
Mr. Lord's NARRATIVE, With suitable Reflections, Concerning the very surprising Case of Mrs. M. WHEELER, &c.


GOD glorified in his Works, of Providence and Grace.

A Remarkable INSTANCE of it, IN The various and signal Deliverances, that evidently appear to be wrought for Mrs. MERCY WHEE­LER, in Plainfield; lately restored from extreme Impotence and long Confinement.

Published at the Desire of Many.

By Benjamin Lord, A. M.

Mark ix. 23.All Things are possible to him that believeth.

Isaiah xxviii. 16. He that believeth, shall not make haste.

Jonah ii. 9. Salvation is of the LORD.

Psalm lxix. 32, 33. The Humble shall see this, and be glad: and Your Heart shall live, that seek GOD. For the LORD heareth the Poor, and despiseth not his Prisoners.

Psalm cxi. 4. He hath made his wonderful Works to be re­membred.

BOSTON, Printed by ROGERS and FOWLE for J. BLANCHARD at the Bible and Crown near the Market. 1743.


GOD glorified in his Works of Provi­dence and Grace: As it appears, in the hopeful Conversion, and won­derful Restoration of Mrs. MERCY WHEELER, in Plainfield.

THERE is nothing more evident and uni­versal, than the Proof of a DEITY, in all those Works and Wonders, which con­stantly appear with such Marks of un­created Wisdom, Power and Goodness, as loudly speak their Author, GOD. For the invisible Things of him, from the Creation of the World, are clearly seen, being understood by the Things that are made, even his eternal Power and Godhead: So that they who had only this Evi­dence of his Being and Perfections from existing Na­ture, and that knew God only by the Light of Nature, and yet glorified him not, as God; were without Excuse.

And not only are the Works of Creation, in the vast Variety of their Natures, in their untold Numbers, in their shining Beauties, in their surprizing Order, [Page vi]Harmony, Direction, and Use; such evident Proofs of a God: But the Works of Providence, are alike plain and uncontestable Evidences of a supreme Being, that is infinitely wise, powerful and kind. In these, he hath not left himself without Witness, in that he did good. HE the true God did Good like a God, and, so as no other could do. And, this, he doth continually, in a Multitude of Ways, defending and upholding of us, in Life and Motion, &c. For, in him we live and move, as well as have our Being. Every Breath we draw, is by new Leave and Power from him, and if he should withhold the same, one Moment, in that Mo­ment we should die.

Among the innumerable Instances of a divine and perpetually beneficent Providence, some are eminently marvellous, in the Perservation, Defence and Delive­rance of his poor Creatures; and demand our most special Notice, as there are in them the more signal Displays of the Wisdom, Power, Care, and Faithful­ness of a God; and by them, is given a more plain and ample Testimony for God. So that they who re­main evil and unthankful after all these, are left with­out Excuse, indeed.

And when to all these, is added the most strong and affecting Proof of the manifold Wisdom and rich Mer­cy of God, in the Redemption of Rebel-Man by JE­SUS CHRIST; the Obligations to this glorious Being are increased beyond Expression. And how can any under the Gospel, be excused, who don't with warm Affecti­ons of Soul, improve these Evidences of the divine Be­ing and Benevolence to the Purposes of their Duty and God's Glory?

But as the Proofs of a Deity, which are displayed all abroad in Creation and Providence, breaking forth, [Page vii]and shining out from every Part of the Creation, as also in every Scene of Providence, are open to all serious Observers: So, the brighter and more engaging Evi­dences of a God in the Revelation and Gift of Jesus Christ the Saviour, cannot escape the most pleasing Ob­servation of all, whose Eyes are opened to behold the Glory of God in the Face of his Son. Never, O never do the Proofs of a Deity shine forth with such satisfy­ing Clearness and sweet Influence, as they do in Christ Jesus; in whom, the great and glorious God may be known, & believed in; known, and loved; known, and rejoiced in and enjoyed for ever. This Kind of Proof (surely) cannot fail of having a most solemn, sweet and practical Regard from all that have felt the Power of it, in their Conversion, and blessed Conformity to God by Jesus Christ.

And how often is it, that the Subjects whom Pro­vidence singles out, in a remarkable Manner, to dis­play the Perfections of God upon them; in their De­liverance from bodily Evils; and so to make them Witnesses for him: Are the very same whom Grace pitcheth upon too, for the same Purpose; in their Sal­vation from Sin and Hell. And so, almighty Provi­dence, and rich Grace eminently meet at the Command of Sovereignty, which shines illustriously in them both.

Thus it was in the Days of our Saviour, when the Miracles of Power, in healing Men's Bodies, were at­tended with those of Grace, in the healing of their Souls. And how beautiful the Sight now, when in some Imitation thereof, the Subjects of an extraordinary Deliverance by Providence, do appear to be also the Subjects of converting and saving Grace? The Finger of God, in some few In­stances of late, has appeared in a very wonderful Man­ner, in healing and restoring Persons from long Impo­tency [Page viii]and Confinement; whose Difficulties had long baf­fled all Means, and seem'd beyond the ordinary Methods of Cure. And O how much more of God still, has there been in such Instances, when they have been hopeful­ly wrought upon, by almighty sovereign Grace too!

