
DEATH The Advantage of the Godly.

A SERMON Delivered at Guilford, On the 9 th. of June, Ann [...] [...] 1728. BEING The LORD's DAY, next [...] the FUNERAL OF THE REVEREND Mr. Thomas Ruggles, Pastor of the Church of CHRIST there, WHO Departed this Life on the First Instant In the Fifty-Eighth Year of his Age.

By Elisha Williams, A. M. And Rector of YALE COLLEGE.

Printed at the Desire & Charge of that Society.

N. LONDON, Printed and Sold by T. Green, 1728.

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Death THE Advantage OF THE GODLY.


FOR to me to Live is CHRIST, and to Die is Gain.

THE Apostle having in the Beginning of this Chapter Saluted the Philippians, and assured them of his great Love to them, and Ardent [Page 2] Prayers to God for them that they might grow abundantly in knowledge and love, be enabled to understand and discern the Truth, and to choose what is most Excellent, in Sincerity and without Offence, Persevere in the Faith, and be filled with all the Fruits of Righteousness, which flow from Faith in CHRIST, and are to the Glory and Praise of GOD by him, — ver. 11. He then proceeds to remove any offence his Suffer­ings and Imprisonment at Rome might have occasioned, by assuring them that they had been so far from being any Impediment to the progress of the Gospel, that on the Contrary they had rather tended to the Ad­vancement thereof. For the Gospel, by the means of his Sufferings for it, came to [...] more abundantly taken Notice of & Known, both in Caesar's Court and other Places. And withal by his Example of Suffering & Patience, many of the Brethren were Ani­mated to Profess CHRIST and Preach the Gospel, with more Zeal and Courage. Some indeed says he, did it out of Envy, and by way of Emulation, not designing to Advance the Glory of CHRIST, but to add to his present Afflictions. But others out of Love to him and the Gospel, knowing that what had befallen him was in Defence of the Gospel.

[Page 3]YET nevertheless, every way the Gospel came to be more known, which was and would be matter of Rejoycing to him, from the 12 th. to the 18 th. ver. The Advancing the Kingdom of CHRIST was what he chiefly aimed at, and was entirely Devoted to; and in the verse preceding the Text he declares his free Resignation of himself to the Honour of CHRIST, in what way so­ever he should see fit to make use of him, and his assured hope that he would make him Instrumental to Advance his Kingdom, both by Preaching the Gospel as Constantly and Boldly as ever he had done, if he should Live, and by Sealing the Truth of it by! is Blood if called thereto. For says he in the Text, To me to Live is CHRIST, and to Die is Gain. q. d. As I have hitherto made is my business to serve CHRIST in the Gos­pel, so if my Life be continued it shall be spent in his Service, by Preaching the Gos­pel, and by Patience in suffering for him as he requires, He shall be Glorified. And if I Die in bearing Testimony to CHRIST, his Glory shall be Advanced, and may own Un­speakable Advantage and Joy Promoted, in that I shall be with CHRIST which is [...] better.

THE Words then Contain this

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DOCTRINE. THAT to whomsoever to Live is CHRIST, to such Death will be Gain.

WHAT the Apostle is here assured of concerning himself, is true of others also in a like State and Condition. Such as Derive a Spiritual Life from CHRIST, and make it their great care to Live to the Glory of CHRIST, will find to their abundant Com­fort, that Death will be their Unspeakable Advantage. In Prosecuting this Doctrine

WE shall

I. EXPLAIN the Import of this Expression, To me to Live is CHRIST.


II. SHEW in what respests Death is Gain to such.

I. WHAT is Implied in this Expression, To me to Live is CHRIST?

1. IT Implies a Participation in his Life, being quickned and made alive unto GOD, by Virtue of His Powerful Grace, Efficaciously work­ing in us.

[Page 5]MAN in his Lapsed State is naturally Destitute of Spiritual Life. Sin has Depri­ved him of it, That has separated between us and our GOD, Isa. LIX. 2. It has bro­ken that special Union there was between GOD & Man; (who so long as that lasted, was Blessed with the Participation of a Spiritual and Divine Life, all those Graces Spiritual, necessary for his Holiness & Hap­piness) And at the same time has United & Subjected him to another Head, the Prince that Rules in the Children of Disobedience. But by CHRIST we have a Re-union, to GOD, in whom he accepts us, and gives us his I­mage. All we receive from GOD is con­veyed to us by and through CHRIST, for His sake, and on His account. He being Constituted by Divine Appointment, as the Head of his Body the CHURCH And therefore this Benefit of a Spiritual Life is conveyed through and by Him. He is the Author of it,

(1) AS He has Purchased it for us. He has purchased a Life for us at the Expence of HIS OWN. By the Sacrifice of his Death, he has Redeemed us from Death, & Purchased a Spiritual and Eternal Life for us He has Redeemed us from the Curse of the Law, being made a Curse for us, Gal. III. 13. [Page 6] We are bought with a Price, 1 Cor. VI. 20. And by Virtue of that Price, We are quickned together with him, Eph. II. 5.

(2) HE is so as he Conveyeth this Life to us by the SPIRIT. He by the Spirit, quickens us with a Divine Life. It is the special work of the Spirit to apply CHRIST, to carry on the Work▪ he has begun in Redemption. Tho' he be of equal Glory with the FA­THER, & SON, yet he Acts as from CHRIST, conveying Life in, and through, & by Him. For CHRIST who has Life in Himself does Derive it to whom he will, John V. 21, 26. and John VI. 57. He acquired by his Merits on the Cross a right to send, and promised to send the Spirit for this End. John XVI. 7, 13, 14, 15. CHRIST then is the Author of Spiritual Life; and this is the first thing here intended, A Spiritual Union to Christ, whereby we receive Life from Him, and are made to live unto Him & to GOD by Him.

