Moses a Witness unto our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST.
For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed Me; for he write of me.
OUR Lord Jesus is here discoursing with the unbelieving Jews, affirming himself to be the Messiah whom they looked for and ought to believe in. At the 17. v. of the Chapter he told them that GOD was his Father, and that He was One with Him in Essence and Working. At this they took great Offence, because he made himself equal with GOD. But our LORD justified what he had sail, and added many like glorious Words thereunto, respecting his own Eternal God-head and Divine Nature.
HE told 'em, that as the Father hath life in Himself, so he hath given to the Son to have life in Himself: that a [...] raiseth up the Dead and quickneth the [...] [...] [...]in Sin or in [Page 2]the Grave) even so the Son quickneth whom he will: that the Father hath committed all Judgment (the present Government of the World and the final Judgment of it) to the Son, that all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father.
AND then in Confirmation of all that he had said concerning Himself he produces three Witnesses. 1. He appeals to the Testimony of John the Baptist, whose words concerning Christ some of them had heard, and they had born him (as he well deserv'd) a high Reverence. This was He of whom Maiachi, the last of the Prophets of the Old Testament had spoken, saying, Behold I send my Messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me, and the LORD whom ye seek shall suddenly come into his Temple. 2. Our Lord appeals to the Works and Miracles which he had wro't, as a greater Testimony than that of John. And lastly, He refers 'em to the Scriptures of the Old Testament, and particularly to the Writings of Moses. 1. To those Scriptures in general: v. 39. Search the Scriptures (and none other were then extant but the writings of Moses and the Prophets) for in them ye have Eternal life, and these are they which testify of me. 2. To the Writings of Moses in particular: v. 45, 46, 47. Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father, (i. e. I am not your only Accuser) there is one that accuseth you, even Moses in whom you trust: For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed Me, for he wrote of me: But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?
THE Jews had and ever will have a great and just Veneration for Moses. They are his known and professed Disciples. He was under God the Lawgiver to and founder of the Jewish Church. In him they trusted, as our Context speaks; and they did well to trust and conside in his Veracity; for he was faithful in all his house, as the Apostle to the Hebrews says.
[Page 3] HE was the first Inspired Writer and Pen man of Scripture [...] the Father of the Prophets and a Prince among 'em. Like him there arose not another in Israel whom the Lord knew face to face. He stands liken'd to CHRIST the Lord of the Prophets: A Prophet like unto thee shall the LORD thy GOD raise up.
THE highest sort of Revelation was among the Jews called Gradus Mosaicus ‖ They conceive of it as an Immediate Divine Impression on the Understanding, without fear, amazement or fainting. They think that He only among the Prophets preserv'd his ordinary temper under the highest Revelations of GOD to Him. Whereas Daniel and John, the favourite Prophet and Apostle, fainted under their Visions; yet were they Men highly beloved and of an excellent Spirit.
TO this Moses now our LORD JESUS appeals in my Text: He shall speak and witness for Him to the Jews: He their own Prophet and Lawgiver shall be their Judge: By his writings they shall be Convinced or Condemned. He accuses them for their Unbelief and Infidelity. Had the Jews but heeded and rightly understood what Moses had wrote, they would have believed in and received our LORD JESUS. In rejecting Him they did in effect deny and reject Moses himself.
THIS is our SAVIOUR's Argument in my Text, and it was ad Homines; the best that could be to have convinc'd the Jews, and I hope it appears to You much to our present purpose on such a Ones Conversion to the Faith in Christ, and Submission to the Baptism of JESUS. Had ye believed Moses ye would have believed Me, for he wrote of Me.
HOW forcible are right words! this is open, sincere, [Page 4]bold and daring Argument. And this was the manner of our LORD and his Apostles always. See Luk. 24.27. And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, he expounded thro' all the Scriptures the things concerning himself. And so the Apostles converted the World, witnessing both to small and great and saying none other things than those which the Prophets and Moses did say should come. This way Paul took (in the wisdom of GOD) to convince his Countrymen at Rome; Acts 28.23. He expounded and testified the Kingdom of GOD, perswading them concerning Jesus, both out of the Law of Moses, and out of the Prophets, from morning till evening. A most delightful Argument, and which would hold one much longer and not tire him. I may say of it, as the Disciples in the presence of their transfigured LORD did, while Moses and Elias talked with Him, — It is good to be here
BUT I have only a few minutes allow'd me to show you from Moses that JESUS is the Christ. I can only give you a short Specimen out of his writings. We believe the writings of Moses, therefore we believe in CHRIST. I can only lay before you a few select Instances out of the first Book of Moses, called Genesis. As, 1. the Promise of the seed of the Woman to break the Serpents head. 2. Abel's acceptable Sacrifice. 3. The promises and Covenant of GOD given to Abraham. And 4. The Blessing of Judah. — In many other Instances, Moses wrote of Christ, but these are some of the most Eminent which ly first in the Order of his Writings.
