
Mr. HUNN's SERMON ON 2 Chron. xii. 12. And also in Judah Things went well.


Ordered, T HAT EBENEZER SILLIMAN Esq; and Mr. THADDEUS BURR, return the Thanks of this Assembly to the Reverend Mr. NATHANAEL HUNN, for his Sermon delivered before them on the Fourteenth of May Instant, and desire a Copy thereof that it may be Printed.

George Wyllys Secr.

The Welfare of a Government Considered. A SERMON Preach'd before the General Assembly of the Colony of Connecticut, at Hartford, on the Day of their Anniversary ELECTION, May 14th, 1747.

By Nathanael Hunn, M.A. Pastor of the Church of CHRIST in Reading.

Psal. cxliv. 15. Happy is that People that is in such a Case: yea happy is that People whose GOD is the LORD.

N. LONDON, Printed & Sold by TIMOTHY GREEN, Printer to the GOVERNOUR & COMPANY, 1747.


An Election SERMON.

2 CHRONICLES XII. 12. ‘— And also in JUDAH things went well.

REHOBOAM, whose History we have in this, and the two preceding Chapters, was a weak and impoli­tick Prince; he came to the Throne with a Mind imbued with arbitrary and tyran­nical Notions and Principles of Government, received from his young and unexperienced Counsellors, to the Rejection of the good and solid Advice given him by the grave Senators, who had been long versed in the Art of Go­vernment, and were well acquainted with the wholsom Maxims of Policy: And he stands upon Record with the blemished Character of one, who did evil because he prepared not his heart to seek the LORD, ver. 14.

By his ill Government, and his other impi­ous Practices, he bro't many Calamities upon his People, both as the natural and moral Ef­fect thereof, and the just Judgment of Heaven. [Page 2] I shall not enlarge upon his History or Cha­racter, but only take Notice that as a Punish­ment of his Sins, and the Sins of his People ( because they had transgressed against the LORD, v.2) the King of Egypt came up against Jerusalem, and reduced them to great Distress; which together with the Reproof of the Prophet SHEMAIAH, brought them in some measure to a Sense of their Sins and made them humble themselves before GOD; which very much turned the Course of things; the Wrath of the LORD turned from him that he would not destroy him altogether. GOD promised likewise that he would not destroy this People, but grant them some Delive­rance, and that his wrath should on be poured out upon Jerusalem by the hand of SHISHAK, v.7.

NOW it was at this Juncture, that the Sa­cred History informs us, And also in Judah things went well. These are the words which I have chosen for my Text at this Time, and may, I think, be a proper Introduction to a Discourse on the Welfare of a Government in general. And though I am not Studied in the Rules of Government or the civil and religious Rights of a People, so as to treat this great & weighty Subject, with that Clearness that it deserves, (alas! I find my self very unequal to the Task) yet since Providence has called me to Speak be­fore this honourable Auditory, I shall attempt the Subject, as the most proper, I could think of [Page 3] upon this Occasion; And also in Judah things went well.

THE Method I propose is this, viz.

I. TO consider when things may be said to go well with a People; or, attempt to shew in seve­ral Instances wherein the Welfare of a Govern­ment consists.

II. APPLY the whole to the present Occasion.

1. shall consider when things may be said to go well with a People; or attempt to shew in several Instances wherein the Welfare of a Government consists.

I shall not confine my self to those particular Instances mentioned in this Chapter, as the Rea­son or Cause of things going well in Judah at that Time; but consider the Matter more at large, and endeavour by divine Assistance, to trace out the Causes and Reasons of the Happiness & Welfare of a Government, from the Scripture Account in General, from the Na­ture and Dependance of things, and the Cir­cumstances of Mankind.

1. ONE thing that has a mighty Influence, to the Welfare of a People or Government, is the, flourishing of RELIGION. As far as Igno­rance, [Page 4] Prophaneness and Immortality prevail in a Nation or Country, so far are they, remo­ved from Happiness, and so far are they wret­ched, & miserable, & poor, & blind, & naked. ' Tis Righteousness that exalteth a Nation, but Sin is a Reproach to any People, Prov. 14.34. 'Tis a Reproach that can never be wip'd off, but by GOD's forgiving Grace, which attends true Repentance, and an effectual thorough Reformation.

'TIS then that the almighty GOD returns to a People that had departed from him, scat­ters impending Calamities, delights to do them good, engages his Kind, Allpowerful and Allwise Providence for their Defence, their Blessedness and Glory; and in a word, keeps them as the Apple of His Eye.

