The Judgments of Providence in the hand of CHRIST: His Voice to us in the terrible Earthquake. And the Earth devoured by the Curse.
In four SERMONS.
By Benjamin Colman.
Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake and great noise; with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire.
BOSTON: Printed for J. Phillips at the Stationers-Arms on the South side of the Town House, and T. Hancock at the Bible and Three Crowns near the Town Dock, 1727.
P. 6. l. 21. r. sit. p. 12. l. 6. for and r. that. p. 14. l. 11. dele and. p. 27. l. 5. r. shewed. p. 39. l. 1. r. feeling. p. 41. l. 28. r. pr fane. p. 51. l. 7. r. he went forth. p. 72. l. 25. r. the Psalm.
To the Reader.
THE late surprising and awful Event of Providence wherein the most High GOD hath passed before us, in an amazing Earthquake, of vast extent and in a degree of uncommon terror; whether we consider the greatness of the Shock, or the great noise that attended it; is the occasion of publishing the following Sermons, tho' not of the preaching them all.
For within the month wherein the earthquake came I had preached twice to my People from this awful Subject, The Judgments of Providence in the hand of CHRIST: to which I added three Sermons more, in a proper and serious Application of the Subject to so singular and uncommon a Providence; wherein I have consider'd the Earthquake in the hand of CHRIST, and what his voice to us is in that teaching and affecting Dispensation. These five Sermons I have here reduced into three, only pointing the Reader where he may divide the contracted double Sermons, for the use and benefit of his houshold.
It is only the Christian Improvement of this awakning Providence that I have here attended to, and the Reader is desired to expect no other; leaving the Enquiry into the natural Causes of Earthquakes, and the History of them, to a better Hand, which has promis'd to gratify the Publick therewith.
Something of the Scriptural history of the Earthquake is here given, and the peculiar honour of these Discourses is their sincere Aim to render unto CHRIST the glory of this tremendous Judgment, and of our Preservation in it.
[Page iv] To HIM therefore let these Meditations be sacred (however mean and unworthy to be offer'd to his glorious Name) according to the Commandment and declared Will of the FATHER to us, Who hath committed all judgment to the SON, that all men should honour the Son even as they honour the father.
Our LORD has visited us this year as he told Ariel, the City where David dwelt, that it should be visited of the LORD of hosts with Thunder, and with Earthquake, and with great Noise; with Storm and Tempest, and the flame of devouring Fire.
The great noise of thunder we have often heard, I hope with trembling and godly fear, as Elihu did in his day. And we have scarce ever heard more of it in a summer, than in this which is now past. But we never heard the great noise of an Earthquake till in the late calm and still night, when it came rushing and roaring on us in hollow subterraneous thunders, the best and truest Comparison I can make of it.
As for the flame of devouring fire we had very much of it in the sultry and parching extream heat of the summer, of a long continuance, for many weeks together. This burning drought penetrated far into the earth, so that many wells and springs of water fail'd that never had before. Some have been ready to ask, Whether this might contribute any thing, as a natural cause in the hand of CHRIST, to the Earthquake that has follow'd upon the rains and cold of Autumn, which suddenly set in after so uncommon and long a heat? But when we search (as I think we must) very deep after the probable natural Cause of so great a shake, I am constrained to drop this burning [...] on the surface, had it been more than it was.
In the midst of this sultry heat, and in the Evening after a very parching day, ( August. 1.) the Heavens broke out into a continued blaze of flame and roar of thunder, horrible to behold and hear, for two or three hours together. The flashes of lightning were almost [Page v]without intermission, and consequently the peal of thunder perpetual in our ears; As if the heavens being on fire were dissolving and passing away with a great noise, and the earth also with its works were to be burnt up. Yet the lightning did little or no hurt that I heard of.
Forty six days after this, namely on the 16th. of September, the same Almighty power in like majesty and terror came down to us in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds were the dust of his feet; He made darkness his secret place, his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies. The furious wind shiver'd the mighty oaks and the strong elms, tore off their vast branches as a man plucks a twig with his hand, and turn'd up the wide roots of innumerable trees with all their turf cleaving to them into the air; a new and strange spectacle of desolation in the fields and woods. Yet it pleas'd GOD again to preserve our dwellings and our lives that tempestuous day and night; Only a family or two suffer'd by loss of life or broken bones, who had the due and hearty Sympathy of their spared nei'bours.
And now that after all this flame, thunder and tempest, at the end of forty three days more, October. 29. we should be visited with a tremendous Earthquake, has fill'd the year with so many remarkable threatnings of judgment as were never known among us before in so short a compass of time. Truly the LORD has passed by in the great and strong wind, in the flame and earthquake; and what should follow but his small and still voice in his preached Word? if we might be so happy and honoured of him as to interpret his Providences aright, and bring his mind and will in such a clear and strong light, as by the blessing of the HOLY SPIRIT to make sutable and saving impressions upon our souls.
There is but one doub, in a way of Speculation, that I would here propose, and in a few words offer to resolve: namely,
[Page vi] Whence might it come to pass, that the late shock of the Earth was felt, and the noise or roar of the earth heard, in all the very distant places to which it reach'd, so far as we can yet learn, at or very near the same moment of time?
I see not how this can be accounted for, but by supposing the whole Shake to come from one single blast or stroke, in some mighty Cavern at a vast depth in the earth: Where let us suppose a vast body of prepared sulphurious matter, like that from whence the lightnings and thunders in our air proceed; or if you please compare it to that prodigious preparation of man on earth Gun-powder: Let us imagine a quantity hereof sufficient to shake a Circle of our Earth of five hundred miles diameter; which I take to be much within the measure of the Circle shaken by our late Earthquake, which reach'd from our most northern bounds as far southward as Philadelphia: Say now that this prodigious quantity of prepared sulphureous matter take fire all at once, and blow up, tearing to pieces a vast part of the Intrails of the earth, but chiefly discharging it self into the mighty Deep below, while at the same time it must also strike dreadfully upwards, and heave at once the earth of such a circle as is before named, and set it all a trembling near the same instant of time: But then in the extremities of the Circle the shake will naturally be less, and toward the center of it more; and the noise of the blast below will naturally accompany the shock it gives, and be heard every where in that instant that the shake is felt, and in proportion to the shock the noise will be in one place and another.
This is my plain and short reasoning upon the point, and I am glad to find I am not alone in it; supposing the Letter from Marblehead to mean the same thing, when it says, ‘I am ready to conclude that the shocks were general and at the same time, and that their direction was from beneath upwards, and not along the surface of the earth.’ That this opinion is right [Page vii]seems very evident from the nature of the thing. For both the shock and sound being almost at the same time in every place, where it was felt or heard at all, "the direction must be from beneath upwards, and not along the surface of the earth, as our senses at the time would have perswaded us.
And accordingly in the extremity of the Circle shaken, for instance at Philadelphia, the shake and rumble we hear was but small. Moreover, In proportion to the vast Circle shaken, I conclude we must conceive of the depth below where the blow was given; and also of the force of the blow it self, as well as of the vast quantity of matter' fir'd and blown up: For a shake of such dimension and to such a degree, is most easily accounted for from a fiery blast.
Every Generation, I suppose, may look for Earthquakes in this Continent; and in every Century some very great shocks may be reasonably expected. Sixty five years are now passing since the Land was shook much as it was now: The pewter fell off the shelves, the joice wro't in and out of the mortices as the houses rock'd, the lids of warming-pans were flung up; passengers on the way were unable to keep their feet and sat down while the ground heav'd them: Something also of the like noise and rore of the earth accompanied that shake.
Many smaller shakes have been felt since. Greater and more dreadful ones may be expected, as the Country fills more with sin. For the Great GOD foresees all the Events of nature in its course, and the Sins of places and people in their course and increase; and in his most wise and just Government of the World they exactly tally one with the other, to his infinite glory and everlasting praise from the Intellectual world.
We may conceive that every such blast from within the bowels of the Earth, very much thins the crust between the surface whereon we live and the Abysse of fire below. And the more this is shatter'd and broken by [Page viii]blasts within, the nearer is the sinking of the earth, and the eruption of fire, here and there, by shakes that are to come: The shakes that are still felt in divers places, with the rumbling noise accompanying them, seem to me to proceed from the fall of certain huge pieces of the earth, which the first great shake had loosned, and the furious flames have since prey'd on and torn down. By all of which they gain more and more upwards. At the Contemplation of these things our flesh may well tremble because of GOD, and we should be afraid of his judgments.
The visitation by Earthquakes this year seems directed more especially to Great Britain and its Dominions. The accounts from thence tell us of Earthquakes there the last July, ‘preceeded by a mighty noise like thunder at a distance; the houses shook, the walls of gardens rock'd like a cradle, the tops of several chimneys fell; many left their houses in great fear thinking them falling on 'em, and others were toss'd in their beds.’ What the import of these things may be to a sinful (otherwise happy) Kingdom, and to these Provinces; Whether our holy Protestant Religion or our Civil Liberties are to be shaken; as GOD only knows, so may He avert the Omen. Our part is to make supplication to our Judge.
To be sure the great Mercy of GOD to us in our Preservation ought greatly to affect us, and never be forgotten. I have endeavoured to give this a due place and consideration in the following Discourse; and the Subject naturally led to it, the Judgment and the Salvation coming from the same hand of our Lord Redeemer.
That He may sanctify to us all his Dispensations, every Mercy and every Judgment, and bless this humble Offering to that saving effect, is the Prayer of the unworthy Author.
The Judgments of Providence in the hand of CHRIST.
And he spake unto the Man clothed with linnen, and said, Go in between the Wheels, even under the Cherub, and fill thy hand with coals of fire from between the Cherubims, and scatter them over the City: And he went in in my sight.
FOR the understanding these dark and awful words we must know, 1. who the Man is here spoken to, clothed with linnen; 2. who speaks to him; and then 3. consider the meaning of the thing commanded him and done by him.
1. The Man here spoken unto, clothed with linnen, is no other than the Man CHRIST JESUS; the eternal Son of God appearing in fashion as a man; that Son of man whom the FATHER hath made strong for himself, and who is now set down on the right hand of GOD, our High priest and King, both to make intercession and also to execute judgment.
We read of the same Man before presiding over the executioners of the wrath and judgments of God; Chap. 9.2. And behold six men came from the north, every [Page 2]man with his slaughter weapon in his hand, and One man among them was cloathed with linnen. HE was not one of the six, but they were ministers and servants under Him, and obeyed his orders. Here are six Angels the ministers of the GOD MAN Mediator, hearkening to the voice of his word, to do his pleasure while he performs the whole counsel and purpose of GOD.
In the ninth Chapter this glorious Person clothed in linnen is the minister of mercy, v. 4. employed to go thro' the city and to set his mark on the men that sighed and cried for the Abominations done therein. In this tenth Chapter he appears as the minister of GOD's vengeance, as will presently be seen. And these two are indeed the summ of those Offices which CHRIST executes as Mediator between GOD and man: He effectually saves the Elect of GOD from sin and wrath, and then he executes judgment on all the rest, who will not be saved from sin by him.
CHRIST appears here in his priestly Office, clothed in linnen; for the Priests of old were so clothed; the white linnen being significant of purity and holiness; their profession thereof, and their bonds to it. The spotless holiness and shining righteousness of CHRIST is the thing here represented. As we read, Revel. 19.8. The fine linnen is the righteousness of the saints. But here the linnen clothing is the righteousness of the Holy JESUS himself. He clothes believers in his own righteousness, and makes them priests to GOD, and they shall walk with him in white.
CHRIST is here a priest upon his throne, the judge and the priest together. This is the Man, the sinless man, more than a man.
2. This Man is spoken to: HE spake unto the Man clothed with linnen and said. It is God the Father, the supream Majesty, who here speaks to CHRIST, as his Servant whom he upholds, his Elect in whom his [Page 3]heart delighteth. The voice and words came from the Throne, says the first verse. Then I looked (says the Prophet) and behold in the firmament that was above the head of the Cherubims, there appeared over them as it were a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a THRONE; and HE spake unto the man clothed in linnen, &c. That is, the enthroned MAJESTY in the heavens, HE spake: GOD THE FATHER Almighty he spake to his Only begotten Son, the Man CHRIST JESUS. And now
3. Let us hear the things said, and let him that heareth understand: Go in between the wheels, even under the cherub, and fill thine hand with coals of fire from between the cherubims, and scatter them over the city.
You must know that the day of the destruction of Jerusalem was now at hand, even the burning of the City and Temple by the army of the king of Babylon. Zedekiah was now king of the remnant of Judah, his reign was short and his ruine at hand; and the destruction of the city by fire is the thing here represented and foretold. Burnt it was by Nebuzaradan captain of the guard, but who did it? why CHRIST the king and judge of the church and of the world. The Man the ordained judge, he goes in between the wheels; for he turns them all, high and dreadful as they are; He fill'd his hands with coals of fire from between the cherubims, for they had profaned his altars and his temple; and then he scattered the coals over the defiled city and sanctuary, which was once Holiness to the LORD.
It was CHRIST's own hand did it: The flaming brands in the hand of the Chaldeans were the coals in his hand: They did but perform His holy word and will and dreadful pleasure. They were the staff of his indignation.
[Page 4] Finally observe, how readily and fully CHRIST executes the will of the FATHER in them whom he saves, and in them that perish. Has the FATHER said to Him, " Go set a mark on such and such to save them? He does it: Ezek. 9.11. And the man clothed with linnen reported the matter, saying, I have done as thou hast commanded me. Or doth the FATHER say to CHRIST, "Go set the city in flames? He does it; The Prophet saw him go; He went in (says he) in my sight. See also the 6 and 7 verses.
Now the thing to be remarked is, That the burning coals, the dispensation of Judgments, are put into the hand of the Man clothed with linnen, and scattered by Him: Which teaches us this Doctrine— "That the present Judgments of Providence are put into the hand of CHRIST, and come forth from his hand.
But when I say the Judgments of Providence, it can't be meant in exclusion of the dispensations of Mercy and Grace; which as they do equally belong to the kingdom of Providence, so the administration of them is equally in the hand of CHRIST. Nor when we say that the dispensation both of mercy and of judgment is from the hand of the LORD JESUS, can this be understood in exclusion of, or derogation from the FATHER and the HOLY GHOST, as if the kingdom of Providence were not always in their glorious hand: For the glorious Persons in the GODHEAD are one in essence and in operation. And altho' there is a special Mediatorial Kingdom committed to the SON, which takes in the whole Administration of the kingdom till the consummation of all things, when the whole mystery of GOD shall be finished; yet the FATHER worketh hitherto in and by the SON, and so doth the HOLY GHOST with and from Him; and this in a way of Sovereign dominion. [Page 5]1 Cor. 12.11. All these worketh that one and selfsame SPIRIT, dividing to every man severally as He will.
The SPIRIT of GOD is therefore represented as guiding all the motions of Providence, together with the SON OF MAN, in the visions which Ezekiel had of the living creatures and of the wheels, Chap. 1.12, 19, 20. The living creatures (i. e. the Cherubims or Angels, ministers in the executing of the Divine will) went straight forward whither the SPIRIT directed them; and the wheels (the course of nature) followed them: Whithersoever the SPIRIT went, they went; for the SPIRIT of life (so the Hebrew is) was in the wheels. So that we do not exclude the agency, power and sovereign influence of the HOLY SPIRIT, in the judgments or mercies of Providence, when we say that these are put, into the hand of CHRIST; For the Man clothed with linnen is in the midst of the same Wheels together with the SPIRIT of life; And while the SPIRIT lifts up the wheels, and the Cherubims act under his immediate direction; lo above the firmament appears the Throne, and the likeness of a Man upon it, with a rain-bow over his head, and fire from his loins down-ward. Ezek. 1.27, 28.
