
Precious Treasure IN Earthen Vessels.

A SERMON Occasion'd by the DEATH OF THE Reverend & Learned, Mr. Ebenezer Pemberton, Pastor of a Church of CHRIST in Boston, and Fellow of Harvard College; Who Expired Wednes­day, Febr. 13th. 1716, 17. Aetatis Suae 45.

By Joseph Sewall, A. M.

BOSTON: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, and Daniel Henchman, Sold at their Shops. 1717.

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To the READER.

MINISTERS of the Gospel are in more respects than one, fitly compared to Earthen Vessels; principally in that they are as Mortal as other Men. Do the Prophets Live for ever? But more especially, in that they are (as Earthen Vessels use to be) of small account in the World. Christ's Kingdom not being of this World, He did not make use of the Princes of this World, to be the Dispensers of the Mysteries of it. Not many Mighty, not many Noble are called to that Work. Yet some such there have been: Was not Solomon (a great King in Israel) a PREACHER? Was not Ambrose of a Noble Romane Family? And Chrysostom of an high Birth? And yet both these, after they had for some time plead­ed Causes at the Bar, out of a desire to do good, betook themselves to the Study of Divinity, and became fa­mous Preachert of the Gospel. Was not George Prince of Anhall, a Protes;tant Minister, and an Eminent and Successful Preacher of Christ? Was there not an Earl who became the Pastor of a Church in Geneva? But many Indances there have not been, of honoura­ble Personages so employed. Our well observes, that the Work is Honourable enough in it [...], and needs not borrow any Additional honour from the glory [Page ii]of the World. Also among Earthen Vessels some are of a finer Mould than others. So among Ministers, there are some of a more Tender, others of a more Robustous Constitution. There are [...] Meliore luto pracordia finxit — One of the Ancients in his Book, De Pastorali Cura, Observes that the Apostle Writing to Timothy, Exhorts him to use Gentleness, and to rebuke with Long Suffering; but he bids Titus reprove Sharply, he supposeth the rea­son to be, that Titus was of a more Mild disposition and needed a Spur: but that Timothy was of a more quick and zealous Temper.

Concerning that Worthy Person, whose lamented Death occasioned the Preaching of the Judicious and Seasonable Sermon Emitted herewith, I shall not say much; nor is it needful for me, Considering it has been done abundantly by Others. I had peculiar reason to know him, when he was a Student at the College. I then observed that he had a Pregnant Wit, and Strong Memory, and was an hard Student, whence it necessa­rily follows that having (as he had) a considerable time to furnish himself with variety of Learning, his accomplishments must be Eminent. But that which made him chiesly desireable, was, his Piety. His gifts were Sanctifyed with Grace and the Fear of GOD; from thence it was that when he became a Publick Preacher of the Gospel, he set himself to promote the Good of Souls, and not to make an ostentation of his own Gifts and Learning. He had a Natural Fervour of Spirit, which being Sanctifyed, made his Sermons, [Page iii]by the blessing of God, the more Powerful & Effectual. His Death is the more awful, not only in that he dyed when in his Prime; but in the same Week another faithful Minister of God was taken away, viz. The Reverend Mr. William Brattle, Pastor of the Church in Cambridge, whom also I had reason to have an Intimate acquaintance with, for that I presided over the College all the Time of his being a Fellow and a Tutor there; and I had much Comfort in his Conver­sation. Had I not well known his Abilities, I would not have advised the precious Church in Cambridge, to have Elected and Ordained him their Pastor, and at their and his desire, performed that Office of Respect and Love, on November 25. 1696. He that holds the Stars in his right hand, was pleased to uphold him in the Pastoral Office, some Months above Twenty Years. I am glad to see his Character already Pub­lished; and that it is done without any Hyperbolizing, that which is there said of him being true, and nothing but justice to his Memory. Honos fugientem sequitur. He is the more worthy of the honour which has been put upon him, for that (as I am informed) he desired that no mention should be made of him in any Funeral Sermon; which altho' an evidence of his Humility, does not make it un­lawful for any to act contrary to his desire in that Matter. It is related concerning that holy Man of God, Mr. Carter, who was a Minister at Bramford in Suffolk, that he forbad any Funeral Sermon to be Preached for him. Notwithstanding which the Re­nowned Mr. Samuel Ward of Ipswich: ( [...] [Page iv]quantus vir fuit, Scripta loquuntur) his next Lecture Sermon was a Lamentation, for the Loss which the Church of God had sustained, in the Death of that Venerable Old Man, who to the admiration of all Men, at Fourscore, which was the Year of his Death, Preached with as much Vigour as at Forty, without being subject to any decay in his Intellectuals. Mr. Brattle did not arrive to so great an Age. Nevertheless, the Death of such an Aaron as he was, ought to be Lamented by Survivers, Numb. 20.29. 1 Sam. 25.1. Acts 8.2. Where shall there be found a suitable Successor? Since the College is in Cambridge, the Pastor of the Church there should be One of very Eminent accomplishments, One of great Learning and Orthodoxy, able to instruct the Scholars, and to establish them in Calvinian Anti-Arminian Principles. Should the Learned Youth be tainted with Arminianism, it may prove fatal to these Churches. My Learned Friend and Brother Mr. Samuel Lee, when on his Death-bed, had a great concern on his Spirit about that Matter, some body having made him believe (unjustly I hope) that the Young Students were advised to read Arminian Authors. God forbid. Cambridge has been lifted up to Heaven. Hooker, Shepard, Mitchel, Oakes have been Preachers there. And what Church in the World, did ever enjoy Four such Preachers Successive­ly! Concerning Mr. Mitchel (my most dear Friend, whom I can never forget) I remember the admirably Learned Mr. Chauncey (who was also a famous Preacher in Cambridge as well as Pre­sident [Page v]of the College there) when there was some little difference (and very little did they differ in any poine) between him and Mr. Mitchel, altho' Old enough to be his Father, Expressed his Love and Honour for Mr. Mitchel in these Words to me. If I would Envy any Man in the World, either for his Piety, or for his Ability, it would be Mr. Mitchel.

