
Mr. Phillips's SERMON ON The Children's HOSANNAHS.


CHILDREN well imployed, and, JESUS much delighted: OR, The Hosannahs OF Zion's CHILDREN, Highly PLEASING TO Zion's KING: A plain Discourse lately preach'd to the CHILDREN of the South-Parish in Andover: And now dedicated to their Use: By SAMUEL PHILLIPS, M. A. And V. D. M. Published at the Desire of many of his Hearers, both Parents and Children.

Matt. xix.14.

JESUS said, suffer LITTLE CHIL­DREN, and forbid them not, to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.

And therefore,

Psal. cxlix.2.

Let the CHILDREN of Zion be joyful in their KING.

BOSTON: Printed by S. Kneeland, and T. Green, for D. Henchman, in Cornhill. 1739.

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TO The CHILDREN belonging to my Congregation.


I Do here, as I proposed in my last—, present to your View, a plain Discourse compose [...] for you, and, not long since, preach­ed to you:— The true De­sign and Scope of which, is, to quicken, and encourage you, (more especial­ly) now, in your tender Yars, to adorn the Doctrine of God our Saviour, in all the Instances of a well ordered Conversation, and to assist you in so doing: And, in a more peculiar Manner, in those religious Exercises of PRAYER and PRAISE; the devout and [Page ii] frequent Practice of which, will be your own greatest H [...]nour and Ornament —.

I am very sensible, that the Word in the Original *, which is translated Children, in my T [...]xt, does not always, and only intend Children in Years: Fo [...], we are h [...]reby to understand, not only little Children, but sometimes, either Sons, — Daughters,— Servants, or Maidens; and sometimes, even all the Domesticks, excepting the Master and Mistress of the Family : But then I shall further say, that, even, from hence it follows, that little Children are not exempted; nay, but the Word bids as fair for them, as for those who are something more advanced in Age: Yea, and without Doubt, there were some such, who joined with the Multitude, in this Acclamation, v [...]z. Hosanna to the Son of David: "And t [...]uly, the Praise was perfected by the sweet Voices of these Lambs; yea, it had been Defective if these had been wanting ."

It will be very easy for you to observe, that I consider you, in this Discourse, not as in your Childhood only; but also, as hast'ning on a pace, if your Lives be spared, into the midst of numerous Temptations; and therefore this little [Page iii] Book may be profitable to you, not only now, but also in your more advanced Age

And, O! that I might be a happy Instru­ment, in the Hand of my great Lord and Master, not only, of nourishing you up in the Words of Faith, and of good Doctrine; but, moreover, of exciting you to the practical Part of our holy Religion, even, to speak and live the Praises of our exalted Redeemer; and, in all your Ways, to acknowlege God, as your Father in Heaven; and as the Guide, first, of your Childhood, and afterwards, of your Youth, and so on to old Age and even thro' the Shades of Death, and, up to that high and holy Mount, where there shall be no more Death, nor Sorrow nor Crying *.

And whereas, there is Duty (with respect to you) in cumbent on your tender Parents, as well as on your Minister; I have therefore, in Love to you, as well as in faithfulness to them, offered, in the Close of this Discourse, a Word of Exhortation to them, namely to do all they can to promote and further your spiritual Weal; and in order hereunto, to lead you unto CHRIST, and to direct and assist [Page iv] you in his Service—: Which Exhortation will, I doubt not, be well accepted by them; and, as I humbly trust, will be a M [...]ans of Quick'ning to them.

And I am not without Hope, my Children, that the Consideration of the distinguishing Goodness and Kindness of God your Saviour, in sparing you from Death, at a Time, when many Children and Youth, of this Town, as well as others, have so suddenly and so aw­fully, been taken out of the World *, will prevail with you, in Love and Gratitude to him, and in Kindness to your selves, to im­prove this, and even, all other Means vouch­safed you, in such a Manner, as shall advance his Praise and Glory, and promote the Weal of your own immortal Souls.

This, you know is the third Time, wherein I have directed my Speech to you, in parti­cular; — The two former, chiefly for your Instruction, and this for your Quick'ning, in the Things of God:—Whereby, you may plainly see, how much I bear you upon my Mind, and how desirous I am, that you may be accounted to the Lord for a Generation: to wit, that you may be a Generation of his Praise, and not a Generation of his Wrath: [Page v] —And O! I beseech you, let not the Words which I have spoken, and which I have written to you, be produced against you, in the Day of Judgment, to your Confusion and Condemnation: Hear me now therefore, O ye Children, and depart not from the Words of my Mouth:— I have no greater Joy, than to hear that my Children walk in Truth—.

I shall only add, that the following Dis­course, together with the two former, being suitable to your Age, as also, consonant to the Oracles of the ever-living God, I do, there­fore, recommend them to your frequent and diligent Perusal; and do solemnly exhort, yea, and charge you, to receive and regard the same, not only, as coming from the Mouth of your Minister; but also, and especially, as the Word of your Father in Heaven, to wit, of that God, who has lately formed you, and has shown you great Favour, to whom you were betimes devoted; in whom you live, and move, and have your Beings; unto whom you are accountable; and wh [...] alone is able to make these, and all othe [...] Means, to be of saving Benefit and Advantage to you —.

To his Favour and Blessing I unfeignedly commend you all; expecting▪ that both you, and your pious Parents, will be mindful of me, in your Addresses, from Day to Day, to the Throne of Grace—: And assuring you, that it is my Heart's Desire, that you may [Page vi] be the Care and Charge of a kind Providence, and the happy Subjects of a special, saving, Grace; and that when you have served God, and your Generation according to his Will, you may, then, be admitted into his Presence-Chamber, where there is Fulness of Joy, and Pleasures evermore:— As also, that the true Protestant Faith may be transmitted, and that real and vital Piety, may prevail, from Generation to Generation, in this Place, to the second Coming of our Lord and Saviour, JESUS CHRIST.

Which is, and shall be the Prayer of your affectionate Pastor, and cordial Friend, S. Phillips.
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THE Children's Hosannahs Highly Pleasing TO OUR GREAT SAVIOUR.


—And the Children crying in the Tem­ple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David; they were sore displeased:— And Jesus saith unto them, yea; have ye never read, out of the Mouth of Babes and Sucklings thou hast perfected Praise.

SUCH is the unparellel'd Love of CHRIST to Souls, that he has shown his kind Regards, not only, to the elder; but also, to the younger Sort: Yea, and not only to those, whom we commonly call young Men and Maidens, but also, to such as are in their Childhood.

[Page 2]And accordingly, he has charg'd his Mi­nisters, to allow of their coming to him: Yea, he has strictly commanded them to feed his Lambs, as well as his Sheep

Now, the Lambs of Christ are of several Ages; and the least or youngest of them may not be neglected; but they must be f [...]d, as soon as ever they become capable of re­ceiving Instruction. — Ministers are oblig'd to feed them with Milk, the sincere Milk of God's Word, as well as the stronger Christians with Meat.

Yea, and our LORD JESUS CHRIST ex­pecteth, that if his Ministers have an un­feigned Love to him, that then, they will do it voluntarily; and that their Love to him will even constrain them to it: as you may see in John 21 15. which Pass [...]ge of Scripture, I purpose to take further Notice of, by and by.

I have, as you well know, off [...]r'd, at one Time and anothe [...], several Discourses to the young People of this Place, and at the same Times, have spoken to th [...] Children among us, that i [...], being consider'd as young Per­sons.

But I purpose now, to speak more direct­ly, and exor [...]sly to them; and theref [...]re, shall endeavour to suit my Discourse to their Capacity; and to give such Advice as is proper for th [...]ir Age

Not, that I intend to confine my Speech wholly to them; for the young People▪ as [Page 3] they are call'd; yea, and Persons advanc'd in Years, may here find some Words suita­ble for them also.


I crave the Attention of you all, but, more especially of the CHILDREN of the Con­gregation:


O that I might be instrumental to lead you to the great Shepherd of the Flock, the LORD JESUS CHRIST!

In this Chapter, we have an Account of CHRIST'S riding in Triumph into Jerusa­lem.

The Beast which he rode upon, is said to be, an Ass, and a Colt the Fole of an Ass. The Words do not intend, that he sat on both; sometimes on one, and then on the other, as some have imagin'd: It plainly appears by the other Evangelists, that Christ rode on the Colt only. Matthew names two for one, by a Synecdoche; or, after the familiar Use of the Hebrew Tongue, he rehearseth one Thing twice *; or, both are mention'd, because the Dam might pro­bably follow after her Colt — And this was done, that the Scripture might be ful­filled; see Zech 9 9. The Beast which [Page 4] Christ improv'd, is called a Colt; and is said to be one, on which never Man sat ▪ Mark 11.2. But notwithstanding, he was fit for Man's Use, and, without Doubt, the Ow­ner-intended him for speedy Service; for we read, that the Disciples found him tied: And it was no unusual Thing, for young Asses to be called Colts, even, after they were used for Riding, as may be seen in Judg. 10.4 and 12.14. — The Ass being sent for, a [...]d, by the Owner's Leave, bro' [...], for he was borrowed; the Disciples put on him some of their Garments, and then they set Jesus thereon: Which plainly teacheth us, to part with our very Cloathing for Christ's Sake, and that freely, when called thereunto; and when we have an Oppor­tunity to serve him, and advance his Glory, by our so doing.

As for Christ's Attendants, they were a very great Multitude: — It is true indeed, they were the meaner Sort of People, but yet they did him great Honour by spreading their Garments in [...]he Way, and by cutting down Branches from the Trees, and s [...]r [...]wing them in the Way: This, as we are inform­ed was a Thing usual among the Jews at the Feast of Tabernacles, in Token of Li­berty, Victory, and Joy: The Children of Israel, at that Feast, carry'd their Boughs to make Booths of, in Manner of Arbours, wherein to dwell for the Space of seven Days; to put them in Mind, of their Fore­fathers [Page 5] dwelling in Tents and Tabernacles. (See Levit. 23 39, to the End) Which Bun­dles they call'd their Hosanna: — But then, besides those which they prepar'd to make their Booths of, they also, it seems, provided themselves with Palm Boughs, which they carried in their Hands, and as they w [...]nt, cried Hosanna: And in All [...]si [...]n to this, the People, here, cut down Branches from the Trees, and strewed [...]hem in the Way, when our Saviour rode into Jerusalem, and they cry'd Hosanna to the Son of David—v 8▪9.

Being come into Jerusalem, the whole City was moved: The Acclamations of the Multitude put the People upon looking out of their Houses, and enquiring, Who is this? v. 10 To which, the Multitude replyed, This is Jesus, the Prophet of Nazareth of Ga­lilee. v. 11. Thus he was known, and cal­led among them; and they were free and forward to spread the Knowledge of him where they came, and to speak what they knew concerning him. — The Multitude had, just before, declared him to be the Son of David, and proclaimed, that he came in the Name of the Lord, and professed, by their Hosanna, that they wish'd well to him, and to his Undertaking; and by their so do­ing, they plainly sh [...]w'd, that they believ­ed him to be the Messiah: And yet, which one would not have expected, the People of the City enquire, Who he is: That is, Whence came he? How do you describe [Page 6] him? Have we, or, can you help us to have, any Knowledge of this Man? Pray, tell us what you know concerning him In Answer to which, some of the Multitude describe him (1) By his Name, Jesus. (2) By his Of­fice, the Prophet. (3) By the Place, not of his Nativity, but of his Resilence at that Time, when his Life was in Danger; of which we have an Account in Matt. 2.22, 23.

In the next Place it is to be observed, that Christ being entred into Jerusalem, he went directly to the Temple: He, as the Head of the Church, w [...]nt strait forward to the Temple of God, and purged it, by casting out all them that sold, and bought, in the Tem­ple &c. v. 12. And it is undeniable, that he produced sufficient to warrant the doing of what he did; for, he said unto them. It is written, my House shall be called the House of Prayer ; but, ye have made it a Den of Thieves. v. 13.

And, it may not pass unobserved, that nei­ther the Honour done him by the Acclama­tions of the People, nor yet, the Work of purging the Temple, could hinder our bles­sed Lord from showing Pitty to the Blind and Lame; for they came to him in the Tem­ple, and he healed them. v 14 Thus, Christ embraced all Opportunities for the doing of Good; and truly, he was wont to shew him­self [Page 7] most gracious, even, to those, whom Men are most apt to despise — And, as true it is, that he has yet a tender Regard to all those, who, being sensible of their spi­ritual Blindness and Lameness, do cry to him for Healing and Guidance: Yea, and the House of God is a very suitable Place, for such to come into, and here to wait on the Lord for saving Mercy. Prov 8.34, 35.

But, that which I shall take a more parti­cular Notice of, is, the Account which we have of the CHILDREN's crying in the Tem­ple, Hosanna to the Son of David — What bro't those Children thither, is uncertain: We know it to be a common Thing for Children, to resort to any Place, where they see a Concourse of People, and where there is something new and strange to be seen or heard: "And we would hope, that some of these Children, if not all of them, were worshipping at the Temple," at the Time, when Christ came thither:— But, let what will be the particular Occasion of their be­ing conven'd at that Time and Place; yet, this is certain, that the governing Providence of God must be observed in this Matter, viz. in inclining them, not only, to repair thi­ther at that Juncture, but also, to unite, in crying Hosanna to the Son of David; that is, to the promised M [...]ssiah, whom all M [...]n ac­knowledg [...]d, should be the Son of David, ac­cording to the Flesh

[Page 8]They cry'd Hosanna; which Word signi­fieth, Save, and is a Petition for Salvation: And may be look'd upon, first, 'As a Pray­er to the FATHER." to save his Son, and prosper him in his Undertaking: Also, it carries in it Gratitude and Thankfulness to him, for making such Provision for the Sal­vation of poor, lost Man. — And secondly, "It may be consider'd as a Prayer to the LORD JESUS CHRIST," the Son of God him­self, to become their Saviour: As also, a Note and Evidence of Joy and Praise, that he was pleased to condescend, to take upon him the Office of a Saviour—.

In a Word;

The Term H [...]sannah is an Expression both of PRAYER and PRAISE: A welcoming Christ's Kingdom, and a wishing well unto it: And it very plainly refers to a Part of the 118th Psalm: In which Psalm our Lord Jesus Christ is very clearly pointed un­to; for, we have his State of H [...]miliation and Exaltation both prophesy'd of, in v. 22. Which is styled the marvelous Work of God in v. 23. Then, in the next Verse, it is said, This is the Day, which the Lord hath made, we will rejoyce and be glad in it: Which Words may point to the Time of the Gospel Dispensation in general; but more particular­ly; either, to the Day spoken of in our Text and Context, on which Christ rode in Triumph into Jerusalem, which was but little before his Passion, and was without Doubt, a Specimen [Page 9] of that Conquest, which he should obtain over his Enemies; and of that Power and Glory, which he should be exalted unto: Or else, it may especially point out to us, the Day of the Christian Sabbath, which is the Day of our Saviour's Resurrection from the Dead — I say, tho' the Words may look forward to all that I have now menti­on'd, yet, this latter, viz the Christian Sab­bath, i [...], most probably, especially intended: For, when he arose from the Dead, then, he actually triumph'd over Death, Hell, and the Grave, and led Captivity captive; of which, as was before observed, his Riding in Triumph into Jerusalem was a Specimen.— Then it follows in v. 25 Hosannah, as may be seen in the Hebrew, which is rendred in our T [...]a [...]slation, Save: Save now, I beseech thee, O Lord▪ O Lord, I beseech thee, send now Prosperity. As tho' they had said, Al­tho' others despise thee; yet, Lord, we wish thee Prosperity; and notwithstanding, o­thers refuse to yield Subjection to thee; ye [...], we profess ourselves thy loyal Subjects, and faithful Servants.—It is added in v. 26 Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Agreable to which, is that in the 9th ver. of our Context: As tho' they had said, Seeing thou [...]mest in the Name of the Lord, and art sent by the Father, from Heaven, upon this great and important Errand, and art ordained by him, to be our Lord and Saviour; we do, with all Thankfulness, accept of [Page 10] thee; and will with all Readiness submit unto thee—.

