the Herrings take to Sea or deep Water.
Dantzick is the principal Market for the Scots and Dutch white or pickled Herrings, next are Hamburg and Stockholm; the Dutch re-pickle their Herrings in Holland.
The Herrings of Newfoundland, Nova-Scotia and New-England, are either of a different Species, or of a bad Quality, and if in curing their Quality could be remedied, they are not of a sufficient Quantity to supply the Herring Markets: They are caught in Seans or Mashes, [Page 301] they have been pickled and barrelled for the Negroes in the West-India Islands, but turned out not merchantable, and that Branch of Fishery was dropt. In Newfoundland they come in by Autumn, being their last bait Fish. In New-England notwithstanding of their being a periodical Fish, their Periods are uncertain; at present they are not so plenty as formerly, and generally set in to spawn towards the End of Winter.
Periodical Sholes or Passengers of North Sea Fish upon the Eastern Shore of North-America, are not found South of 41 d. N. Lat. some stragling Cod and Salmon are some Times caught to the South of Nan [...]ucket or this Latitude, but do not answer the curing.
3. COD-FISHERY. The Scots or North Sea dry Cod, and the New-England Winter dry Cod, are of the prime Quality; they will bear watering; Summer Fish of New-England when watered, breaks. Large Winter Cod dry Fish, is the best for Bilboa Market, it retains its Mellowness and will bear Land-Carriage to Madrid, smaller Fish will answer in other Markets; in Great-Britain and Ireland, they are not reckoned merchantable if under 18 Inches in Length, from the first Fin to the setting on of the Tail, and are allowed no Salt Debenture or Bounty. August and September are the best Times for selling a Fish Cargo in the Roman Catholick Countries, their Lent Stock by that Time is expended.
The New-England Fishery have their Salt, from Saltortugas, Cape de Verde Islands, Turks Islands or Bahamas, Lisbon, and Bay of Biscay. The Fishermen victual with salt Pork only, Biscuit, and Rum. All Cod-Fish caught from the Beginning of Iune to the Beginning of October are called Summer Fish, the others are called Spring and Fall Fish or Winter Fish, and are of the better Quality. The Salt Fleet from Tortugas generally arrives in New-England about the Middle of April.
New-England dry Cod-Fish, is more Salt burnt than those of Newfoundland, because in New-England they generally [Page 302] use Salt from Tortugas and the Isle of May, which is too fiery; at Newfoundland they make Use of Salt from Lisbon and the Bay of Biscay, of a milder Quality: In Newfoundland they work their Fish Belly down, in New-England they work them Belly up, to receive more Salt, and add to their Weight. No Sun-burnt, Salt-burnt, or that have been a considerable Time pickled before dried, are to be deem'd merchantable Fish.
Marblehead in New-England ships off more dry'd Cod, than all the rest of New-England besides; Anno 1732 a good Fish Year, and in profound Peace, Marblehead had about 120 Schooners of about 50 Tuns Burthen, 7 Men aboard, and one Man ashore to make the Fish, is about 1000 Men employed from that Town, besides the Seamen who carry the Fish to Market; if they had all been well fish'd, that is 200 Quintals to a Fare, would have made 120,000 Quintals; at present Anno 1747 they have not exceeding 70 Schooners, and make 5 Fares yearly; first is to Isle of Sable, the Cod-Fish set in there early in the Spring, and this Fare is full of Spawn; formerly they fitted out in February, but by storm [...] Weather having lost some Vessels, and many Anchors, Cables and other Gear, they do not fit out until March; their second Fare is in May to Brown's Bank, and the other Banks near the Cape-Sable Coast, these are also called Spring-Fish; their third and fourth Fares are to St. Georges Bank, called Summer Fish; their fifth and last Fare is in Autumn to Isle of Sables, these are called Winter Fish. New-England Cod is generally cured or dry'd upon Hurdles or Brush. Anno 1721 were cured at Canso of Nova-Scotia 20,000 Quintals of Cod-Fish; but, as it is said, the Officers of that Garrison used the Fishermen ill, and no Fishery has been kept there for many Years. At present Anno 1747, there is cured in all Places of British North America about 300,000 Quintals dry merchantable Cod.
There are several other Particulars relating to the Cod-Fishery interspersed in the former Sheets, which we shall [Page 303] not repeat, left we should deviate from the Character of a Summary. We shall observe, that the French have been too much conniv'd at in carrying on a considerable Cod-Fishery near the Mouth of the River St. Laurence a [...] Gaspee contrary to Treaty, because it lies in Nova-Scotia. Continued Westerly or dry Winds are not requisite in curing dry Cod, because they must be sweated in Piles by some damp Easterly Weather. Winter Fish ought not to be shipt off 'till May; for although the preceeding Frosts makes them look fair and firm, if ship'd off too soon, the subsequent Heat of the Hold, makes them sweat and putrify. The Stock Fish of Norway and Iseland, are Cod cured without Salt, by hanging in the Frosts of Winter upon Sticks, called Stocks in Dutch.
4. SMALLER FISHERIES used in Commerce; we shall mention a few.
Scale Fish so called, viz. Haddock, Hake, and Polluc, which in New-England are cured in the same Manner as dry Cod; those together with the dry Cod that is not fit for European Markets, are ship'd off to the West-India Islands, towards feeding of the Negro Slaves, and make a considerable Article in our Trade to the Sugar-Islands.
Mackrel, split, salted and barrel'd for the Negroes in the Sugar Islands, are caught either by Hook, Seans, or Mashes; those by Hook are the best, those by Seans are worst, because in Bulk they are bruised; Mackrel will not take the Hook, unless it have a Motion of two or three Knots, if quicker they will take the Hook, but their Jaw being tender gives Way and the Mackrel is lost. There are two Seasons of Mackrel, Spring and Autumn, the Autumn Mackrel are the best; those of the Spring appear about Middle of May, very lean, and vanish in two or three Weeks.
Sturgeon very plenty; some are 12 Feet long, and weigh 400 Wt. formerly a Merchant of Boston, contracted with some Fishmongers in London, Anno 1721 he sent 1500 Cags of 40 to 50 wt. (the Contract was for 5000 [Page 304] Cags per An.) the Fish were good but too salt or ill-cured; this Fishery did not answer, and it was dropt. London is supplied with Sturgeon from Dantzick, Hamburg and Pilau.
Salmon are plenty in all the British North-America Rivers from Newfoundland to about N. Lat. 41 d. they set in to Massachusetts-Bay about the Middle of April, they do not chuse warm Weather, therefore do not continue there long after having spawn'd; further North they continue many Months. This Salmon is not of a good Quality, and is not so good for a Market, as the Salmon of Great-Britain and Ireland.
Alewives by some of the Country People called Herrings; they are of the * Herring Tribe, but somewhat larger than the true Herring, they are a very mean, dry, and insipid Fish; some of them are cured in the Manner of white Herrings, and sent to the Sugar-Islands for the Slaves, but because of their bad Quality they are not in Request: In some Places they are used to manure Land, they are very plenty, and come up the Rivers and Brooks into Ponds in the Spring, having spawn'd they return to Sea, they never take the Hook.
5. FOR SPENDING FRESH. Besides the above mentioned Fish, which are also eat when fresh, there are many Sorts which are not cured and ship'd off. In New-England they are generally well known, and are much the same as in Britain: We shall refer them to the Sections of New-England.
Many Fish go up the Rivers, and into Ponds, earlier or later in the Spring to spawn, viz, Salmon, Shad, Alewives, Tom-Cod, Smelts, and many good Laws have been made in New-England, to prevent their Passages from being stopt by Wares &c. as they are of gre [...] Benefi [...] to the Inhabitants near these Rivers and Ponds.
SECT. VII. Concerning Nova-Scotia, or L'Accadie.
THIS Country was called Nova-Scotia by Sir William Alexander, Se [...]retary of State for Scotland; by Means of Sir Ferdinando Gorge, President of the New-England or Plymouth Company, he obtain'd a Royal Grant, Sept. 10. Anno 1621; he was afterwards created Lord Alexander, Viscount of Canada, and Earl of Stirling Anno 1633. The French call it L'Accadie, an Abreviation or Corruption of Arcadia in the Morea of Greece, a Northern hilly Country of the Peloponesus: Hitherto, it cannot be called a Colony; it is only an impotent British Garrison in an ill-regulated French Settlement: The French Settlers and the British Garrison Officers (with much Impropriety) call the Inhabitants Neutrals, though under the Protection and in Allegiance to the Crown of Great-Britain; there are no British Settlers to compose an Assembly or Legislature for making of Laws and raising of Taxes.
The French had early Settlements in L'Accadie or Nova Scotia; Capt. Argol from Virginia Anno 1613 visited Port-Royal and St. Croix and brought away two French Vessels. M. Biencourt was at that Time Governor of Port Royal: Argol broke up some French Settlements in Sagadahock and L'Accadie called Part of New France, or Terra Canadensis; at present the Country North of St. Laurence River, only, retains this Name: This Expedition of Argol's made Way for Sir William Alexander's Patent. Sir William admitted some Associates, Anno 1623 they sent over a Ship with some Settlers, but they all returned to England the same Year, and the French proceeded in their Settlements. K. Charles I, Anno 1625 upon his Marriage with Henrietta Maria, a Daughter of France, quit-claim'd Nova Scotia to the French.
There have been many Revolutions in the Property and Dominion of Nova Scotia.
[Page 306]1. Anno 1627 and Anno 1628, Sir David Kirk and Associates, upon a private Adventure, but by Commission from the King or Crown of England, conquered the French Settlements in Canada and Nova Scotia; and Patents were obtain'd from the Court of England, by which the Lands called Canada, North of the River St. Laurence were granted to Sir David Kirk, and the Lands called Nova Scotia South of said River were confirmed to Sir William Alexander.
2. Sir William sold the Property to M. Claude de la Tour D'Aunay a French Protestant, and Anno 1632 March 29, by Treaty King Charles quit claim'd it to France.
3. Cromwel sent Col. Sedgwick, he reduced it Anno 1654, and it was confirmed to England by Treaty in the Year following; M. St. Estienne, Son and Heir of the above Claude de la Tour, came to England, made out his Claim, and had the Property surrendred to him; this La Tour sold the Property to Sir Thomas Temple, who was Governor and in Possession of the Property until Anno 1662, it was then delivered up to the French by K. Charles II. (that Race ought to be called Sons of France, not Sons of Great-Britain) who agreed with the Temples for a Sum of 10,000 £. St. to be paid them (but it never was satisfied) upon Account of their Right.
Menival was appointed Governor, and built a small stockaded Fort, called Port Royal, upon a Bason, 9 Miles from the Bay of Fundi; Nova Scotia was confirmed to the French by the Breda Treaty Anno 1667, in the Manner of a Quit Claim. La Tour a French Protestant, upon his returning to the Roman Catholick Way of Worship, had it confirmed (as to Property) to him by the Court of France. La Tour in the various Vicissitudes, was Protestant when the Country was under the Dominion of England, and Roman Catholick when it was subject to the King of France. La Tour built a Fort at St. Iohns River; M. Donnee the French Governor of L'Accadie, deem'd it irregular, and inconsistent with the Royal Prerogative; while La Tour was in France, he reduced it, and inhumanely [Page 307] destroy'd La Tour's Wife and Family. La Tour became poor, borrowed a large Sum of Money of M. Belle Isle, a rich Merchant and Trader to North America, and assigned over to him one half of the Province, or Seigneurie.
4. The French of L'Accadie being troublesome Neighbours, New England [...]itted ou [...] an Expedition of 700 Men under Col. Phipps, at their own Charge An. 1690 ( Menival Governor, the Fort ill fortified, and ill provided) they demolished the Fort; the French took the Oaths of Allegiance and Fidelity to the Crown of England, but soon revolted in Conformity to Roman Catholick and Frenc [...] Faith, and continued their Settlements; and by the Treaty of Reswick An. 1697, Great-Britain quit-claim'd it to France. N. B. The New-England Expedition sail'd from Boston (Nantasket is in Boston Harbour) 28th April, came before Port Royal 11th May, in 2 or 3 Days Meninal surrendred, and the French Garrison was shipt off.
Anno 1704 Major Church with 550 Voluntiers visited Penobscut, Passamaquady, and Les Mines; they brought off about 100 Prisoners; in Iuly they attempted Port-Royal, but in vain.
Capt. Rowse of Charlestown Anno 1706, as a Flag of Truce was sent to Annapolis to exchange or redeem Prisoners; he with some of his Owners and Associates in Boston, were under Suspicion of secret Contracts, * to supply the French Enemy, Indictments were laid against them for high Misdemeanors; they were fined, but their Fine remitted: One Trip they brought Home 17 Prisoners, next Trip only 7 Prisoners.
Anno 1707, 8, March 13, from New-England, there proceeded [Page 308] an Expedition against Port-Royal, under Col. March, with 2 Regiments Militia, Wainwright and Hilton, covered by the Deptford Man of War from England, and the Province-Galley; this Expedition had no Effect, and the Officers of the Deptford were blamed as negligent or refractory.
Anno 1709 Col. Nicholson and Capt. Vetch apply at the Court of Great-Britain, for Sea and Land Forces to reduce Canada; there being at that Time a Sort of Court War, it was not attended to, but upon their solliciting an Expedition of less Consequence, viz. to reduce Port-Royal and the Country of Nova-Scotia, this was obtained.
5. Nova Scotia continued with the French from Anno 1662 (Sir William Phips's Reduction and Possession of it Anno 1690 may be said to be only momentary) until An. 1710, it was then reduced by a Force from Great Britain, and from New England under Col. Nicholson, and confirmed to Great-Britain by the Treaty of Utrecht, and thus it remains to this Day.
This Expedition under General Nicholson (with Instructions to all the Governors of New-England to be assisting) and Adjutant General Vetch was as follows, Anno 1710, Iuly 15▪ Nicholson with some British Officers, and Col. Reading's Marines arrive at Boston from England, for the intended Expedition: The Armament set out from Boston Sept. 18, consisting of the Dragon, Falmouth, Leostaff, and Feversham Men of War, the Star Bomb, and the Massachusetts Province-Galley, with Transports, in all 36 Sail; the Land-Forces aboard, were, One Regiment Marines from England, Two Regiments of Massachusetts-Bay, One Regiment of Connecticut, and One Regiment of New-Hampshire and Rhode-Island, commissioned by the Queen, and arm'd by her Gilt; they arrived at Port-Royal in six Days (the Grenadiers of Walton's Regiment were commanded by Mascarene the present Governor of Annapolis Fort, and Commander in Chief of Nova Scotia) after a small Affair of cannonading and bombarding, the French Governor Subercasse did capitulate, and October 5, the [Page 309] Fort was delivered up, and Col. Vetch according to Instructions becomes Governor. The Terms of Capitulation were, that all the French, being 481 Persons within the Banlieu, or 3 Miles of the Fort, shall be under the Protection of Great-Britain, upon their taking the proper Oaths of Allegiance; the other French Settlers were left to Discretion, that in Case the French make Incursions upon the Frontiers of New-England, the British shall mak [...] Reprisals upon the French in Nova-Scotia, by making som [...] of their chief Inhabitants Slaves to our Indians; yet notwithstanding, the French of L'Accadie commitHostilities, but the Port-Royal and Cape-Sable Indians desire Terms of Amity and Alliance; the Garrison allowed to march out with 6 Cannon and 2 Mortars, afterwards bought by Nicholson for 7,499 Livres 10 Sols: The Garrison consisted of 258 Soldiers, with their Officers and other Inhabitants in all 481 Persons Male and Female, were shipt to Rochelle in France; General Nicholson sent Major Livingston, and M. Subercasse sent Baron St. Casteen to Marquis de Veaudrueïl General of Canada, to acquaint him with this Event, they arrived at Quebeck Dec. 16. The Men of War and Transports sail for Boston Oct. 14, leaving a Garrison in Port-Royal now called Annapolis-Royal, of 200 Marines and 250 New England Voluntiers; they were relieved next Year by 400 of the Troops destined for Canada. The New-England Charge in this Expedition was upwards of 23,000 £. St. reimbursed by Parliament.
The French Governor's Commission, was in these Words; Daniel Auger de Subercasse, Knight of St. Louis, Governor of L'Accadie, of Cape-Breton Islands and Lands adjacent from Cape Rozier of the great River St. Laurence, as far as the East Parts of Quenebec River.
Here it is not improper to annex the following Digression.
A DIGRESSION concerning some late British Expeditions against Canada.
Anno 1690 the New Englanders having reduced Port-Royal, and all the rest of Nova-Scotia or L'Accadie, were [Page 310] encouraged to attempt Quebec in Canada the same Year; they set out too late in the Year, want of Experience in their principal Officers, Sickness amongst their Men, and the Army of 1000 English with 1500 Indians, who at the same Time were to march from Albany, by the Way of Lake Champlain to attack Monreal by Way of Diversion to divide the French Forces, not proceeding; occasioned a Miscarriage, with the Loss of 1000 Men, and a Loss of many of their Transports in their Return, with a great Charge incurred, which Charge occasioned the first Emission of a pernicious * Paper Currency by Way o [...] publick [Page 311] Bills of Credit to pay this Charge: There sailed from Boston Frigates and Transports 32, having 2000 Land Men aboard; the Admiral called the Six Friends carried 44 Guns; they sailed from Boston August 9, did not arrive before Quebeck 'till October 5, landed 1400 Men under General Walley about one League and half from the Town, were repulsed two or three Times with great Loss. Baron La Hontan who was then at Quebec, says, "The New-England Men did not want Courage, but wanted Military Discipline; that Sir William Phipps's Conduct was so bad, that he could not have done less than he did, if he had been hired by the French, to stand still with his Hands in his Pockets; if they had come directly against the Town, it would have surrendred, but they were dilatory in their Consultations at a Distance, which gave Time to reinforce the Place with regular Troops, Militia, and Savages; Sir William bombarded the Town from four Vessels, and did Damage to the Value of five or six Pistoles; in the Town were only 12 great Guns, and very little Ammunition."
Anno 1711, the Scheme and Expedition for reducing of Quebec and Placentia, and consequently all Canada and [Page 312] Newfoundland, to ingross the Cod-Fishery, † was concerted by the new Ministry, solicited by Nicholson; * the Reg [...] ments of Kirk, Hill, Windress, Clayton, and Kaine from Flanders, together with Seymours, Disnays, and a Battallion of Marines from England, under the Command of Brigadier Hill, Brother to the new Favourite Mrs. Masham; in 40 Transports, with a Squadron of 12 Line of Battle Ships, several Frigates, two Bomb-Vessels, a fine Train of Artillery under Col. King with 40 fine Horses and six Store Ships: They sail'd from England, April 28, arrived at Boston, June 25: By Order from Home there was a Congress at New-London of all our Plantation Governors North of Pensylvania with Nicholson, to concert Measures; to the British Troops were joined two Regiments from Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island and New-Hampshire to attack Quebec, while the Militia from Connecticut, New-York and Iersies, with the Indians of the Five Nations, so called, under General Nicholson marched by Land from Albany August 20, to attack Monreal for Diversion: It ‖ was alledged that they were retarded at Boston for Want of Provisions, they did not sail till Iuly 30; there were 68 Vessels carrying 6,463 Troops; August 18 they anchored [Page 313] In Bay or Harbour of Gaspee on the South Side of the Entrance of St. Laurence River, to wood and water, Aug. 23 in the Night-Time, contrary to the Advice of the Pilots, in a Fog they fell in with the North Shore, and upon the Islands of Eggs lost * eight Transports, and 884 Men. In a Council of War, it was resolved, that by reason of the Ignorance of the Pilots, it was impracticable to proceed; and that Advice should be sent to recall Gen. Nicholson from proceeding to Monreal. The Fleet anchored in Spanish River of Cape-Breton, Sept. 4. and in a general Council of War, it was resolved not to attempt any Thing against † Placentia, but to return to Great-Britain. They sail'd from Spanish River Sept. 16, and in 21 Days were in Soundings near the Channel of England. Oct. 16, at St. Helens, the Edgar, with the Admiral's Journals and other Papers, was blown up, and the Voyage (as some say) in that inhumane wicked Manner settled. The Charge incurred by the Province of Massachusetts-Bay was something more than 24,000 £. St. allowed by Parliament, and converted into Debentures transferable, and bearing interest; it is probable the Massachusetts Demand of 178,000 £. St. Charges incurred in reducing Louisbourg, may be satisfied in the same Manner; these Debentures to be transferable only towards cancelling the Provincial Bills of publick Credit, that ACCURSED PAPER CURRENCY, in which the honest, industrious, frugal People [Page 314] have lost almost the Whole of their personal Estates by Depreciations; but not to be intrusted in any Shape with fallacious Money-making and indebted G—rs and A—lies.
Our * next Canada Expedition proved abortive in a shorter Time from the Conception; but may be supposed to have been occasioned by some natural good ‖ Policy Causes, and not from premeditated designed Means of Miscarriage, as in the former. By Orders dated — April 1746 from the Duke of Newcastle, Secretary of State at [Page 315] the Court of Great-Britain; all the British Governors in North-America are required to raise each of them, so many Independent Companies of 100 Men, as they can spare and effect: Those of New-York, New-Ierseys, Pensylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, to be formed into one Corps, to be commanded by Brigadier Gooch Lieut.-Governor of Virginia; the King to be at the Charge of arming, paying and cloathing of these Troops, but the several Colonies to furnish Levy-Money and Victualling; Virginia sent 2 Companies, Maryland 3, Pensylvania 4, Ierseys 5, New-York 15, being 29 Companies; these were designed against Crown-Point, and from thence against Monreal; the two Virginia Companies remain'd in the Fort of New-York, the regular Troops were sent upon the Expedition; the yellow Fever at this Time prevail'd at Albany, therefore the Troops for the Expedition rendezvous at Saratago about 30 Miles higher up Hudson's River: Massachusetts-Bay raised 20 Companies, Connecticut 10, Rhode-Island 3, New-Hampshire 2, being 35 Companies; these were to join the British Land-Forces under Lieut.-General St. Clair, with a Squadron of Men of War from England to reduce Quebec and all Canada, while Gooch was making a Diversion at Monreal, 60 Leagues further up the River of St. Laurence; these Colony Militia were to receive Part of the Booty, and to be sent Home when the Service is over.
Admiral Leflock's being appointed Commander of the Squadron destined for this Expedition, in Place of Admiral Warren, a Man of Integrity, and the Delays until too late in the Year, plainly evinced that the Reduction of Canada at that Time was not intended. As the Governors of the several Colonies had no Instructions to dismiss their Levies; these Levies were continued on Foot; the Massachusetts Men were disposed into two Regiments Waldo's and Dwight's; at the Request of Governor Mascarene 5 or 6 of Waldo's Companies, the 3 Companies of Rhode-Island and the 2 Companies of New-Hampshire, [Page 316] were † sent for the Protection of Nova-Scotia; the other 1500 Men were designed to join the Southern Levies, in Order to reduce * Crown-Point Fort, built by the French as a Rendezvous and Place of Arms for disturbing our Settlements of New-England and New-York, see P. 11; some Misunderstandings between the several Governments▪ and the contagious Sicknesses which prevailed about Albany, prevented the Prosecution of this Design: The Order for dismissing or disbanding of the Canada Levies, did not arrive until October Anno 1747, they were accordingly dismissed, and have produced another Crop of Idlers, the Bane of all Countries.
Here we shall continue the History of the several Bickerings or Skirmishes which we have had in Nova-Scotia with the Canadians, the other French, and their Indians.
After the Reduction of Port-Royal or Annapolis-Royal by General Nicholson Anno 1710, notwithstanding that [Page 317] by the Capitulation, the Inhabitants without the Baulieue were to be ‖ Neutrals, they continued their Hostilities; Hostilities continuing, the French Missionary Priest, and five of the principal Inhabitants upon the River of A [...] napolis, were seized and kept as Hostages, for the Inhabitants future good Behaviour; even notwithstanding of this Precaution, Capt. Pigeon with 60 Men being sent up the River for Timber to repair the Fort, they were waylaid by the French and their Indians, this Party were all kill'd or made Captives.— Many other Hostilities were committed.
After the Peace of Utrecht, a continued Tranquility till the War between New-England and their Eastern Indians; the French Missionaries persuaded the Indians, that the English had encroached upon their Lands. Anno 1721 in Iune, Capt. Blin a Nova Scotia Trader, Mr. Newton Collector of Nova Scotia, and others, were captivated by the Indians at Pasamaquady, but were soon released, because Gov. Doucet of Annapolis had made a Reprisal of 22 Indians. Along Cape Sable Shore the Indians began to insult our fishing Vessels: In Iuly these Indians take several fishing Vessels on the Cape-Sable Coast, kill and captivate many of their Men; Governor Phillips at Canso fits out two armed Sloops, they kill and captivate many Indians, and put an End to the Indian Sea-roving, Anno 1724. Anno 1723 Iuly 15 the Indians, at Canso upon Durrel's Island kill Capt. Watkins, two more Men, one Woman and one Child. Anno 1724 in July, a Party of Indians attack Annapolis of Nova-Scotia, they burn two Houses, and kill one Serjeant, and one private Man of a Party [Page 318] that sallied: In the Fort they * shot and scalp'd one of the Indian Prisoners as a Reprisal for the Indians shooting and scalping of Serjeant Mc Neal; and burn two French Houses as a Reprisal for the two English Houses burnt; several English living without the Fort were captivated, but soon ransomed by the French.
From this Time until the French War in the Spring, Anno 1744, this neglected non-effective Garrison of Annapolis continued in a profound Peace, and supine Indolence. In the Beginning of the present French War, the Fort of Annapolis was in a miserable Condition; the Garrison Soldiers did not exceed eighty Men, capable of fatiguing Duty; Hogs and Sheep from without, passed the Fossees or Ditches, and mounted the Ramparts at Pleasure.
War was declared by Great-Britain against France (the French had declared War some Weeks before) Anno 1744 March 29; the Proclamation of War did not arrive in Boston until Iune 2; the French of Cape-Breton were more early in their Intelligence, and the Garrison of the not tenable Post of Canso could not (in Case the general Instructions were such) have timely Advice to abandon it; accordingly about 900 Men, regular Troops and Militia, were by M. Duquesnel Governor, sent under M. Du Vivier from Louisbourg; they seize Canso May 13, there were four incompleat Companies of Phillips's Regiment inGarrison, not exceeding 80 Men, with a Man of War Tender; the French burn the small Settlement, Conditions were, to be carried to Louisbourg, and to continue there one Year, and thence to be sent to Boston or Annapolis; but were sent to Boston sooner.
In Iune a few small Vessels ( Delabroiz, afterwards taken by the Massachusetts-Bay Province Snow Privateer, commanded) from Louisbourg annoy St. Peters, and some other [Page 319] small Harbours of Newfoundland West of Placentia, and threatned Placentia Fort.
* Beginning of Iune about 300 Cape-Sable and St. Iohns Indians, under the Direction of a French Missionary Priest M. Luttre, did attempt the Fort of Annapolis; they burnt the Out-houses, destroy'd some Cattle, kill'd two Men, summoned the Garrison to surrender, promising good Quarters, otherwise threatned to storm them, upon the Arrival of some French Forces which they expected from Louisbourg; but upon the Arrival of the Province Snow Privateer beginning of Iuly from Boston with the first Company of Militia (the Government of Massachusetts-Bay raised 4 Companies to reinforce the Garrison of Annapolis) they broke up, and returned to Minas (or les Mines) and the Women and Children of Annapolis removed to Boston for Safety.
In September, Du Vivier with 60 regular Troops from Louisbourg, and about 700 Militia and Indians (the above mentioned Indians joined him) upon the Arrival of all the Massachusetts Succours, particularly of Capt. Gorham's Indian Rangers, ( Du Vivier had lain some Weeks near Annapolis Fort) he retired to Minas: Several Messages which have been censured, passed between him and the [Page 320] Garrison Officers of Annapolis: The most favourable Account, is, That Du Vivier, acquainted them that he expected (in the mean Time they might have good Terms of Capitulation) from Louisbourg some Men of War, one of 70 Guns, one of 56 Guns, and one of 30 Guns, with Cannon, Mortars and Stores, and a Reinforcement of 250 more Troops; the Answer of the Garrison, was, That when this Force arrived, it was Time enough to make Proposals: After he had tarried there three Weeks, disappointed and discontented, he retired to Minas; next Day after his decamping some trifling Vessels with Cannon, Mortars, and warlike Stores, arrived in the Bason of Annapolis, and hearing of Du Vivier's being withdrawn, they were afraid of our Frigates annoying of them, they soon removed, and as it happened, they narrowly escaped our Vessels: Du Vivier from Minas went to † Bay Vert, and thence to Canada, and from thence Home to France.
As the Cape-Sable and St. Iohns Indians, persisted in their Hostilities against the Subjects of Great-Britain; in November 1744, the Government of the Massachusetts-Bay declares War against them, declaring them Enemies and Rebels; because they had joined the French Enemy in blocking up of Annapolis, had killed some British Subjects, and had committed other Depredations; the Pasamaquady, Penobscot, Noridgwoag, Pigwocket, and other Indians Westward of St. Iohns, are forbid to have any Correspondence with those Indian Rebels; for all Indians Eastward of a Line, beginning at three Miles East of Pasamaquady, and running North to St. Laurence River; The Government settles for a short Time Premiums, viz. 100 £. New * Tenor, for a Male of 12 Aet. and upwards scalp'd, [Page 321] and 105 £. New Tenor if captivated, for Women and Children 50 £. Scalps, 55 £. Captives. Sometime afterwards it was found that the Penobscot and Noridgwog Indians, also joined with the French; the Assembly of Massachusetts-Bay Colony August 23. 1745, extend the Premiums for Scalps and captivated Indians to all Places W. of Nova-Scotia, 250 £. New Tenor to Voluntiers, and 100 £. New Tenor to Troops in Pay. *
Anno 1745 in May M. Marin a Lieut. from Canada, Captain of a Company of Salvages or Indian Rangers, a true Partizan, with about 900 Reggamuffins; Canadians, other French and Indians; comes before Annapolis, they continued but a short Time and returned to Minas, and I suppose by Orders from Louisbourg, went to relieve Louisbourg at that Time besieged: Capt. Donahew in the Service of the Massachusetts Colony met with them in Asmacouse Harbour Iune 15, being 2 Sloops, 2 Scooners, and about 60 large Canoes; upon the further Appearance of Beckett and Fones, this Body of French and Indians retired and returned to Minas. From that Time until de Ramsay's Attempt in Sept. 1746, the Garrison of Annapolis suffer'd no Insults.
From the Beginning of this French War there have been quartered at Minas and Chiconicto and the neighbouring French Villages a dispersed Number of Officers and Soldiers from Canada; but from Marin's leaving of Annapolis in the Beginning of Iuly 1745 to the Arrival of de Ramsay in September 1746 the Garrison of Annapolis enjoy'd their wonted Rest.
In the Summer 1746, a Force of about 1600 Men, regular Marine Troops, Canadian Militia, and Coureurs des Bois, with French Indians under the Command of M. de Ramsay, arrive in Minas, to join the Forces expected from [Page 322] France under * the Duke d' Anville, they were much caressed by our French Subjects there; and our Minas Subjects, gave to the Garrison of Annapolis DECEITFUL, and [Page 323] no other Intelligence: Here they continued some Months, but the Winter-Season approaching, and no Tidings of the French Armament; the French Troops, deem'd it advisable to return to Canada; in their Return, Duke d'Anville's Armament arrives in Chebucto of Nova-Scotia, and an Express was sent to recall them; about 400 of them were overtaken, and returned with de Ramsay, Culon, and [Page 324] La Corne three Captains of Marines and Chevaliers or Knights of St. Louis. Towards the End of Sept. de Ramsay comes before Annapolis, made no Assault, but encamped at some Distance; the Chester Man of War of 50 Guns, the Shirley Frigate of 20 Guns, and the Ordnance Scooner at that Time, were in the Bason of Annapolis; three Companies of Reinforcements for the Garrison from Boston were arrived, and de Ramsey having had Advice of the French Fleet being returned to France, made the French decamp October 22, and return to Minas.
His Design was to quarter at Minas and Chiconicto, during the Winter, and to join the French Fleet and Land Forces which were expected to reduce Annapolis, in the Summer; Governor Mascarene of Annapolis, judged that in Addition to the three Companies of Voluntiers which arrived from Boston in Autumn; 1000 Men of Reinforcements from New England, might be sufficient to dislodge the French Enemy, and to consume (by Purchase) all the French Inhabitants Provisions produced there, in Time coming to prevent the Subsistence of the Enemy who might lodge there and corrupt the Inhabitants; and British Forces being quartered amongst them, might influence them to continue in their Allegiance to the Crown of Great-Britain: Massachusetts Bay Assembly vote 500 Men to be sent, Rhode-Island 300 Men, and New Hampshire 200 Men; the Rhode-Island Men were shipwreck'd near Marthas-Vineyard, those from New Hampshire set out but put back upon some trifling Excuse, and never proceeded, the 500 Men from Boston only arrived; the Disappointment of the Rhode-Island and New Hampshire Men was the Reason of our subsequent Disaster at Minas.
Our first Parcel under Capt. Morris arrived at Minas, Dec. 12; when all were arrived they did not exceed 470 Men besides Officers; Water Carriage in the Winter Season being impracticable, they marched by Land, 30 Leagues, with much Har [...]hip in eight Days, every Man [...] ou [...] with 14 Days Provision upon his Back; the [...] was quartered at Grand Pre, in a very loose, [Page 325] ill contriv'd scattered Situation, but upon Alarm to repair to the main Guard; Col. Noble superseded Col. Gorham in the chief Command; Gorham and Major Phillips with a small Escorte set out for Annapolis Jan. 29, they were but nine Miles on their Way when the French began their Attack.
The French well informed of our scattered Situation as to Cantonment, and not regularly provided with Ammunition and Provision; set out from Chiconicto Jan. 8, for Minas, which by heading of Creeks and Rivers is about 30 Leagues Distance, and by Excursions to bring along as many of the Settlers and Indians as possible, did not arrive in Minas until Jan. 31, and began about three Hours in the Morning by many distant Attacks or Onsets at the same Time, in Parties of 70 to 50 Men; they were about 600 of the Enemy Canadians, Inhabitants and French Indians; they kill'd many of ourMen in a most inhumane base Manner; Col. Noble, Lieuts. Lechemore (Nephew to the late Lord Lechemore) Iones, Pickering, Ensign Noble with about 70 Serjeants, Corporals and private Men; made Prisoners Capt. Doane, Lieut. Gerrish, and Ensign Newton, in all about 69 Men, the wounded included; many of the Prisoners were set at Liberty.
The French were well provided with Snow Shoes, this necessary Winter marching Article we neglected; However, a considerable Number of our Men got together; but as they had not exceeding 8 Shot per Man, and Provisions being scanty they capitulated, 1. We are to march off with Arms shouldered, Drums beating, Colours flying, through a Lane of the Enemy with rested Firelocks. 2. To be allowed six Days Provision, one Pound of Powder with Ball. 3. Not [...]o carry Arms in the Bays of Minas and Chiconicto for six Months.
De Ramsey being lame was not in this Onset, M [...] Culon had the Command, and after Culon was wounded, M. La Corne commanded; this Affair being over, they returned to Chiconicto, and expecting la Ianquiere's Squadron with Land Forces from France in the Summer; they continued [Page 326] at Minas and Chiconicto, until they received Advice, by some Store-Ships for Canada, which had escaped (of † la Ionquiere's Fleet) being destroy'd May 3, 1747: Then they returned to Canada, and have given no further Disturbance to Nova Scotia: Notwithstanding, for the better Security of the Fort and Garrison of Annapolis, Massachusetts-Bay this Spring [...]748 sends a Reinforcement of 7 Companies of Militia.
Having briefly related the French Bickerings with us in Nova-Scotia, we proceed to some further Accounts of that Country.
ANNAPOLIS in 44 d. 40 m. N. Lat; Tide 33 Feet▪ lies upon a fine Bason, but the rapid Tides in the Bay of [Page 327] Fundi make a difficult Navigation; into this Bason comes a River of good Water-Carriage without Falls for 25 Miles, and near it are several small Villages or Parcel [...] [...]f French Settlements, which in Time of Peace, plentifully and cheap supply the Garrison with fresh Provisions and other Necessaries: From Cape Anne near Boston Harbour to Cape Sables are 87 Leagues, from Cape Sables to Annapolis are 30 Leagues; Capt. Campbell in the Squirrel Man of War sail'd from Marblehead near Boston Harbour (s [...]ortest Course) in 23 Hours. The English have no other Footing in this Province, besides the Fort of Annapolis; and before this French War, a small Fishery at Canso.
Aglate la Tour Grand-Daughter to the before mentioned La Tour, by Management and for small Considerations, obtain'd Procurations and Quit-Claims, from all the Heirs of La Tour, and Belle-Isle; she married a Subaltern Officer in Phillip's Regiment; she went to England and sold the Seignurie or Property of all the Province to the Crown of Great-Britain Anno 1731, for 2000 Guineas; the sole Property of all the Province is now in the Crown, and at present yields not exceeding seventeen Pound Sterling pr. An. Quit-rent: By the Peace of Utrecht, the French in Nova Scotia upon their taking the British Government Oaths, were to continue in their Possessions; the not appropriated Lands by the King of Great-Britain's Instructions were reserved for Protestant Subjects; * notwithstanding of this Instruction, the French Roman Catholick Subjects, as they swarm (as they multiply in Families) make free with these Crown Lands.
[Page 328]Anno 1717 Col. Phillips was appointed Governor of Nova Scotia in Place of Vetch, and of Newfoundland in Place of Moody; the four Independent Companies of Annapolis, and the four Independent Companies of Placentia, with two more additional Companies were regimented in his Favour, making a reduced or reformed Regiment of 445 Men, Officers included. After the French Reduction of Canso, our Soldiers Prisoners arrived at Annapolis, being about 60 Men, the poor Remains or Representatives of four Companies; three of these Companies were incorporated with the five Companies of Annapolis, and with the fourth Company of Canso: Thus at Annapolis were six Companies, at Placentia one Company, and the three new Companies to be sent from England to St. Iohns in Newfoundland made up the Regiment of ten Companies, to be compleated to 815 Men Officers included, the Compliment of a British marching Regiment: The Reinforcements and Recruits for this Regiment from England by Mismanagement and Neglect were very unfortunate; and the Regiment remains in an abject low Estate, tho' in Time of War, and continual Jeopardy, from our neighbouring French, and Armaments from France.
In Order to colonize this Country, Governor Philips had a Royal Instruction to form a Council for the Management of the civil Affairs of the Province; and accordingly in April 1720, did appoint 12 Councellors, viz. Iohn Doucet Lieut.-Governor, Laurence Armstrong, Paul Mascarene, Cyprian Southack, Iohn Harrison, Arthur Savage, Iohn Adams, Herbert Newton, William Skeen, William Sherriff, Peter Boudrie, and Gillam Philips, Esqrs; By the fifth Instruction, if any of the Council be absent from the Province, exceeding 12 Months, without Leave from the Commander in chief; or absent two Years without the King's Leave; his Place shall be deem'd void or vacant. In the Absence of the Governor and Lieut.-Governor, the eldest Councellor is to act as President of the Council, and to take upon him the Government: Thus An. 1739 upon the Death of Lieut.-Governor Armstrong, Major [Page 329] Mascarene a Soldier from his Youth, a Gentleman of Probity and exemplary good Life, became and continues President of the Council, and Commander in chief for the Time being, of the Province of Nova-Scoti [...]. As Mascarene was only Major of the Regiment, and Cosby Lieut. Col. of the Regiment, and Lieut.-Governor of the Fort of Annapolis, and consequently his superior Officer; C [...]sby seemed to dispute the Command of the Province, but by an Order from Home, it was determin'd, "That whatever Rank any Person may have out of the Council, he must submit to the Laws of Seniority, which in civil Government ought never to be dispensed with, but by his Majesty's special Order under his Sign Manual." The Governor Phillips disputes the Moiety of the S [...]llary which the Commander in chief of the Province claim [...] in the Absence of the Governor; but by an Instruction o [...] Order from Home, the 42 Instruction to the Governor of Virginia, is also directed to take Place in Nova-Scotia, viz. Upon the Governor's Absence, one full Moiety of the Sallary, all Perquisites, and Emoluments whatsoever, shall be paid and satisfied unto such Lieut.-Governor, Commander in chief, or President of our Council, who shall be resident upon [...] Place for the Time being, for the better Support of [...] Dignity of the Government."
Col. Phillips, Governor of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, and Col. of a Regiment in Garrisons there, arrived in Boston 1720 Oct. 4; upon his Arrival in Nova Scotia 880 effective Men of the French Inhabitants, took the Oaths to the Crown of Great-Britain; at this Time Anno 1748 we reckon French Inhabitants in Nova Sco [...]i [...] from 3000 to 4000 fencible Men; Indians in Nova Scotia not exceeding 250 marching Men, the contagious Distempers of D'Anvilles's Fleet reduced them very much.
Col. Phillips with Advice and Consent of his Council is impowered to grant Lands under cer [...]ain Limitations, but in general at 1 d. St. pr. An. per Acre Quit Rent, Roman Catholicks are excepted. Col. P [...]—ps had sundry Sums allowed by the Board of Ordnance for repairi [...]g [Page 330] Fortifications and the like, at Annapolis and Canso; and were converted, as is said, to his own proper Use. In Time of Peace the Garrisons in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, with a reduced Regiment of Foot, and Detachments from the Train, cost Great-Britain about 15000 £. per Annum.
When Massachusetts-Bay Colony obtain'd a new Charter (their former Charter was taken away at the same Time with many Corporation Charters in England in the End of the Reign of Charles II. and Beginning of the like or more arbitrary Reign of Iames II.) 7 Oct. 1691, Nova Scotia at that Time in Possession of the French, was annexed (as was also Sagadahock or Duke of York's Property) to the Massachusetts Jurisdiction, to keep up the Claim of Grea [...]-Britain; Nova Scotia has since been constituted a separate Government; and has continued about 40 Years to this Time, a nominal British Province without any British Settlement, only an † insignificant Preventive, but precarious Fort and Garrison.
[Page 331]As this Country is rude, a Geographical Description of it cannot be expected; it is a large Extent of Territory, bounded Westward by the Bay of Fundi, and a Line running Northward from St. Iohn's River to St. Laurence or Canada great River; Northward it is bounded by the sai [...] St. Laurence River; Eastward it is bounded by the Gulph of St. Laur [...]nce and Gut of Canso which divides it from the Island of Cape Breton, and South-Easte [...]ly it is bounded by Cape Sable Shore.
The most valuable Article in this Province is the Cape Sable Coast, where is a continued Range of Cod-fishing Banks, and many good Harbours; it is true, that along the Cape Sable Shore and Cape Breton, for some Weeks in Summer, there are continued Fogs (as upon the Banks of Newfoundland) from the Range of Banks to the Eastward, that the Sun is not to be seen; but without Storms or bad Weather; the rest of the Year is clear Weather, very suitable for dry Cod-Fish—along this Coast to keep clear of Lands-Ends or Promontories, of Rocks, and of Shoals, the Courses are, from Cape Anne near Boston
to Cape Sables | E. b. N. | 87 Leagues |
to Cape Sambro | E. b. N. half N. | 50 |
to Canso | E. N. E. | 45 |
to Louisbourg | E. Northerly | 18 |
200 Leagues |
Some of these Harbours are called Port Latore, Port Rosway, Port Metonue, Port Metway, La Have, Malagash, Chebucto. In Chebucto in the Autumn 1746 lay the French Armada under Duke d' Anville, des [...]ined to destroy or distress all the British North America Settlements: This Bay [Page 332] and River of Chebucto bids fair in Time to become the principal Port of Nova Scotia and its Metropolis; from this there is good Wheel Land-Carriage Communication with the Bay of Minas; that is, with La Riviere des Habitants or La Prarie, with the River of Cobaquid, with the River of Pisaquid, and the best Parts of the Province. It is true Annapolis lies upon a fine Bason, and is more inland for a large Vent or Consumption (thus London, Bristol, Liverpool, Glascow h [...]e become rich) but the Country round it is bad, and the Tides of the Bay of Fundi renders the Navigation difficult.
Upon the opposite or Westerly Shore of the Bay of Fundi are the Rivers of Pasamaquady and St. Croix ▪ being about 17 Leagues N. W. from the Gut or Entrance of the Bason of Annapolis; the River St. Croix is the Boundary between Nova Scotia Government, and the Territory of Sagadahock or the Duke of York's Property; for the present in Jurisdiction, annexed to the neighbouring New-England Province of Massachus [...]ts Bay. Upon this Shore further No [...]thward is the River of St. Iohns 10 Leagues distant from the Gut of Annapolis, this is a profitable River of long Course, a considerable Tribe of the Abnaquie Indians are settled here, but always ( [...]rom the Indolence of the Government of Nova Scotia) in the French or Canada Interest: The prodigious Falls or rather Tides in this River near its Mouth of 30 Fathom, are not a Cataract from Rocks, but from the Tide being pent up in this River between two steep Mountains: By this River and Carrying-Places there is a Communication with Queb [...]c [...]he Metropolis of Canada; when we reduced Port-Royal 1710, Major Livingston and St. Casteen went by this River to acquaint the General of Canada concerning that Event. Higher or more Northward is Cap Doré about 30 Leagues from Annapolis; here is Plenty of mineral Coal for firing; some Years since, this Affair was undertaken by a Company, but soon dropt with Loss; here are some s [...]ender Veins of Copper Ore, some thin Laminae of Virgin Copper, and a Gold Su [...]phur marcas [...]e.
[Page 333]Upon the Easterly Shore or Gulph of St. Laurence, is Canso Gut, a safe and short Passage from the British Settlements to Canada River, 6 Leagues long, 1 League wide; a good Navigation, from the Journals of Capt. Gayton Anno 1746, upon a Cruize to Bay Vert [...]. About 25 Leagues further is Ta [...]amaganahou, a considerable Nova-Scotia French District or Settlement, and good Road for Vessels; 14 Leagues further is Bay Verte, shallow Water, but the Embarquadier from Canada, to disturb us in Nova Scotia, from this are only 4 Miles Land Carriage to the River of Chiconicto; here we may observe, that upon the Chiconicto Bay Side are 11 Fathom Tide, upon the Gulph of St. Laurence or Bay Verte Side, are only 4 to 5 Feet Tide. Further ( Isle Bonaventure and Isle Percée interveening, where the French by Treaty of Utrecht do rightfully cure dry Cod Fish) at the South Entrance of the River of St. Laurence, is Gaspee, a deep Bay and good Harbour; here unrighteously the French dry Cod Fish; I observe in the late French Charts published by Authority, there is a Territory prickt off, called GASPEE, as if not belonging to Nova Scotia or L'Accadie, ceded to Great-Britain by the Treaty of Utrecht; such a Paper Encroachment, if not attended to, may be construed after many Years a just Claim by Prescription; such is at present t [...]e Dispute between the Baltimore Family of Maryland, and the Pen's Family of Pensylvania concerning the old Dutch Charts, and our new Charts in Relation to Cape Cornelius the South Cape of Delaware Bay, and Cape Henlopen 20 Miles South Westerly from the Mouth of Delaware Bay, in running the Line between the three lower Counties of Pensylvania and Maryland.
Nova Scotia is divided into 10 or 12 Districts; each District annually chuses one Deputy to be approved by the Commander and Council at Annapolis; he is a Sort of Agent for the District, and reports the State of the District from Time to Time; they are in no legislative, or executive Capacity; the French Missionaries who are not only appointed, by the Bishop of Quebec in Canada, but [Page 334] under his Direction (a Scandal to the indolent Government and Garrisons of Nova Scotia) in their several Districts and Villages, act as Magistrates and Justices of the Peace; but all Complaints may be brought before the Commander in chief and Council at Annapolis.