SIN has a natural Tendency to depress and keep a People low, besides the terrible Judg­ments of Heaven which by GOD's positve Appointment are entail'd to it. And Piety and Vertue, Faith unfeigned, and true Holi­ness have a native Tendency to pomote the true Intersts of a People, and moreover to engage the Favour of the blessed GOD to them, and render them meet for a store of Su­pernumerary Blessings. If we did but know and consider the infinite Plagues and extreme Curses, temporal and spiritual to a Person or People, to a Nation or Land, that are wrapt [Page 5] up in the Bowels of Sin, we should fly from it as from Hell, and never rest impenitent, nor cease begging and pleading at the Throne of Grace, till we had obtained Forgiveness thro' the Blood of the Redeemer: And if we did but duly consider the true Worth & Excellence of Religion, and the innumerable Blessings con­tained in it, both publick and private both for Time and Eternity, we could not but be ena­moured of so much Beauty and Loveliness, we could not but with the greatest Earnestness seek to be possest of a Pearl of such inestima­ble Value, we could not cease crying after Know­lege, and lifting up our Voice for Understanding until GOD shall come and rain down Righteous­ness upon us, and make us an holy People. Who­ever therefore considers the proper & genuine Influence of Religion, to the making Men tem­perate and pure, sincere and upright, patient and forgiving, kind and charitable, meek and humble, pious & devout, and in a word happy themselves and Blessings to one another, must acknowlege the Truth of this great Doctrine, that the Welfare of a People or Government, consists very much in the flourishing of Reli­gion. And whoever considers likewise the many additional Blessings of Heaven, which commonly attend a People when Religion flourishes must confess it a Confirmation of this Truth.

[Page 6]ALTHOUGH [...] Prosperity does not always attend [...] particular Person, who fear GOD and [...] Righteousness, yet I look upon it as an [...]blished Truth, that the common [...] of divine Providence is to bless a People of outward Regards, where Vertue and true Religion flourishes. Publick Vertue is atten­ded with publick Blessings. The Reasons of it are very apparent, but the Time will not admit, that I mention them. I shall only observe in ge­neral that the Scriptures abound with the Proof of it, and the Reasons there alledged are not such as to be confined to the legal Dispensation.

RELIGION then we may look upon as the Foundation and Corner Stone of the Welfare of a People or Government; tis this that en­gages GOD for them and brings them to par­take take in his Love and Friendship, which is comprehensive of all Blessedness and Glory; and this is what has a direct, and immediate Influence on all other of the Causes & Reasons of a Peoples Welfare: and I have insisted the longer upon it, because it is a Matter of migh­ty and everlasting Importance.

2. GOOD RULERS, & good LAWS well execu­ted are absolutely necessary to the Welfare of a Government. By good Rulers I mean such as are truly religious wise and faithful, who are acquainted with the true Interests of their People, and are zealous bold and resolute, in [Page 7] prosecuting this great End and Purpose; in a Word, who according to the magnificent Lan­guage of the Scripture, are as the Light of the morning when the Sun riseth even a morning without Clouds, as the tender Grass springing out of the Earth by clear shining after Rain, 2 Sam 23.4. By good Laws, I mean such as are wise­ly contrived to secure the Subject in his just Rights; to repress, and restrain the exorbitant Practices of the lewd and licentious; in a word such as breathe forth Terror to evil Doers, and Praise & Encouragement to them that do well.

WHICH, after all the Wisdom & Care of the Legisslator, if they ly by unexecuted, serve to no purpose but empty Pomp, and Pagean­try. What signifies Laws to suppres Immo­rality, if thro' Neglect of Execution, People may with Impunity go on openly in their vici­ous & immoral Courses? What signifies Laws wisely & prudently adjusted to maintain Justice and Right, and secure People in their Proper­ties, if thro' Ignorance, or supine Inattention, Fear or Favour, Bribery or Flattery, the Course of Justice is turned, and the Rights of the Peo­ple invaded by Fraud or Oppression in spite of the Laws?

'TIS happy for a Government, 'tis an in­compatable Smile of divine Providence upon a People, to be under the Direction & Guidance of Good Rulers, and the Restraint & Influence [Page 8] of good wholsom Laws conscientiously Execu­ted. There is not a meer accidental & casual Dependence of these things upon one another but there is a necessary and undivided Con­nexion of the one with the other. GOD denounces his heavy Wo's against bad Rulers: Wo be to the Shepherds of Israel, that do feed themselves, should not the Shepherds feed the flocks? Ye eat the fat and ye cloath ye with the wool, ye kill them that are fed, but ye feed not the Flock: the diseased have ye not strengthned, neither have ye healed that which was sick, nei­ther have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them, Ezek. 34.2, 3.4. And such a State of things is as full of Wo to a People, a fearful description whereof we have in the fol­lowing Verses.

IT was among the choice & rich Blessings, which GOD promised to his People ISRAEL at their final Restoration in the latter Days, that Prophet reckons good Rulers, I will make thy Officers peace and thine exactors Righteous­ness and as the genuine Consequence thereof he adds, Violence shall be no more heard in thy Land, wasting nor destruction within thy Bor­ders; but thou shalt call thy Walls Salvation and thy Gates Praise, Isa, 16, 17, 18.

[Page 9]WHEN we consider what a mighty Influ­ence good Rulers and good Laws have to put a stop to the destructive outrages of Vice; to promote Godliness and Vertue; to preserve Peace and good Order; to maintain Righteous­ness and Truth; and how they are, under GOD, the Defence and Glory of a Land, we must conclude, that next to the Influences of the blessed Gospel & Grace of JESUS CHRIST, they are the chief and principal Means of mi­nistring to the welfare & Happiness of a Peo­ple: They are the inestimable Blessings which GOD sends to a People whom he delights to bless. They are Blessings comprehensive of many others, more than we can reckon up, and of higher Importance than we can easily con­ceive.

