A mournful Word to the merry hearted in Zion; with a Word of Comfort to her Bowed down Mourners.
FRIENDS that profess the self-denying way of the Lord JESUS CHRIST, (who was a Man of sorrows, and deeply acquainted with grief,) and yet are of a jolly spirit, and of a merry heart, who can laugh and j [...]st at pleasure, saying, There is no har [...] in it.
I have this to say to you, whether y [...]u will hear or forbear▪ that the Lord is displeased with you, and calls for Mourning and Weeping [...] s [...]cret places instead of Laughter and J [...]ing in Company. And I must needs tell you, that if ever you were rightly bowed and [...]mo [...]ed in [Page 6] a sence of your lost and undo [...] states, and were made to lament & mourn in the sight and feeling of your wretchedness, you have too soon quitted that exercise; you have not [...]ast often enough through the fire, neither have you been baptized enough with the Waters of many tribulations. You have not drunk sufficiently of the Cup of trembling at the hand of the Lord, and therefore you must come down from your pleasant and delightful Seats, and be humbled as in Dust and Ashes before the Lord of Hosts, whose fire is in Zion, and his furnace in Jerusalem; and you must pass through it again, and again, till all your dross is taken away, and all your light chaff be burnt up. O! Friends, you are those that are at ease in Zion, and have taken up a rest too soon, and now the Lord is about to disturb you, and rou [...] you up out of your false security; Blessed are those that are willing to come forth to Judgment [Page 7] at the [...]our [...] and Alarum of the Trumpet of his eternal [...] for I proclaim in the Lords power that the time hastens and dra [...]s on [...] ▪ that Judgment [...] eminently and searchingly begin at the House of God, in his Sanctuary, amongst his people that are peculiarly called by his name; and the unfaithful [...], the Hippocrite, and Rotten- [...]earted, shall tremble with the shaking h [...]r [...]or of his searching Judgments. And you that are jolly spirited▪ m [...]rry hearted, and that take liber [...]y to laugh, joque, and j [...]t at pleasure, the very Pillars of your House shall tremble, you shall weep and mourn in solitary places▪ and strow your tears in secret Corners.
Therefore take warning I pray you, and be humbled before the Lord, and cry mightily to him night & day, that he may take vengeance speedily upon that idle and airy spirit, from whence springs th [...]se [Page 8] things that are contrary to the mo [...]ful followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. O! I entreat you watch & pray, yea, cry mightily to the Lord God of Heaven and Earth, that he may cru [...]y and utterly slay this Natur [...] in you, which hath often led you to forgetfulness o [...] God, and hath vailed and darkned you many times.
Is it not think you very sorrowful to consider how a great many in a little time after they have come out of a good Meeting, where they have been under a [...]ce of the Lords power, and have been reach'd with a tendering Visitation, fall to idle, silly, needless discourse, and it may be to laughter and jesting, which I declare is as contrary to what they were before as darkness to Light; and tell them of it, they will say, they think no harm; Well I tell you there is harm in it you hurt your selves and others, and you lay a [Page 9] stumbling blok [...] the way of the weak; you are bad [...]xamples; you give occasion to them that are withou [...]; for tho' they may seem to be pleased with your Company and Co [...]versation they will sl [...]y ri [...]icule an [...] slight you as [...] Religion and will as I have heare some say s [...]ch [...] merry as we; for all his ser [...]ous Principles he will [...]est, and laugh and jo [...]k [...] speak at large, as well as we.
These things are not of a good savour; how do you think this will answer the End of your holy calling, which is to be the salt of the Earth, as Lights in the World as a City set on a hill that cannot be hid. Trees of Rigteousness bringing forth much fruit to the glory of God, fruits of self-denyal, heavenly [...] while you are on Earth, giving a manifest Testimony that you are true [...] of the Lamb through great [...] I would [...] [Page 10] Christ's Words in the [...] th. of Luke [...] you that laugh now for you shall weep a [...]d mourn; And also the Apostles Words. Eph [...]sians 5 th. where he speaks of Fornication Covetousness, Ʋncle [...] ▪ and Filthiness; tel [...]ing them these things do not become Saints neither foolish [...]lling, for jesting but rather giving of thanks. And consider Christ Jesus your Captain and Saviour of whom it is said ‘he was never seen to laugh, but had often been seen to weep.’
It is to be feared some of you will harden your hear [...]s and put at least a [...] slight upon this Warning and Counsel; But such shall know assuredly in a day of distress and bitter adversity (which shall c [...]rtainly be their p [...]r [...]on▪ that these sayings are [...] tales nor yet such little matters as some would make them; tho' [...] they are far and full, and in a day o [...] prosperity thy may [...]ick against [Page 10] Reproof, and puff up their hearts in wantonness against this tender advice.