The New-England Bills of publick Credit; ever since the Cession by the Treaty of Utrecht, have been their common Currency; until the late intollerable Depreciation by immensly multiplying this Credit beyond its Bearings, by Expeditions, and in Fact the Credit of those Bills is almost sunk, * or rather lost; the French Inhabitants absolutely refuse them in Currency.
Island of Sables.
ThisIsland must be deem'd in the Jurisdiction of the Province of Nova Scotia, as it lies upon the Latitudes of that Coast, though at a considerable Distance; and the British exclusive Line of Fishery by the Treaty of Utrecht 1713 beginning at this Island, implies the same to belong to Great-Britain; the Name is French, and we retain it with much Impropriety; we ought to have translated it SANDY ISLAND, in the same Manner, as we have turned Point de Sable (a former French District in St. Christophers) to the present British Name Sandy Point. The Property is loudly (that is in the publick News Papers) claim'd by some private Persons; I shall not inquire into the Merit of the Affair.
I am informed by People who were shipwreck'd there, and liv'd some Months upon the Island, that, from Canso [Page 335] to the Middle of the Island are 35 Leagues South; it is a low Land, with small rising Knowles of Sand called Downs, in Form of an Elbow, the Bite to the Northward, about 20 Miles in Length, and narrow; by Reason of Sholes of Sand, small Tides 5 or 6 Feet, and a great Surf, it is inaccessible, excepting in the Bite where Boats may land. Formerly some Persons of Humanity, put Cattle ashore to breed, for the Relief of the Shipwreck'd, and by multiplying, they answered that benevolent charitable End; until some wicked, mean, rascally People from our Continent, destroy'd them to make Gain (these Robbers of seafaring People, called these Depredations, making of a Voyage) of their Hides and Tallow. The South Side is in 43 d. 50 m. N. Lat; no Trees, their principal Growth is Iuniper Bushes, * Huckle-Berry Bushes, † Cranberries, ‖ Bent-Grass; some Ponds, Abundance of Foxes and Seals; great Snows in Winter, but do not lay long.
At this Island which is deem'd 30 Leagues Eastward from the Cape Sable Shore of Nova Scotia or L'Accadie, by the Treaty of Utrecht 1713, begins the British exclusive Line of Fishery, running S. W. indefinitely, and including the Fishing Banks belonging to the Island.
Cape Breton cannot properly be called a British Colony, until confirmed by some subsequent Treaty of Peace, and annexed to the Dominions of Great-Britain; but notwithstanding its retarding the Prosecution of this History▪ I cannot avoid taking Notice of the Reduction of Louisbourg, [Page 336] being in our Neighbourhood, an Event recent and very memorable. I shall endeavour to relate it with Exactness and Impartiality; by ascribing every Step of it to Providence, I hope it will not be construed as detracting from the Merits of the Country of New-England, the Place of my Abode or Home. The Motto may be Audaces Fortuna juvat, and with good Propriety may be termed Dignus vindice nodus, and without Imputation of Cant, be ascribed to some extraordinary Interposition of Providence in our Favour: Governor Shirley in a Speech, observes, that "scarce such an Instance is to be found in History:" A Colonel in this Expedition, gave it this Turn "That if the French had not given up Louisbourg, we might have endeavoured to storm it with the same Prospect of Success, as the Devils might have stormed Heaven." The annual Convention of the New-England Ministers, in their Address to the KING, call it, "The wonderful Success GOD has given your American Forces:" A Clergyman from London writes "This prosperous Event, can hardly be ascribed to any Thing short of an Interposition from above truly uncommon and extraordinary: These Expressions of the Governor's, &c. ought not to be construed as derogating from the most bold Adventure of the New-Englanders.
The Reduction of Louisbourg was much above our Capacity; in short, if any one Circumstance had taken a wrong Turn on our Side, and if any one Circumstance had not taken a wrong Turn on the French Side, the Expedition must have miscarried, and our Forces would have returned with Shame, and an inextricable Loss to the Province; as this was a private or Corporation Adventure without any Orders from the Court of Great-Britain, the Charges would not have been reimbursed by the Parliament; and the People of New-England from Generation to Generation would have cursed the Advisers and Promoters of this unaccountably rash Adventure.
[Page 337]In the Congress of Utrecht when the French demanded Cape-Breton Island, it was proposed, that it should lie in common for the Use of the British and French Fishery, without any Settlements or Forts, but open; the Fr [...]nch would have acquiesced, but in this as in some other Artiticles, our abandoned wicked Ministry of that Time, gave the French Nation more than they really expected, viz. the exclusive Property and Dominion of the Island, with the Liberty of fortifying. It is generally thought, that by next Peace, Louisbourg will be demolished, and the Island laid open and in common to both Nations: It is certain, that the Duke D'Anville had an Instruction, if he succeeded in recovering of Louisbourg, to demolish it.
As this was a private Adventure, upon Surrender, we might have demolished it soon, and converted the Artillery, other warlike Stores, and many other valuable Things, to the Use and Benefit of the New-England Colonies concerned▪ and so have put an End to a great accruing Charge: The Charge of maintaining a Garrison there with Men, Provisions, warlike Stores, and Repairs in Time of Peace, will be a great and unprofitable Article of national Expence, and as both Nations are much in Debt, neither of them will incline to be at the Charge, but agree to demolish it. As Great-Britain are a small People, but at present Masters at Sea; their Game is to procure all the Advantages of an extensive Commerce, we are not capable of peopling and maintaining Land-Acquirements: Perhaps the Promoters of this very popular Adventure do not receive the sincere Thanks of the Ministry or Managers at the Court of Great-Britain (this may be the Reason of the Remoras in our solliciting a ‖ [Page 338] Reimbursement) because thereby they have incurred, to please the Populace, an annual Charg [...] [...] we 60,000 £. Sterl. pr. An. or 600,000 £. New-Englan [...] Currency, a considerable Article where Ways and Means were difficult.
If the Act of Parliament against impressing of Seamen in the Sugar-Islands, had been extended to the Northern American Colonies; we should have been easy under a British Squadron stationed at Boston, and their Bills home for Supplies, would have made good Returns for our Merchants; our Traders could not have suffered above 2 or 3 pr. Ct. Difference of Insurance, which is a Trifle compared with the great Charge incurred by reducing of Louisbourg, and of maintaining it during the War.
Here I shall give some short Account of Evenements in the Northern Parts of North America from the Commencement of the present French War to the present Time May 1748; I shall not notice small Affairs, which do not require Mention in a general History.
The French declared War against Great-Britain March 15. 1744. N. S. Great-Britain declared War against France March 29. 1744. O. S. The French in these Parts had more early Intelligence of the War: at Boston we did not proclaim this War until Iune 2. May 13. M. Du Vivier with a few armed small Vessels, and about 900 regular Troops and Militia from Louisbourg, tak [...] Canso without any Resistance, and carries the nominal four Companies being 70 to 80 Soldiers, and the few Inhabitants Prisoners to Louisbou [...].
Here is a notorious Instance of the French too forward rash Conduct; contrary to express Instructions sent by the Court of France to the Garrison of Louisbourg, along with the Declaration of War (my Information was from M. le Marquis de la Maison Forte Capt. of the Vigilant) that considering [Page 339] the weak and mutinous State of their Garrison, it was not advisable for them, until further Orders, to attempt any Expedition which might alarm the populous neighbouring British Colonies. 2. If instead of taking the insignificant Post (did not deserve the Name of Fort) of Canso in their Neighbourhood, the sooner to humour the Vanity of an Eclat; had they with the same Force gone directly to Annapolis, by Surprize it would have easily submitted.
About the same Time a small inconsiderable Armament from Louisbourg, commanded by M. de la Brotz, made some Depredations about St. Peters of Newfoundland, and threatned Placentia Fort. This de la Brotz in a French Privateer Sloop of 18 Guns and 94 Men, was soon after this, taken by the Massachusetts Province Snow Capt. Tyng, upon the Coast of New-England, and carried into Boston. A small Privateer from Louisbourg takes a Sloop with Whale-Oil aboard from Nantucket Island bound to Boston.
See the Section of Nova-Scotia P. 319, for the Attempts against Annapolis in Iune, by some Indians under the Direction of M. Lutre, a French Missionary Priest▪ and in September, by some French and Indians commanded by M. Du Vivier, who burnt Canso in May.
End of Iuly Capt. Rouse in a Boston Privateer, arrived at St. Iohns Harbour in Newfoundland from th [...] great Banks, he brought in 8 French Ships with 90,000 Mud-Fish. In August, Capt. Rouse in Confortship with Capt. Cleves in a Ship and some small Craft, and 50 Marines, fitted out by the British Man of War stationed at Newfoundland, sail in Quest of the French Ships that cure Cod-Fish in the Northern Harbours of Newfoundland; August 18 at Fishot, [...]hey took five good French Ships, some dried Fish bu [...] not well cured, and 70 Tons of Liver-Oil; thence they proceeded to the Harbours of St. Iulian and Carrous. Capt. Rouse hereby merited, and accordingly was made a Post or Rank Captain in the British Navy.
[Page 340]In September dies Du Quesnel the French Governor of Cape-Breton, a good old Officer, and was succeeded in Command by M. Du Chambon an old Pol [...]roon.
In October Capt. Spry in the Comet-Bomb, upon the Coast of New-England, takes a French Privateer in her first Voyage or Cruize Capt. Le Gro [...]z 16 Guns 100 Men, whereof some were Irish Roman Catholick Soldiers formerly of * Phillips's Regiment from Canso; this Privateer was called Labradore, from a Gut in Cape-Breton where she was built; she had taken two or three of our Coasters, from Philadelphia. About this Time Capt. Waterhouse in a Boston Privateer refus'd a French East-India Ship richly laden; and Capt. Loring in a small Boston Privateer, was taken by a new French Man of War from Canada bound to Louisbourg.
Nov. 19. sails from Louisbourg the French grand Fleet of Fish Ships, of Fur Ships from Canada, &c. This Fleet consisted of 3 French Men of War, 6 East-India Ships, 31 other Ships, 9 Brigantines, 5 Snows, and 2 Scooners; 7 Vessels remained to winter at Louisbourg.
This is a short History of the Sea Campaign (as the French express it) in the Northern Parts of North America for Anno 1744.
Anno 1745 in March, † La Renommee a French Frigate of 32 Guns, 350 Seamen, and 50 Marines, charged with publick Dispatches, and designed for Observation; in cruizing along the Cape-Sable Coast, met with several of our small armed Vessels, and with the Connecticut Transports, which upon any other Occasion, she might have destroy'd with Ease: If she had put into Louisbourg, by the Addition of good Officers, of Men, and of Stores; the Garrison would have been encouraged, and perhaps have render'd our Expedition vain: But having discovered [Page 341] an Expedition against Louisbourg in great Forwardness she made the best of her Way to carry immedia [...]e Advice thereof to France; and a Squad [...]on under the Command of M. Perrier was so [...]n fitted out at from Brest for the Relief of Louisbourg, la Renommee sail'd in this Squadron, she was an exquisite Sailer, and at length taken by the Dover, 1747.
In May the † Vigilant, a French Man of War of 64 Guns and 560 Men with a good Land Fall, instead of going directly into the Harbour of Louisbourg, attack'd British Man of War of 40 Guns, the Mermaid Capt. Douglass, this prudent Officer by a running Fight decoy'd the French Ship into the Clutches of Commodore Warren in the Superbe of 60 Guns, in Company were also the Eltham of 40 Guns, the Massachusetts Frigate of 20 Guns, [Page 342] and the Shirley Galley of 20 Guns; the Vigilant struck to the Mermaid May 18, and was manned chiefly from New-England: If the Vigilant had arrived in Louisbourg considering the many good Officers aboard, a large Number of Sailors and Marines, with great Quantities of Stores, we should have been disappointed in the Reduction of Louisbourg.
If the Proposal made three Days before the Vigilant was seized, had taken Place, viz. of laying up the Men of War in Chapeau rouge Bay, and landing theSailors and Marines to join ou [...] [...]eging Army; the Vigilant would have got in and f [...]ustrated the Reduction of Louisbourg.
M. Marin, after an invain Attempt against Annapolis in Nova Scotia, with 900 French and Indians, in small Sloops and Canoes, was bound to the Relief of Louisbourg by molesting theSiege, in AsmacouseHarbour they were di [...] persed by some of our small armed Vessels Iune 15; see Nova Scotia Section, P. 321.
The French Squadron of 7 Men of War, commanded by M. Perrier, designed for the Relief of Louisbourg, set out from France too late. Iuly 19, in N. Lat. 43 d. 45 m. W. Long. from London 40 d. 30 m, E. off the Banks of Newfoundland, took our Prince of Orange Mast Ship, Lieut.-Governor Clark of New-York aboard, here the French learnt that Louisbourg had surrendred; without this Intelligence, they would have become a Prey to our Louisbourg Squadron; the French altered their Measures, and in a Storm were dispersed; la Galette of 32 Guns did not rendezvous; the Mars 66 Guns, St. Michael 62 Guns, and the Renommee of 32 Guns, put back to France; the P [...]fait 46 Guns, Argonoute 46 Guns, and le Tournoir 32 Guns, put into the Harbour of Carrous in the Northern Parts of Newfoundland 51 d. [...] m. N. Lat, lay there three Weeks, and sail'd a Convoy for the French Fish Ships.
Some homeward-bound rich French S [...]ip [...], ignorant of this Event, came before Louisbourg [...]o refresh, and were taken by our Ships; as all the British Men of War had [Page 343] entred into a Contract of joint sharing, I shall not particularize the Ships that made the Seizures: Iuly 24 they took an East-India Ship from Bengal, Value 75,000 £. St. soon after they take another East-India Ship. August 22 was taken a South Sea Ship (decoy'd by the Boston Packet Capt. Fletcher) Value about 400,000 £. St.
In Iuly we sent some small Craft to St. Iohns Island to bring away the French Inhabitants, to be transported to France: Some of our Men imprudently and too securely went ashore, they were ambuscaded by some French and Indians, we lost 28 Men killed and captivated.
Oct. 5. sail'd 5 Men of War, via Newfoundland with the two East-India Ships for England, to be condemned there, conform to an Act of Parliament; the South-Sea Ship for certain Reasons was condemned as unfit to proceed: The Vigilan [...], Chester, and Louisbourg Fire Ship were left to winter there.
Our Provincial Privateer Snow Capt. Smithurst, was lost in a Storm and all the Men drowned.
Our Sea Campaign Anno 1746 was as follows. In the Autumn 1745 were shipt off from Gibralter the two Regiments Foot of Fuller and Warburton with three Companies of Frampton's Regiment, they arrived in the Winter upon this bad Coast (I mean the Winter Coast of New-England, Nova-Scotia and Cape-Breton) and therefore put into Virginia to wait the Spring Season; they arrived at Louisbourg May 24. 1746, and relieved our New-England Militia of about 1500 Men that had kept Garrison there at the Charge of Great-Britain from the Surrender of the Place Iune 17. 1745; Commodore Warren received a Commission as Governor, and Col. Warburton as Lieut.-Governor of the Garrison of Louisbourg and Territories thereunto belonging. Admiral Warren's Occasions call'd him Home, and Mr. Knowles was appointed Governor and [...]ommodore of a small Squadron there, it is said, he behaved in a most imperious, disgustful Manner.
Admiral Townshend with a Squadron, was ordered from [Page 344] our West India Sugar Islands, for the Protection of Louisbourg, he continued there in Harbour all the Time that Duke d'Anville's French Squadron was upon our Coast▪ without giving them any Molestation in their great Distress, doubtless from some secret Instr [...]ctions, which he did not think proper to communicate to Mr. Knowles▪ Townshend with eightShips sail'd in November from Louisbourg for England.
The Story of d'Anville's Expedition that Autumn in these S [...]as, we have already related in the Section of Nova Scotia, P. 322.
In the Summer by an Order from Home, the several Nothern Colonies did raise Forces towards the reducing of Canada; see Page 324: this was perhaps only a State-Amusement, without a real Design to prosecute the Affair: The Massachusetts-Bay voted 3000 Men, whereof 2000 were inlisted, and by an Order from Home, they were dismissed in October 1747, after having further involved the Province in a considerable Debt for inlisting, victualing, and providing of Transports.
Anno 1747. In theSpring, a French Squadron with Transports and Land Forces, fitted out in France, for the Annoyance of Cape-Breton, and Reduction of Annapolis in Nova-Scotia, were intercepted, beginning of May by Admirals Anson and Warren's Squadron; see P. 326: M. de Ramsay, with his Party of Canadian French and Indians, had wintered at Chiconicto, to join the Land Forces from France; but upon the News of La Ianquiere's Disaster, they returned to Canada; and from that Time to this present Writing May 1748, Annapolis has been in perfect Security and Tranquillity; there is at this Time a Rumour of some Expedition on Foot in Canada.
Beginning of Winter Commodore Knowles from Louisbourg with a small Squadron, was joined at Boston by the Station Ships of North-America, leaving their Trade exposed to the Depredations of French and Spanish Privateers; he sail'd to our Windward Sugar Islands, and from [Page 343] thence to Iamaica; having made up a considerable Squadron with Land Forces aboard, he was to distress the French Harbours and Settlements on Hispaniola (the French call the Island St. Domingue) as much as possible, he has already reduced and demolished a strong Fort in Port Louis; here 1741 lay a large French Squadron under the Marquis d' Antin design'd to prevent the Junction of Vernon and Ogle, or to awe our Expedition against Carthagene, or to carry Home the Spanish Plate Fleet; neither of these were effected, but returned to France in a very distressed Condition.
Anno 1748. The adjacent British Provinces or Colonies, are negotiating an Expedition against a French Fort at Crown-Point, upon the Dutch Side of Lake Champlain, and consequently within the Jurisdiction of New York; When the Affair is narrowly canvassed, perhaps it will be deem'd ‖ silly, but chargeable Affair: As hitherto nothing is concluded upon, we must drop it.
Cape Breton was formerly in the Nova Scotia District, the French call it L' Isle Royal; by Commission, M. Subercasse the last French Governor of L'Accadie, is called Governor of L'Accadie and Cape Breton Islands, from Cape [Page 346] Rosiers at the Entrance of St. Laurence River, to Quenebeck River: By the Treaty of Utrecht 1713, all L'Accadie or Nova Scotia was quit-claim'd by France to Great-Britain; excepting the Cape Breton Islands, that is, all the Islands in the Gulph of St. Laurence; these Great-Britain quit-claim'd to France.
The great Island of Cape-Breton, lies from 45 d. to 47 d. N. Lat, its most Northerly Point distant 15 Leagues from Newfoundland, the Gulph of St. Laurence interveening, here a few Cuizers might preclude the French Canada Trade; it is separated from Nova Scotia by a Thorough-Fare, which we call the Gut of Canso, the French call it the Passage of Fronsac; the Mermaid a British Man of War of 40 Guns 1747 upon a Cruize, sail'd through this Gut, found it six Leagues long, is narrow but good Anchorage, Flood from the North; from the Gut of Canso 40 Leagues to Bay Verte, where are about 10 or 12 French Huts, upon the Nova Scotia Shore, shallow Water; here is the Communication of the Canadians with our perfidious French of Nova Scotia, by a short Land-Carriage or Neck of about 4 Miles to Chiconicto. Tatamaganabo [...] is a large French Village, 14 Leagues West Southerly from Bay Verte, a Harbour for large Ships.
Louisbourg formerly called English Harbour, is in N. Lat. 45 d. 55 m. the Passage by Sea from thence to Quebec is about 200 Leagues, and has been performed in 3 Days. In Cape Breton Island, there is a Gut Lake or inland Sea, called Labradore about 20 Leagues long, and 3 [Page 347] or 4 Leagues wide, here they build small Vessels; the French Privateer called Labradore, Capt. Le Grotz taken by the Comet Bomb 1745, was built there. In the North Part of the Island is a good Harbour St. Anne's in a good Soil, here was laid out Fort Dauphin, to be found in the French Charts, as if finished.
The other Islands in the Gulf of St. Laurence are private French Property; St. Iohns and the Magdalene Islands were granted to the Conte de St. Pierre; St. Iohns is about 20 Leagues long, good Land, many French and Indians; Governor Knowles of Louisbourg neglected the Possession of it: the Island of Anticosti, is the Property of Sieur Ioliet a Canadian, it lies in the Mouth of the River St. Laurence, is large but inhospitable, no good Timber, no good Harbour, Plenty of large Cod-Fish; below Gaspee on the Coast of Nova Scotia at L' Isle Percee and L' Isle Bonaventure already mentioned, the French make Cod-Fish.
After a short Description of the late French Colony of Cape Breton Islands, I shall briefly, without Interruption, and at one View relate that memorable Event of reducing Louisbourg, the French American Dunkirk, by a few New-England Militia, with the Countenance of some accidental British Men of War.
When Louisbourg was given to us by the French, we found 600 regular Troops in Garrison, with about 1300 Militia, whereof about one half were called in from the adjacent Settlements; the main Fossee or Ditch 80 Feet wide, the Ramparts 30 Feet high (the Scalado or Scaling Ladders which we sent by the Direction of Mr. Bradstreet at present Lieut.-Governor of a Fort in St. Iohns Harbour Newfoundland, were too short by 10 Feet, and never were used) upon the Town Ramparts were mounted upwards of 65 Cannon of various Sizes; the Entrance of the Harbour defended by a Grand Battery of about 30 Guns of 42 Pound Ball, and by the Island Battery of 30 Guns of 28 Pound Ball; Provisions for six Months, Ammunition sufficient, if well husbanded from the beginning; [Page 348] ten Mortars of thirteen Inches, and six of nine Inches.
Mr. Vaughan of Damarascote, in the Territory of Sagadahoc, in the Dominions of New-England; a whimsical wild Projector in his own private Concerns, intirely ignorant of military Affairs, and of the Nature of the Defence or Strength of a Place regularly and well fortified at an immense Expence; dreamt or imagined that this Place might be reduced by a Force consisting of 1500 raw Militia, some * scaling Ladders, and a few armed small Craft of New-England.
It is said, that † Governor Shirley was taken with this Hint or Conceit, but imagined that 3000 Militia with 2 forty Guns King's Ships might do better; this Expedition was resolved upon and prosecuted, without any Certainty of British Men of War to cover the Siege and prevent Supplies; a Packet was sent to Commodore Warren stationed at our West-India Sugar Islands, by a loaded Lumber Sloop, desiring the Assistance of two Ships of 50 or 40 Guns, and if he could not spare two, to send one which perhaps might be sufficient; Mr. Warren's Answer was, that for Want of further Instructions from the Admiralty, he could in Course send only two Ships to the New-York and Boston Stations; but soon after this he received Instructions to proceed to North America with the Superbe 60 Guns, Launceston 40 Guns, and Mermaid 40 Guns, in Order to succour Annapolis or any of his Majesty's Settlements against Attempts of the Enemy, and to make Attempts against the Enemy; in proceeding to Boston for Provisions and other Supplies, some fishing Scooners, by Letters from Governor Shirley informed him, that the Expedition had proceeded, and desiring that he would immediately cover them by his Protection without [Page 349] touching in at Boston; the good, assiduous, and publick-spirited Commodore Warren directly proceeded and joined this Adventure, he is now an Admiral in the Navy, and Knight of the Bath in Reward for his good Services.
The Assembly of Massachusetts-Bay; Jan. 25. 1744, 5, by a Majority of one Vote, resolved upon this Expedition; Feb. 2, the Inlistments began for Voluntiers, and sail'd end of March for Canso 3000 Men compleat; we had in good Conduct and Precaution, three Weeks before this, sent out some Privateers to block up the Harbour of Louisbourg. At Canso they remain'd three Weeks, at this Time the Shore of Cape Breton was impracticable from Fields of Ice which came down by Thaws from the River of St. Laurence or Canada, and by Easterly Winds drove upon that Coast: At Canso was built a Block House of 8 small Cannon, garrisoned with 80 Men. The Expedition sail'd from Canso April 29, and next Day arrived in Chapeau rouge Bay a little South of Louisbourg; here in landing our Men we were oppos'd by a Body of upwards of 100 regular Troops (whereof 24 were of the Swiss Company) commanded by Maurepang, formerly a noted Sea Rover; we suffered no Loss, the French retired with the Loss of 8 Men killed and 10 made Prisoners; from Canso we had sent a small Party to St. Peters a small French Settlement upon Cape Breton, and burnt it.
May 2. We detached 400 Men to march round, under Cover of the Hills, to the N. E. Harbour of Louisbourg; upon the Surprize of our Men's burning the Store Houses and Fish Stages there, about one Mile from the Grand Battery; the Troops in the Grand Battery (to reinforce the Town, the Harbour being sufficiently guarded by the Island Battery) retired to the Town precipitately, without destroying the Trunnions and Carriages of their Cannon, only spiking [...] [...]ailing of them which were soon dril'd and did serve against the Town, * we took Possession of [Page 350] it May 3, and found 350 Shells of 13, and 30 of 10 Inches, and a large Quantity of Shot.
The New-England Militia before the Town were in all about 3600 * Voluntiers, whereof not exceeding 150 [Page 351] Men were lost (the Prince of Orange Snow excepted, lost in a Storm) by Fortune of War, viz. kill'd by bursting of Cannon, by Shot from the Town, kill'd and drowned in the rash Attempt against the Island Battery: upon our first encamping, from the Damp of the Ground, there happened [Page 352] a general Flux or rather simple Diarrhea or meer Looseness, not mortal, and soon over. After we got into the Town a sordid Indole [...]ce or Sloth for Want of * Discipline, induced putrid Fevers and Dysentaries, which at Length in August became contagious, and the People died like rotten Sheep; this destroy'd, or render'd incapable of Duty one half of our Militia.
During the Siege, the French made only one insignificant Sally May 8; the Garrison was mutinous, and could not be trusted at large; this rendred us secure and the Siege was carried on in a tumultuary random Manner, and resembled a Cambridge Commencement.
In the Beginning of the Siege, some of our Men inconsiderately stroll'd, and suffered from a Body of French Indians.
May 16. A Party of about 100 Men in Boats, landed i [...] the Night near the Light House Point, to surprise our Men who were erecting a Battery there to play upon the Island Battery of the French; this Party was timely discovered and obliged to fly into the Woods, and being joined by some Indians, had several Skirmishes with our Scouts.
May 26. In Whale-Boats (so thin and light that a few [Page 353] Musket Balls are sufficient to sink them (about 400 Men, rashly attempted the Island Battery, where is bad landing, 30 Guns of 28 Pound Ball, and 180 Men in Garrison; we lost in this mad Frolick 60 Men kill'd and drowned, and 116 Prisoners to the French.
† As to the Affair of the Siege of the Town, it was in this Manner. In the beginning upon Greenhill 1550 Yards distant from the King's Bastion called the Citadel, we erected a Battery of a very few small Cannon, one 13 Inch, one 11 Inch, and one 9 Inch Mortars; they could [Page 354] do no Execution; May 7, a Battery was made at 900 Yards Distance, and we summoned the Town; May 17, a Battery was advanced to 250 Yards Distance from the West Gate; May 20, on the other Side of a Creek was erected aBattery of five 42 Pounders, called Tidcomb's Battery, to batter the Circular Battery and Magazine.
We made no regular Approaches by Trenches, that is, by Parallels and Zigzags, but bombarded the Town at Random, and did much Damage to the Roofs of the Houses; the West Gate was defaced, the adjoining Curtain and Flank of the King's Bastion were much hurt, but no practicable Breach.
The Canterbury and Sunderland being arrived it was resolved to storm the Town by Sea Iune 18, by three 60, one 50, and four 40 Gun Ships, while the Land Forces ma [...]e a Feint or Diversion ashore: The French were afraid to stand it, and capitulated Iune 17, to march out with the Honours of War, not to serve for 12 Months, to be allowed all their personal Effects, and to be transported to France, at the Charge of Great-Britain.
The Place was put under the joint Administration of Pepperrell and Warren; and all future Charges were to be defray'd by their Bills upon the Pay-Master General and Ordnance. According to the enlisting Proclamation, our Militia were to be discharged so soon as the Expedition was over; Governor Shirley arrived in Louisbourg Aug. 17, and persuaded them to continue; but notwithstanding, if the Vigilant, the Chester, and Louisbourg Fire Ship had not continued there over Winter, the Militia might have been discouraged, and the Place in Danger of being surprized by the French and their Indians from Canada, Nova Scotia, and St. Iohns Island.
When the Launceston's Guns were landed and mounted upon the Ramparts; we had 266 good Cannon mounted in the Town and Batteries. Capt. Montague of the Mermaid carried Home the Advice of Louisbourg being surrendred.
As it is probable that Louisbourg will be demolished [Page 355] upon a Peace, I shall not give any Description of the Town and its Fortifications; I only mention that from the Grand Battery, erected to range and defend the Entrance of the Harbour, to the Light House at the Mouth of the Harbour, are about 2000 Yards; after we were in Possession of this Battery, and dril'd some of the great Cannon which the French had nail'd and relinquished; the Town and Battery cannoned one another with a great and useless Expence of Ammunition; this Folly was less excusable in the French, as they could not possibly have any Recruit of Stores; the Distance from the Grand Battery to the Circular Battery of the Town, is 1857 Yards, which is too great for much good Execution. From Ma [...]repas Gate to the Island Battery E. N. E. 1273 Yards. From the Island Battery to the Light-house N. E. 1133 Yards.
As the French royal Navy at present are much * reduced, and not capable of sending any considerable Squadron so far abroad; perhaps in good Oeconomy and with sufficient Security; the present nominal chargeable Corps (besides the large Detachment from the Train or Ordnance) in Garrison at Louisbourg of about 4000 Men, may be reduced to 2000 effective Men, and the reformed Men may with proper Encouragement be sent to settle, and be intermixed with the French in Nova Scotia ▪ continuing them in Corps and in Pay for some Time.
The present Garrison Troops of Louisbourg, if compleat, consist of
Men | |||
Fuller's Reg. | 815 | Marching Regiments | |
Warburton's | 815 | Officers included | |
Frampton's 3 Comp. | 245 | ||
Sir Wm Pepperrell's | 1000 | for Officers not included add 80 or more to each | May be called Marines |
Col. Shirley's | 1000 | ||
3875 |
The Project of raising two Regiments in New-England was faulty in two Respects. 1. A young Settlement, already much reduced in their young Men, by late Expeditions; to exhaust them more by standing Levies, is a grievous Hardship; it not only retards or stunts the Growth of the Colony, but in Fact, miniorates them, and puts them backwards; this is the general Complaint of the Country, extravagant Price of Labour, and Want of Labourers. 2. The publick Disappointment of the Interest of Great-Britain, where 2000 Men are depended upon; of these 1000 perhaps are and ever will be Non-Effectives, it being impracticable for the Country to spare so many Men, for standing or continued Regular Troops.
Perhaps the speculative original Design, at Home might appear specious, that is, 1. A Garrison of Men indigenous, Natives of, or habituated to the Climate. 2. That by reserving some Officer's Commissions, to the Disposal of the Colonels; the Gentlemen of our Militia, who had distinguish'd themselves in the Expeditions, might have some Reward for their Merit; this last Design was attended with the * Inconveniency of being perverted; by bestowing these Commissions to Purchasers, to Relations, and to Friends.
Some of our good Farmers, Artificers, and other Labourers, [Page 357] leaving their several Occupations for a short Time, to serve their Country upon an Exigency, in a military Way, is very laudable; this was in Practice amongst the Romans; some of their great Generals have upon this Account left the Plough, and when the Expedition was over, have returned to it again; such ought to be rewarded with Places of Profit or Honour, without Purchase, Subscriptions for Presents, Assignments of their Pay for a Time, and other * avaricious Contrivances.
In the Summer 1746 the Assembly of Massachusetts-Bay, sent to the Court of Great Britain †, Accounts of their Provincial Charge in reducing of Louisbourg, to the Amount of about 178,000 £. Sterling; this Affair is still depending, and is imputed, rather to the Inactivity and improper Application of our Agents, than to Dilatoriness in the Ministry and Parliament; the Righteousness and Generosity of our Parliaments are notorious, and a Reimbursement is unquestionable; and if properly push'd to Effect, we might have had for some Time past, an annual accruing Interest upon Debentures of 7,000£. St. pr. An. [Page 358] which at present is 70,000 £. New England Currency, this would much lessen our yearly Provincial Tax.
At Louisbourg their Currency sounds as if it were Sterling Value; British Coin cannot be exported, therefore Spanish Coin, which is the most general in all the commercial Countries of our Globe, reduced to a Sterling Value, is called Sterling by us. Immediately upon our possessing of Louisbourg, the Gibraltar and Colonies Currencies Cheat, began to take Place; that is, the Commissaries or Pay-Masters, what was charged to the proper Offices or Boards at Home at 5 s. St, they paid off (to their own private Advantage of 11 pr. Ct. a Cheat) by a mill'd Piece of Eight Value 4 s. 6 d. St. If Louisbourg should continue a Garrison, a considerable Article in the British annual Supply; those Commissaries from the Example of our American Colonies and Gibraltar, would soon improve their Profits, to pay away a light Piece of Eight, Value 3 s. 6 d. St. for a British Crown or 5 s. St. The Imposition at Gibraltar of 1 s. St. for 16 d. Currency and Pay, it is said, has lately been under Consideration of the British Parliament; may it introduce the Consideration of the Abuses in our Plantation Paper Currencies, where the Abuse is vastly more; in Gibraltar 1 s. Sterl. is paid away for a nominal 16 d; in Massachusetts-Bay from a * very b—d Administration, we have exceeded all our Colonies, even North Carolina where their Paper Money was at a Discount with a fallacious cheating Truck, it is 10 for 1 St.; ours is somewhat worse in good Bills St.
[Page 359]From the Surrender of Louisbourg and Territories thereto belonging, Iune 17, 1745 to Iune 1748, there [Page 360] have been several transient Commandants, but no continued established Governor; if the Court of Great-Britain were in earnest to retain this Place, many Candidates would have appeared, and some Person of great Interest established; whereas from a Col. ( Warburton) being Lt.-Governor, it is now reduced to a Lt.-Col. being Governor. The Commandants in Succession have been as follows from the Surrender,
1. The General, Pepperrell; and Commodore, Warren, naturally joint Administrators.
2. * Admiral Warren Governor; Col. Warburton Lt.-Governor.
3. † Commodore Knowles Governor; Col. Warburton Lt.-Governor.
4. Hobson Lt.-Col. to Fuller, Governor; Ellison Lt.-Col. to Pepperrell, Lt.-Governor.
SECTION VIII. Concerning the Province of Massachusetts-Bay.
THE next four following Sections concern the Dominions of New-England, at present divided into four several Colonies or Governments; to render the Accounts of them more clear and distinct, we shall begin this Section with an introductory Article, in general concerning the sundry Grants and Settlements made, before they were colonized by Royal Charters and Patents: As Massachusetts-Bay Province, is composed of many different Grants, united at present in one Charter; some general Account of these several Territories may be useful; afterwards we proceed to more particular Accounts of these Territories in so many distinct Articles, beginning from the Northward.
ARTICLE I. Some general Account of the Dominions of New-England, and a general Account of the Territories incorporated by royal Charter into one Province or Colony by the Name of Massachusetts-Bay in New-England.
This is a laborious Affair, being obliged to consult MSS Records; the many printed Accounts are, 1. Too credulous and superstitious. 2. Too trifling; must the insipid History of every Brute (some Men as to Intellects do not exceed some Brutes) or Man Animal be transmitted to Posterity? 3. The Accounts of every white Man and Indian mutually kill'd or otherways dead, would swell and lower History so much, as to [...]ender the Perusal of [Page 362] such Histories (excepting with old Women and Children) impracticable. 4. The Succession of pious Pastors, Elders and Deacons, in the several Townships, Parishes or Congregations; I leave to Ecclesiastick Chronologers; Canonization or Sainting seems not consistent with our Protestant Principles. 5. The printed Accounts in all Respects are beyond all Excuse * intolerably erroneous.
[Page 363]The first English Discovery of the Eastern Coasts of North America was by the Cabots in the End of the 15th [Page 364] Century. The first effectual royal Grant of Soil or Property was Anno 1584 to Sir Walter Raleigh and Associates; he gave the Name Virginia to all the Continent in general, so called from the English Queen of that Time Elizabeth, a Virgin Queen because never married.
New-England was first discovered to any Purpose, by Capt. Gosnold 1602, and the Fish, Train Oil, Skin, and Fur Trade thereof, with the Indians for some Years, was principally carried on by some Bristol Men. A rascally Fellow Capt. Hunt, carried off some Indians, and in the Mediterranean Sea of Europe sold them to the Spaniards, as Slaves, Mores of the Coast of Barbary; during some following Years the Indians had an Aversion to, and Jealousy of the English Traders; but at Length Anno 1619 they were brought to a thorough Reconciliation, which made the Beginning of the New Plymouth Settlement more easily carried on.
This Capt. Gosnold of Dartmouth, was an Associate of Raleigh's; Anno 1602 from England instead of the former wide indirect Course to Virginia by the Canary and Caribee Islands; he sail'd a more direct or Northern Course, and fell in with this Coast, was embay'd in N. Lat. 42 d. 10 m, where he caught many Cod Fish, and called it Cape Cod; thence sailing Southward he gave Q. Elizabeth's Name to one Island; and to the next Island, where he found Quantities of wild Grape Vines, he gave the Name of Martha's Vineyard; these Names are retained to this Day.
Capt. Gosnold at his Return to England gave a good Character of this new Country, which induced several Gentlemen jointly to obtain a Royal Grant Anno 1606 (Sir Walter Raleigh from his Attainder having forfeited his Grants in North America) April 10, they were two [Page 365] Companies in one Charter to plant and dispose of Land [...] there: See P. 204. They were much the same Districts as are our present Southern and Northern Districts of Custom Houses; the Southern District was called the London Company which does not belong to this Part of our History. The other was called the Northern District, North Virginia, or the Company of Plymouth or West Country Adventurers; Lord chief Justice Popham and Sir Ferdinando Gorge were of this Company; Lord chief Justice Popham was their Patron and principal Promoter, he dying soon after, the Settlement dropt, but some Trade for Fish, Skins and Furs was carried on for some Years. Their first Adventure was taken by the Spaniards Anno 1606. Capt. George Popham appointed President or Director of a Settlement to be made there, came over with Capt. Gilbert in 2 Ships with Families and Stores Anno 1607; some Families wintered at Sagadahoc near the Mouth of Quenebec River (here many good Rivers meet and discharge themselves into a Bay called Merry-meeting Bay) Anno 1608, but soon left it with the Character of a cold, barren, inhospitable Desert.
Capt. Smith called the Traveller, sometime President of Virginia, an ingenious Man, Anno 1614 with two Vessels came upon this Coast for Trade and Discovery of Mines of Minerals, Metals, and Precious Stones, Auri sacra fames promoted most of our American Discoveries; he survey'd the Coast well, and gave Names (still upon Record) to many of the Head Lands, Bays and Rivers, which are now obsolete, and other Names have taken Place: He presented a Plan of the Country to the Court of England, and it was called NEW-ENGLAND, which Name it retains to this Day.
About this Time there were several voluntary Companies of Adventurers to America, but without Grants or Patents; the London, Bristol, Exeter, Plymouth, &c. Companies, who soon dissolved of themselves.
The Northern Company of Anno 1606, insensibly dissolved of it self; and a new Company of Adventurers [Page 366] was formed, called the Council of Plymouth or Council of New-England; their Patent reaching from N. Lat. 40 d. to 48 d. is dated Nov. 18. Anno 1620 to Duke of Lenox, Marquis of Buckingham, Marquis of Hamilton &c, the Corporation to consist of 40; upon Deaths the Vacancies to be supplied by a Vote of the Survivors; being in Process of Time divided amongst themselves, they surrender'd their Patent 1635, and some of them, v. g. Duke of Hamilton, Sir Ferdinando Gorge, &c. obtain'd from K. Charles I. peculiar Grants or Patents: Their Patent was designedly extended much North and South, to include and keep up the English Claim to New Netherlands in Possession of the Dutch to the Southward, and to L'Accadie, since called Nova Scotia, then in Possession of the French to the Northward; † see a large Account of these Affairs, P. 109, and 205. To be a Body corporate, to have a common Seal, make Laws, and dispose of any Parts thereof, but could not * delegate the Jurisdiction without an additional Royal Charter.
This Council of Plymouth or New-England made many indistinct and interfering Grants; at this Time many of their Grants are become obsolete, such as Duke Hamilton's of the Narraganset Country, Mr. Mason's of New Hampshire, some Grants upon Kenebec River, &c. The Members of this Council of Plymouth differing amongst themselves, [Page 367] occasioned the Surrender of their Charter to the Court, by an Instrument under their common Seal dated Iune 7. 1635; there has been no general British Company in America since that Time.
Here we may observe in general, That Laud *, Archbishop of Canterbury, noted for his immoderate Zeal to promote Uniformity in the Church, occasioned an Emigration of Non-Conformists in great Numbers to New-England, preceeding Anno 1641; but from that Time, until the Restoration of the Family of Stuart, being about 20 Years, very few came abroad; the Independent or Congregational Manner of religious Performances having the Ascendent in England, as most * sutable to the civil [Page 368] Administration of those Times. In the Reigns of Charles II, and of Iames II, many Dissenters came over. Lately the long Leases of the Farmers in the North of Ireland being expired, the Landlords raised their Rents extravagantly: This occasioned an Emigration of many North of Ireland Scots Presbyterians, with an Intermixture of wild Irish Roman Catholicks; at first they chose † New England, but being brought up to Husbandry or raising of Grain, called Bread Corn, New-England did not answer so well, as the Colonies Southward; therefore at present they generally resort to Pensylvania, a good Grain Colony.
[Page 369]This Council of Plymouth parcel'd out their Grant, into several Colonies or Settlements.
Robert Brown, a † hot-headed young Enthusiastical Clergyman began Anno 1580, to preach against the C [...] remonies and Discipline of the Church of England; he was persecuted or baited and teazed by the Bishops Courts, he with some Disciples left England, and formed a Church as Midleborough of Zealand, in the Dutch Low Countries; after some Time this Esservescence or Ebulition of Youth subsided, he returned to England, recanted, and had a Church of England Cure bestow'd upon him, and died in that Communion, Anno 1630.
A Congregation of these Brownists wa [...] formed in Y [...]rmo [...]th 1602, being harrassed by the established Church of England, with their Pastor they transported themselves to Leyden in Holland; here they became more moderate under the Direction of their Pastor * Mr. Robinson; and from Brownists changed their Denomination to that of Independents: Being of unsteady Temper, they resolved to remove from amongst Strangers after 10 Years Residence, to some remote Country in some Wilderness, where without Molestation they might worship GOD in their own de [...]ional Way: Thus the first Settlements in New-England were upon a religious Account, not properly for Produce, Manufacturies, and Trade, but as Recluses: Amongst the Roman Catholicks are many Communities or Convents of unmarried or single Persons Recluse; but these were recluse Families.
After having obtained an Instrument from King Iames I. for the free Exercise of their Religion in any Part of America; they sold their Estates and made a common [Page 370] Bank, and entred into Articles of Agreement with the Adventurers called the Council of Plymouth, to settle on the Banks of Hudson's River, now in the Government of New-York; after the Misfortune of being twice put back, they sail'd 120 Persons in one Ship from Plymouth (they gave the same Name to their new Settlement) Sept. 6, 1620, and fell in with Cape Cod Nov. 9; being too late in the Season for proceeding to Hudson's River; although without the Limits of their Agreement they were obliged to sit down in a barren Soil, and formed themselves into a voluntary Association or Colony, subscribed by 41 Men, but had no Communication with the Indians of the Country until the Middle of March following; about this Time these Indians by some ep [...]demick malig [...]a [...]t Illness and intestine Wars had been much reduced. They chuse Mr. Carver Governor for one Year, but he died in April following, and was succeeded by Mr. Bradford; from the Length of the Voyage, other Fatigues, and extreme cold Weather, about 50 of their Number died the first Year, of putrid Fevers, and other scorbu [...]ick Ails; all was in common for the first two or three Years, having divided themselves into 19 Families, Menages, or Messes; yearly t [...]ey rec [...]ived a few Recruits of People; Anno 1624 when they received their Grant, the whole Settlement consisted of only 180 Persons in 32 Messes: From so small a Beginning in the Space of about 125 Years, New-England is arrived to its present Glory. They purchased their Lands of Massassoit, the Indian Sachem; he was glad of their Alliance and Assistance, being then at War with the Nar [...]ganset Indian numerous Tribe.
They had no Grant of their Lands from the Council of Plymouth until Anno 1624, this Grant was not to the Company [...] Adventurers and Freemen, but to William Bradford, his Heirs, Associates, and Assigns; he was afterwards persuaded to assign this Grant to the Freem [...]n in general: This Assignment (as I understand it) was afterwards confirmed by a new Grant from the Council of Plymouth to the Company of Freemen, Ian. 1629, 30; [Page 371] they never had any Royal Charter or Patent, conseque [...]ly no Jurisdiction; the Council of Plymouth could convey Property, but could not delegate Jurisdiction. Here we must break off, and reassume the History of Plymouth old Colony, when we come to the Article of Plymouth as a constituted Colony.
It is certain that the first Settlers of New England, did not (as in some of our Colonies) come over indigent or Criminals, but as devout religious * Puritans, they were not Servants to the Adventurers as in some Colonies.
Before we enter upon the four well settled and constituted Colonies of New-England, we shall but just mention some Grants which have in Process of Time been incorporated with these four Colonies, and their Memory lost or swallowed up in them, and of others become [...]bsolete. Some of them shall be related more at large in their proper Places.
Muscongus or Lincoln Grant of 30 Miles square.
Pemaquid Grant.
Shepscut Purchase or Nagwasack Purchase of Robinhood an Indian Sagamore, Nov. 1. 1639, between Sagadahock Bay and Shepscut River, these three are in the Territory of Sagadahock.
[Page 372] Nehumkin Purchase of the Indians October 13. 1649, both Sides of Quenebec River, in this lies Richmond Fort.
Plymouth Grant Ian. 1629, to William Bradford and Associates, lies both Sides of Quenebec River; in this is Cushnock Falls; is in all about 280 Acres.
Taconick Purchase of the Indians 1653, here are Taconick Falls about 40 Miles from Noridgwog; these three are upon Quenebec River, one half in Sagadahoc, one half in Province of Main.
Pegapscot Purchase each Side of Pegapscot River extending to the West Side of Quenebec River; Mr. Wharton purchased it of the Indian Sagamores 1683, being about 500,000 Acres; at present belongs to nine Proprietors, Thomas Hutchinson, &c. it interferes with Nahumkin Purchase and Plymouth Grant.
Province of Main granted 15 Car. I. to Sir Ferdinando Gorge, extending from Piscataqua and Newichewenock Rivers to Quenebec River, and 120 Miles inland; includes the Pegapscot Purchase, was purchased by the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, and is annexed by the new Charter.
Province of New Hampshire; from Piscataqua River, to within three Miles of Merimack River, granted to Mr. Mason 1624, sold by Mr. Mason's Heirs to Mr. Allen of London; at present that Grant and Conveyance seem to be obsolete; the Property of the settled Lands is in the Settlers, the Property of the waste Land is in the Crown, and the Jurisdiction of the whole in the Crown; it extends 60 Miles inland, and lately there is annexed an indefinite Quantity of Territory, belonging to the Crown, formerly claim'd by Massachusetts-Bay.
Colony of Plymouth, the Mother Colony of New-England; extending from Old Massachusetts to the Seas, viz. to Massachusetts-Bay, the Ocean, and within three Miles of Naraganset Bay; it is now annexed to Massachusetts; they began a Voluntier Settlement 1620.
Mr. Weston one of the Plymouth Adventurers, obtain'd a separate Grant of some Land; and in May 1622 sent over about 60 Men to make a Settlement at Weymouth about [Page 373] 15 Miles South from Boston, they managed ill, became idle and dissolute, and soon broke up, and their Memory is lost.