So that, you see, our Text and Context plainly refer to some Verses in the 118th Psalm; and is, in Part, the ACCOMPLISH­MENT of that glorious Prophecy—.

But to proceed;

The Chief Priests and Scribes taking No­tice of the wonderful Things, which Christ did; and of the Words, which were spoken by the Children, viz. Hosanna to the Son of David; It is said, they were sor [...] displeased. v. 15.—But, how did they discover their Resentment? Not by saulting him for the Cures, which he wro't on the Blind, and Lame; No, for then, all the People would have cry'd out Shame upon 'em: But, they blam'd the Children, or rather Christ, for suffering the Children, to do him as great Honour, as tho' he was a God; Or else, for allowing them to meddle with that, which, as they supposed, those Children did not un­derstand; and therefore, as they imagin'd, took the Name of the Lord their God in vain — Hearest thou what they say? That is, Dost thou take Notice of it or not? If not, they spend their Breath in vain: And if thou dost hear and observe, then, why are they allowed to go on?— Whereunto, Jesus replyed, Have ye never read, out of the Mouth of Babes and Sucklings thou hast per­fected [Page 11] Praise; Or, ordained Strength : For, "it is to the Praise of God's Strength; yea, his Praise is perfected, when he inclines and enables such weak Instruments to show forth his Praises."

Thus Christ answered the chief Priests and Scribes; and it was sufficient to still those E­nemies of his, who would gladly, if they dar'd, have aveng'd themselves on him *:— We don't read of any Reply, that they made to Christ: Whether is was, because they were convicted in their own Consciences, that they were in the wrong; or, whether, because they had not the Opportunity for it; is uncertain: But this is certain, that Christ quickly left them, and went out of the City into Bethany, and lodged there, which was about two Miles distant from Jerusalem; for they had forfeited the Favour of his Presence.

It is very evident, from Christ's not com­manding the Children to forbear; and from his making such a Reply as he did, to the chief Priests and Scribes; that he allowed of, yea, that he was pleased with, the Children's Hosannas. Christ could easily have check'd them: Yea, and truly they would not have proceeded, had they so much as dis­cerned, that it was in any Measure, disagre­able to Christ, that they should thus express themselves: But, Christ did not discover [Page 12] any such Thing; No, but the Contrary▪ ev [...]n, that he allowed and approved of wha [...] they did.

So that, we may observe from hence, thi [...] plain Truth, for our


That our LORD JESUS CHRI [...]T not only ob­serves, but also, is well ple [...]sed, and highly gratified, with the PRAYERS, and PRAISES of CHILDREN

The Term HOSANNA carries in it the Voice of PRAYER and PRAISE, as was before noted.


That CHRIST observes all such, who are thus employed, is undeniable: Nothing 'scapes his Notice: He has Eyes as a Flame of Fire: His Eyes run to and fro thro' out the whole Earth▪ to show himself strong in the Behalf of them, whose H [...]art is perfect towards him 2 Chr [...]n 16.9. He is God as well as Man; and none can hi [...]e themselves in se­cret Places, that [...]e should not see th [...]m. Him hath the Fath [...]r ordained to be the Judge of the World; and in order to his passing a just Sentence, and rendering to e­very one according to his Ways, it is very necessary, that he observe what their Ways are, whether good or bad: And, not only the Ways of [...]lder People, but also, of Chil­dren, fall under his Observation; for, these [Page 13] latter, as well as the former, must come into Judgment. Rev. 20 12 And I saw the Dead, Small and Great, stand before God, and the Books were opened:— And the Dead were judged out of these Things, which were written in the Books, according to their Works.

But then, Christ not only observes, but, is well pleased with the Voice of Prayer and Praise

It is pleasing to him, when Persons, whe­ther elder or younger, do, either in the Way of Prayer, or of S [...]nging Psalms, Praise him, for the many Mercies b [...]stowed by him, on themselves and others: And, in [...]n especial Manner, when they p [...]aise him for his great Love, in coming into the World, and giving himself for poor Sinners; and for m [...]king known himself to them, and the Way to Life thro' him; and for his striving with th [...]m by his Spirit, and waiting to be gracious to them — In a Word; It is pleasing to Christ to be praised, for what he is in him­self, and for what he has done and suffer'd, and is still doing for fallen Man; and, even, for all that Good, which we have in Hand, and which we have i [...] Hope.— And in­deed, he ve [...]y justly expects it, inasmuch as, he is both the Purchaser and Disp [...]nser of all our Favours Of him, and thro' him, are all Things, and therefore, to him, not exclud­ing the Father and the Holy Ghost, should be Glory for ever; Amen.

[Page 14]And, as it is pleasing to Christ, that People show forth his Praises; so also, that they make their Requests to him, for themselves and others; and for the Advancement of his Kingdom, and the Overthrow of Satan's, thro' the World: It pleaseth him well, when Persons pray for spiritual Blessings with Fer­vency and Importunity; and for Temporal, with an entire Submission to the sovereign Will and Pleasure of God; and when they offer up their Requests to the Father, in his Name; that is, by Faith in his Satisfaction and Intercession; which is not, in the least, inconsistent with making their Prayers to Christ himself; for, we must bear in Mind, that the Three Persons in the Godhead are but one God: If, in our Worship, we should consider each Person as a seperate God, then we should worship, in a Manner, three Gods instead of One: So that, we must take great Care, to adore One in Three, and Three in One, and to give equal Honour to each Person. *

But then, let it be remark'd, that Christ does not take Delight in the Prayers and Praises of any, but of those, who so regard him, as to sit at his Feet, and hear his Word; [Page 15] and that, with a Desire and Purpose, to know, and do, their Duty, respecting God, th [...]ir Neighbour, and themselves.— This, I say, is very pleasing to Christ, when Persons daily read and consult his holy Word, and diligently attend to the same when preached, and lay it up in their Hearts, in order to bring forth the Fruit of it in their Lives.—

And, in a Word;

Christ is pleased, when People worship him in publick, according to his Appoint­ment; and, when they have their private Meetings, to worship the Lord, and to edifie one another; and, when they join in Family Devotions; each Family apart offering up, daily, the Morning and Evening Sacrifice of Prayer and Praise; and finally, when each Person makes Conscience of observing and attending the Religion of the Closet, and takes Care to order his whole Conversation aright; and especially when little Children do so.

And I may venture to say, that all such, Old and Young, as are sincere in these their Ser­vices, will actually promote the Interest of Christ all they can; exciting and encourag­ing those wh [...]m they converse with, to the Duties of Prayer and Praise: Yea, and truly, they will seek to propagate the true Religion among such, as are ignorant of it; or those, w [...]o are not able, of themselves, to support the Charge of it. Endeavours, I say, will be joined with sincere and humble [Page 16] Prayers, according to Persons Ability and Opportunity; and This will be an Odour of a sweet Smell; a Sacrifice, acceptable, and well pleasing to God, thro' Jesus Christ—.

But my Text leads me to speak of Children only, and therefore, for the further clearing of the Doctrine, I shall endeavour to speak to two Things, briefly: viz.

  • I. To show, that it is a Truth, that Christ [...] well pleased with the Prayers and Praises of Children. And then,
  • II. To give you the Reasons of the Doc­trine.

Here then,

I. I am to evince the Truth of the Doc­trine; Or, to show, that Christ is certainly well pleased, and highly gratified, with the Prayers and Praises of Children.— And truly,

This is very evident from our Text and Context; for, we find here, that Christ, not only, tolerated the Children's crying in the Temple, Hosanna to the Son of David; but moreover, he vindicated them, altho' the chief Priests and Scribes would have had him re­buked 'em; which plainly argues, that what the Children said, was pleasing to him, Hosanna to the Son of David, or the Exerci­ses of Prayer and Praise, well become the Mouths of Children ▪ otherwise, the Lord [Page 17] Jesus would, doubtless, have put a Stop to their Proceeding; but on the other Hand, he encourag'd them in it, and stop'd the Mou [...]s of Gainsayers—.

But, the Truth of the Doctrine will yet more clearly appear, by considering these few Things following, viz

1. It is the express Commandment of Christ, that Persons seek first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness. Matt. 6 33. Seek first; that is, not only first in Affection, and above all other Things; but also, first in Time, and before all other Things. And in Eccles. 12.1· it is written, Remember now thy Creator in the Days of thy Youth.—You may not ima­gine, that Persons are hereby excused, from remembring the Lord in their Childhood; No verily; but, the Words may be consi­der'd, as related, or connected, to those immediately preceeding, which are, Child­hood and Youth are Vanity: So that, the Meaning is this, do not, like many others, who spend their Childhood and Youth in Va­nity; but, in your early Days, remember your Creator, even, as soon as you are capa­ble, and have the Exercise of Reason.— Children! here's a Remedy prescrib'd to cure you of your Vanity, and that is, remember now thy Creator: And it is the Command­ment and Expectation of the great GOD, who has lately form'd and fashion'd you, that you apply and improve this Remedy. Indeed, if you can make it appear, that the [Page 18] Lord is not your Creator, then, you are ex­cused from remembring and obeying him; but otherwise, you are not.

2. I may argue further, for the Proof of the Doctrine, viz from the Consideration, that Christ has ordered, that little Children be allowed to come to him, and that they be not forbidden—.

This is plainly set forth before us, in Matt. 19.13, 14, 15.— Those Persons, who bro't these Children, shew'd their Love to, and Faith in, Christ, but the Disciples rebuked them; probably, thinking it to be below their Master, to regard Children; or else, that he had Work enough besides: But, for what Reason soever they did it, yet Christ was displeased with them for it, and said, Suffer little Children to come to me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven: Yea, and he actually laid his Hands on them, in token of his blessing them: "And thus, our Lord asserted the Rights of the Lambs of his Flock: To them be­long the Privileges of visible Church-Mem­bership, as among the Jews of old;" for, says our Saviour, of such is the Kingdom of Heaven: They are Members of the visible Church, being Children of believing Pa­rents: Now, the Promise is to such Pa­rents, and to their Children. Acts 2.39.—It is very plain, that these Children, who were bro't to Christ, were small; even, so little, as to be bro't in the Arms; probably, they [Page 19] were a Year or two old, or less: And it is as plain, that they were very welcome to Christ.— Which by the Way, affords a ve­ry weighty Argument for Infant Baptism: — But, not to insist upon that at present, but to come to what I intend; I may argue thus,

If Christ welcom'd little Children, when they were bro't to him by others; doubtless, it is pleasing to him, when Children come to him themselves and do actually and volunta­rily join in the Exercises of Prayer and Praise, giving to him the glory due to his Name, and waiting upon him for his Bles­sing: If the Lord Jesus will accept of Children, when offered and dedicated by their Parents; without Question, he will accept of them, when they present themselves, an Offering unto the Lord Pious Parents de­vote their Children to the Lord, desiring, that they may be his; but when the Children present themselves, it is supposed that they are determined to be his. In the parental Dedi­cation, Children are meerly passive, but in the Self-Dedication, they are active; and we would hope, sincere too, in Obedience to that Command, which is written in Prov. 23 26 MY SON, GIVE ME THINE HEART.

3. I might also mention, by Way of Ar­gument, the Pleas, which Christ hath been pleased to put into the Mouths of Children. — I shall just hint at one or two of them.

[Page 20]Thus, they have their Baptism to plead with Christ, for his Acceptance of them: This Ordinance is administred to the Infants of believing Parents; and is done, as we conceive, by the Order and Appointment of our Lord and Saviour: And it both lays Persons under Engagements to be his Ser­vants, and gives them Ground to hope for, and expect, his Acceptance and Blessing, when they make it their great Care to fulfill those Engagements.

Furthermore, they have a special Word of Promise put into their Mouths, to plead with Christ. Such as that, in Prov. 8.17. They that seek me EARLY, shall find me. And that, in Isa. 45.19. I said not unto the SEED of Jacob, seek ye me in vain And many other that might be named.—

Now, I say, Christ having furnished Chil­dren with such Pleas, it argues, that it is pleasing to him, when they improve them in the Ways of divine Appointment; and par­ticularly, in the Duty of Prayer—.

4. The Truth of the Doctrine is further evident, from the Consideration, that Christ has commanded his Ministers to feed his Lambs:

This may be seen, in John 21.15. Which Words were directed, not to Peter only, but, do also concern all those, who serve in the Work and Business of the Ministry. — And truly, not only Ministers, but also Parents, and even all who have the [Page 21] Care of Children, are obliged to train them up in the Way they should go; and to bring them up in the Nurture and Admoni­tion of the Lord.— Now, doubtless, these Things argue, that Christ is pleased, when Children engage in religious Exercises them­selvos. — The Lord Jesus Christ would have Children instructed by his Ministers, and by their Parents, and others, who have them under their Watch, for this very End, viz. that they may be led, actually, to en­gage in his Service themselves. He would have them to know their Duty, in order to do it: And the sooner they understand, de­light in, and practise their Duty, the more do they please and gratify the Lord Jesus.

5 It is agreable to Scripture Prophecies and Promises, that Children should bring Praise to the Name of God, by their Devo­tions.

See for this Purpose, that fore-cited Psal. 8.2. Out of the Mouth of Babes and Suck­lings, hast thou ordained Strength; or, per­fected Praise, as in our Context. And agre­able hereto, is that in Isa 44 3, 4, 5 I will pour my Spirit upon thy Seed, and my Blessing upon thine Offspring, and they shall spring up as among the Grass, as Willows by the Water-Courses; One shall say, I am the Lord's; and another shall call himself by the Name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his Hand unto the Lord, and sirname himself by the Name of Israel. — Now I say, [Page 22] it is abundantly evident, from such like Promises and Prophecies, that the Devotions of Children are pleasing to Christ He is greatly delighted, when the holy Scriptures are fulfilled, especially, the promissory Part, or, that which brings Glory to his Name, and, at the same Time, holds forth Grace and Favour to the Children of Men.

6 It also appears from Christ's inclining and disp [...]sing some Children to religious Exer­cises, that, he is pleased, when they are so engaged.

To illustrate this, consider briefly,

It is a very common Thing for Children to delight in Play; and it is very natural for them to Sin, they even incline to it, as the Sparks to fly upwards: From hence it fol­lows, that they are naturally averse to the religious Exercises of Prayer and Praise: They are corrupt, each one, for that which is born of the Flesh is Flesh; and the car­nal Mind is Enmity against God. — So then, we may conclude, that whenever Children do freely and voluntarily engage in religious Exercises, that it is CHRIST, who, by the Operations of the Holy Ghost, inclines them thereunto. — Alass! How many Children are there, who are well instructed, and yet, don't incline to seek and serve the Lord! May we not then look upon it, as the Work of the Lord, when some are thus inclined; and especially, if they continue in [Page 23] the Way of Well-doing? Doubtless, we may▪ and we ought, to account it to be the Doing of the Lord.

Now I say, if it is Christ, who by his Spirit, inclines Children to religious Exercises, then, without Question, he is pleased with their Devotions: For, he would have all, old and young, to regard the Motions and Strivings of the Holy Spirit. Hence it is said in 1 Thes. 5.19 Quench not the Spirit. And in Eph. 4 30 Grieve not the holy Spirit of God. And agreable to this, we find, that it is ve­ry offensive to God, when Persons are so stiff-necked, as to resist the Holy Ghost. Acts. 7.15.

I shall only add,

7. and lastly. As the first ripe Fruits are, ordinarily, of greatest Account among Men, even so, early Religion is most highly pleas­ing unto the blessed Jesus.