It is also of Great Importance to the Interest of Re­ligion, that the Church in Boston lately bereaved, should be supplyed with another able Minister of the New Testament. And considering that they have been Exemplary for their Love and Dutiful Respect to those who have been over them in the Lord, and formerly Spoke to them the Word of God; It is to be hoped that Christ will supply them. In the mean Time, I bless the Lord that they are not wholly destitute, or as Sheep without a Shepherd, but are favoured with One that has been (and I Hope and Pray that for many Tears he shall be) a great Blessing to them. The Lord with whom is the Residue of the Spirit, double His Spirit on him. But if they suffer him to be alone too long, under so great a burden, they cannot expect, but that not­withstanding the Treasure which Jesus Christ has adorned him with, the Earthen Vessel will break, when too heavy a burden lies too long upon it. Did not Moses say, I am not able to bear this People alone, it is too heavy for me, Numb. 11.14.

[Page vi] It is a good Note which a late Writer has, That Since Ministers are Earthen Vessels, they should take heed of dashing one against another. In special, Let Younger Ministers take heed of dashing against their Fathers. And therefore beware of Introducing Innovations which will cause it to be so, as long as there be any that are Conscientiously concerned to maintain the Old Religion of New-England.

I Conclude with saying, It is a Comfort that al­though the Earthen Vessels are broken, the Trea­sure is not, nor ever shall be lost. The Word of God liveth and abides for ever.

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Precious TREASURE IN Earthen Vellels.

II COR. IV. 7.

But we have this Treasure in Earthen Vessels, that the Excellency of the power may be of GOD, and not of us.

IN the beginning of this Chapter the Apostle doth declare that he, and his Fellow-Labourers did fulfil their Mi­nistry with unfainting Diligence, and godly Sincerity. He then answers an Objection which might be made against the Gospel; in that Multitudes who live un­der the Dispensation of it, are not savingly Enlightened, but perish in their Ignorance. To [Page 2]this the Apostle answers, that the fault lay in themselves; Satan the ruler of the darkness of this World had blinded their minds, lest the Light of the Glorious Gospel of Christ who is the Image of God, should shine into them. The Apostle doth also mention a won­derful Effect of God's Glorious Power in which the Gospel is made use of as an Instrument, ver. 6. This miraculous Irradiation of the mind, the Apostle compares with that Creating work of God in commanding the Light to shine out of Darkness at first. And truly this work of God in the new Creation in forming a New and Divine Light in the Heart of a Sin­ner, is as truly the Effect of Almighty Power, as that was when God said, Let there be Light and there was Light.

We have in the Words of our Text, (1) A further Description of the Gospel. It is a Treasure. (2) The Character of the Dispen­sers of it. They are Earthen Vessels. (3) We have the Reason of this Dispensation; and are told why God is pleased to put such a Treasure into Earthen Vessels. It is that the Excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

1. We have a Description of the Gospel. It is a Treasure. We have this Treasure. A Treasure, says One, is an Abundance of Things Reposited or laid up for the supply of future [Page 3]wants. It denotes a Plenty and Abundance of things Precious and Valuable.

2. We have the Character of the Ministers of the Gospel in whom this Treasure is laid up, Earthen Vessels. The Word signisieth Vessels of Shells or Earth. And many Learned Men render it by Testaceis, a word of the same La­titude. Some suppose here may be an Al­lusion to the Pitchers in which Gideon's Soldiers carried their Lamps. And sometimes Lamps themselves are made of Earth. The Gospel is compared, in the Context, to Light. Now the Light of the Glorious Gospel by which the King­dom of Darkness is destroyed, is held forth out of Earthen Vessels; Vessels of baked Earth. The Expression denotes their Meanness and Frailty. Gospel Ministers are of the same Mould with others; They are Fragil, Brittle Vessels: Mortal Dying Creatures.

3. We have the Reason of this Dispensation given, and are told why God is pleased to put such a Treasure in Earthen Vessels. That the Excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. That the Hyperbole of the Power: so it is in the Original, May be, may appear to be, may be known to be of GOD, and not of Men; that it may be seen, and acknowledged that the Powerful [...] of the Gospel are not wrought by Man as the chief [...] but by God.

  • [Page 4]DOCT. I. It hath pleased God to put the Gospel Treasure in Earthen Vessels.
  • DOCT. II. One great Reason of this is, that the Excellent Power which doth accompany the Gospel in the Salvation of Sinners, may appear to be Divine; and that the Glory of it may be ascribed to God, and not to Men.