Having premised this guard on the sacred Truth before us, I come now to the proof and illustration of it, in the plainest manner I can. And because it is a Truth known only by Revelation, and capable only of Scripture proof, I shall therefore argue
- 1. from Scripture affirmations,
- 2. from Visionary Representations,
- 3. from Instances or Facts related,
- 4. from other great Doctrines of Christianity which infer the Truth I am upon; scil, "That the judgments of Providence are put into the hand of CHRIST, and come forth from his hand.
[Page 6] I. I argue from plain Scripture affirmations. And such I take the following places to be: Psalm 2. I have set my King upon my holy hill of Zion: I will declare the decree; the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my SON, this day have I begotten thee: Ask of me and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession: Thou shalt break them with a rod of Iron, thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potters vessel. Be wise now therefore O ye kings, be instructed ye judges of the earth: serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling: Kiss the SON, lest he be angry and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little: Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. The sum of this Psalm is CHRIST's dominion over the kingdoms of men and his judgments on them. In vain do the rulers or people of them take counsel together, and rage against the LORD, and against his ANOINTED: He shall speak to them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure.
The like to this is the 110. Psalm: The LORD said to my LORD, set thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool: The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion; rule thou in the midst of thy enemies: — Thou art a priest and king for ever, at my right hand, and shalt strike thro' kings in the day of thy wrath; shalt judge among the heathen, and wound the heads over many countries. Here the judgments of Providence are put into CHRIST's hand, in words as plain and full as can well be utter'd.
At his first manifestation to Israel, John the baptist told them that his Fan was in his hand: Matth. 3.12. And He himself said to them For judgment am I come. Luke 12.49. I am come to send fire upon earth; and what will I if it be already kindled? In what a sovereign manner is this said? as indeed having the coals of fire in his hand, to scatter them where he would. Agreeably he said again, All power is given to me in [Page 7]heaven and on earth. This power must take in that of all the present judgments of Providence. As he told the Jews, John. 5.22, 27. That the FATHER had committed all judgment to the SON, and given him authority to execute judgment, now and hereafter, because he was the Son of man. The same thing is in effect said over and over to the Christian Churches in the second and third Chapters of the Revelations of St. John. All these are plain Affirmations that the judgments of Providence are in the hand of CHRIST, and come forth from his hand.
II. We have visionary Representations of this in the Book of God. My text is such, wherein is represented to the Prophet under the form of a Man clothed in linnen with his hands full of burning coals, the burning of Jerusalem by the power and vengeance of CHRIST. And in the first Chapter of this Prophecy we have the same Vision of a Man upon a Throne, over and above the Cherubims and the wheels, with a rain-bow of peace over him, and yet from his loins downward a burning fire. The fire is as much the token of judgment and wrath, as the rain-bow is of grace and mercy: And the MEDIATOR cannot be truly represented to us but by both together; being equally glorious in his holiness and mercy. He is clad with zeal as with a cloke, while he is arrayed in the garments of salvation. The fire about the loins of the Son of man is alike significant of his executing judgment, as the coals in his hand.
Nebuchadnezzar saw him in the form of a Stone cut out of the mountain without hands, which smote the Image of Idolatry and brake it in pieces, and it self became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. Dan. 2.44.
Zechariah saw a Man riding upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees which were in the [Page 8]bottom, and behind him a troop or host of horse, red speckled and white: i. e. ‘ Angels the executioners of God's purposes, whether in a way of judgment, noted by the red, or in a way of mercy signified by the white, or of a mixt nature, noted by the speckled.’
But these visionary representations of the Son of man with the judgments of Providence in his hand are more abundant in the Book of the Revelations. So John saw him in the midst of the golden Candlesticks, his feet as if they burned in a furnace, and his voice as the sound of many waters, and out of his mouth a sharp sword.
In the 19. Chap. of that book, John saw a Man upon a white horse, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war: His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many Crowns, and he was clothed in a vesture dipt in blood, and his Name is called the WORD OF GOD: And the armies in heaven follow him, clothed in fine linnen white and clean, — Lo the livery of CHRIST, which the heavenly hosts wear, the executioners of his judgments upon men, such as becomes his righteous and spotless administration. As He himself is clothed with linnen, so his armies follow him in fine and white linnen. Did you ever hear of an Army so clothed before? an army of Angels and holy ones! of pure and spotless Spirits, the ministers of his holy judgments!
III. I come now to give you some Scripture Instances, or Facts related, in which CHRIST has appeared unto men with the Judgments of Providence in his hand. And I will take these sacred Stories in their order, as they ly in the Book of GOD.
The first is the Judgment of GOD on wicked Sodom: With respect to which we read of three men [Page 9](i. e. two Angels attending CHRIST their Lord and ours) who appeared to Abraham in the plains of Mamre, as he sat in his tent-door, in the heat of the day. Gen. 18.1. Abraham as soon as he saw them ran to meet them, bowing himself to the earth; and perceiving that One of the three appeared much the Superior of the other two, he addressed himself in a particular manner, and with a more especial reverence to Him, and said, My Lord, If now I have found grace in thy sight, pass not I pray thee from thy servant. It was this Chief of the heavenly Guests that said to Abraham, v. 10. I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a Son: At the hearing of which when Sarah laughed, it is said v. 13. And the LORD said to Abraham, Why did Sarah laugh? So that this Person was the LORD himself, in fashion as a Man; and the other two were Angels, his servants and ministers, who waited on him in this his descent to our earth.
But there was a more special reason of His coming down, and theirs with Him, than this visit to Acraham; as it presently appeared. For as Abraham bro't them on their way after their courteous visit was over, the LORD sent the two Angels on their way to Sodom, to deliver righteous Lot and to burn up the cities of that polluted plain; But he stopt short Himself, and told Abraham how great the cry of the sin of Sodom was before him. Then Abraham stood before the LORD, and drew near to him, and made, that most awful and reverend Intercession for mercy on the wicked place, which will be famous in the Church for ever; And the LORD granted him his petition till he could not presume to ask further. And then the LORD went his way, and Abraham returned to his place.
The mean while the heavenly Messengers reached Sodom, and found as we all know, and the next morning [Page 10]the LORD rained brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven. Gen. 19.24. The Lord the SON rained the fire from the Lord the FATHER, who worketh by the Son. It was not the two Angels that rained the fire; No, It was the LORD who stood with Abraham when these went on their way. It was the Lord CHRIST, and He did it from the FATHER, who hath committed all judgment to him.
Here now was my Text exemplified in the very letter of it. Those burning coals of fire which were scattered over the cities of the valley in Abraham's time, came from the hand of the SON OF GOD, the Man CHRIST JESUS. That fiery judgment and desolation, the image of the devouring eternal fire and everlasting burnings, came from those gracious arms which had just before embrac'd Abraham, and all his spiritual Seed in him. — Go, said the FATHER to Him, go in between the wheels, the high and dreadful wheels of my all-governing Providence, and fill thy hand with fire and brimstone, and scatter it down in a rain of furious flames upon the accursed cities, and burn them up together: And it was done.
The same hand that burnt Sodom, the Alient from his Covenant, did afterward burn Jerusalem, the holy City.
This instance alone is a sufficient Illustration of my text, and a Demonstration of the Truth before us, That the Judgments of Providence are in CHRIST's hand, and come from Him.
But I come to a second Instance, which is the Judgment of GOD upon the wicked Cananites, the Nations which GOD rooted out by fire and sword before the Children of Israel. I might have nam'd the plagues that destroyed Egypt; for it was CHRIST who appeared to Moses in the bush on fire and sent him to Pharaoh. But the latter instance of his appearance to Joshua before Jericho may suffice, because [Page 11]the vision which he then had sufficiently tells us from whose hand the destructions of Egypt, and all the Judgments on Israel in the wilderness, had come. For to be sure the same hand that destroyed the Cananites executed also the other judgments.
Now the story of CHRIST's appearing to Joshua with the judgments of Providence in is hand, you have in the 5. Chap. v. 13, 14, 15. And it came to pass when Joshua was by Jerico, that he lift up his eyes and looked, and behold there stood a MAN over against him, with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went unto him and said, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries? And He said, Nay, but as Captain of the Host of the Lord am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and did worship, and said unto Him, What saith my LORD unto his servant? And the Captain of the Lord's Host said to Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot, for the place whereon thou standest is holy: And Joshua did so.
Here was a Man in form, but more than a man, the mighty SON OF GOD himself, who afterward took our flesh, and took the name of Joshua, JESUS, a Saviour, the Captain of our salvation. He is the Captain of all the Lord's hosts, in heaven above and on earth below; the King of Israel, and Joshua's Lord. He appeared here with a drawn sword in his hand, for the defence of his Church and for the slaughter of their enemies.
Joshua fell on his face and worshipp'd him, as Abraham had done in his day with fear and trembling. And because he permitted this, we know certainly that he was no meer Angel of God; for then he would have forbid it. But this Man in appearance received the profound worship of Abraham, and requir'd it from Joshua, who fell prostrate before him with awful reverence, faith, love, attention and ready obedience; and said unto Him, What saith my LORD unto his servant? It became him to fall, and say thus, before [Page 12]the LORD OF HOSTS and Him only. Just as when GOD called to Moses out of the bush, the servant hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon GOD.
It was the same GOD of Israel who now appeared to Joshua in the form of a Man, and had appeared to Moses in the form of devouring fire. We know him to be the same GOD, because the same word of command is given to Joshua that was before given to Moses, Put off thy shoe from thy foot, for the place whereon thou standest is holy.
Doubtless as soon as Joshua heard these words, he knew that it was the same LORD GOD whom his master Moses had seen at Horeb; even the GOD of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob. See Exod. 3.4, 5.
But why did He now appear to Joshua? It was to execute judgment, the wrath of God upon the nations of Canaan, whose iniquity was now full. He threw down the wall of Jerico, and commanded it to be burnt with fire. A sword or a coal in his hand is the same thing. He fill'd his hand with judgments, and made Joshua the dreadful executioner of them upon all the devoted nations of that goodly Country. It is the vision of the same JESUS, Revel. 19.13. with his drawn sword and vesture dipt in blood, who will hereafter burn the Romish Jerico; when all the fowl that fly in the midst of heaven shall be called to the supper of the great GOD, to eat the flesh of Kings and the flesh of Captains, and of mighty men, and of all men, both bond and free, small and great. Then the Cananites shall be a second time rooted out with great fury, and the Church of GOD a second time shall enter into rest, be enlarged and edified. Even so LORD JESUS come quickly.
Sermon II.
I Go on to a third instance or narrative of CHRIST's appearing with the Judgments of Providence in his hand, namely to Gideon against the Midianites; Judges 6.12, 13, 14. And the Angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour! And Gideon said unto him, O my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? &c. And the LORD looked on him and said, Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites: Have not I sent thee?
The LORD looked on him and said, HAVE NOT ISENT THEE? If it had not been for those words, we might have taken the heavenly Appearance for a common Angel; but from them we perceive plainly that it was the LORD CHRIST himself, the Angel of the Covenant, the SON OF GOD, in the likeness of man.
And what came he for? but to judge the enemies of his people, and to send Gideon to destroy them. He commissioned him in his own name; Have not I sent thee? and inspir'd him with a look.
The Angel is called JEHOVAH, v. 14. Jehovah looked on him. I AM sent him: The same Angel of the LORD who called to Moses out of the burning bush. He put a lamp of fire into Gideon's hand and gave him the Word, The sword of the LORD and of Gideon.— So in all the Judgments on the enemies of the Church, in ancient or later times, there has been the hand of CHRIST.
[Page 14] But I come to the New Testament, and mean only to point unto a few instances, and not enlarge on them.— When our LORD appeared in the flesh, he shew'd that he had the power of Judgment committed to him. The devils own'd his power, and beso't him not to torment them before their time. The Gadarenes saw and felt his power to judge them, when he permitted the devils to enter into the herd of swine, and the whole herd ran violently down a steep place and perished in the waters. Matth. 8.32. It was an awful thing to behold, and and a severe judgment they thought upon their country. The disciples were so sensible that the power of judgment rested on CHRIST, that when some look'd with disrespect on him and would not receive him, they ask'd him, Lord wilt thou that we command fire from heaven to destroy them? Luke 9.54. But the Son of man came not to destroy men's lives, but to save them. It was not the time for Judgment when he was here on earth. He us'd this power sparingly in the days of his flesh. He fill'd his hands with mercy and scatter'd it about on all the miserable that came in his way.— He had the power of life and death while he liv'd here, and when he went to die. He struck none dead, but he rais'd some to life. He told Peter by what kind of death he should glorify GOD; but when Peter ask'd, what should become of John? the LORD answer'd him in a sovereign manner, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?
When JESUS was ascended and glorified he shew'd his Church that he exercised the power of judgment over men. The death of Ananias and Sapphira was a fearful instance of it: And so was the blow on Elima [...] the Sorcerer. Act 13.11.
To name no more, The second burning of Jerusalem was from the hand of CHRIST. When the Romans compassed the City, it was the sign of the Son of man [Page 15]from heaven. Luke 21.20, 27. Twice hath the Man clothed with linnen, the great High-priest of the Church and Judge of the world, filled his hand with coals and burnt Jerusalem.
Let this suffice for the third Illustration and proof of the Doctrine, That the judgments of Providence are in CHRIST's hand. These are so many facts and instances from sacred story.
IV. The sacred Doctrines of Christianity do infer and confirm this truth. I will name two only, and but name them.
1. The GODHEAD of CHRIST infers this, That the judgments of Providence are in his hand. For can he be GOD and this glory not belong to him? According to those words of GOD concerning Himself; Is there any evil in the city and the LORD hath not done it? See now that I, even I am He, and there is no GOD with me! I kill and I make alive, I wound and I heal.
I might argue from the nature, end, extent and duration of the Mediatorial Kingdom, that CHRIST is GOD over all, and that all judgment is in his hand. The end of it is to recover the elect of GOD out of that state of sin and misery into which they fell by Adam's transgression, into a state of holiness and happiness for evermore; and to execute judgment (the vengeance of a holy and righteous GOD) upon all such as will not accept of his offered grace, and submit to the terms of his mercy. Now in order to this the kingdom, power and rule put into the Mediator's hand must be universal and everlasting as to this world of ours: all things must be put into his hand and under his feet, and he must reign till all his enemies are made his footstool.— So that whether we consider CHRIST in his GODHEAD, or in his Mediatorial dignity and [Page 16]offices, the Kingdom of Providence and the Judgment of Providence must be in his hand.
2. The general Judgment of the world at the last day being committed to CHRIST, necessarily supposes that the present judgments of Providence are so. That CHRIST is the Judge of quick and dead at the great Day, is one of the clearest Doctrines of the New Testament †: Then the Son of man shall come in his glory with all his holy Angels, and before him shall be gathered all nations: The Lord JESUS shall be revealed from heaven in flaming fire taking vengeance. The present judgments of Providence are but previous and preparatory for this final Judgment. That is but the period and consummation of these; the last and most eminent act of his Regality, and display of his judicial power; at the close whereof he will surrender the Kingdom to the FATHER. 1 Cor. 15.28.
Indeed these great and sacred Doctrines of Christianity, like Truth which is uniform, do infer and prove one another. If CHRIST be GOD he must have the power of Judgment, present and future. If he have this power truly he is the SON OF GOD, and all men must honour Him even as they honour the FATHER. Again, If the present judgments of Providence are in his hand, no doubt but he is the ordained Judge in the last day: And if the General judgment be committed to Him, no wonder that the present executing of judgment is so.
But this for the Proof of the Doctrine: I come to the Application and Use of it.
And first in a more general manner I shall hint at many things, which in the choice of the Subject I designed to have enlarged on; and then secondly I [Page 17]shall enlarge on a more particular Application, which could not be foreseen and designed, but Providence has cast it in our way, and loudly calls to it in the late awful and threatning Earthquake.
