THE faithful MINISTERS of CHRIST mindful of their own Death.
A SERMON Preached at the Lecture in BOSTON; Upon the Death of the LEARNED and VENERABLE SOLOMON STODDARD Late Pastor of the Church of CHRIST in Northampton: Who departed this Life Febr. 11. 1729. Aetat. 86.
BY Benjamin Colman.
The Prophet, and the Prudent, and the Ancient.
BOSTON, New-England: Printed for D. Henchman in Cornhil, John Phillips and T. Hancock, near the Town Dock. MDCCXXIX.
To the HONOURABLE Simeon Stoddard, Esq
I SEND You the following Sermon at your Desire, however unworthy it is to bear the Name of your most Reverend and dear BROTHER, whom you have justly lov'd, honour'd and reverenc'd from your Youth up; for that singular Gravity and Sanctity which adorned Him in the sight of all Men; and for that great Use which it has pleas'd GOD to make of Him in his Church for these last sixty Years.
You are now Your self old & gray-headed, tho' You have not attained to the Days of the Years of your BROTHER; and are ‖ waiting for the Consolation of a peaceful [...] after Him, as I ought to think of you: And I heartily pray that you may be growing rich in Grace, and ripe for Glory.
IT is an Honour to your Posterity that They have had an UNCLE of such Name and high Esteem in these Churches; and your worthy Sons, I am confident, do account Themselves honoured by GOD in the Relation they have flood to Him.
[Page] THOSE things which you have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in Him, do: and the GOD of Peace shall be with You.
AND now I joyn your Mourning with the bereaved Flock & Family, the Elect Relict and her Children; Whom (I trust we may say,) we love in the Truth; Grace be with Them, Mercy and Peace.
MAY the blessed Comforter be ever near to the Soul of his aged Handmaid, the few Days she has to survive: And may a double Portion of the GOOD SPIRIT which rested on the Deceased, be inherited by his honoured Sons; that in the Stations which GOD has allotted them in his Church and in the State, they may be made great Blessings in their Generation.
WHEN I have also mourned with my Fathers and Brethren, the Ministers of the bereaved County, and Others his Sons by Marriage; I shall add no more, but to entreat their Prayers and yours for Me, who am,
MINISTERS mindful of their own Death.
YEA I think it meet as long as I am in this Tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in Remembrance; Knowing that shortly I must put off this my Tabernacle, even as our LORD JESUS CHRIST hath showed me.
THE Death of the aged, holy, venerable, Apostolical Man of GOD, SOLOMON STODDARD, for a long course of Years (thro' Grace) the faithful Pastor of the Church of CHRIST in Northampton, has led me to the Words read for the present Lecture.
I think it but a decent and dutiful Respect to his Name and Memory, (giving unto Free Grace the Glory of all that He was made to us and did among us) in this Place and Lecture, upon the first notice of his expected Decease, to mourn the common Bereavement of all our Churches. For as he has been for [Page 2]some Years the most aged Minister in the Province, so in the Course of a laborious, burning Ministry, he has for many Years shone before us in the Gifts and Graces of the HOLY SPIRIT; a Prophet and a Father not only to the nei'bouring Churches and Pastors his own County, but also to those of the whole Land.
AFTER those in his own Nei'bourhood, it may be his Name and Ministry were not more dear and honoured any where than in this great Town, the Place of his Birth; where both Ministers and People receiv'd his annual Visits with a pecullar Reverence and Pleasure; as He made them to us (while his bodily Strength continued for so long a Journey, and this was to near his Eightieth Year) with all the Delight and Satisfaction that a FATHER has in visiting the Children of his Love; bringing us the solemn Counsels and Warnings of GOD from Year to Year, which were received by Us in crowded Assemblies, that hung on his Lips, as a People that sought Righteousness and shewed much Love.
THEN it was that this Lecture was His, and he was as a PETER here among the Disciples and Ministers of our LORD JESUS; very much our Primate, and a Prince among us, in an Evangelical and the truly Apostolical sense; that is to say, among the First for Light and Integrity, for Knowledge and great Judgment, for Faith and Love which is in CHRIST JESUS, and for Zeal and Boldness in the Cause of Truth and Holiness: But I must add, None less affecting a Preheminence above his Brethren; none more pleas'd with Retirement, and none more with public Appearances for occasional Services to CHRIST and Souls; none more studious and inquisitive after Truth; none more diligent and laborlous in his Studies; none more lively, fervent and unwearied in the Pulpit; nor did any one love his Work and his Master better.
No one in our Churches has run (thro' Grace) a longer, a brighter and a like constant Course of Preaching, on LORD's-Days and Lectures, to the finishing [Page 3]the eighty fifth Year of his Life; his LORD giving him a strength of Body equal to that of his Soul, for such a Run of Labour and Service; and therein a happy fruitful old Age; his Day and his Work ending together.
AND accordingly, No Minister in the Land liv'd more mindful of Death, his own and his People's Death; the first and last Character of a Minister of the New-Testament, studions to save Himself and Them that hear him, and watching for Souls as One that must give an Account. And who among Men, for many a Year past, has enjoy'd a more setled Peace, and full Assurance of his Interest in CHRIST, than this Servant of the LORD did? whereby he liv'd above the Fear of Death, in a diligent Preparation for it, and in a pleasing Expectation of it.
WHEREFORE no Minister in the Land, (I am bold to say it) for scores of Years past, could with greater Freedom and Pleasure, Integrity and Truth, have taken to Himself those Words of the Apostle Peter, which I have chosen for his Funeral; and have said to his Hearers in the Name and Fear of GOD, with all Humility and Confidence; — " To You [...] have obtained like precious Faith with us, through the Righteousness of GOD, and our Saviour JESUS CHRIST; — I will not be negligent to put you always in Remembrance, tho' ye know and be established in the Truth: Yea I think it meet as long as I am in this Tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in Remembrance; knowing that shortly I must put off this [...], as our LORD JESUS CHRIST hath [...], I will endeavour that after my [...] you may be able to have these things always in Remembrance.