1. IT intends the Dedicating our selves Un­reservedly and Sincerely to Him. The owning Him as our LORD, to whom all the Honour and Fruit of our Lives is Firstly and Pecu­liarly due. He is to be Practically acknow­ledged by us, as our rightful Owner and Lord. This was one End CHRIST aimed [Page 7] at, in what he has Done and Suffered for us that he might acquire a new right to us, & lay us under the most engaging Obligations to him. Rom. XIV. 7, 8, 9. For none of us liveth to himself, and no Man dieth to himself. For whether we Live, we Live unto the LORD, and whether we Die, we Die unto the LORD. For to this End CHRIST both Died, & Rose, and Revived, that he might be LORD both of the Dead and the Living. Our Duty is to Devote our selves, our all to GOD, whatever may be useful to the Manifestation of his Glory. This seems to be what the Apostle had principally in his Eye, That if his Life were still continued in the World, it should be employed in Serving and Glorifying CHRIST, He had chosen Him for his LORD and Devoted himself to be his Con­stant and Faithful Servant; and he would not Recede from his Resolution, but Perse­vere in a constant attendance to his Duty. When therefore Persons are either Glorify­ing GOD, in a Faithful attendance to the Duties of their General Calling, doing the work of Christians, exercising and growing in Grace, working out their Salvation with Fear and Trembling, or doing the Duties of their particular Calling in Obedience to CHRIST, filling up the Duties of their Places and Relations, in a Subserviency to the will [Page 8] of CHRIST, This is to Live to CHRIST. This the same Apostle shews us by his own Example, when he tells us, he valued not his Life for it Self, but for the Service which during the continuance of it he might do unto CHRIST. Acts XX. 24. Neither count I my Life Dear, so that I may Finish my Course with Joy, &c. And then as our All, is with­out Reserve to be Devoted to him, so all is to be done Heartily and Sincerly: Not in pre­tence and appearance, but with a Real and Gracious bent of Heart. There are many make shews of Honouring GOD, while they are only Serving of themselves; Hence GOD says to them, Zech. VII. 5. When ye Fasted, Did ye do it at all to Me? So is it in any other Services, wherein Men make a fair Profession as if they had a Zeal for the Honour of CHRIST, and a desire to Promote it; when really their aim is no higher than Self. To Serve it way be a Spirit of Pride and Osten­tation, or to bring about some Carnal De­sign & Interest. These serve not CHRIST but themselves in all they do. But GOD requires and expects an Upright Heart in all we do; Not only doing the things he requires of us, but the doing of them with Gracious Aims and Intentions, Eyeing His Glory in all we do, and doing all as in His sight. Where there are suitable Apprehen­sions [Page 9] of the Glorious Excellencies of CHRIST, a Sense how worthy He is to be served with our Best, & the greatest Affecti­on and Engagedness of Heart, it will teach us to Banish all Sinester respects, and make us upright before GOD, to do what He re­quires in a right manner, and to do every thing unto His Glory, As Vessels fitted for our Masters Ʋse, and prepared unto every Good Work. 2 Tim. II. 21▪

BUT Secondly, We are

II. TO shew How Death is Gain to such. This may appear Strange to such as are Strangers to this Life of CHRIST, who judge of their Felicity by what is present and sen­sible, and think That only makes to their Happiness which serves to their Use, Com­fort and Delight in this present State; and therefore they count that which separates them from these things are Evil; yea the worst of Evils. To whom no wonder is it, if Death proves the King of Terrors. But this is a Truth every Believer will assent to, tho' perhaps under the prevailings of Indwelling Sin, too much Carnality of Heart and Inor­dinacy of Affection to Carnal things, they are ready to shrink from Death as an Enemy. But the certainty hereof will appear if we [Page 10] Consider in what respects Death is Gain to a Believer.