We have seen the united Glories of Majesty and Holiness in the Person and Offices of our LORD Redeemer. We see that He is GOD and JUDGE, who is our Saviour. We see the evil (the great evil) of sin and sinners, from the terrible Judgments and punishments that come from the hand of CHRIST himself. We see that tho' He be gracious and merciful and abundant in goodness, yet he will by no means clear the guilty and impenitent. We see the reason of the great patience, forbearance and longsuffering of GOD to provoking sinners; It is CHRIST the Saviour who thus waiteth to be gracious to them, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. We see the safety of believers in the power of Judgment committed to CHRIST; his Saints are in one hand while the burning coals are in the other: As he took a most gracious care of Lot in the day of Sodom, and as he marked out the humble and penitent for Salvation in my context, before he took a coal in his hand for the destruction of the wicked.
If the Judgments of Providence are in CHRIST's hand and come from his hand, He then is the object of our fear, our trust, our prayer and praise. He is to be feared for his power, holiness, justice and goodness. Wilt thou not be afraid of the Power? He is the Minister of GOD to execute vengeance. It is a fearful thing to fall into his living hands. The forgivness which is with him commands our fear, for it comes to us in the way of glorious holiness and justice. Psal. 2. ult. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling; kiss the SON lest he be angry and ye perish from the way;— Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
[Page 18] Again, We may be sure there is as much Mercy in all the judgments of Providence, as is consistent with rectoral Wisdom and righteous Government. So it was in the judgment of the old World, of Sodom, of the Canaanites, and afterward of Jerusalem. And so it is in the executions of wrath upon particular persons, while in the afflictions of the Godly there is abundance of mercy and love.
No wonder that afflictions are made saving to men, means of grace and holiness to them; since the Judgments of Providence are in the hand of CHRIST. Why else should they be put into the hand of a holy Saviour, but to be made blessed and effectual means of sanctification and salvation to souls?
And no wonder then that we are so strictly requir'd to be patient, silent, resign'd in all our afflictions; yea thankful and joyful in our tribulations. For can a Believer acting like himself do otherwise, when he considers every dispensation of Providence coming from the same merciful hands of CHRIST, which were once stretched on the cross and peirced for his salvation? He that judges and corrects us is the LORD that has loved us and died for us; and shall we not with Aaron hold our peace? and with Job still bless his name?
And if death comes to thee or thine, do we not know that the key of it is in CHRIST's hand? He will order for the best all that concerns the living and the dying of his chosen and called ones; And what should calm and moderate a Christian's grief like this, "It is CHRIST has done it?
But while it comforts us it must also humble us, to consider that our many and great afflictions come from the hands of CHRIST. How awful is it to a believer on JESUS to think,— Are the judgments of Providence in His hand, and I so judged by him? O how my LORD convinceth me of sin! how evil am [Page 19]I in his holy eyes! What have I done to offend and provoke a gracious Saviour? how vile and odious are my sins to him, and should be to me! what a corrupt nature have I that needs all this correction! that I must be saved so as by fire! O what would have become of me long ago, if the judgments of GOD had been in any other hand but that of my Lord REDEEMER! Therefore it is that I am not consumed!
Once more O afflicted child of GOD, think whose hand it is that corrects thee: Is it CHRIST's? then it is more and better than any friend's, or brother's, or father's hand: And wilt thou not be in a quiet subjection? shall we murmur against CHRIST? as they of old murmured, and were destroyed by him? Alas! they knew not the hand that proved them, as we do: They saw him in types and shadows, but we see him in a Gospel light. The end of afflictions must be very gracious to Believers, and the fruit of them happy. CHRIST, whose care and charge they are, will see to this. It is the very work of a Saviour to see to it: Faithful is he that hath called you, who also will do it.
The majesty and judgment of CHRIST is only terrible to unbelieving and impenitent sinners; and to them it may well be the more terrible to see the wrath in the face of the LAMB. For if He judge them, who shall pity or save them? GOD has put this honour and majesty on him that his right hand may find out all his enemies, all that hate him: He will make them as a fiery oven in the time of his anger; He will swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them: Be theu exalted LORD in thy own strength, so will we sing and praise thy power.
Finally, In all our approaches to CHRIST in his holy Institutions †, it should strike us with exceeding [Page 20] awe and reverence to consider the Majesty and power, the holiness and justice of CHRIST. Reverend is his Name! With him is terrible majesty. He struck Nadab and Abihu with his fire from between the Cherubims. He will be sanctified in them that draw nigh him. He is greatly to be feared in the Assemblies of his saints. Keep thy foot therefore and prepare thy heart, for the place where thou standest is holy.
Christ expects that we should worship him with great reverence because he is our Judge. Psalm. 50.1,—5.99.1,—5.
Particularly in the Ordinance of the SUPPER. our Lord JESUS exhibits himself to us with the judgments of Providence in his hand. Read the awful words of this import, 1. Cor. 11.28, — 32. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh JUDGMENT to himself, not discerning the LORD's body. For this cause many are WEAK and SICKLY among you, and some SLEEP. For if we would JUDGE our selves we should not be JUDGED. But when we are JUDGED we are chastened of the LORD that we should not be condemned with the world.
You see that the Apostle is speaking here of temporal judgments, which the LORD inflicted on the Corinthians for their strange irreverence and carnality in their participation of the holy Supper. They eat and drank not discerning the LORD's body; therefore they eat and drank judgment to themselves. — But what was the judgment? why for this cause many were sick and weak among them. — And yet as to some of them these judgments were not in wrath, but in mercy; For when they were judged they were but chastned of the LORD (to humble and reform them) that they should not be condemned with the would. — Wherefore here was CHRIST, even [Page 21]at his Table, as the King come in to see his guests, with the Judgments of Providence in his hand. But this not to deter us from the Ordinance, but to quicken us in our preparations for it; and to encourage the faithful in their humility and godly fear as they are going thither. Let us behold the Majesty of CHRIST both in his Providence and Ordinance together, and be the more reverend in our obedience to him and worship of him. ‖
I come now to that particular Application of the Doctrine, which the Divine Providence leads me into by the terrible EARTHQUAKE, which we have lately felt with so much surprise and consternation. And a very natural Inference it is, "That if the Judgments of Providence are in the hand of CHRIST and come forth from his hand, Then from HIM came the awful warning and threatning of Providence to us in the late fearful Earthquake, and to HIM we are indebted for the gracious and merciful preservation which we then received. Both the threatning and the preservation came to us from the holy, mighty, terrible and merciful hand of our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST. He shook the earth under us in that awful manner, and to that fearful degree, which we lately felt; and He kept it from rending and cleaving asunder under us, so that we and all that appertains to us were not swallowed up quick. It should be very affecting to us to realize such a Providence and dispensation as coming from the hand of CHRIST himself.
HE the Man clothed with linnen, with his hand full of burning coals, holds the earth and the waters and the winds in the same hand; and this Earth of ours never feels any shock, convulsion or rending by fires, winds [Page 22]or waters, from without or from within it self, but as he orders and appoints the same. We are expresly taught concerning CHRIST, That He upholdeth all things by the word of his power, and that by Him all things consist. Coloss 1.14,—17. In whom we have redemption thro' his blood, even the forgivness of sins: For by Him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth; visible and invisible; whether they be thrones or dominions, or principalities, or powers; all things were created by him and for him; And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist. Hebrews 1.1, 2, 3. GOD hath in these last days spoken to us by his SON, whom he hath appointed Heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his Person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.
Thus the Universe is kept together by the SON OF GOD in its proper frame, which it received from Him. "All things subsist in their being, and consist in their order and dependencies by his will and word. In his hand are the deep places of the earth, the strength of the hills is his also. Our earth is held by him in its place and motion, from falling to pieces and returning into the Original Chaos, out of which it was bro't into this beauteous and useful order of things. — All the Elements are in the hand of CHRIST, and tho' contrary and jarring in themselves, yet there they agree, are still and at peace. Fire and water, vapour and stormy wind are in absolute subjection and obedience to him, fulfilling his word.
—And particularly Earthquakes proceed from the burning coals in his hand, the subterraneous fires and winds belong to these; and he blows them up when and where and as he pleases, more or less in the caverns [Page 23]of the earth, and puts all within into a ferment, and the earth heaves and rolls and bursts asunder.
But let us more particularly consider,
- 1. The Threatning from the hand of CHRIST, and
- 2. the Preservation from the same glorious Hand.
1. The THREATNING of a sudden and amazing destruction to us, in the late most serene night (turn'd into a night of darkness and horror to us in a moment) was from the hand of CHRIST our Saviour.
I have prov'd this in the fore-going Discourse, when we little apprehended that CHRIST was coming suddenly so very near to our own doors in a horrible Earthquake.
I told you that it was CHRIST came down to Sodom, and rained the fire (scatter'd the coals) on Gomorrah, and Admah, and Zeboim, from the LORD out of heaven. He then also rent that ground to pieces on which those polluted Cities had stood, and from the deep which lieth under he bro't up a flood of water, and quench'd the flames that had burnt up the wicked, and turn'd that once rich and pleasant vale into a standing filthy lake, or dead sea. The SON OF GOD came down in the form of a Man, ( Abraham saw Him) and executed that judgment: The accursed places sunk under his feet, and a flood rose and cover'd them from mortal eyes for ever.
I have also said before how the same Lord CHRIST came down in the day of Joshua, the fatal day of accursed Jerico, and produced another Earthquake, or what was like it and equal to it. Joshua saw a Man with his sword drawn, but he sound him to be a GOD, with the fires and winds of vengeance in his hand, prepared against the enemies of his Church and people. The fire he put into Joshua's hand and order'd the devoted City to be burnt as soon as he should take it; but the subterraneous wind he kept in [Page 24]the hollow of his own hand, and on the seventh day, at the seventh compassing the city, the Priests blew with their rams-horns, and the hand of CHRIST (probably an Earthquake at his special command) threw down the walls of Jerico in an instant; all but the house of Rahab, who by faith had received his servants and protected them.
Thus CHRIST was in the Earthquake at Sodom, and at the falling of the wall of Jerico; and every other shake of the earth, whether before or after those times, have come from the same hand.
For instance, The earthquake at the time of Noah's flood (if we may so speak) when the foundations of the great Deep were broken up, was the Judgment of CHRIST upon the world of the ungodly. It was as much so as the Conflagration, or the perishing of the world by fire at the last day, will be from the coals in CHRIST's hand. The same Judge, and the same Power and vengeance which once came by water, will hereafter be revealed in flaming fire.
The earthquake at Sinai was from the presence of CHRIST and his immediate hand, who came down then in the glory of the FATHER, as he will do another day, with his holy Angels, in devouring fire, and the mount quaked greatly. Exod. 20.18. The Chariots of GOD were twenty thousand (even chariots of fire) thousands of Angels, and the LORD was among them. The mountain melted before Him, even that Sinai. Judg. 5.5. The Apostle to the Hebrews tells us that it was CHRIST's voice which then shook the earth, who has promis'd saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but heaven also. Heb. 12.26.
CHRIST was the LORD GOD of Elijah, and in the spirit of that Prophet his Fore-runner came. He came to his servant once in a whirlwind, and in an earthquake, and in devouring fire. You have the representation of this fearful thing, I Kings 19.11, 12. [Page 25] And behold the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: And after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: And after the fire a still small voice: And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out. How terrible was this appearance of CHRIST unto his Prophet? Who without a divine support could abide the indignation, and the tokens of so tremendous a Majesty and of the fierceness of his anger? His fury was poured out like fire, and the rocks were thrown down by him. (To apply here the majestic words of the Prophet Nahum.) —But how is it said, That the LORD was not in the rending wind or earthquake? Who was in it, but the LORD himself? — It means not that the special and immediate hand of CHRIST was not therein: No, it only means "That he did not manifest his presence by any distinct voice (the small and still voice of a Man) in that wind and fire and earthquake, as he afterward did in the calm that succeeded. So Elijah beheld the glory of CHRIST, in all the terrors of an infinitely holy, powerful, offended Majesty; and yet in the soft voice of grace.
And thus we have seen CHRIST in one Earthquake and another in the days of old. And no wonder then is it that we read of the earth's quaking by his power at his death and resurrection. Mat. 27.51. The earth did quake and the rocks rent. Well might they at the horrid deed, and marvailous event, the Crucifixion of the SON OF GOD. v. 54. The Centurion and they that were with him, watching JESUS, (the guard at the execution) saw the earthquake, and feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the SON OF GOD. Like trembling seiz'd the guard at his Sepulchre, Mat. 28.2. And [Page 26]behold there was a great Earthquake, and the keepers did shake and became as dead men.
In such majesty and great terror did CHRIST die and rise again. The wonder was that the reviling Soldiers and hardy keepers (or rather their masters and rulers) were not swallow'd up alive. But the Son of man came not to destroy mens lives, but to save them.
When he pleas'd afterward to manifest Himself to his Disciples, by shaking the places where they were worshipping him or suffering for him, it was in token of his favour and grace to them. So he came upon them in the day of Pentecost in a rushing mighty wind; and again, when they had prayed, (Act. 4.31.) the place was shaken where they were assembled together, and they were again filled with the HOLY GHOST, and spake the word of GOD with boldness.
So at the prayers and praises of Paul and Silas in the prison, suddenly there was an Earthquake, and the foundations of the prison were shaken. Act. 16.30. Happy Earthquake to the Jailor and his house! the ordained means of his effectual conviction and conversion. The impression of that blessed fright never wore off; we charitably think. He and all his were straightway baptised.
To add no more on this head: In the Book of the Revelations we find the great Events of Providence and the mighty changes respecting the Church of CHRIST and the whole World; which are yet many of them in the hand of the MOST HIGH, and in his times to be shewn who is the blessed and only Potentate, King of kings and LORD of lords; These changes and events (I say) are represented by earthquakes as well as by thundrings and lightnings &c. CHRIST governs in all these concussions and revolutions, these literal or figurative earthquakes; with an immediate hand, order and direction.
[Page 27] As in the first chapter of that Book, it is HE THE SON OF MAN that appears in his majesty and great terror, in the midst of his Churches, the seven golden Candlesticks; to show his servant the things that shall be hereafter. And he showed him many terrible earthquakes, the emblems of the great and mighty changes which he was bringing upon the earth.
At the opening of the sixth seal, Rev 6.12. John saw a great Earthquake; and the sun became black as Sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood, and the stars fell to the earth, and the heaven departed as a serowl, and every mountain and island moved out of their place. This was but a vision; yet was it a vision of the true power of CHRIST, in the kingdom of nature, and over the nations of men: And it gives us a fair image of his immediate agency and rule in all the revolutions in the natural or moral world. He that opens the seals does all the executions that follow on them, and sends the earthquake.
In the 8th. Chap. 5. v. we have a place exactly parallel to my text: It may be worth our while to compare them, and see if the coals of fire from the altar, and the earthquake be not in the same hand. — In my text the GOD-MAN, Mediator, goes in between the wheels, and fills his hand with fire from between the cherubims, and scatters it over the City. — In the 8th. Chap. of the Revelations, after the opening of the seventh seal, CHRIST comes and stands at the Altar, having a golden Censer with much Incense, which He offers with the prayers of all saints before the Throne. v. 3. Here is the Man clothed with linnen, CHRIST in his priestly office and intercessions. But while He is continually doing this for his saints, so his visible Church on earth grows earthly, worldly, formal and corrupt; And then (v. 5.) CHRIST (the Angel of the Covenant) takes of the very same fire, wherewith he offered up his incense, and easts of this [Page 28]down into the earth in his holy displeasure and indignation: And what was the effect hereof? why immediately there were voices and thundrings and lightnings and an EARTHQUAKE. That is to say, ‘Such manifestations of the wrath of GOD, and such swift and terrible judgments, as bro't on a mighty change of affairs among men:’ Such a change in the face of Providence, and on the face of the Church, as earthquakes often produce on the face of the earth, and upon particular places of it.