Mr. Gorge, Son to Sir Ferdinando Gorge, Anno 1623 brought over some Settlers; he had some Commission from the Council of Plymouth, as Governor General; soon discouraged, he returned Home.
About the same Time Mr. David Thompson attempted a Settlement at Piscataqua, the Memory of it is lost.
Some Adventurers propos'd to make a Settlement North Side of Massachusetts-Bay, Anno 1624 they began a small Settlement at Cape Anne, the Northern Promontory of this Bay, and are now become the most considerable British America Settlement, and by Way of Eminence i [...] commonly called New-England; they have had a first and second Charter, as shall be more fully related.
Anno 1626 Capt. Wolaston and some others, with Servants, Provisions, and other Stores, began a Settlement at Braintree, but not answering Expectation, after two Years they intirely broke up: Some went to Virginia, some to New Plymouth.
Anno 1630 Earl of Warwick had a Grant of a Tract of Land along Shore from Naraganset River, 40 Leagues West Southerly, and back Inland to the South Seas. Earl of Warwick assigned his Grant to Viscount Sea and Seal, and to Lord Brook, and nine more Associates; finding many Difficulties in settling they assigned their Right to the Connecticut and New-Haven Settlers; these Settlers were Emigrants from Massachusetts-Bay; originally they had no Title, but did sit down at Pleasure, and do at present enjoy a Royal Charter by the Name of the Colony of Connecticut. Part of this Grant, viz. from Naraganset Bay to Connecticut River, when the Council of Plymouth surrender'd their Patent, was given Anno 1636 by the King to Duke Hamilton, he never was in Possession, and the Claim is become obsolete.
Anno 1642 Mr. Mayhew obtain'd a Grant of the Islands of Nantucket, Marthas Vineyard, &c. and began to make Settlements there.
[Page 374]There were several other Grants and Purchases for small Considerations, and now become obsolete; for Instance, the Million Purchase from Dunstable six Miles each Side of Merimack River to Winapisinkit Pond or Lake, granted by Governor Andros and Council in the Reign of Iames II; a Claim of this Grant was by some of the Grantees revived about 25 Years ago; but as illegal and odious it was dropt.
Originally according to Capt. Smith's Map, approved of by the Court of England; New-England extended from 20 Miles East of Hudson's River, Northward to the River St. Croix; or perhaps to the Gulph of St. Laurence, including Nova Scotia, a subsequent peculiar Grant; when Iames II. sent over Sir Edmund. Andros Governor, his Commission or Patent was for the late Colonies of Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, Connecticut, and Rhode-Island, called the Dominions of New-England; distinct from New-York and Sagadahoc, of which he was also appointed Governor. N. B. New-Hampshire and Province of Main, at that Time were of no Consideration, being under the Protection, and as it were tacitly annexed to the good flourishing Colony of Massachusetts Bay.
The Dominions or rather Denominations in New England at present consists of four Colonies, or severally independent Legislatures, viz. Massachusetts-Bay Province, Province of New Hampshire, Colony of Rhode Island, and Colony of Connecticut: For Sake of Perspicuity, to each of these is assigned a distinct Section.
The new Charter of Massachusetts-Bay Anno 1691, is a † Union or Consolidation of several separate Grants into [Page 375] one Legislature and Jurisdiction; for the more effectual Protection of the whole, against the Incursions of our neighbouring French and Indians. Their new Charter comprehends the following Territories; Sagadahoc or Duke of York's Property; Province of Maine; Old Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, old Colony of Plymouth; and the Islands of Nantucket, Elizabeth, Marthas Vineyard, &c. Before we reduce these into separate Articles, to make the whole more apparent, we shall insert an Abstract of this incorporating second or new Charter (although a late Event or Transaction) as it affords a general Idea of the Constitution of all our British Colonies.
This new Charter of Anno 1691, bears Date 3 W. and M. Oct. 7, countersigned Pigot. After Recital of the former Grant or Charter, it proceeds thus, " Whereas the said Governor and Company of Massachusetts-Bay in New England, by Virtue of said Letters patent, are become very populous and well settled; and whereas said Charter was vacated by a Iudgment in Chancery in Trinity Term, Anno 1684; the Agents of that Colony have petitioned us, to be reincorporated by a new Charter; and also to the End that our Colony of New-Plymouth in New-England, may be brought under such a Form of Government, as may put them in a better Condition of Defence: We do by these Presents, incorporate into one real Province, by the Name of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay in New-England; viz. the former Colony of Massachusetts Bay, the Colony of New-Plymouth, ‖ the Province of Main, the Territory of Acadia [Page 376] or Nova Scotia, and the * Tract laying between Nova Scotia and Province of Main, the North Half of the Isles of Shoals, the Isles of † Capawock, and Nantucket near Cape Cod, and all Islands within ten Leagues directly opposite to the main Land within said Bounds. To our Subjects Inhabitants of said Lands and their Successors. Quit-Rent, a fifth Part of all Gold, and Silver, and Precious Stones that may be found there. Confirms all Lands, Hereditaments, &c. formerly granted by any General Court to Persons, Bodies corporate, Towns, Villages, Colleges or Schools; ‖ saving the Claims of Samuel Allen under John Mason, and any other Claim. Former Grants and Conveyances not to be † prejudiced for Want of Form. The Governor, Lt.-Governor, and Secretary to be in the King's Nomination; 28 Councellors whereof 7 at least make a Board. A General Court or Assembly, to be convened last Wednesday in May yearly; consisting of the Governor, Council, and Representatives of the Towns or Places, not exceeding * two for one Place; Qualification [Page 377] for an Elector 40 s. Freehold, or 50 £. St. personal Estate. The ‖ General Assembly to elect 28 † Councellors; whereof 18 from the Old Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, 4 from Plymouth late Colony, 3 from the Province of Maine, 1 for the Territory of Sagadahoc, and 2 at large. The Governor with Consent of the Council to appoint the Officers in the Courts of Iustice. All born in the Province, or in the Passage to and from it, to be deem'd natural born Subjects of England. Liberty of Conscience to all Christians except Papists. TheGeneral Assembly to constituteIudicatories for allCauses criminal or civil, capital or not capital. Probate of Wills and granting of Administrations, to be in theGovernor and Council. In personal Actions exceeding the Value of 300 £. St. may appeal to the King in Council, if the Appeal be made in fourteen Days after Iudgment, but Execution not to be staid. The General Assembly to make Laws, if not repugnant to the [Page 378] Laws of England to * appoint all civil Officers, excepting the Officers of the Courts of Iustice, to impose Taxes to be ‖ disposed by the Governor and Council. The Conversion of the Indians to be endeavoured. The Governor to have a Negative in all Acts and Elections. All Acts of Assembly, to be sent Home by the first Opportunity to the King in Council for Approbation; if not disallowed in three Years after their being presented, shall continue in Force until repealed by the Assembly. † The General Assembly may grant any Lands in late Massachusetts-Bay and Plymouth Colonies, and in the Province of Maine; but no Grant of Lands from Sagadaho [...] River, to St. Laurence River shall be valid, without the Royal Approbation. The Governor to command the Militia, to use the Law Martial in Time of actual War, to erect Forts and demolish the same at Pleasure. No Person to be transported out of the Province, without their own Consent, or Consent of the General Assembly. The Law Martial not to be executed without Consent of the Council. When there is no Governor, the Lt.-Governor is to act, when both are wanting the Majority of the Council to have the Power. The Admiralty Iurisdiction is reserved to the King, or Lords of the Admiralty. No Subject of England to be debar'd from fishing on the Sea-Coast, Creeks, or Salt Water Rivers, and may erect Lodges and Stages in any Lands not [Page 379] in Possession of particular Proprietors. All * Trees fit for Masts of 24 Inches Diameter and upwards 12 Inches from the Ground, growing upon Land not heretofore granted to any private Persons, are reserved to the Crown; Penalty for cutting any such reserved Trees 100 £. St. per Tree.
About 20 Years since, the Assembly of Massachusetts-Bay, received and accepted an additional or explanatory Charter from the Court of Great-Britain; the History of the Affair is as follows. In the Administration of Governor Shute, a good-natur'd Gentleman, and though no great Politician, was tenacious of the Prerogative; a few hot-headed turbulent Men who had got the Ascendent over their Fellow-Representatives, and in some Measure over the Council, endeavoured the same over the Governor, by assuming some Articles of the Prerogative: In the End of Anno 1722 Mr. Shute in Person carried Home seven Articles of Complaint against the House of Representatives encroaching upon the Prerogative.
1. Their taking Possession of Royal Masts cut into Logs.
2. Refusing the Governor's Negative of the Speaker.
3. Assuming Authority jointly with the Governor and Council to appoint Fasts and Thanksgivings.
[Page 380]4. Adjourning themselves for more than two Days at a Time.
5. Dismantling of Forts, and ordering the Guns and Stores into the Treasurer's Custody.
6. Suspending of Military Officers, and mutilating them of their Pay.
7. Sending a Committee of their own to muster the King's Forces.
Upon a Hearing before the King and Council Mr. Cook Agent for the House of Representatives, and his Council or Lawyers in the Name of the House of Representatives, gave up or renounced the 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7 Articles, acknowledging their Fault, induced by Precedents of former Assemblies, but wrong and erroneous; and that it was a former Assembly, not the present, that had been guilty; the other two Articles were regulated by an explanatory Charter, and they directed to accept the same.
This explanatory Charter is dated 12 Regni Geo. I. August 20, and countersigned Cocks. "Whereas in their Charter, nothing is directed concerning a Speaker of the House of Representatives, and of their adjourning themselves: It is hereby ordered, That the Governor or Commander in chief, shall have a Negative in the Election of the Speaker, and the House of Representatives may adjourn themselves not exceeding two Days at a Time. By the prudent Conduct of Governor Dummer, the Assembly were induced to accept of this explanatory Charter, by a publick Act of the General Court, Anno 1726.
We may observe in general, that the Oeconomy or Mode of Jurisdiction is much the same in all the four Colonies of New-England, by Justices of the Peace and their Quarterly Sessions, by Inferior County Courts of Common Law; and by Provincial ambulatory Superior Courts for Appeals, where Cases are issued, it is also a Court of Justiciary or Oyer and Terminer.
They are divided into constituted Districts called Townships; [Page 381] they are a Kind of Bodies corporate, may sue and be sued, elect all proper Officers, send Deputies to the Legislature House of Representatives, and make By-laws. The Management of Township Affairs is in a few (called Select-Men) annually elected by the qualified Voters of the Townships or District. In most of the other British Colonies, their constituted Parishes, by Custom, act as Bodies corporate, the Management is in ‖ Vestry-Men so called, who generally are for Life, and the Survivors supply Vacancies.
In the four Colonies of New-England Juries are returned to the several Courts by Election in certain Quotas from the several Townships, but not by the Appointment of the Sheriffs.
In the rigid, and furiously zealous Church and State Administration of Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury (he carried both Church and State beyond their Bearings, and consequently in the Nature of Things they did overset) many Puritans and other Nonconformists flock'd over to New-England; this occasioned a State Proclamation April 30. 1637, forbidding any Subjects to transport themselves to America, without License from his Majesty's Commissioners. Anno 1640, the People in New-England did not exceed 4000, and in the 20 following Years many went † Home from New-England, their Way of Worship was then in great Vogue in Old England.
N. B. Many of the first English Set [...]lements in America, were by Companies of Adventurers, with a joint [Page 382] Stock: Annually in London, each Company chose a President and Treasurer for Managers.
We proceed to the several Articles concerning the Colonies or Territories, united into one Province by the new Charter of Massachusetts-Bay.
Each Article goes no further than the Time of this Charter Union: From that Time the History of their joint Affairs, is carried along in the Article of Old Massachusetts Bay Colony.
ARTICLE 2. Concerning Sagadahoc, formerly called the Duke of York's Property.
KING Charles II, March 12. 1663, 4 granted to his Brother the Duke of York, a certain Territory or Tract of Land, thus described, "All that Part of the main Land of New-England, beginning at a certain Place, called or known by the Name of St. Croix adjoining to New-Scotland in America; and from thence extending along the Sea Coast, unto a certain Place called Pemaquin or Pemaquid, and so up by the River thereof, to the furthest Head of the same, as it tendeth Northwards, and extending from thence to the River of Quenebec, and so up by the shortest Course to the River of Canada Northwards." This was called the Duke of York's Property, and annexed to the Government of New York. The Duke of York upon the Death of his Brother K. Charles II, became K. Iames II; and upon K. Iames's Abdication these Lands reverted to the Crown.
At present the Territory of Sagadahoc, is supposed to extend from the River St. Croix Eastward, to the River of Quenebec Westward, and from each of these two Rivers due North to the River of St. Laurence, thus St. Laurence or Canada River is its Northern Boundary, and the Atlantick Ocean is its Southern Boundary. When Nova [Page 383] Scotia was in Possession of the French, Sagadahoc Territory was included in the Commission of the French Governor of L'Accadie or Nova Scotia; thus it was in the Time of granting a new royal Charter to Massachusetts-Bay, therefore to keep up the English Claim to this Territory, as well as to Nova Scotia, the Jurisdiction of both were included in that Charter.
Upon the Peace of Utrecht 1713, Nova Scotia and Sagadahoc were quit claim'd by France to Great-Britain; and the Court of Great-Britain reassumed the Jurisdiction of Nova Scotia, and after a few Years more, the Crown purchased the Property of the Soil or Seigneurie of all the French Claimers; it is now a separate King's Government, with the Property in the Crown: But this Territory of Sagadahoc remains in the Jurisdiction of Massachusetts-Bay, and sends one Member to the Council, but hitherto not any to the House of Representatives of Massachusetts-Bay: The General Assembly cannot dispose of Lands there, without the Consent of the King in Council. The Property of peculiar Grants there, remain good to the several Claimers, until the Crown do purchase the same as was the Case in Nova Scotia.
Col. Dunbar projected Sagadahoc Territory to be set off as a separate Government for himself; this was introduced, by obtaining a royal Instrument or Instruction, to set off 300,000 Acres of good Mast and Ship-Timber Land, for the Use of the Crown or Navy; it was forwarded by a royal Instruction to Col. Phillips Governor of Nova Scotia April 27, 1730. to take Possession of the Lands between St. Croix River and Quenebec River; accordingly a Detachment of 30 Men with an Officer, was made from the four Companies of his Regiment in Garrison at Canso in Nova Scotia, was sent to take Possession of that Country, to keep Garrison at Frederick's Fort on Pemaquid River, here the Detachment kept for some Time: Upon Application Home of the Muscongus Company, Proprietors in Part of Sagadahoc, by their indefatigable Agent Mr. Waldo, this Instruction was revoked August 10, 1732, and [Page 384] Col. Phillips's Detachment was called off. At present, the Province of Massachusetts-Bay to obviate Cavils or Complaints; of their relinquishing the Occupancy of this Territory; keep a Truck-House and Garrison at Georges, and a Garrison at Fort Frederick, and is likely to continue under the Jurisdiction of Massachusetts-Bay, and is at prepresent annexed to the County of York, or Province of Maine.
In the Beginning of this French War Anno 1744, the sencible Men in this large Territory of Sagadahock were only
- at Georges and Broad-bay
- 270
- at Pemaquid
- 50
- at Shepscut
- 50
- 370
but at this Writing 1748, very few of these remain, being much exposed to the Canada French Coureurs de Bois, and their Indians.
In the Beginning of the last Century England and France indifferently traded to Sagadahoc; under the Direction and Countenance of Chief Justice Popham, the English made the * first New-England Settlement 1608 at Sagadahoc, but of short Continuance.
Anno 1613 Capt. Argol from Virginia broke up some French Settlements at Sagadahoc.
The Claims to Lands in the Territory of Sagadahoc, are of various and perplexed Natures, viz. Some by old Indian Grants in drunken Frolicks for none or not valuable Considerations; some by Grants from the Council of Plymouth; some by Patents from the Governors of New-York, when under that Jurisdiction, particularly from Governor Dungan a Roman Catholick in the Reign of Iames II.
Some Part of this Territory was granted by the Council of Plymouth 1629 to Mr. Beauchomp of London [Page 385] Merchant, and to Mr. Leverett of Boston in Lincolnshire, and their Associates, called this Lincoln Company or Society, viz. from Muscongus, now called Broad-Bay, a little Eastward of Pemaquid to Penobscot Bay 10 Leagues along Shore, and from this Termination and that of Muscongus 10 Leagues inland, so as to make a Parcel of Land of 30 Miles square. This Plymouth Grant se [...]ms to have been confirmed by a Royal Grant of Charles II. signed Howard Privy Seal; that was about the Time when the Connecticut and Rhode-Island Charters were granted.
Leverett's Title laying dorma [...], Sir William Phipps purchased of Madakawando, chief Sachem (as it is said) of the Penobscot Indians, the Lands each Side of Georges River, so high as the second Falls; Spencer Phipps adopted Heir of Sir William Phipps, made over his Right to the Heirs and Associates of Leverett; Anno 1719, it was convey'd to several Associates, so as to make 30 equal Shares in the whole; the new Associates obliged themselves to settle two Townships upon Georges River, of 40 Families each; but an Indian War breaking out, the Conditions were never performed: The Indians hitherto have not formally quitclaim'd it. Mr. Waldo, a Gentleman well qualified for an Agent, a Partner, who effectually negotiated the Affair at Home, against the Contrivances of Col. Dunbar to annex it to the Crown▪ has acquir'd a very considerable Part in this Grant.
Georges Truck-House and Fort lies near the Center of thisGrant, is about 12 Miles up this River; at the Mouth of the River is a Bar of a very small Draught of Water; 5 Miles higher are the first Falls of Georges River; Broad-Bay or Muscongus is only a large Creek or Bay with a small Rivulet running into it.
In the Territory of Sagadahoc not much good Ship-Timber, some white Pine for Masts; may be of good Service to Boston in supplying it with Firewood. The Soil is not bad.
The Grants of the Shepscut Lands, and of the Pemaquid Lands, seem not included in theD. of York's Property.
[Page 386]Most of the Grants and Conveyances in this Territory, are not to be found upon Record, which occasions great Confusion in Claims.
ARTICLE 3. Concerning the Province of Main.
THIS being the first of the Territories at present called New-England that falls in our Course; for the Readers more ready Conception of the New-England Affairs, we shall ab initio, recapitulate some Matters already delivered.
King Iame [...] I, by Letters Patent bearing Date Nov. 3. 1620, granted all that Land and Territory in America, laying between the N. Lat. of 40 d. to 48 d, unto the Duke of Lenox, Marquis of Bucki [...]gham▪ Marquis of Hamilton, and others their Associates Noblemen and Gentlemen, in all forty Persons, and to their Successors; and incorporated them by the Name of the Council established at Plymouth in the County of Devon, for settling, planting, ruling and governing all that Country by the Name of New-England; to have a [...]d to bold, poss [...]s and enjoy, all the Continent Lands and Islands, between the said Latitudes to them and their Successors for ever; with Power to alienate, assign, convey and set over, under their common Seal any Part or Portion thereof to any of his Majesty's Denizens or other Adventurers.
In the End of Iames Ist's Reign Sir Ferdinando Gorge, President of the Council of Plymouth, and Capt. Mason had sundry Grants from Neumkeag River, which divides the present Towns of Salem and Beverly, to Sagadahoc or Quenebec River, which were afterwards altered into the Grants of the Province of Main, and of New-Hampshire as at present.
The Council of Plymouth Nov. 7. 1629, granted to Gorge and Mason, all that Tract of Land from the Heads of Merrimack River and Sagadahoc or Quenebec River, to [Page 387] the Lake Iroquois, now called Ca [...]araqui or Ontario, and the River which empties it self from said Lake into Canada River to be called LACONIA, but as they never occupied it, this Grant is become obsolete, and may be said to have reverted to the Crown; and at present since the late Settlement made of the Line between Massachusetts-Bay and New-Hampshire, may be said to be in the Ju [...]isdiction of New-Hampshire.
Sir Ferdinando Gorge, President of the Council of Plymouth, or Council of New England, obtain'd a Grant from this Council April 22. 1635, of a Tract of Land called the Province of Main, extending from Piscataqua River to Sagadahoc and Quenebec River. This Grant was confirmed by the Crown April 3. 1639. The Agent or Agents of Massachusetts-Bay, purchased 15 Car. I. July 20. 1677, this Grant of the Heirs or Assignees of Gorge.
The Grant of the Province of Main begins at the Entrance of Piscataqua Harbour, up the same to Newichewanock River, and through the same to the furthest Head thereof, and thence North Westward, till 120 Miles be finished, and from Piscataqua Harbour's Mouth aforesaid, North-Eastward along the Sea-Coast to Sagadahoc, and up the River thereof to Quenebec River, and through the same to the Head thereof, and thence into the Land North Westward till 120 Miles be finished; and from the Period of 120 Miles aforesaid, to cross over Land, to the 120 Miles before reckoned, up into the Land from Piscataqua Harbour through Newichewanock River: As also the North half of the Isles of Shoals.
The Lines of the Territories belonging to the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, and of the Province of New-Hampshire, being in Dispute for many Years: New-Hampshire petitioned the King in Council, that their Boundaries with Massachusetts-Bay might be determined; accordingl [...] with Consent of the Agents for Massachusetts Bay, Ap [...]l 9. 1737 ‖ a Commission under the great Seal of Great-Britain [Page 388] was issued, appointing five of the eldest Counsellors from each of the neighbouring Provinces of New-York, New Iersies, Nova-Scotia and Rhode-Island (five to be a Coram) as Commissioners, reserving Property and an Appeal to the King in Council: The Appeal was heard before a Committee of Privy Council, March 5th 1739; the Commissioners, and afterwards the King in Council, settled this Line N. 2 d. W. true Course. Accordingly New-Hampshire ex parte (Massachusetts-Bay refusing to join in the Survey) by Mr. Bryant a Surveyor of Lands, settled the Line with the Province of Main, viz. From the Mouth of Piscataqua River to the Head of Newichewanock a little North of Lovel's Pond, upon a great Pond from whence proceeds Moussum River, about North-Westerly 40 Miles, thence N. 8 d. E. by Needle (the Commissioners, and as afterwards confirmed by the King in Council, settled this Line N. 2 d. W. true Course) which is by allowing 10 d. Variation; 30 Miles; this Survey was in March, the Snow and Ice melting rendred the further Survey Progress impracticable; thus 40 Miles of this Line remains to be run.
Both Governments of Massachusetts-Bay and of New-Hampshire were in one and the same Person at that Time; a [...]d it was suspected that the Governor favoured Massachusetts-Bay; therefore the General Assembly of New-Hampshire brought on a Complaint against the Governor, previous to the Appeals coming on. The Commissioners began to sit August 1; the General Assembly of New-Hampshire was adjourned by the Governor to the 4th of August, which retarded them 3 or 4 Days in appointing Managers and giving in their Pleas: The Commissioners pronounced Judgment Sept. 2, the Governor prorogued the Assembly from Sept. 2. to Oct. 13, that they might not have an Appeal ready to give into the Commissioners in six Weeks from Judgment given, the Time limited by the Commission. The Complaint was heard before a Committee of the Council, they found the Complaint just, and their Report was approved of by the [Page 389] in Council. To prevent the like Inconveniencies a separate Governor was appointed for New Hampshire; and the Governments of Massachusetts-Bay and New-Hampshire have been in two distinct Persons ever since.
TheMethod used before the newCharter by theColony of Massachusetts-Bay Purchase of the Heirs or Assigns of Gorge, to convey or dispose of Lands there, was in this Manner, for Instance, Iuly 26, 1684. The President of the Province of Main, by Order of the General Assembly of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, makes a Grant of the Township of North Yarmouth to sundry Persons. In a strict Sense the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay could not exer [...]ise any Jurisdiction there, because theHeirs &c. of Gorg [...] could not delegate Jurisdiction; notwithstanding, we find Orders of Jurisdiction signed in Boston; for Instance, in the War against the Indians, an Order to Sheriffs, Constables, &c. to impress Boats and Land Carriages, is signed Boston, Sept. 16. 1689, Thomas Danforth President of the Province of Main.
The North and South Lines running inland are 120 Miles, the Front or Sea Line, and the Rear Line may be about 80 Miles; that is the Contents of the Province of Main may be about 9600 square Miles; whereof at present granted in Townships or Districts, are only the first or Sea Line consisting of the Townships of Kittery, York, Wells, Arundel, Biddiford, Scarborough, Falmouth, North Yarmouth, GeorgeTown or Arrowsick, Brunswick, and the Settlement of Topsam; and a second or inland Line consisting of Berwick, Philips Town, Naraganset No. 1. Naraganset No. 7. Marblehead Township, Powers and others Township, and Cape Anne Township.
In this Territory of Main, there are some private Purchases from the Indians, which the Proprietor General the Assembly of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, seem not to dispute; for Instance, Anno 1683 Mr. Wharton a Merchant in Boston, purchased of six Sagamores, about 500,000 Acres called the Pegepscot Purchase; bounded five Miles West from Pegepscot River, by a Line running at [Page 390] five Miles Distance parallel with the River, to a certain Fall in said River, and thence N. E. about 44 Miles in a strait Line to Quenebec River; it includes the Eastern Divisions of Nahumkee Purchase, and of Plymouth Purchase, Plymouth Purchase extends 15 Miles each Side of Quenebec River. Wharton dying insolvent, the Administrator sold this Purchase for not much exceeding 100 £. New-England Currency Anno 1714 to eight or nine Proprietors, viz. Winthrop, T. Hutchinson, Ruck, Noyes, Watts, Minot, Mountford, &c: It is bounded S. Westerly by North-Yarmouth, which takes in a small Part of this Grant at small Point; George-Town, Brunswick and Topsam are in this Grant.
At the breaking out of the French War, in the Province of Main were Militia or fencible Men 2485.
Men | |
Township of Kittery | 450 |
York | 350 |
Wells | 500 |
Arundel | 95 |
Biddiford | 120 |
Berwick | 150 |
Philip T. | 150 |
Sir W. Pepperrell'sReg. | 1565 |
Men | |
Scarborough | 160 |
Falmouth | 500 |
N. Yarmouth | 150 |
Brunswick | 50 |
NaragansetN. 1. | 20 |
NewMarblehead | 40 |
920 | |
Sagadahoc | 370 |
Col. Waldo's Reg. | 1290 |
but at present many of these have left their Towns and Habitations, being exposed to the French and their Indians.
For some Time during the old Charter of Massachusetts Bay Colony they extended their Claim to 3 Miles North of the Northernmost Part of Merimack River, called Endicots Tree, near the Crotch or Fork where Pemagawaset River, and the Wares or Discharge of Winipisiakit Pond or Lake do meet, and from thence extended their due East and W. Line to the E. and W. Oceans, that is from the Aethiopick Ocean to the South-Sea or Pacifick Ocean; thus they assumed (as being prior) almost the whole of Mason's [Page 391] Grant or New-Hampshire, and the S. E. Corner of Gorge's Grant or the Province of Main so far as Black-Point, near Saco River, both in Property and Jurisdiction; and did accordingly make Grants of Lands and constitute Townships which sent Representatives or Deputies to the General Assembly of Massachusetts; but upon Complaint of the Heirs of Gorge and Mason to the King in Council and the Courts in Westminster-Hall, Massachusetts-Bay disclaim'd these Lands, as hereafter shall be more fully related.
The whole of the Province of Main at present constitutes only one County called the County of York, and to this County is ‖ annexed the Territory of Sagadahoc.
In the Province of Main and New-Hampshire, from the first settling of the English, for about 50 Years, that is until King Philips War, the English and Indians kept a good friendly Correspondence; but ever since, during the European French Wars, the French of Canada have made Use of the several Tribes of our neighbouring Abnaquie Indians to distress our Settlements; vide Sect. III. Article 4.
Prior to the Massachusetts-Bay Purchase, the Settlers in the Province of Main, never had any other Protection, but that of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay. When the Court of England, much corrupted, began in an arbitrary despotick Manner to re-assume Grants, Charters, it was ordered by the King in Council, Iuly 24. 1679, that the Massachusetts-Bay Government, upon the Reimbursement of 1200 £. St. paid Gorge's Heirs for the Province of Main, shall surrender it to the Crown, being a Purchase [Page 392] made without his Majesty's Permission. The new Charter of Massachusetts Bay 1691, put an End to that and all other pretended Claims.
Geography and Chronology, are two the most considerable Elements of History. The most essential and invariable Things in the Geography of a Country, are its general Position upon the Surface of the E [...]rth as to Latitude and Longitude; the remarkable Mountains and g [...]eat Hills; the Sea-Coast; and the Runs of Rivers and Rivulets from the inland into the Sea.
In the Province of Main, the remarkable Mountains and Hills are, 1. The White Hills or rather Mountains, inland about 70 Miles North from the Mouth of Pisca [...]aqua Harbour, about 7 Miles W. b. N. from the Head of the Pigwoket Branch of Saco River; they are called White not from their being continually covered with Snow, but because they are bald, a-top producing no Trees or Brush, and covered with a whitish Stone or Shingle; these Hills may be observed at a great Distance, and are a considerable Guide or Direction to the Indians in travelling that Country. 2. The Pigwoket Hills at a small Distance from the WhiteHills, are much inferior to them, and scarce require to be mention'd. 3. AquamanticusHills well known amongst our Sailors, are in the Township of York about 8 Miles inland; it is a noted and useful Land-making, for Vessels that fall in Northward of Boston or Massachusetts-Bay.
Upon the Sea-Coast, Casco-Bay is a large, good, and safe Harbour or Road for Vessels of any Burden; being shelter'd or cover'd by many Islands: Here some of the Contract Mast Ships take in their Load. Along this Coast are many Harbours commodious for small Craft in loading of Lumber and Fire-Wood for Boston.
The Capes, Promontories or Head-Lands belong properly to Sea Charts; I shall only mention Small Point at the South Entrance of Sagadahoc, Cape Elizabeth in the S. E. Corner of Casco-Bay, Black Point 4 Miles N. E. of Saco River, Cape Porpus in Arundel, and Cape Neddick in Wells.
[Page 393]The considerable Rivers are, 1. Quenebec and its Mouth called Sagadahoc, which divides the Province of Main, from the Old Bristol Purchase of Pemaquid, including the Shepscut Purchase, and from the Territory formerly call'd the Duke of York's Property, all which at present are call'd the Territory of Sagadahoc. From the Entrance of Sagadahoc to Merry meeting Bay are 18 Miles, thence to Richmond Fort and Truck-House near the Mouth of Quenebec River are 12 Miles, thence to the first Falls, though only a Ripling called Cushnock Falls are 18 Miles; thence to Taconick Falls are 18 Miles, here in Mr. Dummer's Indian War our People left their Whale-Boats, and marched 40 Miles by Land to the Indian Village or Town called Naridgwoag; they destroy'd the Settlement, brought away the Scalp of the French Missionary Father Rale a Jesuit with about 26 Indian Scalps, some Indians were drowned in crossing the River precipitately: Thus from the Mouth of Sagadahoc to Naridgwoag about 106 English Miles, and the Province of Main cannot extend above 20 Miles higher; these Indians in travelling to Quebec, with their Canoes go much higher up the River: The Naridgwoag Indians with their French Missionaries, have in the French Wars been very troublesome to the English Settlements; but by Dummer's well managed Indian War, and a late Mortality from a putrid Fever and Dysentery, received, when in Curiosity they visited Duke D'Anville's sickly Troops and Squadron at Chebucto upon the Cape-Sable Coast of Nova-Scotia; they are now reduced, to very inconsiderable impotent Numbers. 2. Amerascogin River; up this River, not many Years since was a Tribe of Indians, but are now extinct; near the Mouth of this River, is Brunswick Fort; this River is particularly noted for Plenty of good Sturgeon; not many Years since a Merchant of Boston contracted with some Fishmongers of London to supply them with a certain Quantity of well-cured S [...]urgeon every Year, but whether from the bad Quality of the Fish; or rather from the Negligence of the People employ'd in curing of [Page 394] it, there was no Sale for it in London, and the foresaid Indian War breaking out, that Fishery is given up. 3. Saco River, its co [...]era [...]le Branches ar [...] Pigwacket River, it rises about 70 Mil [...] North of Piscataqua Harb [...]ur, and Ossipee River from Ossipe [...] [...]ond about 55 Miles N. Westerly from Piscataq [...]a Harbour: Abou [...] 50 Miles from the Mouth of Saco formerly were Pigwacket, a considerable Tribe o [...] Indians with a French Missionary, they are now almost extinct; this River is navigable only a small Way to the Falls for small Vessels; here is a Fort and Truck-Houses; at the Mouth of Saco River is Winter Harbour, so called from Mr. Winter, who had a Farm there. 4. Mausom River comes from some Ponds near the famous Lovell's Pond, about 40 Miles above Piscataqua Harbour, at these Ponds Bryant the Surveyor began to set off the N. 8 d. E. Line between the Province of Main and New-Hampshire; this River falls into the Ocean in the Township of Wells. 5 Piscataqua River, which for the Space of 40 Miles divides New-Hampshire from the Province of Main ▪ from the Mouth of this River or Harbour to the Inlet of Exeter Bay are about 10 Miles, thence to the Mouth of Catechecho River, which comes from the W. N. W. are 5 Miles, from this upwards, Piscataqua River is called Newichawanock River, and higher it is called Salmon Falls River.
The small Rivers or Runs of Water and of short Cours [...] are many; Recompence River, Royals River running through Cape-Anne Grant or Township, and through North Yormouth to the Sea; Presumpscot River, comes from Iabago Pond, by Naraganset No. 7. through Falmouth; where it falls into the Sea; Falmouth River or Stroud Water of Casco-Bay; Quenebunc River dividing Arundel from Wells; York River in the Township of York.
ARTICLE 4. Concerning the late Colony of Plymouth.
WHAT relates to this Colony, prior to their more fixed and determined Grant Anno 1629 from the Council of Plymouth, see P. 370.
[Page 395]Some English Puritans belonging to Mr. Robinson's Church in * in Holland, with some of their Friends in England, obtain'd of the Council of Plymouth, an indistinct imperfect Grant of Lands in North-America; their Design wa [...] for Hudson's River, but falling in with Cape Cod late in the Year Nov. 11, they were obliged to winter there, and in a shallow Bay and poor Soil within the Great B [...]y of Massachusetts, they sit down and call it New-Plymouth, in Remembrance of Plymouth in England, from whence they took their Departure.
They had no particular Grant from the Council of Plymouth of the Country where they settled, until 1624; and this was so indistinct, that they obtained a newGrant 1629, but still so obscure as not to be understood at present, as appear'd at a hearing 1741, before Commissioners appointed by the Court of Great Britain, to settle their Line with the Colony of Rhode-Island.
We shall only briefly observe that Capt. Smith the Traveller, with two Ships 1614 made a good Voyage upon these Coasts, and by his Means the Country was named New-England by the Court of England.
Anno 1616 four or five Sail of fishing Vessels from London, and as many from Plymouth, make good Fares of Fish.
Anno 1618 only two Sail from Plymouth in England fish upon the Coast of New-England.
Anno 1619 only one Ship of 200 Tuns, made a good Voyage.
Anno 1621, ten or twelve Ships from the West of England, fish upon the Coast of New England, and make good Voyages with their Fish to Spain.
Anno 1622 there were upon the Coast of New-England 35 Vessels from the West of England.
Anno 1623 Capt. Smith writes, that there were for that Year 40 Sail from England, fishing upon the Coast of New [Page 396] England. That Canada and New-England in six Years last past, had shipt off 20,000 Beaver-Skins.
After some Time, a Number of People from New Plymouth, purchased of the Indians, a Parcel of Land called Nosset near Cape-Cod, and gave it the Name of Eastham; their Purchase upon this narrow Promontory reach'd about 30 Miles from North to South. The first two Years, they liv'd without any Supply from England, cleared and planted 60 Acres with Indian Corn. At first they seem'd to have a Sort of Lex Agraria for each Mess or Menage; or rather their Possessions seem to have been in common.
† Mr. Edward Winslow their Agent, Anno 1624, imported the first Cattle, being a Bull and 3 Heifers; about this Time Plymouth Settlement consisted only of 180 Persons; the Adventurers, as it is said, had expended 7000 £. St. being entirely carried on by Adventures, but being discouraged, they sold their Interest to the Settlers for a Trifle; the Grant at first was sole to Mr. Bradford, his Heirs, Associates and Assigns; but at the Request of the General Assembly, he assigned his Right to the Freemen: Upon Governor Carver's Death, April 1621, he was annually chosen Governor while he liv'd (excepting one Year Mr. Winslow, and two Years Mr. Prince) he died May 9. 1657. Aet. 69.
Mr. Carver from Nov. 1620 to April 1621.
Mr. Bradford the Grantee succeeded, and annually chosen Governor until his Death May 1657, excepting for three Years; he was a Man of no Family and of no Learning.
Mr. Prince, who had twice been chosen Governor in Mr. Bradford's Life-Time, succeeded, and was annually [Page 397] chosen Governor till Death, Aug. 29. 1673, Aet. 71. He was a Man of good natural Parts, but of no Learning.
Mr. Prince was succeeded in annual Elections by Iosiah Winslow, who died Dec. 18. 1680.
Next Richard Trent was unanimously elected, until their Charter was dropt or superseded.
I find that upon the Revolution, the Commander in chief of Plymouth Colony is called President, not Governor: Thus Major Church's Commission from Plymouth to go against the Eastern Indians is signed Sept. 6. 1689, Thomas Hinkley, President.
N. B. At first this Colony was only a voluntary Association; in the Beginning the Governor had only one Assistant, afterwards three, and sometime after five, at length Anno 1637 they chose 7 Assistants.
As the Boundaries by their Grant were ill determined, there were continual Disputes between this Colony and that of Rhode-Island. By a Commission from Charles II. 1664 to Col. Richard Nichols, Sir Robert Carr, George Cartwright, and Samuel Maverick; to determine Controversies, concerning several Boundaries in the Continent of North-America; they passed Judgment concerning the Boundaries between Rhode-Island and Plymouth Colony; as it was only by Way of Amusement to quiet the Mind [...] of the People in these Colonies, and never confirmed by the King in Council; it had no Effect.
Ever since the Colony of Plymouth has been annexed to the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, those Disputes have continued or been revived from Time to Time; the chief Dispute was concerning Attleborough Gore, which if Massachusetts-Bay had quitclaim'd to them, Rhode-Island would have given a general Quit-Claim in all other Concerns; and prevented the Loss of Bristol, and some Part of Barrington, Swanzey, Tiverton, and Little Compton; but the Influence of a few ill-natured, obstinate, inconsiderateMen, † [Page 398] prevail'd in the Legislature to the Damage of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay.
Rhode-Island by Memorials sent Home, the Agents of Massachusetts-Bay giving Consent, obtain'd a Commission for the eldest Counsellors of the neighbouring Governments to meet and adjust their Boundaries, accordingly they meet at Providence in Summer 1741, and found that the last determined Grant for Plymouth Colony 1629, specifies it in this Manner, viz. between Conohasset ‖ Rivulet towards the North, and * Naraganset River, towards the South; and between the † Ocean towards the East, and a strait Line extending directly into the main Land from the Mouth of said Naraganset River, to the utmost Bounds of the Packanoket Country alias Sawamset Country, the famous King Philip of Mount-Hope his Country, to the ‖† Nipmug Country which Determination is now forgot, and from Cohasset back into the main Land Westward to the utmost Bounds of the Packanoket Country.
The better to understand the Boundaries of the late Colony of New Plymouth (now annexed to the Province of Massachusetts-Bay) with the Colony of Rhode-Island; I must in Anticipation, give the Boundaries of † Rhode-Island Colony as delineated in their Charter, viz. bounded Westerly by the middle Channel of Pakatuk River, and up said River Northerly to the Head thereof, and thence in a strait Line due North to Massachusetts South Bounds; extending Easterly three English Miles to the E. N. E. of the most Eastern and Northern Parts of Naraganset-Bay as it lieth or extendeth itself from the Ocean; bounded Southerly on the Ocean, unto the Mouth of the River [Page 399] which cometh from Providence; and from the Town of Providence, along the Easterly Bank of said River called Seaconck River up to Patucket Falls; and thence due N. to Massachusetts South Line, where is the most Westerly Line of Plymouth Colony.—The Rhode-Island Claim was 3 Miles E. N. E. of Assonet Creek of Taunton River, and thence due S. to the Ocean East of Seaconnet Point; and from the said E. N. E. Point, a Westerly Course to Fox Point, being the Mouth of the River that comes from Providence Town, thence along the East Side of Seaconck River to Patucket Falls; and thence due North to to Massachusetts South Line.
Upon a hea [...]ing at Providence in Summer 1741 of the Committees or Agents of both Colonies before the Commissioners appointed by royal Patent to settle this Line or Boundary; the Council of Plymouth Patent, nor any Copy of it was produced; therefore the Recital of said Letters patent, in their Deed to Bradford and Associates, was not sufficient Evidence against the King's Charter to Rhode-Island; this Commission was not to meddle with Property, but only with Jurisdiction, which is ascertain'd to Rhode-Island by Royal Charter, notwithstanding of their Charter being posterior to the New Plymouth Colony Grant; because the Council of Plymouth could only delegate Property, but not Jurisdiction. By no Evidence it was made appear that the Water (a salt Water Sinus, commonly called a Continuation of Taunton River, it is called Taunton great River in their private Deeds) between the main Land on the East, and the Island of Rhode Island on the West, was ever at any Time called Naraganset River.
The Determination of the Commissioners Anno 1741 was by the King in Council 1746 confirmed as final. And is to this Effect, viz. From the Province of Massachusetts Bay South Line, a Meridian Line (allowing S. 7 d. W. Variation) to Patucket Falls; and thence down the Easterly Side of Seaconck River, to the S. W. Corner of Bullocks Neck; and thence N. E. 3 Miles (supposing a [Page 400] N. E. Line of 3 Miles from the North-Eastermost Parts of the Bay on the W. Side of Romstick Neck) in a strait Line, until it meets with the Termination of this imaginary Line; and from this to the Bay near Towasset Neck, so that this Line touch the N. E. Extremity of an imaginary Line running N. E. from the N. E. Corner of Bristol Cove or Harbour. On the East Side of Naraganset Bay, it begins at a Point 440 Rod Southward of the Mouth of Fall River in Tiverton; thence runs East 3 Miles; and from thence runs Southerly parallel with the Easternmost Parts of Naraganset Bay or Taunton great River to the Sea.
By this Determination the late Colony of Plymouth, or rather the present Province of Massachusetts-Bay, lost, in Favour of Rhode-Island, a triangular Piece of Land commonly called, the Attleborough Gore †; bounded S. 7 d. W. from an Intersection with Massachusetts S. Line, to Pautuket Falls 9 and half Miles; from Pautuket Falls up Patuket or Blackstone River, to the Intersection of this River with Massachusetts South Line, in a direct or strait Course 12 Miles, W. 55 d. N; from this Intersection E. 7 d. S. about 10 Miles; this Gore is constituted a Township of Rhode-Island, by the Name of Cumberland, so called from Prince William Duke of Cumberland. Bristol is entirely adjudged to Rhode-Island Colony Jurisdiction, and retains its former Name. Part of Swanzey being forty seven Families, and a great Part of Barrington are constituted a Township, by the Name of Warren, in Honour of Sir Peter Warren, Knight of the Bath, and an Admiral in the Navy, an honest benevolent Gentleman always propitious to Trade. The three Mile Strips of Tiverton and [Page 401] Little-Compton, on the East Side of the Bay or Taunton great River, continue by the Name of Districts of Rhode-Island.
The Line between Old Massachusetts and Plymouth, is no more as a Colony Line; but continues to divide the County of Suffolk in the Massachusetts, from Plymouth and Bristol Counties of the late Plymouth Colony; this former dividing Line of the two Colonies, begins at the Intersection of Attleborough Gore and runs 3 and half Miles E. 7 d. S. to the Station-Tree of ‖ Woodward and Saffries, from this Station to a Notch in Bridgwater E. 18 d. N. are 23 Miles; thence 1 Mile and qua [...]ter North on Bridgwater; thence E. 9 Miles to Accord Pond; thence still East to Conobasset at the Mouth of Bound Brook on the Bay of Massachusetts, six Miles; in all about 41 Miles.
From Conobasset in Massachusetts-Bay, to the race Point of Cape-Cod, is to this late Colony of Plymouth, an East South and West Boundary; by the Flexure or Hook of the Cape; the Back (as it is called) of Cape-Cod to Cape Malabar or Sandy-Point is an East Boundary, from Sandy-Point, further along the Back of the Cape to Elizabeth Islands, and thence along Buzard's Bay, to the Boundary Line near Seaconnet Point is a South Boundary; Westerly it is bounded by the Line settled by Commissioners Anno 1741, as before delineated; Northerly it is bounded by the Line dividing the old Colonies of Massachusetts-Bay and Plymouth already described.
In this Colony are no remarkable Mountains or great Hills.
The considerable Harbours are, 1. Plymouth Bay, Water shallow, a considerable Trade to West-India Islands for Sugar, Rum, Molasses, and Cotton; it is a Branch of Boston Custom-House or Collection, Distance 40 Miles; three small Rivulets, called Iones, Herring [...], and Eel Rivers, [Page 402] fall into this Bay. 2. Cape Cod Harbour, safe, and deep Water; but from the Hook or Flexure, and consequently different Courses, Vessels with Difficulty get out to Sea; it is no Sea-Port or Place of Trade. This Cape by its particular * Form and by stretching into the Sea becomes a S [...]are for itinerant or passenger Fish, viz. Whales, Herrings, Mackarel, but the Whales by Expe [...]ence have [...]arnt to keep further to Sea in travelling; the other Fisheries are neglected, from the Fishermen, w [...]o were generally Indians, being carried away upon [...]omantickExpeditio [...]s: The Tide flows within the Cape about 20 Feet, upon the back of the Cape it [...]lows only 5 or 6 Feet; Billingsgate, a Precinct of Eastham, is noted for Oysters.
The smaller Inlets or Harbours from the Discharge of Rivule [...]s are as follows, 1. Upon the Inside of the great Bay of Massachusetts (that Part of it is called Barnstable Bay) Scituate, a bad Harbour, no considerable Run of Water. All the Harbours in Barnstable Bay to Cape-Cod are shallow, because of a sandy slow Slope of the Shore, and the inland Runs are short and small, not capable of making Channels. In Sandwich is Mill River. In Barnstable is a small Inlet. In Yarmouth a small Inlet. In Harwich a Harbour called Point of Rocks, not safe. In Eastham is Stage-Harbour, and Billingsgate, the best of t [...]se small Harbours. 2. Upon the outside or Ocean Side of Cape Cod Promontory; Head of Pamet, no proper Harbour, it is in Truro, and high Tides, as Anno 1723, pass over the Meadows from Sea to Sea. Sandy-Point or Monymoy in Chatham, is a good Harbour for small Vessels, [Page 403] but the Bar shifts. Bass River in Yarmouth. Hyanaes, the best of th [...]se Harbours, in Barnstable, is much used. Osler Bay in Barnstable. Falmouth Bay. Woodes Hole or Cove, called Soconosset; here is a Ferry of about one Mile to Elizabeth great Island; and of about 3 Leagues to Marthas Vineyard. We may observe, that along this Shore is a Bar at about half a Mile's Distance, with small Inlets, within the Bar is Water of some Fathoms. 3. In Buzard's Bay are many good Creeks, salt Water Rivers, or Harbours; excepting in Rochester, the Runs of Water that fall into these Creeks are of short Course: Agawam, Wagwagantit or Mill River, Sipacan Harbour, Matapoisset, Accushnot, Polyganset, and Coaxit. ‖
The considerable Rivers in Old Plymouth Colony, are 1. North River, divides Scituate from Marshfield; deep Water, but Vessels in a Storm cannot put in there, the Entrance being rocky. The Tide flows 9 or 10 Miles up this River; here Ships and other Vessels are built to Advantage, Timber being plenty; from this River, Boston has a considerable Supply of Firewood. 2. Taunton River; from about 17 Miles up Taunton great River on the East Side of Naraganset Bay, according to the late royal Determination of Boundaries with Rhode-Island, begins Plymouth Colony upon Taunton River; the Tide flows up this River from 440 Rod below Falls River, the Boundary between Free [...]own and Tiverton about 25 Miles, to near the Mouth of Sawamset or Midleborough River, which comes from Asawampsit Pond in the South Parts of Midleborough, and falls into Titiquit or Taunton River: In this River and the adjacent Townships of Dighton and [Page 404] Swanzey are built good Ships and other Vessels. 3. P [...] tuket or Blackstone, formerly Nipmug River, navigable from Rhode-Island Boundary at Bullock's Neck, 10 Miles to Patucket Falls; in Rehoboth or Seaconick are built some good Vessels.