WORDS very sutable from a dying Minister to dying Hearers. Words worthy of a dying [...]. New [...] be the last Words of PETER. He speaks of his appreaching Dissolution; He speaks of his Body, and calls it his Tabernacle; He speaks of the putting off this his [Page 4]Tabernacle; he knew that he must do it and that very shortly; He knew it by the Course of Nature, for he was now old; but he knew it more by what JESUS his Lord had said to him concerning it: This he ever kept in Mind; this he here calls to Mind, and speaks of it to quicken Himself, and to excite Those to whom he wrote, to a careful and diligent Improvment of the few remaining Days before them, in a Preparation for Death and Eternity.
Now the Truths that are here presented to us for our present Meditation; and serious Consideration, are these,
- 1. THAT the Body of Man is the Souls Tabernacle.
- 2. THAT we must shortly put off this our Tabernacle.
- 3. THAT our LORD JESUS CHRIST hath shewn us that we must do so.
- 4. THAT the Ministers of Christ must die as well as others.
- 5. THAT it is meet for Them as long as they are in the Body to stir up themselves and their People, by putting them in Remembrance of these things.
I. THE Body of Man is the Tabernacle of the Soul. This my Tabernacle. As our LORD JESUS once pointed to his own sacred Body, and said, This Temple. HE was the true Tabernacle, which the LORD pitched, and not Man. His human Nature was [...] for therein the SON OF GOD tabernacled with us. — Our Bodies are the small, frail and movable Dwellings of our Souls, of mean Materials, easily taken down, and to be taken down within a little time, and to be set up again to dwell in. We continue in [...] but a few days, and we leave but for a few [...], to return into them again.
[...] we consider the Body of Man in its original [...] and first State; or if we consider our Bodies in [...] [...] and Resurrection State; they are more than Tabernacles. They were and are in this View of them [Page 5]the Building of GOD, a House not made with Hands; made for Perpetuity; for Immortality, never to be taken down; but to be changed, made Spiritual and Incorruptible, and to be taken up to GOD, to be a part of his own Mansion and Palace in the heavenly Places.
YET as the Body now is, it is wonderfully made, set up and kept up. Call it a Tabernacle; it is a sine and noble one in it self; like that of Moses, a work of great Design, and whereon much Art and Cost and Care was bestowed. Our Souls could neither provide this Tent for themselves; nor can they now uphold, or preserve it from falling, no not a Day. The Soul neither may nor can leave it at it's pleasure, tho' it moves and removes it at it's Will; and often injures it by it's passions.
THE Body should be a Tabernacle for GOD to dwell in; for Him to be worship'd and serv'd in, both here and for ever.
IF there is any thing now mean in it, we our selves have brought that upon it: We have made it this Corruptible falling thing, which it is now become. It was a fair and beauteous House, as GOD fram'd and finish'd it; and will be so again, when he shall raise it again and restore it.
LET us thank GOD for this Dwelling He made it for us, gave it to us, put us into it. Let us give Him the Glory of it: ‖ "A Body hast Thou prepared me. Thou art He that didst take me out of the Womb! I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made!"
LET us consecrate the Tent, such as it is, to GOD: He will accept the Dedication of it and dwell in it. He [Page 6]made it for Himself at first, and he now requires us to give it back to Him, to use it for Him and serve Him in it. Let us supplicate Him to sanctify us to Himself, that we may be Holy both in Body and Spirit; and that He may be glorified in both, for they are His, by every Right, of Creation, Redemption and daily Preservation.
BUT while we are in these mortal Bodies, let us esteem them as no more than our earthly House and Tabernacle; our meaner and dying Part. Let us daily think of leaving this House of Clay, expect to remove [...] out of it. If we wait a few days, the Grave is [...] House; and the Graves are ready for us †. By Faith let us sojourn here as in a strange Land, dwelling [...] Tents, as the Heirs of Promise did of old. And content in our present Lot, let us be seeking a better Country; heavenly and everlasting Habitations.
Finally, WHO hurts or misuses his own Dwelling? Who is there but takes care of it and repairs it? and yet who sets up a Booth and thinks of living long in it?
II. WE must shortly put off this our Tabernacle, and we shou'd know that we must do so. The phrase here seems not quite so proper: We speak of putting off our Cloaths, but of taking down a Tabernacle, or of going out of it. But so it pleases the HOLY GHOST to blend the Metaphors, in my Text and in other places *.
DEATH is the Souls putting off the Body, as a Man puts off his Clothes at Night, after the Work of the Day, and lies down to Sleep. So Aaron's putting off his Priestly Rebes, was the Figure & Image of his following Decease.
Again, DEATH is the Souls [...] out of it's Dwelling of Flesh. The Body is no [...] habitable; it falls and moulders into dust. As King Hezekiah [Page 7]prayed at the Approach of Death, * " My Age is removed as a Shepherds Tent.
SURELY Jonadah the Father of the Rechabites, ‡ who commanded his Posterity not to build them Houses, but all their Days to dwell in Tents; meant thereby to admonish them that their present Life in the Body was no other than as in a Tent and Tabernacle; and that in the wise Consideration hereof they should piously pass the Time of their sojourning here in Fear. And thus the Rechabites are an Image unto the Church for ever, of Men spiritually wise for their Souls and a better Life.
