A DISCOURSE Concerning PREJUDICE In Matters of Religion. OR, An ESSAY, To shew the Nature, Causes, and Effects of such Prejudices: And also the Means of Preventing, or Removing them.
By Thomas Symmes, A. M. & V. D. M.
BOSTON: Printed by S. Kneeland, for S. Gerrish, Sold at his Shop in Corn-Hill. 1722.
To the Second Church in
Newbury, of which the Reverend Mr.
John Tafts is Pastor.
THE Art of Printing (invented, but about two hundred Years since) has been a vast Service to Religion and Learning. Hence, the Statesman, the Physician, the Gentleman, the Mechanick, yea, the Ladies, as well as the Scholar, the Philosopher, the Christian, and the Divine are furnished with agreeable Libraries. And tho' 'tis matter of Lamentation, that this excellent Art, has been abused, (as Musick, Poesy, and other Arts have also been,) to the Dishonour of Almighty GOD, the Scandal of Religion, the hardning of the wicked, and the grief of Wise and Good Men: yet the Reformed Churches, and particularly our Nation, and Land have great cause to be thankful for this noble Invention; they being hereby richly supply'd (not only with various other useful Books, but) with great plenty of very excellent Sermons, Expositions of Scripture, Systems of Divinity, and the like; by which, (as many of the eminent Servants of God being dead, yet speak unto us; so many other worthy Persons, and especially) the Ministers of the Gospel are still blest with Opportunities of rendring their Usefulness more extensive and [Page ii] durable, which I think they ought to improve with all thankfulness and readiness. For tho' I'm perswaded we may be too forward to appear in Print; and am sure that the suppression of some things I've seen would have contributed as much, or more to the Honour of the Authors, their Country & Religion, than the Publication of them: yet I verily believe that some good & great Divines, who have been and are amongst us, have been too shy, modest and reserv'd, and made themselves too far guilty of hiding their Talent in a Napkin, whilst they've withheld from us what is more precious than Gold! And truly it's my humble Opinion, that we had much better hear with some feeble Essays & weak Births from the Press, (which we are under no obligation in the World to patronize, admit under our ro [...]f, or touch with one of our Fingers,) than by rash censuring such honest wellmeant Composures, & scoffing at the Authors thereof, take an unhappy method to deprive our selves of the pleasure & advantage of perusing many other more entertaining Meditations, & Discourses, by thus tempting the worthy Authors of them (that they may escape the scourge of the tongue, to refuse exposing them to publick view.
In short, I think that as the Ministers of the Gospel (of which Order, I confess my self the most unworthy) should see, that they have a Call of God, to Preach in this or that Place; and when they are satisfy'd therein should not be discourag'd on any score whatever: so when PROVIDENCE calls them to Publish their Sermons, or other Writings, (and Wisdom is profitable to direct them in judging of this, they ought [Page iii]unquestionably to do it, and leave the Event with GOD. For my own part I do & will (relying upon Divine Aids) govern my self by this Rule.
As for the ensuing Discourse, all I shall say is; that I first Studied it for, and Preach'd it to my own People, without the least tho't of it's being made Publick, (it being partly occasioned by a most unhappy and unreasonable Controversy about Singing by Note;) and having offer'd it in two other Congregations, where I was soon after called to Preach; I at length delivered it at your Lecture; where sundry of my Brethren in the Ministry were present, who express'd their Approbation of it; and several amongst you desiring it might be published, I at length consented to it; partly to make you some amends for not gratifying your desires of several Sermons, you some Years since by repeated Votes ask'd of me; and partly because I perceive it was not acceptable to some in whose bearing it was preached: who will, I hope, do me the Justice, and themselves the Honour to change their minds about it, (if they'l vouchsafe to give it the reading,) and repent of the ill Temper they were in, when it was delivered to them in the Name of GOD from the Sacred Desk. However, I remember what is said of the bearers of the most celebrated Preacher that ever was (the Son of God only excepted) that some believed, & some believed not, Act. 28.24. But the chief Reason (I honestly profess) of my printing the following Discourse is, because I judge that (such as it is) it's needful, and may (if God please to bless it) be useful amongst us in this part of the Country, and [Page iv]wish there were no occasion for it elsewhere. And tho' I might easily have enlarg'd on the Nature and Signs of Prejudice; & did so, especially on the latter, in my own Pulpit: yet I was loth to add any thing to this Sermon, that was not in it, when delivered to you: but if this find acceptance, I design another Discourse concerning Christians Prejudices against one another, if God give Opportunity, (unless any of my Reverend Fathers or Brethren will undertake that Subject, which I should very much rejoyce in,) and if my Friends encourage my proceedings in that work, I may therein speak more largely to the Head mentioned.
And now, Brethren, I thankfully acknowlege my obligations to you, for your kind acceptance of my poor Endeavours, from time to time, in the work of the Ministry: praying GOD, who has greatly bless'd the Gospel amongst you, especially upon the first Settlement of your present worthy Pastor (One Hundred & Thirty six Persons being added to your Church in the space of Three Years; whereof 80 were added in one Year, & 31 of them in one Day, May 1.1715.) that He would take delight to dwell amongst you, & pour out abundance of his Spirit on you and yours: And entreating your constant fervent Prayers for me & mine: & particularly, beseech you to follow this Discourse (which Heaven has made serviceable to several in hearing it) with your Requests, that it may be useful to such as shall see meet to read it.