The Capes, Head-Lands, or Promontories are, 1. The Gurnet Head, being the North Point of Plymouth Bay▪ it lies West Southerly from Cape-Cod 7 Leagues, and that Part of Massachusetts Bay within this Line or Course is called Barnstable Bay. 2. Cape-Cod, a noted Promontory on the West Side of the Atlantick Ocean, in N. Lat. 42 d. 10 m, lies from Boston E. b. S. Southerly, about 18 Leagues: This is a narrow long Promontory stretching into the Ocean, and from the Pitch of the Cape to Buzard's Bay may extend upwards of 60 Miles, which with a Medium Breadth of 6 Miles, makes about 230,000 Acres; consists of the Townships of Falmouth, Sandwich, Barnstable, Yarmouth, Harwich, Chatham, Eastham, Truro, and Province Town; these make the County of Barnstable. 3. Sandy-Point, in the Charter it is called Cape M [...] labar, about 10 Leagues North from the Island of Nantucket.
† Besides▪ the Promontory of Cape Cod, the late Plymouth Colony may be in Value of 40 Miles square, is 1600 square Miles, or 1,024,000 Acres; is in the whole [Page 405] bout 1,254,000 Acres. In this old Colony, there are no vacant or Colony Lands; all the Lands are the Property of Townships or private Persons, as granted by the General Assembly from Time to Time.
Plymouth was called one of the associated Colonies of New-England before the stricter Consociation (the 12th Day of the third Month 1643) of the four Colonies o [...] New-England, it was an Alliance like that of the Swiss Cantons. This Colony assisted in the Pequod Indian War 1637; this War was only of a few Months Continuance, and ended with the entire Reduction or Extinction of that Tribe; see P. 193.
Concerning the Islands near Cape-Cod.
The noted Islands are Nantucket, Capawock or Marthas Vineyard, and the Elizabeth Islands.
The North Side of Nantucket or the Town of Sherburn lies in N. Lat. 41 d. 10 m. about 10 Leagues from the main Land; contains about 23,000 Acres, the Value of six Miles square, Beach included; it is in twenty-seven Proprietorships, but all in common, excepting 40 Acres home Lots to each Proprietorship; each Proprietorship may keep 560 Sheep. It is a County of it self, a very industrious People; they make some dry Cod-Fish, their principal Business is Whaling, Anno 1744 in the Beginning of the French War, they had about 40 Sloops and Schooners in the Whale Fishery, 13 Men to a Vessel, do make from 7000 to 10,000 Barrels of Whale Oil, per Annum; their Bone seldom exceed seven Feet. A Whale of 100 Barrels yields a 1000 wt. of Bone. In this Island are about 900 Indian Souls, of great Use in their Fishery.
Marthas Vineyard about 8 Leagues West from Nantucket, and 3 Leagues South from Woods Hole in Falmouth upon the Main, is about 20 Miles in Length; the East End is about 8 Miles wide, and tapers away to GuyHead, at the W. End 3 Miles wide; much of the Island is very barren, being Heaths and Pine Land; 3 poor Townships, [Page 406] Edgar-Town, Tisbury, and Chilmark; about 200 fencible white Men, about 450 Indian Souls. With the Elizabeth Islands it makes * Dukes County.
Elizabeth Islands lie in a Range, S. W, half Way between Marthas Vineyard, and the Shore of Buzard Bay; they make Buzards Bay; the largest Island one Mile from Woods Hole or the Main is about 8 Miles long, but very narrow, belongs to Thomas Lechmere, Esq and Mr. Bowdoin's Estate, it is called Nashawn Island, here is a good Harbour Tarpaulings Cove, on Marthas Vineyard is another good Harbour Holms's Hole, of good Use to Vessels that navigate this Channel; next is Tinker's Island, Slocum's Island, and Cattehunk Islands, these belong to Slocum, Ward, and Sanford's Heirs.
Slocums Island lies one League South Westerly from the West End of Marthas Vineyard, is in Value one Mile square, it belongs to Mr. Norton.
ARTICLE 5. Concerning the Old Colony of Massachusetts-Bay.
THE old Writers of the History of New-England are so trifling and erroneous, that the late ‖ Scriblers and Hackney Writers who copy the Affairs of New-England from them, appear, by their obsolete and erroneous Account [Page 407] of Affairs, in a very ridiculous Light, and do afford me no Assistance.
Anno 1625 Mr. Conant and Company in Trade, made some Settlement at Cape Anne, the North Easterly Promontory of Massachusetts-Bay; they were mostly from Dorchester, and the West of England: This gave Rise to a Project, first concerted in Lincolnshire, of procuring from the Council of Plymouth, a Grant for settling a Colony in Massachusetts-Bay, with a Resolution that the principal Town thereof be called BOSTON, from a Sea-Port and [Page 408] Parliament Town of that Name in Lincolnshire; being joined by some Adventurers of London and Dorsetshire, they obtained from the Council of Plymouth Mar. 19, 1627, 8, a Grant in the Name of six Associates and their Assigns, of all the Lands in New-England from three Miles South of Charles River, to three Miles North of Merimack River, East and West from Sea to Sea: These six did associate Twenty more Persons, and March 4. 1628, 9 obtain'd a Royal Grant with a Charter countersigned Woolsely; it is commonly called the old Charter, whereof an Abstract is as follows,
King James I. Anno Regni 18, Nov. 3, granted by Patent to a Council at Plymouth in Devon, and their Associates and [...]ssigns for ever, the Property and Iurisdiction of the Lands in America ( called New-England) from 40 d. N. Lat, to 48 d. N. Lat. and East and West from Sea to Sea; if not possessed by any Christian State, nor within the Limits of a Southern Colony lately granted; the Quit-Rent to be the fifth Part of all their Gold and Silver Ore. This Company by Deed granted and sold 19 March, 3 Regni Charles I. a Part of their Patent Lands to six Gentlemen, Sir Henry Roswell, &c. their Heirs, Assigns, and Associates for ever, viz. All Lands from three Miles Northward of any and every Part of Merimack River, to three Miles Southward of any and every Part of Charles River, and of Massachusetts-Bay, E. and W. from Sea to Sea, with all Islands on the Eastern or Western Coasts. This Grant was confirmed to those six Gentlemen and their 20 Associates by Royal Charter March 4. 1628, 9. The said 26 Grantees with all such others as shall hereafter be admitted and made free of the Company, shall for ever be one Body corporate and politick, by the Name of the GOVERNOR AND COMPANY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS-BAY IN NEW-ENGLAND. The Corporation to consist of one Governor, one Deputy Governor, and eighteen Assistants, to be annually elected out of the Freemen of the Company; The King did nominate for the first Year, Matthew Craddock Governor, Thomas Goff Lieutenant Governor, with 18 Assistants. The Governor may [Page 409] call an Assembly at Pleasure, the Governor and Assistants not under seven may once [...] Month meet to do Business. Four great and General Courts or Assemblies of the Freemen a [...] nually, on the last Wednesdays of Hillery, Easter, Trinity, and Michaelmas Terms, whereof the Governor and six of the Assistants, at least to be seven, ‖ with the Represent [...]tives of the Townships, to admit Freemen, constitute Officers, make Laws, but not repugnant to the Statutes of England: Annually upon the last Wednesday in Easter-Term shall be an Election of General Assembly then convened, of a Governor, Deputy Governor, 18 Assistants, and all other Officers. Liberty to transport from England any People, Effects, and Merchandize free of Customs both outward and inward, for the first seven Years, and quit from all Taxes and Customs in New-England; also for the first seven Years, and for 14 Years more, excepting the 5 pr Ct. Duty in England, upon all Merchandize imported. All born in this Country, or in Passages to and from the Colony, be deem'd natural-born Subjects of England; the General Court may make Orders and Laws, constitute Officers; may impose Fines, Imprisonment or other lawful Correction, according to the Course of other Corporations in England, * establishing of the Christian Faith amongst the Natives is in this Charter declared to be the principal End thereof; may encounter and resist by Force of Arms by Sea or Land, any who shall in a hostile Manner invade said Plantation; if any of said Colony shall injure any Subject of Princes in A [...]ity with us, they shall, Proclamation made in England, be required to give Satisfaction, and make Restitution; which if not complied with, said Persons shall be put out of our Allegiance and Protection, and said Princes shall be allowed to prosecute said Offenders with Hostility — None of our Subjects to be debar'd fishing upon the Coast of New-England, nor from setting up Stages and Workhouses on Shore, and cutting requisite Timber and Wood.
[Page 410]The Colony Seal was an Indian erect, naked, an Arro [...] in his right Hand, and a Bow in his left Hand; these Words in a Scrowl from his Mouth, Come [...]ver and help us; and in a Round, Sigillum Gub. et Societatis de Mass [...] chusetts-Bay in Nova Anglia.
To render this History clear and distinct, we shall here continue the Accounts of the Incidents which happen'd, relating to this Charter, down to its being vacated in Chancery 1684.
Anno 1635 several Complaints against the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay being lodged in the Court of King's Bench; a Quo Warrant [...] was issued against the Governor and Company of Massachusetts-Bay; some of the Company appear'd and disclaim'd their Charter, others did [...]ot appear, and were outlaw'd.
In this Controversy with Mr. Mason, Anno 1637 in Trinity Term was obtain'd a Judgment from the King' [...] B [...]nch, against the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay in Favour of the King, viz That the King should seize said Province, and take t [...]eir Governor Cradock's Body into Custody; but by Reason of the ensuing civil War Confusions, the Charter was never taken up, and from that Time to the Restoration, New-England enjoyed a desirable Tranquillity; and at the Desire of their impotent Neighbours, the Eastern Settlers were taken into their Protection and Jurisdiction.
Upon the Restoration 1661 Gorge and Mason's Representatives, renewed their Complaints against Massachusetts-Bay Colony, upon Account of Encroachments; it was chiefly in Compassion that these Eastern People were (as abandoned) taken under their Protection and Jurisdiction, but moreover, Massachusetts-Bay Colony conceived, that it might keep up their Claim, to the most Northerly Part of Merimack River with three Miles Advantage, and E. and W. from Sea to Sea, including all the settled Part of Mason's Grant or New-Hampshire, and of the Province of Main to Black Point.
Anno 1675, 6 March 10, ordered by the King in Council, [Page 411] that Massachusetts-Bay Government, should answer the Complaints of Mason's and Gorge's Heirs, concerning their being by said Government, unjustly kept out of their Right.
William Stoughton and Peter Bulkley, were sent over [...] Agents; they disclaimed any Title to those Lands in the Petition.
The Lords of the Committee for Trade and Plantations, with the Lords chief Justices Rainsford and North, reported to the King in Council, that the Massachusetts-Bay Colony by their Representatives disclaim'd any Title to said Lands in Controversy; this Report was confirmed by the King in Council.
After the Order of the King in Council Iuly 20. 1677, the Assembly of Massachusetts-Bay passed an Act 1679▪ vacating all such Grants as they had made, of Lands beyond the three Miles North of Merimack River. We must observe, that about this Time, some of the Mass [...] chusetts People, upon Account of the Indian Trade and Fishery, removed to New-Hampshire and Province of Main, and liv'd for some Time in a separate State; but from Divisions amongst themselves, and from Fear of being insulted by the Indians, they put themselves under the Protection and Jurisdiction of the Government of Massachusetts Bay. 1652 The Inhabitants of New-Hampshire, or Piscataqua, or Mason's Grant, put themselves under the Protection and Government of Massachusetts Bay, until the Time of Cranfield's being appointed Governor of New-Hampshire. President Cutts [...]d Council, Sept. 18. 1680 were commissioned by the Ki [...]g; before this, there had been no Power of Government granted for that Territory of New-Hampshire. We may observe, that the old Townships of Portsmouth, Hampton and Dover, were Grants of the Massachusetts Bay Assembly: Col. Waldron Representative for Dover, was Speaker of Massachusetts House of Representatives.
Anno 1682 May 9. The King in Council further [Page 412] inhibits the Massachusetts Bay Government, from any Jurisdiction in Mason's Property.
The further Account of the Disputes between the Corporation of Massachusetts-Bay, and the Heirs of Mr. Mason Proprietors of New-Hampshire, we refer to the Section of New-Hampshire.
Anno 1682 when a despotick Monarchy was hatching, several Towns in England, began to surrender their Charters, by the Persuasion of Lord chief Justice Ieffries, a Person capable of any Wickedness to gratify the Court; particularly in Cornwall, where are many poor Boroughs, for small Considerations always at the Devotion of the Court; 25 Boroughs brought in their Charters.
Anno 1683 K. Charles II, by a Message to the General Assembly of Massachusetts-Bay, desired, that in Consideration of several * Complaints entred against them, they would surrender their Charter to the King'sPleasure, which by a Vote of General Assembly was refused. Thereupon in Consequence of a Quo Warranto, and scire facias 1684, in Chancery, in Trinity Term, Judgment was entred against their Charter, and it was vacated, the Colonies Agents or Attornies not appearing.
Robert Humphrey, Esq Agent for Massachusetts-Bay Colony, in his Letter to the Governor and Council, dated Inner Temple, May 2. 1685, and read in the General Assembly Iuly 8. following; † writes, "The Breaches assigned against you, are as obvious as unanswerable, so that all the Service your Council and Friends could have done you here, would have only served to deplore not prevent that inevitable Loss; I sent you the Lord Keeper's Order of Iune 15. 1684, requiring your appearing first Day of Michaelmas Term, else Judgment entred against [Page 413] your Charter was to stand. When this first Day came, your Letters of Attorney neither were, nor indeed could be returned: Accordingly, I applied to the Chancery for further Time; where Judgment passes by Default, there may be a Rehearing. Instead of sending Letters of Attorney, the Colony sent only an Address to the King, without Colony Seal, or any Subscription per Order; therefore it was not presented; I herewith send you a Copy of the Judgment against your Charter. Col. Kirk was fixt upon by Charles II. to be your Governor, and Iames II. is said to have renewed his Patent for your Government."
Henry Cranfield Governor of the adjoining Province of New Hampshire is said to have been appointed by Charles II, Governor of New-England; it is certain his Commission was never published, if there was any such Patent, it dropt by the Death of Charles II; by Charles II's sudden Death, whether natural, or wickedly procured we shall not determine; this Affair was neglected, and the New-England Colonies continued for about two Years more, in the Enjoyment of their Charter Privileges. ‖
Ioseph Dudley, Esq was sent over to the Court of England as their Agent in the Charter Affairs; but as being a Native of New-England, and a cunning Man, it was thought by the Court that he was the proper Person to [...]acilitate and to introduce a new Administration, or Form of Government; accordingly in April 1686 he was appointed President with a Council to govern New-England; he arrived at Boston in Iune following; there were no considerable Acts of Government in his Time: In December [Page 414] of the same Year, arrives Sir Edmund Andros Governor of New-England, with Nicholson Lieut.-Governor, and two independent Companies of Soldiers, and President Dudley was appointed chief Justice.
The New-England Charters being laid aside; the Governor and Council (6 or 7 Persons, generally Strangers) had the legislative and executive Power of Government: they acted many unjust and oppressive Things; for Instance, in Property, they alledged, that the People's Conveyances were not according to the Laws of England, and that upon their Charter ceasing, their former Titles ceased; and obliged them to take out new Grants or Titles at high Rates and extravagant Fees; particularly the King assumed the absolute Government, and the Property of the unappropriated Lands, the granting of Lands, raising of Taxes, making of Laws, with the executive Part likewise.
Upon the Arrival in April 1689 in Boston, of the News of a thorough Revolution in England, there was a Kind of popular Insurrection in Boston against the Governor Sir Edmund Andros and his Officers, who surrendred and were sent Home; a Convention of the principal Gentlemen of the Colony was held in Boston, who appointed a Council, Simon Bradstreet President, or Committee for the Safety of the People, and Conservation of the Peace; and summoned a Convention of the Representatives of the People; accordingly at first Meeting 66 Representatives of 44 Towns and Districts were present, and May 24, there were Representatives from 54 Places, they resolved that the Governor, Deputy-Governor, Assistants, and other Officers, as chosen May 12, 1686 should act in their respective Stations, viz. Simon Bradstreet Governor, Thomas Serjeant Major-General, Isaac Adington Secretary, Iohn Philips Treasurer, Thomas Danforth President of the Province of Main, &c. Thomas Oakes was Speaker of the House of Representatives; they resolved upon six Rates of Taxes, whereof one Rate was to be in Provisions; all this was transacted with Submission to the King and Queen's Pleas [...]e when notified.
[Page 415]It was proposed by a Writ of Error to have a Rehearing concerning the New-England Charters, in Westminster-Hall; but this was dropt. There was a Bill brought into the Convention Parliament, for restoring the New-England Charters; it passed the lower House, but the Convention being dissolved soon after, it dropt. Upon granting the new Charter, the King allowed the Agents for Massachusetts-Bay to nominate their first Governor; they nominated Sir William Phipps.
The further provincial Proceedings we defer to the next Article.
The Boundary Lines of Old Massachusetts-Bay Colony.
The Southern Line is, 1. With the late Plymouth Colony 41 Miles; being 15 Miles due W; 23 Miles W. 18 d. S, see P. 401, and W. 7 d. N. 3 Miles and half; upon this Line lie the Townships of Hingham, Weymouth, Braintree, and Stoughton. 2. * The Line with Rhode-Island Colony, from the Intersection of the North and South Line from Patuket Falls to Massachusetts-Bay South Line, as settled by Agreement of the two Colonies May 14. 1719, and afterwards confirmed by the King in Council, is W. 7 d. N. about 20 Miles to the N. W. Corner of Rhode-Island, bei [...]g a Production of Connecticut and Rhode-Island N. and S. Line, as settled by Agreement of these two Colonies Anno 1738. N. B. Here the Differences of Variation allowed per Agreement with Rhode-Island of W. 7 d. N. and with Connecticut of W. 9 d. N. occasions a Notch of 1 Mile and 40 Rod in the Township of Douglass, from the Rhode-Island N. W. Corner to the Connecticut N. E. Corner; upon this Line lie the Townships of Wrentham, Bellingham, Uxbridge, and Douglass. 3. The [Page 416] Line with † Connecticut, run Anno 1713 from said N. E. Corner of Connecticut W. 9 d. N. to the N. W. Corner of Connecticut 72 Miles; viz. From said N. E. Corner of Connecticut to Connecticut River (90 Rod North of the N. E. Corner of Suffield) 38 Miles, and from thence to Connecticut N. W. Corner 34 Miles, in all 72 Miles upon Connecticut; this Line was * settled per Agreement, and afterwards confirmed by the King in Council: Upon this Line lie the Townships of Dudley; Woodstock indented, Sturbridge, Brimfield, Somers and Enfield indented, Suffield indented, Westfield, Bedford, Housatonicks No's 3 and 2, and Sheffield.
As an Equivalent, for some indented Lands properly belonging to the Colony of Connecticut, but settled, and for some Time assumed under the Jurisdiction of Massachusetts-Bay; Anno 1713 the Province of Massachusetts-Bay allowed the Property, but not Jurisdiction of some of their vacant Province Lands, containing 105,793 Acres in four separate Parcels; these equivalent Lands were sold at publick Vendue by the Colony of Connecticut April 25. 1716 for 683 £. New-England Currency in 16 Shares, viz. Gurdon Saltonstall Governor of Connecticut, Mrs. Saltonstall, Paul Dudley, Addi [...]gton Davenport, Th [...] mas Fitch, Anthony Stoddard, William Brattle Minister, Ebenezer Pemberton a Minister of the Gospel, William and Ioseph Dummer's each one half of a Share, Ionathan Belcher, Iohn White, William Clark near Boston common, Iohn Wainwright, Henry Newman and Iohn Caswall, each one third of a Share, N [...]th. Gould, and Peter Burs each one half of a Share, Iohn Stoddard and Elisha Williams ▪ [Page 417] each one half of aShare, and to Iohn Read oneShare: About 40,000 Acres of these Lands by the late Settlement of a Line with New-Hampshire fall into the Jurisdiction of New-Hampshire upon Connecticut River above Northfield.
The West Line of Massachusetts-Bay hitherto is not settled; the People of New-York pretend that their East Line is Connecticut River *, because the Dutch Colony, their Predecessors extended their Pretensions so far, and had a considerable Trade in Connecticut River: But we may observe, that some Years since, Anno 1725 when New-York and Connecticut settled their Line, which was afterwards confirmed by the King in Council; their fundamental Agreement was, that this Boundary Line should be at 20 Miles East of Hudson's River, and parallel with said River; therefore naturally this Line in the same Circumstances must extend Northward, and bound Massachusetts-Bay and New-Hampshire Provinces.
The † North and East Lines have been in continued Disputes in opposite Claims, of Massachusetts-Bay and New Hampshire. Anno 1739 The King in Council, upon Appeals from the Judgment of Commissioners (per Agreement of both Parties) appointed under the Great Seal of Great-Britain, finally determined the same.
As all disputable Claims are now extinguished, we may reckon them as obsolete; but for the curious (Antiquaries perhaps may be an improper Term in a young Colony) we shall give some succinct History of those Claims.
It is frequently very difficult, and almost impossible to reconcile the Letter of the Boundaries of two old Grants; because generally more was granted, than had b [...]en surveyed, or perhaps more than had been discovered; therefore the Lines were ill express'd, in loose general Terms, [Page 418] and frequently interfering; which cannot be adjusted but by amicable voluntary Conventions and Agreements of the Parties concerned; to be explained and confirmed by the King in Council, the original Granter.
Immediately upon the Royal Grant or Patent to the New-England Company, called the Council of Plymouth; that Council granted to Sir Ferdinando Gorge Governor of the Fort of Plymouth, and sometime President of said Council, and to Mr. Mason Merchant of London their Secretary, jointly; from Neumkeag or Salem River to Q [...]enebec River along the Sea-shore, and sixty Miles inland: Soon after, they had separate Grants of separate Parcels of Land; here, we are only to relate the Disputes with Mr. Mason's Heirs and Assigns, and in the Section of New-Hampshire must be referred to.
Anno 1621 March 9. The Council of Plymouth granted to Iohn Mason, Esq of London, their Secretary, his Heirs and Assigns, a Tract of Land from Neumkeag to Merimack River. Anno 1629 they granted to Ditto a Tract † of Land, between Merimack River and Piscataqua River, 60 Miles up each River, and these to be bounded by a Line across from River to River. Both these Grants were joined in a new Grant 1635 April 22, from the Council of Plymouth to said Mason, viz. 60 Miles up Neumkeag River, &c. and from the Entrance of Neumkeag (a Creek between Salem and Beverley) round by the Sea-shore to the middle Entrance of Piscataqua River, up Piscataqua River, and Newichawennock River to the Head thereof, and thence North Westward till 60 Miles be accomplished; and cross from the Termination of each of these 60 Miles; to be called New Hampshire. Anno 1635 August 19 K. Charles by Patent confirms this Grant called New Hampshire, with Power of Government and Jurisdiction (as in the Palatinate or Bishoprick of Durham) with Power of conferring Honours.
[Page 419]The Complaints from Time to Time of Mr. Mas [...]'s Heirs to the King in Council, and the Determinations thereupon, have been already related in p. 410; we shall now mention some very large private Claims from Indian Grants, where both Colonies of Massachusetts-Bay and New-Hampshire were supposed to be concerned in Property as well as in Jurisdiction.
Anno 1629 the Chiefs of the Indians of Merimack River sold to Iohn Wheelwright and others of the Massachusetts-Bay Colony, all that Land beginning "at the End of 20 Miles N. W. from Pantucket Falls, and thence running a N. E. Line to intersect Merimack and Piscataqua Rivers, and these two Rivers to be the Bounds of it, from that Line to the Sea." This, together with other Lands, included all the late Province of New-Hampshire; the Claim was revived by Mr. Cooke, and others about 30 Years since, when some Irish Presbyterians petitioned both Assemblies of Massachusetts-Bay and of New-Hampshire, for a Settlement or Township of Lands; these Emigrants are settled upon Part of those Lands by Charter or Grant from the Governor and Council of New Hampshire; their Township is called Londonderry (formerly Nutfield) and flourishes much; they are a noted Pattern and Example of Industry and Frugality, particularly they excel in the Fabrick or Manufacture of Linnen Cloth: May the other Townships of New-England copy from them! This Township lies a few Miles East of Pantuket Falls of Merimack River.
Anno 1683, a large Tract of Land called the Million Purchase both Sides of Merimack River above Souhage [...] River, was granted by the Sachems of the Weymaset or Lower River Indians, and the Penycook or upper River Indians, to Ionathan Tyng of Dunstable for valuable Considerations. This Tract of Land extended upon the West Side of Merimack River, from the Mouth of Soughagen River, where it falls into Merimack River, six Miles and a half up said Souhagen or Souhegonack River, t [...]ence N. 20 d. Westward, ten Miles, thence in a direct Li [...]e f [...]om [Page 420] Northward as far as the most Southerly End or Part (meaning I suppose the Production Westward of a Line from the Southerly End of said Pond) of the great Pond or Lake commonly called Wenapesioche Lake; extended upon the East Side of Merimack River from Brenton's Lands or Farm (in Litchfield) six Miles in Breadth Eastward, and thence running in a direct Line Northward unto and as far as the most Southerly End or Part of Wenepasioche Lake; neither of these West or East Lines to come nearer to the River of Merimack than six Miles; an Indian Plantation of three Miles square is reserved. These Lands were convey'd in several Pa [...]cels, and at sundry Times to certain Persons by Transfers, Anno 1684, 1685 and 1686; of which Transfers some were acknowledged before the Magistrates of the Administration of the old Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, and some before these of K. Iames II's Reign. After these Conveyances and Transfers were confirmed by Robert Tufton Mason Proprietor of New Hampshire April 15. 1686, so far as falls within the Royal Grant of New-Hampshire, at a Quitrent, of 10 s. St. per An. when demanded; they were regulated into 20 equal Shares, viz.
- Ioseph Dudley
- Charles Lidget
- Iohn Usher
- Edward Randolph
- Iohn Hubbard
- Robert Thompson
- Samuel Shrimpton
- William Stoughton
- Richard Wharton
- Thomas Henchman
- Thaddeus Macarty
- Edward Tho [...]son
- Iohn Blackwell
- Peter Bulkeley
- William Blathwayt
- Ionathan Tyng
- Daniel Cox
and three other Persons to be hereafter named and agreed upon; no Benefit of Survivorship; to be divided as soon a [...] may be, and each Share may take up 5000 Acres at Discretion for the present; these Grants and Regulations were also confirmed Iuly 12. 1686 (and entred November 9 followin [...]) by I [...]seph Dudley President, and by the Council of his M [...]j [...]sty's Territory and Dominion of New-England in America; with an Addition of the Township [Page 421] of Concord, Chelmsford, Groton, Lancaster, Stow, and Dunstable, and 12 Miles more of Land. This Claim was in a Manner revived about 28 Years since, but soon dropt; it is now again revived by an Advertisement in the Boston Gazette of Iune 21. 1748. These Lands at present are in the Jurisdiction of New-Hampshire, and must be claim'd in that Province.
Not many Years since Mrs. Rand from New-England, Heiress or Representative of Thomas Goffe, one of the 26 original Patentees or Proprietors of Massachusetts-Bay Grant, entred a Claim in Chancery accordingly, and gave some Disturbance to the Massachusetts-Bay Vessels in the River Thames in London, by entring a ne exeat in Chancery; pretending they were the Produce of that Colony, which the 26 original Proprietors had never jointly assigned to the Settlers; but upon her Death, and none of the Heirs of the other original Proprietors appearing, the Affair dropt; and the Settlers by their Representatives in General Assembly, continue in quiet Possession by Prescription.
For many Years there had been a Dispute concerning the North Boundary of Massachusetts-Bay Colony with New-Hampshire; New-Hampshire claim'd, from three Miles North of the middle Channel of the Mouth of Merrimack River due West, until it meet with other British Governments; Massachusetts-Bay claim'd, from three Miles North of the Black Rock where Merrimack River emptied it self into the Ocean, when the Charter was granted; thence running at three Miles Distance parallel with the River, to three Miles North of the Fork or Crotch where this River first receives the Name Merimack, and from thence due West to the South Sea or to any of his Majesty's other Territories.
† Anno 1731, the General Assembly of New-Hampshire [Page 422] appointed Mr. Rindge their Agent, to sollicit at Home, for settling their Boundaries with the Province of Massachusetts-Bay; 1733 the Petition was presented; 1734 Ian. 5. the Board of Trade and Plantations, sent to the Attorney and Sollicitor-General, this Question, "From what Part of Merimack River, the three Miles Limitation ought to be taken?" March 19, the Report was, "From three Miles North of the Mouth of Merrimack River." 1737 April 9. by the Consent of both Parties, a Commission under the great Seal was issued to some Gentlemen of the Councils in the neighbouring Provinces to hear and judge in the Affair. The Commissioners met at Hampton in New-Hampshire August 1. and gave their Determination Sept. 2; both Parties appeal'd to the King in Council, and the Commissioners adjourned themselves to August 1, 1738, to receive the King's Pleasure. 1739 March 5, the Appeals were heard before the proper Committee of Privy Council, and afterwards their Report was heard before the King in Council, where the Affair was finally determined. Conform to this Determination the Lines were run by the Province of New-Hampshire ex parte, the Massachusetts-Bay Government refused to join in the Survey; the Line between New-Hampshire and the Province of Main by Mr. Bryant; the Line parallel with, and at three Miles (on the North Side) Distance from the River Merrimack by Mr. Mitchell, and the Line from Pantucket Falls Station W. 10 d. N. to New York East Line by Mr. Hazen. These Lines or Surveys were in May 1741 lodged with the Records of both Provinces.
We come now to delineate the Northerly Line of Massachusetts Bay Province. The Commissioners for settling of it 1737 put it thus, "If the same Lands were granted [Page 423] " by W. and M. Charter, as by that of Charles I; then this Line should run 3 Miles North from the Black Rock at theMouth of the River Merimack, and parallel with the River to three Miles North of the Crotch where the Rivers of Winnepasiake and Pemegawasset meet, and thence due West: But if otherwise, then the Line is to begin at three Miles North from the Mouth of said River, and run from thence due West: Upon the Appeals the King in Council issued the Case in neither of these Ways; but that after the Parallel was [...]arried so far as the Flexure of the River at Pantucket Falls, it should proceed no further; because if the parallel Line were to be continued further, it would be East and not North from the River; the Course of the River from this Flexure becoming North and South; and from a Station three Miles North of the Flexure or Falls, the Line to run W. 10 d. N. by Compass, to New-York East Line.
Mr. Mitchell's Line parallel with Merrimack River begins at three Miles North of a Black Rock, to Pantucket Station being W. 9 d. S. by Compass, 27 Miles. This parallel Line passes through and cuts off Part of the following Townships of Massachusetts-Bay Government, viz. Salisbury, Amesbury, Haverhill, Methuen, Dracut, and Nottingham; the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay had extended these Townships beyond the three Miles North of Merrimack, not so much upon Account of their having assumed the Jurisdiction of that Country, at the Time of granting these Townships, but chiefly because they were Indian Grants to Massachusetts People.
Mr. Hazen's Line from Pantucket Station three Miles East of Merrimack River, runs W. 10 d. N. by Compass to cut Connecticut River (1 Mile and 3 qrs. North of Northfield Meeting-House; and about 10 Miles South of Fort Dummer) 53 Miles 58 Rod; thence to New-York Line (20 MilesEast from Hudson's River, 36 Miles 60 Rod, in all about 90 Miles. ThisLine continued falls in with Hudson's River 6 Miles above Albany Church, and a little below the Mouth of [Page 424] Mohawks River. This Line passes through, and takes off from the Massachusetts-Bay Jurisdiction, some Parts of the following Townships and Lands, viz. Dunstable, Groton, Townsend, * Ipswich new Township, Canada to Rowley, some Province vacant Lands, Canada to Sylvester and others, Canada to Roxbury, Winchester, Northfield, Fall-fight Township, Boston new Township No. 2, and Province vacant Lands to New-York East Line.
The Sea-Line of the old Colony of Massachusetts-Bay does not exceed 80 Miles.
The superficial Land Contents of said Colony we may estimate in this Manner. 1. Its Northerly Line in a direct Course, North Side of Merrimack River W. 9 d. S. to Pantucket Station is 27 Miles, thence W. 10 d. N. to New-York East Line are about 90 Miles, being in all about 117 Miles. 2. Its Southerly Line is from Conohasset Rocks to the Notch in Bridgwater 15 Miles, thence W. 18 d. South to the Station Tree 23 Miles, thence W. 7 d, N. to Rhode-Island N. W. Corner, which is nearly the [Page 425] same with Connecticut N. E. Corner 24 Miles, ‖ thence W. 9 d. N. to Connecticut N. W. Corner 70 Miles, being in all about 132 Miles. 3. The Meridian Distance from the abovesaid Northerly and to the Southerly Line is about 47 Miles. These 47 Miles multiplied into 125 which i [...] nearly the Medium between the Northerly and Southerly Line, produces 5,875 square Miles which are 3,760,000 Acres. †
As to the Situation of this American Province of Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, upon the Surface of the terrestrial Globe; we shall observe that BOSTON the chief Town or Metropolis of New-England, from the Observations of the late ingenious Mr. Thomas Robie Fellow of Harvard alias Cambridge College of New-England [Page 426] determined it to be in 42 d. 25 m. N. Lat. and † West from London 4 h. 46 m, which is W. Long. 71 [...]. 30 m.
The general History under the old Charter Adminis [...]ration continued.
This Charter was dated March 4. 16 [...]8, 9; by Charter Mr. Cradock was nominated their first Governor, but by Reason of his advanced Age he declin'd going over; and Mr. Endicot Deputy-Governor, but being of no Note, he was dropt; the Company in London chose Iohn Winthrop Governor, and Thomas Dudley Deputy-Governor.
Anno 1629, the Company sent over 350 People, 115 Neat Cattel, some Horses, Sheep, and Goats (most of this Stock died in the Passage) 6 Pieces of Cannon with Stores, they landed at Neumke [...]g, now Salem, June 24. 1629; Mr. Endicot their Leader, gave it the Name Salem.
1630 In April Mr. Winthrop and Mr. Dudley with some of the Adventurers and Assistants, many Settlers and Servants, Provisions and Stores, in all 17 Ship [...] were sent over this Year: Of the Settlers about 100 died the first Year, and the Survivors * suffered much for Want of Provisions. [Page 427] After a chargeable, long and tedious Voyage, they landed at Salem; they disliked Salem, and chose to settle where the Land was better; they proceeded to the Mouth of † Charles River further up the Bay, here some settled and called it Charles-Town; some settled at Sagus River, now Lynn, some at Mystick River, now Medford; these two Settlements are between Salem and Charles-Town; some from Charles-Town crossed over and settled upon a Peninsula, now called BOSTON, the Metropolis of Britis [...] America; some settled from Charles-Town Westward at Newtown and Watertown: Some from Boston settled two Miles West Southward, and called it Roxbury, because rocky Ground. Some settled four Miles South from Boston and called it Dorchester, they were mostly West-Country-Men. Newbury settled 1635. *
Being sickly, and fearing the Severity of the Winter, many were discouraged; about 100 Persons returned with the Ships to England, some Libertines went to a small Settlement which had been made at Pisca [...]aqua without this Jurisdiction. From setting out April 30, to December following died upwards of 200 Persons.
Anno 1631 Freemen were first admitted, and here the old Charter Law-Book begins; preceeding May 1634, admitted about 390 Freemen; preceeding 1641, about 4000 Settlers came from England; for the twenty followin [...] Years, the Independent Manner in Religion was [Page 428] fashionable at Home, and more People went Home from New-England then came abroad to New-England. After the Restoration the Episcopal Church of England again became rigid, and many Dissenters came over with their Ministers; thus Mr. Allen was appointed Minister of Boston, Mr. Lee of Bristol, Mr. Bailey of Waterto [...], &c.
The assiduous and well qualified Agent Dummer in his ingenious and politick Piece published in London 1721, in Defence of the New-England Charters, when all Charte [...] and Proprietary Governments▪ were in Danger of being annihilated, by a Bill brought into the House of Commons of Great-Britain; he writes, "That the Expence of settling the Massachusetts-Bay Colony for the first twelve Years, was about 200,000 £. Sterling; that the Settlers were neither necessitous nor Criminals."
The History of their successive Governors is as follows,
1630 The Company of Massachusetts-Bay Adventurers in London, chose for their Governor, JOHN WINTH [...]OP a Lawyer, Son of Adam Winthrop of Groton in Suffolk; he brought over with him to New-England the Proceeds of an Estate of 600 to 700 £. St. per An. was almost annually elected Governor till his Death; he was very charitable, particularly in distributing his medicinal Van Helmont Nostrums to the Poor. His Son was very instrumental in procuring the Connecticut Charter, and was annually chosen their Governor during his Life. His Grandson was some Time Major-General of the Colony, and Chief Justice or Judge, he died 1717. To his Great Grandson Iohn, was dedicated the XLth Vol. of the Philosophical Transactions of the London Royal Society, he died lately in London.
1636, In Opposition to Mr. Winthrop, HENRY VANE Son of Sir Henry Vane was chosen Governor; he came over an enthusiastick rigid Puritan; his Conduct was disagreeable to the People, he was dropt the Year following and Mr. Winth [...]op chosen as formerly. He was afterwards [Page 429] Member of the Long Parliament in England, and executed as a Traitor 1662 Aet. 50.
1645 THOMAS DUDLEY was elected Governor, Mr. Winthrop Deputy-Governor: Mr. Dudley was born at Northampton, he was a Puritan, and bred in the Army, he was about 10 Years Steward to the Earl of Lincoln, he came over Deputy-Governor 1630, and was at Times chosen Major General of the Colony; he died in Roxbury July 31. 1652, Aet. 77. His Son Ioseph Dudley sustain'd many great and arduous Posts, Colony Agent, President of the Council, Chief Justice, Member of Parliament in England, and Governor of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, as shall be in Course related more at large. His Grandson Paul Dudley Esq is the present Chief Justice of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, of long Experience in the Laws and Customs of the Province; he is noted abroad in the World, by some ingenious Pieces, relating to the natural History of New-England published in the Philosophical Transactions of the London Royal Society for the Years 1720 and 1721.
1653 JOHN ENDICOT was chosen Governor, he died 1665.
1665 RICHARD BELLINGHAM, a Lawyer, a very old Man, was elected, he had been an Assistant or Magistrate 30 Years before; he was chosen Governor for seven Years successively, he died 1671 Aet. 80. He had formerly been Treasurer of the Province, he was very severe against Anabaptists and Quakers, his Memory is perpetuated by the Township of Bellingham, being called after his Name.
1671 Was chosen JOHN LEVERETT, he was annually continued Governor till Death 1676 in the Autumn. His Father Thomas Leverett with his Family removed 1633 from Boston in Lincolnshire of Old England, to New England.
1676 SIMON BRADSTREET was elected Governor, he was annually rechosen till Anno 1686; the Charter being vacated, he was [...]uperseded by President Dudley: Upon the Revolution in New-England April 1689, subsequent to and consequent of the Revolution in England Nov. [Page 430] 1688; by the Advice and Direction of the principal Inhabitants of the Colony, with the other Colony Officers, as elected 1686; he reassumed the Government, till the Arrival of the new Charter May 1692 this was approved of and confirmed by W. and M., He was born in Lincolnshire, had been a Fellow of Emanuel College in Cambridge of Old England; succeeded Governor Thomas Dudley as Steward to the Earl of Lincoln; he married a Sister of Governor Ioseph Dudley; he died March 27. 1697 Aet. 95; he was the longest Liver of all the first Planters of New-England.
Some short Time after the Succession of K. Iames II. the Charter being vacated, JOSEPH DUDLEY, Esq who had been sent over the Colonies Agent, arrived in Boston June 1686, as President with a Council, he assumed the Administration, he was superseded by
The Arrival of Sir EDMUND ANDRO [...] Governor of New-England, in Dec. 1686, he continued Governor, until sent Home with his Officers by the Revolutioners in the Spring 1689. He had been Governor of New-York under the Duke * of York and Albany for seven Years preceding 1684, when he was superseded by Col. Dongan a Roman Catholick; Anno 1692 in Virginia he had the chief Command, having succeeded Francis Nicholson, who was Lieut.-Governor under Lord Howard principal Governor, dismiss'd; Sir Edmund continued Governor until 1698, when Col. Nicholson from M [...]ryland superseded him; Governor Nicholson returned to England 1704, and was succeeded by the Earl of Orkney. Here we insensibly anticipate Affairs belonging to the Section of Virginia.
The successive MAJOR-GENERALS under the old Charter were, Thomas Dudley, Iohn Endicot, Edward Gibbons, Robert Sedgwick, Humphrey A [...]herton, Daniel [Page 431] D [...]nnison, Iohn Leverett, Daniel Gooki [...], and Thomas Sergeant.
The successive SECRETARIES, were, William Burgis, Simon Bradstreet, Increase Newel, and Edward Rawson, between the old and new Charters in the intermediate a [...] bitrary oppressive Administration in the Reign of Iames H, Iames Randolph was Secretary.
Col. Usher at the Revolution was TREASURER for the Dominions of New-England; upon this Revolution he went off abruptly.
* Some singularly remarkable Laws and Customs in the Old Charter Administration.
Their enacting Stile was; It is ordered by this Co [...]rt, and the Authority thereof.
For many Years, from the Beginning, the Governor, Assistants or Council not under seven, and Deputies or Representatives in a legislative Capacity † voted together; but from long Experience diverse Inconveniencies were found to arise, and it was enacted 1652, that the Magistrates (Governor and Council) should sit and vote apart, [...]onstituting † a separate Negative.
The Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Assistants, or Council called Magistrates, were the superior Court for Appeals in civil Cases; and were the Court of Oye [...] [Page 432] and Terminer in Cases of Life, Member, Banishment, and Divorce. After they were constituted two distinct Houses, if they happened to differ in any Cases of Judicature Civil or Criminal; the Affair was to be determined by a Vote of the whole Court met together. The General Court only, had Power to pardon condemned Criminals. The Governor when present was President in all Courts. No General Court to be continued above one Year. The Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Majority of the Assistants, may call a General Assembly, but this Assembly is not to be adjourned or dissolved, but by a Vote of the same.
County Courts may admit Freem [...]n, being § Church-Members, that is, of the Independent or Congregational religious Mode; only Freemen were capable of voting in civil Assemblies; 1662 upon the King's Letter this Law was repeal'd.
Formerly some Townships had it in their Option, to send or not send Deputies to the General Assembly. The Deputies of Dov [...]r and such other Towns as ar [...] not by Law bound to s [...]nd Deputies, may be excused.
The Officers annually elected by the Freemen in general (not by their Representatives or Deputies in th [...] General Court or Assembly) were the Governor, the Deputy-Governor, the Assistants or Council, the Treasurer, the Major-General, the Admiral at Sea, the Commission [...]rs for the united Colonies, and the Secretary.
By an Act 1641, the Freemen of any Shire or Town, have Liberty to chuse Deputies for the General Court ‖, [Page 433] either in their own Shire or Town, or elsewhere as they judge fittest; so be it, they be Freemen and inhabiting this Jurisdiction.
By a Law made 1654, no Person who is an usual or common Attorney in any * inferior Court, shall be admitted to sit as a Deputy in the General Court or Assembly.
Where the Country or Colony Laws are deficient, the Case shall be determined by the † Word of GOD.
Disfranchisement, and Banishment, were the usual Penalties for great Crimes.
Governor and Deputy Governor jointly agreeing, or any there Assistants consenting, have Power out of Court, to reprieve a condemned Malefactor, till the next Court of Assistants, or General Court; and that the General Court only hath Power to pardon a condemned Malefactor.
1652 Enacted, That a Mint-House be erected in Boston, to coin Silver of Sterling Alloy into 12 d. 6 d. and 3 d. Pieces, in Value less than that of the present English Coin by 2 d. in the Shilling; the Stamp to be, within a double Ring, on the one Side MASSACHUSETTS, with a Tree in the Centre; on the other Side NEW-ENGLAND with the Year †† 1652, and the Figure XII, VI, and III, according to the Value of each Piece; with a private Mark. Excepting English Coin, no other Money to be current in this Common-Wealth; 5 pr Ct. for ‖ Charges of coining to be allowed by the Owners of the Silver brought into the Mint to be coined. Exportation of this Coin, except Twenty Shillings for necessary Expences, is prohibited on Pain of Confiscation of all visible [Page 434] Estate. Coinage is a P [...]erogative of the Sovereignty not of a Colony. Scarce any of this Coin [...]ow appears, with all other Silver Coin, it is drove away by a multiplied fallacious base Paper Currency.
Besides some small Duties of Impost upon strong Liquors imported; and a small Excise of 2 s. 6 d. pr Hhd upon Cyder, and Malt Liquors retail'd; and Tunnage, 6 d. per Tun, upon Shipping; the ordinary Revenue was a Poll Tax or Coputation upon all Male Whites of 16 Aet. and upwards, and a Rate of — d. in the Pound of principal Estate at small Valuations: Thus for Instance, Anno 16 [...]1, the Tax was 20 d. per Poll, and a Rate of 1 d. in the Pound Estate.
Anno 1692, when the old Charter expired, a Tax of 10 s. Poll, and a Rate of 30 s. upon every 100 £. of principal Estate; was computed to raise 30,000 £. Value equal to Proclamation Money.
Anno 1639 a Court Merchant is appointed. When a Stranger's Affairs do not allow him to tarry the ordinary Terms of the Courts; the Governor or Deputy with any two of the Assistants, or any three of the Assistants, may call a special Court.
Several Acts for Fairs and Markets in several Towns; for Instance, in Boston two yea [...]ly Fairs, and a weekly Market upon the 5th Day. *
Enacted a small Body of good maritime Laws in 27 Sections.
The Oeconomy of their Militia was after this Manner. All white Men of 16 Aet. and upwards, were inlisted, no Company of Foot to be under 64 private Men (small Towns are to join) no Troop of Horse to exceed 70 Men. The Non Commission Officers to be appointed by the Commission Officers of the Company. The Commission Officers of a Company to be chosen by a Majority of the Men inlisted in that Company, to be approved by [Page 435] the County-Cou [...]t o [...] Sessions. All the Companies of one County or R [...]giment by a Majority of the Men belonging to that Regiment are to chuse a Serjeant-Major of the County, the Command [...]r of that Regiment. The Command of all the Militia of the Colony was in a Major-General, annually chosen by the General Assembly. † Any seven Assistants whereof the Governor or Deputy-Governor to be one, may impress Soldiers.
To prevent Oppression, any Person taking excessive Wages for Work done, or unreasonable Prices for necessary Merchandize; shall be fined at the Discretion of the Court wher [...] the Offence is presented. The Select Men to regulate the Wages of Porters.
The Forms of their Judicial Oaths were, By the Name of the Living, and sometimes Ever living GOD— By the great Name of the Ever-living Almighty GOD — By the great and dreadful Name of the Ever-living GOD. These were used according to the Solemnity of the Occasion.