I. PASSING over what the Apostle says concerning Adam that he was the figure of Him that was to come; I insist upon the first and very famous Promise of a SAVIOUR unto miserable Man upon his fall; Namely, that HE should be the Seed of the Woman and should bruise the Serpents [Page 5]head, which should bruise his heel. Gen. 3.15. This is so fully answer'd and explained in the Account we have of the Conception, birth and death of our LORD JESUS, that nothing can be more plain and familiar. He was born of a Virgin, made of a Woman, by the power of the Highest: A Virgin did conceive and bare a Son, and the Holy thing born of Her was the Son of GOD. See and compare Isai. 7.14. with Matth. 1.23. Luke. 1.35. and Gal. 4.4. Christ's heel was His Humane Nature wherein He trod upon our Earth: This was bruised in His Crucifixion and Death: But at the same time the Serpents head was broken hereby, the Kingdom and works of the devil destroyed by it.
Maimenides, the great Jewish Doctor and Interpreter, justly admir'd this passage, (as Bp. Patrick quotes him) ‘That the Seed of the Woman should be only mentioned an not of Adam. This (said he) is one of the passages in Scripture which is most wonderful, and not to be understood according to the Letter, but contains great wisdom in it.’
VERY true, Great is this Mystery of Godliness, God manifested in the firsh, to destroy the Works of the devil. The Son of GOD too [...] our Nature of the Blessed Virgin Mary; the Old Serpent, which is the devil and satan, did all that he could to destroy Him by Temptations and Persecutions; in the first way be prevailed nothing, the Evil one came and found nothing in Him; in the last way he reach'd his heel. His Holy and Flesh, which was bruised indeed in His Crucifixion; but by that very means the devil himself was conquer'd and van [...] [...] and Mankind redeemed; and so the Serpents head was broken. Heb. 2.14. Thro' death He destroyed him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.
SO that CHRIST our Saviour, as revealed to us by the Gospel, in the manner of His Incarnation and in the End and glorious fruit of His Death, was [Page 6]more obscurely revealed to Adam as soon as he had fallen. The Sum of the Mystery of CHRIST is undeniably contained and delivered in this Prediction; It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
CHRIST's heel was literally bruised, when His feet were pierced and nailed to the Cross, but then the Serpents head was broken because CHRIST did on the Cross spoil Principalities and Powers, triumphing over them, Col. 2.15. This then as it is among the first, so the most Eminent passages in the Writings of Moses to be Interpreted concerning CHRIST.
II. I Instance in Abel's Sacrifice and Sufferings. Righteous Abel ‖. who has been esteemed a beautiful Type of Christ in his Sanctity, in his acceptable Sacrifice, and in his Sufferings and Martyrdom: Only the Blood of JESUS speaketh better things than the blood of Abel, Heb. 12.24.
IT appears from Abels Offering, of the first-lings of his flock and of the fat thereof, and the LORD's having respect thereto; Gen. 4.4. That Sacrificing was certainly an Instituted mode of Worship from the fall of Man, a Positive Law given to Adam; without which it would never have enter'd into Adams or Abels heart to have offer'd the bloody Victims of Peasts unto GOD.
I am not ignorant that some of the Learned Rabbi's, † and by name Maimonides, R. Levi Ben Gerson, and Isaac Abrabenel, and with them the Learned Hugo [...]rotius, have thought and taught otherwise: But I think I have right Reason and the whole Tenor of Scripture, as well as the Consent of Christian Doctors in what I have said. It doth not seem at all probable, as Bp. Patrick on the place says, that Adam would have presumed to have invented [Page 7]a way of Worship, by killing Beasts and burning their fat: Especially since one cannot find any Inclination to it in Nature. Doubtless he had the Direction of God herein, and probably those Beasts of whose Skins the Lord made Cloathing for our fallen Parents were the first Sacrifices offer'd to GOD. Eusebius therefore well judges that this way of Worship was not taken up by chance, nor by a Humane Motion. I wonder not therefore at all that Plate should be at such a loss about this Rite of Worship, "as to say that it was not possible for our mortal Nature to know the reason of it. Nor has it surpriz'd me to find those that were eno' Masters of Reason among the Gentiles, who having long before loft the Notices of the Divine Original Institution and of the reason thereof, did ridicule as far as they durst the Sacrifices of their days as a foolish piece of Superstition; it seeming very Absurd to them to suppose the Deity should be pleased in, or served acceptably by, the blood of Beasts. And I confess that to the bare reason of Mankind, unenlightened by the Holy Scriptures, it might well look so. But now Christianity makes plain to us the Reason and End of the Institution of Sacrifices from the beginning.
MAN had by Sin forfeited his life, his Soul, into the hand of GOD's avenging Justice. GOD had given unto Man the promise of a Saviour, and a Covenant of Life, Pardon and Salvation. To obtain this for us the SON of GOD was to take our Nature in his appointed time, and therein die a Sacrifice for Sin, and make his Soul an Offering by the shedding his precious blood. Now as typical hereof and to direct the eyes and Faith of Mankind to the Great Sacrifice in the Death of their Saviour, GOD instituted to Adam and to his Posterity until the time of the Death of CHRIST the Worshipping him by Sacrifices; being the Offering of the Lives and blood of [Page 8]some Beasts to Him in a solemn and religious manner directed by Him.
