A Practical Discourse Relating to the GOSPEL-MINISTRY.
WHOM we Preach, warning every Man, and teaching ev'ry Man in all Wisdom; that we may present every Man perfect in Christ Jesus: whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.
FORASMUCH as it hath pleased the Great Shepherd of the Sheep (whose are all our ways, and who turneth the hearts of Men as the rivers of Water) to direct, and incline his People of this Flock (which He hath purchased of Old, whose goings are seen in this [Page] Holy Mountain) to Elect and Invite me (who am less, than the least of all Saints, and not worthy to be allowed to be put in trust with the Gospel) to take the Ministerial Charge, and Oversight of them in the Lord; and Forasmuch as now the Set and Solemn time is come for my Publick Investiture in awful manner (by Prayer, with laying on of the Hands of the Presbytery) into the Sacred Office (whereunto He hath called me, and unto which I would in all Humil [...]ty and Fear, under a sense of the Greatness of the Work, and conscious of my own insufficiency, in hope of the Promis'd Divine Presence, with utmost Sincerity, bind my self in the Lord before many Witnesses.) I wou'd learn my Duty, move my Affections, and take Encouragement from the Passage of Scripture before us— Whom we Preach, warning every Man, &c.
THEY are the Words of the Apostle Paul; and herein he has left a bright Specimen of his own conduct, for direction and incentive unto Ministers in the Service of the Gospel; and which therefore will afford reflections not unseasonable for the present Solemnity.
I shall not spend any of the few Minutes allotted for this Discourse, in stating the Coherence, and relation of the Words unto the Context, but immediately apply my self to form some proper remarks upon them, under a more abstract consideration. And I trust, that none will pervert, or transfer those things, which I design for immediate cautions to my self, as charges, or personal imputations on any other; and that none will now look upon me as standing here this Day, to dictate and prescribe unto others, so much as to my self.
To begin, we may
1. OBSERVE, What was the Apostle's great Work and Business. viz. Preaching. We Preach, [Page] says he: We—either (as some say) including the other Apostles, and Faithful Ministers of Christ with himself; or else (as say others) rather putting the first Person Plural, for the first Person Singular, which was customary with him, as 'tis with us.
HOW ignoble, how trivial and minute soever this Work may appear to some, how contemptible soever this foolishness of Preaching, yet the Great Doctor of the Gentiles, a Star of the first Magnitude, 2 Cor. 11.5. Act. 22.3. not a whit behind the very Chief of the Apostles, bro't up at the feet of Gamaliel, and having profited above many in all the Learning both of Jews and Christians, tho't it no stoop to give himself to the Ministry of the Word. Acts 6.4. Eph. 3.8. 2 Tim. 1.12. Act. 20.24 Unto me (says he) is this Grace given that I should Preach—. For the which also I suffer, nevertheless I am not ashamed, neither count I my life dear to my self, so that I may finish the Ministry I have received of the Lord. Ro. 11.13. He took all occasions thus to magnify his Office, and in all his Writings we find interspers'd with a most pleasant variety, such notes of holy triumph and glorying in his Work.
THE OBSERVATION here is this, namely,
THAT Preaching is one great, and noble part of the Pastoral Duty.
THE Ministers of the Gospel are styled Stewards of the Mysterys of God: 1 Cor. 4.1. —9.17. The Dispensation of these is committed to them. Out of the Store-house and Repository of Divine Truths, Mat 13.52 2 Tim. 3.15, 6. 1 Pet. 4.10. Act. 20.28. They are, as the good House-holder, to bring forth things new and old, things profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and instruction in righteousness, as every Man hath received the gift, feeding the Flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made them Overseers, testifying the Gospel of the Grace of God. ver. 24. How does our Saviour inculcate this, with the most pathetical [Page 4] expressions of endearing affection, upon Peter, and in him on every Minister, saying, Lovest thou Me? Feed my Lambs. Joh. 21.— As thou lovest Me, Feed my Sheep, feed my Sheep. And with what Solemn Vehemence does the Apostle adjure, 2 Tim 4.1, 2 and exhort his Son Timothy? I Charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at His Appearing and Kingdom, —1.8. 1 Tim. 4.13 Preach the Word, &c. Be not ashamed of the testimony of our Lord. Give attendance to Reading, to Exhortation, to Doctrine.
PREACHING then is an Ordinance of Heaven, and therefore not to be declam'd against, as mean or superfluous. 1 Ths. 5.20 How vile then are they, that despise Prophecying, and forsake the Assembling themselves together, Heb. 10.25 as the manner of some is, and load Faithful Preachers with the most contemptuous indignities? Good Ministers are Lights to the World, Mat. 5.13, 14. 2 Ki. 2.12. 2 Cor. 8.23. —5.20. 1 Tim. 5.17 Isai. 49.5. 1 Cor. 4.13. and Salt unto the Earth, the beauty of Jacob, The Chariots and the Horsemen thereof; The Glory of Christ, and Embassadors for Him, and worthy of double honour. Tho' Israel acknowledge them not, yet they are glorious in the eyes of the Lord. Tho' they are reviled, despised, buffeted, made the filth of the World, a perpetual hissing, and the off-scouring of all things to this day, yet they appear in the sight of Heaven, with beams of distinguishing glory, entituled to double honour, even the excellency of dignity. As 'tis written, Isai. 52.7. Ro. 10.15. How beautiful upon the Mountains, are the feet of them that Preach the Gospel of Peace? Behold, ye Despisers, and wonder & perish.
AND let none think it a disparagement to his Greatness, to be employ'd in Preaching the Gospel, and grow too big for this work, as fit only for Men of low degree, and least esteemed in the Church.
TO excel here is true dignity and glory. King Solomon esteem'd it a first [...]ate-honour, and a brighter Ornament than his Crown. Eccl. 1.12. That is his Style, The [Page 5] PREACHER, King over Israel. Yea, and a greater than Solomon, the Apostle and High-Priest of our Profession, JESUS the Son of God, Heb. 2.3. Act. 10.36 was a Preacher of the Gospel, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord.
THIS was one grand Article of His Commission, Luk. 4.43. and the chief business of His Life. He continued faithful herein even to the Death, —24.19. a Prophet mighty in Word and Deed before God and the People, —4.15. being glorify'd of all; yea, after His Resurrection He return'd to His wonted pleasant Employ, Act. 1.3. speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.
YE see then, Brethren, your Calling, how that some Wise Men, some Mighty, some Noble Personages, and the highest Names have honour'd the Institution of Preaching.
AND how do these excellent Patterns countermine the dumb & idle Shepherd, that leaveth the Flock? Isa. 56.10. Zech 11.17 Isai. 56.11. Act. 20.29 and condemn the greedy dogs, (as they are called) which can never have eno', and spare not the Flock, yet will only watch them by Proxy.
II. OBSERVE, What was the Subject-matter of the Apostle's Preaching, viz. CHRIST. Whom we Preach, says he, i. e. Christ, Whom he had expresly mentioned in the verse immediately preceeding.— Christ in you the hope of Glory, Whom we Preach,— Christ was the Summ and Substance of his whole Preaching, either directly or reductively; Gal. 6.1 [...]. —1.14. not Circumcision, and the Jew's Religion after the traditions of the Fathers; nor Gentile Philosophy and vain deceit after the rudiments of the World, Col. 2.8. and the doctrines of Men. No; so he speaks, I dertermined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 2.2. So also he says elsewhere▪ We Preach not our selves, 2 Cor 4.5. but Christ Jesus the Lord. Act. 5.42. Thus likewise 'tis said of the other Apostles, They ceased not daily to Teach and Preach Jesus Christ.
[Page 6]AND the excellent Pattern, which They've set, Challenges a perpetual imitation from all the Embassadors of Christ. All their Sermons are to be framed to this Standard.
DOCT. CHRIST is the Grand Subject, which the Ministers of the Gospel should in their Preaching mainly insist upon.
1 Cor. 3.11. NO other Foundation can any Man lay, than that which is laid. The Apostles according to the Grace of God given to them, as wise Master-builders, have laid this Foundation, Act. 10.36. and unto this do all the Prophets give witness; let every Man then take heed how he buildeth; 1 Pet. 2. let the Builders beware, they refuse not this Chief Corner-Stone, the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets.
CHRIST is the Centre of Revelation, and the adaequate Subject of Preaching; and He must be the Substance and Bottom of every Sermon. Men must not lavish away their Ministry on petty matters of doubtful d [...]sputation, or empty speculation; but they must Preach the solid and weighty truths that are according to Godliness, Eph. 3.8, [...]. the Unsearchable Riches of Christ, to make Men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning hath been hid in God.
THERE are some giddy-headed Opinionists, who pretend to see with infallible Eyes, and set up for indubitable Oracles, transforming themselves into Angels of Light, yet speak with the tongue of Men, and the miserable dialect of corrupt nature, belching out the romantic forgerys and false visions of a distempered brain for the Faith once delivered to the Saints; Jer. 14.14. Prophecying lyes and a thing of [...]ought, the deceit of their heart, and the shadows of a dream, having no better light, than the Moon-shine of unsanctify'd reason.
THE Mystery of Christ, which our holy Apostle [Page 7] often mentions, and that for ever with admiring rapture, These Men, the Scoffers of the last day, with pert and [...]refac'd presumption hoot at, and hunt down as mad enthusiasm, insipid cant and jargon; "They make it their bauble to play with, and their eye-sore" to spurn and snarl at. Here they set their silly and sooty wit to brisk up, and vent it self in fleering sarcasms, or sneering burlesque; Here they rave or droll; and prate against the faithful Preachers of Christ, 3 Joh. 10. with malicious words, painting 'em under their own colours, as Fools and Bablers, as fanatical, and fantastic, as Men of slavish minds, and weak understandings. How justly do these malevolent sounds reverberate upon themselves?
SUCH are filthy dreamers, empty clouds, 1 Tim. 6.4. knowing nothing, who consent not to wholesome words, and to the Truth, as tis in Jesus. These are Enemies to the Cross of Christ (whose end shall be according to their works) and are removed from Him unto another Gospel, Gal. 1.6. and so lye open to that awful Anathema denounced by the Apostle, saying, Tho' we, or an Angel from Heaven preach any other Gospel unto you, — ver. 8. than that which we've preach't unto you, let him be accursed. —Oh, my Soul, come not into their secrets; Gen. 49.6. unto their Assembly, mine honour, be not thou united.
THEY, that are Friends of the Bridegroom, Joh. 3.29▪ who have so learned Christ, as he is taught in the School of the Prophets and Apostles, and with whom the truth of the Gospel does continue, are not ashamed to Preach the Cross, and count all things, Phil. 3.8. but loss for the excellency of the knowlege of Christ and Him Crucified. What is the Chaff to the Wheat? saith the Lord. J [...]. 23.2 [...]. What is the vain Philosophy of the Greeke, and the exact righteousness of the Pharisee [...], but dung and dross to the riches of the Glory of this mystery?
[Page 8] Joh. 6.35. JESUS CHRIST is the Bread of Life; and nothing but this, will suit the nature and inclination of the Spiritual Appetite; nothing but this, will beget and maintain the vital flame of Spiritual Life; every thing else will prove either a Stone, or a Serpent, unnatural & jejune, or poison & pernicious.
MINISTERS then must study to entertain their Flocks with a continual Feast on the glorious fulness there is in Christ; must gather fruits from the BRANCH of Righteousness, Jer. 33.15. from the Tree of Life, for them that hunger, feeding them not with the meat which perisheth, but with that which endureth to everlasting life. They must open this Fountain of living Waters, the great mystery of Godliness, into which all the Doctrines of the Gospel, that are branch'd forth into so great a variety, do, as so many rivulets or Streams making glad the City of God, flow and concentre.
THEY must endeavour to set forth Christ— In the dignity of His Person, as the brightness of His Fathers Glory, Heb. 1.3. 1 Tim. 3.16 God manifest in the Flesh.— In the reality, necessity, nature, and exercise of His threefold Office of a Prophet, of a Priest, and of a King, "both in His State of Humiliation, and Exaltation.—In the glorious benefits of His Redemtion, the Justification of them that believe, the Adoption of Sons, Sanctification, and an Inheritance that fadeth not away, 1 Pet. 1.4. reserved in Heaven for the Saints.—In the wonderful Methods and means, in and by which we are called into the fellowship of the Son our Lord, 1 Cor. 1.9. and "made partakers of the Redemtion by Christ. —In the nature, and signification, the excellency and worth of all the Ordinances, and Institutions of Christ, with the obligations on all to attend upon them; & the like.