Methinks some will be ready to say, What would'st have us Melancholly, Morose, always reserved & shut up from innocent Communication? I answer no, for that would be an extream on the other hand: that which I am deeply concerned to speak against, is Laughter, foolish Talking, and Jesting, and such like. And that which I am speaking for, is Temp [...] rance, Sobriety and Moderation, with watchfulness over our Words, Actions, Deportment, and behaviour, at all times, and in all places, upon all occasions; remembring the saying of our Lord Jesus Christ▪ That we must give an account at the day of judgment for every idle Word we shall speak.
I do tell you again in much assurance, [Page 12] that the great God of the [...]pirits of all flesh calls for mourning at your hands, and happy shall they be that answer his Call in time.
And now I am under a necessity to remind you of the late Prophecy of that antient eminent and faithful Messenger and Minister of Jesus Christ, William Edmondson, in Dublin ▪ at thi [...] half Years Meeting: The substance of which was, ‘That a dreadful day of distress was hastning on apace▪ & should surely come, in which the Lord would dung the Ground in this and other Nations, with the Carcasses of Men, and that the Lord would shake the fair and lofty Buildings of many, with their pleasant things that they have delighted in.’ And this will surely come to pass a [...] ever it was spoken; Therefore Friends be not of an unbelieving Heart, Of surely that Council is good to you, which the Lord by the [Page 13] Prophet Amos gave to Israel, when [...]e threatned them with sore Judgment, which was on this wise: Thus will I do unto thee, O Israel and becau [...]e I will do this unto thee, [...]repare to meet they God O [...] Israel, Amos 4.
But my Heart mourns. Ah! I am distressed in my Soul▪ my bowels are pained within me for the sake of [...]ose that will have their own [...]ill▪ [...] go on their old Road let the Servants of the Lord say what they wi [...] as his Ambassadors and [...]: [...] I am satisfied [...] a Rem [...]ant that will embrace this Warning and Coun [...]el▪ and forsake▪ l [...]ave off a [...]d turn their backs upon these foolish things and thankfully come and drink a bitter Cup of Condemna [...]ion and Judgment for their By-past Jests, Laughter and wantonness of speech and behaviour: And they shall come to mourn for all these things by [Page 14] which they regard [...]sly past away much precious [...], and are greatly behind hand in their days work of Salvation, which is to be wrought in [...]ear and trembling, Phil. 2. vers. 1 [...]. Not in Laughter and Jesting: and they shall mourn and [...]am [...]nt because of their mis-spent time▪ and they shall be diligent to redeem it, and they shall redeem it.
And the Lord will make th [...]se b [...]a [...]e and honourable Men and Women in his Work and Service▪ and will make them [...]hine in his com [...]ss in the life of Righteousness and self-denial [...] last [...]ays shall be their best days [...]he nearer they grow to their Grave the nearer [...]hey shall be to the Lord and the cl [...]arer shall be their assurance by his Spirit of his eternal love to them.
Finally my Friends to whom I am writing in the bowed downness a [...]d [Page 14] grief of my Spirit, I pray you, I be [...]seech you with beseechings, tak [...] warning; take the Councel, an [...] Advice of a poor Servant of th [...] Lord; haste and come away out o [...] these foolish customs and practices▪ and touch with them no more fo [...] ever then shall my sorrowful Sou [...] [...] in the Lord for your sakes and you shall reap the peace and advantage of it to your poor immortal Souls▪ when life and time with all these lower Comforts shal [...] [...]ail you.
So to the Light and Spirit of Truth I commit you, which will readily s [...]ow you in your selves those thing [...] that are contrary to the life of Christ, and will give you power against them i [...] you be faithful to its blessed and holy discoveries: And it will enable you to shine forth in sobriety, gravity, humility, and temperance, in all things to the Glory of the [Page 16] [...]verlas [...]ing [...]od and the promotion [...] if de [...]y [...]ng life the [...] shall it be [...] with you whatever J [...]gments, [...] and M [...]s [...]ries come upon the [...] of di [...]obedience.
And now a few Words of Comfort to th [...]s [...] that are bowed [...] Mour [...]ers i [...] ▪ Zion who are faithful to the [...], but are deeply affl [...]cted [...] I [...]mpta [...]ers Trya [...]s and buffettings [...] ways, which makes them to [...], they shall not hold out to the [...]. Dear Friends, I can call you [...] you are to the Lord and [...] my Soul and I will surely shew you what the Lord has shown and sealed [...] me in the Word of life, which i [...] on this wise.