I might turn you to several more places in the Revelations of St. John to the same purpose, but I will point unto one only. We read ( Chap. 16.17.) of the seventh Angel his pouring out his vial into the air, and there was a GREAT EARTHQUAKE, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so MIGHTY AN EARTHQUAKE and so great: For the great City (the Empire of Antichrist) fell into three parts, and the cities of the nations (which have given their power to the beast) fell; and GREAT BABYLON came into remembrance before GOD; and every island fled away and the mountains were not found.— A blessed earthquake truly! Lord JESUS hasten it on! horrible and tremendous to bloody Rome and the papal powers! more especially to Italy that seat of sodomy and earthquakes! that land of sulphur and subterraneous fires!— And why may not its fall be by literal earthquakes and eruptions of sulphureous flames? The fiery hand of CHRIST shall effect this. See the 18. Chap. of the Revelations.
Thus I have at large shown that Earthquakes, both proper and figurative, are in the hand of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, and come forth from his hand.
When therefore in the days of his flesh he spake of this Sign, that should foreshew the Day of his coming; whether to judge Jerusalem, or Babylon, or the World [Page 29]at the last day; He then sufficiently informed us that this judgment was in his hand among others. Mat. 24.7. There shall be earthquakes in divers places,— the beginning of sorrows. Luke 21.11. Earthquakes and great signs from heaven. He will accomplish in his times the things of which he has thus given warning.
And now to return unto the Inference I am upon: From all that we have heard we must needs be convinced and satisfied, That the late amasing Earthquake which visited us the last Lord's-day in the night was sent to warn us from CHRIST, our king, our lawgiver, our judge and our saviour.
It was He himself who threatned to derstoy us, as in a moment. The earthquake was from his hand, whatever might be the natural Causes of it; all which are also in the hand of CHRIST, and he works by them as he pleases with infinite foresight of men and things, and with an unerring direction. We need not, we should not look any further, (in a Christian and practical consideration of the thing, and a religious improvement of it) than the will and government of CHRIST. This becomes us as Sinners that would be awakned, and as Believers that desire to be humbled and edified; and it behoves us to act the part of such rather than of Philosophers. They search darkly and uncertainly (however curiously and laudably) into the bowels of the earth and the secrets of nature; but we have the plain Gospel of CHRIST to look into, and see as in a glass the glory of the LORD.
Thus the threatning of a sudden and a fearful destruction coming on us in the terrible earthquake was from CHRIST.
II. Our PRESERVATION from the threatned destruction was from the same glorious HAND. The hand that shook the rod over us could have stricken with it; he that threatned could easily have executed. [Page 30]He that set the earth a trembling, held it together under us; the same hand is mighty to save and to destroy. The LORD is our judge, and he saves it.
There are not two Principles or powers, as some of the foolish Heathen conceived; the one the author of the evil, the other of the good that comes to the children of men: No, the living and only true GOD is the author of both; A just GOD and a Saviour. Isai. 45.7. I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create evil; I the LORD do all these things — And the measure of every judgment is from him; the moderation of it and period to it. He that says to the sea hitherto thou shalt come and no further, and here shall thy proud waves be stayed; he says the same to every overflowing scourge and overwhelming evil. He calls to contend by one judgement and another, and again he says— This shall not be. Amos 7.6.
CHRIST sits upon the floods, and rides upon the winds, and reigns King for ever; Absolute, Sovereign, irresistible and unaccountable. His blood is the cement that binds the fabrick of heaven and earth together. The earth and its inhabitants were dissolving, but he came and holds up the pillars of it.
The ground had swallow'd up Adam in the day of his fall, if it had not been for this SEED of the Woman, this IMMANUEL, GOD with us. Our fallen parents heard immediately why they did not instantly die, and return to their ground; Namely, because there should a Child be born, a Son be given them, who should be the Mighty GOD, the Prince of peace, on whom the Government should be laid. It was for the sake of this glorious Blessing in the loins of Adam, and because of an election of grace given to Him by the FATHER, that the Curse did not immediately devour the sinner and his earth.
As soon as the Angels sinned the heavens rent under them, and they fell (O mighty fall!) from the height [Page 31]of heaven down into the deep Abyss of hell, into the bottomless pit. The reason was, CHRIST took not the nature of Angels, took not hold of them as they fell. He took the seed of Adam, and therefore the earth rent not under him; the pit did not swallow him up as it did the angels that sinned, for whom there is no redemption.
CHRIST has been the Saviour of all those that have escaped in one destroying earthquake and another since the world began.
In the flood, when the foundations of the great deep were broken up, CHRIST saved Noah and his family: He gave him faith, provided him an Ark, shut him up in it, set it gently afloat, held and steer'd it in that boysterous sea (that fury of the waters) without a rudder or a sail, and softly rested it (without an anchor to cast out) on the mountains of Ararat. Well therefore did Noah bring his sacrifices to his Deliverer, when he came forth from the Ark, so many types of that Death from whence come all our salvations.— Who set the bow in the sky, and gave it to Noah as the token of his Covenant? but HE who afterward appeared in vision to Ezekiel as a Man upon the throne, with the bow as in the day of rain.
To go on, When Lot was saved from the fire and earthquake, it was CHRIST himself came down, and sent his angels to his house: If he had found but ten such righteous ones, he would have spared the place for their sakes.— Again, When the wall of Jerico fell, faith saved Rahab and her house. And when Babylon shall fall CHRIST will call his people out of her. Revel. 18.4.
The same Lord JESUS saved us and our families, our lives and our limbs, our dwellings and substance, in the day when he lately shewed us his power, his anger and our deserts. As he reach'd out his arm to [Page 32] Peter when he sunk on the waters, and cried to him, LORD save me; so his everlasting arms were underneath our tottering houses, and they neither sunk nor fell. The foundations of the earth moved and were shaken, and in our distress we cried to him as our GOD; He bowed the heavens and came down, he rode upon a Cherub and did fly, yea he did fly upon the wings of the wind. Psalm 18.7, 10.
To conclude, The inference is strong and obvious, That if the judgments of Providence are in the hand of CHRIST, so are the mercies thereof equally from his all-governing hand; many and great and various as they are. All the preservations which are new every moment, all the deliverances which we receive in times of seen dangers and great hazards, all the supplies by which we are sustained from day to day and fed from year to year, they all come to us from the hand of our Lord JESUS, and we ought to receive them as from Him with our religious acknowledgments of trust and dependance, prayer and praise.
We have our personal and family mercies, which are exceeding precious; and there are the common and publick mercies to the Church and people of GOD together, which are greater than those; The publick shares in the goodness of Providence to every private person, and every one shares in the general goodness of Providence to the publick; the glory of all belongs to CHRIST, and to Him we must sing both of the mercy and the judgment.
The same hand that fed Israel in the wilderness and punished them there, feeds and judges the Church still. Believers must know and consider that it is the death of CHRIST has purchas'd for them the common favours and bounties of Providence; in which they should taste his covenant love, taste and see that [Page 33]the LORD is gracious: And sinners must know that they are indebted to CHRIST, for all that they have of present good things, which should lead them to repentance.
Is Peter in prison, or Paul in the storm, it is JESUS that sends his Angel to them; or if Eneas be sick, JESUS CHRIST maketh him whole.
And thus we have seen both the Threatning of judgment, and the Salvation from it in the hand of CHRIST. What both demand from us may be considered in the next Discourse.
WE have seen both the awful Threatning in the terrible Earthquake, and also our Preservation in it to come from CHRIST. Let us then reverently and earnestly hearken to his Voice in both. This is the proper USE which we ought to make of the Providence and Doctrine before us. As when Joshua saw the LORD with his hand full of judgments against the wicked Cananites, but filled with salvation to Israel, he fell down and worshipped saying, What saith my LORD unto his servant? Truly so if we have seen the hand of CHRIST fill'd both with judgments and mercies towards us, our people and families, shall we not humbly and earnestly enquire of the LORD, and seek from his Word, what is his mind and meaning in such a dispensation? What saith the LORD to his people collectively, and what to me and mine inparticular?— It is a very serious, profitable and and necessary Enquiry, and to be made in a very solemn manner before the LORD, And to be sure,
[Page 34] I. The threatning in the terrible earthquake, and the preservation from a sudden destruction by it, do both of them call aloud upon us to repent and turn from all our sins, and that instantly and earnestly with fear and trembling. This is the voice of the astonishing judgment and this the voice of the wondrous mercy and deliverance.
1. Repentance, instant earnest and deep repentance, is the loud voice of CHRIST to us in the judgment and sudden destruction, with which we were threatned. The earth trembled under our sins, and roar'd under the burden and weight of them. The shake bro't our sins quick to remembrance, and threatned us with a swift and irresistible destruction, without giving us any space for repentance, or the asking mercy. And if it was CHRIST the lover of souls who threatned us in a manner so very dreadful; then surely there are very great and dismal sins with us against our LORD REDEEMER. As Moses said in the case of the rebels in Israel, Num. 16.30. If the LORD make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth and swallow them up, with all that appertain to them, and they go down quick into the pit; then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD. And as the prophet Isaiah teaches us, Isai. 24.5. The earth is DEFILED under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the law, changed the ordinances, broken the everlasting covenant; therefore hath the CURSE devoured the earth: Therefore the LORD maketh the earth empty, maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down: v. 19, 20. The earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly; the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and be removed like a Cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it, and it shall fall and not rise again. This conviction of sin an Earthquake brings with it, and this call to humiliation and repentance. It cries to [Page 35]us, as the wall of the tower of Siloam did to the sinners of Jerusalem, Luke 13.5. Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish.
When our Lord JESUS came down from heaven, it was to call sinners to repentance. * When he sent forth the twelve to preach, it was that men should repent. When he was returning to heaven, he commanded that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations. And now he is exalted to the right hand of GOD a Prince and Saviour to give repentance. What then is his voice if he come to us in fearful judgments? in a terrible Earthquake? Surely he repeats aloud the vehement warning of the holy Baptist; who came before him in the spirit of Elias, to turn the hearts of parents and children to GOD, lest he come and smite the earth with a curse: Matth 3.5—12. When he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O Generation of vipers! who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: And think not to say within your selves, We have Abraham to our father, &c. And now also the ax is laid to the root of the tree: therefore every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire.— He that hath an ear let him hear what the SPIRIT saith unto the Churches in such an awful dispensation as the Earthquake ‖: He saith with a loud voice, Fear GOD and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment is come; and worship him that made heaven and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. He saith— Repent or I will come upon thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know at what hour I will come upon thee: And I will kill thy children within thee, except thou repent.
[Page 36] 2. This also is the voice of the gracious preservation which we have received; the goodness and forbearance of GOD herein calls upon us to repent. Rom. 2 [...] 3, 4, 5. And thinkest thou O man,—that thou shalt escape the judgment of GOD? or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering? not knowing that the goodness of GOD leadeth thee to repentance? But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thy self wrath against the day of wrath, and revelation of the righteous judgment of GOD; who will render unto every man according to his deeds. The voice of CHRIST to us in his sparing mercy is †, "I give thee space for repentance: O that thou wouldest know that at least in this thy day the things of thy peace! Repent and be converted that your sins may be blotted out: Repent and turn your selves from all your transgressions, so iniquity shall not be your ruine: Make you a new heart and a new spirit, for why will you die? For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the LORD GOD; wherefore turn your selves, and live ye. This is the small and still voice of Grace, after the stormy wind and earthquake: Let us cover our faces and reverently listen to it. CHRIST says to us now as he did to the impotent man whom he had healed, John 5.14. Behold thou art made whole, sin no more lest a worse thing come upon thee. A worse thing cannot well come, save a worse earthquake; or any other judgment that may bring an equal and sudden destruction on thee.
When the jailor had felt the earthquake, and yet was not devoured by it, he sprang in trembling and ask'd, What must I do to be saved? scil. from sin and the wrath of GOD! In like fright should every spared sinner make the like enquiry, and with his concern and earnestness. And if we do not our crime and guilt is like theirs, Rev. 16.9. who when they [Page 37]were scorched by the fire of divine judgments, yet repented not to give glory to GOD.
The destroying Angel has pass'd thro' every Town, and thro' every street, and cried at every door; REPENT, REPENT! every person, every family, every age order and degree of men! Sanctify your selves and your housholds to the LORD, lest he break forth upon you! Sanctify your selves every one upon his own sins, his most beloved sin! smite upon thy own breast, feeling the plague of thy heart, and say What have I done! and sigh and cry for the sins of others, that the mark of GOD may be set upon thee, before the coals of fire be scattered down.
Thus the threatning in the terrible earthquake and the preservation from it, call us to repentance.
II. They do more particularly mean to convict men of and deter them from those flagrant crimes and heights of impiety which GOD has sometimes punished or threatned to punish with desolating earthquakes. Such are the sin and wickedness of the Old World, of Sodom and Gomorrah, of Jerusalem the holy City, and of Babylon which now is.
1. An earthquake warns men of the sin and general corruption of the Old World; when mankind by a universal contempt of religion, fearlessness of GOD, and dissolution of manners, bro't the flood of water upon the earth. A deluge of iniquity and impiety first covered the face of it, and then came the flood of Divine wrath which tore it to pieces. Gen. 6.5, 11, 12. GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the tho't of his heart was only evil continually: And it repented the LORD that he had made man upon the earth, and it grieved him at his heart: And he said I will destroy Man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth: — The [Page 38]earth was corrupt before GOD, and was filled with violence; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. All manner and degrees of impiety toward GOD, and unrighteousness toward one another, is the charge here exhibited against every order, rank and age of mankind: A universal degeneracy into the very dregs of all ungodliness, profaness and licentiousness. Nor was it this place, or that, which was so vile and abandon'd, but every place and people. Noah alone was found righteous before GOD, and he only was faved with his house. ‘When wickedness is become general and universal, ruine is not far off: While there is a remnant of praying people in a nation or countrey to empty the measure as it fills, judgments may be kept off a great while; But when all hands are at work to pull down the fences of sin, and none stand in the gap to make up the breach, What can be expected but an Inundation of wrath?’ So Mr. Henry.
We may observe that in the day of Sodom, and of the Cananites, and of Jerusalem, and so of Babylon, a general corruption brings on the desolation. This GOD warns against by every earthquake.
2. The sins of Sodom come first in order of time and degree of impiety in the new world. The cry of their grievous sin was great before CHRIST, and an earthquake devoured them. The fire of lust burnt among them in a rage and flame that reach'd up to heaven, and bro't down fire and brimstone on them; made them a hell above ground, and then the pit swallow'd them up. Intemperance and luxury was their sin, pride and idleness, and lewdness in such a kind and excess as has left the name and brand of Sodomy on the unnatural lust forever. GOD gave them up to uncleaness and then to the flames and the earthquake. Read their sin, Romans, 1.26, 27, 28. [Page 39]and Eph. 4.19. Who being past seeking, have given themselves over to work all uncleaness with greediness. When they saw but a beauteous Angel in the form of a man they were for knowing him; to satisfy their worse than brutish lust upon him. And so furious was their lust, and so general the contagion, that before bed-time they compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people, from every quarter, threatning Lot if he did not render up his lovely guests to them. No like example of impurity has been known on the earth, and therefore these are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude. v. 7. When the like promiscuous and incestuous mixtures were found in Israel, there came an earthquake in the days of Amos: Amos. 1.1. and 2.7. An Earthquake therefore comes to convince of and warn against the sins of Sodom, and every tendency thereunto.