WHATEVER Subject they are upon, it must be some how pointed unto Christ. All Sin must be [Page 9] witnessed against, and preached down, as opposite to the holy nature, the wise and gracious designs, and just government of Christ. So all duty must be perswaded to, and preach't up, with due regard unto Christ; to His Authority commanding, and to His Spirit of Grace assisting, as well as to the merit of His Blood commending; and this, to dash the vain presumption, that decoys so many into ruin, who will securely hang the weight of their hopes upon the horns of the Altar, without paying expected homage to the Sceptre, of Christ. All the Arrows of sharp rebuke are to be steep'd in the Blood of Christ; and this, to prevent those desponding fears and frights of guilt, which sometimes awfully work to a fatal issue. Dark and ignorant Sinners are to be directed to Christ, as the Sun of Righteousness: convinced Sinners are to be led to Christ, as the Great Atonement, Mal. 4.2. & the only City of Refuge; Christ is to be lifted up on high, Joh 3.14, 5 for the wounded in Spirit to look unto, as the bitten Israelites to the brazen Serpent of old. The Sick, the Lame, and Diseased are to be carry'd to Christ, as the Great Physician, the Lord our Healer: the disconsolate, Mat. 9.12. and timorous to be guided to Christ, as the Consolation of Israel and in us the hope of Glory. Luk. 2.25. Col. 1.27. Every comfort administred is to be sweeten'd with pure water from this Well of Salvation, which only can quench the fiery darts of the evil one. Isai. 12.3. The Promises of the Gospel are to be apply'd, as being in Christ Yea, and in Him Amen, to the Glory of God. 2 Cor. 1.20. So the Threatnings of the Law are to lighten and flash in the eyes of Sinners, as the terrors of the Lord, and sparks of the holy resentment of an incensed Saviour, which hover now over the Children of disobedience, and will one day unite, and fall heavy upon them. The Love of Christ to us is to be held forth as the great constraining motive [Page 10] to Religion, and the Life of Christ as the bright, engaging pattern of it. Progress and Increase in holiness are to be represented, Joh. 15.4. Eph, 4.15, — ver. 13. under the notion of an abiding in Christ, and growing up into Him, who is the Head, even Christ: Perfection in Grace—as the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ; Joh. 17.24 and Eternal Life, as a being for ever with the Lord where He is, Mat 25.21 a beholding His Glory, and dwelling in our Masters Joy.
THUS (in imitation of the Apostolical way of preaching) there must be a beautiful intertexture of references to Christ; "a golden thread" twisted into every Discourse, to leaven, and perfume the same, 2 Cor. 2.14. so as to make it express a savour of the knowlege of Christ. Thus "every m [...]te cast into the treasury of the Temple must bear this inscription" upon it, (which was once the humble language of a pious Martyr in the Flames) NONE but CHRIST, NONE but CHRIST; that so every one, beholding in the Word Preach't, as in a glass, the Glory of the Lord, may be changed into the same image from glory to glory. 2 Cor. 3.18.
III. OBSERVE the Apostle's manner of preaching; and that is with Impartiality, Wisdom, and diligent Application.
1. OBSERVE His IMPARTIALITY— warning (says he) every Man, and teaching every Man. —Here he amplifys his work by the two principal instances of it, viz. Admonition and Instruction. [Hence it is the Office of Ministers to rebuke, as well as to direct; Tit. 2.15. and the order of the words seems to hint, that reproof for Sin commonly goes before, to open the door for the entertainment of Instruction in duty; till Men are convinced of Sin, they will not be instructed in Righteousness.] And the Apostle declares his Fidelity and Impartiality, as to both—warning every Man and teaching every Man. [Page] He taught every where in every Church, 1 Cor 4.17. Act. 20.31. Rom. 1.14. and ceased not to warn every one Night and Day with tears, both the wise and unwise; reckoning himself a Debtor to the Jew first, and also to the Greek, and accordingly applying himself to every one, neither fearing the faces, nor sparing the faults of any.
HENCE, we've that solemn adjuration of our Apostle to Timothy— I Charge thee before God, 1 Tim 5.21. and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Elect Angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality. Ministers ou't not in any of their Administrations to be sway'd by personal kindness, nor prejudice: They must not be byass'd by sinister views of private advantage and disadvantage; neither smiles, nor terrors may stop, divert, or stacken 'em in their work: with all indifference, and indiscriminating regard to out-side pomp or poverty they are to warn and to teach every Man in every sphaere. All Souls are God's; as the Soul of the Father, Ezek. 18.4. so also the Soul of the Son; as of the Master, so of the Servant likewise. Have we not all one Father? Mal. 2.10. Hath not one God created us? The Rich and the Poor stand upon a level in the things of God, and are rated at the same value in the Book of Life, Where there is neither Circumcision, nor Uncircumcision, Col. 3.11. bond nor free, but Christ is all and in all; for of a truth I perceive that God is no respector of Persons. Act. 10.34. The prerogatives of birth, honour, estate and the like, do not commend unto God; They should not then be accepted of Men, the Ministers of Christ, so as to beget contempt on the one hand, or slavish dread [Page] on the other: " external relations bear no weight at the Gospel-beam": the Balances of the Sanctuary are, then, to be held steddily with an equal hand.
ON the one side, as to counsel and advice; Ministers must be as willing and industrious to instruct the Servile as the Honorable, Tit. 2.9. the Poor among the Brethren as the Rich in this World. They must not despise a Soul the more, nor value holiness the less, for being wrap't up in the garments of filth, and lying abject on a dunghill. They must not disdain to enter into smoaky cottages, nor think it beneath 'em to dress the Vineyard of the poor, whom God hath chosen—heirs of the kingdom. Rev. 23.10 Jam. [...].5. God is often better serv'd, and more honour'd in the Poor Mans hovel, than in the goodly palaces of the Great. The humble valleys are often more fruitful, than the high, and swelling hills. If Ministers despise the poor, — ver. 4. are they not then become partial in themselves?
AND on the other hand, as to censure and admonition; they must be impartial Monitors, & faithfully warn the Rich, Jer. 25.34. and principal of the Flock, as well as the base and mean; neither to be brib'd nor bugbear'd, neither to be wheedl'd nor huff't out of their duty and work. They must beware, not to compliment quality, and distinction, nor court popular influence and plentiful fortunes. Here indeed the best are too apt to daub, and palliate; to shut their eyes, Isai. 30.10. Ezek 13.18 or stop their mouths, or prophecy smooth things, and sow pillows, tempering their speech to the corrupt pallate, and the itching ear, indulging the most fatal endearments, and unjust complaisance unto wickednesses in high places. But what a foul indignity is this to the Sacred Character? Mal 2 8, 9. This is corrupting the Covenant of Levi, a being partial in the Law, Prov 24.23 and accepting Mens persons in judgment which is not good.
The Grandees of the World have too many [Page 13] fawning Parasites often, that stroak and sooth them, byass'd by the hopes of favour, & influenc'd by the fear of frowns.
BUT Ministers must not stand dumb, and idle, afraid of haughty greatness, when bold invasions are made on the kingdom of Christ, His Laws trampled under foot, and His Honour laid in the dust; here they must know no difference between Prince and Peasant; Now they must be touch't with concern, flame with zeal, and burn with jealousy for the Lord of Hosts, Cant. 8.6, 7 the coals whereof are to be a most vehement flame, which many waters cannot quench, nor the floods of the ungodly drown; and if a man would give all the substance of his house for a bribe, it must be contemned utterly. Jer. 1.17. They must gird up their loins, and set their foreheads as an adamant, harder than a flint, and arise, Ezek. 3.9. —11. and lift up their voice, and cry in the ears of these Sons of belial, saying, Thus saith the Lord, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: exhorting, and rebuking with all authority, Tit. 2.15. 1 Thes. 2.2, — 4, 5. 2 Cor. 5.16. being bold in God to speak the Gospel, even so not as pleasing Men, but God, who tryeth the heart, neither at any time using words of flattery, not knowing any Man after the flesh. The modest Young Man Elihu, has left an imitable Example hereof unto us— Days (saith he) shou'd speak but great Men are not always wise, Job 32. neither do the aged understand judgment; therefore hearken unto me, I will answer my part— and let me not (I pray you) accept any man's person, &c. in so doing my Maker wou'd take me away. The very Pharisees themselves gave that testimony to Christ,—Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in truth, Mat. 22.16 neither carest thou for any man; for thou regardest not the person of men. When David the King himself despised the commandment of the Lord, 2 Sam. 12. to do evil in his sight, faithful Nathan dealt plainly with him. So [Page 14] did Elijah, 1 Kin. 18. very jealous for the Lord God of Israel, reprove Ahab; unmov'd at the terrors of the King. So did good Nehemiah contend with the prophane Rulers and Nobles. Nehem. 13. Mat. 14.4. So did John Baptist admonish Herod the Tutrarch, undaunted at a Crown and Sceptre. Act. 24.25. So Paul a prisoner in bonds, did with great freedom & plainness reason of the Faith in Christ, of righteousness, temperance and judgment to come, before a corrupt & wicked Judge, 'till he struck the stout and bold transgressor into trembling horror.
THUS Ministers must with the rod of their mouths and the breath of their lips, cast down the wicked to the ground, Isai. 11.4. even them that ride on the high places of the earth: Ezek. 6.2. Thus the huge mountains of Israel must be touch't (as well as the little Hills) tho' they shoot out their arrows with fiery indignation, and fortify the height of their strength.
Mat. 4.19.MINISTERS are called Fishers of Men: now the Net of the Gospel (to allude to what One has faithfully and wisely observ'd concerning humane Laws) is not to be like a Spiders web, to catch small flies, and let the great escape.
1 Cor. 4 1. AGAIN. They're styled Stewards; and 'tis required of a Steward, that a Man be found faithful in giving to every one his allowance, feeding all the Family, one as well as another.
Ma [...] 9.37. 1 C [...]r [...].8 [...] 2 T [...]m. [...] AGAIN, They are termed Husbandmen, that sow and water; and they must cultivate and improve every piece of Land; They must tend every plant that grows in their nursery. They must know the tall tree and the low shrub, even all the trees, from the Cedar in Lebanon to the hyssop that spring [...] out of the Wall.
[...] AGAIN, They are call'd Shepherds & Pastours; and must take hee [...] to all the Flock, putting no diffe [...]nce.
[Page 15] AGAIN, They are call'd Watchmen; Ezek. 3.17. Cant. 3.3. the faithful Watchman walks the rounds, and inspects the whole Town, not confining his care to this, or that particular house: so they that keep the watch of the Lord at the gates of the temple, [...] Tim. 4.5. Act. 5.42. must walk circumspectly, watch [...]t all things, and to every house. They must be cloath'd with the Sun, and their going forth must be from the end of the Heaven, and their line thro'out all the Earth. They must not suffer the most filthy corner to escape their view, nor let there be any place, where their voice is not heard. They must be full of Eyes within, without, Rev. 4.6, 8. before and behind, looking about every way; setting the watch round, and riding the circuit thro'.
AGAIN, They are styled Soldiers; 2 Tim. 2.3. and they must lift up their voice as a trumpet to warn ev'ry Man, lay the Siege round about, draw the Sword of the Spirit upon ev'ry adversary, setting the point thereof against all their gates, smi [...]ing ev'ry one, as well Agag the King, 1 Sam. 15. as the meanest Amalekite, not sparing the best of the spoil, any more than the vile and refuse.
THE golden rule of Charity, and tender pity to the Souls of Men, immutably obliges and loudly summons Ministers to such fidelity, and impartiality in their Administrations. It should melt them into tears of holy indignition, & move their bowels of compassion to behold wretched Men, wronging their own Souls, Prov. 8.36. swallowing deadly poison, playing on the hole of the asp, & casting fire-brands, arrows and death; and they should be quicken'd solemnly from God to charge and check such, 1 Tim. 6.17 even the rich and great, and by all the dear and seasonable disswasives of love to bank up their way, stop their carrier, and turn 'em from the error of their ways unto the wisdom of the just.
SO also the natural law of self-preservation, & the [Page 16] eternal rules of compassion to their own Souls, infer the strongest obligations unto this duty If they do not cry aloud to shew transgressors their ways (what bulk & figure soever they're of) admitting there be not the most palpable grounds to despair of success in the admonition, they are look'd upon by the chief and unerring Judge as interested in the guilt, and accessory to the ruin of such as perish thro' their neglect; and they shall receive a just recompence in themselves, Psal. 9.12. when God shall come to make inquisition for blood.
THE transmigration of Sin from perishing Souls unto unfaithful Watchmen is no platonic dream, or airy notion, but a doctrin according to godliness taught in the School of Christ. The mouth of truth hath spoken it— He that is not with me is against me, Luk. 11.23 Ezek. 3 18 Lev. 19.17. and he that gathereth not scattereth. If thou speakest not to warn the wicked from his wicked way, and in any wise to rebuke him to save his life, he shall die in his iniquity, but thou shalt suffer sin upon him, and his blood will I require at thy hands. As Ministers then would deliver their own Souls, and at last appear before the Judgment-Seat of Christ pure from the blood of all Men, Act. 20.26 they must warn ev'ry Man, and teach every Man without fear of undue censures, or threatning dangers.
