An Essay, To Prove the Through REFORMATION of a Sinning People is no [...] to be Expected; however Pious RULERS may be Spirited for the Work, Except the Heart of the PEOPLE be Prepared for it: Together with some Proper and Seasonable MOTIVES to Men in every Order to Engage in this [...] and Necessary Work
In a SERMON PREACHED Before the General Court of Election at Hartford in the Colony of Connecticut, On May 11 th, 1721.
By Jonathan Marsh A.M. Teacher of a Church in Windsor.
Published by Order of Authority
N. London, Printed and Sold by T Green, Printer to the GOV. & COMPANY, 1721
A SERMON Preach'd at the Election, &c.
WE have the History of Jehosaphat's Reign in this, and in the Three foregoing Chapters: Being set on the Throne of his Father, (as we read Chapt. 17. ver. 1.) He sets himself betimes to seek the LORD God of his Father, and to promote the Work of Reformation in Judah; GOD was pleased to own him in this work, and to crown him with Riches & Honour; ( Ver 5, 6.) so that the fear of him fell on the Nations round about; they bring him Presents and pay him [Page 2] Tribute, ( Ver. 11) Hence we might note; That the best way for Princes when they come to Sit on the Throne to Provide for their own Honour and safety & for the good of their People, is to begin with matters of Religion. If a People over whom they Rule be grown Corrupt the best way they can take to make their Reign Long and Prosperous, is to set about the Work of Reformation in the first place. We Read of his care for the Safety of Jerusalem and his doing much Business in Judah, by Building Castles and Citys of Store in it, ( Ver 12,) and Placing his Men of War in the Fenced Citys, to the end of the Chapter. Hence note; That Religion is no hindrance to Worldly Business; Men may be concerned for the one & not neglect the other. Subordinata non puganan; Both these Ends may be pursued to good Advantage by the Heads and Rulers of a People: But alas! The Brightest Suns have their Spots, and the Best of Men have their Defects. We Read of an Error in, his Conduct in the beginning of the next Chapter in his Joyning in Affinity with Ahab, and going up with him to Ramoth [...] [...] to Battle against the Syrians, in which Engagement his Life is Exposed, and Ahab receives his Death's Wound; The Story of this of which I give you a brief hint is contained at [Page 3] large in the Eighteenth Chapter. We Read of his Returning in Safety to Jerusalem ( Chapt. I9. Ver 1.) And of his being Reproved by Jehu the Son of Hanani the Seer for what he had done ( Ver. 2) After this he Visits the Kingdom from one end of it to the other, the better to know the state of his People, and further to Reform what he found to be Amiss among them, or to supply and make up what might be wanting. We Read of his setting Judges in the Land throughout all the Fenced Citys of Judah, and giving them a Solemn Charge ( Ver. 5, 6, 7) So of his setting Officers over the House of the Lord, to inspect the Service, Worship and Government of it, ( Ver. 8.) And of his giving them their Respective Charges and Directions to the end of the Chapter.
[But however the Prophet had told him of his Error in Uniting with Ahab and Assisting him that was Gods open and Avowed Enemy, and that for this there was wrath upon him from before the Lord, i e. God was Angry for it, and would give some special Testimony against him for it in the way of his Providence.]
Now the beginning of this Twentieth Chapter in which the Text is contained, seems to have some respect to that Rebuke [Page 4] & Threatning; as if God were about to fulfil & to accomplish it; for we read here that the Men of Moab, Ammon and Mount Scir, a Numerous Baud are Combined against him; upon the Report of this he is sore afraid; sets himself to Seek the Lord, and Proclaims a Fast throughout all Judah, ( Ver. 3, 4.) We read of his Prayer in the Audience of the Congregation, (from the 5 Ver. to the 12 Ver. inclusively.) So of the Answer and the great Overthrow of his Enemies Consequent upon it (from the 14. Ver. to the 25. Ver.) The People of Judah are much Affected with this Signal Salvation wrought for them by the Mighty Hand of God; So that they Assemble themselves in the Valley of Berachah to Bless the Lord, ( Ver. 26.) We Read of their Triumphant Return to Jerusalem, ( Ver. 27, 28) This great Overthrow wrought by the Hand of the Lord, strikes a Dread into the Enemies of Judah; So that the Realm has Rest and Quiet round about: And the Chapter Concludes the Scene of his Happy Reign, for we Read of his Death and Burial in the beginning of the next:
Yet in the Close of all, his Imperfection as noted in Two Things.
1. In this, That he did not Compleat the Work of Reformation.
[Page 5]2 In his Joyning with Ahaziah that was very wicked, in matters of Business and Trade; An Evil like to the former, in Uniting with his Fa [...]her Ahab: For this God is Angry, & the Measures concerted between them are broken. [See this from Ver. 35. to the end of the Chapter.] But my work is to Consider his Failing in the first Head, ( Ver. 33) In the Words note then these two Things.
1. That though Jehosaphat went a great way in the work of Reformation, yet he was not Able to go through with it: Instance is given wherein he Failed; We are told, He walked in the ways of Asa his Father, (Ver. 32.) And Departed not from it, doing that which was right in the sight of the Lord; howbeit the high places were not taken away. By high Places in Propriety of Speech, we Understand the Hills, High Grounds, places of the Earth above others; and the Original Word will bear this sense, it signifies in its Primitive the Height of any thing, as the Top of Hills and Mountains, &c. And is here Metonimically used to Express the Altars Erected in such Places for Sacrifice, or any Images set up in them for Religious Worship, or their Worshiping the True God in such places from a Corrupt Conformity to the Heathen: We read concerning the Heathen Nations that they had Many gods or Subordinate Deities; they [Page 6] Limited them to particular Kingdoms, Cities, Hills, Groves, &c Agreeable to this notion they set up their Temples, Chappels or Altars for Worship, in their Respective Places; Now the Men of Israel and Judah had learnt their way and were very hardly brought off from it: Hence tis noted as a Failure in him and some other of the Pious Kings of Judah set to Reform the People: though they did many things in the Work yet here they Failed and came short. But here seems to arise a Difficulty to Reconcile the Text, with Chap. 17. Ver. 6. For there we Read, that he took away the high places and the groves out of Judah. Two Things are offered to Reconcile the Texts.
(1.) That he took them away in part, but not in whole; only such where Images were Worshiped.
(2) They might be taken away in the beginning of his Reign and be set up a new in the latter part of it; when the King was grown into Years, and not so well Able to look after the state of the People, or else was now grown more Remiss in matters of Religion.
2. Note the Ground of this; For as yet the People had not Prepared their Hearts to the God of their Fathers: They had not got their Hearts Acted and Prepared for this Work, [Page 7] so as to pursue it, & to go thro' with it. The Word in its root signifies to Fit, Form, Prepare, Confirm, &c. Tis sometimes taken in an Ill sense and points out the Judgments of God, ready to be brought on Wicked Men, which he has fitted for them, Psal. 7.13. He hath prepared for him the Instruments of Death, &c. And tis no more than what a Sinning People have cause to expect, if they prove Incorrigible for all the means used to Reform and to Amend them. Judah is here Blam'd, and not the King in the Case; they were not Prepared and steadily bent to Seek the Lord God of their Fathers in Sincerity; and to Conform to him in every thing, without any Reserve. They would Worship the True God, yet not be Confin'd to the Temple, but for Convenience, Ease, and from Affection to their Ancient Custom, would yet Worship him in the High Places. This Jehosaphat was Forced to Connive at, or was not Able to Redress. Antiquity is very Venerable in matters of Religion, and proves many times a good Pass-port for Error: their Disease was very Inveterate and hard to be Cured. Jer. 13.23 Besides there might need Prudence to be used here (as in every Reformation of Weight) to carry on the Work by degrees; least by driving too fast, he should beget strong Prejudices in the People [Page 8] against it. And so he might lose the ground that he had gained.