1. THIS appears if we consider the Evils and Miseries, that such are hereby delivered from. This World is to Believers (as well as to others) a Vale of Tears; and upon ma­ny accounts more so to them than to others. GOD never intended their Felicity and Portion here. They have here their Evil things, and hereafter they will have their Good things. In this Tabernacle they Groan, being Burthened, as the Apostle speaks; 2 Cor. V. 4. But hereafter their Burthens shall be Removed. They have Burthens here in com­mon with others; a Burthen of Care, Labour, Weariness, Bodily Pains, Weakness, and many Infirmities. These are Fruits of Sin, which GOD sees necessary for His own Chil­dren to be Exercised with as well as others. But at their Death they find an End of all these. The Grave is a place of Rest to the Body, and HEAVEN a place of Rest to the Soul. Job III. 17. Rev. XIV. 13. And they have also their share in the common Calamities and Miseries, that GOD brings upon the World. They are a part of the Body and therefore suffer with it. But at Death they are taken from this Community, and are delivered from the Burthens and Exercises [Page 11] thereof, and Secured from the Evils to Come, Isa. LVII. 1, 2. Besides these there are Evils more peculiar to them; Others are under some of them indeed, but they don't feel them as such, and complain of them as their Misery as they ought to do. The Activity and Power of Indwelling Sin, which still re­mains in them is a great Exercise to them. By reason of it they are so Clogged, Indispo­sed, and out of Frame and Unfit for any Holy & Spiritual Actions & Employments, that when they should do Good, Evil is Present with them. They are led into Captivity to the Law of Sin remaining in their Mem­bers. They are often Groaning under this, as their Burthen. Yea as a Burthen too heavy for them. Psal. XXXVIII. 3, 4, 6, 8. There is no Rest in my Bones because of my Sin. Mine Iniquities are gone over mine Head, as an Heavy Burden they are too Heavy for me. I am troubled, I am bowed down greatly; I go Mourning all the Day long. I am Feeble and Sore broken: I have Rored by reason of the Dis­quietness of my Heart. Rom. VII. 24 Oh Wretched Man that I am, who shall deliver me from the Body of this Death? And by reason of this they often fail in their Duty to GOD and Man, and the best they do is but imper­fectly done. But now they are through CHRIST made Victorious over this, it shall [Page 12] never Trouble them any more. This Body of Sin being destroyed they are made Perfect. Here also they are Burthened with many Temptations and Trials, from Satan and the World. The World is a Place full of Snares; There are Temptations, and Exercises, in every Condition, in every Relation and Em­ployment. And Satan is a constant and restless Adversary, who is full of Malice, & watches all Opportunities seeking whom he may Devour, and tho' he can't Destroy yet he may and does greatly Afflict the People of GOD. He is often Assaulting & Buffet­ing them, sometimes by Amazing Terrors, sometimes by Hellish Insinuations, & Horrid Suggestions, that are enough to fill the Soul with Trembling Agonies and Dreadful Per­plexities. But now his Opportunities are over; he is shut out of that place where the Souls of Believers are carried. Now they Rejoyce as having Conquered, yea they Tri­umph in CHRIST, being made Partakers of his Conquest and Victory over Satan, & the World. Besides such are more especially exposed to the Reproaches and Injuries of the Wicked. The ungodly World hates them because of their Love to CHRIST and their Faithfulness to Him. But Death sets them free from this also. I shall only add, They are here sometimes exercised with sad Deser­tions, [Page 13] and Heart oppressing Fears, about their In­terest in the Covenant of GOD and the Hap­piness of Heaven. Many Dark Days pass over them in this State, wherein such Com­plaints are over heard from them as in Psal. XIII. at the beginning, How long will thou forget me, O LORD, for Ever? How long wilt thou hide thy Face from me? How long shall I take Counsel in my Soul, having Sorrow in my Heart daily? But now they are wholly delivered from these Exercises, they are no longer at a State of distance from, but pre­sent with the LORD. Now their Souls Rejoyce in His Salvation, now they Sing unto the LORD because He has dealt boun­tifully with them. This is the Exchange, Death makes for, and in a Believer, then surely he is no Loser by it.

2. DEATH is Gain to Believers, in that they then enter upon the Enjoyment of all Good. All Tears are then Wiped away from their Eyes, and they Drink of the Fulness of Joy. They Hunger no more, nor Thirst any more, nor shall the Sun light on them, nor any Heat. For the LAMB which is in the midst of the Throne shall Feed them, and shall Lead them unto Living Fountains of Waters. Rev. VII. 16.17.

[Page 14][1] THEY then have the Fruition of GOD. In this lies their true Happiness & a higher than this the Creature is not Capable of. For this they will be Compleatly framed and fitted, by the clear Manifestations of the Glorious Perfections of the Divine Nature unto them, whereby they shall be Compleat­ly and Perfectly Transformed into the Di­vine Likeness. They had some Knowlege of the Divine Glories before, but yet small Comparitively to what then they shall have. Tis but a very small Portion the best know of GOD in this World: Now much Dark­ness is in them, how Dull and Slow of Heart to Believe? What little understanding of the Glory that shall be hereafter Revealed? They Sigh & Mourn under their Ignorance in this bodily State, and earnestly Groan for farther Discoveries of the Divine Glory to them. But as soon as the Believers Soul is Released from the Body, the Blessed Morn­ing of that long Desired Day is risen upon it, it comes forth from all its Darkness, and the Glory of GOD is risen upon it. He will then enable it to behold his Glory in such a measure, as in its Conjunct State with the Body could not be Born, without a Dis­solution of the Vital Bonds. It will then be made to See HIM that is Invisible, and to ap­proach the Inaccessible Light Tis not [Page 15] Compatible to the Nature of the Creature, to have a Comprehensive knowledge of GOD, as that means the Infinite Extent (if I may so speak) of his Perfections; yet a Perfect one it may be said to have, as that means just and agreable to the Object, and the Capacity of the Subject The under­standing will then take in a discovery of the Divine Glory equally. It will be much more enabled to discern the Divine Excel­lencies together, to have a fuller Under­standing, and more Adequate Conceptions of GOD. For says the Apostle We shall see him as he is. And then, the sight of this Glo­ry shall Compleatly Transform it, make the Soul perfectly Holy. Tis the beholding the Di­vine Glory, that impresses the likeness of GOD upon the Soul. Tis a sight of the Glory of GOD that first changed it in its Conversion, and made it Conformable to Him. 2 Cor. III. 18. Now this work of Ho­liness is but begun in this Life, and carried on according to the discoveries GOD gives of Himself to the Soul. But this is not Perfected here. When we see and know better, then we shall become better. When He appears we shall be like him, the Apostle says, because we shall then see him as he is. We shall then be Holy as He is Holy. There will be no more any Law of the Members warring [Page 16] against the Law of the Mind, no remaining Blindness of Mind, no Error of Judgment, no Irregularity of Affections; all Clouds, Darkness and Disorder are Chased out of the Soul for Ever by the Beaming forth of the Divine Glory upon it. Then is the New Creature Arrived to the Measure of the Stature of a Perfect Man in CHRIST JESUS. And then is the Soul arrived to the Perfecti­on of its Happiness. It is then filled with GOD, the pourings out of His Love and Goodness, and is carried out to Him in the highest delight and satisfaction, as its Com­pleat and Adequate Rest. It has then Ob­tained that State of Existence that is proper for the Nature of such a Being, higher than which it is not Capable of and beyond which it can't Desire. Psal. XVII. 15. As for me, I will behold thy Face in Righteousness: I shall be Satisfied, when I awake with thy Likeness. GOD is enough to fill the Soul with Ineffa­ble Delight, and He will be the Everlasting Fountain thereof unto it. In His Presence it will Eternally find, fulness of Joy, Psal. XVI. 11. It shall then behold the Face of the FATHER, Mat. XVIII. 10 And have a full View and Fruition of His Love. With de­lightful Wonder shall Believers then View the Love of the Father in giving His SON to be their SAVIOUR, to Suffer and Dye [Page 17] that they might Live; And that Eternal Love that singled them out of the corrupt Mass of the World, and chose them to be the Subjects of his Everlasting Favour and Love. And Love and Praise, will be the ceaseless returns they make for that won­derful Love of the Father in making them His Sons 1 John III. 1. Then also they shall see the SON the LORD JESUS CHRIST, who is Man as well as GOD, and have immediate Communion with Him. He is gone before them to prepare a Place for them, and this is His good Pleasure that they shall be with Him where He is, to behold His Glory, Joh. XVII. 24. Here they have Fellowship with him in his Death and the Power of his Resurrection, but then they shall see him as he is, 1 Joh. III. 2. It was a great Priviledge the Apostles had to Live with CHRIST on Earth; tho' he was Hum­bled and his Glory Veiled, in a great Mea­sure: But how much more delightful to be with Him in a Glorified State in Heaven? When the Apostles had but a Glympse of this in His Transfiguration, Peter cries out it is good for us to be here, Mat. XVII. 4. But how much better is it to be with Him for Ever in Heaven, where He shall always ap­pear in the Brightness of His Glory; and satisfy them with His Love, whom He Re­deemed [Page 18] by His Death? So also they shall have Fellowship with the Holy Spirit. They have Communion here with the Spirit in His Sanctifying, Quickning and Comforting Presence, but then in a more full and satis­fying Manner; They shall be filled with all the fulness thereof, with the Perfection of e­very Grace, with Knowledge, and Wisdom, and every Gift suitable for the Converses and Employments of the Heavenly World; with that Comfort and Consolation, that Peace and Joy that passes all Ʋnderstanding.