We find that it was an Ordinance of old, Exod 22 29 Thou shalt not delay to offer the first of thy ripe Fruits—: Which teaches us, that little Children may not delay to offer unto God, the first Fruits of their Time and Strength, for with such Sacrifices God is well pleased, yea, the Lord accepts them with a sweet Savour. — We read also in Gen. 4.4. That Abel brought of the Firstlings of his Flock, and of the Fat thereof—: Which teaches us, that it is a good Thing for Chil­dren to be well taught, and train'd up be­times in religious Services (as Abel was) that so, when they come to be capable of acting [Page 24] for themselves, they may, of their own Ac­cord (as Abel did) bring an Offering to the Lord: Yea, "and he was curious in the Choice of his Offering, for he bro't not the Lame, or the Lean, or the Refuse, but the Firstlings of the Flock, the best he had, and the Fat thereof; that is, the best of those best." From whence we learn, that he who is the First and best, should have the first and best of our Time, Strength, and Service—: Well, but how did Abel succeed in his Devo­tions? Truly very well; for it is added, that the Lord had Respect unto Abel, and to his Offering.— And indeed, it holds true to this very Day, viz That all such who sin­cerely offer the first and best of what they have, and can do, unto the Lord Jesus, they shall be accepted of him, which is the Thing principally to be aim'd at in all Acts of Re­ligion: Yea, he hath a special Delight in all such little Ones, who truly fear and serve him: Not only is there Joy in the Presence of the Angels of God over such, but the Lord of Glory himself takes Pleasure in them, and his Delights are with these Sons and Daugh­ters of Men.

Yea, I may go on to say, th [...]se are they whom the King of Glory delights to put Honour upon: And agreably, we find that such as were, of old Time, Serious and Pious in their early Days, their Names are left up­on Record, in the Oracles of God, for this End, that so, they may be transmitted, with [Page 25] a fragrant Smell and a sweet Savour, to the latest Posterity; for the King's Favour is to­wards such wise Children.— But then, this is not all, no, but furthermore, such as are religious betimes commonly prove the most eminent Saints, yea, and moreover, God of­tentimes improves them in the most eminent and honourable Services, in their Day and Generation:— Thus, to mention a few Instances—; Joseph, a well disposed Child, and a godly young Man, was, thro' Grace, even, in that Age of Life, Strong, and over­came the wicked One: And did God disre­gard him? No indeed, but he was greatly advanced, highly exalted; for, After the Word of the Lord had tried him, the King sent and loosed him; even the Ruler of the People, and let him go free: He made him Lord of his House, and Ruler of all his Sub­stance: To bind his Princes at his Pleasure, and teach his Senators Wisdom. — Also Job was well disposed, and well employed betimes, for he began very early to do Good, (Job. 31.18.) and this Man prov'd an emi­nent Saint, yea. he excell'd all that lived in his Day; there's none like him, says God, in the Earth: Well, and did not the Most-High confer still more Honour upon him? Yes indeed, for, even, in his Youth, the Candle of God shined on his Head; yea, and he had sweet Communion with God, for the Secret of the Lord was with him (Job. 29, 3, 4.) moreover, he abounded in Wealth, [Page 26] and was promoted to great Honour and Pow­er in his Country, and had Respect paid him by all sorts of People, in token of the Sense they were under, of their Obligations to him, for the many good Services which he did, from Day to Day. Chap. 29 — Also David was vertuous and pious, even, from his Childhood, and theref [...]e▪ said, as in Psalm. 71.5. and 17. Thou art my Hope, O Lord God; Thou art my Trust from my Youth. O God, thou hast taught me from my Youth; and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous Works. Neither was the Most High unmindful of him in the following Scenes of his Life; nay, but he had very great Honour confer'd upon him being both a Prophet, and a King, in Israel; for, them that honour God, he will honour; But, that which redounds most of all to the Honour of King David, is this, that from him. as concerning the Flesh, Christ came; and therefore, our Saviour is styled, in our Text, the Son of David What greater Honour can be done to David, than this, that the Son of God should be called the Son of Da­vid? This will be to his everlasting Honour. — And then, as to Obaliah; as he feared the Lord from his Youth, so, he became ve­ry eminent in his Day; and that in sundry Respects; viz. as a Saint, for he feared the Lord greatly 1 King 18 3. and 12. And he was highly advanced, for he was a great Man at Court, and Steward of the King's [Page 27] Houshold. And finally, the good Service which he did in the Cause of the true Religi­on rendred him very eminent; for, he im­prov'd his Wealth and Power, for the Protec­tion and Support of the Lord's Prophets, and that with a View to their being S [...]rviceable hereafter, tho' now they were laid aside— And I shall further add, that as to Josi [...]h, we read, that while he was yet young, he be­gan to seek after the God of David his Father. 2 Chron. 34.3 And the Lord bestowed great Honour upon him, for he was not on­ly King of Israel, but also, very zealous for his God, yea, a None such for Sincerity and Zeal in carrying on a Work of Refor­mation, for it is said, that there was none like him. And as he had the Honour to live greatly desired so also, to die much la­mented.— But why do I spend Time in multiplying Instances? — Let One suf­fice to be mentioned out of the New-Testa­ment, viz. Timothy; concerning whom it is written, 2 Tim. 3 15. From a Child, * thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto Salvation, thro' Faith which is in Christ Jesus. And did our Saviour overlook his early Acquain­tance with the Things of God? No, for he [Page 28] put so great Honour upon him, as to employ him, as his Ambassador, to evangelize the Nations: Yea, and he had the Honour to glorify God, by dying a Martyr, in the Cause of that holy Religion, which he had preached a [...]d propagated.

And now upon the whole, when we con­sider, how acceptable to God, the Offerings of well disposed Children be; and how he has been wont to honour such, from Time to Time, in the Course of their Lives, who were early devoted to his Fear and Service; does it not from hence plainly appear, that early Religion is most highly pleasing, and in­finitely delghtful, to him?

Behold, as we commonly set most by those Trees in the Orchard, which prove fruitful betimes, and whose Fruit is pleasant both to the Eye and Tast; even so, the great Lord of the Vineyard is most highly grati­fied with such Persons, who, in their early Days, conform to the Dictates of Wisdom, and with whom are betimes ▪ found some good Things towards the Lord God of Israel

A little to illustrate this Ma [...]ter, I shall make use of the most familiar and easy Terms I can; Thus suppose that there be a few Children in the Parish; (some being four, some six, some eight, others ten, and others twelve Years of Age) who daily, and of their own Accord, read in the holy Bible, learn their Catechism, and enquire into the Meaning of the same; also retire daily, both Morning [Page 29] and Evening, for secret Devotion; and who, in their Conversation, plainly d [...]scover an Abhorrence of every evil and false Way, an Awe of the Almighty, and a Love to him, and to his Sabbaths, his Ordinances, and People; and who behave dutifully towards their Parents and other Superiors, and ob­ligingly towards their Inferiors and Equals. — What think you concerning such Chil­dren as these? Will not our Lord Redeemer look upon them with a great deal of Plea­sure and Satisfaction? Yes verily, he has a peculiar Kindness for them.

We read in the Gospel (Mark 10 17 and on) concerning a young Man, who had pre­serv'd his Youth unblemish'd, and had an Inclination to know, what was further in­cumbent on him, in order to his obtaining eternal Life:— It is said, that Jesus be­holding him loved him; he look'd upon him with a pleasant Countenance; which plain­ly teaches us, that our great Saviour dearly loves to behold Children and Youth behave inoffensively, and to see and hear them in­quisitive how to live better, asking the Way to Heaven with their Faces thither­w [...]rd.— Go you therefore, and do like­wise.

Children, if you have any Ingenuity in you, you will be very desirous to do such Things, as are pleasing to your pious Pa­rents: But, O! How much more sollici­tou [...] should you be, to please and gratifie [Page 30] him, who is both y [...]ur and their LORD and SAVIOUR.

What you have heard, may suffice to show, that Christ is well pleased with the Prayers and Praises of Children.

Wherefore I shall proceed to the Second Thing mentiond. viz.

II. To give you the Reasons, why Christ is pleased and gratified with the Prayers and Praises of Children.

Which I shall little more than mention; namely, Because it is eminently for the Honour of Christ, and for the Children's Good, that they be thus employed I say,

It will redound to the Honour of Christ, when Children are found to be thus inclined and disposed; for it will be readily acknowledged by People, to be the Doing of the Lord, as was before hinted; and will appear wondrous in their Eyes: It will cause Christ, and his Religion, to be taken the greater Notice of by Men of Fi­gure; and even, by all, who are more i [...] Years: Yea, and it has a great Tendency to put them to Shame, for their Neglect, and to excite them to redeem Time; which if they are bro't to do, it will be much to the Honour of Christ, as well as for their own Interest.

Furthermore, well disposed Children are most likely to continue in the Service of God, and to abound in well-doing; which if they [Page 31] do, they'll greatly honour Christ, as also, lay up in Store for themselves against the Time to come. Now, I say, Persons are most likely to abide in that Service, which they early engage in. Agreably we read, in Prov. 22.6. [...]ain up a Child in the Way he should go and when he is old, he will not depa [...] from it, And the Psalmist speaks of such as are plant­ed in God's House, that they shall still bring forth Fruit in old Age. Psal 92 13, 14. Still bring forth Fruit — that is they shall continue to do, as they have done —Hence then, it follows, that God will be greatly glorified by them, in that they will bear much [...] it; for, their virtuous Actions and pious Ex [...]rcises will be frequently repeated: The sooner Persons begin to do well, the more Days they have to spend in the Service of God; and the more Days they have to spend, the more Duties are to be perform­ed; and the more Duties they perform, the more Glory will redound to the Name of God. In a Word;

It is undeniable, that Sin is the abomina­ble Thing which the Soul of God hates: It is this by which his holy Law is violat­ed, and his curious Workmanship in his Creature, Man, abused: It is this, and this alone, which reflects Dishonour to the Name of God: So then; for Persons to devote them­selves to the Service of Christ in their early Days, must needs be very pleasing to him; be­cause [Page 32] by this Means, instead of dishonouring him by their Transgressions, they honour him by Acts of Obedience: Yea and they 'scape Abun­dance of Guilt and Pollution, which others con­tract, and which they themselves would have contracted, were they not thus devoted and employed.

And I may add;

That when we behold Children religious­ly disposed, we have a fair Prospect of Re­ligion's being transmitted and propagated to those, who are yet to be born; and that they also, shall be to the Lord, for a Name and a Praise: Which Prospect moves the Peo­ple of God to bless and magnify his holy Name; as also, ministers much Joy and Comfort unto them; for truly, this is their great Desire, that such may survive them, who shall be counted to the Lord, for a Ge­neration; yea, that the Name of the Lord may have Glory from the Children of Men, even unto all Generations.

These Things might easily be enlarg'd up­on; but I hasten to the


USE I. Of INFORMATION in three In­ferences.

Infer. 1. What we have heard, plainly shows, that Ministers are in the Way of their Duty when they endeavour the Instruction, and the Conversion of Children.

[Page 33]This may not be accounted a Work too low and mean for Ministers, seeing Christ is pleased with the Prayers and Praises of Children.— Neither may those who keep School reckon it to be beside their proper Business, to instruct Children in the Things of God — Some of the greatest and best of Men that have lived, have undertaken to instill good Principles into the Minds of Children, and so to mould them for the Ser­vice of God, and of their Generation. Thus King David call'd them together, as you may see, in Psal. 34 11. Come ye Children, hearken unto me: Then we have the good Lesson, which he taught them, as in the 12, 13, and 14 Verses. — And King Solo­mon informs us, that he took the same Me­thod, and that he was excited to it by his Father's Example. Prov. 4.1, 2, 3, 4. — Also, we find the Apostle John taking No­tice of little Children, and directing his Speech to them, as well as to Fathers, and to young Men. 1 John 2.13. Yea, we find, that our Lord Jesus Christ himself show'd a particular Regard to little Children, even, so as to lay his Hands on them, and bless them; and this was as much as could be then ex­pected, for, those Children were not capable of receiving Instruction.

Infer. 2 If Christ is pleased with the Pray­ers and Praises of Children, we hence learn, that he is displeased with such Children, as do neglect to pray to him, and to praise his Name.

[Page 34]He observes, who are naughty Child [...]en, and had rather spend their Time in Play, than to learn their Book, and seek his Face and Favour: He knows all such Children, where they live, what their Names are, and all the Follies, which they are chargeable with: There is nothing hid from his piercing Eye: The Lord takes Notice even of all that they say and do in their Play: They are commonly very full of Talk and Action, and yet, there is not a Word in their Tongue, but the Lord knows it altogether: Parents are sometimes ignorant of what their Children say and do, but the Lord is not so: Parents sometimes discover their Approba­tion of a profane Speech, provided it be Witty: but, Christ is of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity, even, in Children, with the least Approbation. Yea, and it is very of­fensive to him, not only, when Children run into Sins of Commission, but also, when they omit their Duty; whether of Prayer and Praise towards him, or of Obedience and Respect towards their Parents, Brethren and Sisters, or any other—: And he will reckon with them for all their Sins, both of Omissi­on and Commission; and particularly, for their Forgetfulness of God their Saviour, un­less they repent, and bring forth Fruit meet for Repentance.

And here, I might go on to say; that if the Lord be displeased with the F [...]llies and Neg­lects of Children, then, doubtless, he is al­so [Page 35] with these of elder People; namely, such who are in their Y [...]uth, middle Age, and old Age: When these, or any of them, do take the Liberty to talk rudely and vainly; much more, when they speak reflecting on God, or their Neighbour; then, is the Lord displeased with them. Such of them, who are not righteous, sober, and pious in their Conversation, do offend the Lord: Yea, if they live in Sins of Om [...]ssion only, suppose Prayer, and the like; or, if they perform the same but seldom, or, if after a careless Manner, and with a lukewarm Spirit; the Lord observes it, and is angry with them. And if they have, as they imagine, been ve­ry careful to do their Duty to God, yet, if they have been negligent of doing their Duty toward their fellow Creatures, the Lord re­sents it as Rebellion against him.— Where­fore, it nearly concerns all such Persons, to repent and reform.

Yea, and seeing the Lord is displeased with the Follies of Children, surely, it concerns us all, who are past our Childhood, to bewail it that we have spent that Age of Life so foolishly. We should reflect, I say, upon our Childhood, and call to Mind, as far as we can, the Sins of our Childhood and Youth, as well as of our riper Years, and repent there­of, and humble ourselves therefor, before the Lord.

We may not account the Sins of Childhood to be little Sins, or not worth taking Notice [Page 36] of; but, should consider, that God knows them, and will reckon with us for them, if we refuse, or carelessly neglect, to call ourselves to Account for the same: And, if we seriously reflect, we shall, doubtless, see Reason, to humble and abhor ourselves for such Sins as these, viz. for neglecting to seek after God in our Childhood; as also, for taking his holy Name in vain; and for prophaning his Day, by Play, or, by Idle­ness: And moreover, for Misbehaviour to­wards our Parents, and Brethren, and Sisters, and School-Fellows, in that Age of Life—: "Time does not wear out the Guilt of Sin; and therefore, the Faults and Follies of our Childhood, ought to be Matter of our Re­pentance and Humiliation still."

Inser. 3. If Christ be pleased with the Prayers and Praises of Children, hence learn that it is very hazardous for any to be abusive towards Children; and especially, to­wards such Children, who are piously dis­posed

If Children may not abuse one another, then, surely, it very ill becomes those. that are more in Years, to be abusive towards them: Such Persons, as behave thus, do discover a vile, sordid, Spirit; and are near a kin to Ishmael, who is said to have mocked Isaac. Gen. 21 9, 10 And of whom it was prophesy'd, that his Hand should be against every Man, and every Man's Hand against him: Those who abuse Children, seem to [Page 37] be Enemies to the human Race, and can ex­pect no other, but that Persons of an ingeni­ous Disposition will resent it, but much more will God — Children, as the Patriarch Ja­cob once said, are tender, and we must lead them, as they are able to endure: They are both, the most Helpless, and the most Harmless, among Mankind; on which Ac­counts, we ought to be tender of 'em, and helpful towards 'em. Our Saviour disco­ver'd a particular Regard to little Children, as was before observed. And God has shewn such a tender Care of them, as to caution o­thers against hurting them; and has even appointed his Angels to watch over and guard them; hence it is said, that their An­gels behold the Face of God. Matt. 18.10. These holy Ones are ready to go at the least Beck, to defend them: and truly, it is ve­ry wonderful how they are preserved.

I proceed to another Use, viz

In two Branches • I. To Children. and , and • II. To Parents. 