From the Words thus Opened, we may note this Doctrine.
DOCT That however, Pious Rulers may be Spirited for the Work of Reformation; tis not to be Expected they should go through with the Work, except the Heart of the People be Prepared and Disposed for it.
Tis given as the Reason in the Text, why King Jehosaphat came short in the Work and did not finish it, tho' a Man of Spirit and Resolution for the Work: even because the Heart of the People was not touched aright, cast into Gods Mould, so as to seek him in Sincerity, their Heart was not right with God: Hence Obedience was Partial and Feigned, now wherein twas Agreeable to their Interest, Temper and Humour, they were ready to Conform; but wherein Convenience, Custom, Particular Affection did Oppose, Prejudice Weighed the Ballance to the Contrary side, and there was nothing more to be done.
In the Handling of the Doctrine, I shall Labour to give some Answer to these two Enquiries:
[Page 9] Quest I. When may a Corrupt and Sinning People, be said to be Prepared for the Work of Reformation?
Quest II. How does it appear that Pious Rulers however Spirited for the Work, are not like to go through with it, except the Heart of the People be Prepared for it?
Of these in Order:
Quest I When may a Corrupt and Sinning People he said to be Prepared for the Work of Reformation? When is the Heat Fitted, Bent and Disposed for this great Work? We may take up the Answer to this Enquiry, in the following Heads
1. When they are willing to use the Means of Conviction. A People grown very Degenerate, are unwilling to use the Means of Conviction The have choice means of Conviction in the Word, and so in the Providence of God but they dont care to u [...]e them for this end: So God Complains of Israel when he sent his Prophets among them, to tell them of their Sins, and to Denounce his Judgments, they would not hearken unto them, Jer. 7.25.26. The like is Noted of the Judgments of God upon them at times, tho' Compar'd to the Light that goeth [Page 10] forth, Hos. 6.5. Speedy in their motions, terrible in their operations; yet they were carried by the impetuous motion of their corrupt Affections, headlong into Sin without using the power of Self-reflection God had given them, Jer. 8 6. The same spirit Christ Himself notes in the Jews in his day, That they shut their Eyes against the light, & did very much oppose the Means of Conviction from a love to their Lusts, Joh. 3 19 But now when they are brought to see the need they stand in of Conviction, and to use the means for this end; to submit to Duty, and to reflect on their ways, they may be said in a degree to be prepared for the work: Jer. 2.23. See thy way in the valley, and know what 'tis thou hast done.
2. When they have any clear Conviction. When they are brought not only to submit to the means of Conviction, but Warnings, Reproofs, Threatnings and Judgments have been set home, so as to give them some distinct view of their evil ways & corrupt carriages, they now lie fair for a Reformation; When a People see their Pride, Murmurings, Intemperance, Injustice, Covetousness, Formality in Religion, visible Contempt of God's Word & Ordinances, &c. there is now some ground to hope these & other Sins they are guilty of may come to be Reformed. A People under [Page 11] this Conviction when call'd upon to Return, will know wherein they ought to Return. Particular Persons are in the way to Reform when they fall under clear and strong Conviction; and 'tis so with the Body of a People. Hence Searching & Trying as the means of Conviction is spoken of by the Church, as antecedent to her turning to the Lord, Lam. 3.40
3. When they see their way of Sin to be Destructive & Ruinous to them. A Sinning People whilst secure are very apt to flatter themselves to ward off Threatnings & to fence against Judgments. See Deut. 29.19. & Isa. 28.15 Tis the frame of Particular Persons in a state of carnal Security; and 'tis the frame of the Body of a People, till God comes to Convince & Awaken them; They see not the deadly and fatal tendency of their ways: But now when God will Reform & Amend them, He shews them their way is not safe but dangerous; that 'tis not the way to Prosper, but 'tis the way to Destruction, Rom. 3.16. And by this means he checks them in their Career, & makes them afraid of their Course. There is a natural dread of Misery in every man: hence men must Think of turning their way when they see it leads to Ruine. We see this to be founded in the light of Reason, in the Instance given of the People of Nineveh when threatned with sudden Destruction, [Page 12] they are brought by it to Reform & to Cry mightily to God for Mercy, Jonah 3.7, 8, 9.
4. When they see they are in the way to be a happy People, upon their Reformation & Return to God. A Sinning People bro't into Distress by Sickness, Poverty, Famine, Sword, Bondage, Usury, Injustice, Opression, &c. if they be not quite past feeling, they are wont to shew an Uneasy Spirit; They want to have these Evils removed & to be bro't into good Circumstances, but they see not how 'tis to be brought about by a better Regard to the Rules of Religion, they be not convict that the Evils bro't upon them are the fruit of their corrupt Carriages; Hence see not that Reformation is the way to Prosper; they can't see their Happiness to be secured by their being a Religious People; some that are better than others fare no better than others but worse in some respects, according to that remark. He that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey, Isa. 59.15. Hence when called upon to be Just and Honest in their dealings, to te Sober, Temperate, True & Faithful, to be Quiet & Peaceable men; they presently Object & say, Cui bon [...], What shall we get by i [...]? Is there any Profit in it? And so long as they can see none, they are Prejudiced against Religion; Reason as they, Job 21.15 What is the Almighty that we should serve him, & what [Page 13] profit should have if we pray unto him? But now an Argument drawn, Ab Utili, is well relish'd by them: and is as a sweet smelling Savour in the nostrils of Carnal men; when they come to see' will be the way to Prosper & to be a happy People, 'tis to be hoped they will resolve as Israel, Hos 2.7. I will go & return to my first husband, for then it was better with me than now.
Quest II. Whence is it we are not to expect that Pious Rulers, however spirited for the work, should be able to go through with it, except the Heart of the People be prepar'd for it? To this I Answer in Two things, which may serve to clear up the Doctrine and to set forth the ground & reason of it.
1. Because there be many Sins that will escape their Notice & Observation. If they be very curious & wakeful in their Remarks, yet there will be many deeds of Darkness that will escape their notice: There will be secret Intemperance, Uncleaness, Wantoness, Injustice, Lying, Forgery, Idolatry, &c. Ezek. 8.12 Seest thou what they do in the dark? Hence if there be good Laws made for the curbing Men from Sin & the Executive Power be lodged in the Hands of those that are men of Spirit & Resolution for the work: they can't use it for the Correcting such Secret Wickedness, The [Page 14] fear of Punishment will curb men from the open Acts of Sin; but men will be getting into secret Corners, & there carrying on their Wicked Designs: Besides, some Actions not Private in their nature, will be kept from the Cognizance of the Judge, for the want of just & timous Information. Men under Oath at such a time to make due Presentment of breaches of Law, won't have that Conscientious regard to their Duty as they ought to have: Men called in as Witnesses before the Judge, against the Criminal, will be very backward to do their duty; they will trifle at a strange rate with a solemn Oath, rather than disgust a Friend or disoblige a good Nei'bor: and there may be this temptation too to decline it in some even a conscience of guilt. That they are chargeable with the same Crime, & there only needs Complaint or Information to be made against them in order to their being call'd in Question; which their Neighbours will be sure to make (being privy to the matter) if they don't favour them as much as possible in the Case depending Now if the Sins of a People don't come under the Notice of Rulers, they are not in the way to Reform and Amend them. Now such Sins involve a People in Guilt, and lay them open to the Judgments of God, if they be very great, of a deep dye; become general; and [Page 15] are not so properly Secret, but are kept hid from Publick Censure by the Countenance or Connivance of others; and there is not that care taken as might be to cut off the occasion of them: To this some Judicious Divines refer the instance of Achan, Josh. 7.11. And we have a like observation, 2 King 17.9.