2. OBSERVE, The Apostle's WISDOM in the discharge of his Work— warning & teaching every Man in all Wisdom. Wisdom is the Soul, that wings and gives life to the most industrious application in the pursuit of any end propounded, without the help whereof, to concert proper measures, all possible endeavours, in some cases, may starve and miscarry. The Apostle therefore, that he might not run in vain, [...] 9.26. [...] nor sight as one that beats the air, made it his sollicitous concern to order his affairs with discretion, and to work as a wise Master-builder. He [Page 17] taught every Man in all Wisdom, speaking with the tongue of the wise, which useth knowlege aright, Prov. 15.2. and exercising the pen of the ready Scribe, Mat. 13.52 well instructed to the kingdom of God.
THEY that are to win Souls must be wise. Prov 11.30 —26.6. Solomon says, He that sendeth a message by the hand of a fool, cutteth off the feet and drinketh damage. As a Man without feet, so is a Messenger without wisdom The highest improvements, seperate from that spirit of wisdom, which is profitable to direct, Eccl 10.10 will prove but of little and uncertain benefit.
AS Policy, if not temper'd with a due proportion of Piety, may be called a malignant Comet; so Piety, without Policy, some have compar'd to a dark Lanthorn; as giving too faint a light, to direct a Minister in his work, that is so full of important duty, and a great variety (sometimes) of uncommon difficulties, and unlook'd for emergent cases, which demand the most sagacious eye, a penetrating tho't, a commanded presence of mind, sound experience, and a well-poiz'd judgment.
AGAIN, Zeal not according to knowlege, is but an erratic fire, that will often lead us into boggs & praecipices; ardour of spirit, without a temperature of prudence & discretion, portends nothing but wild confusion.
SO Magnanimity, if not in conjunction with dexterity, courage of heart without the orderly Steerage of a wise head, will seldom do any great exploits. "A brazen face fix't to an empty skull"—is but a miserable tool to be employ'd in any affair of consequence and intricate involvement; & will prove, but as the sounding brass, or tinkling cymbal. [Page 18] An unwise, imprudent Minister is a Solaecism in terms, as to say a dark Sun, an empty Fountain, a blind Watchman, Isai. 56.10 or an ignorant Guide, that cannot discharge their proper duty, nor any wise answer their next ends. Ministers can never assert the just honour of their Station, nor fulfil the noble design of their institution, without some tolerable degree of Wisdom; this is an excellent talent, which it behoves and becomes them to search for, as for hid treasures, Prov. 2.4. l [...]fting up their voice for understanding, and bowing their heart to wisdom as the principal thing, as a crown of glory, —4.7. and an ornament of grace.
BUT let us here enter into a few particulars, wherein this Ministerial Wisdom is to be displayed.
IT might be premised,
§. 1. MINISTERS must be very Wise in ordering their private conversation, that they don't allow any thing that may extenuate their influence, and enervate their administrations.
Act. 6.3. 1 Tim. 3.7.THEY must be of the most approved morals, of honest report, well spoken of for good works. A spotless, clear, and unblemish't credit, will add a forcible authority unto, and reflect a beautiful charm upon, their publick Preaching. The want of this unhinges the door, and opens the gate to floods of contempt; unpins the whole frame of their Ministry, makes the very pillars shake and totter, puts the foundations out of course, and threatens all with shipwreck and dissolution. Tit. 1.7. Wise therefore is that solemn advise of the Apostle to Titus, — Let no Man despise thee—Do nothing, that shall blast or blot your reputation, but always so act, and speak, and govern your self, as to preserve an untarnisht lustre on your character; This will command an affectionate veneration to your Person, and shed rays of light, and heat to recommend, and animate your Preaching.
[Page 19]IF a Man's Name be as precious Oyntment, it will cast an odour of a sweet smell on his Ministry, give it a grateful savour, and an agreeable relish. But if the Sons of Eli, the Priests, 1 Sam. 2.17 make themselves vile, it will cause all the Assembly to abhor the offerings of the Lord, Mal. 2.8. to despise his Altar and stumble at the law.
EXAMPLE strikes quick & sinks deep; carries in it a peculiar s [...]vereignty, and a much more controlling power, than dry rules, and the meer demonstrations of reason. Let Ministers, then, 1 Cor. 13.1. speak with the tongue of Angels, and harangue with se [...]aphic art and ardour against the Vices of the age and place they live in; if soil'd and tainted themselves, this wi [...]l be a standing bar in their way a dead weight in c [...]rrupt minds against the impression of truth, and will be of fatal tendency to fasten the bands of wickedness, and strengthen the hands of evil-doers, Jer. 23.14. that none shall return from his wickedness.
IMPENITENCE will insult and defend itself against the authority & force of their Instructions by this, Mat. 23.3. They say and do not — and give a killing blow to their most just reprehensions, by objecting that invidious Proverb, Physician, heal thy self; Luk. 4.23. wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thy self, for thou, that judgest, doest the same things. Yea, Rom. 2.1. the ill life of Ministers cast such a m [...]st before the eyes of many, as to make 'em resolve even Religion itself into nothing but superstitious whimsy, or mere frenzy, and think all their most zealous Sermons upon it are but imposture and a m [...]ck-shadow, the bubblings of a disturbed fancy, or the babblings of cunning hypocrisy; that they do but act a part, and preach only because 'tis their occupation, and by this craft they get their [...]ing; so branding all as religious policy, to prepare and pave the way to filthy lucre, 1 Tim. 6 5. supposing that [...]ain is all their godl [...]ess
[Page 20] THIS indeed is the most unwarrantable logic: yet unreasonable Men giddily stagger into the sad conclusion over the stumbling-block, which Ministers throw in the way by their dissolute practice. Ministers had need dread the pernicious consequence of thus putting a rock of offence before the blind; and see to it, 1 Pet. 2.15. that by well doing they put to silence the ignorance of foolish Men. They must keep themselves unpolluted from the corruptions, that are in the World thro' lust; be blameless and flee these things; 1 Tim 3.2, —6.11. and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness and holiness in all manner of conversation; 2 Cor. 6.3. giving no offence in any thing, that the Ministry be not blamed. "They must be Orthoprax, as well as Orthodox." Unto purity of doctrine they must add unspotted Piety of Life; and transcribe their publick Sermons in their private visible actions and behaviour, as ever they wou'd preserve the dignity of their Character, or promote the efficacy of Gospel-truths.
THEY must carefully keep at the utmost distance from ev'ry thing, that looks like sensuality, or indulgence; not only not run to the same excess of riot with others, but inflexibly curb themselves, and with due severity guard against too near an approach at any time to the vanities of the World; cautious not to venture to the utmost limits of innocent liberty, lest others quite transgress the line; and then gild over their own licence with a vain pretence of imitation, and think themselves not a little justifyed by transferring the like follys upon their Ministers. The mere appearance of evil, or any vergency toward it in these, they think will sufficiently excuse the reality in themselves.
MINISTERS had need ponder the path of their feet, lest they get too near the brink; and look heedfully to their goings, that their foot-steps slip not: [Page] strait is the gate and narrow the way, hedg'd up on every side; malice and envy are perpetually spies upon 'em, spread a net for their feet, and watch for their halting; and the least slip or side-step, Jer. 20.10. a single inadvertency shall be catch't at by an ill-natur'd, captious World, and aggravated into a crime of the most flagrant guilt, which the intire series of a prudent, exemplary deportment (in all other instances) can never atone for; and tho' Ministers are Men subject to like passions with others, Acts 14.15. Jam. 5.17. and are "but Candidates for Perfection while here" yet this will not serve for any plea of abatement, nor stop the mouth of calumny, but the very common impotencies of humane nature (incidental to the best ▪) shall be unfairly improv'd to slurr the fairest name, and draw a cloud over the brightest and most just reputation.
GREAT is the difficulty of forming and securing so unsully'd a Character, as is necessary to maintain that reverence, which is due to Ministers, and is so requisite to preserve the solemnity, and facilitate the success of all their ministerial Performances. However, they must exert their utmost care and endeavour, and use all innocent arts (being wise as Serpents and harmless as Doves) to obtain and keep an interest in the good opinion, Mat 10.16 and kind acceptance of the World, but all with a pure design to advantage the discharge of their trust, as that is a preparative of the mind, and a door of entrance into the Soul.
§. 2. MINISTERS must use great Wisdom & Discretion in the managing of their Publick Discourses.
1. THEY must see to it, that the Subject be adapted to the present circumstances and necessity of their Hearers. They must preach necessary truths, and seasonable.
IN the discharge of the Pastoral Care, Prudence [Page 22] demands a distinction to be made between one season, Eccl. 8.6 —3.11. and another. For to every purpose there is time and judgment, and every thing is beautiful in its season. A Word in the present day may be proper and beneficial, which at another time may lose its efficacy, or be of pernicious consequence. That which is a cup of consolation at one time, may prove a deadly draught at another. The Counsel of Achitophel, 2 Sam 17.7 says Hushai, is not good at this time. It is given in, Eccl. 8.5. as a property of the wise Man, His heart discerneth both time and judgment. He is a Physician of no value that does not understand the true constitution of the Patient, the several aspects of the distemper upon him, and does not observe critical junctures for application, both by way of remedy, correction and antidote or prevention.
MINISTERS must carefully endeavour to discern the face of the times, & observe what symptoms a [...]tend the Body of Christ and know when to change their voice, Gal. 4.20. and how to conform themselves to that variety of cases they meet with; their Peoples wants being always to govern 'em in the choice of Subjects, and not their own ease, nor fancy.
HENCE, 'tis the duty of Ministers to visit, as much as they conveniently can, from house to house, that they may kn [...]w the state of their Flocks, Prov 27.23 "take cognizance of particular Persons, and Cases," and get understanding of the times, 1 Ch. 12.32 to know what Israel ought to do in the present circumstance and condition. If Ministers are not wise as to Law, and Judgment, Esth. 1.13. and are unknowing in the times and seasons, they may well be compar'd to the Pilot, who can never steer a safe and even course, without an acquaintance with particular coasts, rocks, quicksands, channels, winds and the like; for tho' he may have very good insight into the abstract notion, and general theory of Sailing, yet for want of [Page 23] practice and experience, he's often non-plus'd with emergent difficulties, and shov'd beyond the f [...]rce of his reason by untho't of contingencies, that he becomes Ludibrium vent [...] [...]ssed about by every wind and raging of the Sea & to avoid danger on one hand sometimes ru [...]s into destruction on the opposite shoar.
MINISTERS may, for want of knowing the true State and Case of their People their humours, and distempers, inclinations, and affairs, what Sin [...] [...] most [...]e among them, what temptations they a [...]e most in danger of, what duties are m [...]st commonly [...]mitted, what things are most ready [...] what principles they live and act upon and [...]he like, allow an undue proportion of their Ministry to Subjects of less importance, unseasonably Preach up some truths and duties, and Preach against some errors and vices to the accid [...]tal damage and disservice of Religion.
MINISTERS must not indeed shun to declare the whole Counsel of God; Act. 20.27 Howbeit there are some times, when a truth is not to be insisted on, because un [...]easonable, in that the minds of People are not prepa [...]ed for the reception thereof. Thus said our Saviour; I've yet many things to say unto you, Joh. 16.12 but ye cannot beat them now And so the Apostle to the Hebrews; of Whom, Heb 5.11, 2 i. e. Christ we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered; see [...]ng ye are dull of hea [...]ing,—and are such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.
THERE are different degrees of growth in the Flock of Christ, and that which may be a very proper entertainment for one Soul, may be very unsuitable food to another. The Stewards of the pel must see to it then, that they make a wise distinction in their dispensations according to the various necessities, and different improvements [Page 24] of the Family; ver. 13, 4. feeding the babes with the sincere milk of the Word, (with easy truths, and first principles of the Oracles of God,) but dealing out strong meat (Doctrines of a deeper search, and more difficult of digestion,) [...]o them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercis [...]d to discern both good and evil.
2. WISDOM will direct Ministers to handle the Subject that they treat upon, in a manner suited to the capacity of the Hearers, and the dignity of divine truths. The matter must be fit, and so the manner. The Preacher must seek to find out acceptable Words and a suitable method; Ecc. 12.12 so as to inform the understanding, and inflame the affections, so as neither to "offend the weak, nor give advantage to the malicious"—so as to secure his administrations from contempt, to further the design and maintain the dignity of Preaching; Act. 26.25. always speaking forth the words of truth and sober [...]ess, with propriety and decency, with clear light, good order, & plain demonstration, without impertinency, confusion, and empty vociferation; so as at once to charm the ear, reach the mind, and touch the heart.
(1) THEY must adapt their Discourse to the capacity of the Hearers
[1.] AS to Method. Their thoughts must be di- into proper order, & dispos'd in the most rational, easy, natural method, without tumultuary perplextness, or a dry exactness. Scholastical accuracy, and Metaphysical distinctions, a great reach of tho't, and a Systematical thred of reason, are proportion'd to but very few Auditories. An Argumentative way, and too strict adhaerence to the nice rules of the ART of reasoning, do's but amuse common Hearers ("Strong Wine is more heady than hearty,) and therefore ought to be avoided.