And my Exhortation is this, Seeing Christ is pleased with the Children's Hosannas, be ye perswaded, to begin, and to continue in, his Service.

[Page 38] Some of you have already made a good Be­ginning; and we thank God, who has thus dispos'd and inclin'd you: O, bewa [...]e, lest you grow weary of, and draw back from, the Way of Well-doing It is very sinful, and very hazardous, for any to do so; wherefore, do not hearken to any Tempta­tions to Apostacy—.

And let the rest of you be exhorted, to be­gin to serve the Lord, without further De­lay: Make haste to engage in holy Duties, and particularly, those of Prayer and Praise.

And here, I shall lay before all of you, my Children, a few Motives, and then a few Directions, to quicken you to, and lead you in, the Way of your Duty.

1. I shall speak by Way of MOTIVE.

And that in the Text and Doctrine before us, is indeed a very weighty one, namely, that Christ is pleased with the Devotions of Children: And all who know how to value the Favour of Christ, will look upon this, as a sufficient Encouragement:— But, seeing there are many, who know not the Worth of this Favour, I shall present you with some other Considerations, not omitting this as I go along.

Mot 1 There have been many Examples of Persons, seeking after the Lord, and behav­ing themselves discreetly, and piously, in their Childhood.

It is recorded of our blessed Lord Jesus himself, that, when he was twelve Years [Page 39] old, he was in the Temple, hearing the Doc­tors, and asking them Questions; and the Reason, which he gave for it, was, because he must be about his Father's Business. Luk. 2.42, 46, 49. And, by so doing, he has set Children an Example, of repairing to the House of God for Instruction: Furthermore, we find in the 51 st Verse of that Chapter, that he was subject to his Parents; and so, has taught Children to be obedient to their Father and Mother. I say, CHRIST has left you an Example, that you should follow his Steps.—We also read of Timothy, that from a Child he had known the holy Scriptures, 2 Tim. 3.15. And this, my Children, is writ­ten for your Instruction, and to quicken you to learn your Book, and especially, to study the Scriptures, that you may know your Du­ty, in order to do it. And, besides these, and some others, upon Record, in the BIBLE, there has been an Account of several Chil­dren since, who were remarkable for their Seriousness and Piety; as may be seen in a little Book, entitled, A Token for Children, written by Mr. James Janeway —Yea, there have been sundry Examples of Chil­dren in this Country, in whom the Fear of God remarkably appear'd; some of which are publish'd in the latter Part of Mr. Jane­way's Token, just now mention'd.

Now I say, you ought to follow the Ex­ample of such Children; otherwise you won't suitably improve the History, which divine [Page 40] Providence has put into your Hands, concerning them.

Mot. 2 Consider farther, that it is alto­gether just and reasonable, that you betimes engage in the Service of God. For,

(1.) It is the Commandment of God un­to you, to seek first, and before all other Things, the Kingdom of God and his Righ­teousness, Mat. 6.33. And his Command­ments are all holy, just, and good.—

(2.) The Lord deserves your Love and Esteem, your Service and Obedience, more than any other: Has he not made, and pre­served you? And has not Christ laid down his Life to redeem you from Destruction? And does he not offer actually to save you from your Sins, and from the Wrath to come, and to give you an Inheritance among them that are sanctified? Yes, verily: Then, doubtless, the Lord deserves your Love and Service. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive Power, and Riches, and Wisdom, and Strength, and Honour, and Glory, and Bl [...]ssing, Rev. 5.12. And not only worthy that Strength should be ascribed to him; but also, that the first, and even the whole of your strength should be devoted to him, and improved for him: And you will be, not on­ly ungratefull, but very unjust, and rebelli­ous also, if you refuse or delay to be obedi­ent —And you may be further convinced of the Reasonableness of what I exhort you unto, if you consider,

[Page 41](3.) That you are already devoted to the Lord, inasmuch as you have been baptized in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; for, your Baptism lays you under Engagements to be the Lord's, as your Cate­chism instructs you: The Nature of Baptism is such, that it binds to present and perpetu­al Obedience: So that, for you, after you are come to Years of Understanding, to de­lay to seek after the God of your Fathers, is plainly to rob God of his Due: It is to dis­regard your Baptism, and put Contempt upon that; as well as to undervalue the Good-Will of your Parents, in making a Dedica­tion of you to the Lord; by which Act of theirs, they have not only obeyed the Com­mandment of the Lord, but have indeed done you very great Honour—: And moreover, the Truth is, your Baptism will prove of unspeakable Advantage to you, if it be not your own Fault; for, Baptism not only o­bliges you to Obedience; but, moreover, the Blessings of Goodness are thereby made over and secured to you, provided you do become willing and obedient —.

To proceed,

Mot. 3. It is very hazardous for you to de­lay the doing what you can to please Christ. You are condemned in Law already, for you are Children of Wrath by Nature; and then besides, you have contracted a great deal of Guilt since your Birth. And you are in the Hands of that God, whom you have offen­ded, [Page 42] and who can easily stop your Breath, and send you to Hell when he pleaseth: And he will do it e'er long, unless you do the Things that please him. As for your Pa­rents, they are oftentimes ignorant of what you say and do amiss, but God is not: Yea, I have heard of some Parents, who, when in­formed of their Children's foul Language or ill Behaviour, would not so much as check and admonish them for it; but only reply, 'Tis like Children, and so let it pass: But truly, God will reckon with them. Rev. 20 12 I saw the Dead, small and great, stand before God, and the Books were open­ed—. And, I say, you are in Danger, Chil­dren, every Moment, of being summoned to make your Appearance before your Judge. Prov. 27.1. Boast not thy self of To-morrow, whosoever thou art, for thou knowest not what a Day shall bring forth. —But suppose, you should be spared, and your Lives be lengthened out, yet, if you neglect the pre­sent Age of Life, and Season of Grace, God may deny you the Grace to repent afterwards. And furthermore, suppose the Lord should not utterly abandon you for your present Neglect, yet you'l certainly find it much more difficult, to cease to do evil, and to learn to do well, hereafter; for, repeated Acts strengthen the Habits of Sin daily, more and more: It will never be so easy to repent and turn to the Lord, as now.

[Page 43]Mot. 4 You shall be abundantly rewarded for your Service, if you now become willing and obedient.

None shall loose any Thing, at long run, by being religious: In keeping God's Com­mandments there is great Reward; as might be shewn in a few Particulars.

(1.) This is the Way to have Life pro­longed in this World; which is the very Mo­tive made Use of by the Psalmist, with the Children whom he called together, to in­struct in the Fear of the Lord; as you may see in Psal. 34.11, 12, 13, 14. But don't mistake me, for I don't intend, that all the Children of God shall certainly live to Old-Age: Many, who are regenerate, without Doubt, die in their Infancy; and other gra­cious Ones have been taken out of the World in their Childhood, soon after they were ca­pable of expressing their Hatred of Sin, and their Love to Christ, and his Commandments: Others in their Youth, soon after they have begun to serve God, and their Generation in the World. And thus it is, partly in Wrath, for the Punishment of the Ingratitude of a wicked World; and partly in Favour to themselves; for God takes them away from the Evil to come, they having, thro' Grace, done the Work assigned them, and being ripe for Heaven.

Again: Neither do I intend, that all such who live to Old-Age, are the Children of God: It is a sad Truth, that some aged Persons are [Page 44] vain and wicked; the older they grow, the worse they grow; as they advance in Years, and draw nearer to the Grave, they become more ripe for Destruction. The Sinnner, tho' he live to be an hundred Years old, shall be accursed; his living so long, shall be no Token to him of the divine Favour & Bles­sing, nor shall it be any Shelter to him from the divine Wrath and Curse; the Sentence he lies under will certainly be executed, and his long Life is but a long Reprieve: Nay, it is, itself, a Curse to him, for the longer he lives, the more Wrath he trea­sures up against the Day of Wrath, and will have the more Sins to answer for.’

So that I don't intend, that the Children of God, and they only, shall certainly live to a great Age in this World; but my mean­ing is, that Life shall be enjoyed by them, so long, and so far as it shall be for God's Glory, and their Good; and that's eno', and as much as any well disposed Person would desire. We read, that The Child shall dye an hundred Years old, Isai. 65.20 Which teacheth us, that when a Child dies, being in Favour with Christ, it may not be reckon­ed to die untimely: 'When a Child dies, that is eminent for Wisdom and Grace, above many who are more in Years, it may be said to die an hundred Years old.'

(2.) Such as please Christ, not only take the best Course that they can p [...]ssibly take, to have Life prolonged in this World, but [Page 45] moreover, they are in the best Way to pros­per. Our blessed Saviour has graciously promis'd, That all these Things shall be ad­ded to those, who seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness, Mat. 6.33. And the Psalmist informs Children, that if they would see good Days, they must be good, and do good, (forecited Psal. 34.12, 13, 14.) And the Apostle to the same Purpose, in 1 Tim. 4.8. Godliness is profitable unto all Things, having Promise of the Life that now is—. And of the godly Man, it is said. in Psal 1 3. Whatsoever he doth shall pros­per—: But yet the Words are not to be look'd upon as an absolute Promise, but as conditional; namely, so far as shall be con­sistent with the Glory of God, and the best Good of his Servants; and who could de­sire more?

(3) Such who make it their Care to please Christ, are in the most likely Way to take Comfort in what they do, or shall possess or enjoy, whether it be little or much: Now Godliness with Contentment is great Gain; And the Truth is, They are most proper­ly the rich People, who have a Sufficiency of this World's Goods, and are content there­with, and thankful therefor: They are very much mistaken, who imagine, that the only way to be comfortable, is, to enjoy Abun­dance; for, as the wise Man observeth, the Eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the Ear filled with hearing, Eccl, 1.8. And a grea­ter [Page 46] than Solomon informs us, in Luk 12.15 That a Man's Life consi [...]teth not in the Abundance of the Things which he poss [...]sseth ▪ It is too too evident, that some Persons live very mi­serably, who yet have Plenty of this World's Goods: They possess Abundance, and yet have but little Comfort of it. They bereave their Souls of Good, Eccl. 4.8. They are discontented and fretful. as Ahab and Ha­man; and then, What Good does their A­bundance do them? But, on the other Hand, some pass thro' the World with a great deal of Comfort, who, yet have but little of the Wealth of it. Now, I say, such as have but little, and yet have the Grace to be content, are truly rich.

But, you must observe, that I am speaking, all this while, of the Grace of Contentment, as that which is enriching; for, there are some, who appear to be easy with their Con­dition, tho' it be but mean▪ and yet are des­titute of this Grace: Their Easiness proceeds from Inconsideration, & from a Spirit of Sloth and Carelessness: They are a tho'tless Ge­neration; have not the Wisdom of the Ant; but are rather like to the Horse and Mule, which have no Understanding.

The Truth is, such as are properly content, are diligent in their Business, according to their Ability; and well satisfied with the Portion which divine Providence curves out unto them: These Men do certainly eye the Hand of God in all Things; and if God [Page 47] gives them but little, yet they are thankful, as knowing that the Lord may do what he will with his own, and being sensible that they are less than the least of all the Mercies of God.

Now certainly, such a Man has a truly excellent Spirit, who can accommodate him­self to every Condition of Life, and carry an equal Temper of Mind thro' all the Vici­ssitudes of his State, saying, after the Apostle, Phil. 4 11, 12. I have learned, in whatsoever State I am, therewith to be content; adding those Words, in v. 13. I can do all Things thro' Christ, who strengtheneth me.— And the Truth is, none may expect this Strength to be granted unto them, but those who de­vote themselves to the Service of Christ, and profess to have their humble Dependance on him for Strength to enable them to perform their Duties in Sincerity, and to accept their Mercies thankfully, and to resign their Wills to his Will, under all the Circumstances of Life.

And among the Servants of the Lord, none may, on better Ground, expect to have this Strength granted to them, than those who do betimes engage in the Exercises of Prayer and Praise: God is good to Israel, to those that are of a clean Heart; but especially to those who early seek his Face and Favour. They have the same Promises to plead, which others have; such as that, They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their Strength. [Page 48] —And moreover, they have particular Promises for to build their Hope upon; such as that, They that seek Me early, shall find Me. And that, The Lord never said to the Seed of Jacob, seek ye Me in vain: which is as much as to say, seek, and you shall find Me.

And now I say, Contentment being that which sweetens Life, O how greatly should this encourage Persons to become the Lord's Servants betimes; and even while they are Children, to inure themselves to the religious Exercises of Prayer and Praise?

(4.) To endeavour to please Christ now in your Childhood, and so in the following Ages of Life, is the best Way to make great Proficiency in the Graces and Vertues of the divine Life, and to become strong in the Grace which is in Christ Jesus; and consequently; more and more like unto God, and so the more fit for Service in this World, and ripe for Glory in the other — I say, the sooner Persons begin, if they are careful to proceed, and go on in the good Way, they will at­tain to a greater Growth and Increase in Knowledge and Grace, than others who do not begin so soon; as it is written, then shall you know, if you follow on to know the Lord.

Now, certainly this ought to be look'd upon by you, as a very weighty Motive, to excite you to the Duties of Religion; For what in this Life can be so desireable, as Grace and Growth therein? Surely nothing here below may be liken'd to it: All the Things [Page 49] which you can desire, are not to be compared with it: It is infinitely better than Gold, even the most fine Gold.

You are very much inclin'd, I am sensible, to take Delight in Baubles: But, my Chil­dren, I must inform you, that these Things will not profit you; they are all Vanity, and even such as you yourselves will be asham'd of as you grow older: Wherefore, be advi­sed to regard those Things less; and even now in your Childhood, to look upon them but as Toys and Trifles, and instead thereof, to mind your Books, and to take Care of your precious Souls. Endeavour, I say, to know your Duty, and to put the same in Practice, now betimes; and this is the Way to be early qualified for the Service of God, and of your Generation; and so you will, probably, in your youthful Days bring Glory to the Name of God, and be instrumental of Good unto others: And truly, this Con­sideration ought to be of very great Weight with you; for, What were you born for, but to honour God, and to serve your Genera­tion; or, to get Good, and to do Good, aim­ing at the Glory of God in both?

And verily, this will not only be a Favour and Kindness unto others, for you to do them Service; but also it will be of Service to yourselves; for hereby you'l make Advan­ces Heavenward, and be laying up in Store against the Time to come, when none of your good Services shall be forgotten, or [Page 50] pass unrewarded; for God will render to every one according to his Works: He that does most for God, provided it be done in Sincerity, and with christian Prudence, shall receive the most distinguishing Reward.

And in a Word, HEAVEN will be your Portion if you now become the Lord's Chil­dren and Servants; and this will be infinitely better than any Portion which your earthly Parents can possibly bestow upon you. As it is written, The Lord will give Grace and Glory, and no good Thing will be withold from them that walk uprightly. And now what greater Encouragement can be laid be­fore you? One Hour's Enjoyment of Heaven is preferable to all the Honours, Profits, and Pleasures of this vain World: Then, and there, you shall enjoy God your Maker, and Christ your Redeemer, and the Holy Ghost your Sanctifier, without any Interuption: There also you shall enjoy the Society of Saints and Angels, and be employ'd in no other Exercises but such as are holy and de­lightful.

Thus we have consider'd the fourth Motive, namely, That you shall be abundantly rewar­ded for your early Piety, if adher'd to, and persever'd in. And indeed, Eye has not seen, nor Ear heard, neither has entred into the Heart of Man to conceive, what God hath laid up for them that love him

Mot. 5 By being religious betimes, you will exceedingly gratify all those, who are desirous of your Welfare.

[Page 51]For Instance,

Then your Parents will be full of Joy on your Behalf: Pious Parents have no greater Joy than to see that their Children are wal­king in the Truth, and exercising themselves to have always a Conscience void of Offence. This truly will minister more Joy to them than your first Birth did: Now you ought, without doubt, to labour to please them, who are the Instruments of your Being, and who are wishing and endeavouring your Welfare continually; and if you do not, you will prove yourselves very ungrateful indeed.

Also, you will greatly oblige your Minister by your early Piety: He desires the Good of your precious Souls, and would gladly promote the same all he can; and would fain give up his Account concerning you with Joy, and not with Grief; for that would be unprofitable for you.