2. In regard at such a time a People are guilty of many Sins which Rulers are not able to Reform, tho' they do come under their Notice & Observation. The carriage of a People may be such as may provoke God to anger many ways, & expose them to the Judgments of God ;and yet their Actions not be Censurable by Civil or Ecclesiastical Rulers. 'Tis easy, for instance, to observe a great deal of Pride in the Gesture & Attire of a People; irreverent Carriage towards Superiors; a great deal of Worldliness & Covetousness; that the Heart of a People is gone off from God & gone after the Creature; that they are much more concerned about getting Land & Money & Stock, than they be about getting Religion revived, and securing the Salvation of their Souls. Again, A great deal of Coidness & Formality in Religion, Contempt cast upon the Worship & Ordinances of God; a great deal of precious Time spent in a vain unprofitable way; much Injustice & Dishonesty in dealing, pinching on the straights and necessities of [Page 16] men; so of the working of a Froward, Contentious and Repining Spirit; for which the Land Mourns, And God is greatly displeased with a People for such sins as these are, & yet these things are not Censurable Evils in the Civil Government, nor yet in the Churches of God And there are these two Reasons to be given of it.
(1) Because they are so General. Corrupt Practises that are not of the grossest nature, they grow to be general in a time of publick declension among a professing People; so tis with the Sin of Covetousness, there is a vein of it to be seen in all Ranks & Orders of men, Jer 6.13. Ezek 33.21. Sometimes the Corruption of a People shew it self in a Murmuring Complaining spirit against GOD those he has set over them in place of Rule; now this displeases God, Numb. 11.1. But the Sin being general, there is nothing to be done by Rulers in a Coersive way to restrain it; the Sin is general and being supported by men of influence the power of Rulers is not sufficient to check it, So 'twas with Corah & his Accomplices; they were mighty men, Men of renown in the Congregation; they durst to withstand Moses & Aaron God's Ministers to their faces and doubtless had made a sad overture among the People had not the Lord signally appeared for the help & vindication [Page 17] of his Servants, by the terrible destruction bro't on the Heads of the Rebellion, Numb. 16.3, 33, 34 The like I might observe concerning Pride, Intemperance, Injustice, and Oppressive Dealing, when once they come to be general among a People; when Vice comes to be general, & tis abetted by men of power & influence, it now grows fierce & rampant as a lion; and there is little to be done by Rulers to tame it: the torrent of Sin is now grown so mighty that the power of Rulers can do but little to stem it: Hence they sit down now & grow discouraged, Moses does so when the weight & burden of the People lay upon him, tho' a man of extraordinary Grace & Gifts, & favoured at times with uncommon Assistance in his work, See his Complaint in the case, Numb 11 14. I am not able to bear all this People alone, because it is too heavy for me.
2. Because there is so much pleaded in the Defence of them. A People grown corrupt in general, they come to be bold & daring; they will (to be sure some among them now declare their Sin as Sodom & hide it not, Isa. 3 9. They will set up & justify some things very corrupt; they will plead in the defence of a Worldly Covetous spirit, under the colour or specious pretence of Prudence, Diligence, Frugality, Necessity &c. When times are hard [Page 18] & difficult, now the law of Self-preservation calls for it; 'tis needful in order to their support and the maintenance of their Families. So the intemperate and inordinate use of the Creature, 'tis covered under a Plea of lawful Christian liberty. The corrupt Affections of men now greatly darken 'em, that they can't judge aright of things. Pride, Passion, Envy, Hatred, regard to Credit, Profit, &c. set men on work to devise Arguments to defend unlawful Actions; and serve greatly to prejudice them against what is offer'd to show such practises to be Unjustifiable. Some actions that men will own to be sinful, in se; & cry out of as such, they assert them to be lawful, [...] et nunc, i e. Circumstance of time, place, person, &c. duly considered: If they take notice men are striving to do them a mischief, they count it no wrong to injure them; they will render reviling for reviling; they will deceive the deceiver, & take the cunning in his own craftiness; they are governed more by the rules of carnal Policy, than by the Purity & Simplicity of the Gospel; Rom. 12.19. Dearly beloved, avenge not your selves, &c. Now if for these things they are check'd by those God has set over them in Church, or State, they are apt to Censure them as acted from a blind Zeal, as Rash, Heady, Censorious, Nice to a degree of Superstition; Tis hard [Page 19] to give them any Conviction in the case; if a People have sufficient Light held forth before them, they won't receive it, See it in them, Mal. 3.7. — Wherein shall we return? But I proceed to the Use of the Doctrine.
USE, I Hence tis an Error, when the work of Reformation don't go on, presently to cry out of Rulers; and to say, tis because they don't do what they can in the work. A People are apt to err here & the Religious part of them too; they complain of the Sins of the times; say there is a great deal of Pride, Contention, Quarrelling, Intemperance, Lying, Deceit, Cheating, Oppression, Idleness, Sabbath-prophanation, Neglect of God's House and Worship to be seen among us; Sins testified against Year after Year by the Lord's Messengers; and what have been often mentioned from this awful Desk in this Anniversary Solemnity: But still there is no change; the Complaint is the same; we are said to be yet in a Dying Languishing way. Now what's the Reason? Now some presently run here, Rulers be not spirited for the work; they don't lead out in it; Ministers be not so Zealous for the work as they should be. But if there be a failure here in men of an higher Rank and Order, tis not wholly to be resolved here that there is nothing done in a general way towards a Reformation; [Page 20] now this is clear from these Two things.
(1) In that a sinning People may Reform in many things if Rulers fail in point of Duty Were a People spirited for the work, they might do much to promote it. if they had not their direction and assistance in it from Rulers as might be desir'd. Men may reform what they know to be amiss, & may be found in the way of duty in order to further conviction: Facienti quod in se est Deus non den [...]get gratiam, is a good rule suitably qualify'd, however strained by some too far so as to Eclipse the Glory of God's Grace and Power appearing in the work of Conversion. Doubtless were a People spirited to do what they can in the work, the change would soon appear to be great & very visible. No man can deny, if intemperance, tis with him to lead a sober life if he pleases. The like we might note of many other corrupt practises Men live in and allow of: The reason why they be not reformed, is not for the want of Ability, but for the want of a Disposition; tho' I grant whenever Vicious Men do reform and amend, the preventing Grace of God is first to be seen in Convincing & Awakening them to see the Evil of their way & the destructive tendency of it, according to that, Jer. 2 19. And so the work is his; but in this work God works no new principle [Page 21] or Gracious bent in the Heart; but does stir Men up to improve the Power he has given them. Hence Searching & trying are join't with turning, Lam. 3 40.