3. The sins of Jerusalem also, the holy city by profession and covenant obligations, are bro't to mind when GOD visits his professing people with an earthquake.
The Prophet Zechariah remembers the remnant of Israel, how their Fathers fled before the Earthquake in the days of King Uzziah. Zech. 14.5. ‘The Jews have a tradition, that it hapned just at the time when Uzziah presumptuously invaded the priest's office, and went in to burn incense.’ 2 Chron. 26.16. If it were so it would lead us also to think of the rebellion of Corah and the presumption of his associates; Num. 16. The fire of GOD consumed the first, and the earth swallowed up the latter. Such are named after the sinners of Sodom, Iude v. 8. Filthy dreamers, that defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.
But to come to Jerusalem's sin in the days of Uzziah when the earthquake visited them, and that a [Page 40] horrible one which put them into a very great terror. Isaiah and Amos were the LORD's prothets in those days. Amos dates his Prophecy two years before the Earthquake. He warn'd them of it before it came. The sins of Israel and Judah at that time provoked the LORD to send the earthquake. And what their sins were may be gathered from these prophecies; from the whole of Amos, and from the five first Chapters of Isaiah.
The sins of Sodom were among them: Amos. 2.7. A man and his father will go in to the same maid, to profane my holy name. Vile and filthy incest, equal to almost any of the Abominations of the heathen. Therefore Isaiah began his prophecy with that severe rebuke and reproach, Hear the word of the LORD, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear to the law of our GOD ye people of Gomorrah. Such was the vine of Israel become, and such their grapes and clusters; and except the LORD of Hosts had left a very small remnant, they would have been as Sodom and Gomorrah in their punishment; overthrown like them.
Their sins were numerous, multiplied, repeated and persisted in; there were three transgressions and four among them before the judgments came: Amos. 1.4. They were laden with iniquity. Isai. 1.4. They sinned against great light and many means of grace, which inhaunc'd their guilt and hasten'd on the judgment: Amos. 3.2. You only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities. They corrupted religion which they had received pure and undefiled in the word of GOD; they confounded moral good and evil, Isai. 5.20. and mixt the worship of GOD and the calves together. Amos. 4.4. They were worldly, panting after the dust of the earth, Amos. 2.7. weary of their Sabbaths and new moons, and wishing them over, that they might set forth their wheat and sell corn: Amos. 8.5. They [Page 41]were for joyning house to house, and laying field to field, that they might be plac'd alone in the earth. Isai. 5.8. They were unjust, unrighteous and oppressive, both in their private dealings and in their Courts of justice † They sold the righteous for silver, and the poor for a pair of shoes: they turned aside the way of the meek: They shored up violence and robbery in their palaces, and know not to do right: They afflicted the just, they took a bribe, and turned aside the poor in the Gate: These were their manifold transgressions and mighty sins: They turned judgment into gall, and the fruit of righteousness into hemlock! They swallowed up the needy and made the poor of the land to fail: They made the Ephah small, and falsified the weights and ballances: For these things the Land was made to tremble, and the earth was darkned in the clear day, and their houses were smitten, the winter house and the summer house together. Amos. 3.15. Isaiah * brings the same charges against them, and mentions it as a scarlet and crimson sin that they did not seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless and plead for the widow; but every one loved gifts, and followed after rewards; Therefore the Mighty One of Israel said, Ah, I will ease me of my adversaries and avenge me of my enemies.
All this was done under a form of Godliness, a profession and shew of religion, and this render'd it much the more ungodly and vile. Under a high pretence of devotion and obedience they were thus unrighteous, prsane and impious. Isaiah therefore asks them to what purpose the multitude of their sacrisices were? and bids them bring no more vain oblations: for their incense was an abomination, and their very Sabbaths an iniquity. And Amos tells them the same, Amos 5.21. I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies, &c. take away from me the noise of your [Page 42]songs,— but let judgment run down as water, and righteousness as a mighty stream.
This corruption was general, Isai. 1.4, 6. The nation was sinful, they were a seed of evil deers, children that were corrupters; from the sole of the foot even to the head there was no soundness, but wounds and bruises and putrifying sores. They were bold and impudent in sin, declaring it as Sodom: Isai. 3.9. They were proud and haughty in their attire, the dau'ters of Sion walked with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, mincing and tinkling with their feet: but they were told that the LORD would take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments, and their round tires like the moon: Isai. 3.18.
They were fearless of judgments, and would not observe them when they came; they derided GOD's threatnings, and sinned on after all his warnings: GOD overthrew some of them as he had Sodom and Gomorrab, and they were as a brand plucked out of the burning; yet would they not return unto him. Amos 4.11. They rose up early in the morning to follow strong drink, and continued at it in the evening till wine inflamed them; The harp and viol, the tabret and the pipe were in their feasts; but they regarded not the work of the LORD, neither considered the operation of his hand: Isai. 5.11, 12. They drew iniquity with cords of vanity and sinn'd as it were with a cart-rope; They said, Let him make speed, and hasten his work that we may see it; believing and fearing nothing of it; They cast away the law of the LORD of Hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. v. 18, 19, 24. They put far away the evil day, and caused the seat of violence to come near. Amos. 6.3.
This was the state and these the sins of Judah and Israel when they were visited of the LORD of Hosts with the earthquake in the days of Uzziah. And the Earthquake that has lately visited us warns us from GOD of any tendencies among us to the same [Page 43]iniquities. And in whatsoever degrees they are found among us, it calls aloud upon us to repent and turn from them with fear and trembling. For shall I not visit for these things? saith the LORD. As the sinners in Israel fled at the cry of their sinking brethren, saying, lest the earth swallow us up also! so ought we at the roar of an earthquake to fear and fly from those sins for which GOD hath sometimes visited his people. —It remains that I just mention,
4. And lastly, The sins of Babylon which now is, the Romish Babylon. She is spiritually called Sodom, and is like to perish by earthquake and fire. Idolatry and Blood are eminently her sins; but lust and sodomy, pride and idleness, every abomination and filthiness, corporal and spiritual, are found with that mother of harlots. The blood of the saints is found in her; and great will be her fall: Even as if we saw a mighty Angel take up a great milstone, and cast it into the sea. Thus with violence shall that great City Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. Her sins reach to heaven, and strong is the LORD GOD that judgeth her. Revel. 18. init.
By every shake of the earth GOD says to his Protestant people, Partake not of her sins that ye receive not of her plagues. So he said of old Babylon, Jerem. 51.6. Flee out of the midst of her, and deliver every man his soul: Be not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the LORD's vengeance. So the Angels said to Lot in the last night of Sodom, Gen. 19.12. Hast thou here any besides? son or daughter? bring them out of this place; for the LORD hath sent us to destroy it.
Thus I have briefly pointed out those sins and sinners which GOD has sometimes punished, or threatned to punish with earthquakes. Let us be afraid of such kind and degrees of sin. Let our flesh tremble for fear of [Page 44]GOD and let us be afraid of his judgments. Let us depart from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest we be consumed in all their sins. Should we join in affinity with the people of these abominations, would not GOD be angry with us, and consume us with them? — Yet how many of their sins are there with us before the LORD? for which the righteous GOD has been awfully threatning us. We remain escaped this day, and the Lord our GOD is righteous! it becomes us to humble our selves and say with Ezra; Behold we are before thee in our trespasses, and we cannot stand before thee because of this †.
III. The Earthquake that visited us, and wherein we have been mercifully preserved by CHRIST not only meant to awaken greater Sinners to repentance, but all and every one, even the least of sinners. The shake was common to all; the greater and the less, elder and younger, godly and ungodly; and awful to all, awakning to all. It bro't every ones sin to remembrance, and set every one a trembling. Every ones Conscience answer'd to the terrible Voice of GOD at that instant, as speaking to him. The child's heart smote him as well as the Parents, and his that feared GOD as well as his who feared him not.
He that is without sin let him be without fear, and stand excepted from the call to repent. It came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance; even as CHRIST himself came. Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin? And if not, Who then can say, The warning was not to me? Every sin (and much more every sinner, the least of whom is guilty of many sins) "deserves the wrath and curse of GOD both in this life and that which is to come.
Indeed the greatest sinners are in the greatest danger, [Page 45]and should be in the greatest fear: But it is not always so. Very often the least sinners fear most under the judgments of GOD, and always the most Godly fear best, if not most, under his awful threatnings; while greater sinners are too often fearless and hardned. So Moses was afraid of the fierce anger of the LORD, lest it should break forth upon the fearless sinners; and Josiah's heart was tender and he rent his robes, when it may be his Courtiers were not a whit moved.
First then let me say, The Earthquake came to awaken greater sinners to a great repentance for their many and mighty sins. It came to set these in order before them, and it call'd upon them to rend their hearts. Did not their hearts smite them? was not their Countenance changed, and how did their tho'ts trouble them? Well might their joynts be loosed, and their knees smite one against another? Fearfulness and trembling came upon them, and horror overwhelmed them. A vision pass'd before them which made all their bones to shake, and the hair of their head stood up. Every hardy sinner sprang up trembling; the atheist believ'd and trembled, the prayerless called upon GOD, the profane tongue faulter'd, and the lips of the blasphemer quiver'd: The worldling felt his earth sinking, the drunkard saw it reeling like himself, and rottenness enter'd into the lewd man's bones: the liar, the thief and the false swearer saw the flying-roll enter'd into their house, to consume it with the timber and stones thereof: The Sabbath-breaker tho't his soul that night required for the profanation of the Day † past; and every formal, careless, irreverent and hypocritical worshipper had that peal of woes rung in his cars, Matth. 23.
Thus CHRIST came in the earthquake, as he will hereafter in the judgment day, to convince all that are [Page 46]ungodly of their ungodly deeds and hard speeches; yet to soften and take away the heart of stone, and to break the rock in pieces. The wicked are harder than the earth and stones if they are not moved and shaken and broken under such a providence; harder than the cruel hearts of the inraged mob and magistrates at Philippi, who when they had sorely beaten Paul and Silas, and thrust them into the dungeon, yet when the earthquake came at night they were so terrified and convinced of their unrighteous act, that as soon as it was day they sent and released them; yea came themselves and beso't them and brought them out of prison. And well might " their Consciences make furious reflections on them for what they had done, when they came to consider that they had used the Men of GOD so barbarously only for casting the devil out of a possessed damsel; and when GOD had shook the City, made the ground to tremble, at their horrid deed.
But secondly, Lesser sinners should be awakned and much affected at a terrifying earthquake, as well as greater sinners. And indeed these are more likely to hear and fear, and receive instruction. The impression enters the easier and deeper on a tender heart. In what a fright were our Children and young people, many of them, when they heard and felt the Earthquake? how did they run to the presence and arms of their helpless Parents, and attend to their prayers in that hour of consternation? what gracious words did many of them speak to their pious Parents at that time? And how were all that fear GOD affected with his hand, humbled under it and the more penitent before him? The men of GOD did, like Moses, fear exceedingly; were afraid of his fierce anger. Like Abraham they were moved for the souls and bodies of others, for the godly and for the wicked, for Lots house [Page 47]and for every sodomite. Like Ezra they rent their hearts for their own and their people's sins. Like Josiah their heart was tender, and they cried out— Great is the wrath of the LORD against us. Like Moses they ran into the gap, and stood in the breach, to turn away GOD's anger. And like David some might open their own conscious hearts to the sword of justice, and say, Upon me LORD let thy hand be, but spare the sheep of thy pasture.
Every gracious heart is tender and contrite before GOD, and trembles at his voice, whether in his written Word or speaking Providence: And to every such person the high and lofty One will look. Isai. 66.2. Gracious Elihu could not see the lightning of GOD nor hear his thunder (things much more common than an Earthquake, yet awful like it) but his heart trembled and was moved out of its place: Job 37.1. Hear attentively (says he) the noise of his voice, and the sound that goeth out of his mouth! He directeth it under the whole heaven,— after it a voice roareth:— Hearken to it, O. Iob: stand still, and consider the wondrous works of GOD. The best of men need to be awakned, and to awake themselves to a very humble diligent attention to the mind of GOD in his wondrous works. And none will hearken to him with like reverence and godly fear as the most godly. Like the Prophet Habbakkuk who heard GOD's speech and was afraid, and pray'd, O LORD in wrath remember mercy. Hab. 3.16. When I heard my belly trembled, my lips quivered, rottenness enter'd into my bones. Well might this be, had the Prophet been holier than he was; for he saw the everlasting mountains scattered and the perpetual hills bowing before the Majesty of GOD.
So then under such a dispensation as this, of a dreadful Earthquake, every sinner, the greater and the less are loudly called to humiliation and repentance. Surely the greater will think the shake sent to them, [Page 48]and surely not to them only, but to me also, will the least of sinners be ready to say; Yea to me the chief of sinners will he say that is most eminent in grace and in repentance. — But to go on,
IV. The earthquake came and CHRIST preserv'd us in it to awaken us to an instant flight to Him as the Refuge of our souls, the rock and tower of salvation to us. The name of the LORD is a strong tower, the righteous runneth into it and is safe. Prov. 18.10. Such is CHRIST, his righteousness and the promises in him. The name of GOD is in him, and we must flee to him for safety from the deserved judgments of GOD. We must put our selves by faith into those saving hands which are filled with the burning coals. No other hand can save us. The Man clothed with linnen says to us, Look unto me and be ye saved all ye ends of the earth. The coals in his hands must hasten our flight to him. We must flee unto him to hide us. He will cover us with his spotless robe, and not a spark from the coals shall fall on us. How would he gather us, as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings in a time of danger! How gladly then should we gather to him, to the covert of his wings. Psal. 57.1. Be merciful unto me O GOD, be merciful unto me, for my soul trusteth in thee; Yea in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge until these calamities be overpast. There is no safety for us now, at death, nor in the day of judgment, without an interest in CHRIST by faith. We must count all things loss that we may be found in him. He is our Ark when the flood comes, He our Zoar when the fire and brimstone falls, He the rock to build on that our house may stand when the wind and rains beat. The design of the preached Gospel, and the end of mercies and of judgments, is to lead sinners to him. The cities of refuge of old were figures and types of CHRIST the refuge of guilty and repenting [Page 49]sinners; they have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before them. Hebrews. 6.18. They need not fear, tho' the earth be removed, and tho' the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.
An Earthquake should shake ‖ sinners under the Gospel out of their Security. It cried in their ears at midnight, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and CHRIST shall give thee life. It bid them escape for their life to the mountain, without looking behind them. It cried to them, Turn to the strong hold ye prisoners of hope! Come forth from the pit wherein is no water! by the blood of thy covenant thou art redeemed from it. Acquaint now thy self with CHRIST and be at peace: take hold of his strength and get into a state of reconciliation and peace with GOD. How shall briars and thorns stand before devouring fire?
It would also awake drowsie Saints out of their slumbers, being as the midnight cry too in the ears of the wise to arise and trim their lamps, because the Bridegroom cometh. Their faith should be invigorated by such a Providence; their hope and trust actuated; My GOD, my strength, the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. Their godly fear and reverence should be excited and increased; as when he rais'd and laid the terrible tempest, they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this? It becomes us so to fear the LORD and his greatness; the LORD and his goodness. Hosea. 3.5. Moved with fear, like Noah, let us get into our ark.
When Jonah was in the tempest, ready to founder, he said, I fear the GOD of Heaven, that hath made the Sea and the dry land. And when Darius saw Daniel preserved in the den of lions and taken out alive, he made a very pious Decree; to which we and ours [Page 50]should be obedient with the utmost reverence and gratitude; Dan. 6.26. I make a decree, that in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the GOD of Daniel; — who delivereth and rescueth, and worketh signs and wonders in heaven and in earth.