3. LOYALTY in a People towards their Ru­lers makes a necessary Part of the Welfare of a Government. When Rulers in the Discharge of their high and important Trust, are striving with Heart and Head and Hand, to promote the great Ends of Rule, and Government, the Good and Welfare of their People, and are willing to spend and be spent, for the common Weal, what inexcusable and shameful Ingrati­tude to GOD, as well as Blindness to their own Interests, is it for a People to bite the Hand that thus kindly feeds them? to reproach, misuse, and ill-treat those whom GOD has [Page 10] placed as guardian Angels to defend them from Evil, and promote their Good? By this Means they counter-work the gracious Designs of di­vine Providence, the benevolent, and benificent Schemes of their Rulers and change Blessings into Curses. GOD is graciously smiling upon them, by sending them wise & faithful Rulers; their Rulers are consulting & striving to pro­mote their Welfare; but they undo all by their Disloyalty and Disobedience, their speaking evil of, and their Seditions against their good Rulers, and their Government and Laws.

THE great & aggravated Wickedness, and Ingratitude of Disrespect, Irreverence & Diso­bedience to civil Rulers, consists in its counter­acting the primary, nay the only Design of their Office and Business. They are appointed as Ministers of GOD to their People for good, Rom. 13.4. And so long as they keep within the Limits of their Commission and the Design of their Office they can have nothing else in View, but the good and Welfare of their People. But by our Disloyalty & Opposition we cast away the publick Blessings, which they were heaping upon us, and with rash Hands pull down upon ourselves those publick evils, which they were striving to ward off. In such a Case opposing, resisting, & disobeying the civil Ru­ler, is nothing less than Opposing the Interest and Welfare of the Community, which, beside [Page 11] the Damnation we bring upon ourselves, tends as far as its Influence reaches to involve the Common-wealth in Ruin. Therefore to shew all dutiful Reverence, and Respect to the Per­sons of civil Rulers, to give them an honoura­ble Maintenance, to submit to, and obey them, in the Discharge of their Office, is necessary, not meerly for their Honour & Glory, but for the Welfare of the Government.

4. A fixed stable MEDIUM OF TRADE, or Money settled and fixed at a certain Value is at least highly if not absolutely necessary to the Wel­fare of a Government. The Necessity & Con­venience of a Medium of Trade is very appa­rent. And that whatever is used as a publick current medium of Trade, whether coined Metals or stamped Paper, be by publick Au­thority fixed at a certain, known, and invaria­ble Value, is as necessary as the thing it self.

THIS is the Standard, the Balance the Mea­sure by which all that we trade & traffick in, is as to the Value, regulated, weighed, & measured, & consequently if this Medium of Trade be of an uncertain changeable Value, some times higher and some times lower, it comes to pass that every thing we trade in, is regulated by a false Rule, weighed in a false Balance, and measured by a false Measure: Such a fluctuating sinking medium of Trade is nothing better, and nothing can be worse, than false Weights and false Mea­sures, [Page 12] both of them are an abomination to the LORD, Prov. 2.1. and are publick heavy Grievances to a Government.

IF People can borrow Money and at the Time of Payment, thro' the depreciating of the Species, discharge the Obligation, and keep back the Interest and a considerable Part of the Principal. If People can trade & run in Debt, and at the Time of Payment, discharge the Debt, and keep a fifth Part to themselves: alas! what a Floodgate is opened for Oppres­sion, Injustice, Idleness, Profuseness, and In­temperance, to the enervating Industry and Frugality, to the Ruin of our Trade, Manu­factures & Husbandry, to the debauching our Morals, and to the inflaming the Anger of al­mighty GOD against our Land. This is an inbred Evil, a Consumption of the Blood and Vitals of a Government, portending more cer­tain & inevitable Ruin, unless seasonably reme­died, than the Invasion of a forein Enemy.

WHETHER we consider the Matter in a politick, or moral View, that is, either in Rela­tion to the civil Interests of a Government, or the Morality of the People, the Aspect is all formidably threatning. What a Schene of Mi­sery opens to our View, when we see the pub­lick Credit of the Government decaying, many fair Estates spending not thro' the Default of the Owner, but by being dealt with by diverse [Page 13] Weights and divers Measures, many industrious Families coming to Poverty by this Means, and every Branch of Trade and Commerce languish­ing, beside the beholding Pride, Prodigality, Fraud and Excess riding triumphant, thro' means of this Temptation laid before the Peo­ople? in such a Posture of affairs a Government stands upon the Brink of a fatal Precipice and (unless some kind Hand prevent) will soon fall.

EVERY one that considers the Matter im­partially, will doubtless acknowlege that this is no unjust Exaggeration of the deplorable Conse­quences of the Case that I have put. And if this be the true State of the Matter, none can doubt but a fixed stable Medium of Exchange is necessary to the Welfare of a Government. This will be of great Influence to reduce every one to live upon his own, (that is to say ho­nestly) and will necessarily us to In­dustry, and Prudence, Thriftiness, and Fruga­lity it will take the Advantage out of the Hands of Cheats and Sharpers, and necessitate them to some honest Way of Living, it will Make People cautious of running in Debt, and prevent numberless Law Suits; but Time would fail to enumerate all, therefore in one Word it would be an excellent Instrument of promoting the Prosperity and encouraging the Vertue of a People of Government.