Th [...]t you are his Peculiar and Choice▪ [...], and he hath a very tender [...] you, and as you have your [...] [...]im and cleave to his Spirit in [...] will surely keep you [Page 17] as the Apple [...] Eye, and he will [...] suffer the devoure [...] [...]; and tho' a [...] times you may be [...] tempests and deeply afflicted & [...]ardly bese [...]ch every hand, & [...]ay [...] for a time as if you were [...] of the Lord▪ and you may be ready to [...] ever he will appear to your J [...]y and Comfort again: And [...] it may be so that you think your Condition not to be equall'd, and are like poor David who said in his distress, after he had seen the great deliverance of the Lor [...] at several times, I shall one day [...]ll by the hand of Saul. Yet the [...] of his [...] mercies gave him to see the desire of his Soul at last and deli [...]ered him out of all distress▪ Even so will the Lord do for you, wo [...]se minds are stay'd upon him, and truly trust in him, and ther [...]fore let patience have its prefect Wor [...] & endeavour to be content with the dealings of the Lord, for he knows best what is best for you: And have a great [Page 18] care you are no [...]trumental for [...] of [...] your exercise. For I know be my own Experience, that when the Lord brings the Soul [...] the [...], which is the Spirit of Judgment and burning, Isa. 4. then the Enemy he works to make [...] easie and restless under the purifying Judgments of the Lord; And then if [...] be not watchful it grows impatient▪ and here a cloud of Exercises & Doubtings comes over it, and sometimes is almost brought to the Gates and [...]awes of Despair. And thus a multitude of unprofitable Afflictions has come upon some for want of Pa [...]i [...]ce and for want of being resigned and given up in all things to the Will of God [...]o trust their All in his [...]ands, [...]ing faithful and diligent in his Work.
Again sometimes the LORD [...] pleased to hide his [...]ace for a moment, for the exercise [...]o the Soul, according [Page 19] to his great Wisdom for its good▪ Then the Enemy he works again [...] bring into impatience▪ and if he prevails, then he labours in the next place▪ to set the Soul at work for it self without the LORD to get enjoyments of its own▪ and kind [...] sparks of Fire, by the heat and S [...]reglings of its own Spirit. And now again abundance of exercises follows upon this, for these empty Flashes hold not [...]ong; when the Soul comes to be sensible, it lies down in sorrow, a and sometimes the LORD [...] pleased to suffer it to dwell, as in Land of Drought for a season, and now is rea [...]ly to be cast down into▪ great discouragements again: And all this is for want of true patience, and a [...]re [...] and constant giving up of [...] will to the will of GOD and to become as Clay in the Hand of the Potter, [...] Isa. 50. vers 10 11.
And therefore this is the word of [Page 20] Advice, which I tenderly give unto [...] such, as are in deep exe [...]cises of A [...]ction [...], upon your Souls account.
Wait often upon the LORD, not only in Meetings▪ but out to Meetings also, that you may feel his Power to subject your Will [...] to his Will, and in every thing to be resigned to him dispose and dealings, and then [...] things will be made [...]asie, and bitter things will be made sweet: And in the LORD's ti [...], through many [...] ▪ you shall come forth as [...]old S [...]aven times [...] and your [...]fare shall be accomplished, and your [...]niquity [...]rdo [...]ed, and you shall [...] for ever in that City, where the [...] shall not say [...] the [...] that dwel the re [...] shall [...] Righteous, and the LORD shall be your everlasting Light, and their GOD [...] Glory and [...] days of your Mourning shall be [...] Sorrow and Sighing shall [...].
[Page 21]And then you Bowed down ones of many Afflictions you shall lift up your Bowed down heads, and by living experience sing that blessed Song of Lion; That the LORD GOD eternall hath turned your Captivity as the streams of the South, and has done great things for you, whereof you are glad, he hath turned your barren▪ Wilderness and desolate Desert, into an holy and heavenly Paradise, where you Eat of the Tree of Life, and Drink of the Water of Life freely.
I can say my Heart overflows with [...]ve to▪ you poor afflicted Soul [...]e cry where, and I do simpathize [...] [...] you according to my experience, and do pray to the LORD for you, that you [...]ay have Patience, and be [...]sign [...]d into the hand of the LORD, subject [...] his will in all things; and the [...] ever doubt but▪ [...]e that has [...] [Page 22] Foundation, [...] his own time lay [...] ▪ I say [...]his [...] in a [...]pring of pure Lo [...] to you▪