Any Person may view and have attested Copies of any Records, the Journals of the Council excepted.
* Powowoers to be fined five Pounds. Iesuits, or any Roman Catholick Ecclesiasticks, to be banished; if they return, to suffer Death: This Law was afterwards extended to the Quakers.
[Page 436]Anno 1656. None of that cursed Sect of Hereticks, lately risen up in the World, which are commonly called Quakers, are to be imported: Penalty upon the Master 100 £. per Piece, and 40 s. per Hour for any other Person harbouring or entertaining them.
1658. A Quaker ‖ convicted, shall be banished upon Pain of Death.
Penalty for playing at Cards or Dice 5 s.; for observing any such Day as Christmas 5 s.; Profaners of the Sabbath Day for the first Offence to be admonished, but for after Offences to be fined. Drinking Healths aboard of Vessels 20 s. every Health. Reviling Magistrates or Ministers 5 £. or Whipping.
1633. Constables are to present unprofitable Fowlers, and Tobacco-Takers, to the next Magistrate.
No Motion of Marriage to be made to any Maid, without the Consent of her Parents. Births, Marriages, and Deaths to be recorded in each Town: to be returned yearly to the County Court or Sessions.
The General Assembly having received and perused, a Letter from the Privy Council in England, with an [Page 437] Act of Parliament 12 Carol. II. for the encouraging of Shipping and Navigation; they appointed Naval Officers in all their proper Sea Ports, the Transactions to be transmitted to London once a Year by the Secretary.
Women, Girls, and Boys, are enjoined to spin; the Select Men of each Town, are to assess each Family, at one or more Spinners; when they have Avocations of other Business, they are to be deem'd half or quarter Spinners; a whole Spinner shall spin every Year, for thirty Weeks, three Pound every Week of Linnen, Cotton, or Woollen.
Five Years quiet Possession to be deemed a good Title. In Commonages five Sheep shall be reckoned equal to one Cow.
1667. No licensed Person to sell Beer, but of 4 Bushels Barley Malt at least, to the Hogshead, and not to be sold above 2 d. the Ale Quart; not to be mixed with Molasses, coarse Sugar, or other Materials. No Mackerel to be caught, except for spending whilst fresh, before the first of Iuly annually. Surveyors appointed to view all Shipping in Building.
Wampumpeag to be a Tender in Payment of Debts not exceeding 40 s. at 8 White or 4 Black a Penny; this was repeal'd Anno 1661.
After a Vote passed in any Assembly or Civil Court, a Member may enter his Dissent, without entering his Reasons of Dissent, to be recorded.
In all Assemblies, Neuters, that is Silents, shall be accounted Votes for the Negative. Any two Magistrate [...] with the Clerk of the County, may take Probate of Wills, or grant Administration.
In old Charter Times the Colony was at first divided into the three Counties of Suffolk, Essex, and Middlesex; when they assumed the Jurisdiction of New-Hampshire and Province of Main, and settled compactly upon Connecticut River, the Colony 1671 was divided into these six Counties of
- [Page 438] Suffolk
- Norfolk
- Essex
- Pisc [...]taqua
- Middlesex
- Yorkshire
- Hampshire
- Boston
- Salisbury and Hampton
- Salem and Ipswich
- Dover and Portsmouth
- Charlestown and Cambridge
- York
- Northampton and Springfield
Transactions relating to their Religious Affairs.
Some Account of the various Sectaries or Modes of religious Discipline and Worship in the several British American Colonies, was designed for the Section of Rhode Island Colony, that Plantation being productive or receptive of very many Sectaries: but as the Persecutions (so called) of sundry Sectaries in the old Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, is too much and too impartially noted by many Historians; I could not avoid in this Place, to give a few and Matter-of-fact Account of these Things. I. Concerning the Congregational Way of Religious Discipline and Worship as generally practised in the Colonies of New-England. II. Some Narrative of the Severities used in the Massachusetts-Bay, towards various Sectaries or Communions of rigid Brownists, Antinomians, Muggletonians, Anabaptists, Quakers, and * Witches. †
I. ‖ Some consciencious Non-Conformists harrassed by the Bishops Courts, &c. in the Reign of Iames I, obtain'd a loose Grant from the Council of Plymouth called the New-England Company, of some Lands in North-America; they transported themselves to New-England, [Page 439] and at first were perhaps * enthusiastically rigid and called Brownists † from the Name of their Apostle or Leader; afterwards their indiscreet Zeal began to subside, and were called ‖ Independents, because every Congregation was independent of the other Churches, but not independent of the civil Government, as some invidiously represent it. A Church consisted only of so many People as could conveniently meet together in one Audience, and under Covenant amongst themselves; a Vote of the Brotherhood, made and unmade their Minister, Elders and Deacons; a Minister could not administer but to his own Congregation; they allowed of Communion with other Churches in Word and Prayer, but not in Sacrament [...] and Discipline, they advised with neighbouring Churches, but were under no Obligation to follow their Advice.
After some Time, they still became more moderate and sociable, they converted the Designation INDEPENDENT, to that of CONGREGATIONAL; although they retained the Notion of an independent supreme ecclesiastick Power in each Congregation; they allowed, that sometimes it may be expedient to have the [...] of Synods and Co [...]ncils; thus insensibly and naturally, for Sake of good Order, they fall into the Presbyterian Mode; and in Fact have had several Synods appointed by the civil Legislature. 1. In August 30, 1637, in Newtow [...] was called an universal Synod to condemn the Errors of the Rigids and Antinomians; Mr. Williams, Mr. V [...]ne, [Page 440] and Mrs. Hutchinson were their Leaders; t [...]is Synod continued three Weeks: This occasioned an Emigration, and the settling of the Colony of Rhode [...]Island. 2. Sept. 30, 1648, by Order of the Legislature, a Synod was called at Cambridge, to establish Uniformity; they agree to the Westminster Confession of 1646, in Matters of Faith [...]nd Doctrine, but compose a Platform of their own for Discipline. 3. Anno 1662 in the Spring in Boston a Synod was called by Direction of the General Assembly, concerning the Right that Grand C [...]ildren of Church-Members had to Baptism, concerni [...]g the Consociation of Churches, and some other Affairs of Church-Membership. 4. Anno 1679 another Synod in Boston was appointed by the Legislature, to consult what was proper to be done to remove the Evils which continued to afflict the People of New-England; 1678, many had died of the Small-Pox; the Result was, that all the Churches should renew their Covenant. They had a second Session May 12. 1680, and agreed upon a Confession of Faith, nearly the same with that of the Independents in England, Oct. 12. 1658, called the Savoy Confession of Faith, and seemed to renounce the Models of Geneva and Scotland. 5. Anno 1687 the Ministers of Massachusetts-Bay Colony, jointly sent an Address of Thanks to K. Iames II, for his † Indulgence or general Toleration of religious Opinions and Congregations; this was sent over, and presented to K. Iames by M [...]. Increase Mather, he and his Constituents were not Politicians, sufficient, to penetrate into the wicked and pernicious Contrivance of that Toleration. 6. About 30 Years since, it was proposed in the General Assembly to call a Synod of the Congregational Churches of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay; this was refused, or dropt, because by the Act of Union of Scotland and England, it is provided that the Church [Page 441] of England Government, in all the English Colonies was forever established. Here the History of New-England Church-Synods must terminate.
All Convocations, General Assemblies, Synods, &c. of Clergymen, by their indiscreet Zeal or Heats, rather increase, than heal the Distempers of the Church.
In other Articles, the New-England Independents become less contracted, and of more extensive Charity. Although a Church properly consisted of no more Persons or Christians, then could conveniently meet together in one Place, cemented by a holy Covenant, and admitted in [...]o Church-Membership by personal publick Confession; at present they have relaxed of that Rigidity▪ and 1. In many of their Churches, do not require that personal publick confessional Appearance, in Order to be admitted into Church-Membership; but only a privat [...] Application to their Pastor or Minister to be communicated to the Church only, if required. 2. They admit occasionally Members of other Churches to the Lord's Supper, by Letters of Recommendation. 3. A Minister may occasionally administer the Sacraments to a neighbouring vacant Church. 4. The Brethren of the Church at the Ordination of a Minister do not lay on Hands; it is done by the laying on of the Hands of the Ministers * of some neighbouring Churches invited for that Purpose; this is a considerable Festival Day in the Township or Parish. 5. A lay Elder may teach and perform all Offices, excepting the Administration of the Sacraments.
At present the Congregationalists of New-England may be esteemed among the most moderate and charitable of Christian Professions.
The Persecution of Sectaries in New England, particularly of Anabaptists and Quakers, is not minutely [...]elated [Page 442] here; as being only local and temporary from the wrong pointed Zeal of the Times, without any political wicked Design. *
If by Sectaries are meant Dissenters from the general Mode of the Re [...]igion of the Country at that Time; the Church of England Wo [...]ship was formerly a Dissension in New-England; the first Church of England Congregation formed there was in Boston 1679, it still subsists and flourishes; and besides a Rector in the Election and at the Charge of the Congregation, there is an annual royal Bounty for an Assistant Minister, sometimes called Lecturer; hitherto, excepting in Boston, there is no Church of England, but Missionaries; at this Time, Anno 1748 (including Mr. Price for Hopkinton, appointed [Page 443] but not as yet arrived) in the new Charter Province of Massachusetts-Bay, are seven Missionary Congregations, and about 200 Independent Congregations, besides some Congregations of Irish Presbyterians, Anabaptists, Quakers, and lately some Mushrome Meetings of Separatists, Disciples of Mr. Whitefield, and as of short Duration, scarce deserving Mention.
By the Articles of Union of the two Nations of Great-Britain May 1707, the Church of England is established in Perpetuity in all the Territories at that Time to England belonging; but before this Period, in all Charters and Governors Patents, a general Toleration for all Christian religious Communities (Roman Catholicks excepted) was the ecclesiastical Constitution of our American Colonies, without any Preference. †
1. The rigid Brownists | are almost extinct; nothing [...]iolent, or out of the common Course of human Reason, [...] hold long; we have already given some transient Hints concerning them; in the Infancy of these Colonies there were many Degrees of Rigidity, ‖ whereof several [Page 444] were puritanick and fanatical, of very short Continuance. The Rigids generally * seceeded from the more moderate †, and removed with their Teachers or Ministers without the Limits or Jurisdiction of the Colony. Anno 1634 Roger Williams, Minister of Salem, was banished because of his * Antinomian and ‖ fanatical Doctrines▪ after some Removes, with his Disciples, he settled on the South Side of Patucket River, and called their Settlement Providence Plantations, which Name it retains to this Day, they purchased it of the Indians, or had Liberty from them to settle there: An Instance of his Formality, is a Letter from him, dated, Nantiggansick the 24th of the first Month, commonly called March, the second Year of our Plantation (by Way of [...]p [...]ha, or in Imitation of the V. C. of the Romans) or pl [...]nting at Moothisick or Providence.
When the People get into the Distemperature or [...]umour of differing and dividing, especially in Religion; they proceed to Subdivisions, and Separations upon Separations. Anno 1636 in the Summer, some discontented Rigids to the Number of about One Hundred, went from the Townships of Newtown, Dorchester, Watertown, and Roxbury, under their Leaders and Teachers Homes, [Page 445] Hopkins, Ludlow, Hooker, &c. removed Westw [...]rd to a pleasant Country upon Connecticut River, and gradually made the Settlements of Har [...]for [...] Wethersfield, Windsor, Springfield, those of the [...] w [...]o found their Settlements without the Limits of the Massachusetts-Bay Charter, entred into a voluntary Association or Jurisdiction, which continued until they obtained an ample royal Charter in the Beginning of the Reign of Charles II; as shall be more fully related in the Section of Connecticut Colony; those are at present a moderate, industrious, well-governed People.
Some of the Separatists were concerned in the Settlement of Rhode Island (it was then called Aquatneck, and Anno 1644 it was called the Isle of Rhodes or Rhode-Island) 1637, 8 by a voluntary Incorporation of 18 Persons: This belongs to the S [...]ction of Rhode-Island.
2. The Anabaptists at their first Appearance in New-England, were ent [...]usiastically troublesom; they chose among themselves the meanest of the People for their Ministers; t [...]ey call themselves Baptists by Way of Abb [...]eviation o [...] the Name Anabaptists, after the † Lollards who we [...]e the first in the Reformation, followed the Lutherans and Anabaptists, ‖ some of them vainly imagine, [Page 446] that they ought to be called by that Name in a peculiar Manner, their Baptism being the only scriptural Baptism: They would not communicate with Persons baptized in Infancy only; if occasionally in a congregational Meeting, upon a Child's being presented for Baptism, they withdrew to the great Disturbance of the Congregation: Fines were enacted; Holmes, because he would not pay his Fine, was whipt 30 Lashes. Anno 1644 and 1646 Laws were made against Disturbers of the Peace in any Church in Time of divine Service, and against Railery of Magistrates; that all who shall condemn or oppose the Baptism of Infants, or that shall purposely depart the Congregation at the Administration of that Ordinance, or that shall deny the Order of Magistracy; every Person continuing obstinate in these, after the proper Means of Conviction have been used, shall be sentenced to Banishment. In the Beginning they generally kept the Sabbath with the congregational Churches; their first Separation to form a peculiar Church was at Rehoboth 1651, and were much persecuted all over New-England: From their Church in Swanzey, proceeded a Church in Boston, May 28. 1665, which to this Day continues a very o [...] derly peaceable Christian Society: The young Vagrant Mr. Whitefield, by his Pr [...]achings, or rather strong youthful Vociferations, did draw off some of the Congregatio [...]alists, [Page 447] weak Minds, to an Antinomian or Antimorality Separation, this occasioned a Separation amongst the Anabaptists, and their Separatists have a distinct Congregation under Mr. Bounds the Leather-Breeches-Maker; and two more Separatists Ministers from the Congregationalists; are shortly to be ordained, viz. Mr. Crosswell and Mr. Clark in Boston.
3. The * Mugletonian Books, Anno 1654 by Act of Assembly, as being full of Blasphemies (they go under the Names of Iohn Reeves and Lowdowich Mugleton, who pretended to be the two last Prophets and Witnesses of JESUS CHRIST) to be brought to the next Magistrate to be burnt by the common Executioner in the Market-Place of Boston upon a Market-Day: Penalty ten Pound for every Book discovered not brought in.
4. The † Quakers first Appearance in New-England was 1654 from Old England and Barbados; their Behaviour was ludicrous and indecent; they copied from the Anabaptists in their most Enthusiastick State; the first in Boston were ‖ Mary Fisher and Anne Austin from Barbados: they seem'd to join with the Antinomians and Anabaptists, [Page 448] they had many Converts in ‖ Salem, and it was their Head-Quarters. They impiously declared, that they were immediately sent from GOD; and blasphemously asserted they were infallibly assisted by the HOLY SPIRIT, they despised and spake evil of Dignities or civil Magistrates to the great Disturbance of civil Ju [...]isdi [...]tion. By Reason of their Enormities, some Laws wer [...] made against the Importation of Quakers, and their Proceedings; as being obstinate Rogues, Vag [...]bonds, 1656, 1658, and 16 [...]9; and as Disturbers of the P [...]ace of the Commonwealth, th [...]y w [...]re subjected to Fines, Imprisonment [...], Whipping, Crop [...]ing of [...] (1658 thr [...]e Quakers had th [...]r E [...]rs cropt) and Banishment, and by Act of Assembly upon their Return from B [...]nishment, 16 [...]9 and 1660, three or four Quakers suffer'd Death: This in Course occasioned a national Clamour, and the Pains of Death, were exchanged into these of being whipt, only through three Towns at the Ca [...]ts Tail: But upon furtherComplaints Home, K. Charles II, in Council, by Order, Sept. 9, 1661, required the Accused to be s [...]nt Home for Trial, and all penal Laws relating to Quakers to be suspended.
The People who are called by the ludicrous Name of Quakers are at present noted for a laudable Parsimony or Frugality, moral Honesty and mutual Friendship; they have attain'd a considerable Interest in the Common-Wealth; Peerage like, they are indulg'd with Affirmation, instead of a judicial Oath; and in New-England they are exempted from paying Rates to the Township Ministers. As Quakers, they call themselves Friends in a peculiar Manner; their rejecting that sacre [...] Symbol of Christian Friendship, eating and drinking together in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, is not to be accounted for.
[Page 449]5. As to the Witchcraft Sectary, * we shall only mention, what happened Anno 1692, when a most horrid inhuman Murder by Colour of Law was perpetrated upon many ignorant Maniacks and other Persons affected in their Nerves, † called Witches. Anno 1691, 2 in February it began in the Family of Mr. Paris, Minister of Salem-Village; from somewhat Endemial to the Soil, three Persons were effected with nervous Disorders, convulsed and acted as if demented; they were said to be bewitched, and by Mr. Paris's indiscreet Interrogatories, they fancied themselves bewitched by his Indian Woman, [Page 450] and some neighbouring ugly old Women, which from their dismal Aspect were called Witches; and by the End of May 1692, about 100 Persons were imprisoned upon that Account: About this Time Sir William Phipps arrived Governor, and Iune 2, for their Trial a special Commission of Oyer and Terminer was issued to Lieut. Governour Stoughton, Major Saltonstall, Major Richards, Major Gidney, Mr. Wait Winthrop, Capt. Samuel Sewall, and Mr. Sergeant; thus 19 were hanged, one prest to Death; some died in Prison, in all 5 Men, 23 Women had been condemned; not any of the 50 who confessed themselves Witches, suffered Death; Mr. George Burroughs Minister of Falmouth, who had left [...]is former Ministry in Salem, was one in this Sacrifice, perhaps in Resentment; none of the executed, confessed Guilt, many of them were pious Persons: After these twenty dismal Deaths, many of the very popular, but very weak Ministers or Clergy, addressed Sir William Phipps, a very weak Governor, with Thanks for what was already done, and exhorting to proceed.
The Accusers were some Persons said to have the Spectral Sight, and some confessing Witches; but overacting their Parts, some of Gov. Phipps's, and of the Rev. Mr. Mather's Relations and Friends being accused; as also some of the accused good Christians, and of good Estates, arrested the Accusers in high Actions for Defamation; this put a Stop to Accusations, and in the Superior Court Jan. 1692, 3 of 56 Bills which were prefer'd against Witches, the Grand Jury brought in 30 Ignoramus; and of the remaining 26 the Petty Jury convicted only three, who were afterwards pardoned; Accusations were disregarded, and upon Sir William Phipps's going Home, at this Time about 150 were in Prison, and 200 more accused, they were all discharged paying 30 s. each, to the Attorney General.
Many of the confessing Witches sign'd a Paper, importing that most of their Confessions were only assenting to, or repeating what they were directed to; being weak [Page 451] in Mind, and under Terror, from the putting to Death all Persons accused, who did not confess; In December 1696 a general Fast was appointed by the Assembly; Praying that GOD would pardon all the Errors of his Servants and People in a late Tragedy raised amongst us by Satan and his Instruments; at this Fast Judge Sewall and several of the Jury, gave in Papers signed; heartily asking Forgiveness of all, and declaring that they would not do such Things again for the whole World. When this Persecution ceased, no more [...]tchcraft was heard of.
May those over-zealous provincial Mistakes in the Warfare against the Devils and Auxiliaries, be buried in Oblivion; especially considering an Act of Parliament 1736, procured by the late good Lord Talbot, has effectually liberated the Dominion [...] of Great-Britain from all Bugbears ▪ of this Kind; by this Act ‘no Prosecution shall be commenced or carried on against any Person for Witchcraft, Sorcery, Enchantment, or Conjuration, or for charging another [...]th any such Offence: If any Person shall pretend to exercise or use any of the above, or tell Fortunes, or from occult Arts pretend to discover stollen Goods; Penalty one Years Imprisonment, and once in every Quarter of the said Year to stand on some Market Day in the Pillory.’
Perhaps I am already too tedious in the Paragraph [...] concerning the various religious Sectaries that have appeared in New-England, therefore shall wave two late religious Appearances to the Section of Rhode-Island, tho [...] falling within the Period of the new Charter of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay Province; I mean the North-Hampton Conversions or pouring out of the Spirit, Anno 1735 this Enthusiasm must have spread (they were in the Tribe of Enthusiasts Convulsionaries *) if some Felo de se and other flagrant Disorders had not exposed them; 2. Th [...] Followers of Mr. Whitefield, an Actor or personated Enthusiast, [Page 452] endued with a proper Genius of low Action; he first appeared in New-England, An. 1740; his Followers hitherto 1748 are not all returned to their right Minds; very lately in the Town of Boston was ordained a Country Shoemaker, and reinstall'd a Renagado from a Country Parish, to encourage this Separation or Enthusiastick Divisions.
I now proceed to some Geographical Account of the old Colony of Massachusetts-Bay; their Mountains or Hills, Rivers, and Sea-Ports.
Mountainous Parts may be classed into Mountains or Hills, and continued high springy Lands; these with Rivers, Bays, and Promontories are permanent: therefore a proper. Basis in the Description of a Country called its Geography; as this with Chronology are the Basis of History.
The great Blue Hill, 12 Miles S. S. W. from Boston, with a continued Ridge of Hills running Eastward to Boston Bay; upon this Hill the Townships of Milton, Braintree, and Stoughton meet; the Summit of this Hill is very proper for a Beacon in Case of any sudden Invasion by an Enemy; from thence a Fire and great Smoak may be * visible to seven Eights of the Province; in a clear Day from it are distinctly to be seen, Pigeon-Hill, N. E. Easterly about 40 Miles, a noted Land-Mark upon Cape-Anne the Northern Promontory of Massachusetts-Bay; the great Watchuset, the great Menadnock, † Wateticks, and other noted Mountains. The great Watchuset ▪ Hill in Rutland lies W. N. W. Northerly about 50 Miles. The grand Menadnock in waste Lands of the Province [Page 453] of New-Hampshire, lies about 20 Miles further N. than Watchusets.
From the high Lands at the Meeting-House of old Rutland District near the Watchuset Hills, are the following Bearings,
- Great Watchuset Hill N. E. half N.
- East End of Wateticks N. N. E. Northerly.
- Great Menadnock N. half W.
- Mount Tom in Northampton W. b. N. half W.
- Mount Tobit in Sunderland W. N. W.
- Middle of Northfield Hills — N. W.
These are only general Expressions of what I observed by a Pocket-Compass; and as a Specimen, how with proper Compasses or Needles from several well concerted Places of Observation, and with actual particular Surveys compared and adjusted, an exact Plan of the Country (for Utility or Amusement) may be obtained; I have employed some vacant, and sometimes borrowed, Time in this Affair; which I design as a Present to the Province.
Upon or near the River Merimack, there are several Mountains or Hills on its West Side; viz. Anahousick, Oncanouit, &c. but are not within the Jurisdiction of this Province, and by a late Determination of the King in Council, they belong to the Jurisdiction of New-Hampshire.
Upon or near the great River of Connecticut in this Colony, are the following Mountains. In Sunderland E. Side of Connecticut River, is Mount Tobit, a Groope of Hills; and opposite on the West Side of the River, in the South Parts of Deerfield, are the two Sugar-Loaves or Pikes of Deerfield—About 12 Miles lower upon the East Side of this River in Hadley, is Mount Holyh [...]ck, a Ridge of Mountains running 8 or 9 Miles N. E. from the River; here I did take the Bearings of all the Mountains and high Lands, so far as the naked Eye could reach, which I do not insert, as Minuteness is not consistent with the Character of a Summary: Opposite to this [Page 454] (leaving only a Passage or Channel for the River) on the West Side in Northampton is Mount Tom, a short Ridge of Mountains, running in the same Direction. The Hills and Mountains higher up the River, belong to the Section of the Province of New-Hampshire, as do the Mountains noted in Hazen, W. 10 d. N. divisional Line between Massachusetts-Bay and New-Hampshire Provinc [...]s.
At 15 to 20 Miles Distance West of Connecticut River is a long Ridge of Hills called the Westfield Mountains. There is a considerable Range of Mountains 7 Miles East of Housatonick River, another Ridge 7 Miles West of Housatonick, this last is in Province of New-York. The Westfield and Housatonick Mountains render the old Road from Boston to Albany not so commodious, as a late projected Road, via Deerfield.
* Much elevated HIGH SPRINGY LANDS; I shall [Page 455] give two Instances in this Province o [...] Colony, where very diffused Runs of Water originate.
I. In the Lands where the Townships of Worcester, Leicester, and Rutland join, about 50 Miles West from Boston; here springs 1. Quinepuxet River, which falls into Nashway River, which falls into Merimack River in Dunstable of the Province of New-Hampshire, which empties it self into the Sea or Atlantick Ocean at Newbury of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay: Upon Quinepuxet and Nashway River, are the Townships of Rutland, Holden, Lancaster, Bolton, Harvard, Groton, and Dunstable. 2. Half-Way River, which in its Progress is called Blackstone and Patuxet River, which empties into Naraganset Bay of Rhode-Island Colony; upon these, are the Townships of Worcester, Grafton, Sutton, Uxbridge, Mendon, Attleborough, and Rehoboth of Massachusetts-Bay; and Cumberland, Smithfield and Providence, of Rhode-Island. 3. Stony or French River which falls into Quenebang River in Thomson Parish of Killinsley which falls into Satucket River in Norwich, and this a little further falls into Thames River or Creek, which falls into Long-Island Sound at New-London; upon these are the Townships of Leicester, Oxford, Dudley, of the Massachusetts-Bay; and Killingsley, Pomfret, Plainfield, Canterbury, Norwich, Groton, and New-London of Connecticut Colony. 4. Seven Mile River, which falls into Quebang River in Brookfield, which falls into Chicabee River in Kingston (a granted but not constituted or incorporated Township) called also the Elbows, which falls into Connecticut River in Springfield, which empties at Seabrook into Long-Island Sound; upon these are the Townships of Rutland, Leicester, Brookfield, Western, Kingston, and Springfield of the Massachusetts-Bay; the Townships which lie upon the great Rivers of Merimack [Page 456] and Connecticut shall be related, when we give some separate distinct Account of these Rivers.
II. Lands not appropriated, called Province Lands, adjoining to, and N. W. of Hatfield, West of Connecticut River; from thence are Branches or Runs of Water, 1. A Branch to Housick River, running West, has upon it Fort Massachusetts, a Frontier against the French and their Indians, which falls into Hudson's River at Scatcook a Village of Indians 20 Miles North of Albany. 2. A Branch to Housatonick or Westenho [...]k River, which running South to Stratford in Connecticut falls into the Long-Island Sound; upon this River are the Townships of Boston Grant No. 3. near New-York Line, the Property of Iacob Wendell, Esq of his Majesty's Council of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, Stockbridge, Upper Housatonick, Sheffield, of Massachusetts-Bay; Salisbury, Canaan, Sharon, Cornwall, Kent, New-Fairfield, New-Milford, Newtown, Woodbury, Derby, Stratford, and Milford of Con [...]cticut. 3. Farmington Rive [...], running through Housatonick No. 4. Housatonick Commonage, Part of Housatonick No. 3. and Part of Bedford in Massachusetts-Bay; through Colebrook, Winchester, Barkhamstead, New-Hartford, Farmington, Simsbury, falls into Connecticut River in Simsbury. 4. Westfield River, with many Branchings passes through Naraganset No. 4, Housatonick Commonage, Part of Blandford, Part of Westfield, and falls into Connecticut River in Springfield by the Name of A [...]gawaam near Springfield lower Ferry.
RIVERS. The two great Rivers of this Colony are,
Merimack River, which comes from the Crotch or Fork near Endicot's Tree, where Pomagewasset River and the Discharge of the Pond or Lake Winipisinket meet and acquire the Name of Merimack (signifying in the Indian Language a Sturgeon, this River abounds in Sturgeon) from this Fork it runs Southerly about 50 Miles to Pantucket Falls, the Elbow of the River in Dracut; and thence [...] runs Easterly about 30 Miles (round Reckoning) to [Page 457] Newbury Bar. Upon this River (these great Rivers tho' in different Provinces, are [...]est understood and comprehended, when delineated without Interruption) the Townships in a descending Order lie thus, 1. Upon the East and North Side are Gilman-Town, Canterbury, Part of Rumford, Part of Suncook, Harrys-Town, Litchfield, Nottingham of New-Hampshire; Part of Dunstable, Dracut, Methuen, Haverhill, Amesbury, and Salisbury of Massachusetts-Bay: Upon the West and South Side are the Townships of Contacook, Part of Rumford, Part of Suncook, Canada to Gorham and Company, Naraganset No. 5. Merimack, and Dunstable of New-Hampshire; Dunstable, Chelmsford, Tewksbury, Andover, Bradford, and Newbury of Massachusetts-Bay. The Bar at the Mouth of this River, has only about 10 Feet of Water, and shifts; it is navigable only about [...]8 Miles, to Mitchel's (the first Falls) Falls in Haverhill; here they deal chiefly in Ship-building, the adjacent Country abounding in Ship-Timber; the Tide flows to Mitchel's Falls; from Mitchel's Falls, 7 Miles higher Bedels, 2 Miles Peters, 6 Miles to Pantucket Falls, &c.
The Falls in this River are many; excepting Dracut or Pantucket Falls about 30 Miles from the Bar, and Amuskeag Falls about 25 Miles higher; all the other Falls are passable for Floats of Timber, and for Canoes or small Boats in Freshes or Floods of the River. Many of those called Falls are only Riplings or Veins of scattered great Rock Stones. There is at Times when the River is low, a Fording Place a little above Swans Ferry 24 Miles up from the Bar, and a little above Hunt's or Dracut Ferry is another Fording Place. The Ferries cross this River are many, I shall not enumerate them. The Elbow or Flexure of the River, called the Horse-Shoe, is about 2 Miles above▪ Pantucket Falls.
The Rivers and Rivulets (small Runs I shall not mention) which falls into this great River of Merimack. 1. On its North and East Side, are Powow River in Amesbury from Ponds in Kingston, about 8 Miles above Newbury [Page 458] F [...]rry; East River and West River in Haverhill below Mitchel's Falls; Spigot River in Methuen, a little below Bodel's Falls; Bever Brook from Bever Pond in Londonderry comes in between the two Falls of Pantucket 6 Miles below the Horse-shoe; 11 Miles above the Horse-shoe is Nasumkeag Brook in the South Parts of Litchfield ▪ in the Province of New-Hampshire; 6 Miles higher is little Cohoes Brook; one Mile further is great Cohoes Brook, the Outlet of Massabisick, a large Pond [...]n Chester Township; thence to Amusceag Falls are 4 Miles, and 4 Miles higher is Lousy Brook in Harries Town; thence 6 Miles to Suncook River in the Township of Suncook. 2. On the South and West Side of Merimack River, are, Falls River from Boxford, comes into a Creek West Side of Plumb-Island, and thence to the Mouth of Newbury or Merimack River; Hantichook River about 9 Miles▪ above Newbury Ferry; Catetchuck Brook, from a Pond of the same Name in Andover; Shawskin River enters in Andover, about one Mile below the Entrance of Spigot River, on the other Side; Concord River about one Mile below Pantucket Falls, this Concord River is of a considerable Course, and higher is called Sudbury and Framingham River; it springs in Hopkinton, upon it lie Hopkinton, Framingham, Sudbury, Concord, Bedford, Billerica, and Tewksbury; Stony Brook, which springs in Harvard pas [...]s through Littleton, Westford and Chelmsford to Merimack River; Salmon Brook from a Pond in Groton, discharges into Merimack in Dunstable of New Hampshire; a little higher falls in Nashway River already describe [...] P. 455; thence to N [...]ticook Brook 5 Miles; thence 2 Miles to Sohegen River, upon Sohegen River lie Souhegan East alled Naraganset No. 5, Merimack Township, Souhegan West, called Naraganset No. 3, Monson Township, some peculiar Grants, a Township granted to Ipswich, Townsend, and some Part of Lunenburgh: A little below Amusceag Falls is Piscataquaag Brook, which waters a Township granted to Simpson and others, afterwards purchased by Lane, and others of Boston, [Page 459] it waters a Canada Township granted to Beverley, and a Canada Township to Salem, and another to Ipswich: The Southern Branch of Contacook River, waters Rumford or Pennycook, No. 5, of the double Line of Barrier Towns called Hopkinton Grant, No. 6, of ditto, called Marlborough Grant, some unappropriated Lands, a Grant to the Town of Concord, purchased by Mr. Peter Prescot and others, and Canada to Rowley Town: Next above Contacook Grant is Naamcook Brook; and next above that is the Fork or Beginning of the Denomination of Merimack River.
† The other great River is CONNECTICUT, an Indian Word signifying a long River; upon this River lie three of the New-England Colonies; [...]nnecticut lies upon it about 52 Miles; thence Massachusetts-Bay by an Indent of 9 Miles which makes the Township of Suffield West Side, and Enfield East Side of the River, to the W. 9 d. N. imaginary divisional Line of Massachusetts-Bay and Connecticut; from this divisional Line, the Province of Massachusetts-Bay lies about 47 Miles direct, Northerly; and further North is New-Hampshire indefinitely, or Crown Lands annexed to the Jurisdiction of New-Hampshire.
From the Bar at the Mouth of Connecticut River to the Boundary imaginary Line of Massachusetts-Bay and Connecticut are about 60 Miles; from this imaginary Line, as per a Provincial Survey by Gardner and Kellock Anno 1737, to the great Falls in No. 3, * about 20 Miles direct above Fort Dummer, are in Meridian Distance 72 English Statute Miles and 120 Rod, and these great Falls [Page 460] a re 18 Miles 140 Rod East of the Massachusetts and Connecticut Boundary Line, where it intersects the River; and above these Falls, for about 10 or 12 Miles, Townships are laid out and appropriated; the Garrison in No. 4. on the East Side of the River, as a Frontier against the French and their Indians, is well noted in the New-England History of the present War. The greatest Extent of New-England, directly inland is from Seabrook Bar at the Mouth of Connecticut River, to this No. 4. being about 150 Miles.
This River of Connecticut from its long Course, is subject to sudden Floods or Freshes, and v. g. at Hartford sometimes rises 20 Feet; the Tide (the Influence of the Tide comes so high) or rather the Stoppage of the River from the Tides bel [...]w, rises only a few Inches. The shoalest Water from Suffield first Falls to the Mouth of the River, is about one Mile below Hartford Town, being about 4 Feet. This River, as the adjacent People observe, becomes in Process of Time † more shallow. From the Mouth of this River to about 150 Miles up, to the Eye, it does not alter much in its Width (though in that Space it receives many considerable Streams) being generally from 80 to 100 Rod: For Instance, from Hadley to Northampton, the Ferry is about 80 Rod, and at medium Times runs 2 or 3 Knots, scowed over in about 9 Minutes: * At the Mouth of the River, the Tide flows from 4 to 6 Feet, upon the Bar are about 10 to 12 Feet Water; the general Course of the River is N. N. E. and S. S. W.; a S. S. E. Wind will carry a Vessel up all the Reaches of this River, so far as it is navigable, it is navigable for Sloops near 60 Miles; the Banks of the River are generally steep and sandy; in different Places in Process of Time, losing on one Side, and gaining [Page 461] Ground on the other Side. Salmon and Shade come up this River to spawn, but in smaller Quantities and later, and continue a shorter Time (about three Weeks in May) than in Merimack River. The Rivulets and Brooks where they fall into the great River, are not passable in Freshes and Floods, because of the back Water. Some Ferries where there are no Habitations, are kept at the Charge of the Counties, consisting of a large Scow or Flat, to carry Persons, Cattle, and Goods, with a Canoe, Tender; Travellers ferry themselves over, always leaving the Flat on one Side, and the Canoe on the other to fetch the Scow upon Occasion; an Instance of this is in Northfield Ferry.
The first Falls of this River are about 60. Miles from its Mouth, at Devotion Island in the South Parts of Suffield; the next are about the Middle of Suffield, half a Mile long; both these are passable by Boats in Channels, next are the Falls in the Southerly Parts of Northampton, about 15 Miles further up the River, not passable by Boats; the other Falls higher, we shall not enumerate.
The Townships upon this River are, 1. Upon its East Side; in Connecticut Colony, Lime, East Hadham, Part of Midletown, Glassenbury, Part of H [...]rtfo [...], and Part of Windsor; in the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, Enfield, Springfield, Hadley, Sunderland, Farms or Peculiars, and Part of Northfield; in the Province of New-H [...]mpshire, Part of Northfield, Winchester, No. 1, 2, 3, and 4. 2. Upon its West Side; in Connecticut Colony, are, Seabrook, West-Hadham, Part of Midletown, Wethersfield, Part of Hartford, and Part of Windsor; in the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, are, Suffield, Part of Springfield, Northampton; Hatfield, Deerfield, Part of Northfield; in the Province of New-Hampshire, are Part of Northfi [...]d, 40,000 Acres equivalent Land belonging to four Proprietors (in its S. E. Corner upon the River on a plain and long Reach of the River, stands For [...] Dummer, which although in the District of New Hampshire, incapable of defending its long Frontier Range, is maintained at [Page 462] the Charge of the Massachusetts-Bay) Numbers 1, and 2.
The considerable Runs of Water which falls into Connecticut River, 1. Upon its East Side are Salmon River and Cove, in East-Hadham, Hocanum River in East-Hartford, Pedant Brook and Scantick River in East Windsor; Fresh Water Brook in Enfield; Long-Me [...]dow Brook, Mill River, and Chicabee River with its Townships enumerated P. 455, in Springfield; Batchelor's Brook and Fort River in Hadley (higher the great River is fordable from Hadley to Hatfield; and a little above Northfield Meeting-House or Church, [...]arts in a dry Time ford the great River) Mohawk's River, and Saw-mill Brook in Sunderland; in the intermediate Farms is Miller's River very rapid, it is composed of many Branches which water Canada to Dorchester, Canada to Ipswich, Ipswich Grant, Canada to Rowley, Pequioag, Canada to Sylvester, and Canada to Roxbury; in Northfield is Patchoa [...]g Brook, Ashuelot River, its Branches water some of the double Range of Frontier Towns, Upper and Lower Ashuelot Townships, Canada to Roxbury, and Winchester. 2. Upon its West Side are Roaring Brook, and Mill Brook in West Hadham; [...]idleton River, and Dividend Brook in West Midleton Precinct; Goffs Brook and Robins Brook in Wethersfield; Hartford River in Hartford; Allen's Brook and Heyden's Brook in Windsor with Farmington River described P. 456; Stony Brook in Suffield; Agawaam alias Westfield River in Springfield, described P. 456; Monhan River in Northampton; Hatfield Mill River in Hatfield, Deerfield River, which by its Branches waters the Boston Grants, No. 1, and 2, the Grant to Hunt and others; Falls River which after watering a Township to Gallop [...]nd others, and Falls-fight Township, falls into the great River in Deerfield; the next considerable Run of Water is West River, about 2 or 3· Miles above Fort Dummer, considerably higher (Information from Capt. Welles of Deerfield, formerly a Partizan or Ranger against the Indians in Governour Dummer's War) Connecticut River Forks; [Page 463] one Branch comes from near the White Hills Easterly in the Province of Main, the other comes from the Northward towards Canada, an Indian travelling Branchto Canada.
We s [...]all only mention one River more (in the Stile of a late Historian C— M— D. D. the Subject is dry, though watery) CHARLES RIVER; it is not large and considerable, otherwise than as being referred to, in settling the South Line of the late Massachuset [...]s-Bay Colony, as is Merimack River in settling the North Boundary Line: The Words in the old Charter are, "As also all and singular those Lands and Hereditaments whatsoever, lying within the Space of three English Miles on the South Part of said River called Charles River, or any or every Part thereof." Stop River which rises in Wrentham was pitched upon as the most Southerly Branch of Charles River, and at three Miles South of the Head of this River, the South Line of Massachusetts-Bay was delineated; Stop River falls into the main Body of Charles River in Medfield. The furthest Head of Charles River is in the N. E. Parts of Mendon, and upon it lie the Townships of Bellingham, Medway, Wrentham, Medfield, Sherburn, Natick an Indian Reserve, Dedham, Needham, (here are two considerable Falls in this River) Newtown, Westown, Waltham, Watertown, Cambridge, and Brooklin: This River falls into the Bottom of Massachusetts or Boston Bay, and serves to bring down to Boston, Floats or Rafts of Ship-Timber by the Tide from Watertown Barcadier about 9 Miles: There is another Creek or River, a small Way Eas [...] of this, called Mystick River, of about 4 Miles rafting from the Barcadier of Medford Township; from Mystick Barcadier are sent to Boston, Bricks, Tar, and Turpentine.
The PROMONTORIES remarkable are, only Point Alderton about 9 or 10 Miles below Boston upon the South Side of the Bay, over-against the Light-House: here is a good Harbour [...]alled Hull-Gut, and the safe Road of Nan [...]asket secured by circumambient Islands, where the King's Ships, and Merchant Ships outward and inward [Page 456] bound anchor for a Time; it lies about 6 or 7 Miles below Boston, and by Act of Assembly is deem'd belonging to the Harbour of Boston.
Cape-Anne the North Side Entrance or Promontory of Massachusetts-Bay, Thatcher's Island lies about two Leagues East of this Harbour, and a small Matter without Thatcher's, are Rocks called the Salvages; from the Salvages are two Leagues to Ipswich Bar, a dangerous Bay called Ipswich Bay, from a great Sea and Indraught; Cape-Anne Harbour is about eleven Leagues N. N. E. Easterly from Boston; the Southern Promontory of Massachusetts-Bay called Cape-Cod in N. Lat. 42 d. 10 m. lies about 18 Leagues E. by S. from Boston: The Width of the Entrance of this Bay, is from Cape-Anne Harbour S. W. 14 Leagues, to the Hook, or Harbour of Cape-Cod.
The Sea-Ports and their principal Trade of Export and Import must be referred to the following Article, of the several Jurisdictions of New-England, united by a new Charter; it is only since the new Charter took Place, that Sea-Port Districts of preventive Custom-Houses and Branches have taken Place: Here we shall only enumerate them; besides small Creeks and Inlets for Timber and Firewood in coasting small Vessels, and for curing of Fish; there are Newbury a Branch of the Collection of Portsmouth in New Hampshire; there a [...]e Ipswich, Cape-Anne, Salem and Marblehead, belonging to the Collection of Salem; Charlestown, Boston, and all the other Custom-House Branches of Massachusetts-Bay, belong to the Collection of Boston.
ARTICLE 6. Concerning the present Territories as united by the Name of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay.
AS we before hinted by a Charter October 7. 1691, sundry Territories, under several Grants and Jurisdictions, for their better Accommodation and Conveniencies, [Page 465] were united by Charter into one Property and Jurisdiction, that is, into one General Assembly.
The Bill for restoring the New-England Charters being dropt by the Dissolution of the Revolution-Convention-Parliament; the New-England Agents were puzzled, whether, to stand a Trial at Law, by a Writ of Error for reversing the Judgments against the old Charters, or to accept of a Draught of a new Charter; at length they acquiesced in the King's Pleasure, and the King directed a new Charter.
The Nature of this Union of several Colonies into one Jurisdiction, the new Charter with a subsequent explanatory Charter, and sundry other general Affairs, have been by Way of Anticipation already narrated, see P. 374, &c.
In the general Account of British North-America, we omitted the Post-Office, a very beneficial Institution; and as the present Province of Massachusetts-Bay, is its most considerable Branch, here it may naturally take Place.
The Post-Office in England was settled by Act of Parliament 12 Carol. II. In the Beginning of this present Century Mr. Hamilton of New-Iersies projected a Post-Office for British North-Am [...]rica, this he effected and obtained a Patent for the Management and Profits of the same, this Patent he afterwards sold to the Crown, and a few Years after the Union, the Posts of England, Scotland, Ireland and America were put under one Director by Act of Parliament 9 Anne; constituting one Post-Master-General for all the British Dominions; to keep a General-Post-Office in London, the Post-Master-General may keep one Letter-Office in Edinburgh, another in Dublin, another at New York, and other chief Offices at convenient Places in America and the Leeward Islands, and appoint Deputies for managing the particular Rates for the Postage of Letters in the Plantations; requires too much Room for a Summary, it is refer'd to Stat. 9 Annae Cap. 10. We shall only relate; that all Letters from on board any Ship, shall be delivered to the Deputy Post-Master of the Place, Penalty [...] £. Sterl. for every Offence; the Post-Maste [...] [Page 466] paying to the Deliverer One Penny Sterl. per Letter. N. B. This Clause is not much attended to, because the Act exempts Merchants Letters, and those of Masters of Ships, so as such Letters be delivered to the Persons to whom they are directed without receiving any Profit for them: And any Letters sent by private Friends, or by any Messenger about private Affairs or Business.
From Piscataqua or Portsmouth, to Philadelphia is a regular Postage, from thence to Williamsburg is uncertain, because the Post does not proceed until Letters are lodged, sufficient to pay the Charge of the Post-Riders: From Williamsburg in Virginia to Charles-Town in South-Carolina, the Post-Carriage is still more uncertain.
There is a Deputy Post-Master-General for America appointed by the Post-Master-General in London; New-York is appointed for his Official Residence, but by Connivance he resides any where, v. g. at present in Virginia Elliot Benger, Esq formerly Mr. Loydd in South Carolina.
Here it properly belongs to give an Account of the general and frequented travelling Roads from Penobscot Bay N. Lat. 44 d. 30 m. (further North is Duke of York's Property and Nova-Scotia, no travellingRoads) toSt. Iuan or St. Iohn's River in Florida, N. Lat. 31 d. this by an Agreement with Spain Anno 1738 is the Termination of our Property or Claim in Florida: This is 40 Miles N. of St. Augustin belonging to the Spaniards, from St. Augustin there is a Land Communication to Moville, and from thence to Missisippi; these belong to the Spanish and French, which properly do not belong to our History.