A DISCOURSE concerning Prejudice in Matters of Religion.
And Nathanael said unto him, Can there my good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.
IN the Text before us, there are Two things Observable. First, A Doleful Effect of Prejudice. Secondly, A proper Remedy pref [...]ib'd, for the Care of it.
First, We've a doleful Effect of Prejudice, in the former part of the verse; Nathaniel said, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Where,
Obs. 1. THE Person under the Influence of Prejudice. His name was Nathanael, But who he was is uncertain. However, we know, that he was a very Good Man. Our Blessed Saviour Himself, bare witness of him; that He was an Israelite indeed, v. 47. He was a Man of great Integrity, both in the Sight of GOD and Man: A Man, in whole Spirit there was no Guile. i. e. None Allowed; none Reigning: none Imputed. This was Nathanael's Character, who was notwithstanding in some measure under the Power of Prejudice. But then,
2. LET us consider, What this Excellent Man, was prejuc'd against, or with Relation to. It was not against any Maxim in Philosophy. That had been no great Wonder, for there are Multitudes of Good Men that are no Philosophers, [Page 2]and are not capable of Judging of Abstruse points in Philosophy. It was not against any inconsiderable Person, who had by his Irregularities, in a great measure sorfeited his Credit, with this good Man. No! But,
1 HE was Prejudic'd against the Greatest Truth of Revealed Religion, Even this; That Jesus of Nazareth i [...] the True Messiah. Philip being called by Christ to be an Apostle, and finding Nathanael; tells him, that they had found Him of whom Moses in the Law and the Prophets did write, Jesus of Nazareth the Son of Joseph, i. e. The Messiah; The Consolation of Israel, whom many were then justly expecting. But Nathanael could not receive this Truth. He believed in the Messiah, Who, he thought was yet to come: But did not believe, that Jesus was He. hence he was prejudic'd against the Greatest and Best Man that ever was in the World, even the Man Christ Jesus. Not believing Him to be the Messiah, as indeed He was; He must needs esteem Him a Grand Impostor. Hence also, he was prejudic'd against the Greatest Dety in Christianity, even that, of Receiving Jesus Christ. Thus Christ came to His own, and (for the present) His own received Him not. Nathanael's Prejudice, so blinded his mind, that he could see no Form nor Comeliness in Jesus Christ, who is Fairer than the Children of Men, even altogether Lovely: He could by no means believe Him to be the Messiah, and hence disputes against believing in Him.
IT is then, no New thing, for Real Saints to be prejudic'd for a Time and in a Degree, against some of the Best Men in the World, yea, against some of the most Important Truths and Duties of Religion.
Obs. 3. THE true Reasons of Natbanael's Prejudice against Christ; or, whence it was, that he laboured of such Prejudice. Now this was owing partly, to Nathanael's Ignorance and Misapprehension: And partly, to Philip's Defectiveness in preaching Christ to Nathanael.
1. HIS Prejudice arose from his Ignorance and wrong Notion of the Messiah. For, One Absurdity admitted, is productive of many others. Can any good thing come out of [...]areth? q. d. ‘Can any worthy Excellent Person, [Page 3]Can the Promised & long-expected Messiah come out of such an obscure, contemptible Place as Nazareth?’ And out of a Place of which the Scripture did not make mention, as whence the Messiah should arise. The People made the same Objection. Chap. 7.41. Shall Christ come out of Galilee? Nathanael considering the [...] of the Place, and not having a right notion of the Doctrine of Christ's Humiliation, and Expecting (as the Jewish Church did) a Temporal Saviour, be was Prejudic'd against Jesus of Nazareth and could not at present, believe Him to be the Messiah, and as such receive Him.
2. BUT then, His Prejudice was occasion'd partly, by the Defective Account Philip gave him, of our Saviour. Nathanael was a Man, well acquainted with his Bible no doubt: A Man that had searched the Scripture and understood from thence, that according to Mic. 5.2. the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem, and not in Nazareth, or Galilee. Now some think that Philip supposed Christ to be born at Nazareth, and that He was really the Son of Joseph; and hence, fell in, with the Vulgar way of speaking, calling our Saviour (as He was Usually termed) Jesus of N [...]zareth, the Son of Joseph. Note hence.
THAT Vulgar Expressions are sometimes very improper, and founded on great Mistakes. Indeed, had Philip throughly understood himself, and having spoken in the Popular Stile, had he expounded himself, and inform'd Nathanael, that Christ was born in Bethlehem, though called Jesus of Nazareth, because that was the Place of His Residence, or, for any other sufficient reason: And that He was really the Son of GOD, though called the Son of Joseph, because he was the Husband of His Mother, the Blessed Virgin; He might possibly have prevented Nathanael's Prejudice, and obviated his Objection, against Christ. But it may be he was himself ignorant in these Points. And his Defect may teach the Ministers of the Gospel to use their utmost Discretion, that they may anticipate any weighty Objection, that might arise in the minds of their Hearers: And to take heed, they don't beget or confirm Prejudices in their minds, against the Truth, by an over-popular and [Page 4]unguarded way of Expressing themselves, and by not using proper Distinctions, where the subject calls for them. Hence also Hearers should be caution'd, that they don't Reject any Truth in Religion, because not so properly express'd, in some Sermons, as could be desired. And that they should make allowance for the Ir [...]firmities of Preachers, who [...] best, know but in part, and Prophesy but in part, 1 Cor. 13.9.