ACCORDINGLY we may be sure that Adam practis'd himself, and also instructed his Children in the Mode of worshipping GOD by Sacrifice, and in the meaning thereof. Whence it was that Abel offer'd his excellent Sacrifice: He exercis'd Faith in the great Sacrifice of his SAVIOUR, which was to take away Sin; he look'd to the Great Sacrifice of Attonement in the sense of Mans Sin and Apostacy from GOD: He humbled himself before his Judge, deprecated Divine Wrath, and implored Forgiveness, by Faith in the promised Saviour.
CERTAINLY Abel's faith, celebrated by the Apostle, had this respect to GOD's Institution, and to the Promise of a Redeemer, who in the typical Reference of these first Sacrifices was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the World, Rev. 13.8. It is the first Figure left on Record of CHRIST's death, and of the infinite pleasure that GOD hath therein.
I pass over Enoch's translation, and Noah's preservation; and come to the third Instance.
III. IN the Covenant and Promises of GOD given unto Abraham. On this I shall enlarge a little. " Abraham was a typical Head of GOD's Church and Covenant People: CHRIST is the true Head. To Abraham and to his Seed were the Promises made, so are the Promises of the Eternal Inheritance to the Elect in Christ. In Abraham were the two Dispensations of the Covenant of Grace shadowed out, the Legal and the Evangelical. See Gal [...] 22, 25. Moreover, Abrahams illustrious Submissions to the Will of GOD, and the Glorious Instances of his entire and absolute Obedience thereunto, may be esteemed very bright Figures of the perfect Obedience of our LORD JESUS, both Active and Passive. His [Page 9]offering up his Isaac at GOD's Call is a kind of figure of the FATHER's not sparing his Only begotten Son, but delivering Him up for us all. And his prevailing Intercessions for others, is no obscure Shadow of the Efficacious Mediation of CHRIST. To be particular,
1. VERY famous is the Promise and Blessing given to Abraham, and three times over repeated to him, Gen. 12.3. In thee shall all the Families of the Earth be blessed. 18.18. All the Nations of the Earth shall be blessed in him. 22.18. And in thy Seed shall all the Nations of the earth he blessed. Verily there is some mighty Blessing contained in these Words; of Universal and Everlasting extent, not only to the Natural seed and Posterity of Abraham, but to all People and Languages under Heaven; to be obtained for them and derived to them by this Promised SEED. The Apostle to the Galatians gives us the true Interpretation and only Fulfilment of this Promise. Gal. 3.7, 8, 9, 14, 16. The Scripture foreseeing that GOD would justify the Heathen through faith, preached before the Gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all Nations be blessed. So then they which be of Faith are blessed with faithful Abraham. — To Abraham and his seed were the Promises made. He saith not, and to Seeds, as of many; but as of One, And to thy SEED, which is CHRIST.
THE Sum and Substance of the Gospel was thus preached to Abraham in a very few words. CHRIST is the Grand Blessing to the World: All the Families of the Earth that are blessed by GOD are blessed in Him; All that believe in Him are blessed of whatever Families of the Earth they be; The Messiah was to come from Abraham's joins as CHRIST did, the common Saviour and highest Blessing of lost Sinners. Act. 3.25. Unto you GOD having raised up his Son JESUS, hath sent him to [Page 10]bless you by turning you every one from his Iniquity.
CHRIST is this Singular, Eminent and particular Seed promised to Abraham, the Author of all Blessings ( the Author of Eternal Salvation) to Mankind.
2. THE great Rite and Sacrament of Circumcision which GOD gave to Abraham and his Seed, the Sign and Seal of His Covenant in their flesh: Gen. 17.10, 11. contained in it much Gospel Mystery. It is called the Covenant of Circumcision, Act. 7.8. And a Seal of the Righteousness of Faith. Rom. 4.11. And we are said upon our believing in CHRIST to be circumcised with the Circumcision made without hands, in putting off the sins of the flesh by the Circumcision of Christ. Col. 2.11. By all which it appears that this great Article in the Jewish Religion had a singular Aspect on CHRIST and Accomplishment in Him.
THE Covenant of Circumcision, and my Covenant in your flesh: "It is a Sacramental phrase, ‖ the Sign for the thing signified; as the Lamb was call'd the Passover, and as the Bread and Wine are called the Body of CHRIST: So Circumcision was called the Covenant, i. e. the instituted Memorial of it. Thus Christ was given for a Covenant to the people; Isai. 49.8. And this was seal'd to Abraham in Circumcision, that GOD would give him a blessed SEED, even CHRIST.
CIRCUMCISION indeed look'd to a Church-seed, a believing Seed: But it seems Ordained primarily with an Eye unto the promised Seed that should proceed from the loins of Abraham. And some give this particular Reason why it was peculiar to the Males, from the Respect it bare to CHRIST's blood. "It was a bloody Ordinance, and one kind of Instance (says Mr. Henry) how that all things by [Page 11]the Law were purged with blood. Heb. 9.22. Surely it was a sort of the Blood of the Covenant which the LORD made with that People.