IN our Text there are three things said about our putting off our Tabernacle, "that we must do it, that we must do it shortly, and that we know we must do so.
1. WE must do it: It is not left to our Choice, if we will, or when, or how it shall be. Death comes with his Commission and Authority from GOD, and says to us, You must and shall go. His Call to us is, Come away! and with a strong Hand he hales and turns us out. He pulls down the Tabernacle over our heads, and tears the Body in pieces, Psal. 90.3. Thou turnest Man to Destruction. 104.29. Thou takest away their Breath, they die and return to their Dust. The Loftiness of Man is bowed down, and the Haughtiness of Man is laid low, in the Day of Death.
2. WE must die shortly. How soon or suddenly we know not; but we are sure it will be shortly, " Are not my Days few? ‖ Remember how short my Time is! How long have I to live? Are not my Days as the Day of an Hireling? For what is your Life? it is even as a Vapour, that endureth but a little while, and [Page 8]then vanishes away. So the † Cloud is consumed by the Sun, or the Wind drives it away. So the Grass flourisheth in the Morning and is cut down at Even. So the Post by Land, and the swift Ships at Sea, and the Eagle in the Air, pass away. And so the Weavers Shuttls passes in an Instant thro' the Loom. Next to this is Nothing at all; and such is our Age before GOD; Psal. 39.5. My Age is as nothing before Thee. Thus the Scripture teaches us to think and speak of the shortness of Human Life.
3. WE know that it is thus short. Knowing that I must shortly put off this my Tabernacle. Who of us but know this, in one sense? and yet how few of us may there be that know it, in another? and as we all ought to know it? Would to GOD we every one could say like Peter, that we truly know it! that we seriously consider and realize it every Day we live!
FEW, very few among the dying Children of Men have a real Knowledge of this plain and common Truth. The Living know that they shall Die; but what then? how few among the Living consider it, lay it to heart, keep it in mind, and Live as if they knew this? This is to know and understand in the Language of Scripture and of my Text.
THE Apostle liv'd and preach'd, and wrote and wrought according to this Knowledge: and so shall we act if we understand this and consider our latter End: While the careless and inconsiderate are the Ignorant in the Language of Scripture, "Who know not, nor understand, but walk on in Darkness, Psal. 82.5.
IT is the sanctifying Impression of this known Truth upon our Minds and Consciences, and the ruling, Power of it over our Thoughts, Words and Actions, that becomes dying Creatures, who are hastening to an eternal Judgment.
[Page 9] THIS is the true and saving Knowledge of our own Mortality; which as it is GOD's Work in us and from his enlightning Spirit; so it is Life Eternal to us to have this Knowledge of Death, this wise & habitual Consideration of our dying State.
WE all lack this Wisdom, and we should ask it of GOD; * " Lord make me to know my End and the measure of my Days; that I may know how frail I am. We must be made to know it, we are hardly brought to know it, our foolish earthly Hearts are very averse to the serious Consideration of Death and Eternity; to meditate and pray over this Truth, "That we must shortly die.
HE that has learn'd this first Lesson, is taught of GOD. Psal. 90.12. So teach us to number our Days, that we may apply our Hearts unto Wisdom. We can't infuse this spiritual Wisdom into our selves or ours. Yet we may go to GOD for it, who giveth liberally and upbraideth not. He wishes us this understanding Heart, Deut. 32.29. O that they were wise, that they understood this; that they would consider their latter End! Let us fall in with this blessed Wish of GOD for us, and turn it into a PRAYER to Him; " O that we were wise, to consider this! And that we may know this savingly, or be left for ever Inexcusable in our Forgetfulness and Inconsideration, I come to the third Head,
III. THAT our LORD JESUS CHRIST has shewn us this, "that we must shortly put off our Tabernacle. Knowing that I must, even as our LORD JESUS CHRIST hath shewed me.
I shall here consider, first, the very particular and extraordinary Revelation that CHRIST had made to Peter respecting the Time and Manner of his Death. [Page 10]To that the Apostle refers in my Text, namely, to the Words of the risen JESUS to him, John 21.18, 19. Signifying to him by what Death he should glorify God: That when he should be old he should stretch forth his Hands to be bound for it. So that the LORD had let him know "that he should live to be old," that he should die a violent Death, and "that he should willingly go to his Martyrdom. And now see in my Text the accomplishment of these Things drawing on. The aged Apostle speaks his own Readiness, Courage and Constancy in his Expectation of this predicted Death. He was now old, and ready to reach out his Hands unto them that should bind him for Death. Knowing (says he) that I must shortly put off my Tabernacle: He speaks as one ready and willing to go, whenever the LORD should please.
HERETOFORE Peter had not been the most patient at the Thot's of Sufferings, and of an ignominous and cruel Death in particular. He of all the Disciples was once the least likely to stretch forth his hands for another to gird him. When CHRIST spake first of his own Crucifixion, Peter could not bear it; "LORD (said he) this shall not be. When he saw the rude Guards lay hold on his LORD, he drew and wounded Malchus. When he saw himself like to be seized and arraigned, he thrice denied CHRIST. These things did not at all look as if he hereafter should be the Man, who when he should be old should go freely, meekly and resignedly to a Cross for the Name of CHRIST. Yet CHRIST told him all this in the Presence of his Brethren, to put Honour upon him after his Fall, and to comfort him in his Sorrow for it, and to encourage him in his Self-diffidence, Humility and Fear. And by the Words of my Text we see that. He remembers with Pleasure what CHRIST had said to him of putting off his Tabernacle, and was looking out for the Day.
Now it is true that none of us have any such particular Revelation made to us, concerning the Time and Manney of our Death. Never the less it is most [Page 11]true and certain, as to every one of us, "That CHRIST has many a Time, and in many Ways, shewn to us that we must shortly put off our Tabernacle.