Love is the next duty, and our first, to CHRIST our merciful Preserver. In love to our souls he has delivered us and ours from going down into the pit; and what less can we render to him than our best and highest love? To love him with all the understanding and all the heart is more than all whole burnt offering and sacrifice. Psalm. 18.1, 2. I will love thee, O LORD my strength, my rock, my fortress and my deliverer. Psalm. 116.1. I love the LORD because he hath heard my voice and my supplication.
Faith fear and love will produce prayer and praises to our King, our Judge and our Saviour. Prayer is a grand part of our homage. Psalm. 18.3. I will call upon the LORD who is worthy to be praised, so shall I be saved. Psalm. 116.4. Then called I upon the name of the LORD, O LORD I beseech thee deliver my soul. When CHRIST comes forth as a Judge we should meet him with Abraham's most reverend Supplications: And when we look to him as a Saviour it must be with David's prayer; Unto thee will I pray, my King and my GOD.
To be sure Praise waiteth for Him in Zion who is the Saviour. His name and benefits can't be tho't of, and much less duely mention'd without Thanksgiving and praises. Bless the LORD O my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy Name! O bless our GOD ye people, and cause the voice of his praise to be heard; who holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved. I will extol thee my GOD, O King, and I will praise thy name for ever and ever; Every day will I bless thee and I will praise &c. One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. I will mention [Page 51]the loving-kindnesses of the LORD, and the praises of the LORD, according to all his great goodness, and the multitude of his loving kindnesses †. When CHRIST had shewn great mercy to one, and had wro't a great deliverance for him, he bid him neturn to his house and declare what great things the LORD had done for him: And he forth and published every where what JESUS had done for him. Luke 11.24. Let us go and do likewise, and sing to CHRIST the 118. Psalm, 17,—24.
To conclude this head, Self-dedication and the renewed solemn acts of it, is the Offering due from us to CHRIST as our Judge and our Deliverer. As the Egyptians said to Joseph, Thou hast saved our lives, we will be Pharaoh's servants. It is our selves, body and soul with all their powers, the devotion of our hearts and the obedience of our lives, that we must render to our Saviour. So we are taught, Rom. 6.13. Yield your selves unto GOD. So we are besought, Rom. 12.1. I beseech you, brethren, by the mercies of GOD, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to GOD. The grand reason for this duty is given us, 1 Cor. 6. ult. Ye are not your own, but are bought with a price; therefore glorify GOD in your body and in your spirits, which are GOD's. When the Plalmist made a record of a singular salvation which GOD had granted him, thus he made his grateful return to his GOD and Saviour; Psalm 116. O LORD; truly I am thy servant, I am thy servant! I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living.
Thus the Earthquake, and our preservation in it by the hand of CHRIST, should hasten our flight to Him as the refuge of our souls; with faith, fear, love, prayer, praise, and self consecration. We should [Page 52]be very solemn, fervent, deliberate and yet speedy in this personal transaction with the great GOD.
V. FAMILY-RELIGION is a very special duty which the earthquake and our preservation in it admonishes us of and calls us to. The threatning was to families and the preservation was of them. Our houses were shaken, and yet spared. They might have crush'd and buried us. CHRIST's voice to us is serve me in your houses; and our answer should be that, Josh. 24.15. As for me and my house we will serve the LORD. Our housholds and our substance should be bro't under a renewed consecration to CHRIST, and have HOLINESS TO THE LORD written on them. The walls and stones of our houses in a manner cried to us as they seem'd falling, and they may cry out against us if the fear and worship of GOD be not always in them for time to come.
CHRIST calls us to repent of and reform our family sins, and that we put iniquity far from our tabernacles. Job. 22.23. And he warns us to make more conscience of family and relative duties. For instance, FAMILY INSTRUCTION; according to the command of GOD Deut. 6.6, 7, 8. And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart, and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children; and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou liest down and when thou risest up. FAMILY-WORSHIP is another duty which the preservation of our dwellings and housholds demands of us: family prayer and praise morning and evening, together with the reading GOD's word. Shall there be any prayerless families among us, or prayerless persons and closets in any family, after such a shake of our houses? GOD forbid. Read the righteous and terrible Imprecation or curse that hangs over such irreligious houses, Jer. 10.25. Pour out thy fury upon the heathen, and upon [Page 53]the families that call not upon thy name. Say not it means the families of false worship and Idolatry in the heathen nations; for grant it — yet thy house (O Christian) is worse in GOD's sight than any heathens if CHRIST be not daily worshipt in it. Carry thy house daily to him to be sprinkled with his blood, the blood of the passover, that the Angel of death may not smite it. Let our spared dwellings be Bethels, for GOD to be worshipt in, for him to dwell in. And let the presence of CHRIST in them, with the judgments and salvations of Providence in his hand, be awfully apprehended by us in daily family worship. As Jacob wak'd in the morning and said, How dreadful is the place! it is the house of GOD and gate of heaven. And that CHRIST may come under our roof, and bring salvation with him as he did to the house of Zaccheus, let FAMILY-GOVERNMENT be preserved and maintained among us. When GOD threatned our houses lately, did he not in effect send us the message which he did once to Eli, Tell him that I will judge his house, for that when his sons made themselves vile he restrained them not. And now that GOD has preserv'd our houses and housholds, should we not resolve and pray and sing with David, Psalm. 101. I will sing of mercy and of judgment, unto thee O LORD will I sing: I will behave my self wisely in a perfect way; O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart; I will set no wicked thing before my eyes; I hate the work of them that turn aside, it shall not cleave to me:— He that walketh in a perfect way he shall serve me; he that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house; he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight.
Not only should Heads of families, but children and servants also, be greatly aw'd and affected with the threatning and salvation of GOD's providence. Be [Page 54] subject to your parents, to your masters and mistresses, as unto CHRIST. Eph. 6.6. Attend the worship of the family with great seriousness and reverence, and submit to the good order and rule of the House, for it is the Government of CHRIST. There is a parental as well as a pastoral watch, and it is for your souls, as those that must give an account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief.— In a word, We read of the voice of salvation and rejoicing in the tabernacles of the righteous: So let it be with us; The voice of salvation and rejoicing is in our dwellings, let them be the tabernacles of the righteous.
VI. From our own houses let us pass to the House of GOD: The threatning Earthquake and our preservation in it loudly calls us to a more reverend regard to his holy Sabbath and the Ordinances of his Worship. The Lord's-day, is the religious sanctification of it, is the special season and means of holiness among men, and of glory to CHRIST. Therefore is the observation of it so strictly commanded, and the profanation so severely threatned and revenged ‖. ye shall keep my Sabbaths, I am the LORD: Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep, for it is a sign between me and you thro' out your generations, that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you. But if ye will not hearken to me to hallow the Sabbath day, then I will kindle a fire in the gates of Jerusalem, which shall devour its palaces. And accordingly the coals in my text were scattered on Jerusalem for polluting GOD's sabbaths: They burnt the house of GOD and brake down the wall of Jerusalem, and carried the remnant to Babylon, to fulfil the word of the LORD, until the land enjoy'd her Sabbaths. As therefore it was in the night after the Lord's-day that the terrible [Page 55]Earthquake visited us, so it calls us to judge our selves for the many Sabbaths which we may have trifled away and lost, profaned and polluted. Take it as a loud warning against the looseness of multitudes on the Evenings of the Lord's-day; as well as for the neglect of GOD's public Worship by multitudes among us. And let persons and families judge themselves for their secret and family omissions and disorders. Do they not bring wrath upon the land by profaning the Sabbath? Nehem. 13.18.
Let those that live in an easie and careless neglect of the holy Baptism of CHRIST, for themselves or their children, remember how the Angel of the LORD met Moses in the Inn and threatned to slay him, for his omitting to circumcise his son. Exod. 4.24, 25. ‘ Omissions are sins, and must come into judgment, and particularly the neglect and contempt of the seals of the Covenant; for it is a sign we undervalue the promises of the Covenant, and are displeas'd with the conditions of it.’ So Mr. Henry. Moses instantly humbled himself, and put the mark of GOD upon his son, and the angel of death departed from him.
Some think Moses was struck with a mortal sickness in the Inn, and GOD let him know that it was for his neglecting to circumcise his child. And we know the threatning of GOD in the day when he gave the law of Circumcision to Abraham, Gen. 17.14. The uncircumcised man-child— that soul shall be cut off from my people, he hath broken my covenant. The threatning had like to have been executed on the excellent parent for his omission.
Let those also fear the judgments of CHRIST who never came to his Table, or come unworthily thereunto. Are the judgments of Providence in his hand? and has he said, This do in remembrance of me? and will he not judge men for their Omission of this duty? Or has he said again, Let a man examine himself and so let him eat [Page 56]of that bread and drink of that cup; for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh judgment to himself? and shall we not judge our selves that we may not be judged? We know how the Corinthians were judged for their irreverence, 1. Cor. 11.30. Many were sick and weak among them, and some died. Judge then, (and surely the coals in the hand of CHRIST call us to judge our selves) Whether there is not a general faulty neglect of the Table of CHRIST among us? And whether there be not much unworthy eating and drinking found with us? — Should not the loud and terrible threatning of judgment bring both these to a serious consideration with us? — Surely CHRIST calls many among us to his long neglected Table, that his house may be full; and I hope is bringing many to it by the awful alarm which he has given them. And surely he calls all his Churches to a more reverend observation of this, and every other of his Inftitutions. Let us remember how Nadab and Abibu, as well as Corah, died with their censers in their hands; and what the HOLY ONE said thereupon, I will be sanctified in them that draw nigh me. Very awful also is his threatning, Levit. 26.14, 15. If ye will not bearken to me, and will not do all these Commandments; if ye shall despise my statutes, and if your soul abhor my judgments, and you break my covenant; I also will do this unto you, I will even appoint over you terror.
VII. And lastly, By the terrible threatning and the merciful preservation in the late amazing Earthquake, CHRIST warns us to get ready for his Coming; for death, judgment and eternity. Is it not a sign to us of the Son of man, how quickly and suddenly he may come? Is it not a warning to us to get ready for it? Mat. 24.42. Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your LORD doth come: Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour as you think not the son of man cometh: [Page 57]Blessed is that servant whom his LORD when he cometh shall find so doing. Luke 12 35, 36. Let your loins be girded about and your lights burning, and be ye as men that wait for their LORD, to open unto him immediately. Is not this the meaning of his threatning, "Or I will come upon thee quickly? and this the language of his sparing mercy, "Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments.
Surely CHRIST meant to give us a very sensible conviction of the vanity and emptiness of this world and all the enjoyments of it; and to raise our affections to and fix them on the things that are above, where He is at the right hand of GOD? O what did this world and life and all the things of it seem to us, while the earth was shaking and as it were sinking under us! So let us always look on it as a perishing thing, and far from being any portion for an immortal Creature. 1. John. 2.17. The world passeth away and the lusts thereof, but he that doeth the will of GOD abideth for ever. Col. 3.3. Set your affections on things above, and not on things upon the earth; for ye are dead and your life is hid with CHRIST in GOD; When CHRIST who is your life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in glory ‖
Let us realize it, that there is a more terrible shake before us, than that which so lately terrified us; even DEATH! which with a cold but strong hand will shake our souls out of our bodies. And what will it avail us that we have been delivered from an Earthquake now, if a few days hence the pit below, the bottomless pit, open its mouth upon us and swallow us up? What will it avail us that CHRIST grants this space for repentance, if after a hard and impenitent heart we only treasure up wrath against the day of wrath! When it shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah [Page 58]than for us; and they that went down quick into the pit shall rise up in judgment against us and condemn us! What will it signify to us that the Earth did not swallow us up three weeks agoe, if the day is coming upon us hereafter when we shall cry to the rocks and mountains to fall upon us and hide us from the face of the LAMB!
The sinners of the Old world, on whom the Long, suffering of GOD waited in the days of Noah, tho' they perished by a flood of water for their impenitence, will fare better in the day of judgment than Gospel sinners. And the wicked Sodomites, who rejected the warnings of Lot's righteous and grieved soul from day to day, tho' they perished by fire here, yet will hereafter find a more tolerable place in hell than Gospel sinners. And the sinners of Jerusalem, that had such a Vengeance taken of them in the first and second destruction of that famous City, yet will be less miserable than we in the day of judgment, if we perish in their sins. For the records of their sins and of their Judgment is written for our warning; and a Greater than Noah or all the Prophets has spoken to us from heaven; and we have seen Him with the judgments of Providence in his hand and with the eternal Judgment also committed to Him; and at the same time he invites us to repentance by all the tenders and arguments of Grace that can possibly be made to us; Wherefore of how much sorer punishment suppose ye must we be tho't worthy, both in this world and in that to come, if we go on impenitently in those sins for which they perished? Hebrews. 10.26; — 31.
Let these things sink deep into our hearts * Let your moderation be known to all men, the LORD is at hand. The end of all things is at hand, be ye therefore sober and [Page 59]watch unto prayer. The Day of the LORD will come as a thief in the night, in the which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat; the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up: Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness? looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of GOD, wherein the Heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Never the less we according to his promise look for new Heavens and a new Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness: Wherefore, Beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot and blameless: And account that the longsuffering of GOD is Salvation —
The Earth devoured by the Curse.
A SERMON Preached at Boston Novem. 2.1727.
On a Day of Prayer and Fasting, four days after the EARTHQƲAKE.
The word of Amos,— which he saw concerning Israel, in the days of Uzziah king of Judah,— two year before the Earthquake: And he said, The LORD shall rore from Zion, &c.
BOSTON: Printed for J. Phillips at the Stationers-Arms on the South side of the Town-House, and T. Hancock at the Bible and Three Crowns near the Town Dock, 1727.
The Earth devoured by the Curse.
Therefore hath the Curse devoured the Earth.
THIS Chapter is fill'd with lamentation and mourning and woe. The burden of the whole earth it may be called. For tho' it doubtless refers more immediately to the ravages and desolations made far and near by the sword of the Assirian, or the Babylonian armies; yet it may seem also designed to represent and bewail the general Curse which sin has bro't upon the world of mankind.
It begins thus, Behold the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down;— the land shall be utterly emptied and utterly spoiled;— the world languisheth and fadeth away;— the earth is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the law, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant: Therefore hath the Curse devoured the Earth.
It is GOD's curse that is here spoken of; what He has uttered, and which he inflicts. The subject of this curse is the Earth whereon Mankind dwell: That &c its inhabitants are under the curse. The cause of the curse is Sin, and the holy wrath of GOD which [Page 64]it provokes. The curse is the threatning of the law, the righteous punishment of sin. The nature of the curse is described here from the terrible effects of it, its devouring the Earth. This makes the Curse, namely, its devouring and destructive nature.
This is according to the threatning of GOD and his Judgment pass'd on Adam, Cursed is the ground for thy sake. This became the glory and holiness of the infinite GOD, the Maker and Sovereign of the Universe.
Doct. That the Curse of the great GOD is come upon the Earth for Man's sin, and hath devoured it.
1. There is the Curse of the great and holy GOD. Behold the LORD maketh the Earth empty, &c. He only hath a right to curse, and he alone has power to do it. To Him it belongs to curse and to bless, and whom he blesseth are blessed indeed, and his curse is effectual and takes place. Psalm 94.1. O LORD God to whom vengeance belongeth.
He made the earth good and blessed it: he made man holy and happy and blessed him. The curse is of our selves, we bro't it on the earth. GOD is the same blessed, holy, good and wise Being, when he curseth as when he blesseth. There is no shadow of change in Him. The change is in us: We constrain the infinitely pure, wise and righteous ONE to judge thus.
What then is the Curse of GOD? It is the holy Anger and Wrath of ALMIGHTY GOD threatned against and inflicted on sinful creatures.
1. There is the Anger, wrath and vengeance of GOD in the Curse. Nahurn 1.2. GOD is jealous and the LORD revengeth; the LORD revengeth and is furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.