[Page 14]5. THAT which crowns the happy State of a People and Government is LIBERTY. By which I do not mean the letting loose the gol­den Reins of Government to the licentious Hu­mours & Lusts of People: No, this would be the worst state of Slavery, a Slavery to the worst of Tyrants; unbridled Lust. But by Liberty, I mean a free and secure Enjoyment of our just Rights natural, civil, and religious: I say free and secure from Oppression, Tyranny, and arbi­trary Infringements on the one Hand, and from Popular Tumults, and Disorders on the other; which is not only consistent with the Exercise of the Authority of Rulers, and the making & executing of Laws; but cannot subsist without them.

NOW such Liberty is one of the Corner Stones of the Welfare of a People or Govern­ment; without which they will never arrive to thing great, either in Labour or Learning, in War, or Peace. When People live under a ty­rannical, arbitary Government, nothing great or noble can be expected from them. When they can have no Security in their Estates, Persons, Possessions, or religious Rights, but are vexed, gailed, & overborn with heavy & unreasonable Taxes, & know not how soon the fruit of their Labours shall be forced out of their Hands, and Bodies & Estates, and religous Immuni­tively at the Mercy of their tyrannical Masters, [Page 15] what Comfort is there in Life? what Encou­ragement to Prudence, Labour and Industry? what to induce them to a bold & resolute De­fence of their Country? Such a People must of Necessity become mean and low. Such Op­pression and Tyranny, must reduce them and break their Spirits. Many Countries groan under such Oppression and a considerable Part of the Earth is laid Waste, thro' the blasting Influence of Tryranny and arbitrary Power.

I know this is unintelligible Language to the greater Part of New-English People. Happy are you, Sons of New-England, that you know it not by your own Experience.

THUS have I finished the first Head of Discourse. These five Particulars comprehend immediately or by natural Deduction the prin­cipal Means of the Happiness and Welfare of a Government. Where these are found, things will go well with such a People. Indeed I might have mentioned one thing more, and that is the flourishing of Learning, which I omit, not be­cause I do not look upon it as a Matter of high Importance; but because the Time will not ad­mit, and especially being a noble Means of Re­ligion is included in the first Head; and is in­deed almost a necessary Effect of all the rest.— I proceed.


[Page 16]I. WE may here reflect what great Reason we have to bless GOD, that things go so Well in our Government, and to prize & improve the Means by which our Welfare is advanced. The blessed Gospel of JESUS CHRIST and the Dispensa­tion thereof is the great Means of Religion, and I may add, of the best Sort of Learning, viz. divine Knowlege, Faith, & a good Life. What Reason have we to bless GOD, that it has so much Effect, tho' to mourn that it has no more? I am far from thinking the Madness of Enthu­siasm which has prevailed in this Land, and does now prevail in some Parts of it, to be a Revi­val of Religion; yet true Repentance and Re­formation, a cordial Submission to the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST evidenced by the Fruits of Righteousness, by denying ungodliness and worldly Lusts, and living soberly, righteously and go [...]ly, is generally acknowleged to be so; and, blessed be GOD! there is I hope considerable of this Sort of Religion among us. GOD pre­serve it where it is, and by his blessed Influence plant & water it where it is not! And what great obligations are we under to improve the excel­lent Means we have, to perfect our Repentance, to increase our Knowledge, to strengthen our Faith to [...] our LOVE to GOD, and our Charity to [...] to engage our Hearts by the strongest Motives to universal Holiness? that GOD may still own us for his People & delight to bless us.

[Page 17]OUR College & Schools are noble Means of Learning, Vertue & Religion; let us bless GOD for them, and strive & pray for their Weal.

OUR Rulers are great Blessings, the Laws of this Government were designed and calculated for the good of the People. And can we live in such a Government, and enjoy the Benefits thereof, and after all, forget to bless and praise the great and the good GOD, the LORD our GOD, who has given us this good Land and continues us under so many happy Circumstan­ces of Government, by the Wisdom & Vigilance of our Rulers, and the Influence of our Laws?

AND tis an Happiness that there is so much Loyalty Reverence & Obedience in the People to our Rulers; And I wish to GOD, that I could go on and reckon our Medium of Trade among the above mentioned Blessings; and not rather have Cause to fear that this casts a Shade upon the rest; not indeed to abate our Thank­fulness, but to be a Matter of our Humiliation, and to inspire us with Zeal to seek a Remedy, lest it deprive us of our other Blessings.

BUT I may venture to add with Praise to the Supreme Governour of Heaven and Earth, the Mention of Liberty, which we enjoy to as great Perfection, if not greater than, any People besides on this Earth. When I look over a numerous Assembly of New-English People, I can but bless GOD, and congratulate my Coun­try, [Page 18] at the Sight of so many free People, who carry Liberty in their very Faces, whose Coun­tenances shew that they are not galled, & born down by the ignoble Yoke of Tyranny & Op­pression; but are contented & happy in Liberty & Plenty. And no Doubt, it was the being brought up in a free Government, and main­taining a Sense of their native Liberty that in­spired our Soldiers with such Courage & Bravery, in the memorable Atchievements at CAPE­BRETON; such Courage & Bravery as those brought up under popish Slavery were unac­quainted with and unable to withstand.