(2) I they be not Disposed ta Reform, they wont do it if Rulers do their utmost in the Work. If Rulers Exercise much tho't on the Work, & Improve their Wisdom to devise means for the Supp [...]essing of this & the other Vice; Ye [...] if they pursue the methods laid with utmost Application of mind; if the Heart of a People be bent the quite contrary way, twill fa [...] much of the desir'd Effect. Good Laws m [...]e on purpose to cut off occasions of Sin wont do it. Punishments Inflicted on Transgre [...]sors Convict, wont do it; It may Curb men from more open Acts of Sin; But they will Sin in Secret Places: Yea Experience showes some to be Irreclaimable by this means; they are Incorrigible in their way; if Punished severely they Regard it not, See Prov. 25.I5. They have stricken me, &c.
USE, II. This Doctrine Suggest that Religion is much to be Regarded in the choice of Men for Civil Rule over us. A Professing People are to have a good Regard to it in their choice, as a necessary Qualification in men whom they set in the highest & most eminent Stations among them: Rulers should be Just [Page 22] men fearing God, hating Covetousness, Exod 18.21. So the Royal Prophet teaches, 2 Sam. 23.3. He that ruleth over Men must be Just, Ruling in the Fear of God. To Regard this much & to promote Men of Religion and Piety (if they be otherwise Qualified) is the way to bring Religion into Credit & into greater Esteem; And it may be a Motive to every good Man to labour to Excel when he sees that Piety & Zeal for Religion is the way to Promotion: To be sure tis greatly to be Regarded by them in a Corrupt & Declining time, if a people would have any thing done to purpose by them to promote & to help forward the Work of Reformation; Here two Things in particular.
1. They need to choose Men of Wisdom & Understanding in the state of the People. The Heads & Rulers of a People are ever de Jure, some of the Wisest, & most Knowing of them, & they will be such de Facto, in an Elective Government, if a People know how to use the Priviledge put into their Hands; Men in a Publick Capacity need to set themselves to know men; and to be very knowing in the state of a People, they are called Pastures, Isa. 44.28. Jer. 3 15. Mic 5.5 They need to look well into the State of their Flock, to be sure they must do it if they intend to do any thing to purpose for their Reformation; They need [Page 23] to know well their Customs, Tempers, Vertues and Vices, to be able to suit their Administrations to their State They are called Nursing Fathers to the Church of God, Isa. 49.23. And they need to be able to look well into the state of their Children. Twas well with the Tribe of Issachar when favoured with such Men, and with the Body of Israel too, 1 Chron. 12.32.
2. Men of Spirit and Courage for the Work. They need to be men of Wisdom, to know the state of a People well, & to devise proper means for the Redress of what is A miss among them; So they need to be Men of Resolution to pursue such a good design, with utmost Application and Vigour. Men set in the Seat of Judgment need Courage in order to their doing any thing to purpose, to check the Corrupt Passions and Capricious Humours of some unreasonable Men, that seem to act at times as if they were Void of Fear, as he speaks of himself, Luk. 18.4. Wherefore was it that King Solomons Throne was Supported by Lions? as we read, 1 King. 10 20. but to shew as a great Casuist ‖ notes on the Place, That a Lion like Courage is necessary for the King on the Throne, & also for the Judge on the Bench. Tis Expected when Iniquity is rampant [Page 24] and begins to ride forth in Triumph, that now the Rulers of God's People should rise with hol [...] indi [...]nation again [...] it [...] now like mighty men they gird their Sword upon their high, and shew themselves Valiant for the Cause of God, in using of it for the piercing & wounding of the Kings enemies, so as that they may be brought to submit themselves. So to do is [...] imitate CHRIST, whose Agents and Representatives they are, Psal. 45 [...], 4, 5. Men of a temporising spirit at such a time; that enquire whether [...] comport with their ease and q [...]i [...]t among men; whether 'twill be fo [...] thei [...] Credit o [...] wor [...]d [...]y Interest, and on suspicion in the case decline what they might do, will do but little for the checking Vice & Immorality a such a time among a People. Ca [...]nal Reason is not now to be consulted if men will do their duty, See Paul's rule in the case, Gal. 1.16. I conferred not with stesh and blood, &c.
USE, III Learn hence a lesson of Gratitude to our Rulers for the Pains they have taken in the work of Reformation among us. We have been a People highly favour'd in this regard: we have not only liberty to be as good as we will, in Doctrine, Worship, & Manners, but are urged and encouraged by them to be a great deal better. Our Rulers have taken [Page 25] a great deal of pains to set up the Pure Worship of God among us; to [...] our Church Order and to bring us to a better Uni [...]or [...]ity in point of Pra [...]ice, so that the Ministry be Suppo [...]ed and that he Honour of that Order be maintained: Many good and excellent [...] have been made to cut off occasion of Sin, to supp of Intemperance, Injustice, Idleness, Contention, Company Keeping, Rio [...]ing, Sabbath [...]ophanation, [...]o to keep us from g [...]os [...] Ignorance I [...] religion, Contempt of the [...]ublick [...] God, &c. Such laws we have which in duly regarded, we should [...]oon appear a much be [...]te [...] People than now we [...] No [...] tho' the Work is not yet car [...]ied of to desi [...]ed Effect; Yet what i [...] done by them this way for our good, ought to be accepted by us with all Thankfulness. We are to Express our Gratitude to them in such [...] as these are.
1. By Speaking well of them. The Work is great, the Design high and noble: Hence they deserve praise for it when ever they lead out in it. The [...] are approved of God in it and he expects his People give a testimony of Respect unto them in it, in speaking, of it to their Praise It bodes ill to a People when they make them the Objects of envy and [...]etia [...]ion; when they cry out of them as Injurious and Oppressive, for the [Page 26] pains they take to correct their Exorbitances, Such Men seem to be in the high road to Ruine. If what Man can do won't restrain them, they [...]ly open to the Sword of God's Revenging Justice, and if he takes them in Hand and is in earnest, their case it will be Dreadful, Ezek. 22.14 Can thine Heart endure, or thine Hand be strong, &c. To speak Evil of Dignities in this case is Brutish, and vile Ingratitude: Such seem to be without Understanding, to be lest of God, and devoted to Ruine, 2 Pet. 2.11, 12. Tis horrid Presumption and dating Wickedness to revile such as they are, the Ministers of the great God; and wear his High and Sacred Name, Exod. 22.28.
2 By being Quiet & Easy under their Admiministrations. To be sure their Endeavours this way calls for a Charitable Eye; and a People are to express utmost Satisfaction in them, as tending to promote their best good and interest. And their Conduct in other matters is not to be Censured, except on just & very weighty reasons Dubia in meliorem partem sunt interpretanda, is a good & charitable Rule, and the Justice and Honour due to Government obliges every man to regard it. If Rulers can find such a spirit among a people, this tends to work on their Ingenuity, and to confirm them in the way of their [Page 27] Duty: Whereas the contrary ( conceiving them to be men subject to like Passions) tends to damp their Spirits and to dishearten them in their Work Hence 'Tis most Obvious to note in men a backwardness to do this or that Service, when they see it won't be well accepted 'Twas well in Israel in [...]acids time, when there was so good an Understanding between him and the people, 2 Sam. 3.36.