I. DOCT. It hath pleased God to put the Gospel Treasure in Earthen Vessels.

In this Doctrine there are these Two Propositions.

  • PROP. I. The Gospel is a Treasure.
  • PROP. II. It hath pleased God to put this Trea­sure in Earthen Vessels.

PROP. I. The Gospel is a Treasure. Such is the External Revelation of the Holy Scrip­tures; Much more so, is the Internal Know­ledge of the Glorious Truths and Mysteries of the Gospel. Nothing doth so much improve and enrich the mind, as the Truth of the Gos­pel, when received in the Love of it. For the Proof and Illustration of this Proposition.

1. The Gospel is a Treasure, inasmuch as in the Gospel there's a Plenty, a Fulness of what [Page 5]is most Precious and Excellent. There is a Treasure wherein is an abundance of what is valuable. Now in the Gospel we have the most needful, most useful, Discoveries made unto us: Wisdom says, Prov. 8.6. Hear, I will speak of Excellent things, and the opening of my lips shall be right things. In the Gospel we have the Revelation of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ. Now to know God and Christ, is Life Eternal. The Excellency of this knowlege is, that it gives Life to the Soul. God is the first Truth, and the chief Good. How Precious and Excellent then must the knowlege of Him be? We may better want the light of the Sun, then the light of the Gospel. In the Scriptures we have the Revelation of One GOD in Three Persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. In the Scriptures we have the Revelation of that great Mystery of Godliness, God manifest in the Flesh. By the Scriptures God gives the knowlege of Salvation through a Re­deemer to such perishing Sinners as we are, who naturally sit in Darkness and the shadow of Death. O Low invaluably precious is this Discovery of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is made in the Gospel. We are by Nature guilty Sinners, deeply in Debt to Divine Justice, and have nothing to pay: Certainly then, the Gos­pel is a Rich Treasure: For in this we have Christ reveal'd, and offered to us; in whom there is a compleat Righteousness, and an in­exhaustable [Page 6]Stock of Merit; the Lord Jesus Christ, the Blood of whose Sacrifice being the Blood of Him that is God, is infinitely preci­ous, of value sufficient to be a Redemption-Price for the chief of Sinners. We are by Na­ture altogether without strength; empty of Grace, and full of Sin; Certainly then the Gospel is an inestimable Treasure, in which Christ is reveal'd and offer'd to us, of whose fulness we may receive, and grace for grace. Christ who is the Lord in whom we have Righteousness and Strength, Isai. 45.24. The Graces and Conso­lations of the Spirit are convey'd to Believers by the Ministry of the Word. It is particu­larly said of Faith, Rom. 10.17. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word. 1 Cor. 4.15. In Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the Gospel. In the Scriptures the Treasures of Wis­dom and Knowlege which are hid in Christ are manifest and laid open. Agreably we have that Expression, Eph. 3 8 Unto me who am less then the least of all Saints, is this grace given, that I should Preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable Riches of Christ. In and by the Gospel God makes known what is the Riches of the glory of this Mystery among the Gentiles which is Christ in you the hope of Glory. The Apostle Paul assureth us that what things were gain to him, he accounted loss for Christ: yea, says he, I count all things but loss for the Excellency of the Knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord. [Page 7]Now we have this knowledge in the Scriptures; The Gospel is the Gospel of Christ; and the great Scope and Design of it is to give us the light of the knowlege of the Glory of God in the Face, in the Person of Jesus Christ. Undoubted­ly then the Word of God by which we are taught and instructed in this knowlege, is to be esteemed an invaluable Treasure. The ma­nifold Wisdom of God made known in the Scriptures is the Principal thing. It is Better than Rubies, and all the things that may be desired, are not to be compared with it. Psal. 19. The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the Soul.— The Judgments of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold, — Here are Golden Rules laid down for the government of our Lives. Here are Exceeding great and precious Promises that by them we might be made partakers of the Divine Nature; which is the chief excel­lency and glory of Man, 2 Pet. 1.4. In the Gospel the Children of God have the promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. Men are wont to esteem the Writings whereby they hold their Estates: Now in the Sacred Scriptures God makes over Himself to His People as their Everlasting Portion; and with Himself all that they need for Soul and Body, Time and Eternity. The Riches of Grace and the Riches of Glory are made sure to Believers in Gods Word. The Lord Jesus Christ hath [Page 8]brought Life and Immortality to light by the Gospel, 2 Tim. 1.10. The Treasures which are reserved in Heaven for Gods People, are discovered in the Gospel, and secured to Belie­vers. Now certainly, these Spiritual and Ever­lasting Blessings are very Precious. They are a suitable and sufficient supply for the Immortal Soul, which is our more noble part: they consist of those things which are in their own nature of inestimable value, and which are exactly suited to our wants and necessities. And then there is enough of them, an abundant plenty and fulness, every way sufficient to fill all our wants, and satisfy all our desires. Here's every good thing, and that in abundance. In the Gospel there's an inexhaustable Fountain Opened, at which we may be filled. A Fountain that can never be drawn dry, but is always full and flowing. Through the Gospel God makes all Grace abound towards His People, that they always having alsufficiency in all things, may abound. Here then we see that the Gospel is a Treasure, in that in it is a plenty and fulness of what is most Excellent and Precious.