IT was (as Baptism now is) ‖ a Sacrament of Initiation into the Covenant of Grace: A sign to represent, and a Seal to ratify and confirm, the Bonds and Blessings of it. It held forth the sufferings of CHRIST, whose blood began to be shed in His Circumcision. He bare our sorrows even from His Cradle in His holy flesh: for as He know no Sin, so He needed not to have been Circumcised, but as He was made Sin, and under the Law for us. Circumcision shadowed forth the spotless and glorious Righteousness of the Promised Seed; His Personal Purity and Holiness and the Spirituality and Sanctity of His Laws: That the Sinner must be Holy and Spiritual like Him in heart and life, and by faith in Him stand Holy and as without Sin in the sight of GOD.
AS therefore we now are buried with Christ in Baptism, so they of old were mystically Ingraffed into Him by Circumcision: And in the Baptism of our Children we are compleat in Christ, even as the Jews were by the Extent of GOD's Covenant unto their Children, in the Faederal Rite of Circumcision.
THERE are moreover some other Illustrious Figures of CHRIST that belong unto the Story of Abraham.
3. ONE is the famous Character of Melchizedek, and His blessing Abraham upon his Return from the slaughter of the Kings. We have the Story written by Moses, Gen. 14.18, 19, 20. And the Apostle expounds it for us concerning CHRIST, Heb. 5.6, 10. and 6.20. and again through out the whole Seventh Chapter of that Epistle, where the Apostle opens at large and applies to Christ the Psalmists words, in Psal. 110. Thou art a Priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.
[Page 12] WHO this Melchisedec was we know not, and therefore is it hidden from us, that he might be the more Illustrious a Type of Christ: for being introduced without Father, without Mother, without beginning of days or end of life, he was made like the Son of GOD, of Wh [...]m it is said, — And who shall declare his Generation?
MELCHIZEDEC was King of Salem, so Christ is the Prince of peace. Melchizedec was both King and Priest together, and so is Christ unto His Church for ever. Christ abideth a Priest continually, as of Melchizedec it is witnessed that be liveth: Heb. 7.8. i. e. The Scripture speaks only of his living and nothing of his death; as if he had liv'd for ever, and were like CHRIST a Priest for ever after the power of an endless life.
THIS Melchizedec bro't forth Bread and Wine unto Abraham, as Christ has lest the ‖ same Memorial of Himself to his Church, to represent the spiritual Provision of strength and comfort laid up for us in the Covenant of Grace, for our refreshment in our spiritual Warfare and conflicts. Melchizedek appears in this Act and in his Office greater than Abraham, for he received Tithes from him, and blessed him in the Name of the Most High GOD; and without all Contradiction (says the Apostle) the less is blessed of the Greater: Yea Levi also, and the Aaronical Priestnood it self, paid tithes to this Melchizedec in the loins of Abraham. Heb. 7.7, 9. Agreeably you know to whom it was said,— Art thou greater than our Father Abraham? and who it was that said of himself,— Before Abraham was I am. As Melchisedec blessed Abraham, so GOD has sent His SON JESUS to bless us,— and whom he blesseth are Flessed indeed. Melchisedec blessed GOD for Abraham, so Christ is the Mediator both [Page 13]of our prayers and praises, to offer up ours and his own for us. Abraham gave the tithes of all his spoil to Melchisedek, which Homage and Acknowledgment is due from us to Christ, whose we are and all that we have.
IN this Blessing of Abraham by Melchisedec all Believers are virtually blessed by Jesus Christ: (says the devout Mr. Burkit.) For Melchisedec represented Christ in what he did, and Abraham represented all his believing spiritual Seed in his receiving the Blessing. And truly it looks as if our Tithes were the Proportion due still to Christ out of our Estate under the Gospel; because Abraham paid it to Christ, in Him who was so great a Type of Him, so long before the Days of Moses. For therefore the T [...]the is not to be reckoned to belong to the Ceremonial Law, or to be only of the Levitical Obligation and Antiquity; for though Moses requir'd it as he did Circumcision also, yet neither of 'em were Originally of Moses, but of the Fathers, John 7.22.
TO conclude, Melchizedek as a Priest had no Predecessor nor Suc [...], so neither is the glorious Priesthood of Chr [...] derived from or transmitted unto any, but it is an Unchangeable Priesthood. Now consider how Great this Man was! — but why? — even because he was the Representative of Him who is the King and Priest of His Church.