Moreover, it would be very pleasing to the good Angels to see you piously employed; for we find in Luk. 15.10 That there is Joy in the Presence of the Angels of God, over one Sinner that repenteth. These holy ones delight to do the Will of God themselves, and consequently they are highly pleas'd, when they behold any of the Children of Men prevail'd with to do the like: They very gladly encamp about such, and minister to them for their Good, Psal 34 7. Now it is certainly very desireable to please this heavenly Host, who are capable either of [Page 52] preserving or destroying us, according as the Lord shall give them Order.

But more than all this, it ought to be con­sider'd, that it will be very pleasing to the only living and true GOD, for you to become serious and religious, Now, in your Childhood. And it is certainly both your Duty and In­terest to please Him; for he is your Creator, he has made you, and not you yourselves; And whom should you serve but the GOD that made you? O come let us worship and bow down, says the Psalmist, let us kneel be­fore the Lord our Maker, Psal. 95.6. More­over, consider that this same GOD is your Preserver; he has cared for you in that Age of Life when you were not capable of taking Care of yourselves, and has, by the Ministry of his Angels, sav'd you from innumerable Evils: And it is his Corn, and Wool, and Flax, and Milk, which you have been spen­ding upon: All your Strength is from him, and by his Blessing upon your Enjoyments: Wherefore, I say, it is highly reasonable that you study to please him, by spending your Strength in his Service, and to his Glo­ry. O! beware of giving the LORD Reason to complain, that altho' he has formed and nourished you, yet you rebel against him. Yea, furthermore, let it be consider'd, that you have not only hitherto liv'd upon his Bounty, but must continue to do so as long as you live; and therefore it will certainly be your Interest [...] do the Things which [Page 53] please him —And let it not be forgot­ten, how that the LORD JE [...]US CHRIST has given Evidence of his unparallel'd Love and Good Will to the Children of Men, and to you among others: This Love of his appea­red by what he submitted unto in his In­fancy, Childhood, and Youth; and even from his Birth to his Death; for he was all the while a Witness to the People, of his own & of his Father's Good Will towards Man: And agreably, we have that Doxology in Luk. 2.14 Glory to God in the higest, on Earth Peace, and Good Will towards Men. O! Let it be seriously considered, that our LORD JESUS CHRIST spent his Time, his Strength, his Blood, in the great Work of Man's Redemption, and is now in Heaven making Intercession for Sinners; yea, and is often striving with them by the holy Spi­rit; and I trust with you among others, for your Good: Be perswaded therefore, now, I say, to shew forth your Love to him, by devoting yourselves to his Service; and be not backward to spend your Time and Strength in doing the Work which he has given you to do. Certainly you would think CHRIST worthy of your best and of your all, if you did seriously consider who he is, what he has done, and what he is still doing for poor Sinners: But now, How can you devote your all unto him, un­less you dedicate yourselves henceforth to be his Servants? O that his Love towards [Page 54] you, might prevail with you to do it! And this the rather, considering that it is the Way, as I said before, to have his Love confirm'd towards you, and even to secure a Part to yourselves, not only in his Benevolence and Benificence, but also in his Complacency and Delight, Prov. 8.17. I love them that love Me, and they that seek Me early shall find Me. ‘The Kindnesses of your Childhood and Youth are what the glo [...]ious God will take infi­nite Complacency in John the youngest Disciple, was emphatically the Disciple whom Jesus loved.

Thus you see that by becoming religious betimes, you will please the great God himself, also good Angels, and good Men: Not on­ly Parents and Ministers, but others also; all the Lord's People would be pleased with it; this is what they pray for, and what they would rejoice to have the Opportunity and Occasion to give Thanks for.—And the Truth is, by this Means you would take the most effectual Method to gain Respect, even from such as have not a saving Principle within them: There are not many among Men, who don't secretly respect and reve­rence those that fear the Lord: So vile a Man as Herod, feared John, and did many Things, and heard him gladly.

Indeed such as are perfectly lost to all Sense of Goodness, they will malign and spite you, and so will the Devil himself; but what then? This may not be any Dis­couragement [Page 55] to you: These are Enemies to God himself, and consequently you ought to account them as your Enemies, and by no Means to gratify them, by following their evil Counsels: But, on the other Hand, you ought both to resist the Devil, and to de­cline having any n [...]edless Familiarity with the Workers of Iniquity, and to say as the Psalmist. Depart from me, ye evil Doers, for I will keep the Commandments of my God.

And I shall add, That if y [...]u will make it your great Care to please God, by hearkening to, and obeying his Voice, Now, in your Child­hood; then, you may, with much more Rea­son, hope and expect, that God will hear your Voice, and your Cry, in an evil Day: Then you may humbly plead that gracious Promise, in Psal 50.15 Call upon Me in the Day of Trouble, I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me. This Word of Promise has been made good many a Time, to such who were early devoted to the Fear of God: Moses, David, Samuel, Hezekiah, Obadiah, and many others, who feared the Lord, and served him betimes, have found him to be a present Help in Times of Trouble: But, on the other Hand, if you will not labour to please the Lord, by hearkening to his Voice, why should you expect him to hear your Cry? Surely, you will have Reason to fear the contrary; for, the Lord hath said. Be­cause I called, and ye refused, — I w [...]ll laugh at your Calamity, and mock when your Fear cometh.

[Page 56]In a Word; If you comply with what I am urging you unto, you will never see Reason to repent of it: And truly, by so doing, you will have the fewer Sins to repent of; for, it is the Way to be kept from many Sins, which young Ones are addicted unto, and which they are very often found guilty of: Without the Fear of God reigning in your Hearts, you can never conquer those impe­tuous Lusts and Passions, which destroy Mul­titudes of People: But, if you are religious betimes, then you'l prevent Corruption get­ting Head against you; for, you'l engage God's gracious Presence with you, and so, you'l be guided by his Counsel, from Day to Day: And O happy you, if the Lord be your Fa­ther, and the Guide of your Childhood and Youth: And he will be so, if you do Now unfeignedly make Choice of him for such, and do submit yourselves to his Conduct and Government. The Steps of a good Man, and so, of a good Child, are ordered by the Lord; if he fall, yet, he shall arise again, for the Lord upholdeth him with his Hand. Now, the Consideration, that this is the best Way that you can take, to prevent Sin, and subdue Corruption, ought to be of very great Weight with you; for, verily. Sin will be found to be Something in Repentance, tho' accounted Nothing in the Commission.

To add no m [...]e by Way of Motive; Let it be consider'd, that early Piety will be of unspeakable Advantage to you, in all your [Page 57] Ways, all your Days; and will be the best Provision that you can possibly make for Old Age and Death—: O, what a Sup­port was it to Obadiah, that he cou'd say, I fear the Lord from my Youth. 1 Kings 18 12. And so, to King Hezekiah, that he was able to say, (on his Death-Bed, as he then sup­pos'd) I have walked before thee in Truth. Isai 38 3. Verily, the Testimony of your Consciences, that in Simplicity, and godly Sincerity, by the Grace of God, you have had your Conversation in the World, will be found more valuable, and comfortable, than thousands of Gold and Silver, if you live to Old Age; and so, when you come to lye upon a Sick Bed.—Yea, you may receive it for a Truth, that if ever you re­pent, it will grieve you at the Heart that you did not repent sooner Ask your pi­ous Parents, whether they turned from Sin to God too soon? They'l answer, No verily, but we liv'd too long at a Distance from God—: And indeed, if the Saints in Glory were capable of mourning, [...]hey would mourn, that they remain'd so long a Time in a State of Enmity against God; and that after their Conversion, they bro't no more Glory to his Name in the World.

Well then; In Consideration of these Things, be perswaded to become the Lord's [Page 58] willing and obedient Servants without any Delay; and hereby you will lay a sure Foundation, for a comfortable Life, a peace­ful End, a joyful Account, and an happy Eternity.

I shall proceed in the next Place, to give you a few DIRECTIONS: And, in order to engage your Attention, I call upon you in the Words of the Psalmist, viz Come ye Children, hearken unto me, and I will teach you the Fear of the Lord, and shew you the Path of Life; which if you walk in, you shall find Rest to your Souls.

Direct. I. Take Time to consider.—Seri­ously consider, besides what has been men­tion'd by Way of Motive, on these Things following:


(1.) On your present State and Condi­tion: That you are indeed Children of Wrath by Nature, dead in Trespasses and Sins, and that in your Flesh there dwelleth no good Thing:— That you are Enemies to God in your Hearts, and bent unto Sin, to that only, and to that continually: Be­hold you were shapen in Iniquity, and in Sin did your Mothers conceive you, Psal 51.5. So that, God might have justly turned you down to Hell, presently after you were born; but, blessed be his holy Name, he has pitied and spared you, and so, has granted you a Space to repent in.

[Page 59]Then consider, how you have spent your Time hitherto, viz. in Sin and Vanity: Have done little, if any thing, for your precious Souls; but, on the contrary, have been go­ing further off from God, and thereby ren­dred yourselves more odious to his Holiness, and more obnoxious to his Wrath and Curse; so that, now, you are in imminent Hazard, every Moment, of being cut off by the Hand of Justice. — I say, you are under the condemning Sentence of the Law, as you are the Children of apostate Adam; and by your actual Rebellion, you have further confirm'd that Sentence against you: And altho' you have a Reprieve granted you, yet it is but for a short Space of Time; and how short you know not; there's daily Hazard that the Sentence will be ex [...]cuted; so that, I say, your present Condition is truly very dangerous.

(2) In the next Place; Consid [...]r of the four last Things; viz Death Judgment H [...]aven & Hell.

—On Death; the Certainty of it, and the Uncertainty of the Time when: You may not, how young soever you be, boast of To­morrow, for you know not what a Day shall bring forth Many Children have been snatch'd away by Death, especially of late Years; and you are as much expos'd to the fatal Stroak, as others—.

Then consider of the last Judgment; and endeavour to realize to yourselves, what an amazing Thing it will be to appear before Christ, in that Day, without the Wedding [Page 60] Garment; that is, without the Justification of your Persons, and the Sanctification of your Natures; for, without this Garment, you may not have Admission into the King­dom of Heaven: Without Holiness, no Man shall see the Lord.

Then, proceed to meditate on Heaven; which is a most glorious Place, and abideth forever: It is the City which hath Foun­dations, whose Builder and Maker is God: There, the Saints shall glorify and enjoy the blessed God, World without End: There, they shall neither sin nor sorrow any more: Nothing shall ever separate them from God, and Christ, and the Society of holy Angels. The Righteous shall go into Life eternal; and nothing shall offend in all that holy Mountain—: And little Children, as well as others, shall, if pardoned and renewed, be admitted into that most glorious Place, for our Saviour has said, of such is the King­dom of Heaven.

Once more; Meditate on Hell; which is a most doleful Place, where there is Wee­ping, Wailing, and Gnashing of Teeth, for ever: Where the Worm dieth not, and the Fire is not quenched: And into this Place, naughty Children, they remaining such, must be cast: For, all the wicked, younger as well as elder, shall be turned into Hell: They shall go away into everlasting Punishment. —Now, consider seriously with yourselves, can you bear your Finger, one Quarter of [Page 61] an Hour, in our common Fire? How then, can you dwell in everlasting Burnings, and endure the Wrath of God to all Eternity? And yet, be assured, you shall bear it, unless you become good Children: God himself will uphold you, that he may punish you: His Power will sustain you, that he may glorify his Justice upon you—. O, con­sider seriously, if you are once cast into Hell, you shall never, never come out thence: No Intreaties will prevail with God for your Redemption: Neither indeed, will your pi­ous Friends pray for you, but will acquiesce in your Condemnation, and freely acknow­ledge, that the Lord is righteous, and that his Ways are just and true.— Neither shall you obtain any Respit or Relief there, No; for, if you desire a single Drop of Water [...]ly, it will be deny'd you.

I say, consider of these Things, until you become full of Concern for your poor Souls, and how you shall escape the Wrath to come: And then,

(3.) Go on to consider, that there is Help laid upon One that is Mighty, even the dearly beloved, and only begotten Son of God: And consider, that He is a suitable Sa­viour, being both God and Man in one Per­son: In him all fulness dwelleth; and he can easily supply all your Wants: He is in­vested with a three-fold Office, in the Exe­cution of which, he becomes the perfect Sa­viour of his People.— And, he is not only [Page 62] able, but willing to save, to the uttermost, all that come to God, by him. It is im­possible for him to lie; and he has said, Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out. His Incarnation, his Doctrines, and Invita­tions, the Joy which he express'd at the Ty­dings of the Success of the Gospel, and the Sorrow which he discover'd on the Account of the Obstinacy and Unbelief of Sinners, his unwearyed Labours, Day and Night, and his healing all who sought to him for it; and in a Word, his whole Life, and his bitter Death, and his appointing the Gospel Mi­nistry, and sending the Holy Spirit to strive with Sinners, and lastly, his making Inter­cession for them himself, now, he is risen from the Dead, and ascended up into Hea­ven, do sufficiently evince his Good-Will to­wards the Children of Men: You may there­fore be assured, that the Lord Jesus Christ is ready to accept of you, and to become your Saviour; provided, you ap [...]ve of his Terms and are unfeignedly wil [...], to be under the Restraints, and to do the Duties, of his holy Religion; Or, if you will close with him, as your Priest, Prophet, and King; and hum­bly depend upon him, to guide, govern and save you: — This is what Christ expects of you: And indeed, nothing can be more reasonable, than that the Person, on whom you depend for Salvation, should also guide and govern you. And the T [...]u [...]h is, There is no other Name under Heaven, given among [Page 63] Men, whereby you can be saved: There is no other, there needs no other, and there can be none better; neither is it possible, that any better Laws and Ordinances should be enacted than his are.

Consider of these Things, until you find and feel your Souls going forth, in earnest and fervent Longings after Christ; and, 'till you are brought to close with him, according to the Gospel.

O, that you would be perswaded, my Chil­dren, to comply with this Part of your Duty; namely, To consider of your own wretched Estate and Condition by Nature, and of the Vanity of your Childhood, and the imminent Hazard, which you are in:— As also, of the spiritual Nature, and Extent, of the di­vine Law; and of the four last Things, Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell; until you come to be awak'ned, and fill'd with Concern, about the Salvation of your preci­ous and immortal S [...]uls.—And then, O, that you would meditate on Christ, as a suitable, mighty, and willing Saviour; and as the only Saviour of the Children of Men: If you will seriously think on these Things, then, and not 'till then, you will be in the Way of Life.—Let me tell you, there's little, if any, Hope, of a Person's Conversion unto God, until he becomes serious and con­siderate; but, then there is Hope: Conside­ration is, ordinarily, the first Step to Con­version.

[Page 64] Dir. 2. Shun, as much as may be, the Com­pany of naughty Children▪

Bad Company has occasion'd the Destruction of many, both Body and Soul: And agreably, says the wise Man, A Companion of Fools shall be destroyed, Prov. 13.20. And elsewhere, he earnestly exhorteth Persons, and particu­larly, young People, to avoid the Way of the Wicked; and plainly tells them, that if they would not be found in that Way, they must not pass by it, but turn from it, and pass away, Prov 4.15. And we find the Psalmist pro­nouncing the Man blessed, who standeth not in the Way of Sinners—. Psal 1.1. So then, be able to say after him, I am a Com­panion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy Precepts, Psal. 119.63. The Truth is, you cannot walk with God, if you take Pleasure in the Society of the Wicked: The Psalmist was sensible of it, and there­fore said, Psal 119 115. Depart from me ye evil Doers, for I will keep the Commandments of my God.—And I shall further say, That if you are, at any Time, oblig'd to be in the Company of such, whether Children, or O­thers, who are light and vain in their Con­versation, then, be on your Watch; and fail not to lift up your Souls to God, entreating him, to preserve you from being infected by them; and moreover, be advised, to get out of their Company again, as soon as may be; for one Sinner destroyeth much Good. And, in a Word; follow not the bad Examples of [Page 65] any of your Associates, nor yet, of your Su­periours, No, not of your Parents themselves.