[2] THEN they have Fellowship with the Saints and Angels, in Heaven. The Favour of GOD is Essential Happiness. But the Society of the Heavenly Inhabitants, Saints and Angels, will be Additional thereto. As soon as their Souls are Dislodged of their Bodies, they will doubtless find themselves in the Embraces of Angels, (appointed by their Redeemer, as an Honorary Guard to Conduct them to Him,) who with Joy▪ and Rejoycing▪. will convey them to the Palace of the GREAT KING and present them before HIM. Luke XVI. 22. Where they shall have the Pleasure of being joined with the Congregation of the Righteous, the Spi­rits of Just Men made Perfect, and the Holy Angels, being themselves as the Angels of [Page 19] GOD in Heaven, Mat. XXII. 30. And Singing Praises to Him who sits on the Throne in delightful Consort; and of the sweetest Fellowship and Converse about the great things of GOD, and what may Promote Mutual Knowledge, Love and Joy among those Heavenly Inhabitants. The manner of their Converse and Communicating their Ideas to one another, we know not, nor perhaps are we capable in this present State to conceive of, yet the thing it self is un­doubted. And 'tis certainly no small Hap­piness to be Associated to such a World of Glorified Spirits, all Animated by the same Spirit of Love to GOD, and to one another, fitted for the highest Services and Joys, all joined in one Triumphant Society in Praising GOD for all his wonderful Works, and Everlastingly Bathing themselves in those Rivers of Pleasure that flow at His Right Hand. Unspeakably Gainful therefore does DEATH prove to such, since as has been shewn, it delivers them from every thing Afflictive, and is an Inlet to Con­summate Felicity, all the Joys of the Hea­venly World.

I Proceed now to the APPLICATION of This, in a few Particulars;

[Page 20]1. THIS may shew us the great difference there is between Christless Persons and others. Death is Gain to those, to whom to Live is CHRIST, in several respects as we have seen, but to Christless Persons Death proves the Reverse, even the greatest loss Imaginable, and brings with it the greatest Misery. Here they have their Good things, but hereafter their Evil things; and Hence, while others are Comforted they are Tormented. To awaken such, and to excite their endeavours to get out of that miserable Condition where­in they are, Let them Consider,

(1) THAT at Death they loose all their Worldly Comforts, and whatever was Service­able to them while they Lived. They have here many Mercies in common with others; many times as to the Gifts of Providence, they have as great a Share as any in the World, yea oftentimes a Greater. The Psalmist observes, Psal. LXXIII. 7. That they have the Waters of a full Cup wrung out to them, that they have as much as Heart can wish. But whatever their Possessions and Comforts are while they Live, Death brings a Writ of Ejection against them, their Houses and Lands pass to other Owners, they are [...] Naked and can carry nothing away with them. If they had Honours they are laid [Page 21] in the Dust. Whatever great designs they had, to raise their Names or Families, they are all Dashed; In that Day all their thoughts Perish. They loose all their Friends and Acquaintance; all the Comfort they had in them, and delight they took in Conversing with them is at an End. As to his out­ward Man there is nothing but loss, yea loss of all things.

(2) THE Christless Sinner at Death looses all his Hopes. While he Lived, he often­times Blessed his Soul, and Flattered himself with Hopes of going to Heaven when he left the World. There are many Carnal Confidences they are apt to Cherish, be­cause of their Priviledges, Profession, Visible Relation to the People of GOD, Religious Duties they carried on, and some Reforma­tion and Strictness in their Lives, and Use­fulness to the Publick But when Death Seises upon them all their Hopes are Dashed and at an End. Job VIII. 13, 14. The Hy­pocrites Hope shall Perish, whose Hope shall be cut off, and whose Trust shall be a Spiders Web. Their Hopes will leave them ashamed, and they will find to their Everlasting Confusion, that they had only been Flattering and put­ting a Cheat upon their Souls. Now they will see they han't those Gracious Dispositions [Page 22] in their Souls, that would qualify them for a State of Blessedness; and then they will find those things they built their Confiden­ces upon, will be Rejected. All they did in Religion will come to nothing, being done from a Carnal Principle, and to a Carnal End; every thing will be looked upon as so many Provocations to GOD, as Prov. XV. 8. Isa LXVI. 3. CHRIST will say to them as in Mat. VII. 23. With a Dreadful Note of Abhorrency, I NEVER KNEW YOƲ, I never Approved of you, nor of any of your Services which ever you Performed from First to Last, but my Soul Abhorred them.