LIBERTY is New-Englands Property and Glory. Let us bless GOD for it, and prize & improve it, not in Riot, Licentiousness & Diso­bedience; but to its high & noble Purposes; As an Opportunity to improve our selves in Knowlege & Vertue, to advance our selves in the Arts both of War & Peace, to pursue our proper Business with Industry, and finally to encourage our Loyalty to our Sovereign, and those Subordinate Rulers GOD has set over us, by whose Influence, under GOD, our Liberty and Tranquility are lengthned out.

II. I would with all himility Address his Ho­nour the GOVERNOUR and the rest of the ho­nourable Gentlemen of the General ASSEMBLY in the present Convention. Since it was your [Page 19] Honour's Pleasure to require this Service of me, I shall make no Apology for my applying this Discourse closely and earnestly to you; which I would do with that Respect & Deference, as be­comes a Minister of the Gospel, and the meanest and most unworthy of them, to speak to those, who are raised to such Eminency & Dignity, over, and for the good of the People; and I would according to the vast Importance of the Matter, most earnestly recommend it to your Honour and the rest of the honourable Gentle­men of this General Assembly, to set your selves Zealously, & constantly to promote the Welfare of this People. The great, the principal, and indeed the only End of your Office & Work, is that you may be Ministers of GOD unto the People for Good, and you are under the most sacred, the most solemn, & inviolable Obliga­tions to have this in View, in all your Actions as civil Rulers, and to prosecute the same without Deviation or Intermission.

THE great GOD requires it of you as the best Means by which you can advance his Glo­ry. The People over whom you preside ex­pect it of you. Your Honour & Conscience oblige you to it. Kindness & Charity, Benevo­lence & Generosity, Pity & Commiseration, to­wards a People, who look to you as Fathers & Guardians should be a sovereign Motive in your Breasts to do it. And finally you will remem­ber [Page 20] that GOD standeth in the Congregation of the mighty, he judgeth among the Gods; when you assemble together upon the great Affairs of your Country, GOD, the great, holy & heart-searching GOD, standeth among you, and as he strictly observes all your Designs, Words and Actions, so he will call you from judging Men and Causes here upon Earth, to his own Tribunal, to try and judge all your Actions; What a blessed Account will you have to give, if you have made the Glory of GOD, and the good of his People the governing Principles of your Actions? But how astonishing will be the Judgment of unjust Judges! how fearful will be the Doom of those who betray their high Betrustment, and are accessory to the Ruin of a People, whose Welfare they were appointed & ordained to promote! And indeed there is no Medium between your not striving faithfully to promote their Welfare & your being accessory to their Ruin; but we are perswaded better things of you, my honoured Fathers, tho' we thus speak.

AND now by these powerful & heart-affect­ing Arguments, suffer me in the Name of GOD, in the Name of my dear & respected Country, and in Faithfulness to my great Lord & Master to press it upon you to study, and by all practi­cable Means, strive to promote the true Interest and Welfare of this People, to labour Zealously that things may go well in this Land.

[Page 21]SUFFER me here by the tender Mercies of GOD, to recommend to your Care the Welfare and Happiness of this Government, in Point of Religion and Vertue, by your living up to the Doctrines & Precepts of the Gospel yourselves, that you may win over others to Faith and a good Life, by the efficacious Method of Exam­ple. Men's high standing makes both their Vices and their Vertues the more conspicuous, and has the more powerful Influence, to draw People to imitate either. Moreover we trust that you will use all your Influence to suppress Vice and encourage Truth & Vertue, that you will become nursing Fathers to the Churches of CHRIST, and extend your kind Regards to our College and all Schools of Learning; in a Word, that you will do your utmost to en­courage that Righteousness which exalteth a Na­tion, and discountenance and extirpate that Sin which is a Reproach to a People.

PERMIT me moreover, honour'd Gentle­men, to recommend to your Wisdom, Prudence and Vigilance, the Welfare of this People by giving us good and Wholesom Laws, and by making the most effectual Provision for their due Execution.

AND I may likewise add that there is much lying upon you, to the making us a Loyal Du­tiful People to your selves and the Sovereign Authority of our Nation. Although Duty & [Page 22] Loyalty does not always follow good Govern­ment; but Ingratitude, Illtreatment, Seditions, and stubborn Disobedience, will sometimes be found in a People, against those who are zea­lously and unweariedly seeking their Welfare; yet it is evident, that the most effectual Method to make a People loyal & dutiful is to govern them Well. And if after that we will run our own Ruin by counter-acting your Benificence to­wards us, you have delivered your own Souls and our Blood will be required at our Hands.