Dir 3 Get and keep in Mind the Deca­logue, or the Ten Commandments.—And not only remember them, but also, labour to understand the Intent and Meaning of them; and that for this End, that so, you may duly observe and practice them.

I shall just mention them to you—:

The First Commandment obliges you to worship and serve the living and true God; and forbids the giving of divine Honour to any other.

The Second enjoins you to worship and and serve the Lord in the Ways of his own Appointment, and no other Ways.

The Third forbids your taking the Name of God in vain; which is an Evil too too com­mon with some Children, and young Folks: —The Name of God, such as, his Titles, Attributes, Ordinances, Word, and Works, should be always used, both by Old and Young, with godly Fear and Reverence.

The Fourth Commandment requires you to remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy. —This I shall a little enlarge upon, and in­form you, that you must beware of playing on the Lord's Day, also of Laughter, and idle Talk: —You may play a little on other Days, with your Parent's Leave, but not at all on the Sabbath-Day: God, your Maker, and your Saviour, has strictly forbid­den you; and it is very dangerous to dis­please [Page 66] him: His Anger is much more terri­ble than that of an earthly Father; yea, he can consume you in a Moment. And let me tell you, that you may not needlesly go out of Meeting, in Meeting-time; nor take the Liberty to run hither and thither between Meetings; but must be very serious and so­ber thro' the Day, remembring, that the Eye of the all seeing God is upon you.—In the Morning, you must, not only make your Prayer to God, but also, read in the BIBLE, and other good Books; and so, between and after Meeting; and without fail, learn your Catechism, and get more and more of that, every Sabbath. —And in the Time of publick Exercise, you must very diligent­ly attend to what is said by the Minister; and not only labour to join with the Con­gregation in the publick Prayers, but more­over, be able to rehearse some of the Sermon, when you go home: And take care, all the Week after, to put in Practice, what you shall hear on the Sabbath-Day—. In this wise (not omitting to read, every Day, some Portion of Scripture) do your Endeavour, that, from Children, you may know the re­vealed Will of God, which is able to make you wise to Salvation. —And, in a Word; as you would hope ever to obtain the Bles­sing from the Lord, and to be in Favour with him, you must be good Children, and remember the Sabbath-Day, to keep it holy.

[Page 67]The Fifth Commandment obliges you to Honour your Father and Mother, as also all other your Superiors; and moreover, to pay a due Respect to your Inferiors, and Equals. Children, obey your Parents, in the Lord, for this is right; and rise up before the hoa­ry Head, and honour the Face of the old Man: And live in Love with one another; for behold, how sweet, and how pleasant a Thing it is, for Brethren, and Sisters, to dwell together in Unity. —And whether you be at Home, at School, or Church, or elsewhere, let your Behaviour be sober, and inoffensive

The Sixth Commandment requires you to be tender of your own, and of others, Health.

The Seventh enjoins you to Chastity, in Thought, Speech, and Behaviour.

The Eighth not only forbids your Stealing, by Fraud or Violence; but moreover, re­quires ▪ that you, by fair and honest Means, endeavour to advance your Parent's, or Master's, Estates

The Ninth forbids all false-Speaking; and requires that you be tender of your own, and of your Neighbour's, Reputation. And

The Tenth forbids your c [...]veting of any Thing, which is your Neighbour's; and re­quires a full Contentment with your own Condition, as also, a charitable Disposition towards others.

These Commandments, the Meaning of which is given you more largely in your [Page 68] Catechism, you must regard as the Man of your Counsel, and improve them as a Lamp to your Feet, and a Light to your Path.—


Think it not eno' to be regular in your Conversation; but moreover, you must hate every false Way, and love the Lord your God with all your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind, and your Neighbour as yourselves. —And to convince you of this, you should (as was before hinted) consider of the spi­ritual Nature, and Extent, of the divine Law▪ The young M [...]n, of whom we read in the Gospel, said, Mat. 19 20. All these Things have I kept from my Youth up Which plainly shews, that he was ignorant of the Nature and Extent of the divine Law — By the Law, says the Apostle Paul, is the Knowledge of Sin; and agreably, he saith elsewhere, I had not known Sin, but by the Law, for I had not known Lust, that is, he had not known, that there was any Harm in indwelling Sin, except the Law had said, thou shalt not Covet, Rom. 7 7. And again, says he v. 9. I was alive without the Law once, but when the Commandment came, Sin revived, and I died: For, then, and not be­fore, I plainly saw myself to be in a lost and undone Condition. — The Law, therefore, is a Lamp, and a Light, both, as it opens our Eyes, and detects our Sin and Danger; and also, as it serves to direct our Feet in the Way of Peace. So that, I say, it is necessary [Page 69] for you to be acquainted, that the Law of God reaches to all Persons, to all Times, and all Cases; and that there's much requi­red, and much forbidden, in every Com­mandment; and that it obliges the whole Man, viz. every Power and Member of Soul and Body; as also, that every Precept carries Life and Death in it: That is, offers and secures Life to the Obedient, and threa­tens Death to the Disobedient. —I tell you again, it is absolutely necessary, that you have a right Understanding of this Matter; and this, that so, you may be led to bewail both the Plague of your Hearts, and the Transgressions of your Lives; as also, that you may, for the future, keep your Hearts with all Diligence, as well as regulate your outward Conversation.

But, this may suffice for the third Di­rection.

Dir. 4. Set God always before you.

Remember, wheresoever you go, that God is nigh you. The Eyes of the Lord run to and fro thro' the whole Earth, 2 Chron. 16.9. Not only, in Time of divine Service, but also, at other Times, the Lord's Eye is upon you, and you may not forget it; yea, when at your Play, the Lord sees and observes you; you must, at that Time, therefore, take care what you say, and what you do "Do not contend with one another; let your Play be in Love; divert, but do not devour, one another; Also, let your Plays be ho­nest [Page 70] and modest Recreations, harmless and inoffensive Diversions: Let there be no playing the Fool, nor playing the Wanton: Have no Play, but that which you are wil­ling should be seen in the Streets; no Play that seeketh Corners" Also, be afraid of speaking naughty Words; such as, taking the Name of God in vain, or calling your Play mates by soul Names, or mocking at any for their De [...]cts in Body or Mind▪ Re­member, that two She-Bears tare in Pieces forty and two Children ▪ who mocked the Lord's Prophet for his bald Head.

In a Word; learn to fear God betimes, and that's the Way to make Conscience of keeping his Commandments. — O my Children, let it be said of you, that you fear the Lord from your Childhood

Dir 5. Be much in Prayer

Pray twice in the Day at least. Never forget your Saviour's Commandment, in Mat. 6.6 When thou prayest, enter into thy Closet, and when thou hast shut the Door, pray to thy Father, who is in secret —. It is recor­ded (as I before observed) of that good King Josiah, that while he was yet y [...]ung, he be­gan to seek after the God of David his Father, 2 Chron. 34.3. And you have great Rea­son to expect Audience and Accep [...]ance, if you will also seek the Lord; for, He never said to the Seed of Jacob, seek ye me in vain, Isai. 45 19

And here I shall direct you, in a few Words, how you are to pray —,

[Page 71]You must, in that Duty, acknowledge God, as your Maker, Benefactor, and Father in Heaven; and confess before him, with bitter Sorrow, both your original and actual Sin, and intreat his Pardon with your whole Heart; as also, that you may be born again and be sanctified thro'out, in Spirit, Soul, and Body; and have Grace sufficient for do­ing the Duties incumbent on you, with respect to God himself, your Parents, one a­nother, and all Men Moreover, you must beg for daily Protection, and Provision; but more especially, that you may be delivered from the Wrath to come, and be finally re­ceived to Glory. —And in your Prayers, you may plead, that the Lord would have Mercy on you, for the Honour of his Name, saying, as the Psalmist, in Psal 25 11. For thy Name's sake, O Lord, pardon mine Iniqui­ty, for it is g [...]eat. Also, plead with him his gracious Promises; such as that, in Prov 8.17. They that seek me early shall find me. And that, in Mat. 7.7 Ask, and you shall receive; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you You may also, in the most humble Manner, make mention of your co­venant Relation to God, as he, in Psal 86.16. Save the Son of thine Handmaid. But above all, make Mention of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and beg for Mercy in his Name, and on the Account of his Merit, and Inter­cessi [...]n. And lastly, give Thanks for JESUS CHRIST, and for all the Favours, which, thro' him, you enjoy.

[Page 72]In such wise, pray and faint not: Don't neglect Prayer once; for, if you should, you will be in Danger of neglecting it again, and then again, until, you finally apostatise. But then, I shall further inform you, that altho' you must pray, yet, you may not de­pend upon your Prayers to commend you to God; neither expect Blessings for the sake of them; but let your whole Dependance be upon free Grace in Christ Jesus—And be not discouraged, my Children, because you have not that Gift in Prayer, which you ob­serve in others; for you shall nevertheless be accepted, provided, you are sincere in your Addresses; and moreover, the Way to excell in this Gift of Prayer, is, to begin be­times, and to inure yourselves much to the Duty

Dir. 6. Acquaint yourselves with the Lives of such Children, as have behav'd them­selves soberly and piously in the World.

Some such are upon Record, not only in the holy BIBLE, but also, in other good Books; and more especially in Mr. Jane­way's Token for Children, before mention'd; which Book was publish'd for this End, that so, other Children might be excited and en­cou [...]ag'd, to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness That same lit­tle Book, I advise all of you, to entreat your Parents to procure for you; and when you have got it, do you frequently read in it: And not only read it, but also, consider with [Page 73] yourselves, after this Manner; Why may not we also go and do, as these Children have done? They were as bad by Nature as we; and the Grace of God is offered as freely to us, as it was to them; and it will be our own Fault, if we miss of it; because, the Lord Jesus Christ has said, and he will be as good as his Word, Him that cometh unto Me, I will in no wise cast out, and again, They that seek Me early, shall find Me. Where­fore, be perswaded, to stir up yourselves, to imitate those good Children; and be ye Fol­lowers of them, as they have been of Christ Jesus. They deny'd themselves many chil­dish Vanities; and do you do so too: They were dutiful to their Parents, and liv'd in Love with their Brethren and Sisters, and did pray to God, and read in the holy Scrip­tures daily; and do you go and do likewise. O, let not one Day pass, without reading some Portion of the holy Scriptures, that so, from Children, you may like Timothy, be acquainted with the Will of God—. And I would advise you, in particular, to read of­ten the Book of Psalms, and the Book of Proverbs the former to excite your Devo­tion, and the latter to direct your Conver­sation—. And I solemnly charge you, to have nothing to do with such Books, or Papers as tend to inflame Lust, and to furnish with Matter for evil Communication, which always corrupts good Manners.

[Page 74] Dir. 7 Carefully regard the Instructions and Directions of your Teachers, in Pub­lick; and of your Parents, Masters, and Mistresses, in Private.

Attend Catechising, as there shall be Op­portunity, both ministerial and parental. Submit also to family Government: Thank­fully acc [...]pt of Reproofs, when you are faul­ty; and humble your selv [...] for your Faults, when reproved, or correct [...], also reform what has been amiss, left [...] to perish as the Sons of Eli. of [...] is said, in 1 Sam. 2 25. They heark [...] [...] Vice of their Father, because the Lord would slay them. Never answer again, after a saucy, unseemly, Manner; neither go about to extenuate a Fault, or, to cover it with a Lie; for, this will be, to add Sin to Sin, than which nothing can be more heinous.—In a Word; See that you pay a due Respect to your Parents, and your other Superiors, both to their Persons, and to their Command­ments; otherwise, you will, by your Folly and Stubbornness, occasion Grief to your Father, and Bitterness to her that bare you: Prov. 17 25 And I would have you re­member, That if you heedfully regard the good Instructions given you, in Publick, and Private, then you will hearken to the Voice of GOD himself; for, it is He, who speaketh to you by Ministers, and by your Parents, and therefore, you ought to attend, and to be obedient.

[Page 75]And, you must not only, attend to the Voice of God in his Word, but also in his Providence, whether in a Way of Mercy or of Judgment. —God is the Author of all your Mercies, and his Voice to you, in and by them, is, Remember your Benefactor, and present yourselves living Sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable Service, Rom 12.1. — All Af­flictions are also dispensed by his Hand; there is no Evil of this Kind, in the City or Family, which the Lord hath not sent. And his Voice, at such a Time, is that, Hear ye the Rod, and him that hath appointed is; and turn to God who smiteth you. —My Chil­dren, whensoever you feel your selves under any Disorder of Body; and so, whenever you receive a Wound, by a Fall, or any o­ther Way; you must, without fall, eye the Hand of God, and remember, that, thereby, He calls upon you to be good Children: And this Call is still continued, yea, repea­ted, when it pleaseth God, to cure you of your Illness, or to heal your Wounds: Then, I say, you must be very thankful, and take Care to lead such Lives, as may testify your Gratitude to the God of your Lives, and of all your Mercies.

And now I am speaking of the Voice of Providence, I shall take the Opportunity to put you in Mind of that fatal Malady, call'd the THROAT-DISTEMPER, by which ma­ny of you, were much surprized, and have [Page 76] been awaken'd, I trust, to a Consideration of your Guilt, and Danger, and to seek the Face of God, by Prayer, and in some other Ways of his Appointment; and you have thus far done well; but, O, beware, lest you forget the Works of the Lord, and the Operations of his Hand, and so return again to Folly; for then, it will be much worse with you, than it was before See therefore, that you press forward, and be constant and di­ligent in the Discharge of the whole of your Duty, towards God, and Man, viz. Your Superiors, Inferiors, and Equals; and to­wards your selves.—Do not forget, that you are still in the Hands of God, and that he is able to do with you, as it pleaseth him; and therefore, it is most certainly your Wis­dom and Interest, as well as Duty, to ob­serve his Commandments to do them,

Dir. 8. Learn to be humble, and modest, betimes.

There's very great Danger, my Children, of your being puff'd up, and conceited; therefore, you have need to watch against Pride: It has already prov'd the Ruin of many; yea, some have observed, that this Lust has ruin'd more young People, than any other beside: Some, it seems, swell with Pride on one Account, and some on another; some, because of their Beauty; others, their Strength; others, their intel­lectual Powers; some, because of their gay Apparrel; others, their Pedigree or Paren­tage; [Page 77] yea, and some, (which is sad to think of) because of their being in Reputation a­mong Men, for Vertue and Piety; and by this very Means, Satan gets great Advan­tage against them; yea, hereby, Person's Meat becomes their Poyson; and that which should prepare them for Heaven, does, by being made the Object of Pride, set th [...]m at a greater Distance from it: For, it is cer­tain, that such as are lifted up with the good Opinion of Others, concerning them; and are puffed up with a vain Conceit of their own Performances, are an Offence to Heaven: God resisteth the Proud, but giveth Grace to the Humble. Wherefore, I say a­gain, labour to get, and maintain, low and mean Thoughts, both of your selves, and of your own Performances—. It is true in­deed, you ought to be very thankful to God, for all that Good, which is wrought in you, and which you may be, from Time to Time, enabled to do; but, you may not be puf­fed up with Self-conceit, as tho' you were better by Nature than others; or, as tho' you could profit the Almighty, by your Acts of Piety; for, you are Children of Wrath by Nature, even as others; and your Good­ness extendeth not to God, neither is he profited by you, altho' you could make your Ways perfect. It becomes you, as well as others, to acknowledge, after all you can do, that you are unprofitable Servants.— And as you would preserve and maintain a [Page 78] mean Opinion of yourselves, you must, betimes my Children, learn to contemn and despise hu­mane Applause, as so much Vanity: Indeed, you ought to be thankful for a good Name, because, thereby, you'l have the greater Op­portunity of doing Service in your Genera­tion; but be not fond of Honour, for Ho­nour sake, for this would be Vanity indeed; and if any should▪ from such a View, be ex­cited to profess the Christian Religion, and to make a fair Shew of it, they would cer­tainly find their Religion to be in vain, and themselves to be finally abhorred of the Lord.—These Things considered, I insist upon it, that you learn to be humble, and modest, betimes.