[Page 65] 2. GOD's threatned wrath in his Word, that is the Curse to man. The law worketh wrath. We had not known the curse but by the law, which curseth every one that continueth not in all things written in it, to do them. Gal. 3.10. The threatning belongs to the Law, and contains the curse. Deut. 11.26, 28. Behold I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; a Blessing if ye obey the Commandments of the LORD your GOD; a Curse if ye will not obey.
3. The threatned wrath of GOD inflicted is the Curse. The curse hath devoured, says the Text. GOD hath performed, and is executing the Threatnings of his Word. It is the Execution that gives force and terror to the Law; this makes the curse seen and felt and feared. Mal. 4.6. I come and smite the earth with a Curse. So ends the Old Testament, the ministration of the Law. — Thus the Curse is GOD's righteous and terrible wrath, threatned in his word and inflicted by his power.
II. The curse is come upon the Earth for Mans sin. The subject and cause of the curse is pointed to in the text, Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth. It was threatned by GOD in case of sin, it was inflicted upon the sin of man. Sin provokes GOD to curse, sin highly deserves his curse, and only sin merits and procures it. Sin bro't it on the head of Angels, and they beguiled man into it.
There was no curse upon the Earth till man had sinned: No, but it was full of blessings. It was all a Paradise, crowned and fill'd with the bounties of GOD. Every thing on it was very good, and the LORD blessed it. It was a seat of happiness, a garden of pleasure, while it remained a place of holiness. But as by one man sin enter'd into the world, so Death by sin. Rom. 5.12. The ourse is a train of dreadful evils preceeding death, and consequent upon it.
[Page 66] The earth belong'd to the sinner, and therefore is the curse come upon it. GOD made the earth for the sake of his Creature Man, and gave it to him for his possession and dominion. And for mans sake GOD cursed the earth, because it belong'd to the sinner. See Gen. 3.17, 18, 19. He yet gives particular places up to the curse, for the iniquity of them that dwell therein.
The paradisaic face of the earth pass'd away with man's innocence and integrity. It was not fit that the sinner should remain in Eden: No, he must be driven out with a flaming sword. If he be still continued upon earth that must be changed, to become a place of affliction and pain to him. By sin he forfeited the good, with which GOD had filled the earth, and he was deprived thereof. By sin he deserved pain, grief and vexation, and the earth was made to minister it unto him. So he came by the knowledge of evil after the Good, by a sad sense and feeling of it. He saw and felt the change without, as well as within himself; and that it was an evil and bitter thing that he had sinned.
GOD valu'd not the Earth in comparison of Man, the owner of it, and his obedience. GOD had made him in his Image, with much solemnity and a divine pleasure. GOD had prepar'd and stock'd the earth for him, before he made him. GOD put it under man's feet, but reserv'd man's heart and soul for Himself and for heaven. The ruine of Man was therefore more to GOD, than if the whole earth and all the creatures in it could have perished without him. A soul in the likeness of GOD, an immortal spirit capable of knowing, loving, serving and enjoying GOD for ever, is more than seas and lands, fish and fowl, beasts and all cattle. What shall be given to GOD, what hath not he given, in exchange for a soul?
[Page 67] The Inhabitant is greater than the house he dwells in. The things that are made, however great in themselves, are yet less at last than the Persons for whom they are made. The earth may well dissolve with its inhabitants.
But at last, the Glory and honour of GOD is in value infinitely beyond Man and his Earth together. Pereat mundus, sed fiat justitia: Let GOD be glorified, tho' the earth perish and man with it. GOD has cast down Angels, and he will burn up Worlds, rather than bear with sin, or let it go unpunished.
III. The Curse hath devoured the Earth. To devour is to eat up, consume, destroy, lay waste and desolate. It is meant 1. of the Inhabitants of the Earth, 2. of that it self, and 3. of the good and happiness, peace and comfort that would have been, or that is yet in the world.
1. The Curse is now devouring, and thro' every generation of man has been devouring, the Inhabitants of this earth in that one vast and comprehensive part of it, Mortality and death. This is the very letter of the Curse, in the first and short (but O how extensive!) compendium of it; In the day when thou eatest thou shalt surely die. That is to say, become mortal and miserable.
Number if you can the families and generations of men that have proceeded from the loyns of mortal. Adam: Where are they? what is become of every person that have belonged to them? The Curse (that is Death) hath slain and devoured them all! the grave has eat 'em up! Unsatisfied death, and the insatiaable grave, which never says it hath enough.
How many millions of people die in every age of the world? not one of these had died but for the curse! What is become of all these buried bodies? [Page 68]Death and the worms (that is, the Curse) has devour'd them; into dust they are consum'd away. Like a thing devour'd they are turn'd into corruption.
They that have liv'd to fifty or sixty year old have almost seen that Generation devour'd which fill'd the earth when they came into it; and this dragon stands ready to devour every child of man that is yet to be born.
We read of death as the devourer, Psal. 49.14. Like sheep they are laid in the grave, death shall feed on them. Prov. 1.12. Let us swallow them up alive as the grave, and whole as they that go down into the pit. Hab. 2.5. Death cannot be satisfied, but gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto him all people. Thus Death is the Curse which devoureth the earth.
II. There are many Plagues which belong to death and the curse, by which the earth has been and still is devoured. The curse is a quiver full of deadly arrows, some whereof are ever on the string, and flying every moment, directed at the heart of one or other of the sons and daughters of men. It is a vast collection of many woes, and every one of them makes vast destructions. You have them in part enumerated in the 28. of Deuteronomy; All these curses shall come upon thee and overtake thee; Cursed shalt thou be in the city and cursed in the field; cursed shall be thy basket and thy store; cursed the fruit of thy body and of thy land, the increase of thy kine and of thy sheep; cursed shalt thou he when thou comest in and when thou goest out.
The world had an Epitomy of the Curse in the plagues of Egypt, those ten plagues which devour'd that serrile Country. Again we have the branches and terrors of the Curse in the seven last plagues, the vials of the wrath of GOD: Revel. 15.1. And I saw another sign in heaven great and marvellous, seven Angels, having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the [Page 69]wrath of GOD. 16.1. And I heard a great voice out of the Temple, saying to the seven Angels, Go, pour out the vials upon the earth. Here is the vision of the Curse; beyond the words of men and beyond their fears.
I will single out and name some of these plagues and curses, which devour the Earth; whereof how little a part is known by us, and how little can the least part be described by us.
1. War is one part of the Curse; one cruel and woful thing whereby it has devour'd the earth. From the days of Nimrod it has been ravaging and devouring; slaying its thousands and ten thousands, laying waste Cities and Provinces. One devouring Beast and another have been the true Images of war. So the successive Monarchies and Tynannies are represented in the book of Daniel. Such a devouring beast was the Assirian first; and then the Babylonian Empire; and such the Grecian Victors, Alexander and his Captains; and then the Roman Empire which swallow'd up all in its turn; till at last it prey'd upon it self and became a morsel to barbarous nations. And thus the sword goes on devouring for ever: The destructions are perpetual and never like to come to an end. Death and the curse have even subsisted upon the wars, which have murder'd the nations of men. The labours and fruits of the field are the least part of its devouring; It makes its arrows drunk with blood, and the sword devours flesh. Would you see the Earth devour'd? you have it, Dan. 7.23. And the fourth beast shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down and break it in pieces.
2. The pestilence, that invisible sword of death, which walketh in darkness, is another form of the Curse which devours the earth. If war has slain its thousands, Diseases have their ten thousand. Who can number the hosts of the various kinds of mortal sicknesses [Page 70]and distempers, to which our bodies are here liable? How many millions of lives do they silently sweep away every day and week. The plague in the camp of Israel carried off in an hour 14700 souls; and in one night the Angel of death slew in the Assirian Camp 184000. In three days pestilence GOD can kill as many, as in three years famine, or in three months flying before an enemy. Deut. 28.22. Every sickness and every plague shall he bring upon thee, until he have consumed thee. I suppose that threatning to be more than literally fulfilled from age to age, Ezek. 5.12. A third part of thee shall die by the pestilence: i. e. by sickness of one kind and other. So the wrath of the Almighty in the destruction of the lives of men is represented, Hab. 3.5, 6. Before him went the pestilence and burning coals (i. e. Fevers) at his feet: And he stood and measured the earth: i. e. gave over such a proportion of the lives upon it to the pestilence: I heard (adds the Prophet) and my belly trembled, and rottenness enter'd into my bones.
3. Famine and the causes of it are another part of the curse which devours the earth. The numbers that die of famine are not equal to those that die in war, or by sickness. It would be dreadful if it were so: for better it is to die of these than of that. There are troops of plagues to introduce a famine; the land is devour'd before it comes. The lean kine and the blasted ears, devouring the fat and the rank stalk, is the rueful image of this plague. Drought or sweeping rains devour the earth and leave no food. The fire devours the pasture, and the flame burns up the trees of the field. Joel. 1.19. Again the seed rots under the clods by excess of rain, and the garners are laid desolate: Alas for the day! for as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come! how do the beasts groan, and the cattle are perplexed! If GOD send the locust, or the caterpillar, or worms of various kind, they ear up every green thing. These [Page 71]he calls the devourer: Mal. 3. II. A most proper name truly, and very formidable. Psalm. 105.34.35. He spake and the locusts came, and caterpillars without number; and did eat up all the herbs of their land, and devour'd the fruit of their ground. 2. Chron. 7.13. If I shut up heaven and there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land. A very signal part of the curse, Famine in all the causes of it.
4. Earthquakes, storms and inundations belong to the Curse which devours the earth. The LORD has his way in these, and they are dreadful executioners of his wrath and holy vengeance. They are irresistible destroyers, before which there is no standing and opposing, and from which there is no flying. The earthquake swallows up all before it, and the fierce wind bears down all before it, and the inundation rolls over all that stands in its way. Nahum. 1. init. The LORD hath his way in the whirlwind, and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet: — The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burnt at his presence; yea the world and all that dwell therein: Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him.
The earth was devour'd in the days of Noah by earthquakes and inundations; The earth sank, and the fountains of the great deep were broken up. In like manner the plains of Sodom were turned into a standing water. This overflowing Scourge is ever in the hand of GOD, Psalm. 18.7, —12. Isai. 29.6. And every year almost we hear of some threatnings or executions of the Curse after this kind, which should GOD increase and multiply how soon would the earth be devoured by it? — Thus there are many plagues which belong to the curse, and which devour the earth.
[Page 72] III. The curse has once already devoured the whole earth by a flood of waters, and will devour it again by fire, in the Conflagration at the last day. Twice will the Curse effect a universal dissolution of the earth. One woe is past long since, and the other cometh quickly.
1. The Flood devoured the Earth in the days of Noah, and it was the Curse of GOD for the sins of mankind that did it. So it is at large related to us in the sixth and seventh Chapters of Genesis. It is computed by learned men, that there might then be living on the earth as great a number of people as are alive upon it at this day, by reason of the Longevity before the flood: But however that were, yet we must suppose many Millions of men women and children then drown'd together. They sank by shoals innumerable. At the same time the waters tore the ground to pieces, and left it a mighty ruine, as its shores do shew at this day. Then the channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered; at the rebuke of the LORD, at the blast of the breath of his nostrils. He made darkness his secret place, and his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the sky. Psalm 18.
My context, as well as Psalm now quoted seems to point us to this very Instance, the flood; for then indeed it was that the LORD made the earth empty (a kind of second Chaos) and perverted the face of it: It was moved exceedingly, and was clean dissolved: It reel'd to and fro like a drunkard, and was removed like a cottage: It sank under the transgression of men which was heavy upon it. Yet it rose again by the power and patience of GOD; but bears the unsightly and mortal marks of the Curse.
2. The Curse will once more devour the earth in [Page 73]the last Conflagration, when the heavens and earth that now are shall be burnt up.
The Philosophers and the Poets, both Greeks and Romans, have in their writings preserved the tradition both of the flood which has once devoured the earth, and of the fire that will again do it. But it is the Holy Scripture which has taught us to believe it; more especially those famous words of the Apostle Peter, 2 Pet. 3.7,—12. But the heavens and earth which are now, are reserved unto fire against the day of judgment, and perdition of ungodly men:— The day of the LORD will come as a thief in the night, in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat; the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up. Here the end of the earth by fire is positively declared, and it will be a deluge of fire. The means of it are to us unknown, and after our best reasonings about it altogether uncertain. Whether the LORD will rain down fire and brimstone as he did on Sodom, or whether the fires within the earth shall break forth and pour out mighty streams of flaming sulphur, or whether some awful Comet, like that which some of us saw in the year 1680, passing (as that did they say) into the flames of the Sun, may come blazing down upon this wicked Earth of ours, and set it in a flame at once. GOD only knows the time and means of this Event, and has them in his power; but the thing is decreed, and in its time will be performed; and the earth will be devoured, melted and dissolved by the fire of the Divine jealousie. Zeph. 3.8. The Day will burn as an oven, and all that do wickedly shall be as the stubble. Mal. 4.1. "The flames will drink up the very sea, says a learned Author, and run down the mountains and rocks into burning Oar." And then the Curse will have devoured [Page 74]the Earth a second time; and there shall be no more Curse for ever †.
IV. The latent hidden Curse is at last in mens Souls, their vitiated minds and wild passions, their wicked and ungodly lusts, whereby they become plagues and curses to one another now, and will be (without repentance) devoured by the Curse of GOD in the Judgment of the great Day.
One sinner destroyed much good, spoiling himself and all about him of all the comfort, happiness and peace that the Earth has to give. From whence come wars which devour the earth? come they not of mens lusts that war in their members? their pride, ambition, covetousness, hatred and revenge? What devouring beast of prey is there in the woods, like to a Sennacherib, or a Nebuchadnezzar among men? — Or what is it that devours the private good of persons, towns, families and provinces, like mens private gains and interests, their envies and emulations, hatreds and wraths? they defraud and oppress, bite and devour one another, and so are consumed one of another. The plague is in the heart, tho' few feel it in themselves, whereby they become a curse to themselves and others.
And for this the Day is coming when the Wrath of GOD will devour souls; the day of the perdition of ungodly men. In that fearful day the Curse will devour all that have ever lived upon the earth, save a small remnant according to the election of Grace.
The spiritual and eternal part of the Curse is eminently the Curse. The outward and temporal plagues, how many soever they be and dreadful, are as nothing to that. A body liable to a devouring grave is nothing, in comparison of an Immortal Soul in a state of spiritual [Page 75]death and liable to the second and eternal Death. That devours soul and body too, with an everlasting destruction, and therefore is infinitely terrible. Mat. 10.28.
The last and full execution of the curse is that fiery indignation which shall devour the enemies of GOD after the day of Judgment. Then death and hell, lost souls and damned devils, shall be cast together into the lake of fire, and the smoke of their torment shall ascend for ever and ever. The Curse is finally that, Mat. 25. ult. Depart ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.
O how few out of the world of mankind will escape this devouring fire, these everlasting burnings? Lord! are [...] few that shall be saved from it! How many thousands of millions will sink down together into hell under the heavy wrath of GOD in that terrible day! And when these perish from the earth and from under these heavens, compared with whom Those that shall he redeemed from the earth are but a small number, then the Earth will be devoured by the Curse in the most woful sense: For what is the whole Earth to these Souls?
USE. I come now to some brief Improvement of this awful Doctrine. And
1. Let us see the hideous, ugly and detestable face of sin and of satan in the devouring Curse.
1. Of sin: What a cursed thing is it? and what a dreadful Curse to Man and to the Earth? SIN is the devourer of both: That is the parent and cause of the curse: That bro't forth the Dragon. Whatever the Curse hath done, or hereafter shall do, to the bodies or souls of men, must be all charged on their accursed sins.