[2.] AS to Style. The truths of the Gospel [Page 25] must be represented to the understanding in the most intelligible Language, with perspicuity, and easiness of expression. The Apostle say to the Corinthians, 1 Cor 14.9. Except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air. And then he says, ver. 18, 9. I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than you all: yet in the Church I [...]ad rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue. The pompous Oratory of the Schools, and luxuriant strains of Rhetoric▪ Academical terms and Philosophical nicety of diction, are above common capacities, and to be perpetually dealing in these is to speak into the air, and raise the dust to blind Men's eyes. When Ministers study rather to be florid, than solid, and labour continually for lofty phrases and great swelling words of vanity, 2 Pet. 2.18. they are only spinning a Spiders web; and the Orator perhaps may win applause, but the Minister in the mean time not win a Soul, the divine end of Preaching. They must follow the Example of CHRIST, the Great Teacher sent from God, who came not with excellency of Speech, and the enticing words of Man's wisdom, but with much plainness of speech. As it was prophecy'd concerning Him, He shall feed his Flock like a Shepherd, Isai 40.11. He shall gather the Lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young: which expressions decipher to us Christ's tender care of Souls, His humble familiarity in teaching His People, attempering His provisions to every taste, cloathing His instructions with language calculated to every capacity. Herein it becomes Ministers to imitate Him, and not tower aloft above low understandings in lawless Altitudes of expression, (as the manner [Page 26] of some is) but using a Style level to the unlearned and unskilful, delivering their tho'ts with a natural turn of speech, and in the most entertaining images, which, where the matter is weighty and important, is voted by the best Judges to be the truest eloquence However (no doubt) some particular Occasions, Auditory's, Subjects, &c. will bear something more of politeness without vanity, than one would ordinarily chuse.
(2.) THE Discourse must be suited to the majesty, and importance of the divine Subject.
[1.] AS to the Language. Ministers in Preaching must use such words, as will exhibit the most bright and clear idea of every truth, and set it forth in its whole emphasis, light, and genuine beauty, to the best advantage. They must endeavour for as thorow an understanding and penetration into the mysteries of Godliness as they can, and labour to draw the images thereof in their Sermons, as near as possible in their full proportion, and their native purity & complexion with the most lively colours; neither clouded with those dark shades, which sometimes stain the lustre of divine truths, nor varnish'd over with the false paint of art, which dazzles the sight, and entangles the ey [...], that they cannot see the true light of the knowlege of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. 2 Cor. 4.6. As Ministers must not indulge a vain affectation of gawdiness, and glittering Ornaments: so neither, on the other hand, may they allow themselves to appear wrap't up in a rude and slovenly dress. The Masters of divine oratory forbid those odd turns and forms of expression which sound so very harsh to a polite ear, and look so very unshapely to a critical eye; and condemn those homely metaphors, and improprieties of speech, which adulterate the sincere milk of the Word, 1 Pet. 2.2. spoil the pure taste of spiritual [Page 27] truths, and are justly nauseous and unsavory to Men of a nicer sensory, and more delicate palate. They recommend "a mixt air of simplicity and majesty," decent neatness and elegance without slanting pomp and gayty; when a Man descends to the ordinary understanding, 1 Pet. 4.11. and yet speaks as becomes the Oracles of God, agreeably to the dignity and weight of the sacred Subject, with those serious and solemn, pathetical and moving words, that will not so much entertain curiosity and a wanton imagination ▪ as affect the Soul, and perswade the mind—words, that will be as goads and nails fasten'd by the Master of Assembly's, Eccl. 12.11 that will enter the Conscience, and breath heavenly fire to melt and enliven the dead affections.
TO dress up divine truths in a loose, course and sordid garb, is too often but to draw a veil over them, and to invite contempt, where the deepest and utmost humble veneration is due, to faithful sayings, worthy of all acceptation. And therefore (as one says) "He that affects to act the rustic "clown in Preaching—is as likely to forfeit the great design of the Ministry, as he that plays ‘the sinical Orator; all the difference between them being this, that while one clouds the Window with paint, t'other dawbs it with mud,’ —both ecclipsing the light, rendering the vision as the words of a book that is sealed, and darkening counsel by words without knowledge. The speech of both is as wind, but how forceable are right words, Job 6 25. that neither soar above the reach of the Audience, nor grovel beneath the sanctity, and noble quality of the Subject?
[2] AS to Method, and Argument. It behoves Ministers in their Discourses to keep a steady train of tho't, to observe a good connection, and regular transitions; to rank and range ev'ry part [Page 28] or particular into their proper post and place, adjusting the whole into the best and most becoming Scheme. So some understand that of the Apostle to Timothy, 1 Tim. 2.15 Study to shew thy self approved—rightly dividing the word of truth, i. e. duly methodizing and martialling Gospel-truths, unfolding & distributing the several branches of each truth in the most apt & apposite manner. It wounds the beauty, slacken the nerves, & emasculates the power of the great Doctrines of Religion, for the Preacher to vent his tho'ts upon 'em all in a confus'd huddle, shuffl'd together in a wild and inconsistent manner. Methodical pertinence and cohaerence then are to be study'd for. Order is the strength and glory of all thing.—
SO likewise Ministers must endeavour to prove every truth with the best Arguments; and to press every duty with the most prevaling motives, with all the artifices of persuasion, and the strongest enforcements of reason. Dogmatical assertion and a magisterial air seldom do, without the aids of sound demonstration, and the proper arts of insinuation. Ministers must conform to the Example of Christ, who taught the people as one having authority, Mat. 7.29. i. e with pious ardency, and uncommon majesty, with perswasive eloquence, and the most forceable energy. So of the Apostle 'tis said, that, as his manner was, he reasoned with the people out of the Scriptures; Act. 17.2.—18.4. that he reasoned in the Synagogue every Sabbath, and perswaded the Jews and the Greeks; i. e. He set things in the clearest light to the eye of the understanding, offered the most convincing demonstration to the judgment, and address'd the affections in the most sensible and moving manner, to rouse and engage them: and by this rule he resolved to try and examin the Preaching of those flourishing, & fine-spun [Page 29] Doctors at Corinth, who so excell'd in the charms of a smooth and plausible tongue; I will come (says he) to you shortly, if the Lord will, 1 Cor. 4.19, 20. and will know, not the speech of them that are puffed up, but the power, for the Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. The excellency and efficacy of preaching does not lie in an accumulation of fine phrases and elegant sentences. The most elaborate contexture of soft and fashionable words, and harmonious periods, without a good blaze of tho't, a bright flame of reason, the vital Spirits of sound understanding, and the sinews of good argumentation, is but a lifeless image, or a flatulent shell, without solidity, or strength; like an Edifice with painted walls, without pillars, and set on a weak sandy foundation, of little service, and short standing, easily pelted down, and then all evaporates into dust and smoak. Even so vain and insignificant is the greatest pomp of words, in a Sermon, pack't together without the nerves and substance of solid reason.
MINISTERS then in Preaching must labour, to digest the materials into good order, to make all things plain, obvious and intelligible to the mind, and to recommend them to the conscience, and practic powers, with satisfactory evidence, and the most winning force of persuasion.
THUS, as to the Style, method and spirit, the outward dress and inward frame of their Public Discourses.
3 THE delivery, and outward gestures must be natural, unaffected, grave and decent.
(1.) THE voice must be well-govern'd and form'd to an audible, distinct, warm and affectionate pronunciation. If the subject-matter be never so substantial and edifying, and the style, method and argument framed to all possible advantage, [Page 30] yet an awkward and unpleasant sound, or any considerable indecency in the prolation of a discourse may marr the goodliness of the fashion thereof, screen the vigorous flame, and give a chilling damp, and suspension to the most sprightly pulse. Great care then ou't to be taken to tune, and modulate the voice to a pleasing utterance and agreeable elocution; this will add a wonderful grace and force to the whole, and be a good seasoning to the most accurate composition.
(2.) THE gestures must be compos'd to a decent gravity. The public exercises must be managed with a becoming mine, and the most profound seriousness, to give them weight, influence and authority. Some kind of postures and motions there be, which are of the most unpleasing aspect and appearance to the Spectators; which suggest improper reflections to c [...]rrupt fancys, and are too often the criminal occasions of that contempt, under which Religion groans. These things very much abase the majesty of the Pulpit, degrade the dignity of a venerable institution, 1 Cor. 1.21. and put a strong temptation before some to cry out,— This foolishness of Preaching! Act. 17.18. What wou [...]d the Babler say? Therefore in point of prudence, Ministers must study to compose their looks and form their behaviour to the utmost decency and most solemn air, as they wou [...]d not defeat their great design, unravel their work, and prevent the good entertainment of their message.
TO proceed,
§. 3. MINISTERS must be very wise in managing their applications in private, and less public dealings with Souls.
A Minister's work do's not all lie in the Study and Pulpit. 'Tis not a hare preparing for, and circulating thro' the common Set of public exercises, [Page 31] that is a fulflling the Ministry; 2 Tim. 4.5. but proper occasions are to be wisely chosen, and faithfully improved for more retir'd endeavours. Ministers can't speak with that pungency, plainness & freedom to some certain cases in public, as they can in private; and what is sometimes more generally treated of in the House of God, may be prosecuted, the blow be followed, in particular addresses to Persons, and Families by themselves And indeed a [...]esson in a few words immediately directed and set home in a proper manner, yea a sober check or solemn hint let drop by the by, in ordinary converse at some critical junctures, will frequently have a more happy impression, and affecting influence, than a formal, labour'd speech to people in common. Hence, we read of the wise and holy Apostles. Act. 5.42. that not only daily in the temple, but in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ. And thus Paul the unweary'd Apostle and faithful in all things, solemnly appealed to the Elders and People at Miletus, Ye know, Act. 20.20. after what manner I've been with you at all seasons,—how I have taught you publickly, & from house to house. And conformable to his example is that exhortation of his to Timothy, 2 Tim. 4.2. Preach the word, be instant in season, out of season, i. e. (I presume,) in a fixt, stated course in public, & also occasionally, at all convenient opportunities, in private. Private inspection, or Pastoral visitation is of necessity to the same purposes, as the public administrations. Hence, we have Ministers described under this Character,— The watch-men, Cant. 3.3. that go about the City; and 'tis observable what follows, they found me, saith the Spouse; they found out her, and not she them,— a plain intimation, that the Ministers of the Gospel must diligently seek out, and look up the wandering, & straying, & maintain a watchful inspection over their stocks, even as the [Page 32] good Shepherd looks after his Sheep, going about, and taking particular notice of all; or as the Husbandman walks about in his garden, & fields, to observe the growth, and decays of things, and make all needful and suitable applications. Hence, Ministers must arm themselves with a becoming courage and resolution, and shake off that false modesty, that tame and and vicious dread of offending Men, which too often wretchedly prevales to the intire omission, or but sorry performance of this necessary and important duty; and apply themselves with all fidelity, and holy boldness hereunto. But then, they must take heed to manage all with utmost prudent caution, and discretion; careful not to use the instruments of a foolish Shepherd, but in all points to concert such measures, Zech 11.15 and improve such means, as are best adapted to answer the end, that their work may succeed.
1. IN administring reproofs to offenders—Wisdom requires due care, that a proper decorum be observed, in addressing Men according to their different Styles, and external character, and quality. An Elder (says the Apostle in his directions to Timothy) rebuke not, 1 Tim. 5.1. but intreat him as a Father— Elders in age, gifts or office are not to be insulted and outrag'd with magisterial censures, and unmannerly satyr, with rough imperious austerity, and a rude assuming air of superiority, but to be treated with due distance & deference in proportion to civil difference, and distinctions. Wise Nathan in admonishing King David, has left an Example of ministerial humility and respect, worthy of every one's imitation.
AGAIN, Prudence will direct them to see to it, that the charge proceed upon reality, (1) an overt, visible f [...]lt, & (then) full convincing evidence. They must take care, not to charge Persons at random, [Page 33] or on every light occasion. They must take heed, how they rebuke a pityable weakness, and how they denominate any act a crime by an ill gloss, or perverse innuendo [...]s: and then, they must see to it, they go upon substantial grounds and plain matter of fact, and beware how they draw the bow upon bare surmise, or doubtful report, and hear-say, lest all be stigmatiz'd as meddling curiosity, or unchristian calumny.