(3) A Christless Sinner at Death looses all his Opportunities to get a Change in his Condition. It is a Terrible time with a Sinner in this World when his Eyes are opened, and his Sins are set in order before him, and he sees the Wrath of GOD Impending him, & all his False Confidences struck out of his Hand He is as it were upon the Borders of Hell, and Terrors take hold on him. But tho' it be Sad, yet this is some Mitigation of it that there is hope his Condition may be altered. He yet enjoys a Day of Patience and Probation. GOD is waiting to be Gra­cious, there is a Possibility of a Change tho' it be Hazardous and Uncertain. But now [Page 23] in the case before us, this is the Aggravation of it that the Day of Patience is at an End. Such are gone away from all Opportunities of Repenting and Returning to GOD. The Master of the House has risen and shut to the Door. They have no more offers of Mercy, no more calls to Repentance. Time was when GOD did Invite, yea by His Ministers did Intreat Sinners to be Reconciled to Him; who have used all Perswasions & Arguments they could, but they turned a Deaf Ear to all their Intreaties, and now Repentance is hid from the Eyes of their Judge, as before it was from then. The things of their Peace are Everlastingly hid from their Eyes, be­cause they knew them not in the Day of their Visitation. Now no Cries or Intrea­ties will be regarded; CHRIST has shut his Heart against them, and will be Favoura­ble to them no more. As in Prov. I. 24. — How much soever the Seasons of Grace are undervalued now, the loss of them at that Day will be esteemed an Insupporta­ble Misery.

(4) THEN their Souls are for Ever Lost▪ You Read Mat. XVI. 26. of the Loss of the Soul, that it is the Sum of all other Losses, and Miseries that can be thought of. For this consists not in the Death or Annihilation [Page 24] of it; for GOD has made it Immortal, it shall never Die. But it consists in an Eter­nal separation from GOD, and Banishment from His Gracious Presence, (in the Enjoy­ment of which the Blessedness of the Soul does consist) and in the Eternal Sense and Impression of GOD's Fearful, and Fiery Wrath and Indignation: They are Senten­ced as Accursed Creatures, to Depart into Everlasting Fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels. Where the Worm never Dies, and the Fire is never Quenched, Mat. XXV. 41. Mark IX. 44. They loose at this Hour all that was necessary to their Souls Felicity. All Hopes of ever seeing and enjoying GOD and CHRIST and Heaven for Ever. Who can conceive the Misery of such a Loss, or apprehend the Dreadfulness of it! This is the dreadful Catastrophe of a Christless Sinner! Now he slights the best Good, & sets his Heart and Affections upon Perishing Delights, and hereafter, he will loose all Good, yea his very Soul, and all the Happi­ness it is capable of, and instead of any De­light & Comfort, be confined to Everlasting Horrors & Lamentations. How Infinitely does it concern them to Awake out of their Sleep, & never be at Rest till they shall have obtained a Spiritual Life from CHRIST, that so all these Evils may be Prevented?

[Page 25]2. THIS may Instruct us Not to pass a wrong Judgment upon the Death of the Godly, nor to count them Ʋnhappy in their Departure, and the charge that is made, in their Condition at Death. The Death of such is a great loss to the Living, but of unspeakable Advan­tage to them. The Mention of which leads our Thoughts to, & makes our Tears spring a fresh at our Loss, in the Death of Your late very EXCELLENT PASTOR, of whom most true was it, That to him to Live was CHRIST, and to him therefore Death has been Gain He is now Reaping, and Eternally will do so, the Advantage of Living to CHRIST. To whose Memory we can't but be bound to pay a Tribute, by Publickly Bewailing the Loss Sustained in his Death, and Exhibiting a just account of his Emi­nent Example, to Incite the Living to an Imitation, and for the Honour of CHRIST his Grace, and His Servant too. This is doubtless acceptable to CHRIST, to give Him the Honour of his Graces in his De­ceased Servant, and for us also to Remember Him with Honour, who has made is his Business to put Honour upon CHRIST. Since GOD has Graciously Promised to Ho­nour such 1 Sam II. 30. And CHRIST has told us That such as serve Him will His Father [Page 26] Honour, Joh. XII. 26. But suitably to Ex­hibit the Excellencies of this Eminent Ser­vant of CHRIST, I am very sensible of my Unskilfulness, and might any Arguments have been admitted for my Excuse, I had been among the Silent, as I am among the deepest Mourners, where my Affection, and Sense of his Excelling worth carry me, and make me Earnestly wish for a better Hand to Embalm his Precious Memory.

THE Subject is High and Large, and which way soever we take a View of him, we shall find uncommon Excellencies, and not a little for our Admiration and Imitati­on.

WHAT of him first took our Thoughts, was his Comely, Serene and Majestick Aspect, his Pleasant, yet Grave and Solemn Deportment, every way becoming the great Excellencies of his Mind, always Comman­ding our Reverence, and Attracting our Love. Most Happy was he in a Meek, Com­posed, Peaceable and Pleasant Disposition. He Excelled in a peculiar Sweetness and Goodness of Temper, and in a Beneficent Love to Mankind. This his Love most Diffusive, tho' especially directed to such where the Christian appeared, yet led him to do Good to all, & to the greatest distance [Page 27] from speaking Evil of any. He was Hearty and Real in his Affection to his Friend, Faithful to his Interest, Obliging and Sincere in the Expressions of his Friendship, and wholly Unpractised in the Arts of Dissimu­lation.