AND as it may be very profitable to us to consider this, so it should be a pleasant Meditation to us; For every Notice to us of this Nature from the LORD JESUS should be taken in Love as it is surely meant. For in the Face of CHRIST crucified, and from the Mouth of CHRIST risen and ascended, we see and hear of Mortality and Death in such a Light and Power, as nothing else can show it in.
BUT How and Wherein has our LORD JESUS shewn us that we must shortly put off these our Tabernacles.
Briefly thus: HE has shewn it to us in the first Adam. And if he had not shewn us the Origine of Death and Evil, it had been yet unknown to us. He has shewn us ‖, how in Adam all die, how by one Man sin enter'd into the World and Death by sin, and has passed on all, because all are Sinners. He that opens the Book of GOD and the Seals thereof, has in the first Page of it open'd to us the Gates of Death, and shewn the Beginning and the End thereof *.
Again, THE LORD JESUS has shewn us in Himself, in his own Dying, that we must shortly put off our Tabernacle. With his dead Body all his Saints go down to the Dust, and like His their Flesh rests in Hope †. This is that sight of Death which takes away the Sting of it, and delivers from the Fear of Bondage. Come see the Place where the LORD lay, and prepare to follow Him thro' the dark Valley, and into the Chambers of Death ‡.
[Page 12] Again, HE ( the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World) did from the Beginning show his People that they must die, in the Sacrifices and Offerings our of the Flocks and Herds; even from the Day of Abel. In the Blood of These Adam had the first Sight of Death; and they were Notices to him that he himself must die, as well as Figures of the Death of CHRIST the great Sacrifice. Thus Man convers'd with Death in all the Worship that he offer'd to GOD from the Day of his Fall. Death star'd him in the face as often as he came to Gods Altar, and the LORD shewed him that he must shortly die, in the bleeding Figures of his own Death. Death was the Cry at the Door of the Tabernacle and Temple, in the Blood of the Sacrifices, thro' all the Days of the Old Testament: As it is yet in the Churches of CHRIST, and at his Table, in the Memorials of his Death, thro' the Days of the New Testament.
IN the Sacraments of Christianity, we remember in solemn Form the Dying of the LORD JESUS, and are awfully minded of our own approching change. The Table of CHRIST, where we show forth His Death till He come, is to put us always in Remembrance of the present Truth, (as my. Context speaks) and to stir us up to the Consideration of it, "That within a little time He comes, as to every one of us, and we must shortly appear before Him to give an Account, how we have remembred his Dying, and how our own, and got ready for his Coming. "Did I not warn you, may the LORD then say, as often as you went to my House and Table, of your dying shortly, and of your appearing before my Judgment Seat? was it not openly shewn you in the Memorials of my own Death?
THUS again, In every Sermon preached to us on the Subject of Death, whether the dying Creature will hear or whether he will forbear, CHRIST sends him Line upon Line concerning his passing hence, to his [...] Judgment. From Sabbath to Sabbath this harsh [...] is grated on, and the unwilling Mortal is made [...]. O it is CHRIST that speaks to us by his [Page 13]Word and Spirit, and shews us that we must die, we know not how soon or suddenly; and what a great thing it is to set our Souls in Order against that dreadful Hour! That the second Death may have no power over us! That we may never be hurt of it! That this last Enemy may be slain before us! And that to die may be our Gain, infinite and eternal Gain!
So in all the Records of the Death of Saints and Sinners, from the Death of Adam, Noah, Abraham and Moses, to the Death of Peter and Iohn, the LORD has shewn his People, from Generation to Generation, that they must shortly die. Your Fathers where are they? and the Prophets, do they live for ever? And who art Thou, O Man! whose inward Tho't is, that thy House shall continue for ever? and thy Dwelling-place to all Generations?
Moreover, IN the Deaths and Funerals of our Relations and Friends, from Week to Week, CHRIST shews us that we also must shortly die. We may see our LORD at every Funeral with the Keys of Hades in his Hand ‖ He kills and he saves alive; and none can deliver out of his Hand. The FATHER judges no Man, but has committed this Iudgment to the SON. If He will that Peter be bound and die, and that Iohn tarry till he come; what is it to the rest of the Disciples? He also has determined by what Death every Believer shall glorify GOD. The Kingdom of Providence is His, and the two great Things in it are Life & Death.
IT is therefore our LORD IESUS who shews us we must shortly die, in all those bodily Infirmities, Pains & Sicknesses, which we feel within ourselves daily, and which are the Symptoms of Death upon us; and as we advance in Years the Shadows of it lengthen upon us. 'Tis an instructive Fable that you have read, "How a certain Man made an Agreement with Death, [Page 14]that he should kindly give him some Notice & Warning of his Coming; and when Death afterward came upon him suddenly, the trembling Man pleaded his Promise; "Did you not agree to give me Notice of your Coming? Yes, answered the grim Officer, and so I did often, but you would not mind me: Did I not at such a Time warn you by such a Faintness? and again at such a Time by such a Pain? and yet again at other Times by these and those Fits of Sickness? These were the kind Notices of my Coming; and now Come away!
BUT in the last place, and in the best Sense of all, CHRIST shows unto his own Disciples, as he did to Peter, that they must shortly put off their Tabernacle, by the effectual Impressions of his Grace, and by the Teaching of His SPIRIT. He savingly enlightned Peter, and so he doth all his Elect, in the Truth before us; whereby they are inclined and made to live in a serious and diligent Preparation for Death, Judgment and Eternity. So he makes them wise for their Souls, wise unto Salvation. He shows them their dying State in a powerful and ruling Light. This is for CHRIST to show, and for us to know: As it is written, All thy Children shall be taught of GOD.