3. By giving them suitable Maintenance and Support, proper to Maintain the Honour & Dignity of their Place Indeed a People whole Circumstances are mean and low, that cry out of Debt, Mortgage, Usary; That Liberty and Property are like to go, and that they are bro't into Bondage, Neh. 5. Are apt to think that Rules (to be sure if they be Men of good Es [...]ates) should be Men of Nehemiah's Spirit, who set himself to seek the Welfare of Judah without a due regard to his own Interest; or Exacting what he might in Justice from them, as we read, Neh. 5. Also that at such a time they should act under the Influence of that caution given by the Prophet to Baruck, Jer 45 5. And seekest thou great things for thy self? Seek them not—But however, a Pious & Compassionate Magistrate may at such a time Cedere de suo Jure, Recede from his own right; Yet it is ever to be owned by a people [Page 28] as a natural Obligation they are under to pay them Tribute and as tis plainly founded in reason, so tis Bottomed on the express rule of the Gospel, with the reason annexed to it, as we read, Rom 13 6. For this cause pay you Tribute also; for they are Gods Ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
USE, IV. Let this Doctrine be Improved to Encourage Our Rulers to be still pursuing the great Work of Reformation among us What they have done this way we have heard is ever to be Accepted with Thankfulness and due Regard from this People. And though it has failed in some things of desired Success, for the want of a Heart in the People, prepared and disposed for the Work; yet it has not been in Vain, the have therefore reason to be Encouraged to pursue so Great, so Honourable and Necessary a Work.
And here in all Submission, I would Apply my self, To the Honourable the GOVERNOUR. the DEPUTY-Governour, and the Worshipful ASSISTANTS of this Colony. Such on whom the Lot of this Days Election may fall, and who ma [...] by the Wise and Gracious disposing of Providence, be set in place of Chief Rule over this People And here (though but a Child) I know I may speak with good Assurance, in [Page 29] regard the Subject is so Weighty in it self and appears so plain, to be the Cause of GOD.
Suffer me then, ( Much Honoured and Esteemed) to Suggest a few things to you to Encourage Confirm and Establish you in the pursuit of Reformation Work among us, as in the Fear of God;
1. There is more yet to be done by you in order to our Conviction The good Laws made partly by your direction and Influence; Have been of use to correct some and to lay others under a [...] that otherwise might have been corrupt So to save us from Publick guilt which we should have incurred had there not been such case taken; As we see in the Instance of Achan, Josh. 22 20 But yet we need more to be done in order to conviction: We must first see what tis we have done, and know tis [...], before we are like to Reform [...] in Generalibus [...]. Deceit lies hid in [...]. Tis in General owned we are a Sinning People, have lost our first love, and are in a D [...]ng, Declining way: But when we come to think of the sins of the times or to enquire where our disease lyes, we dont seem to be so well agreed: Particular Ministers may take pains on days of Publick Humilation, and at other times to point out our sins to us, as knowing tis of Necessity in order to any good and hearty Confession of [Page 30] Sin upon such Solemn Occasions: But this dont carry the weight with it as it would do if something were set forth in a more publick way, as the fruit of the united Prayer this day, and Deliberation of our Heads in the Civil and Sacred Order: Something of this nature has been done by the Rulers of this People in former distresses to good effects; and it may be not more needed then, than now.
2. Tis Expected by God and Pious thinking Men, that you should lead out in this Work. God Expects it of you and tis one end of his setting you in your high and exalted Station. If men in a private capacity, many of them can do but little in it; excepting to get into Corners & there to weep & mourn over our Abominations, because as Zuinglius Speaks of Carotostadius in another case; Non habent satis Humerorum, their shoulders are too weaker for the burden; Yet the Wisdom given you; The Authority vested in you does furnish you for the Work if any thing be to be done as to Means. Conceive then ( Honourable & Worshipful) the LORD speaking to you in this case, as to Joshua the Captain of His People when under Dejection for that Israel were smitten down by the men of Ai, on the account of Achan's Sin, Josh, 7.10. And the Lord said unto Joshua, Get thee up, wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face? Further, Tis what pious thinking [Page 31] Men Expect from you; They look to see what you will do more in this Day and Time of our Distress and Trouble. Me thinks I here them with a united voice Addressing of you as he did Ezra on the behalf of the distressed Jews upon their Return, Ezra, 10.4. Arise for this matter belongeth unto thee, &c.
3 You have great & worthy Examples set before you for your Imitation in this Work If we look into the Old Testament we have many Instances of it; View the state of the Jewish Church in the time of Moses and in the succeeding Judges, So in the History of the Kings afterwards when it came to be a Kingly Government; when ever God had any thing remarkable to do for the better Ordering of that People, in Doctrine, Worship or Manners, He raised up those to be Rulers and Heads of the People that were spirited and furnished for the Work. Again, If we look into New Testament times and observe the State of the Church since the coming of Christ, we may find when the Princes of the world were bro't into the bosom of the Church, they ever lookt on themselves Concerned for the Good of it. The first General Councils call'd for the suppressing Heresy and Error, were much under the Care & Direction of the Roman Emperors, call'd to Embrace Christianity. The Reformation set on foot by Luther was much Abetted [Page 32] by some Princes in Germany when they came to fall in with his Doctrine and to renounce Popery; Witness their united Agreement to, and Signing that Famous Augustane Confession drawn up by Melancton, & presented by him & Luther to Charles the V th. at Ausburgh in 1530. Besides the Congruity of Religion with the Civil Interest of a People is so natural, that the best Moralists, have ever placed the care of it in the Head of their Political Maximes, tis spoken of by one as Vinculum Omnas Societatis, fulcrum Legum Recte Sanciendarum, as the bond of all Society, the Prop and Pillar of the State, without which Good Laws can't be made, much less Supported & Maintained, so as Societatis humane fundamentum by another, i. e. The Foundation of Humane Society. * So needful has the care of it, been ever thought by the Masters of Reason for the good of a People.
4. You have the Charge of a People taken very near to God, & as we hope dear to Him. The Lords portion is his People, Jacob is the lot of his Inheritance, Deut. 32.9. So Moses in that Divine Song sets forth in an elegant strain of Language, how the wakeful Eye of Gods Providence had been upon that People for good in the following Verses; And if we compare [Page 33] our state with theirs, we may find in many things a good Harmony between them. Now as it is your Honour to have the Rule and Government of a People taken so near to God, put into your Hands; so it should make you very tender of their Interest; and in special move you to do your utmost to engage the Gracious Presence of God with them: Now in nothing can you so well provide for it, as in labouring to promote the Interest of Religion among us. God regards the Temporal good of his People, but nothing so dear as their Spiritual interest; Psal.87▪2. The Lord loveth the gates of Zion, more than all the dwellings of Jacob.
5. Tis the way to provide for your own Honour & Safety. Your Authority is Venerable and you are Obliged to maintain the Honour of it; But in nothing can you provide for it more than in showing a tender Regard to Gods Honour, & a fervent Zeal for Religion among us Phinehas is Zealous for his God when Iniquity is Rampant & goes barefac'd; and is Acted & Abetted by the Heads or some of the chief among the People, & for this he gets an Immortal Name in the Sacred Story, besides God gives him the Promise of an Everlasting Priesthood, Numb 25.13. God tells Eli, them that honour me, I will honour, 1 Sam. 2.30 And we find it to be so in the Kings of Israel & [Page 34]Judah, that set themselves to seek the Lord, & to promote the Interest of Religion; Besides this you will provide for your own safety; secure your standing in a Stormy Day: And if after all your Pains for our Reformation, the Work fails of Success & we remain an Irreclaimable People, & so ly open to Publick Judgments; you may hope God will be your hiding place and cover you under the shadow of his Wings, as he speaks, Psal. 32.7 Thou art my hiding place, thou shalt preserve me from Trouble; thou shalt compass me about with Songs of Deliverance, Selah.
