
THE NEW-YEAR VERSES Of the PRINTER's BOY, who carries the Pennsylvania-Ga­zette to the Customers. 1748.

WHENCE this tumultuous Noise, these dire Alarms?
These Shouts of Battle, and this Din of Arms?
Shall noble Belgia, long untaught to fear,
[...] distant Wars in Safety wont to hear,
[...] her dispeopled Fields, her Cities storm'd,
[...]nd all the beauteous Works of Peace deform'd;
[...] Home-bred Faction, rous'd by Foreign Foes,
[...]erse to Freedom, and the World's Repose,
[...]lignant lift her hateful Head on high,
[...]und her loud Trump, and bid her Ensigns fly?
Drunk with the Dictates of Tyrannick Rome,
[...]! the fierce Sons of lawless Rapine come:
[...] impious Race, in horrid League combin'd,
[...]o rivet Fetters on the free-born Mind;
[...] what Revenge, and senseless Zeal inspire,
And argue with the Eloquence of Fire.
Thus (as old Bards in lofty Numbers sing)
The Titans rose 'gainst Heav'n's immortal King;
With mad Ambition durst his Pow'r disown,
And fondly strove to shake his mighty Throne.
But, uncontroul'd, shall daring Faction reign,
Till prostate Holland bleed at every Vein?
[...]! Let them rise, assert their Country's Cause,
Protect her Freedom, guard her sacred Laws,
[...]rge the rash Foe, that dares their Peace invade,
[...]nd call the God of Battle to their Aid;
[...] God! who deign'd from flying Deaths to shield
[...] BRUNSWICK's Head in Oud'narde's glorious Field.
To WILLIAM, known in martial Scenes to dare,
Calm 'mid the rising Horrors of the War,
His potent Father gives his high Command,
The French to ch [...]ce, from the now injur'd Land;
While Anson, still the Dread of haughty Spain,
Procures new Honour to the British Name.
Here, fir'd with Liberty, with Virtue Charm'd,
The willing, brave, illustrious Warren arm'd;
And fought so bravely in his Country's Cause,
Wonder is silent and we pant Applause.
There with like Ardour bold Boscawen glows,
To pour Britannia's Vengeance on her Foes,
And with the greatest Heroes adds his Name,
High in the Lists of Freedom and of Fame.
Unnumber'd others rise at Virtue's Call,
Fixt or to conquer, or, like Grenville, fall;
Grenville! whose Fate demands the grateful Sigh
From ev'ry Heart, and Tears from ev'ry Eye!
Celestial King! Whose righteous Arms alone
Can guard, unmov'd, an earthly Monarch's Throne,
Far, far from Britain keep the raging Pest,
And make our Sov'reign, as he blesses, blest:
On that distinguish'd Prince, that favour'd Isle,
Again with cloudless Rays serenely smile;
Safe in those Realms (her last, her lov'd Retreat)
Bid Heaven-born Freedom fix her blissful Seat;
Be Peace by George's conquering Arms restor'd,
And ev'ry Briton own his Lawful Lord.
Let Pennsylvania still be blest with Ease,
And let our civil Discords ever cease;
So prays your Boy:—Who's willing to receive
What, in your Bounty, you are pleas'd to give.

PHILADELPHIA, January 2. By Capt. Gantony, arrived at Wilmington from St. Eustatia, we have the following Extracts. A letter from a Gentleman at Eustatia to his Friend here, dated De­cember 1, 1747.

I Make no Doubt but you have heard, long ere now, of the Suc­cess of Admiral Hawke; who having fell in with a large Fleet of French Merchantmen, under Convoy of 9 Men of War of the line [ suppos'd in the Bay of Biscay] has taken the following Ships, viz.

Names. Guns.
La Neptune,
La Grand Monarch,
La Terrible,
La D [...]esse,
La Constant,

One Ship of 84 Guns, and another of 74, put back to France in a shatter'd Condition. And,

One 64 Gun Ship and a Frigate, proceeded with 260 Sail of Merchantmen for the West-Indies.

We likewise hear, that Adm. Hawke having dispatch'd an Advice-Boat to the W. Indies, to inform the Men of War and Privateers there, of his Success in taking the Convoy, in Order that they might be up­on the Watch to intercept the Merchantmen; and that they according­ly were out, and have taken several, who are arrived at Antigua.

By a Letter from Capt. Bowne, of the Privateer Brigt. Trembleur, of this Port, we learn, That on the 1st of Nov. last, he fell in with and took a Spanish Privateer Sloop, of 6 Carriage Guns, 6 Pounders, 12 Swivels, Blunderbusses, Lances, with other Small-Arms, and 140 Men, after a very obstinate Engagement; the Enemy, when they struck, not having one Sail nor Rope left whole, and their Boom and Bow-sprit shot to Pieces; Capt. Bowne (who had one Man killed in the Engagement, and his Sails and Rigging much damaged) took her in Tow, and carried her into St. Thomas; and was, on the Date of his Letter, going in Company with the Castor Privateer of New-York, off Martineco, to wait for a French Fleet daily expected there, very probably that mention'd above. Capt. Bowne had but 89 Men,

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