AGAIN, Wisdom will awaken a just concern, & direct how, to suit the reproof to the temper of the Person, & proportion it to the quality of the offence. As Physicians in their applications consult the constitution of the Patient, with the nature, & degree of the distemper; so Ministers must study the tempers of Men, and the size of their guilt, and make a difference in treating with 'em as their respective cases demand. As to some, gentle lenitives are proper and expedient. Rep [...]ehensive administrations must sometimes be dash'd with an infusion of spiritual suavities, to give them a better relish; the unpleasant hook must be baited with artificial guises, and set off with a specious air, that it may with less reluctance be taken down; even as the work-man, that wo'd drive his nail home with less difficulty, first dips it in oyl. Others must be handled with sharp, and stinging Corrosives. Some Maladies require stronger Physic, and some constitutions will bear a bigger potion, than others. An inveterate, and impostumated wound must be lanced to the quick, and dealt more roughly with, than a green & slight scratch. Tit. 1. Accordingly the Apostle gives that direction to Titus concerning some unsound and corrupt Professors— Rebuke them sharply. In some cases, there must be some keenness & poinance, some warmth and smartness, to strike proper convictions into the secure mind, and fasten [Page 34] an admonition on the brawny Conscience: The arrow must be drawn up to the head, 2 Cor 13.10 and discharged with Spirit and vigour, according to the power, which the Lord hath given to edification, and not to destruction. Ironical Jeers and the vibrations or jerks of a flurting tongue may tickle, but not terrify, and rather recreate than reform. "A nibbling, or squibbing kind of reproof, is like an ignis lambens, Jude 22, 3. as soon off, as on." Of some (says the Apostle) have compassion, making a difference, but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; i.e. in haste & by force, without compliment or formality, as one wou'd snatch up another, that's fallen into the flames However, They must always beware, their zeal and as [...]erity do not degenerate into fury, and invenom'd bitterness. Real necessity must ever be the parent of heat & severity; and this must be temper'd, and directed by Wisdom.
AGAIN, Prudence must govern in the choice of a proper season. There's a strange diversity in the humours, and inclinations of a Man at distinct times, and under different circumstances. There are particular mollia fandi tempora, certain calm and lucky seasons, when a tender touch will lodge a more sensible and lasting impression, than an heavy blow at other times; Prov 25.11 when a word shall be spoken upon Wheels (as 'twere) and shall glide with facility and speed into the conscience; shall grate on the darling lust, and not awaken undue resentments. A word thus fitly spoken, is like apples of gold in pictures of silver; how goodly and beautiful? As an ornament of gold, — ver. 12. so is a word in season, and a wise reproof upon an obedient ear: but as vinegar upon nitre, so is a reproof out of season; 'tis like a foot out of joint, like burning coals, and wood to fire, often times. Amos 5 10. They that rebuke in the gate must therefore watch for, and embrace the most seasonable opportunities. [Page 35] The faithful, Mat 24.45 and wise Servant will endeavour to do all in due season.
2. IN defending truth against the invasions of error, Tit. 1.9. (which is one peculiar branch of the work of Ministers) They must (1.) Let Prudence single out the Antagonist, one of temper and ingenuity, of parts, and modesty: for some there are, 1 Cor 1.20. 2 Thes 3.2. Jam. 3.6. the disputers of this World, unreasonable Men, who will bark and bawle, and make a perpetual larum, whose tongues seem to be set on fire of Hell, are unruly evils, and full of deadly poison; no reason will stop their mouths, nor the most unanswerable arguments put their burning lips to silence. These, Prov 26.23 Ministers will be wise to avoid, rather than to exulcerate the spirit of delusion, boil up the fumes of their unsanctify'd spleen, and raise a clamour: for thro' the weakness, and simplicity of the common Herd, impudent noise, and sturdy nonsense, generally come off with triumph, and One fool wins louder Acclamations, than Seven men that can render a reason. Again, Prudence must direct, and chuse the season. The calm and cool of the day, when the mind is open, and unclouded, and the passions sedate and unruffled, is the best time to enter the stage, and try the combat. Again, Wisdom must preside in ordering the manner. Points in difference must be stated with utmost calmness, and all possible allowances; and truth be defended under the united influences of meekness & wisdom. The Wise Man observes, Prov 2 [...].1 [...] 'tis the soft tongue that b [...]eaketh the bone, that dissolves the mind, & bends it by a strange, and secret efficacy to the acknowledging of truth, commands the light to spring up and shine out of darkness, and gently rolls away the mists of error and prejudice, even as the rising Sun, silently shedding abroad its pleasant beams, carries off the gloomy shades of the night, and [Page 36] chases away the morning-clouds without any bustle or blustre. It becomes the Advocates of truth always to offer unbroken reason, (that shall master and over-match the understanding) soften'd with calm persuasion, (that will nor alarm and chafe the passions) so debating in measure, staying the rough wind, and not blowing with too stiff a gale. Violent gusts too often make shipwreck of the Faith.
TO assume the instructing and directing of others, looks like an usurping jurisdiction over their judgments, which Man's native pride can hardly stoop to; and therefore the Embassadors of Christ, when they undertake to convince Gain-sayers, had need set a watch before their mouths, and keep the door of their lips, Prov. 15.1. laying aside all hard speeches, & grievous words which do but stir up anger, and lanch out Men's inflamed resentments. They may contend earnestly for the Faith, Jude 3. and not charge with thunder, or spit the venom of untemper'd zeal, which is the grand original of most of those sad confusions, that have ever infested the Christian World. Ja. 1.20. The wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God, but too often genders to more ungodliness, overthrowing the faith of some, and confirming the unbelief of others, opening the ear to solliciting errors, and steeling the mind against the dint of sound convictions.
WHEN Men carry the poison of asps under their lips, and are all wild-fire and flame, waspish, and huffy, the strange unhallowed incense of their stormy passions, and opprobrious invectives will darken the air, cloud the light, and make the truth of God of none effect. Rom 3.13.
THE Italians have a Proverb, (I've somewhere met with) that, Duro con duro non sat bon muro, hard stones heap'd up will not make a good wall, without [Page 37] something of a more plyant quality to cement and bind them together.
3. IN healing of wounded Consciences. They must labour (1.) to discern the true state of the Person distressed—his natural temper, the nature, cause, degree, symptoms & prognostics of the spiritual disease labour'd under.
AGAIN, They must lead the Patient himself into a right view of his own circumstances; and this, to dispose him to receive advice and listen to direction.
AGAIN, They must time their applications well. Generally the sooner, the better, a green and fresh wound is easier heal'd, than an old and fester'd one. A distemper seasonably apply'd to in its state of infi [...]mity, may be check'd and suppress'd, which perhaps, if neglected, may soon get head, and run beyond the reach of controll. And some critical junctures there are, wherein there is a desirable concurrence of most advantageous circumstances to further and facilitate their operations. Wisdom will here be needful and useful to direct.
AGAIN, Wisdom must regulate the manner of their dispensations. All possible skill must be us'd, in laying open the wound, in chusing the methods of cure, in dressing the sore, and applying the means of healing. The wound must be search'd to the bottom, but Prudence must govern and guide the probe [...] and manage the instrument with a gentle and ten [...]er hand. Spiritual Physicians must beware, lest by indirect and indiscreet methods they shove Men at any time into the terrible convulsions of desponding fear, stretch forth upon 'em the line of confusion, and lay them gasping under the impetuous ferment of their ill humours, and convictions. And on the other hand they must beware, lest by improper applications they throw Men (as 'twere) out of [Page 38] a burning fever into a lifeless palsey; and deluge 'em in the dead sea of secure presumption; lest they see visions of peace, Ezek 17.16 where no peace is, and a time of health, when the day of trouble must abide; lest they daub with untempered mortar, ver. 10. and slightly heal the hurt of the daughter of my people, saith the Lord, and so merely trucing the anguish or smart, and working only a palliative, or superficial cure, the wound shou'd rankle within, the clouds return after the rain, and the things that remain die irrecoverably; and so "the Physician turn Executioner.
A Minister must here do all by number, weight and measure, holding the balances even, & meting out by a just Ephah, dividing aright the word of truth, opening the door of hope, or lifting up the gates of fear, as the matter requires; dispensing terror to whom terror belongs, comfort to whom comfort, giving to ev'ry one his proper share, as becomes a good Steward of the manifold grace of God; 1 Pet. 4.10. 2 Cor. 4.2. by manifestation of the truth, commending himself to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
THIS indeed is a workman, that needs not to be ashamed; a Scribe well instructed to the kingdom of God; and an Interpreter, Job 33.23 one among a thousand! Can we find such a one as this, Gen. 41.38 a man, in whom the spirit of God is—a man so discrete, and wise.
THUS much for the Second particular.
3. OBSERVE, The Apostle's Diligence, Zeal, and unwearied Activity in his holy calling; whereunto I labour, striving, says he. The first term [ labour] bears reference to the Husbandman, whose work demands utmost care and vigilant inspection, with painful patient toil. The other term [ striving] is an allusion to the Olympic games, and the celebrated Grecian exercises of old, such as wrestling, racing, cuffing, &c. where several parties strove for the mastery, 1 Cor. 9.25— agonized—It imports the [Page 39] most intense endeavour, a straining, and pushing forward and putting forth all one's might to out do. It speaks a masculine valour, and unshock't resolution; [...]acing death, and defying danger, above the power of charms or frowns.
AND this representation the Apostle elsewhere justify's, where he gives us a detail of his services and sufferings, and his inflexible, unmov'd courage under all. In labours (says he) more abundant than any of them, in journeying often, 2 Cor. 11. in deaths more frequent, in weariness and painfulness, in watchings oft, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold & nakedness, and besides these things that are without, that which cometh on me daily, the care of all the Churches: but none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear to my self, Act. 20.24. that I may finish my course with joy. Such a frame, spirit, and unmoveable application to their work, well becomes all the Ministers of the Gospel.
DOCT. LABORIOUS diligence, ferver, and indefatigable application, shou'd be the Character of ev'ry Gospel-Minister.
TO be oscitant, drowzy and indifferent in their awful service, is a reflection on their Master, a disparagement to their profession, and will defeat their expectation, and the end of their Ministry. Their Station is a stage of action, a flowing series, & scene of boundless labours, of that importance & weight, that they wou'd suit the Grandeur of the brightest Intelligences in the excellent Glory, and then, so hard and difficult, attended with such burdens, and uneasy fatigues, as call for the patience and the powers of the World to come. The inspired Apostle under this apprehension, brake forth into that solemn expostulation—Who is sufficient for these things? 2 Cor. 2.16. Here the most improved talents bear no proportion. Here the brightest Intellectuals will sometimes be [Page 40] strangely put upon the rack; and the most volatile, sanguine and athletic Genius be foil'd and baffll'd and expire in impotent, successless essays.
IT is no easy and light matter to provide one-self with such a stock of good knowlege, as is requisite to make one apt to teach, 2 Tim. 2.24. Neh. 8.8. to enable one to give the sense of the Law, to convince Gainsayers, to speak a word in season to him that is weary, to edify the Body of Christ, Isai. 50.4. and to make one ready to every good word and work; no, but much labour, and the most awakened intention are necessary to this end, whatever an illiterarian, enthusiastic spirit may surmise. It is glaring impudence, and daring presumption to dream of immediate irradiation from above. The deep things of God must be digg'd out, and fetch'd up from the mine in the common way of study, reading, and converse, with Prayer for a blessing on the means improv'd. Hence, the Apostle exhorted Timothy; 1 Tim. 4.15 Meditate on these things, give thy self wholly to them. Be in them (as the original has it) bend all your powers to a close and diligent inquisition into these things. Agreeably the Apostle himself sat an example; He could not live without study, 2 Tim. 4.13 conf. cum. ver. 6. he could not die without his books and parchments, which he sends for, from his Prison, (no proper place (one wou'd think) to study in) under the near views of his approaching departure. The most elevated capacity, that wears the sacred Charecter, needs still further advances in knowlege. Hard Study, then, is the duty of all, and tho' this be a weariness to the flesh, Ecc. 12.12 yet they that have the true spirit of their calling, will account it their meat and drink, and its own exceeding great reward.
AGAIN, There is a large circle and variety of public administrations, and private dispensations to the Flock: which demand the joynt influences of light and labour, and require the loins of the mind to [Page 41] be perpetually girded about, and the active powers continually upon the wing and stretch; that Ministers be burning and shining Lights, well-stor'd with pure oyl-olive, beaten, Ex. 27.20. to keep the lamps of the tabernacle always burning, and that they move in their respective orbs, as the Sun, Psal. 19.5. which is as a Bridegrom coming out of his chamber, and rejoyceth as a strong man to run a race; it seems as 'twere, to leap and sparkle with rays of joy, when it riseth to it's work, and runs its course with admirable steadiness, constancy, and inimitable celerity: So Ministers must be flames of fire, cloathed with zeal, in their Master's work; Men of unstiffen'd agility, and quick dispatch, laying aside every weight to run the race set before 'em; Men of exalted vigour, and unwavering stanch resolution; not slothful in business, but fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; delivering all the counsel of God, affirming constantly, the whole truth, Act. 26.27. each truth in its proper season, and nothing but the truth; giving out line upon line, and precept upon precept, labouring in the word and doctrine, ministring to ev'ry one according to their necessity, capacity and appetite; being instant in season, out of se [...]son, 2 Tim. 4.2. 1 Cor. 15 58 Gal. 4.19. always abounding in the work of the Lord; travailing in birth until Christ be form'd in Souls; fighting the good fight of faith, with unchill [...]d ardour, and fidelity unwarp'd, resisting unto blood, Heb. 12.4. striving against sin; nothing being able to unfix their constancy, to slacken their endeavours, or justle 'em out of the line of duty.