2. The Gospel may be compared to a Treasure, in that it hath been in all Ages preserved and se­cured for the use and benefit of the Church, by the especial care of Gods Providence. Treasures are wont to be laid up in places of Strength and Safety; to be preserved with great care and in­dustry. [Page 9]The Promises of the Gospel are made sure; For in Christ they are Yea, and Amen. But what I design to consider under this Head, is the wonderful care of God's Providence in preserving the written Word from being lost, or corrupted: To the Jewish Church of Old were committed the Oracles of God. And it is observed that the Ancient Jews preserved the Letter of the Scripture entire. It is said that the Men of the great Synagogue numbred the Verses, Words, and Letters, of every Book, to prevent all possibility of corrupting the Text * in future times. So wonderfully did God Spirit them to preserve the Scriptures pure, and transmit them entire to Posterity. While Thou­sand of other Writings have been lost, and the memorial of them hath perished; the Book of God is still preserved, by the singular care of His watchful Providence, as a Sacred Treasure for the use and benefit of the Church. There was a Roman Emperor that Published an Edict for the abolishing the Scriptures 2, which was engraven in Brass. Time hath caten up those Brazen Pillars: Whereas the Law of God en­dureth for ever.

3. The Gospel is a Treasure, in that the Blessings and good things Exhibited and Offer­ed [Page 10]in the Gospel are incorruptible, and the Ful­ness of them is reserved for the People of God in the Heavenly World. When Men would lay up a Treasure, they are wont to choose the most durable things; not perishable Commodities, as they speak. Now the Gospel doth in this respect resemble a Treasure. It is the Everlasting Gospel, 1 Pet. 23, to 25. — The Word of God liveth and abideth for ever. — All Flesh is as grass, — the grass withereth and the flower there­of falleth away. But the Word of the Lord endureth for ever. — And this is the word which by the Gospel is Preached unto you. The true and faith­ful Witness testifieth, Sooner may Heaven and Earth pass away, then one jot or tittle of Gods Word fail.

And then as a Treasure is something in Reserve for time to come, something laid up for a time of need: So the fulness of the Blessing of the Gospel of Christ is laid up in Heaven for God's People. The glorious things spoken concerning the People of God in the Scriptures, will not have their full Accom­plishment till these Heirs of Glory are received to the open Vision and full Fruition of God in Heaven.

PROP. II. It hath pleased God to put this Trea­sure in Earthen Vessels. God hath committed the Dispensation of the Gospel to Men fitly [Page 11]compar'd to Earthen Vessels. Such as these are Commission'd and Empowred to Teach and Preach in Christs Name. They are by their Office Stewards of the Mysteries of God. 1 Cor. 9.17. A dispensation of the Gospel is committed to me. To them is given the Ministry of Re­conciliation. Now the Character which is here given to the Ministers of the Gospel is this, They are Earthen Vessels. They are mean, in­firm, dying Creatures. They are indeed dis­tinguished from others in this, that they are betrusted with the Gospel Treasure, by vertue of their Office, as they are the Ministers of CHRIST: but in other respects they are like other Men. Yea, many times more frail than their Brethren are.

1. The Ministers of the Gospel that have this Treasure, are formed out of the Dust, and must in a little time return to the Earth. They are of the same Original with other Men. They may well say with Elihu, Job. 33.6. Behold, I am according to thy wish in Gods stead: I also am formed out of the Clay. ‘They who by their Commission are the Ministers of God, and so in Gods stead; are yet but as other Men in their Natural Structure and Constitution.’ Tho' they are of Especial Use in the Temple of God, yet respecting their frailty, They are Vessels of Earth, not of Gold.

[Page 12] Their Bodies are framed and fashioned out of the same Course, Earthy Materials; in this regard they are upon a level with their Bre­thren. Therefore when Cornelius fell down at Peter's feet, Peter took him up, saying, Stand up, I my self also am a Man, Acts 10.26. These Messengers of God are Spirits in flesh. They dwell in houses of Clay, whose foundation is in the Dust. The Gospel Treasure is from above, from Heaven, Heavenly: but these Vessels wherein it is contained, are of the Earth, Earthly, Such was our Father Adam, as his Name Signifies. God formed Him out of the dust of the ground, Gen. 2.7. And the Ministers of the Gospel, as well as others, are begotten in his likeness, and bear his Image. Their Bodies are Earthly Taber­nacles, and will quickly Moulder down into Dust, 2 Cor. 5.1. For we know, that if our Earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved. They are Children of the first Adam, in whom we all die; they derive from him both Moral and Natural Corruption. They have the Seeds of Mortality and Corruption in their very Make and Constitution, as well as other Men. They are frail, brittle Ware, feeble, and soon broken. They may say with Job 1.12. Is my streneth the strength of Stones? Or is my flesh of Brass? No, Ministers are expos'd to the same Diseases as other Men; To the same hurtful and pain­ful impressions. Their Bodies are as vile as [Page 15]the Bodies of others; and many times more frail and crazy. 1 Tim. 5.23. — Thine often Infirmities. They spend and are spent in the work of the Ministry. The weight of their work helps many times to weaken and break their Constitution. The concern with which their Solemn Charge doth impress their Minds, often­times consumes their Spirits. They are wasted and worn away with the disticulties they meet with in their Employment. The Treasure which they hold helps to shatter and break to pieces these Earthen Vessels, As New Wine bursts Old Bottles; to allude to our Saviour's expression.