LET our Souls apply to CHRIST by servent Prayer, " Lord IESUS, Be Thou my Teacher in this great and necessary Lesson! In thy Light shew me my mortal dying State.
O let us gladly learn of Him, who is the Teacher come from GOD! learn this of Him, which is the End of all Men! Learn it from his Word, learn it from his Life, learn it from his Ministers, learn it in his Ordinances, learn it at his Table, where Death is set forth evidently before our Eyes; learn it every Sabbath and at every Sacrament, being early at the Sepulchre every LORD's Day; and finally, learn it of the blessed enlightning and sanctifying SPIRIT OF CHRIST, for none teacheth like Him, none effectually besides Him.
[Page 15] YOUR Ministers labour to shew you this plainest Truth in a convincing Light: They think it meet, as Peter did, as long as you are with them in this Tabernacle to stir you up, by putting you in Remembrance of it: They would endeavour that after their Decouse you may have these things always in Remembrance: To this End the Ordinances of CHRIST are graciously ordained, wisely adapted, and to be diligently used: But O my Brethren, look off from dying Ministers, and look above all present Means of Grace, to the crucified risen JESUS at the right Hand of GOD! Look to Him for his HOLY SPIRIT, savingly to show you your dying State, and help you to live in the due Apprehension of it.
HAPPY the Ministers, & happy the People, who learn this of the FATHER and CHRIST! Let us do it before we die! for there is no Knowledge or Work in the Grave whither we are going.
BUT has the Lord JESUS shown us that we must shortly pus off these our Tabernacles? So has He also shewn us, That we must put them on again ‖. He has told us, That there shall be a Resurrection of the Dead, both of the Just and Unjust; That all that are in their Graves shall hear his Voice and come forth; That of all whom the Father has given Him he will lose none, but will raise them up at the last Day; That He himself is risen the Fruit-fruits of them that sleep; That as in Adam all die, so in Him they shall be made alive; That this Corruptible must put on Incorruption, and this Mortal must put on Immortality; and that then shall be bro't pass the saying; " Death is swallowed up in Victory. Thus He that has told us of putting off the Body, has not left his holy Ones in Corruption, but has bro't Life and Immortality to light unto them.
[Page 16] BUT it is time I come to the Fourth Head.
IV. THE Ministers of CHRIST know, and they ought to know, it concerns Them to know as it does their Hearers, and the Lord JESUS has shewn to them in particular, that They as well as others must shortly put off their Tabernacles.
IT was PETER, the Apostle of JESUS CHRIST, who knew that He was soon to die, as his LORD had shewn him. And every Minister of CHRIST knows the same thing respecting himself, and should take to himself these very Words and say, " I know that I must shortly put off this my Tabernacle; my LORD has shewed me this.
DEATH knows no Distinction, Degree, Order or Character of Men; has no respect to Persons. But of all Orders, that of the sacred Ministry should most know and consider their Mortal state, and live according to the Knowledge of it. — They know no more the Day of their Death than other Men, nor the Manner of it. They are as frail and mouldring Dust, as any of the Lords Congregation. They also are formed out of the Clay, and returning into it, tho' they are in GODS stead to corruptible Men, bringing the Lords Messages *.
IT is meet for dying People to have dying Teachers; very meet that they who preach to others of Death and Eternity, be dying Persons, and do it first to Themselves; sensible that they are going into the same Grave, and to the same eternal World with their Hearers.
OF all the Prophets, only Enoch and Elias saw not Death. Aaron died in the sight of all the Congregation. And we read of Elisha's Death, tho' he inherited a double Portion of the Spirit of Elias, His dying too was honour'd with Miracles and the Mourning of Kings and of the Schools.
[Page 17] MINISTERS die Young like other Men; and in the midst of Usefulness, Labours and Fruitfulness; They live to old Age also, are grey in their Lords Work, and worn out in the Service of Souls. Sometimes they out-live their Work, and their Powers for Service are gone before they put off their Tabernacles. Or they die with all their Powers, vigorous and active in them; in the midst of their Projections for the Service of CHRIST and Souls: In that very Day their princely Tho'ts perish. Yea they have died in the Pulpit, or been led from it to their dying Bed.
THEY die of the same Diseases that others do: of Fevers of Dropsies, by Languishings and Consumptions, or by Apoplexies and sudden Suffocations: They die of Stupors, or Strangury, of dolorous Cancers (and that even in the Tongue, as did a late excellent Minister in London): They die of noisome and ulcerous Diseases as well as others; their Flesh broken and become loath-some before it is put off; their body vile to an Eye of sense: They die by evil Accidents, as we call em, by broken Bones, by Drowning, by Beasts of Prey; (as the old Prophet.) or by the hands of Robbers and Enemies, or by Violence and Injustice under the Name and Form of Law. They are in trouble as other Men, and plagued like other Men; and (like Peter) have Bands in their Death. — How many of Christs faithful and eminent Ministers have died Martyrs for his Name and Truth? Since the Death of Stephen, and Iames and Peter. GOD has (according to his Sovereign Will) set them forth appointed to Death, a Spectacle to the World, to Angels and Men. But if they live and die at Home, in Ease and on their Beds; die af Age and in Honour, with their Children and Friends about them; beloved, desir'd and pray'd for by their People; and mourn'd for when they can continue no longer, but go from the Place of the Holy, This also is like other worthy Worshippers.