THE Glory of God who employs them, the necessity & dignity of the Souls entrusted to their care, the object and end of their Ministry, do with united importunity call for, and speak their obligations to, such zeal, watchful concern, and sedulous attendence on their work. Without this, they'l never be able to rive Men off from their [Page 42] beloved lusts, or to form the divine image in any Soul. The word is often "like a hollow sound in the air", which soon languishes and expires: The Hammer of the Lord finds the heart of Man, obdurate as the Stone, unsusceptible of any impressions; or unstable as water, the traces made on it are quickly effaced; or like melted wax, which now turns as clay to the Seal, but by & by it hardens again and becomes impenetrable, that the Founder melts in vain. Jer. 6.29. These considerations challenge of the spiritual Artificers, a fervent industry and most indefatigable applications; as they wou'd not entirely forfeit the efficacy of their attempts, and in all things come short of the Glory of God. For the lazy drone, as well as the contemtible weakling, must needs be unequal to this arduous and difficult task.
IV. OBSERVE, The design and intention of the Apostle in all his administrations— that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. What he aim'd at, was to lead men into a saving acquaintance and living union with Christ, to lift them into His service, to mould them into His image, to take 'em off from the old stock of corrupt nature, and to insert them into the true Vine, Joh. 15.1. and then to advance such to a spiritual maturity, to build them up on their most holy Faith, an habitation for the Lord thro' the Spirit, Jud. ver. 20 Eph. 1.22. fitly framing them together, and helping them to grow up in all things into Him, who is the head, and in the final upshot, to present them compleat in Christ, when the top of the noble structure shall soar as high as Glory.
UNTO this was the bent and ambition of his Soul; this was the vital motive of all his study, and diffusive labours. The pulse of his heart beat high and strong in desires to do good; his breast flow'd with pious concern, and was fir'd with a [Page 43] most lifey zeal to serve and save Souls, enkindled with a coal from off the Altar, intirely pure from the smoak of corrupt and dark designs.
SEE those pathetical breathings of his dis-interested, affectionate Soul, 2 Cor. 6.11. 2 Cor. 13 9.— ‘Our mouth is open unto you, O ye Corinthians, our heart is enlarged: This we wish even your perfection. 1 Cor 10.23 I please all men in all things not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved. And elsewhere, I've covered no man's gold, or silver, or apparel. Act 20.33. Did I make a gain of you, or of Men sou't I glory? 2 Cor 13.17 I speak before God in Christ, I do all things, dearly beloved, for your edifying. 2 Cor 12.19 1 Thes. 2.8. Being affectionately desirous of you, we are willing to impart not the Gospel only, but our own Souls, because ye are dear unto us; Phil. 1.8. for God is my record, how greatly I long after you, in the bowels of Christ. 2 Cor 12 14, 15 —7.3. I wou'd gladly spend & be spent for you, & you are in our hearts to live and die for you, tho' the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved; for I seek not your's but you; labouring night & day, Phil. 1.4. 1 Thes 3 10 —8 I preach unto you the Gospel of God (always in every prayer also for you all, praying exceedingly) that I might perfect that which is lacking in your faith; for now we live, if ye stand fast in the faith, we are glad when we are weak, 2 Cor. 13 9. and ye are strong. For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoycing? 1 Thes 2. Are not even ye in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?’
WHAT an uncommon pitch of divine heroism is here? What sublime strains of true generosity, and the most noble chastity of intention?
AND this bright Example preaches to all the Ministers of Christ this most important Doctrine.
[Page 44]DOC. THAT in all their ministerial labours, they should make the conversion, and edification of Men in Christ, their governing view, and sov'reign aim. (I don't mean in contradistinction to the Glory of God, but to poral interest, honour, &c.)
THIS divine and excellent end, the good of Souls, must be primary in their intentions; This must give law and life to all their administrations. They must enter upon the Ministry with this exalted view, and this must be the master spring of their motion in it. All their labours in the word and doctrine, in prayer, in government, &c. are (like so many lines falling into a centre) all to conspire and meet in this generous design; and all private advantages are readily to be sacrificed for the promoting of it.
THUS runs the Apostle's solemn charge in this matter— Feed the Flock of God, 1 Pet 5.2, 3. taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly, not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; neither as being Lords over God's heritage. Hence, Ministers must neither engage, nor act in this work from the low principle of necessity, (to get a living; crouching for a p [...]ece of silver, 1 Sam. 2. saying, put me into the priest's office that I may eat a morsel of bread,) nor from the simoniacal incentives of paltry avarice (teaching for hire and divining for money, Mic. 3.11. Jude 11. thirsting after the wages of unrighteousness, and running greedily after the errors of Balaam, for a reward) nor from the false scent of popular applause, (led by the bait of honour, hunting after a name, putting on the solemn airs of the Zealot, & acting a part with subtil artifice, out of a vain-glorious ostentation; Preaching Christ even of envy & strife; Phil. 1.15. Gal. 4.17. 2 Cor. 4.2. 3 Joh. 9. not sincerely, but in pretence, zealously affecting men, but not well, walking in craftiness to draw away disciples after 'em) nor from the lust of dominion, (loving to have the pre-eminence, [Page 45] and to lord it over God's heritage, and to walk in an empty shew. These are four abominations, Neh. 13.29 that defile the tabernacle of the Lord, stain the Priesthood, and are the blackest prostitution of the Ministerial character: and to be abhor'd and abandon'd, as earthly, sensual, devilish, as what sink men into the line of Judas, Demas & Diotrephes, which were some of the dreggs of the children of corruption, and into the doleful clan of voracious Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who devoured widows houses, and for a pretence made long prayers, Mat 23.14 & loved the praise of men, more than the praise of God, and therefore receive the greater damnation.
UNCOUNTERFEIT self-denial then is an important lesson; and 'tis of the last concern to Ministers, that they don't give way to a mercenary, or a self-exalting spirit, not using at any time a cloke of covetousness, 1 Thes. 2.5. not using their liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, nor a cover to disguise any servile, and sordid affections whatever. The great Judge has a Window into the breast, and can see thro' the most finisht piece of refined hypocrisy into the impure scenes acted in the secret recesses of the mind, which no mortal eye hath seen, or can see: and the awful day is coming, when the fire shall try every mans work of what sort it is, 2 Cor. 3. and in this shall the Children of God be manifest and the Children of the Devil, whosoever hath not preached Christ in simplicity and godly sin [...]erity, but with fleshly wisdom, handling the word deceitfully, is not of God, Mat. 25. and must take his portion with the unprofitable servant, and with them, unto whom the Judge will say, I never knew you! —7.23.
MINISTERS then must act all from a natural care for Souls, Phil. 2.20. & with an inviolable regard to the Glory of God in the Conversion of Sinners, & the Edification of Saints, as they would approve themselves [Page 46] unto God, and have even their most abundant labours be of any account in the day of retribution.
V. OBSERVE, The Apostle deriv'd all his minister [...]al accomplishments from Jesus Christ— He preach'd in wisdom, and with diligent labour, according to the working of Christ. All his talents and abilities, his knowledge, prudence, zeal, fidelity, sedulity &c. were of the operation of Christ, and the effusions of His free bounty. Hence, elsewhere he says, 1 Ti. 1.12. I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, furnish'd me to the work of the Ministry with suitable endowments. I was made a Minister of the Gospel, Eph. 3.7. according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me, by the effectual working of his power
Note, 'TIS Christ, who sits and qualifies Ministers for the Sacred trust and duty.
Col. 1.19.IN Him, it hath pleased the Father, shou'd dwell the treasures of wisdom, riches of glory, and the fulness of everlasting strength, to furnish their whole man, both the directive and executive powers; and no man receives any thing, but what comes down from above, Jam. 1.17. from the Father of Lights, unto whom are owing ev'ry good gift, and every perfect gift. 'Tis the inspiration of the Almighty, Job 32.8. that begets understanding, and the unction from the Holy One, that gives the spirit of a sound mind. He puts the treasure in the earthen vessels, and lights up the lamps of the sanctuary, and keeps them burning. Ministers are Stars, shining with light borrow'd from the Sun of Righteousness. He sets forth, and sets forward the spiritual Racer. He spirits and equips the spiritual Soldier, provides him with arms and artillery, inspires him with military art and dexterity, gives him martial prowess to speak with the enemy in the gate, Psal. 127.5 and girds him [Page 47] with strength unto the battle, and makes his way perfect 'Tis Christ the Lord, that doth all these things.
HENCE, It behoves Ministers to be very much in the exercise of Prayer. They that wou'd bec [...]me fit for, and faithful in the Ministry of the word must give themselves to prayer continually. Act. 6 [...]. The prayer of the upright, is the most likely method to procure the tongue of the learned, the diligent hand ▪ & an able head. The more fervent and frequent one is at the throne of Grace, the better prospect he has of excelling in strength, of growing mighty in the Scriptures, and skilful in the word of righteousness To be often in the mount, having his con [...]ersation much in Heaven, will admirably both i [...]adiate ▪ and warm him in his work, will make his affections glow with an holy heat, and his m [...]nd sparkle w [...]th rays of glorious light, Ex. 34.35. even as the face of Moses when he had been with God in Sinai
AGAIN, Hence Ministers must be contented with their Lord's dispensations and allotments to them. He is Master of his own favours, and according to the counsel of his own will he makes one star to differ from another in glory, dividing to every man severally as he pleaseth. 1 Cor 12.11 Mat 25.15 To one he gives [...]ive ta [...]ents, and to another one. The Sovereign Potter forms the holy Vessels of the temple with a just and admirable variety, as to the make and constitution, (This is finer and that courser, this is weaker, that is stronger, this of gold, 2 Ti. 2.20. and that of silver, this of wood and that of earth,) and then, as to the extent, capacity, & size, as also to the figure and fashion, aptitude and usefulness, &c. And there is none may say unto Him, Isai. 45.9. What doest Thou? or Why makest Thou me thus?
LET not, then, the Men of low degree, & of small account in their Father's House, who are forced [Page 48] to creep in the dust, and lift up plow-shares and pruning-hooks, instead of swords and spears, I say, let not us look upon our selves with discouragement and discontent, neither with envy and emulation upon others, that move in an higher sphere, distinguisht with brighter visions, and more abundant honour; Mat 20.15 for may not the Lord do, what he will, with his own? Let us be faithful in a little, and 'twill abound to our account. And on the other hand, let not those despise the less noble, and weaker vessels. Let not the golden Candlesticks look, either upon the earthen Lamps with supercilious contempt, or upon themselves with elated pride; 1 Cor. 4.7. for who maketh thee to differ? and what hast thou, that thou didst not receive? Now, if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory? Let such, as perch on the pinacle of the temple, take heed, lest they grow giddy at any time, and give the Prince of the power of the air an advantage against them. Pride goes before a fall.
VI. OBSERVE The extraordinary divine Aids, and happy Success graciously vouchsaf'd the faithful Apostle—Striving (says he) according to His working, which worketh in me mightily. This may be considered under a double aspect, as intimating his Assistence in his Ministry, and the Success of it. The Lord wro't in him mightily, and by him upon others savingly.
1. WE may understand by it the Assistences he met with, the supplies of grace and strength he received from above, from the fulness of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ did furnish this great Apostle at first with an unusual stock of divine gifts and graces to trade with for his Masters use, but this wou'd soon have been impoverish't and exhausted with his more abundant fatigue, sufferings, services and cares, had he not been recruited [Page 49] with fresh supplies from the Head of Influences. Without a flow of sap from the root of Jesse, and the vivific beams of the Sun of Righteousness to animate, strengthen, and sustain, this most fruitful Vine wou'd soon have withered, his excellent gifts been under a blast, and the fair blossoms have dropt off. Jer. 49.2▪ Lam. 4.This polished shaft and most pretious of the Sons of Zion wou'd quickly have degenerated into an earthen pitcher; the gold have become dim, and the fine gold changed.
BUT this was his happiness and honour; He had the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ continually burnishing and brightening up his talents, divine virtue from on high preserving & improving them, the spirit of Christ abiding in him, invigorating him by powerful assistences, 2 Cor. 12.9. every way sufficient for him; so that he, who was not sufficient of himself, Mic. 3.8. was full of power by the Spirit of the Lord of Hosts, strong in the Lord and in the power of his might; and when he was pressed out of measure, 2 Cor. 1.8. and above strength by labours, and troubles, yet he did not faint, nor fail, but performed all things, endured all things, thro' Christ strengthning of him, Phil. 4.13. and working in him mightily.