We shall begin at St. Georges Fort and Block-House upon St. Georges River, a few Miles S. W. of Penobscot Bay; from thence
Miles. | ||
Call'd the Eastern Parts of Massachusetts-Bay. | To Muscongus or Broad-Bay | 12 |
Frederick's Fort at Pemaquid | 7 | |
Damarscotti Falls and Mills | 10 | |
The Settlement on Sheepscot River | 5 | |
Arrowsick, or George Town in Sagadahoc Bay of Quenebec River, via Wiscasset | 20 | |
George Fort in Brunswick | 22 | |
Royal's River in North-Yarmouth | 14 | |
Presumpscot Ferry in Falmouth | 9 | |
Stroud-Water Ferry in Falmouth | 4 | |
Saco or Winter-Harbour Ferry in Biddiford | 20 | |
Kennebunk Ferry in Arundel | 10 | |
Welles Meeting-House | 6 | |
York Ferry | 16 | |
Kittery Ferry over Piscataqua R. to Portsmouth | 8 | |
143 | ||
New-Hampsh. | Hampton Meeting-House | 14 |
Boundary Line Hampshire and Massachusetts-Bay Provinces | 6 | |
20 | ||
Of the Western Division of the Province of Massach.-Bay. | Merrimack R.F. dividing Salisbury from Newbury | 3 |
Ipswich | 12 | |
Beverley Ferry dividing Beverly from Salem | 12 | |
Winisimet or Chelsea Ferry (of 2M.) to Boston | 17 | |
Dedham | 11 | |
Naponset River in Walpole | 9 | |
Wrentham Meeting-House | 7 | |
Attleborough Meeting-House | 9 | |
Rehoboth, alias Seaconck Meeting-House | 7 | |
Patucket River Ferry; Boundary of Massachusetts-Bay Province, and Rhode-Island Colo. | 2 | |
89 | ||
Rhode-Island Colony. | Providence Town | 1 |
Through several small and distant Settlements to a little West of Pakatuke Bridge, Pakatuke River divides the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode-Island | 57 | |
58 | ||
Connecticut Colony. | Mystick River dividing Stonington from Groton | 7 |
Thames River Ferry, dividing Groton from New London | 8 | |
A Rope Ferry over Nahantick Gut | 5 | |
Saybrook River Ferry, dividing Lyme from Saybrook | 10 | |
Killingsworth | 10 | |
Guilford East Parish | 5 | |
Guilford West Parish | 5 | |
Brantford (generally to be understood) Old Meeting-House | 12 | |
East Haven Parish Ferry | 8 | |
New Haven | 2 | |
Milford | 12 | |
Stratford River Ferry | 4 | |
Str [...]field, a Parish | 3 | |
Fairfield | 4 | |
Norwalk | 12 | |
Stamford | 10 | |
Gr [...]enwich or Horse-Neck | 7 | |
Byram River dividing Connecticut from N. York | 2 | |
126 | ||
Province of New-York. | Rye | 3 |
New Rochel | 5 | |
East Chaster | 4 | |
King's Bridge to the Islan [...] of New-York County | 6 | |
Half-Way House Tavern | 9 | |
City of New-York | 9 | |
Ferry to Staten Island Point | 15 | |
By Land to Elizabeth Point Ferry | 6 | |
57 | ||
New-Iersies. | Woodbridge | 12 |
Bruns [...]ick Ferry of Raritan River | 18 | |
Prince Town | 12 | |
Trent Town F. over De laWare R. dividing the Province of New-Iersies from Pensylvania | 10 | |
52 | ||
Pensylvania Government. | Bristol, opposite to Bridlington or Burlington | 10 |
Philadelphia | 20 | |
Schuyhkill River Ferry | 3 | |
Derby | 4 | |
Chester | 9 | |
Brandewine | 14 | |
Newcastle | 6 | |
Boundary Line of Pensylvania and Maryland | 12 | |
78 | ||
Maryland Government. | Elk-River | 5 |
North-East River | 7 | |
Sesquahana River Ferry | 9 | |
Gunpowder River Ferry | 25 | |
Petapsco River Ferry | 20 | |
Annapolis the Capital of Maryland | 30 | |
Upper Marlborough | 16 | |
Piscataway | 16 | |
Port Tobacco | 16 | |
144 | ||
Dominions of Virginia. | Potomack F. dividing Maryland from Virginia | 4 |
How's Ferry | 20 | |
Southern's Ferry | 30 | |
Arnold Ferry | 36 | |
Clayborn's Ferry | 22 | |
Freneaux Ordinary | 12 | |
Williamsburg the Capital | 16 | |
Hog Island | 7 | |
Isle of Wight Court-House | 18 | |
Nansemond Court-House | 20 | |
Bennet's Creek (near this is the Boundary Line between the Provinces of Virginia and N. Carolina) | 30 | |
215 | ||
Province of North-Carolina. | Eden Town, formerly the Capital | 30 |
Chowan Sound Ferry | 10 | |
Pemlico | 44 | |
Ferry to Bathtown | 5 | |
Newbern Ferry (the present Capital) where News River and Trent River meet | 32 | |
Whittock River | 20 | |
New River Ferry | 30 | |
Newtown or Wilmington on the Forks of Cape Fear River, 30 Miles above the Bar | 45 | |
Lockwood's Folly | 15 | |
Shallot River | 8 | |
Little River, Boundary Line between the two Governments of North and South Carolina | 8 | |
247 | ||
Province of South-Carolina and Georgia. | East End of Long-Bay | 14 |
West End of Long-Bay | 25 | |
Winyaw Ferry | 30 | |
Santee Ferry | 12 | |
Sewee Ferry | 20 | |
Charlestown, the Capital; here is a Ferry | 30 | |
Port-Royal | 60 | |
Frederica in Georgia, on the South Branch of Altamacha River | 90 | |
St. Iuan or St. Iohns River, yielded to Great-Britain by Spain per Agreement Anno 1738 it is 40 Miles N. of Spanish Fort St. Augustin | 20 | |
301 |
[Page 471]In the new Settlements they reckon by computed not measured Miles, consequently there may be in several of the Distances, an unvoidable Error of a Mile or two.
This is a Road of great Extent, well laid out and frequented, it shows the vast Extent of the British Plantations along the East Shore of North-America; the several British Provinces and Colonies, [...] this great Road as follows,
- East Division of Massachusetts-Bay
- 143 Miles.
- New-Hampshire
- 20 Miles.
- West Division of Massachusetts-Bay
- 89 Miles.
- Rhode-Island
- 58 Miles.
- Connecticut
- 126 Miles.
- New-York
- 57 Miles.
- New Iersies
- 54 Miles.
- Pensylvania
- 78 Miles.
- Maryland
- 144 Miles.
- Virginia
- 215 Miles.
- North-Carolina
- 247 Miles.
- South-Carolina and Georgia
- 301 Miles.
- 1532 Miles.
The many Ferries, and some of them not well attended, are a considerable Hindrance in travelling: but by these it appears that the Country is well watered, a great Advantage in Produce and Manufactures; and as many of the Rivers, Sounds and Bays are navigable, a considerable Distance inland; they are of great Benefit in Navigation or Trade.
As the Constitutions of all the British Plantations are nearly the same, being minute in this Article, may save Repetitions and shorten the following Sections; therefore Perspicuity and Distinctness require this Article to be divided into Subsections.
§. I. Concerning the Civil Administration.
This Administration may be divided into the legislative supreme Court, called the General Court or General Assembly of the Province; and the subordinate executive Courts.
The Great and General Court or Provincial Assembly, consists of three Negatives, viz. the Governor, the Council, and House of Representatives.
The Governor is by Patent or Commission from the King durante beneplacito, with a Book of Instructions; which Instructions though binding to the Governor (frequently broke in upon by some Governors) are not so to the House of Representatives, as they have from Time to Time represented to the Governor; for Instance, one of the Instructions requires a Sallary of One Thousand Pounds Sterl. per Annum, to be settled upon the Governour; this is always obstinately refused, but are willing to grant him a yearly Support, sutable to the Dignity of his Excellency, and consistent with the Ability of the People their Constituents, of which it may be supposed they only are the proper Judges.
The military Government by Sea and Land, is sole in the King's Governors; they grant all Commissions in the Militia, which gives the Governors a vast Influence; People in the Plantations are readily bribed by distinguishing Titles.— The Governors in the Plantations have that considerable Power of negativing or suspending Counsellors without assigning Reasons; Governor Belcher at one Time negatived 13 Councellors in the pernicious Land-Bank Interest; this Management of Mr. Belcher's was in a high Manner approved of by the passing an Act of the British Parliament soon after; this Land-Bank is designed in the Words of the Act "mischievous Undertakings in America, and unlawful Undertakings;" but so it is, that this Act of Parliament is not fully put in Ex [...]cution at this Day Christmas 1748. They nominate Duran [...]o beneplacito all Judges, Justices and Sheriffs, which [Page 473] being, with the Militia Officers of the several Townships, a great Majority in the lower House, gives the Governor a very great Influence there: the Power of negativing the Members of the upper House makes his Influence there so considerable, that he has in a great Measure two Negatives in the Legislature; the King at Home cannot negative or suspend any Member of the upper House called the House of Lords.
The Governor has the Opportunity of recommending to the House, Agents or Provincial Attorneys, his Friends or Creatures; to manage their Affairs and his own at the Court and Boards in Great-Britain, and to procure for them handsome Gratuities: For Instance, the Governor in a M [...]ssage to the Assembly, March 16. 1743, 4, recommends a generous Allowance to Mr. Kilby, he having served the Province upon particular Orders of this Court, with great Industry, Faithfulness and Success. A Governor by frequent and long. Speeches and Messages to the House of Representatives (sometimes near one half of the Journal or Votes of the House of Representatives consists of these Speeches and Messages) seems to act as a Member of that House, or rather as the Speaker or Orator (a French Expression) of the House; sometimes Governors proceed further, for Instance, Anno 1744 the Governor desires of the House of Representatives; that in the Recess of the General Assembly (which must be short Intervals, because of late Years the General Assembly at a great Charge to the Province have had very frequent and long Sittings) upon any sudden Emergency, the Governor and his Council may be impowered to draw upon the Treasurer. The Governor has a Negative not only in all Bills of Assembly, but also in all their Elections, that of a Speaker not excepted.
Thus the Governor commissions all Militia, and other military Officers, independently of the Council or Assembly; he nominates all Civil Officers, excepting those concerned in the Finances or Money-Affairs, and with Consent of the Council, they are accordingly appointed▪ [Page 474] He calls, dissolves, prorogues, adjourns, removes, and otherways harrasses the General Assembly at Pleasure; he frequently refuses his Assent to Bills, Resolves, and Orders of the General Court; whereas our Sovereign in Great-Britain, excepting upon very extraordinary Occasions, does not exert this Prerogative; thus we see a delegated Power assuming more than the sovereign constituent Authority chuses to venture upon.
His just pecuniary Perquisites are considerable, an Allowance or Grant of 1000 £. Sterl. or nearly its Value per An.; has one Third of all Custom-House Seizures, the Naval Office belongs to him, and many F [...]s of various Natures. In Time of War there are Fees for granting Letters of Mart or Mark to private Men of War called Privateers, and many Emoluments arising from multiplied Expeditions.
Notwithstanding of this great Authority, a Governor's Station is very slippery; upon frivolous and sometimes false Complaints he is liable to be called to Account, s [...] perceded by some Expectant at Court, and if the Male-Administration is notorious, he is also mulcted.
By Charter the Governor cannot impress Men into the military Service, to march out of the Province, withou [...] an Act or Resolve of the General Cour [...]; the Governor by his 11th Instruction, is not to give his Assent to any Act for repealing any of the standing Laws of the Province, without a suspending Clause, that is, until a Copy thereof, be transmitted and laid before the King. By the 12th Instruction the Governor is restrained to 30,000 £. Sterl. per An. Emissions of publick Paper Credit; but upon Account of unforeseen Incidents in the Time of the late War with Spain and France; he was in this Article left at large, this gave a Handle for unlimited ruining Emissions, a Privilege, said to be by his Majesty's Indulgence; the Governor in his Speech, Iuly 2. says, I am freed now from the chief Restraints I was under, whereby Depreciations ensued to the great sinking of all the personal Estates in the Province, Specialties excepted.
Some Account of the Governors, from the Arrival of the New Charter, in the Province of Massachusetts-Bay.
Sir William Phips * Son of a Blacksmith, born Anno 1650, at a despicable Plantation on the River of Quen [...]ebeck; after keeping of Sheep some Years, he was bound Apprentice to a Ship-Carpenter for four Years, afterward [...] went to Boston, learned to read and write, followed the Carpenter's Trade, and married the Widow of Mr. Iohn Hull Merchant; upon Advice of a Spanish Wreck about the Bahamas, he took a Voyage thither, but without Success; Anno 1683 in a King's Frigate the Algier Rose, he was fitted out, upon the Discovery of another Spanish Wreck near Port de la Plata upon Hispaniola, but returned to England unsuccessful: Soon after 1687, he prevailed with the Duke of Albemarle, at that Time Governor of Iamaica, and some other Persons of Quality, to fit him out with a royal Patent or Commission to fish upon the same Spanish Wreck which had been lost about 50 Years since; by good Luck in about seven or eight Fathom Water he f [...]sht the Value of near Three Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling (the Bermudians found good [...]leaning [...] there after his D [...]p [...]t [...]re) whereof he had [...] 16000 £. Sterl. for his Share, and the Honour of [...], and obtain'd of King Iames II. by Purchase, to be constituted High Sheriff of New-England, but was never in the Execution of this Patent, and returned to England 1688 ( N. B. he had not received Baptism until March 1690 Aet. 40) and soon after came back to New-England. Upon the breaking out of the Indian War 1688, he sollicited an Expedition against Nova-Scotia May 1690, and had good Success against the French; but his subsequent Expedition in Autumn, against Canada the same Year was disasterous, as has been already narrated, and in the Words of Mr. Mather "though used to diving for Plate, this was an Affair too deep for him to dive [Page 476] into," amongst other bad Consequences of this ill-contrived and worse managed Canada Expedition, was the introducing of a pernicious, fraudulent Paper-Currency, or Bills of publick Credit, to pay the Charges or Debt incurr'd; the Operation of this injurious Currency is such that all personal Estates (Specialities excepted) are reduc'd to One for Eight, reckoning by heavy Pieces of Eight (or seven Eights of an Ounce of Silver) at 6 s.; the Loss of Men was of very bad Consequence to an Infant Colony, which was not by the Enemy, but by a Camp Fever, the Small-Pox, and Disasters in returning Home, notwithstanding, as Dr. Mather expresses it, "the Wheel of Prayer for them in New-England was kept constantly going round." Soon after his Return to Boston he went for London to petition the Court of England (notwithstanding of former Disasters, and his own Incapacity to manage the Affair) to encourage another Expedition against Canada. Upon obtaining of a new Charter dated Oct. 7. 1691, at the Desire of the New England Agents Sir William Phips was appointed Governor of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay and Territories thereto belonging; he arrived with the new Charter May 14. 1692; and Iune 8, the Assembly under the new Charter met for the first Time. He was ordered Home to answer some Complaints, and sail'd from Boston, Nov. 17. 1694, and died of a malignant Fever in London, Feb. 18. following. ‖ [Page 477] If he had been dismissed from his Government, he designed to have gone upon another Spanish Wreck, which had Governor Broadille aboard.
William Stoughton, Esq Lt. Governor, was Commander in chief from Governor Phips's going Home in the Autumn 1694, until the Arrival of Governor Lord Bellamont in Iune 1699, after a few Months Lord Bellomont returning to New-York, Mr. Stoughton was again in the Chair, and continued till his Death in May 1702. In Honour to his Memory a Township is called by his Name.
In May 1702, upon the Absence of the Governor and Death of the Lieut.-Governor; conform to Charter, the Majority of the Council assumed the Government, until the Arrival of Governor Dudley June 11. 1702.
Earl of Bellomont in Ireland, being appointed Governor-General of New-York, Massachusetts-Bay and New-Hampshire; in his Passage to America in the End of the Year 1697, from this bad Winter Coast, he was obliged to bear away to Barbados, he did not arrive in New-York until May 1698. In the Summer 1699, he met our Assembly in Boston, his being a new Governor, cunning, complaisant, and of Quality, did ingratiate him very much with the People, he was allowed 1000 £. Salary, and 500 £. Gratuity: In the Autumn he returned to New-York, and died there in February 1700, 1.
Ioseph Dudley, Esq arrived Governor Iune 11. 1702. He was Son to Governor Thomas Dudley, see P. 429; he was chosen Assistant (that is of the Council) 1682, upon the Charter being in Danger, he was sent Home jointly with Mr. Richards as Colony-Agents: Being a Native of the Country, a good Politician, and cunning Man, i. e. of Subtality, the Court of England deem'd him a proper Person, to introduce or facilitate a Change in the Administration of the Colony; accordingly upon the [Page 478] Charter's being vacated, he was appointed President or pro tempore Commander in chief April 1686, and arrived at Boston the Iune following: In December of the same Year arrived Sir Edmund Andros as Governor, Nicholson Lieut.-Governor, and two Independent Companies of Soldiers; Mr. Dudley is appointed Chief Justice, but was outed in the New-England Revolution, April 1689.
Anno 1690, he was appointed chief Justice of New-York. Upon going Home he was chosen Anno 1701, Member of Parliament for Newtown of the Isle of Wight, which introduced him to the Government of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay his native Country. King William died before he set out, but his Commission was renewed by Queen Anne, he continued Governor until Nov. 1715, when Col. Tailer was appointed Lieut-Governor under Col. Burgess appointed Governor; Col. Tailer produced an Exemplification of Col. Burgess's Commission or Patent, and as Lieut.-Governor under him assumed the Government Nov. 9. N. B. Queen Anne died August 1. 1714, Mr. Dudley continued in Government according [...]o the Act of Parliament for continuing Officers for six Months after the Demise of a Sovereign, that is, until Feb. 1; the six Months being expired, the Council in Conformity to the Charter, took upon themselves the Administration; but Mr. Dudley having March 21, via New-York, received the King's Proclamation for continuing all Officers till further Orders, he reassumed the Government, and continued Governor to November, as above: He died at his House in Roxbury near Boston, Anno 1720, Aet. 73; he left surviving Sons, Paul, at present chief Justice of the Province, see P. 429, and William, who served in the successful Expedition against Port-Royal of L' Accadie, now Annapolis-Royal of Nova-Scotia; he was afterwards appointed a Judge, and for many succeeding Years elected one of the Council, as being the best acquainted with the Property of Lands and other Provincial Affairs; he died a few Years since, a great Loss to this Country.
[Page 479] William Tailer, Esq who had served as Colonel of a New-England Regiment in the Reduction of the foresaid Port Royal; for this his good Service, he was appointed Lieut.-Governor under Governor Dudley, and arrived in Boston from England, Octob. 3. 1711: 1715 he assumed the Command in chief, as Lieut.-Governor under Governor Burgess. Col. Burgess did not come over to his Government, and was superceded by Col. Samuel Shute; upon Mr. Shute's Arrival in Boston, Octob. 4. 1716, Mr. Tailer's Command in chief devolved upon Col. Shute, and as Lieut.-Governor he was superseded by William Dummer, Esq he alternately superseded Mr. Dummer as Lieut.-Governor under Governor Belcher 1730; he died at his House in Dorchester near Boston 1732. He was a generous, facetious, good-natured Gentleman.
Samuel Shute, a military Man, Brother to Lord B [...]rrington, was appointed Governor March 14. 1715, 16, by the Sollicitation of Ionathan Belcher, Esq a very noted Merchant of New-England, and afterwards Governor there: Col. Shute arrived in Boston Octob. 4. 1716, Mr. Dummer (I cannot avoid heaping Encomiums upon him) was his Lieut.-Governor; Mr. Dummer an honest Man, his Knowledge in Politicks did not biass him; he was a natural Patron of his Country, and his good Management in the Indian War during his Administration, with small Expence, will perpet [...]ate his Memory with all true Lovers of New-England. Col. Shute, being a good natured easy Governor, some ill-natured designing Men in the House of Representatives, attempted, by Way of Precedent (if passed) to encroach upon the Prerogative; Col. Shute instead of sending Home, was well advised to carry Home Complaints, † and back them there. Which accordingly [Page 480] he did, Nov. 1722; being seven Complaints against the House of Representatives encroaching upon the Royal Prerogative, see P. 379; he obtained a Redress of all these Complaints; being aged not fit to go abroad, for his good Services he obtained a Pension of 400 £. Sterl. per Annum for Life.
Upon Governor Shute's going Home, the chief Command in the Administration, devolved upon Lieut.-Governor Dummer, whose good Administration is universally celebrated, and requires no Encomium of mine: He is alive and in good Health at this present Writing, he continued Commander in chief until the Arrival of Governor Burnet in Boston, July 19. 1728; upon Governor Burnet's Death, Sept. 7. 1729, he was again in the Chair, until the Arrival of Governor Belcher, Apr. 8. 1730.
William Burnet, Esq a Son of the ce [...]ebrated Bishop Burnet of Salisbury, a noted Divine, Politician, Antiquary, and Historian; this Mr. Burnet was Comptroller-General of the Customs in Great-Britain, with a Salary of 1200£ Ster. pr. An. he exchanged with Governor Hunter of New York, whose Health required his going Home.— Upon the Accession of our present King GEORGE II, Col. Montgomery a Favourite was appointed Governor of New-York, and Mr. Burnet in Nov. 1727, was appointed Governor of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, he arrived in Boston, July 13. 1728, he died there Sept. 7. 1729, much lamented. When in the Government of New-York, he was useful in promoting natural History; by a Quadrant of a large Radius, and well divided; by a good Telescope of 18 Feet; and by a second Pendulum of large Vibrations, he made several good Astronomical Observations, towards ascertaining Latitudes, Longitudes, &c. in that Province.
Lieut.-Governor Dummer, upon Mr. Burnet's Death, was chief in the Administration for several Months, until [Page 481] the Arrival of Governor Belcher, Aug. 8. 1730. Ionathan Belcher, Esq a Native of New-England, of a good clear paternal Estate, and consequently of a true natural Interest in the Country; in his younger Days had a very liberal and polite Education▪ having visited many Courts in Europe, and particularly was well received at the Court of Hanover. During his Government he religiously adhered to his Instructions: If he had been continued two or three Years longer in the Administration, our pernicious fraudulent Paper-Currency, would have all been cancelled, whereas ever since his Dismission it has pejorated. He was superseded by Governor Shirley's Commission for Governor, which arrived August 14. 1741. There were by Artifice several Complaints against Governor Belcher sent Home partly from New-England, and partly hatched in London; which have since been discovered to be false and forged. I shall mention a few of them, 1. That he was a Friend to the fraudulent Land-Bank Scheme; whereas it has since evidently appeared, that he was offered by the Land Bank Managers, a retaining Fee of some Thousands of Pounds (appropriated for himself, or a subsequent Governor) to conciliate his Countenance in the Affair, and to promote the Managers to Offices of Honour, Profit and Trust; with a Land-Bank Promise to promote the Governor's Interest in the House of Representatives, (being a Land Bank or Debtor's House) as to Salary and Perquisites. Mr. Belcher rejected this Proffer with Disdain, and at one Time negatived Thirteen of their elected Councellors (here was a Projection for Debtors in a legislative Capacity to defraud their Creditors, by depreciating the Debt) and disqualified many Justices of the Peace, Promoters of these unwarrantable Schemes, and mischievous unlawful Undertakings, as expressed in the Act of Parliament, 1741. 2. A Letter signed by five forged Hands, toSir CharlesWager first of the Admiralty-Board, intimating, that Mr. Belcher countenanced t [...]e Timbermen, in cutting of Masting White Pine Trees, to be converted into Logs for Deal-Boards. 3. A spurious [Page 482] Letter under a suppositious Cover of Benjamin Colman, D. D. to Mr. Holden (a Dissenter) a Director of the Bank of England, and of great Influence; this Letter says, that the Concerned, are many of the principal Ministers of the Presbyterian and Congregational Perswasion in New-England. No Signers to this Letter, alledging, that their Signing might be the Occasion of their utter Ruin by Mr. Belcher, but promise upon Mr. Belcher's being superseded to publish all their Names. This Letter intimates that Governor Belcher, by his Intimacy and frequent Conferences with the Rev. Commissary P—e and Dr. C—r, Ministers of the Church of England, was contriving the Ruin of the dissenting Interest in New-England— These with some other villainous Complaints and Suggestions occasioned the Removal of Mr. Belcher; upon his going Home, he evinced all these Complaints to be forged, false or frivolous; and the Court, in the Interim conferred upon him the Government of the New Iersies, where he is at present, happy in the Affections of the People. A short Account of the abandoned Contrivers and Managers of Mr. Belcher's Affair, is referred to the Appendix.
William Shirley, Esq a Gentleman of the Law, who had resided and practised Law in New-England for some Years, succeeded Mr. Belcher, in August 1741, and continues Governor at this Writing, December 1748. A Gentleman in the Administration ( ante obitum nemo, that is, before his Political Death) is not to be used with Freedom, it is a Trespass against the Subordination, requisite in Society: Therefore I must defer the short Account of this Gentleman's personal Character, and Administration to the Appendix; lest, if applauded, it might be deem'd Adulation and Flattery; or if censured, may be construed Insult, Detraction, and Resentment; which are not consistent with the Character of an impartial Historian — Our present Lieut.-Governor, Successor of Col. Tailer, is Spencer Phips, Esq a Country-Gentleman, adopted Name and Heir by Act of Assembly to Sir William Phips.
[Page 483]These are the Governors and Lieutenant or Deputy-Governors appointed at Home, from the Date of the New Charter 1691, to December 1748; the other royal Officers, reserved by Charter, to be appointed by the Court of Great-Britain are the Secretary, and Judge of Vice-Admiralty: It may not be improper here to annex a short Account of their Succession.
SECRETARIES. Isaac Addington, Esq the first Secretary was appointed by the Charter, during Pleasure, he was a Person of great Integrity; he died 1715, and was succeeded by Capt. Woodward, a military Man, and of good Learning; Mr. Woodward resigned 1717, in Favour of Mr. Willard, an honest, upright and pious Gentleman, he continues Secretary at this present Writing.
The Charter reserves to the Crown, the Exercise of any Admiral Court or Jurisdiction, by Commissions to be issued under the great Seal of Great-Britain, or under the Seal of the High Admiral, or of the Commissioners for executing the Office of High Admiral. This Court of Vice-Admiralty consists of a Iudge, a King's Advocate, a Register, and a Marshal. A sole Judge, without a Jury, in Cases of high Consequence; and this Judge too frequently appointed at Random, seems to be an Error in the Constitution: It is true, there may be an Appeal to a Court of Delegates in Great-Britain.
The Succession of Judges, was, viz.
Wait Winthrop, Esq May 22, 1699, appointed Judge of Admiralty for New-York, Massachusetts-Bay, Connecticut, Rhode-Island, and New Hampshire.
Mr. Atwood, Judge of Admiralty for the Colonies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New-York, and the Iersies; being the Northern District of Custom-House Officers. He appointed Nov. 10. 1701, Mr. Newton his Deputy.
Roger Mempesson, Esq April 1. 1703, had a Commission [Page 484] as Judge for New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New-York and Iersies.
Nathaniel Byfield, Esq Dec. 13, 1703, had the like Commission.
Iohn Menzies, Esq of the Faculty of Advocates in Scotland, appointed Judge, Aug. 26. 1715, for New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, and Rhode-Island.
Upon the Death of Judge Menzies, 1728, Robert Auchmuty, Esq was appointed by Governor Burnet, Judge pro tempore.
Nathaniel Byfield (formerly the Judge of Admiralty) was appointed Judge by Governor Burnet; and confirmed from Home, Nov. 5. 1728, as Judge for New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay and Rhode-Island.
The abovesaid Robert Auchmuty, Esq succeeded him Sept. 6, 1733.
Mr. Auchmuty was superseded by Chambers Russel, Esq Sept. 1747.
All the Officers of this Court of Vice-Admiralty have a Power of substituting or deputizing. The present Deputy Judge is George Cradock, Esq of many Years Experience in this Court.
Besides, this Court of Vice-Admiralty, in each of the Provinces and Colonies, there is a Justiciary Court of Admiralty for Tryal of Piracies and other Crimes committed upon the High Seas, the Members of this Court are various in the various Colonies; in the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, the Judges are, the Governor, the Council, the Secretary, the Judge of Vice-Admiralty, the Captain of the King's Station Ships of War, the Surveyor-General of the Northern District of Customs, and the Collector of the Customs for the Port of Boston.
The Survey of the royal Timber, especially of Masting Trees, extends over the Northern Provinces and Colo [...]ies; the Officers are appointed from Home, and are a Surveyor General, with four subordinate Surveyors; the whole Charge of this Survey is 800 £. St. per Annum, [Page 485] with considerable riding Charges, paid by the Navy-Office.
The Officers belonging to the Collections of Customs are from Home appointed by the Treasury-Board, and warranted by the Commissioners of the Customs in Great-Britain. In this Province there are but two Collections Boston and Salem.
A Deputy-Auditor, is commissioned by the Auditor-General in Great Britain, to audit the Treasurer's Provincial Accounts; but Anno 1721, this was declared by the General Assembly of the Province, to be inconsistent with their Charter; it never is put in Execution.
Some Account of the second Negative in the Legislature of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay; that is, of the King's or Governor's Council, called the Honourable Board.
This Council consists of 28 Assistants or Counsellors, to be advising and assisting to the Governor, and to constitute one Negative in the Legislature, analogous to the House of Lords in Great-Britain. The first Set were appointed in the Charter, and to continue until the last Wednesday in May 1693, and until others shall be chosen in their Stead. I do here insert the Names of the 28 Counsellors appointed by Charter, whereof there are none surviving at this present Writing, as it is an Honour to their Families or Posterity.
- Simon Broadstreet
- Iohn Richards
- Nathaniel Saltonstall
- Wait Winthrop
- Iohn Phillips
- Iames Russel
- Samuel Sewall
- Samuel Appleton
- Bartholomew Gidney
- Iohn Hathorn
- Elisha Hutchinson
- Robert Pike
- Ionathan Curwin
- Iohn Ioliffe
- Adam Winthrop
- Richard Midlecot
- [Page 486] Iohn Foster
- Peter Serjeant
- Ioseph Lynde
- Samuel Heyman
- Stephen Mason
- Thomas Hinkley
- William Bradford
- Iohn Walley
- Barnabas Lothrop
- Iohn Alcot
- Samuel Daniel
- Sylvanus Davis, Esqrs.
"Yearly once in every Year hereafter, the aforesaid Number of 28 Councellors shall be by the General Court or Assembly newly chosen, i. e. of the Proprietors or Inhabitants in the Old Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, 18; formerly New Plymouth, 4; formerly the Province of Maine, 3; Duke of York's former Property, lying between Sagadahock River and Nova-Scotia, 1." Two Councellors more to be chosen at large.
The Councellors are annually chosen last Wednesday of May, by a joint Vote of the last Year's Councellors, and the new House of Representatives. This Negative is called The Board.
There seems to be some Inconveniences in the Constitution of this Negative; they may be INTIMIDATED by the first Negative the Governor, as he has a Power of negativing any Councellor's Election without adducing Reasons; they stand in AWE of the Members of the third Negative, as to their Election by the House of Representatives; thus they appear not to be FREE Agents,
The Council are assisting to the Governor (Seven makes a Board) by their Advice and Consent in appointing of all Civil Officers, excepting those of the Finances.
The Governor and Council have the Probate of Wills, of granting Administrations and of Divorces; they appoint a subordinate Judge of Probates in each County.
The Governor with the Advice and Consent of the Council, nominates and appoints Judges, Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer, Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, and other Officers to our Council and Courts of Justice belonging; provided that no such Appointment be made, [Page 487] without Summons issued out seven Days before such Nomination or Appointment, unto such of the said Councellors, as shall be at that Time residing within our said Province.
Formerly under the Old Charter the Councellors or Assistants were elected by the Votes of the Freemen of the Colony, as is the present Practice of the neighbouring Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode-Island; but under the New Charter (as before-mentioned) they are annually chosen by a joint Vote of the Majority of the Old Board of Councellors, and of the New House of Representatives.— Although their Election is annual, the former Councellors are generally continued; last Election 1748, they were all continued.
When the New Charter first took Place, the Allowance or Wages [...]f a Councellor, was 5 s. per Day Exchange with London, 133 £. New-England for 100 £. Sterling; at present their Wages are 30 s. per Day Exchange with London, Eleven Hundred Pounds New-England, for One Hundred Pounds Sterling, Christmas 1748; in this Proportion a multiplied publick Paper-Credit in Bills has depreciated the New-England Currency; a vast progressive Loss in all personal Estates, Specialties excepted. *
Some Account of the third Negative in the Legislature of the Province of * Massachusetts-Bay; called the Honourable House of Representatives.
The Province of Massachusetts is represented in their Lower House, not by a Deputation from Counties, Cities and Boroughs, as in Great Britain, and in some of the British Colonies; but from certain Districts of Land or Country, incorporated by the Names of Townships, very unequal in Extent, thus Springfield contains upwards of 100,000 Acres, Medford does not exceed 2000 Acres; but generally they are the Value of six Miles square, being nearly 23,000 Acres: Their Number of Inhabitants is as various, and consist of one to five Parishes.
The Charter declares "each of the said Towns and Places, being hereby impowered to elect and depute two Persons and no more, to serve for and represent them respectively in the said great General Court or Assembly. ‘To which great General Court or Assembly, to be held as aforesaid, we do hereby, for us, our Heirs and Successors, give and grant full Power and Authority from Time to Time, to direct, appoint, and declare what Number, each County, Town, and Place, shall elect and depute, to serve for, and represent them respectively, in the said great and General Court or Assembly.’
This last Clause gives a very great Latitude to our General Assemblies to regulate the Representation of the Country. 1. The Charter says, each Place is impowered to depute two Persons and no more; Boston is allowed to send four; it is true, that equitably, considering their Taxes and Number of Inhabitants in Proportion to the whole Colony Representation; they might be allowed to send Twenty, but such Proportions are not observed in Great Britain our Mother-Country, perhaps for Reasons [Page 489] of State. 2. By Acts of Assembly all Townships under 120 qualified Voters are restricted to send one and no more, whereas by Charter any Township may send two. 3. The Charter does not limit the Number of qualified Voters in any Township or Place constituted, to enable them to send Representatives; they seem to be limited by Acts of Assembly, but with this reasonable Qualification, that no Township consisting of less than 80 legal Voters shall be obliged, that is fined for the not sending of a Rep [...]entative. 4. Lately (by Instruction to the Governor, or otherways, I am not certain) this Province have constituted Townships, with all Town or Corporation Privileges, excepting that of deputing Representatives to the General Assembly; though the Charter expresly says, that they all may send Representatives: It is true, that the multiplying of Townships, especially by subdividing old large well regulated Townships, into many small jangling Townships, has been not many Years ago, practised with particular Views; but has occasioned an † INCONVENIENT Number of Representatives; the small Townships, under 80 Voters, being qualified to send, but not obliged to send Representatives; upon the Emergency of a Governor's, or any designing Party Interest, they are prompted to send a Deputy to forward some party Affair.
Incorporating of Townships with all other Town Privileges, excepting that of sending Representatives; seems to be inconsistent with that Privilege essential to the Constitution of Great-Britain, viz. that all Freeholders [Page 490] of 40 s. per Annum Income, and others legally qualified are to be represented in the Legislature and Taxation; as in New-England there are no County Representations, and as they are not in the Humour of being represented by Counties though agreeable to Charter; it seems consonant to the Constitution, and will at the same Time obviate the above Inconveniencies, that is, that two, three, four, or more of these new or small Townships, be joined in sending one or two Representatives, after the Model, settled by the Articles of Union in Great-Britain, for the small Parliament-Towns in Scotland or North-Britain. *
[Page 491]By Custom all Elections, Provincial, County, or Town are determined not by the major Vote, but by the Majority of Voters; because where there are more than two Candidates, a Person may have a major Vote, though not a Majority of the Voters.
The Votes or Journal of the House of Representatives is regularly printed at a publick Charge, one Copy for each Township, and one Copy for each Member.
The House of Representatives insist upon several Privileges, [Page 492] I shall mention a few, 1. The Governor's Instructions from the Secretary of State, of the Deportment, are recommendatory, but not obligatory upon the Representatives of the People. New England was no military Acquisition orConquest of the Crown (such Acquisitions, until formally annexed to the Dominions of Great-Britain, are by the Prerogative absolutely under Direction of the Crown) but originally and essentially belonging to the Dominions of England; and therefore Acts of Parliament only are obligatory; and no Instruction pecuniary, procured by the Patron, the Friend, or the Money of a Governor, with an arbitrary (perhaps) annexed Penalty, of incurring the Displeasure of the Crown, is strictly observed. A noted and repeated Instance of this we have in the Instruction for a settled Salary upon the Governor; moreover, they assert, "That they are at Liberty to vary from any former Grants to Governors, Governor Shute, a good inoffensive Men was reduced from an Allowance of 1200 £. per Annum common Currency to 1000 £. 2. That the Council may only [Page 493] concur or not concur, a Tax or any other Money-Bill, but may make no Amendment; the Affair of supplying the Treasury always originates in the House of Representatives. 3. Not long since all Accounts of publick Charges, some very trifling, were rendred, audited, and pass [...]d by the House of Representatives; not only at a great unnecessary Charge (our Assembly-Men are all in Pay) of upwards of 100£. per Day, at thatTime for passing a controverted Account of a few Pounds; but contrary to Charter; the Words of the Charter are, "the Assembly to impose and levy proportionable and reasonable Assessments, Rates, and Taxes; upon the Estates and Persons of all and every the Proprietors or Inhabitants of our said Province or Territory; to be issued and disposed of, by Warrant under the Hand of the Governor of our said Province for the Time being, with the Advice and Consent of the Council." Some Years since, upon Complaint Home, the King in Council has explained this Affair.
In this Article we shall have frequent Occasion to mention Money-Affairs, viz. Emissions of publick Provincial Bills of Credit, called Paper-Money; Supplies of the Treasury; annual Taxes, Salaries, and other Government Charges; all which at various Times have been expressed in various Tenors; viz. Old Tenor, Middle Tenor, New Tenor first, New Tenor second which in the Face of the Bill is about 12 per Cent worse than New Tenor first, but from the Inaccuracy of our People, and an abandoned Neglect of a proper Credit, pass indifferently at the same Value. But that I may be the more easily understood, I shall by Means of a small Table (which is the most concise and distinct Manner of representing such Things) reduce all Tenors to their Value in Old Tenor the Original, and to this Time 1749 the Denomination of common Currency: And to prevent the Reader's Trouble in reducing the Value of our Old Tenor from Time to Time (as it has been generally in a progressive State of Depreciation or Pejoration) to a proper [Page 494] Standard of Exchange with London, or Value per oz. Mexico Silver. The Exchange with London is 100 £. Sterl. for — I have added the Accessions of Governors for the last half Century, to make it apparent how much our Paper Currency has depreciated in their respective Administrations.
Periods | Exc. with Lond. | 1 oz. Silv. | Acces. ofGov. |
A.D. 1702 | 133 | 6 s. 10 d. h. p | Dudley |
1705 | 135 | 7 s. | do. |
1713 | 150 | 8 s. | do. |
1716 | 175 | 9 s. 3 d. | Taylor & Shute |
1717 | 225 | 12 s. | do. |
1722 | 270 | 14 s. | Dummer |
1728 | 340 | 18 s. | Burnet |
1730 | 380 | 20 s. | Belcher |
1737 | 500 | 26 s. | do. |
1741 | 550 | 28 s. | Shirley |
1749 | 1100 | 60 s. † | do. |
Exchange continues to rise rather than fall, notwithstanding of the generous Reimbursement granted by the British Parliament, towards paying off our Provincial Debts incurred by a private Corporation Adventure, in the Cape-Breton Expedition: Perhaps the Merchants and others are diffident, and suspect that some subsequent General Assembly (with the Countenance of a sutable Governor) [Page 495] Worshippers of that wicked Idol, the iniquitous, bubling Paper Currency, may pervert the proper Application of this Bounty or Donation. Something of this Kind has lately been a Remora at Home, and has prevented the Province from receiving of it by their Agents hitherto.
Iune 15. At the Commencement of the New Charter Jurisdiction, 1692, enacted, a Continuance of the local and municipal▪ Laws of the old Charter Jurisdiction, if not repugnant to the Laws of England, until November 10 following.—The fundamental Law or general political Principle of the Colonies of New-England, is, that natural and salutary Maxim, Salus Populi est suprema Lex; they do not countenance the slavish Doctrines of Non-Resistance, Passive Obedience, Hereditary indefeasible Right, and the like.
The present enacting Style is, Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and House of Representatives.
Thanksgivings and Fasts, ever since Governor Shute's Complaints, have been appointed by the Governor and Council, at the Desire of the House of Representatives.
Because all Acts of Assembly, are required by the Charter to be sent Home for Allowance or Disallowance, therefore many Things are done, by the Name of Order or Resolve.
Late Years, the Governors are directed by their Instructions not to consent to Bills of sundry Kinds, until they be sent Home for Approbation—thus it is in the Parliament of Ireland.
The General Assembly by their accepting of an explanatory Charter upwards of Thirty Years since; have curtailed the House of Representatives, from the Privilege of electing their own Speaker absolutely; that is, a Power is reserved to the Governor, or any other Commander in chief, to negative or disapprove any Speaker elected and presented; and that the Representatives so assembled, shall forthwith elect any other Person to be Speaker, to be approved or disapproved, in Manner as [Page 496] aforesaid: As also from adjourning of themselves not exceeding two Days at a Time, without Leave from the Governor, or any other Commander in chief of the Province.
When a joint Committee of both Houses is appointed, generally one Third is from the Council, and two Thirds from the Representatives.
Although the Military, are the absolute Prerogative of the King and of his Representative the Governor; the Assembly, especially the House of Representatives, do upon extraordinary Occasions, in Faithfulness to their Constituents complain, and in some Measure admonish the Governor: We shall adduce a few late Instances. — 1746, The House by Message to the Governor, say, that they suspect the Governor's inlisting Men for his Louisbourg Regiment, out of the impressed Frontier Forces: The Governor denies this, but acknowledges that he had allowed the Frontier Soldiers to be inlisted in the Canada Expedition, and to impress Men in their Place —It does not appear to us necessary or convenient, for this Government, any Ways to concern themselves in building of a Fort at the great Carrying-Place from Hudson's River to Wood Creek in the Government of New-York. —The Forces, particularly upon the Eastern Frontiers, have been very negligent in scouting, and all other military Services; there have been many Ineffectives, Inhabitants of several Townships; to do Duty in their own Townships, have been inlisted, paid, and victualled, though they only followed their own private Business, "this is very abusive to the Government, as well as injurious to these exposed Parts." — 1747, The Assembly represent "the Husbandry, Manufactures, and Navigation of the Province; have suffered much by multiplied Expeditions." — "We have by our past Actions proved our selves zealous for his Majesty's Service; but our Unhappiness is, that although the same Disposition remains, yet we are in a Manner incapacitated to promote it for the future.
[Page 497]The House of Representatives frequently complain of their being involved in unnecessary and improper Charges. 1747 April 21. "We apprehend that we have made considerable Grants for the Protection and Encouragement of the Six Indian Nations of New-York Government, beyond what has been done by New-York it self, in whose Borders these Indians are situated.
There are many Altercations amongst the three Negatives; when this happens in the Parliament of Great-Britain, as it is very seldom, it is as a Prodigy; such Differences lessen the Respect due from the People to each Negative in the Legislature. Each of those Negatives, moreover, at Times vary * from themselves, by contradictory [Page 498] Speeches, Messages, and reconsidering of their Votes, I write with the Liberty and Freedom which is essential to the British Constitution.
[Page 499]Upon the Arrival of the new Charter of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay; their first General Assembly [Page 500] or Legis [...]ture convened in Iune 1692; in the first Place they continued the municipal Laws (not repugnant to [Page 501] the Laws of England) of the old Charter Administration, for a few Months until a small Body of new Laws could be formed.
By this new Charter, see P. 374 of this Summary, the House of Representatives is constituted in this Manner, viz. Every Year and for ever upon the last Wednesday of May, and at all other Times as the Governor shall think fit, shall be held a General Court or Assembly▪ the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the respective Towns and Places are impowered to depute two Persons and no more, to represent them in the General Assembly. The Qualification of an Elector is 40 s. at least per An. Freehold, or other Estate to the Value of 50 £. Sterl.
The present Practice by Acts or Resolves of the General Assembly, and by Custom. Boston sends four Deputies or Representatives; Salem, Ipswich, Newbury, Marblehead, and Charlestown, generally send two each; from the otherTowns which send Representatives, each send one; we have not got into the Method directed by Charter for two or more small Townships joining, to send a Representation, which would prevent the Inconveniency of multiplying Representatives, and would restore to the constituted, incorporated Townships (by Charter qualified, and by the British Constitution privileged to be represented) that Privilege of which they are abridged by being refused to send a Representative, as we have no general County-Elections.
By Act of Assembly, first Year of the Charter 1692, each Town consisting of 30 to 40 qualified Electors may (at their Option) send or not send one Representative; each Town of 40 qualified are injoined to send one Representative; [Page 502] each Town of 120 qualified may send two Representatives; no Town, Boston excepted (which may send four) are at any Time to send more than two Representatives. Writs for calling a General Assembly to issue from the Secretary's Office Thirty Days befo [...]e their Meeting, directed to the Select-Men, as returning Officers, the Returns to be made into the Secretary's Office one Day at the least before the Time prefixed for the meeting of the General Assembly— Forty Representatives to constitute a House—Penalty for Non-Attendance 5 s. per Day. All Representatives with one Son or Servant each, to have personal Protection during their Sessions, excepting in Cases of Treason or Felony.
By Act of Assembly 1693, the Qualification of a Voter, for a Representative, is reduced from the Charter Qualification of 50 £. Sterl. principal Estate to 40 £. Sterl.— Representatives must be Freeholders and Residents in the Town for which they are chosen.
Anno 1726, No Town under the Number of 60 qualified Electors be obliged to send a Representative—1730 No Town under the Number of 80 qualified Electors be obliged to send a Representative— About one Third of the Townships which have Precepts sent them, send no Representatives.
Here we shall insert by Way of Table, the Number of Precepts issued out, and the Number of Members returned to the House of Representatives from ten Years to ten Years (to mention every Year would be tedious, and of no Use) in each County.
[Page 503]
1708 | 1718 | 1728 | 1738 | 1748 | ||||||
Precepts. | Returns. | Precepts. | Returns. | Precepts. | Returns. | Precepts. | Returns. | Precepts. | Returns. | |
Suffolk | 19 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 18 | 16 |
Essex | 17 | 17 | 20 | 19 | 19 | 18 | 20 | 20 | 19 | 18 |
Midlesex | 22 | 18 | 20 | 20 | 28 | 20 | 33 | 22 | 32 | 25 |
Hampsh. | 8 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 11 | 7 | 12 | 7 | 17 | 9 |
Worcester | 18 | 8 | 22 | 5 | ||||||
Plymouth | 7 | 5 | 8 | 8 | 10 | 9 | 13 | 10 | 13 | 8 |
Barnsta. | 6 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 6 | 9 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Bristol | 11 | 7 | 10 | 9 | 12 | 11 | 15 | 10 | 11 | 8 |
York | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 7 | 5 | 10 | 7 | 11 | 5 |
D. County | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | |||
Nantuck. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Total | 97 | 74 | 91 | 88 | 115 | 94 | 151 | 108 | 153 | 101 |
N. B. Anno 1731 Some Townships were taken from the Counties of Suffolk, Middlesex, and Hampshire; and formed into a new County called the County of Worcester.
As this History seems to swell too much for the Perusal of the People in our Infant Colonies, who in general are not Bookish, and do not apply themselves to read Books of any considerable Bulk; I must forbear inserting the long List of the Townships in Massachusetts-Bay Province.
We shall here only observe, that our Townships or Districts of Land, may be distinguished into four Sorts. 1. Incorporated Townships which are served with Precepts, and generally send Representatives, this Year they are in Number 95. 2. Incorporated Townships, which are served with Precepts, but generally do not send Representatives, this present Year they are 58; their Number being so large, is occasioned by their Poverty, which proceeds from their labouring young Men being taken away, that is, depopulated by multiplied Expeditions, and their being peculated by multiplied Taxes; formerly our Province Tax was from Six Thousand to (in great Exigencies) [Page 504] Forty Thousand Pound per Ann; whereas this present Year 1748 the Provincial Tax upon Polls and Estates is Three Hundred seventy-seven Thousand nine Hundred ninety two Pounds, and Excises doubled; thus they cannot well spare 30 s. a Day the present Wages of aRepresentative. 3. Townships incorporated, but in express Words debarred from sendingRepresentatives; these are but few inNumber, because lately introduced; this seems Anti-Constitutional, that (as we have no County Representatives) Persons of good Estates real and personal should in no manner be represented, as if they were Aliens, Servants or Slaves. 4. Townships or Districts granted to a Number of Proprietors, but as the Conditions of the Grant, particularly the settling of a certain Number of Families in a limited Space of Time, are not fully performed, they are not as yet qualified to be constituted, by Act of Assembly, with all Town Privileges; of those there are many, especially in those Lands which lately were taken from the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, and annexed to the Crown in Property, and to the Province of New-Hampshire in Jurisdiction. N. B. This late Boundary Line cut off from Massachusetts-Bay Province, the constituted, but not represented Townships of Rumford and Litchfield upon Merimack River; of Winchester upon Connecticut River; with Part of the constituted Townships of Nottingham and Dunstable upon Merimack River; Part of Groton, and Townshe [...]d, Part of Northfield upon Connecticut River: the other Districts or Grants not incorporated anne [...]ed to New-Hampshire, were, Herrys Town, Contacook, the nine Townships commonly called the Double Row of Frontier Towns against the French and their Indian Auxiliaries, the Row of four Townships upon the East Side of Connecticut River, the Row of two Townships West Side of Connecticut River, * Canada to Gallop and others, [Page 505] Canada to Sylvester and others, Lower Ashuelot, Upper Ashuelot, Canada to Rowley, Canada to Ipswich, Canada to Salem, Canada to Beverly, Naraganset No. 3. Naraganset No. 5, Lanes New-Boston, Township to Ipswich, in all 29 Grants transferred to New-Hampshire Jurisdiction: The other granted, but not constituted Townships, which remain in the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, are, in the Province of Main, Township to Cape-Anne or Glocester, Township to Powers and others, Township to Marblehead, [Page 506] Naraganset, No. 7, Naraganset, No. 1, and Philip's Town upon Salmon Falls River; between Merimack River and Connecticut River are Canada to Dorchester, Canada to Ipswich, Canada to Roxbury, Township to Welles and others, Township to Salem, Nichawoag, Pequioug, Naraganset, No. 6, Naraganset, No. 2, Townshend: On the West Side of Connecticut River, are the Grants of Fall-fight Township, of Canada to Hunt, and others; Naraganset, No. 4, Townships to Boston, No. 1, 2, 3, Upper Housatonick, four more Housatonicks, and Bedford; making in all Grants not incorporated, 28 in the Province of Massachusetts-Bay not alienated; and 29 transferred as to Jurisdiction, to the Province of New-Hampshire.