4. THE other Figure and Type of CHRIST in the History of Abraham is his Offering up his Son, his Only Son, Isaac, whom he loved, at the command of GOD. Gen. 23. Isaac was the promised and blessed Seed, the chosen of GOD, and the Darling of his Father: Abraham was bid to offer him up with his own hands in Sacrifice. So GOD spared not His Only begotten Son, but delivered. Him up for us all. The Wood for the fire was said on Isaac to bear as a figure of Christ's bearing [Page 14]His Cross. Isaac was the Lamb for the Burnt-Offering: Christ is the Lamb of GOD whose blood was shed for us, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot. GOD freely gave his Son to die for us, the Son of GOD freely laid down his own life, he made it his own Act: So Obedient and Innocent Isaac seems to have submitted freely to his Father, in the offering of himself; without objecting against the Will of GOD, without any struggling or resistance, without any attempt to escape. Isaac was bound however for the Altar and laid upon it, so Christ was bound in order to his death. Moreover, In the very Mountains of Moriah where Isaac was offer'd, the Temple which was the Place of Sacrifices was afterward built: See the 2 Chron. 3.1. And here was Mount Calvary where Christ was crucified. At last Isaac was released by the Angels Voice from Heaven, and a Ram (provided by the hand of Heaven and presented there) was offer'd in his stead; which Ram was the figure of Christ Sacrificed in our place, and of the Believers discharge from death by his death. It might moreover signify, that the offering up that Blessed Seed lately promised, and typified by Isaac, should be ‖ suspend [...] till the fulness of time, and that in the mean w [...]e the Sacrifices of beasts should be still accepted, as they had hitherto been; to be unto the Church the pledges of that great Expiation which should one day be made by the death of Christ. In a word, the Ram was a Sacrifice of God's providing and not Mans: So the Incarnation and Death of Christ was the gracious and blessed provision of Heaven for us, and not ours for our selves; and should be to our surprize and joy, as it was to Abraham to hear the Angels words, and to see the Ram fast in the thicket.
[Page 15] I pass over Jacobs Ladder, and Joseph; Sufferings and Exaltation, and shall only lay before you,
IV. THE Blessing of Judah from the dying lips of Jacob. Ger. 10.8, 10. Judah, thou art He whom thy Brethren shall praise; thy band shall be in the neck of thine Enemies; thy Fathers children shall how down before thee; — the Scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a Langiver from between his feet until Shileb [...], and unto Him shall the gathering of the People be. From this Prediction the Christian Church has always prov'd against the Jews that the Messiah is come, that JESUS is HE, and that we are not to look for another.
THE name Judah signifies praise: his Mother gave it him to express her Thankfulness to GOD, but Providence had a further meanning in it, because of the future Honours and Fame or that Neble Tribe; particularly the Royal Dignity its refting in it, and the Messiah's coming cut of it. This was the praise of Judah. It was a numerous and warlike Tribe; for Courage and valour, Conquest and victory likned to a Lion: and you know who it is that is called, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah; even our Victorious, risen, ascended and reignite JESUS. Rev. 5.5.
BUT the most Eminent Prophecy is in the tenth verse; The Scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a Lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come; and unto Him shall the Gathering of the People be.
THE Jews have been as much confounded by the Interpretation and Application of this Prophecy to the Person and Time of our Saviour, as almost by any one in the Old Testament. They generally own that by Shilch is meant the Messiah. So the Talmudists, Cairites, Cabbalists, Targum, Onkelos and others do agree, as Monficur Basnage proves. The [Page 16]various Interpretations given of this Mysterious Word do all agree to the Messiah. Some read Shiloh—Him that is Sent; a well known Name of Christ: Others read it — His Son or Seed; others the Peaceable, the prosperous, August, renown'd. The Messiah or Christ is all these in a way of Eminence.
JUDAH by this Prophecy was to have the Scepter, and the Lawgiver was to be of him, till about the time of the Coming of Christ it should fore this Honour and Pre-eminence above the other Tribes; while at the same time the Gentile Nations should be called.
THE word Schevet, which we read Scepter, might also be translated Tribe. Moses several times uses the Word in this sense, and Mr. Basnage thinks him the best Interpreter of himself. The sense then would be — Judah shall remain a Tribe until Shiloh come. Now if this be the true Reading it was wonderfully fulfill'd, as every child knows. For the Kingdom of Judah were not captivated and loft with the ten Tribes of Israel, who broke off under Jeroboam from the House of David, and were carried away by Salmanasser, and we scarce know what became o [...] 'em unto this day. But Judah continued a Kingdom about a hundred Years after, and then was carry'd Captive to Babylon, where the poor Tribe was in a manner preserv'd Entire, and after Seventy Years as many as would return'd & rebuilt Jernsalem, under the favour of Cyrus and other Persian Empetors; and in time it reviv'd again into a kind of Kingdom, and gave the Name of Judea to the Land of Israel, and so continued to the Coming of Christ: For the little Tribe of Benjamin, the Remains of Levi, and some few poor Families of some other Tribes were in a manner Incorporated into, and lost in this of Judah. But soon after the death of Christ came on the destruction of Jerusalem, and the disperxsion [Page 17]of the Tribe of Judah, and these Remains of that woful People are dissipated thro' the Earth, no more a distinct Tribe; their Genealogies are lost and confounded; there's not a Family, no not the House of David, that know certainly or can prove their line and descent.