6. Tis the way to have Joy & Comfort in your end. We say you are Gods, according to Psal. 82.6. In regard of your high & eminent Station; and the Power vested in you, carries in it something of the Impress, & semblance of the Majesty of the Great GOD; but you look on your selves to be Mortal, & that you must ere long by Death the King of Terrors, be brought on a level with other men, by laying your heads in the Dust. The Change is great, & we doubt not but you live in a prospect & view of it. Now in nothing are you like to find more Peace & Satisfaction, when you come to pass through the dark & shady Valley & to resign up your Spirits into the Hands of CHRIST, than in the view of your sincere endeavours and unwearied pains [Page 35] for the Reviving Religion among us; this will lay a sure Foundation for our lasting Happiness, if it be Effected, and for your unshaken Peace. You will, now from the View of your good deeds & God's acceptance of them, look exceeding bright & gay, and triumph over the great Conqueror; and you may with good Nehemiah, put God in mind of your gracious Concern for the good of this People, & look for additional Glory on the account of it; according to the gracious Oeconomy of the New Covenant, Neh. 5.19. Think upon me, my God, for good, according to all that I have done for this People.
USE. V. Let this Doctrine be Improved to Excite the Ministers of the Gospel to be laying out themselves in this great Work of Reformation, among us. Suffer I beseech you the Word of Exhortation from me ( My Fathers & Brethren in the Work of the Ministry) That you will have the Dying sinking Cause of Religion among us ever at Heart; and be restless & impatient in your Minds till something more be done for our Recovery from our sad Declension from the Life & Power of Godliness. Consider ( Reverend & Beloved) the Care of Religion is put into your Hands in special: You are by Office & Designation set apart for the Work and Service of CHRIST in his Church: The distinction of [Page 36] Episcopi ad extra et ad intra, is ancient in the Church. * However Pious Rulers may look on themselves concern'd for the External good of the Church, yet You are by Office to inspect her Internal State, or to labour to get a good Understanding in the state of Souls committed to your Charge▪ Besides some of you have lived to see & to know a great deal concerning the state of this People; 'Tis many Years since you have taken upon you the care of Souls. You have been under singular Advantages as the Watchmen set on the walls of our Jerusalem, to spy out our Sins, Diseases, and Dangers. We that are Younger, eye you as Prophets & find our Spirits much subject to you: We Revere your Age, Gravity, Gifts & Graces. And Rejoice God has set you up as Pillars in His House for the support of our Doctrine & Discipline. We bless God for you, ever rejoice in you; & it must ever be our Prayer ut sers in Coelum redeatis; That it will please the Lord of the harvest to call you home late from your work: Mean while be a assured that as your advantages are and have been superior; So we are ever looking as you get on in your way to the Glorious World, so you rise in the aspiration of your Souls for the Reviving Religion; and in a more ardent [Page 37] zeal for the good of your Children that some good foundation may be laid for the Securing the Gracious presence of God with them when you are gathered to your Fathers. And here then give me leave (tho' unworthy to dictate any thing to you,) To Suggest one or two things relating to your Publick work as what may be proper to revive us in this our time of general Deadness.
1. Do what in you lies in your ministry to reach the Consciences of men: Regard this mainly in the choice of Subjects and in the method of handling them: In a corrupt time there is a great scarcity of Godly men among a People many are secure and fast asleep in Sin, they stand in great need of Terrour, & are like to perish and go down to Hell without it. In a Popular Audience Ministers are not so much to Regard the Smoothness of Language, Exactness of stile, as the weight of their matter, the strength & pungency of their motives; At such a time to play the Oratour is to amuse the minds of men and to lull them into a state of Indolence and Insensibility, the Wisdom and Fidelity of Ministers is seen at such a time in speaking piercing words to their hearers, Ecc. I2 II the words of the wise are as goads, &c. Divine Truths are so Pure Sublime & Spiritual as that they need not the Garnishings of humane Eloquence to set them off; but they [Page 38] appear most bright & majestick in their native dress: The great Apostle Paul was a Masterworkman and knew well how to handle the Sword of the Spirit that is the Word of God, & we find him (tho' on some special Occasions speaking much in the stile of an Orator, yet) when he comes to Preach CHRIST or the Terrors of the Law, he uses all freedom and plainness of Speech. See 1 Cor. 2.4 & 2 Cor. 5.11
2 Labour to open the nature of Conversion and to urge the Necessity of it upon your Hearers. A People in a corrupt time grow dark as to conversion work, few Experience it and such as have it tis not in so distinct a way as is to be desired, now Ministers need to revive the Doctrine, to lend the People into the understanding of it and to convince them of the absolute necessity of it in order to Salvation; as Christ has taught, John 3 3. Except a man be Born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God. Tis the way to have the Ministry crowned with Success, and to take off the Prejudices of the People against it; Tis easy to observe a Spirit of Jealousy prevailing in the People of this Land against the Ministry of it; Hence every Difference, though of a lesser nature from the Primitive Constitution of these Churches, is Suspected by some Religious and Holy men and cryed out against, as Innovation and a Degree of Declension and of Apostasy, as the [Page 39] way to invest the Ministers with the Sole power of Church Government, and to cut off the Priviledge of the Brotherhood; a thing which that great Ornament of Piety and learning in this Land, viz Mr OAKES, took notice of and made a very close Remark upon in his Election Sermon many Years past; And there is something of the Leaven to be seen since if it has not been Growing: Now what is to be done for a Remedy in the case? Lets Labour to come up to and if possible to go beyond those gone before us in a Spirit of Zeal for Practical & Experimental Piety; And if God give success it may tend to Convince men that God is with us, as with them; And that he has shewed to us something of the form and fashion of his house, as well as much of it to them; And that they did not in their Platform set up their Pillar of ne plus ultra, and say to their Successors, hitherto shall ye come & no further; These Renowned Patrons did Great and Wonderful things, and their Name is ever to be precious to us; their thoughts on Conversion Work have doubtless been Improved upon by some of a Refined tho't and great Experience since. But Oh! the Field is large, the Well tis very Deep, and men of the brightest ability and most Exact Experience may yet be very Profitably Improved in the study of this great mystery [Page 40] of Application work; We need yet to be Informed as to the Nature of true Conversion in particular, as to the Manner how the Soul is prepared for Christ, how tis bro't to Believe, & what are the fruits & effects of Faith, by which it may be known when tis wrought. Besides consider it God Works thus for Conviction & Conversion, twill pave the way for a General Reformation among us; and if it be brought about this way, twill be more Permanent & Abiding. Whereas when the [...]e is a show of it arising from External Motives only tis not wont to hold. As we read of Israel, when moved to seek God from slavish fear, when his Judgments were among them, Psal. 78.34, 35, 36, 37. Again I might note to you for your Encouragement in this great work; if CHRIST the King and Head of his Church prospers you in it; and makes you the happy instruments of converting many Souls; you shall be tho't upon when he as Judge shall give out his Aureola's to his Favourites, & you shall see 'em, and look upon every one of them as your Joy & Crown in the day of his appearing, Dan 12.2 & 1 Thes. 2.19, 20. And how bright will you appear in Company with those Chosen ones bro't in by your Ministry, when you Present your selves & them before your great LORD, and are able to say to Him, Behold me & the Children which thou hast given me; To allude to Heb 2.13.