Dir. 9. Endeavour to keep in Mind your Baptism; and the Engagements, which you are thereby laid under, to be the Lord's.

You are not your own, but his; and that, not only, by Right of Creation and Preser­vation, but also, of Dedication: Your Pa­rents had full Power to devote you to the Service of the glorious Trinity; and they having done it, you do, therefore, now stand bound and obliged to adorn the Doctrine of God your Saviour, in all Things, and at all Times.—Remember it, I say, and an­swer the Intention of your Baptism, as you would not be found chargeable with the Breach of the everlasting Covenant.

Dir. 10. Let the Male Children, as soon as capable of such Service, meet together, on [Page 79] the Sabbath Evenings, for the Duties and Exercises of PRAYER and PRAISE.

Not only, attend with Reverence and Devotion, the Worship of God, in Publick, and in the Family, and Closet; but moreo­ver, have your private Meetings, that so, you may call on the Name of the Lord, hear his Word, and sing his Praise together. This will render you amiable Children indeed, if you make it your Care to honour God; and if Hosanna to the Son of David, who is also the Son of GOD, be sung by you, with Grace in your Hearts, not only, in Publick, but al­so in Private —But here, I must again caution you against Pride, and Self conceit. I charge you, to take Care, that an ambitious Spirit do not prompt you to the Duties of Religion; but maintain a Sense, that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked; and that no other than the Spirit, and Posture of Beggars, does become you. —And truly, this humble Spirit and Beha­viour will quickly bring you into Favour, both, with God, and Man

Dir. 11. Shun Idleness, and learn to work betimes: And, let your End herein be, not only, that you may take Delight in Business, and be the more ready and expert in it, for your own future Advantage; but especially, that you may do the more Good, and be the more serviceable, in your Gene­ration.

[Page 80] Dir. 12. Resist and repel Temptations to Sin Suppress the fi [...]st Motions to Sin, which arise in your own Breasts, lest they become too hard for you: And moreover, withstand and gainsay all Temptations from without; make a Covenant with your Eyes; and if Sinners entice you, do not consent: Be strong, and overcome the wicked One.— The Way of Sin, as I have often said, is Down-Hill; and if you gratify the Devil once, you will find it exceeding difficult to withstand his next Assault; therefore, watch and pray lest you enter into Temptation: I say, not only watch, but also, by humble and fervent Prayer, engage the Presence of CHRIST with you; for, he is stronger than the strong Man armed, and thro' him strengthening you, you can do all Things; but without him, you can do nothing.— And this leads me to another Direction.

Dir. 13. Fail not to eye CHRIST in all that you do, and especially, in your PRAYERS and PRAISES.

Let HIM, O my Children, be even the Desire and Delight of your Souls: Choose and embrace HIM, as your Prophet, Priest, and King: Acknowledge HIM, as the Lord your Righteousness, and your Strength; and humbly resolve to lye at his Foot; and that if you perish, you will perish there.

More particularly,

1. Take his Word for your Direction in Prayer; and especially observe that Pat­tern, [Page 81] commonly called, THE LORD'S PRAYER. And,

2 Look to him for Strength and Grace, to enable you to the Discharge of your Duties: And in particular, beg of him, to teach you by his Spirit, to PRAY: You have, my Children, very great Encouragement given you, to hope, that he will do it, if you ask it of him; for, it is written, The Lord never said to the Seed of Jacob, seek ye me in vain: And again, it is said, If any of you lack Wis­dom, let him ask of GOD, who giveth to all Men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him And moreover, the SPIRIT of Grace and Supplication is One of the precious Promises of the new Cove­nant,—.

3. Have your Eye to him for Acceptance also: Rely, in the most humble Manner, on his Merit and Intercession, for the Accep­tance, both, of your Persons, and Services; freely acknowledging, that your own Righ­teousness is as filthy Rags.

4. Make the Advancement of his King­dom your highest Aim and End. Seek not your own Glory, but th [...] Glory of CHRIST, when you sing Hosanna to the Son of David, who is the Son of God; as also, at all other Times: For, this is the Will of GOD, that all Men honour the SON, even as they ho­nour the FATHER. In a Word;

Learn betimes to be serious in all the Parts of Worship; remembring, that the Eye of [Page 82] GOD is upon you. —There is scarce a greater Token for Good, than for Children to be devout, and serious, in the immediate Service of GOD —Labour to bear in Mind that Instance in the Text, viz. of the Chil­dren's crying Hosanna to the Sea of David, in the Temple; and how pleasing it was to CHRIST, that they did so; and do you maintain the like devout Frame, in all your Addresses to GOD, in publick, private and secret.

And, When you have obtained the Know­ledge of Christ, and of the Covenant, and understand the Nature, End, and Use of the Sacraments, and find within yourselves, an ardent Love to Christ, and that you do de­light in your Duty, then, proceed to make a personal Dedication of yourselves to the LORD JEHOVAH; desiring, and resolving, by the Help of his Grace, to walk in all his Ordinances, and Commandments, blame­less. — Be not rash with your Mouths, nei­ther let your Hearts be hasty, to utter any Thing before God. Count the Cost of Re­ligion, before you oblige yourselves to com­ply with the Laws of it, otherwise, there is very little Likelihood of your being stedfast in the same: And if you should draw back, then your Condition will be worse than before.


Be not discouraged from Well-doing, ei­ther by the Words, or Works, of vain Peo­ple, [Page 83] whether elder, or younger. Seriously meditate on that Text of Scripture, in Mar. 8 last, Whosoever therefore, shall be ashamed of me, and of my Words, in this adulterous and sinful Generation, of him also shall the Son of Man be ashamed, when he cometh in the Glory of his Father, with the holy An­gels. And follow the good Example set you by Moses, of whom you read, in Heb. 11.25, 26. That, he chose rather to suffer Af­fliction with the People of God, than to enjoy the Pleasures of Sin for a Season; and, that he esteemed the Reproach of Christ greater Riches than the Treasures in Egypt, for he had Respect to the Recompence of the Reward.

And, I must tell you, that as you may not be discourag'd from the good Way of the Lord, by any thing which you see or hear, done, or said, by others; so, neither may any of you go about to discourage Others, from walking in that good Way: For, if you should, you will therein act directly contrary to the LORD JESUS CHRIST, who came, as he tells us, himself, to seek and save that which is lost: And you may be sure, that he will be very angry with you, for opposing his Interest, and seeking to frus­trate and disappoint the End of his coming into the World.

Your Duty, my Children, is, in the first Place, to seek the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness, yourselves; and then to endea­vour to perswade others to do the like: Let [Page 84] your Light so shine before others, that they seeing your good Works, may glorify your Fa­ther, who is in Heaven. And exhort one a­nother daily, while it is called to Day, lest any be hardned thro' the Deceitfulness of Sin: For, he that converteth a Sinner from the Er­ror of his Ways, shall save a Soul from Death, and hide a Multitude of Sins

And to conclude what I have to offer to you, at present; Be advised, to make Choice of the WORD of GOD for the Rule of your Lives, and as the Man of your Counsel, at all Times; and so acknowledge and sub­mit to God, as the Guide of your Childhood and Youth.—O! Walk not in the Ways of your Hearts, and after the Sight of your Eyes; but, order your Steps in God's Word, and let no Iniquity of any kind, have Do­minion over you.

Thus, my Children, I have shewn you, what Things you must observe and do — And if you thus seek the Lord, he will be found of you; but, if you forsake him, and refuse to submit to the Government, and Conduct, of his Word and Spirit, then, he will cast you off forever.

Wherefore, as saith the wise Man, in Prov. 8.10, 11. Receive my Instruction and not Silver, and Knowledge rather than choice Gold; for Wisdom is better than Rubies; and all the Things that may be desired, are not to be compared to it.

[Page 85]I proceed now to the other Branch of the Exhortation, viz

II TO PARENTS, and ALL OTHERS, who have the Care of Children committed to them.

And my Exhortation to you, is this, seeing Christ is pleased with the Children's Hosan­nahs, be perswaded, to do all that in you lies that so, those who are in their Childhood, may praise the Name of the Lord.

And here, I shall offer you something by Way of Motive, and then a few Directions, and so conclude this my Discourse.

1. Let the Things which follow be seri­ously considered, by Way of MOTIVE; viz.

That your Children stand in absolute need of Help; being born, not only destitute of the true Knowledge of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, and the Way to Life by him; but also, full of Enmity against the Lord, and against his Christ.—They need, I say, to be instructed in, and to be excited to, their Duty, being, by Nature, both, blind, and obstinate; wherefore, have Compassion on them, and help them

Moreover, the Word of God obligeth us, as we have Opportunity to do Good to all, and especially to the Houshold of Faith; of which Houshold your Children are. — But then, besides this, Parents are expresly commanded to train up their Children in the Way they ought to go; and to bring them up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord; [Page 86] and consequently, to use their utmost En­deavour, to lead them unto Christ, and to promote their serving of him, in an active Way—And truly, Parents are, not only, obliged hereunto by the Commandment of God, but also, by Vertue of their covenanting with the Lord; for, in the Face of the Con­gregation, we have solemnly promised to bring them up for him.—And I may add, that the Relation, which we bear to our Chil­dren, as Parents, is a very strong Obliga­tion upon us, to lead them unto Christ — How can we be said to do the Part of Pa­rents towards th [...]m; or, to answer the Cha­racter of Father and Mother, unless, we la­bour to promote the Welfare of their im­mortal Souls? It cannot be: For, surely, it is not enough to provide them with Meat, Drink, and Cloathing; No; this is the least and the easiest Part of our Duty: We ought, especially, to have at Heart, their spiritual and eternal Interest: Which, if we have, we shall certainly endeavour to lead them unto CHRIST; and shall teach them to eye, and submit to him, as their Lord and Ruler, as well as their Saviour.

Furthermore, consider, that they soon be­gin to be capable of receiving some Instruc­tion in the Things of God Indeed, if they were destitute of a Capacity to receive Light and Knowledge, then, we might be justified in our Neglect; but the Case is not so; and therefore, we can never answer it, [Page 87] either to God, or our own Consciences; no, nor indeed, to our Children themselves, if we shall disregard their spiritual and eternal Welfare. Know we not, that if we neglect to promote the same, and our Children should die in their Iniquity, then God will require their Blood at our Hands: But, on the other Side, if we discharge our Duty towards them, then, we shall deliver our own Souls; yea, notwithstanding they continue impenitent, and die in their Sins.—And it may, pos­sibly, be of Service, and for our quickening, seriously to consider after this Manner, viz. Suppose a Child of our's, come to Years of Understanding, and whose Soul we have ne­glected to take Care of, should be taken away from us by Death; How could we, at such a Time, bear up under such a Thought as this, viz. I was the Instrument of this Child's Being, and the next Cause of it's natural Guilt and Pollution, and yet, have not taken due Care, that so, it might become a Servant of Christ, and see the Salvation of God?— Certainly, such a Reflection as this would be very grievous indeed, and as a Sword in your Bones.—Wherefore, let us be pre­vailed with, to endeavour, that there may not be any Occasion for it.

And now, is there any Need that I put you in mind of the Ex [...]mples of good Men, which are upon Record, in the holy Scrip­tures, in order to excite you to this your Duty? As that of Abraham, in Gen. 18.19. [Page 88] and of Joshua, in Josh. 24 15 and of David, in Psal. 101. &c.

In a Word; The best Good of our Children loudly calls upon us, to do our utmost, to bring them to serve the LORD JESUS CHRIST. —And seeing, he is honoured by, and plea­sed with, such Children, as are religiously disposed, certainly, it becomes and con­cerns us, to, and if we have any Ingenuity in us, we shall, endeavour, that they may be early devoted to him.

I come now to offer you a few Words, by Way of Counsel and DIRECTION, viz.

1. Let them be well taught. Care ought, without fail, to be taken, that they may learn to Read betimes, that so, they may be in a Capacity, to peruse the holy Scriptures, themselves; in order to know, and do, the Will of God. A very melancholy Sight this, to behold a Person come to Years of Un­derstanding, not able to read.—It is very necessary, that Schools be set up, and en­couraged, for this End, that Children may be taught to read, and that they may be early instructed in the Principles of our holy Religion.—And if any Children are not sent to School, by Reason of their Parent's Poverty; or, if some Parents send their Chil­dren to School, who cannot well pay for their Schooling, it would be highly commendable in others, and an Act of Charity, to disburse Money to defray the Charge for them. When the Psalmist, in Psal 34 11. invited [Page 89] Children to come, and hearken to him, and promised to teach them the Fear of the Lord▪ Perhaps, says One, he intended especially, those Children, whose Parents neglected to instruct and catechise them: And truly, it is as great a Piece of Charity to put those Children to School, whose Parents are not in a Capacity to teach them, as to feed those Children, whose Parents have not Bread for them to eat.—And I may add, that this Thing, if done with an Eye to the Honour of Christ, and to the Welfare of such Children, and of the rising and risen Gene­rations, will be Fruit abounding to our Ac­count. This is to lay up in store against the Time to come: It is to put out Money to one of the best of Uses.— Thanks be to God, that he has inclined many Persons, in some Parts of the World, to dispose of some of their Incomes, to serve this good Inten­tion, viz To support CHARITY SCHOOLS, for the sake of poor Children: And thro' the Favour of Heaven, we, in this Land, are not wholly destitute of such Instances of Goodness and Kindness: And, in an espe­cial Manner, some good People in the Towns of BOSTON and SALEM, are said to be ex­emplary for expending Money for such an Use: What they have done this Way is come abroad, and spoken of to their very great Honour, as also, to the Honour of our holy Religion, which hath had such Effect upon them, as to move them to so good a [Page 90] Work. The LORD think upon all such for Good, who have encourag'd and promoted this good Thing, and have from Time to Time contributed on this good Design! May they be inclined to go on! And will the LORD be pleased to bless their Persons, their Offspring, and their Substance; and may they live to see the good Effect of their Charity, with Respect to those poor Children, on whom their Money has been, or may be, expended.

But then, I would say further, that Care ought to be taken, not only, that Children may be taught to read, but also, that they do read in the BIBLE, every Day. Let Pa­rents and Masters allow them Time for it and oblige them to observe it: Yea, and hear them read yourselves, at least, before your Family Prayers. And moreover, when­ever they meet with a divine Sentence, which does, more especially, relate to their Age, Station, or Condition, it may be of singu­lar Advantage, to observe it to them, and to call upon them, to keep it in Mind.

And not only so, but you must provide them with some good Catechism, that, they may be instructed in the first Principles of the Oracles of God, and the fundamental Articles of our holy Religion. That of the Assembly of Divines I should most incline to recommend to you. And I beseech you frequently to examine, what Progress they make in their Learning: Not only, on Sa­turday [Page 91] Evenings, and on the Lords Days; but also, at other Times, when you it in the House with them, propose a few Questions to them out of the Catechism, or, such as border upon, and may be easily deduced from the same,, and if there be need of it, help them to an Answer.—And for your Encouragement and Quickening, remem­ber, that the sooner your Children are acquain­ted with, and do embrace the Principles of Religion, the more likely it is, that they will retain them, and the less Danger there will be, of their being led astray by evil Men, and Seducers—And furthermore, not only, catechise them yourselves, but also, oblige them to attend ministerial Catechising, at the appointed Seasons for it—And I would just suggest to you, that it is a very proper Thing, not only for Ministers, but also for Parents, Masters and Mistresses, to put Children frequently in Mind, of that so­lemn Dedication, which has been made of them, in their Baptism, unto the glorious Trinity; and to endeavour, that they may, betimes, understand, and comply with, the Design and Intent of it Show them, that they are laid under Engagements to be the Lord's; and that, if they answer those En­gagements, then, they may expect that God will confer upon them all the Blessings of Goodness; but otherwise not — And I would, moreover, recommend it to you, as a Thing highly necessary, viz. To set before [Page 92] them the Evil of Sin in general, in that, it is committed against the infinite and eter­nal GOD, who is their Creator, and Benefac­tor: And, in particular, to discover to them the Corruption of Nature, and how that they a [...] prone to Evil, and are averse to that which is good, and unable, of them­selves, to do any Thing, which may be ac­ceptable unto the most High; and that they, therefore, do stand in absolute need of such an one for their Saviour, on whom they may safely rely and depend, both for Strength and Righteousness.—And then, proceed to display before them, the unparallel'd Excellencies of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and to shew them, that he is both God and Man in one Person; and also, what the Offices are, which he executes, as our Redeemer; and that they must, of necessity, close with him, in all those Offices; and must give all Diligence, that so, they may be found wal­king in all his Ordinances and Command­ments blameless.—.