BUT let us read the Word Schebet Rod; and the Question is, What kind of red is here meant? The Jews perversly say, in spite of the scope of the whole Blessing here given, It is the Rod of Correction: which they are indeed under in the utmost Emphasis of the Word. But this Interpretation does the utmost Violence to the Context, which speaks altogether of Judahs Preheminence, Honour, Superiority, plenty felicity; Majesty, Victory and Empire. This therefore ought to determine the sense for us, that it is the Red of Dignity and Government that is here meant, which is to say a Scepter; the strong Red of them that hear rule. Ezek. 10.11.
THE LXX therefore read it [...], the Ruler; of whose Authority and Dignity the Rod, Staff and Scepter is the Ensign. Amos 1.5. Him that holdeth the Scepter: i. e. the King or Chief Ruler. Very justly therefore do we translate it Scepter, and the Prophecy was that Judah should hold it.
THE other Word Mech [...]kek, which we translate Lawgiver, signifies, (as Bp Patrick observes both from the Scripture and Jewish use of the word) a Power and Government inferiour to the Royal Dignity; Governours dependent on and deriving from Another that is Supream; such as after the Captivity were set over the Jews by the Kings of Persia, and afterward by the Roman Empire.
FROM the days of David to the Babylonish Captivity Judah had properly the Scepter or Royal Power: And after their return from Babylon to the days of our Saviour and a few years after, they had a Government and Governours among them; and generally before our Saviours time the Governour [Page 18]in Chief was of themselves; and the Government was mostly Jewish, the Great Council or Sanedrim having great power and Authority unquestionably lodged in them. At the Birth of CHRIST the Romans had the Sovereignty over 'em, and the poor Remains of Power and Dignity were departing apace from Judah.
Mr. Basnage thinks we have been too much cazled with the word Scepter, as if it must necessarily imply a proper Regal Authority. This (he thinks) has run Christian Exp [...]sitors into inextricable Lybyrinths; in as much as there were no Kings of Judah from Moses to David; so neither any from the Captivity in Babylon to the last destruction of Jerusalem. So that the prope Scepter or Regal Authority began 600 Years after the Oracle of Jacob, continued but about 500 Years, and ended 500 before Christ; and so in no wife seems to answer the Prophecy.
BY Scepter therefore he would have us to understand only a High Degree of Preheminence, which was the portion of Judah when it did not hold the Regal Scepter. Judah excell'd the other Tribes in Numbers and in Valour. When the Government was Aristocratical Judah had the first port, and march'd at the head of the Tribes. When it was Monarchial, the Kings were chiefly of this Tribe, yea in a constant Succession they were so from the time of David. And wh [...] the Council or Sanedrim govern'd, Judah was the Tribe in Being, and Jerusalem the Seat of the Government. Thus in all respects it had the Preheminence.
BUT now the last Destruction of Jerusalem has confounded this Tribe of Judah and scatter'd them thro' the Earth. It has only this Shadow of Preheminence left, that in its dispersion it is preserved a distinct Body among the Nations, here a Person and there a Family or two, but uncertain for the most part whether they belong to Levi, to Benjamin or to Judah. The Scepter subsists no where, nor has it been any where for more than Sixteen whole Centuries [Page 19]past. Judah is a Vegab [...]nd and Fugitive; the Scepter is departed, not by an Interruption of 70 Years as before, but thro' a Duration of 1700 Years.
ALL this proves that Shil [...]b is come, and points unto our LORD JESUS as the Blessed Person so called, upon whose death the dispersion of Judah followed, as He with tears foretold and threatned. And unto Him we have seen the G [...]th [...]ing of the People to be; and we cur selves (among the Gentile Nations) are a part of the happy Instance and proof of it. Mr. Mede therefore judges, that this Prophecy was not fulfilled till the time of the Destruction of the Jewish state by Titus, which he thinks agrees to the letter of our Saviours words, Mat. 24.14. This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the World, for a Witness unto all Nations, and them shall the End (soil. of the Jewish State) come.
THUS dying Jacob at a great distance saw Christ's day, and it was his great Comfort and Support on his Death-bed; as Mr. Henry says on the place. He foretells that the Scepter should come into the Tribe of Judah, that Shilob the promised Seed should be of it; that in Judah a Government of its own should continue till the Coming of the Messiah; long after the Kingdom of Israel or the Ten Tribes had ceas'd, without any Revival. And so it was: Our LORD came of Judah, the Praise of all his Saints; To Him belongs the Scepter, and He is the Lawgiver. In the day when the Jews rejected him, they confessed the Scepter departed from themselves: We have no King but Casar, said they to Pilate, and again, It is not lawful for us to put any man to death. See John 18.31. & 19.15.
On these grounds we say then that our LORD JESUS is the CHRIST, the promised Shiloh; just about whose time on Earth the Scepter departed from Judah, and upon their dispersion the Nations [Page 20]were Converted to Christ and taken into his Church; which is the Kingdom of GOD in the World. Gen. 19.18. I have waited for thy Salvation, O Lord.