MINISTERS know all this concerning Themselves, and so do all about them; and it is by no means to inform [Page 18]but to affect my self and you, that I have said so much about it. And to affect our selves the more, Why should I not add, "That Ministers are Sinners like other Men, and should be Examples to their Flocks of holy Dying, and are but herein couformed to CHRIST, like his other Members. Nay are not their Sins greater than other Mens? And shall they not then suffer the Pains of Death as well as others? Or if CHRIST has tasted Death for Them, among the Church of his Elect, shall not they also drink of his Cup? and be baptised with his Baptism? And the rather, if like the two Brethren they hope to be nearer to Him than Others, in his Kingdom and Glory. I say again, Why should they not go before their Flocks in holy Dying as well as Living? To hear about the Dying of the Lord JESUS while they live * and (by his Grace) to exhibit it when they come to die; that HE may be magnified (and Souls edified) in their mortal Bedies; Whether it be in Life or Death ‖.
FOR these Reasons Ministers die, and should die, like other Men. They know it, and have nothing to say against it. And they need and ought to know it practically, lay it to their Heart and live accordingly; as much, if not more than Others. PETER had the Primacy in this respect, among the Brethren to whom he wrote; tho' not among the Apostles. In this let Ministers learn of Him, and be Followers of him, as he was of CHRIST.
WOULD to GOD it could be truly said of all the Ministers of JESUS, that they have a saving Knowledge of this plain Truth, which they preach to Themselves and Others from day to day! How happy were it for Pastors and Flocks together! if this first and small Principle in the Oracles of GOD, known to every Babe in the Church, were but indeed fully learn'd by the Doctors in it? Art thou a Master in Israel, and [Page 19]knowest not this? But O 'tis a great and chief and first thing indeed! and happy is He that has learn'd it as he ought to know it! It is the Power of GOD unto the Salvation both of Preacher and Hearer. We may study the Point, preach it, and urge it on our Selves and others, and yet not have learn'd it.
BUT who are so obliged, bound and advantaged to consider duely of, and live by the Knowledge of their own Mortality, as the Ministers of the Gospel? Who are more call'd to converse with Death, and to look into Eternity than they are? How often are they at the sick and dying Beds of People, to the most solemn Ends and Purposes; to minister to their Souls, to enquire into their Spiritual State to assist them and pray over them in the Agonies of Death? and to follow their Remains, among the Mourners, to the Grave!
WHO should know and understand their own Mortality, if not they who are so often call'd to preach upon the dark and melancholly Subject? and to lead others into the serious Contemplation of it, in all its Weight. Importance and awful Consequence? To whom should the Day of Death and Judgment be more awful, or more joyful than to the Ministers of Christ? Who have a greater Account than they to give? How glorious a Prophets Reward, if they find Mercy to be faithful! but how dreadful the great and terrible Day to Them, if otherwise!
HOW then ought Ministers, above all Men, to know, consider and lay to heart their frail and dying State? the Greatness of their Work, the Shortness of their Time, and the Account they have to give? They are the Men, who above any should have Death and Eternity always in their Eye, ever upon their Heart, and be able to say with the Apostle, " I die Daily! And who should urge themselves on in their Work with his Motives ‖, [Page 20] That I may give up my Account with Ioy and not with Grief! And lest after I have preached unto Others, I my self should prove the Cast-away! And again, " That I may both save my self and them that hear me! — How should we feel the Power and Force of such Words, as they pass thro' our Minds, and come from our Lips?
AND it is to be charitably supposed of the Ministers of Religion, that as many of them, and far more in Proportion of this Order than of any other, have the saving Knowledge of the Truth before us; or else Woe unto their Souls, and to the Churches of CHRIST for their sakes. This doth in a special manner agree to their holy and spiritual Calling, to their peculiar Bonds and Ordination Vows, and to their high Profession. And this is the Way for them to be blessed by GOD and made successful in their Work: As Moses prayed for, and prophesied concerning the Tribe of Levi, and blessed them with his dying Lips; Deut. 33.8. Let thy Urim and thy Thummim be with thy Holy One. Which was to say, "Let GOD furnish them with those Gifts and Graces, that Light and Integrity, that Illumination and Sanctification, which are requisite to the faithful Discharge of the Duties of their high and sacred Office. And so Aaron was illuminated, living in a Preparation to undress and die, at a Day or an Hours warning. And this is a shining part in the Character of blessed Paul; as he tells the Corinthians that by Death working in him, Life spiritual and eternal was the more convey'd to them thro' his Ministry; he being the more quickned from day to day in serving their Souls, by the daily Views he had of his own Dying: Which I take to be the sense of those Words, 2 Cor. 4.12. "So then Death [...] in us, but Life in you". For, the more a lively Apprehension of Death and Eternity works in the Ministers of CHRIST, so much the more like are they to be instrumental to the spiritual Life of their People. And who in fact are like laborious, and it may be successful, in their Ministry, as those that live most in the Views of Eternity? As I remember that [Page 21]the Venerable Mr. Baxter in his Age, reflected with pleasure on the Goodness of GOD to Him thro' his life, that by a weak and dying state of Body he had been kept studying, praying and preaching like a dying Man for thirty Years together.
O the Comfort and Pleasure to a Minister in Age, or to any Christian, that can thus look back on a Life spent in the Knowledge of Death, and a diligent Preparation for it. With what Calm and Peace may such a Servant of CHRIST take leave of his Brethren, as the Apostle Paul did of the Elders about Ephesus? Act. 20. Yea how triumphantly may he speak of and meet his advancing Change in the Words of the same Apostle to Timothy; 2. Epist. 4. Chap. 6, 7, 8. I am ready to be offered, and the Time of my Departure is at hand; I have fought a good Fight, I have finished my Course, I have kept the Faith; Henceforth is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness, which the righteous Iudge will give me at that Day; and not to me only, but to all (both Ministers and People) that love and look for his appearing.
