
THE LOYAL ADDRESS OF THE Clergy of Virginia.

MAY it please you dread Sir, we the Clerks of Virginia,
Who pray for Tobacco, and Preach for a Guinea,
Patroon'd to Contempt, and by favour made Elves,
For Troopers are Listed and pay Tythes to our Selves.
The meanest Brigade of Your Majesties Grubstreets,
Tho' Late; not least Loyal of Your Clerical Subjects,
Among Crouds of True Hearts that of late do Address You,
In our humble Phrase do Crave Leave to Carress You
To shew for Your Safety how with Zeal we burn all,
Under the Reverend James Blare our Collonel.
And here we cann't choose but proclaim our Resentment,
That we mar'l what the Devil the Politick French meant:
In Affront to Your Person, and the Throne that You sit on,
To Dub the Young Bricklair the King of Great Britain.
Tho' we are not with some so high pufft with the Ptysick,
As to say 'tis a Breach of the Treaty of Reswick;
Yet we boldly averr, and by Words do assure it
To be such a Contempt, we can never indure it:
Wherefore if Your Foes do persist for to slight You,
We will all of us Pray, nay and some of us Fight too:
For like Hogans half drunk, Your Polemicks I fancy
Can Club prety well when Inspir'd with Nantsy,
Among all the Black Guard You Cann't miss of an Hector,
Unless You chance light on the Williamburg Rector:
Yet we'll favour the French if we find they'l be Civil,
For be it known that we fear 'em no more than the Devil:
However we chan huff it, if they never come near us,
If they should I am afraid they would damnably scare us▪
Then to save our own Skins, and to silence Gainsaiers,
We'll leave of our bouncing and fall to our Prayers.
May kind Heavens preserve long Your Majesties good Soul,
And bring Lewis to beg a loath'd life at Your Footstool:
May Mantanoon Pox his Black Soul to the Devil,
And Burgundy Rot with his putred Kings Evil:
May young D' Anjoy be trust at the arm of the Main-yard,
And Austria possess the Command of the Spaniard:
May all Factious Distinctions henceforth be forgotten,
Nor Your Spiritual Pedlers be Contrould by a Scotch one:
May your Health in your College go Loyally Round,
And all your Leige People have Twelve-pence a Pound.

WILLIAMSBƲRGH: Printed for Fr. Maggot, at the Sign of the Hickery-Tree in Queen-Street. 1702

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