THUS I have given a Specimen out of the Writings of Moses, in his first Book which is called Genesis, by which we may see how much he wrote of CHRIST; and that if we believe his Writings we must needs believe in Christ, that He is the true Messiah and the Saviour of Men.
THE time would sail me should I now look into the other Books of Moses, to interpret what he there writes concerning Christ. The Deliverance of the Jewish Church out of Egypt was a great and singular Type of the Redomption of Souls from the more cruel and miserable servitude of Sin and Saran: The Paschal Lamb was an Eminent figure of the Son and Lamb of God slain for us; our Sacrificed Saviour: The Manna from Heaven was a figure of Him the true Bread, and bread of Life: The water from the smitten Rock which followed the thirsty Camp of Israel and satisfy'd 'em, was a figure of the Overflowing and ever flowing refresh. wants and Consclations for every famishing and thirsty Soul from a Smitten Saviour: The Levitical Tabernacle; Priesthood, Sacrifices; Ceremonial Uncleannesses and Cleansings; were full of spiritual Mystery pointing to Christ, His Natures, Offices, Sacrifice and Benefits: And finally, The Mosaical Festivals and Solemnities; the Day of Atonement, the feast of Penticost and Tabernacles, Trumpets and New Moons, the Sabbatical Year and the " Jubilee, did in many respects refer to him: According to that of the Apostle to the Galatians, The Law was a School-master to bring us to Christ.
[Page 21] BUT I shall not enter into any of these particulars: I speak in the presence of them that need it not, and to a Master in Israel that happily knows these things; who having been a Disciple of Moses from his Infancy appears now among us openly to profess himself a Disciple of JESUS; because he finds that Moses and the Prophets of a truth wrote of Him, and that their Writings are fulfilled in Him; and that therefore He must be and is that Prophet which should come into the World.
SIR, We thank GOD for the Illumination he has given you, and your professed Subjection this day unto the Gospel of Christ. We rejoyce and give Glory to GOD in your Conversion from Judaism to Christianity. You come not to Jesus by Night, as Nic [...]demus a Matter in Israel once did under some good Convections, but still in darkness and fears: You come to CHRIST in open day, and to his Baptism in this compicuous Place, and with a full perswasion of the Verity of the Christion Doctrines, and with a full purpose of heart by the Grace of Christ to walk in all his blessed Laws and Ordinances all the days of your life; entirely placing your trust and hope in Him for Salvation. We also are assembled this day in solemn and awful form to receive your open profession of his Name, and bid you welcome (so far as in us lies) unto his blessed sect and saving Arms.
AND now what Words more apposite and awful can I direct unto you on this Occasion, than those of our LORD's unto Nichodemus? St. John 3.3, 5. Verily, verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God: Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.
[Page 22] GIVE me leave to explain and press those words upon you, as bringing you the most pertinent Direction and proper Exhortation, and receive them as from the mouth of CHRIST unto You upon your present Coming to Him.
SOME of our learned Christian Doctors ‖ tell us that the phrase [...], born again, denotes no more than becoming a Proselyte of Christ; and consequently the Confessing him publickly in his appointed way. And then [...], born of water, means only being received as a Proselyte to Christ by Baptism. The Proselytes among the Jews were Initiated by washing or Baptism, and it was a kind of putting off all their former Relations, kindred and Consanguinity, and so a being as it were new born. Our Saviour therefore wonders (say some) that Nichode [...]es, a Master in Israel should not understand this Mode and Form of Speech, You must be born again. For as a Heathen proselyted to the Jewish Religion did in a manner like Abraham leave his Country and Fathers house, his Brethren and Sisters, in renouncing their Idolatries; So a Jew becoming a Christian Proselyte forsakes his Jewish Principles, customs and Communion, and comes over entirely into a new Dispensation, a new worship, Doctrine and way of Salvation.
BUT this Interpretation, tho' it looks ingenious and has a face of Learning, does by no means come up to the sense and life and power of our Saviour's Words. You must understand Him to mean nothing else than a Divine Celestial Birth, a blessed Regeneration, a heavenly Ren [...]vation passing on the Soul from the power of the HOLY GHOST. This new-Birth is the thing signified, represented and sealed by [Page 23] Baptism, and is the Soul and Substance of that Sacred Ceremony †: For the Grace of the Holy Spirit in purifying the Soul is fitly represented by the washing with water: See Isai. 44.3. Ezek. 36.25.
SO then to be born of Water and of the Spirit means a Soul renewed by the Power of the HOLY GHOST, working and cleansing like Water. Accordingly we read Titus 3.1. of the washing of Regeneration and the Renewing of the Holy Ghost. Which means the same with, 1 Pet. 1.2. The Sanctification of the Spirit unto Obedience: In short, He that will enter into the State of the Gospel must be baptized, and he that enters into a State of Grace is Regenerated. *
"THERE must be a Change from Nature to Grace, or else no change of Principles or Profession will save a Man. Nichodemus may own and confess Christ, and submit to him from a real Conviction in his Conscience that He is the Great Teacher and Messiah come from God; and so a Jew may receive the Baptism of Christ; but if a regenerating Change does not pass upon his Soul, producing a new Heart and Life, his Baptism will not save him. The Answer of a good Conscience toward God is all in all in a Proselyte coming to Baptism.