The Affair of the above Townships is variable, and of no permanent Use, but this may serve a future curious Historian, as an accurate Account for the State of the Year 1749.
There are a few Things, in which the House of Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay in New England (which in all Respects is the principal British Colony) do vary from the Practice of the House of Commons in Great-Britain. I shall mention two, which must not be deemed constitutional, as being only by sundry Acts of the General Assembly, and consequently if inconvenient, may be repealed or altered by some subsequent Act.
1. That a Representative must be a ‖ Resident in the Township for which he is elected. As the Representative of a District or Township so called, is not a peculiar Agent for that Township, but is their Quota of Representation of the whole Province in the General Assembly; [Page 507] a Gentleman of good natural Interest and Resident in the Province, a Man of Reading, Observation, and daily conversant with Affairs of Policy and Commerce, is certainly better qualified for a Legislator, than a Retailer of Rum and small Beer called a Tavern-Keeper, in a poor obscure Country Town, remote from all Business; thus this Countryman will not be diverted from the most necessary and beneficial Labour of cultivating the Ground, his proper Qualification; to attend State-Affairs, of which he may be supposed grosly and invincibly ignorant; thus the poor Township, by Gentlemen at large serving gratis or generously as the Quota of the Township, will be freed from the growing (in one Year from Anno 1747 to 1748 this Charge was advanced from 20 s. to 30 s. per Day) Charge of subsisting an useless Representative: Therefore, if this Clause of Residence in the Act of Assembly 1693, is not absolutely repealed, may it not be qualified in this Manner? viz. The Representative if not a Resident in the Township, being a Resident in the Province, shall have a Rent Roll of **** per Annum in the Place, or shall be the Proprietor of **** Hundred Acres in the Township for which he is elected.
2. That Councellors and Representatives do serve their Country upon Wages. The Honour, and Pleasure of doing Good, are Recompence sufficient to a Patriot, thus the Province will † save a very considerable Part of their [Page 508] Taxation; for Instance, this present Year 1748, the Province would have saved about 25,000 £.; the whole annual Provincial Charge from the Commencement of the Charter, fell short of this Sum, until Anno 1735; that Year, the Rates were 31,000 £. Old Tenor; thus in Time to come two of the Negatives would be under no Temptation of having their Wages augmented by Collusion with the third Negative; the Governor's Allowance being by them immoderately advanced. †
The Allowances or Pay of the three Negatives for their Services, are settled by themselves from Time to Time, therefore they do not suffer by the Depreciation of their own publick Bills of Credit. I shall here annex a Table (Tables contract Things into a more easy, less diffused, and therefore more distinct View) of the Pay of the three Negatives in some successive Periods, and of the Province Rate: the Province Polls in these respective Years, see afterwards, as taken from the Valuation Acts; in about seven Years Periods, a Valuation or Census is made for quoating the Assessments of each Township or District towards the Provincial Rate or Charge.
A. D. | 1702 | 1720 | 1730 | 1740 | 1743 | 1745 | 1747 | 1748 |
Govrs. pr. An. | Dudley | Shute | Belcher | ditto | Shirley | ditto | ditto | ditto |
600 | 1200 | 2400 | 3600 | 5400 | 6000 | 7600 | 9600 | |
Couns. pr. Day | 5 s. | 6 s. | 10 s. | 15 s. | 18 s. | 18 s. | 30 s. | 40 s. |
Repre. pr. Day | 3 s. | 4 s. | 6 s. | 10 s. | 12 s. | 12 s. | 20 s. | 30 s. |
Rates. | 6000 | 6000 | 8000 | 39000 | 60000 | 120000 | 168324 | 381672 |
[Page 509]Any well-disposed Person without Doors may submissively offer Advice or Proposals, even after a Bill is enacted, because Acts are frequently explained or altered by subsequent Acts for the publick Good: All Legislatures and their Laws ought to be sacred and tenderly used, without cavelling or censuring: thus in Great-Britain it has been a Practice Time out of Mind for Writers not of the Legislature, freely and decently to give their Advice and Schemes. As the Affair I mean is only temporary, I shall subjoin it amongst the Annotations. *
[Page 510]In this Province there seems to be a standing Faction consisting of wrong Heads and fraudulent Debtors; this [Page 511] Faction endeavours to persuade us, that one of our invaluable Charter Privileges, is, A Liberty to make Paper-Money, [Page 512] or publick Bills of Credit, receivable in all Dealings, ( Specialties excepted) as a legal Tender.
[Page 513]3. By Charter all vacant or not claimed Lands were vested in the collective Body of the People or Inhabitants; and their Representatives in General Court assembled, with Consent of the Governor and Council; make Grants of these Provincial Lands, to a Number of private Persons, to be incorporated, upon certain Conditions, into Townships; there are also some peculiar Grants, which after some Years are by Acts of Assembly annexed to some neighbouring Township.
If in granting of these Lands, they had been subjected to an easy Quit-rent to the Province; these Lands would have settled compactly, and improved sooner; whereas at present, some Proprietors of large Tracts of Lands do not settle or sell, because being at no Charge of Quit-Rent, and not in the Valuation of Rates or Taxes for the Provincial Charge of Government; they chuse to let them lie unimproved many Years, for a Market. That this might have been practicable, appears by Lands in the Township of Hopkinton subjected to an annual Quit-rent for the Benefit of our Provincial Seminary called Harvard-College; which notwithstanding of Quit-rent is well settled and improved; the Rev. Mr. Commissary Price is their present Missionary Minister, and is a considerable Proprietor there under Quit-rent.
The Townships are generally granted in Value of six Miles square (some old Grants of Townships are much larger) to be divided into Sixty-three equal Lots, viz. One Lot for the first settled Minister as Inheritance, one Lot for the Ministry as Glebe-Lands, one Lot for the Benefit of a School; the other sixty Lots, to sixty Persons [Page 514] or Families, who shall within five Years from the Grant, erect a Dwelling-House of 7 Feet Stud, and 18 Feet square, with 7 Acres cleared and improved, fit for Mowing or Ploughing; to erect a House for publick Worship in five Years, and maintain an Orthodox Minister. Every Township of fifty or upwards Housholders to be constantly provided with a School-Master to teach Children and Youth to read and write, Penalty forNeglect 20 £. per Annum; as also if consisting of 100 or upwards Housholders, they are to maintain a Grammar-School; Penalty 30 £. per Annum, if consisting of 150 Families; Penalty 40 £. if consisting of 200 Families; and higher Penalties pro rata.
In each Township by a general Act of Assembly there are constituted certain Town Officers to be elected at a Town-Meeting annually in March. I shall instance Boston, for the Year 1748 were chosen the following Officers:
- Town-Clerk
- 7 Select-Men
- Town-Treasurer
- 12 Overseers of the Poor
- 7 Assessors
- 10 Firewards
- 5 Sealers of Leather
- 6 Fence-Viewers
- A Surveyor of Hemp
- Informers of Deer
- Hayward
- 10 Cullers of Staves
- 10 Viewers of Boards,
- Shingles, &c.
- 4 Hogreeves
- 12 Clerks of the Market
- 2 Assay-Masters
- 6 Collectors of Taxes
- 12 Constables
Any Man rateable for 20 £. Principal Estate to the Province-Tax, Pol not included, is qualified to vote in Town-Meetings, excepting in the Choice of Representatives, which requires a Qualification of 40 s. per Annum Freehold, or 40 £. Sterl. personal Estate.
Sometimes Portions of adjoining Townships, are by Act of Assembly incorporated into a Parish or Precinct, for the better Conveniency of attending divine Service, [Page 515] but in all other Respects, excepting in Ministerial Rates, they belong to their original Townships.
The Plantations and Farms in the Old Townships near Boston, are generally become small, occasioned by a Provincial Act of Assembly, which divides the real as well as the personal Estate of Intestates, amongst all the Children or Collaterals; our People are much bigotted to this Province-Law, and chuse to die intestate. This Humour is not without its Advantages, v. g. where a Farm thus becomes small, the Possessor cannot live by it, and is obliged to sell to the Proprietor of some adjoining Farm, and remove further inland, where he can purchase waste Land in Quantities at an easy Rate, to the enlarging of our Country Improvements: Thus the former Townships which now compose the County of Worcester, about 40 Years since, there were not exceeding 200 Families, whereas in the last Valuation 1742, there were found in that County about 3200 taxable white Male Persons; but our multiplied Expeditions since that Time, have diminished them much.
The civil Officers annually chosen by a joint Vote of the Board or Council, and House or Representatives, and with the Consent of the Governor are appointed.
The Treasurer or Receiver-General.
The General Impost-Office.
The General Commissary for Soldiers, their Provisions and Stores, and for Indian Trade.
The Attorney-General.
Collectors of Excise, one for each County.
Publick Notaries for the Ports of
- Boston
- Salem
- Marblehead
- Glocester
- Newbury
- Plymouth
- Barnstable
- Kittery
- Casco-B [...]y
- York-County
- Duke's-County
- Nantucket
N. B. The Attorney-General is annually chosen; the Governor and Council pretend to have the sole Privilege of appointing him; the House of Representatives hitherto [Page 516] have not given up this Point, but the Person appointed by the Governor and Council is the acting Officer.
Because all Acts of Assembly are required to be sent Home for Allowance or Disallowance, therefore some Transactions formerly have passed by Way of Order or Resolve only.
A Member of the House of Representatives is fined 20 s. Old Tenor, for every Days Absence without Leave or good Excuse.
Every Session there is a Committee appointed to prepare a List of the Travel (20 Miles Travel is the same with one Day's Attendance) and Attendance of the Members of the House for the Sessions— Their Wages are paid out of the general Provincial Supply or Bills of publick Credit emitted for the ordinary and extraordinary Charges of the Province for the Year; the Bills of this Article are drawn in again not by a general Provincial Rate or Tax, but by a peculiar Rate imposed upon the several Towns who send Representatives.
The Townships that have Precepts sent to them, but make no Returns, are liable to be fined at the Discretion of the House; but are generally excused, and perhaps out of 50 Delinquents (some are excused by Law, as being under the Number of eighty Families) very few are fined; this Article though very small, is one of the Articles for calling in the publick Bills of Credit from Year to Year.
Perhaps an Assembly Grant, as is the present Practice, in the Beginning of every Year's Administration of a Governor for his Services to be done during the next subsequent Year, may be thus qualified; to be paid after 12 Months, if the present Governor's Life or Administration continue so long, otherwise in Proportion to the Time of Service: We have a remarkable Instance of this in the worthy Governor Burnet; some short Time before his Death, there was a Vote of 6000 £. for the last Year and current Year's Service, which for Want of Concurrence did not take Place; soon after the Commencement [Page 517] of the then current Year, Governor Burnet died, and his Heirs received only 3000 £. Old Tenor, for all his Services, being for about 13 Months, thus the Province honestly saved about 3000 £.
The Executive Courts.
By Charter the General Assembly are allowed to erect Judicatories, to hear and determine concerning Pleas, whether real, personal or mixt; and all manner of Crimes capital or not capital.
In personal Actions, where the Matter in Difference, doth exceed the Value of 300 £. Sterl. Appeals are allowed to the King in Privy Council, provided such Appeal be made in fourteen Days, after Judgment given; and that before such Appeal be allowed, Security be given by the Appealants in the Value of the Matter in Difference, with Costs and Damages, but Execution not to be staid.
See the present Charter, P. 375.
Our Judicatories in civil Actions are thus constituted. 1. All Actions under 10 £. Old Tenor, which may at present be about 20 s. Sterl. are at first Instance cognizable by a † Justice of Peace: 2. From thence lies Appeal to an inferior Court, or County Court of Common Pleas; this Court seems to be of no great * Consequence, and generally serves, without much Pleadings, only to transmit it to the Superior or Provincial Court, perhaps the most upright of any in our national Plantations or [Page 518] Colonies; all Actions not exceeding the Value as above, must originate in the Inferior Courts. 3. From the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, there is Appeal to a Superior or Provincial Court in their Circuits; this is also a Court of Oyer and Terminer in criminal Affairs: 4. From this Court there is a Review to the same Court of Judges, but of another Jury. 5. There lies a Privilege of petitioning the General Assembly, as a Court of Error, upon proper Allegations, to order a Rehearing before the same Superior Court: Perhaps a Court of Delegates would have sounded better.
The Courts of General Quarter Sessions, and Inferior Court of Common Pleas, are held at the same Place and Time, and according to the last general Appointment 1743, are as follows, per Counties,
- Suffolk
- At Boston. First Tuesday of January, April, July, and October.
- Essex
- Salem. Second Tuesday of July; last Tuesday in December. Newbury. Last Tuesday in September. Ipswich. Last Tuesday in March.
- Middlesex
- Cambridge. Third Tuesday in May. Charlestown. Second Tuesday in December and March. Concord. Last Tuesday in August.
- Hampshire
- Springfield. Third Tuesday in May, last Tuesday in August. Northampton. Second Tuesday in February [...]nd November.
- Worcester
- Worcester. First Tuesday in November and February, Second Tuesday in May, Third Tuesday in August.
- Plymouth
- Plymouth. First Tuesday in March, Third Tuesday in May, September, and December.
- Barnstable
- Barnstable. Last Tuesday in June, Third Tuesday in March, October, and January.
- [Page 519]Bristol
- Bristol. Second Tuesday in March, June, September and December.
- York
- York. First Tuesday of April, July, October and January. Falmouth. First Tuesday in October.
- Duke's-County
- Edgartown. First Tuesday in March, last Tuesday in October.
- Nantucket
- Sherburne. Last Tuesday in March, first Tuesday in October.
- Suffolk
- Boston. Third Tuesday in August and February.
- Essex
- Salem. Second Tuesday in November. Ipswich. Second Tuesday in May.
- Middlesex
- Cambridge. First Tuesday in August. Charlestown. Last Tuesday in January.
- Hampshire
- Springfield. Fourth Tuesday in September.
- Worcester
- Worcester. Third Tuesday in September.
- Plymouth
- Plymouth. Second Tuesday in July.
- Barnstable and Duke's County
- Barnstable. Third Tuesday in July.
- Bristol
- Bristol. Fourth Wednesday in October.
- York
- York. Third Wednesday in Ju [...].
By Act of Assembly, occasionally, but not statedly, the Times of the sitting of these several Courts are varied. And in general as these Courts may from Time to Time be varied by Acts of the Provincial General Assembly, the above is only a temporary Account.
The Juries never were appointed by the Sheriffs of the Counties, every Township of the County at a regularly called Town-Meeting, elected their Quota for the County; but as some evil, designing Men, upon particular Occasions, officiously attended these Township-Meetings, [Page 520] in Order to obtain a packt or partial Jury; lately the Jurors are by Lot, being partly by Chance, partly by Rotation. N. B. The Privilege of Juries, seems to give the People a Negative, even in the executive Part of the civil Government.
In each County the Governor and Council appoint one High Sheriff with a Power of deputizing, and any Number of Coroners.
The Judges of the several Courts, appoint the Clerks of their several Courts, but generally conform to the Recommendation from the Governor. N. B. Judges should be independent of, and in no Respect under the Direction of a King or of his Governor.
The other Civil Courts, some are appointed immediately by Charter; a Court for Probate of Wills, and granting of Administrations, which is vested in the Governor and Council; they appoint a Substitute called the Judge of Probate, with a Register or Clerk in each County, from which there lies an Appeal to the Ordinary, the Governor and Council. 2. In Time of War, a Court-Martial by Commission from the Governor with Consent of the Council, to exercise the Law-Martial upon any Inhabitants of the Province.— Some are by Commission from the Court and Boards in Great-Britain; 1. A Court of Vice-Admiralty, see P. 483. 2. A Justiciary Court of Admiralty for Trial of Pirates, &c. see P. 484. All these have occasionally been formerly mentioned.
Generally in all our Colonies, particularly in New England, People are much addicted to Quirks in the Law; a very ordinary Country Man in New-England is almost qualified for a Country-Attorney in England.
In each County, besides the civil Officers appointed by Governor and Council, and the Military or Militia Officers appointed by the Governor as Captain-General, there is a County-Treasurer and County-Register, or Recorder of Deeds or real Conveyances, these are chosen by a joint written Vote of the qualified Voters in each Township of the County, and sorted in the next subsequent Quarter [Page 521] Sessions for the County. The County-Treasurers yearly render and pass their Accounts with a Committee of the General Assembly.
Taxes and Valuations.
The Provincial Taxes of Massachusetts-Bay, consist of three Articles, Excise, Impost, and Rates.
1. Excise. By Act of Assembly, after Iune 29. 1748 for the Space of three Years (the Excise † is farmed for three Years) the following Duties, Old Tenor, shall be paid, being double of the former Excise.
- Every Gallon of Brandy, Rum, and other Spirits distilled, 2 s.
- Wine of all Sorts, 2 s.
- Every Hundred of Lemons or Oranges, 20 s.
- Limes, 8 s.
the Vender or Retailer to swear to the Account by him rendred to the Farmer; 20 per Ct. for Leakage to be allowed Duty free.—Penalty for retailing without License 12 £. toties quoties; Retailers are deemed such as sell smaller Quantities than a Quarter-Cask or 20 Gallons; the Taverners, Innholders, and other Retailers, are not to plead their License for vending in any other House, besides that wherein they dwell. Formerly the Collectors were chosen by the General Assembly, at present the Farmers are the Collectors.— Licenses are from the Quarter-Sessions of the County, by the Recommendation of the Select-Men of the Township, where the Taverner or Retailer lives— The Farmer is accountable to the Treasurer once every Year.
The Excise for three successive Years from 1748, is doubled, this with the Increase of our Rioting and Drunkenness, introduced partly by our idle military Expeditions; has increased the Revenue of Impost upon Liquors [Page 522] imported, and Excise upon Home Consu [...]on, but much to the Damage of private Families, [...] the Oeconomy of the Country in general.
The Impost and Excise of 1710, 1711, 1712, did not exceed a Sum of 7000 £. Old Tenor,
- 1715 Were estimated at 7000 £. Old Tenor,
- 1726 Impost 5,200 £. Excise 3,600 £.
- 1747 Excise, Impost, and Tunnage 17,616 £.
- 1748 33,480 £.
2. Impost and Tunnage by Act of Assembly Iune 1748 for one Year; Salt, Cotton-Wool, Provisions, the Growth and Produce of New-England, Prize Goods condemned in any Part of the Province, and Goods from Great-Britain, are exempted from Impost.
The Impost payable, is, Wines from the Western Islands per Pipe 4 £. Old Tenor
- Madera, and other Sorts
- 5 £.
- Rum per Hogshead of 100 Gallons
- 4 £.
- Sugar
- 2 s.
- Molasses
- 16 d.
- Tobacco
- 2 £.
- Logwood per Tun
- 3 s.
all other Goods 4 d. for every 20 s. Value.
Foreign Goods imported from other Places, than that of their Growth and Produce, to pay double Impost.
Upon reshipping for Exportation to be drawn back
- per Pipe of Western Islands Wine
- 3 £.
- Madera and other Sorts
- 3 £. 12 s.
- per Hogshead of Rum
- 3 £.
For Liquors allowed 12 pr. Ct. for Leakage, and decayed Liquors, or where two Thirds are leaked out, shall be accounted as Outs free of Duty—Stores may be allowed to the Master and Seamen, not exceeding 3 pr. Ct. of the Lading.
The general Impost Officer or Receiver may appoint Deputies in the Out-Ports; the general Impost-Officer his Salary is 200 £. Old Tenor, and to each Deputy in the Out-Ports not exceeding 40 £. Old Tenor per An. [Page 523] All Forfeitures are one half to the Province, and half to the Informer, the Informer's Part to bear the Charges of Suit—The Fee to the Impost-Officer for every single Entry is 2 s.—Masters of Vessels to report their Vessels and Cargoes, within the Space of 24 Hours.
All Vessels not belonging to Great-Britain, Pennsylvania, East and West Iersies, New-York, Connecticut, New-Hampshire, and Rhode-Island; or any Part of a Vessel not belonging as above, shall pay every Voyage, a Po [...]d of good Pistol Powder per Tun, called Tunnage.
The naval Officer is not to give Letpasses, to any Vessel outward bound, 'till Impost and Tunnage is certified as paid.
3. Rates are Taxes upon Polls and Estates; Polls are all white Men of 16 Aet. and upwards; Estates are real, personal, and Faculty, or Income arising from their Trade and Business.
At the Commencement of the new Charter, the Taxation was by — Number of Rates, a single Rate was 12 d. Pol, and 1 d. upon 20 s. Principal Estate, six Years Income of Estate Real, Personal and Faculty, is deemed as the Principal. Anno 1692, to pay off Sir William Phipp's unsuccessful Canada Expedition, a Tax of 10 s. Poll, and one Quarter Value (is 5 s. in the Pound) of one Years Income of Estate, Real, Personal and Faculty, was computed to raise 30,000 £. † At this Time the Poll is generally 3 d. upon every 1000 £. Rate, and for every 12 d. Poll, 1 d. Rate.
[Page 524]Assessors are to estimate Houses and Lands at six Years Income, as they are or may be let, Negro, Indian and Molatto Slaves, proportionably as other personal Estate, an Ox of four Years old and upwards at 8 £. Old Tenor, a Cow of three Years old and upwards at 6 £. a Horse or Mare of thee Years old and upwards at 8 £. a Swine of one Year old and upwards at 32 s. a Sheep or Goat of one Year old and upward at 12 s.
As Townships, in like Manner as private Persons in Process of Time, do alter their Circumstances; for the more equal Adjustment of their Quota's of Tax [...] there is after a Number of Years (generally once in seven Years) a Lustration or Census, called a Valuation, made throughout the Province; there is Anno 1749, a Valuation on Foot, last Valuation was 1742, there were Valuations 1734, 1728, &c. we shall here insert the Valuations of each County, and of some of the Townships the highest and the lowest valued, as a Sample of the whole; being their Proportions in every 1000 £. Rate.
Before 1728 | Since 1742, | Before 1728, | Since 1742. | |
An. 1734. | ||||
Counties of Suffolk 287 | 268 | Boston 185 | 173 | 180 |
Essex 198 | 196 | Salem 27 | 28 | 30 |
Middles 171 | 138 | Ipswich 26 | 28 | 27 |
Hampsh. 55 | 54 | Newbury 22 | 23 | 26 |
Plymouth 77 | 79 | Marbleh. 20 | 20 | 19 |
Bristol 95 | 96 | Charl [...]st. 17 | 19 | 13 |
Burnst. 56 | 42 | Dartm. 16 | 14 | 15 |
York 37 | 53 | Hadley 5 | 5 & half | 5 |
Duke's-County 11 | 6 | Stow 3 | 3 | 2 half |
Nantucket 13 | 6 | B [...]llingham | 2 | 1 |
Worc [...]ster | 60 | Townshend | half |
Worchester, July 10. 1731, was taken out of the Counties of Suffolk, Middlesex, and Hampshire.
The Assessors may abate or multiply upon particular Rates, so as to make up the Sum set upon each Town or District.
The Exempted from Polls and Rates, are, The Governor, Lieut.-Governor, and their Families; the President, [Page 525] Fellows, and Students of Harvard-College; settled Ministers, and Grammar School-Masters; and Persons by Age, Infirmities, and extream Poverty, to be deemed as Invalids.
Taxes may be paid, not only in publick Bills emitted, but in certain Species * of Goods, formerly called Stock in the Treasury; but as these Goods are receivable in the Treasury, at a Value not exceeding half their Market-Price, it cannot be supposed, that these Goods will be brought into the Treasury: These Goods are coined Silver and Gold, merchantable Hemp, merchantable Isle of Sable Cod-Fish, Bar Iron, Bloomery Iron, Hollow Iron Ware, Indian Corn, Winter Rye, Winter Wheat, Barley, Barrel Pork, Barrel Beef, Duck, Long Whale Bone, Merchantable Cordage, Train Oil, Bees Wax, Bayberry Wax, tried Tallow, Pease, Sheeps Wool, and tanned Sole-Leather.
The Ways and Means are apparently very easy, but in Consequence ruinous, being only a Manufacture of publick Bills of Credit, without Limitation of Quantity, not incumbred with any Interest, and not to be redeemed till after many Years; that Strangers may have a distinct View of our depreciating Oeconomy, I shall annex a Table of our present Currency in Bills, which is our only Fund, as they stood Christmas 1748. The lateral left Hand Column, is the Times when they were emitted, the Top Line is the Periods at which they are redeemable.
[Page 526]
Emitted. | To be drawn in by Rates, to be cancelled. | |||||||||||||
£ | 1748 | 1749 | 1750 | 1751 | 1752 | 1753 | 1754 | 1755 | 1756 | 1757 | 1758 | 1759 | 1760 | |
1745 Feb▪ | 200000 | 82800 | ||||||||||||
** April | 200000 | 100000 | 100000 | |||||||||||
‡ Iuly | 280000 | 135200 | 135200 | |||||||||||
August | 280000 | 140000 | 140000 | |||||||||||
Decemb | 2000 [...] | 100000 | 100000 | |||||||||||
1746 Mar | [...]8000 [...] | 40000 | 40000 | |||||||||||
‖ Iune | 328000 | 80000 | 80000 | 80000 | 80000 | |||||||||
Iuly | 100000 | 25000 | 25000 | 25000 | 25000 | |||||||||
August | 80000 | 40000 | 40000 | |||||||||||
* Sept. | 40000 | 20000 | ||||||||||||
Nov. | 80800 | 20200 | 20200 | 20200 | 20200 | |||||||||
1747 † Feb | 32800 | |||||||||||||
‡ April | 80000 | 39000 | ||||||||||||
Iune | 32000 | 32000 | ||||||||||||
Oct [...]ber | 136000 | 136000 | ||||||||||||
1748 Feb. | 100000 | 100000 | ||||||||||||
Iune | 400000 | 400000 | ||||||||||||
Total | ‖409800 | 540000 | 140000 | 135200 | 135200 | 140000 | 140000 | 140000 | 140000 | 125200 | 125200 | 125200 | 125000 |
[Page 527]This Table is reduced to Old Tenor, because our current Way of computing is by Old Tenor, the Denominations of Middle Tenor and New Tenor, are too whimsical and captious to take Place. Thus the Debt of the Province, exeunte 1748 was 2,466,712 £. contracted in the Space of four Years, by projecting whimsical Expeditions ( lucrative to the Projectors, but pernicious to the Province) from certain Applications, not rejected at Home by the Ministry, because the Populace are pleased and amused with Expeditions.
There must be a considerable Addition to the Taxes of every Year, subsequent to 1748, for the annual Charges of Government.
The cancelling of Bills each Year is by four different Funds; thus the Sum of £. 415,512 Bills Old Tenor, is brought in
- By Excise, Impost and Tunnage
- £. 33,480
- Fines of Townships delinquent in Representatives
- 360
- Polls and Rates
- 364,000
- Townships Tax for Representatives of last Year
- 17,672
- Total
- 415,512
The Town of Boston paid of that Year's Tax £. 65,520
Our annual Supplies or Appropriations are in sundry Articles; thus of the 400,000 £. Old Tenor Emission, Anno 1748.
- For Garrisons, armed Vessels, Forces upon the Eastern and Western Frontiers
- £. 160000
- Warlike Stores and Commissaries Disbursments
- 136000
- Allowances and Grants
- 72000
- Expended where no Establishment
- 12000
- Contingencies
- 2000
- Representatives Wages
- 18000
- Total
- £. 400
[Page 528] Not long since there were extra (immensly chargeable) Articles of Expeditions to Cape-Breton, Canada, &c. *
- Emitted by Massachusetts Bay
- £ 2,466,712
- Connecticut about
- 281,000
- Rhode-Island about
- 550,000
- New Hamps [...]ire about
- 450,000
Thus the present depreciated (10 for 1 St. in round Numbers) New England Paper Currency is about £. 3▪ 748,000.
The Parliament Reimbursements on Account of the Reduction of Louisbourg, when received will cancel
- to Massachusetts-Bay
- about £. 1,836,490
- Connecticut
- 280,000
- Rhode-Island
- 63,000
- New-Hampshire
- 163,000
- £. 2,342,490
there will remain about £. 1,405,000 New-England Currency▪ to this must be added about 5 per Cent. deducted from the Reimbursement Money for Charges of receiving and transmitting about £. 117,000 is nearly one million and a half remaining Currency.
Connecticut (that Colony is managed by Men of Wisdom and Probity) has not much more outstanding publick Bills of Credit, than their Reimbursement Grant from the Parliament may redeem.
New-Hampshire has about £. 450000 old Tenor Value; their Reimbursement, may sink in round Numbers, about £. 150,000▪ there will remain about £. 300,000. About one third of the whole was lent to the Inhabitants upon Mortgages to the Government at a long Period; the Remainder excepting some small Sums for Charges of Government was issued toward [...] [...] late abortive Canada Expedition, and has no other Fund for drawing [...]t in again, besides some Expectations of being reimbursed the Canada Expedition Charges.
Rhode Island may have about £. 550,000 old Tenor, whereof £. 75,000 will be sunk by Bills of Exchange drawn on their Agent▪ on Account of the Canada Expedition; £. 60,000 will be sunk by the [...] Reimb [...]s [...]ment; there will remain about £. 415.000 lent upon [...] Periods, reaching so far as Anno 1763) to the Gover [...]ent.
In Gratitude, we ought not to forget the compassionate Goodness of the Parliament of Great Britain, the Parent of all our Colonies. The Expences of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, in taking, repairing and [Page 529] securing of Louisbourg on Cape-Breton, till May 1746, when his Majesty's regular Troops arrived there to defend it, amounted to 261,700 £. New Tenor Paper New-England Currency, which according to the Exchange of that Time, amounted to 183,649 £. Sterl.; but when the Accounts were sent Home, our Currency was so much depreciated, that the 261,700 £. New Tenor, was in Value equal only to 104,680 £. Sterl.; making a difference of 78,969 £. Sterl. This produced a Question at Court and in Parliament; whether the said Province, ought to be paid a Sterling Sum, equal in Value, to the Sum in Bills of Credit, expended upon the Expedition, according to the Value of these Bills at the Time the Expence was contracted, or only a Sterling Sum, equal to the Value of these Bills in their present depreciated State? In Goodness they determined according to the favourable Side of the Question, and allowed us the full Sum of 183,649 £. Sterl.
Number of Inhabitants, Produce, Manufactures, Trade and Miscellanies.
Instead of imaginary Estimates, I conceived it might be of better Credence to adduce loose Records and publick Accounts of Things.
Before I proceed, I must make this general Remark; that our Forwardness towards Expeditions may have occasioned the Court of Great-Britain to deem us self-sufficient; from 1739 to 1749 in the Spanish and French War, Great-Britain sent us only the Success a sixth Rate Man of War for a few Months, whereas in Time [...] of the profoundest Peace we had a constant Station Man of War from Great-Britain. Our Provincial armed Vessels at a great Charge, besides their serving as Tenders to the British Squadrons in the Affair of Cape-Breton, their only Service seems to have been the easy Capture of a French Privateer Sloop Capt. De la Brotz, no Man killed on either Side; the Fault was not in New-Englan [...] Men (they are always forward in Service) but in the Management perhaps.
[Page 530] Anno 1656, we had three Regiments Militia, Suffolk, Middlesex, and Essex; Anno 1671, three more Regiments were formed, viz. Norfolk or Piscataqua, Yorkshire or Province of Main, and Hampshire upon Connecticut River; Piscataqua Regiment is now in the Province of New-Hampshire, the other two continue undivided large Regiments (perhaps Yorkshire Regiment has lately been divided) Anno 1748, Hampshire Regiment Col. Stoddard was about 2600, York Regiment Sir William Pepperrell 2755, these with Boston Regiment Col. Wendell of 2500 Men, are large enough to be subdivided into Battallion [...].
Anno 1706, the Militia of Massachusetts-Bay in their Address to the Queen call themselves 12 Regiments.
Anno 1711, Admiral Walker upon the Canada Expedition, demanded of the Government of Massachusetts-Bay, a Supply of Sailors; the Governor and Council represented, that their ordinary Garrisons, Forces upon the inland Frontiers, and Men detached for the Canada Expedition, were upwards of 2000 Men, which are more than one fifth of the fencible Men of the Province.
In the Spring Anno 1722, the Small Pox being over, by Order of the Select-Men, Mr. Salter made a Perlustration of the Town of Boston; he reported 10,670 Souls, this Small-Pox Time 5980 Persons were seized with this Distemper, whereof 844 died, and about the same Number fled from Boston; thus we may estimate about 12,000 People in Boston at the Arrival of the Small-Pox. After twenty Years Anno 1742, by a new Valuation there were reported 16,382 Souls in Boston, add to these some Men lately gone upon the Cuba Expedition, several Sons and Apprentices designedly overlooked to ease the Quota of Boston's Provincial Tax, we may reckon about 18000 Inhabitants at that Time; thus in the Space of 20 Years from 1722 to 1742 Boston Inhabitants had increased one third or 6000. Taking this in another View; An 1720 a Year of middling Health and immediately preceeding the Small-Pox, the Burials in Boston yere nearly 345; by Philosophical and Political [Page 531] Arithmeticians it is estimated that in a healthful Country (such is Boston) one † in 35 dies per A [...]. is nearly 12000 Inhabitants; Anno 1742, a Year of middling Health in Boston, were buried about 515 by 35, makes nearly 18000 Inhabitants. In the Valuation of 1742, of those in Boston were 1200 Widows, 1000 of them poor; in the Alms-House 111, in the Work-House 36, Negroes 1514; Dwelling-Houses 1719, Ware-Houses 166, Horses 418, Cows 141.
1722 Governor Shute returned to England, in his Report to the Board of Trade and Plantations, he says, That in the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, were 94,000 People, whereof 15000 were in the training List (the Alarm List Males from 16 Aet. and upwards, is about one Third more than the Training List, because many are excused from Impresses and Quarterly Trainings) disposed into 16 Regiments of Foot, and 15 Troops of Horse. About 25000 Tun of Shipping in the two Collections of Boston and Sal [...] at that Time.
In the Valuation of Anno 1728, for Boston were about 3000 rateable Polls, Males from 16 Aet. and upwards, which is nearly the same with the Alarm List: For Instance, Anno 1735 the rateable Polls in Boston were 3637; Anno 1733 the Alarm List was about 3500, which allowing for two Years increases is nearly the same. N. B. About this Time, Capt. Watson, one of the Assessors in Curiosity, examined the Books, he found the Church of England People charged not exceeding one Tenth of the Rates or Taxes in the Town of Boston.
1735 The Provincial Valuation was 35,427 Polls (white Men of 16 Aetat. and upwards) 2600 Negroes, 27,420 Horse Kind of 3 Years old and upwards, 52,000 Neat Cattle of 3 to 4 Years old and upwards, 130,001 Sheep of one Year old and upwards.
1742, In the Valuation were 41,000 white Men's Polls.
[Page 532]1749, A Valuation is on Foot but not finished; here will be considerable Deductions. 1. Trade much decayed, and Taxes insupportably high has obliged many to leave the Province. 2. Men annexed to New-Hampshire and Rhode-Island. 3. Deaths occasioned by the Cape-Breton Expedition. 4. Lost in the Minas of Nova-Scotia French Massacre. 5. Killed and captivated upon our Frontiers by the French and Indians.
1747, The House of Representatives in a Message to the Governor, say, that 3000 is about one Twelfth of our sencible Men.
As by Charter the General Assembly of the Province is impowered to create Judicatories for trying all Cases civil or criminal, capital or not capital; accordingly by Act of Assembly in the Beginning of the French War, August 1744; the Commanders in chief, may at any Time call a Court Martial, which for Mutiny or Desertion may inflict Death.
Although in Succession of Years, Things vary much; we shall for the Information of the Curious of after Times, insert the present Oeconomy of our Officers civil, Land Military, and Sea Military. N. B. Exchange being 10 to 11, New-England Old Tenor Currency for One Sterl.
Allowances Old Tenor to Civil Officers for 1748.
- To t [...]e Governor
- £. 9,600
- Secretary with Extra's
- 800
- 5 Judges of Superior Court
- 4000
- Treasurer with Extra's
- 1400
- Commissary with Extra's
- 1600
- President of College
- 1400
- Professor of Divinity
- 300
- Clerk to Representatives
- 480
- Door-Keeper
- 320
- Two Chaplains
- 80
[Page 533]
£. | s. | |
To the Lieut.-General per Month | 60 | |
Colonel | 48 | |
Lieut.-Colonel | 40 | |
Major | 34 | |
Captain of 40 to 50 Men | 18 | |
Lieutenant | 12 | |
Second Lieutenant or Ensign | 8 | |
Adjutant General | 18 | |
Adjutant to a Regiment | 12 | |
Sergeant | 6 | 8 |
Corporal | 5 | 12 |
Clerk | 6 | 8 |
Quarter-Master General | 16 | |
Surgeon-General | 28 | |
Surgeon of a Regiment | 25 | |
Surgeon's Mate | 18 | |
Drum Major | 6 | 8 |
Common Drum | 5 | 12 |
Chaplain | 24 | |
Armourer of a Regiment | 10 | |
Commissary of ditto | 12 | |
Three Thousand Centinels each | 5 |
- To the First Captain per Month.
- £. 36
- Engineer
- 34
- Second Captain
- 20
- First Lieutenant
- 16
- Three Lieutenants, each
- 8
- First Bombardier
- 34
- Three, Ditto, each
- 8
- Four Assistants, each
- 8
- Thirty Gunners, each
- 8
The Artificers for the Train were 12 House-Carpenters, and 4 Ship-Carpenters, commanded by Capt. Barnard.
[Page 534]The General was allowed 2000 £. for extraordinary contingent Services, to be accounted for.
The Encouragement to private Men for inlisting was 4 £. Bounty, one Month's Advance Wages, a Blanket, 20 s. Subsistence which was afterwards advanced to 30 s. pe [...] Week their Firelocks to be deducted out of their Wages.
By Sollicitation from hence, Orders came from Home to raise two Regiments of 1000 Men regular Troops each for Louisbourg Garrison; but by a good Providence in Favour of the Country, they never could be rendred effective, and probably upon Louisbourg's being evacuated, these Men may return to their Labour, for the Benefit of this Country.
£. | s. | |
To the Captain per Month | 22 | |
Lieutenant | 14 | 8 |
Master | 12 | 8 |
Surgeon | 12 | 8 |
Chaplain | 12 | 8 |
Gunner | 10 | |
Boatswain | 10 | |
Mate | 10 | |
Boatswain's Mate | 9 | |
Steward | 9 | |
Cook | 9 | |
Gunner's Mate | 9 | |
Pilot | 11 | 4 |
Carpenter | 11 | |
Cooper | 9 | |
Armourer | 9 | |
Coxswain | 9 | |
Quarter-Master | 9 | |
Midshipmen | 10 | 10 |
Common Sailors | 8 |
N. B. Anno 1745 in the Time of the Cape-Breton Expedition, [Page 535] Exchange with London was 7 and half for one▪ afterwards as our Currency depreciated, Sailors could not be got at these nominal Wages, and a common Sailor's Wages was set at 10 £. per Month.— In the Winter Months when our armed Vessels are laid up, the Captain, Gunner, Boatswain, and three common Sailors only are kept.—Our inland Frontier Summer Forces (in Time of War) are reduced to one Third of their Compliment in Winter.
Anno 1743 the Year preceeding the French and Indian War, our Military Charges were very small.
- Castle William in Boston Bay
- 40 Men.
- Richmond Fort on Quenebec River
- 10 Men.
- Brunswick Fort on Amarescogin River
- 6 Men.
- Pemaquid Fort East of Sagadahock
- 6 Men.
- St. George's Fort near Penob [...]cot
- 13 Men.
- Saco River Fort
- 13 Men.
- Fort Dummer on Connecticut River
- 16 Men.
- Province Store-Sloop
- 10 Men.
- 114 Men.
The Parties in Massachusetts-Bay at present, are not the Loyal and Iacobite, the Governor and Country, Whig and Tory, or any religious Sectary Denominations; but the Debtors and the Creditors. The Debtor Side has had the Ascendent ever since Anno 1741, to the almost utter Ruin of the Country.
Our late bad Oeconomy is very notorious; for Instance, Anno 1725, Castle William in Boston Harbour was victualled at 7 s. per Man, per Week; Anno 1748, Victualling was 38 s. per Week, because of Depreciations. By Expeditions, we lost many of our labouring young Men; this made Labour so dear, that in Produce or Manufacture any Country can undersell us at a Market.
For many Years, in the Land Service, the Allowance [Page 536] of Provisions to each Man was; Garrison Allowance 1 l. Bread per Day, half Pint Pease per Day, 2 l. Pork for three Days, 1 Gallon Molasses for 42 Days; Marching Allowances per Day, 1 l. Bread, 1 l. Pork, 1 Gill Rum. A Centinel or private Soldier's Pay per Month was Anno 1742, 30 s. Old Tenor, Anno 1744, at the breaking out of the French and Indian War, it was advanced to 5 £. Anno 1747, 6 £. 5 s. Anno 1748, 8 £.: A Captain's Wages were double, and the other Officers in Proportion.
The Encouragement for Privateers commissioned by the Governor, was 10 £. Old Tenor per Head, for each Enemy killed or taken Prisoner; and Captures made by the Provincial armed Vessels were to be distributed, to the Captain 2 Eighths, to the Lieutenant and Master 1 Eighth, to the Warrant Officers 1 Eighth, to the Petty Officers 1 Eighth, to the common Sailors 3 Eighths; aboard the Provincial Privateers, the victualling Allowance was to each Man per Week, Bread 7 l. Beer 7 Gallons, Beef 3 l. Pork 4 l. Pease 1 Quart, Indian Corn 1 Pint.
The Captains are to make up their Muster Rolls, and the Commissaries their Accounts before the Men are paid off.
The Alacrity of the New-England Militia may be observed, by the Alarm from d' Anville's Brest French Squadron, End of September 1746; in a very short time 6400 Men from the Country well armed, appeared in Boston Common, some of them ( v. g. from Brookfield) travelled 70 Miles in two Days, each with a Pack (in which was Provision for 14 Days) of about a Bushel Corn Weight: Connecticut was to have sent us 6000 Men, being one half of their training List; these Men were paid by the Province for their Travel and Attendance.
This Section concerning the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, is swelled so much, that some Heads in common to all New-England, shall be deferred to the following New-England Section, and at present only mention
[Page 537] Timber of many Sorts. Many Kinds of Pine Trees, whereof the principal are the White Pine a beautiful Tree of the best Use for Masting, and Joi [...]ers Work; and the Pitch Pine the Mother of Turpentine, Tar, Pitch, Oil of Turpentine and Rozin. Various Kinds of Oaks, the Principal for Ship-Building and other Constructions, are the White Oak the best, the Swamp Oak, and the Black Oak.
† Grain of various Sorts, scarce any of them are Natives or spontaneous. Indian Corn is the Principal, Rye thrives tolerably, as do likewise Phaseoli or Kidney Beans of several Sorts, called Indian or French Beans; all the Varieties of English Grain are sown, but do not grow kindly. Apples are very natural to the Soil and Climate, Flax grows well, and lately the People from the North of Ireland have improved the Fabrick of Linnen, and all other Spinning-Work. The Soil seems not strong enough for Hemp, many Trials have been made.
Fishery, see P. 294; Whaling, I mean Fish-Oil and Whale-Bone have at present * failed us much, and our Cod-Fishing; Fishing Scooners are not half so many as a few Years since; Anno 1748 only [...] [...]ishing Scooners at Marblehead
- Cape-Anne
- 20
- Salem
- 8
- Ipswich
- 6
Those Scooners of about 50 Tun, fish in deep Water (the deeper the Water, the larger and firmer are the Cod) [Page 538] seven Hands to each Scooner, Communibus Annis, they make 600 Quintals per Scooner; generally five Fares a Year, two Fares are to the Banks of th [...] Island of Sable, the other three Fares are to Banquero, and to the other Banks along the Cape-Sable Shore. The merchantable dry Cod are carried to the Markets of Spain, Portugal, and Italy; the Refuse Cod are shipt off for the West-India Islands to feed the Negro Slaves. Concerning the small Fish, see P. 303. A Sturgeon-Fishery in the several Branches of Sagad [...] some Years since was encouraged by a Society of [...]shmongers in London, but from the Mismanagement of the Undertakers, especially as to proper Vinegar, it turned to no Account, and was neglected ever since Mr. Dummer's Indian War.
Our Provincial Stores in the Truck-Houses for Indian Trade has always been very small; Anno 1746 when the Indian Trade ceased because of the War; the Commissary for that Trade, reported that he was accountable to the Province for a Ballance 13,324 l. 6 s. 4 d. Old Tenor, in his Hands. In New-England, Beaver, other Furs, and Deer Skins, are become so inconsiderable, they are scarce to be reckoned an Article in our Trade, see P. 176.
To give a general View of the Navigation of Massachusetts-Bay, we may observe, that in this Province are two Collections or Custom-Houses, Boston and Salem. At Boston Custom-House, from their Quarterly Accounts, Christmas 1747 to Christmas 1748, foreign Vessels cleared out 540 entred in 430; about 10 Years ago nearly the same Number: From the Quarterly Accounts of Boston District Naval-Office, on foreign Voyages Michaelm [...]s 1747 to Michaelmas 1748, cleared out 491 Vessels, viz.
- Ships
- 51
- Snows
- 44
- Brigs
- 54
- Sloops
- 249
- Scooners
- 93
- 491
Exclusive of Fishing and Coasting Vessels of the Provinces and Colonies of Massachusetts-Bay, New-Hampshire, [Page 539] Connecticut and Rhode-Island. This Custom-House returns Communibus Annis, 200 £. Sterl. for Greenwich Hospital.
Salem Collection includes the Ports of Salem, Marblehead, Cape-Anne, Ipswich, and Newbury. N. B. By a Mistake P. 456, Newbury was said to be a Branch of the Collection of New-Hampshire. From the Custom House quarterly Accounts of Salem, from Michaelmas 1747 to Michaelmas 1748, cleared out Vessels upon foreign Voyages 131, entred in 96; viz.
- Cleared Out, Ships
- 4
- Snows
- 12
- Brigs
- 21
- Sloops
- 31
- Scooners
- 63
- 131
- Entred In, Ships
- 1
- Snows
- 11
- Brigs
- 11
- Sloops
- 18
- Scooners
- 55
- 96
In which were shipt off to Europe 32,000 Quintals of dry Cod-Fish, to West-India Islands 3070 Hogsheads (at 6 to 7 Quintals Refuse Cod-Fish per Hogshead) for Negro Provision. New-England ships off no pickled Cod-Fish.