Secondly, WE proceed to consider, the Remedy prescribed by Philip, for the Cure of Nathanael's Prejudice, in the Close of the Text. Come and See. q d. Don't rashly conclude, that Jesus is not the Christ! Though I can't readily Answer your Objection, yet I am satisfied He is the Messiah. And I don't ask you to pin your Faith on my Sleeve, but would have you come [...]o Christ your self; and hear His Doctrine, See His Miracles; Observe His Con [...]tion, and Compare all with the Unerring Oracles of GOD; and then judge if This is not the Messiah. Don't determine, before you've impartially Considered the matter. This is what Christians ought to do, in matters of Religion, and should not take up Prejudices from Reports and common Vogue. Or, if they have ta [...] up Pre [...]udices against what their Spiritual Guides inform them is the Truth, or their Duty; they should take this Method to Remove them. They should Come and See. Examine things impartially, Be willing to be convinc'd of and ready to embrace the Truth; and attend their Duty, so far as Christ shall discover it to them. Coming to Christ, attending His Directions, is the Best Method to See our Way through the Wilderness of this World, to that which is to Come.
IN further speaking to our Text, I shall take Occasion (by Divine Assistence) to Discour [...]e of the Nature, Causes & Effects of Prejudice: And also, of the Method of preventing or Removing Prejudices in matters of Religion. I might also have considered the Signs of these Prejudices and the Obligations Christians are under to take heed of imbibing them; or to endeavour to lay them aside: But this would draw out my Discourse to an undue length: I'll therefore content my self to speak particul [...]y, only to the Four Heads first mentioned. And,
[Page 5] First, LET us consider the Nature of Prejudice. Or, What we'er to understand here, by Prejudice. Now (tho' the word is frequently used in a different sense, yet) by Prejudice, (agreeably to the Notation o [...] the Word) we intend here, A Rash Judgment before Trial: or, a Wrong Judgment form'd in our Minds, before we'r well appriz'd of the Thing or Person we'r to judge of Now our Mind is prepossess'd, the Judgment is forestall'd (as we say) or, we prejudge the Thing.
THE Object of Prejudice in general (as we here use the Word) is any Thing or Person. There are no Persons, but we may possibly be prejudic'd with respect to them, either against them, or in their favour. There is no Error in Religion so absurd, but some or other may embrace it. There is no Truth so evident, no Practice [...]o commendable, but some or other may stumble at it.
THE Prejudices that arise in our Minds, may not only be distinguish'd in regard of the Object of them (some respecting Persons, others, Things: Some relating to Points in Philosophy or Politicks; others, to Matters in Religion, which we'r now to consider.) But in respect of the degree of them. Some are more inveterate and deeply rooted, others are more slight and easily removed. But then,
Secondly, LET us take a view of some of the Causes of Prejudice in Matters of Religion, and see whence it is that even Good Men, are sometimes under the Instuence of Prejudice. And here I might say, that it is owing Originally to the Corruption of our Natures. From the Beginning it was not so. GOD made Man Upright, perfectly free from all wrong Sentiments. But Man by his Apostacy, has lost the Primitive Rect [...]ade of his Nature; and all his Powers are depraved and disordered. His Understanding is darkned; His Will and Affections are become Rebellious and Ungovernable: the Possions firangely byass the Will; and both have a very powerful [...]uence on the Understanding to push it on to make a judgment of Things [Page 6]and Persons, before it's rightly inform'd; and hence it comes to be fill'd with Prejudice.
NOW this Corruption remains in part even in good Men; and does in this way frequently discover it self in them.
AGAIN, It might be added, that Satan has a great hand in the Prejudices that are to be found in Christians against the things of GOD, as well as in those against One Another. That Grand Adversary has near Access to our Minds, and a Power of Suggesting Thoughts to them. He can if permitted, fill Mens Hearts. Act. 5.3. He can misrepresent Persons and things to our Minds. He carries on his Accursed Designs against us, very much in this way. He can blind the Mind. 2 Cor. 4.4. He can enter into Men. Luke 22.3. And some he leads Captive at his Will. 2 Tim. 2. [...]6. And this he does by first filling the Mind with Prejudice.
Briefly, IT might be Observ'd, that it proceeds from the Just Judgment of GOD upon some Persons and Societies; that the Minds of Men are fill'd with Prejudice in Matters of Religion. GOD in His spotless Sovereignty does sometimes thus punish Sin with Sin. We read of those, who because they received not the Love of the Truth — for this cause GOD shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a Lye, 2 Thes. 2.10, 11. It also proves a Comprehensive Judgment on some Families, Towns and Churches, yea Countries; that some Good Men are prejudic'd with respect to some Things and Persons.