NOW, These things were written for our consolation & encouragement, upon whom the ends of the World are come, that we should not fear nor be dismay'd at any time.
HENCE, then, we may take up this useful Observation, namely, That Faithful Ministers may expect from the Lord Jesus Christ all those supplies both of skill and strength, they need in order to the fulfilling their Ministry.
SUCH, as are true Men, and faithful Servants, may depend upon Him, that has put 'em into a military condition, for all the assistence, they need in order to the warring a good warfare. 1 Tim. 1.1 [...] He [Page 50] will teach their fingers to fight, and the arms of their hands shall be made strong by the mighty God of Jacob; He will annoint them with fresh oyl, and renew their bow in their hand, will make them a new heart, and new spirit, give power to 'em, Isai 40.29. — ver. 31, Rom. 12.7. when they are faint, and when they've no might, increase of strength. They that wait upon the Lord, that wait on their Ministry, shall renew their strength as the Eagles, and mount up with wings; They shall walk and not faint, run and not be weary, being upheld by the greatness of his might, who is head over all, and without whom (the mouth of truth hath spoken it) they can do nothing. Joh. 15.5, They are his Embassadors, and as long as they act by his authority, and keep to their credentials, He will bear them up, and bear 'em out; "He will strive with them, and work for them". The fountain of Jacob shall cover 'em, and underneath be his everlasting arms. The blessing of Asher shall come upon them, as their days are, so shall their strength be. Deut. 33. The God of Jeshurun will be their refuge and the shield of their help; His strength shall be made perfect in their weakness. 2 Cor. 12.9. Refreshment shall come from the presence of the Lord, the Heavens shall drop down dew, & the Sun afford superiour influence to help their infirmities, and impregnate them with vigour and resolution to carry on their work. He, who walks in the midst of the golden Candlesticks, Rev. 2.1 Isai. 49.7. will hold the Stars in the shadow of his right hand, until he shift the scene and take 'em into his bosom, and heavenly embraces. Such trust have we, thro' the promises, to Christ-ward.
2. I pass now to the other sense of the phrase; which worketh in me mightily, i. e. with conquering efficacy, and apparent power, to purpose, with great success. The pleasure of the Lord [Page 51] prospered in his hands, and the whole efficiency he resolv'd into the energetical presence of Christ with him. Hence Note, The Lord Jesus Christ is the Author of all success in the work of the Ministry. The efficacy of the Word preach't is not owing to the influence of men's wisdom & eloquence: It do's not depend upon [...] of argument, or the charms of moral suasion, nor upon the natural energy, or virtue of the Word itself, or any external means; but 'tis to be attributed intirely to the special ope [...]ion of Christ. He is the author, and finisher of the whole affair, effectually working in his Ministers; in Peter to the Apostleship of the circumcision, Gal. 2.8. and the same was mighty in Paul towards the Gentiles. He must both open their [...]p [...] to speak, and the peoples hearts to receive. A door must be opened of the Lord, 2 Cor. 2.12. a door of utterance, and a door of entrance. The Father of Glory (with whom are the words of eternal life) must utter his voice, and that a mighty voice, commanding the light to shine out of darkness, else the Sinner in his frozen grave, dead in trespasses and sins, Jer. 6.4. on whom the shadows of the evening, and the chains of darkness are stretcht forth, will not hear nor open his eyes to discern the things of God. Unless the Sun of righteousness arise with healings under his wings, Rev 3.18. anointing their eyes with eye-sa [...]e, and taking off the scales, the most bright and dignified Luminary's in the centre of light and fulness of meridian glory, 1 Pet. 2.9. wou'd never be able to call men out of darkness into the marvellous light of the knowlege of God. [...] 369 [...] 37 [...]. "This renovation ( [...]ys a most reverend Divine) is an instance of the same glorious power, which exerted itself in the first [...]reation of things, and in the Resurection of Christ, tho' not altogether after the same manner. " This change is called a new creation, as if—men were [...]ded and fashioned over again, transformed—and [Page 52] had such a change wro't in them, as the creating power of God made, in bringing this beautiful and orderly frame of things, out of their dark and rude chaos". Rom. 6.4. And like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also are raised to newness of life, according to the operation of his mighty power. Eph. 1. [...]0.
THEREFORE, Unless the Creator of all the ends of the earth, Joh 12.38, 9, 40. Jer. 5.13. —6.17. Psal. 58.45 the God who raiseth the dead, reveal his arm and make known the exceeding greatness of his power; the Prophets shall become wind, and none shall hearken to the sound of the trumpet. All shall be like the Adder, deaf to the voice of the Charmer, charm he never so wisely. Ministers are appointed to edify the Body of Christ: but except the Lord build the house, Psal. 127.1 They labour in vain: and to take heed to the Flock of Christ, but except the Lord keepeth the city, the watchman waketh but in vain: and to form Christ in Sinners, but tho' they rise up early, work while the day lasts, sit up late, and eat the bread of earnest care; it will all be fruitless and abortive, unless the power of the most High overshadow the Souls of Men: and to fight against principalities & powers, (the powers of the old-man, and the confederate forces of the strong man armed,) but unless they go forth in the strength of the Lord of Hosts; they'l only make an empty flourish, and scuffle to no purpose. Unless the Light of Israel be for a fire, and his holy One for a flame; Isai. 10.17 unless the Captain of the Host of the Lord ride on the heavens for their help, and in his excellency on the skies, shaking his hand againsts the haughty with terror, and he [...]ing down the high ones of stature with iron, the army of the aliens will put the holy Tribe to the [...]out, consume their glory & sweep them away as a spider's web, either by strength o [...] stratagen [...] The Dragon will rage & taar them [Page 53] to pieces, or the serpent will play upon 'em & trepan 'em with his wiles, that none shall be recovered out of the snare of the Devil, for verily this is the work of the Lord of Hosts, Jer. 50.25. with whom is everlasting strength, who openeth his armour, and bringeth forth the weapons of righteousness, sending judgment unto victory. Mat 12.20 An arm of flesh can give but feeble and ineffective blows; It's utmost efforts alone will make no more impression upon the habitation of the strong, Jer. 49.19. than the light touch of one's finger upon a wall of stone. It is the arm of the Lord that bringeth Salvation, Isai. 63.5. that breaks in pieces the Leviathan, and taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, Luk. 11.22 and bringeth out his host by number.
IF he gird the sword of truth on his thigh, Psal. 45.3. & ride forth in the Chariot of the everlasting Gospel, if he lift up his standard and ascend on high, he will make the place of his feet beautiful and glorious, and his right hand shall teach him terrible things, he will lead captivity captive, Isai. 59.19. Luk. 10.18 and make the enemy, that comes in as a flood to scatter and fly as a cloud, and Satan to fall like lightning from Heaven. He will turn the wise men back, Isai. 44.25. and make their counsel foolishness, but he will confirm the word of his servants, and perform the counsel of his messengers, by the greatness of his might; —40.26. for that He is strong in power, not one faileth, where He appoints the Sword and gives it a charge. The Archers shall not return ashamed; He will give the enemy as dust to their spear, and as driven stubble to their bow, in the day of his power. Surely then, the least of the Flock shall put a hook in the Lion's nostrils and dragg him out of his den; the grasshoppers pursue the Anakims, Psal. 60.12 Psal. 68.28 and two put ten thousand to flight; thro' God they shall do valiantly, who commandeth their strength, and strengthneth [Page 54] that which he worketh for them; 2 Cor. 2.14. Gen. 3.15. In Christ they shall triumph, who breaketh the Serpents head, bruiseth Satan under their feet, reins in the power and malice of the Wolves that wou'd devour the Flock, Psal. 11.4. and who bows the heart of the people by the saving strength of his right hand, turning the rock into a standing water, and the flint into a fountain of rivers.
Rom. 9.16.SO then it is not in him that willeth, nor of him that runneth. The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, Eccl. 9.11. nor yet favour to men of skill; but when the lot is cast into the lap, the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord, Prov 16.33 and sometimes indeed he is pleased to seal up the hand of many wise men after the flesh, Joh 37.7. 1 Cor. 1.26. and chuseth the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, & the weak things of this world to bring to nought the things which are mighty, that no flesh should glory in his presence. 'Tis to the honour of the Agent to work the noblest effects by contemtible. & impropable means. Therefore out of the mouth of Babes, & Sucklings he ordains strength to still the enemy & the avenger; Psal. 8.2. and dignify's despised, broken vessels to be the illustrious, and most effectual instruments of his glory, that all men may know his wo [...]k; and that their faith shou'd not stand in the wisdom of man, 1 Cor. 2.5. but in the power of God, which worketh all in all.
HENCE, Let Ministers be entirely resigned to Christ, the Lord of the Harvest, as to the fruit of their labours; Tho' they spend their strength for nought, and in vain all the day long stretch out their hand to a gainsaying and rebellious people, yet surely their judgment is with the Lord, Isai. 49.4. and their work with God. If they sow much, tho' they reap little or nothing; tho' the V [...]neyard does not yield fruit meet for them, Heb. 6.7. by whom 'tis dressed, not receiving the blessing from God, but degenerates into an howling [Page 55] wilderness, or barren desart, bearing thorns and briars, nigh unto cursing, or at most affords only, — ver. 8. as 'twere, the grape-gleanings of the vintage, yet this may administer comfort to the faithful Servants of Christ, that they've discharg'd their duty & acted their part, and the want of success shall be no bar to their acceptance, for they are unto God a sweet [...]avour of Christ, in them that are saved, 2 Cor. 2.15. and in them that perish. Tho' Israel be not gathered, yet they are glorious in his eyes, with whom they have to do, and tho' they lose their labour, they shall not lose their reward. The battel is the Lord's, and not theirs, 2 Chr 20.15 he umpires the success of every campaign, and if they are good Soldiers of Jesus Christ, Isai. 28.6. tho' they do not turn the battel to the gate, and the spirits be not subject to them, Luk. 10.20 yet this may be their crown of rejoycing, that their names are written in heaven; For in this case, if there be first a willing mind, and then a diligent hand, it is accepted according to that a man hath and not according to that he hath not. Their acceptance and reward is in proportion to the degree of their care and pains, and not to the event and success; 'ti [...] measur'd by their fidelity, and not by the efficacy of their labours, for this is wholly of the Lord, and their sufficiency is of God. 2 Cor. 3.5.
AGAIN, Hence, Let Ministers wait upon Christ for success Those, that labour in the harvest, must sow in tears, and with strong crying, they must sleep their seed in prayer, and seal instruction with supplication. They must ascend on Jacobs ladder up to mount Gerizzim to fetch down a blessing on Zion, and her provision; upon [...]evi, and his substance, o [...] the fruit of his lips, and the work of his hands. For this, they must with irresistible importunity besiege the Throne of Grace, breath out their most ardent requests, agonize with holy violence at the foot of the mercy-seat, wres [...]ing down from the [Page 56] Father of Lights a word of blessing on their persons and administrations, to enrich them unto all ability and success, 2 Cor. 9.10. both ministring bread for food, and multiplying their seed sown, and increasing the fruits of their righteousness.
Col. 4.12.AND all this must be never-ceasing and perpetual, even as Epaphras laboured always fervently in Prayers. Ex. 17.11. If they let down their hands, Amalek will prevail. 1 Cor. 10.4. — ver. 12. If then they expect and desire to have the weapons of their warfare mighty thro' God, they must hold up, and keep their hands steady until the going down of the sun. Thus the "Closet must crown the Field with success.
AGAIN, Hence, Let not people rely upon, nor glory in Men. Some trust in Chariots & some in Horsemen, but, be ashamed O Israel, put not your confidence in man, that is a worm, or the son of man, whose breath is in his nostrils, and whereof is he to be accounted? Dependence upon Ministers is a derogation from the Lord of Glory, whose appropriate and sole prerogative 'tis, Psal. 29. —27. to give strength unto his people. The Lord is their light and life, the sword of their excellency, and the rock of their salvation. 1 Cor. 3.5. Who is Paul, and who is Apollos, but Ministers, by whom ye believed, according as the Lord gave to ev'ry man? Ye are his building, his workmanship, 1 Cor. 3.9. —7. his husbandry; so then, neither is he that planteth, any thing, nor he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. Instruments must be own'd and honour'd in their order and due measure. 1 Cor. 4.1. Let a man so account of them, as the Ministers of Christ, and Stewards of the mysteries of God. They must not be over-rated, nor under-valu'd. There is a great and just respect to be paid their character. Unto Christ is due the glory of efficiency, but to them the honour of instrumentality. Christ is the Master-builder; they are [Page 57] Under-labourers, working together with God. 1 Cor. 3.9. They are then to be esteemed highly in love as such. But let people take h [...]ed, that their " respect do not degenerate into sinful admiration of men's persons", and a factious and dangerous partiality, magnifying this and nullifying that. For while one saith, I am of Paul, and another, I am of Apollos, 1 Cor. 3.4. are ye not carnal? 1 Cor. 4.6. Let People learn then not to think of men above that which is written, that no o [...]e—be puffed up for one against [...]nother. "Rais'd expectations from man, may provoke God to blast the most promising mean's".