I would beg Liberty likewise to recommend to your deep Concern & tender Commiseration, the welfare of this Government, respecting our Medium of Trade. It is, my honoured Fathers, it is the Cause of GOD, and the Cause of your Country; a Cause in which the Honour of GOD and both the civil & religious Interests of this Government are nearly concerned. This populous & otherwise flourishing Country is sin­king under the Weight of this heavy Calamity, arising from the deplorable Condition of our paper Currency. ‘Tis evident to Demonstra­tion, that our common Medium of Exchange is an Instrumnet of Injustice & Oppression; that which ought to be the Measure of the Value of other things, is it self the most un­certain of all things. The Extravagance, Intemperance and Injustice, which prevails in the Land arise in great Measure from [Page 23] hence; and in this Posture of Affairs, we are in Danger of loosing the very Notion of Right and wrong.’ These things must incense the Anger of a just and holy GOD a­gainst our Land, and by their natural Effect, & the Justice of Heaven evidently threaten our being deprived of all our other blessings, unless some timely Remedy Intervene. Therefore in Behalf of this good Land, this pleasant, delight­ful Government, which lies bleeding & languish­ing at your Feet, I would with humble Impor­tunity press it upon you, honourable Gentle­men, to take the Matter into your most serious Consideration; that if possible some Remedy may be found for this growing spreading Evil. Heaven will smile upon you, your Country will bless you, your Names will be transmitted with Honour to future Generations if in your Wisdom you can save us from Ruin, in this critical Juncture.

I am not Politician enough, nor is it my Bu­siness to suggest Ways & Means in this Affair; but thus much I would beg to move, that all proper Care may be taken to prevent the vile and flagicious Practice of counterfeiting our Bills, and that such Traitors to their Country, as Presume to do it, may meet with exemplary Justice.

IT is I know commonly observed, that Mi­nisters are some of the great Sufferers on Ac­count [Page 24] of the depreciating of our Money; and therefore it may be thought that self Interest may be the great Motive of their Zeal about this Affair. I can speak for my self; I know not that ever I have suffered much in the Mat­ter; I have much greater Fears, that those I deal with suffer on this Account: And my Conscience bears me Witness, that what I have now said was from a deep Concern for the In­terest of this Government, of which I have the Honour to be a Member.

IN the Last Place, I would humbly & hearti­ly recommend to your Honours, the Cause of Liberty, which is of such great Influence to things going well in a Government. Under the Smiles of divine Providence, 'tis by the happy Influence thereof, that New-England, from such small Beginnings is become such a flourishing Country, to the Joy of her Friends, and the Envy of her Enemies. 'Tis thro' the encouraging, invigorating Influence thereof that our Husbandry is brought to such consi­derable Perfection, whereby this Land, from an howling, inhospitable Wilderness, is become as the Garden of the LORD, a fruitful pleasant Land; 'tis thro' Liberty that our Trade and Manufactures are so flourishing, and that Reli­gion & Learning, and the military Arts have made such notable Progress and Improvement both in Theory and Practice. In a word 'tis [Page 25] Liberty that crowns the Happiness, both of Ruler and Subject. Therefore we trust that you will employ your Wisdom and Care for the securing and lengthning out this our Tranquility.

THESE things may it please your Honour, and the honourable Counsellors, and Represen­tatives of this General Assembly we would humbly & earnestly recommend to your Care and Wisdom. And may the LORD GOD almighty and alwise direct & influence you in your studious Endeavours to make things go well in this Land.

III. I would humbly address Discourse to my reverend Fathers and Brethren, the Pastors of the Church of JESUS CHRIST. There is no Doubt, my Fathers and Brethren, but the Design of our Office & Work is to contribute to the Welfare of the People. And if we are faithful, we may by the Blessing of GOD upon our Labours, do much to the making things go well. We have special Opportunities in our Hands to do good to our fellow men and fellow Subjects ; and we are under all imaginable Obligations to spend and be spent therein. And can we think of the Su­preme and Sovereign Authority of him who has commanded us to feed his Sheep and his Lambs, can we think of the matchless Love, the [Page 26] astonishing Grace of him, who has shed his Blood to redeem the World, and has committed to us the Word of Reconciliation, made us his Am­bassadors to beseech men in his Name to be recon­ciled to GOD, can we think of the Honour of our great Lord and Master, the divine Excel­lency of that Religion we are to recommend, the invaluable Worth and Preciousness of im­mortal Souls, can we I say think of these things, and after all remain cold or indifferent, in our Intentions & Endeavours of doing good? How can we stand before CHRIST, at the last, under the aggravated Guilt of Unfaithfulness in the solemn Charge he has given us? how can we bear up under the Tho'ts of having the Blood of Souls that have perished thro' our Neglect, required at our Hands? Can we ever answer it before GOD, or our own Consciences, that when we have such great Opportunities of doing good to the Publick, we let them slip, thro' our Idleness or Negligence, or by confining all our Thoughts & Designs to the narrow Com­pass of self Interest? By the LOVE of GOD, by the Blood of CHRIST, by the Worth of Souls, by the Prospect of that distinguishing Crown of Glory that CHRIST will bestow up faith­ful Ministers, let us be perswaded & animated to Faithfulness in the great & important. Busi­ness committed to our Charge; let our great Ambition, our earnest wishes and Prayers, our [Page 27] most zealous Endeavours be that the GOD of Glory may be glorified among Men, and that things may go well in our Land.