BUT to be more particular, (not that I pretend to Enumerate all the special Causes of Prejudice, for they being various, according to the various Objects they refer to, this would be an endless Task) I will mention a few Instances, which will help to illustrate the Point.
First. PREJUDICES in Religion sometimes arise, from a Misunderstanding, or Misapplication of the Sacred Scriptures. The Apostle Peter observes that in the Epistles of the Great Doctor of the Gentiles, there were some things hard to be understood—which says he, the Unlearned Wrest— 2 Pet. 3.16. The Original Word rendred [Page 7] Wrest, is a Meraphor, (say the Criticks) from Tormentors, who put a Man on the Wrack and Torture him so long, till they make him speak what he never meant to speak. Thus some Persons serve the Scriptures, they force a sense upon it, which the Holy Spirit never intended, nor came it into, his mind. There are many that hear the Word that do not understand it. Mat. 13.19. Preachers may justly expostulate with some of their Hearers, as our Blessed Saviour did with some of his, Joh. 8.43. Why do you not understand my Speech? Yea this is sometimes the Case of Christ's Disciples. Joh. 12.16. These things understood not his Disciples at the first. Others, they Understand indeed, but they misapply the Word. Sometimes, they apply to others what they should apply to themselves, and miserably blunder in the Application they make to themselves. And hence they're prejudic'd against many Truths and Duties in Religion, and against those that don't think with them.
AGAIN, Oftentimes these Prejudices are the product of Education. We suck in Prejudice, even from the Breast. The Prejudices of Education are sometimes very numerous and commonly very powerful. The mind being in our tender Years, more susceptive of Impressions of this kind. And such Prejudices are not eradicated but with great difficulty. They're often propogated from the Father to the Son, and from one Generation they're transmitted to another. This we see awfully verifyed in the Prejudices the Jewish Nation are under against Christianity, and by many sorrowful Instances amongst Christians of various Opinions in Circumstantial Points in Religion. Too many Christians taking up their Principles in Religion very much upon Trust from those that have the Care of their Education, they're unaccountably prejudic'd in their favour and against the contrary. Mens Posterity often approve their sayings and Practices, tho' they are not good, Psal. 49.13.
AGAIN, These Prejudices Sometimes arise from the Great Veneration Men have for Ancient Customs, or what they falsely call, Ancient. There are indeed Customs that [Page 8]are Lawful and Commendable, To such the Apostle refers, 1 Cor. 11.16. And the more Ancient such are doubtless the more Venerable. But there are also vain Customs, Jer. 10.3. Yea, there are Abom [...]ble Customs, that sometimes obtain too far among a Professing People. Lev. 18.30. And some Customs that were o [...]e Allowable and Laudable, may in Process of Time become inexpedient [...] Sinful, witness the Love-F [...]asts, and H [...]ly Ki [...] practis'd [...]n the Primitive Times, to say nothing o [...] some obsolete Customs of this Land.
NOW many Persons are much sway'd by Custom. Custom is a Law with them. And in many Cases it should be so. But [...]or want of Distinguishing and duely comparing Customs with the Rule, many are betray'd into woful Prejudices against many of their Fellow Christians that can't submit to the Customs they've a Fondness for. Now such as are govern'd by Custom, and are not able, or don't give themseves leave to Examine the Grounds of Custom, and whither it be Consonant to Reason and Scripture, will necessarily be prejudic'd in some measure against the Truth, whenever the Customs they follow, happen to be unlawful or inexpedient.
AGAIN, Sometimes Mens Prejudices in Matters of Religion owe their Original to their great Affection to, and high esteem of these and those Persons, and their mean tho'ts of others. There are too many who in this respect have the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with respect of Persons. They receive the Word as the Word of Man, and not as the Word o [...] God: Contrary to the roble practice of the Thessalonians, 1 Thes. 2.13. They practically call those whose Persons they have in Admiration, their Fathers; tho' our Saviour has expresly said, Call no man Father upon Earth, Mat. 23.9. i. e. ‘Submit not your Faith and Conscience in Matters of Religion to any Humane Authority; nor give up your selves absolutely to the conduct of any Mans Judgment in Matter of Faith.’ But search the Scripture daily, To the Law and to the Testimony, or, Come and See! Now [Page 9]when Persons will Embrace and Commend a Tenet or Practice, meerly for the sake of some they've an high e [...]teem of and reject a Principle or Practice, because some they've a mean opinion of are zealous for it, this will of Course [...]eget Prejudices in their Minds.
IT has been well said,
Amicus Plate, Amiens Aristotles, sed [...]gis Amien [...]titas!