In a little time they are broken to pieces by the stroke of Death. Zech. 1.5. Your Fathers, where are they? and the Prophets, do they live for ever? Peter knew that in a little time he must put off his Earthly Tabernacle, 2 Peter 1.14. Knowing that shortly I must put off this my Tabernacle. They are in Gods hand, as clay in the hand of the Potter; And when the work which he hath design'd for them is ac­complish'd, He takes away their Breath, they die, and return to their Earth. Their Bodies are Sown in dishonour and corruption As the Priests under the Law, so Gospel-Ministers are not suffered to continue, by reason of Death.

2. They are mean, and lightly Esteemed in the World. And in this respect may be compared [Page 14]to Earthen Vessels. They are not ordinarily Men of Name and Renown. They are often esteemed as Earthen Pitchers, the work of the hands of the Potter. They are too often filled with contempt, and cast out as Vessels where­in there is no pleasure. 1 Cor. 4.13. We are made as the filth of the World, and are the off­scouring of all things to this Day.

I might have considered their Moral defects, and infirmities. The Ministers of the Gospel are Sinful Men. The best of them groan un­der the remains of the body of Death. The Apostle Paul uttered that heavy complaint, Rom. 7.24. O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this Death?

DOCT. II. One great Reason of this Dispensation is, That the Excellent Power which doth accompany the Gospel in the Salvation of Sinners, may appear to be Divine, and that the Glory of it may be ascribed to GOD, and not to Men.

There is an Excellent Power which doth accompany the dispensation of the Gospel, in the Salvation of Sinners. Rom. 1.16. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the Power of God to Salvation to every one that be­lieveth. By the Preaching of the Gospel, Satan was thrown down from his Usurped Throne, And Christs Kingdom was set up in the World.

[Page 15] Those that Sat in darkness, and were Spiri­tually blind, have been enlighten'd: the dead have been made to hear the Voice of the Son of God and live. The Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged Sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of the Soul and Spirit, Heb. 4.12. Now God hath put this Treasure into Earthen, Vessels, committed the dispensation of his word to weak, frail, mortal Men, for this End, that the Excellency of the power might appear to be of God, and not of Men. That we might ascribe the glory of this power unto Him to whom it doth appertain. The glorious Power of God doth appear and shine forth.

1. In Strengthening them to hold and dispense the Gospel Treasure, notwithstanding the great Op­position they meet with in the World. God's Power is seen in qualifying and furnishing them for their work, and in upholding them in it. We may well cry out with the Apostle, Who is sufficient for these things? 2 Cor. 2.16. The power of God doth appear in making his Strength perfect in their weakness, and His Grace Sufficient for them. The difficulties and hardships they encounter, are very great. Satan riseth up as an Adversary against them. And they meet with great Opposition from the Lusts and carnal Interests of Men. Many heavy Weights and Burdens ly upon them. They are [Page 16]Persecuted for their work Sake many times, and that even to death. Now the glorious Power of Christ doth appear in sustaining them under these Pressures. Christ ordains to Himself Praise out of their Mouths, when He gives them a Mouth and Wisdom which all their Adversa­ries are not able to gainsay and resist. The Power of Christ is seen when He makes these Earthen Vessels as an Iron Pillar, and brasen Walls, against which the Powers of Darkness do sight; but can't prevail. The Power of Christ is seen in Strengthening them to all Patience and Long-suffering under their heavy Trials.

2. In making such weak Instruments Successful in erecting and establishing Christs Kingdom in the Hearts of Men. The Arm of the Lord is plain­ly Reveal'd when Men believe their Report. We read, 2 Cor. 10.4, 5. For the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal, but mighty brough God to the pulling down of strong holds: Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth it self against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. The glory of Christs Power is very conspicuous in producing such wonderful Effects by such weak Instruments. When the Gospel runs and is glorified in the Salvation of Sin­ners; It is apparent that our Mighty Redeemer girds his Sword upon his thigh, with his Glory and his Majesty. It appears to be the Day of [Page 17]His Power, when those that were Enemies in their hearts, are made a willing People, and subdued to an Obedience to the Faith. It is evident that the Power whereby these wonder­ful and miraculous Works are wrought in the Kingdom of Grace, is not Humane, but Divine. And they that behold it must say, This is the Finger of God.

3. The Power of God appears, in that this Trea­sure is not lost, though the Vessels wherein it is contain'd are so often broken. It is kept by the Almighty Power of God from Age to Age. Tho' One Generation passeth away, and another comes; yet this Treasure constantly abides. Here then we see why God hath put this Treasure in Earthen Vessels, it is that the Glory may be ascribed unto God; and that His Name alone may be Exalted; That we may Sing His Praises when we see the wonderful Effects of the Gospel-Dispensation, and say, Thine is the Power and the Glory. Not unto us O Lord, not unto us; but to thy Name be the Glory. God hath chosen these weak and feeble Instruments to Dispense His Word, that no Flesh should glory in his Presence; but that he who glorieth should glory in the Lord.