2. Charge them to do well.

Not only, show 'em their Duty, with Respect to God, their Parents, Magistrates, Ministers, their Neighbours, and one another; but moreover, command them to keep the Way of the Lord.—Labour, all you can, to prevent their speaking, either foul or idle Words; as also, their doing any evil Deeds; and for this Reason, suffer them not to keep C [...]mpany with such Children, as are addicted [Page 93] to use bad Language, lest they learn their Way, and so get a Snare to their Souls. Give them all necessary Counsel, Caution, and Reproof▪ Set before them the Promises and Threatnings of God's holy Word: The Threatnings to prevent their going astray from their Duty; and the Promises, to ani­mate and encourage them to do well; and so, as it were, constrain them to be Follow­ers of God, as dear Children.—Moreover, it may be very proper for you, to let them know, what they may expect as a Reward from you, if they do well; and also, what by Way of Punishment, if they refuse to be obedient.—And if Counsels, Reproofs, Promises, and Threatnings, do not avail, then, you must proceed to correct them; but labour to do it in the Fear of God, and with an Eye to him, to make the Rod of Correction, a M [...]an of Reformation. But then, I would further add, that if they do accept of your Counsel, and need not the Rod, let them see and know, that you ob­serve it, and do not withold the promised Reward, but rather add to it, than diminish ought of it; for verily, it is much more eligible to draw, than to drive them, to their Duty.

3. Set a good Example before them: For, otherwise, all your Labour and Pains will, probably, be lost.

Precepts teach, but Examples move. We are all of us inclin'd to imitate those, whom we converse with, and especially, those with [Page 94] whom we dwell, and who have the Charge over us.—In Consideration of which, I say it highly concerns all Superiors, to set a good Example before their Inferiors; and above all, Heads of Families should do so. And agreably, the holy Psalmist took up this Resolution, in Psal. 101.2 I will behave my self wisely in a perfect Way; — I will walk within my House with a perfect Heart.

4. Pray with and for them.

Not only, pray in secret, but keep up Family Prayer, as you would escape the Curse, and obtain the Blessing of Heaven. —Also, oblige your Children and Servants, constantly to give their diligent Attendance. And let them learn, by your Example, to be serious and devout in the Worship of God. And let them know what you mean by your Family Service, namely, that you intend thereby to pay Homage to him, who is both your and their great Creator, and boun­tiful Benefactor. Inform them, as well as you can, of his Greatness, and also of his Holiness, and his Omniscience; and let them know from you, that they must both love him, and fear before him. Put them in mind, once and again, that the all seeing Eye of the glorious God is continually upon them, and that, therefore, they must take Care to please him, at all Times; and in a peculiar Manner, must be serious in his im­mediate Service, whether in publick private, or secret.—And moreover you must watch [Page 95] over them on every Lord's Day, and take care, as much as is possible, that they sanc­tify the same, not only at Home, but also at Meeting, and between Meetings; and so, as they come unto, and return from the House of God.

4. Teach and exhort them to pray for themselves.

As they come to Years of Understanding, let them know, that it is both their Duty, and will be for their Interest, to pray; and that it will be highly pleasing to the LORD JESUS, to behold them, every Morning and Evening, on their Knees, in secret; as ap­pears by that Word of Encouragement upon Reccord, in Prov. 8.17. I love them that love me, and they that seek me early shall find me. And that also in Matth. 6.6.

Furthermore, put Words into their Mouths, and teach them how to pray: Thus, mind them of their Sins original and actual, and that they must both confess and bewail the same before the Lord, and humbly intreat him to pardon them, on Christ's Account. —Also inform them of their need of re­newing Grace, being Enemies to God in their Hearts, and that they must earnestly beg of God to create them anew in Christ Jesus, and to enable them to do the Duties incum­bent upon them, towards God, their Pa­rents, one another, and all whom they may converse with, or become related unto. —Moreover, teach them to pray for daily [Page 96] Protection and Provision; but especially, that they may be kept in the Fear of the Lord, all the Day long, and be delivered from the Wrath to come, and finally received to Glory.—And fail not to labour to im­press upon their Minds, the absolute Neces­sity of their praying for these Things, and whatsoever else they stand in need of, in the Name, or for the Sake of our LORD JESUS CHRIST: As also, that they may not omit to give Thanks for CHRIST, and for those innumerable and undeserv'd Favours, which, thro' him, they are made the Sub­jects of.

Thus, I say, Pains should be taken with Children, to lead them to CHRIST; and you may not suffer any Thing to divert you from it.— Those Children spoken of in my Text, without doubt, heard some others make use of these Words, before they them­selves cryed in the Temple, Hosanna to the Son of David: And, in like Manner, Chil­dren now-a-Days, must be taught the Way in which they ought to go, and the Words which they ought to speak, especially, in their Addresses to the Throne of Grace.

But now,

Lest some Parents should be defective in this Article of their Duty, it is tho't best to transcribe a Form of Prayer (written by M. H.) for the use of Children.

Not with a Design [...]o confine them to a Form, but, that having such an Help before [Page 97] their Eyes, and which may easily be learnt by Heart, they may be encouraged to engage in the Practice of this Duty, without Delay.

It is as follows, viz.

O God, thou art my God, early will I seek thee.

Thou art my God, and I will praise thee; my Father's God, and I will extol thee·

Who is a God like unto thee, glorious in Holiness, fearful in Praises, doing Wonders?

Whom have I in Heaven but thee? and there is none upon Earth that I may desire in Comparison with thee. When my Flesh and my Heart fail, thou art the Strength of my Heart, and my Portion forever.

Thou madest me for thyself, to shew forth thy Praise.

But I am a Sinner; I was shapen in Ini­quity, and in Sin did my Mother conceive me.

O God, be merciful to me a Sinner.

O deliver me from the Wrath to come thro' Jesus Christ, who dyed for me, and rose again.

Lord, give me a new Nature. Let Jesus Christ be formed in my Soul, that to me to live may be Christ, and to dye may be Gain.

Lord, I was in my Baptism given up to thee; receive me graciously, and love me freely.

Lord Jesus, thou hast encouraged little Children to come to thee, and hast said, that [Page 98] of such is the Kingdom of God; I come to thee; O make me a faithful Subject of thy Kingdom, take me up in thy Arms, put thy Hands upon me, and bless me.

O give me Grace to redeem me from all Iniquity, and particularly, from the Vanities which Childhood and Y [...]uth is subject to

Lord, give me a wise and an understan­ding Heart, that I may know and do thy Will in every thing, and may in nothing sin against thee.

Lord, grant that from my Childhood I may know the holy Scriptures, and may continue in the good Things that I have learned.

Remove from me the way of lying, and grant me thy Law graciously

Lord, be thou a Father to me; teach me, and guide me; provide for me, and protect me; and bless me, even me, O my Father.

Bless all my Relations [Father, Mother, Brothers, Sisters,] and give me Grace to do my Duty to them in every Thing.

Lord, prepare me for Death, and give me wisely to consider my latter End.

O Lord, I thank thee for all thy Mercies to me; for Life and Health, Food and Rai­ment, and for my Education; for my Cre­ation, Preservation, and all the Blessings of this Life; but above all, for thine inesti­mable Love, in the Redemption of the World by our Lord Jesus Christ, for the Means of Grace, and the Hopes of Glory.

[Page 99]Thanks be to God for his unspeakable Gift: Blessed be God for JESUS CHRIST. None but Christ, none but Christ for me, in whose Name alone, I offer up this Prayer and Praise unto God in the Heavens.

Now to God, the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, that great Name into which I was baptiz'd, be Honour, and Glory, Domi­nion, and Praise, for ever and ever, AMEN.

I shall, in the last Place, annex a few Divine Songs (taken out of Dr Watts) for the Use of CHILDREN, in their showing forth the Praises of God.

SONG, I. A general Song of Praise to GOD.

HOW glorious is our heavenly King,
Who reigns above the Sky!
How shall a Child presume to sing,
His dreadful Majesty?
How great his Power is none can tell,
nor think how large his Grace;
Not Men below, nor Saints that dwell
On high before his Face.
Not Angels that stand round the Lord
Can search his secret Will;
But they perform his heav'nly Word,
And sing his Praises still.
[Page 100]
Then let me join this holy Train,
And my first Off'rings bring;
Th' eternal God will not disdain
To heat an Infant sing.
My Heart resolves, my Tongue obeys,
And Angels shall rejoyce,
To hear their mighty Maker's Praise
Sung from a feeble Voice.

SONG, XI. Heaven and Hell.

THere is beyond the Sky
A Heaven of Joy and Love,
And holy Children when they die,
Go to that World above,
There is a dreadful Hell,
And everlasting Pains,
There Sinners must with Devils dwell
In Darkness, Fire, and Chains·
Can such a Wretch as I
Escape this cursed End?
And may I hope whene'er I die
I shall to Heaven ascend?
Then will I read and pray
While I have Life and Breath?
Lest I should be cut off to Day,
And sent t' eternal Death.
[Page 101]

SONG, XII. The Advantages of early Religion.

HAppy's the Child whose youngest Years
Receive Instruction well;
Who hates the Sinners Path, and fears
The Road that leads to Hell.
When we devote our Youth to God
'Tis pleasing in his Eyes;
A Flower when offer'd in the Bud
Is no vain Sacrifice.
'Tis easier Work if we begin
To fear the Lord betimes;
While Sinners that grow old in Sin
Are hardned in their Crimes.
'Twill save us from a thousand Snares
To mind Religion young;
Grace will preserve our following Years
And make our Virtue strong.
To thee, almighty God, to thee
Our Childhood we resign;
'Twill please us to look back and see
That our whole Lives were thine.
Let the sweet Work of Prayer and Praise,
Employ my youngest Breath;
Thus I'm prepar'd for longer Days,
Or fit for early Death.
[Page 102]

SONG, XIII. The Danger of Delay.

WHY should I say, 'Tis yet too soon
To seek for Heaven, or think of Death?
A Flower may fade before 'tis Noon,
And I this Day may lose my Breath.
If this rebellious Heart of mine,
Despise the gracious Calls of Heaven;
I may be harden'd in my Sin,
And never have Repentance given.
What if the Lord grow wroth, and swear,
While I refuse to read and pray,
That he'll refuse to lend an Ear
To all my Groans another Day?
What if his dreadful Anger burn,
While I refuse his offer'd Grace,
And all his Love to Fury turn,
And strike me dead upon the Place?
'Tis dangerous to provoke a God;
His Power and Vengeance none can tell:
One Stroke of his almighty Rod
Shall send young Sinners quick to Hell.
Then 'twill for ever be in vain,
To cry for Pardon and for Grace,
To wish I had my Time again,
Or hope to see my Maker's Face.
[Page 103]

SONG, XIV. Examples of early Piety.

WHAT blest Examples do we find,
Writ in the Word of Truth;
Of Children that began to mind
Religion in their Youth.
Jesus who reigns above the Sky,
And keeps the World in awe,
Was once a Child as young as I,
And kept his Father's Law.
At twelve Years old he talk'd with Men,
(The Jews all wondring stand)
Yet he obey'd his Mother then,
And came at her Command.
Children a sweet Hosanna sung,
And blest their Saviour's Name;
And gave him Honour with their Tongue
While Scribes and Priests blaspheme.
Samuel the Child was wean'd and brought
To wait upon the Lord:
Young Timothy betimes was taught
To know his holy Word.
Then why should I so long delay
What others learn so soon?
I would not pass another Day
Without this Work begun.
[Page 104]

SONG, XXIV. The Child's Complaint.

WHY should I love my Sport so well?
So constant at my Play?
And lose the Thoughts of Heaven and Hell?
And then forget to pray?
What do I read my Bible for?
But, Lord, to learn thy Will?
And shall I daily know thee more,
And less obey thee still?
How senseless is my Heart, and wild?
How vain is all my Thoughts?
Pity the Weakness of a Child,
And pardon all my Faults.
Make me thy heavenly Voice to hear,
And let me love to pray,
Since God will lend a gracious Ear,
To what a Child can say.

SONG, XXV. A Morning Song.

MY GOD, who mak'st the Sun to know,
His proper Hour to rise,
And to give Light to all below,
Dost send him round the Skies.
[Page 105]
When from the Chambers of the East
His morning Race begins,
He never tires, nor stops to rest,
But round the World he shines.
So like the Sun would I fulfil
The Business of the Day;
Begin my Work betimes, and still
March on my heavenly Way!
Give me, O Lord, thine early Grace,
Nor let my Soul complain;
That the young Morning of my Days
Has all been spent in vain.

SONG, XXVI. An Evening Song.

AND now another Day is gone,
I'll sing my Maker's Praise;
My Comforts every Hour make known
His Providence and Grace.
But how my Childhood runs to waste!
My Sins how great their Sum?
Lord, give me Pardon for the past,
And Strength for Days to come.
I lay my Body down to sleep,
Let Angels guard my Head;
And thro' the Hours of Darkness keep
Their Watch around my Bed.
[Page 106]
With chearful Heart I close my Eyes,
Since thou wilt not remove;
And in the Morning let me rise,
Rejoicing in thy Love.

SONG, XXVII. For the Lord's-Day Morning.

THIS is the Day when Christ arose
So early from the Dead:
Why should I keep my Eye-lids clos'd,
And waste my Hours on Bed?
This is the Day when Jesus broke
The Powers of Death and Hell,
And shall I still wear Satans Yoke,
And love my Sins so well?
To-day with Pleasure Christians meet,
To pray, and hear thy Word:
And I would go with cheerful Feet,
To learn thy Will, O Lord.
I'll leave my Sport to read and pray,
And so prepare for Heaven:
O may I love this blessed Day
The best of all the seven.
[Page 107]

SONG, XXVIII. For the Lord's-Day Evening.

LORD, how delightful 'tis to see
A whole Assembly worship thee?
At once they sing, at once they pray,
They hear of Heaven, and learn the Way.
I have been there and still would go;
'Tis like a little Heaven below.
Not all my Pleasures and my Play
Shall tempt me to forget the Day.
O write upon my Mem'ry Lord,
The Text and Doctrines of thy Word;
That I may break thy Laws no more,
But love thee better than before.
With Thoughts of Christ and Things divine
Fill up this foolish Heart of mine;
That hoping Pardon thro' his Blood,
I may lie down, and wake with God.

The Sum of the Commandments out of the New-Testament.

MATT. 22.37.
WITH all thy Soul love God above,
And as thy self thy Neighbour love,
[Page 108]

The HOSANNA; or Salvation ascribed to CHRIST.

Long Metre.

HOSANNA to King David's Son,
Who reigns on a superiour Throne;
Webless the Prince of heavenly Birth,
Who brings Salvation down to Earth.
Let every Nation, every Age
In this delightful Work engage;
Old Men and Babes in Sion sing
The growing Glories of her King.

Common Metre.

HOSANNA to the Prince of Grace;
Sion behold thy King;
Proclaim the Son of David's Race,
And teach the Babes to sing.
Hosanna to th' eternal Word
Who from the Father came;
Ascribe Salvation to the Lord
With Blessings on his Name.

Short Metre.

HOSANNA to the Son
Of David, and of GOD,
Who brought the News of Pardon down,
And bought it with his Blood.
[Page 109]
To Christ th' annointed King
Be endless Blessings giv'n.
Let the whole Earth his Glory sing.
Who made our Peace with Heav'n.

Glory to the Father and to the Son, &c.

TO God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Spirit, Three in One,
Be Honour, Praise, and Glory giv' [...]
By all on Earth, and all in Heav'n.



In the Preface Page 6. l. 2. dele a.

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