LET us remember that by the Doctrins we preach, and the exemplary Lives we should live, we are to be the Salt of the Earth and Lights to the World. Of what great Importance is it that we preach found Doctrin, and recommend it by Solid Arguments, and make it appear that we are in good Earnest, by living our selves, ac­cording to the Doctrine we preach to others? There is nothing more scandalous than a Mini­ster of a loose, vicious Life, nor any thing more for the Honour of Religion, than found Doctrin and a good Life in such whose Business it is to teach & recommend Religion to others. How much may we do to disswade Men from Vice, and perswade them to Religion by setting forth the Excellency of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST; by placing the Doctrines, Precepts, Promises and Threatnings of Christianity in their true Light, and by making it appear in our whole Conduct that we act under the Influence of these things our selves? This will be of excel­lent Tendency to promote Faith & Piety, Truth and Vertue among our People. These I know are common Topics; but they can never be made too familiar by frequent Repetitions.

MOREOVER we may do much, by the Blessing of GOD, to the encouraging the Hearts [Page 28] and strengthning the Hands of our honourable civil Rulers, by teaching, and inculcating upon our People their great obligations to yield Ho­nour, Respect and Reverence to their Persons, and all Loyalty, Submission and Obedience to their wholsom Laws and wise Government. A Disloyal seditious Minister may do much to the spreading the pernicious Seeds of Disloyalty and Sedition among the People; and one who is a good Subject himself may do much to the making his People of that Temper and Cha­racter: Therefore if we desire, according to our solemn Obligations, to contribute to things go­ing well in our Land, let us shew ourselves loyal Subjects, and press and urge Loyalty upon our People.

FURTHERMORE in as much as we are in a peculiar Sense Pastors and Ministers of the Church of CHRIST, I would humbly propose one thing more to your Consideration, which I can but look upon as a Matter of great Impor­tance to the publick Weal. The Constitution of the Churches in this Government is, by the Smiles of divine Providence on the pious Care of our fore Fathers, without Controversy ex­cellently calculated and settled; there is a wise Provision made that particular Churches may mutually help each other, by the frequent Con­vention of Councils made up of the Elders and Messengers, of the Churches, in each particular [Page 29] County: but then I would humbly propose whether this Help and Assistance of Churches to each other would not be more extensive and beneficial, provided there was a general Coun­cil made up of Elders & Messengers from each County in the Government, and thereby our general annual Association turned into a gene­ral annual Consociation or Council? this would be a Bond to unite and cement the whole, and would put the Churches of each particular County, under Advantage of affording, that Help and Assistance to each other, which by their being now so much independent of one another, they are in great Measure incapable of. Time will not admit, that I enlarge upon the Subject, therefore I would only say, that if such a thing was put on Foot and we could have the Countenance of our honourable civil Le­gislature it might be very conducive to things going well in this Government.

AND as we tender the welfare of this Go­vernment, & the Churches of CHRIST and as we would be faithful to the Souls of our People, it stands us in Hand unitedly to endeavour, as far as our Influence reaches, to heal those Di­visions that are among us; and to stand up for the Peace & Order of the Churches of CHRIST, by not suffering our selves to be prevailed upon by any specious, plausible Pretences whatsoever to give Countenance or Encouragement to those [Page 30] who are spreading Enthusiasm, and sowing the seeds of Contention and Discord in Church and State.

FINALLY in order that we may be exten­sive Blessings, in the Places in which we live tis necessary that we be much in Prayer, and very fructious in the sacred Scriptures; that we be earnest in our Prayers for our civil Rulers and the People they govern. We should be instant in Prayer that we may have such Rulers as shall be Ministers of GOD unto us for good; and that under their Government we may lead quiet and peaceable Lives in all Godliness & Honestly. This is good and acceptable in the sight of GOD our Saviour, and has an happy Tendency to make things go well.