USE. I. Is the Gospel a Treasure, Learn what great reason we have to Bless God that we enjoy [Page 18]the Dispensation of the Gospel. The People of God in this Land have been highly favoured in this regard. God hath given us his Statutes and his Judgments. We have dwelt in Goshen, where the Light of the Gospel hath shone round about us. God hath from time to time rais'd up such as have been able Ministers of the New Testament, and have dispensed the Gospel Treasure as Faithful Stewards of the My­steries of God. O that we could in a right manner Bless, God for this unspeakable Gift. O that we could in a due manner prize and im­prove it! We are lifted up to Heaven in this respect, The Lord of His Infinite Mercy grant that we may not be cast down the lower into Hell, for neglecting the great Salvation offered to us in the Gospel. The Lord humble us for all that Contempt of the Gospel, which hath been found among us; The Lord help us to be Zea­lous and Repent, before He come and remove our Candlestick out of its place, and put out our Light in Obscure Darkness.

USE. II. Is the Gospel a Treasure, Learn that we should highly esteem it, and above all things seek to be Enriched with this Treasure. We should esteem Gods Word above Thousands of Gold and Silver, and seek for it as for hid Trea­sures. We should hide it in our Hearts, and lay it up there with great care and diligence, as we keep the most precious Things. We have [Page 19]that Advice, Prov. 23.23. Buy the Truth, and sell it not. We should be willing to part with all, that we may obtain this Treasure. If we do in a right manner receive and embrace the Truths of the Gospel, they will enrich our Souls to all Eternity. If we lay up the Word of God in our Hearts, it will be an inestimable Trea­sure, out of which we shall bring forth good things. When we hear the Word, it should be with heedful care and diligent attention, that it may dwell in us richly in all Wisdom.

USE. III. We should highly Esteem the Mini­sters of the Gospel for their Works sake. Though they are Earthen Vessels, and their Bodily pre­sence may be weak; yet are they worthy of Esteem, inasmuch as they are betrusted with a Precious Treasure, which they dispense unto us, 1 Thes. 5.12, 13. And we beseech you Bre­thren to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; and to esteem them very highly in love for their works sake. How beautiful are the feet of him that bringeth good Tidings! Wonderful is the Con­descension of God in speaking to us by Men like our selves, whese Terrors need not make us asraid: Let us take care that this doth nor bread in us a contempt of these Messengers, or their Message.

[Page 20] USE. IV. This consideration should keep Gos­pel. Ministers in an Humble Dependent frame. They are Earthen Vessels, frail, infirm, sinful Crea­tures. And therefore it becometh them to be cloathed with Humility. They must not be high-minded, but fear. God honours them in­deed by betrusting them with such a Treasure: But then they are in themselves, feeble, mortal Men. Certainly then they should beware of Pride, especially of Spiritual Pride. It highly concerns them to watch against all high thoughts, and proud imaginations. In an hum­ble sense of their own nothingness they should depend intirely upon God, and glorify Him by a full and free Acknowledgment that they first receive from Him whatever they give to Him: 1 Cor. 15.10. — Yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

USE. V. Are the Ministers of the Gospel Ear­then Vessels, This Consideration should excite and quicken them to improve their Time in their Lords Service with the greatest Diligence. These Earthen Vessels will shortly be broken to pieces by the stroke of Death, and then the Opportunities which they now enjoy for dispensing the Gospel Trea­sure, will be at an end. Certainly then Gos­pel Ministers should be not [...] in Business, but fervent in Spirit serving the Lord. It neartly concerns them to lay opt themselves for the Glo­ry of Christ, and the Good of Souls committed [Page 21]to their Charge. They should be instant in Sea­son, and out of Season. They should Study, Pray, and Preach, as sensible that their time of Ministration will shortly expire. And that they must in a little time appear before their Judge, the Great Shepherd of the Sheep, to give up their Account. They should stand with their Loins girt, and Lamps burning, as those that wait and watch for the coming of their Lord.

USE. VI. This Consideration should excite us to give all diligence that we may get much Good from the Ministers of the Gospel while they are continued with us. In a little time you will see their Fa­ces no more, hear them speaking to you no more. O then attend on their Ministry with care and diligence. A little while the Light is with you, improve it diligently while you enjoy it.

USE. VII. Are the Ministers of the Gospel Ear­then Vessels, Then the People of God should do all that in them lies, to Strengthen and Incourage them in their Work. Particularly, They should Pray Earnestly to God for them. They should pity them under their Infirmities, and beware of doing any thing unnecessarily, that should grieve and wound their Spirits. They should speak comfortably to those that teach the good knowledge of the Lord; and do what they call to lighten their Burdens, and help them forward [Page 22]in their Work. They should not be severe in Censuring them for their infirmities; but rather compassionate their condition, and treat them with the Spirit of Meekness. Particularly, they should Pray Earnestly to God for them, and for the Success of their Ministry. They should make their fervent Supplications to the Great Shepherd of the Sheep, who hath been touched with a feeling of our Infirmities, That he would succour and support them; that He would hold them up as Stars in His Right Hand, and furnish them with all those Gifts and Graces which may be needful, in order to their dis­pensing that Heavenly Treasure which is com­mitted to them: That both the Teachers, and those that are taught, may Rejoyce together in the Day of Christ.