AGAIN, Sometimes Mens Unweary Arguing from Events, produces Prejudices in their Minds. By this means persons are sometimes prejudic'd against the Servants of CHRIST. Thus when the Inhabitants of Melita of old, saw the Viper fatten on the Apostles Hand, they immediately thence inter, that he was a Murderer; and therefore tho' he had escaped the Sea, Vengeance suffered him not to live, Acts 28.4. But the Wise Man has told us that all things here come alike to all. And a greater than he has taught us, that the greatest Sufferers, are not always the greatest Sinners. Luk. 13. [...]nit. Men are sometimes ready to condemn these and those Principles and Practices, meerly because they occasion Division. But this argues they're prejudic'd in the Case. And this way of Arguing from the Event occasions this their Prejudice. But don't such forget, Joh. 7.7. So there was a division among the people because of him. And agreeably says our Saviour to His Disciples, Mat. 10.34— I came not to send peace, but a Sword—We. Eventually. Indeed, in many Cases we may and ought to argue from Events, but we can't do so in all. I said therefore Prejudice proceeds from an unwary arguing from Events. It is not always sufficient to prove [...] Action faulty, because the Event of it was Trouble some, or the occasion of a World of Sin; for Christ is a Scope of Stumbling and a Rock of Offence. Not [...]ffy the Person, but the Doctrine of Christ is so. 1 Cor. 1.23. The Preathing of Christ crucify'd is to the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishuess. And there are many [...] that stumble at the word. 1 Pet. 2.8.
[Page 10] AGAIN, Some Peoples Prejudices are occasioned by their Lusts and Idols. Thus the Disciples of Old were prejudic'd against Mary's Anointing our Saviour at the House of Simon the Leper. Matthew says, they'd indignation, saying, to what purpose is this waste [...] Chap. 26.8. Mark tells us, They murmur'd against her, Chap. 14.5. John informs us, that Judas Iscariot that betray'd him, said, Why was not this Ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor? Chap. 12.5. And adds, ver. 6. Not that he cared for the poor, but this he said, because he was a thief and had the bag, and bare what was therein. It was their Coveteousness that produc'd their Prejudice against that Noble Action, and the Godly Woman by whom it was done. Thus Mens inordinate Love of Money prejudices them against the Doctrine of giving Alms, and Works of Piety, or devoting their Tenths to Pious Uses. And their Love to many other Lusts, prejudices them against the Ministry of the Word: And the Administration of Discipline and Censure of the Church.
FINALLY, (to mention no more Particulars) Mens Prejudices are often owing to the Unskilfulness or Unfaithfulness and Cowardice, or Unexemplariness of the Ministers of the Gospel. Some Pretenders to the Sacred Function are Unskilful and cannot: Others are Cowardly and [...]are not; others are Idle and Lukewarm and do not; Others are Unfaithful and will not rightly divide the Word of Truth. They Preach themselves, study their own Ease and Secular Interest; Prophecy smooth things; and daub with Untempered Mortur; Crying Peace, Peace, when there is no Peace! Hence the People are Prejudiced against the Truth! Thus when the false Prophets of Old had flattered Ahab, that he should prosper at Ramoth-Gilend, this Prejudiced him against the Truth delivered to him by Micaiah, and confirmed h [...]s hatred of him, so that he order'd the Prophet to Prison, with direction that he should have Prisoners fare. [Page 11]Thus those Ministers that don't speak the Oracles of GOD, plainly, boldly, zealously and yet prudently, and live agreeably, will Prejudice their Hearers, it's to be feared, against the Truth faithfully dispensed by others.
AND now having considered some of the Causes of Mens Prejudices in Matters of Religion, I might have shown the Causes of Christians Prejudices against one another: And said that sometimes Christians (such as they are) are Prejudiced against others; because others are Prejudiced against them: Or, because they too easily take up Reports of their Fellow Christians, without enquiring into the Foundation thereof: or, because they hear of others Failings, but not of their Humiliations: The News of which is not wont to fly so swiftly as that of their Miscarriages: But it's beside my present design to insist on these things. Let us therefore,
Thirdly, CONSIDER, Some of the Woful Effects of Prejudice in Matters of Religion. These are very numerous; A few Instances may be proposed under two Heads. 1. They hinder much Good. 2. They do much Harm.
First, THEY hinder much Good. They hinder Mens doing good. They often hinder Mens accepting Christ and Entring on a Course of Religion. Some are prejudic'd against engaging in a Course of Religion, because they imagine that the power of Godliness is inconsistent with Pleasure; others, because they apprehend it will hurt their Worldly interest: Like the Young Man in the Gospel, who went away from Christ Sorrowful, because he had Great Possessions; and could not find in his heart to sell all, to buy the Pearl of great price; or, because they observe that some Professors of Religion, don't live answerably to their Profession. By such groundless Prejudices, some are diverted from giving up themselves to GOD.
[Page 12] AGAIN, These Prejudices, as they obstruct a work of Conversion, so they hinder a work of Reformation. So long and so far as Men are prejudic'd, either in favour of their own Corrupt Tenents, or Irreligious Practices; or against the Truths and Ways of God; they'll hold fast deceit and refuse to return. If they've left off to be wise and are gone back from God, and are turned aside after lying vanities; they'll not return, or but feignedly, while their woful Prejudice are retained. Briefly, let what will be amiss, and let it be ever so obvious, while the Man is under the Malignant Influence of Prejudice, he'll hold on his Way, and wax worse and worse.