AGAIN, Hence, Let Ministers give Christ the glory of all that success, they meet with in their labours. When the spiritual Husbandman takes a view of his field, and sees the full corn in the ear, Mat. 1 [...]. Isai. 28.25. —61.3 plants of renown, trees of righteousness, and principal wheat, growing in the good ground, that beareth fruit to perfection, let Christ reap an harvest of glory from him. Do the Gospel Fisher-men draw their net to the shore full, and gather of the abundance of the Seas? Then, let Christ have a tribute of honour, without whom, they might toil all day and night and catch nothing. Are any built up an habitation of God? Let Christ have the rent, and revenue, the profit and praise. At the laying of every living stone in the holy temple, let there be the shout of Grace, Grace; and glory to God in the highest. When the word preach't is the ministration of Life, and an odour of a sweet smell, let Ministers beware of burning incense to themselves.
THE Apostle was peculiarly tender of the honour of Christ in this point. He took all occasions to magnify and exalt the Grace of God which was given to him, yea at the very time, he is giving an account of his own services and successes, and vindicating himself from the aspersions of malice and [Page 58] envy, he takes infinite care always to secure unto the divine power and blessing the intire glory, & with the most profound humility, sinks himself to the dust under a view of his own nothingness. I am become (says he) a fool in glorying, 2 Cor. 12. ye have compelled me: for I ou't to have been commended of you: for in nothing am I behind the very chief of the Apostles, tho' I am nothing. But by the grace of God I am what I am; and his grace which was bestowed upon me, was not in vain; but I labour'd more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.
THE humble temper & spirit of this great Apostle wou'd well become every Gospel-Minister. Let none boast or so much as begin to commend themselves. 2 Cor. 3. Isai. 10.15. Shall the pen boast itself against the Writer? or the ax against him that heweth therewith? or shall the saw magnify itself against him than saweth it? as if the staff shou'd lift up itself, as if 'twere no wood.
THE most divine Preacher is but an Instrument: the excellency of the power is of Christ, and therefore the excellency of dignity, and the praise of all is owing to Him.
LET Ministers then ascribe unto Him the glory that's due unto him, sing forth the honour of his praise and make his name glorious. Ascribe ye strength unto him, Psal 68.34, 35 whose excellency is over Israel, and his power and glory are seen in the sanctuary. He is terrible out of his holy places; the God of Israel is he that prepareth mercy & truth, for his people, and makes his ministers a flame of fire. Great is the Lord & greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. When therefore Ministers fight the battels of the Lord, and their arrows are made sharp in the hearts of the King's enemies, Psal. 45. let them return to the mount to meet the Lord with the high praises of [Page 59] God in their mouth. They must not upon any victorious atchievement divide the spoils, they must not divide the glory, nor crown themselves with the laurel, as if by their own holiness or power, Act. 3.12. Prov 25.14 they had done this thing, boasting of a false gift, and rearing up a trophee to their own dexterity, activity, parts or pains: No; but let them cast their crowns at the foot of Christ, and erect a monumental pillar for a memorial of gratitude, making their boast in Him alone; according as 'tis written, he that gloryeth, let him glory in the Lord, 2 Co. 10.1 [...] upon every signal instance of happy success, raising the highest notes of doxology to the exalted Redeemer, and of thankful triumph over the powers of darkness, "Singing to the humble tune of [Psal. 115.1.] Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give the glory". Neither by bow, Hos. 1.7. nor by sword, neither by horses, nor by horsemen, neither by night, nor multitude, but the spirit of the living God, 2 Cor. 3.3. Psal. 98.1. his right hand, and holy arm hath gotten us the victory. Once have I heard this, yea twice that salvation belongs unto the Lord: unto the Lord belongs the victory, the power and the glory. In all these things, we are conquerors thro' Him that hath loved us. Rom. 8.37. 2 Cor. 2.14. Now thanks be to God, who always makes manifest the [...]avour of his knowlege by us in every place.
THUS I've rio [...] over the several Observations that lay in the T [...]a [...], and given some general view of the copious Subject. I confess, I've gone but a little way in so wide a field, yet I've taken so large a compass, that your patience commands me to draw to a close.
I shall therefore only add; Upon the whole, we see, the dignity; importance, and auwful difficulty of the Pastoral trust & province. How then should such tremble at their unworthiness and insufficiency, who are engaged in or are entring upon it? If any [Page 60] man desire the office of a Minister, he desireth a goal work—but verily a work, that calls for superior skill, dexterity & acuteness, for extraordinary force and staidness of mind, for much care, dispatch & expedition, with the most wakeful unfainting application. And if here we subjoyn the consideration of their own impotency & deficiency, with the difficulties they meet with from the lusts & exorbitant passions, the adamantine & unmalleable tempers of some Leviath [...]n-Rebels, and from the fiery rage of the infernal Host; and "many other circumstances of discouragement" they are unavoidably under; with the strictness of that awful account they are ere long to give up to the chief Shepherd, &c. Here's [...]o' to dis [...]nimate and appale the stoutest and most puissant of mere Mortals. The Ministry is justly called magnum opus, sed gravis sarcina, a great work, but yet an heavy burden, a station of honour, but yet a post of the most difficult service, and can never be maintained & discharged without distinguishing aids and uncommon supplies from above.
SUCH, as engage in this sacred and solemn work, should well weigh, what an insupportable burden they take upon their Shoulders,— to keep them humble; and the People also shou'd duly consider it,— to keep them from adding to the Load. Serious reflections on this shou'd biass them to christian tenderness, and move the bowels of holy compassion. The difficulty & weight of Ministers work & duty, speak 'em the just objects of pity, and shou'd teach people to speak comfortably to them, that teach the good knowlege of the Lord. It is very unkind and ungenerous in people ( not to call it the most savage barbarity, that will mightily inflame their accounts in the day of reckoning) to clogg and embarrass faithful Ministers in their work by the swelling waves of gainsaying and heady [Page 61] Corahism, (insolently and insultingly rising up against them, as if they took too much upon 'em) by cruel mockings, rancour, and humoursome carriage, by shameless Chamism, uncovering their nakedness, and exposing their frailties, by entertaining or spreading groundless jealousies, by rash censures, and unfair comments, and criticisms on their words or actions, proceedings, or preaching, by selfish contraction of spirit, Mal. 3.8. 1 Cor 9.14. 1 Tim 5.17 Gal. 6.6. and close-handed niggardliness in the maintenance of them—the blackest instance of uncharitableness, not to call it the most abominable injustice, and sacrilegious impiety. These things, and the like, wound and sink their spirits, enfeeble their hands, hamper their feet, and take off their chariot-wheels, that they drive on heavily; and watch for Souls, not with joy but with grief, Heb. 13.17 which (says the Apostle to the Hebrews) is unprofitable for you.
I speak not these things under any suspicion, or fear of meeting with such unhappy treatment from that kind & religious People, among whom the lines are fallen, and this grace given to me, (however unworthy) that I should preach the unsearchable riches of Christ. The great and obliging respect, honour & just veneration they've paid unto the many Excellent Worthies, that have ministred unto them in holy things, is a good assurance of the forwardness of their mind. 2 Cor. 9.2. And the most becoming unanimity in the choice they made of so unfit a person as my self, was what render'd it peculiarly endearing; that I flatter my self it looks like a comfortable omen, and a desirable prelude to mutual happiness, furtherance, and joy of faith under the divine blessing, and thro' the supplies of the spirit of Jesus Christ.
I rejoyce therefore, Brethren, 2 Cor. 7.16. Phil. 1. that I've confidence in you in all things. And I thank God upon every [Page 62] remembrance of you, making request for you all with joy, from the first day until now. And from my inward affection more abundant towards you, this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowlege, and in all judgment, and that in all things we may approve your selves clear in this matter, keeping a conscience void of offence both toward God, and toward them, that are your Servants for Jesus-sake. 2 Cor. 4.5
—9.4. NEVERTHELESS, lest haply I (that I say not you) be ashamed in this same confident boasting, I tho't it not superfluous to exhort the Brethren, as touching the administration of this service, 2 Pet. 3.1. and to stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance and caution, tho' ye be establisht in the present truth, —1.12. that ye may be mindful of the words, which were spoken before by the holy Prophets, and of the commandment of the Apostles; How they said, Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit your selves; know them that admonish you, and esteem them highly in love for their works sake. Furthermore then we beseech you, Brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, 1 Thes. 4.1. that as ye have received—how ye out to walk—so ye wou'd abound more and more. Let them that labour among you experience your candour, pity and kind assistence at all times and in all things. Do all you can to alleviate their burdens, and by all possible means endeavour to hearten and comfort them. Lend a hand to strengthen and further them in their work. Cast the mantle of christian charity over the multitude of their weaknesses and defects; Be not too severe in animadverting on them at any time, but make all ingenuous allowances for their imperfections: always put the fairest gloss upon their speech and behaviour. "Remember (says one) they are earthen vessels, and your own too, & take heed you don't throw 'em to the ground", and [Page 63] dash them to pieces presently upon spying a little flaw. Let your moderation be known unto all men; approve your selves peaceable and faithful among the tribes of Israel: and laying aside all malice, 1 Pet. 2.1. and all evil-speakings, as new-born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby. — ver. 2. Let your profiting appear to all; Let them that toil in the Garden of Christ see in you the fruit of their labours; this will turn to your Salvation, and take off from the difficulty of their task; hereby you will be benefitted and they will be supported and encouraged, and go on with alacrity over their wearisome stage of duty.
AND to all this sail not to add your most importunate intercessions for them at the throne of Grace. So great an Apostle as Paul the aged, furnished with large abilities, extraordinary gifts, and distinguishing grace, 1 Thes 5.25 2 Thes. 3.1. Heb. 13.18 was often requesting the favour, (under an humble sense of his necessity,) of an interest in the Prayers of the Saints. And it becomes ordinary Ministers much more to importune their People herefor, and it mightily behoves People to grant their request. This is a debt of service as well as a tribute of respect owing to their Ministers, and at the same time an act of charity, and a deed of kindness to themselves. "A praying People (says one) is the most hopeful means to make a profitable Ministry". The fervent prayers of the righteous avail much; Ja. 5.16. These auxiliary forces are mightily serviceable to Ministers in pulling down the strong holds of Satan, and in building up the temple of God. Helping together by prayer for us, said the Apostle. 2 Cor. 1.11.
LET then what has been said engage and perswade all the People of God, to keep up a spirit of Supplication for those that wait at the Altar. The Chief-Priest, and Master-workman needs the help [Page 64] and benefit of your Prayers, as well the inferior Levites & meaner Servants; among whom your unworthy Monitor this day, humbly & earnestly begs (as he greatly needs) a peculiar share in your most solemn addresses.
BUT more particularly, I wou'd recommend my self to the constant, and most fervent Prayers (1) Of my Reverend FATHER, (who, having obtained help from God, yet survives in this ministry received of the Lord, with whom I am now (tho' most unworthy) to be set apart an Helper unto the kingdom of God, and with whom by divine grace, I shall gladly serve, Phil. 3.22. as a Son with a Father in the Gospel) and also of my beloved BRETHEREN, the People of this Flock, over whom I am awfully now to be set a Watch-man in the Lord. Rom 15.30 Now, I beseech you for the love of the spirit, and by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together unto him, that ye strive together with me, and wrestle in your Prayers to the great Master of the Assembly for me: and continue herein labouring fervently, with unceasing ardours of holy importunity; praying that I may be furnished with suitable gifts to make me wise to win Souls, and with grace sufficient to make me faithful: that I may come unto you with joy by the will of God in the fulness of the blessings of the Gospel of peace; that the power of Christ and a double portion of his Spirit may rest upon me, and that thro' Christ strengthning of me, I may take heed to the Ministry to fulfil it: that my lips may be touched with a coal from off the Altar, that the opening of my mouth may be of right things, which become sound doctrine ▪ that the Refiners fire may purge away the dross of earthly affections, and the [...]ullers soap make me clean to bear the Vessels of the Lord; that I may be strong in the grace, which is in Christ Jesus; and so take heed to my self, that [Page 65] when I've preached to others, I my self may not be a Castaway; that it may not be my unhappy Lot to serve only to light others to Heaven, and be my self at last abandoned to utter darkness; but that I may me taught of the Lord, how to behave my self in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, and how to behave my self, in word, in conversation, in charity, in faith, in purity, worshipping God in the spirit and in truth, serving him in the spirit and power of godliness, with humility, and fidelity, watching for Souls, as one that must give an account, that I may save my self, and them that hear me; that I may have a nail in the holy place, and may with you be co [...]orted, when the times of refreshment shall come from the presence of the Lord.
LET this be your hearts desire, and prayer to God for me. Now, the God of Peace be with you all.