BRETHREN, Pray for us, your unworthy Ministers, that for the honour of CHRIST, and the sake of our own and your Souls together, We may be help'd of GOD (and you with us) to live looking into our Graves, and mindful of the things that are unseen and eternal. This is the Way to be labouring Ministers, and fruitful Christians.
LOOK on us, my Brethren, as poor frail dying Preachers, passing with you into an awful Eternity: And GOD help Us to look on You with the same Eye. If there be any Treasure put into us, for the Dispensation of the Gospel, it is at best but in a brittle earthen Vessel, that will be broken within a few days, and the Desks and Seats that now know us, shall know us no more.
HOW should we therefore pray and preach and hear as Persons on the Brink of Eternity! And how much [Page 22] better should the most of us Worship from time to time, if we were more under the Power of this just and awful Wiew of our selves!
LET us now every One, both Speaker and Hearer, lay his hand upon his own Breast, and say to Himself in the Presence and Fear of the Great GOD, "I know that shorthy I must put off this MY Tabernacle! My LORD has shewed me this a thousand times over! But O my Soul, Hast thou said it to thy Self daily, as becomes thy uncertain and dying State? — It is a very serious and important thing, and I leave it to every ones Conscience.
AND now I seem to have previnted my self, in what I might have design'd to say on the lair Proposition, "That it is meet for the Ministers of CHRIST, as long as they are in the Body, to stir up Themselves and their People, by putting them in Remembrance of these Things; and to endeavour that after their Decease they may have them always in Remembrance.
YOU will please to accept and improve the presen Discourse, as meant by the Will of GOD for this End.
AND I wish it were at all Worthy to bring to your Remembrance, with a deserved Respect and Reverence, the Person and Ministry of that honoured and beloved Servant of CHRIST; to whose Memory and your Spiritual Profit it is a small Tribute.
YOU have seen the main Design and Scope of his powerful and successful Ministry, with the blessed Fruit and Crown of it, in the Things that I have said; What He reap'd from it himself, and with pleasure saw others reap.
THRO' Grace He was not negligent to put all unto whom he came in Remembrance of the great Concerns of their Souls and the eternal World. As long as he was in this Tabernacle, (and how long was that thro' the Favour of GOD to us how did he stir up Himself [Page 23]And all that heard him, in his pungent and awakning Discourses, as knowing that he must shortly give an Account to GOD, and those that heard him, together with him. And now after his Decease, We should have these things always in Remembrance, as we can bear Witness for him he earnestly endeavour'd, while he was with us and came to us in the Name of the LORD. Let his Death bring to our Remembrance, and fix deep in our Hearts all that we have seen and heard, of the Power of Godliness in his teaching Life and Ministry.
As the aged Apostle wrote to his Son Timothy, so the surviving Ministry of the Land may represent the Deceased yet speaking to them; "Thou hast fully known my Doctrine, manner of Life, Purpose, Faith, Long-suffering, Charity, Patience: Continus thou in the things which thou hast learned & hast been assured of.
THE Crown of Life is to finish well, in a happy Death. And the way to this is to pass our Days here under the governing Tho'ts |of Death and Eternity.
WE must congratulate with the wise and faithful Servant that Lives and finishes thus: as the Spectators in the Olympic Games shouted [...] carried off the Prize.
THE last Character of a Gospel Minister is Sanctity and Fidelity in his LORD's Work, in the diligent Improvement of many Talents, and the gaining of many more thereby.
THE Gifts and Powers, natural and acquired, of an active Soul in a sound Body, are a rich Endowment; the Student, the Disputant, the Casuist, and the powerful Preacher, are great and good lines in the pourtraiture of a compleat Divine: But yet these are the least part in the just Character which the Public has had to day of the Deceased: "The holy Man of GOD, and the diligent, compassionate and faithful Pastor" are much bolder and brighter Lines in his heavenly [Page 24]and angelical Face. So among the worthy Remains of his Learning and Ministry in Print, the Mantle he has left to us, his ‖ Safety of appearing in the Righteousness of CHRIST outshines all the rest. By Faith in that glorious Righteousness, he has lived and died here below; and in it he now appears, in Safety and Glory, before the Throne of GOD.
LET the Ministers of CHRIST, elder and younger, now present before the LORD, learn from the holy Life and happy Death of this our Father, how to fulfil our Ministry. Let us to this End live more than ever in the constant Remembrance of the Mortality & Immortality of our selves and others. We need more than any Men to do so, we are more obliged to it than others, we are more advantaged for it and admonished of it than others; and it may turn to the Salvation of Many. It will greatly adorn us, inrich us, and make us useful, yield us present Comfort and a far exceeding eternal Weight of Glory.
AND not only let elder Ministers be quickened in their Work by considering that they must die very shortly; but younger Ministers also should be as much stirred up by the same Motive, knowing that They may die before their Elders: And therefore while they emulate their Gifts, Labours and Usefulness, let them not count upon attaining the Days of the Years of their Pilgrimage; but let them begin earnestly, that they may make good Proficiency and do much Work in a little Time, supposing their Days should be soon numbered and finished by the Sovereign GOD.
YOU have learn'd of the renowned Elisha, to look up after our ascended Fathers, and cry to their GOD for a double Portion of the same SPIRIT to rest on You, that you may tread in their Steps: And if like Them that are gone before you, you desire to excel in Grace, [Page 25]in Knowledge, in Learning, in Labours & Usefulness; to live in Honor and Esteem among the People of GOD, and in inward Peace and Comfort; take this short Course for it, "Live tho'tful of Death, and in a careful Preparation for a blessed Eternity.