AGAIN, Prejudice in matters of Religion hinders Mens Receiving Good. It lamentably obstructs the success of the Gospel, the Efficacy of the Word, Sacraments and Censures. The Word tho' ever so Excellently Preach'd won't profit, unless mined with Faith, received in Love, laid up in the Heart, and practised in the Life. Now Men won't do this, while prejudic'd against the Word. So then, these Prejudices, hinder Mens doing and receiving Good: They hinder the Divine Blessing from accompanying their Endeavours and the Means of Grace, and consequently the Glory of GOD and the Good of Souls, which is the Chief Good.
Secondly, THEY do much harm, they do a World of Mischief. First, they often hurt Mens Credit, fully their Reputation, darken their Character, and render them ignominious to a great degree.
HENCE, it is that Men often speak and act very Unreasonably; they're so far from carrying it Christianly, that they don't shew themselves Men. They'r like those the Apostle Peter describes, they speak evil of the things they understand not: Or, like those we read of, 1 Tim. 1.7. They understand neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. Now it is very dishonourable for any thus to [...] themselves, and act like the Horse and Mule that [Page 13]have no Understanding: Or, like the Adder, [...] a deaf ear to the voice of the C [...]r [...]er, charm he [...] so wisely.
AGAIN, These Prejudices hurt Mens [...]. To say nothing of their natural Tendency to lessen M [...]s [...]istates, by occasioning their mispence of Time in needless and Endless Dispates; By indisposing them for, or taking them of from their E [...]ess, (tho' [...] such things have mine Eyes sees) i'll consider only the [...] Influence of these Prejudices. From hence it is often [...] Men take wrong Me [...] in Getting; and don't take right Courses in laying out their [...] They're sometimes so prejudic'd against the [...] of Doing Good with their Estates, thro' their [...] Love of the World; that they don't Honour the Lord with their Substance; but with-hold more [...], Rob God Himself of his [...], and this brings [...] to Poverty, or prevents the Blessing of God, which [...]keth R [...], from accompanting their Labours and [...] in their particular C [...]ings.
AGAIN, These Prejudices [...] Meas. Posserity. As was said before, they're often propagated from one Go [...]ation to another. And no wonder, for Christians are too often, more zealous in some Little Points that are the Objects of their Prejudice, than in the weightiest Matters in Religion. Now GOD is won't to vi [...] the Iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children— And since it's not unusual for the same mo [...] Causes to produce the same Effects, they may justly expect, that, if Prejudice in the Parent, hinder'd the Divine Bless [...], and proour'd the Divine Malodiction; it will produce the same effect on the Child, that is under the Instance of it. Thus Men Entail a Curse on their Posterity by their Prejudices in Religion.
FURTHERMORE, These Prejudices, hurt Mens Souls. Were it only Mens Names, Estates and Families that were [Page 14]hurt, it were sad, but this is not all. They hurt their Souls, and that innumerable ways. They are sinful in themselves, and expose Men to numberless Temptations to Sin. They lay Men open to the Wiles of Satan, and give him (who loves to fish in troubled Waters) a great advantage to betray them into many Sins: They greatly quench and grieve and vex the Holy Spirit, and cause Him to suspend his Assisting and Comforting Influences. They hinder Mens Growth in Grace, and render them sometimes, meer Dwarss in Christianity all their Days.
AGAIN, They are Hurtful to Societies. They often occasion abundance of Sinful Contention and vain Jangling. They set on Fire the whole Course of Nature, and sometimes throw all into the last Confusion. And because of these things God is often angry, with whole Churches, and Nations and Kingdoms. None that are acquainted with Church History will doubt the Truth of this—
IN short, The Prejudices of Christians in Matters of Religion, tend to bring an Odium upon Religion it self and the Professors it; yea they reflect dishonour upon the Glorious Author of it, which is the greatest Mischief that can be thought of. As nothing does so much Commend Religion to the Love, Esteem and Practice of Men, as Unity and Charity among the Professors of it, joyn'd with their otherwise Blameless and Useful Lives: So, Nothing does more effectually Scandalize the World against Religion, and cause them to set their Mouths against the very Heavens, than Sinful Contentions and Animosities and want of Christian Charity among the Professors of it. Now if Prejudice be at the Bottom of all this, then that is ultimately the Blameable Cause that Religion is brought into Disrepute, and that Men say to the Almighty depart from us. But thus I've mention'd some of the Doleful Effects of Prejudice in Religious Matters, and proceed in the Last place to propose a Method of Preventing or Removing such Prejudices. And here are Two Inquiries to be briefly Answer'd.
[Page 15] First, WHAT should Christians do, to prevent these Prejudices? That they may'nt be infected with this Contagious Malady?