AND as he was by Nature of a Placid, Patient and Meek Spirit, so he was by Grace much more so. His Mind was possessed of a constant Serenity, and his Breast with a Steady and Uninterrupted Calm, which seemed wholly a Stranger to the Disorders of Passion. The Heavenly Dew which falls not in a Storm, ever falling upon his Soul, always Calm and Serene with the Meekest Patience. That Wisdom was Eminently discovered in him, which is from above, which is first Pure, then Peaceable, Gentle and Easy to be entreated, full of Mercy and good Fruits, without Partiality, and without Hypocrisy, James III. 17.

SUCH an Humility was always his Cloathing, as discovered his Relation as a Disciple to the Lowly JESUS. His Con­versation, his Behaviour, whatever he did, was most Remote from Pride, and spake pure Humility. Whoever saw any thing in him Savouring of Ostentation, or ever Dis­covered the least Envy to have had a Room [Page 28] in his Heart? He had learned of CHRIST to be Meek and Lowly, and to make him­self of no Reputation, nor seek the Honour that is of Man. He was truly a Man of Prayer, being much with GOD in that Duty, and the successes upon Special concerns, of his quiet Waitings, and mighty Wrestlings with GOD were sometimes too Remarkable not to be observed, and improved as En­couragements to keep alive that Spirit of Faith and Prayer that was so Eminent in him.

AND if we follow him into his House we find a Generous, Kind and Obliging Hospitality, we there see the Tender and Dear Husband, the Careful and Loving Fa­ther, the Wise Governour of his Houshold, where nothing Indecent or Extravagant could find a Room, making his House a Bethel by the constant and exact maintaining the Worship of GOD in it, and a School of Piety, in the Religious Education of all un­der his care. Therein approving himself a true Child of Abraham, Commanding his Children and Household after him to Serve the LORD.

IF we Consider him in his Publick Capa­city, we there see the true Evangelical Pastor. His Abilities & Learning were beyond what were imagined by the most, (his great Hu­mility [Page 29] being a Veil to those Excellencies) which being attended with the Fire of Goodness in an Eminent Degree, he appro­ved himself a Burning and Shining Light in this Golden Candlestick. And in whose Light GOD has Vouchsafed you many Years to Rejoyce.

HE Lived always as under the Eye and Awe of the Great GOD, to whom he was to give account of the Great Charge com­mitted to him; and Laboured therein as one Absolutely Devoted to the Service and Interest of CHRIST. He understood his Work and had a Lively sense of the Worth of Souls; and the bringing Glory to GOD, in being an Instrument to Promote the Salva­tion of Sinners by CHRIST, was his chief his only Ambition, and this Swallowed up all his Thoughts and Talents. The Con­version of Sinners was the Great thing he aimed at, he was moved with Compassion for them in their Misery, and Laboured their Awakening, to Shoot his Arrows into their Hearts and Effect a Trembling Sense of their being in the Gall of Bitterness, and Bonds of Iniquity, having no part in the Pardon of their Sins, or the Hopes of Glory, and a thorough Humiliation of Soul before GOD; that they might be prepared for the Enter­tainment [Page 30] of the Truth, if GOD Peradven­ture would open their Eyes to see his Glory in the Face of His SON, and give them Re­pentance to the acknowledging of it, that they might escape out of the Snares of the Devil, who are taken Captive by him at his will, 2 Tim. II. 25

HOW Tender and Affectionate was his concern for the Children of the Covenant, the Lambs of his Flock, (which he always Eyed as a great part of his Charge.) How warm & constant his Endeavours that they might not be Lost, both his Publick and Private Instructions and Applications to them are Witnesses. Careful and Diligent was he as a good Shepherd, to know the State of his Flock, and look well to all the parts of it, to give to every one his Meat in due Season. Dili­gent to Observe, and Prudent in Accommo­dating himself to the Temptations, Distresses, Afflictions & Duties of all under his Charge. In directing the Enquirers of the way to Zion, Encouraging the Faint Hearted, Com­forting the Disconsolate, and Setling the Peace of the Souls of his People on Sure grounds, Helping under Temptations, Strengthening the Weak, Encouraging the Humble, Endeavouring all he might to Per­fect the Saints, that they might be Strong in the LORD, and fitted for their Master's use. [Page 31] HE Managed his Ministry with Faithfulness and Wisdom, purely for GOD, and the Sal­vation of the Souls of his People. His Preaching was Plain, and suited to the de­sign he had always in view, the Convincing, Humbling, and Converting Sinners, Promo­ting Faith, Love and Holiness in his Hearers. And agreably to this great design in his view, to Save himself and others, to De­molish the Kingdom of Satan, and set up the Kingdom of CHRIST, attain himself the Kingdom of Glory, and help others to it, he Laboured with all his might, as ha­ving to Encounter Principalities and Powers, the Strength of Hell, and the Lusts of the Hearts of Men, which Baffle all means but what are in the Hand of the Spirit; and therefore under a sense that means were Powerful and Effectual through GOD; He maintained a believing Dependance upon CHRIST, and had ever Recourse to the LORD that sent him; & the Success which GOD has Graciously given to the Labours of this His Faithful, Humble and Diligent Servant, has been beyond what many Mini­sters do ever Experiences Many and Hap­py are the Fruits GOD has Graciously given to the Travail of his Soul. And this may be reckoned among not the least Successes of his Conduct in the Ministry, That Peace [Page 32] has by GOD's Blessing upon his Wisdom and Meekness, been preserved among his People, notwithstanding many Temptations unto Difference that have been amongst them. And as he was ever Studious of the Unity and Peace of the Church, over which the HOLY GHOST had made him an Over­seer, so he was ever Studious of Union and Communion, with those that were Fellow Labourers with him in the like Work, for the Prosperity of the whole, and the Enlarg­ment of the Kingdom of CHRIST; and without Partiality it may be said, he has been unto them a Pattern of Humility, and Prudence, Meekness, Love and Ardent Zeal for the Glory of CHRIST. Nor may be forgotten his Faithful and Eminent Services, for the School of the Prophets, (having for many Years been Improved as one of the Trustees of YALE COLLEGE) which accounted it no small part of their Glory and Safety that he stood in the Re­lation of a Father to it, and employed his Wisdom, Care and Love for the Flourishing of it.