AND that we may see our Duty to GOD and Man laid before us in the most plain & amiable Light, and pressed upon us by the most win­ning, powerful Arguments tis of great Impor­tance that we bend our Thoughts unweariedly to the study of sacred Writ. There is nothing will fill the Mind with greater Pleasure, or qua­lify us better to do good in our Calling, than an exact and accurate Knowlege of the holy Scrip­tures: And if a great Part of our Time was spent in studying into the true & original Sense of the Scripture, as to particlar Texts, and Phrases, and the general Run of the several Books, its Connexion together, and that general [Page 31] Scheme of Religion taught therein, without any Prejudice to Sects & Parties, to the Authority of Men or human Analogies of Faith, we should find it of most excellent Usefulness to engage our Minds to GOD and Religion, and to ani­mate our Zeal to do good, furnish us with Arguments to recommend Religion to others: There is nothing will discountenance Vice and Error so much as the genuine Doctrines of the Gospel placed in their true Light. There is no Doubt but Infidelity on the one Hand, and Enthusiasm on the other, and Vice which is the natural Fruit of both, proceed from Ignorance of divine Revelation. Could the Infidel be brought to understand the BIBLE in its true Sense he must be forced to reverence that which he now ridicules. Could the Enthusiast but have his Eyes opened to see the true Mean­ing of the Scriptures, it would necessarily reduce him to a sober Mind; and could the vicious Impenitent be brought to read with Attention and understand as he reads he would behold Vice branded with such black & odius Cha­racters, and Vertue shining in such amiable Lustre and inviting him with such engaging, captivating Charms, that he must if he acted like a reasonable Creature, abhor the one, and be enamour'd of the other, and in the Event cast himself into the Hands of JESUS to ob­tain Grace to Pardon and renew him to Holi­ness. [Page 32] Therefore I would with the utmost Im­portunity beseech Ministers of the Gospel to study the Scriptures Day & Night, and strive to raise in their People an high Taste & Relish of them: than which nothing would make us more extensive Blessings or qualify us better to do good to the People whom we serve, by di­recting them in the Ways of Truth and Righ­teousness, Piety & Vertue; hereby we shall be under the most happy Advantage of instruct­ing and influencing them by the strongest and most effectual Motives to fear GOD and Honour the King, and yeild all dutiful Submission and Loyalty to subordinate civil Rulers, to the Glory of the great GOD, to the Peace & Hap­piness of the Common-wealth, to the flourish­ing of the Church of CHRIST and the Securing for themselves a Blessed Immortality. AMEN.

IV. And lastly I would briefly address my self to this Auditory in General. And I may ven­ture to say, there is not one Person, in this great Concourse from the least to the greatest, but what may do somthing to the making things go well in this Government. Some in­deed have a larger Sphere of Action than others, and have greater Talents and Opportunities of doing Service to GOD, and their Country: but there are none of you all, but what may contribute to the Welfare of your Country.

[Page 33]HEADS of Families may do much for the good of the Government, by instilling Princi­ples of Piety & Sobriety, Justice and Loyalty into the Minds of those under their Care. Indeed good family Government is of mighty Influence to pave the Way, for an happy Go­vernment, in all civil and religious Communi­ties; therefore I would in Love and Charity beseech Heads of Families to consider whether they would have their Children be such as to be a Scandal to their Houses, a Reproach to their Country, a Blemish to the Christian Name, and at last fire Brands of Hell, or on the contrary Blessings in their Generation and Heirs to an heavenly glorious Inheritance in the everlasting Kingdom of CHRIST. These two things you have before you. Look upon your Children; which of them can you spare for Infamy and Damnation? which of them can you willngly devote to be an Enemy to GOD, a Traytor to his Country, a Slave to his Lusts and a Subject to the Kingdom of Darkness? Oh, let the Love of a Parent determine the Matter! Will you not say they are all dear to me as my own Flesh: I devoted them all to GOD in Baptism; I can spare none of them, for such an infamous Life, and such a fearful dolorous End. If this be the Case, let me by the Love of GOD, and the Love you bear to your Children, beg and intreat of you, to bring them up for GOD, [Page 34] bring them up for your Country, bring them up for Heaven, otherwise their Destruction will be laid to your Charge.

I would moreover add that Children & Ser­vants may likewise prove Benefactors to their Country, by Dutifulness to their Parents and Masters, by their Piety and Vertue, their In­dustry and Prudence.

I would likewise plead the Cause of GOD and my Country, with all of every Sort & De­nomination, Business & Employment, Students and Mechanicks, those that are engaged in Husbandry, Trade or Navigation; you are all of you under Advantage of doing good to your Country, by fixing upon a Life of Piety and Vertue, and living in a Course of Honesty and Integrity, Justice, Prudence and Industry.

WHAT happy Times should we have if the Body of our People would unite in doing what they can to make things go well in the Land? if we should all unite in a cordial effectual Belief of the great & fundamental Doctrines of Reli­gion, and the Practice of the substantial Duties of Christianity, in fervent Prayers to GOD and Charity to one another, and a conscientious Care to be found faithful in our several Places and Callings. All dark impending Clouds would soon scatter, the Sun of Righteousness in greater splendor and Glory would rise upon us, with Healing in his wings, Dispensing Pardon to [Page 35] our guilty Land, restoring the divine Blessings we had forfeited, and give the Angels occasion to renew their Song, Glory to GOD in the highest and on Earth peace and good will towards men.

AND now who is there that does not think this a Prize worth contending for? who would not attempt the most arduous Task for so great and comprehensive a Blessing? But when all this may be obtained at the easy Rate of living up to the Character of Men, and rational Crea­tures, upon the reasonable Terms of submitting to the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST, of Loving GOD and keeping his Commandments, of do­ing justly, Loving mercy and walking humbly with our GOD, and finally of observing that golden Rule, As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise, how blind are we to our own Happiness to refuse it upon such Terms? may GOD make us Wise to know the things that belong to our Peace now in this our Day before they are hid from our Eyes. And now, Brethren, I commend you to GOD, and to the word of his Grace, which is able build you up, and give you an Inheritance among, all them that are Sanctified: And that you may have the Smile of GOD's Providence and the Influen­ces of his Grace continually with you GOD in infinite Mercy grant thro' JESUS CHRIST. AMEN.


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