I Answer,
First, THEY should take heed of being prejudic'd at the Dispensers of the Word, or Professors of Religion. When once persons are prejudic'd against the Dispensers of the Word, they'll by and by be prejudic'd against their Ministry; their way of Preaching, yea against the Matter they preach. They'll sometimes groundlesly Suspect the Preacher has some particular Reference to their Case (and pray Sirs what if he has?) and this is an Unpardonable Crime with them! Hence they Nauseate and Disrelish the Best Sermons, and several ways they discover this; forgetting, Ministers are to give to every one their Portion in its Season, whither they will hear or whither they will forbear, and that upon pain of Eternal Damnation if they repent not. Ezek. 33.8. Such are therefore Unreasonable Men, with a witness (from all of whom, Libera nos Domine!) that are angry with the Ministers of CHRIST for telling them the Truth, seeing herein they do, but what it is their Duty to do; Necessity is laid upon them and wo be unto them if they do it not. They should then beware of being prejudic'd against the Ministers of Religion, that would Steer clear of Prejudices in Religion. For most certain it is, that when Men have learnt on any score to despise the Messengers of the LORD; they'll soon despise the Message, and loath the best Sermons they can preach, as the Israelites did the Manna in the Wilderness. Hence those very Sermons which whilst they were free from Prejudice, against the Ministers of the Gospel, they would have highly applauded, and thought they could scarce exceed in Commending, now they'll Hiss as scarce worth the Hearing. I speak what I know, and testify what I have seen in several Instances! Horres [...]o R [...]ferens.
[Page 16] AGAIN, They must also take hoed of being prejudic'd against the Professors of Religion, and looking upon them in general as a Company of Hypocrites. For though its probable there's none of our Churches, wherein there are not some Hypocrites, yet the Law of Charity obliges us to hope, that many it may be the most are Sincere. And such are very unjust that condemn all, for the sake of some few. And they act very unsafely in this respect, in that this their way tends to prejudice them against Religion.
Secondly, THEY should be well acquainted with the Word of GOD, and Read and Hear it and submit to it as the Word of GOD.
THE Sacred Scriptures are able to make wise unto Salvation, to enlighten the Eyes; and make wise the Simple. They are perfect, Teaching all that is necessary to be Believed and Done in Religion. And so long and so far as our Judgments and Practices are govern'd by the Word of GOD, we're safe; there's no Danger of our being prejudic'd against the Truths and Ways of GOD. But when we depart from this Rule, we are immediately in Danger. So then Christians should search the Scriptures daily and diligently, and labour to Understand what they Read and Hear, and Submit to what they find to be the Truth, how contrary soever to their Opinion or Practice, Humour or Interest: Or to the Opinion or Practice of any other Person or Party. Christians must therefore Read and Hear the Word, as the Word of GOD, and not as the Word of Man. For when once Christians come to hear Sermons as the Word of Man and look no further, not considering in whose stead the Ministers of the Gospel stand while in the Discharge of their Office; and in whose Name they speak; they'll soon be in danger of saying at least in their Practice, as the Hearers of the Prophet Jeremiah, Chap. 6.16, 17. — We will not Walk therein — We will not Hearken:
[Page 17] Thirdly, THEY should take heed of Superstition. Some Persons are much addicted to Superstition. Thus it is with most that are of a Scrupulous Conscience. They'r ready to look upon many things as Sins, which God has not forbidden: And many things as Duty which GOD has not required. They'd be wiser and holier, not only than their Teachers, but then God Himself. Whereas it is by the Law, we attain the knowledge of Sin, And where there is no Law there is no Transgression. Now as Prejudice sometimes begets Superstition, so Superstition leads to Prejudice, and not seldom ends in it, as in an enchanted Circle. Christians then must carefully avoid Superstition, or beware of thinking themselves or others, oblig'd to do more than the Law requires, or to abstain from what the Law no where forbids.
Fourthly, COME and See. i. e. Get and maintain within you a Teachable, Governable Disposition. Come and See. [...] Exercise your Reason. Don't shut your Eyes against the Light. Hear Counsel and receive Instruction that ye may be wise in your Latter End. Shew your selves Men, and act like Causes by Counsel. Remember how you have received and heard. Consider and take Advice. Particularly, Come and See the Evil Causes of Prejudice [...] See how it is owing Originally to the Corruption of our Nature; and that Satan has a deep Design in promoting Prejudice in the minds of Christians; and that sometimes against some of the least Commands, knowing what our Saviour has said, Ma [...]. [...].19. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Come and see that the Righteous God, does sometimes suffer this own Servants to labour of these Prejudices, for a Time and in a Degree. Peter himself, was prejudic'd against the Doctrine of our Saviours Sufferings. And how severely [...] our Saviour rebuke him, Mat. 16, 23. Get thee behind me Satan—.
AGAIN, Come and see the Doleful Effects of Prejudice, [Page 18]how it makes way for Sattn's entring into Men, and gives him a great Advantage against them: How it keeps Christ out of the Soul, and keeps Multitude of Souls out of Heaven. And oftentimes, it is a small matter at first that occasions the Prejudice, or that Persons are Prejudic'd about, that proves fatal and ruinous. A small matter sometimes prejudices Christians against one another, whereby they're betray'd into many Sins, and diverted from many Duties, and they are left to go on in the paths of the Destroyer, heaping up Wrath against the Day of Wrath—.
Finally, BE much in Prayer to GOD to keep your Hearts and Minds thro' Christ Jesus. All our Endeavours to keep our selves will be in vain unless GOD undertake for us. He is Israels Keeper, He keepeth the feet of His Saints! Let us then commit the keeping of our Souls to Him, who is able to keep what we commit to Him; and to present us faultless before the presence of His Glory with exceeding Joy!