[Page 41]USE, VI. Let it Excite the General Assembly to Endeavour this Work in their present Sessions. We Look upon You Gentlemen as a Society of Men Delegated, Chosen, set apart and concerned for the Good of this People: The trust Reposed in you is great; the Eyes of this People are much upon you to see what you will do for the Promoting their Publick Interest, we Eye you not only as Boni viri Good men, but as Boni Cives Good Common wealths men, as men set for the Good of this People: and sure we are that in nothing can you provide more for our Safety, Peace, and lasting Tranquility, than in doing something Extraordinary for the Reformation of manners and for the Reviving Religion among us; Give me leave then to suggest a few things to you as Relative to our state
1. Tis with you to make & Enact such Laws as are most proper to cut off Occasions of Sin among us. Tis with great Joy & Satisfaction we read and observe the good and wholesome Laws made by you to check Vice and Immorality; in particular, Intemperance, Rioting, Injustice, Contention, Idleness, gross Ignorance, Sabbath Prophanation, neglect of the Publick Worship of God, &c. But there is need of doing more to cut off occasions of Sin; Perinnus licit [...] is ever to be observ'd in a [Page 42] corrupt time: Professors at such a time make a sad abuse of some lawful Liberties, & so abuse them to Licentiousness; that they need to be kept in by a very close Rein. Things lawful in se, cease to be so when they prove occasions of Sin; hence not to be Tolerated. See it in the Brazen Serpent, that Hezekiah that great Reformer in Judah took away when 'twas abused to Idolatry, 2 King. 18.4.
2. We look to you to Constitute such to be Judges of the Law, as are men of Understanding, Courage and Zeal or the work of Reformation among us. Judex est Lex loquens: Tis the Judge that gives life & spirit to the Law; He gives it a Mouth to speak; & an Edge to cut by, seeing tis duly Executed. Hence the Judges ought to be men of Knowledge in the Law, they need to be men of Spirit, and Resolution for the work. They need to be men of Deliberation & counsel, to search out a matter Cunctari Judecantem decet imo oportet faith Seneca † And this Holy Job tells us was his care as a Judge or chief Ruler Job 29 16. The cause which I knew not I searched it out, They need to be men of Fidelity and Conscience to Judge as in the Fear of God according to Jehosaphars solemn charge given to his Judges, 2 Chron. 19.6, 7. Tis what the Light of Reason Suggests; hence that Rule of Cicero [Page 43] qui induit Personam judicis exuit amici, he that puts on the Person of a Judge, puts off the Person of a Friend; he is not to Judge from Friendship, Favour and Affection but from an Impartial view of the cause. Now they being constituted much from your influence & motion tis Expected you see to it they be men suitably qualified for the work, else the End of the Law is like to be Vacated and to be made no better than a Dead Letter.
3. Tis with you to temper the Law, so as may best answer the Rule of Justice & Righteousness among us. Tis wont to be said, there is a Latitude in the Rule; and it must be attended here if the Law answers the great end of it, since there be more cases than particular Rules to act by. In some cases the Law may be too Straight & Rigorous here you are to Temper it with Equity, else the great end of Justice can never be answered, which is suum cuique Tribuere, to give to every man what is his due, and without a due regard to this, the general Rule of Direction can't be attended as it ought, Isa. 1.17— Seek Judgment, relieve the Oppressed Judge the Fatherless plead for the Widow; Besides without this Temperament it may hurt the Innocent, or bear too hard in Criminal cases on the Guilty; by exceeding in Punishment the measure and proportion of the Crime. Again, it may be too lax if some Instances, & here it may need [Page 44] to be strained up to reach the case of men. It can't but be Grievous to Wile & Tender Judges, so to Conscienti us Jurors to see the Wicked Man Justifyed, or go off clear in his Wickedness, because the case is so Circumstanced as that the Law of the Government wont reach it, when the reasons are strong and forcible to perswade him Guilty of the Crime laid to his Charge: Farther as more agreeable to my Work, & more within the Compass of my Line. I might tell you there is this Mischief and Inconvenience attends it, if the Action be such as stumbles some of the best of men, & they reckon tis what deserves Ecclesiastical notice, its a great clog in the case, and tends very much to cripple Discipline. If the Law Justifies the Man in what he has done, or at least don't Condemn him; tis by some thought a Justifiable pretence for some corrupt Actions, and tis thought little less than Presumption for the Church now to enquire into them.
4. Tis with you to promote and forward the means of Education. We thank you for your pious care in the Provision made for the Support of stated Schools in our Towns; So necessary in order to our esse or very being as Christians, without which our Children and Families many of them would soon sink into Atheism, gross Darkness and Ignorance for the want of proper means of Instruction [Page 45] But there needs somthing more to be done in scattered places, to make the Benefit of our Schools more extensive, without which they wont be kept up with a good agreement; it grates the spirits of men to see the Privilege of their Neighbours and they not able to share in it, to be sure without extraordinary charge, which don't come within the compass of many poor Families. Again, the College, or Publick Nursery of Learning, calls for your particular Care and Concern: It was Erected on a pious and good Intention, and calls for your Providential Care to bring it into Honourable Circumstances. Here the Causa Procreans et Conservans go together. You have Presidents worthy of Imitation, for the promoting of Learning in the Neighbouring Province. The Building a House for the Rector has been proposed to your care, and if seems a work of necessity to be done: The Objection made by some against it, is this, that there is too great a Spirit for Learning in the Land; more are brought up to it than will be needed, or find Improvement; hence a snare will be laid for those devoted to it, & Learning will grow into Contempt. But tis better to err here in the Excess, than in the Defect, besides the number of those favoured with a liberal Education don't seem to be too many as yet in our Land, and we have not as yet reason (Blessed be God) to look with [Page 46] a Jealous Eye on the Sons of New-England, Train'd up in the School of the Prophets; since in general they prove so well; and are men when they come to enter on the Stage of Action of the best Principle, most extensive Tho't and refined Morals. It might further be observed in the case, There may be a good use made of it to bring Learning into Credit, by making greater Advances in it; finoe where there is Choice, there is no necessity of Mens crowding Young & Raw into the Pulpit: And the tho't of it tends to awaken those devoted to the Ministerial Work, to greater Pains and Industry, to get a good Measure of solid and substantial Learning; since in this Age of Light men are in danger to stand by as Useless, where there is Choice, if they don't labour to Excel; and since the People are grown so wise & knowing in Men, as that when a Price is put into their Hands, they know how to use and improve it.
5. We look to you much to promote the Peace & Quiet of this People. Tis one great End of Civil Government; and for this end we are to Pray for Rulers, as the Apostle exhorts us, 1 Tim 2.1, 2.— That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness & honesty, under 'em. There is much of a spirit of Contention and Uneasiness among us; the fruits are sad: There has been a great Cry of Poverty, Debt, [Page 47] Bondage, Oppression, hard Usage; in the Land of late; We are said to be in the way to sink into Ruine, for the want of a Medium of Trade. It may be tho't our Pride, Prodigality, Strifes separate Designs & Views, without a due regard to the Publick Good; in a word, Our changing our God, our Glory, for the Creature that can't satisfy us or make us a happy people, has brought us into this Calamitous State. There is a great deal of Strife & Contention sometimes on one Head and sometimes on another; Iniquity it abounds among us, and tis much to be seen in the want of Christian Compassion & good Neighbourhood: Hence Law-Suits are multi-ply'd beyond Measure, & strangely continu'd, to the great Expence of Time and Money; to the creating and fomenting of Divisions In Town, Church, & in Particular Families; as also much to the Stain and Reproach of our Holy Profession: Some use it as a Medium to get their Honest Right; some to save their just Right; and some to keep others out of their just & proper Due. Now if in this day of our Trouble and Perplexity, in this time of trending down in our valley Vission, there be any thing to be done by means to believe us, and quiet our disturbances, tis With you much to do it, and the doing of it, as twill turn our darkenss & shadow of death in to the morning, Amo▪ 5. 8. So twill give you a Room and Name in the hearts of this People never to be blotted out.