HE Adorned every Station wherein he was set, and in every Capacity Reflected such an Honour upon Christianity, that without Flattery it may be said, he was [Page 33] one of the Brightest Examples of it, that this Age has Produced.

AND thus in Serving GOD with Entire Devotedness and Resignation, in Simplicity and Godly Sincerity, not with Fleshly Wis­dom, did his last Sickness find him, (not without having had a strong Impression up­on his Spirit sometime before, that his Work was almost Finished) which he endured with Patience and the greatest Resignation; during all which (while he was Favoured with the Regular exercise of his Rational Powers) a Divine Calm, and Peaceful Se­renity filled his Soul. Expecting it would prove as it has done, the End of his Labours, and an Inlet into his Master's Joy. By Faith he looked over the Dark Valley, and saw the Crown of Righteousness, which GOD the Righ­teous Judge does give to them that Fight a good Fight, and Finish their Course with Faith. And as the Apostle, so he has Unquestionably found, that as to him to Live was CHRIST, so Death has proved Infinitely Gainful.

3. WE here see there is a Consolation be­longs to those that are looking after Godly Friends with Tears and Sorrows. To take Notice of the Hand of GOD in their Removal, and to Mourn our own, and the Publick's Loss, [Page 34] is our Duty. But here a Comfortable Re­flection is Administred to us, that the Change they have made is Unspeakably to their Ad­vantage. As it was matter of Thankfulness that we enjoyed such Friends, where GOD by his Spirit had drawn his Image and prepared for an Inheritance among the Saints in Light. A Favour which it must be Confessed, ren­dered them more desireable, and much greater Blessings; yet it yields no small Consolation to think how happily for them, GOD has ordered their State. That the place they live in is more Desireable, their Enjoyments and Comforts more Satisfying than ever before. Death brings them to the Place and Happiness they Prayed Believed and Hoped to enjoy. It puts an End to all their Burthens, Fears and Temptations, it turns their Sorrow into Joy. They were here so long as it pleased GOD they should be, and no longer is it fit they should be with us; which ought to quiet us with Rela­tion to their Removal from us. But it ought to be matter of no small Consolation to us, that GOD has taken them from all Sorrows and satisfies them immediately with Himself. Their Death has not parted them from their Happiness, tho' it has parted them from their Nearest & Dearest Friends, yea has cut asunder the Union between [Page 35] Body and Soul, but it has not Dissolved the Union between them and CHRIST; hence in Rom. VIII. 38 Death is put into the A­postle's Triumph, — Neither Death, nor Life, &c can separate us from the Love of GOD which is in CHRIST JESƲS our LORD: Here then is matter of Consolation to the Relatives of this Deceased Servant of the LORD, whose Death we Deplore. His Death is your Loss, an unspeakable Loss to us all, and Stupid must we be if such an Afflictive Providence cost us not Tears of Grief. But not the Least Groan is due on account of any Disadvantage he has Sustain­ed. But you may Comfort your minds with the thoughts that a Dear Husband, a Loving Father is gone before you from a World of Sin and Sorrow, to Inherit a Crown prepared for him before the Foun­dation of the World. All Murmurs under so Sorrowful a Stroke of the Divine Hand, should be utterly forbid, Excessive Tears Dried, and by Moderation of Sorrow Testi­fy your assured Hope of his having entered into his Master's Joy.

AND suffer me here only to observe what is but a just Inference from what has been said. That your Obligations are Spe­cial to acknowledge Divine Goodness in [Page 36] those Graces that were so Eminent in your Deceased Husband and Parent, and making him so Great a Blessing to you, and to Imi­tate that Excellent Example he has set you. Follow him as he has followed CHRIST, considering the end of his Conversation; and then, tho' you are parted for a while, yet ere long you will surely meet again in endless Bliss. In the mean time you will be the Charge of the same Good Providence that carried him through to the end of his Labours, and the Gracious Presence of CHRIST will be with you, whom you are to Trust for the fulfilment of those Precious Promises made to the Widow and the Fa­therless; which may GOD grant you the Happy Experience of.

BUT then I may not finish my Discourse without making a particular Application of this Text and Providence, to you that have been Blessed with the Ministry of this Emi­nent Servant of CHRIST.

[1] TAKE up a Lamentation, and Ob­serve GOD's Threatning in the Removal of your EXCELLENT PASTOR, who has Taught you from the Divine Word, and by a most Shining. Example, what it is to Live to CHRIST.