NICHODEMUS ‖ was no doubt one of those that expected the Kingdom of the Messiah, and was looking for Redemption in Israel; and it may be he came early to Christ (says one) to secure a Place for himself in the expected temporal Reign and Kingdom of the Messiah. But our Lord surprises him by telling him that His Kingdom was a [Page 24] Spiritual thing, and if any Man would share in the Benefits and Advantages thereof it must be by a Change wro't in his Spirit: A new Nature must be given him, he must become a New Creature, a New Man: New Principles, new Affections, new Aims must govern in him and produce a new, holy heavenly and divine life. The Pharisees plac'd their Religion in an External purity and in outward performances; but Christ requires Internal Sanctity and heart purity: Psalm 51.5, 10. Behold thou desirest truth in the Inward part: Create in me a clean heart, O GOD, and renew a right spirit within me.
THE learned Mr. Charnock excellently paraphrases on our Lord's words to Nichodemus after this mander: "You must become a New Man if you come to me: Away with your old notions and Pharisaical pride: deny your honour, credit, and worldly Interest, and confess me openly before the World: a legal frame and a Pharisaical Righteousness will never advance you to or in my Kingdom: Think not to say within your self, I am a Son of Abraham: You must become a Son of GOD by Grace and Sanctification.
I tho't it proper thus to inlarge on and illustrate our Blessed SAVIOUR's Words to a Master of Israel upon his Coming to him. I have done it in the best words of our Christian Expositors as I could hastily collect them. And now I leave them with You that have been a Rabbin, and pray you to apply them unto your Self in this single serious Enquiry,— Am I born again? has a new Birth passed on me? Am I a new Creature? What have I experienced of a Work of Grace begun and carrying on in my Soul?
BELIEVE me, Sir, our Christian Baptisin is a great Solemnity in our Holy Religion! it is a very [Page 25] reverend and hely Ordinance; supposes you in a state of Grace and calls for a very gracious Frame.
IT is easy for you to receive a place in the visible Church and Kingdom of the Messiah, but w [...]n it there is an Invisible State of Grace and Salvation; Are you in that?
IS your Heart right with God this Day? Are you upright in the sight of Christ, wh [...] searches your Heart, in this Dedication of your self unto Him? What signifies Baptism without this? Be sure that you have no By-ends, no finifter and corrupt Views, no worldly Advantages, in what you do this day. GOD torbid, that these should act you. We hope, we believe they don't: You have solemnly professed that they do not.
WE can't be content with your good Profession: we seek your saving Conversion to Eternal [...]. Is there a Change in your heart as well as in your Principles? You renounce your Jewish Infidelity, do you renounce also all Sin, every evil way [...] Is your desire true and servent after inward Grace and Holiness? and is your purpose and resolution firm, by the help of God, to endeavour after that [...]ory heavenly life which the Gospel requires, in Conformity to the Example and Life of the Blessed JESUS?
IF it be thus, then admire and adore the Distinguishing Grace of God unto you! B [...]indnes [...], has hapned to Israel, but blessed are your Eyes or you see! The Grace is Sovereign and free which has touched you, while your dear Nation yet remain hardned. O had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory! — and yet they will not know him, tho' they have born so long the [Page 26] Curse your Fathers im [...]recated on you when they rejected him before Pilate.
WE lock for the happy day of the Conversion of the Jews and of Israels Salvation; we daily and earnestly pray for it with great desire; we wait for it with a holy Impatience; It will be life from the dead to the Christian World: — What hinders it? You may read 2 Cor. 3.14, 15, 16. Even unto this day when Moses is read the vail is upon their heart: Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord the vail shall be taken away: Now the Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty. There is a vail of Spiritual Blindness upon the Jewish Nation, judicially laid on them for their rejecting Christ. This hinders 'em from seeing in the reading of the Old Testament, how Moses and the Prophets wrote of him. But the day is coming when God will open their eyes to see this and then they will immediately relent, and look unto him whom they have pierced. The blessed and holy Spirit of Grace will fall upon 'em, enlighten, convince, convert 'em; and free 'em from their present prejudices. The Son of God will make 'em free and they shall be free indeed.
IF you, Sir, are freed from the Prejudices of your unhappy Nation, once the most honoured and dignified upon Earth, it is Christ has freed you, Give him the Glory. I salute you this day as Philip did Nathanael: Joh. 1.45. We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and the Prophets did write, Jesus of Nazareth. You believe, and are going to Him. O may the All-seeing Lord say of you and to you as he sees you coming, — Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no Guile.
[Page 7] HE I trust has seen you in your secret Solemn Consecration of your Self to Him. Now do it again in the presence of us all, and say to our Gracious SAVIOUR,— Rabbi, thou art the Son of GOD, thou art the King of Israel.