LET our Candidates for the Evangelical Ministry begin here, and go on with this, in all their Preparations for it, and in their solemn Entrance on it. Lay this good Foundation deep, and build strong for Eternity.
THIS will make you diligent in your Studies, to give your selves to Reading & Meditation; redeeming your Time: And this will make you pray over your Studies, and preach your Sermons first to your selves.
To have done, This wise and conscientious Tho'tfulness of Death, and these habitual Preparations for it, will incline and excite us in our whole public ministry, and in all our more private Applications to Souls, to act as dying Men with dying People. And this is the Way to live above the Fear of Death now, and to attain a Prophets Reward at the End of a few Days: When they that are Wise shall shine as the Brightness of the Firmament, and they that turn many to Righteousness as the Stars for ever and ever *. This is the way to attain the triumphant Knowledge and Assurance of many a primitive SAINT; † For we know, that if our earthly House of this Tabernacle were dissolved, we have a Building of GOD, a House not made with Hands, eternal in the Heavens.
APPENDIX. From the BOSTON Weekly News-Letter: No. 112
ON the 11th Instant died, and this Day was buried here, the very reverend and aged, our honoured and beloved Pastor, Mr. Solomon Stoddard; too eminent a Person to be suffer'd to slip into his Grave in silence.
HE was born at Boston, Anno 1643. The eldest Son of Anthony Stoddard Esq; by his second Wife, who was the Sister of Sir George Downing. Had his School Learning at Cambridge, under the famous Master Corlet. Took his first Degree at Harvard College Anno 1662. And was afterwards one of the Fellows of that House. Growing out of Health by reason of too close an Application to his Studies, he was prevail'd on to take a Voyage to Barbados, with Governor Serle as his Chaplain, where he preach'd to the Dissenters in that Island. But his State of Health growing better, he return'd to his Native Country in about two years.
UPON the Death of the excellent Mr. Eleazer Mather, the first Pastor of the Church in this Place, who died when but 35 Years of Age, Mr. Stoddard was chosen and invited to succeed him. He was ordain'd to the Pastoral Office over us, Anno 1672; and we have injoy'd an uncommon Blessing in him, for 56 Years together.
[Page] HIS natural Powers were quick and strong, and by the Blessing of GOD on his hard Studies, he was furnish'd with that Learning which is requisite to make a Divine of the first Rank. He was well skill'd in the learned Languages; well vers'd in the religious Controversies that relate either to Points of Doctrine or Church-Government; and was himself a ready and smart Disputant, a wise and judicious Casuist, whose Advice and Counsel were much sought and valu'd by the perplex'd and scrupulous,
As a Pastor he was diligent, laborious, constant; wise, faithful, compassionate. His Sermons were plain and powerful, experimental and spiritual, close and searching, yet rational and argumentative. His Subjects chiefly suited to awaken secure Sinners, direct Souls about the great Work of Conversion, and to help Persons to judge of their spiritual State. And he was favour'd with a more than ordinary Presence of GOD in his Work, and many Seals of his Ministry; in the Course of which there were three remarkable Seasons, in which the Spirit of GOD so mov'd upon the Hearts of his People, that it became almost the general Cry of the Place, What must I do to be saved? And Converts were so numerous, as to give a happy Occasion for that admiring Question, Who are these that flie as a Cloud, and as the Doves to their Windows?
HE was a Man zealous against Sin, a hearty Mourner for the iniquities of the Times, an earnest Pleader with GOD for the Land, the Nation, and His Church in the World.
THE most in the Town have been born & bro't up under his Ministry; and scarce any Minister was more reverenc'd and belov'd by his People.
HIS Station was indeed in a remote Corner of the Land, but his Light and Influence went out thro' the whole Country; and His being our Pastor gave a Name and Reputation to the Town.
[Page] HE us'd for many Years together to make his Annual Visits to Boston at the time of the Commencement; and the Day after to preach the Public Lecture, to a numerous Audience, expecting and glad to hear him.
HIS Labours and Usefulness were drawn out to an uncommon length. For fifty Years, or more, he preached twice every LORD's day; and till his 86th Year (in which he died) he was a constant Preacher one Part of the LORD's-days, and at a monthly-Lecture without the use of Notes at all; and, in the Opinion of some good Judges, so well, that it could not be discern'd his Powers were much abated. And so close did he follow his Studies, even in this advanced Age, that when he died he had a considerable Number of Sermons studied, that were never preach'd.
HE injoy'd a great measure of Health, and was seldom taken off from his beloved Work by Sickness. His Stature was something taller then the common Size, his Countenance comely, his Presence venerable; his whole Look and Behaviour such as gave those who convers'd with him, occasion to say of him, as the Woman of the Prophet, I perceive that this is a holy Man of God.
THE whole Land has a great Loss in his Death; for such Persons are the Chariots and Horsemen of a People, their Glory and Defence.
HE married Mrs. Mather, the prudent and pious Relict of his Predecessor, and Daughter of the Reverend Mr. Warham of Windsor, who now survives him; by whom he was bless'd with many Children, eight of which are living, two Sons, and Six Daughters. His Eldest Son, the Reverend Mr. Anthony Stoddard, is now the worthy Pastor of the Church at Woodberry. His second Son, Col. John Stoddard, is one of the present Members of His Majesty's Council. And five of his Daughters are married to worthy Ministers. The Rev. Mr. Williams of Hatfield, (one of his Sons in Law) [Page]preach'd a Funeral Sermon for him, the day of his Interment.
HE had the Satisfaction for some time before he died, to have his Grandson, Mr. Jonathan Edwards, joined with him, to be the Collegue of his Age, and his Successor at his Death; for whom we can't wish any thing better, than that the Mantle of Elijah may rest upon Elisha.
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