Hence we must estimate the great Evil there was in the first sin of man, by which death and hell entered. [Page 76]For in Adam all die, and by the offence of One judgment is come upon all men. Well said the holy Judge to the woman, who was first in the transgression, What hast thou done? It may seem to some of her foolish children but a smal sin, to take and taste of the forbidden tree as she did: But the Curse consequent thereon gives us a terrible proof that it was a great transgression.
We see Original sin in the Curse devouring the earth; that we are by nature children of wrath. The curse devours Infants in the womb, and the pains and death of the new born babes shews that they are shapen in iniquity and conceived in sin. Yet these seem to have known least of the Curse: Job. 3.10. Because it shut not up the doors of my mother's womb, nor hid sorrow from my eyes.
In all the bitter sorrows and grievous afflictions of our lives we feel the Curse. The effects must lead us back to the cause, and we see GOD judging us for our sins †: The yoke of my transgression is bound by his hand: The LORD is righteous, for I have rebelled against him. We may not say of this or that particular person, at least very rarely, that GOD visits them for these or those particular sins; or that they are sinners above others: But we may and should every one judge himself before GOD when we are under his judgments; And as for a particular place or People judged by the LORD we may freely say, Thy way and thy doings have procured these things unto thee; This is thy wickedness and it is bitter. Jer. 4.18.
2. Let the Curse shew us the ugly and detestable face of satan. In this his own glass see the accursed fiend; his enmity to GOD and GOD's hatred of him, his cruel hatred to man and malice against him. [Page 77]He the tempter is the Abaddon and devourer. He maliciously seduced Eve into sin, to bring the curse of GOD upon the earth and on all her posterity. For this GOD will never forgive him, nor should we. He was a murderer from the beginning, and still goeth about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. This is the great red dragon, whose tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven after him; and the Manchild on earth he stands ready to devour. Rev. 12.4. He is the Original of sin and misery in both worlds. What a horrid face is this? Draw this likewise, That he can never repent. Let him bear the curse for ever, has the righteous GOD said, who bro't it on the earth, and on the lov'd race of Men. The utmost curse of man is, to depart accursed to him. He must answer in the day of Judgment, as for his own apostacy, so for all the sins and woes that have fill'd this earth of ours. The Son of man will judge him in the great day, and revenge upon him this implacable and unpardonable enmity to GOD and wrong to man.
II. See the Grace of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, and the mercy of GOD thro' him. O the height and depth of redeeming love! how unsearchable is it? Contemplate it in the following things, and be rapt in holy astonishment and thankfulness.
The SON OF GOD has in our nature been made sin, and born the curse, that he might save us from the curse. 2. Cor. 5.21. Gal. 3.13. Great is this mystery of Godliness, this triumph of Holiness and Grace united! the Angels of heaven desire to look into it! they look and worship (and so must we) before the Mercy-seat.
To CHRIST it is owing that the earth is not utterly devoured by the Curse. It stands by his merits; and thro' his obedience and death we sinners are under the care and bounties of Providence. The covenant of Providence is built upon the covenant of Grace, [Page 78]and the rain bow covers the throne of the Redeemer. All the forbearance of GOD to us, and all his salvations from day to day, are from his great propitiation. Therefore day and night, summer and winter, seed time and harvest do not fail.
Nay our Lord JESUS has destroyed the devouring curse as to all that believe in him; and he will finish the destruction of it at his second Coming, and in the resurrection of the Just. Then he will swallow up death in victory.
He delivers souls from the curse now; from the power of sin and from a state of condemnation. He delivereth also from the wrath to come.
The glory of CHRIST and of redeening Grace is at last this, That to believers in him there is no more curse. They may have sorrow and grief, pain and torment, they may be sick and die; Earthquakes may swallow them, and the grave devour their bodies; but the Day is coming when there shall be no more curse. Revel. 22.3. There are remains of sin and of the curse here in the body, but out of it not the least remain of either for ever and ever.
III. Is the Curse devouring the earth for mans sin? see the lamentable hardness of sinners in their impenitency. Altho' men see the earth they live on devour'd by the curse, yet they will not repent. As Pharaoh saw his kingdom destroyed by one plague and another, and yet hardned his heart. GOD highly resents this in his own people, Amos. 4.10, 11, 12. Yet have ye not returned to me saith the LORD! tho' I overthrew some of you as I did Sodom and Gomorrah! Wherefore thus will I do unto you, and prepare to meet thy GOD O Israel! This is the Iniquity that is not purged, but men persist in it till they die.
Men are and act as if there were no curse, no sin or misery, upon earth. They spend their days in mirth, [Page 79]and in a moment go down to the grave. This is deeply resented by GOD, with just anger and from his tender compassions to us: Ezek. 21.9, 10, 11. Son of man, A sword is sharpned and furbished: It shall be upon my people: Terrors shall be on them: Smite thou on thy thigh. So our LORD wept over the insensible City, nigh unto destruction.
Every impenitent sinner is under the Curse. Hell is open before him, and the wrath of GOD abideth on him. Destruction upon destruction must be cried in his ears. And O that sinners under the Gospel would consider how nearly the curse concerns them, how dreadfully it threatens and hangs over them more than others! and how heavy it will ly upon them for ever if they die impenitent and unpardoned. — You that have heard and known the curses of GOD's law, and have been warned and perswaded by the terrors of GOD! You that have seen the flying roll as it is spread abroad in the Book of GOD; seen the length and the breadth of it, as it goeth over the face of the whole earth! how should you fear its entring into thy house and thy soul!
Be exhorted therefore to an instant earnest and deep repentance. Think who hath warned you, how GOD hath warned you, to flee from the wrath to come! Ly no longer securely and profanely in a state of sin and misery, quiet and at ease under the curse of GOD. Wilt thou not fear under this Condemnation? O turn and look unto the crucified JESUS, that he would remember thee from his Kingdom! See how he bore the Curse to save thee from it!
May I not say, This is the voice of GOD unto City and Country in the late fearful and terrible Earthquake, which but four nights ago ran thro' the Land, and threaten'd every Town, every Family and ever Person with a sudden destruction. When the hollow trembling Earth roar'd so in our ears, when the ground [Page 80] shook to a fearful degree under us, and our houses over our heads; when the earth threaten'd in a moment to open its mouth and swallow us up, and our houses threaten'd to fall upon us and crush us to death; when we feared that we might instantly go down, we and our children and housholds, our neighbours and friends together into the pit; buried in the ruines of our fallen dwellings; the Godly like the pious Sons and Daughters of Job on whom the house fell, the wicked like Dathan & Abiram whose tents and families the earth swallowed up at once. What the voice of GOD then was to every impenitent sinner let his own Conscience tell him! Conscience, which was a swist witness in that amazing minute; and bro't thy sins to remembrance, set thee to the bar of CHRIST, and cast thee at the foot of mercy. What were thy instant cries for sparing and pardoning mercy in that trying moment! Speak Conscience, and tell sinners again GOD's voice to them in that astonishing Dispensation.
I call it not a Judgment, but a Threatning and loud Warning of deserved judgment; a mid night cry to awaken us out of a sleep in sin, the sleep of death: And then it will eventually prove a Mercy, the greatest mercy, the happiest minute, of our whole life.
GOD from the bowels of the earth preach'd a startling Sermon to us; we heard and quaked; as when he spake from the shaking Mountain of old unto his people; so we heard his voice and were afraid. O might the impressions be saving on us, sanctifying and lasting, and never wear off!
Our GOD has shown us his greatness and power, his holiness and justice, his great goodness and tender mercies: Say unto GOD how terrible art thou in thy works! thro' the greatness of thy power shall thy enemies submit themselves unto thee. All the earth shall worship thee and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name. [Page 81]Come and see the works of GOD: He is terrible in his doings to the children of men. He ruleth by his power for ever; his eyes behold the nations: Let not the rebellious exalt themselves. O bless our GOD ye people, and make the voice of his praise to be heard: which holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved. Psalm. 66.4, —9.
What a singular thing is it and very extraordinary, that there is scarce a person now thro' the whole land, but has heard the terrible voice of GOD in a dreadful earthquake? that as was said to Israel, Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice, so I may say to you, From the bowels of the earth he has made us to hear it, and that a mighty voice! the earth cried out to us of our sins, as a heavy burthen, too heavy to be born; it groan'd and travailed in pain, as wanting to be delivered.
The call of GOD in such a Providence is general and universal, to every person, (man, woman and child) and every family, in every part of the land. The blow was immediately at every ones life, at every sinners heart, and at the life of his soul; This night, this instant shall it be requir'd.—At the life of all thine with thee was the sword pointed, those that are dearest to thee and as thy own soul: As at the perishing of the rebels in Israel, their wives and little ones went down together, and all Israel fled at their cry. In what confusion did they die? without time for one regular cry to GOD for mercy.
Nothing is like terrible, take the Judgment in all its parts together, as to be swallow'd up alive by an earthquake. Indeed death in some other form may be as sudden, and so as awful to him that dies; but this is to many, to hundreds, to thousands together, as GOD orders it.—The cry of fire is frightful to us; but what is a Nei'bour's house on sire, or our own, [Page 82]to our houses falling on us, or sinking with us, in an instant? In storms and inundations the winds and waters usually rise gradually, but an Earthquake gives no notice of its approach; nor is there any means of escaping as in most other judgments, nor time to call upon GOD.
And yet let me tell you, There's a day coming upon every one of us, more dreadful than an earthquake to impenitent sinners; I mean the day of Death and the day of Judgment.
Are not the convulsions of death within the body of a sinner equal to the quaking of universal nature round about him? when the the earthly bouse of this Tabernacle is dissolving, and his soul rending from his body! when the grave opens to swallow up his body, and hell is open before him to devour his soul! Suppose you could see an earthquake coming on at a day or two distance of time, but you knew that you and your houshold must then be swallow'd up: Death is all this to persons, families, towns and provinces. It dashes the fathers and the sons together, nor pities, nor spares, nor hath mercy: As the Prophet speaks Jer. 13.14, 15, 16. Wherefore hear ye and give ear; be not proud, for the LORD hath spoken; Give glory to the LORD your GOD before be cause darkness, and your feet stumble on the dark mountains; and while ye look for light he turn it into the shadow of death, and make it gross darkness.
But the day of Judgment is the day of terror; when the graves shall open at the voice of CHRIST, and the seas too, and throw up their dead, spue out the vile bodies of the wicked; which would be glad then if the earth would kindly open again, and cover them for ever from the face and wrath of the Lamb. Then the most fearless and audacious sinners that are or have been on earth, the Captains and the mighty men, with all their ungodly train of dependents, every bond man [Page 83]of the same character for impiety and impenitence, shall fly to the rocks and mountains and call on them to fall on 'em and bide them. Rev. 6.15.
Was the sudden noise of the Earthquake terrible t'other night? much more will the day of the LORD be so which comes as a thief in the night, wherein the heavens shall pass away with a great noise. 2 Pet. 3 10. What will the noise of a dissolving world be?—O realize it, sinner! there is something infinitely worse before thee than the worst of earthquakes except thou repent.
But I said that I did not call it a Judgment, but a warning and threatning of judgment, and a call to repentance. It had been a terrible judgment if GOD had suffer'd it to go further, as he easily could, and was eno' provoked by our sins. And the wonder was that it went no further. If our houses had fallen and buried us; if many had sunk together into the earth or been crushed to death, as in our time it was at Jamaica, and lately at Palermo a great City in Italy; how dreadful had the judgment been?
But O the mercy! the wonder of mercy! that after such a shock we do not hear of one house fallen, nor of a single life lost, nor of a broken bone! GOD has only shook his rod terribly over us, and we must say — to us Goodness! while we think of the severity to others, who were not greater sinners than we, when we compare our light and means for repentance with theirs.
And I trust GOD means this Providence in mercy to many, and of great glory to Himself in their conversion and salvation. So it may be among the greatest favours of Providence that the land ever saw. And if it be not thus, it will be a dreadful spiritual judgment, as the rod of Moses was to Pharaoh.
[Page 84] The present Impressions on the minds and hearts of all sorts of Persons by this shake, on young and old, godly and wicked, is a token for good. What prayers, with praises and thanksgivings, have been going up to heaven from persons, from families, and from crowded Assemblies and Congregations; with eager eyes and hearts, and from many a fervent and gracious one! It looks as if GOD had ordained to himself praise and strength from the mouths of babes and sucklings for the present: But O how soon may the fearful minute be forgotten, and this sudden impression wear off? It will certainly do so if GOD do not graciously fasten it by the power of his SPIRIT on our hearts; which we must earnestly beg of him with incessant supplications, and be often looking back on that night of trembling, and call to mind what our apprehensions, pravers and tho'ts then were; and often put our housholds on thinking over their sober tho'ts and fervent holy desires and purposes (by the grace of GOD) at that time.
Indeed such extraordinary things are not the ordinary means of conversion to sinners. They may be so, and they ought to be so; but the impressions of sudden frights and surprizing terrors are apt as suddenly and strangely to wear off. If men hear not Moses and the Prophets, the preached Gospel, neither will they be persuaded tho' one should come to them from the dead. The congregation of Israel lay quaking before the burning and shaking Mountain, but how few of them were suitably or savingly affected with what they saw and heard? Yea tho' they had a Moses with them, to teach and warn and entreat them.
Again, One day the sinners in Israel fled at the cry of sinking Dathan and Abiram, but the very next day they fell a murmuring again, and called Moses and Aaron the murderers of the LORD's people.
[Page 85] Yet in the hand of the SPIRIT, and by his blessing on the Word and Prayer, this Providence may become an effectual means for convincing and converting sinners, and for the building up of saints in faith and holiness to eternal life. GOD of his infinite mercy grant it may be so.
He has used one more Means with us, if we will be wro't upon by things extraordinary; and the Year has been filled with many such means, even thunder and tempest and the flame of devouring fire. O that there were such an heart in us! this was GOD's own wish respecting his trembling and promising people before the burning mountain; but it strongly intimated to them how deceitful their hearts were, and how little would come of their sudden promises and hopes of a perpetual future obedience.
If great terror and great goodness together will affect us and work on us, we shall be wro't upon. But these united will effect nothing without GOD's powerful hand.
Did ever any people see or hear or feel such a shock of the earth, from one end of the Land to the other, and yet no hurt done to man or beast? They that have been in earthquakes in other places, in Jamaica and in Italy tell us, that they never felt, heard and saw the like. It is the LORD's doing and marvellous in our eyes.
Who of us is there that can now wish GOD had not done this! It was terrible for the time, may it be joyous in the fruits and remembrance of it. Every one is ready to say, LORD that I may never forget it! Ask this of GOD humbly, and beg of him an experience of saving good from it.
If it have not a sanctifying effect on us, (as was hinted before) it will have a bad one, which GOD forbid! If it be not for the better to us, it will be for the worse; like the other means that GOD uses with men [Page 86]for their spiritual good. If we do not improve this call and warning of GOD from below to us, after the many we have had from above; it will aggravate our guilt now and our condemnation hereafter. We must answer for this also in the day of Judgment, That after the publick Instructions of the last Lord's day, GOD came at night to every family and to every person, and spake to them from the Deep that lieth under; and if yet we repent not to give him glory and to save our selves from wrath and ruine, we shall receive the greater damnation.
I now close my Discourse, as it hath pleased the HOLY GHOST to do the Scriptures of the Old Testament: Words worthy of our most serious attention and consideration: Words full of terror to the wicked and impenitent, and as full of comfort to the penitent and obedient: Words full of proper warning and instruction unto both: Mal. IV. For behold the Day cometh that shall burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea and all that do wickedly shall be stubblc; and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts; that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall.—Behold I send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and SMITE THE EARTH WITH A CURSE.