Let me entreat and beseech you therefore, Brethren, to Pray to God for His Blessing upon all His Servants in the Ministry; and in an especial manner to strive together with me in your Prayers to God for me, That I may be supported, notwithstanding all my Infirmities: And that since it hath pleased God to take my Pastor and my Father from my head; He would graci­ously give unto me His Holy Spirit in proper­tion to the Work that now lies upon me, Pray for me that I may not be alone, but may en­joy more of the Presence of CHRIST with me; That GOD with whom is the Residue of the Spirit, [Page 23]would give me those Divine Influences and Assistances which are needful.

I have been with you hitherto in weakness and fear; and it hath pleased God to Bereave this Flock while I am yet Young and Tender: Pray to God that the Strength of CHRIST may be made perfect in my Weakness, and that His Grace may be sufficient for me; That I may have reason to say with the Apostle, Most gladly will I glory in my Infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Pray for me, that I may know how I ought to behave my self in the House of God; That I may be instructed to turn many to Righteousness; that I may come to you at all times in the fulness of the Blessing of the Gospel of Christ; and be enabled to Save my self, and them that hear me.

USE. VIII. Learn that all the Glory of the Suc­cess of the Ministry must be ascribed to God, and not to Men. It is our duty to comply with the Blessed God in this His Holy Design. He puts this Treasure into Earthen Vessels for this very end, that the Excellency of His Power may be seen, and adored. And therefore when the Gospel doth run, and is glorified, we must fall down before the Throne of Grace, and ascribe Honour and Wisdom, Mercy and Power to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Dispen­sers of the Gospel are only Ministers by whom we believe, even as the Lord gives to every Man. We [Page 24]must not look upon them, as if by their own power they wrought those wonderful Works, which are effected by the Preaching of the Gos­pel, 1 Cor. 3.7. Neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the Increase. God is all in all, and therefore He must have all the Praise.

USE. IX. Is the Gospel Treasure in Earthen Vessels; Learn, that when these Vessels are broken, we should deeply resent and bewail it. When God comes and removes such as did faithfully keep, and dispense this Treasure; we should see His Hand which is stretched out against us, and humble our selves under it.

Now God hath in His Providence very lately given us a Demonstration of the Truth of this His Word in Two awful Instances; viz. In the Re­moval of Two Eminent Persons, The Reverend Mr. WILLIAM BRATTLE, * and the Reve­rend Mr. ERENEZER PEMBERTON, by Death. I would mention the Name of the Worthy Pastor of the Church of Christ in Cam­bridge with great Respect and Honour. His di­ligent Care of his Flock, and Parental Tender­ness to the Students of the College, must not be forgotten. Nor may I pass by in Silence the many other Charitable and Worthy Deeds done by Him. But my present Province will not per­mit [Page 29]to enter into so large a Field. To Return therefore to the Mournful Subject which hath been the Occasion of my present Meditations.

It hath pleased the Holy GOD, in whose Hands our Times are, to lay this Congregation under the awful Rebukes of His Soveraign Providence by breaking an Earthen Vessel in which He had laid up much Precious Treasure, Treasure with which we were enriched.

We have a peculiar share in the great Loss which the Churches of Christ in this Land do thereby sustain. It becomes us therefore to be humbled under the mighty Hand of God.

In a particular manner, as I have especial Rea­son, so I desire to be deeply humbled under this awful Blow, whereby much of our Strength and Beauty are consumed.

I am sensible how unfit I am to give so Great a Man His Character; And this hath been al­ready done by Elder and much Abler Hands.

However the Relation I stand in will not per­mit me to be wholly Silent. Give me leave therefore to make some Essay to pay a Tribute to the Memory of the Deceased, whose Praise is in these Churches. I shall endeavour to do it with a sincere aim at His Glory, who is the Father of [Page 30]Lights from whom cometh down every good and perfect Giving.

It pleased God to furnish him with Eminent Gifts and Endowments. And He is justly Ce­lebrated as a Great Schokn, an Excellent Divine, and a good Christian.

Might I presume to look upon my self as a com­petent Judge of Learning, and Learned Men, I would say, He was a very great Proficient in the Study of the Liberal Arts and Sciences.

He had a great Natural Capacity, a Large and Comprehensive Genius. And by hard study and great Industry had amass'd a rich Treasure of Learning. I suppose few in these Corners of the Earth have been better acquainted with Books and Men.

He Read much, and had an Excellent Faculty of digesting what he Read, and of making it his own. He had the Powers of Reasorning and Ar­guing in an high Degree. He was a great Master of Speech, and was very happy in imparting his Sentiments to others. And we may now take up our Lamentation and say; Behold the Lord, the Lord of Hosts, taketh away — The Prophet, and the Prudent, — And the Eloquent Oratour.

[Page 31] These Rich Talents which His Lord bestow'd freely upon him, he Consecrated to the Work of the Ministry: and devoted to the Service of Christ in His Temple; to how good Purpose, ye are Witnesses. He did not hide his Lords Talents in a Napkin; but Occupied with them, Labouring in the Word and Doctrine. He did Spend, and was Spent in his Masters Service. He was an Able Minister of the New Testament; a Scribe in­structed to the Kingdom of Heaven; and brought forth out of his Treasure things New and Old. He was highly esteemed for the Pertinency, Fer­vency, and Copiousness of his Expression in Prayer. His Discourses were Elaborate. The Subjects of them were well Chosen, the Method was Accurate, the Style Strong and Masculine. They were ex­cellently well suited to make his Auditors wiser and better; and he Delivered them with extraor­dinary Fervour.