Mr. Blanchandin in Anno 1721 of the Custom-House District of Salem, says, That in the Course of several Years preceeding, Communibus Annis, he cleared out about 80 Vessels upon foreign Voyages per An.
Ship-Building is one of the greatest Articles of our Trade and Manufacture; it imploys and maintains above 30 several Denominations of Tradesmen and Artificers; but as in all other Articles, so in this more particularly for a few late Years this Country has the Symptoms of a galloping (a vulgar Expression) Consumption, not so desperate but by the Administration of a skilful Physician, it may recover an Athletick State of Health; sublata causa tollitur effectus. I shall illustrate the gradual Decay of Ship-Building, by the Ship-Building in Boston, meaning Top-sail Vessels.
[Page 540]
Anno 1738 | on the Stocks | 41 | Vessels of 6324 Tun [...] |
1743 | 30 | ||
1746 | 20 | ||
1749 | 15 | 2450 |
As to the Decay of our Cod-Fishery, I shall only mention that Anno 1716 upon my first Arrival in New-England, by the Books of the two Custom-House Districts of Massachusetts-Bay were exported 120,384 Quintals, Anno 1748 exported about 53000 Quintals.
Rum is a considerable Article in our Manufactures. It is distilled from Molasses imported from the West India Islands; it has killed more Indians than the Wars and their Sicknesses, it does not spare white People, especially when made into Flip, which is Rum mixed with a foul small Beer, and the coursest of Muscovado Sugars; it is vented to all our Continent Colonies to greatAdvantage.
Hatts manufactured and exported to all our Colonies, is a considerable Article.
Iron is a considerable Article in our Manufactures; it consists of these general Branches. 1. † Smelting Furnaces, reducing the Ore into Pigs; having Coal enough and Appearances of Rock Ore, in Attleborough were erected at a great Charge three Furnaces; but the Ore proving bad and scarce, this Projection miscarried as to Pigs: They were of Use in casting of small Cannon for Ships of Letters of Marque, and in casting Cannon-Balls and Bombs toward the Reduction of Louisbourg. 2. Refineries, which manufacture Pigs imported from New-York, Pennsylvania and Maryland Furnaces, into Bar Iron. 3. Bloomeries, which from * Bog or Swamp Ore, without any Furnace, only by a Forge Hearth, reduce it [Page 541] into a Bloom or semiliquidated Lump to be beat into Bars, but much inferior to those from the Pigs or Refineries. 4. Swamp † Ore Furnaces, from that Ore smelted, they cast hollow Ware, which we can afford cheaper than from England or Holland.
Oil of Turpentine distilled from the New-England Turpentine, which yields the most and best Oil; and from Carolina Turpentine; as also Rosin or its Residuum, we defer to a Digression concerning Naval Stores in the New-Hampshire Section.
Miscellanies. The Light-House at the Entrance of Boston Harbour was erected Anno 1715, cost 2385 £. 17 s. 8 d. Currency. Light-House Money was 1 d. in, and 1 d. out, per Tun. Anno 1742 it was enacted at 2 d. Old Tenor in, and as much out per Tun, in foreign Voyages. Coasters from Canso in Nova-Scotia to North-Carolina 4 s. per Voyage.
In Castle William of the Harbour of Boston are 104 Cannon besides Mortars; whereof 20 Cannon of 42 lb. Ball, and 2 Mortars of 13 Inches Shell arrived Anno 1744, with all Stores excepting Gun-Powder, at the Charge of the Ordnance.
1711 Octob. 2. In Boston the Provincial Court-House, and senior Congregational Meeting-House, with many other good Houses were burnt down; 1747 Dec. 9. the Provincial Court-House was burnt, most of the Records in the Secretary's Office were consumed; the County Records of Land Conveyances were saved.
There is a publick Grainery in Boston, for supplying poor Families with small Parcels of Grain and Meal, at 10 per Cent Advance, for Charg [...]s and Waste; this Grainery is sufficient for 10 to 12,000 Bushels Grain at a Time.
[Page 542]In New-England the People are generally Congregationalists. Many of the Congregational Churches have laid aside publick Relations of their converting Experiences, which formerly was required previous to the Admission of their Infant Progeny to Baptism, and of themselves to the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper; giving Satisfaction to the Minister, of their Faith and good Life is deemed sufficient. In Massachusetts Bay are 250 Congregational Churches, in Connecticut about 120, in New-Hampshire about 30; in Rhode-Island only 6 or 7, being generally Anabaptists, Quakers, and of some other Sectaries.
The several religious Societies in the Town of Boston, Anno 1749, are Three Churches of England, One North of Ireland Presbyterians, 9 Congregationalists, One French Hugonots, who by Length of Time have incorporated into the several English Congregations, and at present are no separate Body, and have lately sold their Church-Building to a Congregation of Mr. Whitefield's Disciples; Two Anabaptists, viz. One Original, and one Separatist, One Quaker Meeting very small, Whitefield's Separatist, and a Separatist of Separatists.
The Ability and Numbers in the several religious Societies in Boston, may be gathered from a Sunday's Contribution for Charity to the Poor of the Town much distressed by Want of Fire-Wood in the hard Winter Feb. 1740, 1, viz.
l. | s. | d. | l. | s. | d. | |||
Dr. Cutler | Church of Engl. | 72 | 14 | 2 | Mr. Welsteed | 58 | 0 | 0 |
Mr. Price | 134 | 10 | 0 | Mr. Hooper | 143 | 0 | 0 | |
Mr. Davenport | 133 | 3 | 3 | Mr. Foxcroft | 95 | 0 | 0 | |
FrenchChurch | 14 | 11 | 3 | |||||
Dr. Colman | 164 | 10 | 0 | Anabaptist | 14 | 2 | 0 | |
Dr. Sewall | 105 | 0 | 0 | Irish Meeting | 27 | 5 | 0 | |
Mr. Webb | 105 | 0 | 0 | Mr. Checkley | 72 | 12 | 0 | |
Mr. Gee | 71 | 10 | 5 | Mr. Byles | 40 | 2 | 0 |
Harvard-College * in Massachusetts-Bay.
Anno 1636, Winthrop Governor, Dudley Deputy-Governor, and Bellingham Treasurer; the General Assembly granted 400 £. towards a Collegiate School, but afterwards called a College; this was not then applied, it received the Addition of 779 l. 17 s. 2 d. a Donation bequeathed 1638 by Mr. Harvard, Minister of Charlestown, the Name of the College perpetuates his Memory; it is situated in a healthful Soil (not above one per Ct. of the Scholars die per Annum) formerly a District of Newtown, and constituted a Township by the Name of Cambridge. 1640 The Income of the Ferry between Boston and Charlestown was granted to the College: it is now Let at 600 £. New-England Currency, or 60 £. Sterl. per Annum, this Ferry is about three Miles from Cambridge.
Anno 1642, The General Assembly appointed Overseers of this College, viz. The Governor, Deputy [...]Governor, the Council called Magistrates, and the ordained Ministers of the six adjoining Towns of Cambridge, Watertown, Charlestown, Boston, Roxbury, and Dorchester.
Their Charter bears Date, May 31. 1650; the Corporation to consist of a President, five Fellows, and a Treasurer or Burser, to elect for Vacancies, and to make By-Laws; the Overseers have a Negative.
The College-Building consists of a Court built on three Sides, the Front being open to the Fields; the Building on the first Side was by a Contribution, 1672, through the whole Colony of 1895 l. 2 s. 9 d. whereof from Boston [Page 544] about 800 £. it was called by the former Name Harvard College; the Building on the Bottom Side was erected Anno 1699, at the Charge of Lieut.-Governor Stoughton, and is called Stoughton-College, consisting of 16 Chambers, Garret Chambers included; the third Side was built Anno 1720 at the Charge of the Province, and is called Massachusetts Hall, consisting of 32 Chambers. Besides this Court there is a [...]ouse for the President at some Distance from the Court, and at a small Distance behind the Harvard Side of the Court is a neat Chapel the Gift of Mrs. Holden of London, Widow of Mr. Holden a late Director of the Bank of England.
The Resident Instructors of Youth, are a President or Supervisor, four Tutors or Philosophy Professors, the Hollisian Professor of Divinity, the Hollisian Professor of natural and experimental Philosophy, and a Professor of Hebrew. The Income or Revenue of the College is * not sufficient to defray its Charge. Some of that Body have an additional Province Allowance; the ingenious and reverend Mr. Holyoke President, besides the Rents of the Building called Massachusetts Hall, was voted 1748 out of the Province Treasury 1400 £. Old Tenor; the Rev. Edward Wigglesworth, D. D. Hollisian Professor of Divinity, besides the 80 £. New England Currency the Hollis Donation, lately to prevent Depreciations, the Bonds at Interest, which are a Fund for these Hollis Salaries, are reduced to Specialties, and thereby become more in the present nominal Currency; he has Anno 1748 an additional Allowance of 300 £. Old Tenor. The Hollisian Professor of natural and experimental Philosophy, is upon the same Foo [...]ing and Salary with the Hollisian Professor of Divinity; though this Branch is the most useful of all Sciences; the present Incumbent, [Page 545] the ingenious and industrious (Observations and experimental Trials are Industry) Mr. Winthrop has no additional Provincial Allowance or Encouragement. The Professor of the Hebrew Language is Iudah Mo [...]is, formerly a Jew, and publickly christianized, or baptized, in the College-Hall, May 27. 1722: He has petitioned for a Provincial Allowance from Time to Time, but without Effect. The four Tutors commonly called Professors of Philosophy, have each from the Income of the College 300 to 400 £. Old Tenor per Annum, with some small Perquisites; there are about ten Hollisian poor Scholars at about 10 £. Old Tenor per Annum.
Several well-disposed Persons have from Time to Time forwarded the Affair of the College; besides the Grants from the Provincial General Court, and the Donations of Mr. Hollis and Hopkins.
This Seminary at first consisted of a Preceptor, two Ushers, and a Treasurer, Mr. Eaton was the first Preceptor, he was a Man of Learning, too severe in his Discipline; the General Assembly dismissed him, and Mr. Dunster * was appointed President Anno 1640, being an Anabaptist (a Sect at that Time hated in New-England) he was advised to resign 1654. Mr. Chauncy, Minister of Scituate, formerly a Church of England Minister, succeeded him, and died 1671, Aet. 82. He was succeeded by Hoar, a Doctor of Physick from the University of Cambridge in Old England; in his Time the Scholars † deserted the College, and he resigned 1675. He was succeeded by Urian Oakes, a Man of good Accomplishments [...]nd Minister of Cambridge, he died 1681. Was succeeded by Mr. Rogers of Ipswich, Physician, he died 1684. Was succeeded by Mr. Increase Mather, he was [Page 546] President or Rector * for about 20 Years; Mr. Mather, upon the Arrival of Governor Andros, went a Voluntier Agent to the Court of England, he left the College under the Direction of two Tutors Leverett and Brat [...]le; he came over to New-England 1692, in Company with the new Charter, and for his good Services at Home, had the Degree of a Doctor in Divinity conferred upon him, the first and sole Instance of a Doctor's Degree conferred in Harvard-Coll [...]ge: He was † Teacher of a Congregation in Boston, his Acquaintance with Mr. Hollis in London, followed by the Sollicitations of Benjamin Colman, D. D. a Minister in Boston, procured the generous Hollisi [...]n Donations. Dr. Mather was succeeded by Mr. Willard a Minister in Boston. This was succeeded by Mr. Leverett a Judge in the Superior Court, and afterwards a worthy and most deserving President of this College, his Salary from the Province was 150 £. per Annum, he died 1724. Was succeeded by Mr. Wadsworth a Minister of Boston, his too easy Discipline was faulted, he died 1737, and the Presidentship continued vacant some Time. The present President is the learned and ingenious Mr. Holyoke, a Minister from Marblehead.
Protestants of any Denomination may have their Children educated and graduated here. At Admission, the Scholars subscribe the College Laws: The Manner of this College, is, after 4 Year's Residence, they are admitted to a Batchelor's Degree in these Words. Admitto te ad primum Gradum in Artibus, pro More Academiarum in Anglia: After three Years more (Residence not required) they are admitted to the Degree of Master of Arts, in these Words, Admitto te ad secundum Gradum in Artibus, pro More Academiarum in Anglia. They generally [Page 547] become Ministers; the Proverbial Saying amongst some Strangers, that all the Men of Note in New-England have been Preachers, is not just. The publick Act of Commencement is on the first Wednesday of Iuly annually; they began to confer Academical Degrees Anno 1642, that Year nine Scholars commenced Batchelors; the greatest Commencement was Anno 1725 of forty-five Batchelors, in the Administration of Mr. Dummer; the College lately is upon the Decline, as are the servile Arts and Sciences, Anno 1746 only 12 Students commenced Batchelors.
Besides Provincial Grants and the Legacy of Mr. Harvard already mentioned, there have been many liberal Contributions towards the Revenue of the College, its Edifices, Library, experimental Philosophy Instruments, &c. which the Nature of a Summary does not require to be minutely related; I shall only mention the Donations of Hopkins, and Hollis and Holden; Samuel Sewall, Iohn Leverett, Thomas Fitch, and Daniel Oliver, Esqrs; a Committee of the Trustees appointed in his Majesty's Court of Chancery, to purchase Houses or Lands to perpetuate the Charity of Edward Hopkins, Esq purchased Province Lands now called Hopkinton Township of 22,-500 Acres, including a few peculiar Farms formerly granted. At a Meeting April 19. 1716; these Trustees agreed, that 12,500 Acres of the Lands should be laid out in Lots and leased at 3 d. New-England Currency per An. Quitrent per Acre for 99 Years, the Leases to commence March 25. 1723, and upon the Expiration of 99 Years, the Leases to be renewed from Time to Time, so as never to exceed 9 d. per Acre, and the Trustees to save the Termors or Tenants from paying any Provincial Tax, for three Quarters of their Lands; but by continued Depreciations of that pernicious Paper-Currency of New-England, the Value of these Lands was in a progressive sinking to the great Damage of the College, to check this the General Assembly ascertained those Rents to a Sterling Value; 1741, by Act of Assembly the [Page 548] Quitrents were converted into 1 d. Sterl. per Acre per Ann. until Anno 1823, and 3 d. Sterl. after, the Termors paying all the Provincial Taxes of these Lands; and to enable these Tenants to pay those Province Taxes, the common Lands (being about 8000 Acres) to be divided amongst them clear of any Quitrent.
Mr. Thomas Hollis of London Merchant, made a Donation of about 300 £. per An. New-England Currency, as Encouragement for a Professor of Divinity, for a Professor of natural and experimental Philosophy, and Exhibitions for the Education of poor Scholars, with some Allowance to the College-Treasurer for managing this Charity; Anno 1721 he had the Thanks of the General Assembly, for his Donations. He made an Addition of many valuable Books to the Library, gave an Apparatus for philosophical Experiments to the Value of 115 £. St. he sent Hebrew and Greek Types, he was a Benefactor to the Housatonick Indians.
Samuel Holden, Esq late Director of the Bank of England, bestowed Charities in New-England to the Value of 4,847 £. New-England Currency. His Widow and Daughters built a Chapel in Harvard-College, with other Benefactions to the Value of 5,585 £. New-England Currency.
Some Account of the Wars, or rather of the Incursions and Depredations of the Canada French and their Indians, against the Governments or People of New-England and Nova-Scotia, from the Revolution, Anno 1688 to Anno 1749.
As no Writer of Observation and Leisure, has hitherto given us a distinct Account of these Affairs; we offer this short History, referring the Reader to some previous Accounts mentioned in this Summary. See P. 160. We shall begin with some general Observations.
[Page 549]The Indians in their Transactions and Conferences, run much into Similitudes and Allegories. †
*The general Characters of our Indians, are to decline open Engagements; Bush fighting, or skulking is their Discipline; they are brave when engaged; great Fortitude in enduring Tortures and Death; Love of Liberty; Affection to their Relations, implacably revengeful; The Indians are the most implacably vindictive People upon Earth; they revenge the Death of a Relation or any great Affront, when Occasion presents, let the Distance of Time or Place be never so remote. inhumanely cruel; in all their Festivals and other Dances, they relate what Successes they have had, and what Damages they have received in their late Wars.
Every Nation or Tribe is an absolute Republick or strict Democracy; their chief Families have a kind of Succession as to Property, but in no other Respects; wise Conduct, Courage, and personal Strength, are the chief Recommendations for War Captains, &c. ‖
When the Indians break out, they seldom make any Onset [...]n large Bodies; but after a general Rendezvous, they divide into small skulking Parties; the whole Art of War amongst the Indians, is the managing of small Parties, and like carnivorous Beasts of the Forrest (the French with good Propriety term them Les hommes des Bois) commit Rapines and most cruel Murders without Regard to Age or Sex. †
* As formerly amongst the Israelites, so it is at present [Page 550] with our Indians, † he is a mighty Prince or Sagamore who leads 100 or 200 fighting Men. The Indians reckon it a bloody Battle where they lose 10 or 12 Men. Formerly their Instruments of War were Arrows and Darts, at present our neighbouring Indians use Fire-Arms, that is Muskets and Fuzils, a Hatchet, and long sharp-pointed Knives. ‖ Lately in Winter, in War Times, they do not travel, lest the English Scouts should trace them. All the Incursions and Rapines of the Indians are concerted, encouraged, and conducted by our perfidious Neighbours the French of Canada. †
The most successful Manner of managing a War against the Canada French and their Indians, is by scouting ‖ [Page 551] and ranging Parties further than our Frontiers; thus they are kept at a Distance from our Settlements, they are intimidated, and subjected to the Inconveniencies of Sickness, Hunger-starved, and Cold-starved by continued harassing.
This last French and Indian War, we have practised, the cantoning of our Frontier Forces in many small Parcels, and very little Scouting: But luckily the Indians were much reduced by former Wars, and by their Intemperance in the Use of Rum; and of the small Remainder some were called off by the Canada French to Crown-Point, and some to Nova Scotia: The only considerable Appearance of the French and Indians upon our Frontiers tiers this War, was in Summer 1746, Iune 19, a large Party appeared against No. 4, * upon Connecticut River, Capt. Stevens with 50 Men (doubtless private Property conduced to animate them) made a gallant and successful Defence against a large Party of the Enemy. August 19 a Party of the Enemy commanded by M. Riga [...]d de V [...]udre [...]ïl, appeared before Fort Massachusetts, the Garrison surrendred Prisoners to be relieved the first Opportunity; the Enemy plundered the Fort and burnt it; this Fort was by the Assembly designed and allowed to be the best supplied with Forces and Stores, because it flanks our Frontier, being in its N. W. Corner, and the [Page 552] nearest to Crown-Point French Fort; in Massachusetts Fort were only 3 Women, 5 Children, 22 Men, whereof only eight were in Health, a Serjeant was the commanding Officer, they were short of Ammunition, had only remaining three or four Pounds of Powder and as much Lead. The Design of a Barrier against the Canada French and Indians, perhaps would have better been answered by four strong Places well fitted, viz. One on Quenebec River, a little above Richmond Fort, another high up Nawichawanock or Salmon Falls River, a Third at the ‖ Crotch or Fork of Merrimack River, and the Fourth at No. 4, on Connecticut River; these Forts to serve as Places of Arms for Rendezvous, and as Magazines for Provisions and other Stores; 200 effective Men to be allowed to each of them (may be reinforced upon Occasion) not * impressed Men, excepting for occasional Reinforcements, but Voluntiers in good Pay, with generous Scalp and Captive Premiums; one half of the Men alternately to be abroad in the Wilderness at a considerable advanced Distance from the Barrier, ranging and scouting; the other half to remain in Garrison. In this Situation offensive and defensive, no skulking Parties would venture to attempt our Settlements, and our Out-Plantations or Farms would uninterruptedly continue under Cultivation for the general Good of the Province, as well as for the private Interest of the Proprietors.
Besides the ordinary Forts of Georges, Pemaquid, Richmond, Saco, and Fort Dummer; there were additional new Forts or Block-Houses in the Western Parts, Fort Massachusetts, Pelham, Shirley, Colerain, Fall Town, Dinsdale, Northfield, Deerfield, Road Town, New Salem, Winchester, Lower Ashuelot, Upper Ashuelot, No. 4, Pequioag, Nashawog, Naraganset No. 2, Browns, Leominster, Lunenburg, [Page 553] Townshend, Groton, New Ipswich, Salem, Canada, Souhegan West, New-Hopkinton, Great Meadows, Contacook, Rumford, Suncook; in the Eastern Parts were Philips-Town, Berwick, Kittery, York, Wells, Arundel, Biddiford, Scarborough, Falmouth, Sacarippee, Naraganset No. 7 or Gorham's, New Marbleh [...]ad, North Yarmouth, Topsom, Wishcasset or Unksechuset, Rices of Charlemont, George-Town or Arrowsick, Wiscasset, Sheepscot, Damarascotti, and East Georges; being in all 56, generally insufficient Cantonments; whereof 15 are in another Province.
In the inland Frontiers many of the Out-Farm Houses have Jets in their Corners, with loop Holes for small Arms, and may be called Cazernes.
For the several Tribes of the New-England or Abnoqui Indians. ‖ In the late Wars with the English, by Cold and Hunger, by Sickness, and by immoderate Use of Spirits, these Indians decrease fast. It is true, that in the late Wars with the Indians, we lost more People than the Indians lost, because we had more People to lose, and because the Indians know better where to find us, than we know where to find them.
The Variety of Ensigns or Signatures of the Indians of North-America, are the Tortoise, Bear and Wolf.
We have given some Account † of the New-England Indian Wars or Incursions down to the Revolution, and from thence we now proceed. King William's Revolution in England was November 1688, in New-England the Revolution happened in April 1689; from that Time to Anno 1749 in Space of Sixty Years we have had 4 Indian Wars.
1. In the Administration of Governor Phipps and Lieutenant-Governor Stoughton from 1688 to Ianuary 7. 1698, 9.
2. Under Governor Dudley from August 10. 1703 to July 17. 1713.
[Page 554]3. Under Lieut.-Governor Dummer from July 25, 1722 to Dec. 15. 1725.
4. Under Governor Shirley from November 1744 to 1749.
We shall take no Notice of the Spanish War, which was proclaimed in London, Oct. 1739, and in Boston of New England April 1740, because it did not in the least affect our inland Frontier, nor our Sea-Coast; the Expedition against the Spanish West India Settlements commonly called the Cuba Expedition, ordered from Home, was a very great Disadvantage to our young Colonies of North America; the American Regiment, divided into four Battalions, consisting of about 3600 Men, whereof scarce any returned, depopulated our Plantations very much; of the 500 Men sent from Massachusetts-Bay, not exceeding 50 returned. The New-England Men composed the third Battalion, excepting the two Rhode-Island Companies that were incorporated into the first Battalion in Place of two North-Carolina Companies incorporated in the third Battalion. The several Colonies were at the Charge of Levy-Money, of Provisions, and of Transports for their respective Quotas; they were paid off or dismissed Oct. 24. 1742, and allowed to keep their Cloathing and Firelocks) The 500 Men from Massachusetts-Bay for the Cuba Expedition cost us about 37,500 £. Old Tenor, which at that Time was equal to 7000 £. St.
1. Phipps and Stoughton's Indian War. Anno 1688 [...] general War began to be hatched in Europe; and the Eastern Abnaquie Indians by Instigation of the Canada French, upon Pretence of the English encroaching upon their Lands and cheating them in Trade, became uneasy, and began an open Rupture by Depredations at North-Yarmouth and Sheepscot, when Governor Andros was in his other Government of New-York; Captives were made on both Sides; Andros upon his Return from New-York returned the Indian Prisoners, without receiving [Page 555] from the Indians the English which they had captivated. In the Spring 1689 at Quochecho in New Hampshire, [...] large Party of Indians killed Major Waldron and about 20 People more, they carried away about as many Captives; the preceding Winter Governor Andros with 1000 Men marched to the Eastern Parts and built small Forts at Pemaquid, Sheepscot and Pejepscot. Nov. 1689 our Army went into Winter-Quarters, and left Garrisons in Wells, York, Berwick, and Quochecho.
Anno 1690 Massachusetts-Bay sent 160 Men to Albany in New York Government for their Protection against the Canada French and Indians.
Anno 1692 Sir William Phipps with 450 Men marches to the Eastward, and built a good Fort at Pemaquid East of Quenebec River; in August 1696 at Pemaquid the French landed a few Men to join the Indians, Capt. Chub who had succeeded Capt. Church in the Command of the Fort with 95 Men double armed, basely surrendred, the French demolished the Fort; in this Fort were fourteen Cannon mounted, whereof six were eighteen Pounders.
Anno 1693 Iune 12, arrived at Boston, Sir Francis Wheeler's Squadron, fitted out to distress the French Colonie [...] in America, he made some vain Attempts upon Martinico and Guadaloupe. Pursuant to Instructions Sir Francis proposes to the Governor and Council, the attempting of Quebec in Canada, to sail by the beginning of Iuly with a Recruit of 4000 Men, and four Months Provisions; this could not be complied with upon so short Notice, the Squadron imported a malignant, ill-conditioned Fever, which destroyed many of our People, and sailed from Boston August 3, attempted Placentia of Newfoundland in vain; arrived in England October 13, with Hands scarce sufficient to bring the Ships Home. How inhumanly do Sovereignties play away their Men!
The Canada French not capa [...]le to supply the Indians, with Provisions and Ammunition, occasioned a Submission of the Penobscot, Quenebec, Amarescogin, and Saco Indians, by a Treaty at Pemaquid August 12. 1693; the [Page 556] Articles were, 1. To ab [...]ndon the French Interest. 2. To deliver all Captives. 3. A free Trade. In some short Time Canada received from France considerable Supplie [...] and the Canada French perswaded the Indians to break out again Iuly 18. 1694, by killing and captivating many of our People upon the Frontiers; and afterwards many Scuffles of no Consequence.
Anno 1697 A Squadron from France wa [...] designed to make a Descent upon New-England, but were dispersed in a Storm.
Soon after the French Peace of Reswick 1697, our Eastern Indians submitted Ian. 7. 1698, 9.
2. Dudley 's Indian War. About seven Weeks afte [...] an insiduous Congress at Casco, with the Pen [...]bscot, N [...] ridgwoag, Amerasconti, Pigwocket and Pen [...]cook Indians, August 10. 1703, M. Bobassier with about 500 Fr [...]nch and Indians in several Divisions, by Surprize invaded a Frontier of about 40 Miles Extent from Casco to Wells and York, and made a most barbarous Havock (a French Missionary Massacre) sparing neither Age nor Sex; about 200 Men, Women and Children were murdered. (The Assembly voted 40 £. Premium for each Indian Scalp or Captive; in the former War the Premium was 12 £.) This Massacre was soon after the Congress with the Indian Delegates in Iune 20. 1703, the Indians then mad [...] great Professions of Friendship, they received our Presents, Trading-Places and Price [...] of Commodities were agreed upon. All this War, the Five Nation [...] called New York Indians stand neuter, and by this Stratagem the Dutch of New York by Means of these Indians carried on an advantageous Trade with th [...] French of Canada.
Anno 1703, 4, Feb. 29, the French [...]nd Indians about 250, commanded by M. Arteïl made a most barbarous inhumane Incursion upon Deerfield; they killed about 60 Persons, captivated about 100 with Mr. Williams their Minister, of the Captives they killed at Times about 21, when unfit for Travel.
[Page 557] Anno 1704 Iune. Caleb Ly [...]an at Cowassuck on Connecticut River with 1 Englishman and 5 Mohegan Indians killed 8 Enemy Indians out of 9; our Assembly gave them a Reward of 31 £. Major Church with 550 Voluntiers visits Penobscot, Mount Desert, Pesamaquady and Minas of Nova Scotia, but made no Attempt upon Port-Royal; he brought away many Prisoners. M. Bo [...] c [...]re with 2 Missionaries, and 700 French and Indians designed an Incursion upon New-England, but from Differences amongst themselves they dispersed, some of them consorted and did Damage at Lancaster, Groton, Amesbury, Haverhill, Exeter, Oyster River, Dover, &c. In the Winter Col. Hilton with 270 Men visit [...] Noridgwoag, but found no Indian [...]. In the Winter Seasons the Indians do not so much Damage as formerly, the English having got into the Use of Raquettes or Snow Shoes. A French Privateer Shallop was cast away upon Plymouth Shore; a Store-Ship for Canada was taken by an English Virginia Fleet. The French from Placentia do Damage 1704 and 1705 in several English Harbour [...] in Newfoundland, * Capt. Crapoa in a French Privateer, carries 8 of our fishing Vessels to Port-Royal of Nova Scotia.
Anno 1706. The Indians do Damage at Oyster-River in April. In Iuly 270 French and Indians made Incursions at Dunstable, Amesbury, Kingston, Chelmsford, Exeter, Groton, Reading, and Sudbury. Capt. Rous with a Flag of Truce was sent to Port-Royal of Nova-Scotia to negotiate Prisoners; his Management was faulted. † Mr. Shelden was sent to Canada twice to redeem Captives. Col. Hilton with 220 Men ranges the Eastern Frontiers, and killed many Indians. About this Time the Premiums for Indian Scalps and Captives were advanced by Act of Assembly, viz. per Piece to impressed Men 10 £. to Voluntiers in Pay 20 £. to Voluntiers serving without Pay 50 £. with the Benefit of the Captives and Plunder.
Anno 1707, 8 March 13, from Boston sailed Col. Church [Page 558] with two New-England Regiments upon an Expedition against Port-Royal, Subercasse Governor, he returned re infecta. †
Anno 1708 in the Spring a Body of 800 French and Indians was formed, with Design to invade the inland Frontiers of New-England, but differing amongst themselve [...] they separated, 150 of them concerted and made an Incursion upon Haverhill, killed the Minister Mr. Rolf and many others. Col. Hilton with 170 Men visits Amarasconti and Pigwocket.
Anno 1709 In April and Iune, Deerfield was harrassed by 180 French and Indians commanded by M. Revel, Son in Law to M. Arteil. Col. Nicholson and Capt. Vetch at the Court of Great-Britain propose a Conquest of Canada by Sea and Land-Forces; † this in Appearance or Semblance was encouraged by the Court, and Instructions were sent to the several Provinces to furnish certain Quotas, to be cloathed, armed, and paid at a British Charge, but by political Management at Court, after a considerable Expence, this was dropt, and an Expedition against Port-Royal of Nova-Scotia was directed for the following Year. *
Anno 1711, near Exeter the Indians kill several People, Col. Hilton and others were killed, and some captivated: In Chelmsford Major Tyng and some others were killed; and Westward, some were killed at Marlborough, Brookfield, Simsbury, and Waterbury. In Winter Col. Walton ranges the Clambank Shores Eastward. The abortive Scheme for reducing Quebec and Placentia, consequently all Canada and Newfoundland, by an Expedition under General Hill and Admiral Walker. ‖ In April the Indians do Damage Eastward. We lost 20 fishing Vessels on the Cape-Sable Shore by the Negligence of our Guarda la Costas. Capt. Carver takes a French Privateer from Placentia of 45 Men. Upon the Frontiers of Virginia, [Page 559] the French and their Indians murder many Inhabitants.
Upon Advice of a Suspension of Arms between Great-Britain and France in Europe, the Indians applied for an Accommodation by Submission; accordingly at Portsmouth of New-Hampshire, July 11, 1713, the Indian Delegates had a Congress with the Commissioners of the New England Colonies; the Basis of the Submission was the Treaty at Penobscot, August 11. 1693. And that any Difference between a Briton and Indian, shall be issued in a British Court of Judicature; these Indians were called of the Rivers of St. Iohns, Penobs [...]ot, Quenebec, Amerescogin, Saco, and Merimack; Mauxis was their Chief.
3. Governor Shute and Lieut.-Governor Dummer's Indian War. * The Canada Missionaries 1717 perswaded the Indians, with Threatnings to claim some Lands settled by the English, this was compromised at Arrowsick in August. Anno 1719 The Indians were moved by the Canada French to renew the same Claims, but a small Scout of 60 Men, kept them in Awe. Anno 1720 The Indians were advised by the French to be more insolent, by killing of Cattle, and threatning the Lives of the Inhabitants; Col. Walton with 200 Men brought them to Submission, and received four Indian Hostages for their future good Behaviour. The Canada French continuing uneasy because of our enlarged Settlements, Anno 1721 M. Croizer from Canada, M. St. Casteen from Penobscot, Rolle and De la chasse French Missionaries with about 300 Indians, make a general Appearance at Arrowsick an Island of Sagadahock, threatning that if the English did not remove from the claimed Indian Lands in three Weeks, they would kill the People, burn the Houses, and destroy their Cattle; accordingly at Merry-meeting Bay of Quenebec River Iune 13. 1722, the Indians made a beginning and captivated Love, Hamilton, Hansard, Trescot [Page 560] and Edgar. July 5. 1722 in Boston these Indians were proclaimed Enemies and Rebels. Capt. Herman with a Scout killed several Indians upon Quenebec River. A Body of Indians at Arrowsick kill some People, burnt 60 Dwelling-Houses, and destroyed 50 Head of Cattle; they in vain attempted Richmond Fort upon Quenebec River, and St. Georges Fort near Penobscot; they seized an English Sloop at Pesamaquady, † in vain attempted Annapolis of Nova-Scotia, they surprized 16 of our fishing Vessels near Cans [...]. * Lovel with his scouting Party of Voluntiers was of great Service, but at last unfortunate. The great Havock of Indians by a large scouting Party made at Noridgwoag. ‖ At Noridgwoag a scouting Party some Time before this, seized some Letters from the Governor General of Canada to Missionary Ralle, exhorting all the French Missionaries, notwithstanding of the profound Peace between Great-Britain and France, to incite the Indians to act vigorously against the English. The Indians at Times did some small Damages upon our Frontiers; they invested Fort St. George near Penobscot, 30 Days without Success.
Anno 1723 August 21 arrived in Boston 63 Indians of the Six New York Nations, with a sham Proposal of Alliance against our Eastern Indians; their real Project wa [...] only to receive Present [...]; they returned Home without stipulating any Succours.
Anno 1723 Nov. 17 arrived in Boston a Message from the General of Canada, by Capt. Le Ronde Denie, and Lieut. de Ramsay de Troupes Marines. 1725 in Ianuary Col. Thaxter and Dudley from Massachusetts-Bay, and Mr. Atkinson from New-Hampshire set out with a Message to expostulate with the French Government of Canada, concerning their inciting and assisting of our rebellious Indians.
The Indians much harrassed by our frequent Scouts to Penobscot, Noridgwoag, White Hills, &c. and by our [Page 561] Rangers visiting their Carrying-Places, Clam-Bank [...], Fishing, Fowling, and Hunting Grounds; submitted to our own Term [...], † Boston, Dec. 25. 1725; which was afterwards ratified at Casc [...], Aug. 5. 1726. By this Indian War these Indians were so much reduced, that in the late French and Indian War from 1744 to 1749 we suffered very little upon our Frontiers. All the Supplies from 1720 to 1725 inclusive, did not exceed 242,000 £. whereof 10,000 £. Old Tenor per An. defrayed the ordinar [...] Charges of Government, a notoriou [...] Instance of Honesty, Frugality and good Management. The Forces were allowed per Week, 10 s. Pay, and 6 s. Provisions.
4. Governor Shirley 's French and Indian War. The War against France was proclaimed in Boston, June 2. 1744; and to guard against the French and Indian Incursions, 500 Men were impressed; whereof 300 for the Eastern Frontier, viz. 50 from each of the Militia Regiment [...] of Pepperrell, G [...]rrish, Berry, Plaisted, Saltonstall [...]nd Phipps; and 200 Men for the Western Frontier, viz. 50 from each of the Regiments of Chandler, Ward, Willard, and Stoddard; 25 Men from each Regiment of Wendell at Boston, and G [...]uge, for reinforcing of the ordinary standing Garrisons, viz. Ge [...]rges Fort to 40 Men, Pem [...]quid to 24, Richmond to 25, Brunswick to 12, Sato to 20 Men; no Detachments were made from the Militi [...] of the Old Colony of Plymouth. 96 Barrels Gun-Powder were sent to the several Townships, to be sold to the Inhabitants, at prime Cost including Charges.
In Summer 1744, upon the breaking out of the French War, the President Col. Mascarene, and Council of Nova Scotia, represent the weak State of the Garrison of Annapolis, and ill Condition of its Fortifications; the Assembly of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, generously sent them a Reinforcement of 200 Men in four Companies, allowing 25 £. Levy-Money per Man (the Men to [Page 562] find their own Arms) and 3 Months Provision, their Pa [...] and further Victualling was from Great-Britain; they continued about 18 Months in Pay, and were of good Service against M. Lutre and Duvivier's Attempts upon Annapolis. *
The Cape Sable and St. Iohns Indians of Nova-Scotia, having in Summer under M. Lutre made an Attempt upon Annapolis, they were proclaimed Rebels and Enemies at Boston, November 1744, from three Miles East of Pasamaquady River; and 400 £. Old Tenor granted a Premium for each scalpt or captivated Indian. When it was found that the Penobscot and Noridgwoag Indians had joined them, the Declaration of War was extended to these August 23. 1745; these Indians having burnt a Fort at St. Georges, some Houses, and killed many Cattle.
This War so far as it relates to Nova-Scotia, has a [...] ready been mentioned. ‖ 1. M. Lutre with 300 Cap [...]-Sable and St. Iohns Indians, did attemp [...] the Fort of Annapolis in June 1744. 2. Duvivier with the s [...]me Indians and some regular Troops from Louisbourg, in all about 800 Men, in September invested and summoned the Fort, and after 3 Weeks retired to Min [...]s. 3. M. M [...]ri [...] from Canada with about 900 French and Indians i [...] May 1745 made a short Appear [...]nce before the Fort, and r [...] tired to Minas, thence to proceed towards the Relief of Louisbourg; they were intercept [...]d. 4. M. de Ramsay with about 1600 Men French and Indians from Canada arrives at Minas in Summe [...] 1746, designed to join Duke d' Anville's Armament at C [...]ebuct [...] ▪ towards the End of September he came before Annapolis, but made no Assault; being advised of the Return of the French Fleet for Fr [...]nce, he retired to Minas and Chica [...]ict [...], and from thence next Summer to join a French Fleet and Land Forces towards [...] of Annapolis; in the Winter 1746, 7 about 500 to 600 of d [...] Rams [...]y's Men from [Page 563] Chica [...]ict [...], surprized the New-England Forces cantoned at Minas and did much Havock. * The French return to Chicanict [...] waiting the Arrival of la Ionquiere's Squadron from France, but upon Advice of this Fleet being destroyed in Europe, de Ramsay returns to Canada, and Nova Scotia suffered no further Disturbance.
Those 500 Men of the Canada Levies, were the second Reinforcement sent by Massachusetts-Bay to Nova-Scotia, they were about 12 Months in Pay, and the Remains of them returned to Boston in Autumn 1747.
Octob. 31. 1747 all the Canada Levies were dismissed, and next Day November 1. about 270 of them in six Companies listed as a third Reinforcement for NovaScotia, they were allowed British Pay, and a full Cloathing, but soon wore out; they were ordered Home in the Severity of Winter 1748, 9 and in Rags, but by kind Providence they generally arrived safe, and were dismissed February 24. 1748, 9.
For the three Canada Expeditions that have been projected, but not effected since the Revolution, see P. 309, &c. The Canada Levies of 1746 were under the Direction of Sir Peter Warren and Mr. Shirley, with an Instruction to employ them occasionally, as in Discretion they might think proper; accordingly late in the Year when the River of St. Lawrence was become impracticable, they cantoned 900 of them, Part of theCrown-Point Destination (2000 under Waldo and Dwight were the whole) along the Frontiers in double Pay, National and Provincial, and 500 were sent to Nova Scotia. In Autumn 1747 Knowles and Shirley by Instructions from Home had the Direction of Nova Scotia.
For the Affair of Cape-Breton a miraculously successful Expedition, † our Colony People love Frolicks, they continued in Pay about 18 Months.
For the North-America Sea Campaigns of 1744, 1745, 1746 and 1747, ‖ to these we may add, that in the Winter [Page 564] 1748, 9 all the Station Ships of North-America were called off, to form a Squadron against St. Iago de Cuba, but in vain; the French and Spanish Privateers improved this Opportunity of a naked Coast, took many of our Vessels, impune they sailed up Delaware River to within a few Miles of Philadelphia, and many Leagues up Chesapeak Bay of Virginia, and up Cape-Fear River of North-Carolina.
Towards the Crown-Point Expedition 1746, we sent by Water to Albany four Months Provisions for 1500 Men with Tents, a 13 Inch Mortar, and — Barrels Gun-Powder; the Sicknesses at Albany, and the Alarm from d' Anville's Squadron luckily put a Check.
In the Summer 1748, notwithstanding of a Cessation of Arms in Europe being notified, some associated Banditti Indians in the French Influence, did Damage at Saratogo at Fort Massachusetts, in our Eastern Country; and at St. Iohns River of Nova-Scotia, they killed some Men belonging to the Anson and Warren of the Ordnance.
There are several miscellany Affairs belonging to this Article, to be related in a short loose Manner; which may serve as common Place for future Historians.
The Six Indian Nations of New-York, by the Dutch Trading Influence, did amongst themselves resolve to stand neuter, the Oneides and Cayuges, French Priest-rid, refused a Meeting of Delegates desired by Governor Clinton. In August and September 1746▪ Massachusetts-Bay sent Commissioners to confer with these Indians at Albany; and 1748 Massachusetts sent their Governor and other Commissioners there to concert War Affairs when the War was over.
1746, The French and their Indians from Crown-Point commit many barbarous Murders and Depredations at Saratogo near Albany. 1747 The Militia Garrison of Saratogo, carry off the Ordnance and Stores, and burn the Fort, without Orders from the Governor or Government, as it is said.
In the Spring 1744 arrived in Boston ▪ the King's Gift [Page 565] to Castle William of 20 Cannon of 42 Pound Ball, and 2 Mortars of 13 Inches, with all Stores excepting Gun-Powder.
Anno 1744 The Provincial Assembly voted a Range of Forts to be built between C [...]nnecticut River and N [...]w-York Boundary Line, viz. F [...]ll fight, Col [...]rain, Shirley, Pelham, and Massachusetts.
In the Spring 1745 the Province Frigate Massachusetts was launched, the Fund was 6 d. per Tun each Voyage upon Vessels in foreign Voyages, and 6 d. per Tun per Annum on fishing and coasting Vessels of the Province.
For the Years 1745, 1746, and 1747 the Premium for Indian Scalps and Captives 1000 £. Old Tenor per Head to Voluntiers, and 400 £. to impressed Men, their Wages and Subsistance Money to be deducted.
1747 August arrives in Boston, 21 Days Passage from Quebec in Canada, a French Flag of Truce with 172 Prisoners and Captives British; 70 of the British died in Quebec; their Allowance there per Day was 1 lb. and half Bread, half lb. Beef, 1 Gill of Pease, with Spruce Beer.
1747 We sent a Flag of Truce August 1. fro [...] Boston with 63 French Prisoners delivered at l' Isle de Basque 35 Leagues below Quebec, and received 16 British Prisoners, returned to Boston October 3.
On our Eastern and Western Frontier, and in the intermediate Province of New-Hampshire, besides ordinary Garrisons, there were Anno 1745, about 747 Men for Summer; 1746, about 1270 Men for Summer, and 315 for Winter; 1747, about 1676 Men (the Canada 900 Levies included) for the Summer, and 509 for Winter; 1748 (including 200 Men from Connecticut) 1410 Men for Summer, and 524 for Winter, 50 from Connecticut included.
1749 Beginning of February the Peace which had been signed at Aix la Chapel [...]e the 7th of October 1748, was proclaimed in London, and in Boston May 10th following.
After the Conclusion of the Peace with France and [Page 566] Spain; by Order of the General of Canada, a considerable Number of People, consisting of (as it is said) some regular Troops, Canadeans and Indians, made a short Appearance near Bay Verte of Nova-Scotia, they pretended that their Business was to cut Fire-Wood for the expected French Troops to garrison Louisbourg, but the real Design seems to have been, to keep up their Claim to some Part of Nova-Scotia, lest Great-Britain in after Times should claim Prescription from an uninterrupted Possession; some short Time after this the Governor-General of Canada by a formal Letter to the Government of Nova-Scotia, put in a French Claim to the Northern Parts of Nova-Scotia. †
Peace being now fully settled, the Court of Great-Britain seem to be in earnest (since the Peace of Utrecht neglected) in settling of Nova Scotia, as appears by the following Extract from the original P [...]ce.
Whitehall, March 7. 1748, 9.
A Proposal having been presented unto his Majesty, for the establishing a Civil Government in the Province of Nova-Scotia [...]n North-America, as also for the better peopling and settling the said Province, and ex [...]ending [...]nd imp [...]oving the Fishery thereof, by granting Lan [...]s within the sa [...]e, and giving other Encouragements to such of the Officers and private Men lately di [...]missed his Majesty's L [...]nd and S [...]a-Service, as shall be willing to settle in the [...]aid Provi [...]e: And his Majesty [...]aving signified his Royal Approbation of the Purport of the said Proposals, the Right Hon. the Lords Commissioners [Page 567] for Tr [...]de and Plant [...]tions do, by his Majesty' [...] Comman [...], give Notice, that proper Encouragement will be given to such of the Officers and private Men l [...]tely dismissed his Majesty's Land and Sea Service, and to A [...]tific [...]rs necessary in Building or Husbandry, as are willing to accep [...] of Grants of Land, and to settle with or without Families in the Province of Nova-Scotia.
To the Settl [...]rs qualified as above, 1. will be granted Passage and Subsistance during their Pass [...]ge, as also for the Space of twelve Months after their Arrival. 2. Arm [...] and Ammunition, as far as will be judged necessary for their Defence, with proper Utensils for Husband [...]y, Fishery, erecting Habitations, and other necessary Purposes. 3. A civil Government to be established wi [...]h all the Privileges of his Majesty's other Colonies or Governments in America, and proper Measures will be taken for their Security and Protection.
The Lands granted shall be in Fee simple, free from the Payment of any Quitrents, or Taxes, for the Term of ten Years; at the Expiration whereof no Person to pay more than one Shilling Sterling per Annum, for every fifty Acres so granted; the Lands are to be granted with the following Qualifications and Proportio [...].
50 Acres to every private Soldier or Seaman, and 10 Acres over and above to every Person (including Women and Children) of which his Family shall consist, and further Grants to be made to them, as their Families shall increase.
80 Acres to every Offic [...]r under the Rank of an Ensign in the Land Service, [...]nd that of a Lieutenant in the Sea Service, and 15 Acr [...] to every Person belonging to the Family.
200 Acres to every Ensign, 300 to a Lieutenant, 400 to a Captain, 600 to any Officer above the Rank of a Captain in the Land Service; in the Sea Service, 400 Acres to a Lieutenant, 600 Acres to a Captain; 30 Acres to every Person belonging to such Families. Reputed [Page 568] Surgeons, whether they h [...]ve been in hi [...] Majesty' [...] Service, or not, shall be in the Capacity of Ensigns.
All Persons desirous to eng [...]ge are to enter their Names in the Month of April 1749, at the Trade and Plantations Office, or with the Commissioners of the Navy residing at Portsmouth and Plymouth.
Omitted in the Article of Cape-Breton.
The French People transported from Louisbourg to France (including the Vigilant's Men) preceding July 17, 1745, were 4130, whereof 1822 via Boston, and 76 via New-Hampshire. The French, while in Boston, were allowed in Old Tenor per Week, viz. An Inhabitant from Cape-Breton 20 s. a Sailor 15 s. Captain of the Vigilant 5 l. Second Captain 3 l. each Officer 40 s.
N. B. This Volume begins Ianuary 1746, 7, and ends May 1749.