[Page 48]USE, VII. Let it Excite the Body of this People, to engage in the great Work of Reformation. There has been a mighty Spirit in the Assembly, and out of it, for Land. But Oh! When shall we see men of influence, foresight and business, forming themselves into Societies, to set forward the Reformation of Manners among us. The Body of the People to be sure need to Engage in this work, since as we have heard, if they are not spirited for it, or their hearts prepared and disposed, tis like to fail in the Hands of Rulers, if never so much spirited for the Work. Let Parents and Heads of Families then set to work: Our Families must be Nurseries of Piety and Learning, in order to its going well with the Common-wealth. See to the Education and Instruction of Children, and all under your Care: Resolve with David, to walk before God in your Houses with a perfect heart, Ps. 101.2. Use your Authority to curb all under your care from Sin and Vanity. Personal and Family Reformation is necessary, in order to that which is Publick: And the work must begin here, if ever it comes to be General. See to it then that you put away Wickedness from your Tabernacle; Job II.I4. If iniquity be in thy hand, put it far away, and let not wickedness dwell in thy tabernacles.
By way of Motive to this Work, let us Consider these following things.
[Page 49]1. Tis in our power to reform many things that we know to be Amiss. Many things are found amiss among us that are very plain and obvious; and none of us can have the face to say, tis not within our compass to reform them: God in the Publick Covenant, calls on a Sinning people to reform, now this shows tis what is practicable by them, Jer. 7.3, 5. Amend your ways and doings. So Jer. 26.13. The Obedience God calls for from his Covenant People, considered in a collective way, is what they are capable of from common Assistance and a due Attendance to the means of teaching they do enjoy. Men that are Intemperate, may reform, and come to be Sober Men: Men given to Strife and vain Jangling, may study to be quiet and do their own business, as directed to do, 1 Thes. 4.11 Men unjust and uncharitable, may labour to be just and honest in their dealing, and kind and charitable to others: Men that Neglect the Publick Worship on Sabbath Days, and on other occasions, may put honour upon it, by a steady and constant attendance on it: The same Legs that will Carry a Man to the Tavern, will Carry him to the place of Publick Worship, if he will put them to the Service. If Men want Saving Grace, and so are uncapable in statu quo, i.e. in their present condition of gracious actings, yet they are capable of External Conformity to the Rules of the Gospel: Men when urged [Page 50] to Reform, say they cannot; but tis because they Will not. Hence God Charges it on the Corrupt & Sinful Will of man; Psal 8I.II. But my People would not hearken to my Voice, and Israel would none of me.
2. We have choice means of Conviction in things wherein we are Dark. We have a great deal of Light held forth to us to shew us what is Sinful, and that the way of Sin is destructive and ruinous; in the Pains taken by our Rulers to Check this and the other Vice: We have great light held forth to us from the Word of God; the Ministers of Christ have not ceased to show unto us our Transgressions on this publick and solemn Occasion, and also at other times; besides, the Providences of God have been many times very Convincing, and have served to point out Sin in particular, Hos. 6.5. So that if we use the Means of Convictions, we are in the way to be Enlightned; Our ignorance under such Means of light, renders us very inexcusable; Joh.3.19. This is the Condemnation, &c God represents the Carriage of his People when got into such a frame, as Brutal or worse, Isa. 1.3. The Ox knows his owner, and the Ass his masters crib: but Israel doth not know me, my People doth not Consider.
3. We shall lie open to Publick Judgments till we do Reform. God may spare us from his wonderful [Page 51] Patience, and he may give us a respite now and then from Publick Judgments; He may bestow many Publick Favours on us; He may give us Peace, and Health, and Plenty, as the fruits of his Benignity: for his ways are not as ours, but infinitely above them, Isa. 55. 8. But there is no way to save us from Publick Guilt, but by giving to us a spirit of Repentance; See Isa. 4.4. When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the Daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from midst thereof, by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of Burning. The Spirit of God is there Promised in the times of the Gospel to work for Conviction on the hearts of men, as a Spirit of Judgment to Convince them, as a Spirit of Burning to Refine them, to Consume their greater & lesser Iniquities, † It being so then, it follows, if there be a great deal of pains taken by Civil Rulers to cut off Occasions of Sin, and to save us from publick Guilt If Minister obtain Mercy of the Lord to be Faithful, such as knowing the Terror of the Lord, use proper means to perswade men, as Paul Speaks 2 Cor. 5 11 If there be much of the Purity of Doctrine and Worship to be seen among us Again, if there be a number of Godly, Holy Persons in our Towns, such as [Page 52] shew by their Discourse and Conversation, that they have been with JESUS. Further, Tho' God at times is pouring out his Spirit for the carrying on Conversion Work, in a Remarkable manner, in particular places, yet according to the tenour of the Publick Covenant, as we are a Body Collective by it, till we come to Reform and Amend in the General, we ly open to Publick Judgments.
4. The work of Reformation, if it be General, will make way for our being a Happy People. The Covenant People of God are under singular Advantage to be a happy People; Tis God's primary intention to make them so when He takes them into so near a Relation to Himself, Deut. 33.29. Happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee. &c. Hence if it don't prove so in the Event, tis ever charg'd upon them as their own fault. The Promises of the Covenant are great, & the good of them is made over to a People upon condition of Obedience that they are under special advantage to perform; Now this Obedience is called their Righteousness, Deut. 6 25 And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these Commandments before the Lord our God, as He has commanded us: i.e That for which they are Justified & Accepted before God as the Heirs of the Promise. According then to the Nature of the Covenant & God's Oeconomy in the Government of the House of Israel; we may conclude were Religion revived, we should soon see the face of our Land Renewed; the distempers of our Civil State would be healed; no more Complaint that the Head is sick & the Heart faint; to use the words of the Prophet, Isa 1.5. Our Heart Jealousies, Animosities, separate Interests would cease. Men would sstudy Love & Unanimity [Page 53] in all their Concerns; they wou'd agree to Prosecute the Publick Good truly & faithfully: And as an Ingenuous Writer ‖ in his fine way of Expression, notes on the conduciveness of Christian Charity to the good & benefit of Humane Society; ‘Nothing would now be wanting to Verify and Realize the Dreams of the Golden Age; to Anticipate the Millennial Happiness, and to bring down Heaven upon Earth. Society would stand firm & compact like a Mathematical Frame of Architecture, supported by mutual Dependences & Coherences; and every mans Kindnesses would return again upon himself in the Circle & Reciprocation of Love.’
Besides Now Conversion work is like to go on & many Souls Saved from Wrath to come, and bro't to be the Heirs of Life: The Publick Church shall share largely in that Promise, by God's Gathering in of His Elect, Isa. 54. 13. Thy Children shall be taught of God; and great shall be the Peace of thy Children. So Isa. 55 13. Instead of the Thorn shall come up the Firtree, & instead of the Briar shall come up the Myrtletree; and it shall be to the Lord for a Name, for an everlasting sign which shall not be cut off.
To Conclude then, Let us all Unite in this great Work, & join servent Prayers with the Means used, that they maybe crowned with Success: Let us with Ephraim, take words & return; Hof. 14.2. Take with you Words & turn to the Lord, say unto Him, Take away all Iniquity & receive us graciously. So will we render the calves of our Lips.