I account it a great Favour of God that I en­joy'd the Benefit of his Ministry so long.

His Deeds of Charity are now mentioned for a Memorial of him. The Lord grant that his Seed after him may be blessed!

He had a well Instructed Family. And took care to Worship God in his House. His Re­peated Requests in his Family Devotions were, [Page 32]that there might be a Blessed Intercourse with Heaven.

It pleased God in His Holy Providence to Ex­ercise him with strong Pains, and that of long continuance, under which he was enabled to express himself with a becoming Submission and Resignation to the Soveraign Disposal of God. And I look upon it to be truly Wonderful, that under such frequent Returns of distressing Mala­dies, he was Strengthned and Spirited in so great a measure, to perform his Ministerial La­bours in the House of GOD. Herein Gods Power was Observably magnified in Him.

It is a Comfort and Refreshment to us that this bright Lamp of the Sanctuary went out at last in a Sweet Perfume; that I may borrow the Phrase us'd by him in his Excellent Discourse on this Subject above a Year agoe. *.

These were some of his Last Words. I thank God, who hath given me a good Hope through Christ. Notwithstanding my many Infirmities; both in Publick, and Private; through His Grace, I have been Enabled to be Sincere and Upright before Him. And I can now look for an House not made with Hands Eternal in the Heavens, when this House of my Earthly Tabernacle is dissolved. And this Hope is [Page 33]built only upon the Merits of Christ, who hath Suffered so much for me; Who Died, and is Risen again, and Lives for ever, to make Intercession for me. And upon this Foundation is built my Hope for my Self, my Family, my Church, and the whole Israel of God. And I thank God who hath Enabl'd me, in a Dying Hour, to Express this my Hope.

Thus our Worthy Pastor being Dead yet Speak­eth. The Voice of God in the Removal of this his Servant, in almost the Middle of his Days, Crieth to us; and O that we were Wise to Hear and Understand it. The Lord grant that this sore Rebuke of His Providence may be Sanctified to impress on our Minds those Great and Impor­tant Truths which he hath Spoken to us in the Name of the Lord.

The Lord help us to Remember how we have received and heard. The Lord help us to bear in Mind how Fervently and Affectionately this his Servant did Beseech us in Christs stead to be Reconciled unto God. We have by him been often call'd upon to Come, and accept of the Blessings of the Gospel of Christ; and Warned of our Danger of negiecting the Gospel Invi­tations; Particularly in the last Sermon which he Preached to us, which was from that Solemn and Awakning Subject, Lord's Day, January 20. 1716, 17. P. M. Mat. 22.5. — But they [Page 34]made light of it, and went their way, one to his Farm, and another to his Merchandize. O that I could clinch the Nail which was then driven by the Strong and Skilful Hand of the Master of this Assembly; that these Words of Wisdom might be as a Nail fastened in a sure place. O let not Worldly Business, Cares and Interests, prove fatal impediments in hindring you from Entertaining the Offers of the Gospel. O do not make light of these Invitations, and go one to his Farm and another to his Merchandize. But now, To Day while it is called to Day, Hear the Voice of Gods Word and Providence, and harden not your Hearts. O do not Treasure up Wrath against the Day of Wrath, by Despising and Rejecting the Offers of the Gospel; But now make haste to Christ and make sure of an Interest in Him, who is the Pearl of great Price. The Lord Jesus Christ now Speaks to you, as Rev. 3.18. I counsel thee to buy of me gold tryed in the fire, that thou mayst be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayst be cloathed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear, and anoint thine eyes with eye-salve, that thou mayst see.

O that such as have hitherto been deaf to these Calls, might now have their Ears opened, hear the Voice of the Son of God, and Live.

The Lord humble us all for our Barrenness under the Means of Grace, and help us to search and try our ways, and to return to the Lord.

[Page 35] The Lord enable us to see and know the things which belong to our Peace, before they are hid from our Eyes. May we be helped to cry mightily to God for our selves and this whole Land, that He would not shut up the Doors, nor put out the Lamps of His House. *.

The Lord Sanctify this Afflictive Dispensation to us all, and in particular to the Bereaved Fa­mily. May God give them Beauty for Ashes, the Oyl of Joy for Mourning, the Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness. The Eternal GOD be their Refuge, and underneath let be the E­verlasting Arms. Let God be the Husband of the Widow, and the Father of the Fatherless. The Lord speak comfortably to His Handmaid, and Graciously say to her, Thy Maker is thy Husband. Blessed be God who made her such an Help meet to His Servant deceased, under his strong Pains, and long continued Illnesses, and therein a Publick Blessing. The Lord gra­ciously Reward her Labours of Love. Let the Everlasting Father be a Father to the Orphans.

The Lord take care of this Bereaved Flock, and supply all our wants according to His Riches in Glory by Christ. May the Great [Page 36]Shepherd of the Sheep who Lives for ever, Lead and Feed this Flock, and make all need­ful Provision for it at all times; That they may go in and out and find Pasture. The Lord help us to make haste to Christ, who is the Rock of Ages, on whom the Church is Built.

To Conclude, The Lord Bless you, and keep you. The Lord make His Face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: The Lord lift up His Countenance upon you and give you Peace.

And now Brethren, I commend you to God, and to the Word of His Grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an Inheritance among them which are Sanctifyed.


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