But then the
Second Enquiry is, WHAT should Christians do when under Prejudice, to get their Prejudices Removed? What shall they do, that their Minds may be cured of this evil Disease, which weakens and defiles their Minds; Unfits them for and hinders them in then Operations, Tarnishes their B [...]y, and will prove deadly to the Soul, unless it be realed
First, COME and See. If you've any reason to suspect, if any Wise, Knowing, Experienc'd Christians suggest to you their Fears you are infected with this Disease, Come to the Word and to the House of GOD, and try your selves by the Signs of Prejudice propos'd there. It's a rul'd Case, determin'd by the Infallible Judge of Com [...]ersies, even Jesus Christ, That be that doth evil bateth the Light,—Job. 3.20. It's also an Argument of Prejudic, when Persons reject Principles and Practices in Religion, because embrac'd and profess'd and attended to, by such as they've no Charity for. Alas the Truth [Page 19]is as precious in the Church of Rome, as in the Churches of New England. This Truth can lose nothing of its Excellency because believ'd and profess'd by an Heretick. Its never the less a precious Truth, That its safest to Trust to the Righteousness of CHRIST alone for Justification, because Bellarmine the Atlas of Popery confess'd it at his Death. Its never the less a precious Truth and a Fundamental Article of our Holy Religion, That Jesus Christ is the Son of God, because the Devils in our Saviours Time confess'd it (without doubt) with a cursed Design to prejudice the World against it. Now this I say, Try your selves by such Signs; and be willing to know you are infected with this Distemper, if you are so. What Good will it do you to perswade your selves, you are well, when you are Sick. Some People in a Phrenzy, or Delirious, when the Mortal Fever is even at the height think themselves well, and they would destroy themselves if not prevented. But before the Distemper prevail thus far, see your Malady, and see your Danger; See the Necessity and Advantage of your being healed, and also the Necessity of your being in the Use of Means. You will never be cured if you do not do so. The whole have no need of the Physician, but they that are Sick.
Secondly, SEEK out seasonably and in good earnest for Help. The longer you delay, the more the Disease will prevail, and the more difficult will be the Cure. If other Methods avail not, repair to your Spiritual Physician, your Pastor, and be content to follow his Direction, and, don't be angry with him, for telling you that you'r infected (as the manner of some is) and giving you an Account of the Rise, Seat and Tendency of your Distemper, and how 'twill operate, and what you must do to be cured; and for doing his utmost to heal you.
Thirdly, FOLLOW the Instructions of your Spiritual Physician, so far as they are consistent with Scripture and Reason, and don't meddle with such as don't understand your Malady, or with such things as may be a disservice [Page 20]to you. This is tho't Reasonable amongst Men, in other Cases, we all readily submit to this Method, when we or ours are Sick —. We don't baulk the Directions of the Physician because the pursuing of them, will put us in Pain, or make us Sick, or it may be occasion us some shame, and a little shock our Modesty. Well, Let us be as wise for our Souls.
Finally, LOOK [...] GOD to direct to, and bless Means for your Cure. Without Him, we are all Physicians of no value! He is the Great Physician of Souls, The Lord our Healer. And tho' He will have us use the Means, we must not rest in them, but wait on Him for a Blessing. And in as much as in this Case, our Disease is also our Sin, we must bewail it before God, and beg of Him Repentance and Forgiveness.
I shall now shut up the Discourse, with saying Two Things upon the whole,
First, LET us Pity and Pray for and as we can be Helpful to such as Labour under such Prejudice as we have heard something of. We are all of us Objects of Pity, when and so far, as we are under the power of such Prejudice. We are then especially objects of the Divine Compassion in that respect, and wo unto us if God should mark such our Iniquities against us! We are also, under such Circumstances so far objects of the Pity of our Fellow-Christians. Let us then have Compassion one towards another, and manifest it, by Praying heartily one for another: Bearing one anothers Burdens, and making all [...] sonable Allowance one for another; and Endeavouring with the Meekness of Wisdom to heal one another. Indeed Christians that seem wilfully prejudiced, are to be admonished and reproved, but then we must do it seasonably and suitably: still remembring and governing our selves by these Rules, Let all things be done to the Glory of God: To Edification and in Charity, as well as Decently and in Order.
[Page 21] Secondly, LET us all take heed of Prejudice in Matters, wherein Religion is concerned. This is our Luty, Wisdom and Interest. The Light of Nature, The Word of GOD. The woful Experience of the People of GOD oblige to this. These Prejudices render us so far unlike to God. While we indulge them we are making work for Repentance, and lay our selves open to the Devices of Satan. Let such as think they stand, take heed then, least they fall. He that is not Prejudiced in this or the other case, and that stands and wonders at his Neighbour's weakness, may be as miserably Prejudiced in some other case, it God see meet to let loose his Corruptions, and suffer the Evil One to assault Him. Let us then, not be high-minded but fear!
AND now to Him that is able to keep us from falling, or, to recover us if fallen, under the Influence of Prejudice in Religion; To the only Wise God our Saviour, be Glory and Majesty, Dominion and Power, both now and Ever. AMEN.
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