[Page 37]HIS Death is a very Publick Frown as well as upon you, and those he stood in any special Relation of Trust and Usefulness to. All Share in the Loss; and should accor­dingly take Notice of the Hand of GOD in it. The Publick looses by the Death of such Eminently Holy and Useful Men. They are the Pillars of the State wherein they dwell, They stand in the Gap to turn away the Wrath of GOD. In the Removal of these, GOD many times makes way for His Anger. Hence is that Plea of the Psal­mist, Psal. XII. 1. Help LORD for the Godly man ceaseth; for the Faithful fail from among the Children of Men. And not to La­ment it is a very bad Omen. Isa. LVII. 1. And certainly the late Frequent Removals that have been in several parts of the Coun­try, of such as were our Defence and Glory, & whom we very much want as Intercessors for us, in this Day of Common Calamity, and Doubtful Expectation, may well cause us to Fear, what GOD may be about to do with us. And this is Especially a Loss to You, who have been peculiarly Benefited by his Publick Ministry, Example and Conver­sation. It becomes You therefore to be Af­fected with & Humbled under this Bereave­ment. Mourn the Loss of such a Painful, Faithful, Edifying Ministry; such a Teaching [Page 38] and Angelick Life. Such will Mourn that they may enjoy his Ministry no more (as well as Bless GOD that they have enjoyed it) to whom GOD has made him Instru­mental in their Conversion, and Spiritual Edification, to Pluck them as Brands out of the Burning, and to Polish them for their Master's use. And such as have remained Unconverted under it, have special Reason to Mourn; to reflect upon their Loss of the Blessing and Fruit of so Holy a Ministry, and at length of him, who has Longed, Prayed, Studied, and Laboured for their Sal­vation. What reason have you to Bewail the loss of the most likely means for your Salvation? Do you expect better than you have lost, or can you think less Likely and smaller Remedies will prove Healing to you, when the more Hopeful and Greater have Effected Nothing? Is it not Awful to you to think that all his Sermons, Prayers, Tears, and Heavenly Life, will Rise up in Judg­ment against you? And that he who has been Intreating for your Souls, and Impor­tunately beseeching you to be Reconciled to GOD, will be a Witness against you, to your GREAT JUDGE, to whom he is gone to give an account of his Charge? And how know you but your Unperswadobleness, is the great Provocation to GOD to Re­move [Page 39] him from us? As doubtless it is no small part of the procuring cause of this His Anger.

[2] IMITATE this Holy Example of the Apostle, of this Eminent Servant of CHRIST, who has Lived an Excellent Com­ment upon this Text; and having so Finished his Course, is now Reaping the Happy and Glorious Advantages thereof. What he, with the Apostle, made his whole Business, and with him Accounted all things but Loss, for the Excellency of the Knowledge of CHRIST, and be found in him not having on his own Righ­teousness, which is of the Law, but that which is through the Faith of CHRIST, the Righteous­ness which is of GOD by Faith, that he might know Him and the Power of his Resurrection, & the Fellowship of his Sufferings being made Con­formable to his Death, if by any means he might attain to the Resurrection of the Dead, Phil. III. 8, 9, 10, 11. So this is your Work and Business also to be found in CHRIST, to ob­tain Spiritual Life from Him, that you may be enabled to Dedicate your selves Sincerely and Unreservedly to Him; 'Tis receiving Life from CHRIST, that enables us to Live to the Glory of GOD by Him. CHRIST must be in us by his SPIRIT, and we must be in CHRIST by Faith; which unites us [Page 40] to CHRIST. Eph. III. 17. or else our Persons and Hopes are Reprobate, and will be Re­jected in the Day of CHRIST. 2 Cor. XIII 5. Consider and Realize this such as are Christless, and Tremble; such as have never been Prevailed upon by this Embassador of CHRIST, to give themselves up to a Glo­rious CHRIST, who has been the Great Subject and Sole End of his Ministry, but have Stopped their Ears upon the Voice of the Charmer, though he Charmed never so Wisely. Remember what and how you have heard and seen, and let not those things rise up in Judgment against you another Day, for your Condemnation. And let such as have reason to be Humbled that they have Pro­fited no better, learned no more of CHRIST by him, from the Pulpit, and Life, make just Reflections upon themselves. And let all Remember both the Instructions & Counsels and Warnings, which you have had from him in Publick and Private Dispensations, and that bright Example of Christianity, he has set you. Remember his Faith & Patience, his Humility and Meekness, his Self Denial and Heavenly Mindedness, his Devotedness to the Interests of CHRIST, and Ʋndissembled Love; Remember them for your Imitation, as well as for the Glory of GOD, and the Honour of this his Servant whom GOD has Honour­ed; [Page 41] and Copy after him. Which if you do, you will Reflect an Honour upon a Glo­rious CHRIST, and find the Comfort of a true Christian Life. Nor then will you, or can you forget all his Labours of Love among you, to Testify a Grateful sense thereof to his Glorious MASTER who Furnished and sent Him, and Continued Him thus long among you; and to Him also, by shewing Kindness to the Dead, his Sorrowful Family, the Widow, and the Fatherless; and this ye will do as unto CHRIST, and it can't go without a Reward. And you will Testify your Love to him (as well as to your selves) in Choosing a Wise, Humble, Pious and Faithful Man to Succeed him in that Great Work which he with the greatest Diligence, Zeal and Faithfulness Prosecuted. Your eyes will be to the Great Shepherd & Bishop of your Souls, By Faith and Prayer you will wait upon him for Di­rection therein, and for his giving you ano­ther PASTOR after His own Heart, that shall again Feed you with Knowledge and Understanding. And in all Endeavours about the same will be Concerned to main­tain a Ʋnity of Spirit in the Bond of Peace, and this will be the way also to have the GOD of Peace dwelling with you.

IN a Word,

[Page 42]IF you draw this Example into Imitation, with a Peaceful Serenity, and Holy Joy, will you meet the Sentence of Death as he did: And find it a Discharge from your Tabernacles of Clay, and all the Exercises of Time, and an Inlet into the Joys of your LORD, where He is, with whom, together with an Innumerable Company, the General As­sembly and CHURCH of the first Born, the Spirits of Just Men made Perfect, you will drink of those Rivers of Pleasures that Eternally flow at the Right Hand of GOD. Which GOD Graciously Grant may be the Portion of us all, through the Grace and Mediation of our Ascended & Exalted REDEEMER.


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