God's Creatures are all his own absolute Property, and he may single out which of them he pleaseth to be the distinguish'd Subjects of his Power and Grace. And this Person, of whose Deliverances I have undertaken to give some Account, has appeared for a long Series of Years to have been a remarkable Subject, and as it were a visible Seat of the divine Wonders. God's Dealings with her have been very uncommon, and even singular all along. And by the whole Frame of his Dispensations towards her, it has look'd as if God might have some Reserves of uncommon Favour for her, and Designs of displaying his sovereign Wisdom, Power, and Goodness in something extraordinary with Respect to her, as the Event now sheweth. Under some of the greatest Weight of the Hand of Providence upon her, there often appeared a wonderful Uplifting of the Heart and Soul, by the Power of Grace at Work in her. And the Work of God in her, has ever appeared to bear some Proportion to the Dealings of God with her. And, now, what doth at last so evidently appear to be done for her, seems to have been aimed at, and designed in the whole Scheme of Providence, and Train of Events concerning her; so much, is it of a Piece with the rest. And though no one could pretend to have fore­seen it, yet now it has happened, it doth seem to be some extraordinary Result of divine Counsel and Com­passion, the Fruit of resolute Mercy, which though con­tented to appear in slow Progress for many Years (in Order to make the more illustrious Discovery of it self [Page ix]in the Close) at Length breaks forth and makes its Way through all Difficulty, appears more open, and ex­erts itself in a very discernable and surprising Delive­rance. A gracious Providence (it seems) had for Years together before this, been doing enough, in a more gra­dual Way, to fix her, and others Attention to God's signal Care of her, and to keep up a secret Hope of some greater Deliverances still; but now, when the set Time was come, to favour her with Liberty, and to make the divine Power and Praise the more illustri­ous; behold, her Restoration; must take an unu­sual Stretch, as if the Lord had not forgotten that Prerogative Character of his.— The Lord looseth the Prisoners — the Lord raiseth them that that are bowed down. And as if he would yet be known in that his incomparable Character, Who is like unto thee, O Lord—glorious in Holiness, fear­ful in Praises, doing Wonders. Verily, he hath re­membred her, in her low Estate, for, his Mercy endureth forever. And this, (as, I might observe) has been the Issue of much Prayer for her, as well as in Consequence of great Faith, which has appeared to be wrought in her, and exercised by her. But, God chu­seth whom he will to be the Subjects of his Mercy, he hath Mercy on whom he will have Mercy. And so he fits, whom he will, in and by them, to make his Power and Grace known, and to glorify himself before the World.

The Design of publishing this Account, is not to extol the Subject of this Deliverance, but the divine Author of it. And not to speak of what appears excellent in her any further, than it may seem necessary, to give some ample Testimony for God, in what he hath done for her. According to her own Words, ‘Oh let the [Page x]Lord humble me, and let none take Notice of me, but for God's Sake, and for his Honour.’ And for­asmuch, as she seems to view every Thing in her, that justly looks well to others, as God's Creature and Gift, rather than as her Excellence; and also to give all that God has any Way done for her, back again unto him in Acknowledgement and Praise, I hope it will not be accounted any Transgression of Rule, to speak of her as a Monument of the Power and Mercy of God, which cannot be hid. Yea, such an open Instance hereof, wherein, the Lord hath been pleased to appear in his Strength of Salvation. Yea, 'tis so far from being the Design of this Narrative to magnify a poor Worm, the Subject of it, that it is rather to promote her Hu­mility; by letting her yet more into herself to see still more of her own Vileness and Nothingness in the Light of the Knowledge of God, and of his Works of Won­der; which are here set before her; as a Glass, where­in she may (as in some entire View of God's Dealings with her) see what the Lord hath done for her; and this ranged, something in the Order of her Experience of it. And O let her Eyes be turned inward upon her self, as well as lifted upwards to God and Christ, and let her Soul be filled with sacred Love, Gratitude and Wonder, that even the Lord would look upon such a vile Creature, and single her out, to be such a Monu­ment of his Almighty Power and Grace, something as it was with poor Mephibosheth, who bowed him­self, and said, what is thy Servant, that thou shouldst look upon such a dead Dog as I am.

Furthermore, the Design hereof, is to fix the Remem­brance of the Doings of the Lord, upon the Hearts of the Beholders hereof, and so to impress those Truths, and that Sense of God and divine Things, which some [Page xi]seem'd to have received by seeing how great Things the Lord had done for her.

I have (with others) been sundry Times to the Place, conversed frequently with her, and seen her the Subject of Deliverances, as I had before seen her, the Sub­ject of Impotency. I have also made careful Enquiry into the Matters of Fact, concerning her; and got In­formation of the Credibility of the particular Witnesses to them. And took the utmost Care, I could that that might be a just Account of Things, and have here re­presented them as they are, in their own native Sim­plicity, without giving any determinate Opinion of the precise Nature of the Deliverance wrought for her, e­specially in the surprizingly free Use of her Feet, but leave the Reader entirely to judge thereof himself, ac­cording as it shall appear to him from the whole. Only observe, that there doth seem, upon the strictest Exa­mination into it, to be plentiful Matter of the divine Praise and Glory, which I hope is the governing De­sign of this History. And in drawing out the Mate­rials of it, and ranging of Things in their own Or­der, it will be something necessary and not incongruous to intermix something of her inward, Christian Expe­rience with the Train of God's Dealings with her: Because the Designs of Providence and Grace, do re­ally appear, to have been in Fact, carried on together. And I trust this Intermixture will relish well with the serious Reader, as it doth actually reflect a Beauty upon the Work of the Lord, and a Glory to the Author.

I shall only add this further, that the Things here related, are what many do know and speak of, without any Doubt of the Truth and Certainty of them. And that the most wonderful Event of all, (viz.) Her [Page xii]sudden rising up, and walking and leaping as one at Liberty from long Impotency, didn't happen to her when alone, nor was the Thing done in a Corner, but a Mul­titude, (who had been worshipping with her at the House) saw it, and wondred. And since that Time, the Evi­dence of her Deliverance growing yet stronger, 'tis the Opinion of many serious and judicious Persons, that it is worthy of Notice, among the wonderful Works of the Lord, which he will have to be remembred. At whose Desire, I have here given the following Account, in brief, and in the Order as follows.

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